The Bristol Magazine May 2019

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Bristol Cover May.qxp_Layout 1 25/04/2019 17:29 Page 1


Issue 179


may 2019


£3.95 where sold

SUPERHERO CHIC Healthtech just got seriously cool... We look at Bristol’s pioneering bionics scene and much more

NETFLIX & FOTHERGILL A chat with the director of Attenborough’s Our Planet

BREWING IT FOR THEMSELVES The fab females on Bristol’s Craft Beer Festival bill

MUSIC MAN Multi-talented Tim Minchin talks Matilda

SHOCK & AWE Mandy Barker’s Altered Ocean at the RPS T H E C I T Y ’ S B I G G E S T M O N T H LY G U I D E T O L I V I N G I N B R I S T O L

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