2 minute read
Australian Reads
The Flying Nurse
Prudence Wheelwright
Nurse and midwife Prue Wheelwright has worked around Australia and across the world, In isolated, far-flung locations and on dangerous frontlines, this passionate and dedicated nurse has put her heart, and often her safety, on the line, day after day, year after year. Prue shares the challenges, joys and heartbreaks in her life as a travelling nurse, from working in the Australian outback to developing a paediatric HIV project in Tajikistan, settingup a 24-hour marternity hospital in an Ethiopian refugee campand working with the Saudi royal family. Most recently she has joined thr Royal Flying Doctors Service, combining her love of travel, adventure and healthcare.
The Crossing
Sophie Matterson
In 2020, at the age of thirty-one, Sophie Matterson set out to walk her five camels from Shark Bay in Western Australia to Byron Bay on the east coast. At a time when most of her friends were getting engaged or starting families, Sophie longed for adventure, independence and purpose. She broke up with her long-term boyfriend, packed her belongings into saddlebags, and trained her wild camels to follow her lead. Her thirteen-month solo crossing was the ultimate test of resilience and self sufficiency—with each state in various forms of lockdown, Sophie would often walk for weeks without seeing another soul. She crossed harsh, remote deserts, navigated treacherously beautiful salt lakes, and visited country towns and isolated cattle stations. Along the way she survived life-and -death situations, fell in love in the middle of the Outback, and slowly began to trust herself and her own abilities.
That Bligh Girl
Sue Williams
Mary Bligh is no shrinking violet. After an horrific six-month sea voyage from Britian, she proves as strong-willeed as her bloody-minded father, the newly appionted Governor William Bligh. The pair immediately scandalise Sydney with their personalities, his politics and her pantaloons. When three hundred armed solidiers of the Rum Rebellion march on Government House to depose him, the governor is nowhere to be seen. Instead, Mary stands defiantly at the gates, fighting them back with her parasol. Despite being bullied, belittled and betrayed, Mary remains steadfast, even when her desperate father double-crosses her yet again in his last-ditch attempt to cling onto power. But will Mary turn out to be her father’s daughter and deceive him in pursuit of her own dreams and ambitions?
Wild Ride
The Story of the Australian Stock Saddle

Fiona Carruthers
The Australian stock saddle is a triumph of simple, honest bushcraft. Developed in the 1800s in response to the challenges of riding vast distances – often through thick virgin bush and scrub country – the national saddle has proven it’s durability and comfort for more than two centuries. The hardy stock saddle is a much loved outback symbol but it’s story has never been written – untill now. Wild ride captures this coluorful tale, involving colonial pioneers and Aboriginal stockmen and women; bushrangers and young horsemen sent to the Boer War. It catalogues the earliest models produced by amateurs sewing kneepads onto traditional english saddles, through to the development of the modern stock fender. $59.99
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