1 minute read


LeggedForwardFold (PrasaritaPadottanasana)

Tuck the back toes, lift the back knee, and pivot your body so that your toes are facing in towards the side wall Release the body forward and let blood flow to the brain.


Pivot the left toes to the back of the mat, and bend through the left knee Stack the left knee on top of the ankle. Turn the arms so that the palms are facing down Gaze over the left finger tips Let your head balance on both shoulders.

HalfMoon(Ardha Chandrasana)

Trust that the left foot can hold you, and shift weight onto your left foot and left fingertips. Keep your right arm extended up towards the sky If you want to place a block underneath your fingertips, go for it

Extended Triangle (Uttititah Trikonasana)

Extend the left leg, and reach the left arm as far forward as you can, hinging at the hip. When you can't reach any further, pivot the body so that the left fingertips run alongside the leg. Gaze up towards the right fingertips.


Step the right foot forward and come to your mountain moment at the back of the mat Pause in stillness. Move through a vinyasa flow to journey back to downward facing dog.

DownwardDog(Adho MukhaSavasana)

From the Downward Facing Dog, go all the way to the start, and journey through the opposite side.


Release onto your back body, cross the right ankle over the left thigh, and pull the knees into your chest.


End in a seated meditation or savasana


Drop both knees in one direction, and gaze over the opposite shoulder

Sober Girls Yoga Poetry

By Aldo

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