Hamilton County Business Magazine June/July 2009

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June/July 2009

Conner Prairie Goes Vertical

Plus‌ Using Twitter for Business Entrepreneurial Moms Mediterranean Cuisine




Conner Prairie’s Newest Attraction





New Industrial Era in Noblesville

Carmel Moms Publish Childrens’ Books

On the cover: Ellen Rosenthal, Conner Prairie President & CEO Photos by Bobbie Sutton

Photo Illustration by Melanie Malone

June • July 09/Hamilton County Business Magazine










Dining Out










Business Resource Directory

www.hamiltoncountybusiness.com Published six times per year by the Hamilton County Media Group PO Box 502, Noblesville, IN 46061 • 317-774-7747

Editor/Publisher Mike Corbett ~ mcorbett@hamiltoncountybusiness.com Creative Director Melanie Malone ~ malinsky58@sbcglobal.net Correspondents William Fouts ~ wfouts@mac.com Shari Held ~ sharih@comcast.net Mike Magan ~ mike@penpointonline.com Martha Yoder ~ klmyoder@sbcglobal.net

Photo Credits Bobbie Sutton, William Fouts, Jae Ebert Contributors Laina Molaski MBA PhD ~ lmolaski@candsconsulting.biz David Heighway ~ heighwayd@earthlink.net Emmett Dulaney MBA ~ eadulaney@anderson.edu Troy Renbarger ~ troy@consultwithprostar.com Scott Eckart ~ seckart@westpointfinancialgroup.com Raquel Richardson ~ raquel@silversquareinc.com Jake Doll ~ jakegd@sbcglobal.net

Clarification: The ownership timeline

and family succession detail was not clear in The Family Business story on Mr. G’s Liquors in the April/May edition. Mr. G’s was started in 1977 by brothers Wayne and Myron Glover, and their father Elijah Glover. Wayne managed and built the store’s reputation by offering a

wide variety of products and personal customer service for twenty years while Myron pursued his banking career and contributed part time. Myron took sole control of the business in 1998. Wayne’s son Bryan became part owner and comanager last year. We are committed to accuracy and regret this omission.

Please send news items and photos to news@hamiltoncountybusiness.com Submission does not guarantee publication For advertising information contact Mike Corbett at mcorbett@hamiltoncountybusiness.com

Copyright 2009 Hamilton County Media Group. All rights reserved. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without written permission.

Hamilton County Business Magazine/ June • July 09


Letter from the Editor/June • July 2009

I’ve often thought of Clowes Common at Conner Prairie as a great space waiting for something spectacular to happen. It’s a kind of cloister built in a ring around a grassy area that needed something. Well, now it has something in Conner Prairie’s newest project: the 1859 Balloon Voyage. If you didn’t know better, you’d swear Clowes Common was built just for this attraction because the Balloon Voyage fits perfectly. Martha Yoder tells us more and examines Conner Prairie’s strategy as an interactive history park in this edition’s cover story. This Spring marks a shift in Noblesville’s industrial landscape as one institution closes while another opens. Firestone’s manufacturing plant, which was the city’s major employer for many years, is going the way of many aging factories all over the nation that are finding it hard to compete in a global economy. Coincidentally, a new facility is opening at the same time in a different part of town but with a lot of promise for the future as SMC, a global manufacturer, moves its headquarters to Noblesville. Bill Fouts reports the coming and going. If you’re not on Twitter yet you should check it out. Raquel Richardson, our newest columnist, has been at it for more than a year now and has some advice on whether to use this social networking phenomenon in your marketing plan. And, Middle Eastern cuisine has arrived in Fishers! Mike Magan tries the falafel and more at AlBasha in this month’s restaurant profile. Four of the six Hamilton County Chambers hold their golf outings in June and July (Fishers’ was in May and Noblesville’s is in August). You will find details along with other important chamber dates and times from all six chambers in the Calendar. It’s a great way to see what other chambers are doing and to find opportunities to network with other Hamilton County businesspeople. There’s a little something for everyone here, so enjoy, and let us hear what you think. The website is open for comments and the blog is up and running. Visit www.hamiltoncountybusiness.com and comment on a story or click on blog. You can contact us by phone at 774-7747 or email at mcorbett@hamiltoncountybusiness.com.

Editor and Publisher


June • July 09/Hamilton County Business Magazine

Mike Corbett/Editor and Publisher

Living History Takes Flight Conner Prairie Becomes a History Park


By Martha Yoder

magine having your mail delivered by a transcontinental gas-filled balloon. In Lafayette, Indiana, scientist John Wise attempted such a feat 150 years ago, only to be suddenly halted in Crawfordsville due to a misbehaving wind. The flight was considered a success, however, because a train completed the mail route to New York. His place in history was recorded, and the U.S. Postal Service issued a stamp honoring his achievement. Retracing the journey of John Wise is one of many exciting new adventures visitors will enjoy as Conner Prairie commemorates that 1859 flight. The $2 million “1859 Balloon Voyage” exhibit, including a balloon ride opportunity, opens June 6. The exhibit is funded with private contributions, including support from the Conner Prairie Alliance. The exhibit is one component of Conner Prairie Interactive History Park, the result of this Hamilton County museum’s more focused direction. The museum became independent in 2003, following a multi-year relationship with Earlham College.

“The ways adults and young people visit and think of museums and historic sites have changed dramatically in 20 years,” said Ellen Rosenthal, President and CEO of Conner Prairie Interactive History Park. “We knew we had to expand the scope of what history includes.” Rosenthal’s leadership and new vision has brought a fresh approach to the museum. To learn more about how adults and young people could be further engaged at Conner Prairie,

Hamilton County Business Magazine/ June • July 09


Dozens of volunteers unloaded the 17,700 sq. ft. balloon prior to filling it with 210,000 cubic feet of helium.

community to its history. The strategy includes emphasizing the importance of historical topics like science and the environment. Another goal remains: to inspire curiosity; thus, the balloon exhibit inspired by John Wise’s experiment. It is a perfect way to introduce the interactive park concept as visitors learn about balloon flight, take a balloon ride and become part of an historic experience. Rosenthal reached out to community leaders, schools and families. Extensive research asked people what they wanted to see and do at this unique museum. Surveys indicated that people’s impressions of the museum revolved around its ability to describe living history while integrating hands-on experiences through its exhibits such as the Discovery Station, Animal Encounters, Farm Hands and Craft Corners. Other survey respondents were impressed by the outdoor museum’s green space and natural setting.

More than 400 sandbags anchored the balloon as it filled.

The two themes merged: Being true to the mission of teaching history through the 1830s pioneer village while showcasing the 850 acres of beautiful land of Conner Prairie.

With Rosenthal’s vision, Conner Prairie is refocusing its image by taking a bold new step in image identification. The branding includes a new logo, signage and a theme, all of which help move the park into a new era. The new approach is expected to have an impact on Conner Prairie’s attendance. Approximately 150,000 visitors toured in 2008, about a 12 percent increase from the previous year. About 50,000 school-aged children enjoyed tours at the park last year, and the facility has only experienced a $1 increase in admission price.

“Our message solidified: interactive park and a fun place to learn. In addition, we are a trusted authority,” says Rosenthal. “If it’s fun and engaging, kids and families will come more often, and the more you repeat a learning experience, the more you learn.”

Interactive History Park

To communicate the full scope of historical adventures, Conner Prairie added the redefined “Interactive History Park” recognition to its name. It is all part of a 10-year strategic plan to expand the museum’s role as a hub in linking the


The balloon is tethered by a steel cable and controlled electronically. The flight lasts 10-15 minutes. June • July 09/Hamilton County Business Magazine

Smithsonian Institution Affiliation

Conner Prairie Interactive History Park was recently named a Smithsonian Institution affiliated museum, making it Indiana’s only Smithsonian affiliate. The museum joins a select group of

The only way to the top is by rope & rigging on the outside. Workers clamber up to install lights for night-time illumination

America’s heritage,” Closter said. “We are excited that they are embarking on the balloon exhibit with us.” The new “1859 Balloon Voyage” exhibit is a collaboration between Conner Prairie and the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum. “These are the types of resources and objects we hope will bring our visitors a richer, even more hands-on experience,” Rosenthal explained. Elizabeth Kryder-Reid, director of the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) Museum Studies program, believes Conner Prairie is doing the right things to stay competitive in an Internet-driven world.

organizations that are linked to priceless collections, resources and expertise. The relationship will give Conner Prairie more national exposure. Harold Closter, Director of Smithsonian Affiliations, Smithsonian Institution, said the institution looks for museums with strong track records. “Conner Prairie has an excellent international reputation of telling a part of

“Visiting a museum can be a very social experience for kids, families and adults. Research shows that the number one reason people go to a museum is because of its social value,” Kryder-Reid said. “There is a lot of competition for people’s leisure time, and Conner Prairie is doing an excellent job of taking research and audience experience, and then translating it into a profound change.” Ashley Ledford, director of communications at the Hamilton County Convention and Visitors Bureau, expects the exhibit and the new direction to be a success. “They’re really thinking outside the box by bringing more science to the museum and rediscovering that element of Indiana history during the time of the first balloon mail flight,” Ledford said. “We look to them to take their ideas to new heights.”

Clowes Common will be renovated to house a re-creation of 1859 Lafayette town square and an aeronaut flight school

The balloon is more than twice the size of a typical hot-air balloon, 72 feet in diameter and 105 feet high.

Rosenthal hopes the new Interactive History Park exhibits will create a synergy between education and the community. She noted that when “people visit, we want to create a balance between highs and lows. That means there will be a range of exciting times and quiet times.” v

1859 Balloon Voyage You can experience what John Wise felt as he flew his gas-filled balloon in 1859 to deliver mail, except you will get off at the same place that you got on. For a $15 ticket ($12 for members), your balloon ride will take you 350 feet above the park. A $5 coupon is available off each balloon voyage at participating BP Connect locations. The exhibit will teach visitors about the history of balloon flight and Wise’s flying machine. The display will also demonstrate how a balloon compares to a train, steamship and ox wagon as a method of transportation. Admission to Conner Prairie is $12 for adults, $11 for seniors, $8 for children ages 2-12 and free for members.

For more information call (317) 776-6000 or (800) 966-1836. You can also visit www.connerprairie.org.

Hamilton County Business Magazine/ June • July 09


Entrepreneur Emmett Dulaney

Business Plan 102:

The Importance of the Management Team Make no mistake about it: a business plan is a work of fiction. To think that someone can create three years worth of full financial statements which are 100% accurate before they ever open the door on the first day of business is almost comical. Those writing the plan know that there are some things they simply cannot accurately anticipate yet must try to document. Those evaluating a plan realize that some forecasts and suppositions are nothing more than copious speculation. So the first question that comes to mind is just how closely the plan is likely to truly represent the opportunity. That question can be summed up with one word: credibility. If the evaluators believe the plan is credible then their interest remains and they will investigate further. On the other hand, if they find no reason to grant the plan credibility, then it is quickly dismissed and it does not matter how good of an opportunity the person pitching it may believe it to be. The business plan contains one section of which the sole purpose is to portray credibility: the management team. To an investor, confidence is not based as much on the idea as it is based on who is behind the idea. If the team has a proven track record and considerable experience in this field, then the plan exudes credibility. On the other hand, if the management team consists only of members who have never been involved in any similar endeavor and have no experience in this field, the entire business plan loses conviction.


To illustrate, imagine this scenario: John Doe, and his brother Ron are both in their late 20’s and have worked their way up to management positions at a very large distribution center. Both have bachelor’s degrees, one in management and the other in history. For the past four years, they have spent all their spare time and money tinkering in Ron’s basement on an idea they finally have working. They have perfected a way to reduce photovoltaic cells down to an incredibly small size and insert them into an aerosol can of glue. You can take the aerosol can and spray it on anything, then connect a resistor and wires to it (which will be provided with each can) and pull current from it. A student, for example, could spray this material all over the lid of her laptop and be able to pull enough current from library lights to power the laptop.

Confidence is not based as much on the idea as who is behind the idea. If the management team consisted of only these two, would you seriously consider funding them? Would red flags arise when you realized their experience had nothing to do with their invention? That they had no previous experience with startups of any kind, let alone in this field? That their education didn’t lead them toward this company in any natural way? That they had the same last name (family + business = stress)?

June • July 09/Hamilton County Business Magazine

If they were the only members of the management team, the odds are good that you not only would not fund them, but you also wouldn’t spend much time reading their business plan or investigating their product further. They lack credibility in this market and that permeates throughout their entire business plan. Imagine the same scenario, only now the brothers are currently working for an energy company and looking to leave it to start their own business. Experience is priceless, and suddenly a bit of credibility has been gained. To gain more, they need to expand the team and bring in experience in key positions. Having a known individual with a long track record of successful startup experience say he wants to be a member of this management team draws attention and even more consideration to the idea. It is imperative that the expertise and experience of the team members come through – this is one place where you do want to toot your own horn. If you have someone with twenty years in the business and a dozen awards for innovation, then list them! You cannot expect the reader to do the background research and you need to blatantly scream: “This team is so good, you need to pay attention to what we are proposing!” When it comes to gaining credibility for a business plan, take no shortcuts when it comes to the management team section. Round out the gaps, fill in the holes, and then make sure everyone knows what you have. Emmett Dulaney teaches entrepreneurship and business at Anderson University.

Management Laina Molaski

Good employees equal good business Employees can be one of the more challenging aspects of owning a business. However, a good team of people working with you toward a common goal is invaluable and essential to a strong business. Do you feel each of your employees is giving you 110% every day? Do your managers have the skills and support required to develop a strong team and move the business forward? A typical business spends 50 cents of every dollar on payroll, so employees are your most expensive investment. You need to make the most of every penny spent.

You do that by using your human capital as effectively as possible. Large corporations often rely on their Human Resource Departments to ensure adherence to process and goals but a small to mid-size business often can’t afford a separate department. To be honest there is often no need for a full time human resource function, but you must set expectations and establish accountability in order to create a more structured, profitable, and fun environment. To start, take the time to review and update your employee manual and policies annually. If you don’t have an employee manual, or at least written policies and procedures, then get some. Make sure you write down the

important things you want people to adhere to. If it’s not in writing it doesn’t exist. Make sure that your policies comply with the current federal and state labor laws. For example, if your company must comply with the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) did you update your policies after January 16th when the new laws took effect? Do you know if you are required to comply with FMLA? Do you understand the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) and how this could potentially change the rules of union organization and the landscape of business as we know it? Are you looking forward to summer when the minimum wage changes and how that could affect your bottom line? Do you have the new I-9 form that went into effect in April? Next create a clear vision for your team. Work with them on how they can play their part in achieving that vision and provide recognition for reaching it. Solicit their opinions on how to accomplish initiatives. You might be surprised at how much insight they have that you didn’t think of. Remember, they are often looking at things from a different perspective. This may seem like adding more work to an already overloaded schedule but it is essential to provide the foundation for your employees to do the job they want to do and that you want them to do. It will get you that return on your investment and make your company a great place to work. Laina Molaski is the president of C&S Consulting LLC in Fishers Hamilton County Business Magazine/ June • July 09



In this Challenging Economy, Don’t Forget Your Endgame! If you want to survive in today’s economy and emerge from it poised for growth (or sale), you should focus your energy on four areas:

What can you do today to prepare for tomorrow’s scramble? Re-examine and realign your objectives to adjust to today’s realities.

•Preserving and Protecting Value •Identifying Value and Cash Flow •Creating Revenue •Creating Value

Assuming that the most effective strategies for dealing with this crisis are those that address short-term challenges and support long-term goals, what are your long-term goals?

Most owners are currently waist-deep in the first area: cutting expenses and minimizing risk and taxes in order to protect their companies. For that reason, this discussion focuses on the last one: creating value! While this may seem exactly backwards, it is not. While you are busy cutting expenses and minimizing risk and taxes, keep your eye on your endgame: someday leaving your business for an amount of money that will enable you to live the rest of your life in style. The actions you take today must not only preserve value, but must ultimately create value for a future owner.


Most owners have a preferred successor in mind: children, a key management team, a third party or an ESOP. We encourage all owners to re-examine their choices. You may, for example, feel that your only viable exit strategy is to just not leave the business; that a sale to an outside party is just not in the cards — now or in the future. That feeling may not be accurate, especially given the changes in the Small Business Administration loan programs promoted by the Obama Administration.

Even the most pessimistic among us acknowledge that these tough times will not last forever. We may never return to the days of an over-heated Mergers and Acquisitions market, but once credit loosens and confidence returns, good companies will sell. Will your company be one of them? Demographically, we know that the future holds many more sellers than buyers. I suspect that the market’s inability to support business sales over the past few months has put the sale plans of many owners on hold. I also suspect that many owners are not having a whole lot of fun getting lean and mean. If those two assumptions are true, when this market turns around, there will be a host of owners scrambling for their exits. If (or when) that happens, only the “best” companies will sell.


By: Scott W. Eckart

Financial Security

Most owners have some idea of the amount of money they need (from both the sale of their businesses and from other investments) to fund a comfortable “life after sale.” Both the amount you can expect from the sale/transfer of your company and the value of your other investments have changed. Every owner should be working closely with his or her financial advisor to re-assess the make-up and performance of non-business assets and to establish a new benchmark of the value of your business today.

Long-Term Growth

I think you should include long-term growth in your short-term decisions about expenses and risk. As you prune expenses – especially in management – make sure those cutbacks don’t prevent new growth. This can only be done if you have a good sense of where you want to take your company as the recession wanes. Try to keep in mind that future owners will not be interested in investing any amount of money in a company that does not have a motivated management team or in one whose management team is not willing to stay on after the sale.

Departure Date

If the current economy has forced you to postpone your exit date, I encourage you to talk candidly with your advisors about how to re-set your exit clock. Consider in that discussion the fact that for most owners, their sale dates do not equal their retirement dates. (Most buyers require sellers to work past their closing dates to ensure that the company continues to perform.)

June • July 09/Hamilton County Business Magazine

If you feel the economy is causing you to lose control of your company, your natural reaction may be to put on the brakes. But remember back to high school driver’s education: the best way to pull a car and trailer out of a fishtail swerve is to step on the gas and pull that trailer back in line! Scott Eckart is the Director of Financial Planning for Westpoint Financial Group.

Marketing by Raquel G. Richardson

Is Twitter Right for your Business? Twitter is a great social medium, but can it help you market your business? When dealing with any new marketing activity, consider two things: 1) Is it right for my audience; and 2) What will be my ROI? Let’s tackle audience first. When a new medium is this popular, it’s very easy to work it into a conversation. Pick up the phone or take your clients to lunch. Ask them if they’re using the application and if so how. If some of your best clients are using Twitter, chances are your prospects are too. If none of your clients are using it they probably will eventually. While Twitter itself isn’t new (I signed up late 2007; the idea itself started mid 2006) the mass use of Twitter is still growing. A 1,382% annual growth rate (Nielson Online, February 2008-2009) makes Twitter’s growing following a medium worth checking out.

2.) Position yourself as an expert.

Establishing expertise is hard to measure on Twitter or anywhere else, but you do have some tools. The number of people following you is a rudimentary metric of your perceived expertise. The number of times you are retweeted (RT) can be a good indicator, since it demonstrates that people value your content enough to pass it along.

3.) Industry research. When you’re

following your industry, your competition, or just mentions of your own brand, the measure of your success is going to be the information that you dig up. What did you find? How long would it have taken to find the same information on a traditional web search? Would you have found it at all? Is the article date relevant to today? Most of Twitter’s information is very recent.

4.) Networking. The metric here is

Measuring your return is one of the most overlooked aspects of a Twitter strategy (or any social media strategy). You’ll need to spend your time in disciplined pursuit of your business objec-

how many people you meet and how well you can help each other. (The geotargeting in Twitter’s search makes it very easy to find people locally that are talking about topics you want to comment on.)

tives. Defining those objectives is the first step to measuring your ROI. Here are some possible goals and metrics:

5.) Finding clients. Measure Twit-

1.) Driving website traffic. This is the easiest goal to measure. Check your server logs or watch your analytics report, keeping an eye specifically on Twitter as a referring site.

ter like any other lead source in your pipeline (and if you use Salesforce they have a Twitter tab in which to monitor your activity). When you do a search for people that are experiencing the pain your product or service addresses, you can send them a tweet and work to engage them in a conversation.

In all of these cases your investment is time. To succeed with Twitter you must put time into it, but be careful. It’s very easy to fall into the trap of spending a ton of time fiddling around with Twitter. Once you get your grounding, it’s best to download a desktop application such as TweetDeck to enhance and increase your productivity. For both goals, set up an account and give yourself a few months to really test the waters. Make a schedule and stick to it – remember any good marketing must maintain a consistent drip. You’ll need to refine a schedule that makes sense to you, but a good place to start is 30-60 minutes a day. Try that for awhile and measure your results. Happy tweeting! Raquel Richardson is the owner of Silver Square, a Fishers-based marketing firm. You can follow her on Twitter @SilverSquare.

Glossary • Tweet – a short message (less than 140 characters) that you create • Follow – a way to tell Twitter that you want to see all the tweets that a particular person creates • Direct Message – a private message that can only be seen by the sender and the recipient • Retweet – send a message that someone else wrote out to all your followers, giving the original author credit • RT – an abbreviation for retweet • Hashtag – putting a # sign in front of a word to identify it as a keyword for the message • Unfollow – a way to tell Twitter you don’t want to see a particular person’s tweets anymore • Favorite – a tweet that you have bookmarked • Public Timeline – a chronological list of all the tweets that anyone has made (except for those people who have marked their accounts as private) • @ - used along with a username to address another Twitter user in a message; they will see the message whether they follow you or not and the username will become a link to that user’s page (example: @SilverSquare)

Hamilton County Business Magazine/ June • July 09


Management By Troy Renbarger

When the Cash Flows the Business Grows Cash flow is a term you hear a lot when talking to business owners about how their business is performing. Money in and money out is the universal element in keeping a business healthy and alive. So if the concept is so simple, why does it feel like an impossible equation at times? In theory, a business performs work, invoices the client, gets paid, pays the bills, and repeat. Any weak link in the chain can throw the operation into a tailspin. Did you notice the simple equation above consists of one part sales and three parts accounting? Even though sales are a major component of your business, 75% of business success is in the details. Neglecting accounting details can hurt your business. Here are some examples:

Invoice consistently - Work performed is only as good as when it is billed. If the business is failing to invoice consistently, or does not have a system to know when a project is complete, then invoicing is delayed. A delayed invoice could result in an additional 15 days of terms. So if the original invoice is Net 30 and payment occurs in 45 days, cash flow is significantly decreased. In 45 days a company can have three payroll cycles, an entire cycle of bills due, and an entire new cycle of bills in the mail. Timing is everything and once you get off sync with the schedule of bills due, it is hard to get back on track. Collections - Services billed are only as good as when they are collected. Keeping track of what your customers owe you is paramount in planning your cash

flow. Unfortunately, knowing is only half the battle; in most cases it takes action to collect. Action does not have to be brute force or nasty phone calls, it just needs to be common communication. Communication can start with account statements sent out monthly to delinquent customers, followed by a phone call seven to ten days later. If it is a large amount owed, maybe a payment plan can be devised to chip away at the balance or pin down the client to their best estimate of when it might be paid. These methods don’t always produce immediate results, but are effective in managing your accounts receivable in the long term. Deposits - Money deposited is only as good as how it is used. There must be a rhyme and reason to the checks that get cut. Owners need to be aware of the cash requirements for the next payroll, payroll taxes due, and vendors that need to be paid. When cash flow is tight, fulfill your employer obligations and debt payments first, and communicate with your vendors if there is a shortfall.

Money in and money out is the universal element in keeping a business healthy and alive. Proper accounting cannot make an economic downturn go away or your clients pay any quicker, but it can equip you will the tools to stay ahead of cash flow anxieties. Diving into the details of your business will help you stay a couple steps ahead of the game. Troy Renbarger is the founder of ProStar Consulting Inc. in Cicero


June • July 09/Hamilton County Business Magazine

The Next

Generation Noblesville Welcomes SMC as Firestone closes By William Fouts


s one Noblesville business institution prepares to give up its last gasp, another industrial giant is breathing new life into the local economy. After 73 years of operation, Firestone will close its Noblesville plant by the end of June. Meanwhile, SMC Corporation of America has commenced production at its new $30 million state-of-the-art facility in the Noblesville Corporate Campus. The divergent paths of these two companies marks a major turningpoint in the city’s economic evolution from a single dominant companytown to a broad-based business economy.

Noblesville’s Major Employer

Opened in 1936, the Noblesville Firestone plant produced a variety of automotive rubber products including fan belts, hoses, mud flaps and even treads for tank tracks. At its peak in the 1970s, the plant employed between 1,700 and 2,000 workers said Tina Gaines, director of public affairs for Bridgestone Firestone Diversified Products.

By 1988, the plant focused exclusively “The decision to close the Noblesville on air spring suspension systems. plant was especially difficult because By June of 2008, it employed fewer we have been part of the Noblesville than 300. Firestone Workers produce tank treads during WWII community for 72 years,” said Firestone Industrial Products President Citing increased global competition Mike Cerio in statement issued last September. “But the realfrom companies with lower operating expenses overseas, ity is that the plant is no longer globally competitive.” Firestone announced last September that it would phase out

Hamilton County Business Magazine/ June • July 09


Firestone bought the 17 year old Burdick Tire Company plant in Noblesville in 1936. Starting with 77 employees, the payroll approached 2000 by the 60’s and the plant’s square footage grew tenfold as it became Hamilton County’s major manufacturer. The city even changed the name of that block of Division St. to Firestone Blvd. for a time.

springs have been built here and the payroll has dwindled to 300. The headquarters moved to Carmel five years ago.

Though Firestone is primarily associated with tires, the Noblesville plant was an industrial products factory that made about 4,000 different rubber items in addition to ten million tires annually at peak production. Gaskets, fittings, hoses, belts, bushings, mounts and many other accessories shipped from Noblesville. For the past twenty years, only air

Firestone will be fondly remembered by several generations of Hamilton County residents who either worked there or knew someone who did. Though it had its disagreements with labor over the years, the company prided itself on its good wages and benefits. It offered full tuition scholarships to employees’ children, sponsored bowling, golf and

operations by the second half of 2009. The close date has since been moved up to June 26.

Corporate Campus decision was anything but a no-brainer said Mike Jones, SMC’s national distribution director and project manager for the company’s transition to Noblesville.

While the plant had undergone regular modernizations over the years, under the current economic climate, Gaines said, the cost of further upgrades to the antiquated building “is more than we can justify.”

A Global Operation

The new SMC facility in the Noblesville Corporate Campus is the North American headquarters for the Japan-based conglomerate. Production began the first week of May. The company produces pneumatic components for a wide variety of industrial applications. It joins a growing list of over 100 companies that have found homes in the Corporate Campus. While only a short move to Noblesville from the east side of Indianapolis, the


From the booklet Firestone in Noblesville

horseshoe leagues, held an annual Christmas party for years and most recently sponsored the Keep Noblesville Beautiful program. Sources: The Story of Hamilton County by Frank S. Campbell; Firestone in Noblesville, a Firestone Industrial Products Co. publication; The Daily Ledger

“Louisville actually offered a better incentive package,” Jones said. Both cities have easy access to Interstate highways. Fed Ex and UPS also have major facilities near both locations. However, the Corporate Campus was the only site that was ready to build and met the company’s physical requirements. More importantly Jones said, the move to Noblesville would allow the company to keep its highly trained core of engineers intact as many might not have been willing to make the move across the Ohio River.

The SMC facility in the Noblesville Corporate Campus will handle as many as 100,000 different products. Storage shelves tower 25 feet above the floor. The 380,000 square-foot warehouse features motion-activated lighting to conserve energy costs.

June • July 09/Hamilton County Business Magazine

Headquarters on SMC Boulevard in Noblesville’s Corporate Campus. Mike Jones, (left) national distribution distributor, and Chad Bosler, director of production, managed SMC’s move from its old location on the east side of Indianapolis.

The plant is situated on 100 acres on the east side of Cumberland Road just north of 146th Street. Noblesville’s $10 million incentive package includes a 10-year tax abatement, extension of utilities to the facility and the construction of SMC Boulevard. For its part, the company had planned to consolidate some operations from other facilities which would create approximately 275 new job opportunities here in addition to SMC’s existing employees. However, the current economic downturn has put those plans on hold. “The economy is naturally dictating that we take a look at everything,” Jones said.

house and factory can each be doubled in size as growth dictates. SMC manufactures approximately 600,000 different products in plants worldwide. As many as 100,000 products will work their way through the Noblesville facility.

Approximately three miles of conveyors will move incoming parts and raw materials directly from the receiving docks, to a three-tiered sorting area and either into the warehouse or factory floor. Finished orders will ride the conveyors directly into trucks at the shipping docks. By today’s standards, this is pretty much

a state-of-the-art building,” Jones said. “It definitely puts us in an outstanding position to meet our customer requirements.” While SMC is now a new landmark on Noblesville’s corporate horizon, the future of the soon-to-be vacant Firestone plant remains to be seen. Gaines said the company has been approached by

parties interested in buying the building, but added Firestone officials are mindful of the long association with Noblesville and is committed to a resolution in the best interest of the company and the community. “We’re trying to be a responsible as we can,” Gaines said. v

Once things turn around, SMC will have room to grow. The massive building totals 800,000 square feet, consisting of a 380,000 square-foot warehouse and 300,000 square-foot factory. The balance is office and laboratory space. The ware-

SMC Corporation is a global manufacturing company based in Japan with 14 production facilities around the world, including two in the United States, one in Los Angeles and its new North American headquarters in Noblesville. It manufactures, distributes and sells pneumatic production equipment in 49 countries and employs more than 12,000 people around the globe. Source: SMC Corporation

Three-tiered sorting area in Noblesville plant. Hamilton County Business Magazine/ June • July 09


News What are Two Words That Best Describe Life in Hamilton County? How about Family and Sports?

Capitalizing on those assets, Westfield has its sights on becoming the Family Sports Capital of America. Mayor Andy Cook says it’s still just a concept, and has been out testing the waters and getting feedback on the initiative between Westfield and the Hamilton County Convention and Visitors Bureau. The two are creating an advisory commission to look into the idea, which is billed as the first of its kind in the nation. The development would be located on Towne Road north of 146th St. and feature facilities for all sorts of competitive sports. The mayor says research shows a need for this kind of facility, which could generate hundreds of jobs and millions of new tourism dollars.


New Hybrid Technology Unveiled System to meet that need. The technology A Noblesville company is developing hardware and software to help run the next generation of battery powered cars. As battery technology improves over the next few years, there will be a need to seamlessly shift from one power source to another. Indy Power Systems has developed the Multi-Flex Energy Management

could make electric-powered vehicles more affordable by improving their efficiency while reducing their cost. Other applications include an alternative energy grid and handheld electrical devices.

Leadership Change at Community Health

Brian Mills Senior Hardware Engineer Quentin Kramer demonstrates the Multi-Flex system shifting from a 55 volt lithium ion battery to 48 volt lead acid battery.

June • July 09/Hamilton County Business Magazine

Kyle Fisher

Bryan Mills was selected as the new president and CEO-elect of the Community Health Network, replacing William Corley, who is retiring after 25 years at the helm.

News A Noblesville resident, Mills has been with Community for 24 years, most recently as CEO of Visionary Enterprises, Inc., a forprofit affiliate of Community Health that develops and manages health care ventures. Kyle Fisher, formerly COO of VEI was promoted to CEO, replacing Mills.

Using Stimulus Funds for Green Projects

The publisher of the Indiana Green Pages is organizing a seminar for the construction industry to learn how to use federal stimulus funds for green projects. Emerald Healthy Environments, LLC is assembling a panel of state officials to inform the local business community about available funds for weatherization and energy efficiency programs. The session is June 11th at the Indianapolis Columbia Club and there is a charge. Register and more info: http://indianagreenbusiness.eventbrite.com/.

Super Lawyers Taps Seven at Campbell Kyle Proffitt

The 2009 Indiana Super Lawyers Magazine selected seven attorneys from Campbell Kyle Proffitt LLP. Managing Partner Deborah L. Farmer, was the only attorney from a Hamilton County based firm to be selected as one of the Top 50 lawyers and Top 25 female lawyers in the State of Indiana. Other Super Lawyers selected were John D. Proffitt (civil litigation – defense) and William E. Wendling, Jr. (general litigation). Four were selected as Rising Stars – Deborah L. Farmer Stephenie K. Gookins (criminal defense), John S. Terry (estate planning and probate), Amy E. Higdon (family law) and Rodney T. Sarkovics (family law).

Employee Health Clinic Opens in Fishers

Fishers has opened an employee health clinic that’s forecast to save the town more than $1 million over the next three years. Employees and their dependents

Fishers opens its new employee health facility.

on the town’s health care plan can use the facility and receive medications free of charge. The town saves money because the medications are generic and the clinic’s physicians cost the town much

Martin Deafenbaugh, MD Orthopedic Surgery Specializing in Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine and General Orthopedics & Medical Director of

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Call toll free: (877) 366-BONE (2663)

Hamilton County’s Only Locally Owned Bank 830 Logan Street • Noblesville • 773-0800 8 Convenient Hamilton County Locations cbindianaonline.com Hamilton County Business Magazine/ June • July 09


Experience the charm in Historic Downtown Noblesville

Schedule of Events First Fridays

The first Friday of every month on the Noblesville Square 5pm-8pm � June 5-Hot Air Day � July 3-The 4th on the 3rd � August 7-Float to the Finish � Sept 4-Upstairs Downtown � Oct 2-Fall Festival � Nov 6-Soup Cook-off � Dec 4-Holidays Downtown

Farmers Market

News less than visits to private physicians. A task force of six employees came up with the idea and teamed up with Novia Care to staff the clinic. The goal is to improve overall employee wellness while curtailing high health costs. The clinic is in the train station across the street from Town Hall.

Administrative Officers Look for Efficiencies

Fishers Town Manager Gary A. Huff has organized a working group of the chief administrative officers of Fishers, Carmel, Westfield, Noblesville, and Hamilton County to discuss collaborative opportunities, best practices, and cooperative purchasing. The group also includes: • Bruce Hauk, Westfield Deputy Mayor • Rusty Bodenhorn, Noblesville Administrative Officer

Every Saturday through October 31 8am-12:30pm Riverview parking lot west of Conner St. Bridge

Jazz Squared

Every other Friday June 12 through September 18 7pm-9:30pm Historic Courthouse Lawn Bring your Lawn Chair!

Art and Crafts on the Square

Every second Saturday June 13 through October 10 10am-4pm Historic Courthouse Lawn

Annual Street Dance

Saturday, July 25 4pm-11pm On the Courthouse Square For more info contact Noblesville Main Street 776-0205 www.noblesville.biz/nmainstreet/


June • July 09/Hamilton County Business Magazine

• Fred Swift, Hamilton County Administrative Assistant • Steve Engelking, Carmel Director of Administration

Inspirations merges with Prevail

Inspirations of Hamilton County, a non-profit organization serving victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse, has merged with Prevail, the Noblesville-based Sharon Kleinman crime victim advocacy group. Susan E. Kleinman, Inspirations’ employment coordinator, joins Prevail in a similar capacity.


Entrepreneurial Moms with Heart by Shari Held

Anne Paluszny (left) and Lori McDonough

Just because you’re a stay-at-home mom doesn’t mean you can’t have a career—and a fun and rewarding one at that! Last year, two Carmel women, writer Anne Paluszny and illustrator Lori McDonough, joined forces to create Blooming Heart Books, a series of “how-to” picture books for children ages three- to eight-years-old. The first book in the series, Getting to the Heart of Complimenting, was released (very appropriately) on Valentine’s Day. Others are due to be released later this year.

Labor of love

Like any responsible parent, Paluszny wanted to teach her four children healthy behaviors in a way they would both understand and enjoy. Four years ago, when all of her children were under the age of eight years, she wrote her first book. “The concept was a way to offer a visual for my children on good and bad behavior,” Paluszny says. “I would talk

to them in terms of how big their heart was at any given moment. If they were sharing and playing nice I’d tell them how big their hearts were, and when they weren’t so nice I would tell them their hearts weren’t so big at the time. Playing that game with them became a way for me to constantly point out the behaviors that grow heart.”

child was born. Writing proved to be the means for her to continue her career while raising her family. Still, it took awhile to turn her writing into a commercial venture. Her search for someone who could visually bring her characters to life led her to Lori McDonough, a former advertising specialist turned stay-at-home mom of three. “It was love at first sight, and we got to work right away,” says Paluszny who had interviewed several illustrators, searching for just the right one. “We got the first book done in a year.”

Paluszny soon followed her first book with two others. Each book in the series will focus on one value such as respect, sharing and forgiving, providing parents and educators with a visual way to teach core values to children while tying them to healthy behaviors.

Car pool queens and career women

Writing was a natural transition for Paluszny, who graduated from the University of Michigan armed with a bachelor’s degree in political science and communications and a master’s degree in English and communications from Eastern Michigan University. She enjoyed a career in corporate public relations until her first

Hamilton County Business Magazine/ June • July 09


Profile Like Paluszny, McDonough, a Purdue University graduate who majored in visual communications design and minored in photography, wanted to have more control over her career while parenting her children. She had an additional motivation: Her engineer husband had been downsized from two companies in the space of one year. The two women began meeting weekly in Carmel venues—restaurants and the library—filling in with email messages

Donough developed drawings of 100 unique characters, each numbered, and she and Paluszny communicated backand-forth until the characters embodied Paluszny’s vision.

“We are just now kicking off our preschool and elementary school illustrator and author visits,” Paluszny says. “We do a book reading and talk to the kids about writing and illustrating.”

“It started out as a business relationship, but it has developed into a friendship,” McDonough says. “We are both working around motherhood. We are both car pool queens, taking our kids to sports and other activities.”

They’ve had help along the way from the Carmel library staff, Borders, Serendipity and Kits and Kaboodle. The owner of Bub’s Café, one of their regular meeting spots, even offered his restaurant for their events. “The businesses in Carmel have been fantastic to us,” McDonough says. “People have really bent over backwards to help out the locals. I am so proud to live here.”

after their kids went to bed. Sometimes they couldn’t meet until 9:00 at night and would still be emailing each other at 1:00 in the morning. Paluszny knew she wanted six children and one teacher in a school setting that will carry through the entire series. Mc-

Community effort

The partners hired a local publicist to reach out to national newspapers and magazines to promote their book, but they also did signings at local book stores and children’s stores and attended the Indiana Association of Young Educators Conference.

Paluszny agrees. “We have been backed from the get-go,” she says. “This end product is something the whole community can be proud of. It’s all about character development, virtues and oldfashioned values. This is a good reflection on the city of Carmel.” v

Modern and Spacious Office and Retail Spaces for Lease Come and experience the modern conveniences and décor of the Model Mill Building.

Including internet, surveillance, elevator and parking. Close to downtown Noblesville. Single rooms and suites up to 15,000 sq. ft. in a loft atmosphere

Call 317.340.4802

Noblesville’s Historic

Model Mill Building 802 Mulberry Street, Noblesville, Indiana 46060


June • July 09/Hamilton County Business Magazine

Al-Basha is Falafel-fabulous

Dining Out

Middle-Eastern destination is restaurant, grocery and bakery By Mike Magan Photos by Bobbie Sutton “Falafel-fabulous” is a phrase not found in the dictionary or even in a casual Google search. Since words can’t describe the unexpected experience that is Al-Basha of Fishers, falafel-fabulous will have to do.

Jordan, and the Arab sections of Jerusalem are represented on the menu of the restaurant and grocery store, which occupy two-thirds of the strip-mall just south of 116th and Allisonville at 11321 Village Square. Its trademark falafel in a madefrom scratch pita, or pocket bread, is unlike any in the area. Hoosiers from Plainfield and even Chicagoans who have plenty of falafel favorites make the trek to Al-Basha for the food and the groceries.

Grocery Store The falafel (pronounced fuh-LAH-fuhl) is a middle-eastern creation of spiced mashed chickpeas formed into balls, or fritters, and deep-fried - usually eaten with or in pita bread. But a dictionary definition fails to mention the hundreds of years of alternative spices and preparation methods that make falafel unique to the region tied to the chef who makes them. Actually Al-Basha is much like a falafel, forged from a history of decades-old family traditions that origi-

A simple definition for an ethnic grocery store could be “an establishment that sells a majority of goods that originate outside the United States.” Simply put, if the only language you know is English or Spanish, you will need to ask Abdel or one of his delightful staff for a translation of most product labels.

Bakery nated in Middle-Eastern countries. Here are some descriptive words and phrases that came close, but fail to encompass all that is Al-Basha:

The same warm pita bread that wrapped the falafel is available on the grocery side for $4.00. You can pick up a wide variety of olives that are unique when compared to even the most upscale of Hamilton County grocery stores.



Proprietor Marwan Abdel is a Palestinian born in Kuwait. He explained the gulf countries of Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and

Perhaps this is a more marketable term than “middle-eastern,” but Al-Basha is incorrectly described by food sites and even

reviews in other publications this way. The gracious Abdel isn’t too tied to descriptions, just making sure his guests are happy and have what they drove 40-100 or more miles to find.

In the nearly two years Al-Basha has been in business, Abdel said died-in-the-wool Hoosiers and middle-eastern transplants alike seem to have embraced him and his business. Al-Basha is homegrown in Fishers, yet fills its shelves and menu with goods most popular in countries 3000 miles away. “The food is good and that staff is great,” said Jamie Hastings a Conner Prairie employee and Al-Basha buff. “It’s got a trendy/city feel yet is in Fishers”. Abdel shared that “Fishers and all of Central Indiana have blessed me with success,” as well as a growing catering business. “We grew up and developed here in times of economic uncertainty and a recession, yet the community still embraced us,” said Abdel. With an economy on the mend in the coming year and Al-Basha’s continuing popularity, it seems a planned Al-Basha expansion will be coming at the right time.

Hamilton County Business Magazine/ June • July 09


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June• •July July09/Hamilton 09/HamiltonCounty CountyBusiness BusinessMagazine Magazine June



Hamilton North Chamber 70 N. Byron Street Cicero, IN 46034 317-984-4079


Upcoming Events! JUNE 2009

Tuesday, June 2, Chamber Luncheon, 11:30 am,

Atlanta Banquet Hall, Program: “Walk Down Main Street” including stops at AppleTree Photographers for a complimentary business portrait and Atlanta Mercantile and Whistle Stop Soda Shoppe, RSVP by Wednesday, May 27

Tuesday, June 9, 12:00 pm Registration,

Hamilton Heights Educational Foundation Golf Outing co-sponsored by Hamilton North Chamber of Commerce, Bear Slide Golf Club, Cicero

Chamber members from Hamilton North and Noblesville Chambers get together for a Networking Breakfast at Wolfie’s Waterfront Grill

Saturday, June 20, Paddlefest, 9:00 am

Community Canoe Trip down the White River, includes breakfast, canoe/kayak rental, lunch and goodies! Visit www.HamiltonNorthChamber.com for more details!

Cindy White, First Merchants and Terra Hicks, Star Media enjoy the Open House hosted by SaucePan Creative

Bell of Recognition 2nd Quarter

Jake Doll, Sandol & Associates, received the 2nd Quarter Bell of Recognition from Debbie Beaudin, Ambassador Committee Chair .

JULY 2009

Friday, July 3 - Sunday, July 5

Indiana Conservation Officer Scott McDaniel was the April luncheon speaker. His topic was Boating Safety.

Jeff Lingenfelter, Lakeview Marina, presents the Business Spotlight at the April Luncheon at Harbour Trees Golf Club

Lights Over Morse Lake and Cicero’s 175th Anniversary Celebration, Visit www.LightsOverMorseLake.com for more details!

Tuesday, July 7 - Chamber Luncheon, 11:30 am

Red Bridge Park Community Building, Speaker: Rachel Mahl, Accent on Business, RSVP by Wednesday, July 1

Hamilton North Chamber Scholarship Winner Announced Kelley Sheller, a senior at Hamilton Heights High School, is the 2009 winner of the Chamber scholarship. Kelley will be attending Indiana University this fall majoring in pre-medicine. We wish Kelley and her classmates best wishes!

June • July 09/Hamilton County Business Magazine

Dr. Richard Hayes, Clarian Health Cicero and ICO Scott McDaniels discuss boater safety issues at the April Luncheon New members introduced at April Chamber Luncheon:

Gabrielle Sauce, SaucePan Creative

Mark Kuiper, Cambria Suites

Michelle Woods, Mary Kay Cosmetics

Upcoming Events!

JUNE 2009

June 3 – Chamber University ~ 8:00 a.m. Marketing & Sales Promotion Chamber Office - 601 E. Conner Street

June 11 – NetWORKS! ~ 8:00 a.m.

Mudsock’s Grill -14741 Hazel Dell Crossing, Suite 1000

June 18 – Business After Hours ~ 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Paradise Bakery - Hamilton Town Center 13230 Harrell Parkway, Suite 400

July 9 – NetWORKS! ~ 8:00 a.m.

The Hamilton Restaurant - 933 Conner Street

July 16 – Business After Hours ~ 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Bold Core Response - 20935 S.R. 19

July 22 – Membership Breakfast ~ 7:30 a.m. Purgatory Golf Club - 12160 E. 216th Street

August 4 – 20th Annual Golf Classic

Pebble Brook Golf Course - 3110 Westfield Road

Harbour Trees Golf Club - 333 Regents Park Lane


Best of Show Award sponsors were Chamber Legacy Partners Community Bank - Riverview Hospital Spotlight Award sponsor - First Merchants Bank People’s Choice Award sponsor - Duke Energy Bistro Award sponsor - Logan Street Signs & Banners Print sponsor - PIP Printing - Water Sponsor - Kinetico


Bistro Award to Jackie Knowles with Qdoba Mexican Grill.

COMMUNITY PRIDE AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE for March was presented to Eddie Mode, Eddie’s Corner Café in recognition of the heart he has for helping people.

Chamber President Sharon McMahon presented Cindy White, Jonathan Hunt and Lindsay Sweet with First Merchants Bank - the People’s Choice Award!

Brittany Green accepted the Spotlight Award for the most creative booth on behalf of Blown Away Hair Salon.

Seek out our new members at the next Chamber event you attend and help make them feel welcome!

Scott Tyree and Jeff Williams with Financial Forms and Systems; Tanya Marshall with Heavenly Sweets; Christine Pruett, Shirley and John West with Torch of Life.


Eighty-one vendors entertained over 500 attendees at the 8th annual event on March 31.

Fred Knoll and Brett Cadwell, White River Christian Church, Best of Show!

Noblesville Chamber 601 Conner Street Noblesville, IN 46060 317-773-0086


June 24 – Membership Breakfast ~ 7:30 a.m.

JULY 2009

Andy Cochran with Advanced Physical Therapy; Joshua Sanchez with Debasa Custom Jewelers; Mike Corbett with Hamilton County Business Magazine; Ed Cohee with The Frederick-Talbott Inn; Jayne Moore with Golden Corral; Michael Kilpatrick with Kilpatrick Traditions, LLC, Custom Cabinetry, Furniture and Doors. Hamilton County Business Magazine/ June • July 09


Sheridan Chamber 407 S. Main Street P.O. Box 202 Sheridan, IN 46069 317-758-1311

Upcoming Chamber Luncheons Randy Crutchfield - Vectren Thursday, June 25, 2009 ~ 11:30 – 12:30p.m.



The Daily Grind Coffee Shop & Bakery, 415 S. Main St

The Sheridan Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome a new business to Sheridan on Main Street.

Fringe Micro 300 S. Main St., Sheridan

Kyle Malott - Main Street Power Mail Thursday, July 23, 2009 ~ 11:30 – 12:30p.m. Scotty’s Restaurant , 401 S. Main St.

Chamber Events

Owners of the businees are Aaron and George Cooper. They specialize in computer repair, customize, upgrades and sales. 317/496-5007 or 317/828-3666 or 317/522-7176 Stop in for a cup of coffee and visit!

New Chamber Members Sheridan Chamber 2nd Annual Golf Classic Friday, July 24, 2009

Wood Wind Golf Club 2302 W. 161st Street, Westfield Foursomes, Sponsors, Volunteers, and Door Prizes needed! Contact the Chamber office at 317/758-1311!

4th of July CELEBRATION - 2009 Biddle Memorial Park Sheridan, IN

Enjoy a fun day of celebration in Sheridan. Start off the day with a parade and end the day with fireworks.


New Business in Sheridan

There’s entertainment galore from singing and dancing to an Antique Tracker Show. There are also many contests like Ping-Pong Ball Drop, Karaoke and Watermelon Eating Contest. June • July 09/Hamilton County Business Magazine

Angie Sutton State Farm Insurance

Angie Sutton 317/773-1900 121 S. Harbor Dr., Noblesville, IN 46062

Affordable Trees, LLC

John Urhahn 317/758-2000 1411 West 236th Street, Sheridan, IN 46069

Good Samaritan Network

Nancy Chance 317/842-2603 12933 Parkside Dr., Fishers, IN 46038

Hamilton County Area Neighborhood Development, Inc.(HAND)

Sage Hales 317/773-5110 x106 320 Kings Lane, Noblesville, IN 46060


Harold Allen 317/873-6397 250 S. Elm St., Zionsville, IN 46077


6th Annual Golf Outing ~ June 1st

The Bridgewater Club Call the Chamber office for availability. 317-804-3030

Economic Development Meeting Monday, June 8th ~ 11:30 a.m

Energy Issues and how they affect communities such as Westfield - presented by Kevin Neal, Duke Energy Old Country Buffet Westfield Business Center Room ~ Village Park Plaza

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard The Bridgewater Club - 161st and Carey Road ~ Westfield

Connect 2! Thursday, June 18th ~ 5:00 -7:00 p.m.

Economic Development Meeting Monday, July 6th ~ 11:30 a.m Old Country Buffet

Topic: 2009 U.S. Senior Open July 27 – August 2 Crooked Stick Golf Club - Carmel. Indiana

Monthly Membership Luncheon Thursday, July 23rd ~ 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Estridge was selected to build the dream home for the show’s season finale. Wood Wind Golf Club 2302 W 161st Street - Westfield

Montgomery Aviation

Dan & Andi Montgomery own and operate Montgomery Aviation, the FBO at Indianapolis Executive Airport. The Montgomery’s hosted the Westfield Chamber membership for lunch at the Airport where they presented the positive economic impact aviation has in Hamilton County.

Mayor Andy Cook joins LA Fitness Manager Nick Bowyer, Sr. VP for Thompson Thrift OJ Stocker, Westfield Chamber Director Julie Sole, along with guests cut the ribbon to celebrate the opening of LA Fitness in Thompson Thrift’s Cool Creek Village Shops in Westfield.

Dan & Andi Montgomery, President and VP-Operations Manager Nick Bowyer, LA Fitness representatives and the personal training team

Rainbow Child Development Center Staff along with City and Chamber representatives, cut the ribbon to celebrate the opening of this beautiful center located in Westfield Marketplace on east SR 32.

Angelo Robles (Market Manager for Indy North) Tracy Livingston (Store Manager) Matt Pfeiffer (Store Manager) Wyman Eckelbarger (Store Manager - Westfield) Jarrett Culler (Store Manager) Mayor Andy Cook Adora Merriwether (Sales Rep - Westfield) Casey Spivey (Sales Rep ) Carey Landis (Sales Leader) Donnie Duncan (Store Manager)


Business After Hours Carmel & Westfield Chambers of Commerce - Clay Terrace


Monthly Membership Luncheon Thursday, June 18th ~ 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

JULY 2009

Westfield Chamber 130 Penn Street P.O. Box 534 Westfield, IN 46074 317-804-3030

Connect 2! brought members of the Westfield and Carmel Chambers together at Kelties in Downtown Westfield.

David Willis and Steve Golden Dr. David Sullivan and Joshua Carr Debbi Smith and Brian Koning Hamilton County Business Magazine/ June • July 09


Calendar This information is accurate as of press time. Please check chamber websites for updates.

JUNE Monday, 1st 11:00 Westfield 6th Annual Golf Outing Bridgewater Club Tuesday, 2nd 11:30 Hamilton North Luncheon Atlanta Banquet Hall Wednesday, 3rd 8am Noblesville Chamber University Chamber Office Thursday, 4th 7:30-9am Carmel-Indianapolis Joint Networking Breakfast Radisson Hotel Monday, 8th 11:30-1 Westfield Economic Development Committee Old Country Buffet Tuesday, 9th Noon Hamilton North 20th Annual Golf Outing Bear Slide Golf Club, Cicero Wednesday, 10th Noon-1:30 Carmel Luncheon Mansion at Oak Hill Thursday, 11th 8am Noblesville NetWORKS! Mudsocks Thursday, 11th 6pm Fishers Young Professionals Group Social Fionn MacCools Wednesday, 17th 11:30-1 Fishers Luncheon Forum Conference Center Thursday, 18th 11-1 Westfield Luncheon Bridgewater Club Thursday, 18th 5-7 Carmel and Westfield Connect 2! Business After Hours Clay Terrace


Thursday, 18th 4:30-6:30 Noblesville Business After Hours Paradise Bakery

Thursday, 16th 4:30-6:30 Noblesville Business After Hours Bold Core Response

Saturday, 20th 9am Hamilton North Paddlefest White River Campground

Wednesday 15th 7:30-9am Business Over Bagels Baker and Daniels

Wednesday, 24th 11:30 Noblesville Luncheon Harbour Trees Golf Club

Wednesday 22th 7:30am Noblesville Breakfast Purgatory Golf Club

Wednesday 24th 4:30-6:30 Fishers Business After Hours Sunblest Apartments

Wednesday 22nd 4:30-6:30 Fishers Business After Hours EF Marburger

Thursday, 25th 11:30-12:30 Sheridan Luncheon The Daily Grind

Thursday, 23rd 11-1 Westfield Luncheon Wood Wind Golf Club

Thursday, 25th 11:00 Carmel 24th Annual Golf Classic Woodland Country Club

Thursday 23rd 11:30-12:30 Sheridan Luncheon Scotty’s Restaurant

JULY Wednesday, 1st 8-9:30am Fishers Morning Motivator Arnie’s Restaurant Monday, 6th 11:30 Westfield Economic Development Committee Old Country Buffet Tuesday, 7th 11:30 Hamilton North Luncheon Red Bridge Park Wednesday, 8th Noon-1:30 Carmel Luncheon Ritz Charles Thursday, 9th 8am Noblesville NetWORKS! Hamilton Restaurant Wednesday 15th 11:30-1 Fishers Luncheon Forum Conference Center

June • July 09/Hamilton County Business Magazine

Friday, 24th 11:00 Sheridan 2nd Annual Golf Classic Wood Wind Golf Club For more information on these events please contact the chambers at these numbers:

Carmel Chamber of Commerce 846-1049 www.carmelchamber.com Fishers Chamber of Commerce 578-0700 www.fisherschamber.com Hamilton North Chamber of Commerce 984-4079 www.hamiltonnorthchamber.com Noblesville Chamber of Commerce 773-0086 www.noblesvillechamber.com Sheridan Chamber of Commerce 758-1311 www.sheridanchamber.org Westfield Chamber of Commerce 804-3030 www.westfield-chamber.org

Hamilton County History David Heighway

The Mills at Clare The White River at Clare in Noblesville Township has been used as water power for industry since the first settlement of the county. Although the construction and ownership of the first mills in the area is unclear, they were always known as the “Conner Mills”. The first mill may have been constructed by William Foster around 1820. It was a grist mill with a dam made from brush wood. The mill was eventually owned by William Conner. The land surrounding the mill was not purchased from the government until 1832, when it was bought by Elijah Redmon and Bicknell Cole.

William Conner’s son, W. W. Conner, built a woolen mill in this area in 1845. It was damaged a few years later during one of the great floods. Smaller floods and freshets were constantly damaging the mill dam. The mill had been rebuilt into a large five-story building by 1866. By 1874, an entire milling complex had grown up with a grist mill for both wheat and corn, a woolen mill, and a saw mill. The millrace for these buildings had been cut into the solid limestone bedrock. A solid wooden dam was probably in use by this time. The village that had grown up around the milling complex established a post office in 1878 and named itself Clare.

However, by this time, steam power was allowing mills to be built closer to towns and railroads. In Noblesville in the 1890s, the giant Model Milling Company was built by the Marmon family. Clare was no longer a convenient place to bring crops and the complex was abandoned and neglected. The Clare post office closed in 1902. In 1908, the remaining buildings of the old mill complex were torn down and the wood reused for a hydroelectric dam project near Noblesville – which eventually failed. In 1922, Alex Holliday surveyed the site of the old mill complex and decided it would be a good spot for another try at a hydroelectric dam. This one was successful, which led to the construction of the community at Riverwood. The hydroelectric power was considered inadequate by 1950, so a new coal-fired steam powered plant was built on a nearby hill. It used the water impounded by the dam for making steam. Eventually the hydroelectric plant was shut down. A local group was organized in 2001 to restore it as a historical site. The steam plant was expanded in 2002 to make more electricity using natural gas. It continues to use the water impounded by the dam and so continues the tradition of industry at this site on the White River.

Postcard showing the mill and the wooden dam, far left. There is no longer a trace of either one.

David Heighway is the Hamilton County historian.

Image courtesy of Jae Ebert

Hamilton County Business Magazine/ June • July 09


Book Mark Are you working IN your business or ON your business? E-Myth Revisited Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber Review by Jake Doll

This book is a classic for anyone thinking about starting a business or currently running a business. Up to half of start ups fail the first year with 90% to 95% failing within ten years, often because of management mistakes. Most owners start as hands-on technicians and not as entrepreneurs, even though they think they are entrepreneurs. Gerber argues that more would survive if more owners grew from technician to entrepreneur.

Basic Concepts and Principles

Most new businesses are started by people who are skilled at what they do, whether they are a tool & die maker or a physician. Technicians understand their skill, but not necessarily how to run a business. Gerber says building a business takes three skill sets in these proportions: • Entrepreneur 33% - Supplies the vision. • Manager 33% - Supplies order and systems. • Technician 33% - Supplies the output. Unfortunately, the typical business builder personality is: • Entrepreneur 10% • Manager 20% • Technician 70%

...more businesses would survive if more owners grew from technician to entrepreneur... Gerber argues the beginning technician is working IN the business and is not evolving to the entrepreneur level of working ON the business. He describes three phases of growth: • Infancy: the technician is the business and tries to do everything alone. Infancy ends when the owner realizes the business cannot continue as it is in this stage. • Adolescent: growing beyond the comfort zone. This stage challenges the owner to develop new skills, ask for outside help, or any other assistance to move the business forward. Most small businesses in America today are in the Infancy and Adolescent stages, according to Gerber. • Maturity: reached when the owner realizes how he/she got to their current business position and have an accurate understanding of what they must do to move forward.


June • July 09/Hamilton County Business Magazine

The Franchise Perspective

Gerber stresses the need to develop a business that is systemsdependent rather than expert-dependent. This involves developing a formal, written Operations Manual detailing all factors in the business so it delivers uniform and predictable service time after time. McDonalds is an example of how a perfected operation can be repeated thousands of times worldwide.

The Business Development Process

Gerber then outlines the foundations of a dynamic and flexible organization. Three activities: Innovation, Quantification, and Orchestration, provide the power to make changes and move forward. The Business Development Process involves the following seven steps. • Primary Aim • Strategic Objective • Organization Strategy • Management Strategy • People Strategy • Marketing Strategy • Systems Strategy This process and its detailed seven steps are the basic research activities that are required to develop an eventual business plan for the organization. In the past, I have seen many businesses fail because of poor or non-existent planning. Research shows that most businesses today have no formal business plan. Planning takes time and it forces an owner to think and analyze all the steps through the process as well as developing personally. The E-Myth helps do that. One of our wise founding fathers once said “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” This book is a must read for every business owner! Jake Doll is President of Sandol & Associates, a business advisor providing “Value” to success-oriented business owners.

Have you read a good business book lately? Share your thoughts with others and help spread good advice. Send your book review to news@hamiltoncountybusiness.com and we may run it in a future edition.


Signs and Banners

River Edge Professional Center and River Edge Market Place Noblesville, IN Call John Landy at 317-289-7662 jcl@roamermaritime.com

Logan Street Signs & Banners 1720 South 10th Street, Noblesville, IN 317-773-7200 Open M-F 7-5 www.loganstreetsigns.com www.noblesvilletrophies.com www.noblesville.com

65,000 square feet of flexible floor plans. Design and build to your specifications. Time Share space available. Retail space also available from 1,600 square feet up. Easy access and abundant parking! High speed internet. 3 minutes from Riverview Hospital.

Computer Consulting

Accounting & Bookkeeping Services ProStar Consulting, Inc. 130 W. Jackson Street, Cicero, IN 317-984-4141 www.consultwithprostar.com

ProStar Consulting, Inc. offers all of the services that you would expect from a Bookkeeper or Controller/ CFO of an organization. We provide cost-effective, outsourced accounting and financial consulting services that profitably satisfy your daily accounting demands while aligning with the specific goals and missions of your business. Our passion is accounting. Our services are your financial gain.

Digitally printed signs and banners of any size, vehicle wraps and graphics, T-shirt printing, laser engraving. Great customer service, fast turn-around. Family Owned and Operated. Serving Noblesville and Hamilton County since 1992. Also home of Noblesville Trophies 773-7391 Open M-F 9-6 Sat. 10-2

Compumed 802 Mulberry Street Noblesville, IN Suite BB3 317.340.4802 Rocky@compumed-indy.com

benefitting the Lights Over Morse Lake • Business Computer Hardware and Software Installation • Custom Application Development • On-Site Support and Service

Registration: 10:00 - 11:00am at Wolfies Waterfront Grill June 6th, 2009 (Raindate June 7th, 2009, or June 13th, 2009)

Poker Run: begins at 11:00am ends at 3:00pm Stop points to be given out at Wolfies day of the event.

Freelance Graphic Design Mezign Design 11505 River Drive East Carmel, IN Call Melanie at 317-846-5379 malinsky58@sbcglobal.net

Pre-Register and get 5 FREE RAFFLE TICKETS!!!

Mezign Design offers graphic design services for anything from business cards to billboards, specializing in print and web advertising. Reasonable rates, modern design and fast turnaround. 14 years creative experience and I can dial up the creativity to match your needs. Photographer available. Give Mezign Design a try. You’ll be glad you did.

Registration Form link:

Additional questions about the poker run may be e-mailed to pokerrun@lightsovermorselake.com or call Derrick Niemann, 317.590.3783.

The Sky is the Limit!

http://lightsovermorselake.com/pdfs/ MLPR2009Registration.pdf

Prevail and the Riverview Hospital Medical Staff Present:

Reds, Whites & Blues

Sunday, August 30, 2009, 5:30- 8:30 p.m. at the Ritz Charles in Carmel.

Register now for this sell-out event. Call 317-773-6942 or log on to www.prevailinc.com

Hamilton County Business Magazine/ June • July 09




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First came CPR. Then shock paddles. After having gone into cardiac arrest, Dawn was alive. For now. Next came the really scary part. Signing over custody of her 10-year old daughter… “just in case.” What followed was the choreography of physicians, nurses and specialists. It wasn’t about awards. Or hospital bragging rights. It was about saving a woman’s life. The airlift to The Indiana Heart Hospital was urgent. ER talked to the flight paramedics. The flight paramedics talked to the cardiologist. And the cardiologist then talked to the critical care specialist, the surgeon and the neurologist. Finally, when she opened her eyes, Dawn talked to her daughter. There is no medical marvel to report here. No scientific breakthrough. Only a chain of highly coordinated care that let doctors stay connected to doctors. And let a little girl stay connected to her mother.

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