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Trustee workshop to host in-depth discussions on where to spend funds

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By Crystal Apilado Editor-in-Chief

Winters Joint Unified School District is hosting a trustee study session that will take an in-depth look at each school site, and district-wide programs to engage in discussions on how funding can best be spent to best support students.

The Facilities Master Planning Workshop is being held on Thursday, July 20, from 4–6 p.m. in the Winters JUSD office board room (909 W. Grant Ave.). Jennifer Gibb, Van Pelt Construction Services project manager, and Trent Sommers, CA+SA studio principal architect will lead trustees through an overview of each school site’s deferred maintenance needs, portable classroom assessment and an overall site summary.

Winters JUSD has $23M available between the general fund, local bonds, developer

School district moves forward with Dual language immersion agreement

By Jacob Hoffman Express staff writer

During its June 22, school board meeting the Winters Joint Unified School District Board of Trustees approved an agreement for the district Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program as well as heard an update to the school district’s emergency plans.

Assistant Superintendent Phoebe Girimonte presented an update on one of two agreements Winters JUSD has with the Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL).

“I want to clarify that this agreement is for our dual language immersion partnership and the training associated with supporting our teachers at (Waggoner Elementary) and (Shirley Rominger Intermediate) in this transition from a developmental bilingual education model to a dual language immersion,” Girimonte said.

The first year of DLI training with SEAL was completed this year and Girimonte said, “this agreement would allow for professional learning to commence in August 2023, and conclude in June 2025.”

Part of this agreement includes a “twoyear professional development series on DLI pedagogy and classroom strategies” and Girimonte said the deal will also “allow us to continue with technical assistance for SEAL as we continue to scale up that program.”

The fiscal impact of the program is $22,500 which is being funded through the Dual Language Immersion Grant. It would be paid in two separate increments on April 30, 2024, and April 30, 2025.

Trustees unanimously approved the program.

Emergency operations

Jenny Pinedo, director of special education and student services, presented an update on the development of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) for the school district.

Speaking on the purpose of this plan, Pinedo described the EOP as “a vital document that’s designed to guide a school district’s response to various emergencies or crises” as well as to “ensure the safety and wellbeing of students, staff, and visitors in critical instances, including natural disasters, medical emergencies, acts of violence or any other unforeseen events.”

Continuing how the EOP does this, Pinedo said the EOP “serves as a comprehensive framework that outlines the roles, responsibilities, and protocols to be followed by school administrators, teachers, support staff and emergency

See TRUSTEES, Page 3 fees, state funding and special reserves (capital). Trustees are being tasked to identify which opportunities and programs are a priority for the school district to focus those funds on.

Trustees will discuss whether the spaces at each site are over or under-utilized and if there are a dedicated number of classrooms being utilized for student support spaces or special programs. Other discussions on the agenda include strategies for implementing transitional kindergarten and preschool programs, food services and quick-start projects.

Gibb and Sommers will work with trustees to assist in their decision-making efforts and to discuss the next steps to finalize the Facility Master Plan or identify priority topics that require more research.

School board meeting

The regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting is expected to begin around 6 p.m. after the workshop.

Trustees will hear a presentation from the BeSMART program on responsible gun storage and awareness to increase child safety and an update on the English Learner Master Plan and DELAC.

They will also hear updates on how funds from Measures R, D and P are being utilized in the ongoing facilities updates. Trustees are also expected to take action on the adoption of instructional materials, the Extended Learning Opportunities Program Plan and on recommendation regarding revisions to the superintendent’s annual base salary and term of employment.

The public can attend in person at the Winters JUSD office board room or can view it live via Zoom. The agenda and packet are available online at https://tinyurl.com/5n7jsbac.

Carrion headed to the big leagues

Rural residents, farmers bring groundwater-sustainability issues to Younty County supervisors

By Aaron Geerts Express staff writer

The Yolo County Board of Supervisors showed themselves to be — as one individual referred to himself in the public comments — “ag-vocates” in the board meeting on Tuesday, July 11.

Not only did they approve the acceptance of a sizeable grant from the California Department of Parks and Recreation, but the supervisors also addressed the seriousness of groundwater-sustainability issues raised by small farmers and rural residents in Yolo Coun- ty’s areas of special concern.

The board received an update on the drought and current groundwater conditions spearheaded by the Yolo County manager of natural resources, Elissa Sabatini. She delved into reports of the dry wells popping up around Yolo County, which include 49 confirmed since 2021, 21 of those remaining dry; and the fact that there have been no reports since March of 2023. Sabatini also mentioned a current petition making the rounds on change.org to stop drilling new wells on historically non-irrigated land of Yolo County.

The Yolo County director of environmental health, April Meneghetti, discussed the changes to the well-permitting process which includes additional review and analysis of agricultural well permit applications from both Yolo County Environmental Health (YCEH) and the Yolo Subbasin Groundwater Agency (YSGA) to remain compliant with Executive Order N-7-22.

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