Issue 13, Spring 2018 - The Quadrangle

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Volume XCVII, Issue 12

MAY 1, 2018

“The College That Built the City” Taylor Brethauer Editor-in-Chief

Esteemed members of the Manhattan College Community put on their hard hats and use their commemorative shovels to symbolize the start of the south campus plans. TAYLOR BRETHAUER / THE QUADRANGLE

Printing Made Easier at MC with Wireless Access Megan Dreher Editor

On Tuesday, April 3., Information Technology Services Department (ITS) at Manhattan College launched a wireless printing program for students titled ‘Web Print’. This program, powered by a print management software called PaperCut, allows for students to connect their own devices to the computer lab printers on campus and print PDF documents, provided they are connected to the Manhattan College internet network. Web Print is a feature that Richard Musal, Director of Client Services and Operations for ITS, has wanted to bring to the Manhattan community for quite some time. “I’ve wanted to bring wireless printing to the college for years, ever since PaperCut made it a feature,” said Musal. “We strive to find features that make the Manhattan College Community’s life easier. Unfortunately, Web Print was put on the back burner due to higher priority projects.” In addition to the release of Web Print, ITS also released another backburner project titled LabSeat in the Fall of 2017. This software allows students to monitor the availability of computers in the labs around campus. These two new

projects made possible by ITS during the academic year have reflected the efficiency of the department as well as the dedication to improving technological resources for student use. “Our IT infrastructure and team is more robust than ever. This has allowed us to shift away from reactive support and putting out fires. We are now able to spend more time on exciting projects like these and the Glance App. We are working toward more projects to improve the Manhattan College community’s experience,” Musal said. The wireless printing upgrade comes just one year after the installation of a printer on the fourth floor of the Kelly Commons for student use. “This new printer has been wildly successful, much more successful than we initially thought. A few times a week students are coming and asking for more paper, because of how much they’re going through. Thankfully, students have been very respectful of the printing station. This really has been something run by the students, for the students,” said John Bennett, Director of Student Engagement. Though wireless printing has not been a project that Student Government has spearheaded, Bennett added that it is a great asset towards making printing easier for all students.

“It’s a great initiative, and really progressive, especially when you look at other schools. It’s supposed to make printing more convenient for students. It’s just another way to make printing more accessible, and faster as you’re running between classes.” Wireless printing stations can be found across campus in all public computer labs, including O’Malley Library 5th floor kiosk area, O’Malley computer labs 506, 410, and 206, RLC 103, and De La Salle 314 to name a few. A full list of labs is available when you login to Web Print. According to Anita McCarthy, ITS Training Coordinator, the process to use Web Print is user friendly. Students are able to access Web Print through its own landing page: “Once you navigate to this page please review the Using Web Print for Wireless Printing on Campus, this article walks you through the steps a student follows to use wireless printing on campus. It even contains a short tutorial demonstrating the process,” said McCarthy. The now available feature of Web Print is projected to help students heading into the “crunch time” of the semester. Students should contact ITS with any questions about utilizing this new program.

SENIOR IN FEATURES: FAREWELLS Spring Semester of Cam’s Corner: A Read the farewells Retrospective 2018 Review from our Senior on p. 7 on p. 4 Writers on p. 8 & 9 IN NEWS:

The Patricia and Cornelius J. Higgins Engineering and Science Center groundbreaking ceremony was held on Thursday, April 26 in the Leo Hall parking lot. Many honored guests and alumni were in attendance as shovels were officially dug into the ground to symbolize the first phase of the south campus expansion. The phrase being thrown around throughout the day was “the college that built New York City”, referring to the impact that Manhattan College engineering students have made throughout the years in New York City. Many expect that the new STEM building, including renovations to Leo Hall, will increase that influence in years to come. Leo Hall, which currently houses the school of engineering, some laboratories for the school of science and the communication department, has already seen renovations begin in some of the engineering offices. The construction of the Higgins building is expected to begin by the end of the week. The Leo Hall parking lot was transformed into the ceremony space as the 1 Train roared in the background. Attendants proudly wore their commemorative MC shovel pins on their lapels as they greeted one another before the ceremony. At 1:30 p.m. sharp, Thomas Mauriello, vice president for college advancement and the master of ceremonies for the day took to the stage to invite everyone to their seats. Faculty, guests, alumni and students sat down as the ceremony began. Vice president for mission, Brother Jack Curran, F.S.C., gave the invocation, starting off with a joke: “Ladies and gentlemen, we come to a parking lot…” He continued. “This is a site where students and faculty will come to engage,” he said of the pavement, which will soon be a construction site to building the new center. President Brennan O’Donnell took to the stage

afterward to give his remarks, talking about the history of Leo Hall and the adjacent Research Learning Center (RLC) being part of the storied history of STEM at MC. He then mentioned the college’s acquisition of what once was a chocolate factory (Leo Hall) and a furniture showroom (RLC). He then spoke about the importance of this project as a key vision to the college’s planned expansion. “In addition to providing teaching and research facilities, we need to continue Manhattan’s distinctive tradition of excellence in the next generation and beyond [...]” said O’Donnell. Cornelius Higgins ‘62 also spoke, discussing his relationship to MC and God, speaking about the blessings in his life. He also mentioned his wife, Patricia, who the building will also be named after. Higgins received a standing ovation after his speech and he humbly smiled and waved as he left the podium. Before the official groundbreaking, the campus chaplain, Father Tom Franks, OFM Cap., gave the construction site a blessing, praying in gratitude towards the Higgins family and in support of the designers, donators and community “Whenever we look to the interests of our community and serve them,” said Franks, “We are in a sense God’s own coworkers. Let us pray for God’s help through this celebration, my sisters and brothers, that God will bring strength to this successful construction.” Finally, the groundbreaking took place as Curran, Thomas O’Malley ‘63, senior Roma Parikh, the Higgins, O’Donnell, chairman of the Board of Trustees Kenneth Rathgeber, professor Shawn Ladda and senior Jorge Gonzalez, doned MC hard hats and took their commemorative shovels and dug into the dirt before them. The 30,000-square-foot Engineering and Science center is scheduled to be completed in the fall, serving as an anchor for the new south campus in the coming years.



A Preview of “The Joe Jaques: WalkLast 5 Years” on p. ing Out on Top 11 on p. 16

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