Hamilton County Business Magazine October/November 2014

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Could You Use a



• Delaney’s Finds a Niche • Surviving Road Construction • Community Theaters Satisfy the Creative Impulse David Beaudin flies his drone on the Courthouse Square

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October / November 2014 www.hamiltoncountybusiness.com Published six times per year by the Hamilton County Media Group PO Box 502, Noblesville, IN 46061 317-774-7747 Editor/Publisher

Mike Corbett

mcorbett@hamiltoncountybusiness.com Creative Director

Melanie Malone

imartist58@yahoo.com Correspondents Christine Bavender crbavender@gmail.com

Deb Buehler deb@thesweetestwords.com Stephanie Carlson Curtis steph@stephcurtis.com Jeff Curts jcurts@att.net

As they come down in price, drones are proving their usefulness

Rosalyn Demaree ros_demaree@hotmail.com Karen Kennedy Karen@karenkennedywriter.com Patricia Griffin Mangan manganpatricia69@gmail.com Shari Held sharih@comcast.net



Samantha Hyde samantharhyde@gmail.com CoNTRIBUTORs

Jeff Bell jeffbellmd@comcast.net





Community Theater


Charles Giesting cjgiesting@gmail.com

Columns 8


Retail Roundabout




Dining OutThe Combine Café



GuestJeanette Kassebaum

The Pitch-In



David Heighway heighwayd@earthlink.net Patricia Pickett pat@pickettandassociates.com Robby Slaughter rslaughter@accelawork.com Dr. Charles Waldo cnwaldo@comcast.net

Please send news items and photos to news@hamiltoncountybusiness.com Submission does not guarantee publication

Subscription $20/year To subscribe or advertise, contact Mike Corbett at

mcorbett@hamiltoncountybusiness.com Copyright 2014 Hamilton County Media Group. All rights reserved. Correction A caption in the Navient story on page 18 of the August/September 2014 edition of the Hamilton County Business Magazine misidentified Fishers Town Manager Scott Fadness. We apologize for the error.

Cover photo and photo this page by Mark Lee


October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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Letter from the Editor October • November 2014

The idea of labor unions has always struck me as kind of strange. I understand why they arose during America’s industrial years. Capitalism has a way of concentrating power to the extent that a business owner or manager can lose track of the human costs of their enterprise. Unions are a natural result, a backlash from pushing labor too far. As a reporter working in industrial cities in the Midwest, I covered the periodical ritual called union negotiations. Intense men with large briefcases (it seemed they were always men) would meet in some hotel for days, weeks or months and “hammer out” (a favorite reporter phrase for labor negotiations) a contract. It’s part of the culture in the industrial heartland.

Mike Corbett Editor and Publisher

But it never seemed to me to be a “sustainable model ,“ to use a more modern phrase. It always reminded me of the biblical reference to a house divided. How could a business thrive when its two principal employee groups, labor and management, who should be cooperating , were aligned against each other? I was thinking about this the other day when I heard the news about Demoulas Market Basket. We lived in New Hampshire as a young family and Demoulas was our grocery store of choice. A regional chain in upper New England, it wasn’t the fanciest store in town but it had a kind of grittiness, familiarity, and prices that appealed to me. It’s a family owned operation and, as often happens, there was a struggle for control among the heirs. Recently, one was ousted. Turns out the employees (who aren’t unionized) preferred one heir over another and staged a walkout over the coup. After six weeks of turmoil the unpopular owner relented and sold the controlling interest back to the employee-favored cousin. There was enough drama to fill an entire network series but what impressed me was the active role of labor. I was amazed that the company’s employees could affect such an outcome. Yet, it goes to show what can happen when people on a mission set their minds to something, even without being officially “organized.” New media tools facilitated a lot of this, as they have done in a number of international political movements over the past decade. Social media help connect people so their collective voices are amplified to the point they can’t be ignored. The decline of unions over the past few generations is well documented. Employees are questioning whether their advantages outweigh their disadvantages. Workers are finding new ways to express themselves that better align with the goals of their employers. That’s a much more sustainable model. It bodes well for both parties and for the future of capitalism. See you around the county,

Editor and Publisher mcorbett@hamiltoncountybusiness.com 317-774-7747 6

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine



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October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine



Jeff Bell

5 Ways To Kill The Time Vampires How Effective Entrepreneurs Protect Their Time It’s the nightmare you can’t wake up from. You’re at your desk ready to tackle the next task or project that potentially takes your business to the next level and “they” come at you. Ed has a quick question. Sue has a problem only you can fix. Next it’s the phone call that should be 5 minutes long but lasts 25. You rush late to your meeting (because of the long call) and your people talk excessively but little gets decided or accomplished. Sound familiar? Half of your day’s gone fighting fires and dealing with “stuff” and the Time Vampires have just sucked several precious hours from you and your day. They walk away “full” and happy but you’re drained and no further along on your big project or your own To-Do List.

…your most important asset is your time. As an entrepreneur, owner or executive your most important asset is your time. To successfully run and grow your business or organization, your time should be spent - no “invested” - on the most important activities driving growth. That means your undivided, focused, concentrated time and attention on tasks, projects, systems and people that will bring in new business, improve your products and services, while growing revenues, profits or both. But if you’re constantly being torn 5 different directions, you will rarely if ever accomplish any of the above. The most


Effective Entrepreneurs (EE’s) utilize big blocks of time to get their minds around, start and plow through their critical tasks & projects while viciously defending against distractions or interruptions that slow them down. In other words they get good at identifying and killing the Time Vampires (TV’s). So grab your wooden stake, cross and garlic. Here’s how you can become your own modern day Van Helsing.

Schedule & Block Your Time First change how you use your calendar and schedule. Rather than just recording other people’s appointments, calls or meetings, you should schedule time and appointments with yourself. EE’s do this BEFORE anyone else gets on their schedule and fills other people ‘around’ their own appointments with themselves.

call. This is like garlic to the TV’s and telegraphs that your time is valuable, scarce and not to be wasted with fluff or idle chit chat. “Ronnie I only have “X” minutes for this phone call...”, is a good intro script to use. At the 2 minutes left mark (like PA announcer Reb Porter did at Pacer games) jump in and say, “Ronnie I only have 2 minutes left, let’s wrap up and summarize what’s next...”. Structured Meeting Agendas If you don’t already, use a printed agenda for every meeting. And identify who talks or reports and for how long. If the discussion is a group issue or problem, include a time duration and stick to it. You don’t have to use Roberts Rules of Order but attend any local Toastmaster’s meeting and you should see a good example of a well run ‘timed’ meeting.

Email Management EE’s don’t let TV’s in the form of emails or text messages distract them durNo More Quick Questions ing internal meetings or outside phone Train your staff or employees to hold calls. Likewise they should use the same on to ‘hallway issues’ until scheduled restraint with their own scheduled time group or 1-on-1 meetings with you to blocks. Try not opening the program, discuss them. Depending upon the type of business you’re in, EE’s will have daily closing out of the program during your pow-wows or morning huddles or short own time, or turn off automated Send/ Receive. Then check it only at preschedindividual 5-10 minute meetings with uled times of the day. their key staff, to communicate important information and handle problems and fires. Now the rest of their day is fo- Time Vampires are relentless. You need cused on their own priority projects and to reciprocate in kind in defending yourself against them. Use these 5 tools To-Do lists. And if Dracula approaches religiously and I promise your entrethey ask, “Can it wait?” and doggedly deflect or redirect the Count to someone preneurial effectiveness will improve dramatically. HCBM else or a later time. Productive Phone Calls EE’s use a strategy of telling everyone on a phone call, inbound or outbound, that they have a set amount of time for that

Jeff Bell is based in Noblesville and provides free marketing and business growth webinars for chamber members at www.IndianaChamberWebinars.com

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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Dr. Charles Waldo, Ph.D.

Why Things Go Rwong There’s much more to it than Murphy’s Law

During the 50+ years I’ve been in business and/or academia I’ve been involved with any number of change projects, few of which went off as planned. Before retiring from Anderson University’s MBA program, I taught numerous sections of the Managing Change course and collected many “war stories” showing few change projects ever fully met their objectives. A surprising number went under altogether or never even got off the ground. Why this dismal success rate? It’s so easy to blame everything on Murphy and his (her?) infamous Law – “If anything can go wrong, it will.” But this is more of an observation of rather than an explanation for change failure. Over the years I have collected hundreds of laws, axioms, postulates, corollaries, and observations that more fully explain why things so often go wrong. Here are a few of my favorites: *Chisholm’s Second Law: When things seem like they can’t possibly get worse, they will. (Also sometimes known as Gattuso’s Extension of Murphy.) Related to Boling’s postulate: If you’re feeling good, don’t worry. Bad things will soon happen to get you over it.

will yield negative results. Positive expectations will yield negative results. *Howe’s observation: Everyone has a plan that will not work but you will find this out too late to do anything about it. *Ehrmann’s commentary: 1) Things will get worse before they get better. 2) But who said things will get better? *Wellington’s law of command: The cream always rises to the top. So, too, does scum. Relates to Sturgeon’s observation: 90% of everything is definitely crud; the other 10% is suspect.

* Because everything takes longer than planned, use Westheimer’s Rule to project how long a job might really take: Estimate the time you believe the task should take, multiply by two, and change the time measure to the next highest unit. Thus we allocate two days for a one-hour task. *Benedict’s principles: 1) Nature always sides with the hidden flaw and 2) The hidden flaw will only reveal itself after it’s too late to do anything about it.

*Kushner’s observation: The chances of anyone taking initiative and doing something positive is inversely proportional to the number of other people who are in a position to do it instead. But probably won’t. Lynch’s Law is related – When the going gets tough, everyone leaves.

*Anonymous: It is impossible to make anything foolproof since fools are so ingenious and plentiful.

*Mollison’s bureaucratic hypothesis: If an idea can survive a bureaucratic review and be OK’d for implementation, it isn’t worth doing. If attempted, it will fail.

*Authenticity: It has been widely rumored but never proven that Murphy did not invent his law but, rather, it was derived by someone else with the same name. Have these observations and principles been helpful? If so, look at them more carefully. HCBM

*Gumperson’s Law: The probability of anything happening is in inverse ratio to its desirability.

*Conway’s observation: In any organization there will be one person who actually knows what’s going on. That person will be fired.

*Finnegan’s axiom: The farther away the deadline on a project, the more doable it looks. The inverse is also true.

*Waldo’s corollary to Conway: Never let your boss know you are smarter than he is.

*The non-reciprocal laws of expectations: Negative expectations

*Owen’s corollaries to Conway: 1) Every organization has an allotted


number of positions to be filled by misfits. 2) Once one misfit leaves, another must be recruited.

*The Final Law: If several things that could have gone wrong did NOT go wrong, it would have been ultimately beneficial if they had.

Charles Waldo, PhD., is Professor of Marketing (ret.) from Anderson University’s Falls School of Business. He can be reached at cnwaldo@comcast.net.

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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Guest Column

Jeanette Kassebaum

Surviving the Barricades What to do when the bulldozers are at your front door

Road construction seems to be a perpetual part of every Hamilton County community these days. Just drive to work, the grocery, or head to your favorite restaurant, and you will likely run across those familiar orange barricades and cones. Operating a business among these obstacles creates unwanted challenges for even the most sophisticated entrepreneur. Whether large or small, tucked away on Main Street, or located on a major thoroughfare, all businesses near a road construction project should develop a strategy to survive. The key is to be proactive – communicate, protect your property, and develop a safety plan. 1. Communicate. Talk to everyone directly involved in the road project. This includes elected officials, government staff, the road contractor, and utility companies. Attend all of the public meetings and ask details about the plans, phases, start and end dates, as well as potential issues. Don’t hesitate to host a meeting at the business location so that those involved can understand the concerns from the perspective of the property. Be sure to get business cards, email, and cell phone numbers for everyone who will be a decision maker on the project. Construction projects can be fluid and changing, so it is important to communicate regularly and frequently. You should also talk candidly with employees, customers, vendors, suppliers, local post office, business neighbors and everyone else who regularly visits your business. Design a communication plan well in advance of the construction. This might include using post cards, letters, print advertising, Facebook, Twitter and 12

the company website to inform about the project and detours to your business. Ask the local chamber of commerce or the Main Street organization to consider facilitating communication for the affected businesses. 2. Protect Your Property. Spend time considering short and long term effects on your business property. Find out the location of all utilities on and near your property and whether they will be relocated or abandoned. Ask the general contractor if there is a risk any utility service will be interrupted, such as water, sewer, electrical, internet, cable and telephone services. Have a sur-

“If customers don’t feel safe, they are more likely to pass you by…” veyor stake any new property lines and easements prior to the start of construction. It is easy for others to encroach during the project if lines are not well marked. If an easement is needed for new utilities, talk with an attorney about the future benefits and burdens to the property. Find out about future drainage issues. In addition, when utilities are uncovered during construction, take pictures for future reference. Consider installing a temporary barricade or fence to create space between the heavy equipment and the property, employees and customers. If customers don’t feel safe, they are more likely to

pass you by. Also contact your insurance agent to discuss coverage in the event of an accident or incident. 3. Develop A Safety Plan. I highly recommend hiring experts for assessing safety and access issues to your business property. A contractor can easily assess the costs of redesigning a new entrance and reconfiguring parking. A civil engineer can review the road plans, communicate with the general contractor and advise on long term safety concerns. Before the road construction started in front of my own business, I hired a civil engineer and found it to be a great investment. She focused on safety issues that I had not even considered and assisted in designing new entrances. Further, do not underestimate the importance of placing your own directional and/or temporary signs as the orange barricades will not be enough to promote safety. It will be up to the business owner to ensure that customers are safely and clearly directed to the entrance. Consider using caution tape to identify any closures and explore the benefits of installing security cameras or a door bell on a temporary entrance. By communicating, developing a safety plan, and protecting your business property, any business owner should be well prepared to survive the challenges of road construction. HCBM Jeanette Kassebaum has been practicing law in downtown Fishers for 23 years. Her office survived the Maple Street widening project during the summer of 2014. She can be reached at: fisherslaw1@att.net.

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

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Cover Story

A Drone of Your


Emerging Technology Inspires Local Businesses By Jeff Curts Photos by Mark Lee Aerial photos by David Beaudin


ook up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane, no, it’s not Superman either, but it may be the latest technological advance that can offer benefits to many Hamilton County based industries and their clients. Drones, otherwise known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV’s), are becoming more prevalent in the local skyline as a means of offering detailed images and insight to businesses and customers. Varying in scope from small, hand-held devices about the size of a magazine to very large commercial types similar to a Boeing 737 (used by the U.S. government for national security purposes), drones fly without a pilot and can be remote controlled from the ground. They are often equipped with a camera that records crystal clear images that can be downloaded to a computer, iPad, or 14

even smartphone. In essence, the equipment provides another tool to record and store information for further analysis and marketing purposes. Drones have already been used by the movie industry, including to film parts of the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street.” A wide range of other businesses from real estate agents to beer makers to journalists to home inspectors are taking advantage of the technology that continues to evolve, becoming more widely used and consumer friendly.

Changing Farming Locally, drone use is on the rise thanks to one enterprising farmer and his partner. Hamilton County resident Aaron Sheller never considered himself much of a “technology guy.” Farming a few thousand acres in northern Hamilton County, he does pride himself, however,

on being able to “figure out” ways to operate efficiently and profitably in a competitive industry. That creativity led to experimentation with drones to increase productivity. “Matt Minnes, an agronomic adviser, and I were honestly just developing a drone to utilize ourselves,” Sheller says. He uses a 6-blade multi-prop helicopterstyle drone to create quick crop health maps and make nutrient management decisions from the field’s edge in a much

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

shorter timeframe than with traditional field scouting. “It was amazing what we were able to capture. We saw nitrogen deficiency before the naked eye could see it.” The drone gave Sheller a whole new perspective on his farming practices.

ment. Gary Reynolds says his company has been selling the units for a few months now to meet the growing needs of customers who want the cutting edge tool to manage information more efficiently.

The firm already offers FARMserver, an online service tool that employs manned airplanes to deliver precision ag data to farmers, but is studying the concept of drones to see if they can streamline data collection and storage.

Toby Ripberger, Beck’s Practical Farm ReBeck’s Hybrids, the nation’s largest search Coordinator, heads up a commitfamily- owned, retail seed company tee to evaluate the tool, and says drones “We’re seeing problems surface we didn’t headquartered in rural Atlanta, is also offer some interesting benefits. “We’re even know we had,” he says. “It’s changed exploring the possible use and benefits looking at ways to help farmers use the way I farm. My number one priority of drones. is farming, but if a drone has changed the way I farm, we’re going to take it to market. We need to use drone technolWhat is just as important as the quality of ogy not only for our own profitability and professional services you utilize for your business? understanding about what our crops are doing but also so we can raise more food to feed a growing population,” he says. That business acumen led Sheller to found Precision Drone LLC, a Hamilton County-based firm still in its infancy since its inception in 2013, but actively growing through relationships with equipment dealers across the US and Canada, including Reynolds Farm Equip-

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October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


Online Video Extra: their time more efficiently, by scouting their land, inspecting crops, and then analyzing the information…It could help a farmer, for instance, spot an issue in their fields, whether it may be from insect or disease.”

David Beaudin, DPB Inspections.

Home Inspections

Regulation Coming

While agriculture appears a natural fit for drone use, David Beaudin finds both a practical and entertaining way to use the gadget. Beaudin, a Noblesville based home inspector who owns DPB Inspections and contracts with the Hamilton County Plan Commission, was introduced to drones through his love and hobby of remote control airplanes and vehicles.

While drones are becoming attractive to businesses, some fear their more widespread use will invade privacy. In fact, both the American Civil Liberties Union and Texas have each issued red flags regarding a potential invasion of privacy. Beaudin thinks that’s a narrowminded view, and offers the analogy of someone standing on a box to look over a neighbor’s backyard fence. “Drones sound like a swarm of bees, they’re loud, difficult to ignore, and the flashing lights on top of the unit make it hard for them to be inconspicuous.”

A self-described “droner”, he began flying his mid-range model, the Phantom, retail value approximately $1500, for fun back in March, but soon realized how it might aid in his home inspection efforts. Upon conducting some internet research, Beaudin found several fellow inspectors around the country using the devices. “For me it’s a photographic and artistic platform. It adds another dimension, plus its user friendly. Just about anybody can operate this,” says Beaudin, who noted that it took some initial practice to get the hang of it. “I’ve hit a tree before,” he laughs, adding that while drones appear delicate, they can actually take some abuse. Beaudin, who doubles as a FEMA inspector, is currently using drones as part of his home inspection reports but isn’t charging for the service. He hopes to change that in the future based on clients’ needs. “It is my goal to sell this service, but I want to be able to be competitive and make sure it’s something someone wants and needs.” The technology allows him to view roof lines or structures from up to 200 feet. “I can see down a chimney or the top of a chimney that wouldn’t be visible otherwise.” The computer software, which updates every couple of weeks, allows him to take and record clear images of a structure, providing homeowners and prospective buyers better insight into properties.


See dramatic views of the courthouse square and other aerials shot by drone at www.hamiltoncountybusiness.com.

Still, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) wants to get involved in their certification and licensing by civilians. While there is lack of formal guidelines, there are loose restrictions. It is illegal to operate a drone as a civilian above 400 feet and beyond line of sight for any commercial reason unless they have received permission from the Federal Aviation Administration. Most drones are manufactured with a built in “no fly” zone which renders them inoperable in close proximity to an airport. The FAA issues “certificates of authorization” to public entities, such as NASA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and other federal agencies, police departments and universities. In anticipation of growing drone use,

Drones can be ordered online and at select retailers, ranging in price from around $300 for an entry level model to up to $17,500 for commercial versions.

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

Serving Hamilton County and supporting our community since 1880

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Congress has tasked the FAA to figure out by 2015 how civilians can use drones beyond the airspace restrictions and licensing requirements. Despite regulation, it’s likely the drone trend will continue. E-commerce giant Amazon and behemoth delivery firm UPS are among many companies considering their use. Drones have even made their way into pop culture, with a recent episode of “The Big Bang Theory” featuring an experiment where series character Sheldon Cooper used the device. Perhaps impacting their use even more, their price is dropping as technology advances, making the units more affordable to the average consumer. In fact, Beaudin envisions a day when a drone purchase is part of the family home, akin to a DVR or home computer. “I have the neatest family pictures,” he offers, providing a fitting tribute to the drone’s capabilities. HCBM



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October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


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Delaney’s Story and photos by Karen Kennedy


ary Larson is running late.

Her million-watt smile comes through the door of the Noblesville-Carmel Delaney’s just before she does, arms laden with an impossibly large load of boxes of merchandise, sleeves and palazzo pants flowing in the breeze behind her. She talks a mile a minute and laughs often, offering a beverage, a trinket to admire, a seat and a story of determination, love and family.

Mary Larson has arrived. In more ways than one. In 2001, Larson was a busy working mom with three small children and hectic career in medical sales. Her husband Dan was working as a contractor, and like many working couples, they relied heavily on child care during their busy work week. But one day Larson came home to find her young son’s favorite blanket in the trash, apparently a misguided nanny’s attempt at disciplinary action. Larson ordered the care-giver out of her house and decided right then and there that she would find a way to work while caring for her children herself-no more strangers in her home.

All in the Family

The mother-daughter pair started trying to sell the tiles at gift shows, and Larson eventually entered into a partnership with several other women at Gallery 116 in Fishers. But an idea was forming; Larson, who had only a smattering of retail experience, wanted to open her own store. That idea came to fruition in 2002 when Larson opened a store in Geist. She named it Delaney’s after her only daughter. In addition to hand-painted trinkets, she began to offer jewelry and clothing. She held closely to her mission statement of providing an experience for shoppers; not just a place to walk in, peruse the

“…we simply don’t tolerate snooty.” - Mary Larson

wares and walk back out, but instead a carefully laid out “journey” throughout a store that really feels like someone’s home, where visitors are greeted by name and like family and merchandise is fairly priced and accessible.

Her beloved mother Gladys had always been an artist, and friends were always asking for more of her beautiful The Family Grows and Grows hand-painted tiles to give as gifts. Larson tried That formula proved to be so successful that soon other stores followed. Fishers in her hand at that. 2004. Noblesville/Carmel in 2007. And as the business expanded, Dan left behind “There were my mothhis contractor job and joined the family er’s delicate, perfect, business full-time. He does the books and exquisite tiles. And the couple designs and builds out each then there were mine,” store together. Larson laughed. I tried to paint a soccer ball and my mom told me it looked like a flower. But I kept trying.” Mary Larson


“I’ve slept in dressing rooms when we’re in the process of opening a store,” Larson recalled. “We’re just all in. If I did the math, I think I make about 10 cents an hour, so I try not to think about it!”

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

Eventually the Fashion Mall came calling. And although a mall location didn’t really fit Larson’s business model, they made her an offer she couldn’t refuse and she gave it a shot, and again met with success. That store has moved locations within the mall several times over the years, to adapt to rent and space availability changes, but it continues to thrive. And last October, Larson tackled Zionsville. “As soon as I saw that space I knew we would do it,” said Larson. Each store has its own personality; Fishers is more urban, while the flagship store in Geist has more of a French Provincial feel. The Zionsville store keeps to the historic tradition of the town’s spirit.

The Customer is Queen But while much attention is paid to the look of the stores, the customer remains queen. “We have shipped perfume to Bulgaria. We have handpainted a custom order for a 24-hour turnaround. We have Fed-Exed cowboy boots to arrive in time for a concert. We do whatever it takes for our customers,” Larson said.

learned her reason for moving, her name, her style preferences and a bit about her family. Larson is the consummate saleswoman; she offered just enough information and assistance to be helpful, asked enough questions to make educated suggestions and gave the shopper enough space to make her purchasing decisions. The woman had just become a customer for life.

Looking to the Future As the Delaney’s empire has grown, so has the responsibility of being an employer. The Larson’s venture has gone from mother-daughter art project to a company that now boasts nearly forty employees. Another key to the Larsons’ success is the retention of key employees. Her sister Noreen Kavanaugh along with Stephanie Koch have managed the Noblesville/Carmel store since it opened and Teresa Cook, the manager of the Fishers store, has been with Delaney’s since its inception. Yet Larson shows no signs of slowing down. Her beloved mother passed away just last year and at the time of this interview, her father was in the hospital. But despite the additional pressure of looking after her ailing father’s needs along with her siblings, her infectious good cheer never wavered. Her children are now grown—Delaney, her youngest, is 17; sons Tommy and Clayton are 23 and 20, respectively. And Larson’s wheels are still turning.

“You know, you can’t take anything for granted. Every day you start over again with that first dollar. And I know that we “Also, we simply don’t tolerhave to do internet sales,” she said. “It’s ate snooty,” she continued. “Everyone is welcome and ev- hard to imagine recreating this feel oneryone should feel absolutely line, but we have to do it. And I’m considering another project; another concept,” at home.” Larson said with a glimmer in her eye. “I’m not ready to talk about it yet, but I’m That fact was evidenced as a up to something.” woman who has just moved to Hamilton County from There’s absolutely no doubt about Wisconsin entered the store. Within moments, Larson had that. HCBM

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


Off the Clock

Taking Center Stage Community Theaters showcase local talent

By Patricia Griffin Mangan


here’s a lot of drama in Hamilton County. Comedy too. The county prides itself in its native talent. Though amateurs may not be Bogart and Bacall, some do make it to the big screen. Here’s a look at three of our thriving local live theaters.

The Belfry The Belfry is the county’s oldest local theater. It just celebrated its 50th year with a Cabaret fundraiser that featured highlights from previous shows. The repurposed church on Greenfield Avenue in Noblesville has entertained thousands

The Belfry, Noblesville

in an intimate setting. Seating capacity is 109 and the theater is air conditioned in the summer and well-heated in winter. Mark Tumey is president of the Belfry and of the Encore Association, a sort of “academy” for amateur theater in Central Indiana. “I have acted in 33 productions and produced one play in 8 years” said Tumey, who retired 2 years ago from Dow Agro Science and now is a consultant. “It is like a hobby but definitely a passion of mine and everyone unites with a common objective to communicate to the audience.” Tumey did not begin acting until the age of 52. He was a singer and a friend suggested he could both sing and act. He feels there is something magical in live theater. Actors find a second home entertaining audiences with quality productions of drama, comedy and musicals. The performances are a collaborative effort among area residents who enjoy theater and often come to see friends and family members perform. People with day jobs donate their time and talents to entertain. And there’s a concerted effort to appeal to kids. Every Summer, the Belfry produces a musical to help students discover their talents. This Summer it was Godspell, directed by Connie MurelloTodd, directing her tenth Apprentice Players production in a row.

Cast of Godspell, The Belfry


Carmel Community Theater, Clay Terrace

Jenny Mitchell & Scott Martin in “I Married An Angel,” Carmel Community Playhouse

Cast of “I Married An Angel”

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

James Kenjerski, Kadah Binkley and Rachel Krau, “The Philadelphia Story,” Carmel Community Playhouse.

Carmel Community Players Carmel Community Players has been in business since 1993 and located in Clay Terrace Shopping Mall for the past few years. That location provides good visibility among shoppers in the area in addition to seating a huge audience. President Larry Montag meets with board members to review the qualifications of directors and they select 5 shows per season. Montag said “It is a big commitment to direct a show and act as a cast member when they are not paid for their efforts.” He and his wife, Beth, love attending various community theaters and they feel the theater is a way to give back to the community. Beth took acting lessons and has appeared in small parts in the Belfry, Carmel Community Theater and Westfield Playhouse. Montag himself has only held small parts in 2 productions and played the role of a bartender in their last play, ‘I Married An Angel.” “Two of our lead singers, Scott and Jen Martin, met previously in theater, shared the same love of theater and got married” said Montag. He retired five years ago but uses the business practices he learned during a career with General Motors to help lead the theater..

Westfield Playhouse John Sampson is dedicated to the Westfield Playhouse, the home of Main Street Productions. A retired Kraft Foods buyer,

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


Diary of Anne Frank, Westfield Playhouse

he now works practically full time to put on eight productions each season. “I enjoy designing sets and working on lighting” he said. Employing ads, postcards, fliers, posters and word of mouth, Sampson and his team recruit anywhere from six to fifty actors for each production. “In the past six years, we have had thirty-six productions” said Sampson.

The theater, a converted church along State Road 32, is actually in Eagletown. Sampson reports that they are now undergoing a facelift, adding siding, a wheelchair ramp and, eventually, restrooms. The Westfield Playhouse is a work in progress; yet, the public does not mind purchasing soda and water from a cooler or buying candy from a table. Westfield’s last play was ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ and was well attended for three full weeks including matinee performances. Anne was played by a sixteen year old Maggie Williams from Westfield High School, under the direction of Kristen Wilson. Sampson stresses that “our theaters are not in competition with one another

but rather we support one another as sister theaters.”

Paying the Bills All three presidents concur that budgets are tight in most amateur theaters. They depend on ticket sales, grants, donations, fundraisers, etc. to cover expenses such as lighting, choreography, costumes, furniture, advertising and printing programs. They meet monthly to discuss budgeting, purchasing, and borrowing props and furniture from sister theaters. Though no one is making a living from these community theaters, most agree that their real passion is in performing. After working day jobs as attorneys, librarians, accountants and students, they come here to exercise their creative talent. Actors spend their own money on supplies and other necessities. In community theater, actors gladly give their time and money. In a sense, they are like kids dressing up for Halloween; but instead of candy, they derive joy from the audience laughing, smiling, crying, feeling and applauding their performances. HCBM

A Different Kind of Community Theater Hamilton County hosts one of the largest Civic Theaters in the nation By Mike Corbett While community theater may conjure images of bare bones productions in converted buildings by passionate but smallbudget theater companies, an upgraded version is housed in the Tarkington at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre is the largest of Indiana’s 70 or so community theaters, and it’s in the nation’s top ten. A 501 (c)(3) non profit, The Civic is run by professionals but serves volunteers and students. With a $2 million budget, it has a professional staff of 15 production and administrative staff, and contracts with some 130 professional artists each year. Its theater is a state of the art facility across the Center Green from the Palladium, where it’s been for four years since relocating from Marian University. Civic gives amateurs the opportunity to learn the art from professionals through 22

Civic Theatre’s 2014 production of Les Miserables

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine




Franciscan St. Francis Health – Carmel offers a wide range of innovative outpatient and short-stay medical services right here, under one roof with ample parking. For more information, visit FranciscanStFrancis.org/Carmel.

performance opportunities and a series of educational programs, for which they pay tuition. Several outreach programs seek to defray the cost of participating and attending performances for those who can’t afford it. Ticket sales and tuition fund less than half the Civic’s budget, with the rest

coming from donations by individuals, corporations and foundations. The City of Carmel contributes about 8% of its budget. More than 20,000 people participate as performers and students each year, with another 30,000 or more attending performances, about 25% of the visitors to the Performing Arts Center.

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

The upcoming season is Civic Theatre’s centennial, so look for special programming, including a retrospective of its first 100 years. New Executive Director John Hedges arrives at the end of September. More at www.civictheatre.org (note the spelling: the final e is AFTER the r). HCBM


Retail Roundabout

A Summary of Recent Retail Activity By Samantha Hyde

Northern Hamilton County

The owner of The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy in Cicero is retiring and closing the business. Main Street PowerMail’s historic 120-year-old building at 400 S. Main Street in Sheridan burned to the ground in July, but the business is still operating out of a temporary location. Arcadia-based Dura Products is constructing a new 23,000 SF headquarters in Sheridan at SR 47 and West Road, with plans to open by fall 2015.


The Village of West Clay is welcoming Pizzology Craft Pizzeria + Pub to 1281 E. New Market Street, making this the third location for this popular eatery and filling the long-vacant space formerly occupied by Pamfilio’s. Carmel’s second Greek’s Pizzeria has opened nearby at 12703 Meetinghouse Road. U/S Sports Advisors is expanding its headquarters at 250 E. 96th Street. Northwest Radiology is opening an office at 10603 N. Meridian Street. Liberty Fund has plans to build a new 61,000 SF headquarters at the northeast corner of Meridian and 116th streets.

Huddles Frozen Yogurt at 110 W. Main Street closed over the summer. Square Donuts has opened its first Hamilton County store at 14 S. Range Line Road in the former home of garden design shop Planted, which moved in with CLOTH clothing boutique at 31 W. City Center Drive in July. Law firm Keller Macaluso has moved its headquarters to 760 3rd Avenue SW in Pedcor Square. Jonathan Byrd’s Catering is remodeling the former banquet center The Fountains (and former Marsh supermarket) at 502 E. Carmel Drive in Carmel Marketplace. Lakeside Apartments Carmel are slated for construction at 630 W. Carmel Drive. The Bridges development at 116th and Illinois streets has added McDonald’s to its list of future tenants. Software developer Anacore Inc, headquartered at the Meridian Technology Center at 11711b N. College Avenue, has been purchased by San Jose, CA-based Prysm Inc. Shepherd Insurance, which has offices in Carmel and Noblesville, has joined with Indybased Consolidated Insurance Services Inc, which will now operate as Consolidated Shepherd Insurance. Romano’s Macaroni Grill at 116th Street and Keystone Parkway has closed.

The new 11,000 SF 96th & Olio Self Storage is under construction at 13942 E. 96th Street. Fresh Thyme Farmers Market has plans to anchor the new Arbor Village commercial development at 11387 E. 116th Street. Fishers Fire Station 92 at 11595 Brooks School Road is expanding and renovating its building. Jarden Home Brands is renovating the former Sony DADC Americas structure at 9999 E. 121st Street for its new headquarters and distribution center. Olympus Salon opened at 10177 Allisonville Road in August. Comprehensive Pain Specialists is moving into the second floor of Fishers Medical Office Plaza at 10967 Allisonville Road. Irvington-based Wyliepalooza Ice Cream Emporium has opened a new store at 11009 Allisonville Road. Small Potatoes, an event planning company specializing in events with fewer than 150 attendees, is now operating out of Fishers. Xtreme Motors Inc. is renovating its new shop at 11544 Allisonville Road. The former Mudsock Books & Curiosity Shoppe at 11850 Allisonville Road has been transformed into Blue Danube European Deli. Ameriana Bank is

The Applebee’s on Greyhound Pass recently underwent a complete remodel. David & Mary Salon Spa at Clay Terrace has closed and the owners have moved their services to Salon Lofts at Cool Creek Village on 146th Street. The Warehouse, Carmel

The Warehouse, billed as a mixed media arts showcase and a state of the art performance venue, has opened in the Arts & Design District on 1st Ave. SW between the old post office and the old fire station. Irvington Radiology is opening an office at Community Health Pavilion Carmel at 11911 N. Meridian Street. A Cut Above Catering is launching an instructional cooking kitchen at 12995 N. Meridian Street. Kitto Insurance opened a new office at 216 W. Main Street in August. 24


Indy-based Sun King Brewery is building a second craft brewery on 12.76 acres just east of I-69 at Kincaid and Central Park drives. Downtown’s new retail space, The Depot, will be welcoming new boutique Dottie Couture this fall. Fountain Square favorite Pure Eatery will be opening a second restaurant at 8235 E. 116th Street, the former location of Hearthstone Bistro. Another area restaurant, Gumbo A Go Go, is moving from 86th Street to 8395 E. 116th Street.

Blue Danube, Fishers

opening a new branch at 11991 Fishers Crossing Drive. Fishers Marketplace at SR 37 and 131st Street will soon be home to central Indiana’s first Aurelio’s Pizza. Other restaurants open or opening soon in Marketplace: Zaxby’s, Which Wich, Bagger Dave’s, Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen and City Barbeque. A national nutrition chain, Nutrishop, is moving into 13204 Market Square Drive. Carmel-based Northview Church is building a Fishers campus at 14842 E. 136th Street.

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

Bubba’s is opening adjacent to the AmericInn on North by Northeast Blvd. Cheeseburger in Paradise on Crosspoint Blvd. is being replaced by Fuddruckers.


Master Ling’s Oriental Martial Arts Studio is now open at 5705 Pebble Village Lane. Foot Wellness is moving into 14741 Hazel Dell Crossing.

Ameriana Bank, Noblesville

Cumberland Pointe at 15887 N. Cumberland Road is getting a new mani-pedi shop, In July, Little Sprouts Childcare Minis- INAILS of Noblesville. A 25-building rental living community, Flats at 146th, try opened its doors at New Life Assemis being developed at 14800 Union Chapel bly of God, located at 698 N. 10th Street. The historic Victorian House at 1095 Con- Road. Ameriana Bank is opening a new branch on the corner of SR19 and Logan St. ner Street is now home to Black Sheep Yarn and Fiber Arts. Muncie-based First Merchants Corp. is acquiring Noblesville-based Community Bankshares Inc, which operates eight Hamilton County Community Bank locations. A new Joe’s Auto Service opened at 9240 E. 146th Street in August. Community Orthopedic Specialty Care has opened a new office at Community Health Pavilion Noblesville, located at 9669 E. 146th Street.

Future Wolfies Grill, Westfield


StorAmerica self-storage and wine cellar is adding another 17,000 SF to its

complex at 4420 E. 146th Street. Wolfies Grill is planning its fourth Hamilton County location at 137 W. Main Street in the old National City Bank building in downtown Westfield. A new Speedway gas station is being built at 704 E SR 32. Riverview Health has purchased 8.6 acres on the northeast corner of US 31 and SR 32, with plans to construct a new ambulatory care building to serve both Westfield Washington Schools and the community. Auto body shop Interbody is constructing a new facility at 1021 Kendall Court in Westfield Business Park to replace the location displaced by the US 31 Major Moves Project. Buckingham Companies is reviving plans for the mixed-use development Lantern Commons at US 31 and 161st Street. Carrington Mortgage Services announced plans to move into the old GTE facility at 19845 US 31. Union Baking Company is moving a few blocks east on Main St. to the site of the former Black Plum Café. HCBM

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October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


Dining Out

Down Home Cooking with an Upscale Twist Combine Café Chef Caters to the Farming Community By Chris Bavender Photos by Mark Lee Walk into a farm equipment store and the last thing you expect to see is a neon green sign for a café, let alone farmers and others nibbling on breakfast burritos as they peruse the tractors and mowers. But at Reynolds Farm Equipment in Atlanta, that’s become the norm. As has the in-house chef -Brian Oneschak.

Barbershop Introduction

Oneschak came to the café in a rather unique way – owner Gary Reynolds actually had tasted some of the chef’s food before they even met. “We had the same barber and I would bring food to the girls who work there and Gary had some of my food,” he said. “Then I did about five to 10 different meals for him before I even met him – one of the girls took him food I made to try. Finally I had an interview with him and I did homemade biscuits, home fried potatoes and sausage gravy for 50 people and took it in as part of the interview.” The two talked about the vision for the café and Oneschak came on board in a consulting role for a few weeks – helping to plan the menu - while he transitioned from a prep cook position at Indianapolis International Airport. The café opened in mid-May and the menu offers what you might expect from a café located in a farm equipment store – down home country cooking – but with an upscale twist Oneschak said.

Line Chef Cameron McClintock (left) and Chef Brian Oneschak

“I thought it was unique concept because where we are located the only things within a 12 mile stretch between Atlanta and Westfield and Atlanta and Kokomo is a Burger King, two gas station convenience stores and Wilsons Farm Market,” Oneschak said. “I didn’t think he (owner Gary Reynolds) was nuts for suggesting it. I thought it filled a good need.” 26

“That is we cook country classics but added a bit of refinement that you would find with a chef working instead of a line cook,” he said. “An example is we took the standard sausage biscuits and gravy and changed it to a jalapeño cheddar biscuit sausage and gravy.”

is from scratch,” he said. “Like today we did nachos with Tex Mex rice, cheddar cheese sauce and spicy ground beef and every component was made from scratch – nothing was pre bought.”

Hot Meals in the Field

The Combine Café only serves breakfast and lunch, opening before the store does. “That was to allow for farmers to come in and have breakfast and then go pick up parts and get back to the field in time,” Oneschak said. “We are also going to add online ordering so they can place their order, get their parts, get their order at the café, and leave.”

Other popular menu items include the breaded tenderloin – a 6-ounce center cut loin that Oneschak and his staff pound out themselves. “The other thing we do is that everything in the café October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

The Pitch-In Harvest packs will also be available. “During harvest season it will be items ranging from roast beef to chicken or beef and noodles and they can come in and get it for the team and deliver it to the field and everyone will get hot, fresh food.” The café can seat 32 currently but will eventually be able to handle 50, Oneschak said. A training room is also available for the public to book and have a catered lunch for up to 60 people. The décor reflects the fact the dining room is part of the store’s showroom – with John Deere gators, tractors, chainsaws, etc. - on display. Though it caters to farmers, the restaurant is open to the general public. Reaction from customers has been positive. “I gauge the reaction by how clean the plates are so I would say it’s been well received,” Oneschak said. “We try to do a price point between McDonalds and Burger King Value meal for the café so it’s been a highly successful lunch and we are building up the breakfast.”

Notes from all over the county Ivy Tech Community College awarded 9,265 associate degrees this year, a 4% increase over 2013, ranking it first in the nation among two-year institutions for the number of associate degrees awarded. This is the second year in a row Ivy Tech has topped the list.

have successfully launched a recent product or service that’s considered innovative in its market.

Michael Davis joined Salin Bank’s mortgage team focusing on residential home mortgages.

Dan Clark was named President of the Hamilton County Campus of Ivy Tech Community College

Michael Davis

Aspire Indiana opened an outpatient clinic at Chaucie’s Place to treat survivors of child sexual abuse. Both are non profits, Chaucie’s Place focusing on child sexual abuse and suicide prevention, Aspire providing therapy to people living with behavioral and mental health disorders.

All part of the one stop shopping plan to keep customers happy and coming back for more. HCBM

Combine Café 1451 E. 276th St Atlanta, IN


Monday-Friday - 6:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Saturday (Breakfast only) - 6:30 a.m.-11 a.m. Sunday – Closed Breakfast served daily until 11 a.m.

Kate Johnson is the new Government Affairs Director for the Builders Association of Greater Indianapolis (BAGI). The position was re-created after being eliminated during the recession.

Anne Hensley Poindexter

Anne Hensley Poindexter, Managing Partner with Campbell Kyle Proffitt LLP in Carmel, was commended by a joint Resolution of all of the Hamilton County Judiciary for her work in representing pro bono clients.

Carmel-based MISO opened a free onsite health clinic for its employees and their family members.

Prices range from $5.95 to $8.95, he said, which includes fries and a drink with sandwiches. But it is the creative freedom from Reynolds that Oneschak really credits for the success of the café. “If we want to add an item to the menu we just make a couple of test samples up and give to the executive committee for testing and if it passes approval, it goes on the menu,” he said. “A recent example would be a 5.5 ounce fried cod filet with house made tartar sauce and prosciutto ham we just added.”

Nick Tigue joined the Center for the Performing Arts as Vice President of Operations.

Dixie Platt

Joe Kessler

Joseph E. Mitchell, Certified Financial Advisor at Ameriprise Financial, obtained the Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA) certification.

Community Health Network named Dixie Platt vice president of marketing and communications and Joe Kessler chief financial officer. Dereck Stinson is the new Assistant Vice President, Noblesville Banking Center Manager for Ameriana Bank Dereck Stinson

Conner Prairie logged an all-time record number of monthly guests in July. Unusually mild summer weather, new indoor and outdoor experiences and an upturn in the economy are credited for attracting 30,871 guests in July. Apprentice University won the 2014 Innovation Award presented by Centric. To be considered, an organization must

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

Joseph E. Mitchell

Always In Stitches, a Noblesville quilt shop, is offering a Little Free Library outside its door. Little Free Library is a worldwide effort to increase literacy. Visitors are encouraged to take a book and leave a book. Lynne A. Coverdale joined Salin Bank and Trust as Senior Mortgage Consultant.

Lynne A. Coverdale


Business News October & November Events October October 2: October 8: October 9: October 30: November November 4: November 12: November 13: November 19:

New Members

All-County Network Breakfast | Conner Prairie | 7:30 to 9 a.m. Luncheon | Ritz Charles | 12 to 1:30 p.m. Business After Hours | The Palladium | 5 to 6:30 p.m. Arrows YP After Hours Network | Wolfies Grill Carmel | 5 to 7 p.m.

Shepherd Insurance & Financial Services

Member Orientation | tba | 8 to 9 a.m. Luncheon | Mansion at Oak Hill | 12 to 1:30 p.m. Business After Hours | McNamara Florist | 5 to 6:30 p.m. Arrows YP Lunch & Learn | Eddie Merlot’s | 12 to 1:30 p.m.

Centra Credit Union Citizens State Bank Franklin College Indiana Vein Specialists - Dr. Jeffery P. Schoonover Woodland Bowl

Reservations required. Information subject to change - visit carmelchamber.com for details.

Ribbon Cutting First Merchants Bank 10210 N. Michigan Rd.

October Luncheon: Mayor’s State of City Address Wednesday, October 8 Ritz Charles | 12 to 1:30 p.m. Join more than 500 business and community leaders to hear Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard present his annual State of the City address.

9Round Kickboxing Carmel AFLAC Chrome Fitness, LLC F.C. Tucker Co. - Nancee Dowler First Baptist Church Living Hands Integrated Therapeutic Massage, LLC Miracle Sushi and Modern Asian Cuisine Olivet Nazarene University/School of Graduate & Continuing Studies Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt Professional Staff Management Redwood Living Simplee Wellness Small Potatoes Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. Watchman Salts LLC Zounds Hearing NW Indy

Individual seats and corporate tables are available. Reservations are required. Register online at carmelchamber.com or call 846.1049.

Legislative Breakfast Series

Images of Excellence Awards

November - April Mansion at Oak Hill | 7:30 to 9 a.m.

Wednesday, December 10 Ritz Charles | 12 to 1:30 p.m.

Discuss issues that impact business with our legislators. November 14 December 12 January 9, 2015 February 13, 2015 March 13, 2015 April 10, 2015 Presented by the Hamilton County Business Issues Committee.

Nominations are accepted through October 24 for Business of the Year, Young Professional of the Year and more. Details at carmelchamber.com

Interested in becoming a member? Visit carmelchamber.com or call 846.1049.

About Carmel Chamber

Thursday, January 22, 2015 Ritz Charles | 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. • •

Connect your business with businesses and consumers that need your services and products at our largest business event of the year.

• •

134 exhibitors  850 attendees  unlimited networking  all industries welcome Exhibitor Registration - sign up now! Space is limited. Chamber members and non-members are invited to participate. carmelchamber.com  317.846.1049  21 S. Range Line Rd., #300A  Carmel, IN 46032


• •

Advocates on behalf of business. Collaborates to maximize impact. Communicates issues and positions. Grows the voice of business through membership. Serves 750 members. Represents diversity of business from corporate headquarters to sole proprietorships.

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


2nd - Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. All County Networking Breakfast Conner Prairie Interactive History Park 13400 Allisonville Road $15 Chamber members, $20 Guests Reservations Required

14th - Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Membership Committee Meeting Fishers Chamber Office 11313 USA Parkway

15th - Wednesday 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Business Expo & Food FORUM

FORUM Conference Center 11313 USA Parkway $5 (Open to the public)

22nd - Wednesday 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Business After Hours

BMO Harris Bank Hamilton Town Center 13225 Tegler Dr., Noblesville (No fee)


11th – Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Membership Committee Meeting

Citizens State Bank 10735 Sky Prairie Street Fishers, IN 46038

Fishers Chamber Office 11313 USA Parkway

19th - Wednesday 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Chamber Luncheon

Financial Enhancement Group, LLC

“HSE Choirs Presentation ” FORUM Conference Center 11313 USA Parkway $20 Members, $25 Guests Reservations required

9757 Westpoint Drive Suite 400 Indianapolis, Indiana 46256

19th – Wednesday 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Business After Hours

Infinity Chiropractic LLC 8974 E. 96th Street Fishers, IN 46037

Woodland Entertainment Center 3421 E. 96th St. Indianapolis, IN 46240 (No fee)

Fishers Chamber of Commerce Anytime Fitness 14300 Mundy Dr., Suite 1200 PresentsNoblesville, IN 46060

27th & 28th Thursday/Friday Thanksgiving holiday Chamber office closed

Fishers Chamber Event | fisherschamber.com

Save the date!


OCTOBER 15, 2014

BUSINESS EXPO & FOOD FORUM sponsored by FORUM Credit Union

Connect with more than 100 exhibitors from FORUM Conference Center area businesses while you sample the • Fishers IN 11313 USA offerings ofParkway Chamber member restaurants 4:30PM – 7:00PM

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to network andmore satisfy taste buds at the Connect with thanyour 100 Fishers Chamber businesses while sampling the offerings of local member restaurants at the _______________________________________ time! Chamber of Commerce BUSINESS EXPO & FOOD FORUM sponsored by FORUM Credit Union! 2nd Annual Fisherssame

16, 2013 - 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. October Participating restaurants will offer samplings of their most popular items. Beer, wine, and Conference FORUM soft drinks will be available for purchase. Center USA Fishers, INin 46037 11313 The cost to attendParkway, is $5 and tickets are available advance by contacting the Fishers Chamber office at 317-578-0700 or at the door.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. FORUM Conference Center

Payment Requested by Registration For additional information and contact Carol Doehrman at cdoehrman@fisherschamber.com. September 20, 2013


For more information contact:



October Fishers • November 2014 Hamilton County Business Magazine Chamber of•Commerce 11601 Municipal Dr. Fishers, IN 46038

A Cut above Catering AdvoCare – Jennifer Powell American Cancer Society City Barbecue Clothes Mentor First Financial Bank Hamilton County Television Mama Bears Café at Geist Michael Gradeless, DDS Platinum Earth, LLC Small Potaotes The Massaro Group Wert Fixture and Display


$5 Chamber Members




Upcoming Events & HAPPENINGS Rachel Woloshin of Adler Tesnar Whalin Law Office accepts the quarterly Bell of Recognition from Carmen Clift, Ambassador Committee chair




Gary Reynolds, Reynold’s Farm Equipment, speaks about agriculture technology

Thursday, October 2, 7:30 am All-County Networking Breakfast Conner Prairie Tuesday, October 7, 11:30 am Membership Luncheon Red Bridge Park Community Building


Tuesday, November 11, 11:30 am Membership Luncheon Red Bridge Park Community Building

Friday, November 14, 7:30 am Legislative Breakfast - Fall Forum The Mansion at Oak Hill

Tour of the service department

To be determined: Taste of the Holidays

August Chamber Breakfast

NEW MEMBERS Computer Troubleshooters of Carmel Feras Mash

Hoosier Sign Guy Blake Langley

Hamilton North Chamber 70 N. Byron St. Cicero, IN 46034 317-984-4079

Hunters Pointe Farms Robin Lawrence Hamilton County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt

American Cancer Society Stephen Hunt

June Palms Property Management Mark Dolfino

All About You Hair Salon Kaytee Ream 30

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

Upcoming Events & HAPPENINGS Chamber Open House

Noblesville Chamber Office, 601 E. Conner Street, Noblesville, IN (One block west of the square in downtown Noblesville)

2nd – Thursday – 7:30 am to 9:00 am


7th – Friday – 11:30 am to 1:00 pm


Presented by the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce Sponsored by St. Vincent Fishers Hospital

Cambria Hotel and Suites


Hamilton Town Center, 13500 Tegler Drive, Noblesville, IN $18 Members/$22 Non-Members

$15 Members/$20 Non-Members

13th – Thursday – 11:30 am to 1:00 pm

Conner Prairie, 13400 Allisonville Road, Fishers, IN 6th – Monday – 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

November Membership Luncheon

Restaurant Industry Job Fair

Purgatory Golf Club, 12160 E. 216th Street, Noblesville, IN

13500 Tegler Drive, Noblesville, IN Free and Open to the Public. Bring your resume and come prepared to meet your future employer

14th – Friday – 7:30 am to 9:00 am

Cambria Hotel & Suites, Hamilton Town Center

9th – Thursday – 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm

All-County Young Professionals Group (YPG) Business After Hours At The Center for the Performing Arts

1 Center Green, Carmel, IN. Reservations are requested. Reserve online at www.noblesvillechamber.com or call 773-0086

Cost: $18/Members $22/Non-Members


Legislative Breakfast Series Sponsor: The Mansion at Oak Hill, 5801 E. 116th Street, Carmel, IN $15 Members/$20 Non-Members

28th – Friday – Evening Event


Hamilton County Judicial Center

On the square in Downtown Noblesville. Free and Open to the Public

22nd – Wednesday – 11:30 am to 1:00 pm

October Membership Luncheon

Featuring Congresswoman Susan Brooks Sponsored by Community Bank Harbour Trees Golf Club, 333 Regent Park Lane, Noblesville $18 Members/$22 Non-Member

22nd – Wednesday – 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm

join the Noblesville and Fishers Chambers for Business After Hours at BMO Harris Bank

Hamilton Town Center, 13225 Tegler Drive, Noblesville, IN BMO Harris Bank is a Noblesville Chamber Corporate Partner and we invite all our members and guests to join the Fishers Chamber and their guests for this networking event. Refreshments and drinks will be served.

WIN Week (Women in Noblesville) Week - November 3 – 7, 2014 Watch for exciting details about this week-long celebration of women in the Noblesville business community. Events and activities for women of all ages will culminate in a women’s luncheon sponsored by St. Vincent Fishers Hospital at the Cambria Hotel & Suites on November 7th. Registration information and event details will be available on the Chamber’s website –Coming Soon!

Ribbon Cuttings

NEW MEMBERS The UPS Store 176 W. Logan St., Noblesville, IN (317) 776-1399 www.upsstore.com Noblesville Orthodontics 17800 Cumberland Rd. Noblesville, IN (317) 773-5515 Email: info@noblesvilleorthodontics.com www.noblesvilleorthodontics.com Coming to Noblesville! The Hamptons by Redwood 10111 Town & Country Blvd. Noblesville, IN (317) 478-3295 www.byredwood.com H2H Salon 13185 Harrell Pkwy. Ste. #200, Noblesville, IN (317) 770-7416 www.h2h-salon.com Shop Your Spot 1311 W. 96th St., Ste. 130 Indianapolis, IN 46260 (317) 474-0636 www.shopyourspot.com Money Mailer 8103 E. US Highway 36, Ste. 286 Avon, IN (317) 272-0437 www.moneymailerindiana.com Rockford Stites Primerica Financial Services 12176 Cold Stream Rd., Noblesville, IN (765) 744-1908

69 Petro, Inc. 14126 Bergen Blvd. Noblesville, IN (317) 773-5900

B Baker Construction 902 Edith Ave Noblesville, IN (317) 773-7546 www.bbakerconstruction.com America Multi Sport Inc. 400 East Jackson Muncie, IN (317) 219-3789 www.americamultisport.com 69 Petro, Inc. 14126 Bergen Blvd. Noblesville, IN (317) 773-5900 At Home (Formerly Garden Ridge) Noble Creek Shoppes 301 Noble Creek Dr. Noblesville, IN (317) 525-0094 www.athome.com Building Bridges Counseling 120 Camilla Ct., Suite D Westfield, IN (317) 371-5505 buildingbridgescounseling@gmail.com www.bbcounseling.com Lohrman and Associates LLC 131 Dupont Court Westfield, IN (317) 459-0157 lohrmanandassociatesllc@comcast.net

Pullien’s City Cafeteria 17901 River Avenue, Noblesville, IN (317) 774-9999

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


1st – Wednesday – 7:30 am to 9:00 am



Anytime Fitness 14300 Mundy Dr. Ste. 1200, Noblesville, IN • (317) 200-8613 noblesvillein2@anytimefitness.com www.anytimefitness.com

At Home 301 Noble Creek Dr., Noblesville, IN (317) 525-0094 Noblesville Orthodontics 17800 Cumberland Rd., Noblesville, IN (317) 773-5515 info@noblesvilleorthodontics.com www.noblesvilleorthodontics.com

Ground Breaking Ceremony:

Noblesville Chamber 601 E. Conner St. Noblesville, IN 46060 317-773-0086 Follow us at:

COMING SOON! Perkins Restaurant & Bakery At Hamilton Town Center




SPREAD THE WORD Are there others in your business who would like to know what’s happening at the Chamber? Add them to our distribution list by sending their contact information to chambermail@ sheridanchamber. org or calling the office at 758-1311.

Be sure to visit www.sheridanchamber.org for information on all upcoming events!

Upcoming Events & HAPPENINGS CHAMBER EVENTS The Sheridan Chamber of Commerce holds monthly luncheons on the fourth of each month


2nd – Thursday 7:30 – 9 am

All-County Network Breakfast

Conner Prairie Interactive History Park

Fast-paced joint networking event All-county Chamber events are presented through the collaborative efforts of the six Hamilton County Chambers of Commerce to acknowledge common business goals and recognize the value of expanded markets and networks across municipal lines.

21st - Tuesday 7 pm

Sheridan Town Council Candidate Forum

Hear the candidates for Sheridan’s town council address issues facing the community. If you would like to submit questions for consideration, contact the Chamber office at 758-1311 or chambermail@sheridanchamber.org.

23rd - Thursday 11:30am – 1pm

Every third Sunday of the month. 1 pm to 5 pm. Sheridan Public Library. Enjoy those strings, those loving hands that come together to jam good ol’ Bluegrass tunes… Our goal is to preserve, promote, and enjoy the tradition of bluegrass music. No smoking, no alcohol. Bring snacks & drinks to share. Donations welcomed.

Spooky Boo Halloween

October 25, 2014 all-day Sheridan Public Library & Main Street

Monthly Luncheon

Sheridan Public Library

Discussion of how municipal budgets are compiled, the restrictions on local communities and how Sheridan creates its budget.

Sheridan, Indiana Chamber of Commerce @sheridaninchamb


Sheridan Blugrass Jam October 19th

Sheridan Community Center

Sheridan Chamber 101 E. Second St. PO Box 202 Sheridan, IN 46069 317-758-1311 Join us on Facebook and Twitter:


No monthly luncheon due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Mark your calendars for the December luncheon on Thursday, December 4th, 11:30 am at the Sheridan Public Library.

Spotlight Tables available: Would you like to promote your business to the Sheridan business community? Want to introduce a new line of business? A new professional in your office? An upcoming event you need to promote? Consider purchasing a Spotlight Table at the Sheridan Chamber Monthly Luncheon. Tables are available for $25 ($15 for not for profit organizations). The table allows you to share material with attendees, share your brief message with the crowd and marketing in all luncheon announcements. Tables are available for all upcoming luncheons. Contact the office to schedule yours at 317-758-1311. Kimberly Coveney, Executive Directory, Sheridan Chamber of Commerce

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

Celebrating Community

Sponsored by

~~Chamber Awards~~

~~Community Awards~~

Business of the Year - Lantern Award Henke Development Group, LLC

City of Westfield Exemplary Employee Jennifer Miller

Westfield Business - Luminary Award Montgomery Aviation, Inc.

Westfield Public Works STAR Award Travis Stetnish

New Business of the Year - Spark Award Grand Junction Brewing Company

Westfield Fire Department Leading with an Attitude of Servitude Award Steve Moore

Citizen of Year - Beacon Award Dave Read Volunteer of the Year - Wick Award Joannie Kinnaman

Westfield Police Department Above and Beyond Award Brett Bays

Organization of the Year - Globe Award Student Impact

Westfield Washington Schools Shamrock Excellence Award Linda Konkle

Westfield Chamber of Commerce presents . . .

Save the Date!

2014 Fall Fare Business & Restaurant Showcase Luncheon October 16th, 2014 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. You are invited to participate and promote your business at this annual event designed to showcase a variety of businesses - including some great restaurants! Open to the Public!

East Street Studios

18880 N. East Street (One quarter mile east of US 31 at 191st Street; then south on East Street one quarter-mile) www.eaststreetcenter.com Contact Jill Douthit to secure your spot today! events@westfield-chamber.org

NEW MEMBERS Opus Design Build, LLC

3610 River Crossing Parkway Suite 230 Indianapolis, IN 46240 317.705.0444


Henke Development Group, LLC 1 S. Rangeline Road Suite 400 Carmel, IN 46032 317.439.8803

www.henkedevelopment.com Woodland Entertainment Center 3421 E. 96th Street Indianapolis, IN 46240 317.844.4099

Key Bank

10 W. Market Street Indianapolis, IN 46204 317.464.8037

Hamilton County Television


1744 S. 10th Street Noblesville, IN 46060 317.460.0509

The Little Lamb Christian School

The UPS Store #5566

1609 Greyhound Pass Carmel, IN 46032 317.848.3580

www.thelittlelamb.com The Emily Yott Foundation, Inc.

55 E. Greyhound Pass Carmel, IN 46032 317.281.0970



For more information and online registration, please visit: www.westfield-chamber.org


All-County Networking Breakfast at Conner Prairie


2014 Lantern Award Recipients


Upcoming Events & HAPPENINGS

2nd – Thursday

Fall Fare Luncheon at East Street Studios

16th – Thursday

New Member Recognition Breakfast at The Bridgewater Club

30th – Thursday


Legislative Fall Forum 14th - Friday November Chamber Luncheon “State of the City” with Mayor Cook 20th – Thursday

www.hamiltoncountytv.com 17437 Carey Road Westfield, IN 46074 317.896.8775


Westfield Chamber of Commerce new members at the New Member Breakfast sponsored by The Bridgewater Club – July 2014

Heartland Church 16231 Carey Road Westfield, IN 46074 317.842.5500

www.heartlandchurch.com Cozy Cabana

52 W. Quail Wood Lane P.O. Box 841 Westfield, IN 46074 317.703.9315


October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

Westfield Chamber of Commerce 130 Penn St. Westfield, IN 46074 317-804-3030

Pictured from left to right: Karen Fanning, Doug Fleenor, Betsy Henke Garfield, Steve Henke, Brad Henke, Emily Bible, Clint Cushman of Henke Development Group, LLC, the Westfield Chamber of Commerce Lantern Awards Business of the Year


Hamilton County History

David Heighway

Preserving a Symbol of Fishers’ Past The Kincaid House A house that has long been noticeable along Interstate 69 has acquired a higher profile and, thanks to local preservation groups, the rescue of the Kincaid/Flanagan House will now show an important part of Fishers history. The house sits south of 106th St. just east of the interstate, near a future exit ramp and on the site of a proposed office park development.

Over the years, the Kincaid family has done work to preserve the site and its history. Fortunately, one of the items that they preserved was the abstract – the legal history of the ownership of the property. This column has talked before about tracing property and we discussed land surveys in the April/May issue of HCBM. This property was originally 180 acres in the northeast corner of Section 12, Township 17 North, Range 4 East.

Early Railroad Days

The speculators Douglass McGuire, Ablemarle Cady, and Thomas A. Morris bought it from the government on January 1, 1836 (which was actually late for Hamilton County land). It was one of several properties in this area that they purchased. They were important businessmen involved in many early central Indiana projects such as banks, insurance companies, canals and railroads. Maguire and Morris were also involved in the Indianapolis and Bellefontaine Railroad that passed just east of this area and is now the Conrail mainline. The two men signed over their shares of the land to Cady in April of 1842.

Carol Ann Schweikart, a Hamilton County preservation specialist, identifies the style as an Italianate I-house, so named because the style was so popular in the “I” states (Indiana, Illinois and Iowa) in the 1860’s and 70’s. Its narrow gable ends also resemble a capital I. The deep, bracketed cornice and narrow, arched windows were common details of this style.


Cady was an Army officer serving in places like Florida and Louisiana, so he gave Power of Attorney his son Charles, an Indianapolis lawyer, to dispose of the land. In January of 1852, the property was conveyed to Abraham Voorhees, who then conveyed it in April of that year to the Lawrenceburgh and Upper Mississippi Rail Road Company. The L&UMRR was based in Shelbyville and was one of the earliest railroads in the state. It’s not known if the Fishers land was purchased as an investment or possible right-of way. In February of 1853, the railroad

company sold the land to Peter Flanagan (18181865) and his wife Nancy (1818-1881).

Flanagans and Kincaids

The house was built by the Flanagan family, possibly before Peter’s death in 1865. The architecture fits nicely into the period between 1853 and 1865. The Flanagan patriarch died intestate (that is, without having written a will), and, after some family squabbling, his son John B. (18481877) and John’s wife Sarah C. (1848-1901) got the property. Sarah’s name is on some of the plat maps. After Sarah died, her son Ingram (18711932) and his wife Cora (1873-1950) owned the property. The Kincaid family purchased it about 1937 and owned it until very recently. An event that may have occurred in the house that we have some record of was the marriage of Essa Eller and Edward F. Kepner, members of two long time Fishers families. The Indianapolis Journal for October 30, 1903, said that the wedding took place in the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Flanagan in Fishers, Indiana, and that “The house was prettily decorated with smilax and chrysanthemums and the colors used were pink and white.” (There was some other Fishers history tied to this wedding. Among the guests were Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Alexander. Dr. Alexander has been mentioned in a previous issue of HCBM as the man who bought cadavers from grave robbers to be used to teach students in the Indianapolis medical schools.) Three generations of the Kincaid family farmed the land, starting with Loma in the thirties. Loma was a butcher at a Noblesville slaughterhouse and eventually struck out on his own, starting LE Kincaid & Sons Meat Market in Indianapolis, which is still in business. Loma’s sons, Don and Robert, bought the land from their dad and Robert lived in the house, which was the residence for Dinner Bell Farm #2. #1 was across Lantern Road and that house survives as well. His sister (last name Daubenspeck), lived there from the 40’s to the 60’s.

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine


Service Club

Sharp Business Systems of Indiana 7330 East 86th St. Indianapolis, IN 46256 317-844-0033 www.sbsindiana.com

We are serious about improving our clients businesses by updating office technology, managing office printing and streamlining critical business processes. Sharp Business Systems of Indiana, a division of Sharp Electronics Corporation, can increase your company’s bottom line.

Commercial Lease Space

Noblesville, IN Call John Landy at 317-289-7662 landyfortune@gmail.com

Randy Kincaid believes it was built with bricks that were made on-site from clay quarried on site. He says the bricks were likely sun dried instead of kiln dried, which makes them softer than the glazed variety. Randy says the decorative woodwork is original and the front entryway used to have a door above it that led to a small landing. The adjacent shed is also historic and may predate the house. It served as a summer kitchen early on and a dairy shed later. Plans and fundraising are underway to move the house north to a plot of land donated by neighbor Navient. The town and developer Thompson Thrift are working with several groups to determine the best use for this historic home that will serve as a unique reminder of Fishers’ past as a rural farming community. HCBM

65,000 square feet of flexible floor plans. Design and build to your specifications. Time Share space available. Retail space also available from 1,600 square feet up. Easy access and abundant parking! High speed internet. 3 minutes from Riverview Hospital.

Next Edition: Banking and Finance

Rotary brings together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Each club meets weekly. For more information on the Noblesville Midday Rotary Club, contact President Scott Smith, 773-2090

Signs and Banners Logan Street Signs & Banners 1720 South 10th St. Noblesville, IN 317-773-7200 Open M-F 7-5 www.loganstreetsigns.com www.noblesvilletrophies.com www.noblesville.com www.HamiltonCountyTV.com

River Edge Professional Center and River Edge Market Place

Don’s sons, Randy and Dan, farmed the land but didn’t live in the house. It was rented as a residence in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, and once served as an antique shop. It has been unoccupied for at least 20 years. Donald Kincaid renovated the exterior in 2000.

Rotary International

Digitally printed signs and banners of any size, vehicle wraps and graphics, T-shirt printing, laser engraving. Great customer service, fast turn-around. Family Owned and Operated. Serving Noblesville and Hamilton County since 1992. Also home of Noblesville Trophies. 7737391 Open M-F 9-6 Sat. 10-2

Advertising Deadline: OCTOBER 24 Mails: NOVEMBER 24

l home Hamilton County is a wonderful place to cal Let me help yo bett u find the perfect one Joni Corbett REALTOR©

David Heighway is the Hamilton County Historian

October • November 2014 • Hamilton County Business Magazine

ASSOCIATE F.C. Tucker Company, Inc. 1119 Keystone Way, Carmel, IN 46032 BROKER Direct: 317.985.6443 Email: jonicorbett@talktotucker.com Website: www.talktotucker.com/joni.corbett



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