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Archbishop McNicholas High School 2006-2007

Reflections 2006-2007

Reflections is a co-curricular publication of the English and Fine Arts Departments of Archbishop McNicholas High School, 6536 Beechmont Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45230. It features original poetry, formula poems, reflections, a short story, artwork, and photography of students in grades 9 – 12. Archbishop McNicholas High School does not necessarily endorse the content of any of the writing, artwork, or photography, but offers the magazine as a vehicle for creative expression. Archbishop McNicholas High School 6536 Beechmont Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45230 1

Table of Contents Writers




Barber, Ty Carson, Katie Casnellie, Sarah Cox, Jared Custer, Lucas Dickson, Christa Dumont, Emily Estes, Lindsey Evans, Shelley Farrell, Shayne Farwick, Kayce Feldkamp, Alysha Glaser, Lizzie Glaser, Margaret Grogan, Catie Haas, Michael Hillman, Chelsea Hils, Katie Horan, Alex Jenkins, Ashley Johnson, Kevin Kelly, Lisa Kern, Matt Kiefer, Lindsay Klump, Amanda Liber, Jim Loftus, David Madden, Jake Marcelli, Amanda McArtor, Michael Mezger, Julie Moore, Allie Moriarty, Matt Mullee, Maddie Newman, Michelle Oester, Josh Pope, Kyle Pritchard, Emily Rizzo, Josie Roberto, Caroline Robinson, Samantha Rudy, 2 Monica

12 22 29 39 14 17, 45 17, 41 3, 7, 11 12 9, 13 19, 21, 24 51 6 10, 15, 29 48 40, 41 20, 40, 47 4 8 43 11, 14, 15 8, 23, 27 44 49 34, 35, 46 5 7, 44 50 23 49 41, 50 16, 25 36 27 38 43 6, 18, 37 48, 52 44 35 24 26, 30-33, 37, 38

Sandmann, Emily Scheidler, Jessica Shepherd, Katie Smith, Alyssa Smyth, Kelly Stricker, Lindsay Suer, Erica Tamborski, Carly

28 4, 19 52 42 5 22 28, 39 26

Artists & Photographers Casnellie, Sarah Dumont, Emily Eckart, Tim Grogan, Catie Hart, Emilie Nguyen, Kristy Overmann, Erin Rudy, Bridget Schoettelkotte, Anne

4, 15, 16, 29, 35, 38, 44 1 14, 22 3, 10, 26, 42, 43 6, 7, 8, 41, 49 9, 24, 40, 47, 48, 52 11, 36, 37, 51 33 cover, 13, 18, 21, 25, 39, 40, 41, 50

Editor: Lisa Kelly Art Editor: Sarah Casnellie Staff: Creative Writing II Class Lindsey Estes Michael Haas Lisa Kelly Jim Liber Kyle Pope Monica Rudy Carly Tamborski

Moderator: Meloney Feldkamp

We Are Poets Create the waters with your dammed back tears, justify violence with all your caged anger, give birth to the heavens with your imagination. Emerge, come forth from darkness, lighten the world with the brilliance of pen, let it drip images expressed in letters. You are a poet; tell the world your stories, shout forth your praise and rain down your scorn, rain, hail, snow cover the earth, shroud it in the glow of elements. Paint a beautiful array of dismal features, imprison prejudice while freeing your mind, destroy barriers and give birth to life, let the heavens touch your words and bless your being. Watch the world, let the world watch you, Transform your eyes’ message to your message. Change one life, and it is the world. You are god, I am god, we are god. We are messiahs, prophets, the chosen ones, We Are Poets. Lindsey Estes


It’s Just the Way She is… Every day it’s her kind gestures. Every day it’s her concern. When I’m down, it’s her caring instinct. It’s the hot chocolate on a cold morning. The big hug when everything is wrong. The phone calls every once in a while that she’s thinking of me. The extra blanket for fear that I may be cold. The way she checks on me and brings my favorite ice cream to take my mind off things. The way she packs an extra snack so I won’t get hungry. How she leaves notes saying where “I’m going.” Every now and then a little help… When I get in my car when I am ready to see my gas low and it’s full. The way my bed feels warm once I get into bed because she just washed my sheets. The way she’s interested in what’s going on and how she is willing to help. The final kiss goodnight as she tucks me in, with the sense of goodnight comfort. It’s just the way she is. Katie Hils

Five Words Pain, motivation, drive, heart, glory. These words go with the game. To some these mean nothing To others these five words are life. Some may look onto the field cheering While others live their lives with their heart beating loud And their body out of breath. In the stands the reporters write about the winning goal Or the mishap the home team had, using vivid words. This will never relate to the feeling of being high-fived After shooting the basket to tie up the game, Or the slap on the butt with a good job When exiting the field to get a drink. We need all of these words in our mind at a never-ending practice, Or when we step off the field with a hurt leg. These five words determine A coach’s speech before the big game, The cheering in the stands, The rushing feeling that overwhelms you, The accomplishment when you’re done, The pride inside you. So will you sit and watch in awe Or will you pick up the mud covered ball and play? Jessica Scheidler 4

let you shine

One Chance Life throws curve balls Twists and turns Different chances But you only have one chance To succeed To capture your dream To change your life For the best For the worst But no matter what You have to take this chance And make the best of it Life changer or not The chance has to be taken That way you won’t look back And ask what if? If you get this chance, take it Make the most of it In the end You will be happy That you took that One chance And got lost in the moment. Jim Liber

some days are tough some days things aren’t so easy but those are the days i’ve come to appreciate the most because those are the days in between the ones that make you smile now we’ve had a lot of good days holding hands, laughing, hugging never knowing what was happening to us but maybe love just isn’t enough you promised me forever do you remember what i said? i told you not to make a promise you weren’t sure you could keep with your dreams just around the corner i’ve got to do what’s best for you while also thinking of me you see, you’re going away a brand new place with brand new people while i stay here holding on to what we used to be you saw the real me and loved me anyway and forever in my mind will you be but you see, you have to go away and i have to stay so for now i think it’s time we say goodbye and i’m gonna let you shine STAY BEAUTIFUL Kelly Smyth 5

Crazy Crazy we want, crazy we get. Insanity thrives, willingly we embrace it. Life without crazy is life without joy. Boring life becomes impossible to enjoy. Curious minds wonder, faster as we go. Crazy is the way which the river flows. Fear is essential, without it we are lost. The unknown must be revealed no matter the cost. Let’s go crazy, insanity is bliss. In this I trust, in this we enlist, Our crimes and our justices, our truth, our cause, Our days, our nights, our names, and our twisted, but Never dying dreams. This life is wicked, but in time we believe that What is seen is never what it seems. The people we trust and the promises given never dead. Crazy ideas which take root from what is said. So let’s go crazy, let love in. Life cannot be graceful, before becoming crazy with sin. Kyle Pope Love Incarnate See after night sweet Dawn’s first ray Whose gentle lies o’ercome thee And by her right shall in the day A softer whisper numb me? Whose hand holds mine to warmer plains And guides my heart its dreaming Whose eyes, though blind, will make mine sane The stars behind them gleaming?


And who, I pray, can breach the dawn Her pure incarnate ringing What but the silence doth awake To hear the song you’re singing? Lizzie Glaser

Just because I’m artistic Don’t think I can do everything. You’re just as creative, but my ideas feed off of what you fear to create. Just because I’m artistic Don’t think I’m crazy. I just see the beauty that you’re afraid to familiarize in yourself. Just because I’m artistic Don’t think all my work is perfect. I have limitations just as you do. I refuse to let limitation barriers hold me down; while you settle for failure, I start a new page. Just because I’m artistic Don’t let my dramatic depiction fool you. Creativity is fuel for my hunger, and my intentions are positive. Just because I’m artistic Don’t think you can’t be just as creative, too. Creativity is letting go of all certainties. It creates itself, only if you let it. Lindsey Estes Just Because… Just because I’m quiet It doesn’t mean I’m shy It doesn’t mean I’m stupid It doesn’t mean I don’t have anything to say. Just because I’m quiet It doesn’t mean I’m weird It doesn’t mean I can’t have fun It doesn’t mean I can’t hear you. Just because I’m quiet It doesn’t mean I’m boring It doesn’t mean I’m scared It doesn’t mean I can’t be a good friend. Just because I’m quiet -- please don’t ignore me. David Loftus


Free to Dance What more does she need to do To prove to you That she can carry on? She is strong. Give her a chance. Let her be free to dance. You gave him your trust And she kept hushed. But now it’s her turn To learn all she can learn. She needs the opportunities To amount to her perplexities.

He might have failed, And his heart gone stale, But she is different, More dependent. She knows right from wrong. She’s known all along. The more you hold her back and force her to stay, The sooner she will slip away. Let her prove to you That she knows what to do. She’s smarter than you know. Try to let go and allow her to grow. Just give her a chance Let her be free to dance. Lisa Kelly

My Credo I believe in the importance of music The beat of the drum and your heart molding together The lyrics always seem to be written about you The pulse of the heaviest guitar riff giving you the energy to do anything you want The legends that die before their time Lennon, Dimebag, Hendrix But bands like Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin are overrated I believe in the heaviest of metal and it gripping you by the throat I believe in Ozzfest and its all day in your face attitude I believe in the fact bands can live through the eighties Slayer, Metallica, Motley Crue And I believe in double bass pounding, the bass blasting, and the face melting guitar solos from legends like the king and Zak Wylde 8

Alex Horan

Daydreams Sitting here in class Just twiddling my thumbs While my teacher begins lecturing On the evil that is gum.



I look out the window So square and inviting, How could something so plain Be so exciting? stare blankly out that wooden frame As my mind starts to wander With dreams of fortune and fame.

I find myself sitting on a mountainside Trying hard to memorize each and every line. I start to fly through the clear night air No troubles can follow me I haven’t a worry or a care. Seeing the world From a whole new view Many colors and objects That before I never knew. As I drift away To a different time and place I hear someone calling to me. I hear but I don’t want to turn and face, Getting louder by the minute Trying desperately to escape Something grabs me by the arm and SNAP! I’m awake.


I return to reality And am shocked to see single eye in the room is staring



I open my book And start to follow along, Another day at school Another fantasy world gone. Shayne



Dreams... by Margaret Glaser In the long, dreamy wonderful azure, A gentle breeze with dragons breathing deep For crickets chirping loudly of nature. The night of imagination brings sleep. Here this surreal land keeps shadows concealed. Never rescuers fail us to protect. The Prince Charming never ceases to shield, And princesses reform persons suspect. There is a person of demonic ways, That is as sinister as Voldemort. Such are the heroes constantly win court. Fantasy takes the mind apart in dreams, And changes our life forever in streams.


My Mind as an Ocean


If my mind is an ocean, Afraid to act then my reality is a ship But with a heart of courage, sailing in the waters Fear runs through the veins. of my dreams. But courage compels the fear, The ship can only go so far For it is not out of stupidity but out of love. and only has limited room Love for yourself or love for someone else. in which I can hide things. For when the time comes, Its direction is determined The heart will kick in and say, “let’s go,” by the winds of my thoughts, Body might hold you back, and it only moves in the sunlight. But the heart is strong enough to keep you going. The water is different; Courage is just the thing that completes a person. It constantly moves, though the power behind it isn’t clear, Kevin Johnson and its depths, like its secrets, can only be imagined. It seems to have an appetite For anything I want to throw in, But whatever goes in can come back out again. When I close my eyes at night my thoughts tell the ship where to go, but no matter the direction the waters will always be waiting. I have often wondered what would happen if I jumped off the ship and were to sink, leaving my reality behind. Would I float in the ocean, or would I be able to gauge its depths And learn all of its secrets? Would all things become clear, all my questions be answered? Would things finally make sense, or would my lungs fill with knowledge causing me to drown in my own mind? Or cause my lifeless self left to sink into the abyss surrounding on all sides; left right above and below by all the answers I wasn’t meant to have, crushed by the knowledge I wasn’t meant to know. Lindsey Estes


Believe what you will. Ty Barber

There are those who love the rain. Hear them tell how it washes away life’s troubles, Leaving them feeling clean, fresh, and renewed. It’s as if it falls to them in soft radiating droplets As the sun-drenched showers of spring often do. Rain has not always treated me with such kindness. It falls in heavy sheets, unyielding and constant. Rain as cold as the depth of winter. It comes in times of grief and loss, Delighted to serve as my unwelcome companion. The rain can be a teacher if you let it, Cold, bitter, and ironic though it may be. Without it, the sunshine would seem only half so bright, Joy would only be half realized, Happy memories would never be cherished. Even still I cannot bring myself to love it. I love the rain the most, when it stops.

Power of Mistakes I believe in the power of mistakes, The lesson learned, The consequences you gain, The strength of trying again, The changes they may bring, Risking, Failing, Learning. But I do not believe that mistakes should be accepted, forgotten without a trace, because what would you learn from that? I believe in the success mistakes can bring. I believe in the effectiveness of making right decisions. I believe in forgiving others’ mistakes; Watching, Accepting, Growing. And I believe that you can grow from your and others’ mistakes. 12

Shelley Evans

Who Am I? I looked in the mirror, my hair was a mess Still in my pajamas, not even dressed. Staring back at me was a person the world didn’t know, They see the person who’s putting on the show. So who am I? I can’t be both. Isn’t it sad that even I don’t know? People today are too picky I swear, there is no one out there that is truly themselves It’s silly I know, But people treat life as their favorite TV show Which role will I play, And what about you? Life is a stage, And the actor is you. Next time you look in the mirror, Look again Look for the you that’s under the skin. Shayne Farrell


Blood and Tears that Haunt Forever The sound of the choppers swell in my head. Huge bushy trees surround us, engulf us in vegetation. Bullets whizzing past like razors. Muzzle blasts barking angrily at men, The screams and cries for help fill my ears. Sweaty palms, pounding heart. I grab for my rifle. Men I know, men I have talked with, have laughed with, Collapsing, hurting, gasping as they desperately cling to life, Death sweeping over the men, silencing them in darkness. I begin to shoot. In the bushes, behind the trees, They are everywhere. They are the enemy. They are the Viet Cong. Suddenly we are outnumbered. Men begin to run, then are picked off like birds in the sky. Like birds who try to fly away, but go nowhere. They fall. Images of blood filling my head, I can see it, smell it, taste it. Reason Even after everything is over, it lingers around me, Staying with me like a pestering shadow, A reason to stand strong Scaring me, staining me forever. A reason to move on My mind perpetually soaked with it until I, too, A reason to give a helping hand Join them in the darkness. A reason to be banned A reason to love Lucas Custer A reason to shove A reason to give A reason to live A reason to lie A reason to get by A reason to weep A reason to keep A reason to hold on to what is yours A reason to open up that next door A reason to live life to the fullest. 14

Kevin Johnson

Theme for English A* Mrs. Rudd said, Go home and write a poem tonight Let it be yours. I can’t understand how. I am sixteen, white, born in Anderson. I go to school there on the hill of Mt. Washington. There are only a few blacks there. Down the road from the hill is the place that is still, known as Forestville. Sherwood Forest, up the stairs I shall go in a house in a sibling’s room where I sit to type this page. My truth has difference from yours for I am the age of sixteen. I guess I’m what I feel, see and hear, Anderson, I hear you: hear you, hear me—we two—talk on this page. (I hear Cincy too.) Me—who? I like to eat and sleep. I like to act, sing, dance and drink in life. I like an I-Pod for a birthday present,

Be yourself Don’t change for others. Don’t change for society. Don’t put on that mask. Don’t hide your identity. That is what society wants. Society is afraid of change. It just wants everyone to be the same. Everyone wants to be themselves, But they get sucked in the cycle, Just to fit in. So show your true identity and be yourself. Kevin Johnson

or CDs—Cabera, classical, or Cash. Being white doesn’t make me not like the same things from those of other races. So does that mean my page will be of another race? Being me, it will not be another race. But it may be a part of you, instructor. You are white— as am I too, whilst we are both a part of each other. That’s American. You may not want to be a part of me. I may not want to be a part of you. But we are, that’s true! As I learn from you, you learn from me, Although you’re older every day, you’re not more free. This is my Theme for English A. Margaret Glaser *Response to “Theme for English B” by Langston Hughes


I Can Only Imagine Have you ever wondered… What it would be like

If the world didn’t have so many problems? If people got along

If we didn’t have so many weapons. I can only imagine

A world of peace,

A world without fighting, A world without suffering. I can only imagine A place without hunger, A p lace without poverty,

Where everyone has enough money to get by.

Have you ever wondered… What it would be like







many Allie


problems? Moore


I should have listened Christa Dickson I heard about it all the time, But I never really took it in. So, now here I am, I get to watch my friends mourn me. I don’t get to see my brother grow, I don’t get to be at his wedding. I knew what I was doing, And I knew it was wrong. Don’t ask me why I did it anyway, I wouldn’t have a good answer. I wasn’t even supposed to go that night, But it was such a “cool” party. I was only seventeen you know, I wasn’t even an adult. I didn’t see it coming, But I knew it was risky. Yeah, maybe it’s common sense, You’re not supposed to drink and drive. Yeah maybe I should have listened to my mom, I wish I had listened to my mom. Because if I had listened, I would be there with her. I could run and up and hug her, I could tease my little brother. I could get better grades, I could even get grounded. I could be alive.

Can someone explain How this world became so insane? Why so many decide to throw life aside? To pick up that drink makes so many sink. To inhale that smoke is to treat life as a joke To swallow that pill causes so many to be ill. Can someone explain how this world became so insane? Why so many decide to throw life aside? To put on that facade makes so many odd. To spread that rumor shows no sense of humor. To tell that lie causes someone to cry. Can someone explain how this world became so insane? Why so many decide to throw life aside? To insert that drug is another hole to have dug. To criticize makes the heart shrink in size. To allow your soul to be so tainted is to surely take life for granted. Can someone explain how this world became so insane? Why so many decide to throw life aside? “Wine is arrogant, strong drink is riotnous; none who goes astray for this is wise” (Proverbs, 20:1). -Emily Dumont


High School Days/Life in A Trash Can High school to me really puts me down. I just have no interest in money, careers, or success. And in class I’d dream all day of night life on the weekend. I sit in the back of the classroom. Parabolas and Mark Twain I never seemed to care for. They thought I was paying attention, but I was just pretending. There’s this girl in the front of the classroom. So close but not enough, you know I really wish she’d notice. That this stupid, high school crush wasn’t just a dreamer. My friends were looked down by my peers. I guess you could say that I was hanging with the wrong crowd. The wrong hand, with the wrong cards, and God, he was the dealer. My band is full of enthusiasm. Strumming our guitars, and writing words that don’t make sense. Faster we rode on home, on the rock n’ roll pain train. I sing the words, but no one’s listening. About sex and violence and love that just seems non-existent. The stuff on the radio, I wrote the same. My junior year is coming to a close. No license, no car, and grades not worth to speak of. Faster time goes, faster doors begin to close. And that girl in the front of the room. I didn’t say a word, I didn’t try at all. Regret rushing through my head, watching as she goes. So there you go my story comes to a close. But life continues on and on. Biting me, as school lets out and I’m going home. And I sit on my bed and sigh. Where are my friends, are they with me, do they even notice That I lie here, wondering if I’m on my own? I’ve seen good times come and good times gone. Bad times have arisen and that’s when no one’s here. Do I really know how the hell I feel, or who the hell I am. High school days, golden days of happiness. High school nights of realization and misery. High school night of my life in a trash can.


Kyle Pope

Teenage Years

It’s the years we all love most, When we can get away with almost everything. It’s the years our parents tell us not to take for granted. It’s the teenage years. The turning points in life. When 13 feels like 20, When we are given more responsibility. It’s the teenage years. It’s the nervous feeling on the first day of high school. The day we are 16, And we can finally drive on our own. It’s the teenage years. It’s the first time our hearts break. The time when we figure out that friends are way more important than boyfriends. It’s the teenage years. It’s those years we look back on, And learn from all the mistakes we’ve made, To make us into the beautiful people we are today. Kayce Farwick Should I compare you to a precious rose Filled with many textures and colors? Through rough winds and hard rains your colors stay true. At day your buds are open and dancing, and at night you stay up grabbing the stars. I wish you could stop appearing at the midst of summer. At first your scent is strong, yet appealing, it is like a breath of life entering my body, but the scent fades as the sun sets each night. The fierce dark monstrous clouds come, as does the frost on cold winter mornings. Your petals fade and fall to the cold ground, and only sharp thorns remain in my heart. Jessica Scheidler


All the Memories That We’ve Had From the first moment you saw my face, You said I looked like a doll baby. From the moment I was born, You spoiled me. And as I grew older, We grew closer. “Goodnight Doll Baby,” you’d say to me, You’re my favorite daddy. I would wake up and Bear-Bear would be missing, “Daddy!” I’d scream. And I cried along with you. You’d come running. Our bond grew closer. “Bear-Bear is missing!” You were the cherry to my sundae, You’d smile in relief and look under the bed, And I was the chocolate to your peanut butter. “Here he is Doll Baby,” you’d say calmly, We needed each other to make life sweet. And then you would tuck me in gently. Oh the memories that we’ve had. Our adventures driving over hills As I grew older so did you. and we’d pretend to be on a rollercoaster. You were working all the time, “Ah!” We’d scream till the hill was behind us. And you never had time to play. Oh all the memories that we’ve had, “Not today Doll Baby,” you’d say. And as I grew older I played alone that day. You and Mommy had another child. I didn’t like that day. Everyone would gather around my newborn brother Oh the memories that we’ve had. But you. As I grew older, you got smaller. You would come to me I got a boyfriend, “Let’s go play!” you’d say. I didn’t need to play with you. You’d take me by the hand and go outside I always went out, Where you would push me on the swing, I didn’t want to stay with you. And laugh along with me. I lost my boyfriend, Oh all the memories that we’ve had. I needed you. As I grew older so did you. And you were there You lost your daddy To make me laugh, To make me feel better, To let me know That I had all the love I needed. Oh the memories that we’ve had. All the dances that we’ve been to, All the vacations we’ve experienced, All the heartbreak we’ve endured, All the good times, all the bad times. I am your Doll Baby, and you are my Daddy. Forever and ever and ever forever.


Chelsea Hillman

I remember‌ I remember when we first hung out, was me, you, and a couple other girls.

It I I

remember remember I


I ones

how It how

we had almost every class made school worthwhile. we We

remember how But we didn’t

started to do everything were best friends.

we would care, we

remember the times that where we would laugh, I

we now call the good old days, take goofy pictures, and just be

remember how no one could

we get



were best friends, in the way of that.

year we only have one class And we never talk anymore. I

When miss


never get And I

those calls really miss

I fall, I look for However, you are

crying, would help.

you not

about that.

together, boys,

to help there.


being able to talk about anything and I just wish you were there for me. I


you would call problems and I

remember how that was all last year, And now this year is different.




remember how we spent every minute together, Even though you had a boyfriend.

I remember those days Telling me about the boy



be late to every class, just laughed about it.

remember you were always there for You picked me up when I fell.

I And I


wish Be as thought best

things could go back, they were last year, friends were supposed Kayce







A Father/Daughter Issue I hate you You hate me It must run in the family Bring me down Crush my soul Speak my mind and heads will roll Icy looks Exchange of words Your heart of stone could kill two birds Surrender now or fall on my back For I am belittled for what I lack What can I do but defend myself? Let my dignity gather dust on a shelf? This has crossed the razor line I’m done with fighting and wasting my time

If only…

When he glances at me, the sparkle in his eyes makes my stomach uneasy. His smile resembles his soft heartedness and how happy he makes me. Our friendship terrifies me, if he were to know the way I really feel. I long to make him as happy as she does. As I watch him with her, my heart withers away. It seems my chance with him is clearly fading. What is it you want me to be? Without question she has everything I desire. A glorified saint with people at my feet? As I linger in my dreams, A bona fide winner no one can defeat? I hope one day he sees all that I am. This unreality is too much for me We’ve created a storm and the rain keeps pouring As I pray to be only his, On a lifelong bond that now seems foreign my only hope is his intuition. Pride impales and ignorance burns When hate and understanding refuse to take turns Think only of yourself Don’t hear the suggestion Forgive is obviously out of the question Speak now Or hold your peace Boiling anger is soon released Talk it out Negotiate Got a solution but it’s too late This has crossed the razor line I’m done with fighting and wasting my time Because pride impales and ignorance burns When hate and understanding refuse to take turns Katie Carson


Lindsay Stricker

Perfect Is the perfection of man himself Truly possible? You have shown me that it is. You have defied all the odds. You are my perception of perfect. It is your small imperfections, Which make you So irresistibly perfect. You say I am perfect too, But in reality, It is your love That inspires me To be my best. Therefore, all and all, I believe We make each other Perfect for one another. Though it would be possible For me to live life With someone else, I know now That it would not be the best

Life could give me. I know this Because I am lucky To have already found the best. Just when I begin To take you for granted, I imagine life without you, And everything is put back into perspective. Who else could do that for me But you? I take faith in knowing that No matter what I do, How I act, Or what I say, You will always love me. No one else could be so perfect, At least not for me. Lisa Kelly

How come I think about you every day? Every hour? Every minute? Every second? How come everything you do I care so much about? How come I care so much about what you think? How come when you brush me off I keep running after you? How come when I know I have you, I don’t do anything about it? How come there are so many things I would love to say to you but I just can’t? How come when I want to reach out to you I turn and walk away? How come you don’t do something about how you feel? How come you just expect me to be here for you when you want me? How come you are the only thing that means anything to me anymore? How come all my motivation is faced toward you? How come you are perfect for me and you are the only thing I want and need? How come I love you so much? Amanda Marcelli



The Healing Heart because I cry over


Don’t think I won’t be okay, Don’t think I’m not strong, Don’t think I need you to catch my tears.







Doesn’t mean I need you here, Doesn’t mean I’ll never smile again, Doesn’t mean we won’t still be friends.







Don’t feel bad; you did what you had to do. Don’t assume I’ll never love again. Don’t worry about me, My shattered heart will soon be healed by someone new. Samantha Robinson

You told me…


You tell me I should move on, But does it ever come to you… That I don’t want to? You say there’s someone better for me, But I really don’t think anyone could be better than you. You tell me I’m wasting my time, But I told you I would wait a lifetime if I had to. You told me we would never last, But I think we could last forever. You told me that you loved me, But you tell me to move on. You told me I was the only one for you, But you tell me to move on. What if I don’t want to move on? What if you’re my one and only? You told me once, “Never give up on the person you can’t go a day without thinking about.” That’s what I’m going to do, I’m never going to give up. I think about you every day, And I think that means something. So never tell me to move on, When we both know we are perfect for each other. Kayce Farwick

WE ARE THE ROCKETS Rooting for your school Cheering on a win Friday night football It’s the thrill of the game! All the screaming fans, And all the painted faces Looking up in the stands and seeing that sea of green, And thinking there’s no other place I would rather be. Boom Dynamite is the name of the game… Stomping on the stands is the way we play. Rocket man is dancing, We have so much pride, For losing him Would be suicide! We are so mellow, With our school color yellow. We have so much pride, With green by our side. Then you think: isn’t it great To be a McNick classmate? Allie Moore 25

I Remember I remember the early mornings of my childhood I remember how the sound of you getting ready for work would wake me up at six a.m. And I would jump out of my bed and rush downstairs I didn’t want to miss you I remember how I would climb up to the table And drown in my chair And see you sitting there, reading the newspaper while drinking your coffee I think you always liked how I came down because I missed you When you were finished you’d say, “I’m leaving for work now, Peanut”. I remember how Peanut was my nickname back then I remember you walking into the laundry room and disappearing Hearing the garage door open and a briefcase being slid into the front seat of a car I can still remember how I’d hurry to the front window and sit down in front of it My head barely visible over the sill I remember watching you pull the car out of the driveway and into the street Being sad that you were leaving for work But you would never drive away I remember how you would stop the car in front of our house And you would wave good-bye to me I remember how you would point to your eye, then your heart, and then to ME As I was peering out the window And I would do the same motion back And that became our “secret sign” And I remember waiting for it every morning before you left for work each day Because I knew that it meant you loved me. Carly Tamborski


Memories Wind in my hair with the hum of the sea I close my eyes and just breathe. With every intake of breath comes a beat of my heart And I know deep inside it’ll all be all right. Sun warms the air, breeze cools my face I close my eyes and go back to that place. A smile tickles my lips as I remember you Every touch, every kiss, everything we went through. Wind burns my eyes, a tear escapes As I remember the day we went our separate ways. The sun sets and I pull into the dock And I realize I’d rather have had you for only a while Than never have had you at all. Monica Rudy

I Tried, but I Failed I But




you you

smile, frown.

tried to make you laugh, I did was make you cry.

I But

tried to make you happy, all I did was upset you.

make you forget about the bad things, But all I did was remind you of more.






I all




I tried add to

to help you, your problems.

tried to be there I did was get in I

Let It Go

make make

I all



tried to did was



for the

you. way.

tried to make you proud, did was disappoint you. Lisa


This feeling I have is unexplainable, I’m torn upon how I feel about you, I’m hung up on everything you say. There’s something about you that makes my heart beat faster. This makes it so hard; your feelings now are mixed, Some days you may call and seem happy to be talking with me, But there are days you don’t talk to me or seem to care, Not even a little, not even at all. You want people to know, you want someone to care, But you yourself cannot seem to care. You only have a perspective from one side And care too much about a reputation to show who you are. You dwell on old relationships, You were young and naive, a girl from the seventh grade; now you make it a block from your past and your only excuse, And can never seem to escape it. I know there’s more to you than you allow people to see, It’s high school now; just try one more time And take a chance on me. Maddie Mullee


True Friends True friends will tell you if you look fat in something. True friends are the friends who just walk in your house like it is theirs

True friends say “Hey mom and dad! How are you?” to their friends’ parents. True friends don’t ask to hang out on weekends; they know you already will expect it.

True friends are the ones who you can be on the phone for hours not talking at all. True friends finish each other’s sentences. True friends just start laughing randomly because of inside jokes. If your friends and you don’t do this, it’s not a true friendship. Erica Suer

Life is…. Life is a circus – crazy and fun. It sounds like a singing bird – beautiful or harsh It smells like vanilla sugar – excellent and sweet, but too much will make you nauseous It tastes like an orange – with a bitter peel and citrus excitement. Life feels like sore muscles – painful, yet satisfying. Emily Sandmann 28

American Speaks of Lands* I’ve known lands: I’ve known lands from the beginning of time, older than the beginning of organisms. My soul has grown as deep as the lands. I ate an apple in the Garden of Eden where I was tempted by the snake. I sailed the ocean blue in 1492 upon Columbus discovering the Americas. I roamed the union and confederate land to conquer war or peace in the land. I was bombed at a military site on December 7, 1941. I saved those who died in the Twin Towers. I’ve known lands: Ancient, far off lands. My soul has grown deep like lands. Margaret Glaser *Response to “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” by Langston Hughes

THE BREAK-UP Sarah Casnellie I’m sorry to say it but you have to go. We’ve had some good times but I’m ending our show. All of the “Thou arts” and the “methinkeths.” No offense to you… but I think your rhymes stinketh. I’m tired of reading and analyzing your plays. Everyone is crazy… what’s left to say? I’m trying to say this as nice as I can. And I’m sure at one time you were the man. But let’s be honest, enough is enough. Let’s not kid ourselves and get rid of this stuff. Get rid of Macbeth. Take Hamlet away. Romeo and Juliet? I guess they can stay. I just find it odd that you’re making up words. And you focus your plays on the mentally disturbed. I know it may sound like I’m being extreme. But I’m sure there are others who know what I mean. Now Shakespeare, dear friend… we’ve had a good run. But you’re dead to me now. Excuse-eth my pun.


The Last Ride Monica Rudy “Ok, sweetheart, it’s time for you to go to sleep. Your parents should be home tomorrow morning.” “Oh Grandma, tell me one more story! Please! Make it a really good one!” “Okay. Okay. I think I know one, but after this you’re going to sleep!” “Okay, Grandma, I promise!” “All right, well it starts out many years ago ... “ “Thump. Thump. Thump.” The stomp of the hooves matched the beat of her heart as she rode on in the sunset. She felt the cool breeze in her untamed hair as she breathed in the scent of her surroundings. She heard a whinny and let the motion take her. They cantered as one, her legs lightly pushing into his side. She whispered encouragement as he picked up speed. This must be what it’s like to fly, she thought to herself. “Okay Lynn, bring him to a walk.” “Whoa boy,” she said, lightly tugging on the reins and patting his firm orange neck. “Good lesson today, Lynn.” Trish exclaimed. “You two should definitely be ready in no time.” Lynn grinned, “I’m going to walk him around a bit.” She led her horse into the fields behind the arena, the rolling hills seeming to go on forever. She paused to let her horse graze and looked around. The place hadn’t changed at all since she’d first come here. She thought back to her first time at Chesapeake Stables as she urged her horse on into the sunset. Lynn had moved to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, when she was seven. Her family had traveled a lot because of her dad’s job, but they finally settled down so Lynn could have a normal childhood. One day she was exploring around the woods behind her house and found a path. Later that week she and her dad walked up the path, and it led them to Chesapeake Stables. They later met Trish, who was the owner of the barn and trained most of the horses there. She taught lessons each week to anyone wanting to learn how to ride. Lynn began lessons a month later and fell in love. She started out slow, learning how to tack up a horse, where to put the girdle and bit, and how to use a hoof pick. Slowly but surely she learned how to control the horse at a walk, then a trot, and finally a canter. “Grandma, why is all this important? When is there going to be a Prince Charming and an angry dragon?” “Just wait, Mara, be patient.” Lynn began showing when she turned twelve. She was a natural competitor and took home many trophies her first couple of seasons. As a reward, her parents bought her a horse for her thirteenth birthday. His name was Joey. Joey was a strong, sixteen hand chestnut thoroughbred with one white spot on his right flank. Lynn loved Joey with her whole heart. She walked up to Chesapeake Stables every day and mucked out his stall, adding new shavings every couple of days. She scrubbed his water buckets and refilled them, carrying the forty pound buckets back and forth by herself. She fed him twice a day, not counting the treats she snuck him. She groomed him and talked to him every day about her life’s fears, hopes, and dreams. She quickly learned all of his quirks and he, all of hers. Like right after a lesson, Joey loved to eat his favorite snack, pretzel sticks with mints and carrots. He hated baths with a passion and did everything he could to distract Lynn from giving him one. And for Lynn, every time she was upset, Joey knew to nuzzle her face and chew on her hair because it made her giggle. He became her best friend, replying to her long talks with gentle nudges and grunts. They earned each other’s trust, and soon she was able to compete with him. They rode as one body, one mind, and one heart. Her slight gentle motions told him everything he needed to know in order to maneuver, and they swept every class. Two years after she’d gotten Joey, when Lynn was fifteen, Trish decided to teach them to jump. Lynn had never thought she would learn how to fly, but this, this was as close as it got. They would canter as one towards the jumper, counting one, two, three ... on the half beat after three Joey would jump, and for only a moment the world would pause and they would fly together. Then as if nothing had happened, Joey would land into a fast gallop running until Lynn’s


soothing pulls calmed him to a walk. Today, at seventeen, Lynn began the year of training. It was also her senior year of high school, but she worried only of the upcoming competitions the spring season would bring. Lynn was at five and a half feet on jumps with Joey, and in order to win the state competition and earn the scholarship to the top equestrian school, she needed to master the six foot jump. Lynn smiled as she walked Joey into his stall. “Good work today, boy,” she whispered as she fed him a carrot. He whinnied and nuzzled her neck. Giggling, she untacked him, groomed him, and headed home in the dark. She walked home happy and content with how the last ten years had gone. She felt lucky to have found her place in the world so early in life. It had never dawned on her that she’d be missing out on normal teenage activities like high school football games and prom or a boyfriend. The only man in her life was Joey, and she was sure that’s how it’d be for a long time. “Wait! So there are no boys in this story? No special fairy tale?” “Mara! You need to listen to the story! It’s a good one, I promise; just be patient.” Weeks went by and as usual Lynn and Joey continued to train under Trish’s strict instruction. One Saturday, Lynn made her weekly trip to the barn in the early morning. “Creak!” She opened the squeaky old doors, letting a single ray of light shine through the quiet stables. She always savored her time alone in the old place, just her and the horses. She looked around at the cracking paint and dusty doors, breathing in the musty scent of horse. She pulled a carrot out of her pocket and came to Joey’s stall. He was still fast asleep. She tiptoed over to him and knelt beside him. She kissed his nose and set the carrot in her palm. His ears perked up, and he opened his eyes and seemed to smile at her as he snatched the carrot out of her hand and chomped on it. She giggled and pulled another out of her pocket as he nuzzled and nipped at her pockets to find the hidden stash of food. “I knew you’d smell those carrots, boy,” she laughed. He replied with a whinny and got up shaking the shavings off his gleaming orange coat. She tacked him up, placing the girdle into place along with the bridle and bit. When they got outside, it was just getting light out. The sun was still low on the hills. They walked to the field, and Lynn mounted. When she was situated, she gave one firm nudge with her heel and they were off, cantering down the trail. She let everything release inside her, and they rode as one. They ran, free to the world, thinking only of the run. She closed her eyes and soared. When they got back, Lynn was untacking him and brushing him as Trish walked in with the vet. “Hey Lynn, it’s check-up time, okay? Give us a couple of hours and then come back for training.” Lynn nodded and kissed Joey’s cheek, going to start her other chores. Later that day she came back to find Joey’s stall empty. She went to Trish’s office to find out if he was being ridden. She knocked on the office door, pausing to smile at the pictures of her and Joey, first place ribbons in hand. “Hey Lynn, we were just going to find you,” Trish said, opening the door. “We?” Lynn replied, stepping inside the dusty old office to find her dad sitting on the broken down couch. “Oh no! Something bad is going to happen, Grandma; I just know it!” “Hush Mara and see for yourself!” Lynn quickly rushed to her father and looked at his face. His eyes were averted from her, and he looked twice his age. His forehead was creased from stress and he looked like he was going to burst at any moment. “Dad, what’s wrong? Is it mom?” Lynn said, panic rising in her voice. Her dad shook his head and toyed with his hands. “Lynn,” Trish replied cautiously, “Joey’s sick. He ... well, you see, he had his check-up today ... and the vet ran his usual blood tests and ... oh Lynn, he has cancer.”


Lynn felt a knot come in her throat and her heart dropped. She felt as though someone had just shoved her out of a speeding car and then got hit by a bus. She stumbled and grabbed the wall for support. Then, acceptance sank in and she ran. She ran out of the office and down the gravel drive. She ran through the fence and towards the fields where the horses roamed. She ran straight through the tall grass, the leaves scratching her face, and she ran directly into Joey, who was grazing in the fields. She heaved breathlessly, threw her arms around his neck and sobbed into him. “You can’t be sick! You can’t! Everything was fine this morning. I hate you! I hate you! I HATE YOU!” she screamed. She fell lame at his side and sobbed into her knees. Her whole body shook from the pain of the realization that her best friend was dying. Joey continued to chomp on the grass and nuzzled her arm. He stared at her with his big brown eyes, confused as to why she was acting this way. Lynn let the last few teardrops wet her jeans and got up. She stroked Joey, tickling his nose with her kisses. “We’re going to get you better, boy,” she whispered, her voice cracking, threatening to break again. “We have to get you better.” It was long past dark when Lynn walked into her house. She closed the door and sighed. Her cheeks were red from the cold and her eyes were red and swollen from her tears. There was movement from the couch, and she looked to see her dad staring at her. Her lips quivered and her eyes filled again. “Dad, what are we going to do?” “I know it hurts, sweetie. I mean, you worked so hard all these years and now your senior year… Don’t worry; we’ll get you that scholarship. We can train another horse and ... “ “No Dad!” Lynn cut him off in anger. “I don’t want anyone else. This isn’t about a scholarship!” “I understand that, but you need to realize we might not be able to do anything to help this, and if we do, it’d be too late for you to get that scholarship.” “Dad, if you mention that scholarship one more time so help me ... “ Lynn exclaimed furiously. “Let’s just say I’m not riding again until Joey is better,” she said defiantly and walked out. With that, the conversation ended. Lynn’s father later promised to do everything in his power to find the best care for Joey in hopes to convince Lynn to ride again, but she refused. She’d made a quiet promise to herself and Joey that she wouldn’t ride again, unless it was with Joey. “So what happened then, Grandma? I mean, did he get all better or what?” “You’ll see, dear. We’re almost done.” Joey started treatments a couple of weeks later. The chemotherapy had different effects on him than it would on people, and these effects took a major toll on Lynn. Lynn stayed by his side as much as each day allowed her. When she wasn’t with him, she was thinking about him. Her grades began suffering, so her parents painfully forbade her to go see Joey until they improved. She didn’t let this stop her. Every night she’d climb out her window and sneak up to see Joey. The medicine had the largest impression on him at night. He wheezed in pain and had to be fed through a tube. He couldn’t accept her treats because he’d choke on them. When she came he could no longer stand up and greet her; she instead would be greeted with a hoarse whinny and small nudges of the head. Lynn persisted, though. She lay with him every night until dawn and then snuck home. Her eyes became dark from lack of sleep, and her body ached from the demands of keeping Joey comfortable at night. She felt so alone through all of this. Her parents continued to push her to ride someone else. They even talked about selling Joey until they realized no one would buy a dying horse. “Grandma! It couldn’t have gone on like this forever. What happened?” Her grandma smiled painfully and nodded, “No dear, it didn’t go on; in fact, it ceased to exist before her eyes.”


About four months after Joey’s treatments started, Lynn crept up to the barn that cold winter night. The barn

door creaked open, and the only sound she could hear was Joey’s wheezing. Somehow, she knew that this time would be different when she left. Her eyes stayed dry and she walked into the stall and lay down, cradling his head in her lap. Her eyes remained dry while he shook in her arms, and when he looked up into her eyes, his eyes twinkling at her, she could almost hear the whisper of goodbye when he took his last breath. Her body shook, but her eyes stayed strong when she walked home. She climbed into her bed silently and threw her head into her pillow and sobbed. “Grandma that was not a good story. I mean you made it so the horse died! Next time, you can just read one of my books with the happily ever afters.” Her grandma smiled and shook her head. “Sweetie, sometimes life doesn’t bring happily ever afters. And sometimes, the happy ending isn’t what it would appear to be. Now let me finish!” Lynn had a rough couple of months ahead. She finished high school and got into a good college. She went into college with a clean slate. Her sophomore year she met a wonderful man, and they married after graduation and started a beautiful family. She never did ride again, but she was always grateful that her last ride had been with Joey. For a while she thought about him every day. Gradually, her heart mended and she realized Joey had given her so much more than friendship. Joey, a simple pet and her best friend of her whole childhood, had taught her to laugh, to love, and to live with no hesitation. “Is that the end, Grandma?” Mara whispered sleepily. Her grandmother shook her head and smiled as she watched her granddaughter fall into a deep sleep. “Oh darling, if only that had been the end. But my dear girl, it was only the beginning.” The grandmother smiled sadly, tucking the little girl in and quietly closing the door behind her. She slowly crept downstairs and took out a dusty old book from her bookshelf. She looked down at the pages, teardrops whipping away the dust. She opened to the first page and saw his deep brown eyes framed by his glowing orange coat staring up at her. “Thanks Joey,” she whispered, closing the album. She carefully got up and switched off the light; smile in place, she took a deep breath and took a step forward.


Enemies, Friends, and Form True friendship takes hard work Hard work needs good form And *HaTrEd*, is an art all in itself Irony Friends are gateways into our souls, paths into our subconscious They know our every hope, every dream, and every fear Why is it then, that those who we hold dearest, Are those to whom we are the meanest? Lying, cheating, backstabbing, Stealing without reason These Are the ways of *HaTrEd* It’s all a giant circle, A never ending ring, People everywhere, letting hatred spread its wings. Fear, guilt, and grief, They are products of actions past, Make sure you say goodbye my friend, (For this could be our last) Let me show you love my friend, It will help our friendship form! Days, weeks, months, years, We’ll be friends FoReVeR more. . . Together we’ll outlive this time, and weather all this gore But be careful where you walk my friend! Be sure to trod carefully, For one step out of line my friend, And you’ll have to deal with me. Friendship shouldn’t work this way One should not equal the other What have we come to in this day and age? When did it become acceptable To defy one As close as a brother?


We work so hard to love But even harder is it to *hate* How can I make it up to you my friend? Before it is too late The stench of battle looms in the air True feelings will arise. My friend I am sorry for my conduct, I regret all of my lies I’ll tell you before morning comes, Because by then I could be dead I can’t relive my past But if I could, I would change this action last Tears are not enough And sorry is but a word Though I remember our simple conflict The words are no longer heard Please let us forget this entire thing It is unimportant now Twas but a ripple in our time And an instance in our era. . . My breath is slowly leaving me It is time to make amends Words are not necessary here, Because we share a bond That is only known to *FrIeNdS* The story of Lee Strunk and Dave Jensen, soldiers during the Korean War Amanda Klump

Best Friends We call each other best friends, That’s what everybody sees, But I can see right through you, And everything you tell me. Betrayal and despair, It burns in your eyes, Secrets that you have, That you cover up with lies. You deceive and act, As if everything is fine, When you know deep inside, You’re walking a thin line. How can I trust you And believe what you say, When you know the truth may hurt, And the right thing might cost you to pay? I’ve learned not to listen To the words that you speak, Because every time I do, The end results leave me restless and weak. We call each other best friends, At least that’s what we always say, But best friends don’t hurt best friends, In these kinds of ways. Caroline Roberto

The Rain Sitting on the windowsill, Looking at the rain. Heaven Cries for you, I’m sure. The angels feel my pain. Everywhere I look, People in a daze. I can’t Believe this is happening. Still I sit and watch the rain. The one question we all ask, for the answer I have none. I’m all wrapped up in this emptiness now, All I can ask is how. . . The good times, there were many. But are gone now, from my mind. The darkness, it consumes me. no room for different times. day by day, soon it’s all over, but for us it will go on. Something we face And something we share. Sometimes. . . It seems there will not be A dawn For us it rains still, Every day. for us the pain Will never fade. The many of us who knew him, we’re all quite separate You see. But the common thread we all share Is he. So let my teardrops Fall like the rain. For us, the rain goes ever on. In loving memory of Larry Dean Mugrage. Amanda Klump


Prologue The early morning light poked through the holes in the tent to settle on the face of Francisco Jimenez. The young Hispanic man who had left his family and his home country of Mexico for a new life in the United States began to fidget in his sleep, a restful sleep, despite being far from safe in a refugee camp in northern Texas. Finally, he couldn’t stand the light in his eyes and throwing off the thin blanket, he sat up. Swinging himself off the bed, Francisco jumped as a mouse scampered out of one of his shoes, likely having sought shelter from the storm during the night before. Laughing softly to himself that these insane storms were affecting even the smallest of creatures, Francisco finished dressing and left the small tent, careful not to disturb his tent mate. He shook his head. Sometimes when it came to his tent mate, Adam, he didn’t know what to do. Supposedly Adam used to be some big time cattle rancher, and he sure acted like a big shot; but the wars, meteors and now these insane storms and earthquakes had destroyed everything the man had owned. Despite that, though, Adam was still an ass. A big, arrogant ass. That being said, Adam was one of his only friends in the refugee camp, at least partly because Adam spoke Spanish. That was a good thing, considering Francisco spoke very little English, but Adam was helping him with that. “Francisco! Do you want to come to the dining hall with me? We can finally get some breakfast!” Grinning, Francisco turned around to see his friend Pablo, as well as some other refugees looking up confusedly at the Spanish. Pablo was one of his only other friends in the camp, as well as the only other Mexican. After some discussion, they decided to head over to the dining hall; but as they did the earth gave a massive shudder, throwing everyone to the ground and flattening some tents. “Francisco! Help!” Francisco turned to see his friend trapped beneath a massive pile of rubble where one of the few remaining buildings had fallen on Pablo. Swearing to himself, Francisco started hauling rubble off his friend. But just as he was dragging Pablo clear, it started to rain. “Well this is just great. Earthquakes, rain…and now lightning,” he added as a bolt of white fire streaked out of the sky to set the dining tent ablaze. Seeing the hospital tent, he began dragging Pablo to it, but a blast right next to him made the world flash white. When Francisco could see again, Pablo was already dead. Wickedly strong winds began spreading the fire from tent to tent until it seemed the whole world was ablaze. Collapsing to the ground and starting to weep, Francisco decided to end it all, but a bolt of lighting beat him to it, and there was a flash of light … and then nothing at all. Nearly two millennia later, a young man bolted upright from a nightmare, drenched in a cold, cold sweat. Matt Moriarty


Saved The distant strum of his guitar echoed in the back of her mind as quiet tears rolled down her cheeks. Saying goodbye was the last thing she wanted to do right now and all she could think about was the dreaded day that would come less than one month later. Time had flown, and in the midst of it all she had allowed herself to release all inner guards and live. She struggled to hold on to every moment’s memory but found as the clock ticked on, they became blurred together and eventually would only be something that used to exist in her heart. She sighed and continued attempting to study for a test she was destined to fail. She heard a noise at the door, and her heart skipped as she watched him walk into the room. Her stomach churned when he gave her that look that expressed everything her heart felt. She couldn’t express the feelings he gave her, and yet she allowed her inner fears to hinder the possibilities they had. Her jealousy pushed her to a ledge she shouldn’t be on, and she constantly teetered back and forth, just barely holding on. But every time she went to fall, he caught her, pulled her back, and gave her the comfort and confidence she needed. So as she sat there, staring up at him and looking into those innocent green eyes, she couldn’t figure out what she was so afraid of. Her heart sank as she watched him walk away. She prepared herself for the final jump to end it all. Just as she was about to let go of the ledge, he came back, pulled her into his arms, and saved her one last time. Monica Rudy

Kill The long hard days of sleeping in. The days you cry over your boyfriend’s sin. While the wars go on without shame or pride. In the name of God, a mass suicide. A war is among us, in a war you kill. Without a cause, they fire at will. The powerful and rich sit by the fire and smile as they watch the news on the screen. While the young die for a selfish, shameless American Dream. Kids die for a lie which they fed to us. They fall to death in vain, a sacrifice becomes unjust. The war on cigarettes and cocaine go on at home. Is it more important than our soldiers who die alone? Long way from home, they die in a wasteland of death. A bloody tear drips down his face as he draws a dying breath. The power in charge, they do as they will. A bloody murder they’ve committed, they are the ones who kill. Kyle Pope


Laughter Laughter This isn’t the good kind The mean kind, The kind that makes you feel stupid For what you like, For what you believe in, For who you are, For how you are different. They laugh As you cry, But know You aren’t alone. Though, it seems you are the lone flame in the night, Ignore the laughter. Michelle Newman Then I Remember You Pieces fit together, keys unlock closed doors The once broken puzzle isn’t broken anymore light shines through darkness, the mask is shed the unbeating heart starts beating again Then I remember you and my heart skips a beat I see you and memories flow through me My heart grows weak and I fumble my keys The walls come up again and I fall to my knees The rains fall, my tears stream You shut out my sobs and tune out my screams My puzzle fit together so you broke it again I just need to know when this cycle will end But then I remember you when you brought out my laughter I remember when I saw you and my heart wouldn’t shatter And the walls come down and the closed door opens Because I can’t blame you for what happened And slowly pieces fit together and keys unlock doors The once broken puzzle doesn’t break anymore And as the mask is shed and light shines through I know in my heart I will always remember you.


Monica Rudy

You & Me I

will always be there for you will forever be your boo Being with you, we always have fun time I met you, you liked to hit my I


And here we are now think we should take a bow of all things we have been If only people knew The struggles we have faced And where we have been placed






will always be there for you will forever be your boo If you ever need me I will be there in a flash Even if it costs a lot of cash Because you were there for me So always I will be there for you, you see I

And as we move to college We will start to acknowledge There are many differences between But don’t you stress Because I will always be there for I will forever be your boo

us you

Erica Suer









A symbol of your light Coming into sight Vanishing the plight Oh darkness, let light overcome ye Hey there, loneliness, write a song for me Change my world to stone The rays of sunlight drop into the hills Dust flies from window sills The hate that fear instills Empires have vanished and the kings have been dethroned Hey there, loneliness, write a song for me Change my world to stone Jared Cox


The Cage The man looks back on his life. What chances he passed up, What fears kept him behind bars. His comfort zone was a cage And he became a slave. Never breaking from the cage, Never going to the unknown. Always behind his cage. His master was Fear, And Fear held the key. The poor old man looks back on his life. He never did anything, He never went anywhere. He thought he was making his own decisions, And thought he could play it safe. Little did he know, He was a slave to Fear and inside his cage, Fear laughed at his face. No more chances does he have. His life is over, His cage is all that he has left. He wants to get out, Oh but he can’t. Fear holds the key, The poor old man never conquered Fear. Chelsea Hillman



Look into my eyes Then maybe you’ll find The reason I’m here I’ve traveled many miles Seen many smiles But today there are only tears I’m afraid your time has come The wrongs that you have done Soon you’ll see things clear Take one last breath of air Say your one last prayer For death is finally here Michael Haas

My Opinion Look what you’ve done You went and ruined the best thing in your life The one person who loved you You drove away Are you determined to be alone? Do you try to push people away? Are you incapable of letting yourself be loved? You hide behind a wall of lies and untruths You refuse to open up You refuse to let anyone get close How can anyone help you If you do not let them? Get help Before it’s too late.

Starlight Haiku Heavenly wonders, Unbridled winter diamonds, Starlight roses bloom. Julie Mezger

Michael Haas

The Lying Mouth Words are filled with dupery Eyes beam with a hoax. Tone reveals the guilt within Twisting memory’s certainty Betrayal is bitter, Lies are worse. The truth appears to have no worth. Thoughts are tangled with dismay Hearts begin to break. Tears unveil the pain hidden Worsening what’s come to stay. Betrayal has ruined what once was good, Lies have struck the ones they sought. But the lying mouth has slain its soul.* *The Book of Wisdom 1:11 ~ Emily Dumont


Summertime Summertime is no school, Going to bed late And waking up even later the next morning. Summertime is running around after dark Trying to catch fireflies In little cups and jars. Summertime is playing hopscotch in the street, Jumping rope and riding bikes, Playing kickball and sipping sweet lemonade. Summertime is going to Cleveland For the Fourth of July parade, And dressing up as an old lady In hopes of winning a prize. Summertime is fireworks, Hearing the popping noise Loud in your ear, And seeing all the reds and blues and purples In the shapes of stars and smiley faces. Summertime is innocent and fun, And happy and exciting And lazy. Summertime is going on vacation, Lying on the beach on blue striped towels, Trying to get a tan. Summertime is hot and sticky, And humid and sweaty. Summertime is swimming in the pool, Feeling the cold water rush into your veins, And diving off the diving board, making a huge splash as you sink deeper into the water. Summertime is bittersweet, The season is so peaceful and happy, But is gone before you realize it.


Alyssa Smith

I want to go back She left the house about 3:00 A.M. Without even telling her best friends Out on the street no one but her Meets a stranger, says can you help me sir I’m out here all alone So very far from home And I just want to go back I want to go back to the house of the Lord I want to go back to the one I adore I want to go back to the King of kings I want to go back and show what He brings Sorry sir don’t mean to bother you with this It’s just this life I used to live I really miss I used to pray to God all the time, that’s the way it was I used to thank Him for all the things He does But now I’m lost and out of touch with Him And for a while now that’s the way it’s been I just hoped you might understand That’s why tonight I just went ahead and ran Because I just want go back I want go back to the house of the Lord I want to go back to the one I adore I want to go back to the King of Kings I want to go back and show what He brings Went looking for someone to talk to

Kept running and bumped into you I didn’t know what you would say But I hoped for a while you would stay Stay to talk Stay to walk Stay to be by my side Stay to guide The old man turned and looked at me With the biggest smile there could be He said I’m already all of that, that’s why I’m here To help wipe away all your tears I am the one you so long to go back to I’ve been waiting here, waiting here for you Waiting for that day you would come home to me Waiting for that day you so longed to see And you did You wanted to go back to the Lord You wanted to go back to the one you adore You wanted to go back to the King of kings You wanted to go back and show what I bring My child you’ve done it Now come on out of that dark pit Come on out and no longer be alone Come out and welcome home! Ashley Jenkins

Colors The sunshine is yellow, the sky blue, Color is everywhere; it isn’t anything new. The clouds white, grass green, Color is everywhere; it wants to be seen. A rose is red, the moon is white, Color is everywhere, even at night. The bark on a tree brown, cardinals red, Color is everywhere; it has already been said. The snow white and water clear, Color is everywhere, year after year. Josh Oester


Belief I never heard Him preach the Gospel I never heard Him forgive the sinner Yet I believe I never saw Him heal the afflicted I never saw Him walk on water Yet I believe I never saw Him scourged and ridiculed I never saw Him nailed to a tree Yet I believe I never saw Him rise I never touched His wounds Yet I believe David Loftus


Smell you do, stink you may. Sometimes I smell you and don’t know what to say. Swiss, cheddar, or even Velveeta, Cheese plus black spots equal colors of a cheetah. We can eat you with crackers, or even meat, Hey cheese here’s a hamburger I’d like you to greet. We pick with our hands or slice you with knives, Now it’s time you put a little more cheese in your lives. The one they call Limburger looks pretty mean, This is by far the smelliest cheese man has ever seen. Matt Kern

Childhood Childhood is waking up at 6 A.M. to watch cartoons. Childhood is watching a caterpillar Inch its way across your finger. Childhood is asking ‘are we there yet?’ a thousand times on a road trip. Childhood is making forts out of the seats of your couch. Childhood is goldfish. Childhood is riding your bike down the driveway and not worrying if there’s a car, while your parents worry themselves sick. Childhood is playing foursquare, and Dressing up to go out to dinner in a boa and high heels. Childhood is dancing on the feet of your dad. Childhood is waiting for Santa. Childhood is sand castles on the beach and sitting in your mom’s lap watching the sunset. Josie Rizzo 44

Accomplish. Christa Dickson

Everybody can see her accomplishments. They’re plastered on the crumpled pink papers that were handed out by her math teacher. “Mathematic Achievements” spits the announcer. She sits in the back in her seat and eyes the other students. They were all nervous, vulnerable, impatient — but no, not her. She was content with herself. Names were said and after words of brilliance spoken in their honor. Students who approached the announcer seemed to think they deserved some sort of crown for their straight A’s or perfect attendance. It seemed like hours had passed. “Scholarships” the announcer said, squinting at the paper in front of her thick rimmed glasses. She spoke the names slowly, making sure her pronunciation was correct. A’s, B’s, C’s. Names are slowly being said, like a rhythm that escapes the announcer’s lips. D’s, E’s, F’s. She straightened up and turned to smile at her family. G’s, H’s, I’s. She looked forward again and flattened her hair with her fingers. It’s J’s now; she was nervous, very nervous. She knew it was time; she was almost an adult, only a matter of seconds now. “Ashley J,” said the announcer. She stood up and the entire auditorium filled with applause, thickening by the second. She walked to the stairs and stood a second. The announcer approached with a kind smile on her face and whispered, “Congratulations, Ashley.” Then the announcer gave her the papers and awards presented at the celebration. She turned to smile at the audience, realizing she had her life on track. She could do anything now. 45

Holidays November, December, January, to us these months are dear Between Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s, these months are full of cheer. There are turkey and trees and snowflakes and kisses, There are lights and presents hopes, dreams, and wishes. It’s a time for family, a time for love and there’s always an extra prayer to that holy light above. but there are two houses on my street that aren’t lit up this year. it pains my heart to see it and to my eyes brings tears. it’s a place the snow won’t cling and a place my heart won’t touch sometimes . . . i just can’t take it that memory hurts so much. it’s cold and it’s lonesome out here on my front step, my breath hovers in the cold air, and a deaf silence is all i hear. it’s painstaking to see those two houses that aren’t lit up this year. But i know my own grief is nothing to be compared to the ones that won’t string up any lights this year. maybe but who goes You can’t when

i’ll go soon, and take a gift to a graveyard on Christmas Eve? imagine how much i miss you that darkness is all i see.

yes there are two houses on my street that aren’t lit up this year and in remembrance of him, i’ll tell you what you need to hear. Keep your loved ones close and be thankful evermore, for tragedy strikes quickly. Just remember to love and nothing more there are two houses on my street that aren’t lit up this year. .


Amanda Klump

Toymaker With his hammer and his wood he carved the perfect toy. A toy he could love, A toy he could play with. A toy that would never leave his side. He loved the toy And the toy loved him. He took the toy everywhere he went, And the toy loved being with him. The toy liked it when the toymaker was sad And the toymaker would always go to the toy, And he’d feel better. The toy loved pleasing the toymaker. But the toymaker was given a new toy. One not made of wood, But plastic. One not made with a hammer, But with a machine. A better toy, A better toy it was to the toymaker. So the toymaker took his old toy, and he placed it on a shelf. He looked at his new toy, His better toy. And he loved it. The old toy would watch the toymaker and the new toy From afar. And the toy would be hurt. It didn’t understand what it did. Or how it happened. But it did. Now the old toy is forced to watch as the toymaker who once loved it, Loves a new toy. It wonders what the toymaker sees. But it knows that the toymaker has made up his mind. And the toy must accept, For it can’t control the toymaker. Chelsea Hillman


My Dear Rose Burnt red Embarrassment comes to My mind and I think Of all the times I would Rather have erased But when I look at you Soft, gentle smooth It’s how you make me Feel on my blister ridden Hands that makes you so Special my dear friend Tall and thin You are the envy of All the girls they look At you with jealousy They wish you were given To them so they could Show you off to all Their friends but My sweet you were Given to me I know Now how he feels my Dear sweet You are sharp and Painful if I touch You in a wrong way Just like a heart decorated With barbed wire you make Me bleed and you don’t Even have a heart My dear sweet nobody


Sharp, Soft, Gentle, Smooth, Painful My dear sweet rose I will never let you Wilt away. Emily Pritchard

Home Depot Home Depot, my sweet, O how I love thee. When I fare ye well, forlorn so, I be. Until we’re as one, woebegone am I, A doleful damsel, tears flow from me eye. Over-amorous, I apologize. Fairer than any, minds you mesmerize. With your charm, my heart, you first beguiled Long ago when I was just a wee child. For hours I roam each aisle so tall. Wide-eyed, I gape at your toilet seat wall. Dueling with dowel rods, forts made of plywood, Sliding ‘cross mowers, fresh wax on the hood. Naps on carpet squares, they keep me goin’. What with all my toin’ and froin’. When under your roof, I have not one fear. Home Depot, you are my own darling dear. Catie Grogan


Color Color makes you smile, And puts that twinkle in your eye. Blue, yellow, orange, They all fill the sky. Purple for the bright night, Filled with stars all around. As red as your face gets, When you’re hanging upside down. Green fills nature, And paints the grass far and wide. Pink like my cheeks, When it’s cold and windy outside. Yellow for slow, red for stop. As white as the mountains get at the very top. Purple makes the flowers, all lined in a row. Red like the curtains, as you anticipate for the show. Brown is the puppy that lives down the street, Blue is the feeling when someone takes your seat.

Last Saturday I rode forth On a quest of no small grandeur To a castle I was bound But alas! What was to be found!? The fortress that I sought Was crumbling in the parking lot But the quest could not stop there The prize I coveted too fair and bright I turned myself another way And on my black stallion’s back did alight Until at last ere I approach A smaller castle bright and virgin Glimmering white in the spring sun Oh good fortune now! What happy news! Beside the parapet I guided my stead And told the humble servant my ripened plea ‘Ten of your golden treasures’ do I request ‘I have ridden long and far.’ The servant said ‘Press on good knight.’ ‘Your treasure lies at yonder window.’ In sooth he spoke for I found My precious ones, soft and round I placed in the worn hands of the messenger A small sum of coined gold ‘To your master’ were my last words And I rode away, treasure in hold Such was my quest as the sun loomed low This tale I tell to you So that all may know of the marvels kept In the holds of the great White Castle. Michael McArtor

Green like the alligator and the frog too. Red is the love that is made between me and you. Color is life; it helps us have a brighter day. Color is amazing and makes the earth beautiful in every way. Lindsay Kiefer


Life on Shuffle* This ballad of a teenage queen can’t say may it be vindicated, Take a bow asphalt cowboy and do what you gotta do, I will follow you into the dark. She has no time to comfort me, Ready to run to the old apartment, somewhere only we know. Temperature, it’s time for a cool change, Come what may, float on holy water and push the wonderwall to fall to pieces. I hope you dance, Gold Lion, but Say my name, My name is Jonas; you shook me all night long, again and again. While, the beautiful letdown, the knights of Cydonia, are still knockin’ on heaven’s door. *(Song titles were used from Johnny Cash, BBmak, Enya, Dashboard Confessional, Muse, Blake Shelton, Garth Brooks, Keane, Tim McGraw, Death Cab for Cutie, Dixie Chicks, Bare-naked Ladies, Sean Paul Little River Band, Mighty Mouse, Big and Rich, Soundtrack from Moulin Rouge, Sarah McLachlan, Oasis, Avril Lavigne, Lee Ann Womack, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Destiny’s Child, Weezer, Jewel, Switchfoot, and Guns and Roses.) Julie Mezger

Chopstick Run Run Run, There’s a man with a gun, He fires once, he fires twice, He made you spill your chicken and rice, Run quick, run quick, You tripped and dropped your chopstick, You run faster and faster, No fried rice? This is a disaster, You get to your house where the air conditioning feels so nice, And your mom is standing there with chicken and rice, You become so suddenly glad, But then instantly become so sad, You remember dropping your chopstick, When you were running, running oh so quick. 50

Jake Madden

Summer’s Time The golden sun rises in the shallow sea of clouds, as it glistens across the bare walls in your room, and reflects specks of the coming dawn across your face. Awakening from your dream of lush gardens and waterfalls, you open your eyes to look at the windowpane and see a little blue bird waving its harmonious wings and listen as it sings you a morning song. As your senses come alive the sweet smell of honeysuckle fills the warm sunlit room. Ripened dew sprinkled pears shine in the beams of sunlight. You walk out on the porch in the sticky air, watching multi-colored butterflies gracefully travel from one flower to the next. Dragonflies buzz through the air playing tag. The dusky sky begins to illuminate the dim stars, and the crescent shaped moon rises as the sun slowly fades. The evening hum of the chirping crickets creates a symphony of lullabies. All is still and silent as your head reaches the soft pillow. The moon glows like a million lightning bugs, and sleep once again begins our night of dreams.

Alysha Feldkamp

51 51

One Day You Are Just Lying There Green grass all around you, ladybugs flying over your head, Petals of a daisy fall sweetly on your face As you pick them off one by one And let them fall down in despair. A big dark oak tree kindly provides you shade With the blue sky above you to always say you’re okay. No cloud in the sky for miles, you know then it’s true. The earth below you is gently playing a song. If you listen closely and quietly you will soon hear its tune, Which all the roots of flowers, trees and weeds Play like a symphony just for you. Then you will have a verse dedicated only to you, Because unlike most people you were blessed with the gift Of compassion, which most have had but lost. Do It Anyway Sometimes You will try your hardest To reach for the stars And believe the impossible …and people just laugh at you. Believe and try anyway.

Because unlike most these days, You listen to dear old Mother Earth So she will never fall into Her grave and rest in pieces until the day The next generation will come to say You’re all right, Mother Earth, just rest.

Sometimes You will run that extra mile Just to prove that you can …and someone will say you didn’t accomplish anything. Run the mile anyway. Sometimes You can spend years building and creating …and someone can destroy it all in a day. Build and create anyway. Sometimes You get slapped in the face for trying To make the world a better place. Try anyway. And don’t ever give up.


Katie Shepherd

Emily Pritchard

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