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Applications are now open for the newly launched Rice Industry Graduate Program, led by the Ricegrowers’ Association of Australia (RGA).
Theprogram offers a unique chance for two graduates to deepen their knowledge and accelerate their career across the Australian rice industry.
Throughout this year’s 12-month program, the graduates will be based in the rice growing heartland of southern NSW while undertaking placements with key organisations in the Australian rice industry. This includes RGA, Rice Breeding Australia, Rice Extension and the SunRice Group.
RGA president Peter Herrmann said the RGA is proud to be partnering with industry organisations to deliver this exciting new program.
“This program is more than just an opportunity, it’s a launching pad for future industry leaders” said Mr Herrmann.
“Through the application process, we aim to draw a rich mix of graduates from diverse academic backgrounds such as agriculture, science, business and communications, and policy.
“This program enables us to invest in the bright future of our industry. The RGA is committed to fostering capacity building opportunities within the Australian Rice Industry.”
This program is made possible by ‘Building Capacity in the Australian Rice Industry Program’ funded by AgriFutures Australia, combining existing programs and new initiatives with the aim of building industry capacity to ensure the industry meets the challenges of the future.
The 2023 Rice Industry Graduate Program has two streams:
• Research, development and extension - positioned in rural and regional areas with the possibility of attending international conferences, subject to additional funding.
• Agribusiness and policy: Located in both regional and metropolitan areas, with the potential for international travel and participation in international conferences, given extra funding.
For more information regarding the program requirements, contact RGA leadership manager Ainsley Massina at amassina@rga.org.au or phone 0428 859 214.
249 Cressy Street, Deniliquin. Phone 5881 2080. www.deni.com.au
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