Magazine Lago Martianez

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& Thereare3restaurants-“Lago”,“LosAl i si os”,and“SanTel mo”,and9bars, whi chyoucanchoosefrom.Theyoff ercooldri nksorj ustani cerel axi ng mealbythepool si de.Theworkti meoftherestaurantsi sfrom 10a. m.t o 6p. m. andwhentheyorgani zeparti esandothereventsworkti l lupt ol atei nthe eveni ng. Therei sagreatdi versi tyofbars,whi chhel psf ortheuni queexperi enceof vi si ti ngthecompl ex.Therearetwo i cecream andtwo snackbars,onebuff et bar ,tapaswi thtradi ti onalSpani shmealbarandthreecocktai lbars. Al lofthesi tesareabl et o provi deexcel l entservi ceandhel pt o enhancethe ti mespendi n“Lago Marti ánez”.

Lago Marti anezi stheonl ypl acei nthe worl dt o haveacasi no bel ow sea l evel .Casi noTaoro i sneararangeof barsandrestaurantsthatgi vethe resortaspeci alvi tal i tyandmakei t oneofthemoststri ki ngcentersofthe i sl and. TheCasi no hastwo l obbi esdedi cated t o machi negambl i ngandtabl egames. I nthesecondl obbytherearegames suchasAmeri canroul ette,Bl ackj ack andTexasHol d’ em pokeretc. TheCasi no’ sworkschedul ei sfrom 11am t o 4am.

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