Issue 10, Fall 2021- The Quadrangle

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the Quadrangle

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Volume CIV, Issue 10


“Empowerment Hour” Comes to the Fitness Center for the First Time Madalyn Johnson & Jocelyn Visnov Web Editor & Asst. Production Editor

Fall is Here!

An aerial shot of main campus showcases the beautiful fall colors of Riverdale BRIAN ASARE / THE QUADRANGLE

Manhattan Caucus: A Rundown of Tuesday’s Elections Kyla Guilfoil

Asst. News Editor Last Tuesday’s elections gave insight to how constituents are feeling across the country. The results of this Election Day give our leaders an indication of what Americans are looking for in the 2022 midterm elections and beyond. For New York City residents, election day included votes for mayor, comptroller and public advocate. Overall, the city unsurprisingly upheld its majority support of the democratic party. Eric Adams gained mayorship with 66.5 percent of the vote, comfortably beating his Republican counterpart Curtis Silwa, who received 28.8 percent of the vote. In the Bronx, Adams won 76% of the vote. For Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan, he sustained 71 percent, 59 percent and 81 percent, re-


Federal Work Study Payment Complications on p. 2-3


spectively. Silwa did take Staten Island with 68 percent. Brad Lander added to the Democrat’s successes, winning New York City Comptroller with 68.8 percent of the votes and a similar margin of victory to Adams. Democrat Jumaane Williams also won in similar terms against the Republican candidate, taking 67.7 percent of the vote. New York City residents also voted on five ballot measures, with only two successfully passing. Proposal 1, calling to make various changes to the redistricting process, did not pass, with a 56 percent majority voting against it. Proposal 2 called for an established right to clean air, water and healthful environment, and was passed by a majority vote of 69 percent. Proposal 3 and 4 did not pass, with a majority vote of “no” for allowing legislature to pass same-day voter registration, and allowing legislature to pass

IN FEATURES: HGI Celebrates 25th Anniversary on p. 6-7

no-excuse absentee voting, respectively. Proposal 5 did pass with 62 percent voting “yes” for raising the NYC civil court limit to claims up to $50,000. Proposal 4 points to the major changes that have affected voters due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With a record amount of Americans voting by absentee ballot last fall for the Presidential Election, there was much debate about the verifiability of mail-in ballots. However, no major discrepancies were found due to mail-in voting during the 2020 election, with dozens of lawsuits failing to prove false voting in court. Proposal 5 would enable faster proceedings for New Yorkers undertaking civil lawsuits, since now they won’t be required to be heard by a supreme court when suits exceed the previous claim limit of $25,000, which had stood as the __________________________ CONTINUED ON PAGE 3

The Lasallian Women and Gender Resource Center hosted Women’s Empowerment Hour for the first time at the Commons Fitness Center last week. The opening session happened on Nov. 2 from 1:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m., and represented a big initiative by staff members of the LWGRC. The team has been passionate about creating such a session in order to give women and folx the opportunity to feel comfortable and confident in an environment that is traditionally male dominated. The Women’s Empowerment Hour was spearheaded by LWGRC intern Amanda Touse. A senior majoring in business analytics, Touse proposed this idea when applying for the internship with the LWGRC last winter. Touse was eager to get it approved, even if it meant going through a long, tedious process. “That was part of the application process that I went through, was to give an idea of a program you wanted to see them [LWGRC] help put into fruition,” she said. “I thought that having a women’s only hour would be really great. I’ve seen things all over TikTok about it and stuff and I was like, ‘You know what, that could be something really amazing that Manhattan could have for their women, students.’” Touse began talking to the director of the fitness center, Jay Ahmed, on Sept. 7, the day of the club fair on campus. Once the process began, getting the hour approved became complex. This included the college’s faculty having to check what could legally happen to the LWGRC, and the staff having to brainstorm how to advertise the idea to the student body. “From there, we kind of put things in the works,” said Touse. “He [Ahmed] was talking to his bosses and everything and getting credit, making sure we were actually allowed to do this legally. Then


we went through the marketing phase where I had to make several different versions of flyers just because we needed to be really careful with the wording of everything. So, we did some versions of that and then it fully got approved last week.” On top of seeking legal support, the LWGRC needed other students and clubs at Manhattan College to contribute to the promotion of Empower Hour. By networking with various clubs, sending out Google Forms and working with the athletic teams to advertise the hour on social media, LWGRC members were able to receive immense backup in advocating for a time so vital to female students. The efforts made to promote the Women’s Empowerment Hour have even worked in the return of some MC fitness clubs, who are looking into collaborating with participants of the session. “On social media, a lot of the clubs have reposted everything,” Touse said. “Some of the board of the PEK fitness program was really interested in working with us and maybe creating a tutorial in the beginning where we can advertise their lifting series by having that there for the women. The gender center obviously has been really great and then suddenly, athletic teams have just been sharing content. It’s just word of mouth to support, it’s something really great to see, and we got a lot of positive feedback from the initial interest from Google Forms.” Rachel Cirelli, a co-director for the LWGRC, has supported Touse and other interns in their efforts to make Empowerment Hour happen. “It was just a good idea, and it took off because she [Touse] picked up on something that like a lot of people had had made comments about, like you know, ‘I don’t feel comfortable’ or ‘I want to go towards the weights and it doesn’t feel like I can.’” Cirelli said. “So she picked up on something that was definitely a campus issue.” Cirelli explained that this __________________________ CONTINUED ON PAGE 3


Meet Scatterbomb Meet New Cheer Coach Victoria Member Aidan Brewer on p. 11 Mackenzie on p. 10

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