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Mercado agricultor actualizado

Comunidad de donación de sangre

East Main Street, Suite E Winters, CA 95694 530-795-3929 asts, creek lovers, and scientists who work together for the good of the creek. Every day, dedicated staff and an ambitious board of directors serve as advocates, teachers, cultivators, and restorationists of Putah Creek. The Putah Creek Council strives to work, protect and enhance Putah Creek, its watershed, and its tributaries through advocacy, education and community-based stewardship.

El mercado de Winters ahora está aceptando WIC. Los organizadores han estado trabajando para traer más vendedores que provean productos frescos cultivados localmente. Aquellos que estén interesados en convertirse en vendedores pueden iniciar el proceso enviando un correo electrónico a wintersdowntown@ gmail.com. El mercado de agricultores de Winters abre cada domingo en el centro del pueblo en Main Street de 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Los organizadores presentarán una extensión del mercado cada cuatro domingos para exhibir artesanía local y artesanos. La artesanía y el mercado de arte estarán establecidos en Paseo Park a la salida de Main Street. Las fechas disponibles para la temporada son Julio 23, Agosto 27 y Septiembre 24. Aquellos que estén interesados

El club quincenal de Winters estará asociándose con Vitalant para hospedar la próxima campaña de donación de sangre de la comunidad el Lunes 24 de Julio de 3 a 7 p.m. en el centro comunitario de Winters, en 201 Mains St. Se le recomienda a los miembros de la comunidad agendar una cita con Vitalant, sin embargo, la entrada libre es bienvenida.

Para agendar una cita contacte a Vitalant al 877-258-4825 y mencione el código de donación de sangre “SMFM164” o bien, visite https://tinyurl. com/t2yc8fcw.

Autorización de medicamentos

El distrito de la escuela unificada de enfermeras de Winters anunció a las familias que necesitan tomar medicamentos (prescrito o sin prescripción) a lo largo del día o que carguen medicamento de emergencia en sus mochilas (incluyendo inhaladores, epinefrina o suministros para diabéticos) se requiere tener un formulario de autorización completo por su médico de cabecera o antes del primer día de clases. Los formularios deben ser entregados en la oficina de la escuela o enviados por correo electrónico a nurse@ wintersjusd.org.

Feria de útiles escolares

La alianza de niños del condado de Yolo estará presentando una feria de regreso a clases el Domingo 5 de Agosto, de 8 a.m. a 12 p.m. en el Oeste de Sacramento. Las familias del condado de Yolo que tengan hijos desde Jardín de niños hasta el grado 12 pueden reservar hasta 3 mochilas, con registro previo en https:// bit.ly/2023YCCABackpacks. El registro de mochilas cierra a las 5 p.m. el 21 de Julio. Más detalles estarán disponibles en el enlace, para preguntas o asistencia, marque al 916-572-0560.

Fideicomisarios aprueban nuevos cursos, plan de estudios

Los cursos nuevos fueron aprobados por la Junta Directiva del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Winters (Winters Joint Unified School District – Winters JUSD) durante su reunión del pasado 22 de Junio. Estos incluyen una nueva vía culinaria profesional, Macroeconomía AP y la renovación de los currículos de Ciencias desde kínder a quinto grado y de Español desde sexto a duodécimo grado.

Aunque se aprobaron en la reunión del 22 de Junio, las adiciones al curso se pre- sentaron por primera vez ante los fideicomisarios como un elemento de información durante su reunión del 8 de Junio. La Asistente al Superintendente Phoebe Girimonte presentó los cambios propuestos a los fideicomisarios.

“Este año,” dijo, “nuestro equipo de Winters High School propone dos nuevos cursos. El primero es “AP Macroeconomics” (Macroeconomía AP) que “echaría un vistazo a la escala amplia de la economía, centrándose en las economías de los países y del mundo entero.”

“El próximo curso que se propone,” dijo Girimonte, “es el “Culinary III” (Arte Culinario III), y el título es “HERO” (como en HÉROE), que significa Emprendimiento en Hospitalidad y Operaciones de Restaurantes (Hospitality Entrepreneurship, and Restaurant Oper- ations - HERO), este es un curso de educación técnica profesional que representaría una piedra angular en nuestro actual camino culinario” de los cuales actualmente solo hay dos. “Este curso se basaría en estudiantes que son trabajadores motivados que desean mejorar sus propias habilidades de empleabilidad a través del aprendizaje basado en proyectos,” dijo Girimonte. La fideicomisaria Kristin Trott le preguntó a Girimonte si el curso de Arte Culinario III podría incluir trabajar en negocios locales, a lo que Girimonte respondió que era una motivación principal para el curso. Girimonte también les dijo a los fideicomisarios que el número de estudiantes que planean tomar “AP Macroeconomics” es de 15 y de siete a 10 estudiantes para “Cu- linary III.”

El pasado 22 de Junio, Girimonte le recordó al público que el material de estos dos cursos “permaneció disponible para su revisión hasta el 8 de Julio; en el caso de que se exprese alguna inquietud sobre esos materiales entre ahora y el final del período de visualización pública, traeríamos este tema nuevamente para que la junta lo considere en nuestra reunión de Julio.” La junta aprobó los cursos y aprobará los materiales en Julio.

Después de esto, Girimonte continuó con el reemplazo propuesto del plan de estudios de Español actual del distrito para los grados sexto al 12 y el plan de estudios de Ciencias aprobado por el estado para los grados Kinder hasta quinto. Estos son solo elementos de información, lo que significa que el personal de Winters JUSD recomienda que se adopte el material, pero no se votará hasta otra reunión de la junta después de los períodos de visualización pública. Con respecto al plan de estudios de Español, Girimonte dijo que “el año pasado, nuestros maestros de idiomas del mundo destacaron tres planes de estudio diferentes… reconociendo que nuestras licencias de VHL (Vista Higher Learning) iban a caducar.”

“En última instancia, sintieron que el plan de estudios más atractivo era “Senderos,” que no es nuestra adopción actual; sin embargo, la adopción del plan de estudios de Senderos tiene un costo muy similar al costo de “Descubre,” el plan de estudios de la VHL actualmente en uso, “y estamos en el ciclo en el que necesitamos renovar esas licencias,” dijo Girimonte.

Por lo tanto, Girimonte recomendó

City of Winters


Jul. 5: Medical

Aid, 300 Block of Russell Street

~Investigation, Russell Street/Liwai Village Court

~Medical Aid, 600 Block of Fourth Street

~Medical Aid, 100

Block of E. Baker Street

Jul. 6: Medical

Aid, 800 Block of Jackson Street

~Vegetation Fire, Putah Creek/Winters Road

~Medical Aid, 300

Block of Rosa Avenue

~Medical Aid, 900

Block of Railroad Avenue

Jul. 7: Illegal

Burn Railroad Avenue/Wolfskill Street

~Medical Aid 100

Block of Riverview Court

~Medical Aid 100

Block of Purtell Court

Jul. 8: Medical

Aid, 1100 Block of Taylor Street

~Investigation, Road 35/Highway


~Water Rescue, Highway 128

Jul. 9: Medical

Aid, 100 Block of Purtell Court

~Medical Aid, 100

Block of E. Grant Avenue

~Medical Aid, East Street/E. Main Street

~Medical Aid, 30

Block of E. Main Street

~Vegetation Fire, Highway 128/Valley

Oak Drive

Jul. 10: Medical

Aid, 400 Block of Morgan Street

~Medical Aid, 300

Block of East Street

~Medical Aid, 200

Block of Rosa Avenue

~Investigation, 10 Block of Russel Street

~Vegetation Fire, Road 35/Highway


~Medical Aid, 100

Block of Orchard Lane

~Structure Fire, 3800 Block of Putah Ridge Trail

~Medical Aid, 800

Block of Jefferson Street

~Medical Aid, 400 Block of Morgan Street

Jul. 11: Vegetation Fire, Highway 16/County Road 40

~Medical Aid, 400

Block of Morgan Street

~Medical Aid, 100 Block of Orchard Lane

~Medical Aid, 400 Block of Russel Street

~Medical Aid, 400 Block of Plum Place


Arrest Log

Jul. 8: Cortez, Omar (Age 30);

Charges: False Imprisonment, Violation of Court Order, Violation of Probation, Battery on Spouse/Ex-Spouse/ Date/Etc, Posses- sion of Controlled

Substance, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia; Disposition: Transported to Yolo County Jail

~Jara, Miguel (Age 59), Charges: Winters PD Warrant, Disposition:

Released on Notice to Appear

Jul. 10: Purtill, Frank (Age 55);

Charges: Causing Fure of Property, Arson; Disposition: Released on Notice to Appear

~Carrion, Andrew (Age 21),

Charges: Solano Co. Warrant, Disposition: Transported to Yolo County Jail Report Log

Jul. 10: 7:35 p.m., 20th block of Main Street, Audible Alarm

~7:45 p.m., 200th block of Main Street, Vehicle Tow

Jul. 11: 8:28 a.m., Morgan Street/E. Grant Avenue, Vehicle Tow

Jul. 12: 4:48 a.m., 100th block of Main Street, Audible Alarm

Kristin Sicke, the YSGA executive officer, talked to the board about the groundwater conditions and highlighted localized areas around Yolo County referred to as “areas of special concern” due to the dire conditions of the groundwater there.

“We do recognize there are some localized issues,” Sicke said. “So, in developing the groundwater sustainability plan, we divided the subbasin into six unique management areas because we want to recognize the unique, hydro-geologic conditions that exist.

“We’re tracking groundwater conditions in these six areas, but within those, we’ve started to find that there is a trend in declining groundwater levels in smaller units. So, this issue of scale is something the YSGA is currently grappling with be-


Continued from Page 1 responders” as well as to “establish a coordinated and systematic approach to emergency management, helping schools minimize confusion, make informed decisions, and effectively respond to these emergencies.”

The development of the EOP is being coordinated by the EOP Committee, a group that consists of qualified and relevant staff members who help make decisions related to emergencies “including those with expertise in areas such as emergency management, education, security, public cause as reporting to the state, we feel like we’re OK, but we do need to manage things locally to ensure that projects and management actions are completed to ensure those localized hot spots are taken care of.”

According to Sicke, the areas of special concern were added toward the end of the creation of the groundwater sustainability plan and there aren’t yet definitive borders to highlight these areas. She also cited data gaps surrounding the subsurface conditions in these areas of special concern, adding that more analysis needs to be done so that the YSGA can better assess whether or not new wells should be drilled in these areas.

Sicke also said the YSGA is working with their legal counsel to ensure they’re adhering to the legal rights of those who wish to drill new wells.

The public comment section was filled with locals from these spe- health, and law enforcement,” Pinedo said. The committee assesses the school district’s vulnerabilities, develops response protocols, and establishes communication plans.

Once the committee has drafted their proposed EOP, Pinedo said they will bring it back for the trustees’ input before submitting a final version to the board for approval.

Trustee Joedy Michael asked about the specifics of the timeline, to which Pinedo answered that the committee will have a draft for the trustees in October and that the committee will be working every two cial areas of concern urging the board to uphold sustainability in the YSGA’s sustainable groundwater management plan.

Farmers and rural residents who’ve lived in these areas of special concern for generations stepped up to the podium to give the same anecdotal evidence and real-time effects of what the decline in groundwater levels is having on their lives.

One such local who lives in the northwestern area of Winters is Grant Davis, a retired civil and agricultural engineer who spent his career in agricultural water management.

“In the first 13 years of living in northwest Winters, water levels dropped at about 1 foot per year. Since 2013, water levels have dropped about four times as much per year,” Davis said. “The acceleration of these declines coincides with changing land use north of the city of Winters and north of weeks and coordinating parts of its plans with everyone who needs to work on it so it can be ready then.

Superintendent Rody Boonchuoy, who sits on the committee, told the trustees, “We’re sitting around the table with all of these interest groups and experts, including fire and (police departments) and having

Golden Bear. A large block of previously grazing land and dry land was developed into about 1,400 acres; in addition, about 800 acres of previously annual crop ground was converted into permanent crops.”

On the data-gap issue, Davis pressed for urgency. “My concern is that data gaps translate to time and we don’t have time,” he said. Action has to be taken. It’s a simple problem, we’re taking more water out of the ground than is going into the ground, and we need to take action to rebalance the system so that we’re not over-drafting groundwater.” conversations about worst-case scenarios” to determine “what do we need to have in place so that we’re proactive to ensure the safety of our kids.”

Supervisors deliberated, showing collective concern regarding the groundwater issues in these designated areas and consideration of a potential pause in drilling permits while also adhering to the legal rights of those who yearn to drill more wells and who have permits pending.

“At the end of the day,” Boonchuoy concluded, “you’ll be able to sleep better at night because our No. 1 priority of keeping our students safe will be addressed.”

In December 1985, Winters High School had five girls selected to play on the Butte View Athletic League basketball all-star team.


Feb. 2, 1936–

July 6, 2023

Mary, a much-admired lifelong resident of Winters, passed away peacefully surrounded by her family on July 6, 2023, due to complications from leukemia.

Mary devoted her entire life to her family. She served as the No. 1 cheerleader for her children, grandchildren and great-grandkids’ sporting events, from pee wee to the collegiate level. There were no limits to her support. Her smile was contagious and her affection for her kids, grandkids and great-grandkids was never-ending. Her home was a gathering place for family and friends; a place to enjoy home-cooked meals, play “Ronda,” and watching westerns and her beloved Giants. She will be sorely missed.

Mary was predeceased by her husband, José, and daughter Diana, parents Juan and Lucia Martinez, brothers Baldomero Ramos and John Martinez, nephews Bobby (Debbie) Martinez and Steve Martinez. She is survived by her loving children, Joe (Su-

145 Years Ago

July 20, 1878 sie) Campos, Johno Campos and Isabel (Scott) Kusumoto; and grandchildren Joey (Sarah) Campos, Daniel (Caitlin) Campos, Cody (Sierra) Campos, Anna (Omar) Silva and Connor Kusumoto; eight (with another on the way) great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews MaryLou Ramos, Michael Ramos, Carmina (Stephen) Caselli, Gene (Margie) Martinez and Lela Martinez; sisterin-laws Isabel Ramos and Isabel Martinez and other relatives and lifelong friends. Please consider a blood donation as transfusions extended Mary’s life for everyone to enjoy her presence.

(From the files of The Winters Advocate) Married in Solano County, near Winters, July 14, 1878, by Rev. R. T. McCleny, of Lake port, Miss Mary Hinelay, of Pleasant Vally and Charles Sinclair, of Winters.

Service to be held on Friday, July 21, 2023, at 11 a.m. at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Winters.

The erection of a calaboose in Winters, on the east side of the railroad was commenced on Monday last and will be completed this evening for the reception of Sunday guests. The building is 18x15 feet, containing two cells 9x12 feet each and a corridor 3 feet in width.

New crop wheat is going forward by Vaca Valley Railroad at the rate of about 100 tons a day. The fine new warehouse of Ben. Ely, Sr., at Ely Station, is completed and receiving grain on storage.

The Sacramento Record-Union of Wednesday had the following item: “Theodore Winters recently purchased the Grundon Ranch of Mrs. Grundon. The ranch is well known in this county as a most valuable property. It contains about 1,000 acres, and is situated upon the Freeport road, about four miles from this city, lying between the Riverside road and the Freeport road.”

130 Years Ago

July 22, 1893

Walter Hemenway and J. M. Goffland went into the hills, on a camping trip, last Tuesday. They expect to be gone several days. Walter was armed with his camera, so that he might take some of the beautiful views unfolded to the gaze in the canyons in the hills.

George W. Chapman’s horse ran away Thursday afternoon, while hitched to the buggy, and Mr. Chapman was thrown out and severely hurt. The buggy ran over him and the spring for holding the reins was driven into his thigh making a severe cut.

As will be seen by reference to the advertisement, the firm of Day & Wyatt has been changed to Day & Watson, Dr. Wyatt having sold his interest in the business to Dr. V. B. Watson of Hopland.

Miss Maude Culton returned Tuesday from an extended visit with relatives in Newman, Stanislaus county. She was accompanied on her return by her aunt, Miss Mary Crawford, who will spend some time here. We must have money, and we ask all those to whom we send statements and those who know themselves indebted to us, to settle their accounts in part, if they are not able to pay all. Remember, that it takes money to conduct newspaper as well as any other business.

Mrs. E. J. Clark has moved her restau- rant into Hemenway’s building on the corner of Main and First streets, occupying the room formerly used by this paper as an office.

– personal consideration, understanding, and consistent support – you can expect from us.

William Brinck’s new house has been completed and the family has moved in.

95 Years Ago

July 20, 1928

Dr. W. B. Felger of Grand Junction, Colorado, arrived in Winters last week and has now taken over the practice of Dr. Arthur C. Huntley. The latter has been practicing here the past few years while his son, Arthur was attending the Agricultural College at Davis. Dr. Huntley plans soon to leave for Mendocino county where he has a ranch near Point Arena.

Mrs. Ray Holcomb and little daughter, Ruby Evelyn left Davis Wednesday evening on the 6:58 limited to visit her parents and other relatives in Chaomia, Missouri.

Fred Barker and family left Saturday for Los Angeles where they are visiting with relatives.

James Felix left Monday to join a motor party at Davis, en route to the Presbyterian summer conference at Tahoe, which convenes July 16–22.

George Rice and motor party, Jim Rice, Elmore Pearse and Henry Meyers spent the week initiating the abalone season at Bodega Bay.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Johnston and son, Vernon left Tuesday for a month’s outing at Yellowstone Park.

The Ish ranch in the Olive district was sold last week to A. Ruggles. H. M. Ball and W. H. Gregory are moving into their new offices in the Bank of Italy building at the corner of Railroad Avenue and Main Street which have been made ready by complete renovation and improvements.

80 Years Ago

July 23, 1943

At a meeting of the farm labor committee of Yolo County, held Wednesday night in Woodland, the wage scale for unskilled farm help was set at 65 cents per hour.

At a quiet but prettily appointed wedding, nuptial vows were taken Wednesday night. July 21 by Miss Marjorie Herron and T/Sgt. William F. Singleton in the home of the bride’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Herron.

S. Sgt. Russell H. and Mrs. Pleasants of San Diego spent his weekend furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pleasants in Pleasants Valley.

Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Gale received a letter Monday from their son, Lt. Robert Gale, who is now in India.

Sebastian Lopez is at home on a 15-day furlough. Lopez is a radio operator and graduated last May at Sioux Falls. He is now at Hobbs Field, New Mexico.

James Foss Moore was commissioned July 2 as a second lieutenant in the U. S. army following completion of a 13-week course for officer candidates at Camp Lee, Virginia.

Miss Maralea Franke, student nurse in a San Francisco tal, is having a threeweeks vacation. She plans to spend a part of the time at Russian River resorts. on downtown Main Street from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Sackett, Jerry and Claire Adams, Charles and Colleen Clayton, spent the weekend on the coast at Fort Bragg.

The organizers are introducing an extension to the market every fourth Sunday to showcase local craft and artisan vendors.

The Crafts and Art Market booths will be set up in Paseo Park off of Main Street. The available dates for the season are July 23, Aug. 27 and Sept. 24.

Those who are interested in participating should call 415-9968179.

Community blood drive

The Winters Fortnightly Club is partnering with Vitalant to host the upcoming community blood drive on Monday, July 24, from 3–7 p.m. at the Winters Community Center, 201 Main St. Community members are encouraged to schedule an appointment with Vitalant, although walkins are welcome. To schedule an appointment contact Vitalant at 877-258-4825 and mention blood drive code “SMFM164” or visit https://tinyurl.


Continuado de la Página 2 que la junta considere “adoptar el plan de estudios de “Senderos” para los grados sexto a 12, y que utilizaríamos “Temas 2023” para nuestro curso de Español AP en Winters High School.”

Girimonte también señaló que estos materiales estarán “a la vista del público a partir del 5 de Julio y finalizarán el 3 de Agosto, después de lo cual el personal devolverá la recomendación” para un voto formal de aprobación. El fideicomisario Sterling Davis le preguntó a Girimonte si habrá tiempo para obtener el material antes de que comiencen las com/t2yc8fcw.

Summer street paving City manager Kathleen Salguero Trepa announced details about the summer street paving project that is expected to being the end of July on Friday. However, on Monday, Ed Carbahal of Vintage Paving Company — who is the lead on the project, told the Express the project is being delayed due to issues in the delivery of materials and scheduling challenges. More information regarding the paving project will be shared as it is confirmed.

School medication authorization clases; Girimonte dijo que Winters JUSD ya está en contacto con Senderos para obtener una licencia que le permita al distrito acceder a su biblioteca digital, pero Girimonte reconoce que puede haber un “pequeño retraso” en la obtención de materiales físicos y que los maestros están conscientes de esto. La Presidenta de la Junta Escolar, Carrie Green, preguntó si había una necesidad asociada de capacitación, a lo que Girimonte señaló que el costo de la capacitación está incluido en el impacto fiscal. La siguiente recomendación fue hecha por un equipo de educadores K-quinto de las escuelas primarias

Winters Joint Unified School District nurses announced that families who have students who need to take medication (prescribed or over the counter) during the school day or who carry emergency medication in their backpacks (including inhalers, epinephrine, or diabetic supplies) are required to have medication authorization forms completed by their healthcare providers on or before the first day of school.

The forms should be turned in to the school site office or emailed to nurse@wintersjusd. org. Links to the forms were sent out via a ParentSquare notification and are available at each of the school site offices.

School supply fair

The Yolo County Children’s Alliance is holding a free Backto-School Resource Fair on Saturday, Aug. 5 from 8 a.m.–12 p.m. in West Sacramento.

Yolo County families with children in Kindergarten through 12th grade can reserve up to three backpacks by preregistering at https://bit.ly/2023YCCABackpacks. Backpack registration closes at 5 p.m. on July 21. More details are available at the link, For questions or assistance, call 916-5720560.

News tips

Do you have a news tip you want to share with the community? Send news tips to news@wintersexpresscom by noon on Monday to be considered for print publication in the upcoming edition of the Express

Waggoner y Shirley Rominger Intermediate para adoptar los estándares de Ciencias de “Amplify for California Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)” certificados por el estado. Girimonte señaló que el impacto fiscal fue “significativo” llegando a $186,000 para la adopción de NGSS en grados desde Kinder hasta quinto, y sería financiado a través de una subvención para artes y ciencias y fondos de lotería restringidos. Los materiales de este curso también estarán disponibles para que el público los vea durante el mismo período que el sexto al duodécimo de Español (del 5 de Julio al 3 de Agosto).

Lake Berryessa water levels down

Express staff

The water level of Lake Berryessa went down during the past week by 0.45 feet, with a decrease in the storage of 7,995 acre-feet of water, according to Ken Emigh of the Solano Irrigation District. On the morning of Tuesday, July 18, the lake

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