“We Do Journalism”
the Quadrangle
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Volume CV, Issue 11
NEW YORK, APRIL 12, 2022
Walkout Held in Protest of Lack of Counseling Services at Manhattan Jilleen Barrett
Managing/Features Editor
Students Voice Concerns at Walkout Rebecca Medina ‘25 (made the sign) and Analia Santana ‘25 participated in the student walkout. ANNA WOODS/ THE QUADRANGLE
Ketanji Brown Jackson Confirmed to Supreme Court Maria Thomas Senior Writer
On Thursday, April 7, supreme court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed by a senate vote of 53-47, led by Democrats. Jackson will be the first Black woman to serve as a supreme court justice. Furthermore, Jackson will be the first federal public defender on the court, and the first justice since Thurgood Marshall who has represented criminal defendants. The senate, which is Republican led, is composed of 50 Republicans, 48 Democrats and 2 independents. In the vote to swear in Jackson, Democrats were joined by Republi-
Student Walkout on pg. 1
can Senators Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. Jackson is expected to be sworn in after the retirement of Justice Stephen Breyer, which will happen in the summer. For now, Jackson will continue serving on the US Court of Appeals until she starts her position in the High Court. She has been recusing from any and all cases to avoid a conflict of interest, given her upcoming position. Jackson’s parents both have significant experience working in public schools, as both teachers and principals. Ellory and Johnny Brown were both raised in Florida during strict Jim Crow laws. Despite their challenges in receiving a fair
IN FEATURES: Professors on Updated Mask-Optional Policy on pg. 7
and equitable education, the couple respectively attended historically Black colleges, and they instilled values of civil service in their children. Jackson’s mother, Ellory Brown, has been a science teacher and principal for many years. Her father, Johnny Brown, eventually went to law school and pursued a career in the legal field. In a widely circulated quote from the hearing, Jackson said, “My very earliest memories are of watching my father study -- he had his stack of law books on the kitchen table while I sat across from him with my stack of coloring books.” __________________________ CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
The Student Government Association held a walkout on Friday, April 8, in protest of the lack of support from administration regarding mental health concerns on campus. Liola Moody, vice president of the SGA, told The Quadrangle that she and the rest of the board saw students and faculty becoming frustrated with the lack of mental health resources available on campus. Between the ongoing pandemic and the passing of several community members in one semester, they felt a break was needed for everyone’s well being. They originally came up with the idea of a “Day of Pause” to take place on Friday, April 8. However, the administration did not approve of the idea, so the SGA planned a walkout for that same day in protest of the decision. The plan for the walkout was for students to leave whatever class they were in at 11:10 a.m. and gather on the quadrangle. The resolution for the Day of Pause was co-authored by Moody, SGA president Kevin Rojas and vice president of communication Jana Clark. The resolution was signed by 637 students, 30 alumni, 26 campus organizations and 63 members of faculty and staff. Moody stated there were many specific events which led up to the decision to ask for a day off, most recently being the passing of Christian Gallante ’23 on Thursday, March 24. “The inspiration for the Day of Pause came from two reasons,” Moody wrote to The
Two Friends Headlines Spring Fest on pg. 11
Quadrangle. “The outrage expressed by the student body and faculty at the administration for not providing the opportunity for such a day on Friday, March 25, as well as the overwhelming circumstances of the last two years due to COVID-19, which have caused an immense decline in mental health … when it [the Day of Pause] was later denied, we (the SGA Eboard) voted (7-2, in favor) for the walkout.” The idea and list of purposes for the walkout was communicated to students via a flier that was circulated on Instagram after it was posted on Moody’s personal account. The SGA was not allowed to post it on their Instagram, @mcstudentgov. It was slipped under the office door of President Brennan O’Donnell as well. “We commend all of you for not only your own mental health needs, but advocating for those of your mental health needs of your community,” Rojas said to the participating students at the walkout. “And we can only hope that today’s the first of many opportunities you choose to take care of yourselves and one another.” Moody expressed that she felt that students advocating for their needs was imperative because of the lack of support for the Day of Pause from the administration. “While the administration reacted to the specific mental health issues presented at the meeting sympathetically, they expressed their beliefs that services and initiatives already in place on campus were sufficient for addressing __________________________ CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
MC Softball Faces off Against Fordham on pg. 14