Mid Coast Maine

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Waterfront Property Section Pages 21-29


Real EstateBook速 Volume 22, Issue 8


COVER HOME: Southport Boathouse Cottage Property details on page(s) 4.

CONTACT: Tindal & Callahan Real Estate 207/633-6711 www.tindalandcallahan.com

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10:46 AM

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COLDWELL BANKER SOUNDVEST PROPERTIES “Exposing your property to more buyers than any other local real estate company.”

147 Park Street, Rockland

For More Info Text T834176 to 85377

ROCKLAND* Cozy bungalow upgraded for modern living. Close to downtown. Upgraded kitchen & electrical panel. Every surface restored. $197,000

For More Info Text T1553813 to 85377

THOMASTON* Beautiful old Maine farmhouse features hardwood floors, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, newer roof and boiler and attached barn. $139,000

For More Info Text T1050241 to 85377

ROCKLAND* Striking historic home updated for modern living. New kitchen, bathrooms, heating, plumbing and electrical systems. $254,000



For More Info Text T781833 to 85377

THOMASTON* Well cared for 3 bdrm home minutes from schools, shopping & harbor. New laminate flooring, newer roof. Landscaped yard. $139,500

For More Info Text T1526222 to 85377

ROCKLAND* Great in-town farm house with lots of original charm. Features 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, high ceilings & french doors. $155,000

For More Info Text T1547362 to 85377

ROCKLAND* Four unit apartment building located in the heart of the city. Each unit has 2 bedrooms. Great investment for the money. $160,000

For More Info Text T1526271 to 85377

THOMASTON* Country living close to town! 3 bedroom home ideal for entertaining. Walk out daylight basement, great landscaping. $199,999

For More Info Text T1526030 to 85377

SOUTH THOMASTON* Peaceful 2 acre lot with southern views of Ballyhac Cove. 2 bdrm house offers one floor living with oversize deck. $258,000

For More Info Text T1535684 to 85377

THOMASTON* Well cared for Cape with barn. Fireplaces, deck, 1st floor bdrm option. New roof, windows, heating system & insulation. $149,900

Another great reason to list your property with Coldwell Banker SoundVest Properties.

When we sell your home we will donate $50.00 in your name to the Humane Society of Knox County. Each office independently owned and operated.



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2 Bay View Street Camden, Maine 04843

207-236-7000 888-236-7015




Large, sun drenched Cape, private setting, 1st floor master, hardwood & tile floors, updated kitchen with granite counters, gas fireplace in LR, formal dining room, finished walkout basement w/3rd garage bay access. Immaculate condition. Sandy Cox extension 11 $569,000

18 homes nestled inside a 30 acre picturesque gated community overlooking Pen Bay. Adirondack inspired architecture throughout. Inground pool & cabana, tennis court, nature trails.

L INCOLNVILLE -Entire subdivision for sale. 7 approved lots. 14+ acres. Paved road, cul-de-sac & underground power in place. Lots are surveyed. Chuck Brawn extension 19 $375,000

ROCKPORT Excellent location for residential or commercial use. Three bedroom home with 2 outbuildings. Minutes from the harbor and downtown. Chuck Brawn extension 19 $89,000

A. Flint Decker extension 10

HOPE Hobbs Pond, beautiful waters edge,

Starting at $190,900


3 season lakefront home with 2BR/1BA and 2BR/1BA guest house. Garage w/storage. Serene and peaceful. Sandy Cox extension 11 $289,000

Well maintained light filled Victorian, wood floors, open floor plan, center kitchen island & well landscaped yard. 3 large bedrooms, full basement. Sandy Cox extension 11 $309,000

WARREN 3+ bdrms & 2 baths on 3.8 acres of land, nicely landscaped with large yard in private setting. Access to Oyster River. Beth Smith extension 15 $214,500

W ARREN Tastefully remodeled, welldesigned Home with the latest amenities. Situated with approx. 400' of water frontage on Oyster River. Beth Smith extension 15 $199,000






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Meriwether Gill (207) 706-6242

66 Elm Street, Camden, ME 04843 207-236-4777 • www.tcreal.com



ROCKPORT: Renovated Farmhouse w/attached barn ideal for business or studio w/private & public ent. High traffic area, ample parking. $172,900 #1087559





CUSHING: Unique opportunity to own a waterfront saltwater farm. 44+/- acres w/150’ of waterfrontage, hayfields, lg barn, stables, shed & private waterfront cabin. The barn is perfect for animals-horses, cows, sheep, alpacas. $575,000 #1097453

THOMASTON: Well maintained, move-in ready ‘02 Astro w/3BR, 2BA. MBR w/huge WIC, MBA w/garden tub/shower. Lg KIT & FP in LR. $38,500 #1083689

CAMDEN: Updated 1810 Federal home retains period charm. Chef’s KIT, 2 FP, sunrm, gardens, greenhouse, & 3 c grg on lg corner lot. $780,000 #1080510

ST. GEORGE: Charming 3BR 2BA “Lilac Cottage” w/spacious guest suite above grg just steps to private swimming quarry, beach, or dock. $298,000 #1087891

SOUTH THOMASTON: 150’ of waterfront on Weskeag River. Walking distance to town. Sunroom w/loft, deck, farmer’s porch, 2-c grg & more. $219,000 #1088378

WALDOBORO: Newer construction! 3BR 2.5BA Colonial on 1.88 ac. Open concept design, gas FP, large back deck & 2 c attached grg. $239,000 #1072659


WALDOBORO: Classic 1870’s Farmhouse in same family since 1942. Established raspberries, blueberries & garden plot. $114,900 #1096578 Call CHRIS 236-4777

SWAN LAKE: Affordable camp on Swan Lake. 300 sqft deck extends over the water w/stairs down to your very own beach & dock. $97,500 #1045353 Call LISA 236-4777

CUSHING: Great yr round or seasonally. Totally renovated Cape w/center chimney FP. Waterviews & 50’ frontage across rd. $254,700 #1080085 Call JUNE 236-4777

APPLETON: Sweeping views of Moody Mtn & Camden Hills. Shingled cape on 6 ac w/open flr plan. Gardens, att 2 c, breezeway, high end features.$459,000 #1078131 Call TIM 3230440 Text T957893 to 85377




LINCOLNVILLE: One floor living on 5+ ac. 3 BR, 2 c grg, FP in LR. Off Rt 1 w/out bldg on Rt 1 suitable for home occupation. $180,000 #1097295 Call PAT 236-4777








ROCKLAND: Walking distance to shops, restaurants & waterfront! Well-kept home w/restored wood flrs, new vinyl siding & roof shingles. $163,000 #1094301

ROCKPORT: Charming Cape in desirable subdiv. 1st flr MBR; 2BR & BA upstairs. Gas FP in LR. Lg deck off KIT. FR w/wdstv. $260,000 Call KATHRYN 557-0785



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66 Elm Street Camden, ME 04843

Belfast, ME 04915



143 High Street







BELFAST: Wrap around water views of upper harbor. Contemporary design w/4 BD, radiant foolr heat & more. $549,000 #1049184 call BILL Text T19463 to 85377

SEARSPORT: Charming Cape close to shopping, museum, the coast and more. Move-in condition. #1046995 $155,900 Call JUDY Text T543421 to 85377

BROOKS: Well maintained 3 bdrm home on nice wooded lot w/stream. Finished space in basement. $132,900 #1087671 Call JUDY Text T1049285 to 85377

BROOKS: One story 3 Bdrm 2 bath ranch with barn, above ground pool and beautiful lot. Close to town. $124,000 #1077603 Call JUDY Text T575039 to 85377

JACKSON: Efficient home w/views on 8.55 ac. South facing, passive solar w/open flrplan, 3 BD, 2 BA,& 2-car attached garage. $269,000 #1062563 Call JUDY Text T752949 to 85377

SEARSPORT: Beautiful 4BD/1.5BA home w/fireplace, tin ceiling, bay window, & lrg master BD. $227,800 #1032405 CALL JUDY Text T447431 to 85377

BELFAST: Nice 2 bdrm 1 bath cape in need of TLC min. from town on a very nice lot w/new detached garage. $75,000 #1074421 Call JUDY Text T973879 to 85377

FRANKFORT: Cozy off-the-grid home w/1st flr BD & BA, 2nd floor guestroom or studio. 5 ac lot. $108,000 #1047671 Call ELAINE Text T639840 to 85377

BELFAST: Half ac+ building lot. Lightly wooded, public water & Electric @ street, septic design available. $14,000 #1068170 call ELAINE Text T1553498 to 85377


BELFAST: Water views from most rooms. ROW to shore. Cottage style w/room for guests & gracious entertaining. Kitchen w/quartz counters & walk-in pantry. Lovely landscaping. $585,000 #1081996 Call ELAINE Text T1049312 to 85377




STOCKTON SPRINGS: Immaculate ranch w/2-car garage. Energy efficient 3 bdrm home near mid-coast amenities. $123,900 #1093126 call ELAINE Text T19497 to 85377





MONTVILLE: Horse Farm on 56 ac. Barn w/stables. One level 3 BD contemporary home w/recent upgrades. $379,000 #1093290 call BILL Text T1553468 to 85377

SEARSMONT: Renovated double-wide w/add on 12 ac w/landscaped yard. Radiant flr heat in baths. $139,000 #1090637 call ELAINE Text T1553492 to 85377

SWANVILLE: Cottage w/gravel beach, lrg deck & 36' dock. Boathouse w/upstairs sleeping space. $165,000 #1090971 call PETE Text T1553479 to 85377

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(207) 338-6800 107 Main Street Belfast, ME 04915

Thelma Bowen

(207) 323-4244

For More Info





Text: T976175 to 85377

BELMONT Quality built & designed with pride. This immaculate home offers the warmth of hardwood flooring ,oak staircase,wood stove on brick hearth plus updated appliances. Second story garage space for loft or game room . Add’l detached garage. $225,000

Jeanna Bonin

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For More Info

Text: T1520039 to 85377

SWANVILLE Mobile home w/improvements to several areas. More work needs to be done but unique finished bsmnt area,lg garage & pleasant lot makes this a project well worth considering. Garage is nice & lot is level with shade trees.Home is being sold 'as is'. $79,300

Text: T1040246 to 85377

(207) 322-6250


MORRILL Charming farmhouse w/wrap around porch, renovated kitchen and baths, exposed beam and hearth in eat in kitchen, Mudroom with Laundry and storage. Attached 2-car garage. 72 x 136 indoor riding arena and 42 x 42 barn, up to 8 horse stalls, run ins & pasture. $525,000

LuAnne Adams

(207) 322-5930 For More Info



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Text: T983820 to 85377

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Text: T158918 to 85377

STOCKTON SPGS Wonderfully renovated Victorian farmhouse on almost 2ac. Beautiful P&B barn w/garage under. Hardwd flrs, pocket drs, wainscoting. Updated kitchen & baths. Great price!!!! $139,900

For More Info

Text: T251684 to 85377

BELFAST Wonderful older Intown 3 bdrm 1.5 bth Cape on large lot. Walk to downtown & waterfront. Move-in condition,great neighborhood, large manicured lawn in back. Nice place to raise a family. Wood heat for backup & Family rm. $184,900


Marilyn Caron Thorell


(207) 322-2679


Text: T1536995 to 85377


(207) 323-0789

For More Info

WALDO Efficient 4BR, 1Bath, Updated kitchen, stainless app.,Rannai heat,on demand h/w,gas range & a h/u for gas dryer in place. Text $159,000


Edna Delano



Text: T1528851 to 85377

SWANVILLE Cape w/privacy on 2 ac., bright & sunny, 2BR/2BA. Full bsmnt, 2+ Car garage. Additional acreage is available. mls#1094708 $185,000

BELFAST. Awesome 12 rm, 3 bath home w/Ocean/Mtn view; 10 ac.; 3 mi/Town; Gorgeous Kit.; Formal DR w/fplce; Mst BR Suite, Hot Tub; Lg Deck; Game Rm. MLS #996699. $385,000

For More Info

Text: T747525 to 85377

SWANVILLE WATERFRONT w/Private 90' Beach. Amazing Cottage on a Serene & Secluded Site w/Gorgeous Views; Completely Furnished; 2 Full Baths; Cathedral Ceilings; Rock Frplc; Den; Sunroom; Eat-in Kitchen. MLS#1088499 $350,000

13201.22.8.009:6 strip ads


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(207) 338-6800 107 Main Street Belfast, ME 04915



Annie Higbee

(207) 542-8302


SO. THOMASTON Sweet Farmhouse with 4+BR. Many original features. Property to include house, garage & 2 acres. There will be a 30ft. ROW from St. George Rd. to waterfront lots. Property excludes wood lot. $269,900

For More Info

Text: T1518452 to 85377

ST.GEORGE Open concept 4BD in-town home has new kitchen w/custom blt ctr island & new SS appliances. Potential for in-law or sep. entry for home biz or 1st flr mstr. 2-car gar. Well below assessed value! $239,000

For More Info

Text: T1552882 to 85377

BELFAST Waterfront building lot on protected inner harbor. City water & sewer, sw exposure, and access to outer harbor and beyond. Nice walk to town over ped. bridge. Across from new marina. $150,000

For More Info

Text: T947782 to 85377

Kathy Loblein

(207) 323-3422


LINCOLNVILLE A lovely two bedroom, ranch home, with private back yard, conveniently located between Belfast and Camden. The livingroom is large and has a beautiful brick fireplace. The master bedroom is spacious, and sunny. $159,000

For More Info

Text: T1553252 to 85377

Crosby Manor Estates A distinctive condominium community on Penobscot Bay in Belfast, Maine. Convenient in-city location. Short walking distance to downtown waterfront. Visit us by boat or by car off Route 1.








Brokers Welcome

Selling: 3-story luxury condominiums just

Resale: Carefree Living: 2-

250 ft. from the water’s edge. Upper and lower decks. Approximately 3,000 sq.ft., 3 bedrooms, 4-1/2 baths, master-bedroom suite. $450,000

story, 3-bdrm, family-den, 21/2 bath condominium with galley kitchen, walk-in pantry, water view and more.$279,000


Maine McLean Group, LLC 49 Bayside Dr., Belfast, ME 04915 • Toll Free 1-888-438-4422 • www.oceancondo.com



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Text T1559068 to 85377

Experience Working For You

SEARSPORT Many updates including fully applianced kitchen open to living & dining rm. 2nd flr master w/full bath, 2 bdrms w/bath. Dbl pantry, att. 2 car garage in private setting close to Swan Lake Pk.. $159,900 Text T20324 to 85377

www.mainecountryandcoast.com 207-342-3040 (office)

OWLS HEAD Lovely & spacious 3BR raised ranch in super condition. New roof 2013, private fenced rear yard, and gas frplce in LR. 2car direct entry garage, newer appliances. Seasonal ocean views. $235,000 Text T1524435 to 85377

Esther Darres cell: 323-0740 edarres@maineccre.com NORTHPORT...Enchanting Landscaping & private back deck to enjoy Maines natural setting. Just 2 miles from Lincolnville Beach w/ restaurants and the Islesboro Ferry. Call for Appt. ALL CONTENTS INCLUDED $198K Text T1559069 to 85377

Maurice Darres 342-3040 zipdarres@yahoo.com Puzz Caswell cell: 323-0270 pcaswell@maineccre.com

BELFAST Adorable 1950’s 2-3Bdrm house, garage, shed and adjacent 2400 sf of commercial space on Route 3 with many possibilities. Currently is Nancy’s Sewing Center. Business inventory negotiable. $125,000 Text T1559070 to 85377

Keith Davie cell: 450-1933 kdavie@maineccre.com

Nicki Dunbar cell: 458-0886 ndunbar@maineccre.com BELFAST Sweet house with a 2 car garage, bright & sunny lot, minutes from downtown Belfast. Hardwood flrs, private rear deck, easy maintenance. Large garage with paved driveway. Popular one floor living. $119,999

Dan Bonin cell: 323-5304 dbonin@maineccre.com

WALDO Take the worry out of the first stages of developing a raw piece of land. Driveway, Well,Septic, 28X44 Full Daylight Foundation w/windows, patio & single doors. Radiant heat in flr, bath/ laundry, 2BDs LR,Kit. $99,000

230 Searsport Avenue Belfast, Maine 04915

FMI Text T1514076 to 85377

SWANVILLE-$239,500 62 A of pasture/woodland, totally renovated cape with 3-4 bdrms, wood floors, hand built cabinets, 2 barns, garden areas and so much more.

FMI Text T632659 to 85377

OWLS HEAD -$125,000 Double wide (2007) 3 bdrm,2 bath almost new! FP, Master suite,1.9 acres,open floor plan, detached 2 car garage.

(207) 338-2422

FMI Text T868265to 85377

BELFAST- $169,900, 3 Bdrm,1 Bath, intown w/attached barn.Bonus room up/garage down. Walk to almost everything.

FMI Text T682755 to 85377

LINCOLNVILLE-$129,900 LOCATION, LOCATION! Classic farmhouse, wonderful setting. 3.27 country acres, 3 bdrm. Easy commute to Belfast or Camden.

FMI Text T826244 to 85377

SEARSMONT-$110,000 Roomy farmhouse on approx. 5 A, with 346’ on St. George River. Eat-in country kitchen, DR & more. Room to build on the river.

FMI Text T944083 to 85377 STOCKTON SPRINGS-$134,900 Charming 2-3 bdrm, 2 bath log home on 2 acres. Private setting. Well maintained, move in!

“Good Real Estate Friends” www.grfrealestate.com



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for more info Text T138948 to 85377

for more info Text T138949 to 85377

LINCOLNVILLE 9 turnkey 1 & 2 BR fully furnished seasonal rental cottages, some with peeks of ocean and a 2BR/1BA year-round owner’s qtrs. Terrific seasonal business w/excellent occupancy. $495,000 for more info Text T372465 to 85377

LINCOLNVILLE Located in the historic district just yards from the ocean. This 10 unit, 3 cottage & 3 bdrm 1 bath owners qtrs is in immaculate condition as is the grounds. $525,000

Charles Hunter

for more info Text T375884 to 85377

ABR, RECS, e-PRO MONTVILLE Privacy on your own large mtn top parcel of land with awesome views of Kingdom Bog & mtns. Get away from all the noise on this tranquil piece of land where wildlife abounds. $129,900

LINCOLNVILLE Build your home on top of the hill with oustanding views and close to Camden and Belfast. $41,300

for more info Text T787249 to 85377

for more info Text T372380 to 85377

122 Lincolnville Ave. Belfast, ME 04915 PALERMO Great views on this parcel of overgrown fields and useable waterfrontage on Dowe Pond for year-round use or seasonal use. Well finished gravel road in place takes you close to the end of the property. Owner Financing. $79,900 for more info Text T548591 to 85377

800-577-1473 • 207-462-5285 207-338-4220 ext. 115

marchas@acadia.net www.realestatemaine.net for more info Text T19931 to 85377

SEARSPORT Great views of the ocean and mountains from this gorgeous piece of land 1.4 ac in a newer sub division with paved roads in place. Build your home in a peaceful setting. $39,900 for more info Text T372381 to 85377

SEARSPORT Build your home w/picturesque views up & down Penobscot Bay. 165 ft of oceanfront enhances this property. Rough road in place & soils test done. Sub dividable & town water avail. $550,000

SWANVILLE Great 35 acre lot with Lake views and deeded access to Swanlake.Close to Belfast and the coast. $70,000

for more info Text T851362 to 85377

for more info Text T1073726 to 85377

BELFAST Charming 4 bedroom 1 bath home built in 1995 but has a 2 bedroom septic which could be expanded. Easy commute to downtown Belfast. $114,000

LINCOLNVILLE Great condition double wide with fireplace and a 30’x36’ insulated workshop garage in a nice area of Lincolnville and short drive to Camden or Belfast. This property has a lot to offer. $139,000

NORTHPORT Awesome potential views of the Penobscot Bay from this two bedroom 1 bath home with view easment.Priced to sell fast. $115,000

for more info Text T779849 to 85377

for more info Text T750586 to 85377

WALDO This is part of a larger parcel. Gorgeous property consisting of a 3 bdrm 2 bath dble wide and a rental 1 bdrm 1 bath cottage w/2 other out bldgs on 3 landscaped acres close to Belfast. $129,000

STOCKTON SPRINGS Immaculate 4BR,2.5BA & 1 car garage updated Townhome with wood flrs, large spacious deck overlooking the Harbor & Marina, open concept w/cathedral ceiling & frplce. $230,000

STOCKTON SPRINGS Awesome condition 4BR/2.5 BA end unit Townhome w/propane Frplce & views of Harbor & fabulous Sunsets. Relax in the pool area or on your own Balcony overlooking the Harbor and Marina. Selling below assessed value. $219,900

for more info Text T288078 to 85377

THORNDIKE Great bldg sites with fields & nice farm soils for your new home. 5 lots avail. starting at $16,600 for lot 2. All lots have easy access from a Paved Rd & electricity at the rd. Starting at $16,600 for more info Text T372480 to 85377

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SWANVILLE - 1.3 Acre Lot 1.5 Miles to Swan Lake. 7 Mi. to Belfast & Ocean. Broker Owned. $12,900. Text T19932 to 85377

STOCKTON SPRINGS - 2.74 Ac. 2 mi. to ocean. Camp w/elec., new septic not hooked up. Searsport 6 mi., Belfast 11 Mi. $45,000.

NORTHPORT - 4 +- Acre Lot. Quiet Country Setting. 1 Mile from Ocean, 2 Miles to Bayside. 3 Miles to Belfast. $31,900.

NORTHPORT - Comm. Rte 1 Loc. 2.4 Ac. 3 Mi. to Belfast. 450’+- Front. Was a Rest. 12 Mi.to Camden $169,000. Text T602382 to 85377. Text T602382 to 85377

NORTHPORT - Unique & charming. Private setting. 2 Story Barn/workshop, Animal stall, & custom Chicken House. landscaped. $239,000.

KNOX - Large Garage with an apartment. 10 Miles to Belfast & ocean. call Jeanne $115,000. Text T19951 to 85377

NORTHPORT - 5 Bed 2 Bath Farmhouse. 2 acres. 4 Mi. to Lincolnville Beach, Saturday Cove 1 Mi., Bayside 5.5 Mi.,Belfast 8 Mi.,Camden 9 Mi. $89,900.

NORTHPORT - Temple Heights - Water Views!! Throw a rock to Ocean. Frontage on Shore Rd & High St. POSSIBLE OWNER FINANCING $138,000. Text T19960 to 85377

SWANVILLE - 2 Bedroom 2 Bath home. 2 Car Garage. Close to Swan Lake. 7 Miles to Belfast & the Ocean. $49,900.

WALDO - 32 +- Acres. Frontage on 2 Roads Several small streams & pond. 5 Mi. to Belfast & Ocean. $26,000. Text T1551810 to 85377

SWANVILLE - Largest Island in Toddy Pond. Own your own private island. IT’S ALL WATER FRONT! 12’x 16’camp. $119,900.

SWANVILLE - 1 Ac. Water view Lot. deeded access to Swan Lake. 7 Mi. to Belfast & ocean. Possible Owner Financing $29,500. Text T19942 to 85377

NORTHPORT - Antique Cape. on 5 acres. 3 B, 2 Bath. 2 Mi.to Ocean. 5 to Bayside. 6 to Belfast. $165,000. Text T602420 to 85377

SEARSPORT-Quality 3 Bed 2.5 Bath. Water View Home. Open fl.plan. Central air. FPl. Cust.Kit. 1st Flr Master Bed w/bath & walkin cl. Deck, Mudrm. Deck. $299,900.

NORTHPORT - Newer 3 Bedroom 1.5 Bath Home. Large sunny yard. 4 Mi. to Belfast. 5 Mi. to Bayside & Ocean. $159,900.

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NORTHPORT - 1.17 Acre home site. 2.5 Mi. to Ocean & Bayside. 4 Mi.to Belfast. 12 Mi. to Camden. $34,900. Text T19979 to 85377

NORTHPORT - 3 Bedroom 3 Bath home. 3 Miles to Ocean, Bayside or Belfast. 15 Mi. to Camden. $159,900. Text T19975 to 85377. Text T19975 to 85377

NORTHPORT - Trailer LOT - Soil tested, surveyed. 3 mi. to Saturday Cove & Ocean. Belfast 7 Mi., Camden 13 Mi. $29,900. Text T19966 to 85377

SEARSPORT - Ocean View Lot. 3 Miles to Belfast. 2.5 Mi. to Searsport. Lot next to this one also for sale. $34,900. Text T1551814 to 85377

NORTHPORT - 1.07 Acre house lot. 3 miles to Belfast, Bayside, ocean, Golf Course, or Yacht Club. $24,900. Text T19967 to 85377

BROOKS - SANBORN POND - Small Cute Seasonal Camp. Compost toilet. $85,000.

SWANVILLE - 3 Lots. 4.18 Acres, Field, Level, Sunny, 1.5 mi. to Swan Lake, 7 Mi. to Belfast & Ocean. $35,000. Text T19981 to 85377

NORTHPORT - TEMPLE HEIGHTS - Water Views!! Throw a rock to Ocean. Frontage on Shore Rd & High St. POSSIBLE OWNER FINANCING $138,000. Text T19960 to 85377

NORTHPORT - 3.2 Acre lot 2 Miles to the Ocean & Saturday Cove. 7 Miles to Belfast. $15,000.

WARREN - 2006 Medical Building on Camden Rd(Rte 90). Move in cond.6 Mi.to Camden. Engin.& survey plans for 4,758 sq.ft. Therapy Ctr. $229,900.

NORTHPORT - Ocean view lot in Temple Heights. ROW to Ocean. Over looking Penobscot Bay & Islands. approx 300’ to Ocean. $79,000 Text T19945 to 85377

NORTHPORT - 70’x 60’ Comm. Building on 3 Acres. Frontage on Rte 1 & Cross St. 3 mi. to Belfast & 15 mi. to Camden. $139,900. Text T1551815 to 85377

NORTHPORT - 5 Bed 3.5 Bath Cape. Gran.Firepl.,Porch, Patio, Pool, Bayside & Ocean 2 Mi., Belfast 3 Mi.,Camden 13 Mi. $489,000.

BELFAST - Private 3 Bed 2 Bath Ocean View Home. 2 Garages. workshop. Landscaped. Tar Drive. Move in Cond. $280,000. Text T1551812 to 85377

ROCKPORT - Walk to village , library, and ocean. Quiet dead end street. Large house with 3 kitchens. $290,000. Text T19959 to 85377



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Page 14 - Vol. 22 No. 8 - For More Info Text Property T-Codes to 85377 Custom contemporary with cathedral ceiling, sunroom, great views of the lake with it's own waterfront beach across the road. 1st floor bedroom, great garages, private setting with woods and open areas. Lovely home. Swanville $349,000

Featured Property One of those houses that you just want to move

into right away. Total gorgeous renovation and riverfront and gardens. Exposed beams, great gourmet kitchen. Abuts State conservation land. Large workspace in garage, super gardens and landscaping. Belmont $375,000

Wonderful Arts and Crafts cottage in the coastal village of Bayside. Walk to the beach, the yacht club and the golf course. $12K seasonal income. Double lot, new roof, working fireplace, screen porch, Well-loved historic property. Northport $299,000

207-338-5265 worthre@gmail.com

118 High Street, Belfast, ME 04915

Family compound with three wonderful unique buildings, Early renovated 1768 Cape, Quintessential cottage right out of a magazine and a sunny second floor apartment or huge artist studio above the oversized garage. Fabulous land and steps to a Sandy beach. Stockton Springs $475,000

Delightful intown home with first floor master suite, large living room with fireplace, built in the1830 and renovated over the years. Large divideable intown lot. Big workroom, shop and small barn and greenhouse. Belfast $410,000


belfastre.com for all MaineListings


Just Reduced and what a fabulous home right in lovely Belfast. Original unique woodwork throughout but a brand new gourmet kitchen, new heating system and roof and recently painted. Delightful carriage house and well landscaped grounds. Belfast $599,900



10:57 AM

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Find More Homes on www.RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 22, No. 8 - Page 15

www.pnpre.com STATEWIDE




LIBERTY: “A View With A House” 4 BR, 3 BA 2 car garage overlooking area lakes. MLS 1095218 $299,500 Text T675970 to 85377

STOCKTON SPRINGS: Rare oceanfront parcel. 3.9 Acres. Lovely mature trees & gravel drive! MLS 1053546 $299,000 Text T594927 to 85377




SEARSPORT: House sits way back off the road so it feels like you are out in the country,walking distance to town. 3 BR, 2 BA MLS 1095126 $199,000 Text T1531732 to 85377

BELFAST: Modern, one floor living at its best! 1500 sq. ft. home on 1.48A. offers 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, attached 2 car garage. MLS 1097110 $237,900 Text T1548267 to 85377

SEARSPORT: A sandy beach on midcoast, a rare find! Here’s 2 buildable lots for one price with deeded right of way to a glorious beach. MLS 1089392 $49,000 Text T1057667 to 85377





STOCKTON SPRINGS: Professionally built in 2006 as retirement home with 1st flr master. Half mile to state park w/ocean beach; boat launch 2 mi.away MLS 1096658 $259,000 Text T1544962 to 85377

SWANVILLE: This is a very unique home with spiral staircase, new hardwood floors and open floorplan. 2BR, 2.5 BA MLS 1096531 $99,000 Text T1544963 to 85377




WINTERPORT: Surrounded by the beautiful sights & sounds of nature is this beautiful 3/2 home with lots of country charm & awesome landscaping. OWNER FINANCING MLS 1094094 $219,000 Text T1522558 to 85377

CAMDEN AREA 207-236-4393



UNITY: Quality 8 rm, 1 1/2 bath ranch on private, surveyed, 2.98 A. intown lot. Convenient to all town amenities & walking paths. 2 car garage MLS 1095007 $185,000 Text T1530726 to 85377



SEARSPORT: Waterfront home retaining many original features. Intown location close to public dock & moorings. 1st flr bdrm. MLS 1089078 $350,000 Text T1054836 to 85377



An Independently Owned and Operated Broker member of BRER Affiliates Inc. Prudential, the Prudential logo and the Rock symbol are registered service marks of Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Used under license with no other affiliation of Prudential.




Northeast Properties


185 West Main St, Searsport • ME • 04974

NORTHPORT: Needs lots of work, but has 1.2 acres on Route 1. MLS 1097207 $24,900 Text T1551194 to 85377

BELFAST: Investment duplex. Can easily be converted to a professional building. Owner financing available. MLS 971990 $235,000 Text T20421 to 85377


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NEW LISTING BELFAST OCEANFRONT-3-BDR cape with glorious views, 115 ft. of pebble beach, steps to the shore, large deck, gazebo, FP & 3-car garage. $525,000 Text T471445 to 85377

NEW PRICE BELFAST-Spacious 4-BDR home on 4+ private acres w/1,300 ft of tranquil riverfront. Central A/C, radiant heat, 2-car garage, screened porch. $439,000 Text T770907 to 85377

207-338-6005 • 800-293-4416 48 Marshall Wharf Belfast, ME 04915 NEW LISTING

WATERVIEW LINCOLNVILLE – Superb ocean views from this spacious 3-BDR condo. Cherry floors, FP, patio, pool, tennis court, dock. A great buy! $299,900 Text T471466 to 85377

BELFAST-Excellent 2-family home in a private seaside neighborhood w/bay views and ROW to shore. Could easily be returned to a single-family home. $260,000 Text T471448 to 85377

Marjorie Crowley, Broker NEW PRICE

BELFAST-Gracious living at its best! Just a few minutes walk to downtown. Chef’s kitchen, 4 BDRs, 2 baths, 2 FP and more! $399,000 Text T19743 to 85377


Search coastwiserealestate.com for all coastal Maine MLS listings

BELFAST-Excellent Main St. building w/elegant townhouse, rooftop deck, harbor views and 1,440 sq. ft. of retail space on ground-level. $499,000 Text T982630 to 85377

Two Rivers Realty


207-469-9930 P.O. Box 875, 169 US Route 1, Bucksport, ME 04416


STOCKTON SPRINGS 6BR, 2 BA & open living design. Updates include radiant heat, wiring, landscaping & more. Soaking tub, skylights, deck, porch. $199,900. Text T487608 to 85377

STOCKTON SPRINGS Waterfront condo w/sweeping views of Harbor! Open design, garage & deck. Enjoy Maine waterfront living! $249,000 Text T543229 to 85377


STOCKTON SPRINGS Beautiful waterfront home w/ spectacular views. Private setting on Penobscot. Possible mooring. $495,000. Text T983860 to 85377


SEARSPORT Enjoy privacy on 1.75 acres yet convenient to town. 3 BR home w/garage & deck. Open design & beautiful frplce. $124,500. Text T330688 to 85377






STOCKTON SPRINGS Elegant 1900’s Victorian w/wraparound porch. 3rd flr guest apt. Short walk to Stockton Hbr. Beautiful perennial garden. $234,000. Text T20731 to 85377









email: tworiverskc@aol.com • www.tworiversrealtyme.com

STOCKTON SPRINGS Solid construction log home. Master bedroom, Living & Laundry on first floor. 2 car garage & deck. $249,000 Text T1556330 to 85377

13201.22.8.018:Layout 1


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Page 18 - Vol. 22 No. 8 - For More Info Text Property T-Codes to 85377


63 Townsend Ave., Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538

Ph. 207-633-2222 800-576-6911 fax: 207-633-6251

website: www.pottlerealtygroup.com e-mail: info@pottlerealtygroup.com

Real Estate For More Info Text: T1543361 to 85377

For More Info Text: T783139 to 85377

For More Info Text: T672774 to 85377

BOOTHBAY 3 BR, 2 BA Cape in a nice, private location with fields of lupine, 3 car garage with in-law apartment above. 5.05 acres, pool room and easy access to the “Harbor.” $388,000

BOOTHBAY HARBOR 1 Bedroom, 1 bath unique cottage sitting in the middle of Boothbay Harbor and accessed by boat or walking bridge. We dont think there is another one like it, anywhere! Deck & deep water dock. $795,000

BOOTHBAY HARBOR Brand new in town waterfront condo with sweeping westerly views of the inner Harbor, footbridge, Boothbay Harbor’s waterfront district & sunsets. The unit offers 1 BR, full bath, living room & eat-in kitchen. Enjoy the scenery & sunsets from your deck. $259,000

For More Info Text: T683952 to 85377

For More Info Text: T282528 to 85377

For More Info Text: T1045647 to 85377

BOOTHBAY Lovely old farmhouse that hasn’t been spoiled. Over 15 acres for your pasture & gardens. A bonus is a separate lot w/155’ of tidal waterfront. First time on the market since 1939! This is what Maine is all about! $349,000

BOOTHBAY Enjoy the peace and quiet of Glen Cove, Little River, in this westerly facing waterfront year-round 2 bdrm, two bath cottage. Dock and float included. Deep water access from Association dock. $250,000


Vacation Rentals

SOUTHPORT Sit out on the deck and enjoy the views of Pig Cove from this 3 br, 1 ba cottage perched up on a cliff. Modern kitchen with all the essentials, dining area and living room with water views. Just a short drive to the downtown area. Also a short drive to the Hendrick’s Head beach. Pets on a case by case basis. You provide the linens. $1000/week

BOOTHBAY You can’t get much closer to the water than this waterfront, 2 br, 2 ba cottage. Sit out on the deck & enjoy the boating activity & views. You have your own dock & float and a beach at low tide to explore. Cable TV, VCR, DVD, gas grill, washer, dryer, dishwasher, microwave & Internet access. Sorry, no pets. You provide the linens. $1,800/week.


BOOTHBAY Single family home plus separate 2 car garage with in-law apartment above. Well landscaped, access to common beach, dock & float, well maintained & close to East Boothbay Village. $395,000

BOOTHBAY HARBOR This cute 3 br, 1 ba cottage sits on a dead end street, right on the water overlooking Mill Cove. Sit out on the deck and enjoy the views or sit in the sun porch and read a good book or just relax. Large, spacious yard sloping down to your own tidal dock & float. Sorry, no pets. Linens are provided. $1,800/week.



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Find More Homes on www.RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 22, No. 8 - Page 19



For More Info

Text: T1064560 to 85377

EAST BOOTHBAY: 1.07 acres with water views & common access to waterfront & dock. 1st fl BR, granite kitchen. $498,000 ER AT NT W RO F

For More Info

For More Info

Text: T1545055 to 85377

BOOTHBAY HARBOR: One floor living with upgrades to baths, kitchen, flooring ++. 2 miles from town, 3BR, 2BA. $205,000

Text: T1067758 to 85377

For More Info

Text: T1051808 to 85377



BOOTHBAY: Screened porch, deepwater dock. Eat-in kitchen, living room w/gas FP, cherry flooring, master bedroom suite. $695,000

For More Info

BOOTHBAY HARBOR: Rare 1-floor condo w/2BR, 2BA. FP, built-in bookcases and many recent improvements. Walk to town. $289,000

Text: T1521513 to 85377

BOOTHBAY: Charming 1-level 3BR has sunroom, open floor plan w/cathedral ceilings, detached 2-car garage with bonus room above. $269,000

For More Info

Text: T1023645 to 85377

BOOTHBAY SHORES: Recent renovations - pine floors, gas FP, glass doors to porch. 3BR. Dock & float on Glen Cove. $279,000



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Page 20

Judy Evans 24 Village Way, Rockport, ME 04856 Main

207-593-7065 •



www.sailawaymaine.com • info@sailawaymaine.com

Resort Living at its Best Enjoy resort living in these ocean & fairway view townhomes located between the fairways of the Samoset Resort Golf Course and beautiful Penobscot Bay. Enjoy golf & health club amenities, the resort restaurants, outdoor swimming pool, all in your back yard. In addition there is on-site property management year-round.

Samoset Village 35A

Samoset Village 70P

Samoset Village 44K

Ocean view 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath townhome with wood flooring, a new gourmet kitchen, screened in porch, large bedroom and bath on the first & second levels, fireplace and attached garage overlooking a pond with fountain. MLS#1046376 $485,000

Beautiful 3 bdrm, 3 bath townhome overlooking Samoset Resort’s 13th fairway. Upgraded features include cherry kit. cabinets, dramatic 2-story LR w/fireplace, 1st flr. master bdrm/bath. Completely furnished with dishes/linens. MLS#1071113 $349,000

Nestled in a corner location overlooking the 12th fairway of the Samoset Resort Golf Course, this 3 bedroom 2.5 bath townhome offers a new gourmet kitchen, a downstairs bedroom and bath along with many other features. MLS#1067719 $439,500

Vacation Cottage Rentals at Samoset Village

Cottage 51M

Cottage 55K

Cottage 65K

Beautiful rental townhomes, each with 3 bedrooms & 2.5 baths. All with ocean views of Penobscot Bay. Enjoy all the amenities that Samoset Village has to offer. For rental information please call 866-348-4006 or 207-593-7065. Or, view on our website. www.sailawaymaine.com • info@sailawaymaine.com




1:40 PM

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Waterfront Properties

BOOTHBAY Arts and crafts style waterfront home offers quality construction on Little River. Dock & Float with a boathouse- perfect for all your boating gear. Full basement, fireplace, wood floors, deck, 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths and over 3300 sq ft.. $525,000 Text T579665 to 85377 Call Jana Caldwell at Tindal & Callahan Real Estate, 32 Oak Street, Boothbay Harbor, ME • 207-633-6711


BOOTHBAY Located in a neighborhood of fine homes, the 3 bedroom, 2 bath home has a great layout including a first floor master bedroom and ample guest space. The 1.5 acre lot at the end of a private road has 350' of deep waterfront on the Damariscotta River. $795,000 Text T1528665 to 85377 Call Jana Caldwell at Tindal & Callahan Real Estate, 32 Oak Street, Boothbay Harbor, ME • 207-633-6711


BOOTHBAY "Daisy Hill"; New England style 3 to 4 brm, 2 bath home, has been adoringly renovated offering a first floor master suite, open decks, roofed porch, and views from every room. Boating activity and spectacular views. Beautiful landscaping.Room to expand. $950,000 Call Jana Caldwell at Tindal & Callahan Real Estate, 32 Oak Street, Boothbay Harbor, ME • 207-633-6711

Page 21


BOOTHBAY Unique 3BR home, designed for an artist is a showplace of architectural engineering. The main floor boasts a large open hexagon shaped room adorned by several hexagon shaped alcoves overlooking a 180 degree view of South Bristol & open ocean. $1,250,000 Text T970431 to 85377 Call Jana Caldwell, 207-633-6711


BOOTHBAY Quality construction in this ageless 4BR cottage on with 150' of shoreline. Custom Kennebec kitchen w/granite counters & center island, pine floors, river stone fireplace & Ipe decking. $825,000 Text T770397 to 85377 Call Jana Caldwell, 207-633-6711


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Waterfront Properties Oceanfront

BELFAST What a spot! Located at the end of a private drive with 115 ft. of pebble beach, big ocean views and stairs to the shore, this sunny, 3-BDR home is just five minutes from downtown. Fantastic patio and gazebo, fireplace and 3-car garage. $525,000

Marjorie Crowley 207-338-6005

ROCKLAND Immaculate 2-bedroom, 2-bath, waterfront ranch with full, dry basement & attached one-car garage. Watch the schooners from your deck or hot tub. Launch your kayak from your backyard. Close to all with a feeling of privacy. Many upgrades. $398,000 Call Susan Smith-Riedel 207-441-7471, Jaret & Cohn Real Estate, 25 Park Street, Rockland, ME


48 Marshall Wharf Belfast, ME 04915 See our ad in this issue!


SEARSPORT Unobstructed waterviews of Searsport Harbor from most rooms in this updated, antique cape. Private deck, first floor bedroom, gorgeous sunroom with dining space, easy walk to town shops and Maritime Museum. Across road from park with summer activities. $339,900 Call Elaine Tucker, 207-338-3500

143 High Street, Belfast, Maine 04915

FRIENDSHIP Cozy 3-bedroom home with expansive deck overlooking the Back River. Watch the eagles & osprey soar, herons feed & clammers dig in this private waterfront setting. Full, partially finished attic & bonus room over attached garage. Hardwood floors. $329,900 Call Susan SmithRiedel 207-441-7471, Jaret & Cohn Real Estate, 25 Park Street, Rockland, ME


ST. GEORGE Charming cottage perched above the edge of the water. Enjoy truly spectacular views & sunsets. Custom kitchen, new baths. A rare opportunity. $495,000 Call Peggy Crockett, 207-542-3105, The Maine Real Estate Network, St. George Office, peggycrockett@gmail.com www.saintgeorgeoffice.com




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Waterfront Properties

FRIENDSHIP Charming Year round home on the 150' Ocean’s edge! Lovely Cottage Style Home with 2 Bedrooms & 2 full baths. Breakfast nook, kitchen & living room open and shed. Master bedroom suite, wood floors, fireplace and lovely perennial gardens. Enjoy the Sunsets. $695,000 Call Pam Gushee, 207-542-3737 • Jaret & Cohn Real Estate, 75 Elm St., Camden, ME



SEARSPORT Panoramic ocean views from this comfortable water front home. 4-season sun porch and deck for year round boat, seal and bird watching. Meticulously maintained and beautifully landscaped. Walk to shops, restaurants and Maritime Museum. Call it home. $475,000 Call Elaine Tucker, 207-338-3500

143 High Street, Belfast, Maine 04915

DAMARISCOTTA Wonderful two bedroom, one bath camp on peaceful Biscay Pond. Watch the sunrise and enjoy morning coffee on the screened in porch. $249,900. Call Sharon Tucker, 207-272-7100 • Jaret & Cohn Real Estate, 25 Park St., Rockland, ME


MATINICUS This 1.4 acre lovely lot sits on the west side of Old Cove. From here you will enjoy unbeatable sunrises over the open ocean and the tranquility of Old Cove. 178’ of shorefront. $99,000 Call Ellen Bunker, 207-691-1996 • Jaret & Cohn Real Estate, 25 Park St., Rockland, ME

Page 23


STOCKTON SPGS Simple, energy efficient living in an elegant setting. Long waterfrontage on private cove with sandy beach. One room cabin, large 2-car garage with a heated studio above and cute bunkhouse. Summer retreat or year round haven. $295,000 Call Elaine Tucker, 207-338-3500

143 High Street, Belfast, Maine 04915


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Waterfront Properties Oceanfront

LINCOLNVILLE Lakeside post and beam home at the head of the lake with water and mountains views. Convenient new construction living. Custom kitchen, stone fireplace, central air, and elevator. Natural setting with much wildlife, moments to Camden and Lincolnville beach. mlx:1087082 $849,000 Call Nancy Hughes 207-236-1111


ROCKPORT Dramatic views of Rockport Harbor from this 4 level waterfront condo! Watch all the harbor activity from almost every room. Enjoy open living space, master suite w/bath and a great entertainment loft. Usage of boat house & dinghy dock, plus one car garage. $585,000 Call Meriwether Gill, Better Homes & Gardens RE, Town & Country, Camden, ME • 207-236-4777


ROCKPORT Magnificent Steve Smith custom architect designed home approx. 100 ft from ocean's edge. Significant Prock Marine dock. Most rooms have ocean views. Inviting deck with stairway to the dock. Open light filled south facing home Oversized garage apt. & storage. $1,800,000 Call Ann Keefe, Better Homes & Gardens RE, Town & Country, Camden, ME • 207-236-4777

JEFFERSON Damariscotta LakeStunning, year round vacation home with 240' direct water frontage, new dock & sun pad. 2176 SF, 3 bedroom, 2 baths with 2 car attached garage. Open concept, hardwood floors, exposed beams, woodstove, screened porch. 1.3 useable acres, private setting. Just completely renovated! MLS# 1084378 $544,000 View at www.308GatesRoad.com Call Jeff at 603-969-4490 25 Maplewood Avenue Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-969-4490 603-334-1937


JEFFERSON Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath year round home on Damariscotta Lake. Lake views from most rooms. Two first floor bedrooms, master suite on 2nd floor, FR, bonus room. Over 100 feet of your own lake frontage! $399,500 Call Orff Realty, Jefferson, Maine 04348 • 207-549-7121




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Waterfront Properties

OWLS HEAD Coveted Crescent Beach locale resting 30' from the beach. Classic year round gingerbread cottage with guest home with unobstructed 180 degree views. mlx: 1088349 $895,000 Fletcher Hall, 207-542-0412 • Cates Real Estate, 315 Main Street, Rockland, ME fletcher@catesre.com


Page 25


DISCOVER RACKLIFF ISLAND Assessible by a short causeway from Spruce Head. Just 14 minutes from Rockland’s Galleries & Restaurants. Fabulous 3 bedroom/3 bath waterfront home with two master suites, expansive deck, beautiful sunset views, walk-out basement with family room & small boat storage. $791,000 Call Karen Rizkalla, 207-542-7247

7 Port Clyde Rd., Tenants Harbor, ME 04860 See my ad in this issue

SPRUCE HEAD The perfect hideaway loaded with sunshine and sea breezes. Property consists of two bdrm home and three bdrm cottage, complete with dock and boathouse. Be it your summer place or your place at the shore, it will certainly be your favorite vacation spot. mlx: 1090048 $949,000 Fletcher Hall, 207-542-0412 • Cates Real Estate, 315 Main Street, Rockland, ME


PORT CLYDE Taste & quality abound in this exceptional oceanfront home. Open floor plan with gourmet kitchen, granite fireplace, 3 bedroom suites, stone patio & spectacular views! $1,400,000 Call Peggy Crockett, 207-542-3105 The Maine Real Estate Network, St. George Office, peggycrockett@gmail.com www.saintgeorgeoffice.com


BELFAST Right on the harbor in wonderful Belfast, this recently redone home has new floors, sheetrock and views from almost every window of the city and out to the bay. Good sized 2 car garage and big deck. 210’ of shorefront on Penobscot Bay. Great new price too. $499,000

118 High Street Belfast, ME 04915

207-338-5265 www.belfastre.com See our ad in this issue


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Waterfront Properties Saltwater

ST. GEORGE A broad southerly vista down Mosquito Cove out to the islands and approaches to Port Clyde are yours with lawn to the water's edge. This recent 3Br, 2.5 bath cape with attached 2 car garage has been very well cared for. 300Âą waterfront. $699,000 Or buy with add'l lot including over 500' shorefrontage for $799,000.

WALDOBORO SALTWATER FRONTAGE HOME. Open living/dining area w/woodstove. Enclosed porch and deck. Situated on a oak clad lot w/pier and float granting access to a protected inlet. Just a short row to mooring and protected anchorage. ML#1080333 $315,000

Brenda Pendleton 207-975-0233

Carleton Johnson 207-592-1175

25 Park Street Rockland, ME 04841

25 Park Street Rockland, ME 04841

See my ad in this issue


See my ad in this issue


MATINICUS Exceptional Island 3 bedroom, 3 bath home in a private setting. Enjoy exploring your beach, sitting on your deck watching the sunset, or relaxing in your sauna. 3 acres with 270’ of shorefront. $329,000

SAINT GEORGE Wonderful contemporary cape nicely situated on private lot with 200 ft of frontage on coveted Mosquito Harbor. Comfortable 3 BR, 3 BA home offering dynamic great room w/ granite fireplace, large kitchen w/fine wood cabinets, first floor master suite & more. $875,000 Text T1520126 to 85377

Ellen Bunker 207-691-1996

Carole Kelly-Wright 207-691-7259

25 Park Street Rockland, ME 04841

25 Park Street Rockland, ME 04841




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Waterfront Properties

Page 27


SWANVILLE Wonderful year round cottage with frontage on Swan Lake. 2 bedroom, 1 updated bath, updated kitchen. Great deck to watch the Loons glide by. Huge garage with heated workshop and a kennel for your furry friends. $329,900. Text T1069188 to 85377

“THE MUSIC BOX” Privately located 1850’s Cape with a separate music studio & charming guest house – all with water views! Year-round house was fully renovated in the 1990’s—updating all the systems and installing new windows, walls, and floors. Antique guest house is heated and sleeps four comfortably. Music studio has 2 levels and includes an office/bedroom. Gently sloping lawn, 5+ acres, 725’ of water front, the remains of a granite dock, and stunning sunsets. List Price: $879,000 MLS # 1080263

Beverly Doherty 207-691-1029


Kris Davidson (207) 863-2200

122 Lincolnville Ave. Belfast, ME 04915

34 Main Street, Vinalhaven, ME 04863


Saltwater Island

SO.BRISTOL Escape to your own private island retreat. Thrumbcap Island and Thread of Life Ledges. Enjoy sweeping Johns Bay vistas, bold turbulent ocean,solitude and tranquility, smell the salt air.the mossy spruce forest floor. This is Maine defined. $1,450,000 Text T1061358 to 85377

Karen Farnsworth 207-380-5932 1504 Atlantic Hwy. Waldoboro, ME

STOCKTON SPRINGS Beautiful waterfront home with spectacular views from almost every room! Private setting on the Penobscot River w/250’ of river frontage, path to shore & possible mooring. Enjoy a cozy fire in winter, cool breezes on deck in summer. Amenities include one floor living, granite counters, vaulted ceilings & hardwood floors. $495,000 169 US Route 1 Bucksport, ME 04416 207-469-9930 www.tworiversrealtyme.com See our ad in this issue!


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Waterfront Properties Oceanfront

PALERMO Immaculate condition property on the shores of Sheepscot Lake. This is a stunning renovated cottage with over 2000sf, great charm, dock, boat ramp, sandy shore, great landscaping, 2 car garage, guest cottage, deck with view of lake, sun room, back-up generator and lots more all on 2.7 acres. $399,000

BELFAST Belfast Historic 'Riverbend' Estate deep water mooring, private pier set inside Belfast Harbor beautiful 1800's Federal w/original features wide crown moldings, curved inset built-in china closets, Fireplaces, HW Fls, New Kitchen granite counters & Master Bedrm/Bath Suite, porch, pool, gazebo & more 1,200,000. Call LuAnne Adams, 207-3225930 • Realty of Maine, 107 Main St., Belfast, ME


Charles Hunter 207-462-5285 122 Lincolnville Ave. Belfast, ME 04915 See my ad in this issue!


OWLS HEAD Bold Oceanfront! Pebble Beach! Hundreds of feet of shoreline! Deep Water and protected Broad Cove front! 6ac! Views for Miles & Miles! Straight shot sailing over to Rockland, Camden, or Rockport.Major shopping in Rockland.Town shows as 2 lots. Short drive to Knox Co Airport. Call Steve Welsh, Better Homes & Gardens RE, Masiello Group, Windham, ME • 207-749-0403

STOCKTON SPRINGS Privacy & fantastic waterfront and views of the bay from this well maintained 3 bedroom, 3 bath home with updated baths and kitchen, including Jenn Air Dual Stove. Decks abound on this property for your family gatherings or sit in quiet solitude and enjoy the view. All on 2.5 acres. $499,000

Charles Hunter 207-462-5285 122 Lincolnville Ave. Belfast, ME 04915 See my ad in this issue!


BELFAST 3-story luxury condominium just 250 ft. from the water’s edge. Upper & lower decks, 3 bedrooms, 4-1/2 baths, fireplace, master bedroom suite. $450,000 Call Crosby Manor Estates, 888-438-4422. Maine McLean Group LLC, 49 Bayside Dr., Belfast, ME 04915 See our ad in this issue!



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Waterfront Properties Lakefront

SWANVILLE This quality Contemporary home boasts 3700sf on two levels. Magnificent panorama views across the lake from every room! Attached heated garage & shop, paved drive. Property boasts one of the largest frontage lots on the lake with 285’ & 1.5 acres! Open house July 11, 2013. Call for details! United Realty, 307 Belmont Ave., Belfast, ME 207-338-6000 • UnitedRealtyME.com



SOUTHPORT Two Homes for the price of one! This charming two sided home with a 2.5 Car garage is located on 171.9 feet of water frontage on Ebenecook Harbor. 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath home set on 1.25 acres. Perfect spot to have a B&B where guests can sip their coffee while watching the sun come up. Brand new 4BR septic installed. $529,000

Maude Wright 207-232-6356 50 Sewall Street Portland, ME

ORLAND Secluded 50 acre waterfront property. Private peninsula w/over 3000’ of frontage on the Penobscot River. Property has 3 bedroom home and a 2 bedroom guest apartment. A special waterfront oasis! $449,000 Two Rivers Realty, 169 US Route 1, Bucksport, ME • 207-469-9930 • www.tworiversrealtyme.com See our ad in this issue!



PORT CLYDE Fabulous 3-4 bedrooms, 3 bath home with deep water dock and mooring on Muscongus Bay. All new exterior paint, updated systems, 2 fireplaces, jacuzzi & steam shower. Shown by appointment. Call Irene Rizkalla, 207-372-8049

ST GEORGE Snows Point Rd Private waterfront location with great frontage and elevation. Approx 4 acres with 200' along the shore. $225,000 Text T20688 to 85377 True Hall Real Estate • 207-372-8952 www.truehall.com See our ad in this issue!

7 Port Clyde Rd., Tenants Harbor, ME 04860 See our ad in this issue!



11:44 AM

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Nancy J. Hughes Broker/Owner nancy@camdencoast.com

ROCKPORT harborside. Contemporary brilliance pairs with New England familiarity. Designer inspired furnishings. mls: 1089404 $1,995,000

CAMDEN Unique Megunticook river waterfront home, private, near village, swim, kayak and boat off dock! mls: 1098630 $659,000

LINCOLNVILLE Expansive bay and island views, tastefully designed pool, waterside reading cottage. mls: 1087405 $1,325,000

CAMDEN Stunning decorator home, separate office with bath above garage, second garage building. mls: 1095488 $595,000

ROCKPORT Bay views, naturalized landscapeing, master-built post and beam home. mls: 1064325 $539,000

CAMDEN VILLAGE First floor master, expanded second floor living options, sun filled open design. mls: 1066170 $725,000

CAMDEN Fully occupied five unit apartment building; within walking distance to village amenities. mls:1098629 $319,000

LINCOLNVILLE 4.5 acres, established gardens, oversized two car garage with great finished space above. mls: 1097432 $292,000

ROCKPORT VILLAGE Walk along the shore paths or the quiet greens of the golf course from this cottage style, year round home. mls:1098185 $319,000

LINCOLNVILLE Quiet pastoral setting. Barn-designed home with open living concept, garage, 2-stall barn. mls:1054681 $145,000

HOPE Recently updated, brightly painted walls, new wood floors & light fixtures, solid wood doors and open living areas. mls: 1086122 $209,000

LINCOLNVILLE Quiet waterfront enjoyment from this newly built camp on coveted Nortons Pond. mls:1061782 $215,000



11:03 AM

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From Port Clyde to Camden... Karen Rizkalla Maine Licensed Broker & Realtor®

207-542-7247 Karenriz.com 7 Port Clyde Rd, Tenants Harbor, ME 04860 207-372-8049

May I Sell Your Home?

Discover Rackliff Island Accessible by a short causeway from Spruce Head. Just 14 minutes from Rockland’s Galleries & Restaurants

SAINT GEORGE—Fabulous 3BR/3BA waterfront home with two master suites, expansive deck, sunset views, walk-out basement with family room & small boat storage. Additional, shared beach and deep water access for Island Residents. Breathtaking views. $791,000



11:03 AM

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WALDOBORO. Unique opportunity to own a beautiful log cabin on a tidal river. Stunning frplc for winter nights & a deck with stunning views for the warmer months. Secluded private road. $331,800 Text T1546846 to 85377



WARREN Wonderfully renovated Contemp-orary home with 3BR, 3 baths, new kitchens, beautiful views and also has in-law apt, gazebo with hot tub. Wrap around decks, and its own dock. Must see! $299,999 Text T20310 to 85377

FRIENDSHIP Tranquility on the Back River in this stunning 4BR Cape beautifully set on 11 plus acres. Master BR suite, details & appointments throughout! In-law apt, attached greenhouse & heated garage! Motivated Seller! $435,000 Text T535524 to 85377

-F E PR IV AT FRIENDSHIP Private, 3 season waterfront retreat with 75’ on Muscongus Bay. Well maintained 2 BR cottage w/ waterfront view, deck, stairs leading to the water. $249,900 Text T20266 to 85377





OPEN HOUSE Saturday, July 13 from 9 to 12. 327 Duckpuddle Rd, NOBLEBORO. DIRECTIONS: North on Rt 1 from Damariscotta, turn right on Winslow Hill Rd (Nobleboro Town Hall)turn left Duckpuddle Rd drive 1.5 miles, house on right. $189,000






Page 32 - Vol. 22 No. 8 - For More Info Text Property T-Codes to 85377

WALDOBORO Come see this traditional in-town home with upgrades. Currently being used as office spaces but easily converted to single family home or single family home with rentable space for many different types of businesses. $169,000 Text T877020 to 85377



11:04 AM

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Text T1550013 to 85377

Text T1546835 to 85377

73 Elm Street Camden, ME 04843

Rockland South End, close to beach 4 Bedrooms, 2 baths $199,000

Text T138982 to 85377

Camden Great Location Back Deck Large Garage $189,000

Pam Gushee

Text T1556169 to 85377

Full Time Experienced Broker

207-236-9626 Cell: 542-3737 pgushee@jaretcohn.com


Appleton 3Bedrooms, 2 bths Open living area Daylight basement $249,000

Text T822221 to 85377

Text T1061328 to 85377

Text T994477 to 85377

Washington Turn-Key Sunny location $149,000

Rockport 65 Unique Acres Wooded, Elevated $189,000

Lincolnville Artist Paridise Spiral Staircase $179,000

Text T1049849 to 85377

Text T835258 to 85377

Text T970688 to 85377

Appleton Private Home Lovely gardens Wood floors $169,000

Union Southeast Views Awesome building spot 4 Acres $59,000

Rockport Fabulous! Spacious rooms High ceilings Master Suite $295,000

Text T609160 to 85377

Text T417914 to 85377

Text T1043678 to 85377

Rockport Sweet Home Daylight basement 2 car garage $149,000

Union Acres of fields Many building sites Intown Union $85,000

Owls Head Waterfront 4 BD Contemporay Lovely Setting $499,000

Somerville Private Waterfront Cape with expansion room $209,000


Page 34


11:05 AM

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11:05 AM

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Text T1084404 to 85377

Light filled and efficient ranch with views to the outer bay, Access by r-o-w. Minutes to shopping, museums, galleries and hospital. $299,000

Brenda Pendleton


Text T1533503 to 85377

Buying or Selling? Let me put my 30+ years of experience to work for you!

Very well maintained home. Featuring a first floor laundry, bedroom and full bath. Minutes from town and town landing. Peaceful and quiet 4+ acres. Large front lawn, some woods and 2 brooks! $199,000

Scan this code to view all my listings

WARREN Text T1084097 to 85377


Nicely updated throughout. Immaculate home with finished daylight basement, garage and sun room. Situated on a well landscaped 1.5 acre lot bounded by stone walls. New garden shed and paved drive. $189,000

25 Park Street Rockland, ME 04841


Text T869804 to 85377

cell: 207-975-0233


bpendleton@jaretcohn.com Stunning views over Penobscot Bay. This tastefully furnished bright and sunny open floor plan. One car garage, patio and deck. Close proximity to shopping, hospital and golf. Terrific rental history! $299,000



Text T1057403 to 85377

A broad southerly vista down Mosquito Cove out to the islands and approaches to Port Clyde are yours with lawn to the water’s edge. This recent 3BR, 2.5 bath cape with attached 2 car garage has been very well cared for. 300¹ waterfront. $699,000

LIST WITH ME to see your home featured in my ad!



11:06 AM

Page 1

ERA Cousens Realty® LLC 207-596-6433

15 Payne Avenue, Rockland, Maine 04841

Always There For You®

Visit us at www.eracousens.com

For More Info

Text: T19992 to 85377

200 FT. of frontage on Weskeag River. Great lot to Build your dream home and live in the 2+ BR Mobile Home while building. Over sized garage, lots of storage. So. Thomaston $175,000

For More Info

Text: T978817 to 85377

PERCHED on a pleasant knoll this 9 rm colonial-style home boasts 4 BRs & large country style kitchen. Newly finished familyroom has woodstove and interesting views. Union $179,700

For More Info

Text: T1541876 to 85377

NICE 3 SEASON LOG CABIN, 1 large loft BR, westerly exposure, deck, beamed ceiling. Nestled among nice hardwoods, great fishing with the Saint George tributaries. Warren $229,600

For More Info

Text: T930378 to 85377

NEWER CAPE with a lot of space. Centrally located. Big room above garage that would make a great game room, studio or what ever you would like to make it. A lot of house for the money. Thomaston $235,999

For More Info

Text: T1518394 to 85377

ENERGY EFFICIENT move in ready 2BR/2BA home in desirable PenBay Acres. New carpet, freshly painted, lg. deck. Finished bsmnt w/bath/laundry room. Rockland $189,000

For More Info

Text: T1549936 to 85377

COMFORTABLE custom built classic cape with unobstructed views over Rockland Harbor. New roof, updated kitchen and real cork flooring. First time offering. Rockland $334,806

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207-273-1250 • 800-649-2551 2445 Camden Road (Rte. 90) Warren, ME www.knowltonmoving.com

US DOT 2371561 MC 196257



11:07 AM

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Find More Homes on www.RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 22, No. 8 - Page 37

295 COMMON RD, UNION, ME. 04862 info@rockmaplerlty.com www.rockmaplerlty.com




We Have Waterfront!!

TEXT: T1058101 TO 85377

STOCKTON SPRINGS-Recently built Marina bldg w/ pier & slip system. Lg paved parking lot, 400’WF on harbor. Well landscaped. $395,000

TEXT: T1531183 TO 85377

UNION-7 Tree Pond waterfront ranch on 1.75 ac.w/ 156’ of WF. Open fields to water w/ views from back deck. 2 car garage. $245,000

TEXT: T1058535 TO 85377

STOCKTON SPRINGS-Long frontage on Stockton Harbor. Sand/gravel beach frontage. Open views. Property on both sides of rd. $149,000

TEXT: T1006749 TO 85377

UNION-10 ac WF lot on historic Seven Tree Pond. 1000' of frontage, fields. Build your dream home here! $129,000

TEXT: T1524078 TO 85377

UNION-Perfect for horses or farming. Antique cape w/ 36 x 100 gambrel barn. 150+ acres, 6000 ft Medomak River frontage, views. $385,000

TEXT: T1042669 TO 85377

WASHINGTON-Exceptionally well maintained house overlooking Crystal Pond. Many updates and remodeled rooms. 200’WF.2car garage,barn. $450,000

TEXT: T748319 TO 85377

SEARSMONT-Attractive wooded 2 ac lot on beautiful Levenseller Pond with 250’ of WF. Right of way and road to lot is needed. $55,000

TEXT: T896856 TO 85377

UNION-9 ac. lot w/ 900’ WF on 7 Tree Pond. Small home in need of updates. Stone walls. $175,000

TEXT: T418731 TO 85377

UNION-Historic 1786 Robbins homestead on the shores of 7 Tree Pond. Currently a B & B. 10 ac w/ 500’ waterfront.5 bedrms/4 ba. $565,000

TEXT: T923421 TO 85377

LIBERTY-Scenic, private, 2.863 ac lot on Green Island, Lake St. George. Surveyed & soil tested. Private parking on mainland. $99,000

TEXT: T466061 TO 85377

WASHINGTON-Attractive 1.2 acre waterfront lot with 200’ of frontage on beautiful and quiet Crystal Pond. Wooded and surveyed. $84,900

TEXT: T520385 TO 85377

WALDOBORO-103 ac sportsman’s paradise w/ 3000 ft Medomak River frontage. Easy access. Kayak, canoe, hunt & fish all day long! $149,000



Page 38

11:08 AM

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Please Say You Saw It In The Real Estate Book - Vol. 19, No. 12 - Page


Tenants Harbor, ME


ST. GEORGE Completely renovated in 2002, 1st floor bed & bath, open kitchen, dining & living and 4 rooms, 2 baths & laundry up. $245,000 Text T1522964 to 85377

TENANTS HARBOR Let’s transform The Grace Institute to The St. George Art Institute. Great spaces open to mixed use. NEW PRICE $247,500

TENANTS HARBOR Contemporary style, 3-bed, 2-bath home on 4+ acres in the village. Two garages, convenient to school & harborfront $229,000 Text T606253 to 85377

WONDERFUL IN-TOWN location, 3story barn, 4-bedrooms, wood floors, great light & the harbor at your doorstep. $239,000 Text T20685 to 85377

TENANTS HARBOR Beautifully restored farmhouse w/3BR/2BA, screen porch & barn. Minutes from Tenants or Port Clyde harbors. NEW PRICE $225,000 Text T740071 to 85377

ST. GEORGE Older farmhouse with a great barn surrounded by fields & woods. 2-10 acres avail. Wood floors, original moldings, summer kitchen, pantry, back stairs, open chamber. Full basements. $215,000 - Text T20689 to 85377



7:47 AM

Page 1

FMI Text T520384 to 85377

FMI Text T1538951 to 85377

Sharon Tucker WARREN Great lot in seasonal campground on tranquil South Pond. Spend your Summer in Maine boating on the lake or exploring the rocky coastline no more than 15 min. away. $24,500 FMI Text T1031000 to 85377

Let my insight, enthusiasm and knowledge help guide you through the home buying or selling process

DAMARISCOTTA Wonderful two bedroom camp on peaceful Biscay Pond. Watch the sunrise and enjoy morning coffee on the screened in porch $249,000

ROCKLAND Very well kept in-town two unit building. Each unit has three bedrooms. $168,900 FMI Text T1543439to 85377

25 Park Street Rockland, ME 04841

FMI Text T1082139 to 85377

207-596-0352 ext. 210 OWLS HEAD Sweet New England style 3BR home & barn in lovely setting. Porch has been converted to in-law suite. Barn is in need of updating but has great possibilities. $139,000


Cell: 207-272-7100 email: setucker@jaretcohn.com

Text T1023677 to 85377

THOMASTON Cute home with peeks of Thomaston Harbor in a quiet neighborhood. $165,000


Bob Bird

Text T918259 to 85377

THOMASTON Be the first to live in this new 3BR, 2BA Cape! Brand new subdivision in a sought after neighborhood! Spacious village lot. $195,000 FMI

Text T1540583 to 85377

ST. GEORGE Quiet, natural setting. Great deck in back connecting to a 3car insulated garage. Spacious grounds. Well kept. $110,000

THOMASTON Majestic 19th Century Italianate Victorian Home! One of Thomaston’s original homes. Masterfully restored to it’s 19th century beginnings! The Belvedere tops of this commanding historic home with marble fireplaces, parquet floors, fresco ceilings. $459,000

25 Park Street Rockland, ME 04841


Text T970690 to 85377

207-596-0352 ext. 105 Cell: 207-542-9596 bbird@jaretcohn.com

SO. THOMASTON 3.3 Acres. Wood has been cut and stacked and does not go with the land. $38,400



11:09 AM

Page 1

FMI Text T382917 to 85377

LINCOLNVILLE Magnificent custom built home with bold frontage on Penobscot Bay. Gourmet kitchen, wine room, sauna, home theatre, 7 fireplaces, and more. $2,495,000 FMI Text T1565123 to 85377

FMI Text T567889 to 85377

CAMDEN Colonial Revival of unsurpassed elegance and comfort. Magnificent 3-story staircase,impressive library, large master suite,five fireplaces. $975,000

Janice Samson The Right Professional

FMI Text T1565189 to 85377

Sr. Associate/Broker/Realtor®

CAMDEN Beautiful Cape Cod 4BR home in a very private location. Access to a 28 acre wildlife pond. Lovely Master on the first floor. Large space over the garage. $599,000

CAMDEN Beautifully completed 4BR contemporary residence, gourmet kitchen, state of the art appliances & systems. Close to Megunticcok Lake and village of Camden. $424,000

FMI Text T567888 to 85377

FMI Text T587230 to 85377

73 Elm Street Camden, ME 04843

CAMDEN Lovely private in town lot of .40 acres offers perfect setting on premiere village road ending at water’s edge. $290,000

Cell: 207-596-4452 207-236-9626 email: jsamson@jaretcohn.com

TENANTS HARBOR A classic charming Maine Farmhouse close to the village and oceanfront. Many original features. Some renovation needed. A must see property! Call today! $169,000

Ryan’s Construction A Division of S H E D CITY, INC. • 207-273-4442 2121 Atlantic Highway, Warren, ME 04864 • terry@shedcity.com

We can build this 24x30 Cape for $105,000... stick built, cedar shingled cape on a slab. 1 1/2 story, finished interior, and one full bath. Land packages available in Mid-Coast Maine.

We Build Barns! This one is 28x50 clapboard sided, 9 windows, 16’ garage door, nice trim detail, interior stairway to a loft, for


207-542-8289 Terry Ryan

Custom Homes Built by Ryan’s Construction We pride ourselves in the quality of our work & guarantee you will be satisfied.




10:06 AM

Page 1

Martin D. Cates Nikki Bland Fletcher Hall Cates - Bland Team

Fletcher Hall Agent

A Tradition of Sound Advice

315 Main St., Suite 202, Rockland, ME 04841 • 207-701-5600 • info@catesre.com • www.catesre.com NEW TO MARKET



WARREN Home of lasting value. Superb styling of this almost new quality built cape. mlx: 1098478 $355,000

ROCKLAND Rare opportunity to recreate a 4 story brick bldg on Main Steet. mlx: 1097401 $789,000

CUSHING Jog to the waters edge from this custom contemporary on Stones Point. mlx: 1099072 $189,000




GREAT ROUTE ONE VISIBILITY for your business! Office space plus three residential rental units. mlx:1075874 $275,000

THREE BEDROOM CAMDEN riverfront, awaiting new owners. Walking distance to village center, trails and amenities. mlx: 1096393 $95,000

BUILDING LOT ON DAMARISCOTTA LAKE. Optional use of shared septic and well. Protective covenants in place. mlx:1087828 $69,900



Route 90, West Rockport, ME 04865 allenmar@mccormickbuilders.com





Custom Builders • Realtors

Rockport Village, one level living, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, garage, walk to town, library and harbor. $272,900

Lincolnville Farmhouse, Antique Post & Beam Cape, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 3 fireplaces, 2 car garage, workshop, 6 acres. $299,000

LAND Lincolnville ............2 ac wooded .....$27,000

Lincolnville . . . . . .2 ac wooded . . .$35,000

Lincolnville ............3 ac fields...........$43,000

Rockland . . . . . . . .0.3 ac intown . . .$24,500

Rockport ...............1.9 ac w/view ....$79,500


. . . . . . .5 ac w/view . . .$107,500



10:51 AM


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Text T609161 to 85377


ROCKLAND-4 BR, 2BTH home w/2-station hair salon & powder rm in rear for add’l income or home business. Close to town, shops & harbor. Convenient to all (Rte 1 & 17). Many updates. $152,500! FMI

11:09 AM


Susan Smith-Riedel Broker/Realtor

Text T433183 to 85377


Text T952180 to 85377

ROCKLAND-Spacious 5-bdrm, 3 bath intown home w/accessory studio apt. Formerly a 3-unit dwelling. Nicely renovated. Attached wrkshp. Walk to all. $173,900 FMI

WARREN - Mid-1800’s cape w/many original features. Newer country kitchen & sunroom, deck & potential studio/office w/new bath. Private back yard. In-town location. $180,000

Text T1550012 to 85377

Text T951585 to 85377

GRACIOUS 1853 historic home in Village of Thomaston. 5 BR/2BA. Needs some TLC, but worth the effort. Perfect for entertaining. Water views from 2nd flr. bdrm. $229,000

25 Park Street Rockland, ME 04841


Text T640741 to 85377

207-596-0352 ext. 235 ROCKLAND 2 Unit (3 BR & 1 BR) cape, each with own driveway. Walk to all. Live in one and rent the other, or excellent investment opportunity. $119,000 FMI

Text T1069177 to 85377


ROCKLAND Nice 2BR, 1.5 bath Cape, enclosed porch, many built-in’s, appliances, attached 1 car garage all within walking distance to Harbor & downtown. $89,000 FMI

Cell: 207-441-7471 ssmith-riedel@jaretcohn.com

Charlie & Mary Jordan, Brokers Our expertise, listing & selling real estate, has been proven by our performance time & time again

Text T1057720 to 85377

Text T887427 to 85377


Text T916212 to 85377

ROCKLAND Very nice two family with many renovations. Owner provides lawn maintainace, plowing and trash removal . $129,000 FMI

ROCKLAND Compact NE style 3 bedroom 2 bath home. Partially fenced back yard. Deck. Located near shopping. $99,000 FMI

WALDOBORO-Private waterfront home needs completion. Underground elec. & 3-BR septic in place. Needs well. Could be a perfect retreat, investment, or yr-round home. Deep water mooring & deeded use of deep wtr pier. $228,700

Text T906103 to 85377

SO. THOMASTON Waterfront home located in quaint village, near landing, general store & post office. Living rm, dining rm, new kitchen, 1/2 bath w/laundry 1st flr. 3BR/bath up. $169,000

25 Park Street Rockland, ME 04841


Text T548594 to 85377

207-596-0352 ext. 204 UNION Located on a 1.6 acre lot in a peaceful country setting this 6 room 2 bath Contemporay cape has been tastefully renovated. Atrium doors, skylights, 1st full laundry & fully applianced. $149,000

Cell: 207-596-9293 email: cmjordan@jaretcohn.com


ROCKLAND Walking distance to Harbor and all downtown has to offer a 1920 Bungalow featuring 8 rms, 2 baths, gas frplce, hardwood flrs, appliances & 1-car garage w/storage. Corner fenced yard. Handicap accessible. $169,500



1:50 PM

Page 1

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7 Port Clyde Road Tenants Harbor, ME 04860 207-372-8049 877-372-8049

11:09 AM

Page 1

Fine Properties Throughout Midcoast Maine StGeorge-Realty.com irener1@myfairpoint.net

Meadow Top Farm Warren ~ Extraordinary, restored, 1835 Cape Style home with new state of the art horse barn, heated tack room, 3 stalls with room for 6 horses. 60 beautiful acres with water frontage on St.George River and pond. 37 acres of open land, 23 acres of woods. $592,500



for more info Text T1551234 to 85377

11:10 AM

Page 1

No one has sold more homes in Mid-Coast Maine!

WALDOBORO MLS 1094944 $219,000 Russian FP, porch, & views of Clary Hill CALL Karen WALDOBORO Ext 103

MORRILL MLS 1097412 $349,000 Classic Farmhouse on 27ac, Huge Barn CALL Inez BELFAST ext 108 for more info Text T1069188 to 85377

SWANVILLE MLS 1090752 $329,900 Updated Year round cottage, Swan Lake CALL Bev BELFAST ext 124

for more info Text T20186 to 85377

www.jaretcohn.com 5 OFFICES IN MIDCOAST MAINE

SOUTH THOMASTON MLS 1093033 $242,000 Farmhouse w/modern updates CALL Bev BELFAST ext 124 for more info Text T1057702 to 85377

for more info Text T372279 to 85377

Belfast 338-4220

CAMDEN MLS 938392 $365,000 Village hme near WF, DWTN Call Sherry CAMDEN ext 103

for more info Text T1529960 to 85377

Camden 236-9626

Rockland 596-0352

Island Group


Waldoboro 832-5219

WASHINGTON MLS 1089357 $349,000 Farmhouse w/views of Crystal Lake CALL Jim CAMDEN ext 120

for more info Text T496742 to 85377

for more info Text T1043777 to 85377

for more info Text T1042038 to 85377

CAMDEN MLS 1093962 $269,500 Lovely 3BD/2BA,open LR/DR w/ views CALL Lee CAMDEN ext 240

ROCKLAND MLS 1087819 $179,000 Views of Breakwater and Lighthouse CALL Maryellen ROCKLAND ext 205

CUSHING MLS 1087526 $649,000 Classic views and deep water dock CALL Carole L. ROCKLAND ext 129

for more info Text T1543437 to 85377

for more info Text T1543438 to 85377

for more info Text T1533507 to 85377

HOPE MLS 1096330 $237,500 Spacious & private 2BD/2BA 2001 home CALL Meg CAMDEN ext 205

ROCKPORT MLS 1096266 $279,000 Charming retro cottage, steps to harbor. CALL Bridget CAMDEN 236-4580

MATINICUS ISLE PLT MLS 1095155 $180,000 Island home w/well kept yard CALL Ellen ROCKLAND ext 120

for more info Text T1522188 to 85377

for more info Text T1067733 to 85377

for more info Text T1540583 to 85377

ROCKLAND MLS 1094078 $199,000 1890 Victorian w/large yard & more! CALL Charmen ROCKLAND ext 226

ROCKPORT MLS 1090618 $199,000 Beautifully furnished 2BD/2BA condo CALL Carole W. ROCKLAND ext 117

ST. GEORGE MLS 1096100 $110,000 Well-kept DW w/3-car gar, spacious lot CALL Bob ROCKLAND ext 105



3:43 PM

Page 1


Carleton Johnson


207-592-1175 FRIENDSHIP Idyllic island retreat with sweeping vistas from Monhegan to Pemaquid, deepwater pier, sandy beach, bold open ledge. mlx: 1098122

Rockland Office


ST. GEORGE SET ON A BROAD KNOLL with nearly 600’ frontage on lower St. George River. Complete with small shop with 2 car garage. mlx: 1030496


NEW TO MARKET $435,000

ST GEORGE Custom built classic home with deeded ROW to Harrington Cove. mlx:1092840

25 Park St., Rockland, ME 73 Elm St., Camden, ME

NEW TO MARKET $399,000

UNION Direct access to SENNEBEC POND with sandy beach. Recently renovated 3 bedrooms,gameroom and 2-car garage. mlx: 1068358

NEW TO MARKET $369,000

Heidi Steele 207-542-4316 WALDOBORO Gently rolling 11+ acres. Private courtyard leading to a sauna, detached barn for storage or animals. mlx: 1089591


Camden Office


WARREN Beautiful New England farm with rolling fields and woodland. Income producing storage facility. mlx: 1090443

Simply the Best on the Coast of Maine

Nestled between tranquil Meduncook Bay and approximately 180 acres of protected common areas, MEDUNCOOK BAY COLONY consists of three separate communities: Hornbarn Hill, Gaunt Neck and Meduncook Plantation. Set amidst towering spruce and pine these surveyed and soil tested sites have been “pampered and groomed” to bring forth the best that Maine has to offer. Building lots starting at $79,000

N Re e w du Pri cti ce on s

Carleton Johnson cell 207-592-1175


207-596-0352 x127 • 25 Park St., Rockland, ME 04841 • www.jaretcohn.com



1:48 PM

Page 1

Page 48 - Vol. 22 No. 8 - For More Info Text Property T-Codes to 85377

CAMDEN REAL ESTATE C O M PA N Y 43 Elm Street, Camden, Maine 04843




for all Maine listings

ROCKPORT~3-BR Contemporary w/views of mountains & pond. Simplified rooms, open flow, high ceilings, fireplace. Guest space above & office attached to 3 bay garage. $439,500 Text T1542120 to 85377

ROCKPORT~3-BR home w/Cottage Style elements & modern amenities. Gourmet kitchen, FP in LR, space above the 3-car garage. Excellent landscaping & views of Penobscot Bay. $895,000 Text T1084051 to 85377

SOUTH THOMASTON~2-BR cottage on the St. George River w/open fl. plan, addit’l 1536 sq.ft. building w/workshop and income producing apartment on 17 acres. $595,000 Text T1530169 to 85377

CAMDEN~2-BR Cottage w/lots of light. MBR w/cathedral ceiling, FP & screened porch. LR w/wd flrs, gas stove & views of back yard. Heated workroom off garage. Stone walls & pond. $349,000 Text T1520370 to 85377

CAMDEN~4-BR home with new kitchen, mudroom area, and detached two car garage, ROW to Megunticook River at the end of the road. Quiet setting but close to everything! $380,000 Text T1080826 to 85377

WARREN~4-BR Contemporary w/lots of passive solar gain. 1st fl. Master, deck, attached garage, barn w/stalls, docks, float & outbuildings. Open fields down to the St. George River. $330,000 Text T1512986 to 85377

CAMDEN~Delightfully updated 3-BR Farmhouse on 1.4 well maintained acres. Post and beam LR w/gas stove, nice gardens, mature apple trees, large yard, many recent updates. $279,500 Text T1523780 to 85377

ROCKLAND~3-BR home w/fabulous kitchen, upscale bathrooms, large gathering room & private, pretty backyard. Near the Breakwater. One floor living w/nice big basement. $318,000 Text T665232 to 85377

ROCKPORT~Completely redone, 3-BR home. 1 floor living, lots of light, deck overlooking a generous back yard and a private pond. Fabulous kitchen and ready to move in. $309,000 Text T1084299 to 85377

OWLS HEAD~Lovingly cared for 3-4 BR home on sunny & open lot. Open concept, office & detached 2 car garage w/space. Minutes to ocean & 5m to downtown Rockland & amenities. $235,000 Text T1533792 to 85377

CAMDEN~3-BR DUPLEX CONDO. Well-maintained, high ceilings, lg. kitchen, separate dining area, finished 3rd fl., roomy deck, private yard & garage. Walk to shops & harbor! $235,000 Text T1525879 to 85377

LINCOLNVILLE~3-BR Antique Cape across from Breezemere Park & Nortons Pond. Great light & attached barn, shady glen & views of pond. A small cooperage makes a perfect studio. $238,000 Text T1513016 to 85377

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