Hamilton County Business Magazine August/September 2021

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Captive Market Pauly Jail Building Co.


• Corral the Company Computers • New Heighway History Book (L-R) Jared A. Bailey, VP-Operations Joseph Pauly Pohrer III, President Regina A. Maltese, CFO The Pauly Jail Building Company

Letter from the Editor August • September 2021 Who knew that the oldest jail building company in the nation was headquartered in Noblesville? That is a story worth telling, which we do in this edition. The Pauly Jail Company was started BEFORE the Civil War. And, though it hasn’t been located here that long, it has a heritage that goes back that far. If you’ve been following the construction of Indianapolis’s new Community Justice Campus, located southeast of downtown, you will be interested to learn that Pauly built the jail cells. Jails aren’t constructed like a normal building. The actual cells are made off-site, then installed into the building as individual units. It’s a classic example of a niche market and Pauly is the recognized expert at it. Ann Cinnamon has more details in her story in this month’s magazine.

Mike Corbett Editor and Publisher

This is the fifth edition in a row that we are publishing digitally only. If you’ve been reading us over the past ten months you know why. The pandemic changed many things and advertising budgets were one of them. While last year most advertisers stuck to budgets that had been established pre-pandemic, this year we took a hit as some re-evaluated in the wake of COVID. Like virtually all print publishers, printing and mailing are our largest expenses. To prevent publishing at a loss, we did what many of you had to do and adjusted to market conditions. With the cooperation of the four Hamilton County Chambers of Commerce, we decided to keep publishing and mail this to you and other chamber members digitally. I thank the chambers for their consideration. The magazine is smaller and there are fewer ads and stories, but we continue to fulfill our mission, which is to Celebrate and Promote Commerce, Industry and Entrepreneurship in Hamilton County. We’ve been doing it for 13 years now. We’re just doing it digitally rather than in print. We are eager to get back into print. We appreciate that people spend so much time online these days and we will continue to publish digitally. But we were born a print publication and I’m convinced we get better readership when people can hold this magazine in their hands, as well as find us online. I want to thank our advertisers who stuck with us through this challenging year. You have kept this business going through a tough time. We are all navigating uncharted waters here and some businesses have not done so well. We do appreciate your loyalty. And we welcome others to join them. The sooner the better. Our value proposition is this: We offer the attention of business owners, managers and community leaders in Indiana’s wealthiest and fastest growing county. We mail to every member of the four Hamilton County chambers, digitally or physically (we offer discount pricing when publish digitally only). If you want your ad message to reach these decisionmakers, we are your solution. Come join us. We continue to monitor the pandemic situation, but it seems that business conditions are improving for many. We will decide whether the next edition will be digital-only or print-digital based on the ad market. If your market is business people, please consider us in next year’s budget. See you around the county,

Editor and Publisher mcorbett@hamiltoncountybusiness.com 317-774-7747


August • September 2021 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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August • September 2021 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


August / September 2021

www.hamiltoncountybusiness.com Tipton County Jail and Admin Building built by the Pauly Jail Building Co.

Published six times per year by the Hamilton County Media Group PO Box 502, Noblesville, IN 46061 317-774-7747




Mike Corbett mcorbett@hamiltoncountybusiness.com CREATIVE DIRECTOR

The Pauly Jail Building Company

12 Chamber Pages

Columns 2

Editors Letter


Management Judith Wright


History David Heighway

Note: This is a hyperlinked digital magazine. Please click on bolded names, company names or linked boxes.

Bridget Gurtowsky bridget@gurtowskygraphics.com CORRESPONDENTS Chris Bavender crbavender@gmail.com Ann Craig-Cinnamon jandacinnamon@aol.com John Cinnamon jlcinnamon@aol.com Samantha Hyde samantharhyde@gmail.com Patricia Pickett pickettwrites@gmail.com CONTRIBUTORS

David Heighway heighwayd@earthlink.net Judith Wright jw3@iupui.edu Please send news items and photos to news@hamiltoncountybusiness.com Submission does not guarantee publication

Subscription $20/year To subscribe or advertise, contact Mike Corbett at


Copyright 2021 Hamilton County Media Group. All rights reserved.

Cover photo by Stan Gurka


August • September 2021 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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Judith Wright

Using Company Computers Continuing remote work? Make sure your policies are up to date Okay, we all do it, right? In the midst of working on the job, we drift over to our personal email account to scan the inbox, to check to see if an expected package has been delivered, or we might make an online reservation for Friday night dinner. We do this intermixed with our work—on our employer-issued laptop. But—is it okay to use an employer’s computer to take care of personal matters?

protecting employer property and commercial rights while acknowledging that employees need flexibility to take care of personal issues while working.

communications, and some use monitoring to oversee productivity, even to the level of screen capturing and counting keystrokes.

At a minimum, the employer’s policy should address what’s not allowed. The policy should clearly describe types of prohibited internet sites and categories of unauthorized activities. For example, some employers have recently updated their policies to prohibit accessing sports gambling sites on company computers.

If an employee is accessing the internet with an employer-paid service, the company may also have the right to monitor all types of internet activity on that equipment. A good computer and internet use policy should inform employees of any monitoring practices in use, thereby putting employees on notice while providing an appropriate level of deterrence.

Let’s start with a basic premise. Employers, as owners of computer equipment, have the right to set rules and limits An effective policy should also profor how that equipment is used, and fur- scribe certain downloads, thereby ther, to monitor use of their equipment. protecting the employer from two angles. First, the employer should Business owners, if you don’t have a clearly describe the types of data and clear policy on permitted use of your information the company considers computers, it’s time to develop one. If you have a policy but haven’t reviewed to be proprietary, meaning owned by it in the last year or so, it’s time for an the business. The policy should ban downloads of company proprietary update. If you have an updated policy, and confidential information to other it’s well-advised to have processes in devices. Secondly, to help protect the place as to how you’re going to monicompany from viruses and malware, tor and enforce it. the policy should prohibit downloads Employees, you should review your of unauthorized software. employer’s policy and adopt personal From there, many employers allow for practices that align with those guidelines. Any good business policy should varying degrees of flexibility in their computer policies. There’s a recognihelp employees know what is expecttion that employees who are working ed, so they can perform at their best. from various locations don’t always A well-stated computer and internet policy will help employees stay within clock in and out and take scheduled breaks. The policy should acknowledge their employer’s expectations while the relative types of personal use and protecting the employer’s interests. a general amount of time permitted Flexibility for such use. For some employers, the tendency is to simply say the company-issued computers may only be used for business purposes. While that’s quite clear as a policy, it’s hard for companies to practically enforce. And in today’s internet-based world, compliance with such a strict standard is really difficult for employees. An effective computer and internet use policy strikes a balance between 6

Consequences Employees may feel as though their online activities are private, however, employers had legal rights to monitor employee computer activity long before everyone got sent home to work last year. Businesses routinely use monitoring techniques to protect and secure data. Many companies also monitor email and other online

One last essential aspect of an effective computer policy is to define the consequences for noncompliance. Employees who violate the policy should be called-out and appropriately disciplined, including loss of job, when warranted. Accordingly, it’s advised to secure each employee’s acknowledgement of the policy from day-one of their employment. Any business policy is only effective if it is consistently enforced. In many cases, having a policy that lies dormant is worse than no policy at all. With so many employees now working at home on an ongoing basis, employers are well-advised to take time at this juncture to review their policies with workers and to set monitoring and reinforcement practices in place. Some modest effort to clarify the computer policy now can head off major headaches down the road—for both employers and for employees. HCBM

Judith Wright is a clinical assistant professor of business law at Indiana University Kelley School of Business at IUPUI

August • September 2021 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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August • September 2021 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


Cover Story

CAPTIVE MARKET The Oldest Jail Construction Company in the U.S. Calls Hamilton County Home By Ann Cinnamon


August • September 2021 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


ack in 1856 P.J. Pauly of St. Louis, Missouri had a brilliant idea for a business. The United States was expanding westward and areas that were once wilderness and wastelands were fast becoming territories and states. But with that growth in remote areas, there grew a need for facilities to hold prisoners. As steamboat blacksmiths on the Mississippi River, Pauly and his family were able to design and build steel cages that could be mounted on wagons, thus creating portable jail cells. And that was the beginning of the Pauly Jail Building Company.

National Footprint Fast forward to today and P.J. Pauly’s company is the oldest professional correctional facilities contractor in the country. Not only is it still in business but it’s still in the Pauly family. Pauly’s great great grandsons, Robert Pohrer and Joseph Pauly Pohrer III, run the company to this day, keeping the family

legacy alive for more than 160 years. The company’s national headquarters has made Noblesville its home for more than a quarter of a century. “The headquarters was moved to Hamilton County from the St. Louis, Missouri area when one of the owners relocated here 25+ years ago. We still have an office in St. Louis but the majority of our staff resides in Hamilton County. Our field personnel are located across the Midwest,” says Pauly CFO Regina Maltese. Pauly Jail has made its mark nationwide. “Currently we are doing the majority of our work here in Indiana. We also have work in Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas,” says Maltese. The construction in Indiana includes work at the Hamilton County Jail as well as the Marion County Jail. Throughout its existence, the Pauly Jail Building Company has been at the forefront of creating industry standards

and owns many patents. One patent is an improvement in Rotary Jails, which are cells that rotate on an axis, allowing inmates to enter or exit only when the cells were spun to align with a portal, thus reducing the opportunity to escape. The Pauly company built 12 out of the 18 rotary jails constructed across the country between 1882 and 1889. There are only three rotary jails in existence today with one, the Daviess County Jail in Gallatin, Missouri, being the most historical. In fact, in 1990 it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Modern Standards The needs and standards are far different today in the 21st century than in the 19th century when inmates were kept in portable cells on the back of wagons. “We are a specialty contractor performing the physical and security components that are part of the detention facility,” says Pauly Vice President of Operations Jared Bailey. “With our key group of manufacturers we assist

Decatur County Sheriffs Office and Detention Center

Rush County Sheriffs Office and Jail

Fulton County Jail

Hamilton County Jail

August • September 2021 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


Pauly Jail Building Company Team

Fulton County Jail

Marion County Jail Cell


August • September 2021 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

with developing new products, advancing the designs of the facilities and our industry. We proudly self-perform our work and are signatory with the Union Ironworkers,” he says. Bailey says the company has evolved to meet the changing industry. “When the company was founded in 1856 the design, manufacturing and construction of the entire facility was done primarily by Pauly Jail Building Company. The facilities typically had housing in a basement (dungeon) with heavy iron lattice work and bar grating,” he says, adding that today Pauly Jail specializes in the specialty detention equipment with a key group of manufactures’ located across the country. “The new focus is on a more normative environment with natural lighting into the housing spaces with advanced security electronics and operations for the staff operating the facility. A large movement toward mental health and added programing spaces with a goal to reduce recidivism,” says Bailey. Bailey says despite some ups and downs business has been good. “There was a

Cass County Sheriffs Office

large contraction in our market in 2013 that we made it past and have been able to maintain a very steady growth pattern since 2014.” Maltese, who has been with the company for 19 years, says it is a great company to work for. “We install the highest quality detention products on

the market and make sure the end-user is completely satisfied. We take tremendous pride in our workmanship and our relationships. That separates us from our competition. (Owners) Bob and Joe are extremely generous people who are very family oriented, making this a wonderful place to work.” HCBM


Smart Enterprises


August • September 2021 • Hamilton County Business Magazine





Noblesville Noblesville Noblesville Noblesville small small small small business business business business owners owners owners owners and and and and their their their their employees employees employees employees need need need need your your your your continued continued continued continued support support support support this this this this holiday holiday holiday holiday season season season season more more more more than than than than ever. ever. ever. ever. For For For For several several several several weeks, weeks, weeks, weeks, local local local local retailers, retailers, retailers, retailers, community community community community organizations organizations organizations organizations like like like like Noblesville Noblesville Noblesville Noblesville Main Main Main Main Street, Street, Street, Street, Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Plate Plate Plate Plate Arts, Arts, Arts, Arts, and and and and City City City City staff staff staff staff have have have have been been been been meeting meeting meeting meeting and and and and planning planning planning planning for for for for unique unique unique unique opportunities opportunities opportunities opportunities for for for for you you you you to tototo celebrate celebrate celebrate celebrate the the the the holiday holiday holiday holiday season season season season safely safely safely safely and and and and to totoprovide to provide provide provide you you you you the the the the chance chance chance chance to totocelebrate to celebrate celebrate celebrate and and and and support support support support local local local local businesses businesses businesses businesses both both both both in-person in-person in-person in-person and and and and on-line. on-line. on-line. on-line. Under Under Under Under the the the the banner banner banner banner of ofofof ‘Love ‘Love ‘Love ‘Love Noblesville,’ Noblesville,’ Noblesville,’ Noblesville,’ promotions, promotions, promotions, promotions, offerings, offerings, offerings, offerings, and and and and activities activities activities activities began began began began on onon on Small Small Small Small Business Business Business Business TASTE OF throughout BUSINESS / season. Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday and and and and will will will will continue continue continue continue throughout throughout throughout the the the the holiday holiday holiday holiday season. season. season. BIRDIES AND


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Conference Center


Noblesville Noblesville Noblesville Noblesville Ace Ace Ace Ace Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 10:30 - 5:00 PM Purgatory Golf Club, Noblesville

With With With With the the the the holiday holiday holiday holiday shopping shopping shopping shopping season season season season fast fast fast fast approaching, approaching, approaching, approaching, many many many many of ofofof us usus us are are are are thinking thinking thinking thinking about about about about how how how how to totosafely to safely safely safely shop. shop. shop. shop. For For For For most, most, most, most, the the the the holiday holiday holiday holiday shopping shopping shopping shopping season season season season begins begins begins begins on onon on the the the the weekend weekend weekend weekend of ofofThanksgiving, of Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Black Black Black Black Friday Friday Friday Friday for for for for some some some some and and and and Small Small Small Small Business Business Business Business Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday UPCOMING EVENTS for for for for others. others. others. others. In InIn In 2019, 2019, 2019, 2019, Small Small Small Small Business Business Business Business Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday shoppers, shoppers, shoppers, shoppers, over over over over 88 8888 88 million million million million of ofof them, them, ofthem, them, Livery Livery Livery Livery Noblesville Noblesville Noblesville Noblesville spent spent spent spent $19.6 $19.6 $19.6 $19.6 billion billion billion billion dollars dollars dollars dollars in ininlocal in local local local communities! communities! communities! communities! We We We We know know know know from from from from talking talking talking talking with with with with AUGUST SEPTEMBER many many many many of ofof our of our our our own own own own downtown downtown downtown downtown retailers, retailers, retailers, retailers, the the the the Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday after after after after Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving provides provides provides provides Young Professionals Coffee Roasters Young Coffee Roasters them them them them the the the the jumpstart jumpstart jumpstart jumpstart to tototo aa aprofitable profitable aprofitable profitable month month month month and and and and aa aneeded needed aneeded needed cushion cushion cushion cushion to totoProfessionals to endure endure endure endure aa aa Wednesday, August 4 Wednesday, September 1 quieter quieter quieter quieter few few few few winter winter winter winter months. months. months. months. 8:00 am, The Parker Mortgage Team 8:00 am, TBD Let’s Let’s Let’s Let’s show show show show just just just just how how how how much much much much we we we we ‘Love ‘Love ‘Love ‘Love Noblesville’ Noblesville’ Noblesville’ Noblesville’ Step Out to Success Workshop w Sherrell Smith “Year of Yes”-Book Club Discussion Night by byby by choosing choosing choosing choosing to toto shop shop toshop shop local local local local this this this this holiday holiday holiday holiday season. season. season. season. Tuesday, August 10 neighbors. Thursday, September 2 It ItIt is It isis neighbors neighbors isneighbors neighbors supporting supporting supporting supporting neighbors. neighbors. neighbors. 4:00 - 5:00 pm 5:00 pm, Gals Guide to the Galaxy Library Metro Plastics Technologies, Inc.


8:00 - 9:30 Smith House, Noblesville Colonial Colonial Colonial Colonial Life Life Life Life Beauty Beauty Beauty Beauty & && Grace Grace &am, Grace Grace Aesthetics Aesthetics Aesthetics Aesthetics 930 930 930 930

WIN Coffee and Connect Wednesday, September Cohatch 8Cohatch Cohatch Cohatch Noblesville Noblesville Noblesville Noblesville 8:00 - 9:30 am, Smith House, Noblesville

Logan Logan Logan Logan Street, Street, Street, Street, Suite Suite Suite Suite 203 203 203 203 8888 8888 8888 8888 Keystone Keystone Keystone Keystone State of the City Network Beyond Bias: Noblesville, Noblesville, Noblesville, Noblesville, IN IN IN IN 46060 46060 46060 46060 Tuesday, September 21 Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN IN IN IN 46240 46240 46240 46240 Making Diversity a Competitive Advantage (317) (317) (317) (317) 852-8103 852-8103 852-8103 852-8103 (317) (317) (317) (317) 362-6888 362-6888 362-6888 362-6888 11:00 am - 1:00 pm, Embassy Suites Wednesday, August 18 beautygraceaesthetics.com beautygraceaesthetics.com beautygraceaesthetics.com beautygraceaesthetics.com coloniallife.com coloniallife.com coloniallife.com coloniallife.com Wine and Wisdom 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Zoom link C&C C&C C&C C&C Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning Services Services Services Services Patch Patch Patch Patch Development Development Development Development LLC LLC LLC LLC September 27 Monday, 15381 15381 15381 15381 Stony Stony Stony Stony Creek Creek Creek Creek Way Way Way Way Downtown Business Summit 400 400 400 400 Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Drive Drive Drive Drive Westfield, Westfield, Westfield, Westfield, 5:00 - 7:30 pm, Spencer Farm Winery, Noblesville Noblesville, Noblesville, Noblesville, Noblesville, IN IN IN IN 46060 46060 46060 46060 IN IN IN IN 46074 46074 46074 46074 (317) (317) (317) (317) 507-6067 507-6067 507-6067 507-6067 Friday, August 20 (317) (317) (317) (317) 385-8336 385-8336 385-8336 patch-development.com patch-development.com patch-development.com patch-development.com State of the Schools 7:30 -385-8336 9:30 am, Primeval Brewing, Noblesville cccleanindiana.com cccleanindiana.com cccleanindiana.com cccleanindiana.com Thursday, October 28 Vector Vector Vector Vector Sign Sign Sign Sign Solutions Solutions Solutions Solutions Step Out to Success Workshop w Sherrell Smith Clark Clark Clark Clark Dietz, Dietz, Dietz, Dietz, Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Tuesday, August 24

8900 8900 8900 8900 Keystone Keystone Keystone Keystone Crossing Crossing Crossing Crossing Suite Suite Suite Suite 475 475 475 475 4:00 - 5:00 pm Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN IN IN IN 46240 46240 46240 46240 Metro Plastics Technologies, Inc. (317) (317) (317) (317) 844-8900 844-8900 844-8900 844-8900 clarkdietz.com clarkdietz.com clarkdietz.com clarkdietz.com

11:00 am - 1:00 pm, Noblesville Schools 1385 1385 1385 1385 S. S.S. 10th 10th S.10th 10th Street Street Street Street Community Center Noblesville, Noblesville, Noblesville, Noblesville, IN IN IN IN 46060 46060 46060 46060 (317) (317) (317) (317) 703-3340 703-3340 703-3340 703-3340 Comfort Comfort Comfort Comfort Option Option Option Option vectorsignsolutions.com vectorsignsolutions.com vectorsignsolutions.com vectorsignsolutions.com Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Town Town Town Town Center Center Center Center

Noblesville Noblesville Noblesville Noblesville Chamber Chamber Chamber Chamber of ofof Commerce Commerce ofCommerce Commerce || |P.O. P.O. | P.O. Box Box Box Box 2015 2015 2015 2015 || |Noblesville, Noblesville, | Noblesville, IN IN IN IN 46061 46061 46061 46061 || |(317) (317) | |(317) (317) 773-0086 773-0086 773-0086 773-0086 || |noblesvillechamber.com noblesvillechamber.com | noblesvillechamber.com noblesvillechamber.com Noblesville Chamber of Commerce |P.O. P.O. Box 2015 |Noblesville, Noblesville, IN 46061 317.774.0086 noblesvillechamber.com

Upcoming Events OneZone & Westfield Young Professional Meet UP @ Urban Vines Meet Mayor Cook August 5th 4:30pm to 6:30pm August Luncheon Series @ The Palladium Women in Business August 11th 11am to 1pm Caffeinated Conversation @ Location TBD August 17th 8am to 9am

Young Professional Meet UP @ Matt the Miller’s Tavern September 2nd 5pm to 7pm September Luncheon Series @ 502 East Event Centre September 9th 11am to 1pm Caffeinated Conversation @ HC Tavern + Kitchen September 21st 8am to 9am OneZone Meet UP @ Indianapolis Yacht Club September 30th 4:30pm to 6:30pm

OneZone Meet Up @ Salsbery Brothers Landscaping ugust 26th 4pm to 6:30pm

Welcome All of Our New Members! Click on the New Member Company Names Below and Visit their OneZone Member Directory Contact Information. Allisonville Meadows Healthcare American Senior Communities Bailey & Wood Mortgage Lender BenchMark Physical Therapy Better Together Events BeWell Project Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana Blue Raven Solar Boxdrop Indianapolis (Heavenly Sleep LLC) CarePatrol of North Indianapolis Carmel Magazine Carmel Parish Neighbors/Decided Excellence Catholic Media Carmel Swim Club Cevona Daniels Spaulding Consulting LLC Deadly Distractions Edgewater Payments Elements Financial Emcor Services Shambaugh

eXp Realty Greenberg LASIK Heard Real Estate Group-eXp Realty hustlefish Industrious Carmel City Center Industrious Mass Ave IndyGo INSPIREsmall.biz ISAGENIX JB Homes Juice Plus - Kim Pedicini Just Love Coffee Café Carmel "Opening Soon" Kennected Kudela & Weinheimer Landscape Architects LETS Title Services LifeWave Mercedes-Benz of Indianapolis Merchant Advocate Mobiusvp/CustomerCount Mojo Up Marketing & Media

Offset House Inc. Optimal Living LLC - Healthcare Management Paint The Town Red Painting with a Twist - Carmel Parks Place Pub Pederson Accounting Services RE/MAX Sandler Training Trustpointe Schmidt Associates Seal Now Sonesta Select Indianapolis Carmel Sue Maki, Hamilton County Council Swim Hair LLC Talus Pay Consulting The Tot Spot - Fishers The Tot Spot (Opening 2022) Total Restoration General Contractors VMWARE

Click Here Now and Visit the OneZone Member Directory

August • September 2021 • Hamilton County Business Magazine



A Ride Through Northern Hamilton County

A Sampling of Northern Hamilton Counties’ Fine Restaurants

9/18/2021 www.4towntour.com Cicero Christian Church Ride begins at 8:30 ... TASTE from 11:30 - 2:00 What:

Starting at 8:30 am A bike tour thru Northern Hamilton County with stops along the way to feature our local businesses at refreshment stops. Three rides available: 50 mile; 28 mile and 5 mile Family ride Followed by a buffet lunch where you can sample food from the restaurants of Arcadia, Atlanta, Cicero and Sheridan Don’t want to ride? Just join us (and your rider!) for lunch!

When: September 18, 2021

Where: Begins and ends at Cicero Christian Church 1715 Stringtown Pike, Cicero IN

How: Register for the Ride at www.4towntour.com lunch is included; Tickets for just the lunch following are only $10


Why: Promote our communities & support our two High Schools in their business and entrepreneurship programs

SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE! Contact us at jesy.ide@NHCCOC.org or 317.984.4079 — ADVOCATE MEMBERS —


70 Byron Street, Cicero, IN 46034 • (317) 984-4079 • www.northernhamiltoncountychamber.com August • September 2021 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

Thursday, Aug 5 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm Westfield Young Professionals Meet-Up with Mayor Cook Urban Vines Tuesday, Aug 10 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm Chamber/DWA Party on the Patio 1205 Distillery Thursday, Aug 19 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Luncheon with Zionsville Chamber Finley Creek Vineyards Thursday, Aug 26 9:30 – 10:30 am Coffee with the Chamber, with US Senator Mike Braun The Bridgewater Club



Thursday, Aug 5 8:00 am – 9:00 am Coffee with the Chamber Sponsored by Don’t Drive Naked Don't Drive Naked Westfield Office




Every Thursday through September 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm Westfield Farmers Market On Mill Street Next to Grand Junction Plaza Thursday, Sep 2 8:00 am – 9:00 am Coffee with the Chamber The Bridgewater Club Thursday, Sep 16 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Luncheon: Westfield Parks & Trails Chatam Hills Club Saturday, Sep 18 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm DWA Dinner on Union Street Union Street, Westfield Wednesday, Sep 22 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm Chamber/DWA Party on the Patio Location TBD

For details and online registration, please click and visit: www.westfield-chamber.org or call 317.804.3030

NEW MEMBERS PrimeLife Enrichment primelifeenrichment.org

Ice Barn Indiana icebarnindy.com

CIRTA/Commuter Connect commuterconnect.us

JB Homes justinbloxomhomes.com

Fourcast, Inc. fourcast.tech

Wright's wrightsgymnastics.com

Myo-Fit Mobility & Therapy www.myofittherapy.com

Pulte Homes of Indiana pulte.com

The Integrative Veterinary Clinic theintegrativeveterinaryclinic.com

Abbott Laboratories abbott.com

Harmony Dentistry harmonydentistry.business.site/?utm_ source=gmb&utm_medium=referral

Meijer meijer.com/newstores/ westfield-indiana.html

Sue Maki, Hamilton County Council At-Large ABC Supply hamiltoncounty.in.gov/649/County-Council abcsupply.com EastWest Construction www.eastwestindy.com Heritage Woods of Noblesville gardant.com/heritagewoodsnoblesville

Follow Us:

Westfield Chamber of Commerce 116 E. Main St. Westfield, IN 46074 317.804.3030

To visit the company’s website, please click on the bolded company name or website. All images on this page have hyperlinks.

August • September 2021 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


Hamilton County History

David Heighway

Revealing Forgotten Stories New history book will document HC’s lesser known heritage have recently branched out into a new format for doing public history—I am publishing a book. It’s called Hidden History of Hamilton County, Indiana. It’s being published by History Press as a part of their “Hidden History” series and will be out on August 9. The publisher states, “Arcadia Publishing & The History Press creates the largest and most comprehensive publisher of local and regional content in the USA. By empowering local history and culture enthusiasts to write local stories for local audiences, we create exceptional books that are relevant on a local and personal level, enrich lives, and bring readers closer to their community, their neighbors, and their past.”

Oddball Facts Many people perceive the history of Hamilton County, Indiana, as being somewhat bland. However, like any community, there are layers of history that get overlooked or forgotten. This book will examine some of the elements of those layers.

Suburban sprawl made them lose focus on the heart of the community—usually the downtown area—and they lost some of their physical presence. Interestingly, this period also saw the creation of various historical organizations—the Hamilton County Historical Society in 1963, Conner Prairie in 1964, the Sheridan Historical Society in 1969, the Arcadia Heritage Center in 1972, the Carmel Clay Historical Society in 1975, and others.

Strange Stories pede” in 2001, I’ve found that stories about oddball facts and little-known incidents have been my most popular stuff. After some examination, I’ve come up with a theory that may explain why. The present population of Hamilton County is predominantly newer residents. During the first explosive growth of suburbia in the 1950’s and 1960’s, some communities lost their identity.

This a collection of stories that I have been creating over the years for the Hamilton County Business Magazine, the Hamilton East Public Library blog, and other venues. Ever since I did my first written article about the “The Great The Fodrea-Mallott Beetle Flyer Squirrel Stam16

Today, there is a county-wide emphasis on efforts to recreate the community centers. This requires the community to reestablish an identity. In many instances, the residents’ contacts aren’t based on deep roots, so the usual collection of old county names is pretty meaningless. Instead, they have to find something that makes them unique, something peculiar or offbeat. For example, if you were a resident of the county and were told that Levi P. Fodrea held the office of Hamilton County Recorder for many years and was a highly respected citizen around the turn of the century, would you think that it mattered? Probably not. But suppose you were told that his son William was co-owner and chief engineer of the only car company in Hamilton County,

August • September 2021 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

but before that, he was the main suspect in a murder trial where he was accused of killing a romantic rival. He was saved by two witnesses—a prostitute nicknamed Crazy Mick who testified against him, (but was considered unbelievable), and his sister Leota, who spoke for him. She was a young, beautiful, and respected teacher whose tearful testimony moved the jury to acquit him. She was also a talented actress who rescued a locally written production from failure just by her performance. She might have done more but died at a tragically young age of pneumonia, just after she had been engaged.

This book will also explore the diversity of the area, and look at the lives of people who have been left out of the written record before now. They made many contributions to the community that should be recognized. Their stories provide a unique texture to life in this county. All-in-all, there is much more to the people of this area than has been written in the standard county histories. The stories in this book should give us some insight into their lives and show that they were people like us who were dealing with many issues. I hope that these strange stories might make them seem a little less strange. HCBM

NOW we have a story. I go into detail about both of these stories when I talk about the FodreaMallott Beetle Flyer automobile and Hamilton County playwright John Wise. I also talk about things like an 1830’s Hamilton County politician who became internationally famous despite being fictional, the White River Sea Serpent, and other offbeat people and events.

Hidden History of Hamilton County by David Heighway will be available in mid-August at local book stores and from the publisher, Arcadia Publishing.



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