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School of Professional Studies
Paul Belliveau, PharmD, Professor and Interim Dean
Abir Kanaan, PharmD, Professor and Assistant Dean of Curriculum and New Programs
Kevin Kearney, PhD, Professor and Assistant Dean of Student Engagement & Success
Michael Steinberg, PharmD, Professor and Assistant Dean of Assessment
Kaelen Dunican, Professor and Assistant Dean of Interprofessional Education
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Terrick Andey, PhD, Associate Professor and Chair
Professors Acquaah-Mensah, Campbell, Friel, Goldsmith, Kaplita, Kearney, Sharma; Associate Professors Andey, Yan; Assistant Professors Mandela, Metcalf; Faculty Associates Graham, Pollano
Department of Pharmacy Practice
Sheila Seed, PharmD, MPH Professor and Chair
Cheryl Abel, PharmD, Professor and Vice-Chair
Professors Abel, Belliveau, Cooper, Dunican, Kanaan, Lynch, Pervanas, Seed, Silva, Spooner, Steinberg, Willett; Associate Professors Aungst, Bartlett, Bear, Carey, Conway-Allen, Coppenrath, Cross, Dawson, Horton, LaMothe, Lepage, Morrill, Mukherjee, Towle, Yogaratnam; Faculty Associate Massey
Office of Experiential Education
Paul DiFrancesco, EdD, MPA, RPh Associate Professor and Associate Dean of Experiential Education, Boston/Worcester/Manchester
Kara Bonaceto, PharmD, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Director of Experiential Education
Nicole Carace, PharmD, MS, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Experiential Education Coordinator
Gretchen Jehle, PharmD, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Experiential Education Coordinator
Brianne Morin, PharmD, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Experiential Education Coordinator
Degree Program
Doctor of Pharmacy (Accelerated)
MCPHS–Manchester offers an accelerated Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree in conjunction with the School of Pharmacy–Worcester/Manchester. The core pharmacy curriculum is identical to that currently offered at the Worcester campus. Students attend classes in Manchester, while most of the instructors and other students are based in Worcester. Sophisticated technology and interactive videoconferencing are utilized to deliver core and elective courses to the Manchester campus. Some electives, all labs, and some didactic courses are taught on site by Manchesterbased faculty and qualified adjunct faculty, similar to those at the Worcester campus. Introductory and advanced clinical experiences are offered in a variety of approved settings (hospitals, clinics, community pharmacies, etc.) primarily in New England as well as outside the region, including other states and Canada, consistent with the assignments of students based in Worcester. This academically rigorous program is completed in two years and 10 months. Accepted applicants must have successfully completed all prerequisite courses prior to enrollment in the program. For details on the curriculum and other information on the accelerated PharmD program, refer to the School of Pharmacy–Worcester/Manchester section of this catalog.