The Bristol Magazine April 2021

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Extraordinary eggs “An egg is always an adventure; the next one may be different”, said Oscar Wilde. There’s no doubt that eggs are a constant adventure at Clarence Court in Lacock who offer the widest range of eggs sold in Britain, from Burford Brown and Old Cotswold Legbar to ostrich and quail. Their traditional breed birds are free to roam from dawn to dusk and enjoy a maize enriched diet formulated to include wheat, sunflower, seashell, soya, paprika and marigold. Here we look at a selection of the eggs on offer at Clarence Court and they treat us to some eggy recipes so we can celebrate this Easter with real eggs, as well as chocolate ones 1 Ostrich eggs Available from April to September, these eggs weigh in at nearly 2kg each – one ostrich egg is roughly equivalent to 24 large hen’s eggs for cooking in recipes. With a distinctive light flavour and texture they are ideal for cooking. 2 Rhea eggs In season from March to June, Rhea eggs are lighter and fluffier than hen’s eggs but have a stronger flavour. Rheas are often called the American ostrich so their eggs are large and good to share. 3 Emu eggs Emu eggs are milder in taste compared to a hen egg and they are much fluffier in texture. They boast a high ratio of yolk to white, allowing impressive results when used for baking. Emus lay their eggs throughout winter so the eggs are available from November to May. 4 Goose eggs Goose eggs are mouth-wateringly rich and creamy and if you softboil them they’re perfect with shavings of truffles or fresh, seasonal asparagus soldiers. One goose egg is the equivalent to 2.5 medium hen’s eggs. 5 Turkey eggs Clarence Court turkey eggs are a luxurious treat with their creamy big yolks. Turkey’s eggs, unlike Turkey meat, are a rarity because



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they simply do not produce very many eggs each year and, as they are big birds, required a lot of feed. Available from April to June. 6 Cornish Blues With lovely light-greenish blue coloured shells, Cornish Blue duck eggs taste as beautiful as they look. The creamy yolks lend themselves fabulously to bakes and cakes, and are simply delicious as a morning treat fried or boiled. 7 Leghorn White eggs Leghorn White eggs have beautiful bright white shells. Once cracked, the signature vibrant golden yolks stand proud. The golden yolk when soft boiled against a bright white shell will leave your mouth water and the creamy taste won’t disappoint. 8 Old Cotswold Legbar eggs Clarence Court Old Cotswold Legbar eggs have a distinctive pale blue shell. Its deceivingly delicate outer shell colour hides a rich creamy yolk with a dense flavour. Old Cotswold Legbar eggs have plump and upstanding yolks and are delicious when fried. 9 Braddock White Duck eggs From their translucent, ivory white eggshells to the light, creamy yolks, these duck eggs bring a new meaning to ‘go large’ for recipes. These eggs are made for exceptionally light baking. Some people once they have had duck eggs never go back to hens’ eggs for breakfast.




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