Mid-Coast Maine RealEstateBook® THE Volume 31 Issue 10 HOME & LIFESTYLE GUIDE Handsome & Elegant Mansard Style Home in Monroe See Page 6 LISTED BY: Roland207-322-4848UnitedLittlefieldRealtyRealEstateBook.com Request FREE MAGAZINESonline.

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313 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841 207-701-5600 • info@catesre.com • 207-785-2000 w w w . c a t e s r e . c o m Your locally owned & operated community real estate Agency, with Agents in the Midcoast and Greater Portland Voted Best of the Best Real Estate Agency 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021 Knox County STUNNING HOME ON SOUTH POND. This 3 BR, 2.5 BA new build is luxurious in its design Enjoy maple flooring and water views from every room Cherish spectacular sunsets over from this peaceful setting located in the Station Lane Assoc. and cultivate your 1.64 acres. $1,600,000 mls: 1538348 WELCOME TO THE SPRUCES. Beauty abounds on this 1 69 acre parcel with the Erickson Fields Preserve Trail leading to Beech Hill Preserve just a short hike away through a path in your backyard 4BR cape with att 2 bay garage. $574,000 mls: 1535350
by a
OFFERING PRIVACY AND VIEWS of the Camden Hills and Penobscot Bay this energy efficient 3 bdrm 1 5 bath home was built in 1969 by local craftsmen Offering one floor living along with two spacious garage/workshop areas and a bedroom and living space over the garage. $385,000 mls: 1533179
WASHINGTON MONTVILLE SOMERVILLE PEACE AND PRIVACY. That is what you will find with this large 3 BR, 2 BA ranch Sitting on an open 4 83+/ acre lot, enjoy plenty of space to spread out and live the country life. Inside, the home is spacious and comforting providing an open floor plan $345,000 mls: 1532812
SEARCHING FOR A HISTORIC MAINE HOMESTEAD? Look no further than this 3 BR, 2 BA farmhouse Built in the 1700’s, the main floor of this home has been recently renovated. Upstairs bring your creativity and thought ful updates to the unfinished space $374,000 mls: 1524906 98.76 SURVEYED ACRES with frontage on Trues Pond and the upper end of the St George River This wooded parcel would make a perfect spot for that off grid hunting and fishing hideaway you ’ ve been dreaming of $225,000 mls: 1536258 WARREN ROCKPORT ISLESBORO SAINT GEORGE GORHAM CAMDEN THOMASTON SCARBOROUGH ISLESBORO
CONCEPTUALIZED renowned 3 3 BR, 2 BA On the first floor enjoy a bright and open floor plan Upstairs enjoy views to Seavey Cove from every room, including the quaint balcony. With gorgeous wood floors throughout $549,000 mls: 1537042 THIS CUSTOM DESIGNED HOME is a masterpiece and collaboration created by two like minded professionals, a local accomplished architect and his fine craftsman business partner The home will feature custom cabinetry with quartz/stone counters, radiant heat and luxury details $925,000 mls: 1538093 PEACEFUL AND EASY LIVING. This one floor, efficient space offers an elegant and sophisticated interior design with 3 BR and 1 5 BA Cozy up by the woodstove in the bright living room, or enjoy the scenic views of the fenced in country gar den from the large eat in kitchen $490,000 mls: 1536968
5 bath home was crafted from tim bers that were felled and milled from the property Set on 1 52± acres with 150 ft± of waterfront, with protected views of west Penobscot Bay. $1,300,000 mls: 1528452 BEAUTIFULLY APPOINTED HOME near Long Cove Come see this private 3
DREAMING OF VIEWS? Look no further than this 3 BR, 1 BA ranch on 2 23 acres in Thomaston Poised to perfectly take in the gorgeous landscape of the St George River, this solid home is ready for your thoughtful improvements to make the most of life in Mid Coast Maine. $729,245 mls: 1526409
ONE FLOOR LIVING in the Cornerstone Estates Freshly painted throughout, this 2 BR, 1 BA unit is pleasant to look at and pure enjoyment to live in Enjoy easy living all while being located off Route 1 with quick access to the Eastern Trail, local beaches, Portland and more. $392,000 mls: 1538909

Fran Riley, GRI Broker/Owner 207-338-6000 Roland Littlefield Broker/Owner 207-322-4848 UNITED REALTY 307 Belmont Avenue, Belfast, Maine 04915 UnitedRealtyME.com UnitedRealtyME@gmail.com WALDO 48 Acres o f b e a u t i f u l l a n d is the bonus with t h i s w o n d e r f u l home. Complete ly remodeled and u p d a t e d , t h i s 2 b e d r o o m o f f e r s p r i v a c y a n d serenity you can only dream of Nestled among the trees, enjoy watching the wildlife from your dining table and living rooms. Land has a lot of mixed soft and hardwood on it Long road frontage, some amazing fields for the h o r s e s . T h i s p r o p e r t y i s c l o s e t o d o w n t o w n B e l f a s t Waterfront MLS: 1536597 $350,000 BELFAST This is a 1 a c r e p a r c e l with 170' of water front On the Passy R i v e r w i t h d i r e c t b o a t i n g a c c e s s t o Belfast Harbor and P e n o b s c o t B a y . 2 b d r m , y e a r r o u n d Cottage features a complete remodel a few years ago Nice k i t c h e n o f f e r s p a t i o d o o r s t o t h e d e c k , o v e r l o o k i n g t h e water This low density building allows multiple building lots. Only 25' setbacks from the water. Kayak or walk to downtown Belfast Pedestrian bridge makes an easy walk, c o n n e c t t o t h e r a i l t r a i l & h a r b o r w a l k . C i t y u t i l i t i e s . MLS:1537163 $550,000 B E L M O N T Moments to Down t o w n a n d t h e O c e a n 5 m i l e s t o Belfast, this Charming C a p e C o d g e m i s prestigiously situat ed on the corner of Augusta Rd (Rt 3) & Searsmont Rd Lovely & spacious home offers flexibility to incorporate home office or business venture along w/resi dence 1st floor features open floor concept w/ eat in kitchen, breakfast bar, updated appliances & large bay window. MBR on the 1st floor w/private bath 2nd full bath, 2nd bdrm, office or den completes the first floor. Upstairs are 2 add’l rooms and storage Oversized garage attached MLS: 1512805 $225.000 S E A R S M O N T 2 5 + / A C R E S o f G o r g e o u s l a n d with Views, over l o o k i n g t h e L i n c o l n v i l l e a n d C a m d e n H i l l s . B r e a t h t a k i n g a n d peaceful surround ings will completely awe you This 25 acre parcel features long road frontage along Muzzy Ridge Road and continues a r o u n d t h e c o r n e r o n t o L a w r y R o a d . A l o n g t h e M u z z y Ridge Road section of property are blueberry crops, recent l y l e a s e d t o a w h o l e s a l e r . T h i s p a r c e l h a s n e v e r b e e n offered for sale publicly before Inquire today, these large p a r c e l s w i t h v i e w s d o n' t c o m e a l o n g f r e q u e n t l y M L S : 1538654 $220,000 NEWPRICE

Michael McNaboe 207 450 4514 michael@summermaine com Fletcher Smith-McNaboe 207 542 0412 fletcher@summermaine com 415 Main Street • Rockland, ME 04841 • www cityandharbor com City + Harbor Real Estate Group New name, same people, same expertise, same personalized service Local & Informed Brokers Representing Both Buyers and Sellers, with over 112 five star reviews Alna $200,000 MLS#1537431 Bristol $97,000 MLS#1532037 Jefferson $435,000 MLS#1534109 Bristol $975,000 MLS#1534705 87 Main St., Damariscotta (207) 563-1003 14 Todd Ave , Boothbay Harbor (207) 633 4433 MyNewcastle com Helping Local Families Achieve Their Real Estate Goals for Over 30 Years! Talk to you soon! Nobleboro $87,500 MLS#1518903 Edgecomb $565,000 MLS#1510259

NOBLEBORO This 3 bdrm, 2 bath cape offers privacy with a back lawn filled with nat ural light Walkout basement w/bonus room WALDOBORO. The perfect location to place a home overlooking the Medomak River! Relax by your own water frontage. WALDOBORO. Many options with this 10 76 acre parcel that has 860 feet of road frontage on US Route 1. Soils test done. $339,000 WALDOBORO. What's not to love in this ren ovated three bedroom Cape? First floor bed room and a two car garage LAND LOCATION LAND,LAND $44,660 $79,900 WALDOBORO. Pine Tree Zone Designation! 3 phase power on site and located within close access to Route 1 Large storage build ing makes this suitable for multiple uses! WALDOBORO. Prime commercial location with great exposure (215 feet) along Route 1 Easy access location with ample parking COMMERCIAL 4,400SQ.FT. $225,000 $469,000 $252,000 NEWPRICE 1530 Atlantic Highway, Waldoboro, ME 04572 207 832 7885 www.lashrealtygroup.com We are your neighbors living next door. We know the value of your home and property Let us help you sell your home.

ON THE COVER M O N R O E ~ H a n d s o m e a n d e l e g a n t , M a n s a r d style home situated in the Village of Monroe, only 2 0 m i n u t e s f r o m D o w n t o w n B e l f a s t Waterfront Prestigiously situated on a spacious corner lot encompassing two acres with wonderful lawn and garden areas and boasting beauti ful frontage on Marsh Stream; a bonus for anyone who likes fishing and fiddleheads Conscientiously maintained Easy commute to Bangor (30 minutes) or Belfast (20 min utes) MLS: 1527353 $425,000 UNI TED REALTY 207-338-6000 307 Belmont Ave., Rte. 3, Belfast, ME 04915 unitedrealtyme@gmail.com www.UnitedRealtyME.com Page 6 - Vol. 31 No. 10 “All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race color religion sex handicap familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitation, or discrimination We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis ” Blog RealEstateBook com FacebookRealEstateBook.com Twitter.com/RealEstateBook Want to see your home advertised in this magazine or featured on RealEstateBook.com? Contact any of the top real estate professionals advertised in this magazine or ask your agent about our mutimedia advertising packages for your home and learn more at RealEstateBookMediaKit.com 12912 Hill Country Blvd , F245 Bee Cave, TX 78738 NewPointMediaGroup com Request a FREE MAGAZINE from any market online at realestatebook com To order a Mid Coast Real Estate Book email mctreb@roadrunner com & RealEstateBook.com • LOCAL PRINT • WEB & MOBILE • SOCIAL • DIRECT MAIL Scan QR Code to shop homes from your mobile phone! STAND OUT & GET RESULTS with Multimedia Marketing Packages for Real Estate Professionals Karen Ingersoll 207-975-3001 Email: mctreb@roadrunner com For advertising information in The Real Estate Book of Mid-Coast Maine, contact: The Real Estate Book of Mid Coast Maine

Karen M. Rizkalla, Broker/Owner stgeorge realty.com or karenriz.com com & updated in 2022 and with k e e n e y e s t o w a r d h i s t o r i c i n t e g r i t y & m o d e r n c o n v e n i e n c e b y t h e c u r r e n t a n d p r i o r o w n e r s a n d l o n g t e r m c a r e taker, the light filled, Captain George R o b i n s o n H o u s e i s m o v e i n r e a d y . E x t e r i o r h a s b e e n p r o f e s s i o n a l l y repainted and first floor shutters care f u l l y r e p a i r e d , p r e p p e d & r e p a i n t e d N e w g r a n i t e s t e p s & l a n d s c a p i n g , r e m o v a l o f 9 0 % o f w a l l p a p e r , f r e s h l y r e p a i n te d i n t e r i o r , t h o u g h t f u l k i t c h e n u p d a t e w i t h n e w r a n g e , t w o a d j a c e n t c a b i n e t s w i t h s l a t e c o u n t e r t o p s t o match existing slate sink. The kitchen is g r a c e d w i t h o n e o f 3 w o r k i n g f i r e places in the home New roof in 2020, r e c e n t f u r n a c e & d r y b a s e m e n t w i t h s k y h i g h c e i l i n g s . E l e g a n t y e t f l e x i b l e floor plan w/open concept, double par lors with raised panel mahogany shut t e r s , f o r m a l d i n i n g r o o m , s p a c i o u s k i t c h e n , p r i v a t e , 3 s e a s o n s u n p o r c h w i t h s l i d i n g w i n d o w s , 1 s t f l o o r l i b r a r y w / a d j a c e n t s h i p ’ s c a p t a i n , m a h o g a n y bath & formal entry hall Graceful stairs lead to three, spacious bedrooms, full b a t h w / b u i l t i n s , p l u s m u l t i p u r p o s e r o o m w i t h p o t e n t i a l t o b e c o m e a p r i m a r y b a t h f o r a d j a c e n t b e d r o o m F a b u l o u s w o o d f l o o r s t h r o u g h o u t I n t o w n l o c a t i o n , c o n v e n i e n t t o v i l l a g e amenities, Harbor & recreational trails. Wo r k f r o m h o m e a n d w e l c o m e f a m i l y a n d f r i e n d s t o t h i s f a b u l o u s h o m e ! $579,000 Port Clyde to Camden
Historic Gem in Thomaston May I Sell Your Home? Saint George Realty 207-542-7247 From

BELFAST: acre lot t i f u l l o t w i t h a d r i v e w a y already in place. Listen to the water flowing down the stream while enjoying the privacy this land has to offer Just minutes away from Belfast and Lincolnville.MLS#1531353
with seasonal views of the water. Public access to the water is within walking distance Enjoy the quiet peaceful setting Drive, bike, or walk to downtown Belfast and enjoy the many amenities.MLS#1534382 BUCKSPORT: One of a kind! Antique Cape com pletely refurbished. Large LR, cherry kitchen, for mal DR, office and bath on first floor. Large mas ter BR, 2 more BRs and bath on 2nd floor Fields, woods, old barn. MLS#1532882 N O R T H P O R T : B e a u
BELFAST: Very nice building lot with much poten tial Prime location for Mid Coast Maine Close to Mountains, closer to Penobscot Bay and there is a lot of fresh water options for recreation as well. MLS#1537424 BELFAST: Old World might best describe The Little Stone Church on Meetinghouse Hill! This spectacular home was lovingly and thoughtfully r e n o v a t e d i n t o a w o n d e r f u l f a m i l y h o m e . MLS#1536476 SWANVILL E: Come and sit on the porch and e n j o y t h e s o u n d s o f n a t u r e w h i l e h a v i n g t h e wood's around you This lovely 3 BDRM home sits just minutes away from Swan Lake and a grocery store MLS#1535410
: ‘ ’ L U P I N E HOMESTEAD AT DEVEREUX COVE’’ C a p e C o d h a s 4 B R s , 2 . 5 b a t h s . 5 . 7 surveyed acres Antique, 2 story, POST & BEAM BARN MLS#1529414 VERONA ISLAND: The ‘’Carter Cottage’’, circa 1905 is one of only 3 remaining original cottages in the Verona Park area. Come spend your sum mers here and enjoy this charming cottage Will need a drilled well MLS#1527910 PALERMO: 7 Acres of pasture/field and woods MLS#1527019 BELFAST: This 3 25 acre partially wooded double lot offers unobstructed water views with privacy Enjoy the qui et, peaceful setting. Buildable lots along tidal waters are rare Come take a look you won’t be disappointed. MLS#1517986 BELFAST: Available for your business develop ment 1 6 SURVEYED ACRES, zoned Route 141 a n d M i l l L a n e C O M M E R C I A L D i s t r i c t . 2 4 7 ’ f r o n t a g e o n U S R T 1 w i t h H I G H T R A F F I C COUNT. MLS#1521621 $69,500 $995,000 $185,000 $65,000 $550,000 $65,000 $1,595,000 $279,900 $259,500 $170,000 279,000 $280,000 ©2022 BHH Affiliates LLC An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates LLC Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate BELFAST OFFICE 1G Belmont Avenue, Suite #1 • ME • 04915 207 338 3381 belfast@bhhsnere.com With Offices Statewide, find us at www.bhhsnere.com Good to Know.™ Northeast Real Estate Download our Mobile App TODAY Text BHHSME301 to 87778
LINCOLNVILLE: A scenic drive along Route 1, just North of Camden stands the Mount Battie Motel Close to Lincolnville Beach and Camden Hills State Park Property is well maintained 21 room motel and a 3BR home on 4+ ac MLS#1530023 S T O C K T O N S P R I G S

Marjorie Crowley Broker/Owner 2004 202218th Year Representing Buyers & Sellers of Coastal Maine Real Estate 48 Marshall Wharf, Belfast, ME 04915 207-338-6005 coastwiserealestate.com • coastwiserealty@gmail.com “ANNIE’S LOG CABIN” 713 Shore Rd., Northport Nestled among the pines, “Annie’s Cabin” in historic Bayside is just steps from beautiful Kelly’s Cove beach. Built in 1935, this meticulously renovated 3-season haven offers partial ocean views, a large deck, a FP, a glassed-in porch, a new bathroom, new custom kitchen cabinets and a 16'x16' detached studio all on a lush, ½ acre lot. $475,000 REALTOR 207.338.5265 118 High Street, Belfast, ME 04915 Visit belfastre.com for all Maine Listings Our mission is to provide the most informative, professional, and loyal Real Estate Brokerage in Midcoast Maine. We are dedicated to a long-term Real Estate relationship with you.

Created by Eric Nation of Workshop + Gallery The 1100 square foot 2 bedroom, 1 bath, modernist house is designed to sit respectfully in its 7 acre rural environment The energy efficient, single story house is tucked into the hillside to provide shelter from cold Maine Nor'easters and noise from the nearby road The linear floor plan allows each room to have unobstructed views over a meadow surrounded by mature forrest A covered entry porch opens into the living room and open plan kitchen anchored by a centrally located Morso wood stove. Clerestory windows along the North wall bathe the living spaces in soft natural light Interior finishes reflect the minimalist aesthetic, with a rough sawn pine ceiling contrasting the concrete floors and white walls in the living room, kitchen and bedrooms. The dark granite countertop of the kitchen island is wrapped by a massive hemlock counter that provides seating for dining and entertaining The living room and Master Bedroom open out onto a gravel terrace that sits above the meadow below Materials were chosen for both tactile and aesthetic value, but also durability and ease of mainte nance Knox Cabin embodies the best qualities of craftsmanship, tranquility and comfort $474,900 Pr esented by: Tina Trap Cell: 207 930 9135 tina@tinafoxfire.com
A Contemporar y Work of Ar t 877 Belfast Road, Knox, ME BELFAST Year round or seasonal this Cozy 1 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath, Cottage is just 2 miles to the Ocean, downtown restaurants & shopping This gem looks and feels like a dollhouse, it features a beautiful new kitchen, bath, flooring, custom trim throughout, updated lighting, metal roof & more plus 4 acre surveyed lot $248,900 SWANVILLE POSSIBLE OWNER FINANCING TO A QUAL IFIED BUYER. Come see this Pretty 2 Ac re lot with, a nice wide driveway, power, well & septic well all in place ready for your new home Mobile Homes, modu lars or stickbuilt all are allowed. Plus a feel of privacy being tucked in just a little bit $79,900
T A c r e a g e t o b u i l d y o u r d r e a m h o m e o r a Commercial venture this 19 Acre surveyed parcel has 351’ of road frontage located on Rt 3, Entrance drive way is all in place A satisfactory preliminary soils test has been done at the front of the lot. $115,000 WINDSOR This 1850 New England style Farmhouse offers a welcoming and warm feeling. It has an abundance of original character throughout such as beautiful moldings, built ins, wide pine floors & fireplaces First floor features a nice country kitchen with functioning cookstove, spacious dining room with brick fireplace, and living room with fireplace, primary bedroom may once have been the double parlor, separate office or dressing room, full bath, & separate laundry room Second floor consists of 3 bedrooms, and full bath, plus lots of attic storage. This home had been tastefully updated over the years. The Fenced in back yard with large deck provides privacy. Large garden area with lots of room for expansion, mature apple trees and grape vines The large barn has endless opportunities Close proximity to shopping & town office Schedule an appointment today $529,000 LuAnne Adams (207) 322-5930 107 Main Street, Belfast luadams55@gmail.com

B E L F A S T N e w C o n d o s w i t h F A N T A S T I C H A R B O R VIEWS! 7 Shipmasters is only 2 y e a r s y o u n g a n d t r a n s f e r r e d o w n e r s a y s S e l l ! 2 b e d r o o m s , o f f i c e , 4 b a t h r o o m s , l a r g e L R , DR & Kitchen with 2 sided gas f i r e p l a c e G r a n i t e & Q u a r t z counter tops. HVAC system for b o t h h e a t & a i r . J a c u z z i t u b , hickory hardwood flooring, two d e c k s w i t h g l a s s r a i l i n g s f o r unobstructed views. 2 car garage. $525,000 MLS#1520517 207-745-8118 4 Union Plaza, Bangor, ME 04401 dave@prorealestate com www ProRealEstate com Dave Giroux

F a n t a s t i c o p p o r t u n i t y f o r 8 9 a c r e s ( m o r e a v a i l a b l e p o t e n t i a l l y ! ) o n W i n s l o w s M i l l s R d , W a l d o b o r o Surveyed & Soil Tested. $85,000 Recently remodeled ranch with bonus 2nd floor bdrm and a huge deck ideal for entertaining Conveniently located on Rt 3. Great price! $189,000 G r e a t o p p o r t u n i t y t o o w n a n i n t o w n lot! This home sits on 45 acres of land and has a ton of potential Begging to be brought back to its original beauty this home offers 4 bdrms, 3 baths and so much more $224,900 BRISTOL CHINA WALDOBORO Colonial Farmhouse on 200 acre homestead with conservancy easement on 184 acres, 4 5 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, barn, tennis court, with frontage on both Winston and Jackson roads in Waldoboro exceptional and extraordinary offering $995,000 WALDOBORO Iconic convenience store at the town & c o u n t y l i n e e n j o y s h i g h t r a f f i c l o c a t i o n and proximity to local schools and other b u s i n e s s e s A v a i l a b l e t u r n k e y w i t h a l l necessary equipment to conduct business immediately! 2 9 acres $419,000 WALDOBORO/WARREN LOCATION!! 3BD/1 5BA manufactured home located in Rockland’s desirable South End. 60 second drive to South End (Sandy) B e a c h a n d y o u c a n s e e R o c k l a n d Breakwater from the end of your driveway!! Bring your own special plans to renovate as desired or build new! 175,000 ROCKLAND C l a s s i c m e e t s c o n t e m p o r a r y w i t h t h i s 3 bdrm/2 bath single floor cape featuring a p r o p a n e f i r e p l a c e , f i r s t f l o o r l a u n d r y , b e a u t i f u l s u n r o o m a n d a n a t t a c h e d garage. $539,000 ROCKPORT NEWLISTING Gambrel Cottage, 2 3 bed/2 bath, with detached garage and 3 season sunroom, n e s t l e d i n a n a t u r a l i s t ' s d r e a m s e t t i n g Landscape design provides habitat for a vari ety of ecosystems, while creating camouflage for ultimate privacy. $239,000 EDGECOMB NEWLISTING SOLD UUNDERCONTRACT NDERCONTRACT SOLD THE POOLEY REALT Y GROUP 1837 Atlantic Highway, Waldoboro, ME 207 832 1139 www.mainecoastre.com The market is changing again - do you know what to do? Call us - We do! WALDOBORO Deb Pooley, Tiffany Look, Tabitha Benner, Tracie Pooley, Jon Cormier, Cynthia Harding, Jessica Pooley 2003 Astro 3 bed/2 bath manufactured home on a 1 04 acre lot on McFadden Farm R d . C o n v e n i e n t l y l o c a t e d b e t w e e n D a m a r i s c o t t a a n d P e m a q u i d p e n i n s u l a amenities $180,000

Judy Evans 89 Village Way, Rockport, ME 04856 Main 207 593 7065 • Cell 207 542 7444 www sailawaymaine com • info@sailawaymaine com Vacation Co ttage Rentals Av aila ble at Samoset Village For Information call 207 542 7444 or 207 593 7065. Or, view at www.sailawaymaine.com under Vacation Rentals. C A M D E N C h a r m i n g N e w E n g l a n d style property located in the heart of Mid Coast Maine on 1 3 acres, that's been in the same family since 1947. Don't miss this one of a kind opportu nity on Elm Street in Camden with this m e t i c u l o u s m a i n t a i n e d h o m e Features an updated roof, hot water heater, and vinyl siding for maintenance ease The door is open with opportunity for the possibility of future growth and development or to hold for your own enjoyment and privacy A warmth of history with a tin ceiling, wood beams and flooring with old style iron cut nails. Enjoy the beauty and character of the past in this sweet offering Huge barn attached for enormous storage area or another opportunity to grow, create an apartment or business. Many options to consider A few moments' walk downtown for an evening with friends or to jump on an afternoon sail at the last minute for a Maine Island sail experience Enjoy an evening of selective dining, the choices are many Lovely Camden shops to explore Endless activities just outside your door with nature trails, biking, swimming, and golfing to name a few. This is where everyone wants to be! Is it you? (Possible opportunity to subdivide some of the property Refer to the sketch plan shown by Gartley & Dorsky Engineering & Surveying, Inc ) $695,000 MLS#1526739 NEWPRICE

GREGORY W. PEET REAL ESTATE gregorypeet@aol.com • 207-594-5355 • www.peetrealestate.com Proud to be your REALTOR® since 1985 56 Snowhill Lane, P.O. Box 202, South Thomaston, ME 04858 SELLING? List with me and get a SOLD sign! S O U T H T H O M A S T O N $ 4 4 9 , 9 0 0 W A T E R V I E W ! Excellent condition thoughout! This 2 BR, 1 5 bath ranch features nice kitchen with stainless appliances, propane gas fireplace in living area, first floor laundry, 3 recent heat pumps, deck, and 2 + c a r a t t a c h e d g a r a g e . H e a t e d w a l k o u t basement Recent roof Private dead end road ROCKLAND $219,900 ANOTHER NEW P R I C E ! 1 , 8 6 4 s q f t c o l o n i a l w i t h 4 bedrooms (including one BR on FIRST F L O O R ) , 2 f u l l b a t h s , L R , D R , w o o d floors, and first floor laundry PUBLIC WATER and PUBLIC SEWER Please call for appointment SOUTH THOMASTON $365,900 BRAND NEW and NEVER OCCUPIED home on 4 ACRES! Stick built 2 BR, 2 FULL BATHS, s l i d e r s t o r e a r d e c k , l a u n d r y h o o k u p s , convenient two car attached garage, FULL BASEMENT, 3 BR septic system Peaceful location on private dead end road W A L D O B O R O $ 1 3 9 , 9 0 0 N E W P R I C E ! 25 ACRES with significant road frontage on Washington Road! This parcel of land offers possibility of MORE THAN ONE BUILDING LOT. Includes stone walls, mature trees, and some OPEN AREAS as well MUST BE SEEN! ROCKLAND $189,900 NEW PRICE! 2 BR, 2 FULL BATHS, applianced eat in kitchen, L R w i t h w o o d p e l l e t s t o v e , w a s h e r a n d dryer, recent roof, large deck, two sheds, and blacktop driveway PUBLIC SEWER and PUBLIC WATER Convenient location with sidewalks R O C K L A N D $ 4 4 9 , 9 0 0 N E W E X C L U S I V E L I S T I N G . T h i s newly remodeled 3 BR ranch o f f e r s T W O N E W F U L L BATHS, new fully applianced kitchen with granite counters, n e w w i n d o w s , n e w w a l l s , ceilings and interior paint, new f l o o r i n g , n e w e l e c t r i c a l i n c l u d i n g a l l l i g h t i n g , n e w i n s u l a t i o n , t w o n e w h e a t p u m p s , n e w e x t e r i o r s i d i n g , n e w r o o f , b a s e m e n t , L A R G E D E T A C H E D G A R A G E , a n d PUBLIC WATER MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE! SOUTH THOMASTON $449,900 Only 3 years old! Stick built contemporary cape offers 4 BR ( m a s t e r s u i t e i n c l u d e s 2 d o u b l e c l o s e t s a n d master bath), 2.5 baths, great room with cathedral ceiling and sliders to large deck, family room, kitchen with granite counters and center island, and 2 car garage Private 1 67 acre setting Call today to get YOUR property here next month! SOLD S O U T H T H O M A S T O N $ 4 1 9 , 9 0 0 N E W P R I C E ! 9 5 F E E T W A T E R F R O N T o n Wessaweskeag River! Quiet location on dead end paved public road. Living area offers skylight and atrium door to deck facing water outside 1 BR with 2 FULL BATHS Garage SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD

SOUTH THOMASTON A beautifully wooded building lot on special Spruce Head Island This 1 68 acre lot perfect for your dream home also includes the oportunity to purchase into the Merchants Landing Association for an additional fee to have your own seasonal mooring with all the dock amenities Just a short walk from the shore Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity! $175,000 Call Jaime CUSHING Wooded 7 5 acre lot located on dead end road, Soil tested and protective covenants in place in subdivision Nice large house lot in rural setting enjoy the quiet countryside while being only minutes from the coast Great Price! $27,500 Call Jaime SO THOMASTON: Nestled on Spruce Head Island is 1 68 acres of private wooded land wait ing for the perfect summer cottage A boaters’ dream; located merely 500ft from the ocean, you have the opportunity to buy into Merchant’s landing condo association and have your own seasonal mooring with all the dock amenities Don’t miss this rare opportunity to buy on this h i g h l y c o v e t e d , e x t r e m e l y s p e c i a l p i e c e o f Maine $230,000 Call Jaime
Jaime Fish Connell Helping your home ownership dreams come true! (207) 691-1130 jaimefishconnell@masiello.com ROCKLAND Location! Location! Location! Amazing, completely renovated location for your business Two individual buildings on this property have been com pletely updated and renovated Second building is fin ished and could easily be converted into living space for additional rental income or perhaps live and work from the same location There is parking to accomo date 6+ cars with 120 ft of road frontage This property is located directly across the street from the Hannaford shopping plaza at one of the busiest and most visible intersections in Knox County, $489,000 Call Jaime R O C K P O R T B A C K O N T H E M A R K E T ! J u s t imagine the possibilities! hard to find route #1 f r o n t a g e , g r e a t v i s i b i l i t y a n d a m u l t i t u d e o f options for your standalone business or build your dream home and work from home Lot is zoned bus/res Seller has prepped lot all ready f o r f o r y o u r B l u e p r i n t s , g e t s t a r t e d t o d a y ! $109,000 Call Jaime ROCKPORT Quality post and beam Cape, nestled in a wooded country setting that is within minutes to Rockport village and harbor or scenic Camden Hills This 3 bdrm 2 5 bath in the main house and a 1 bdrm apt with private deck and seperate entrance for house guests to enjoy A central stone fireplace with a vault ed ceiling creates a rich and inviting atmosphere Enjoy the open floorplan showing off the beautfully appointed high end chefs kitchen Oversized 2 car garage lead to a second access to the apt Beautifully landscaped yard $850,000 Call Jaime SAINT GEORGE Looking for a solid 3 bdrm ,1 5 bath home with lots of character? Look no further, this light filled farmhouse offers original hardwood floors, built in cupboards in the dinning room Many recent updates which include, newly updated kitchen with a breakfast nook, new appliances, powder room with laundry and folding counter, a new full bath and bdrm addition on 2nd floor with radiant floor heating.. Wonderful 2 story barn is attached through a breezeway / mudroom giv ing direct entry to the house and 1 car storage with auto garage opener $419,0 00 Call Jaime
SAINT GEORGE It’s not everyday that a property with this much potential comes along! Peacefully situated on 4 55 wooded acres, 2 5 miles from downtown Tenant’s Harbor, this dynamic 5,184 sqft home has endless possibilities.There are 4 attached separate commercial garage work spaces, an office with a half bath and entry waiting area sit adjacent, along with a mechanical room that services these spaces The pos sibilities for the upstairs 1 2BR, 1 BA include owner occupy living area, or an income generating rental $545,000 Call Jaime
ROCKLAND Location, quiet, country setting in quaint Pen Bay Acres, this neighborhood is close to every thing; shopping, Rockland’s iconic Breakwater Lighthouse, local beaches, downtown Rockland and all the fun it offers shopping or eating out at local restaurants This 4 bdrm, 3 bath, home prominently sit uated on its beautifully landscaped lot with wooded rock wall border affords privacy to the sunny back yard and deck for entertaining and your enjoyment Attached heated oversized garage & workshop, paved drive Comfortable living at its best! $525,000 Call Jaime

Meriwether Gill (207) 706-6242 meriwethergill@masiello.com SOUTH BRISTOL Rare offering Rutherford Island & overlooking Christmas Cove! 4,312 sq ft passive solar residence/year round Inn/B&B with spectacular views looking across Pemaquid Point out towards Monhegan Island A total of 6 BRs (all w/a private en suite bath & jacuzzi tub, fireplace (gas/electric) & small refrigerator, microwave & TV. $1,125,000 R O C K P O R T U N I Q U E O P P O R T U N I T Y ! Beautiful 62± acre land parcel consists of fields, stone walls, hard/soft woods and 17 ± acres of low bush blueberry fields. $339,000 OWLS HEAD Beautifully maintained 1850’s farmhouse & two story barn, situated on 2 acres with beautiful gardens abound and well mani cured lawns The 1st floor features a kitchen, formal dining area, living room w/ wood fireplace, 1st floor bdrm, office, laundry room, mud room, half bath and doors that lead out to a large private back deck You’ll find two more spacious bedrooms located on the 2nd floor, along with a full bath A two story barn, greenhouse and fenced vegetable garden with plenty of room for expansion $625,000 NEWPRICE NEWPRICE NEWPRICE Carole Wright (207) 691-7259 carolewright@masiello.com ROCKLAND Versatile South End proper ty This classic New Englander is nicely situated on one of the largest house lots in the neighborhood Come explore all the possibilities $499,000 OWLS HEAD Terrific opportunity to buy into one of Owls Head's best neighbor hoods This 3BR/2BA cape is nicely situat ed on a pretty lot and has much to offer Detached garage $379,000 S O U T H T H O M A S T O N C o n t e m p o r a r y home situated on a private waterfront lot This spacious home offers a wall of win d o w s f a c i n g t h e t i d a l W e s k e a g R i v e r , 3BR/2BA, detached garage $485,000 ROCKLAND Nicely updated 3BR, 2BA home on a spacious intown lot This com fortable home offers many updates Close to schools, shopping and other amenities $289,000 Call CAROLE or JAIME SOUTH THOMASTON: Large 17 54 acre parcel Property is wooded with a road cut i n R e c e n t s o i l t e s t a n d s e p t i c d e s i g n available Bring your plans for you dream home! $79,000 #1510458 katiefolsom@masiello.com Katie Folsom 207-542-6188

OWLS HEAD: This developed land listing is your dream come true! The coordination of site development and utility installations are complete - you just need to build the house! 3.99-acre private lot. MLS#1531500 $375,000 BELFAST: Rare opportunity to own a private 3.41 acre piece of property nestled into downtown Belfast and close to many midcoast amenities. Within waking distance to the ocean, shops, restaurants. MLS#1533854 $369,000 MONTVILLE: Open and sunny parcel of land featuring a large hay field, a cleared building lot, and a basic driveway in place. This property is ready for a private house site set back off a winding dirt road. MLS#:1476369 $195,000 APPLETON: Lovely big sky views and lots of potential for this 42 acre lot. This mountain side parcel has been recently cleared and offers a basic roadway with power available and ready to go. MLS#1524305 $195,000
ROCKPORT: Here is your opportunity to own two side-by-side condos in Maine's popular Samoset Village - a private oceanfront community.
Avary Lamont, Nancy Hughes, Becky Johnson, Mary Bumiller, Nikki Bland, Hanna Steinberg
ROCKPORT: Welcome to Spring Mountain Subdivision - a quiet, thoughtfully laid out subdivision offering privacy for your newly built home in a neighborhood of other wellbuilt homes. 1.27-acre lot. MLS#1532910 $79,000
MLS#1538306 $1,075,000 NORTHPORT: Welcome to Cedar Cottage, a perfect retreat, investment opportunity or year round home in the Mid Coast region with south facing distant water views over Penobscot Bay.MLS#1535702 $725,000 HOPE: Feel a natural draw of Maine woods and lakes from this uncomplicated, year round 2 bdrm/2 bath log home nestled on the shores of Hobbs Pond. Lakeside covered porch, dock and a 2 car garage. MLS#1532279 $725,000
WARREN: This classic extended cape rests on 7.5 acres of elevated, bucolic fields and horse pastures. An attached two car garage gives entry to the renovated kitchen and open living concept. MLS#1529256 $442,000
ROCKPORT: Just the right size lot for the home you have been dreaming to build with all that you desire. West Meadows Sub. is at the crossroads of all the RockportCamden-Rockland area offers.MLS#1535014 $65,000
HOPE: This rare offering on coveted Lermond Pond is an adorable, four season bijou cottage with 75 feet of deep water frontage, a sloping open yard to the water and a first floor bedroom. MLS#1531221 $389,000
ROCKLAND: Beautifully landscaped with big open and sunny sky views of the hills, your dream home awaits to be built in this tasteful condominium shared land of 5+ acres. MLS#1536353 $40,000 80 Elm St, Camden, ME 04843 207-236-1111 camdencoast.com

www.jaretcohn.com Jaret & Cohn Each RE/MAX® office independently owned & operated Carleton Johnson Broker 207-592-1175 cjohnson@jaretcohn.com 25 Park Street, Rockland, ME 04841 THIS ELEVATED PARCEL OF OPEN LAND offers nearly a 360 degree vista of the countryside and access to Fish Pond Over 24 acres in size there is ample room to roam with multiple sites granting privacy, yet less than a ten minute drive to Camden or Rockland $229,000 P R I V A T E E L E V A T E D A C R E A G E o f f e r i n g a w i d e vista of the surrounding countryside, consisting of nearly 40 acres of blueberries and mature forest, this parcel enjoys extensive frontage on a lightly traveled country lane Call today $199,000 A N E X P A N S I V E V I S T A A C R O S S A N D U P T H E MEDOMAK RIVER and nearly 200 feet of saltwa ter frontage are yours with this well sited home Featuring a fireplaced living room, 2BR and 1.5 baths $489,000 AN EXPANSIVE VIEW ACROSS THE COUNTRY SIDE, 10 acres of rolling fields, walk to the village or public pond access from this exceptional home Features include natural wood trim, wood floors, ''pocket doors'' and the original kitchen and pantry with updated counter tops $439,000 THIS PARTIALLY CLEARED and ready to build 9 acre lot awaits your new home A brand new 3 BR septic has just been installed in November 2021 Come see this conveniently located parcel with your ideas today! $139,000 Call Sam at 617 633 4336 HOPE LIBERTY WALDOBORO MID COASTAL ACREAGE OFFERING FRONTAGE ON SOUTH POND This forested plot has much to offer, privacy yet just a short drive to all amenities 8 0 0 + f e e t o f f u n c t i o n a l f r e s h w a t e r f r o n t a g e . $345,000 WARREN CAMDEN UNION

L O C A L E X P E R T S , G L O B A L L Y C O N N E C T E D Each RE/MAX® office independently owned & operated. UNION E a s y o n e f l o o r l i v i n g i n t h e s p a c i o u s Ranch. Open kitchen, dining and living r o o m w i t h p e l l e t s t o v e , 3 b e d r o o m s . Huge deck on back and 2 car garage. Dead end road close to the top of hill, g r e a t l o c a t i o n o n l y a f e w m i n u t e s t o Union Common and Stores. Sennebec and Seven Tree Ponds are few miles to access. $299,000 www.pgushee.com Jaret & Cohn 73 Elm St , Camden, Maine 04843 Full T im e Exp e r ie n ce d B r o ke r Pam Gushee 207-542-3737 pgushee@jaretcohn.com HOME OF THE MONTH Age: 3 years Sex: Male (Neutered) Note: No Cats If there was ever a name suited to a dog, it is Goliath Weighing in at 102 pounds, yes, you read that correctly, 102 pounds, Goliath is a BIG boy. Goliath came to PMHS as one of five husky/shepherd mixes looking for a new home He is high energy, treat motivated, and is happy to sing you the song of his people An intelligent guy, Goliath's ideal home will have experience with large dogs that can be a lit tle headstrong and a lot of fun! Call 207 594 2200 Looking for my forever home! Goliath Gentleman's Farm on a few acres in Union! Cute Cape with daylight base ment, sunroom and screen porch in a country setting. Has a great chicken c o o p , a n d s m a l l b a r n f o r l i v e s t o c k Many sunny garden areas with fruit trees existing Close to Union Town, and surrounding lakes $299,000 UNION Colorful Home with many unique fea tures Open kitchen with bar seating, din ing area, and living room with built ins. 4 B R s 1 o n 1 s t f l r , a n d 3 u p s t a i r s $299,000 Just like new, this fabulous Cape is in a c o n v e n i e n t l o c a t i o n ! E n j o y s p a c i o u s rooms, eat in kitchen, back deck, formal DR, 2 living rooms, primary BR suite & 3 more BRs, 3 baths $395,000 UNION Under Contract Under Contract ROCKLAND