1 minute read
Two time capsules have been laid over the course of the last 50 years on ‘Mount’ Edward.
The first was buried in 1985 and taken up in 2000 while the second was buried on 1997 in a different location on the hill, on the occasion of Edward 25th Anniversary celebrations. Many students, staff and parents in 1997 contributed items to this capsule.
It was due to be unearthed last November 2022 on the day of the original 50th Anniversary but the forecast for very wet weather on the weekend necessitated it being it dug up earlier. The contents were in pristine condition and may be viewed and collected tomorrow at the school.
Another time capsule has been prepared and the opportunity exists for the 2022 Year 6 group and current pupils, staff, parents and school community members from 2022/23 to contribute a small item. The capsules will be on display and zip lock bags and labels will be available.
This capsule will not be buried, but bundled and stored in the rafters of the old school hall – to be opened in the Year 2047 –Edward’s 75th birthday!
Kind regards,
Rhonda Blacker, Principal Edward Public School