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20 Years of Impact & Progress

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SAL For the Good 20 Years of Impact and Progress


By David Pittman

Not so long ago, it was widely perceived that Tucson’s business interests were extremely fragmented. Business leaders and the various groups that represented them were believed to be working on their own individual priorities. Unified strategic goals for the community and a united voice for major initiatives seemed elusive. But that has changed as evidenced by major victories on a number of fronts over the last few years, including the revitalization of downtown and major employers locating and expanding in Tucson. One of the most important victories since 2000 was the establishment 40 BizTucson

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of the Pima County Regional Transportation Authority, which addresses traffic and transportation needs in the region. The 20-year-old Southern Arizona Leadership Council, formed in 1997 by a small group of prominent business people, has been a critical player in the evolution toward a more collaborative business climate. SALC is a CEO-led organization of 140 influential business and civic leaders whose mission is “to improve greater Tucson and the State of Arizona by bringing together resources and leadership to create action that will enhance the economic climate

and quality of life in our communities by attracting, retaining and growing high-quality, high-wage jobs.” “Our members are people who will do things to make the community better even if it doesn’t enhance their business or enrich them in some way,” said SALC CEO Ron Shoopman. “The various business groups in the region are working together better than ever before. While we compete on some things, if we all speak with one voice on issues of importance to the business community, we are far more effective.” The membership of SALC is a who’s who of influential business and non-



of the Region profit leaders who not only drive Tucson’s economy and its philanthropy, but also build, maintain, nurture and grow grass-roots support for key community initiatives. SALC members are people who own or run organizations that build and sell our homes; loan us money; sell us cars and trucks; design and engineer our streets and highways; provide medical care; insure our assets; prepare our taxes; represent our legal interests; design websites; distribute the beer we drink; and produce precise missile systems for the United States military and its allies. The membership ranks of SALC are

made up of a diverse group who positively influence Tucson. Their collective investments in people, innovation, technology, manufacturing, wealth creation and philanthropy are indisputable and substantial. Shoopman said those who join the organization do so because of what he calls a “greater-good gene” in their makeup. “SALC is a leadership organization that views issues through a business lens,” he said. “It employs research and fact-based decision-making to develop strategic policy important to Southern Arizona and the state.” Though SALC is viewed as an effec-

tive and visionary organization today, it was not an overnight success. It took a several years of long, difficult work before its accomplishments became apparent. Tucson water war of 1999

SALC’s first major victory came in 1999 when it led the effort to defeat a voter initiative known as Proposition 200, which would have restricted the city of Tucson from delivering its allocation of Colorado River water for residential usage. “SALC understood that an adequate supply of water was essential not only continued on page 42 >>> Spring 2018


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Our members are people who will do things to make the community better even if it doesn’t enhance their business or enrich them in some way. – Ron Shoopman, CEO Southern Arizona Leadership Council

Jim Click

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Steve Lynn


Don Diamond

for life, but also for the region’s economic growth and vitality,” Shoopman said. The conflict pitted two auto dealers against one another: Bob Beaudry and Jim Click. Beaudry worked to get the measure on the ballot and was a public spokesman for its approval. Click, an SALC member, strongly opposed the proposal. Steve Lynn, a longtime SALC member who managed the campaign to defeat the initiative, recalled a discussion he had with Click that foreshadowed the initiative’s downfall. “Jim (Click) and I were having a conversation in the parking lot and Jim said, ‘I’m going to go after that initiative and beat it,’ ” said Lynn, a former utility executive and veteran campaign operative who now serves as chief strategy officer for Strongpoint Marketing. “I told Jim, ‘If you raise the money, I’ll run the campaign.’ Jim did what he said, and beating that proposition was a real turning point because it gave this community a vast water supply into the future that might not have been there had that proposition passed.” SALC leads transformative RTA election

In 2005, after multiple attempts over a 20-year period to pass a transportation funding bill for Tucson and Pima County, SALC led a successful, game-changing election campaign in which voters established the Pima County Regional Transportation Authority. The RTA is a $2.1 billion, 20-year plan that has resulted in completion of 785 transportation projects through 2017. The RTA was overwhelmingly approved after SALC built a large coalition of support among divergent interests, a strategy the organization has continued to employ to push its initiatives past the finish line. “SALC recognized that you had to get every stakeholder at the table – environmentalists, business people, transit people, highway people, neighborhoods – everyone had a voice,” Shoopman said of the RTA victory. “It took time and hard work, but we won by a 65-35 percent margin, which was a remarkable turnaround from previous elections.” Also remarkable, some have said, was the maestro performance of Shoopman, an SALC newcomer, in orchestrating the RTA victory in his first year on the job. continued on page 44 >>>

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The roots of SALC go back to 1997, when a group of seven prominent Tucson businessmen incorporated the group.


Discussion Leads to Action Founders Targeted Collaboration, Business Voice

Hank Amos

By David Pittman The Southern Arizona Leadership Council grew out of a desire to bring together resources and CEO-level leadership to find solutions to critical strategic issues facing the region. Dissatisfied with the lack of a strong voice of business, Hank Amos, owner of Tucson Realty and Trust, Tucson’s oldest real estate company, began a discussion with six visionary business leaders. The seven are now credited as founders of SALC. Those founding members represented a broad segment of Tucson’s economy – Amos; Si Schorr, a partner in one of Tucson’s most prominent law firms; Larry Aldrich, then-president and CEO of Tucson Newspapers; Charles Bayless, president and CEO of Tucson Electric Power; David Wright, president of Arizona Bank; David Mehl, owner of Cottonwood Properties; and Greg Shelton, a VP at Raytheon Missile Systems. Conversations led to a series of meetings ultimately attracting 30 interested business leaders to the discussions. They shared a common theme – to form a group capable of using the influence, resources and leadership of local CEOs to create a vibrant economic environment and high quality of life in Southern Arizona. The group identified an emerging category of new organizations known simply as CEO leadership groups. The founders of SALC adopted the basic structure used by these new groups adding a unique Southern Arizona spin. The formula: limit membership to the senior leader of an organization, engage issues of strategic importance, remain fiercely non-partisan and conduct business in an ethical way with integrity and honesty in every aspect of its operation. Bayless was elected as the first chair of SALC and led the development of the

vision and mission for the organization. Similarly, business leaders in Phoenix had started their own CEO leadership group several years earlier, and those leaders saw value in a potential partnership with the new Tucson-based group. They offered assistance as SALC began operations. Greater Phoenix Leadership immediately became a close ally and today SALC works closely with GPL and the newest CEO group in the state, Flagstaff’s Northern Arizona Leadership Alliance, for the good of all the communities and for Arizona. Reflecting back, Bayless said, “I had no idea that SALC would grow and prosper as it has, but I knew the time was right for a new leadership group and I had to be part of it.” SALC’s second chair, Aldrich, added, “We had some very difficult conversations in those early days and I wondered if we could keep the group together. In the end the members recognized what was at stake and today this community is far better off because we did.” “The diversity among the seven founding members of SALC was an important factor in making the organization successful,” said current SALC President Edward P. “Ted” Maxwell. “It is amazing to me that Amos, Aldrich, Mehl and Schorr, four of the original seven founders, continue as members of SALC today. The continuity they provide has served us well over the entire 20 years of SALC’s existence.” “SALC has done many wonderful things and made a lot of progress,” Amos said, “but there is still much to be done in many areas. Two of the most critical are building needed infrastructure and improving our business climate in order to attract more jobs.”


Si Schorr

David Mehl

Larry Aldrich

David Wright

Charles Bayless Not pictured >>> Spring 2015 BizTucson 43 Co-Founder Greg Shelton

SOUTHERN ARIZONA LEADERSHIP COUNCIL continued from page 42 “Ron Shoopman has done an extraordinary job and has given us the benefit of continuous service over a long period of time,” said Peter Likins, a retired University of Arizona president and a past SALC chairman. “Ron deserves credit for keeping this organization, which consists of a large and diverse group of people, focused and on track. SALC is now widely recognized as a mature and established element of the community.” “SALC has been an incredible organization,” said Taylor Lawrence, president of Raytheon Missile Systems. “I got here about 10 years ago and it’s been very helpful to me as I’ve gotten integrated into the community and the environment and learned about Southern Arizona.” Behind-the-scenes on downtown


Louise Francesconi


Fletcher McCusker

Peter Likins 44 BizTucson

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SALC has often been invisible on efforts to better the community. A prime example of that is the genesis of the plan to revitalize downtown, create Downtown Tucson Partnership and form – and later re-form – Rio Nuevo. In the early 2000s, several prominent and influential SALC members – Click, Lynn, well-known real estate investor and developer Don Diamond and Louise Francesconi, who was then president of Raytheon Missile Systems – participated in a series of early-morning meetings aimed at breathing life into Tucson’s downtown. Much of the city core at the time was boarded-up and emptied out after work hours as government workers and lawyers headed for the suburbs. SALC launched the Downtown Tucson Action Team with the long-term goal of ensuring a successful revitalization of downtown. SALC played a role in the creation of the Downtown Tucson Partnership and invested time and energy into the early days of Rio Nuevo. “SALC was instrumental in encouraging the legislature to extend the Rio Nuevo tax increment financing out to 25 years and in making necessary changes on the Rio Nuevo Board which has done such a remarkable job in recent years,” Shoopman said. “A great deal of credit goes to Fletcher McCusker, the Rio Nuevo board chair and an SALC member who provided the outstanding leadership necessary for success. “SALC’s catalytic role in downtown revitalization in no way diminishes the great work done by many others to make downtown a great success,” Shoopman added. “Although SALC’s role was not visible, it was critical and a great example of SALC member influence helping address critical problems faced by our community.” MAP Dashboard brings visibility

SALC purposely did much of its work behind the scenes and did not seek attention for its efforts well into its second decade of existence. However, that has changed. “When I was hired back in 2005, the SALC board indicated they wanted results, not press clippings, and I was very comfortable with that,” Shoopman said. However, avoiding the limelight and lacking engagement with the general population created an image of SALC as something of a secretive society among many Tucsonans. In 2015, using the launch of the MAP Dashboard as impetus, SALC began engaging the public as never before. The organization built a new website, introduced a new logo and entered into continued on page 46 >>>

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continued from page 44 a full-time contract with Strongpoint Marketing to assist SALC in becoming more open, visible and transparent. “Our membership recognized that to take SALC to the next level, we had to add a new dimension to what we were doing and engage the community more broadly,” said Lisa Lovallo, thenchair of SALC and Cox Communication’s highest-ranking executive in Southern Arizona. “I was often struck by the lack of community knowledge around the effort and resources SALC brings to solve big problems that impact the quality of life here.” MAP Dashboard – which stands for Making Action Possible for Southern Arizona – is a collaboration among SALC, the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, the UA and now the Pima Association of Governments. MAP Dashboard is a website built and operated by the UA Eller Economic and Business Research Center. It gives residents of Southern Arizona unprecedented access to continually updated, comprehensive economic and lifestyle data. It is intended as a tool that can be used by government officials and the general public to make more informed, fact-based policy decisions. The formation of SADA

U.S. Sen. John McCain

Taylor Lawrence 46 BizTucson

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Another example of SALC’s ability to build strong and effective coalitions was its leadership in the formation of the Southern Arizona Defense Alliance, which is designed to support and protect military installations operating in the region. SADA is made up of a broad group of community and civic leaders, businesses, military-support groups, private citizens and elected officials not only from metro Tucson, but also from Fort Huachuca, Yuma and other areas of Southern Arizona. According to SALC, Southern Arizona’s six military assets provide more than 57,000 direct, indirect and induced jobs, and pump nearly $8 billion into the regional economy annually. Military installations in Southern Arizona include Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and the 162nd Fighter Wing of the Arizona National Guard in Tucson; the Arizona National Guard Silverbell Army Heliport in Marana; Fort Huachuca, the U.S. Army installation outside Sierra Vista; the Yuma Marine Corps Air Station, and the U.S. Army’s Yuma Proving Ground. “We took the organizational lead in creating SADA,” Shoopman said. “With the strong support of the Tucson Business Alliance – each committing $5,000 to initiate the project – SADA was born. It’s been sustained by the good work of our partners and many new members have joined the effort. “In forming SADA, our initial work was to counter a negative campaign against Davis-Monthan by a small group of Tucsonans who were sending messages of concern to Congress and to military decision-makers,” Shoopman said. “The net result was growing concern in Washington about the base of support for the military in Tucson and Southern Arizona.” Shoopman said SADA conducted a survey that demonstrated overwhelming support by Tucson residents for Davis-Monthan. “We took the survey results to Washington, D.C., and handcarried them to members of Congress and military leaders at the Pentagon,” Shoopman said. U.S. Sen. John McCain, a Republican from Tucson and chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said SADA is “one of the nation’s best models for supporting a region’s military” he’s ever seen. continued on page 48 >>>

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Many reasons for SALC’s success

Building coalitions and alliances with other business organizations – as well as government officials, nonprofit charities and all of Arizona’s universities – is a key strategy for SALC to achieve its goals and widen its influence. “Early in my SALC career, business groups didn’t talk to each other very often,” Shoopman said. “That has changed and SALC has been an agent stimulating alliances and cooperative agreements.” Yet there are many other factors that have contributed to SALC’s results. Those factors were outlined in an article contained in a 17-page publication titled “Twenty Years of Action & Impact,” which was distributed to SALC members at its 2018 Annual Meeting & Retreat in December at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort. The article, written by Jim Kiser, a former editorial page editor of the Arizona Daily Star who joined SALC’s staff in 2006, cited the following reasons for the group’s success:

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What I love about SALC is it also has a strategic vision. It’s not just about what can I do for you today.

– Rick Myers Former SALC President President, Tempronics

• A decision to keep SALC nonpartisan and non-ideological • Selectivity in undertaking projects or issues. SALC only takes on issues its members believe can realistically be attained. • A focus on what is good for the community and not just isolated business interests • An emphasis on getting things done without concern about who receives credit

• Dogged persistence, as demonstrated by SALC’s multi-year effort to change the Tucson Charter to clearly give the city manager authority to supervise city operations • A board of highly successful people who understand their role and the importance of hiring strong, highly capable executives to supervise the organization and its staff

Rick Myers, a former SALC president and board chairman, said what makes SALC unique is its strategic, long-term vision. “SALC has always been about economic development, better education and building a better community,” said Myers, a former IBM executive and the current CEO of Tempronics. “So, within that, we’re always focused on the issues that need to be taken care of right now from a tactical standpoint. “But what I love about SALC is it also has a strategic vision. It’s not just about what can I do for you today, but also what do we need to be accomplishing today in order to realize long-term goals.” Biz

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Members for the Partisan Priorities are Set Aside at SALC By David Pittman Members of the Southern Arizona Leadership Council say they take great pride in being part of the organization and universally praise its efficiency, leadership, vision, resources and success in making a difference on major issues within Tucson, Arizona and, at times, even nationally. They say they are honored to work and learn alongside the most successful business leaders in the Tucson region to make a difference – strictly to better the community and for strictly altruistic reasons. “I like talking to SALC members because it comes from them that they’re proud to be part of this organization,” said Rick Myers, CEO of Tempronics 50 BizTucson

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and a past president and board chair of SALC. “They’re proud not only because of what the group accomplishes, but how it accomplishes it. “SALC’s success is not due to any one person. Our success comes from the work we do together, the conviction we have and our ability to execute and win. SALC is made up of a group of winners.” One of those is Mike Hammond, a partner in Cushman & Wakefield|Picor, a leading Tucson commercial realty firm. Hammond said SALC’s future “is in good hands” and the organization “has broad respect in the community.” “Even those who take shots at us understand we are a force to be reckoned

with and they will need our support on certain issues,” said Hammond, also a past chair of SALC. “There’s no other organization like it in Tucson. It’s run efficiently and brings the right people to the table to discuss issues. As I get older, I don’t want to be in organizations that are irrelevant – and SALC is extremely relevant.” The current board chair, Greg White, CFO of Raytheon Missile Systems, said SALC is comprised of a diverse, “highintegrity” group of people who put improving the community ahead of their personal or partisan views. Decisions are for the overall good of the community and not for any one faction. “When you go to a board or




Right Reasons bership meeting, you see people who come from all walks of life and who have all sorts of political opinions across the spectrum,” White said. “But when it comes to making a decision, they talk it through and come to a thoroughly thought-out position, sometimes sacrificing dogma to improve the community.” Lisa Lovallo, who heads Cox Communications in Southern Arizona, chaired SALC from 2014 to 2016. She called the work done by the group “very important” and described her involvement within it as “a wonderful experience” that has been personally fulfilling. “The friendships I’ve made within SALC over the years are very important

to me personally,” Lovallo said. “I’ve received a lot of good advice and support from members.” Cristie Street, managing partner of Nextrio, said she is pleased to be an SALC member because it provides her the opportunity to work alongside Tucson’s top business leaders while also helping improve the community. “SALC has an impressive membership of citizen leaders that get things done,” she said. “It offers me the chance to roll up my sleeves, work hard and learn from the best.” Edmund Marquez, owner of The Edmund Marquez Allstate Agencies and SALC member, echoed those sentiments.

“I’ve done a lot of work for nonprofit boards for many years, but I decided to get involved in something I’m passionate about – economic development,” Marquez said. “I firmly believe SALC is the room of rooms. Beyond the great individual members and the networking opportunities, we hear from the best. “I love the fact that the people in the room are decision-makers who have skin in the game and truly care about Tucson. I’ve gained many amazing relationships and a lot of insight into what is happening throughout the state.”

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SALC Executive Staff from left

Pamela Duncan, Executive Assistant Edward P. Maxwell, President Ronald E. Shoopman, CEO Shelley Watson, VP 52 BizTucson

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Leadership Guides, Members Drive


By David Pittman

It should come as no surprise that the board of directors of the Southern Arizona Leadership Council has perennially been made up of top leaders from top companies in the Tucson region. The current board is led by executives of two of Tucson’s largest employers. Chair Greg White is VP and CFO of Raytheon Missile Systems, and Vice Chair Judy Rich is president and CEO at Tucson Medical Center. Throughout its two-decade history, SALC’s board has consistently chosen high-quality staff leaders to manage and guide the organization throughout its various stages of development. In its 20-year history, SALC has employed five executive staff leaders. The first was Barbara Huffstetler, a former executive aide to a Pima County supervisor, who provided the skills needed to keep the fledgling organization alive during a period in which its members vigorously debated the mission and direction of the group. “Barbara did a good job putting things in place and getting it launched,” said Si Schorr, an SALC founder and senior partner at the law firm Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie. Huffstetler was succeeded by retired Marine Lt. Gen. Robert Johnston, who served as right-hand man to Army Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf when he commanded the Americanled forces that crushed Iraq in the

1991 Persian Gulf War. Johnston, the first of a trio of high-ranking military men to guide SALC, presided over the group’s first major victory – the defeat of Proposition 200, a voter initiative led by car dealer Bob Beaudry that would have restricted the city of Tucson from using its allocation of Central Arizona Project water for home delivery. “Gen. Johnston brought order to things and emphasized efficiency,” said Hank Amos, president of Tucson Realty & Trust and a founding SALC member. “We liked the military precision he brought to the organization.” Rick Myers became SALC president in 2003 and served in that capacity for two years. Myers now serves on the Arizona Board of Regents and as CEO of Tempronics, an early-stage, venture-backed technology company. He took the SALC position after retiring as VP and GM of IBM Tucson. SALC experienced consistent growth and continued progress during Myers’ tenure. Like Johnston, Myers continues to be an active member of SALC. On Jan. 1, 2005, Ron Shoopman, a retired Air Force brigadier general who served as commander of the Air National Guard’s 162nd Fighter Wing at Tucson International Airport, became president of SALC. Soon thereafter the organization hit its stride and has gone on a 13-year continued on page 54 >>> Spring 2018


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The effectiveness of SALC is not derived from our professional staff. It comes from the members. They drive the organization. – Edward P. “Ted” Maxwell, President Southern Arizona Leadership Council

MAP Dashboard Today The MAP Dashboard Indicators project enters its fourth year with newly designed indicators, new measures, national recognition and growing success. The MAP Dashboard project’s overarching goal is to measure the progress of this region and inspire factbased action that results in a more successful and prosperous future for our community. The MAP Dashboard team at the University of Arizona Economic and Business Research Center works daily to execute this project. They have responsibility for developing trusted data that ensures credibility for the project. The MAP Advisory Board works with the MAP team to set goals and ensure that the project has the desired impact. The Advisory Board includes the University of Arizona, Southern Arizona Leadership Council, Community Foundation for Southern Arizona and Pima Association of Governments. In 2018 the MAP includes new indicators that display trend information as well as four new indicators – housing affordability, behavioral health, physical well-being and creative occupations. MAP Dashboard received national recognition for website excellence from the Association for University Business and Economic Research and from the Association for Public Data Users. Locally, MAP won a Common Ground award from Metropolitan Pima Alliance. MAP Dashboard also was one of three finalists for the Arizona Governor’s Celebration of Innovation in Academia Award. Most important, use of MAP Dashboard is growing locally, nationally and worldwide. MAP Dashboard website traffic grew 40 percent between January 2017 and January 2018. Government officials now cite MAP data during public-policy debates, nonprofits use the data to validate community needs they are working to address and business leaders, along with economic developers, are the using the data to make the case for their products and to convince companies to relocate to our region. UA President Robert Robbins said, “The MAP Dashboard is an amazing tool for our community and I am pleased to pledge my full support to the project.” View the MAP Dashboard at 54 BizTucson


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continued from page 121 run in which it has achieved substantial and seemingly inexhaustible victories. During Shoopman’s tenure, SALC built a strong reputation as an influential business organization not only in Tucson, but across the state and in Washington, D.C. “When I started at SALC, we had 56 members, a tiny budget and a little two-room office,” Shoopman said. “We now have about 140 members and more revenue and resources at our disposal than ever before.” However, Shoopman and SALC President Edward P. “Ted” Maxwell downplayed their role in SALC successes, giving credit instead to the CEO membership they represent. “The effectiveness of SALC is not derived from our professional staff. It comes from the members. They drive the organization.” Maxwell said. “It is their reputation, influence, resources and direction that has allowed SALC to accomplish the great things it has done.” Largely because of SALC’s substantial membership and financial growth, and with an eye toward future succession, the organization’s board expanded SALC’s staff and installed a new leadership triumvirate at the beginning of last year. Maxwell, an SALC VP since 2013, was promoted to SALC president, succeeding Shoopman in January 2017. While

Maxwell oversees day-to-day operations, Shoopman remains CEO, providing experience, vision, guidance and big-picture leadership. Shelley Watson, a new member of the SALC team, replaced Maxwell as VP. Watson, who grew up in Tucson, came to SALC from Capital Quest, a fundraising consulting firm where she was a partner and COO. A graduate of Arizona State University in business administration, Watson was previously executive director of the American Heart Association in Tucson. Like Johnston and Shoopman, Maxwell has had a distinguished military career covering more than 30 years of service. Maxwell, who was promoted to the rank of major general in 2015, formerly served as vice wing commander at the 162nd Wing in Tucson. In February he retired as commander of the Arizona Air National Guard, a part-time position under Gov. Doug Ducey’s authority. Maxwell received a master’s degree in business administration from UA in 2014. “After Ted’s first year as president, all indications already are that he will continue SALC’s success,” said Jim Kiser, a former editorial page director at the Arizona Daily Star and director of governance policy at SALC. “He is a quick learner, he is committed, he has an engaging way with people and he loves Tucson.”



Key Accomplishments and Initiatives

Southern Arizona Leadership Council boasts an impressive list of accomplishments throughout its 20-year history. The following is a small sampling of initiatives and accomplishments for the organization. u





Organized the Tucson Regional Town Hall, which brought together 160 local leaders for 3½ days of discussion regarding critical issues facing the Tucson region. The town hall spawned six well-attended “community conversations” on water, literacy, land use, education, and arts and culture. Outcomes produced as a result of the town hall include Literacy Connects, which resulted in five area literacy groups consolidating into a single organization; Tucson Values Teachers, which provides a strong voice for teacher recruitment and retention, and Imagine Greater Tucson, a values-based initiative that worked to bring community leaders together to create a regional infrastructure and planning vision. Brought together 45 scientists, land managers and government leaders to discuss threats from buffelgrass, a non-native plant proliferating in the Sonoran Desert that sucks up moisture faster than native plants, catches fire easily and is potentially harmful to tourism. This scientific forum led to the creation of the Southern Arizona Buffelgrass Coordination Center. Throughout its history SALC has worked to ensure a competitive and innovative economic environment in Southern Arizona, an environment that spurs the growth of high-wage jobs and a growing “innovation economy.” During the 2017 legislative session the group supported bills that created a $1 billion bond package for state universities, which is already spurring construction of research facilities on campuses. The other provides $10 million in Angel Investment Tax Credits to support hightech startup businesses. Extending its support of the Arizona Bioscience Roadmap, SALC created the Arizona Bioscience Board to address the lack of availability of risk capital in Arizona. ABB recruited CEO board members statewide resulting in a report offering eight strategies to address the shortfall. Since the writing of the report, countless new efforts have emerged, including UAVentures, a new investment fund started by SALC member Fletcher McCusker. Education is a top issue for SALC. In 2005, SALC championed the creation of the Pima County Joint Technological Education District. In 2010, SALC supported a 1-cent temporary state sales tax increase for education that was approved by voters. SALC support is always contingent upon efficient and effective strategic solutions. Last year, SALC opposed Proposition 204, Strong Start Tucson. After a thoughtful and fact-based review, SALC determined the initiative was fatally flawed. Voters agreed as Prop. 204 went down by a nearly 2-to-1 margin.


Played a key role in crafting a plan to fix a state budget that was badly out of balance at the height of the Great Recession. SALC engaged with then-Gov. Jan Brewer in developing a three-pronged solution that borrowed $1 billion, cut $1 billion and raised $1 billion via a new three-year tax.


Actively supported Gov. Brewer’s proposal to expand Medicaid funding in Arizona. SALC backed the expansion because it resulted in billions of federal dollars flowing into the state to provide healthcare to Medicaid-eligible citizens and prevent the closure of numerous rural hospitals. In late 2017, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled the voluntary assessment made by the state’s hospitals to draw down the critically needed federal funding was not a tax as claimed by members of the legislature.


Strongly advised Gov. Brewer to veto SB 1062, a bill labeled as discriminatory and controversial. SALC has consistently fought bills that put the state in a negative light, which impacts its economy and quality of life. Brewer vetoed the bill as did previous and subsequent governors at SALC’s urging on similar pieces of legislation.


Built on SALC’s strategy of inclusion and collaboration by convening more than 30 business groups to form the Southern Arizona Partners for Trade and Transportation. A significant success of BPTT was its effort advancing the scheduled construction of Highway 189 between Arizona’s Port of Entry and I-19 by more than 10 years.


Brought together various business groups and associations such as the Tucson Metro Chamber, Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities (now Sun Corridor, Inc.), Metro Pima Alliance and other area chambers and trade associations in collaborative business coalitions such as the Tucson Business Alliance and the Tucson Regional Water Coalition. The groups involved in these collaborative efforts have distinct individual missions, yet share a vision for economic vibrancy.


With its sister CEO leadership organizations – Greater Phoenix Leadership and the Northern Arizona Leadership Alliance – SALC created and funded Science Foundation Arizona, a public-private partnership that invested more than $100 million across Arizona, the majority of which was invested in Southern Arizona, in pursuit of growing the state’s Innovation Economy.


Source: Southern Arizona Leadership Council

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SALC 2018 Policy Goals & Actions

Focus on Impactful Collaboration

The mission of the Southern Arizona Leadership Council is to improve greater Tucson and the state of Arizona by bringing together resources and leadership to create action that will enhance the economic climate and quality of life in our communities by attracting, retaining, and growing high quality, high-wage jobs. SALC continues the forward momentum that began 20 years ago by encouraging impactful collaboration by leadership in all sectors. These are the focus areas for 2018:

Governance Focus Area Co-Chairs: Ted Hinderaker, Si Schorr, Sarah Smallhouse

The Governance focus area engages governance issues both locally and statewide. Focus Area goals include efforts to correct structural deficiencies in governance as well as to support and prepare new leadership for elected office. The ultimate goal is efficient and effective governance for Southern Arizona and for the State of Arizona. Actions include: • Support a private-sector effort to make additional changes and improvements to the Tucson City Charter and Tucson election process. • Lead an internal evaluation of 2018 regional and state legislation, referendums and initiatives designed to improve the electoral process. • Support the development of candidates and civic leaders through partnerships with the Flinn-Brown Civic Leadership Academy, the Hispanic Chamber Candidate Academy and the Arizona Chamber Public Leadership Academy. 56 BizTucson

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• Lead an effort to raise awareness of business issues among the emerging leaders of Tucson Young Professionals and the Southern Arizona FlinnBrown Fellows who will receive an associate membership in SALC. • Support actions to improve the quality of school board members through regulatory/structural changes and board member training.

Innovation Economy Focus Area Co-Chairs: Paul August and Harry George

The Innovation Economy focus area pursues the development of high-tech, high-wage jobs for the region. It supports efforts in research, tech transfer, funding through Science Foundation Arizona and Fund of Funds and emerging technology like solar, and leads regional efforts in bioscience. Objectives: • Build Southern Arizona’s research strengths around bioscience technology.

• Nurture all sources of revenue, including venture capital, to build a critical mass of bioscience companies in Southern Arizona. • Build a talent base, through education and workforce development, that captures and retains Southern Arizona’s human resources. • Develop and maintain a business climate supportive of the biosciences and their growth in Southern Arizona. • Educate, inform, and spur to action opinion leaders and the general public on Southern Arizona’s future. • Develop the regional infrastructure to allow and support anticipated growth.

Healthcare Focus Area Co-Chairs: Nancy Johnson and Matt Wandoloski

The Healthcare Focus Area works to address critical issues impacting our region’s healthcare. Members look for opportunities to use the strength of the continued on page 58 >>>

Innovation Economy Focus Area

Governance Focus Area


Healthcare Focus Area

Infrastructure Focus Area

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continued from page 56 healthcare community as an asset for building the economy and quality of life. SALC supported efforts to design and implement a functional Health Information Exchange for the state and worked with University of Arizona’s leadership to bring Banner Health into the community. Actions include: • Support efforts that promote and enhance the economic impact of healthcare through healthcare business attraction, retention and expansion. • Support Gov. Doug Ducey’s efforts to ensure that states have the resources to sustain the positive benefits realized through the expansion of Medicaid while transitioning to a new or improved healthcare system in 2018. • Work to increase the growth and impact of digital health initiatives in Arizona through its Bioscience Leadership Council of Arizona and Startup Tucson, the University of Arizona and Mayor Rothschild’s Healthcare Sector Partnership initiative. • Support legislation and efforts to sustain or increase the stability and affordability of healthcare for individuals and employers. • Explore the prospect of bringing together appropriate parties to expand the number of primary care Graduate Medical Education opportunities in Arizona. • Support legislation and efforts to expand the availability and use of advance practice primary care physicians’ assistants, nurse practitioners and registered nurses.

P-20 Education Focus Area

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• Support efforts to review gaps in the healthcare workforce to determine possible action to address any significant shortages.

Infrastructure Focus Area Chair: Tom McGovern

The quality of critical infrastructure directly impacts efforts within the state and the Tucson region to prosper economically and to build a high quality of life for its residents. This focus area is aimed at improving the regional infrastructure. Actions include: • Lead the Tucson Regional Water Coalition, engaging the private sector and governmental agencies to address local, state and federal water policy issues. This business group partnership is focused on regionalism and effective water management in the Tucson region. • Support the Land Use Vision Project, an outgrowth of the Tucson Regional Town Hall with the goal of developing a regional vision on land use. • Endorse and monitor the Regional Transportation Authority, Arizona Department of Transportation and Pima Association of Government Transit Initiatives. • Lead the Business Partners for Trade and Transportation to ensure the business community has a common voice and coordinated effort regarding the region’s infrastructure needs. • Lead the business community’s effort to identify and secure funding for the initial development and construction of Sonoran Corridor infrastructure connecting I-19 and I-10 south of Tucson International Airport. • Lead the business community’s efforts to identify and secure funding to complete the full buildout for SR-189. • Support the development of adequate infrastructure to facilitate increased commerce and trade with Mexico at the Mariposa Port of Entry, the Intermountain West Corridor/I-11 and the Sonoran Corridor, as well as rail needs.

Tucson Young Professionals


P-20 Education Focus Area

Co-Chairs: Rosey Koberlein, Steve Lynn and Donald Pitt SALC envisions a seamless and efficient P-20 education system that promotes outstanding achievement through high standards, a rigorous curriculum, accountability and community involvement. Only such efforts will ensure that all Southern Arizona children have the opportunity to reach their full potential. SALC’s major emphasis in K-12 education is support for Tucson Values Teachers, a program to attract, retain and support the very best teachers for Tucson’s children. SALC leads the Education Business Boardroom, a leadership idea exchange and development effort for K-12 District superintendents and SALC members. SALC endorses and monitors the Literacy for Life Coalition, UA Book Festival, P-20 Council, ABEC, RODEL AllA’s, Solutions Through Higher Education and Expect More Arizona. Actions include: • Partner with Tucson Values Teachers to attract and retain high quality teachers in every Southern Arizona classroom. • Lead the Education Business Boardroom, a leadership idea exchange and development effort for K-12 district superintendents and SALC members. • Engage Southern Arizona education leaders to better understand, and help them to address the challenges they face.

Tucson Values Teachers

From left – Katie Rogerson, COO, Tucson Values Teachers Colleen Niccum, CEO, Tucson Values Teachers


• Secure funding for early childhood education and full-day kindergarten for students living in poverty by 2022.

• Secure increases in K-12 per-pupil funding moving Arizona into the third quartile of all states by 2025. • Secure funding for state universities at 50 percent of the cost to educate Arizona students by 2022.

Strategic Initiatives Committee

Co-Chairs: Bruce Dusenberry and Warren Rustand The Strategic Initiatives Committee develops the legislative agenda for SALC with recommendations for action on pending legislation, initiatives and referendums for Board consideration. The committee also screens ideas and requests for SALC support on topics not covered under one of the SALC focus areas. The Strategic Initiatives Committee functions as SALC’s legislative arm as well as the main portal through which new ideas for SALC involvement will be reviewed and evaluated, whether the ideas come from inside SALC or outside. The committee has four key purposes: • Evaluate and recommend action on new initiatives of strategic value to Southern Arizona and the state for SALC board consideration. • Evaluate requests for SALC support and forward any recommendations for action to the SALC Board. • Coordinate SALC’s response to proposed legislation and ballot initiatives that do not fall under SALC focus areas. • Monitor ongoing SALC initiatives that do not fall under one of the above SALC focus areas. Source: Southern Arizona Leadership Council 2018 Policy Goals & Actions

Strategic Initiatives Committee

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Education Tops By David Pittman Now, more than ever, education is a priority of the Southern Arizona Leadership Council, which has a long history of championing the effort. “Education is the No. 1 issue among our members and it’s the No. 1 issue in the state right now,” said Ron Shoopman, CEO of SALC. “Parents are deeply concerned about their kids’ education. There is a growing discomfort among Arizonans that we are underfunding K-12 education.” A study released in January found Arizona’s education system woefully underfunded. The Quality Counts report by Education Week ranked Arizona in 50th place among the 50 states

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and Washington, D.C., for adjusted perpupil education spending. The study ranked Arizona in 46th place based on three factors: school finance, K-12 achievement, and chances for education success. SALC President Edward P. “Ted” Maxwell said school funding in Arizona is headed for a fiscal cliff because large revenue sources created by the passage of Prop. 301 and Prop 123 – which together provide about $600 million in school funding annually – are set to expire in 2021 and 2025, respectively. SALC is working with leaders around the state to renew both sources of capital.

Both Shoopman and Maxwell said action also is needed to solve a teacher retention crisis in the state. “Right now, 46 percent of new teachers are gone in three years,” said Shoopman. “They are leaving the profession entirely or going to other states. We started this school year with about 1,300 teacher vacancies, and in the first month 500 more quit.” Despite the dire outlook, both SALC leaders believe there is a real opportunity for education reform in Arizona and they want to be a part of it. Maxwell said Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey is very much aware of the state’s K-12 challenges. He said SALC will


SALC Priorities

Statewide Concerns Are Opportunity for Improvement

work closely with the governor, the Arizona Legislature and other stakeholders throughout the state to forge a new path forward for Arizona education. “While many are critical of the amount of money Gov. Ducey put in his education budget, 80 percent of the new money he put in his overall budget went for education,” Maxwell said. “The governor recognizes that education is a priority and a great deal of momentum is building around it.” The group also is targeting an effort to expand opportunities for vocational training that leads to certifications and excellent career opportunities. Shoopman believes a majority of

Parents are deeply concerned about their kids’ education. There is a growing discomfort among Arizonans that we are underfunding K-12 education.

– Ron Shoopman, CEO Southern Arizona Leadership Council

Arizonans support education reform and the state’s newly adopted goal, “Achieve60AZ.” A 2030 goal calls for 60 percent of Arizona high school graduates to complete additional training or college after graduation. Today that number is 43 percent. “We (SALC) put our time and energy where there is opportunity – and right now the landscape is ripe for education reform,” said Shoopman. “There are opportunities for education reform largely because it is seen by the general public across the state as being the biggest problem facing Arizona.” Biz


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Ronald E. Shoopman

Edward P. Maxwell

Shelley Watson




Pamela Speder

John Pedicone

Pamela Duncan Executive Assistant

Director of Economic Development

Director of Education Policy

Katherin Rogerson

Jim Kiser

Colleen M. Niccum

COO Tucson Value Teachers

Director of Governance

CEO Tucson Value Teachers

3497 North Campbell Avenue, Suite 703 Tucson, Arizona 85719

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SALC Members


Stan Abrams

Larry Aldrich

David Allen

Bonnie Allin

President SPA 550

Aldrich Capital

VP UA Tech Launch Arizona

President & CEO Tucson Airport Authority

Edward Altamirano

Hank Amos

Mara Aspinall

Bill Assenmacher

VP, Area Manager Chase Bank

President & CEO Tucson Realty & Trust Co.

President & CEO Health Catalysts

CEO CAID Industries

Paul August

Bruce Beach

Amy Beiter

Mark Benz

VP Biology Icagen

Chairman of the Board & Senior Advisor BeachFleischman

President & CEO Carondelet St. Mary’s Hospital

CEO Carondelet St. Joseph’s Hospital

Carmen Bermudez

Fred Boice

Chairman & CEO Mission Management & Trust Co.

President Boice Financial Company

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SALC Members


Kathy Bollinger

Don Bourn

Garry Brav

Zack Brooks

President, Arizona West Region Banner Health

President & CEO Bourn Companies

CEO BFL Construction Company

Associate Member Flinn Brown Fellow

Martha Brumfield

Don Budinger

Neal Cash

Rita Cheng

President & CEO Critical Path Institute

Founder & Former President Rodel Foundations

President & CEO Community Partners

President Northern Arizona University

Jack Clements

Jim Click

David Cohen

Mel Cohen

President The Clements Agency

President Jim Click Automotive

President BeachFleischman

Partner Mesch Clark Rothschild

Ann Costello

Jannie Cox

President Roche Tissue Diagnostics

CEO Meet Me Concepts

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SALC Members


Joe Coyle

Michael Crow

Marcel Dabdoub

Pat DeConcini

Principal & Managing Director The Patrick Group

President & Professor Arizona State University

Principal CID Holdings

Principal 4-D Properties

Chris Denzin

Don Diamond

John D’Orlando

Rob Draper

VP, Operations CenturyLink

Chairman Diamond Ventures, Inc.

President & Publisher Arizona Daily Star

President O’Rielly Chevrolet

Jon Dudas

Allison Duffy

Michael Duran

Bruce Dusenberry

Sr. VP & Secretary of the Univesrity University of Arizona

President Silverado Technologies

VP/Chief Development Officer TMC HealthCare/TMC Foundation

President Horizon Moving Systems

Ali Farhang Partner / Owner Farhang & Medcoff

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Ryan Flannagan

Harry George

CEO Nuanced Media

Managing Partner Solstice Capital

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SALC Members


Ryan George

Chris Gleason

Paulo Goes

David Goldstein

CEO Simpleview

CEO NextMed

Dean, Eller College of Management University of Arizona

President Diamond Ventures

George Gough

John Graham

Mike Hammond

Meredith Hay

Director, Government Affairs Monsanto Company

President & CEO Sunbelt Holdings

Chairman & CEO Cushman & Wakefield | PICOR

Professor, Physiology UA College of Medicine

Duff Hearon

Margaret Hepburn

Todd Hill

Ted Hinderaker

President Ashland Group

President & CEO Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona

VP, Region Manager Granite Construction Company

Partner Hinderaker, Rauh & Weisman

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Shawn R. Hollenbach

Mike Holmes

VP, Private Client Advisory Northern Trust Company

Associate Member Flinn Brown Fellow

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SALC Members


David Hutchens

Raena Janes

Lynette Jaramillo

Nancy Johnson

President & CEO Tucson Electric Power & UNS Energy Corp.

Owner RJ Homes Real Estate Group

CEO Casa de la Luz Hospice

CEO El Ro Community Health Center

Tim (TJ) Johnson

I. Michael Kasser

Thomas W. Keating

Chuck Kill

CEO HTG Molecular

President Holualoa Companies

President Trailhead Ventures

CEO Bedmart (retired)

Eileen Klein

Rosey Koberlein

George Krauja

Steve Lace

President Arizona Board of Regents

CEO Long Companies

Director Fennemore Craig

Executive VP Royal Automotive Group

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John Lai

Lee Lambert

Taylor Lawrence

CEO Mister Car Wash

Chancellor Pima Community College

President Raytheon Missile Systems

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SALC Members


Mike Levin

John Lewis

Lisa Lovallo

Steve Lynn

Executive VP Port of Tucson/Century Park Research Center

President & CEO Commerce Bank of Arizona

Market VP for Southern Arizona Cox Communications

Chief Strategy Officer Strongpoint Marketing

Clint Mabie

Kevin Madden

Jill Malick

Dewey Manzer

President & CEO Community Foundation for Southern Arizona

CEO Madden Media

VP Business Banking Manager Wells Fargo Bank

President & CEO MicronView

Edmund Marquez

JP Martin

Ross McCallister

Nancy McClure

Agency Owner The Edmund Marquez Allstate Agencies

Associate Member Flinn Brown Fellow

Principal MC Companies


Fletcher McCusker

Michael McDonald

CEO Uaventure Capital

CEO Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona

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SALC Members


Ian McDowell

Tom McGovern

David Mehl

Dennis Minano

Vice President & Regional Director, Tucson Sundt Construction

Principal Emeritus / Consultant Psomas

President Cottonwood Properties

Vice Chair Sonoran Institute

Omar Mireles

Mark Mistler

Ed Moomjian

Tom Morgan

President HSL Properties

President, Southern Arizona BBVA Compass Bank

Partner Rusing, Lopez & Lizardi

President & CEO Grayline Tours / Citizen Auto Stage Co.

Rick Myers

Dan Neff

Phong Ngo

Allan Norville

CEO Tempronics. Inc.

Chairman of the Board M3 Engineering & Technology

VP General Plasma

Owner Norville Investments / Gem & Jewelry Exchange


Odenkirk Executive VP, Southern Region Manager Alliance Bank of Arizona

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Hank Peck Partner TCI Wealth Advisors

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SALC Members


Tony Penn

Mitch Pisik

Donald Pitt

Jane Poynter

President & CEO United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona

President & CEO Pisik Consulting Group

Chairman of the Board Campus Research Corporation

CEO World View Experience

Jeff Prileson

Robert Ramirez

Manuel Ramos

Eric Renaud

Executive VP & CFO The Offshore Group

President & CEO Vantage West Credit Union

President & COO Asarco

President & CEO Pima Federal Credit Union

Judy Rich

Cody Ritchie

Dr. Robert C. Robbins

John-Paul Roczniak

President & CEO TMC HealthCare

President Crest Insurance Group

President University of Arizona

President & CEO University of Arizona Foundation

Bill Roe

Warren Rustand

Past Chairman Arizona Democratic Party

CEO Summit Capital Consulting

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SALC Members


Calline Sanchez

Michael Sarabia

Si Schorr

Jeremy Sharpe

VP, IBM Enterprise Systems Storage IBM

Principal / Designated Broker DESCO Southwest

Partner Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie

VP, Community Development Rancho Sahuarita

Keri Silvyn

Marc Simon

Neil Simon

Anita Simons

Attorney Lazarus, Silvyn & Bangs

Partner Snell & Wilmer

Partner Venture West

Associate Member Flinn Brown Fellow

Sarah Smallhouse

Jim Smith

Teri Spencer

Nan Stockholm Walden

President Thomas R. Brown Foundations

Executive VP Empire Southwest

President & CEO Ephibian

VP & Legal Counsel Farmers Investment Co.

Cristie Street Managing Partner & CEO Nextrio

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Phillip Swaim

Matthew Sweger

Principal Swaim Associates Architects

Partner Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie

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SALC Members


Greg Taylor

Steve Touché

Richard Underwood

Kip Volpe

Regional VP of Community Affairs Cenpatico Integrated Care

President Lovitt & Touché

President AAA Landscape

VP/Treasurer Estes Company

Richard Walden

Dr. Eric Walk

Matthew Wandoloski

Greg White

Chairman, President & CEO Farmers Investment Co.

Chief Medical & Scientific Officer Roche Tissue Diagnostics

VP Strategy and Informatics Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona

CFO, VP Finance Raytheon Missile Systems

Julie Williams

Jen Wong

Judy Wood

Bruce Wright

VP, So. AZ Division Southwest Gas Corporation

President Tucson Young Professionals

CEO Contact One Call Cente

Associate VP for University Research Parks Tech Parks Arizona


Ziehmer CEO Rincon Research Corporation

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John Zito VP of Arizona Business Unit Hudbay Minerals

continued on page 116 >>>

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