The Bristol Magazine April 2019

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Bristol Cover April.qxp_Layout 1 21/03/2019 17:11 Page 1



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Issue 178


aprIl 2019

MAGAZINE Give, wear, love The city’s new sustainable fashion brand, and the trend tie-dye for

Plant-based brilliance Where to get a fabulous fix in the vegan capital of the world

Taking the waters The fascinating history to the local hydros and lidos of yore

Touring Teutonia Why Germany should be on the travel radar this year

AMAZING GRACE A look ahead to SS19 in Bristol – plus pop-culture icon Grace Jones’s most memorable moments

T H E C I T Y ’ S B I G G E S T M O N T H LY G U I D E T O L I V I N G I N B R I S T O L

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The Bristol Magazine April 2019 by MC Publishing Limited - Issuu