IPM 2017 bring-back output

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k c a b g n i r B Output

MC Now or Never, February 2017

Contents : 1. 2. 3. 4.

Intro to IPM Agenda blocks Key take-aways and ac>on steps Return on investment

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M P I o t rt o

Objec&ve of IPM 2017 The Interna>onal Presidents Mee>ng (IPM) is the annual conference with the purpose of empowering the Na>onal Presidents in their MCP roles, crea>ng a clear vision for themselves of the organiza>on, their term and the relevant issues the network faces, working towards the long-term development of the organiza>on, downscaling strategies, vision and training to ensure the performance in the current and future terms. IPM 2017 will be delivered by AIESEC Interna>onal in collabora>on with AIESEC in the Netherlands as final des>na>on in order to show the network the principles and processes of how to deliver conferences in terms of sustainability, structure and external engagement in accordance to the target audience and objec>ves of the conference. The conference took place from the 12th to the 19th of February 2017 in Venlo, The Netherlands. AIESEC in Slovakia had 3 delegates present in the conference - Tomáš as current MCP, Katka as elected MCP and Laur as elected MCP for AIESEC in Czech Republic. Together with the rest of our MC Now Or Never we hosted a one-day event to discuss the followup aZer this conference. This document contains our output.

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s k c o l b a d en

Agenda blocks

Being CEO

Crea,ng Genera,on 16-20

MCP capacity building in management and leadership.

2020 Roadmap Clarity and the contribu>on of each en>ty.

Taking care of our common future Global decision making (PAI selec>on and legisla>on).

Full agenda

y e K

s y a w a e at k

AIESEC 2020 Roadmap projects During Day 3, 4 and 5 we went through the global planning process. It’s objec>ve was to tackle the remaining Roadmap projects for the 1617 term, define what needs to happen by the end of this MC term and divide responsibili>es. Based on impact-feasibility matrix we chose the following 6 projects, that we as MC Now Or Never will finish by the end of our term: Strategy 3: Organisa,onal design and evolu,on 1. TM refreshment Strategy 4: Open, mul,-sided plaForm & customer experience 1. Embedding LDM assessment in opera>ons 2. Customer flow implementa>on 3. Improving placorm & evolving OP Strategy 5: Organisa,onal legality & financial sustainability 2. IT tool 4. Financial & legal educa>on

Strategy 3: Organisa&onal design and evolu&on Project 1: TM refreshment Type of project:

Pilot - implementa>on will be driven and coordinated by AI.


Ensure, that the way we lead and manage our membership is aligned with the organisa>on we want to be in the future and refresh our TM processes in order to be able to do that.

Key deliverables:

Refreshed TM processes Competency model deďŹ ned

Key ini,a,ves:

Implementa>on of refreshed team standards Refresh TM processes TM commission management Create a selec>on tool based on LDQs Yudy: • Wait for AI to release pilot guidelines and then further update the network

MC responsible:

Strategy 4: Open, mul&-sided plaMorm & customer experience Project 1: Embedding LDM assessment into opera&ons Type of project:

Founda>onal - every en>ty needs to implement this project in order to move forward


Integra>on of Leadership Development Assessment tool into our ac>vi>es, making sure that we have a personal assessment for every single person going through an AIESEC experience, whether it’s an EP or a member.

Key deliverables:

100% of members (currently 27%) and customers (currently 35%) take LDA Organisa>on adjusts it’s processes based on LDA results

Key ini,a,ves:

Increasing response rate of EPs - Jake, Kika, Laur: • ensure communica>on of this with EP during evalua>on and with EP manager (align with E2E partners) before realiza>on Increasing response rate of members - Yudy: • first LDA took in the first PA mee>ng, goal sejng should be based on LDA results • second LDA took before applying to higher posi>on or at exit interview How to use data to shape opera>ons - Jake, Kika, Laur, Yudy: • use LDA results with each goal sejng (PAM or IPS/mid-exp/OPS/RIS) • quarterly evaluate LDA response rate MC deliverables: • co-create frameworks for touchpoints and educate the network

MC responsible:

Strategy 4: Open, mul&-sided plaMorm & customer experience Project 2: Customer ow implementa&on Type of project:

Founda>onal - every en>ty needs to implement this project in order to move forward


Evolve our organisa>onal processes to be able to focus on leadership development and value delivery.

Key deliverables:

En>>es reaching 100% CF implementa>on (currently 50%)

Key ini,a,ves:

The only 2 missing points are LEAD based on deďŹ ning elements and 100% exchange standards implemented. As this was already previously planned, the ac>on steps to implement this are included in the output of MC re-planning.

MC responsible:

Strategy 4: Open, mul&-sided plaMorm & customer experience Project 3: Improving plaMorm & evolving OP Type of project:

Founda>onal - every en>ty needs to implement this project in order to move forward


The YOP should be in constant improvement mode and evolu>ons should be evaluated regularly. Improvements to the placorm will increase conversions.

Key deliverables:

Improve UX of the placorm, make it mobile-friendly and improve APIs.

Key ini,a,ves:

Whole team: • test the beta version of YOP 3.0 and send a report to AI Pavla, Laur: • reserve >me for a mee>ng on Friday, March 3rd when the YOP 3.0 will be launched • adjust lead nurturing content and guidelines according to the YOP 3.0 • once the YOP 3.0 is launched, double-check if our links on the website work and edit if required Katka: • adjust opportunity pos>ng guideline based on the new fields in YOP 3.0 Jake, Kika: • post new opportuni>es according to the refreshed OP pos>ng guideline

MC responsible:

Strategy 5: Organisa&onal legality & financial sustainability Project 2: IT tool Type of project:

Innova>on - the project is open for innova>on, up to the global network to drive


Allow the organisa>on to have real->me financial data to take decisions that enable achievement of AIESEC 2020.

Key deliverables:

Ensure that en>>es are using an IT accoun>ng soZware to collect financial data Ensure that en>>es use global structure when repor>ng data to GFB

Key ini,a,ves:

Ada: • implement WAVE accoun>ng soZware according to this >meline • with SOGA and GFB survey for Q1 adjust repor>ng data according to the GFB structure

MC responsible:

Strategy 5: Organisa&onal legality & financial sustainability Project 4: Financial & legal educa&on Type of project:

Founda>onal - every en>ty needs to implement this project in order to move forward


Develop a financial and legal framework to implement in the network, enabling massive external and governmental rela>ons to drive growth.

Key deliverables:

Create finance and legal standards. Drive en>>es to implement the standards.

Key ini,a,ves:

Ada: • drive implementa>on of finance and legal standards through the LCVP F network • execute external audit by the end of 1617 term (more in MC re-planning output) Suso, Katka: • prepare a framework for educa>on of LCPs on finance and legality (possibly with an external partner), ensure delivery from March onwards

MC responsible:

e g n a h c x e d e h s e r f e R ! s d r a d n ts a Expect more informa>on in the upcoming LC visit.

n O n r u t e R t n e m t s ve n I

ROI of IPM 2017 Per delegate


Delegate fee



Damage fee






Incl. VAT



The overall cost of IPM 2017 for AIESEC in Slovakia was €871,20, which is the direct cost of the conference. Travel costs to and from the conference were not covered from the budget of AIESEC in Slovakia. Calcula>ng return on this kind of investment requires a longer >me period, because we need to see what results will the before-men>oned strategies bring to our organisa>on. What we can assess right now is that both MCPs consider asendance in IPM a valuable benefit, making them more skilled in their MCP experience. It also allows us to stay aligned with the global direc>on and get updated on the latest trends. Last, but not least it’s important to men>on representa>on of our en>ty in the global network, which brings a lot of smaller benefits (peer-to-peer learning, support for E2E partnerships, etc.).

Contacts for MC Now Or Never : In case you have ques>ons for any of this, feel free to contact us:

Pavla Raba&nová B2C MarkeQng

Laur Nastasoiu CX-Youth

Katarína Kubáňová B2B MarkeQng

Kris]na Kancková CX-OrganisaQons

Jakub Malachovský CX-Companies

Adriána Filipová Finance

Marta Hlavatá Yudhveer Singh Business Development Talent Management

Tomáš Susedík MCP

+421 902 918 226

+421 902 918 225

+421 902 918 220

+421 902 918 224

+421 902 911 465

+421 902 918 223

+421 948 918 219

+421 902 918 222

+421 902 918 221










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