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Volume CIV, Issue 8
OneManhattan Gears Up For Flu Season The winter months approaching leads us to a new challenge: how to handle any possible COVID outbreaks in the midst of getting used to in-person instruction. Manhattan College is taking necessary steps to ensure that the campus overcomes flu and cold season while still facing a worldwide pandemic. In an email sent out by OneManhattan to the college community on Oct. 21, it was reported that there are currently two active cases of COVID-19 on campus with 27 recovered cases since the beginning of the semester. An email sent out on Oct. 14 reported three active cases and 23 recovered cases since the start of the semester. The way in which the college is informing students of COVID-19 statistics on campus is now different from emails throughout the previous year. The Oct. 14 email stated that only “aggregate positive and recovered cases” are being reported in comparison to percentages and comparison to city wide statistics. Multiple offices on campus are also beginning to set up flu clinics on campus to brace campus community members for the upcoming flu season during a pandemic. “It is especially critical to receive your flu shot during the COVID-19 pandemic to reduce the overall burden of respiratory illnesses on the healthcare system. Annual flu vaccines are one of the best ways to prevent yourself, your coworkers and your family from getting the flu,” the Oct. 14 email stated. Health Services partnered with Imperial Pharmacy as a means of delivering flu vaccines to students at the college
on Oct.14 in Smith Auditorium. In order to receive the vaccine and enter the clinic, students were required to show their green pass, Manhattan College ID and insurance card. The office of Human Resources will be hosting a “flu clinic and wellness screening” on campus in the Alumni Room on the first floor of the O’Malley Library from 7:30 am to 12 pm on Oct. 22 as well. “Both the screening and flu shot is available at no cost to employees, spouses, and/or dependent 18 years and older who are enrolled in the Christian Brothers Services medical plan,” the email stated. Both emails state that those who are not members of the Christians Brothers Services medical plan can also login to empowerhealthservices. info to use the client code cbs to register. To further promote safety in a fun way, the college is holding a contest for students to post their most colorful masks and potentially win a hundred dollar Visa gift card and tickets to see either Billie Eilish or a NY Jets game. Students can post an image on their Instagram feed or story and tag @ mcstudentengage or @manhattanedu until Oct. 25 to win. The environment of mask wearing and cautiousness is encouraged by the college in order to maintain a safe and healthy semester. “We continue to follow the best practices and guidance from New York state and the Centers of Disease Control: testing symptomatic individuals, with weekly surveillance testing of those with approved exceptions or who are not yet fully vaccinated. We are also doing the appropriate contract tracing, and isolating COVID-19 cases that arise within the population,” the Oct. 14 email stated.
Nicole Fitzsimmons News Editor
Fall Open House 2021 Returns Sunday October 24 marked the return of the annual Open House. BRIAN ASARE/THE QUADRANGLE
Cristina Pérez Jiménez Receives U.S. Latino Digital Humanities Grant for Innovative Project Nicole Fitzsimmons & Kyla Guifoil News Editor & Asst. News Editor
Cristina Pérez Jiménez, Ph.D., assistant professor of English at Manhattan College, is one of nine to receive a research stipend in the prestigious U.S. Latino Digital Humanities Grants-in-Aid program. This will help further her research and development of her own digital humanities project focusing on her project, “the Latino Catskills.” Alongside the help of her co-principal investigator, J. Brett Maney, Ph.D., assistant professor of English at CUNY Lehman College, Pérez Jiménez is looking to create a project with two main features:
a clickable mapping interface and multimedia exhibits. Each component will be digitally accessible and detailed to highlight the grand Latino presence in the Catskills. “This is a project that I’ve been thinking about for many years now. I have a big folder, a digital folder, on my desktop where I’ve been accumulating documentation about the Latino presence in the Catskills since the 19th century,” she said. In a place that has been historically understood as lacking extensive diversity, the Catskills actually has a rich history of various identities, especially for the Latino community, which Pérez Jiménez hopes to uncover through this project. “I think a lot of my students think of the Catskills as
IN FEATURES: Jaspers Combat MC Alum Works Food Insecurity for SUMMIT One with Dining Dollar Vanderbuilt Donations on p. 3 on p. 5
a space that is foreign to their experiences, and the Latino experiences have overwhelmingly been concentrated in urban environments, right,” she said. “So, we tend to think of Latino identity specifically in New York, and it’s important to recover and to document that these other spaces have also been significant for the development of a Latino identity. And, the leisure, recreation experience of being on vacation, all of that is significant to the U.S. Latino experience.” Gabrielle Panassol, senior history major with an Italian minor, is currently a member of the Latino Literature class taught by Pérez Jiménez this semester and enjoys the __________________________ CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
Jasper Jams: Surviving the Tumultuous Weather on p. 6
Manhattan Soccer Wins to Canisius on p. 8