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Guthrie Street Primary School Students supported to achieve their best
Guthrie Street Primary School is dedicated to developing students’ literacy and numeracy skills, with a strong focus on their social and emotional needs.
The belief at Guthrie Street Primary School is that students need to be emotionally intelligent and engaged in their learning so they can succeed academically.
Young people at Guthrie Street are nurtured and challenged to achieve their personal best.
Their unique talents and gifts are valued and supported; creativity and imagination are encouraged and celebrated. At Guthrie Street, learning is personal and social.
Learning connects students and teachers not just to knowledge but to each other.
Principal Brendan Bicknell said Guthrie Street was passionate about providing a holistic education for students.
He said the school challenged students to actively pursue opportunities that life at school o ered.
Students are encouraged to have high expectations of themselves while actively participating in their learning.
Literacy development is a priority, with successful learning evident in readers’ and writers’ workshops.
Mr Bicknell said the development of emotional and social competencies enabled Guthrie Street students to foster positive connections and to be valued and productive members of the community.
The students at Guthrie Street are provided with excellent facilities that suit the needs of 21st century learners.
There are modern contemporary learning spaces throughout the school, which encourage a positive educational environment.
Within the classrooms the advantages of modern technology including iPads and laptops are utilised by the students as they engage in purposeful learning activities.
Principal Brendan Bicknell | Foundation to year 6 | 470 students
Guthrie St, Shepparton | 5821 1944
Personal learning includes:
• Core development of literacy and numeracy skills.
• Use of technology − laptops and iPads (BYO device program for Years 1 to 6).
• Specialist programs − the arts, physical education, science.
• Student performances in music/drama.
• Deaf Facility - catering for the hard of hearing.
• Emotional Intelligence Program/GEM (Gratitude Empathy Mindfulness)/ Respectful Relationships.
Supportive programs include:
• Kinder to Foundation transition in term four.
• Student leadership.
• Student Voice Team.
• School Wellbeing Dog and School Chaplain guthriestps.vic.edu.au | guthrie.street.ps.shepparton@education.vic.gov.au
• One-on-one tutoring support in literacy and numeracy.
• Koori and EAL support programs.
• Speech and occupational therapy support.
• After-school and weekend sports programs.
• Music lessons − guitar, piano and keyboard (fee-paying).
• Camps, excursions and cultural performances.
• Auslan.
• Outside school hours care.
• Expansive areas of TigerTurf for ball games.
• Modern administration spaces