U N S T OP P A B L E FACI Application LEAD 2021 2nd Round
Agenda Manager Message Dear Applicant, Thank you for considering applying to be part of LEAD 2021 as faci. LEAD is a national conference organized by AIESEC in Slovakia for current and elect EBs.
Angela Pascal Agenda manager
As one of the last touchpoints for EB currents and the ďŹ rst common touchpoint for EB elects, this conference has the objective to facilitate the closing of the EB experience for EB currents and support to kickstart the new term for the EB elects. LEAD 2021 will be facilitated online for the ďŹ rst time, and for this occasion we are looking for passionate facis to join the Conference Team and deliver this amazing experience! Check the rest of the booklet for more details.
Faci pROFILE ❏
❏ ❏
Current/past EB, EST, MC experience(except current EBs of AIESEC in Slovakia) Previous participation in TtT or iTtT conferences is preferred, but not mandatory Past facilitator experience Flexible & adaptable
❏ ❏ ❏
Excellent English skills Creative & thinking outside of box Time availability for session preparation before the conference Time availability to attend faci touchpoints(dry-runs, pre-meeting, etc.)
Conference information Conference Dates
15-17th January
Session Outlines Dry-Run
17th December
PPT Dry-Run
11th January
Conference Pre-meeting
12-13th January
Application timeline 9th December
17th-18th December
Application Release
Application DDL
16th December
19th December
General Questionnaire 1.
Mention your name, Whatsapp number, email address, previous experience in AIESEC & mention highlights of your faci experience.
Please prepare a max. 3 min video: introduce yourself, what is your motivation to apply as faci for LEAD 2021 and what will be your unique contribution to the conference.
Please make a list of at least 5 topics that you prefer and are the most comfortable with to deliver.
As you know, the conference will be online. What are a few ways that can allow you to keep the delegates engaged throughout the whole session?
If selected, you will be delivering sessions for EBs (currents or elects). Please prepare a session outline that you would deliver to EB currents. The objective of the session is for EB currents to reect upon how AIESEC as an organization contributed to their development. The duration of the session is 60 minutes.
Application Instructions ❏ Please send the application in .pdf format to angela.pascal@aiesec.sk, until 16th December, 23.59 gmt+1 ❏ Include the video in the application or as an accessible link ❏ All applications will go through pre-screening first
Thank you and best of luck!