Hamilton County Business Magazine April/May 2019

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APRIL • MAY 2019

Noblesville Bakery Finds National Niche


• Improving the Performance Review • Field Brewing • In Search of the Central Canal Jennifer Wiese Wiese Jennifer BeeFree Gluten Gluten Free Free Bakery Bakery BeeFree


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• SMAll BuSineSS ServiceS • BuSineSS vAluAtion • not-for-Profit ServiceS • eStAte PlAnning • PAyroll & BookkeePing • inveStMent MAnAgeMent • retireMent PlAnning



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April • May 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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April / May 2019


BeeFree Gluten Free Products

Published six times per year by the Hamilton County Media Group PO Box 502, Noblesville, IN 46061 317-774-7747 EDITOR/PUBLISHER



Mike Corbett

mcorbett@hamiltoncountybusiness.com CREATIVE DIRECTOR

Bridget Gurtowsky


Local Bakery, National Impact





Dining Out: Field Brewing



Chamber Pages

CORRESPONDENTS Chris Bavender crbavender@gmail.com Ann Craig-Cinnamon jandacinnamon@aol.com John Cinnamon jlcinnamon@aol.com Susan Hoskins Miller skhmiller@gmail.com Stephanie Miller sccwriter-@gmail.com Samantha Hyde samantharhyde@gmail.com Patricia Pickett pickettwrites@gmail.com

Management Dr. Charles Waldo


Ethics Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow


Technology J. David Shinn


History David Heighway

CONTRIBUTORS David Heighway heighwayd@earthlink.net J. David Shinn david@shinntechnology.com Robby Slaughter rslaughter@accelawork.com Dr. Charles Waldo cnwaldo@comcast.net Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow cfwester@iupui.edu

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Cover photo by Stan Gurka 4

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April • May 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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April • May 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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Management Charles Waldo

Deming’s 14 Points for Better Quality They might seem obvious but… Dr. W. Edwards Deming is given much credit by Japanese industrial companies for helping them convert from WW II military production to a fast-paced, high quality product orientation in both consumer (think automobiles and electronics) and industrial segments (think robots and machine tools).

The following is a condensation of Deming’s article (his words are in italics). The 14 Points are the basis for transformation of American business and industry, he writes. He adds, Adoption of and action on the 14 Points are a signal that the management intends to stay in business and aims to protect investors and jobs.

Point 3 – Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate mass inspection by designing and building quality into parts and processes in the first place. Company purchasing personnel and outside vendors must thoroughly understand and adhere to rigorous statistical process control (SPC) methodology.

Because the U.S. mainland was physically untouched by the war and there were plenty of consumers with sizable savings and pent-up demand, American manufacturers went all out for volume. Quality was not Job #1 in the early post-war years. They came to regret this decision.

Point 1 – Top management must create a constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service, with the aims to become fiercely competitive, to stay in business, and

Point 4 – End the practice of awarding business solely on the basis of lowest price tag. The number of suppliers must be continually winnowed down to those relatively few who constantly demonstrate they can and do meet new, ever-higher, total quality and ever-lower total cost standards. Only the very best vendors will survive.

Deming’s fame spread and he was in high demand as a speaker and teacher to thousands of executives and managers, initially on Statistical Process Control (SPC) and, later, on more general management and leadership issues. The Japanese were and are so appreciative of his work that each year there is intense competition for the Deming Prize for Quality.

awarding business solely on the basis of

Deming’s 14 Points for Management As Deming worked with both Japanese and U.S. companies, he saw that SPC was just one tool of many required for a company to run profitably over the long haul. He developed a lecture and article on this macro approach to achieving quality titled 14 Points for Management. Subtitled There is no such thing as instant pudding, his admonitions are just as relevant to the business person today as they were twenty or forty years ago.


End the practice of

lowest price tag. provide jobs. Sufficient resources must be allocated for long-term planning and implementation of new processes, for new equipment and materials, for on-going training and re-training of personnel, and for the right products and services that meet the needs of your customers better than the next guy. Point 2 – Adopt the new philosophy. American industry can no longer live with here-to-fore commonly accepted levels of mistakes, defects, materials not suited to the job, equipment out of order, personnel not thoroughly knowing their jobs, and ineffective supervision. We live in a new economic age.

Point 5 – Improve constantly and forever the new system of production and service to improve quality and productivity, and thus constantly decrease costs. Management must provide the training and resources needed to make corrections. Point 6 – Institute continuous training. Training at ALL levels must be done both in the classroom AND in the field or on the shop floor. Employees must be given the tools to recognize problems as they begin to emerge or, better, before they hatch and be able to make necessary corrections. Point 7 – Institute front-line leadership – The “system” is usually the culprit when errors occur, not the front-liners. Supervisors must train their teams to spot problems early and, if they can’t fix them, to get the help that can. Supervisors must have the time to do this and not be loaded down with unproductive meetings and mountains of paperwork.

April • May 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

Point 10 – Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the work force asking for such Point 8 – Drive out fear, so that evachievements as zero defects and eryone can work more effectively and very high levels of productivity. Such efficiently. Too many workers do not unexhortations can create adversarial derstand what the job is, how to do it right relationships, as the bulk of the causes of the first time, what happens if there are low productivity belong to the “system” problems, and how to seek help. Workers (which includes management) and thus don’t report things that are out of order or are beyond the power of the work force don’t make sense, fearing repercussions. to change. This fear must stop and it is management’s duty to open communications and Point 11 – Eliminate quotas and change negative working conditions. management by objectives (MBO). (What would Dr. Peter Drucker, a Point 9 – Break down barriers staunch advocate of MBO have to say?) between departments, units, and Focus on creating work environments divisions. People from inter-dependent that allow people to do their best, enjoy functions stay buried in their individual their work, and keep them with the “silos” when they should be communicatcompany. Allow all to be winners, not ing regularly. Managers must get into the just a few at the top. field or onto the production floor to see Points 12, 13, and 14 – Are similar first-hand what is going on. (The Japato each other and some previous nese call this “going to the Gemba.” You ones and focus on building work might use the term MBWA – “Management By Walking Around.”) Bonuses and environments that encourage cooperation, innovation, and pride raises should be constructed to foster in work well done. cooperation rather than competition. Profits are made on the production and sales floors, not in cubicles or offices.

Deming, like most consultants, researchers, and experienced managers place the vast majority of responsibility for developing effective working systems on the shoulders of ownership and top management. If you are filling one or both of these roles and want to increase your capabilities, you might benefit tremendously by getting and doing a deep dive into the following book on Deming and his work authored by a long-time associate and biographer. Good reading. The Essential Deming: Leadership Lessons from the Father of Quality, edited by Joyce Nilsson Orsini, Ph.D., McGraw-Hill Publisher, 2013. HCBM

Charles Waldo, Ph.D., is Professor of Marketing (ret.) in Anderson University’s Falls School of Business. He can be reached at cnwaldo@comcast.net.

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Ethics Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow

Rethinking the Performance Review How to give effective employee evaluations “constructive.” Rather, many companies and organizations utilize the three “Cs” of feedback—candid, consistent and critical—to evaluate employees’ past performance rather than focusing on For example, if you are a manager or hufuture improvement. It’s not surprising man resource professional, do you look that this type of feedback conjures lessforward to giving 360-degree feedback to than-warm feelings and engagement your employees—or to your boss? Does from employees. it encourage employees to improve their Worse yet, criticizing employees with performance? a recap of everything they did wrong Let’s face it: Many managers and during the past six to 12 months does not supervisors dread giving feedback. In two surveys conducted by leadership development consultancy Zenger/Folkman (each of nearly 8,000 managers), 44 percent of managers reported that they found it stressful and difficult to give negative feedback. One-fifth avoid the practice entirely. Even more surprisingly, nearly 40 percent of leaders conceded to never giving positive enhance their ability to learn to perform better. According to research conducted reinforcement to their employees. by Richard Boyatzis, a psychologist Moreover, if you are an employee, think and professor at Case Western Reserve back to the most recent performance University, peoples’ brains respond evaluation you received at work. Did differently to critical feedback versus you look forward to receiving it? Did it positive feedback. Critical feedback motivate you to learn and enhance your activates brain circuitry for anxiety, work performance? so people respond by regarding it as a Likewise, a lot of employees don’t like threat, making it harder to learn new, receiving feedback because when it’s productive behavior. given within the shadows of constructive Boyatzis’ research indicates that focuscriticism it stings and conveys a notion ing on peoples’ blunders during their of what author Eric Berne used to performance evaluations may dimincall “I’m OK; You’re not OK.” No one ish their desire to learn new skills. On wants a blazing “Not OK” label placed the other hand, constructive feedback on their performance evaluation and that focuses on an employee’s positive professional reputation. So most people goals and dreams activates brain centers reject any constructive criticism that that energizes a person’s ability to focus walks, talks or even resembles the better—which can lead to better perforslightest hint of “Not OK.” mance on the job. As Daniel Goleman, who is best known for his work on emoHopes and Dreams tional intelligence, said, “bottom line: Perhaps the reason some employees don’t focus only on weaknesses, but on dread performance evaluations is that hopes and dreams. It’s what our brains not all constructive feedback is actually are wired to do.” Some of the hottest business topics today center around how to give effective employee evaluations and whether feedback helps people succeed at work.

Making mistakes is better than faking perfections.


A recent article in the Harvard Business Review by Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall highlighted a constructive feedback technique that was utilized by Dallas Cowboys coach Tom Landry to help his initially struggling team learn to excel and win more football games. “While the other teams were reviewing missed tackles and dropped balls, Landry instead combed through footage of previous games and created for each player a highlight reel of when he had done something easily, naturally, and effectively,” the article reads. “Landry reasoned that while the number of wrong ways to do something was infinite, the number of right ways, for any player, was not. It was knowable, and the best way to discover it was to look at plays where that person had done it excellently. From now on, he told each team member, ‘We only replay your winning plays.’” When applied to the performance evaluation, this feedback technique can help generate a sense of accomplishment and motivation. Employees go back in time to recognize and become reacquainted with their personal and unique pattern of excellence and the reality of what it looks like. As a result, employees can learn, repeat and even focus more on how to improve their personal version of excellence to become even better.

Freedom to Fail Today’s economy is increasingly competitive, and the workplace is everchanging. In order to achieve success, employees need to commit to the pursuit of excellence. It can be said, however, that some of the world’s most influential and successful people have failed—and sometimes more than once or twice. In fact, according to a report published in Scientific American, failure can make

April • May 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

people smarter and more creative. For example, potato chips, Post-It Notes, pacemakers, penicillin, and Silly Putty were all created by a person who made a mistake. Likewise, to get excellent performance, companies and organizations should provide safe spaces in which the right kind of mistakes are encouraged, valued and leveraged as opportunities for employees to learn. As the saying goes, “Making mistakes is better than faking perfections.” Unfortunately, even the most wellmeaning manager often resorts to providing only negative feedback after a problem or error because there simply isn’t enough time to meet with employees about performance. Nonetheless, employees still want regular and meaningful feedback that will help them grow and contribute to the organization. In fact, instead of yearly reviews, many employers are now choosing to check-in with their employees more often.

longer, which creates a more stable work environment for everyone. Knowing the right way to give feedback creates a less stressful and more enjoyable work environment, and that means more productive employees. Ethical constructive feedback that focuses on helping employees do better work—and be better people is imperative to help each employee thrive, whether by helping an employee create a growth mindset in order to learn a new skill, enhance creativity or improve

This is especially true for young professionals. As PricewaterhouseCoopers recently outlined in a strategy piece on the future of work, How to Manage the Millennials, new talent “want and value frequent feedback. Unlike the past where people received annual reviews, millennials want to know how they’re doing much more regularly.” But even with frequent check-ins, employers must make sure the quality of the check-ins are good. In a recent article, Stuart Hearn writes that this “frequent feedback needs to be accompanied by regular coaching conversations.”

productivity. Performance evaluations can and should be a special time to encourage, rather than criticize, in order to help and care about employees not as “human capital,” but as humans. HCBM

Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow teaches management and business law at IU’s Kelley School of Business and is President of ChangePro LLC, a leadership development consultancy.

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Ethical feedback Employers are also starting to discuss employee well-being. Hearn points out that a 2018 report from Deloitte reveals employees want expanded well-being programs, especially for younger employees. It claims there is a correlation between well-being and performance. That’s why more HR technology is making work easier for people, so employees can find time for yoga or mindfulness classes—and in turn are more productive, the survey pointed out. Being on the same page with employees is particularly important, because it’ll hopefully keep employees around April • May 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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J. David Shinn

Saying Goodbye to Windows 7 How to move towards Windows 10 When Windows 7 came out in 2009 Microsoft made a support commitment of 10 years. The end of support for Windows 7 will be January 14, 2020. After that, technical assistance, updates and security patches will no longer be available. Microsoft is pushing for all users to move towards Windows 10. When Windows XP support was discontinued in 2014, the industry seemed to be surprised as to what the end of life cycle meant. One issue was that almost 60% of the ATM machines in the U.S. were powered by Windows XP. After some discussions between the banking industry and Microsoft, they worked out an arrangement for Microsoft to provide an extended period of support. Other support extensions were worked out with large enterprise level clients. For the general population, nada.

As an option, you can upgrade compatible Windows 7 PCs in a couple different ways. •

Purchase a Windows 10 license from Microsoft (Home $139.00 & Pro $199.99, per computer)

Microsoft 365 Business comes with a free upgrade for users with a Windows 7 or 8 Pro license on their device.

Why would I not want to upgrade my current computer? There have been numerous problems in upgrading to Windows 10 from Windows 7. The base problem is that it’s not a

The end of support for Windows 7 will be January 14, 2020.

Computerworld estimated (from August 2018) there were still 378 million PCs running Windows 7 worldwide. Microsoft announced that they will have an extended support agreement for sale in the form of a new product called “Windows 7 Extended Security Updates” (ESU), however at this time only Windows 7 Professional and Windows 7 Enterprise users can be covered…and then only if those operating systems were obtained through volume licensing. For the general population (at this point), nada.

What if I keep using Windows 7? You can continue to use Windows 7, but once support ends, your PC will become more vulnerable to security risks. Windows will operate but you will stop receiving security and feature updates.

Can I upgrade to Windows 10? To take advantage of the latest advances in hardware technology, Microsoft is recommending that you move to a new PC that would have Windows 10 already installed. 10

seamless endeavor. Windows 10 is quite a different operating system from Windows 7 in architectural foundation and features—when doing an upgrade, you end up having system files and device drivers from both operating systems that can cause ongoing problems. NOTE: You can get more information about Windows 10 updates and problems from my article in the recent December/ January edition of the Hamilton County Business Magazine.

Fresh install of Windows 10 If you do have a compatible computer, I would suggest (after making multiple backups of your data), that you format your hard drive, install Windows 10 as a fresh operating system—and then install your software and restore your data. Here’s a list of to-dos when moving to Windows 10 from Windows 7:

• Inventory your software applications to include version numbers. Contact the manufacturer (or research online) if your current software will work under Windows 10. Purchase new software as needed. • There will be new device drivers required for your computer—to include: main logic board, audio card, video adapter, web camera and wired/wireless network adapters. There will be new device drivers for your printers and scanners too. Contact each manufacturer for the required updated driver. Most can be found online on the manufacturer website. The most important thing to do whether you upgrade from Windows 7 or not is to do a fresh install of Windows 10, is backup your data onto multiple external hard drives.

If I want to buy a new computer, what specs should I look for? There are many offerings for new computers from Best Buy (retail class) to purchasing direct from Dell (business class). These are the specs I would suggest for a home business or corporate level computer. Good: i5 Intel Processor 8GB Ram 1TB hard-drive Best:

i7 Intel Processor 16GB Ram+ 1TB hard-drive

With regard to warranty: most retail class computers include a one-year mail-in warranty and a business class computer will normally have a three-year next business day onsite warranty. HCBM

J. David Shinn is President of Shinn Technology Services Corp specializing in technology consulting and support for small business. Shinn is also an author and technical editor.

April • May 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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Cover Story

BeeFree goes national with tasty gluten-free products By Ann Craig-Cinnamon

hey say necessity is the mother of invention and that is certainly the case with BeeFree Gluten Free Bakery which is a Hamilton County business with a surprising national reach.

Foods on the way home and checked out the tiny selection of gluten-free foods that they offered at the time. They took home many items but wound up throwing most of them away because they tasted like cardboard and had lots of preservatives and chemicals.

Fifteen years ago when Jennifer and Mike Wiese’s oldest son was diagnosed on the autism spectrum, they attended a conference to learn ways to help him. What they learned was that his diet was very important and that they should consider feeding him more whole and less processed foods. Furthermore, they learned that a gluten-free diet is especially beneficial to kids with autism.


“We felt that was a reasonable thing we could pursue to see if that had any effect on him or not so we did,” says Jennifer, who says that they stopped at Whole

Her son, now 23 and a student at Ball State, also responded very well to the new diet and gluten free foods that she created. “He’s more aware and


more engaged. It helps his focus and concentration and his sleep. It was all noticeable right away as we were experimenting and discovering whether gluten free would be impactful for him,” she says adding that he has overcome lots of challenges. “It definitely has been

The void of good, tasty gluten free products led Jennifer to create her own recipes for her family. Through years of trial and error she came up with products that they began selling at Farmer’s Markets around the area and discovered that there was a great response to them.

Jennifer Wiese

April • May 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

worth the effort and the energy to learn how to cook and eat gluten free.”

including herself and her husband, that makes everything happen.

With the success and local popularity of her products, Jennifer founded BeeFree Gluten Free Bakery in 2010. “Creating a business was kind of by happenstance. I didn’t really start a gluten free diet for my family thinking that it would be a business. It was something that evolved over the years to help fill the need since there seemed to be a lack of good delicious gluten free foods out there and we felt like we could provide a solution to that,” says Jennifer.

Jennifer has been responsible for getting their products on the shelves of large national retailers and calls it a test of will and tenacity. “I’ve been laughed at and ignored by the best of them. Being a woman in this predominately male-led business can add another element of challenge,” she says adding her advice for those attempting something similar. “Stay true to your passion and don’t take no as your final answer. No may mean no for today, but by asking questions


Also working in her favor was the fact that, nationally, gluten-free was starting to be fashionable and there was more awareness of Celiac Disease. Jennifer says people were paying more attention to what they were eating. The local Cross Fit community then approached BeeFree and asked them to create a snack food that followed the Paleo Diet of eating like our ancestors using simple plant-based foods and nothing processed, refined or chemically made. “That was our challenge. Warrior Mix is what we came up with, a soft and chewy nut and seed-based snack. It has a zipper top that they can toss in their gym bag, doesn’t need to be refrigerated and you can eat it by the handful if you want to,” says Jennifer. Currently BeeFree sells five different flavors of their Warrior Mix and will be adding more flavors and products this year. The products are named for each of the Wiese’s four sons and Jennifer’s grandmother.

about your customers’ needs and being able to shift to meet those needs often turns that ‘no’ into a ‘yes’”. BeeFree’s office and home base is in Noblesville with a warehouse in Cicero and production facilities in Batesville and in Michigan. In addition to many local retail stores, you can also purchase their products on Amazon Prime and the company’s website; www.beefreegf.com.

Jennifer emphasizes that although their products are geared to people with a gluten and dairy issue they are good for everyone. “Gluten free has gotten a bad rap in the last couple of years because there have been a lot of gluten free Bad Rap things out there that don’t taste very BeeFree has seen an explosion of growth, good and might have different textures especially over the last six months, and is or flavor profiles that people don’t really currently available in all 50 states and in care for. Our charge has been to create 2,000 stores across the country, including foods with really simple ingredients that Kroger, Whole Foods, Earth Fare, Fresh are gluten free and that are whole and Thyme, Market District, and Target. It is everything that you can pronounce,” also available at Costco outside the Midshe says, adding “the bottom line is that west. Jennifer says there are more retail it tastes really good. We want to create stores that will be added soon. customers for the long haul not just a She credits her company’s success to customer that buys Warrior Mix one her small, tight-knit team of six people, time and never buys it again.” HCBM February • March 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine





A Summary of Recent Retail Activity

By Samantha Hyde


tion on Range Line Road. The last edition addition of the 98,000 SF Agora at Proimplied they would move into an exist- scenium, an office building with first ing building. floor restaurant and retail space at 1212 S. Range Line Rd. Another Belle Tire is opening in central Indiana with the construction of a shop at 9704 N. Michigan Rd. A new fitness center is coming to West Clay with the arrival of The Bar Code at 2169 Glebe St.

Atlanta Building ABC is constructing a 33,600 SF marine service and storage center on SR 19 just north of 286th St. in Atlanta. Beck’s Hybrids continues to grow with the addition of more housing units for seasonal agricultural workers at 341 A planned 18-acre Franciscan Health camW. Adams St. in Atlanta. Cicero has a new pus at 111th and Illinois streets will include pet grooming business with the opening of medical offices and the proposed 255,000 SF Bailey’s Paws N Spa at 49 E. Jackson St. Franciscan Health Orthopedic Center of Excellence. Raymond James is opening an office at 11611 N. Meridian St. Insurance and financial services provider Thrivent is moving into 11711 N. Meridian St.

Future Miller Auto Care rendering

Veterinary testing facility Idexx Laboratories is coming to 12758 Hamilton Crossing Blvd. Max & Erma’s at 12195 N. Meridian St. closed at the end of January. Be.You.Tiful Nails is in the Nash building at Carmel City Center.


Clarification: Miller Auto Care will con- Construction of the mixed-use Proscestruct a new building at their new loca- nium development continues with the


This spring, Northern Indiana’s BraunAbility is moving into 18,000 SF of office space on the southeast corner of Carmel Dr. and Guilford Rd. The company is also building a 20,000 SF tech center set to open next year. The Carmel Drive Professional Building across the street is welcoming a new dental office for Carrie Klene, DDS. Harden Jackson Law is opening a new office at 631 N. Range Line Rd. The Gymboree at 14311 Clay Terrace Blvd. has closed, as has the Payless ShoeSource store in Village Park Plaza.

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April • May 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

Indy-based Senex is opening a new office at 3077 E. 98th St. Front Porch Real Estate is also headed north with a new office at 3105 E. 98th St. The Play School at Legacy is expanding its campus at 14453 Community Dr. with the addition of a 12,000 SF gymnasium. Emergency responder outfitter 911 Uniform Shop is opening soon at 14570 River Rd. A new Sports Clips is going in at 7245 E. 146th St.

storage facility just up the road from its Cumberland Rd. offices at 15285 Endeavor Dr. A new 11,500 SF Goddard School is slated for construction at 15333 Union Chapel Rd.

ping center has lost several stores because of company-wide closures, including Payless ShoeSource, Gymboree, and Crazy 8. The Odyssey Restaurant is under construction at 13521 Tegler Dr. Asian Grill Derezzed Virtual Reality opened this has reopened on the Courthouse Square winter in Hamilton Town Center. The shop- with the same menu but a different format. Service will now be fast casual.

WESTFIELD A Better You Wellness has moved into 200 E. 186th St. Classic Cleaners has opened a clothing drop off and pick up center at 16072 Spring Mill Station Dr. The Beauty Brands store at 2554 E. 146th St. also closed in February. HCBM

FISHERS RealAmerica has plans to move its Fishers headquarters to Indy on the site of the former Joe’s Crab Shack at 82nd St. and Dean Rd. Navient tech partner, Atlantabased First Data, is moving into new office space in the Navient building at 11100 USA Pkwy.

The Odyssey

Dunkin Donuts

The Beauty Brands store at 8510 E. 96th St. closed in February. The former Jack-inthe-Box at 11614 Allisonville Rd. is being converted to a new Dunkin Donuts.

7497 DealMakers_V3_4.96x7.45

Samano’s Taqueria & Mexican Restaurant has opened in downtown Fishers at 8594 E. 116th St. Formstack LLC has moved from Castleton to new offices on the southwest corner of Lantern Rd. and North St.

Gurdwara Guru Nanak Darbar

Launch Fishers’ new Fishers Test Kitchen is set to open this fall at 12175 Visionary Way. Master Yoo’s Tae Kwon Do is constructing a new 8,400 SF building at 12350 Olio Rd. Gurdwara Guru Nanak Darbar at 12200 E. 131st St. is building a new, larger temple to accommodate the area’s growing Sikh community.

call 317-267-1696 Valerie Becker Real Estate Officer

Brandon Fairman Real Estate Officer

Sherwin Williams is planning a new store at 146th St. and Herriman Blvd. Bedrock Builders is erecting a new 17,000 SF

April • May 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


A new Class UFC Gym location has opened at 14741 Hazel Dell Crossing. Scotty’s Brewhouse closed in February in the same retail center. Anthony Leigh celebrated its grand opening in January at 982 Logan St.


Deal M akers.


Tom Urick Real Estate Manager ©2019 The National Bank of Indianapolis


Member FDIC


Dining Out

Field Brewing By Chris Bavender Photos by Stan Gurka “We do a lot of things with our own kids so that was part of that element we wanted. It’s not like we have a jungle gym out back but parents can go out and play games with their kids,” Jackie said. “It’s a great brewing town with “The whole point is to connect. If servers neighborhoods that have a lot of differnotice everyone in the family is on their ent little elements and camaraderie. You phones there are games they can bring could go from neighborhood to neighborover to them. We want to generate comhood and try a different brewery—the munity and a sense of coming together.” craft beer out there is amazing,” Jackie said. “And we always felt like we were having really great food with the beer— it’s just a whole different element we weren’t used to.” reg and Jackie Dikos only lived in Seattle for a year, but the town left a huge impression.

Back in Indiana, the couple—he’s an orthopedic surgeon and longtime home brewer, and she’s a sports dietician with a passion for healthy eating—talked Head Brewer Rian Umbach about creating something similar. “Two to three years ago we started formulating a plan and moving forward with the process,” Jackie said. That plan came to fruition in early October when Field Brewing opened at 303 E. Main St. in Westfield. “I feel there are a lot of little pieces of Greg and I laced throughout the brewery. It’s the opposite of what many Midwest breweries are,” she said. “Ours is meant to be light and bright and we believe in bringing the outdoors in so there are windows all around. We try to be different but still approachable and the place you want to hang out.” Because the building is new, Jackie said they wanted to avoid the “too fresh and spanking new” feel. “So, there are some lived in elements in the interior. I did a lot of antique shopping,” she said. “The chairs are schoolhouse chairs from the 1950’s and there are some vintage elements such as our lights which are old school lights.” Field Brewing is comprised of two buildings with a courtyard in between where families can hang out. 16

That’s why you’ll find few TV’s. “We want people to feel they can get away in our space. That’s one of the original concepts we had,” she said. “Sometimes when you’re out you have to snap your fingers to capture the kid’s attention and we knew that was not the environment we wanted for our space.”

Black IPA What you will find is six craft beers by head brewer Rian Umbach who came to the brewery from Cincinnati’s Moerlein Lager House. “He’s done a lot of fun things with oneoffs. He will take one of our main brews, say a stout, and infuse it with flavors. At Christmas we had the 12 Stouts of Christmas with flavors like Thin Mint and Yule Log,” Jackie said. “It was a big hit and some of them didn’t last more than four or five hours. We just released our Resolution, a black IPA, at midnight on the 31st (Dec.).”

syrups or preservatives—something that was very important to Jackie. Chef Alan Sternberg, a multiple James Beard Award nominee, brought her vision to life. “Greg and I took him to Seattle and said this is the type of food we appreciated,” she said. “I gave him some feedback on the types of ingredients I’d like to use but he is a professional so we let him run with it.” Customer favorites include the Field Burger, Beet Salad, Salmon, and Ricotta Gnocchi which utilizes seasonal ingredients.

Breakfast at the Brewery But Field Brewing doesn’t just offer craft beer and dinner options. The brewery opens at 7 a.m. Mon. - Fri. with Grab-n-Go items ranging from hard boiled eggs to yogurt and fruit, baked goods and coffee. From 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sundays you’ll find a full blown brunch featuring everything from Ricotta Pancakes to Avocado Toast to Biscuit Bennie— salmon and poached egg with a chive hollandaise. Lunch offerings include Beef & Beer Chili, Roast Pork Sandwich and a Sprouted Grain Burger. “We wanted you to be able to come three different times during the day and have three different experiences,” Jackie said. Future plans include turning the second building, now an event space, into a distillery.

“We want to pace things at a rate where we can be the most successful. On the forefront for 2019 is working on distributing our beers and seeing where that takes us,” Jackie said. “Then, have the brewery and distillery. But, ultimately, we just want to be the comfortable, go to destination. A place you can always rely on and hang out and have a good time and As for the food, everything is as fresh and reconnect with family and friends.” HCBM from scratch as possible with no corn April • May 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


UPCOMING EVENTS APRIL Noblesville Mayoral Candidate Conversations Monday, April 8 6:30 - 8:00 p.m., Noblesville High School

Made in Noblesville / Taste of Business 2019 Thursday, April 11 4:00 - 7:30 p.m. Embassy Suites by Hilton Convention Center

Legislative Breakfast Series Friday, April 12 7:30 - 9:00 p.m., Conner Prairie, Fishers

Member Luncheon: Topic TBA Wednesday, April 24 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Location TBA

Young Professionals Trivia Night Thursday, April 25 4:30 - 7:30 p.m., Three-Two-Fun and Bowl 32

MAY New Member Orientation Thursday, May 9 8:15 - 9:00 a.m., Noblesville Chamber of Commerce

Legislative Breakfast Series Friday, May 10 7:30 - 9:00 p.m., Conner Prairie, Fishers

Member Luncheon: Topic TBA Wednesday, May 29 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Location TBA NOBLESVILLE’S LARGEST B2B & B2C SHOW OF THE YEAR

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Verizon Wireless by Victra 738 Westfield Rd Noblesville, IN 46062 317.565.4272 victra.com LuLaRoe Lisa Lent and the Bloom Boutique 20385 Country Lake Blvd. Noblesville, IN 46062 317.796.7572 facebook.com/groups/ lularoelisalentandthebloomboutique Vape and Wellness 170 Logan Street Noblesville, IN 46060 317.764.8786 vapeandwellness.com Bodysculptrx 5641 Pebble Village Lane Noblesville, IN 46062 317.804.2960 bodysculptrx.com Pure Barre Noblesville 17231 Mercantile Blvd Noblesville, IN 46060 317.349.6802 purebarrenoblesville.com Hamilton County Economic Development Corporation 37 East Main St Carmel, IN 46032 317.663.4457 investhamiltoncounty.com Cumberland Pointe Dental 15887 Cumberland Road, Suite 104 Noblesville, IN 46060 317.770.4783 cumberlandpointedental.com


THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 2019 4:00 - 7:30 P.M. Embassy Suites by Hilton Noblesville-Indianapolis Conference Center

Showcase your business to the Noblesville community. Register today at noblesvillechamber.com

second mondays, february-april Noblesville HIGH SCHOOL 6:30-8:00 p.m. March 11- Places & Things April 8- Economy & Finances Ask your candidate questions at noblesvillechamber.com

Noblesville Chamber of Commerce | P.O. Box 2015 | Noblesville, IN 46061 | 317.774.0086 | noblesvillechamber.com April • May 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


Connect. Collaborate. Join. Learn. OneZone Events April Legislative Breakfast Friday, April 12th

7:30am - 9am Conner Prarie

April Luncheon

Wednesday, April 17th 11:30am - 1pm 502 East Event Centre

May YP Leadership Series Luncheon

Leadership Investors

Wednesday, May 8th 11:30am - 1:30am Eddie Merlot's

Fishers State of the City

YP Meet-Up

Wednesday, April 17th

5pm - 7pm K1 Speed

May Luncheon OneZone/Score Small Business Toolbox Wednesday, May 22nd Wednesday, April 24th 9:30am - 12pm The Hagerman Group

11:30am - 1pm Embassy Suites


Legislative Breakfast

8am - 9am & 3pm - 4pm OneZone Office

7:30am - 9am Conner Prarie

Thursday, April 25th

Friday, May 10th

The Instagram Takeover Takeover our Instagram for a couple days and tell us more about the great things you and your team are doing. Check out what some of our members posted during their "takeover" of our account!


April • May 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

Welcome all of our New Members! 828 Venue - BASH Blue House Bridal Capner Business Capital Computer Solutions and Innovations Ferguson Construction Level Up HR Solutions Market Street Wealth Management Advisors NAYR Foundation IMC The O'Connor House Silver Door Spa

US Signal - Platinum Level Investor Yovesta LLC

Ribbon Cuttings

Drury Inn

Anthony Leigh

Whitinger Strategic Services

Office Depot - Carmel

April • May 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

3xLogic Acti-Kare Responsive In-Home Care of Fishers Aerofilm Systems Inc. American Bank of Missouri Anytime Fitness - Carmel Anytime Fitness - Indianapolis Bellomo Studios Capital American Holdings Carmel & Fishers Magazine - Towne Post Network Castleton Health Care Center Commercial Workplace Interiors Commercial Works Moving & Storage Cortland Capital Market Services LLC Crew Car Wash DexYP Elements Financial Eleven Fifty Academy Floor and Decor Goodman Campbell Brain and Spine Indiana Tech Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra Java House KSM Consulting MacAllister Rentals Outdoor Lighting Perspective - Fishers PGA Tour Superstore Phoenix Rising Karate Public Risk Underwriters of Indiana Salt-Free Water Systems Select Physical Therapy StoneCo Creative Contractors The Grabovsky Group - Ameriprise Financial Services Treeze Tropical Smoothie Cafe WealthCare Financial Group Wessler Engineering Your CBD Store - Carmel





Please check out the Chamber website www.northernhamiltoncountychamber.com

SECOND THURSDAY OF THE MONTH April 11 May 9 June 13 July 11 August 8 September 12 October 10 November 14

Angel Mama Therapeutic Massage and Wellness

December 12

— 2019 NEW MEMBERS — Bailey’s Paws N Spa (765) 610-4275 Cicero, IN GT Carts (317) 606-8679 www.gtcarts.com Cicero, IN Humane Society for Hamilton County (317) 773-4974 www.hamiltonhumane.com Noblesville, IN Majestic Care of Sheridan (317) 758-4426 www.majesticcare.com/location/sheridan Sheridan, IN

Bailey’s Paws N Spa


Merchants Auto Group (317) 689-0010 www.magindy.com Cicero, IN Sharp Guys Web Design (317) 855-8632 https://sharpguyswebdesign.com Fishers, IN Visit the complete Member Directory at www.northernhamiltoncountychamber.com/list


70 Byron Street Cicero, IN 46034 (317) 984-4079 April • May 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


April 4 Westfield Young Professionals 5:30pm-7:30pm Wolfie’s April 9 Coffee with the Chamber 8:00am-9:00am Cambria Suites April 12 Legislative Breakfast Series 7:30am-9:00am Conner Prairie April 18 April Luncheon 11:00am-1:00pm Chatham Hills April 25 Business After Hours 5:00pm-7:00pm Sundown Gardens

MAY EVENTS May 2 Westfield Young Professionals 5:30pm-7:30pm Urban Vines May 10 All-County Legislative Breakfast 7:30am-9:00am Conner Prairie May 14 Coffee with the Chamber 8:00am-9:00am Copper Trace May 16 May Luncheon 11:00am-1:00pm Chatham Hills May 21 Business After Hours 5:00pm-7:00pm Community First Bank of Indiana

For details and online registration, please visit: www.westfield-chamber.org or call 317.804.3030

April • May 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

Cereset 160 W. Carmel Dr., Suite 186 Carmel, IN 46032 Coffee News Indiana 17197 Timberstream Dr. Noblesville, IN 46062 F.C. Tucker Company, Inc. Patrick Purdue 9279 North Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46260 Fitness Together 14645 N. Gray Rd. Westfield, IN 46033 Gordon Flesch Company 5602 West 73rd St. Indianapolis, IN 46278

McGavic Outdoor Power 2280 Westfield Rd. Noblesville, IN 46062 NextGen Construction Group 82 Pequot Rd. South Hampton, MA 01073 Pasto Italiano 3150 East State Rd. 32 Westfield, IN 46074 Smoothie King Westfield 3300 E. State Rd. 32 Westfield, IN 46074 Steve Harbaugh Southwestern Consulting 1042 Roanoke Dr. Westfield, IN 46074 Tad’s Westfield Shoppes 840 E. Main St. Westfield, IN 46074 The Goddard School 10445 Commerce Dr. Carmel, IN 46032 Two Men and a Truck 619 Westfield Rd. Noblesville, IN 46060

White and Champagne LLC Keltie and Company Catering 121 S. Walnut St. P.O. Box 227 Westfield, IN 46074 Michigantown, IN 46057



Aerofilm Systems Inc. P.O. Box 646 Westfield, IN 46074 A2Z Promotions, LLC 117 Westchester Blvd. Noblesville, IN 46062 Century 21 Scheetz Kristin Bergunder, Realtor 270 E. Carmel Dr. Carmel, IN 46032



Maaco Westfield Auto Bodyshop 18 E. State Rd. 32 Westfield, IN 46074

Want to add your name to this list? To learn more, contact info@westfield-chamber.org

Follow Us:

Westfield Chamber of Commerce 116 E. Main St. Westfield, IN 46074 317.804.3030


Hamilton County History

David Heighway

Proposed waterway was planned through Hamilton County However only seven lots were sold before the project failed.

f you’ve read much Indiana history, you’ve heard about the attempts to build canals and the failures that resulted. One of the classic stories is that of the Central Canal which only now exists in two sections between Broad Ripple and the Canal Walk in Indianapolis. However, there was also some digging done here in Hamilton County, traces of which may still be seen today.

The canal route would have gone through Stephensburg (or Stevensburg), which was an early community near Strawtown. Strawtown itself was supposed to have a Canal Street that would parallel or connect with the canal. It would have been roughly where one of the small roads connects 37 and Craig Street. That area had originally been platted as the town of Woodville.

Lafayette Trace 1839. The canals were still being disThe canal projects came about because cussed into the 1840s, but were evenof the Mammoth Internal Improvetually abandoned. In his 1901 history ments Act of 1836 passed by the Indiana of Hamilton County, Augustus Finch State Legislature. This act was to build Shirts describes some excavation getting new transportation routes for settlers started in this area and said “evidence of coming into the area. In the end, it this work is to be found at many points created too many projects which were in the county.” So, what is left? begun simultaneously and failed, and Maps show the route of the canal folended with the state going bankrupt in lowing the White River and the first remnants can be found at Lafayette Trace Park. Aerial photos show a ditch that borders the park on two sides. Somewhere in this area was the proposed town of Chillicothe. According to a 1944 Noblesville Ledger article, it was laid out in 1838 by Jonathan Hougham and David Provolt to take advantage of the canal. 22

Continuing south, an 1882 Ledger article said that a drainage ditch was being dug through Wayne Township along the old canal route, although it’s not clear where that was. Wayne Township was where a quarry was established in 1836 for cutting stone blocks to use in bridges and aqueducts. After the canal failure, the stone was sold to use in buildings in town. Most of the evidence suggests the quarry may have been where Stony Creek crosses 191st street near Union Chapel Road. It would be interesting to see if there is anything left today.

Connerstown The most obvious remains of the canal are at the Meadows subdivision near the intersection of 191st Street and Highway 37. There is a historic marker on a street called Canal Way and there are a series of parallel depressions in the ground that suggest canal locks. This may have been the site of the proposed town of Wheatley which, according to another 1944 Ledger

April • May 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

article, was laid out in 1839. Locks were built and land set aside for craftsmen, but it too failed and disappeared. For the town of Noblesville, Augustus Shirts talks about excavations being made and abandoned south of Conner Street. However, during a flood in 1847, the old ditches filled with water. There are probably no signs of them today. There is one artifact that remains in the area—a large stone block at Riverside Cemetery with “1824” carved on the

side. The date was actually carved in the 1940’s and is an error. However, through a long and convoluted process that I outlined in a post on the HEPL library blog “Highlights in History”, (“Mysteries in History”, January 11, 2016), the stone was originally to be used for a canal bridge or aqueduct and brought to the cemetery at a later time. The canal route was to have continued south and have gone through “Connerstown”, the community around William

Conner’s trading post (now the site of Conner Prairie). It then would have eventually connected with the section built at Broad Ripple. So there are some visible remnants of the system and there may be more that haven’t been recognized yet. As the county continues to grow and expand its transportation systems, it’s always interesting to compare them to what has gone before. HCBM


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April • May 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine • Hamilton County Business Magazine







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