MC Business Fall 2008

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BUSINESS mississippi college school of business


w i n t e r 2008


Leadership Ronnie Smith receives the 2008 executive Excellence Award

MC School of Business Launches New Website “I thought the website looked amazing. It was very professionally done and offered great updates on what’s going on with the school.” — Kim Yarbrough Loustalot BSBA ’00 • “The new website looks great! I look forward to reading through it and learning about the latest happenings at MC and the School of Business.” — Rebecca McCarty BSBA ’04 • “The new School of Business website looks terrific. It is great to be able to see the recent headlines from the school on the home page. Great job!” — Jann Puckett BS ’69, MBA ’94




winter 2008

BUSINESS mississippi college school of business

Message from the Dean

Faculty News


Mississippi College School of business

Dynamic Leadership

Post Office Box 4014

Business Cycles

Clinton, MS 39058 601.925.3214

An Award Winning Accounting Program


Katrina Pace


Teaching Accounting & Having Fun

The Final Touches on Self Hall


Alecia Porch


Alumnus of the Year

Robby Followell Barbara Gauntt Jay Thomas

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Accounting Leadership

Lauren Parkin



8 10

Marcelo Eduardo

director of Development


16 18 20

Executive Speaker Series

Continued Excellence Campaign Support


Message from

the Dean Dear Alumni and Friends,

Thank you once again for your continued support and interest in the School of Business. In this issue of MCBusiness you will get to know a number of our alumni, faculty, and students who are successful leaders in the boardroom, in the classroom, on campus, and beyond. Of course, so many of our graduates have gone on to positions of great leadership, and in these pages we can only profile a few. Nevertheless, as you read about these members of the MCBusiness family, it is evident that the cornerstone of the School of Business’ success lies in its people – our alumni, friends, faculty, and students. Our Executive Excellence Award recipient for 2008 certainly embodies the characteristics of effective leadership. This year’s recipient is Ronnie Smith, Regional President of the southwest region of Regions Bank. Ronnie’s continued commitment to his profession, his family and his community, make us proud to recognize him as one of our outstanding alumni. And as always, we are pleased to feature an interview with Ronnie in this issue of MCBusiness. We are also pleased to announce that Ben Walker has been named our 2008 Alumnus of the Year for the School of Business. Ben is a true entrepreneur with a demonstrated track-record of success, and we are honored to recognize him for his accomplishments. Ben’s professional profile and his perspectives on business and life are included in this issue. As an important complement to our classroom instruction, each semester we continue to host executives and business lead-

ers on campus for our Executive Speaker Series. This semester we were fortunate to have John Brock, Chairman and CEO of Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. in Atlanta, visit Self Hall and speak to a packed house of business students. In this issue you will see more about his visit and our ongoing speaker series. A hallmark of the School of Business continues to be our award-winning accounting program. From our professors, to our students, to our alumni, the cycle of accounting graduates launching into the workforce from the MC School of Business speaks volumes for our program. We catch up with Jackie Jones, long-time accounting professor in her 37th year of teaching at MC, in this issue and we also profile accounting alumnus and partner with HORNE LLP Tommy Butler, who represents our long-standing tradition of graduating students who go on to assume leadership roles in the accounting community. It is always special to us to have multiple generations pass through our halls and to have our faculty teach the children of former students. We highlight two such families in this issue – the Parkin and Stringer families – who share a unique perspective on the MCBusiness experience. In closing, I would like to thank each of you for your support and ask you to join us as we work together to continually improve the School of Business. Warm wishes, Marcelo Eduardo, Dean

“As you read about these members of the MC Business family, it is evident that the cornerstone of the School of Business’ success lies in its people – our alumni, friends, faculty, and students.”

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Dr. Nancy Anderson

Mr. Chris Smith

Faculty News Welcome New Faculty Dr. Nancy Anderson, Assistant Professor of Finance, joined the School of Business faculty this past January. Dr. Anderson received her BS and MBA from Mississippi College and her Ph.D. in Business Administration, Major in Finance, from Mississippi State University. She is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and has operated her own independent financial advisory firm for 15 years. Dr. Anderson serves on a panel for the Mississippi Public Broadcasting show “Money Talks” with Gene Edwards. This live call-in show offers information on financial issues, and airs every Tuesday at 9 a.m. Mr. Chris Smith joins the School of Business faculty full-time as an Instructor of Accounting. Mr. Smith earned both his BSBA and his MBA from the MC School of Business. Chris held positions at WorldCom and Parkway Properties before joining our faculty.

Faculty Spotlight Dr. Michael Cudd, Associate Professor of Finance, was chosen by the School of Business Student Board to receive this year’s Outstanding Faculty Award. Allison Harmon, a member of the Student Board, said, “Dr. Cudd introduced me to Finance and has taught me to love it. I am now pursuing a profession in this industry because of him.” Dr. Cudd also recently earned the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. This is the most prestigious financial certification in the world, and only 20 percent of entering candidates ever earn the designation.

Dr. Bryan Hayes

Dr. Frank Hood

Dr. Michael Cudd

Dr. Bryan Hayes, Assistant Professor of Marketing, recently won a distinguished research award for a paper entitled: “When it comes to creating a brand personality, focus on user imagery.” Dr. Hayes’ paper will be published in an upcoming issue of the Academy of Marketing Studies Journal. Dr. Frank Hood is a Professor of Economics and Business Administration, and is in his 40th year of teaching in the MC School of Business. Dr. Hood teaches microeconomics, macroeconomics, and global dimensions of business. He joined the MC faculty in 1968 and has impacted many lives over the years. Dr. Mark McComb, Associate Professor of Management Science, is an instructor for the American Society for Quality. His seminars prepare technical workers for certification exams, and Dr. McComb has been chosen three times to receive their Outstanding Instructor Award. He also serves as a consulting statistician to the Mississippi Division of Medicaid, Program Integrity Group, as well as a consultant in the areas of statistical analysis, quality and reliability engineering for many organizations. Dr. Kevin Pauli is an Associate Professor of Management Information Systems in the School of Business. This past spring and summer, Dr. Pauli conducted training sessions for Baptist Hospital’s continuing education program. Sessions included “Making Discipline Work or Knowing When and How to Say ‘When’” and “Attracting Quality Person-Organization Fit and Selection.” Dr. Pauli also prepared an ethics session during the American Society of Military Comptrollers regional conference. This session examined both ethics theory and practical professional ethics.

Dr. Mark McComb

Dr. Kevin Pauli

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Dynamic Leadership Ronnie Smith 2008 executive Excellence Award

Ronnie Smith is the 2008 School of Business Executive Excellence Award recipient. Ronnie graduated from the School of Business in 1981 with a bachelor’s degree in economics and accounting. In 1981, Ronnie started his banking career with Deposit Guaranty National Bank as a management trainee. Since then, he has held positions of increasing responsibility and is now the President of the Southwest Region of Regions Bank. He leads a four state region that includes 3,000 employees and a business portfolio of approximately $25 billion. Ronnie is a dedicated Christian, a family man, a business leader and a well-known volunteer in the community. We had the chance to speak with him at his office in Jackson regarding business and leadership; faith, family and community; and of course, Mississippi College and the School of Business. His responses follow:

On Business & Leadership

MC: What do you enjoy most about your job?

MC: Today, it is more and more uncommon for people to RS: It is one of the most rewarding careers, because we get to work for the same organization for long periods of time, but you have had a successful career spanning almost three decades with the same organization. Can you tell us your thoughts on what it takes to grow professionally with the same company?

RS: For me, it is about embracing change and making sure I understand that I work in a dynamic environment. I have been with this organization for 27 years, and I learned early on to embrace the changes that are in front of me and to adopt the values of the organization. The key for me though is being fortunate enough to work for some very strong leaders.

be a small part of our clients’ lives and business – whether individuals, small business owners, or large companies. Everyday we get to help individuals who are putting their children through school or who are leading organizations to better themselves, their employees and their community. I also have the opportunity to watch our associates succeed everyday. I love seeing people start with us, progress through the organization, and have the opportunity to succeed. My role is to make sure we are giving people the opportunity to succeed everyday – regardless of whether that is our associates or our clients.

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“The Key

to Success

is getting the right people in the right place and challenging them appropriately. You must give them the tools to address that challenge and then have enough sense to get out of their way. If you can be disciplined enough to do that, everything falls into place.”

MC: What about your job worries you and keeps you up RS: They must focus on trying to do the right things everyday. at night?

RS: The biggest thing that would keep me awake at night would be anything that impairs us from providing those opportunities for an associate or a client. I need to make sure we are taking out obstacles that would keep us from being able to provide the very best services. When I talk to a client I always tell them that they pay my salary. Once that fact is established, we all work hard to continue to earn the right to be their bank.

MC: How do you go about making difficult decisions? RS: There are difficult decisions and there are calls that I wish I did not have to make. What I generally do is put myself in the position of the person who is going to be impacted by that decision and ask how I would expect for it to be handled. I have to ask the question, “What other issues will this decision cause?” Nothing is in a vacuum – especially in the business world – so you have to think through difficult situations. Then, I have to look at what is left and decide how to move it in the right direction.

MC: Where do you think the banking industry is headed in the future?

RS: The banking industry is certainly a fundamental part of a working economy. Of course, right now we have some of the most significant challenges we have ever faced as an industry. Staying focused on those things that have brought us through the past and making appropriate changes to address the challenges we are facing today, will move us in the right direction. Still, I believe that those institutions that built strong foundations will see through these challenges and prosper.

MC: What special characteristics do graduates who are headed into the banking industry need in order to succeed?

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People must be able to trust you and understand that you are going to be stable and that you can weather the challenges a career will bring. So I would say that being loyal and staying focused on what is right for clients, shareholders, and associates will get you through.

MC: What is the key to success? RS: The key to success is getting the right people in the right place and challenging them appropriately. You must give them the tools to address that challenge and then have enough sense to get out of their way. If you can be disciplined enough to do that, everything falls into place.

MC: What is the most important characteristic a leader of an organization must have in order to be effective?

RS: Integrity. People have to know you are a person with a high level of integrity because you are asking them to invest their lives into your leadership. You must be believable and willing to sacrifice your ego to help people. As a leader, you realize at some point that you can’t do it all as an individual. That is why you must push others to perform at their highest level. I like to move over and let them succeed, and not worry about who gets the credit.

MC: What do you hope people would say is your strongest leadership skill?

RS: My ability to listen and from there to communicate vision and direction. I want to be vulnerable enough to answer questions, to respond to doubts and to let others help me. Everyone in a company, regardless of their title, adds value to the corporation. That is why leaders must listen instead of doing all the talking.

On Faith, Family & Community MC: What has led you to volunteer such significant amounts of your time to community efforts?

RS: Volunteering is important to me because an organization is only as good as the environment it’s in. I try to pick projects that will be impactful, and that will help people who can’t give back.

MC: What are some of the things your dad told you that have stuck with you over the years?

RS: My dad always said it’s not a good deal unless it’s a good

deal for both people. He knew that in his business he had to make a profit to support his family, but at the same time if he did something wrong or unfair, he knew he would not gain a repeat customer. That philosophy still drives me today.

MC: How significant a role does your faith play in your daily On MC and the School of Business life?

RS: I do not always get my priorities right, but they are in order of God, family, others and then myself. My faith is who I am at the very core, and I hope it invades everything I do. You cannot separate who you are personally from your career. My desire is to be the same committed Christian at home and at work that I am at church. Regardless of what goes on around us, there is a greater call on all of our lives.

MC: Growing up in Natchez, you worked early on in your

MC: What do you remember most about your time at MC? RS: The quality of the people. What’s so good about Mississippi

College and its Christian environment is the fact that it does, through its leaders and professors, invade your life with solid principles. This is true regardless of whether you are talking about ratios that Sandra Parks is making you run or debating a topic with Frank Hood. The constant theme is that everything we do should have a stamp that says it is done with the end in mind and for a purpose greater than ourselves.

father’s auto repair shop. Can you tell us about your dad’s business and about working with him?

MC: What do you remember most about the faculty?

repair shop in downtown Natchez. It was a great place to grow up. He had worked for someone else until age 35 when he started his own business. That was a tough thing to do for a man who had a skill but no educational background. The shop grew over time and he built a wonderful reputation. Both my mom and dad worked there, so I got to see first hand the hard work it takes to run a small business. I saw them struggle to make payroll some weeks, and I watched that develop into a successful business that helped put me through school and provided for our family. In his business, everyone had to pitch in and help out, and strong work ethics are formed in that environment.

sor. He was more confident in me than I was in myself, and he walked me through the process of moving from education to the workplace. He helped me realize that I could set goals and get there with discipline and focus.

RS: Dr. Gerald Lee was somewhat of a calm in the middle of a RS: One of the first “jobs” I had was working at my dad’s auto storm for me. He was the dean at the time and was also my advi-

MC: What one piece of advice would you leave students with today?

RS: You must understand this world is challenging, fun, and dynamic. Embrace change and don’t get tied up in the past. Remember, life is too short and careers are too long to not enjoy what you do . . . everyday!

Above: Ronnie Smith receives the 2008 Executive Excellence Award from Dean Marcelo Eduardo; Ronnie with his wife, Candy and daughter, Grace

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cycles From our professors’ point of view, it continues to be one of the greatest joys of teaching at MC when a son or daughter of a former student enters the door of their classroom. The similarities we see in families from generation to generation not only take us back to our earlier years of teaching, but also remind us of the cycle of strong students that continue to pass through the halls of the School of Business. We are fortunate to have these students in our MCBusiness family and look forward to seeing this MCbusiness cycle continue.

Tony & Taylor Stringer Twenty-five years after Tony Stringer graduated from the MC School of Business, his son, Taylor, is starting at MC. Tony says when he thinks about his years at MC, the first name that comes to mind is Dr. Lloyd Roberts. “Dr. Roberts is synonymous with the School of Business. I remember him walking up the aisle, stopping behind me and putting his hand on my shoulder, and then calling on me to answer a question.” After graduating from the School of Business in 1983 with a degree in business administration, Tony went to work for his family’s business. Started in 1964 by Tony’s father, Stringer Industries has greatly expanded but is still a family operation. The company specializes in the manufacturing of equipment and components for saw mills and wood chippers. Tony continues working at Stringer Industries and is now the president of the company.

“I always knew I wanted to graduate and go to work for the family business,” said Tony. “I like that this is not a corporate business; there are responsibilities, but there is no corporate pressure or politics.” Tony has been very involved and successful in the manufacturing industry over the past 25 years. He has received recognitions including the Top 40 Under 40 award, the MC School of Business’ Alumnus of the Year award, the MC Young Alumnus of the Year award, and is the Chairman-elect for the Mississippi Manufacturers Association. He has also been very involved in his community, church and Parklane Academy, where his daughter Mary Elizabeth attends. Tony’s son, Taylor, has also held numerous leadership positions and received many awards, and has now followed his dad’s footsteps right to the MC School of Business. “When I toured the school last October I knew I wanted to come to MC,” says Taylor. “At other colleges I considered, I was a number and then a name, but at MC I was ‘Taylor Stringer’.” Tony and his wife Carla – also an MC graduate – are ecstatic that Taylor chose to come to MC. “We would have supported Taylor anywhere he wanted to go, but we feel that MC is a good mix for him,” said Tony. “Taylor has grown up coming to MC for all the homecomings with us, so he knew how much we loved our time at MC.” In high school, Taylor was active in the Parklane Academy Student Body where he served as the Senior Class President and the Student Body Vice President among other positions. He was also very involved in the Parklane Marching Band, the Pioneer Sound show choir, and the Parklane Players theater company. Taylor was also an honor student and served as an Executive Committee Member of the Honor Society. He is an Eagle Scout and a member of the Boy Scouts of America Order of the Arrow. His leadership extended beyond his school activities as he was selected to attend a number of leadership conferences. His favorite leadership program was the Youth Leadership Program Award from the Magnolia Electric Power Association where he was a top ten finalist and won third place overall. During this program, Taylor had the opportunity to travel to Washington, D.C. and to meet with Senators Trent Lott and Thad Cochran, and Representative Chip Pickering. “This was a once in a lifetime opportunity,” said Taylor. “I am interested in politics so this was a great program.” Being elected Freshman Class President at MC in his first year, Taylor is already getting involved. Although he does not plan to work at Stringer Industries when he graduates, he is still deciding exactly what he wants to do as a career. For now though, Taylor will be the one answering Dr. Roberts’ questions.

“When I toured the school last October I knew I wanted to come to MC. At other colleges I considered, I was a number and then a name, but at MC I was ‘Taylor Stringer’.” — Taylor Stringer MC Business 8

“The four years I have been an intern have taught me so much about how government works,” says Lauren. “I have been to annexation hearings, Public Service Commission hearings, press conferences and more meetings than I can count, and have been in charge of the Voluntarily Smoke-Free Businesses project for the City of Madison.” — Lauren Parkin

Patsy & Lauren Parkin For Patsy and Lauren Parkin, the MC School of Business is a special place. Patsy Brinson Parkin graduated from MC in 1978 with a degree in business administration with a management emphasis, and received her master’s degree from MC in 1983. Her daughter, Lauren, is a senior marketing major who will graduate this May. Patsy remembers her time at MC fondly and says that it is where she gained a lot of confidence. “The school was small enough where I could be involved, but was still well-respected in the business community.” Once out of college, Patsy went to work for Trustmark National Bank and then Deposit Guaranty National Bank. Knowing she wanted to be available to help with her children’s activities, she left Deposit Guaranty to work part-time for Butler, Snow, O’Mara, Stevens, and Cannada, PLLC, where she has been for the past 13 years. At Butler Snow, Patsy works as a banking consultant in consumer banking law. Working with banks in Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Alabama, she is one of the most respected and well-known consultants in the South. “I work with close to 100 different banks, including many community banks,” said Patsy. “I love working with different people, going to their different locations, and truly helping them set up and maintain their bank to manage all of the federal and state compliance regulatory issues.” Patsy, a Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager, performs

compliance reviews and training for banks, and also works with the Mississippi Regulatory Compliance Group and the MidSouth Regulatory Compliance Group. With her knowledge and experience in the field of banking compliance, Patsy has written compliance manuals for the largest bank publishing company, Sheshunoff Information Services, and has won a Bank Marketing Association award for her compliance training program. Outside of work, Patsy is very involved in her church, First Baptist Jackson, and Madison Ridgeland Academy where her son, Robert, attends. Lauren has followed in her mom’s footsteps in many ways while at MC. Not only has she come to the School of Business, she is also a member and t-shirts co-chair of Laguna Social Tribe where her mom served as president while in school. Lauren has been active in the Student Government Association where she served as a Senator, I Love America Day Committee member, and the Secretary of Academic Affairs. She is a member of honor societies including Alpha Lambda Delta where she served as secretary/treasurer, Delta Mu Delta, Alpha Chi where she served as vice president, Omicron Delta Kappa, and Mortar Board. She also received the School of Business’ Amy C. Brand Memorial Scholarship last year. This year, Lauren works as the news editor for the Collegian, as well as the editor for the MCBusiness magazine. “I love being involved in everything,” said Lauren. “It has been a great way for me to meet people and to make a difference on campus.” Outside of school, Lauren is involved in the First Baptist Church of Jackson college ministry and works as an intern at Madison City Hall. For four summers, she has worked with Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins Butler and has had hands-on opportunities to see the government at work. “The four years I have been an intern have taught me so much about how government works,” says Lauren. “I have been to annexation hearings, Public Service Commission hearings, press conferences and more meetings than I can count, and have been in charge of the Voluntarily Smoke-Free Businesses project for the City of Madison.” Both mother and daughter say they truly enjoyed their time in the School of Business. Although much has changed in the area of technology since Patsy was at MC, some things – such as the small class size and caring teachers – have stayed the same. Lauren has even had three of her mom’s teachers and will have another one of her teachers this spring.

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winning accounting program

Best Accounting Student in the State Taylor Clemmer

MBA student Taylor Clemmer is quickly becoming another MC success story. In 2007, while a senior at MC, Taylor received the Hamp King Award from the Mississippi Society of Certified Public Accountants. Each year, this award is given to the best senior accounting student in the state of Mississippi. Taylor says he feels very fortunate to have received the award. “I had the favor of God and was picked among all the students to receive this award as well as the scholarship money.” A stand-out student while at MC, Taylor managed to maintain a 4.0 GPA while playing on the MC tennis and golf teams. He has also owned and operated a landscape maintenance company for seven years. For Taylor, winning this award is already opening doors. While visiting a well-known CPA in Pascagoula, MS, Taylor had

the opportunity to meet many of the CPA’s clients and was introduced as the winner of the Hamp King Award and a potential employee for the CPA’s firm. “It is a great feeling to see my hard work pay off, and I hope that my education at MC will lead to a healthy, long-term career in the business world.”

One Outstanding Educator Sandra Parks

An MC accounting professor for over 30 years, Mrs. Sandra Parks was recently chosen by the Mississippi Society of Certified Public Accountants to receive their Outstanding Educator Award. “We love her to death,” said Jack Coppenbarger, executive director of the 2,600 member organization of Mississippi CPAs. A longtime member of the Jackson-based association, “Sandra is always there for us,” he said. “She’s been very active in our association.”

“It is a great feeling to see my hard work pay off, and I hope that my education at MC will lead to a healthy, long-term career in the business world.” — Taylor Clemmer • “The goal of my life’s work is not for accolades, but for the sheer pleasure of seeing our students excel in the workplace and in life.” — Sandra Parks • “Receiving recognition from superiors in your industry for going beyond what is expected is also very gratifying.” — Josh Edwards

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Taylor Clemmer

Sandra Parks

Known for her enthusiasm for accounting and her passion for teaching, Mrs. Parks is very deserving of this award. “I have always been impressed with the professional way in which she carries out her duties,” says Sheree Corkern, an MC accounting professor and former student of Mrs. Parks. “She has gained the respect of the faculty members and students by working hard and treating people fairly.” Mrs. Parks worked as a CPA for more than a decade before discovering that her true calling was teaching. Her CPA experience, as well as her experience helping keep the books at her husband’s drugstore, allows her to give real world examples to her students. “I am indeed honored to be this year’s recipient of the Mississippi Society of Certified Public Accountants’ Outstanding Educator Award, but the goal of my life’s work is not for accolades, but for the sheer pleasure of seeing our students excel in the workplace and in life.”

Josh Edwards

Gold Medal Award Winner Josh Edwards

Josh Edwards is a 2006 School of Business graduate who is already making a name for himself. He recently received the Mississippi Society of Certified Public Accountants’ Fred T. Neely Gold Medal. The Fred T. Neely Gold Medal is given to the person receiving the highest grade average on the CPA Examination in the state and passing all subjects in one sitting. “The completion of the exam and what that takes off your shoulders is the real reward,” says Josh. “However, receiving recognition from superiors in your industry for going beyond what is expected is also very gratifying.” The award was presented to Josh at the 2008 CPA convention in Destin, Florida this past June, right after MC accounting professor, Sandra Parks, received the Outstanding Educator Award. Josh currently works for HORNE LLP where he is an Assurance Associate.

MC Accounting Students In Demand

Each year more accounting firms join us on campus in the MC School of Business looking for top students to fill positions in their firms. This year more than 90 accounting students participated in the interview process. • As Dean Eduardo remarks, “With so many MCBusiness alumni as senior partners in accounting organizations throughout the area, they know first-hand the quality of the students at MC and the accounting program, and they make it a priority to visit with MC accounting students during their recruiting period.” The Career Services organization lead by Karen Lindsey-Lloyd manages the process each year, working to schedule the firms’ participation and preparing students to meet these prospective employers. She adds, “We try to make the recruitment process convenient and easy for the recruiters. We also remind our students that in today’s competitive job market, experience and exposure to the real world is important in this field.” • To schedule campus interviews to recruit accounting students from the MC School of Business, please visit or contact Karen Lindsey-Lloyd, Director of Career Services at 601.925.3901.

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leadership tommy butler When Tommy Butler began as a student at Mississippi College, he had no idea that he would one day become an accountant. A pre-dental major at the start, he quickly realized that science was not his calling. With the help of Dr. Gerald Lee, Tommy decided to switch to the School of Business as an accounting major. As the managing partner of Mississippi operations for HORNE, LLC, Tommy says he is really not in the debit/credit side of accounting business but is in the people business. HORNE has over 550 team members many of whom are in the Mississippi Economic Unit. “The most challenging part of my work is finding the best and brightest to join the firm and keeping them focused on providing the best client service that a firm can offer,” says Tommy. As a leader at HORNE, Tommy uses a team approach to meet his clients’ needs. He works to coordinate different skill sets and skill levels in a way that matches the needs of the client. He says Horne’s team members are its biggest assets, and because of that, he must grow and nurture those team members. Tommy has been a CPA for more than 25 years and has served in various leadership positions within the Mississippi Society of CPAs. Over 15 years ago, he served on the task force that was responsible for establishing the current quality control rules for accounting in Mississippi. He also served on the Society’s Legislation Committee as chairman. “That committee recently has been

instrumental in getting a new law passed which helps govern CPAs as they perform services in different states,” says Tommy. “It has helped to standardize the laws between states so that CPAs can practice in other states with a more consistent application of policies and procedures.” He has also been actively involved in the community – from participation in city government to organizations such as the Madison County Foundation, Junior Achievement and the Juvenile Diabetes Association. In 1990, he was elected to the City of Madison Board of Alderman where he served for eight years. “I am very proud of my service to the city and continue to see the results of what was put into place in the way of good planning and zoning,” Tommy says. “The city has grown in a controlled manner while enforcing the highest architectural and land use zoning, and is now recognized across the nation for its high quality and standards.” Tommy says MC provided him with a great foundation to grow from, not only through the technical skills and people skills required to perform at a high level as a CPA, but also through helping him grow as a Christian. Dean Marcelo Eduardo adds, “Tommy’s leadership at HORNE and in the community sets an excellent example for our current accounting students. We are proud to have Tommy as an alumnus and as a friend of the School of Business.”

“The most challenging part of my work is finding the best and brightest to join the firm and keeping them focused on providing the best client service that a firm can offer.” — Tommy Butler MC Business 12

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teaching accounting & having fun

jackie jones Mrs. Jackie Jones has long been admired for her love for are going to truly understand accounting.

teaching and her dedication to her students. She came to MC part-time in 1971 and began teaching full-time in 1972. Mrs. Jones says she has always known she wanted to be a teacher. Even as a little girl, she enjoyed playing school and would have her “students” and “teach” them different subjects. “To me, school was always fun and I did not want to leave,” said Mrs. Jones. “Teaching accounting is fun for me and I always learn something new, so it is not like a real job.” In the 37 years Mrs. Jones has been teaching at MC, much has changed. She smiles as she says that about half of what she taught over the years has changed because of advanced technology and a stronger emphasis on management skills. She says that today, it is not enough to just know accounting. You must also be knowledgeable about the other aspects of business. One thing that has not changed over the years is the respect and admiration Mrs. Jones receives from her students. In fact, in 2005, Mrs. Jones received the Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award. “I admire Mrs. Jones because she is supremely knowledgeable in the field of accounting,” says senior accounting student, Davis Watts. “I appreciate her because she knows that being able to do the work in accounting is meaningless unless you understand the theory behind it, and she conveys that understanding to her students.” Mrs. Jones says that the thing she enjoys most about teaching is seeing her students succeed. She understands that accounting is not for everyone, but that students must learn by doing if they

“In accounting, you cannot learn by simply reading a chapter or cramming information in your head,” says Mrs. Jones. “You learn by working problems and learning the basic concepts, so that is what we do – we work problems.” Mrs. Jones says she hopes she has taught her students that in life you must work hard and play hard. She says that it is important to find a balance between your profession and your family life. She believes life is meant to be enjoyed and that is exactly what she does everyday. She spends much of her summer with her husband, two children, four grandchildren and even a few of her cats. She loves to go sailing and to do anything else at the beach. That balance between family and work is a hard one to find sometimes, but Mrs. Jones seems to have it figured out. She says she absolutely loves her job teaching at MC. She is still admired by students and faculty as she continues to make accounting fun for her students. “Of all the faculty members I encountered at Mississippi College during my Junior and Senior years (1973-75), I was most impressed by Mrs. Jones,” says former student Larry Thomas. “She was both a valued instructor and a trusted advisor. Her dedication to her students and her willingness to put our needs ahead of any other priorities in her life was easily recognized by those who took the time to get to know her. She made Cost Accounting fun and believe me when I say...anyone who can do that is an exceptional professor!”

“She was both a valued instructor and a trusted advisor. Her dedication to her students and her willingness to put our needs ahead of any other priorities in her life was easily recognized by those who took the time to get to know her. — Larry Thomas ’75 MC Business 14

C o n t inued E x ce l l ence

The Final Touches on Self Hall Due to your support over the past three years, we are almost finished with the renovation of Self Hall. This multi-million dollar renovation is the largest in the history of the School of Business and was made possible through the support of our alumni and friends. With new state-of-the-art technology and equipment, updated classroom design, wireless internet access and office space, the new and improved Self Hall offers a facility for our students that is in sync with our school’s progressive business education.

The final touches yet to be made include expanding faculty office space to accommodate our growing faculty and renovating the bottom floor of Self Hall. Please consider including the School of Business in your year-end giving plans and help us reach our goal of completing the Self Hall renovation. For more information on the Continued Excellence Campaign or the renovation of Self Hall, please contact Katrina Pace, Director of Development for the School of Business at 601.925.3421 or

E-Mail Me! Please help us update our records. We want to keep you informed of all activities in the School of Business and plan to launch an electronic MCBusiness newsletter soon. Please email us at with your current email address to make sure you receive the future newsletters. We look forward to hearing from you! MC Business 15

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MC School of Business

Alumnus of the Year Ben Walker

A 1969 graduate of MC, Ben Walker is the 2008 Alumnus of the Year for the School of Business. The MCBusiness community is fortunate to have Ben as an alumnus. Like many of our graduates, Ben attended a community college initially, and then he came home and in doing so he came to complete his education at MC. Upon graduation, Ben went to work as an office equipment salesman for IBM beginning a successful 11 year career at the company. As Ben recalls, he thought for a time he would retire from IBM. “My job at IBM was a high energy job full of pressure to make sales,” says Ben. During his time there, he was consistently one of the best performers, each year being recognized as a part of the “100% Club.” Most remarkably given his success and stability at IBM – but in retrospect not surprisingly given his entrepreneurship – Ben quit his job. With business partner Glen Holmes, in 1981 Ben began a venture, which led to the creation of Unitech, an office equipment enterprise. Unitech went from a start-up with zero sales to a company that eleven years later generated revenues in excess of $15 million. “I enjoyed seeing Unitech grow and become successful” says Ben. “A large part of our success was due to our employees. Those employees were great friends and stayed with

us for years.” Having built this successful entity, Ben and his partner sold the company in 1993. And since that time, Ben has led a broad range of initiatives and business enterprises. His love for horses resulted in a business still ongoing of raising quarter horses. He became and is still heavily involved with real estate ventures. Bentwood, Bellewood and ViewPoint residential subdivisions are impressive parts of his residential development portfolio in the Clinton, MS area. Moreover his ventures in commercial real estate have resulted in significant assets and associations with well-known organizations throughout the Jackson metro area. “I like to see a project come together successfully both in a financial and pride of ownership sense,” says Ben. “I want my projects to be ones that make the community and clients proud.” And yet, it would be a mistake to define Ben only by his business success. Anytime you talk to someone who knows Ben well, his personal attributes and his character are mentioned as often as his business acumen. As Dean Eduardo notes, “We are grateful for Ben’s interest in advancing the School of Business, and we are proud to recognize him as the Alumnus of the Year for 2008. His projects have contributed to the economic development of Clinton and the metro area, and we are honored to have him be a part of the MCBusiness family.”

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Coca-Cola Enterprises Chairman & CEO Visits School of Business Executive Speaker Series On October 9th, School of Business students at MC were fortunate to hear from Coca-Cola Enterprises Chairman and CEO John Brock. He participated in the School of Business’ Executive Speaker Series, which brings business leaders to campus each semester to talk with business students. Brock joined the $20-Billion Georgia-based company in 2006. It is the largest marketer, distributor and producer of Coca-Cola products in the world. Coca-Cola Enterprises sells about 80 percent of The CocaCola Company’s bottle and can volume in North America. Dean Eduardo remarks, “The speaker series is an important component in our students’ business education. Hearing directly from CEOs and business leaders is invaluable for our students.

And having Mr. Brock, one of the most accomplished executives in the United States, talk about the state of his industry, the economy and his views on management and leadership was an incredible opportunity for our students.” John Brock is a Moss Point native whose parents, John F. and Anise McDaniel Brock, are Mississippi College graduates. He grew up coming to Clinton frequently to visit his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Major McDaniel. His speech in the Ed Trehern Business Lecture Hall was well-received by students, including many who are Coca-Cola customers. “I drink Diet Coke a lot,” said junior Kirby May of Brandon. She said his speech delivered much new information about Coke products, but also about the workings of the business world. “I learned a lot from him.”

“Having Mr. Brock, one of the most accomplished executives in the United States, talk about the state of his industry, the economy and his views on management and leadership, was an incredible opportunity for our students.” — Dr. Marcelo Eduardo 1. John Brock addresses a packed house of MCBusiness students and guests • 2. Dr. Marcelo Eduardo, Dr. Lee Royce, Mr. John Brock • 3. John Brock 4. MCBusiness students listen to John Brock • 5. Lt. Governor Phil Bryant and Mr. Bill Sones visit during the event with John Brock MC Business 19

Continued Excellence Campaign Supporters 2002 to 2008 DEAN’S CIRCLE $100,000 AND HIGHER Samuel D. Anderson Randall Crenshaw Robert M. Hearin Foundation Henry Hederman Zach T. Hederman J.L. Holloway Lois T. Kennedy Gary Parker Joe Dent Robison Ed Trehern Aileen Williams

EXECUTIVES $10,000 TO $99,999 Century Construction & Realty, Inc. Bobby L. Chain Don Cheek Citigroup Foundation Wallace Burnell Collins Hayden S. Dent Mike and Melanie Dowell Ergon, Inc. Fox-Everett Insurance, Inc. Thomas Eugene Hawk Robert E. Holland Horne CPA Group Howard Industries Inc Huffman & Company, CPA Colin Maloney Merchants and Farmers Bank Merrill Lynch Morningside Foundation The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving State Farm Companies Foundation State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Wayne Arthur Stevens Joseph Baker Stradinger Vertex Aerospace, LLC Ben N. Walker

DIRECTORS $5,000 TO $9,999 C. Mark Bullock Eastgroup/Parkway Foundation Daniel Alan Grafton Haddox Reid Burkes & Calhoun Ray Eugene Hannah Harper, Rains, Knight & Company, P.A. Eddie Kinchen C. Neil King KPMG Peat Marwick Robert Lee McRae Merchants & Farmers Bank Prudential Foundation Lloyd Eugene Roberts Tony P. Stringer Leigh Van Hoose Edward Wettach Eleanor Hederman Wettach

INVESTORS $1,000 TO $4,999 Tammy Yates Arthur William Gerald Baughn BellSouth Samuel Mansell Brand Bryson & Company Tommy E. Butler Ann Tyson Campbell Donald Causey Brandon Louis Comer Michael E. Crandall Marcelo L. Eduardo Ted B. Edwards Walter L. Enete Eubank & Betts, PLLC Arthur Finkelberg J. Kyle Fulcher

Grantham Poole Brian Hall Cecil W. Harper Damon Kyle Hawk Darrell L. Jones Susie Claire Jordan Mary Fern N. Keen Gary Wilson Keller Steven Michael Longo Mad Genius Inc Jackie C. Majors Maloney Glass & Door John C. McCormick Ed McDonald Real Estate Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. Lee Douglas Miller Mississippi Baptist Medical Center Joe C. Morris Patricia H. Mounce Debbie Norris Mark Pace Sandra Brocato Parks Kevin Pauli John H. Rose John Rance Sapen Ryan Anthony Smith Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Kenneth P. Toler Trustmark National Bank Leigh Van Hoose Harry E. Vickery Charles R. Wilbanks William Carey College Lisa Stewart Williamson Mark R. Wilson

SHAREHOLDERS UP TO $999 Robyn Douglas Aker Lee Ann D. Allison AmSouth Bank Nancy Ellen Anderson Paula Annette Graves Ardelean Avaya Janice Marie Gough Baddley David Andrew Bailey Clyde Pinson Ballard Barksdale Bonding & Insurance Charles E. Barranco Joyce Ann Beacham Eddie Paul Beck Craig Anthony Begert Tom Billingsley Thomas Edward Blalock Joseph B. Blanset Thomas Bobo Terry James Boffone Nedra Boggs James Christopher Boone William Julius Bosarge Natalie A. Box Sam M. Brand Kelly Rodney Breland Mary Jean A. Breneman Barbara Marie Brinson John Edward Brodbeck Paula Barkley Brown Barry Leon Browning Josephine Bryan Henry H. Burge Dick Burney Sallie LaRue Burt Clement Lucas Burwell Cabell Publishing Company Hayes Callicutt Virginia Campbell Peggy B. Cannada Stephen Anthony Cappello Michael G. Carkhuff Katherine Patten Carpenter Sheena Louise Carr Elizabeth C. Carter Jewel McNair Carter Herbert L. Carver J.R. Chapman Linda W. Chapman

Marjorie S. Clark Cynthia Len Clements William E. Coates James Anthony Coggin Thomas W. Cooper Cooper Industries Foundation Clyde X. Copeland Dorothy D. Copeland Sheree McGuffee Corkern James Oliver Cox Tina Rester Craft York Craig Linda M. Crane Robbie S. Cross Constance C. Croswell Kay Daniel Marc Daniels Marcus Brian Daniels Lois T. Davis Terry G. Davis Barbara A. Day James Eugene De Medicis David George Douglas Dan Dubose Albert Ray Duncan Derek Clifton Easley Entergy Equipment Financial Services Corporation George Ewing Ann M. Donahoe Farren Charles W. Farrior Frances H. Fioretti B. Talmage Floyd Justin Lynn Fuller Sue Elyn Fuller Kelly Lynn Gambino Glenda Faye Gaskin General Electric Company John E. Gentry Ralph R. Germany David Michael Gibbs Henry Davis Golden Jane M. Goodson Clark Edward Grantham Robin La’Verne Green Donna L. Grewe Debra S. Grubbs Gulf Power Foundation, Inc. Jackie H. Gunn Jack W. Gunn Joel E. Haire Daniel Cannon Hall James Cleveland Hall E. Dwight Hammack Cathy Hancock Mark Allen Hardin Pamela Goodson Hardy Carolyn C. Hargis Mary G. Harkness Mark Dewayne Harris James D. Hayes J. Bryan Hayes Martha Jo S. Hayes Bernice F. Hederman Glenn Morris Hengst Stephanie Leigh Neal Higginbotham J. Herman Hines Winton Dewane Hisaw Vickie Carolyn Ingram Hodges Rebekah Kathryn Waterbury Hoggatt Claude Allen Holland Derek Glen Holmes Deborah Smith Horstmann John Michael Howard Jeffrey A. Huff Tammy Fitzpatrick Huff Robert Blake Hughey Harriet H. Humphreys Carson Christopher Humphries Sue Whittington Hunt Frank Hurst Buzzy Hussey IBM International Foundation Michael J. Ingram Jonathan Neil Ishee

Kerry Camille Perkins Ivy Trudy Hall James Fred E. Johnson J. Fred Johnson Otho S. Johnson Orville W. Johnson Joe D. Jones Mary Nelle Berry Jones Joyce M. Jordan Horace Lee Kerr Felix M. Killar Susan Lorraine Rogers Kinton Richard Maurice Ladner Jeanese Byrd Landrum Katherine N. Langston Gerald D. Lee James Eric Lee Almon Del Ray Lewis Harvey Lewis Kaye Jordan Lewis Corinne Ryder Livesay Ted Long Paul Richard Love Louis Griffin Luby Magnolia Printing & Signs Robert E. Manning Raymond S. Martin Richard Sidney Martin J. Randall Mascagni Harold Aron Matrick Billy John McAlpin W. B. McCarty James Carroll McCulloch James A. McDill Gerald Finleigh McKenzie Jerry McKenzie John E. McPherson Richard McRae Brenda Brock Meyer Danny Lester Miller Audrey Jane Millette Carl T. Millice Mississippi Network William Warner Mitchell Elizabeth L. Moak Cheryl M. Mobley Edmund W. Montgomery John C. Montgomery Deena Stanley Moore Jonathan Michael Morgan Mark Ira Morgan William S. Morgan Mori Luggage & Gifts, Inc. Fred Morris Joe C. Morris Van M. Morris Eugene Richard Morse Michael Carl Murphy Michael L. Murray Jean H. Nall Martha B. Nation James Cecil Nations Rebecca Ann Neal Nola Kate B. Nelson Thomas Alfred Nelson Nancy B. Nesbit Patricia T. Newton Fred Leland Nichols Wayne Elmer Nix Richard Morrow Nowell J. Christopher Nungesser Tarris P. Oliphant Oliphant Insurance Agency, P.C. Bobby J. Pace Katrina Taylor Pace Elizabeth B. Pantazis Vicki W. Parks Jana Burge Parrish Linda Ann Patterson Stanley W. Peckham Pfizer Foundation Phi Theta Kappa, Intnl. Honor Society David L. Pittman Laci E. Gregersen Pittman William H. Polk Kathy G. Porter Ann Pritchard

Jann Weaver Puckett Randy Lee Purkey Fred H. Purser Charles Palmer Quarterman Kelvin B. Raybon Clifford Ray Redding Patricia M. Redford Carolyn N. Reese Jerry A. Reese Krista Celeste Rhemann Jeffrey Richardson Veronica M. Richardson C. Robert Ridgway Juanita Wallace Ridgway Angela Mequel Rigby River Oaks Health System Hilda Rae S. Roberts E. Jack Robertson Eleanor J. Rommerdale William Edward Rorie Edward Lee Rowell Rhoda Russell Royce Michael R. Rucker Charles R. Russell Ray Russell Patricia Alison Rutledge Rynnie D. Sanders Billy Wyatt Sanford Elaine S. Saxton Vicki P. Scheider Edward W. Shackleford Regenia Faye Shearrill Susan M. Shelton William Dale Shepherd Ronald Wood Sigman Nancy Marie Simboli Charles G. Smith Herbert L. Smith Scott Smith Stephan Alan Smith Nancy Bowie Smylie Southeastern Bus Company LLP Suzanne G. Starr Adriane Michelle Stephenson Daniel Stubbs D.A. Swayze Jennifer Franklin Sylvester Allison Anne Alford Talley Andy Talley Jimmy Wayne Taylor Kirk G. Taylor Jerry A. Thomas Dion Thornton Jamie W. Tice Russell Kenneth Tillman Sandra Kay Tillson Christopher Lashon Toaster Gaye S. Townsend Jay A. Travis Jonathan Scott Tucker Linda Benefield Valentine Verizon Foundation Charles E. Vianey Eliott Colby Vines Suzanne Stovall Vinson Harry M. Walker Alan Lane Wallace Hilton Wallace Timothy Leroy Wallace Bae B. Waller Delores R. Walski Todd Watson Sheldon Magruder Webb Walter Bruce Wellington Becky McMillan Wells Mary Ann Franks West Joyce M. White Susan Lane Wilbanks Jerry E. Williams Robert L. Williamson Mary Allan S. Willis Thomas Lance Wilson Margaret D. Winstead Gary D. Wood Rebel Trent Wright Lula B. Young Treena F. Maddox Young

MC Business 20

Don’t guess how high you can climb. Decide. Mississippi College has a history of shaping the business world by shaping the people who will one day lead it. Join the program that can help you actually realize your ambition. Your stock is rising with the MBA Program at Mississippi College.


Calendar of Events Jim Coggin CAO Saks Inc (retired) Executive Speaker Series September 18, 2008

Eddie Kinchen Financial Services Lab Dedication November 17, 2008

John Brock Chairman and CEO Coca-Cola Enterprises Executive Speaker Series October 9, 2008

Hawk Family Conference Room Dedication November 24, 2008

Trehern Management Education Center Dedication Keynote Speaker Dr. Lee Royce November 6, 2008

School of Business Honors Luncheon April 21, 2009 Graduation May 9, 2009

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