Volume XCVI, Issue 6
OCTOBER 3, 2017
columbus day bill tabled by mc senate after tense debate OPPONENTS QUESTION GERACI’S RIGHT TO MAKE PROPOSAL Jeremy Loffredo Staff Writer
Scholars’ Showcase
Senior Summer Research Scholar Daniel Dixon discussed the findings of his research last Friday on Research Scholars Presentation Day in Kelly Commons. FULL STORY ON PAGE 6. PHOTO BY PATRICK FACCAS/ COURTESY
Kornutik, Owens Claim Freshman Student Government Spots RikkiLynn Shields Editor
The class of 2021 has voted, and Jack Kornutik and Grace Owens have been elected this year’s Freshman Vice Presidents. Though they come from two drastically different states, Jack Kornutik from Fairfield, Conn., and Grace Owens from Tampa, Fla., the two students share a love for Manhattan College like no other. Kornutik is an undecided business major and also a member of the men’s lacrosse team here at Manhattan. “Since the first day I stepped foot on campus, I wanted to attend Manhattan College; it had everything I was looking for. The academic criteria met all
Patterson Scholars announced on p. 3
my needs and the location of thecampus was second to none. Also, I was fortunate enough to be recruited by Coach [Drew] Kelleher and his staff to play on the Men’s Lacrosse team here. He guided me through my admissions process and helped make sure that I would be able to maintain a healthy balance between academics and athletics while still having a social life,” Kornutik said. Owens, a biology major, has a very similar story to Kornutik. While Manhattan had everything she wanted, lacrosse brought her to the college as well. “I chose Manhattan College because of its close proximity to New York City. I feel like the connections I will make here will help me in the future when
applying for internships and jobs. Another factor that influenced my decision to attend Manhattan was the fact that I was re-cruited to play lacrosse here,” Owens said. While the two students only have a month of college behind them, both of their experi-ences so far have been exactly what they imagined. “I love Manhattan College. I am really looking forward to the four years that I will spend here. I am really connecting with a lot of the people here and I enjoy the fact that I have met people from so many different places and so many walks of life. I have felt a strong sense of community at this school which I hope to help keep for my class the next four years,” Owens said.
Robert M. Geraci, Ph.D., chair of the religious studies department, recently brought a motion before the Manhattan College Senate proposing that the college no longer recognize Columbus Day as a campuswide holiday, replacing it with Election Day. The proposal, which was brought before the Senate at its first meeting of the semester on Sept. 19, was met with a fervent opposition that tested the boundaries of the Senate’s decorum. After concluding its routine business, including the approval of the previous session’s minutes and an address by College President Brennan P. O’Donnell, Ph.D., on the state of the college, the Senate’s agenda turned its attention to Geraci’s proposal. Michael McEneney ’53, the sole alumni representative on the Senate, motioned for the delay of the topic’s debate to the October meeting. Student Senator Chris Cacciavillani, who attended the senate meeting, said that “[Senator McEneney] was basically trying to kibosh [Geraci’s proposal], before the conversation had even taken place.” Regarding the issue, Geraci revealed his personal belief that the motion countering his proposal was an attempt to postpone debate of the subject indefinitely. It was at this moment that the meeting’s overall mood, as described by Caccaivillani, became “tense.” McEneney was overruled by Senate Speaker Nuwan Jayawickreme, Ph.D., of the psychology department, who had brought Geraci’s proposal to the floor.
According to a later interview with Jayawickreme, he shot back at McKiernan, saying, “You can’t do that,” in response to McEneney’s motion. Geraci then read from his proposal. According to a later email from Geraci, his motives for this proposal include simplifying the academic calendar, and alleviating the controversy surrounding the imperial and genocidal legacy of Christopher Columbus. “Any historically accurate understanding of Columbus knows he didn’t just maybe do some bad things; he was actively engaged in slavery, as well as rapine and genocidal behavior,” Geraci wrote. “Defending him as having done good things (whatever those may be remain conveniently unsaid!) is a lot like saying there are ‘very fine people’ among the Neo-Nazi community.” His remarks were met with unexpected retorts by some members of the Senate. According to three sources at the meeting, including Geraci, Caccaivillani and senior student senator Ryan Quattromani, Senator Margaret McKiernan said she felt blindsided by the proposal and did not know a vote on such a proposal was happening. McKiernan is a staff representative and library assistant. McKiernan went on to challenge Geraci’s ability to propose such a concept. McKiernan asserted that Geraci’s twelve years serving on the faculty disqualify him, because she and other members of the Senate have been members of the college community for much longer - in McKiernan’s case, some thirtyfive years. “[McKiernan’s comment was] presented in a disrespect-
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Meet the new faces of Scatterbomb on p. 8
IN FEATURES: MC celebrates Latino Heritage Month on p. 5
Two athletes do Jaspers Talk on p. 11