Hamilton County Business Magazine Dec/Jan 2020

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Carmel’s New Urbanism Community The Village of West Clay


• New Winery in Noblesville • Local Brickmaking • Murphy’s Law Redux The Village Center

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December 2019 • January 2020 • Hamilton County Business Magazine






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December 2019 / January 2020

www.hamiltoncountybusiness.com Published six times per year by the Hamilton County Media Group PO Box 502, Noblesville, IN 46061 317-774-7747

The Village of West Clay, South Village


Mike Corbett


11 14

mcorbett@hamiltoncountybusiness.com CREATIVE DIRECTOR

Bridget Gurtowsky


The Village of West Clay

Dining Out Spencer Farm Winery





Management Dr. Charles Waldo


Chamber Pages


Ethics Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow


Technology J. David Shinn


History David Heighway

CORRESPONDENTS Chris Bavender crbavender@gmail.com Ann Craig-Cinnamon jandacinnamon@aol.com John Cinnamon jlcinnamon@aol.com Samantha Hyde samantharhyde@gmail.com Patricia Pickett pickettwrites@gmail.com CONTRIBUTORS David Heighway heighwayd@earthlink.net J. David Shinn david@shinntechnology.com Robby Slaughter rslaughter@accelawork.com Dr. Charles Waldo cnwaldo@comcast.net Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow cfwester@iupui.edu

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Cover photo by Stan Gurka 4

December 2019 • January 2020 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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Management Charles Waldo

More on Murphy and Friends New insights on why things go rwong In the Oct/Nov, 2014 HCBM I reported on research that has been done to help us better understand some of the many forces at work delivering the fundamental Murphy’s Law (“If anything can go wrong, it will”) to both the general population and, especially, to those persons engaged in the world of business and organizations of all types. Seventeen “red flags” to help recognize various aspects of Murphy’s Law at work were described. During the last five years, an extraordinary amount of new research was done that uncovered, literally, hundreds of additional Murphy-like or Murphy related phenomenon. In some cases totally new and original theories and rules were identified—the foundations for many a doctoral dissertation. In other cases, older theories and observations were honed and refined.

develop; 5) Left to themselves things usually go from bad to worse; 6) Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first—and it usually goes wrong; 7) Every potential solution breeds its own unique problems; 8) It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so numerous and ingenious; and 9) Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.

The Expanded Murphy Here are recent findings that can expand your understanding of the original Murphy and its sub-laws:

• Allen’s Law: Almost anything is easier to get into than out of. • Young’s Law of Inanimate Mobility: All inanimate objects can move just enough to get in your way and foul up your project. • Hoare’s Law of Large Problems: Inside every large problem is at least one small problem struggling to get out. • Roman’s Rule: The one who says it cannot be done should never interrupt the one who is doing it. • Blair’s Observation: The best laid plans of mice and men are usually about equal.

Hoare’s Law of

• Ruckert’s Law: There is nothing so small that it can’t be totally blown out of proportion.

Large Problems:

Inside every large problem

is at least one small problem

From this vast warehouse of knowledge I selected twenty-three “gems” that will, hopefully, assist you in better navigating the twists and turns of business life caused by Murphy and friends. As you go through them, why not make note of the ones you have encountered? You might be unpleasantly surprised.

struggling to get out.

First, several Corollaries to the basic Murphy’s Law have been identified: 1) Nothing is as easy to do as it looks on the surface; 2) Everything takes longer than originally thought; 3) If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go bad first. 4) If you perceive there are four possible ways for a procedure or project to go wrong and you find a way to circumvent them, a new, fifth way to go wrong will promptly 6

• Addendum to Murphy’s Law and the original Corollaries: In precise mathematical terms, 1 + 1 = 2, where “=” is a symbol meaning “seldom if ever.” • Tussman’s Law: Nothing is as inevitable and avoidable as a mistake whose time has come. • Perrussel’s Law: There is no job so simple and straightforward that it cannot be done wrong—and, usually, in a number of ingenious ways. • Hane’s Observation: There is no limit to how bad things can get if you try really hard.

• McGee’s First Law: It’s amazing how long it takes to complete something when you aren’t the person working on it. • Owen’s Theory of Organizational Deviance: Every organization has an allotted number of positions to be filled by misfits. Although these positions and occupants will not be shown on an organization chart, they are well known to fellow employees. Corollary: Once a misfit leaves, another must be quickly recruited so as to not lose that slot.

• The Lippman Lemma: People unconsciously tend to specialize in their area of greatest weakness. • Finnigan’s Law: The farther away the future is, the more inviting and positive it usually looks. That is why long-range plans seldom work out.

December 2019 • January 2020 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

• Christie Davies’ Theorem: If your facts are wrong but your logic is perfect, then your conclusions are inevitably false. Therefore, by making mistakes in your logic, you have at least a random chance of coming to a correct conclusion.

• A Yogi Berra Observation: “The future ain’t what it used to be.”

Stenderup’s Law: The sooner you fall behind,

• Hiram’s Law: If you hire enough consultants and pay them well, you can get just about any opinion confirmed.

• From Lefty Gomez, a former Yankee pitcher: “Generally speaking, I’ve found it’s better to be lucky than good.”

the more time you will have to catch up. Make

Good luck on your ongoing battle with Murphy. It’s not easy. HCBM

mistakes early.

• Bralek’s Rule for Success: Trust only those who stand to lose as much as you when things go wrong.

• Shapiro’s Law of Reward: The one who does the least amount of work makes the fewest mistakes; therefore will get the most credit.

• Mayne’s Observation about Design: Nobody notices the big errors until the damage has been done.

• Stenderup’s Law: The sooner you fall behind, the more time you will have to catch up. Make mistakes early.

• Bitton’s Postulate on State-ofthe-Art Electronics: If you understand it, it’s probably obsolete.

• Olivier’s Law: Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.

• And another Yogiism: “If you don’t want them to hit it, don’t throw it.”

Charles Waldo, Ph.D., is Professor of Marketing (ret.) in Anderson University’s Falls School of Business. He can be reached at cnwaldo@comcast.net.

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December 2019 • January 2020 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


Ethics Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow

Confronting the Passive-Aggressive Employee Most people agree that business ethics is important. According to a 2018 survey, more than four out of five employees—83%—say their companies would make better decisions if their leaders were to follow the “Golden Rule,” i.e., treat others as you would have them treat you. In addition, most employees— 59%—say their organizations would be more successful in taking on their biggest challenges if their leadership had more moral authority. And a whopping 62% of employees believe their colleagues’ performance would improve if managers relied more on their moral authority than on formal power. But the reality is that most people also tend to pay attention to business ethics only when gross examples of misconduct are reported in the news or social media. Business ethics simply isn’t a hot topic around the proverbial water cooler at work. Unfortunately, far too many people find the topic of business ethics as exciting as watching grass grow. Nonetheless, various models of business ethics are a standard part of the academic curriculum taught in most business schools. One of the most often taught ethical frameworks was developed by Ken Blanchard and Norman Vincent Peale, and first appeared in their 1988 book, “The Power of Ethical Management.” It consists of the following three simple questions: 1. Is it legal? Does it comply with government laws and regulations, and your organization’s internal regulations? 2. Is it fair? Is the decision honest and honorable, or are one or more parties being treated without consideration and respect? Is someone being taken advantage of?

Business Ethics Survey indicate that unethical behavior at work is declining. In 2013, 51% of surveyed employees said that within the last 12 months they observed conduct that either violated organizational standards or the law. However, in 2017, 47% reported observing misconduct; an 8% decrease and close to a historic low.

Passive-Aggressive Yet, a salient form of workplace misconduct that can seriously damage an organization’s ethical culture is passive aggressive behavior. Unfortunately, it is on the rise in workplaces across the country and is more than just a serious nuisance. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the term passive aggressive as “being marked by, or displaying behavior characterized by the expression of negative feelings, resentment, and aggression in an unassertive passive way (as through procrastination and stubbornness).” Signe Whitson, a licensed social worker and co-author of The Angry Smile: The Psychology of Passive-Aggressive Behavior in Families, Schools and Workplaces, defines passive aggression as “a deliberate and masked way of expressing hidden or covert feelings of anger.”

Characteristics The passive-aggressive employee uses a variety of behaviors to get back at others, often without colleagues ever becoming aware of their anger. The following are some common characteristics of passiveaggressive employees: • They are consistently unreliable, late and/or non-responsive • They procrastinate when you ask them to do something

3. How does it make you feel? Do you have a bad gut feeling about the decision? How would people react if they saw it reported in the news?

• They ignore proper channels in the workplace to deal with issues and instead, gossip, spreading rumors, constantly complain

Results from the most recent ECI (Ethics and Compliance Initiative) 2018 Global

• They resist suggestions and reject criticism


• They claim to be the victim • They use psychological manipulation by withholding praise and using the “silent treatment” • They are envious of other employees’ success • They love office drama According to Idealist Careers, if this behavior is coming from a subordinate or co-worker, the best way to deal with it is to utilize positive tactics. For example, calmly identify the behavior, be specific and avoid using general language such as “you always call in sick and miss the staff meeting,” or “you never respond to email.” In addition, try to avoid holding a conversation in an area of the office that can be overheard by colleagues. But let’s not forget that employees may also have to deal with passive aggressive supervisors and managers. The following are tell-tale signs of passive aggressive supervisors and managers: • They take full credit for the team’s work thus sabotaging employee advancement and morale • They keep complete control over the project (and change their minds every other day about the direction of the project or the process to be followed) • They restrict necessary information for workers to do a good job • They plan for meetings with employees and show up later or never • They override workers’ authority • They criticize employees in public, making them feel worthless • They give unclear feedback and seldom explain anything • They withhold recognition and praise from employees • They play new employees against more tenured employees • They micro-manage decisions which are in the employees’ power to do

December 2019 • January 2020 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

conduct, but rather is often viewed as an unfortunate display of irritating and/ or annoying behavior. However, it can wreak havoc on work relationships, lead to people being marginalized and taken advantage of by others, interfere with • Reference one or more occasion where productivity, and break down workplace their behavior has derailed a project and morale. Worse yet, unproductive expresdiscuss why it’s an ongoing problem sions of emotions can lead to an influx of • Try to address the root of their behavior harmful, extreme, and entirely unprofesby asking about their motivations in a sional and unethical behaviors such as friendly but firm way and try to find out gossip, sabotage, and retaliation. why they are feeling hostile or angry This doesn’t mean most employees don’t • Remove their anger and try to remove go through a passive-aggressive episode emotions from the conversation, mak- every now and then, like failing to attend ing every attempt to create a safe space a meeting or deliver a task on time. In for them to talk about their issues and fact, most of employees do. resolve the matter Moreover, many employees ignore • Recommend better future solutions genuine passive-aggressive behavior to their issues such as discussing the and pretend that nothing is going on. problem with the parties involved or Sometimes, however, this is not posreaching out to human resources sible, and the aftermath of hostilities or resentments will most likely not go away. More than Annoying As W.G. Wills wrote, “The wounds of the mind fester in silence.” Passive aggressive behavior is not typically considered a form of unethical Psychologist Neil Warner, in her book “Closing the Passive Aggressive Defiance Gap,” suggests the following tactics when working with a passive-aggressive supervisor or boss:

Working with or for someone who is genuinely passive-aggressive can be very frustrating. Nonetheless, a good ethical approach can greatly aid in identifying and addressing passive-aggressive behavior. Ethical individuals exude respect for co-workers and subordinates by making a point of listening and responding to feedback and avoid punishing people who publicly disagree with them. They clarify expectations and pay close attention to what’s not being said in the workspace. Confronting passive-aggressive behavior can be as difficult as nailing Jell-O to a wall. Yet, it must be done in order to promote ethical behaviors and enhance workplace morale. HCBM

Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow teaches management and business law at IU’s Kelley School of Business and is President of ChangePro LLC, a leadership development consultancy.



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December 2019 • January 2020 • Hamilton County Business Magazine



J. David Shinn

Tech Talk: Humans and Psychology “Our focus on Technology is about Humans, not about Machines.” This has been our company motto since we started in business 30 years ago. Most of the problems that a business experiences are caused by their own employees. This includes contracting viruses & malware, causing data breaches and falling victim to other scams that jeopardize corporate assets and intellectual property. Charlatans, scammers and hackers have been around since the beginning of time…preying on the unsuspecting human for profit and gain. Hackers use psychology to influence human behavior a million times a day…taking advantage of emotions and using them to persuade the user to click a button, open an email attachment or call an 800 number. Hackers are masters of psychology and behavioral science.

The current scam is for a hacker to take your personal photos and name to create a new Facebook profile that they control. They use your friends list to

form is a special power called common sense. We are so busy in our daily lives that we don’t thoroughly read emails or listen to voice mail with DETAIL in mind. Pay attention to details. You always need to be evaluating your environment for possible threats. If you were in your car at a stop light and a stranger was walking towards you, wouldn’t you roll up the windows and make sure the doors were locked? Or, would you just not think about a possible threat until you were actually being robbed? The real answer to the above should tell you how well you will do in this electronic world of dealing with thousands of strangers on a daily basis.

It is important to have written policies on security for all

employees to review. This plan will have technology use guidelines,

security policies and define a plan

Testing & Education

of action in case a data breach has

Social Hacking / Social Media Wikipedia defines social hacking as the act of attempting to manipulate outcomes of social behavior through orchestrated actions. The general function of social hacking is to gain access to private information. Most often, social hacking attacks are achieved by becoming an impersonating actor who is known by the victim. This is done through premeditated research and planning to gain victims’ confidence. The use of social media in today’s world gives hackers most of the ammunition they need. People post everything about their life on Facebook, to include family member names, photos, home locations, vacation schedules, church affiliations, political views, schools where their chil10

dren go, etc. There are 20+ other social media sites that hackers use to find information about you to include LinkedIN, SnapChat and Instagram.

been discovered. connect with all of your contacts…and then they start using phishing methods to scam your friends—using their love and friendship of you for the next round of psychology scams. An easy resolution to combat this identity theft is edit your Facebook settings to change the privacy so that only your friends can see your content and your friends list. ShinnTech can provide you a list of settings to update if you need it. It is my opinion that Facebook is the #1 threat to your personal safety and privacy. See this online article: cnet.com/ news/facebook-will-reportedly-be-fineda-record-5-billion-over-privacy-mishaps

Your Special Power Honestly…and I don’t mean to insult anyone…the best defense to protect against being taken advantage of in any

Industry studies show that employee mistakes cause a majority of data breaches and costs for support response to virus and malware attacks. By using an employee vulnerability assessment, your staff can receive simulated phishing attacks with recorded results. If they fail a “test”, they will receive an email with an education video. There are many facets to the services offered, but the main goal is to turn your staff into the main line defense for protecting your business assets. There are many companies that provide this type of service, just do a search in Google. HCBM

J. David Shinn is President of Shinn Technology Services Corp specializing in technology consulting and support for small business. Shinn is also an author and technical editor.

December 2019 • January 2020 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

Cover Story

THE V ILL AGE OF WEST CL AY By Ann Craig-Cinnamon

amilton County is home to many beautiful neighborhoods of all sizes. One community, however, has earned some distinctions that may surprise you. The Village of West Clay in Carmel is the largest residential community, not only in Indiana, but in the entire Midwest. Bordered by 136th Street to the north, Coxhall Gardens to the south, Ditch Road to the East and Shelborne Road to the West, The Village of West Clay has more than 1700 homes and 5000

residents. Jeff Terp, the Executive Director of the Village of West Clay Owners Association, says it is like a town within the city of Carmel. “If you look at our annual budget of almost 5 million dollars on 780 acres, we are larger than some cities in Indiana; even in Hamilton County,” says Terp.

New Urbanism

was the first and only development of its kind in Indiana and was modeled after other New Urbanism developments in places like Columbus, Ohio and Baltimore, Maryland. Ground was broken in 1999 and the first home show was held in July of 2001. It is now a national leader in New Urbanism with communities from all over the country visiting to learn how to duplicate it.

The Village of West Clay had its beginnings 20 years ago when the Brenwick Development Company envisioned a New Urbanism community in Carmel. It

Terp describes the trend of New Urbanism as an outgrowth from the 1990’s of people trying to restore a sense of community in the urban sprawl. “New

December 2019 • January 2020 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


Photo by Stan Gurka

Urbanism is creating a sense of community within a community; creating a walkable community. One thing that is really different about the Village of West Clay than probably every other neighborhood, is that everything is designed to be walkable,” he says adding that all of the village’s parks, recreational buildings and amenities are designed to be within a 10 to 15 minute walk. “From almost anywhere in the Village, within 15 minutes you can walk to the Village center and dine, bring your laundry, go workout, whatever you need to do, you can do,” says Terp. All architecture is historically accurate and residents have to follow specific building guidelines regarding the type and style of their home. All streets are named after historically significant people and art in the community is from significant Hoosiers. The meeting house is named for Hoosiers Hoagy Carmichael and Jean Stratton Porter. Terp calls it an intentionality in neighborhood design that has never been done before.

ton, SC and Savannah, GA. Architectural styles are Victorian, Neo Gothic, Renaissance, and Romanesque. There is also a retirement community in the middle of the Village called Stratford and a continuing care unit.

more than 70 businesses located in the Village. At full retail occupancy, there will be more than 100 businesses and there is a waiting list.

The retail and commercial side of the Village of West Clay is also very successful. The 300,000 square feet of available commercial space is more than 98% leased. According to Terp there are now

lage Center which is home to restaurants such as Sahm’s, Danny Boy’s, Zing Café, and Greek’s Pizza with new eateries to be announced soon. There’s also a Classic Cleaners, Indy Dental, law firms, interior designers, the first Carmel library branch, and other professional services such as a spa, Pilates studio, barber, hair stylist, plastic surgeon, art studio and Link Office Suites at West Clay, which offers shared space for businesses. Terp says you can live, work, play and stay in the Village if you so desire.

There are two commercial areas. One is called Uptown, located on the peripheral area, with two banks, a CVS, Primrose The community is just about at capacity daycare, a liquor store, Puccini’s restauwith only a few empty lots remaining that are all in the process of building. rant, a martial arts school and, soon, the As for price range, Terp says there is a first Family Express convenience store in condo for sale currently for $120,000 and Central Indiana. a home for sale for $2.2 million. The other commercial area is The Vil-

The Village of West Clay’s residential side offers everything from entry-level apartments to two and three million dollar homes. There are single family homes, townhomes, cottages, garden homes and villas. Most homes are styled after southern homes in Charles12

Photo by Stan Gurka

Residential and Commercial Space

The restaurants draw much of their revenue from outside the Village so not only do residents frequent them, the general public does as well. Indy Dental Group was one of the first two businesses established in the Village. Office Administrator Nancy Locke says they have enjoyed watching the great growth all around them and have loved

December 2019 • January 2020 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

being a part of the Village for the past 18 years. “It is nice to be part of a close knit community. We love the Village of West Clay. Great fun; great concept!” she says. Basket Pizzazz has been a part of the Village of West Clay for 11 years. Owner Sherri Klain lives and works in the Village and thinks the concept is amazing. “To be able to live, work and play in the same area is great. I have the pleasure of visiting with neighbors and friends when they are in the store, then get to see them out and about enjoying the incredible amenities here,” she says.

HOA With the size and scope of the community, Terp says the Village of West Clay Homeowners Association does a lot more than a typical HOA and may be the largest HOA in the Midwest in

terms of revenue, staff, and services, including its own security force. It has seven miles of alleys to maintain, over 20 miles of irrigation lines, 14 ponds, greenspace, eight playgrounds, three pool complexes, three exercise facilities, 10 miles of paths, a meeting house to rent for private events and all are maintained by a staff of ten people. Terp says the HOA is more than just a business in itself “The Village of West Clay is a supporter of hundreds of businesses and they are all doing exceptionally well. People are lining up to get in here.” Both Terp and Director of Communication and Resident Services, Sally Cutler, live in the Village. Cutler says they have a wide range of activities that they plan for the neighborhood. “We have summer concerts. We just had a fall festival. And not only do we invite our residents we also spread the word to make sure others in the community, Carmel or others

December 2019 • January 2020 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

around the county are welcome and can come visit us and patronize our businesses. One of the big things is that we are very intentional about creating opportunities for people to get together to socialize and get to know each other,” says Cutler who loves living in the Village. “The opportunity is there for my husband and me to meet so many people so quickly and easily here.” The Village of West Clay has yet another distinction. Terp says the International Roundabout Association gave it its highest honor. “They toured roundabouts around the world and voted ours at Jackson Circle the Most Beautiful Roundabout in the World.” HCBM


Dining Out

Spencer Farm Winery By Chris Bavender Photos by Stan Gurka ark Spencer has always enjoyed relaxing with a glass of wine with friends and family. So when the 35-year-old started to think of ways to diversify the family business, Spencer Farm, his thoughts turned to a winery. “I explored apples but that didn’t light a fire in me. I’d visited a buddy who lived in the southern growing region in California and did a bunch of winery tours and enjoyed that,” Spencer said. “With more and more people moving into this area who are middle and upper income, I thought it might be something they’d be looking for and would be a good fit.” The first hurdle were his parents, Kyle and Lori Spencer. “Neither of my parents really drink much so it took a little bit of convinc-


ing as far getting them to understand what a winery is—that it’s not a rowdy bar,” Spencer said.

Trial and Error

That’s how I learned to grow grapes,” he said. “Wine grapes are a little bit tougher to grow—at least some varieties—but essentially it’s the same blueprint. Once I’d succeeded with table grapes I convinced my parents to let me start with the wine grapes.”

The next hurdle was researching what types of grapes would grow well in Indiana’s climate. Most wine grapes grown in the state are hybrids developed to withstand Hoosier winters. Spencer also reached out to Bruce Bordelon, a Purdue University Horticulture professor and part When it came to creating his wines, Spencer said it was trial and error. of the University’s grape team.

“I bugged him a lot on what to do and how “I started out very small doing one gallon at a time and you follow what you think to get started,” Spencer said. “He’s been a you’re supposed to do and then learn tremendous resource for me.” little tweaks here and there that make it Spencer started with table grapes in 2016 more of a high quality wine,” he said. “I because they fit the Spencer Farm “pick learned early to expose it less to air beyour own” concept. cause it’s the enemy of wine. Now we’re “I called it my training wheels. They did operating on a much bigger scale and quite well and are still out there today. I’m learning more each time.”

December 2019 • January 2020 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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Escape from the Suburbs In November 2018 Spencer had the opportunity to buy the 1883 farmhouse next to the family farm with the idea of turning it into a tasting room. “I was going for more of the relaxed farmhouse type feel that we have on the farm in general and wanted to incorporate the old farmhouse into that if possible versus putting up something new with less character,” Spencer said.

vines mounted to the walls. So you have the wine aspect with the Ag aspect—sort of that easy going feel. The farm is like that—an escape from the suburbs and that’s what I was shooting for.” Eight wines are currently available to taste, with glasses and bottles available for purchase. “Two that have been the overwhelming favorites are the Syrah for the red wine drinkers and the peach and honey for sweet wine drinkers,” Spencer said. “There’s also every step in between with the middle of the road—the blueberry because it’s somewhat sweet but has a bit of tartness to it—so sweet and dry drinkers like it. There really is something for every wine palate.”

The farmhouse was taken down to the studs so the small rooms could be opened up, but Spencer tried to keep as much of the original home as he could, including the original hardwood floors and part of an original chimney. Dark wood tables and chairs dot the winery, a window seat with invites customers to sit Even though Spencer Farm Winery only and sip, while the soft blue paint adds to has a few months under its belt, Spencer’s already looking to the future. The the relaxed atmosphere. upper floor of the farmhouse will likely “I didn’t want it to be super modern and be renovated to add additional space and brand new looking; I wanted clean lines a party room for events, and a breezebut still have that farmhouse feel such way built between the main tasting room as the rough sawn cedar trim,” he said. and the patio seating area. Live enter“Some of the decor is old time Noblesville tainment is also on tap down the road. photographs and we have an original “I don’t want to overcomplicate what this Spencer’s you pick sign and old grape is, however,” Spencer said. “I feel like some wineries try to branch out in too many different directions and I want to remain, at the core, a winery rather than offer everything under the sun.” HCBM

December 2019 • January 2020 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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A Summary of Recent Retail Activity

By Samantha Hyde

NORTHERN HAMILTON COUNTY Legacy Images gift shop opened in October in the former R&T Auto Shop building at 516 S. Main Street in Sheridan. The Indiana Conference of Seventh Day Adventist Church is adding new seasonal cabins to its campus at 24815 SR 19 in Cicero.

CARMEL Take 5 Oil Change is going in at 9799 Michigan Rd. An 11,000 SF Riverview Health Urgent Care & Emergency Room is under construction at 10830 Michigan Rd.

Allisonville Integrative Health has moved its chiropractic services to a new office at 10967 Allisonville Rd. Genki Sushi opened in September at 11009

Genki Sushi

Genki Sushi

Allisonville Rd. Sunflower Spa has moved into 11083 Allisonville Rd. Dottie Couture at 8594 E. 116th St. will close later this winter in a consolidation of the Fishers and Keystone locations to a new storefront at 8661 River Crossing Blvd. The county’s second Lash Lounge franchise is now open at 8395 E. 116th St.

All Indy-area Granite City Food & Brewery restaurants have closed in recent months, including the 150 W. 96th The first of three new Honor Yoga locaStreet location. Yoga Six is opening soon tions in the county is opening in Decemat 11503 Spring Mill Rd. ber at 11 Municipal Dr. Next door to it will soon be the home of county’s second Local developer Old Town is looking to Office Evolution co-working space. convert 28 acres north of Smokey Row Rd. and east of Meridian St. into a mixed Chiro One Wellness Center has moved into Clothes Mentor’s former location at housing, retail, and office development. 11670 Commercial Dr. Clothing store Rose & Remington is coming to 14390 Clay Terrace Blvd. Rise ‘n Roll Bakery is opening its first Keen Children’s Shoes at 20 Executive Dr. is set to close its doors in mid-December. Choice Hearing Centers is now open at 110 E. Carmel Dr. The Urban Chalkboard at 452 E. Carmel Dr. has closed after a five-year run. Hotworx Yoga is moving into the former Home Care Assistance space at 12525 Old Meridian St. Bub’s Café closed its doors at 220 2nd St. SW at the end of October. Evansville-based United Fidelity Bank is opening its second Carmel branch at 800 S. Rangeline Rd.

Hamilton County shop at 9705 Fishers District Dr. Indiana’s first EPIC Interval Training fitness center is coming to 11547 Yard St. A new Pet People store is coming to 9719 E. 116th St. Ohana Donuts & Ice Cream is setting up shop at 11640 Brooks School Rd. Greenleaf Apothecary is planning a second Fishers location at 12574 Promise Creek Ln.

Omega Auto Sports is building a new 3,400 SF office and vehicle showroom at 14080 Trade Center Dr. OMI OrthoThe Egg and I closed at 2271 Point Pkwy. dontics is moving into the former Long’s Mattress space at 13910 Olivia Way. Coffee shop and gathering place Rose and Lois is opening at 7249 E. 146th St.

FISHERS Easy Water is moving into 32,600 SF of industrial space at 9910 N by NE Boulevard. F.C. Tucker Crosspoint is opening an office at 8220 E. 106th St.


Beaver Materials is building a new 7,500 SF warehouse for its Noblesville gravel plant at 8030 E. 160th St. Hot Toddy’s has opened in Broccoli Bill’s at 15009 Gray Rd.

VisionWare is constructing a new build- ABC Ballroom is now offering dance lessons at 1804 Conner St. Grindstone ing at 96th Street just east of Olio Rd. 16

Public House is remodeling and expanding into adjacent retail space at 101 N. 10th St.

Fishers-based Marshall Best Security is building a 12,000 SF office and shipping center at 10005 Cumberland Pointe Blvd. Medi-Weightloss celebrated the grand opening of its new location at 14350 Mundy Drive in October.

WESTFIELD DIY studio AR Workshop Carmel recently opened at 14643 Gray Rd. Lasting Impressions Family Dental Care is opening a new office at 14649 N. Gray Rd. A new 160,000 SF Meijer and accompanying gas station and convenient store are slated for construction on the southeast corner of SR 32 & Spring Mill Rd. NXT Labs is moving into space at 17727 Commerce Dr. Maxim Eyes Vision Enhancement Center opened in October at 16409 Southpark Dr. BDX-Indiana is planning to operate a new hemp-extraction facility at 17219 Foundation Pkwy. A Chipotle Mexican Grill restaurant is moving into 829 E SR 32 and a Burger King is coming to 819 E SR 32. The original Grand Junction Brewing Co. brew pub at 110 S. Union Street has closed, but the tap room just a mile away remains open. Nexus Dental is moving into a former retail space at 3440 E SR 32. The new Primrose School at Grand Park will be built at 18170 Grand Park Boulevard. The 35,000 SF Westfield Washington Schools Aquatic Center is under construction at 181st St. & Wheeler Rd. ABC Building Company is moving into a 48,000 SF facility at 18030 Sun Park Dr. IMMI is adding a new 7,400 SF storage facility to its campus at 18881 IMMI Way. HCBM

December 2019 • January 2020 • Hamilton County Business Magazine



JANUARY (cont.)

Holiday Luncheon Wednesday, December 4

January Luncheon: State of the County Wednesday, January 22

11:15 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Purgatory Golf Club, 12160 E 216th St Noblesville

Young Professionals Coffee Roasters Thursday, December 5

11:15 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Embassy Suites, 13700 Conference Center Drive South, Noblesville

8:00 - 9:30 a.m. Coverdale Consulting 11500 Lantern Rd, Fishers

Legislative Breakfast Series Kickoff Friday, December 13 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. Conner Prairie Interactive History Park, Fishers

JANUARY WIN Coffee & Connect Wednesday, January 15 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. Smith House 444 Lafayette Rd, Noblesville

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Woolpert, Inc. 333 North Alabama Street, Ste. 200 Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 223-2320 woolpert.com RevLocal Fishers, IN 46038 (941) 544-2225 revlocal.com Magnum Veritas Productions 10662 Sienna Drive Noblesville, IN 46060 (317) 572-8844 magnumvp.com Edward Jones/Casey Nelson 15887 Cumberland Rd Noblesville, IN 46060 (317) 770-6967 edwardjones.com/casey-nelson

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2020 Embassy Suites by Hilton Noblesville-Indianapolis Conference Center Register your booth today to take advantage of early bird rates.

Register at noblesvillechamber.com

Edward Jones/Ryan Hiatt 5855 E. 211th St. Suite 21 Noblesville, IN 46062 (317) 804-2334 edwardjones.com/ryan-hiatt Transformations Center for Healing 2222 Sheridan Road Noblesville, Indiana 46062 (317) 219-6673 transformationscfh.org Specialty Earth Sciences, LLC 10475 Crosspoint Blvd Fishers, IN 46256 (502) 813-5026 sesciences.com

LET THE NOBLESVILLE CHAMBER WORK FOR YOU. When you choose to call Noblesville your business home, you put yourself in a position to leverage assets only found here. Our city’s networks, resources and opportunities run deep. The Noblesville Chamber of Commerce works one on one with businesses so they can tap into these hyperlocal advantages and our expertise.

Consider joining the Noblesville Chamber today. Contact Director of Business Development Tom Marquell at (317) 773-0086 or tom@noblesvillechamber.com

Top: Ribbon cutting for Aerial Fit2Fly. Bottom Left: Chamber President & CEO Bob DuBois meets with Noblesville city leaders and U.S. Rep. Susan Brooks. Bottom Right: DuBois meets with Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch.

Noblesville Chamber of Commerce | P.O. Box 2015 | Noblesville, IN 46061 | (317) 773-0086 | noblesvillechamber.com

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Wednesday, December 4th 4:30pm to 6:30pm E.F. Marburger Fine Flooring

Wednesday, January 8th 11:30am - 1pm FORUM Conference Center

Business After Hours

YP Meet Up

Scan the QR Code to follow us.

January Luncheon

Chamber 101

Thursday, December 5th 5pm to 7pm Flix Brewhouse - Toy Drive

OneZone Annual Business Excellence Awards Each year, the chamber recognizes companies and individuals for business excellence and impact at our annual awards luncheon. •

Business of the Year

New Construction Award

Renovation Award

Green Award

Young Professional of the Year

Volunteer of the Year

Wednesday, December 11th 11:30am to 1pm Ritz Charles

Legislative Breakfast Friday, December 13th 7:30am to 9am Conner Prairie

Thursday, January 9th 8:30am to 9:30am The Hagerman Group

Legislative Breakfast Friday, January 10th 7:30am to 9am Conner Prairie

YP Meet Up

Wednesday, January 13th 5pm to 7pm Ruth’s Chris

Taste of the Chamber Thursday, January 16th 4:30pm to 7:30pm Ritz Charles

Small Business Toolbox Human Resources 101

Thursday, January 23rd Hamilton East Public Library 9:30am to 12pm

Watch. We are excited about our new video series “One-on-OneZone.” This series is hosted by our President, Mo Merhoff. She sits down with local leaders and talks about topics that our businesses want to hear about. Make sure to scan the YouTube QR Code to learn more.

Receive. Make sure to sign up for our weekly advocacy newsletter, “Three for Thursday.” This newsletter gives you advocacy information from the Statehouse, County, Carmel and Fishers.

10305 Allisonville Rd., Ste. B | Fishers, IN 46038 | 317.436.4653 | onezonecommerce.com

Welcome all of our New Members! Ace Mechanical Services AFLAC– Katie Lipscomb Anvl ACo AxiaTP Black Diamond Consulting Baines Builders Products Brightway, The Phung Agency Bucheri McCarty & Metz LLP Colonial Life Consort HR Crossroads of America Council - BSA Devin Chaulk Realtor Edward Jones - Lloyd Lee Fifty Club of Fishers Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers Green District Lake Meadows Assisted Living Market Wagon Michael D. O’Brian, CPA ONiT Painting Prime 47 Carmel Prodigy Burger & Bar X Golf Carmel

HausPets Homewood Suites by Hilton - Keystone Crossing Honeywell Building Solutions Honor Yoga Fishers Hyatt Place Carmel The Lash Lounge - Fishers & Carmel Massage Heights Body + Face Merrfeld Career Management Mesirow Financial, Inc. Mini Minds Paycor - Miranda Heinold Pizza King Plan B Cleaning Premier Commercial Real Estate The Ridge Group R.E. Dimond and Associates Reclaiming Time and Space Recorder Media Group Steiner Studios Stonecrest of Meridian Hills Spenga Tide Cleaners - Noblesville, Fishers, & Zionsville TSI Energy Solutions UZOOX Cell Phone Repair Wishes Dance Studio WorkHere

Leadership Partners



Without Borders Boutique (317) 503-9617

Conrad Advisor Group Todd Burtron (317) 804-1594 toddburtron@conradadvisorygroup.com

Visit the complete Member Directory at www.northernhamiltoncountychamber.com/list



December 12, 2019 United Animal Health

— ADVOCATE MEMBERS — Please check out the Chamber website www.northernhamiltoncountychamber.com

Second Thursday of the month

70 Byron Street Cicero, IN 46034 (317) 984-4079 December 2019 • January 2020 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


December 5 Westfield Young Professionals Time: 5:30-7:30pm Grindstone on the Monon

December 10 Coffee with the Chamber 8:00-9:00am SpringHill Suites

December 19 Luncheon

Kiddie Academy of Chatham Hills 1324 Chatham Commons Blvd. Westfield, IN 46074 AT&T Westfield 643 East State Rd. 32 Westfield, IN 46074 J&D’s Creative Colors 1022 Kendall Ct., Unit 4 Westfield, IN 46074 Abundant Life Church 17950 Grassy Branch Rd. Westfield, IN 46074

11:00-1:00pm The Bridgewater Club


Mr. Plumber by Metzler & Hallam 1077 3rd. Ave. SW Carmel, IN 46032

Paison and Partners 16877 Oak Manor Dr. Westfield, IN 46074 Winsupply of Westfield 22 East State Rd. 32 Westfield, IN 46074 Dermatology Associates of Indiana 8433 Harcourt Rd. Suite 310 Indianapolis, IN 46260 Merrfeld Career Management 1328 Bridgeport Dr. Westfield, IN 46074 Mini Storage Depot Westfield 17200 Foundation Pkwy. Westfield, IN 46074



Consort HR 3905 Vincennes Rd. Suite 120 Indianapolis, IN 46240



January 9 Westfield Young Professionals 5:30-7:30am Texas Roadhouse

January 14

Want to add your name to this list? To learn more, contact info@westfield-chamber.org

Coffee with the Chamber 8:00-9:00am Cardon & Asociates at Copper Trace

January 16 January Luncheon 11:00-1:00pm

Follow Us:

IMMI Conference Center January 23 Business After Hours 5:00-7:00pm Cambria Suites

For details and online registration, please visit: www.westfield-chamber.org or call 317.804.3030

December 2019 • January 2020 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

Westfield Chamber of Commerce 116 E. Main St. Westfield, IN 46074 317.804.3030


Hamilton County History

David Heighway

Brickmaking in Hamilton County

Many historic structures are built with local bricks hen looking at the important structures of the county, there is a building material that many of them share— bricks. Bricks are, quite literally, the building blocks of the county. How they were made and where they were used says something about the history of the county. The first brick building in the county was William Conner’s house built in 1823. Later historians said that common practice was to dry the molded clay in the sun, build a kiln to fire the bricks to the proper hardness, and demolish the kiln after the job was done. The construction of the Conner house was followed in 1827 by the brick homes of Silas Moffitt, William Wilkerson, and Zenas Beckwith. The first public brick building was the Recorder’s office built in 1832.

Tile Factories The business of brickmaking got started in 1840. William Stanbrough established the earliest known real brickyard in the county in Washington Township, where he built a kiln and sold bricks. Evidently, there was enough of a demand that Westfield resident Nathan Johnson was awarded a patent for a brick-making mold in 1854. In addition to brick, clay was used for drainage tiles to drain the

swampy areas of the county. By 1869, tile factories had been established in Noblesville, Westfield, and Carmel. There was a community in Washington Township named Tile Factory Corner. In 1880, Fishers had a tile factory on the main street in town.

Indianapolis who made terra cotta ornaments for buildings. Terra cotta was used on some buildings in Noblesville—it can be seen as plaques on the Harris-Joseph

Brick makers in Noblesville seemed to concentrate on Federal Hill along Stringtown Pike (present-day Lakeview Drive), possibly because of a clay deposit. There had been an attempt to establish a town called Garversville just west of the railroad Brehm-Haverstick building (demolished) along present Park Street, and the brickyards were usually in that area. block (present-day Church, Church, A successful gas well was drilled in 1887 Hittle, and Antrim). It was also used for on Federal Hill, which was used to fire animal head decorations on the Northbricks. The R. L. Wilson house (presentside Block, which burned in 1957. Lawson day Heavenly Sweets) had a sidewalk made bricks for sewers, the Strawboard made with bricks from a natural gas kiln. factory, the Carbon Works, the Cicero However, people still reported seeing glass factory, and the Brehm-Haverstick loads of wood taken to the kilns in 1890. building (later the Holt and Ayres buildAmong the Federal Hill brick makers was ing). After the demolition of the BrehmAllen Fisher, who advertised for brick Haverstick bulding, the bricks were saved moulders in 1874 and got the contract and are to be used in the new Levinson for the new jail in 1875. Also in 1875, W. building. Some Lawson brick buildH. Cottingham owned a brickyard in the ings still standing are the Lacy/Knights area. In 1880, C. W. Fisher had a brickof Pythias building (present-day Kirk’s yard close to where the hospital is today. It’s unclear if he was related to Allen Fisher. C. W. Fisher used an “Iron Quaker” brick molding machine to make his bricks. The Gatts family opened a brickyard in 1887 and had various partners through the years. They were one of the brick makers that used natural gas.

Terra Cotta In 1888, James Lawson began making brick on Federal Hill and became one of the more successful companies. He had a cousin in 22

Lacy/Knights of Pythias building

December 2019 • January 2020 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

he had supplied some of it. When Mayor James Worth Smith began paving the streets of Noblesville in 1894, the bricks were not local, but were purchased from Brazil, Indiana. There was some discussion in the paper about not supporting local business. Around this time, the citizens of Sheridan also began to pave their streets with brick.

Eventually the brickyards closed, although it’s not clear if this was from a lack of material from all of the clay mining, a lack of fuel after the gas failed, or a lack of demand as the boom faded. In 1907, Arcadia had the last real brick factory in the county, which was destroyed by fire that year. HCBM


Hardware and Linden Tree), and the Red Men’s Lodge (present-day Grindstone Public House). Sheridan had its own tile and brick factories in the 1870’s and 1880’s run by people like Eli Hiatt, William and Barney Fristoe, and Henry Thistlewaite. Apparently, there were limits to the local brickmakers’ abilities. When the new county courthouse was being built in 1878-9, it was done with brick bought from the Peerless Brick Company in Philadelphia. Allen Fisher later said that


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December 2019 • January 2020 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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