Hamilton County Business Magazine Feb/Mar 2019

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The Snow Man


Winter Sports at Koteewi Park


• Why We Lie • Workforce Innovation • Black History Brian Cooley, President Outdoor Excursions, Inc.


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Reach New Movers and Visitors to Hamilton County Ad sales are currently underway for this year’s

Hamilton County Community Guide Call 317-774-7747 or email Mike Corbett mcorbett@hamiltoncountybusiness.com 2

February • March 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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February / March 2019


Koteewi Run

Published six times per year by the Hamilton County Media Group PO Box 502, Noblesville, IN 46061 317-774-7747 EDITOR/PUBLISHER




Bridget Gurtowsky


Koteewi Run


Workforce Innovation Network

16 18

Mike Corbett


Roundabout Chamber Pages

Columns 6

Management Dr. Charles Waldo


Ethics Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow


Technology J. David Shinn


History David Heighway

CORRESPONDENTS Chris Bavender crbavender@gmail.com Ann Craig-Cinnamon jandacinnamon@aol.com John Cinnamon jlcinnamon@aol.com Susan Hoskins Miller skhmiller@gmail.com Stephanie Miller sccwriter-@gmail.com Samantha Hyde samantharhyde@gmail.com Patricia Pickett pickettwrites@gmail.com CONTRIBUTORS David Heighway heighwayd@earthlink.net J. David Shinn david@shinntechnology.com Robby Slaughter rslaughter@accelawork.com Dr. Charles Waldo cnwaldo@comcast.net Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow cfwester@iupui.edu

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Cover photo by Stan Gurka 4

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February • March 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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February • March 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


Management Charles Waldo

Defects and Errors Happen Who takes the blame?

In the last HCBM my article was titled “1,501 Ways To Bring Out The Best in People.” The article suggested numerous methods of recognizing and rewarding employee performance way above average. The assumption is that earned recognition, appreciation, and, sometimes, financial rewards given sincerely in a timely manner will make the employee feel better about herself and her job and will encourage her to repeat or, even better, improve that performance—good for the employee and the organization. What do you think about that assumption? Is it valid? Does it square with your experiences? How do most people respond to earned praise? How about you? Do praise and recognition raise productivity and/or quality? Does praise beget more praise? Or are bonuses and raises better motivators? But how often will these be available?

Dr. Deming’s Perspectives Shortly after the end of WWII the U.S. Department of Agriculture sent Dr. W. Edwards Deming (Yale Ph.D. in Physics) and other consultants to war-devastated Japan to help farmers find better ways of increasing crop yields faster and more profitably. Over time Deming became acquainted with executives of Japanese industrial companies also attempting to rebuild. He preached that they could not compete on the world stage unless their product quality was raised dramatically and continuously. Some got on board.

were typical slogans plastered on walls of Japanese plants. The quality journey was not an overnight trip and many Japanese exports were in fact “junk.” But they were cheap and tended to fill price points that U.S. products didn’t, especially in the automotive segment. Deming kept pounding away with the “quality is everything” message. Long before U.S. producers bought it, Japanese auto manufacturers were delivering better and better products at very competitive prices, initially exporting to the U.S. and, later, building huge, modern

But things don’t always go right To quote Murphy’s First Law: If anything can wrong, it will. Observations of the “real world” clearly show that employees at all levels (including CEO’s) sometimes make mistakes; miscommunicate; resist, defy, or misinterpret directions; are dishonest; and on and on. People are not perfect, just human. It’s pretty hard to praise an employee for “doing something wrong” or “doing the wrong thing” no matter what their original intention. But was the error really their fault? 6

He introduced “Statistical Process Control” (SPC), as a process designed to catch and correct defects before they were sent on down the line. Then processes were designed that would “error proof” production flow. “How have you improved today?,” “Do it right the first time,” and “The customer is not paying for your mistakes”

assembly plants in the U.S. In Indiana: Toyota in Princeton, Honda in Greensburg, and Subaru in Lafayette. After consulting with numerous Japanese manufacturers, Deming generated a new way of thinking about product quality and the interplay between frontline worker, her supervisor, and middle/

February • March 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

top management. Heretofore, and even today in some organizations (not yours, I hope), the front-line worker almost always was blamed when quality or productivity slipped. However, Deming’s astute observations and analyses led him to conclude that front-line workers were usually really responsible for only between 1 and 10% of total defects and errors, the average in Japan in those days (the 1970’s-80’s) being about 6%. Today it’s less than 1%. What about the other 90 - 99% ? Deming laid the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of managers and staff above the front line for poorly designed and poorly functioning manufacturing and assembly systems, neither of which front liners usually have any control or influence over. Yet front-liners have to use what they are given by management and then usually take the blame for quality issues. What about at your place?

3. Initial Training: Are new hires or transfers thoroughly trained and qualified by a “master operator” as to what the job is, how it is performed, proper use of equipment, and so on? Are workers new to the department or operation tested and re-tested until they perform flawlessly, every time? Or, must they learn on their own? Are there peer coaches who help in the early training? 4. On-going development: Are workers’ physical, mental, and other required performance factors re-evaluated periodically? Are employees given the opportunity and support to learn


have to use what

they are given by

management and

Ask some questions

then usually take

Deming preached that, before a supervisor (or someone above that level) blames a worker for producing a defect, ask some questions about the system and environment in which she labors. Get at the root cause(s). 1. Job Requirements: Has each job been thoroughly analyzed as to what minimum physical, intellectual, experiential, and psychological factors employees need in order to do great work? Are these requirements based on facts or guessing or wishful thinking? 2. Hiring and Placement Practices: What kinds of candidates are actually sought? Who actually gets hired? Do they meet the minimum job requirements set forth in #1 above? What happens when “must have factors” are bypassed or ignored by management? For example, if very, very good close-up eyesight is required and a new person without that kind of eyesight is brought on board and produces defects, whose fault is it? What does your organization do? Does it hold tight to the required specs?

the blame for quality issues. new skills and strengthen their abilities? Do they “grow” and prepare for advancement or stand still? 5. What is Quality? Deming asked: Does each worker know what the standards are for “top quality” and know how to recognize unacceptable quality before the product gets sent on? And, even better, is she trained to recognize factors that can lead to quality issues before they happen and take pre-emptive action? 6. Master supervisors: Are supervisors highly skilled in the jobs they supervise? Have they “been there?” Can they pass their experience and wisdom on to new employees? Do they know how to both train and encourage new employees through the inevitable stresses of learning a new job? Are your supervisors and managers “Masters” of the job? How about you?

February • March 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

7. Front line participation: When new equipment or processes are being considered by management, do the front line personnel, who will actually use the equipment, get the opportunity to preview the plans and assess them from their (the users) perspectives? Are front-liners’ assessments and suggestions taken seriously? 8. Worker Problem and Problem Workers: Are employees who won’t do a first class job identified and weeded out—fast? If the “problem employee wants to do good work but can’t because of physical issues, lack of training, etc., is she counseled, provided the needed tools, and given another chance to do a good job? 9. System issues: If the front-liner is only responsible for 10% or less of the problems, 90% of the causes of the problems hide elsewhere and must be found and addressed. Unfortunately, I am out of space for that investigation. Maybe another time. Hopefully, the above thoughts will help build a better front line for your organization which should lead to a much better bottom line. Good luck. Note on Dr. W. Edwards Deming, 19001993: authored two books on Quality and Satisfying the Customer—Out of the Crises and The New Economics—which are well worth reading even today. As partial recognition for his contributions to the rebuilding of Japanese industry into a peacetime powerhouse, the Union of Japanese Science and Engineering launched the Deming Prize for Quality in 1951, with Dr. Deming honored as its first recipient. It is still highly sought, especially in Japan. Although open to the world, it is mainly Japanese, Indian, and Taiwanese firms that win. Only a couple of U.S. companies have won in all these years. U.S. firms prefer to compete for the Malcolm Baldridge or J.D. Powers Awards for Quality. HCBM

Charles Waldo, Ph.D., is Professor of Marketing (ret.) in Anderson University’s Falls School of Business. He can be reached at cnwaldo@comcast.net.


Ethics Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow

Why We Lie

And how better management can encourage truthfulness Here’s the truth—anyone who tells you that he or she never lies is lying. We all are liars. We lie to be likable, to appear more competent, and to spare people’s feelings. To lie is human.

Deception can have a drastic financial impact. Remarkably, it costs businesses $3.7 trillion per year—roughly 5% of annual revenue, according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.

We lie often. According to a 2002 University of Massachusetts study, 60% of adults can’t have a ten-minute conversation without lying at least once. Moreover, people in the study who did lie told an average of 3 lies during their brief chat.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could detect when someone is lying to us? Of course it would, but this is not an easy task. The average human can detect a lie only 54% of the time. Figuring out people is hard

We lie to everyone. Our parents get the worst of it, according to James Patterson, author of the The Day America Told the Truth, with 86% of us lying to them regularly, followed by friends (75%), siblings (73%), and spouses (69%). Admittedly, most of these lies are the harmless type that slightly twist the truth in order to be polite or supportive. For example, perhaps the first time you were introduced to your boss’ new baby (who just happened to be a dead-ringer for Albert Einstein on a bad hair day), you joined the chorus of your fellow co-workers by exclaiming, “she is the cutest baby I’ve ever seen!” On the other hand, sometimes we lie about things that matter and dishonesty can create serious problems at work. Pamela Meyer, an author and certified fraud examiner, maintains that “the workplace in particular, creates the perfect setting for dishonesty to fester because of the heavy competition and high stakes.” For example, a 2017 Statistic Research Bureau survey revealed that 31% of people admit to lying on their resumes. In addition, men tell an average of 6 lies per day to their partner, boss or work colleagues compared to women who tell an average of 3 lies a day to the same cohort. 8

workday progressed, it will become more difficult for them to act ethically. Another factor that may contribute to unethical behavior is “decision fatigue” and on-the-job stress can be a major contributor. Employees use their mental energy to make decisions at work much like they use their muscles to lift a heavy weight in a workout. The more decisions they make, the less mental energy they bring to handle a new decision. As a result, over the course of a long and stressful day, it becomes harder and harder to make good decisions.

Work-life Balance No doubt about it. The current business climate is very stressful. A typical workday for many individuals is filled with a crammed slate of meetings, endless phone calls, unanticiand human motivation is complex. Which pated problems at work, and encounters is why, as commonplace as dishonesty is, deception detection is an inexact science. with difficult people. Numerous studies show that job stress is far and away the major source of stress Researchers, however, have ascertained for American adults. The National Instithat there are times during the day when tute for Occupational Safety and Health lying occurs more frequently. For examrecently reported that 40% of American ple, researchers Maryam Kouchaki and workers say their job is very or extremely Isaac H. Smith found that people tend to stressful and three-fourths believe that be more untruthful in the afternoon than workers have more on-the-job stress than in the morning. Specifically, people were a generation ago. The American Psycho20% to 50% more likely to be dishonest logical Association’s Stress in the Workin the afternoon—between 3 to 6 PM— place Survey revealed that 36 % of workers because they had fallen into a state of said they typically feel tense or stressed “ego depletion.” That is, these individuals out during their workday. were worn down due to fatigue, physiIf they are not stressed-out, they are likecal discomfort, and/or exhaustion. As ly tired. The staffing firm Accountemps a result, they were more likely to make recently reported that feeling worn out unethical decisions and subsequently, at work is a common occurrence among engage in unethical conduct. U.S. employees and 74% of professionals “Our self-regulatory resources are reported they operate while tired at least limited,” Kouchaki noted. “When you somewhat often. As a result, tired and use those resources, they are depleted, burned-out employees may pose a danand you have to replenish them to be ger of making serious unethical choices, able to use them again.” Thus, if workers’ including committing fraud, and breakcognitive resources are drained as the ing promises and commitments.

Lying After Lunch

February • March 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

One of the most effective ways to limit ego depletion and decision fatigue is to ensure that employees do not become exhausted and dog-tired in the first place. While technology has increasingly made it possible for employees to be on-call 24/7, managers can establish clear boundaries for their employees, so they can maintain a healthy work-life balance and live without fear of retaliation for not answering work communications after the work hour. Rested employees are typically honest and ethical employees.

Seemingly attentive and eager employees’ initial embrace of autonomy, however, may wane over time. Moreover, a lack of opportunity at work for self-improvement or personal and professional development is liable to make some employees bored and demotivated. In order to sustain autonomy and drive employees’ mastery, managers can create opportunities for workers to enjoy a sense of progress at work. This can be accomplished by setting tasks for employees that are neither too easy nor excessively challenging. Pink calls such tasks “Goldilocks tasks”—i.e. tasks that are not “too hot or too cold.” Goldilocks tasks push employees out of their comfort zones and allow them to stretch themselves and develop their skills.

60% of adults can’t have a ten-minute


without lying

at least once.

Inspired Employees

Another solution is to improve employee motivation in the workplace. Motivation is the force that guides our behaviors, includ- Finally, because most workers spend half of their waking hours at work, Pink ing choosing to be honest or dishonest. argues that people intrinsically want a Dan Pink’s book Drive, The Surprising sense of purpose on the job. In a 2016 Truth About What Motivates Us, draws global survey of 26,000 LinkedIn memon science, case studies and facts to arbers, 74% of job candidates want a job gue that people need three things to get where they feel their work matters. Emand stay motivated: ployees who feel like their work creates 1. Autonomy: The ability to be selfa positive impact are more likely to feel directed in making decisions. fulfilled, stay on the job longer and make positive ethical decisions. 2. Mastery: An urge and opportunity

to get better and better.

3. Purpose: Finding higher meaning in daily tasks besides simply the need to make money. According to Pink, high-performing employees’ motivation is enhanced when they have the autonomy or control over how to accomplish their work within four areas: time, technique, team and task. For example, some companies allow employees to have time at the workplace to do whatever they want which leads to workers creating innovative ideas and solutions. A good example is Google, which has benefited from numerous product ideas as a result of allowing developers to pursue individual projects during work time. Autonomy can also be afforded by allowing employees to choose who they work with and what effective techniques they will use to complete a new assignment or task.

Additional studies conducted by Bain & Company reveal that inspired employees are almost three times more productive than dissatisfied employees. A key part in adding purpose to employees’ work is to ensure that the mission and goals of the business are properly communicated to all employees—prior to the assignment of additional tasks and work. Without a doubt, lying is prevalent in today’s society. Certain conditions and practices at work, however, can enhance employees’ ability to make good ethical choices. HCBM

Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow teaches management and business law at IU’s Kelley School of Business and is President of ChangePro LLC, a leadership development consultancy.

February • March 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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J. David Shinn

Surge Protection Keeping your equipment safe from dangerous electrical events It’s a dark and stormy night, lightning is flashing all about. Your power cuts off numerous times and then back on—you cuddle under a blanket and wait out the storm. But, when you try to turn on your computer there are no lights, no fan and no sign of life—and your refrigerator isn’t working either. All damage caused by an electrical surge. A lightning storm is an obvious sign that damage could be imminent, but there might be daily power quality problems happening that could cause just as much chaos over a period of time.

opportunities for builders to take short cuts or their vendors to make mistakes installing home systems. 1. Have a licensed electrician check the ground in your home. Make sure a grounding rod is driven into the ground near your home with a copper cable connecting it to the neutral side of the main electrical panel. From there check all electrical receptacles to make sure the ground wire is properly attached. Make sure there are no connections/hangers

The average lightning strike

I had a client in a home-based office transfers 1 million kilo joules one time that seemed of energy. Assuming you could to lose a computer (and a TV) every 3-4 harness that energy—it could months. After replacing the power supply power an average American in his workstation for the third time, I household for 9 days. advised that we look a little closer to find the cause of these problems. I called a licensed electrician friend where the electrical system could touch a plumbing pipe (many new homes today for a bit of troubleshooting. He found a use plastic PVC pipe—but older homes few small issues, but the main problem will have metal or copper piping). was the grounding rod had never been connected to the main electric panel. So, 2. Purchase a professional APC brand instead of any surge being redirected power/outlet strip for all your electrical into the ground, the surge would ping device areas. For computers, you could pong around the house electrical system also purchase an APC brand battery dispersing energy through connected backup unit. devices—and into the plumbing system Surge Protection and Power in this case. Conditioning is an APC brand Note: Power surges can also originate power surge outlet strip provides from the electric utility company during harmonic filtering and voltage regpower grid switching. ulation for your electronic devices. These run between $14 and $20 at So what can you do? your favorite office supply store. APC products also have a damageI am reviewing points with your home free guarantee. in this issue. The same principles would apply to your office, but on a larger scale. Let’s face it—new homes in today’s world are slammed together at the speed of light—so there are many 10

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is a device that allows a computer to keep running for at least 20 minutes when the primary

power source is lost. It provides protection from power surges and brown-outs…and will gracefully shutdown your computer when needed using the APC PowerChute software. An APC Back-UPS 450VA unit is around $49 and will keep your computer running for about 20 minutes. Larger units simply have more battery power to keep your device running longer. I always keep a 450VA unit available in my home to run some lighting when the power is out. Most APC units will not be strong enough to run a space heater—you’ll need a gas generator for that. 3. Whole Home Surge Protection Devices (SPDs) The next level in clean power is to install a whole home SPD. This unit is wired into the main electrical panel and will protect the entire home electrical system. SPDs also provide surge suppression for important items that are not compatible with plug strips, such as a home’s HVAC, washer, dryer, refrigerator, stove, oven, and lighting. These units can be purchased from your local hardware store from $80 to $350 and can be installed by a licensed electrician. If you do nothing more than purchase APC brand professional quality surge protector strips for all your device locations, you will help protect your valuable electronics. HCBM

J. David Shinn is President of Shinn Technology Services Corp specializing in technology consulting and support for small business. Shinn is also an author and technical editor.

February • March 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


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Reach New Movers and Visitors to Hamilton County Ad sales are currently underway for this year’s

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Cover Story

Growing a Winter Sports Business on the Prairie By Mike Corbett e may be vertically challenged in Indiana but the dearth of mountains isn’t keeping some entrepreneurs down. At Hamilton County’s Koteewi Park, in north Noblesville east of Cicero, a local businessman is offering a winter thrill to adventurous types in the form of a 750 foot tubing hill. Called Koteewi Run, the 50 ft high hill is man-made with dirt excavated from a nearby lake. No snow? No problem. When the weather gets cool enough they crank up the snow making machines and cover this hill with a solid 15 foot base that gives riders the opportunity for a thrill ride not normally found in Hamilton County. It’s Brian Cooley’s second season on the slopes. Just getting the hill up and running was an adventure in itself. Hamilton County Parks, which owns Koteewi Park, approached Cooley in the fall of 2017 after a previous operator backed out. The hill and tow line were already in place but he had just 73 days to acquire the tubes, come up with a business plan and find talent to operate the slope. They launched on time on December 16.

Challenging Season Snowmaking is a rare and exotic skill. Cooley’s original snowmaker was from Scotland; this year’s is from Australia. Once the ambient temperature is cold enough, high pressure pumps bring more than 300 gallons of water per minute from the adjacent lake and spray it into the air in front of powerful fans that distribute it over the hill. It takes days to lay a proper base for tubing, which is then groomed with a snowcat. This has been a challenging season so far with negligible snowfall and higher than average temperatures as winter began. Opening day was delayed several times because the temperature was too high for snow. They finally started falling in midJanuary and tubing started January 16.

River Roots Though the tubing business is new to Cooley, he’s an old hand at adventure. He‘s been running White River Canoe since acquiring it from Noblesville’s Schwartz Bait and Tackle in 2009. His

first season was in 2010. Over the past nine years he grew that business from a modest 60 canoes to 100 last year and kayaks from 30 to 110. He started the tubing business from scratch and has grown the fleet to around 500. Of course, the canoe business slows to a stop in winter so the tubing hill was a natural business extension. And in case you’re wondering, floating tubes can’t double as snow tubes as they aren’t strong enough for snow and ice. Winter tubes are their own breed. Cooley appreciates the county’s willingness to work with private businesses to grow this exciting winter entertainment opportunity in Hamilton County. Though this winter season was cut a bit short on the front end by the weather, he’s hoping to extend it into March before rising temperatures turn the hill back into pile of dirt and he starts eyeing the river again for summer fun.

Koteewi Run is the most recent of several new attractions at the 800 acre Strawtown Koteewi Park.

Koteewi Range From Robin Hood to Katniss Everdeen, archery has always held a certain fascination. The ancient art is celebrated and practiced at Koteewi Range, billed as the largest public archery range in the nation. Owner Tony Girt started operating here in 2014 after many years in Anderson. The building opened a year later.

Koteewi Aerial Adventure Park Koteewi Aerial Adventure opened in the Summer of 2016. It’s a series of treetop trails and ziplines built into the trees behind the tubing hill. It’s called aerial because the trails are 20-60 feet in the air. The adventures are self-guided tours that last two or three hours, though they also offer a day-long pass.

K-Trails The name Koteewi (pronounced ko TAY-wee) is shortened to K-Trails for the equestrian adventure, which started in the Summer of 2017. Owner John Stewart boards 24 horses at the facility, and offers guided trail rides geared toward families. “Hamilton County parents are looking for an experience when they visit,” says Stewart, “and we focus on providing a special memory.” Regularly scheduled excursions include Family Trail Rides, Sunset Rides and Chuck Wagon Dinner Rides.

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Hamilton County Parks Director Allen Patterson says as the vision for Koteewi developed, it made sense to partner with private businesses. As experts in their fields “they provide a better service than we would if we were to hire park staff to come in and operate them ourselves,” he says. Although they don’t track total visitors, Patterson is sure each attraction has grown since they’ve been open. The Park plans to unveil a recreational lake and small shelter this Spring, designed for fishing, electric motors and non-motorized watercraft. That will likely complete the build out for now, though the master plan calls for an eventual inn and conference center. The idea is to create a “state park-like environment within a half hour drive of home for county residents,” says Patterson. But the park is also meant to spur private enterprise and economic development, and that process is already starting. A private group has announced plans to build a group of cabins for rent across the street. HCBM February • March 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


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Getting the Job Done Innovative Program Tackles Workforce Shortage By Ann Craig-Cinnamon oday’s historically low unemployment rate is great for the economy and for the average person looking for work, but it presents a challenge for businesses. It can be difficult to find qualified people in many fields and jobs often go unfilled. That’s where a new program in Hamilton County comes in.

is growing and you have an economy that is growing and businesses that are growing and you have people that want to live here, all of that requires workforce to meet that demand,” he says adding, “It’s no secret that across the country there is a lack of workforce and certainly that exists in Hamilton County at all levels.”

The Hamilton County Workforce Innovation Network, or HC-WIN got its start through a grant from the state of Indiana and is in its infancy. Dan Canan, a former three-term mayor of Muncie, is the Executive Director of the new project. Canan knows a lot about the needs of businesses in Hamilton County after spending almost a decade as President and CEO of the Fishers Chamber of Commerce and then as Vice President of OneZone, the combined Fishers and Carmel Chambers.

Connecting the Dots

Canan says one of the biggest needs the Hamilton County economy has is workforce. “When you have a community that 14

Canan says there are many careers out there that pay a decent salary that don’t require a college degree. His organization has identified five areas: healthcare, advanced manufacturing, construction, IT and AGTech (Agricultural technology) “They are all areas that many times a certification or degree will get you a decent job and they are areas with huge growth,” says Canan adding that the

Canan says the workforce problem exists for many reasons including young college graduates that move away, but also because of a lack of understanding of what opportunities exist. “I think there is a belief that if you don’t go to college and get a four year degree there are not successful venues,” he says and that is where HCDan Canan, Executive Director, The Hamilton County WIN comes in. Workforce Innovation Network February • March 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

the go to place for skills and development information came from recent Department of Workforce Development surveys. and workforce information.” He says HC-WIN’s goal is to help provide pathways for three groups of people: High schoolers that aren’t sure what they want to do, the underemployed who want to move up and the unemployed such as those that have given up and don’t know where to go to find opportunities. Veteran programs and second chance programs for inmates are also focuses. Canan says HC-WIN connects the dots between these people and businesses and government. “Our desire is to find individuals who want to work and help them to attain the skill level they need to do that.”

Canan points to agriculture as an example of an industry that has changed dramatically and is now technologydriven. “Part of it is the tractor in the field but a lot of it is the technology that measures the moisture in the field and the type of seed that they want and fertilizer,” says Canan adding that healthcare, auto mechanics and advanced manufacturing are all technology now. “One of the big needs across Hamilton County is maintenance techs so when the machinery is not working right they need a person certified in maintenance to come and repair the equipment. Twenty years

“We have a great ecosystem of employers, educators, and business partners that can provide great opportunity...” - Dan Canan, Executive Director, HC-WIN

Hi Tech Skills One of the drivers of creating HC-WIN was Ivy Tech who Canan says can help fill some of the training gaps. The other force behind the creation of the organization was Gaylor Electric, an electrical contractor located in Hamilton County which developed its own innovative program internally because they had workforce needs. Gaylor spokesperson Chuck Haberman says the goal for HC-WIN is to act as a clearinghouse to provide the training and credentials needed to help the workforce in Hamilton County develop the skills they need. “There’s a lot of different training opportunities throughout our county that we can bring together under one umbrella and skill up our people.,” he says, adding, “we have a great ecosystem of employers, educators, and business partners that can provide great opportunity whether it’s training to become an employee or kids right out of high school or somewhere in between, I see it being

ago that person showed up with a tool box and worked on the machinery. Now it’s more showing up and looking at the computer and diagnosing the problem electronically. So it’s rapidly changing and is a constant evolution,” he says. Canan thinks a great opportunity exists and calls Hamilton County lucky. “If Hamilton County can’t get this right nobody can get it right. To me it’s very encouraging the climate that exists here, the cooperation that is unheard of with government, business and the education system. It doesn’t mean that they don’t have their differences but I think they all have a very similar end result which is to make this county the very best that it can be. People work very well together for the betterment of the community. We are very lucky,” he says. If you are an individual interested in changing or furthering your career or a business that could benefit from working with HC-WIN, call Dan Canan directly at 317-537-0670. HCBM

February • March 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine



A Summary of Recent Retail Activity

By Samantha Hyde

NORTHERN HAMILTON COUNTY: Bronko’s Pizza and Sandwich Shop is coming to 90 W. Jackson St. in Cicero. The 55-acre Strawtown Resort, complete with cabins, an event center, a general store, and campsites, is planned for development adjacent to Strawtown Koteewi Park. (see story page 13). Brothers Eric and Ian Heuer opened RE/ MAX Edge in Cicero.

CARMEL: Bank of America is planning to build a new branch at 10850 N. Michigan Rd. The new 31,800 SF Onyx Office Suites is slated for construction at 10439 Commerce Dr. and will have the capacity to house over 100 small offices. Development in the Village of West Clay continues with a new 4,600 SF building at 12801 S. New Market St., which is slated to house a restaurant and office. Master Yoo’s Tae Kwan Do is opening its third Hamilton County location at 2470 Harleston St. Indiana Members Credit Union plans to open a new branch soon at the intersection of 106th St. and Michigan Rd.

Serendipity Labs is moving into a new High Frequency Arts opened in Janu20,000 SF office space at 571 Monon Blvd. ary at 11634 Maple St. Browning Investments is planning a large mixed use deScotty’s Brewhouse closed its Sophia velopment along 116th St. between Nickel Square location at 110 W. Main St. in DePlate Railroad and Maple St. that will incember. Luxury car dealer Indy Wholeclude residential units, retail, a six-story sale Direct is moving from its Carmel office building, and a boutique hotel. location at 519 Industrial Dr. to Zionsville. Miller Auto Care is relocating from 434 Software development firm Counterpart S. to 969 N. Range Line Rd. and will oper- relocated its headquarters to the Visionate out of a new 8,900 SF building on the ary I building at Visionary Park in Fishers which is between the Launch Fishers former site of Indy Auto Imports. coworking space and the Indiana IoT Lab. Carmel City Center’s beauty+grace, is under a new ownership and moved a few Bangs Laboratories is adding almost doors away from its original location. Julie 22,000 SF to its facility at 9025 Technology Browning Bova Design relocated to the Dr. Huse Culinary is expanding its restauinterior plaza at 731 Hanover Place. nine rant family with HC Grill, to be construct+ roxy opened its first brick and mortar ed at 9709 E. 116th St. A new Chipotle is opening at Delaware Commons at 116th store at 751 Hanover Place in December. St. and Cumberland Rd. Rubbermaid Inc. A new restaurant named Bergerim is is moving into a new 6,200 SF space at moving into 650 W. Carmel Dr. 11955 Cumberland Rd.


Riverview Health has plans to build an Clothes Mentor 11,500 SF urgent care and emergency room at 14585 Hazel Dell Pkwy. Clothes Mentor is opening a new location at 9251 E. 141st St., the longtime home of FISHERS: Claude & Annie’s. F.C. Tucker is building a The Kroger store at 7272 Fishers Crossing new office at 10404 Olio Rd. Carmel’s Tangerine Cards & Gifts now has a second loA popular St. Louis eatery, Sauce on the Dr. is undergoing a complete remodel. Sucation in Geist at 10130 Brooks School Rd. Side, is coming to Indiana with a location shi Club recently opened at 7255 Fishers Landing Dr. opening in March at 12751 Pennsylvania St. State Auto is remodeling a new 26,000 CMG Worldwide moved in October from NOBLESVILLE: SF space in Hamilton Crossing at 12900 N. 10500 Crosspoint Blvd. to downtown Indy. First Family Chiropractic recently Meridian St. Carmel-based KAR Auction This spring, DMC Insurance will move opened at 5855 E. 211th St. Riverview Services has expanded to the internation- into the vacated space from its current of- Health is adding 1,700 SF to its hospital al market with the purchase of European fice at 10475 Crosspoint Blvd. The 85,000 at 395 Westfield Rd. as part of a much auto auction company CarsOnTheWeb. SF Hub and Spoke Design Center is larger remodeling project. Kiln CreOnline stage makeup retailer Theatrical planned for construction on 106th St. just ations in downtown Noblesville is under new management. Avenue is opening a physical location in west of I-69 and will open in fall 2019. the Nash Building at 858 S. Range Line Rd. Urban Air Adventure Park is moving into the former Marsh building at 14450 Mundy Dr. A new Tire Discounters location is planned for 14325 Mundy Dr. Noblesville-based Bedrock Builders is moving its headquarters to 15270 Endeavor Dr., where it is constructing a fourbuilding campus with space for additional small businesses. Phoenix-based Grand Canyon Education has purchased Carmel’s Orbis Education Services, which is currently headquartered at 11595 N. Meridian St. Independent Insurance Agents of Indiana has a new office opening at 11611 N. Meridian St.

Future Miller Auto Care


High Frequency Arts

The 38 acres at 146th St. and Promise Rd., currently home to salvage business S.O.S. Auto Service, is slated to be redeveloped

February • March 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

into a business park dubbed Campus Center. The property will include Campus Business Park, with 200,000 SF of office space, and The Shoppes at Campus Center, with 80,000 SF of retail space. Gaylor Electric is expanding its footprint in Noblesville with the addition of a 49,000 SF building at 17225 Kraft Ct. near the existing Gaylor Real Estate office. Hair Xalon is coming to 10400 Pleasant St. Applied Intelligence Corp. is moving its headquarters and production from Castleton to a new 12,000 SF building to be built on the northwest corner of Pleasant St. and Union Chapel Rd.

Cone & Crumb is coming to downtown Westfield at 205 Park St. Main St. Shoppes at 800 E. Main St. has been sold to Big Hoffa’s, which plans to expand into the antique mall’s space. Pasto Italiano restaurant opened in November at 3150 E SR 32. Children’s coding school Code Ninjas is coming to 2436 E. 146th St. HCBM

Pasta Italiano

Visual Stories That Move Audiences. First Harvest

Indiana’s own First Harvest has opened a new boutique at 13901 Town Center Blvd. in Hamilton Town Center. Pies & Pints has opened its second Hamilton County location nearby. Indiana American Water is building a new 7,100 SF water treatment facility at 19845 Allisonville Rd.

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WESTFIELD: A new 69,000 SF Staybridge Suites is planned east of Grand Park at 18940 US 31. Indy-based 3rd Dimension Industrial 3D Printing is moving to a larger, 27,000 SF facility on Oak Ridge Rd. just north of 169th St. Soccer training facility Sogility opened in November at 16462 Southpark Dr.

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February • March 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


Silver Members

The Hearth at Tudor Gardens Supreme Lending

Bronze Members

LCS Heating and Cooling ALSAC/ St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Exercise Coach - Carmel Natures Gem CBD Redwood Living - Westfield Ruoff Home Mortgage - Indianapolis Exercise Coach - Fishers Semler Financial Group Which Wich? - Fishers Ruoff Home Mortgage - Carmel Anthony Leigh Catalyst Product Development Which Wich? - Carmel Redwood Living - Noblesville

Basic Members

Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Keep a look out for our new “Instagram Takeover”

Culver Academies Emily Smith Lifestyle Hamilton County Economic Development Corp. Heather Brown Face and Body Studio Office Evolution - Fishers O’Malia’s Living Barnhouse Productions LLC KBIC LLC Minuteman Press - Noblesville

10305 Allisonville Road, Suite B, Fishers, IN 46038

Want to add your business contact us today! 317.436.4653. You can also visit us online at onezonecommerce.com

Rose Senior Living

Alerding CPA 30th Anniversary

Out of the Blue Polish Pottery

Our Fit Club

Office Evolution

Clean Juice - Fishers

Metal Mark Fine Jewelry

Black Orchid Barbers/ MDG Salons

Carmel Prescription Shop

Grand Brook Memory Care

Bier Brewery

Bank of America


UPCOMING EVENTS FEBRUARY Young Professionals Coffee Roasters Wednesday, February 6 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. Hamilton East Public Library (Fishers) - Ignite Studio

Legislative Breakfast Series Friday, February 6 7:30 - 9:00 p.m., Conner Prairie, Fishers

Noblesville Mayoral Candidate Conversations Monday, February 11 6:30 - 8:00 p.m., Noblesville High School

Member Luncheon: Diversity in Business Wednesday, February 27 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Purgatory Golf Club

MARCH Legislative Breakfast Series Friday, March 8 7:30 - 9:00 p.m., Conner Prairie, Fishers

Noblesville Mayoral Candidate Conversations Monday, March 11 6:30 - 8:00 p.m., Noblesville High School

Member Luncheon: Topic TBA Wednesday, March 27 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Harbour Trees Golf & Beach Club NOBLESVILLE’S LARGEST B2B & B2C SHOW OF THE YEAR

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Heritage Woods of Noblesville 9600 East 146th Street Noblesville, IN 46060 317.770.6061 hw-noblesville.com CBD American Shaman of Noblesville 161 S Harbour Drive Noblesville, IN 46062 317.490.0543 shamanhoosiers.com AAA Hoosier Motor Club 3750 Guion Road, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46222 844.222.8222 aaa.com Brown & Brown Insurance 11595 N Meridian Street, Ste 250 Carmel, IN 46032 317.574.5000 brownandbrownindiana.com Ellis Clay Events 16373 E. 186th St. Noblesville, IN 46060 317.219.6728 ID Casting (*Presenting Partner) 1600 South Eighth Street Noblesville, IN 46060 317.776.8000 idcastings.com Flex Capital, LLC (*Business Builder) 9801 Fall Creek Road # 334 Indianapolis, IN 46246 833.739.2274 flexcapital.net


THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 2019 4:00 - 7:30 P.M. Embassy Suites by Hilton Noblesville-Indianapolis Conference Center

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second mondays, february-april Noblesville HIGH SCHOOL 6:30-8:00 p.m. February 11- People & Relationships March 11- Places & Things April 8- Economy & Finances

Noblesville Chamber of Commerce | P.O. Box 2015 | Noblesville, IN 46061 | 317.774.0086 | noblesvillechamber.com




February 7 Westfield Young Professionals 5:30pm-7:30pm Texas Rd.house

March 3 Westfield Young Professionals 5:30pm-7:30pm Top Golf

February 8 All-County Legislative Breakfast 7:30am-9:00am Conner Prairie

March 8 All-County Legislative Breakfast 7:30am-9:00am Conner Prairie

February 12 Coffee with the Chamber 8:00am-9:00am Hampton Inn

March 12 Coffee with the Chamber 8:00am-9:00am Wellbrooke of Westfield

February 21 February Luncheon 11:00am-1:00pm Grand Park Events Center

March 21 March Luncheon 11:00am-1:00pm The Bridgewater Club

February 28 All-County Networking Breakfast 7:30am-9:00am The Ritz Charles

March 28 Business After Hours 5:00pm-7:00pm Beazer Homes

February 28 Business After Hours 5:00pm-7:00pm Greeks Pizzeria

For details and online registration, please visit: www.westfield-chamber.org or call 317.804.3030

Anderson University 1100 E. 5th St. Anderson, IN 46012 Light Whisperer Photography 17520 Dartown Rd. P.O. Box 622 Westfield, IN 46074 Avant Garde Limousines 17918 Lucas Cir. Westfield, IN 46074 Guaranteed Rate, Inc. 136 E. Main St. Westfield, IN 46074 Purdue Alumni Association 403 W. Wood St. West Lafayette, IN 47907


Texas Roadhouse 14758 Greyhound Plaza Carmel, IN 46032



Nelson & Frankenberger LLC 550 Congressional Blvd. Suite 210 Carmel, IN 46032

Want to add your name to this list? To learn more, contact


Follow Us:

Westfield Chamber of Commerce 116 E. Main St. Westfield, IN 46074 317.804.3030

February • March 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


Hamilton County History

David Heighway

The Black Experience in Early Hamilton County

African Americans settled county with white counterparts ivic anniversaries are important times for reflection and we are in the midst of several opportunities for this. 2016 was the Indiana state bicentennial and 2023 will be the Hamilton County and Noblesville bicentennial. This year, 2019, will be a special anniversary—the bicentennial of the African American experience in Hamilton County. This will be a good reason for introspection and discussion. As I pointed out in a recent issue of HCBM, (Aug/Sep 2018), the Treaty of St. Mary’s was signed in October 1818 and opened this part of Indiana for settlement. In April of 1819, the first white settlers arrived in Hamilton County and were greeted by an African American fur trader who helped them to survive the first year. Unfortunately, we don’t know his name—he was called “Pete”, “Smith”, and “Bill Allen” by various sources, none of which were contemporary. Some of these sources suggest that he was going to be a permanent settler. Sadly, two years later, a land speculator claimed that the fur trader was a runaway slave and he was taken south over the protests of the other settlers.

In 1828, ex-slave Thomas Murphy (1808-1881) settled here. He had arrived with George Boxley and, according to the 1830 census, was the only African American in the county. He was followed by the families that created the Roberts Settlement in the 1830s, by arrivals on the Underground Railroad, and by African American migrants from other states looking for opportunity. Race relations in the county 1872 pole raising have had high and low periods. Westfield was known Ku Klux Klan and Segregation for its abolitionism and as an important station on the Underground Railroad. There was also African American involveThese feelings were not universal—eggs ment in politics, with large presidential were thrown at abolitionists in Noblesville. rallies in 1872 and 1880, and attempts to There was an era of hope that occurred be- run for local offices like John Burtwell for tween the Civil War and 1880. This period Washington Township trustee in 1864 and saw the business prosperity of individuals Eli Roberts for County Recorder in 1880 like Daniel Robbins and Steven Roberts (both lost). African Americans were also (discussed in HCBM Oct/Nov 2011 and part of law enforcement, such as Justice Feb/Mar 2014). of the Peace Willis Venable, Court Bailiff Barney Stone, Town Constable John Hord, and the Sheriff’s posse that I wrote about in the Apr/May 2016 issue. The Noblesville schools were desegregated in 1890. There were still issues and incidents, but the interaction between races tended to reflect well on the community.

Murphy and Roberts There had been an African American presence in the area before 1819. Chief Anderson, the head of the Delaware Indians at Andersontown, had a black man as an interpreter when missionaries arrived in 1806. The interpreter was an older man and was probably not the same person as the later fur trader. There were three African Americans listed in the 1820 census in Delaware County in Indiana, (the area around the west fork of the White River which included the future site of Hamilton County). 22

Barney Stone, Court Bailiff

However, this changed with the rise of the Ku Klux Klan after 1900 and the failure of the natural gas boom. There were two chapters of the KKK here in the 1920’s. Granted, Hamilton County did convict the Grand Dragon of the KKK for murder in 1925, but racism was still an issue. African Americans were pushed out of politics, restaurants and theaters became segregated, and certain neighborhoods were February • March 2019 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

the community. These issues are reflected in the population statistics where the African American population reached a peak in 1880, and then saw a steady decline between 1900 and 1970. By 1970, the African American population was Time for Examination 272 people out of a total population of 54,532. Fortunately, it has seen a quick Some of the problems were simply social rise in recent years. The overall county attitudes. Local organizations staged minstrel shows for charity until the 1960’s. population also dropped after 1900, but had recovered by 1930. We understand now that this is terribly offensive, but it is still remembered with Now would be good time to examine this some bitterness by black members of history. Coincidentally, this year will be the “restricted” during the later suburban boom. Blacks were not allowed to swim in the Forest Park pool, (despite it being a taxpayer funded facility), until a Civil Rights movement began in the 1950’s.

400th anniversary of a significant event in African American history in the United States, which was the first slaves arriving at Jamestown in 1619. This will probably be a large topic of public conversation. African Americans have been an integral part of the political, economic, legal, religious, and social history of Hamilton County from the beginning to the present day. This year will be our chance to explore, discuss, and celebrate this. HCBM


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