Issue 1, Spring 2022- The Quadrangle

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the Quadrangle

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Volume CV, Issue 1



2022 Commencement to be Held in New Jersey Jilleen Barrett & Caroline McCarthy

Managing Editor/Features Editor & Sports Editor

The Jaspers Return for Spring 2022 Students are headed back to campus after a delay in in-person instruction. MANHATTN.EDU/ COURTESY

Spring Semester Classes to Begin Online According to a One Manhattan email, the spring semester will begin remotely, with students attending class online from Jan. 19 to 25. This decision was announced on Friday, Jan. 14 via email from the One Manhattan co-chairs: Esmilda Abreu-Hornbostel, interim vice president of student life and dean of students, Tamara Britt, vice president for legal and external affairs/chief of staff and Steven Schreiner, provost and vice president for academic affairs. The email cites a high rate of positive tests in the college’s area that caused concern for possible disruptions during the initial week of classes due to necessary quarantine protocols. “By offering all cours-

es remotely during the first five teaching days, we create an equitable and safe learning environment for our students and alleviate many logistical challenges associated with the return,” the email read. “For example, all students and faculty testing positive during the required testing window prior to the start of the term will have the ability to participate in their classes … In-person learning continues to be a gold standard of learning for our traditional undergraduate students, and this plan allows us a prudent and expeditious path to the classroom.” Schreiner told The Quadrangle that the OneManhattan committee understood that the five day testing window was short, which increased challenges for returning students and faculty. According to Schreiner, the decision to postpone in-person instruction came on Thursday night just



Kyla Guilfoil Editor-in-Chief

Graham Walker, Beloved MC Professor, Dies at 66 on pg. 5

Supporting Bronx Fire Victims at MC on pg. 6

hours before the announcement on Friday, Jan. 14. “We wanted to make sure everyone knew ahead of time what was going to happen,” Schreiner told The Quadrangle. “We needed a little bit more of a window to understand what the data would look like as students came in and what kind of positive rate we saw, because ultimately, students who are positive or in close contact quarantine could not attend class.” Schreiner says that the intake of positive cases was not above what was expected, and that the plan to start with remote learning has allowed students and faculty who are positive to remain off-campus. He added that many of the positive cases that MC administration were alerted to were symptomatic cases, wherein MC communi__________________________ CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

Spring 2022 Manhattan College graduates will not walk the stage in New York, but rather in New Jersey this year — likely in the Meadowlands Exposition Center. Due to rising concerns of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 and fears from the administration of New York City restrictions, Manhattan College has opted not to have the ceremony at its former home, Draddy Gymnasium, and instead, hold it in New Jersey to try and avoid vaccine regulations. Steven Schreiner, Provost of the college, explained how this decision was made. “This really began last year, right after commencement was done,” Schreiner said. “This wasn’t a sudden thing for us.” According to Schreiner, the administration was focused on giving commencement as much flexibility as possible, something that has proven to be easier outside of New York City because of COVID rules and regulations. “Last year we were getting put into this box of, this is all we can do,” Schreiner said in regard to COVID regulations for New York City gatherings. “And people wanted us to do much more.” The 2021 graduation included several ceremonies as COVID regulations forced the school to split the graduates up into smaller groups to receive their diplomas. These ceremonies were held in the Kelly Student Commons without guests, so there was a virtual broadcast for friends and family. Manhattan College is looking to avoid similar circumstances for the graduates of 2022. “We are still in the planning stages of this,” Schreiner said. “But we’ll see if we find a venue that gives us that flexibil-

IN A&E: Sanctus Artum to Continue its Post-Lockdown Comeback on pg. 10

ity to stage it to give us the best chance of not having a small room with just students you know, six feet apart, then that’s where we’re going to start.” That venue has potentially been found at the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus, New Jersey — a 30-minute-drive from campus without traffic. Other venues in New York were explored but still confined the college to New York laws regarding COVID-19. The most pressing regulation remained unvaccinated community members being allowed within a New York building. “We won’t have to turn away a grandparent or a parent or brother or sister or a student who’s unvaccinated,” Schreiner said in regard to having graduation in New Jersey. “I think that’s fine for our community. I really do — and we can do it safely.” Margaret Groarke, Ph.D. is the chair of faculty affairs and a professor of political science at Manhattan. She spoke to The Quadrangle about why a location such as the Meadowlands might be more convenient for people despite its location being further than many prefer. “There’s massive parking at the Meadowlands, it’s a climate controlled location. The seating will be more comfortable than folding chairs people sit in, in reality,” Groarke said. Manhattan students shared concerns not only about graduating in a different state than their campus, but also for the safety of their loved ones who planned on attending the ceremony. “It feels like the school is catering to the unvaccinated people,” Helena Lippolis, vice president of commuter affairs for student government said. “[Provost Shreiner] told me word for word, ‘We need to protect the minority’.” __________________________ CONTINUED ON PAGE 4


Track and Field Wins Big on pg. 14

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