Issue 9, Fall 2019 - The Quadrangle

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the Quadrangle

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Volume C, Issue 9



Mold Returns to Campus: Horan and Alumni Hall Affected Joe Liggio Senior Writer

Campus Quad Acts as Fundraising Hub Delta Kappa Epsilon and Mother Nature among the clubs taking advantage of fall weather. BRIAN ASARE / THE QUADRANGLE

The Search For MC’s New Provost Is Underway Kelly Kennedy & Jessica McKenzie Staff Writers

As Manhattan College’s current provost, Bill Clyde, Ph.D., prepares to step down after 10 years of service, the Provost Search Committee has begun looking for potential candidates to fill the position. The provost is a head administrator for the college, and also acts as Vice President of Academic Affairs. The provost is second to the president on the cabinet of the college. “Any provost is expected to have very good working relationships and to participate in the areas such as facilities, enrollment management, and financial consideration, as all of those have a significant impact on academic affairs,” Clyde explained. In order to find a new provost, MC has formulated the Provost Search Committee,

IN NEWS: Highlights from the SGA meeting on p. 2

which is made up of a faculty member from five of the six schools on campus, two students selected by the faculty and two administrators. Tim Ward, Dean of the School of Engineering, was chosen by President O’Donnell as chair of the search committee. He is the longest serving Dean on campus, serving twelve years. “I’ve been here longer than the president and the provost. The president asked me to serve and I agreed to do so,” Ward said. On Oct. 10, the Provost Search Committee went public with information regarding the search process. To find a candidate that aligns well with the college’s Lassalian values and mission, the search committee has been working closely with higher education search consultants from RH Perry and Associates. Matthew Kilcoyne and Sue DeWine, Ph.D, the consultants from RH Perry and Associates

IN FEATURES: Delta Kappa Epsilon’s Harvest Fest recap on p. 8

that are presently working with MC, declined The Quadrangle’s requests for interviews, due to the confidentiality of the search. President O’Donnell discovered RH Perry and Associates during his time as a board member at Lewis University near Chicago. RH Perry assisted the school, also a Lasallian Catholic institution, in finding their current president, as well as three of their deans. “They are very active in the Catholic higher education system, and I thought they’d be a great option for Manhattan,” O’Donnell said. Ward acknowledges that the search for a new provost for any institution is a complex, delicate process. In welcoming the new provost, the college hopes to improve its retention and graduation rates, encourage the continued use of technology in the classroom, innovate enrollment management, __________________________ CONTINUED ON PAGE 3

There’s a fungus among us yet again. Two separate buildings on campus, Horan Hall and Alumni Hall, have been afflicted with mold since the start of the semester, with each situation posing their own unique problems for students and staff to contend with. Horan Hall had undergone the same situation this time last year, affecting approximately 15 percent of residencies within the building. This year, freshmen John O’Connor, Peter Lacalamita and Salvatore Schillace were all living together in a fourth floor suite in Horan until mold in their room forced them to relocate to a set of rooms on a different floor in the building. “When we walked in [on move-in day] we immediately smelled it,” said O’Connor. The roomates initially noticed the greatest concentration of mold covering the insides of one of their closets. After a few of their parents went to residence life staff to discuss the situation, Physical Plant staff cleaned and painted over the afflicted areas. “It was fine for a couple of days, then we started getting sick from it,” said O’Connor, who became so ill that he had to take antibiotics. O’Connor and Lacalamita, who have autoimmune diseases, felt the worst out of the four in the suite. “I’d wake up in the morning with red eyes,” said Lacalamita. “I never felt 100 percent, I never felt healthy.” said Schillace. After repeatedly meeting with Residence Life staff in person, the roommates were initially told that due to a constraint on free space in the hall, only two students from the four-man suite could be relo-


cated to a mold free room, and that two would have to remain. All the while, O’Connor and Lacalamita’s parents were in contact with staff trying to advocate for a solution. On September 18, the students were informed that a suite had opened up in the building, and they moved in to the new space later that same day. As they were packing up their belongings to bring to the next room, they removed a mirror from the wall and found that mold had covered the back. It had also spread to other items which had to be tossed out altogether. Since the move, the three have felt healthy once again. “I feel better now, but I feel like if we were to stay there it could have been a lot worse,” said Lacalamita. The three also noted how the situation put a damper on their transition into college. “You wanna feel at home, but we never could, because we tried to stay out of our room as much as possible,” O’Connor. Charles Clency, Director of Residence Life, explained the proper staff procedure when situations like these arise. “Once a resident notifies our staff of possible mold in their room, Residence Life’s protocol is to make sure a work order is submitted into Physical Plant to have it inspected,” said Clency in an emailed statement. He continued. “Typically, a Physical Plant designee meets a housekeeping supervisor at the designated location within two business days to determine whether or not the mold report has merit. If the staining is deemed to be mildew, our housekeeping staff will clean and prepare the space. If the staining is determined to be mold, the College works with an outside vendor to implement mold remedia__________________________ CONTINUED ON PAGE 2


New Christian Women’s soccer club on campus on victory on p. 12 p. 6

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