Energy Field of Study: Annual Report 2009 A. Introduction
B. Faculty Highlights
C. Student Highlights
D. Course Highlights
E. Conferences/Workshops/Seminars organized
F. Grant and Sponsored Research Projects 2009
Completed Projects
Continuing Projects
Initiated Sponsored Projects
G. Publications
H. Energy Masters Theses Titles
I. Abstracts of Energy Ph.D. Dissertations
J. Energy Faculty and Staff
Administrative and Research Staff
Doctoral Students Research Topics
Published by: Energy Field of Study School of Environment, Resources and Development Asian Institute of Technology E-mail: Tel: (66 2) 524 5440, 524 5407 (Direct) (66 2) 516 0110 - 44 (Operator) Fax: (66 2) 524 5439 (Direct) (66 2) 516 2126 (Operator) Energy web site: AIT web site: Published Date: March 2010
Energy Energy Field Field of of study study −− Annual Report 2009
he Asian Institute of Technology promotes technological change and sustainable development in the Asian-Pacific region through higher education, research and outreach. Its mission is “to develop highly qualified and committed professionals who play leading roles in the region’s sustainable development and its integration into the global economy”. In line with AIT’s mission and goals, energy studies at AIT was initiated in 1979, and three areas of specialization – energy technology, energy economics and planning, and electric power systems management – are currently offered. The Energy field of study prefers its entering students to possess a background in engineering, science, economics and management. Since the first batch of students admitted in 1980, a total of 1,046 students have graduated in Energy as of December 2009. Currently, more than 100 students are enrolled in Energy studies at AIT, thirty of whom are studying at doctoral level. The Energy field of study’s faculty is highly accomplished and maintains memberships on editorial boards of international journals, and many faculty members are leaders in presentations, and peer review of articles in the field. Through its linkages across Asia and around the world, the Energy field of study is positioned as regional leader in energy related issues. Energy at AIT has laboratory facilities to support research, testing and hands-on training. Hardware laboratory functions are focused mainly on solar thermal energy, photovoltaics, biomass energy, energy management, and electrical measurement and analysis. The facilities include two indoor laboratories, an energy park and a meteorological station. The indoor laboratories are equipped with experiment setups, testing apparatus and measuring equipment for thermal and electrical management, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer, and electrical power supply management. The outdoor laboratory (Energy Park) covers 3,980-m2 outdoor research and demonstration facility equipped with photovoltaic systems, solar thermal (air and water) systems, biomass research and day lighting setups. The meteorological station measures and records solar radiation and other meteorological data. A hybrid micro hydro – photovoltaic plant is planned for 2010. The Energy laboratory carries out testing services such as fuel quality, gas composition, heating value of fuels, solar thermal collector performance, solar water heater system performance and stove efficiency. The field of syudy has also a large number of computer modeling software for energy planning and policy analysis for research and learning. These include Model for Analysis of Energy Demand and Environmental Impacts (MAED, MEDEE-S/ ENV, LEAP), Electricity System Planning (WASP-III Plus, ENPEP, DECPAC), EnergyEnvironmental Flow Optimization Model (EFOM-ENV), Wood Energy Planning Models, Energy-Environmental Models for estimation of impacts of energy externalities, air pollution emission and dispersion and climate change (CO2 DB, RAINS, TEMIC, ECOSENS, ISC) and Energy-Environmental Database Management Software (DBAVOID). Some of the current research focuses of Energy field of study are on the following themes: energy, environment and climate change; energy for sustainable development; renewable energy; energy efficiency; electric power system management; restructuring of energy industries; and energy economics and planning. Additional details regarding Energy field of study activities are available at
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Faculty Highlights
he Energy field of study welcomed Dr. Charles Marpaung, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, who joined as visiting faculty in September 2009. His area of specialization is Energy Planning: Energy, and Economy and Environmental Modeling. Dr. P. A. Salam joined the Energy field of study as Assistant Professor in October 2009. Before joining AIT, Dr Salam was the General Manager at Genesis Company, based in Thailand. Dr. Salam specializes in Bio-energy and Renewable Energy. Dr. Jai Govind Singh joined the Energy field of study as Assistant Professor in December 2009. Dr. Singh was a post doctoral fellow at Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, and at University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, before joining AIT. His area of specialization is in Power System Planning, Operation and Control, FACTS Controllers, Demand Side Management, and Integration of Renewable Energy Resources. Energy welcomed Prof. Tatsuo Oka, Head of Innovation Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Utsunomiya University, Japan, during the August Semester 2009 to offer the course “Energy Management of Buildings”. His visit to AIT was seconded by the Government of Japan. Dr. Pipat Chaiwiwatworakul, from JGSEE King Mongkul University of Technology Thonburi, visited AIT to teach the course “ED72.05 Demand-Side Management” during the August Semester 2009. Dr. S. K. Shukla, from Mechanical Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, India, was seconded by the Government of India to teach the course “ED72.06 Design and Management of Energy System” during the August Semester 2009. Dr. N. Mithulananthan left AIT to join the faculty of the University of Queensland in July 2009. During his period at AIT, he had offered a number of courses, supervised Masters and Doctoral students, initiated and participated in a number of sponsored research projects. Prof. Ram M. Shrestha retired from AIT after spending more than three decades as a faculty at the Energy field of study. During his period at AIT, he offered a number of courses, supervised Masters and Doctoral students, initiated and participated in a large number of sponsored research projects. He also served as Energy field of study Coordinator, Chair of the AIT’s Academic Senate, and in many other capacities at AIT. Prof. Yaw Juen Wang from Department of Electrical Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Taiwan returned to his home university after spending two years at AIT. During his period of stay, he was involved in offering courses and student supervision. His stay at AIT was seconded by Taiwanese Government. As part of the two stage masters program initiated in 2008, Prof. S.V. Joshi, Prof. S. K. Jabade and Prof. R.R. Kulkarni of the Vishwakarma School of International Studies (VSIS), India, were appointed as visiting faculty during 2009.
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Student highlights
s. Cherry Mwo Lwin, a Masters student of the Energy field of study was selected to join the first batch of the Nagoya University Global Environmental Leaders Program (NUGELP) for a period of 6 months during October 2009 – March 2010. She received a full scholarship. Ms. Panida Boonyaritdachochai, a Masters student, participated and presented a paper at the GMSARN conference held at Ha Long, Vietnam during 25-27 November 2009. Mr. Chanwit Boonchuay, a Doctoral student, presented his research results at the 2009 IEEE Bucharest Power Tech Conference, Bucharest, Romania from 26 June – 5 July 2009. He also visited the University of Hong Kong to conduct part of his research for two months (1 April – 31 May 2009). Ms. Jirawadee Polpasert, a Doctoral student, participated and presented a paper in the GMSARN conference “Energy Security and Climate Change: Problem & Issues in GMS” held at Ha Long, Vietnam during 25-27 November 2009. She also participated as an intern during 15 June – 24 July 2009, at K – Water, Daejong, South Korea. Mr. Komkrit Prasertwong, a Doctoral student, participated and presented a paper in the GMSARN conference “Energy Security and Climate Change: Problem & Issues in GMS” held at Ha Long, Vietnam during 25-27 November 2009. Ms. Ongorn Rattananathawon, a Doctoral student visited the Norwegian Technical University (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway to conduct research under the Networking project sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway, from 25 February 2009 to 30 April 2009. Nine students from Electrical and Computer Engineering, Han Yang University, South Korea attended a two month program at the Energy field of study as certificate students during February – March 2009. Two students from the Mechanical Engineering Department, Kathmandu University, Nepal attended a four-week program as special students during July 2009 and carried out experimental work on biomass – gasifier cook stoves.
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Course Highlights
new course on the Selected Topic: Energy Resources, Consumption and Management in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), by Prof. S. Kumar and Dr Weerakorn Ongsakul, was offered during inter-semester 2009. The Energy course curriculum were revised and approved by the Academic Senate in September 2009. The Energy field of study offered 9 courses during January semester 2009, 3 courses during inter-semester 2009, and 10 courses during August semester 2009. A list of courses offered during 2009, including the course titles, credits, offered semester and the instructor are given in Table 1. Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Table 1: Courses offered at Energy field of study Semester
Course Number, Name and Credits
January 2009
1. ED72.12 Energy Statistics and Energy Demand Forecasting, 3(2-3) 2. ED72.13 Development and Evaluation of Energy Projects 3(2-3) 3. ED72.20 Workshop on Energy Issues and Communication 1(0-2) 4. ED72.21 Power System Dynamics and Stability 3(2-3) 5. ED72.22 Power Sector Management under Deregulation 3(3-0) 6. ED72.23 Optimization and AI Applications in Power System 3(2-3) 7. ED72.25 Energy-Economic Modeling and Policy Analysis 3(2-3) 8. ED72.28 Solar Energy, 3(2-3) 9. ED72.31 Electrical Energy Management 3(2-3) VSIS 1. ED72.13 Development and Evaluation of Energy Projects 3(2-3) 2. ED72.19 Biomass Conversion, 3(2-3) 3. ED72.28 Solar Energy, 3(2-3)
Inter semester 2009
August 2009
Instructor(s) Dr. Charles Marpaung Prof. Ram M. Shrestha Prof. S. Kumar Dr. N. Mithulananthan Dr. Weerakorn O. Dr. Weerakorn O. Prof. Ram M. Shrestha Prof. S. Kumar/ Prof. Wang Prof. Y.J. Wang Prof. S. K. Jabade Prof. R.R. Kulkarni Prof. S.V. Joshi
1. ED72.03 Rational Use of Energy in Industry, 3(2-3) 2. ED72.06 Design and Management of Energy Systems, 3(2-3) 3. IN72.9017 Energy Resources, Consumption and Management in the Greater Mekong Subregion, 1(1-0)
Dr. B. Mohanty Dr. B. Mohanty
1. ED72.01 Energy Resources and Technologies, 2(2-0) 2. ED72.02 Energy Audit and Thermal Energy Conservation, 3(2-3) 3. ED72.05 Demand-Side Management, 2(2-0) 4. ED72.06 Design and Management of Energy System, 3(2-3) 5. ED72.10 Computer Aided Power System Analysis, 3(2-3) 6. ED72.11 Rural Electrification and distributed Generation, 3(3-0) 7. ED72.15 Energy Price Theory and Applications, 3(2-3) 8. ED72.17 Energy Management in Buildings, 3(2-3) 9. ED72.24 Electricity Economics and Planning, 3(2-3) 10. ED72.30 Energy Environment and Climate Change: Issues & Strategies, 2(2-0)
Prof. S. Kumar Dr. B. Mohanty
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Prof. S. Kumar/ Dr. Weerakorn O.
Dr. Pipat Chaiwiwatworakul Dr. S.K. Shukla Dr. Weerakorn O. Dr. Weerakorn O. Prof. Ram M. Shrestha Prof. Tatsuo Oka Dr. C. Marpaung Prof. S. Kumar/ Prof. Ram M. Shrestha
conferences/workshop/seminars oeganized
Energy faculty organized six workshops/seminars/conferences during 2009 involving more than 300 participants. The following is the list of such meetings:
1. RETScreen International Training on Design of Solar Thermal Systems (Prof. S. Kumar) Date and location: 13 February 2009/AIT Sponsor: CANMET, Canada Number of participants: 32 2. The 2nd Conference Workshop to Support Development of Human Resources in Energy.
(Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul) Date and location: 26 March /Bangkok Sponsor:
EPPO, Thailand
Number of participants: 92 3. Regional Workshop on Urban Energy Access and Development (Prof. R.M. Shrestha and Prof. S. Kumar) Date and location: 3-6 August 2009/ Jakarta, Indonesia Sponsor: Global Network on Energy for Sustainable Development Number of participants: 55
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
4. Workshop Energy Security and Climate Change: Under the Networking with Norwegian and Regional Institutions in Energy Issues (South-South-North Networking) 2006-2009 (Prof. Kumar)
Date and location: 11 August 2009/ AIT
Sponsor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway
Number of participants: 40 5. Regional Workshop on Opportunities and Priorities for Low Carbon Green Growth in Asia. (Prof. Kumar)
Date and location: 15-18 September 2009/AIT
Asian Development Bank Institute,
Japan Number of participants: 48
6. Energy Security and Climate Change: Problem & Issues in GMS. (Dr. Weerakorm Ongsakul)
Date and location: 25-27 November 2009/ Ha Long City,
Sponsor: GMSARN, AIT, Hanoi University of
Technology, HoChiMinh University of Technology, and others Number of participants: 80
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
grant and sponsored research projects 2009
A total of twenty sponsored projects were carried out during 2009. These include research (11), education & training (5), and outreach related (4) projects. These contracted initiatives were worth more than Baht 60 million.
Completed Projects During 2009, four sponsored projects were completed. 1.
Design of Solar Thermal Systems using RETscreen Version 4. To conduct a training on the design of solar thermal systems using RETscreen software (Version 4) participants from industry, public and private sector, and university professionals. The application of RETscreen for mitigating green house emissions will be highlighted and the economic analysis of projects discussed. Duration: 1 January - April 2009
Investigator: Prof. S. Kumar
Sponsor: CANMET Energy Technology Center, Canada
Total contracted amount: 124,200 Baht
The Potential for Transferring and Implementing Sustainable Energy Technologies Through The Clean Development Mechanism of The Kyoto Protocol. The project mainly studies and analyzes the potential of transferring and implementing sustainable energy technologies for GHG emission reduction through the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol in few countries. There are seven partners participating in this project from all over the world. AIT’s Energy Field of Study 74 Annual Report on Research 2006 involvement is mainly related to Thailand, mainly in CDM status and potential, technology transfer case study and dissemination workshop.
Duration: February 2006 - January 2008
Investigator: Dr. Nadarajah Mithulananthan, Dr. Animesh
Dutta, Dr. Ram C. Bhujel
Sponsor: European Commission
Total contracted amount: 2,237,200 Baht
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
3. Technical Officer Training, University of Moratuwa. Four technical officers from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka will come to AIT for a month-long training. Arrivals of all four would be trainees will be spread out during the duration of the project. These officers will receive trainings from the Energy Field of Study and the Environmental Engineering Management Field of Study. They will be spending two weeks each in the mentioned fields. Duration: 1 February – 31 July 2008 Investigator:
Dr. N. Mithulananthan
Sponsor: University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka Total contracted amount:
126,500 Baht
4. MPG-CAPS Testing for Fuel Freedom International. The overall objective of the project is to establish performance characteristics of MPG-CAPs when used in different engines and fuels. The experiments will concen trate on the following components. (a) Fuel economy (b) Engine performance (c) Combustion performance Duration: 1 June - September 2008
Investigator: Dr. N. Mithulananthan, Dr. H.P.W. Jayasuriya,
Dr. Peeyush Soni and Mr. A. Bishnu
Sponsor: MPG-CAPS Test
Total contracted amount: 220,000 Baht
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Continuing Projects 1. Development of Methodology and Database for ABC Emission Inventory of Selected Countries. The project will be involved in the development of a manual for establishing an inventory of emissions of gases causing ABC (atmospheric brown cloud). The project will also prepare an emission inventory of two selected countries in South and/or South East Asia. Duration: 1 January – 31 December 2008 Investigator: Prof. Ram M. Shrestha, Dr. Kim Oanh and Dr. Rajendra P. Shrestha
Sponsor: UNEP RRC-AP
Total contracted amount: 4,235,945 Baht
2. Energy Field of Studies Publications Duration: 1-Jan-04 31-Dec-09 Project Investigator: Dr. Weerakorn O. and Prof. S. Kumar Sponsor: Membership fees, AIT Total Contracted Amount: 1,521,149 Baht 3. Networking with Norwegian and Regional Institutions in Energy Issues (South-South-North Networking): 2006-2009. The overall objective of the project is to make a network among Norwegian Institutions, Asian Institute of Technology and ASEAN Center for Energy to work on regional energy issues in ASEAN. The project is also known as South-South-North Networking and will address some of the energy issues such as Renewable energy, ASEAN Power Grid and Energy and Environment Modeling in ASEAN through seminars and expert lectures. Duration: August 2006- December 09
Investigator: Prof. S. Kumar and Dr Weerakorn Ongsakul
Total contracted amount: 4,140,000 Baht
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Initiated Projects in 2009 1. Future Driving Force of Global Warming. The project is about collecting data related to future driving force of global warming in Thailand from available publications. The research project collects, and projects future estimates of households, industries and transportation in the countries.
Duration: 1 January – 31 December 2009
Investigator: Prof. Ram M. Shrestha
Sponsor: MIZUHO, Japan
Total contracted amount: 1,512,000 Baht
2. Driving Force of Energy Consumption and Air Pollution. The project is about collecting data on driving forces of energy consumption and their energy characteristics in Thailand. It involves collection and processing of data on energy and energy consuming devices in Thailand from available publications and projects.
Duration: 1 January – 31 December 2009
Investigator: Prof. Ram M. Shrestha
Sponsor: MHIR, Japan
Total contracted amount: 756,000 Baht
3. Bio-energy for Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation (BEN-RUD). The objective of the project is to study the contributions of bio-energy to rural development and poverty alleviation. The primary task of the project is to carry out an assessment of the potentials of all types of bioenergy such as liquid, solid and gas for rural development in the first phase and to identify major barriers to bioenergy production and use in the second phase. In addition, case studies of each form of bioenergy will be undertaken in the second phase. Structured reports will be prepared as a project output.
Duration: 15 February - 31 December 09
Investigator: Prof. Ram M. Shrestha and Prof. S. Kumar
Total contracted amount: 866,750 Baht
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
GNESD, Denmark
4. Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA)-AIT Cooperation Project. To provide fellowships for eligible PEA staff and all expenses are related to support tuition and fees, and education activities only. Duration: January 2009 – December 2012 Investigator: Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul Sponsor:
PEA, Thailand
Total contracted amount: 27,374,000 Baht 5. Regional Workshop in Urban Energy Access and Development. (GNESD) The main activity of this project is to organize an Asian regional workshop on urban energy access and development in Jakarta, Indonesia. The workshop will provide an opportunity to disseminate the findings of studies on access to modern energy by households in urban and peri-urban areas carried out by nodal centers of Global Network on Energy for Sustainable Development (GNESD) as well as by others in Asia. Duration: 15 July – November 2009 Investigator: Prof. Ram M. Shrestha and Prof. S. Kumar Sponsor:
GNESD, Denmark
Total contracted amount: 1,688,500 Baht 6. Regional Workshop on Opportunities and Priorities for Low Carbon Green Growth in Asia. While the planning for green economies drew noteworthy lessons in some parts of Asia, it is clear that concerted actions and investments are needed to deal with both the environmental and economic challenges. This workshop is designed to stimulate regional level discussion on opportunities available with low carbon green growth and improve capacity to identity relevant policies, programs and projects for putting them into practice. Duration: September 2009 – January 2010 Investigator: Prof. S. Kumar Sponsor: Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Japan Total contracted amount: 688,704 Baht
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
7. Green House gas emission mitigation at AIT: Reducing GHG Emission Through Energy Conservation. This is to carry out studies at AIT and implement activities to reduce GHG emissions. The specific objectives of the study are to analyze the current electricity consumption pattern, to implement energy efficiency and energy conservation through policy and technical measures to reduce electricity bill, and to promote energy conservation and green house gas emissions reduction for a low carbon society.
Duration: June 2009 – June 2010
Investigator: Prof. S. Kumar
Sponsor: AIT
Total contracted amount: 700,000 Baht
International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development Issues and Strategies. The Regional Energy Resources Information Center (RERIC) of the Energy Field of Study (Energy FoS) is organizing an international conference on “Energy and Sustainable Development: Issues and Strategies (ESD 2010)”. The international conference will take place from 2 to 4 June 2010 in Chiang Mai, Thailand and will create an international forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange new ideas and practical experiences in the area of energy in the context of sustainable development. Paper presentations from different sectors coming from different parts of the world will be the main attractions of this conference which will also be highlighted by keynote addresses to be given by distinguished individuals in this area.
AIT, through RERIC of Energy Field of Study, has the capability to organize the international conference and has prior successful experiences with its three previous energy-related international conferences in 2004 (Electric Supply Industry in Transition: Issues and Prospects for Asia), in 2006 (Energy for Sustainable Development: Issues and Prospects for Asia), and in 2008 (Energy Security and Climate Change: Issues, Strategies, and Options ESCC 2008).
Duration: September 2009 – June 2011
Investigator: Dr. Weerakorn O., Prof. S. Kumar and Prof. Ram
M. Shrestha Collaborator: Provincial Electricity Authority of Thailand (PEA)
Sponsor: Registration Revenues/Sponsorships/Grants
Total contracted amount: 915,800 Baht
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
9. AIT Support to NUOL 2007-2010 National Research Policy Development.
AIT is to provide support to NUOL in four areas: curriculum development, research management, financial management, ICT development and assist the Department of Higher Education Ministry of Laos PDR for development of national policy and strategy to support research and research management in the country.
Duration: 1 December 2009 – 31 December 2010
Investigator: Prof. S. Kumar
Sponsor: Sida, Sweden
Total contracted amount: 1,259,030 Baht
10. E-learning course on Renewable energy and energy policy. The project will prepare and deliver a course to the SOI member countries. 1. To develop the content of the courses on renewable energy and energy policy 2. To coordinate with SOI team in Bangkok to broadcast the lectures (test and regular) 3. To enhance the dialogue among the participants 4. To provide timely feedback to questions during the lectures and in the e-forum, and 5. To organize, carry out the evaluation of the courses and final reporting. 6. To coordinate in broadcasting the lectures with the SOI team in Bangkok
Duration: 1 November 2009 – 28 February 2010
Investigator: Prof. S. Kumar
Sponsor: UNESCO, Jakarta Office
Total contracted amount: 408,000 Baht
11. King HRD Scholarship Project. To provide fellowships for eligible Thai candidate and all expenses are related to support tuition & fee and education activities only.
Duration: 1 October 2009 – September 2013
Investigator: Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul
Sponsor: EPPO, Thailand
Total contracted amount: 12,753,200 Baht
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
12. Pilot Appraisal of Low Carbon Technology Innovation and Diffusion in Thai Manufacturing Sectors. The project will undertake a limited scale pilot appraisal to demonstrate the potential of existing centres and networks to initiate, catalyze and accelerate the development, deployment and dissemination of low carbon technologies in the cement, and pulp and paper sectors in Thailand. The appraisal will help to better understand the institutional dynamics, capacity gaps and short term opportunities for transition to low carbon future.
Duration: October 2009 – March 2010
Investigator: Prof. S. Kumar, Prof. C. Visvanathan and
Dr. P. Abdul Salam
Sponsor: UNIDO, Austria
Total contracted amount: 955,500 Baht
13. Actions towards Resources-efficient and Low carbon cities in Asia. In order to assist urban decision makers, The French Environment and Energy Management Agency or ADEME has developed methodologies and tools such as the “Territorial Climate Energy Plan” (PCET) which aims to address climate change mitigation and adaptation using the “Bilan CarboneTM” tool. Such approaches are already widely used in France. The project will aim to: (a) Study “Territorial Climate and Energy Plan (PCET) and “Bilan CarboneTM” and their applicability to Asian small- and medium-size cities; (b) Identify and select of small but growing cities in Asia that are keen to adopt the path of low carbon growth (LCG); (c) Discuss with stakeholders and other organizations on implementing LCG; (d) Implementation of pilot scale activities identified by “Bilan CarboneTM” tool; (e) Dissemination and information sharing.
Duration: December 2009 – March 2012
Investigator: Prof. S. Kumar, Prof. C. Visvanathan and
Dr. P. Abdul Salam, Dr. R. Perera, Dr. Charles Marpaung and Dr. Kyoko Kusakabe
Sponsor: ADEME, France
Total contracted amount: 11,052,979 Baht (225,571 Euros)
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Refereed Journal 1. Devbratta Thakur and Nadarajah Mithulananthan “Influence of Constant Speed Wind Turbine Generator on Power System Oscillation” Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol.37, pp. 478-494, 2009. 2. K. Jaojaruek and S. Kumar, “Numerical simulation of the pyrolysis zone in a downdraft gasification process ” Bioresource Technology, Vol. 100 No. 23 pp. 6052-6058, 2009. 3. Mayurachat Watcharejyothin and Ram M. Shrestha “Effects cross-border power trade between Laos and Thailand; Energy security and environmental implications” Energy Policy, Vol. 37, pp. 1782 – 1792, 2009. 4. Mayurachat Watcharejyothin and Ram M. Shrestha “Regional energy resource development and energy security under CO2 emission constraint in the greater Mekong sub-region countries (GMS)” Energy Policy, Vol. 37 No. 11 pp. 4428-4441. 5.
Ongsakul, W. and P. Jirapong, “Optimal Placement of Multi-Type FACTS Devices to Enhance Total Transfer Capability using Improved Evolutionary Programming” International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, Vol. 7 No. 2 pp. 981-1005, 2009.
6. Ram M. Shrestha, Gabrial Anandarajah, and Migara H. Liyanage “Factors affecting CO2 emission from the power sector of selected countries in Asia and the Pacific” Energy Policy, Vol. 37, pp. 2375 – 2384, 2009. 7. Ram M. Shrestha and A.M.A.K. Abeygunawardana “Evaluation of economic rent of hydropower projects” Energy Policy, Vol. 37, pp. 1886 – 1897, 2009. 8. Vo Ngoc Dieu and Weerakorn Ongsakul “Improved merit order and augmented Lagrange Hopfield network for short term hydrothermal scheduling”, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.50, pp. 3015-3023, 2009. 9. Boonchai Riangvilaikul and S. Kumar “An experimental study of a novel dew point evaporative cooling system” Energy and Buildings, pp. 1-8, 2009. 10. Lerdlekha Tanachaikhan and S. Kumar “Daylighting for energy conservation in the tropics: a study on the influences of window configurations and shading devices” Int.J. Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 1 Nos. 2/3, 2009. 11. Thosapon Katejanekarn, Surapong Chirarattananon and S. Kumar “An experimental study of a solar-regenerated liquid desiccant ventilation pre-conditioning system” Solar Energy, Vol. 83 pp. 920-933, 2009.
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
energy masters thesis titles in 2009 Static Voltage Stability of Distribution System Integrated with Small Hydro Power Plant. By: Mr. Nguyen Cong Hien (Vietnam) Supervisor: Dr. N. Mithulananthan Members Dr. Weerakorn O. and Prof. Yaw Juen Wang A Study on Energy Conservation of the AIT’s Air-conditioning System. By: Mr. Bovonson Navaraj (Thailand) Supervisor: Prof. S. Kumar Members Dr. B. Mohanty, Dr. Weerakorn O. and Dr. Le Hoang Tien Interconnection of Photovoltaic Base Generation and Its Impact on Stability of the Electric Power System. By: Mr. Md. Rakibuzzaman Shah (Bangladesh) Supervisor: Dr. N. Mithulananthan Members Dr. Weerakorn O. and Prof. Yaw Juen Wang Development of Sustainable Energy Management Standard for Industry Sector in Sri Lanka. By: Miss A.G.M.T. Siriwardhana (Sri Lanka) Supervisor: Prof. S. Kumar Members Prof. R.M. Shrestha and Dr. B. Mohanty Optimal Distributed Generation Placement with Multi Objective Index using Particle Swarm Optimization. By: Mr. Nguyen Anh Dung (Vietnam) Supervisor: Dr. Weerakorn O. Members Dr. N. Mithulananthan and Prof. Y. J. Wang Long Term Hydrothermal Coordination: A Case of Vietnam Power System. By: Mr. Nguyen Thai Duong (Vietnam) Supervisor: Dr. Weerakorn O. Members Dr. N. Mithulananthan and Prof. Yaw Juen Wang Operational Design of International Islanding in the Hanoi Area for the Vietnam Power System. By: Mr. Le Thanh Tuan (Vietnam) Supervisor: Dr. N. Mithulananthan Members Dr. Weerakorn O. and Prof. Yuan Juen Wang
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Economic and Environmental Implications of Nodal Zonal and Uniform Marginal Pricing of Electricity: A Case in Vietnam. By: Mr. Dao Hoang Duc (Vietnam) Supervisor: Prof. Ram M. Shrestha Members Dr. N. Mithulananthan and Prof. Y.J. Wang Least Cost Power Generation Expansion Planning: A Case study of Kyrgyzstan By: Mr. Samat Kuvatbekovich Sukkenaliey (Kyrgyzstan) Supervisor: Dr. Weerakorn O. Members Dr. N. Mithulananthan and Prof. Ram M. Shrestha Liquid Desiccant Dehumidifier Assisted with Dew Point Evaporative Cooling System. By: Mr. Boonchai Riangvilaikul (Thailand) Supervisor: Prof. S. Kumar Members Dr. Weerakorn O. and Prof. Athapol N. Implications of Renewable Portfolio Standard for Energy System Development of Vietnam. By: Mr. Nong Hoang Man (Vietnam) Supervisor: Prof. Ram M. Shrestha Members Prof. S. Kumar and Prof. Y.J. Wang A Study on biodiesel production and application from Jatropha in Thailand. By: Mr. Nopdanai Vichaisarn (Thailand) Supervisor: Prof. S. Kumar Members Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul, Dr. P. Abdul Salam and Dr. Nuwong Chollacoop Environmental and economic impact of power Generation planning in Vietnam: An Input-Output Analysis. By: Miss Huynh Thi Huong Thao (Vietnam) Supervisor: Prof. Ram M. Shrestha Members Prof. S. Kumar and Dr. Charles Marpaung Static Voltage Stability study of Bhutan Interconnected Power Grid. By: Mr. Namgay Wangchuk (Bhutan) Supervisor: Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul Members Prof. Ram M. Shrestha and Dr. Charles Marpaung Optimal Congestion Management in Energy Market Using Self-Organizing Hierarchical Particle Swarm Optimization with Time Varying Acceleration Coefficients. By: Ms. Panida Boonyaritdachochai (Thailand) Supervisor: Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul Members Prof. Ram M. Shrestha and Dr. Charles Marpaung Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Abstracts of Energy Ph.D. Dissertations in 2009 Synthesis and Control of Custom Power DEVCES for Enhancing Power Quality Problems. By: Mr. Paisan Boonchiam (Thailand) Committee: Dr. Nadarajah Mithulananthan (Chairperson), Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul and Dr. Manukid Parnichkun External: Prof. Dr. Ir. Rik W. De Doncker, Institute of Power Electronics and Electrical Drive, RWTH-Aachen University, NRW Germany Custom power device is the applications of power electronic to improve electrical quality of power distribution system for sensitive load in industrial plants. Industries reporting production stops due to voltage disturbance, such as short interruptions, voltage sag/swell, voltage/current harmonics, voltage flicker, power factor correction. These industries include paper mills, semiconductors facilities and other industries with fully automated production. The objective of study is to use the custom power device for mitigating power quality problem created by disturbances and non-linear loads. The equipment studied in the dissertation exploit the control actions that can be taken by power electronic devices, which are much faster than speed of conventional equipment and protection systems. This dissertation presents three compensating types of custom power device based on connected voltage source converter topologies. The series-connected device, popularly referred to as DVR, has been proved suitable for the task of compensating voltage sag and swell and voltage regulation in power distribution systems. DSTATCOM is, the shunt connected device, connected to compensate the reactive power for improving harmonics, power factor corrections, and voltage fluctuation. UPQC is the hybrid-connected device that includes the performance of DVR and DSTATCOM. The topology of voltage source converter for medium voltage grid is presented with multilevel topology. Three types of multilevel topology, namely diode-clamped, flying capacitor and series cased H-bridge have been investigated. The diode-clamped multilevel topology is chosen for custom power devices and can readily be deployed in practice when the system needed to support in short period time. The modeling and control of custom power device are proposed with the dynamic decoupling control, feed forward control and improving the control performances in discrete time domain simulation. The control and system parameters are designed based on real parameters in power distribution system. The system model, that covers national standard, is used for testing and validating all concept and methodology. Finally, the planning of high-power quality zone is discussed. The concept of a high-power quality or premium power zone is the zone that electric power inside is tightly regulated by custom power device. Moreover, the custom power devices, backed by distributed generator, will supply the most sensitive loads during the total line outages. In this dissertation, a configuration of the premium power zone is proposed and then various issues involved with the operation of the zone are discussed.
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Fuzzy Logic and Wide-area Control for Low Frequency Oscillation Damping in Power System. By: Mr. Komkrit Prasertwong (Thailand) Committee: Dr. Weerakorn O., Dr. N. Mithulananthan, Dr. Charles O.P. Marpaung and Dr. Poompat Saengudomlert External: Dr. Ramesh Chand Bansal, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at University of Queenland, Bisbane, Australia In interconnected power systems, there are hundreds of generating units with varying size, complexity and mechanical speed. These units are connected with load centers which are typically far from generating stations by long transmission lines. One of the major challenges in operation and control of such complex large networks is keeping all generating units at constant electrical speed or synchronism. Whenever power systems are subjected to small and sudden disturbances one or more of the generating units tend to exhibit oscillatory behavior. If the oscillations are not controlled, they would grow in amplitude, limit power transfer capability of transmission lines, induce stress in the system and trigger protection devices to function. Hence, oscillations threaten system security and hamper the efficient operation of the entire system. Low frequency oscillations have been discovered since 1960s during a trial interconnection of the Northwest Power Pool and the Southwest Power Pool in the Northern American power network. Afterwards, low frequency oscillations have been observed and reported in many places. Among various oscillatory problems, a low frequency, typically in the range of 0.1-0.7 Hz is considered as serious. This oscillation problem often referred to as interarea oscillation results from participation of several generating units from different areas. Low frequency oscillations in other frequency range are considered to be less serious and can be dealt with easily compared to the previous oscillation. The basic reason for oscillation problem is lack of damping on critical modes and many methods and control strategies have been proposed and devised for oscillation damping. This dissertation studies the use of fuzzy logic based controllers for oscillation damping in power systems and it is organized in three parts. In the first part, conventional and fuzzy logic based controllers are compared for oscillation damping at generator location. The controllers considered include, conventional Automatic Voltage Regulators (CAVR), conventional Power System Stabilizers (CPSS), Fuzzy logic based AVR (FLAVR), Fuzzy logic based PSS (FLPSS) and combinations of them. Performances of controller and combination of controllers are compared by comparing time domain simulations. One of the issues with Fuzzy logic controllers is that they cannot be modeled in state-space form for carrying out eigenvalue analysis to obtain critical eigenvalue and damping ratio. Hence, in the second part, the dissertation proposes a method to Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
find out damping ratio on the critical mode to study fuzzy logic controller performance in more details using “envelop tracing�. The proposed method has been tested and validated in a system with conventional controller that can be modeled for both time domain and eigenvalue analyses. In the third part, application of wide-area control is used for oscillation damping. The controller used in the part is Static Var Compensator (SVC) and a new control input signal has been proposed to damp low frequency oscillation. Two-area test system that has been used for oscillation studies is used in this part to check the wide-area control with proposed control input signal. A number of cases has been tried to see the performance of proposed wide-area control. Keywords: Fuzzy Logic Controller, Wide-Area Control, Low Frequency Oscillation, Damping ratio prediction, Automatic Voltage Regulator, Power System Stabilizer, Static Var Compensator.
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Energy faculty and staff
Faculty Sivanappan Kumar B E. (Hons.) (Mech.)., M. Engg., PhD Professor, and Coordinator, Energy Field of study Area of interest/specialization: Renewable energy resource and technologies; Climate change and green house gas mitigation; Energy and sustainable development Ram M. Shrestha BE, Univ of Baroda; LL Tribhuvan Univ, Nepal; MEng, DEng, AIT, Thailand Professor Area of interest/specialization: Energy and environmental policy Energy economics; Energy and environmental policy; Electricity economics and planning; Energy, economic and environmental modeling; Energy pricing Weerakorn Ongsakul BEng, Chulalongkorn Univ, Thailand; MS, PhD, Texas A&M Univ, USA Associate Professor and Dean, School of Environment, Resources and Development Area of interest/specialization: Artificial intelligence applications to power systems; Parallel processing applications; Power system operation & control; Power system restructuring Mithulananthan Nadarajah BSc Eng, M Eng, Univ. of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka; PhD, Univ. of Waterloo, Canada Assistant Professor Area of interest/specialization: Application of FACTS Controllers; Controller interactions; Power system oscillation; Voltage stability Brahmanand Mohanty PhD Energy, Insitut National Polytechnique, Toulouse (France) Visiting Faculty Area of interest/specialization: Cogeneration, Demand-side management, Energy auditing and conservation, Energy efficiency policies; and Rational use of technology
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Yaw-Juen Wang PhD in Electrical Engineering, National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble (INPG), Grenoble, France, M.E. in Energy Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand Visiting Professor Area of interest/specialization: Solar electricity Electromechanical energy conversion,; Electric power quality; Induction generator Dr. P. Abdul Salam BSc.Eng (Hons.) Unversity of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka; M.Eng., D.Eng., AIT Assistant Professor Area of interest/specialization: Bioenergy, Renewable energy; Energy conservation and efficiency Dr Jai Govind Singh PhD in Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Assistant Professor Area of interest/specialization: Power system planning; Operation and control FACTS controllers; Demand side management; Integration of renewable energy resources Dr. Charles Marpaung B.Eng (E.E.) Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, M.S. (Statistics) Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia: PhD (AIT) Visiting Faculty Area of interest/specialization: Generation expansion planning; Energy economics and environmental modeling Prof. Tatsuo Oka Master course of construction, Waseda University, Doctor’s degree at Waseda University Visiting Faculty Area of interest/specialization: Building Science Energy Conservation CO2 Emission from Buildings
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Administrative Staff Ms. Sukanya Nhooma
Secretary II
Ms. Cha-on Pasuravong
Secretary I
Mr. Peerapol Supol
Mr. Pichai Chunpan
Sr. Technician
Mr. Ruangsilp Sriviset
Sr. Technician
Research staff Mr. Shreekar Pradhan Research Associate (ABC Emission Inventory Project) Ms. Salony Rajbhandari Research Associate (ABC Emission Inventory Project) Ms. M.T. Siriwardhana Research Associate (Energy Security project) Ms. Tin Zar Lin Research Associate (SSN Networking Norwegian Project) Ms. Maria Kathrina Gratuito Research Associate (Energy Field of Study (RERIC)) Mr. Ramesh Soysa Research Associate (GMSARN Project) Ms. Nang Htay Yin Research Associate (UNIDO Project) Dr. Vo Ngoc Dieu Research Associate (Part time) (GMSARN Project) Ms. Rachelle Sawad Research Assistant (Energy Security project) Mr. Albert Pedrajas
rogram Officer (AIT Support to NUOL 2007-2010 P National Research Policy Development Project)
Ms. Parichart Kammeerak Secretary (Energy Field of Study (RERIC)) Ms. Kanwalai Nachaisit Secretary (GMSARN Project) Ms. Nippaporn Samantong Secretary (GMSARN Project)
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Doctoral Students’ Research Topics Mr. Adeel Waqas Ahmad (PCM Based Heating and Cooling Systems Using Solar Energy and Night Temperature)
Mr. Atthavute Ruenruengjai (Rice Straw Utilization VIA 3G-Hot grinder Gasifier)
Mr. Boonchai Riangvilaikul (A Dew Point Evaporative Cooling Assisted Solar Liquid Desiccant System for Air-Conditioning Application in Hot and Humid Climate)
Mr. Boonrit Prasartkaew (A Hybrid Solar-Biomass Air Conditioning System for Residential Application)
Mr. Chakkawan Boonwan (course work)
Miss Chanamon Chantana (Development of a Thermal Energy Storage Type Heat Exchanger for Waste Heat Recovery)
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Miss Chamaiporn Teerasetsopon (Studies on Homogeneously Oriented ZnO Nanorods Dye-sensitized Solar Cells)
Mr. Chanwit Boonchuay (Optimal Bidding Strategies in Competitive Electricity Markets by Improved Particle Swarm Optimization)
Mr. Chira Achayuthakan (Electricity Tracing in Systems with and without Circulating Flows)
Mr. I Made Wartana (Optimal Placement of Multiple FACTS Devices for Maximizing Loadability by PSO)
Mr. Javed Anwar (Energy Security Analysis from a Developing Country Perspective)
Miss Jirawadee Polprasert (Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow Using Self-Organizing Hierarchical Particle Swarm Optimization)
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Miss Jutamanee Martchamadol (Assessment of an Integrated Social-Energy -Economic and Environment Model for Sustainable Development: Thailand Case Study)
Miss Kate-Natee Noipin (Fatty Acid Ethyl Ester (Ethanal Derived Biodiesel Production)
Mr. Kitipong Jaojaruek (Two-stage Downdraft Gasifier, Tar Reduction by Producer Gas Flaming on Pyrolysis Zone)
Mr. Kitti Leangkrua (Proximity Indices for Power Distribution System Stability with Distributed Generators)
Mr. Kittavit Buayai (Microgrid Planning in Distribution System)
Miss Lerdlekha Tanachaikhan (Daylighting through Unshaded and Shaded Window
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Miss Mayurachat Watcharejyothin (Integrated Energy Economic-Environment Modeling for Thailand, Lao PDR and Myanmar: The Analysis of Energy Resource Integration and Environment Implications)
Mr. Muhammad Khalid Farooq (General Equilibrium Analysis of Renewable Energy Promotion Policies in Pakistan)
Mr. Nopporn Preamjai (Solar Regenerated Solid Desiccant Evaporative Cooling System)
Miss Ongorn Rattananatthawon (Stability Analysis of Power Grids with Wind Farm Providing Ancillary Services)
Mr. Purisan Lakasorn (Economic Dispatch by Using Artificial Neural Networks)
Miss Santisouk Phimphachanh (Transmission Expansion Planning in Lao PDR considering Interconnection with GMS Countries)
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009
Mr. Saksorn Chalermchaiarbha (Multi-Attribute Decision Making on Stochastic Multi-Objective Thermal Power Dispatch)
Mr. Shree Raj Shakya (Economic, Energy Security and Environmental Implications of Hydropower Development in Nepal)
Mr. Sittichocke Pookpunt (Course work)
Mr. Songkarn Pisanupoj (Course work)
Ms. Supattana Nirakanaporn (Electricity Generation Cost under a Reform of the electric Supply Industry in Thailand)
Mr. Sasidharan Sreedharan (Maximization of Wind Penetration in Kerala (India) Grid by Using Neuro Particle Swarm Optimization)
Mr. Witoon Prommee (Optimal Distributed by Generation Placement by Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization)
Energy Field of study − Annual Report 2009