Sponsors The 2011 Youth Yellow Pages are sponsored by:
ALCOHOL and OTHER DRUGS……………………………….. Alcohol and Its Affect…………………………………………… Checklist for Alcohol Poisoning………………………………… Checklist for Alcohol Use……………………………………….. Anabolic Steroids………………………………………………... Inhalants…………………………………………………………. Marijuana ……………………………………………….............. Methamphetamine………………………………………………. Nicotine…………………………………………………………. Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs………………………. Stimulants………………………………………………………..
6 6 8 8 10 10 11 12 12 13 13
EDUCATION………………………………………………………. General Education Development Test (GED)………………...…. College……………..…………………………………………..…
14 15 15
GOOD NUTRITION & EATING DISORDERS………………… Anorexia Nervosa………………………………………………... Bulimia Nervosa……………………………………………….… Overeating and Compulsive Eating……………………………....
17 17 17 17
THE LAW AND YOU……………………………………...……… Curfew laws……………………………………………………… Graffiti and Other Criminal Mischief……………………….…… Mandatory School Attendance………………………………...… Minor Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol Law……….…… Minor in Possession of Alcohol…………………………….…… Shoplifting………………………………………………………. Tobacco Possession………………………………………..……. Traffic Tickets, Defensive Driving and How to Talk to Police….
18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20
TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) MENTAL HEALTH…………………………………….……….... Counseling………………………………………………………..
21 22
RAPE OR SEXUAL ASSAULT………………………………...… Sexual Abuse…………………………………………………….. Sexual Assault…………………………………………………… Date Rape Drugs……………………………………………….....
22 22 23 23
RUNNING AWAY………………………………………………….
SEXUAL ACTIVITY…………………………………………...…. Sexually Transmitted Diseases………………………………..…. STD Test…………………………………………………….…… Unplanned Pregnancy………………………………………...…..
26 27 27 28
VIOLENT BEHAVIOR…………………………………………… Dating Violence………………………………………….………. Family Violence………………………………………….………. Interpersonal Violence……………………………………..……..
30 30 30 31
24-Hour Crisis & Emergency Numbers ALCOHOL PROBLEMS Crisis Intervention Hotline (Montgomery & Walker Counties)………….... (Harris County)…………………………….…. Crisis Intervention Teen Line………………….… Spanish Hotline……………………………….…. Intergroup Association (Alcoholics Anonymous)……………………... Houston Council on Alcohol and Drugs………….
713-686-6300 713-942-4100
CHILD ABUSE/NEGLECT Texas Department of Family and Protective Services……………………...
DRUG OVERDOSE Emergency………………………………………. Poison Control…………………………………...
911 800-222-1222
FAMILY VIOLENCE Emergency………………………………………. Montgomery County Women’s Center – Hotline..
911 936-441-7273
PSYCHIATRIC CRISIS Tri-County Mental Health Mental Retardation Services………….…….…
RAPE Emergency………………………………………. Montgomery County Women’s Center Hotlines…
911 936-441-7273
936-931-2273 713-468-5463 713-529-8336 713-526-8088
RUNAWAYS National Hotline…………………………………. Texas Runaway Hotline…………………………. Texas Youth Hotline…………………………….. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES AIDS Foundation Houston…………………........ CDC Info………………………….......................
National STD Hotline…………………………… SAFE SCHOOL CRIME STOPPERS HOTLINE KID CHAT………………………………………..
SUICIDE PREVENTION Crisis Intervention Hotline (Montgomery & Walker Counties)………….... (Harris County)……………………………….. WHEN YOU DON’T KNOW WHERE TO CALL Montgomery County United Way Information & Referral Helpline……………...
800-621-4000 888-580-4357 800-210-2278
713-623-6796 800-232-4636 800-344-7432 (Spanish) 800-227-8922
888-KID-CHAT (543-2428)
936-931-2273 713-468-5463
888-844-6289 281-292-4155 Ext. 235
Alcohol Today nearly everyone is exposed to issues related to alcohol or other drugs. Some people experiment for curiosity, excitement, or to escape problems in their lives. The danger is that alcohol and other drugs can gradually control your daily life, and physical or mental dependence can sneak up on you. Alcohol is made when grains, fruits, or vegetables are fermented. Fermentation is a process that uses yeast or bacteria to change the sugars in the food into alcohol. So if alcohol is a natural product, why do you need to be concerned about drinking it? When people drink alcohol, it's absorbed into their bloodstream. From there, it affects the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord), which controls virtually all body functions. Your brain is still developing, and although scientists are researching the effect drinking alcohol can have on the teen brain, it is still uncertain.
How Does It Affect the Body? Alcohol is a depressant, which means it slows the function of the central nervous system. Alcohol actually blocks some of the messages trying to get to the brain. This alters a person's perceptions, emotions, movement, vision, and hearing. In very small amounts, alcohol can help a person feel more relaxed or less anxious. More alcohol causes greater changes in the brain, resulting in intoxication. When you drink too much alcohol you may stagger, lose your coordination, and slur your speech. You may be confused and disoriented. Depending on the person, intoxication can make you very friendly and talkative or very aggressive and angry. Reaction times are slowed dramatically — which is why there are laws against drinking and driving. When large amounts of alcohol are consumed in a short period of time, alcohol poisoning can result. This occurs when the body has become poisoned by large amounts of alcohol. Violent vomiting is usually the first symptom of alcohol poisoning. Extreme sleepiness, unconsciousness,
difficulty breathing, dangerously low blood sugar, seizures, and in some cases even death. Why Shouldn't I Drink? Although it's illegal to drink alcohol in the United States until the age of 21, most teens can get access to it. It's therefore up to you to make a decision about drinking. In addition to the possibility of becoming addicted, there are other downsides to drinking: The punishment is severe. Drinking puts you at risk for obvious problems with the law. You can be arrested and put in jail. If you drink you are also more likely to get into fights and commit crimes than those who don't. Drinking increases the chances of problems with school. Drinking can damage your ability to study well and get decent grades. Drinking can also affect your athletic abilities, and have a negative impact on your performance and coordination in sports. You can look really stupid. The impression is that drinking is cool, but the changes in the nervous system caused from drinking alcohol can make you do stupid or embarrassing things, like throwing up or peeing on yourself. Drinking also gives you bad breath, and you can wake up with a hangover. Alcohol puts your health at risk. Teens that drink are more likely to be sexually active and to have unsafe, unprotected sex, resulting in pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases that can change or even end lives. The risk of injuring yourself, maybe even fatally, is higher when you're under the influence too. Use of alcohol greatly increases the chance that a teen will be involved in a car crash, homicide, or suicide. If you drink you are more likely to get fat or have health problems, too. One study by the University of Washington found that people who regularly had five or more drinks in a row starting at age 13 were much more likely to be overweight or have high blood pressure by age 24. People who continue drinking heavily well into adulthood risk damaging their organs, such as the liver, heart, and brain.
Checklist for Alcohol Poisoning Some of the Signs and Symptoms: Unconscious or semiconscious. Slow breathing. Cold, clammy, pale or bluish skin. Strong odor of alcohol. Appropriate Action for Alcohol Poisoning: If you encounter a person who exhibits one or more of the signs and symptoms, do what you would do in any medical emergency: CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY! While waiting for 911 emergency paramedics, gently turn the intoxicated person on his/her side and maintain that position by placing a pillow in the small of the person’s back. This is important to prevent aspiration (choking) should the person vomit. Stay with the person until medical help arrives. Source: National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence, Inc.
WARNING: Games that involve drinking large amounts in a short time CAN KILL YOU. WARNING: Mixing alcohol with other drugs is very dangerous and CAN KILL YOU.
Checklist for Alcohol Use If someone’s use of alcohol or other drugs creates a problem for him or her, they may not be able to recognize how to solve the problem. This list of questions can help you determine if your use, or someone else’s use, of alcohol or other drugs is a problem. Answer YES or NO. Do you or someone you know: Drinks to forget problems? Drinks when you get mad? Find your grades or work habits are starting to slip? Try to drink less often and fail? Drink even when you don’t mean to? Drink in the morning before school or work to get going? 7
Think it is cool to pass time getting drunk or high? Have blackouts: large periods of time you cannot remember? Lie about your drinking? If you answered YES to ANY of these questions, ASK FOR HELP! To get help or for more information about alcohol or other drugs, call the numbers listed below. Alateen……………………………………………… Hotline……………………………………………… Intergroup Association (Alcoholics Anonymous)……………………….. Montgomery County Youth Services – Conroe…………………………………………... South County……………………………………. New Caney……………………………………... Magnolia………………………………………… Huntsville…………………….……………...…... Houston Council on Alcohol and Drugs…………………………..………………..…... Teen Intervention Line ……………………………
713-683-7227 936-931-2273 713-686-6300 936-756-8682 281-292-6471 281-354-4873 281-259-0440 936-293-1003 713-942-4100 713-529-8336
Drugs What causes drug addiction? There are many types of neurotransmitters, but the transmitter dopamine is the one most affected by stimulants and many other drugs. Dopamine is what makes people feel good when they do something they enjoy, like eating a piece of chocolate cake or riding a roller coaster. Stimulants cause dopamine to build up in the brain and make users feel intense pleasure and a heightened state of increased energy. But with repeated use, stimulants can decrease some of the brain's dopamine receptors, dampening users' ability to feel pleasure at all. Then users need to take more and more of the drug to experience the same pleasure. This process leads to a dependency or an addiction to drugs.
Anabolic Steroids Steroids are synthetic substances similar to the male sex hormone testosterone. They do have legitimate medical uses. Sometimes doctors prescribe anabolic steroids to help people with certain kinds of anemia. Doctors also prescribe a different kind of steroid, called corticosteroids, to reduce swelling. Corticosteroids are not anabolic steroids and do not have the same harmful effects. But doctors never prescribe anabolic steroids to young, healthy people to help them build muscles. There are good reasons for this. Steroids do make users bulk up, but the health risks are high. It's true, on steroids biceps bulge; abs ripple; and quads balloon. But that's just on the outside. Steroid users may be very pleased when they flex in the mirror, but they may have problems on the inside. Steroids can make pimples pop up and hair fall out. For teens, hormone balance is important. Hormones are involved in the development of a girl's feminine traits and a boy's masculine traits. When someone abuses steroids, gender mix-ups happen. They can make guys grow breasts and girls grow beards. Steroids can cause livers to grow tumors that lead to cancer, and cause hearts to clog up. They can even send users on violent, angry rampages. In other words, steroids throw a body way out of whack, and the effects can cause problems that haunt you for the rest of your life and can ultimately result in death. Of course without a prescription from a doctor, steroids are illegal. Inhalants Most inhalants are common household products that, when inhaled, cause a mind-altering effect. There are literally hundreds of inhalants, including everyday products such as nail polish remover, glue, gasoline, household cleaners. Inhalants also include fluorinated hydrocarbons found in aerosols such as hairspray, spray paint, and household cleaners. Although the wide range of chemicals found in different products can have different effects, inhalants generally fall into three categories: solvents, gases, and nitrites. Most of us don't think of spray paint, glue, or household cleaners as drugs because we're used to seeing such products under the kitchen sink, in the bathroom, or on the grocery shelves. The lungs rapidly absorb inhaled chemicals into the bloodstream, quickly distributing them throughout the brain and body. Within minutes of inhalation, users feel "high." The effects are similar to those produced by 9
alcohol and may include slurred speech, lack of coordination, euphoria, and dizziness. Inhalant users may also experience lightheadedness, hallucinations, and delusions. The high usually lasts only a few minutes. With repeated inhalations, many users feel less inhibited and less in control. Some may feel drowsy for several hours and experience a lingering headache. Regular abuse of inhalants can result in serious harm to vital organs, including the brain, heart, kidneys, and liver. The vaporous fumes can change brain chemistry and can be permanently damaging to the brain, muscles, and spinal cord. Prolonged use of inhalants can induce irregular or rapid heart rhythms and can lead to heart failure and death within minutes. Marijuana Marijuana is a mixture of the dried and shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of the hemp plant. The mixture can be green, brown, or gray. A bunch of leaves seems harmless, but possession of marijuana is illegal. Marijuana can make you feel good. Within minutes of inhaling you feel “high� or filled with pleasant sensations, but feeling good from Marijuana comes with a high price. Marijuana has about 400 different chemicals in it, some of which can cause lung cancer. The main ingredient in Marijuana is tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. When it attaches to a neuron, THC interferes with normal communication between neurons, meaning that messages do not transmit normally from one part of the brain to another. This can affect your memory and the ability to recall information. When your memory is not working you cannot study, remember plans you made with friends, or where you put your cell phone so you can call them to find out. THC also attacks the cerebellum which is the section of our brain that does most of the work on balance and coordination. This can have an embarrassing affect your athletic ability. THC invades the basal ganglia, which is the part of the brain that's involved in movement control. This can make driving extremely dangerous and lead to disaster for you, your passengers, and those on the road around you. Marijuana is a stimulant and users can develop an addiction.
Methamphetamine Methamphetamine is a dangerous drug that can cause irreversible damage to your brain, and cause serious and life threatening health conditions. In the short term, meth is a powerfully addictive drug that can cause aggression and violent or psychotic behavior, and causes mind and mood changes such as anxiety, euphoria, and depression. Other side effects can include inability to sleep, increased sensitivity to noise, irritability, dizziness, confusion, extreme anorexia, tremors or even convulsions. It can create a false sense of energy, and pushes the body faster and further than it is meant to go increasing the heart rate, blood pressure, and risk of stroke. Long-term effects can include chronic fatigue, paranoid or delusional thinking, and permanent psychological damage. An overdose of meth can result in heart failure, and long-term physical effects such as liver, kidney, and lung damage may also kill you. In addition to the serious health risk associated with methamphetamine it is illegal and highly dangerous. The ignitable, corrosive, and toxic nature of the chemicals used to produce meth can cause fires, produce toxic vapors, and damage the environment. Nicotine Nicotine is the drug in tobacco leaves that is found in cigarettes, and all other tobacco products. Whether someone smokes, chews, or sniffs tobacco, they are delivering nicotine to the brain. Each cigarette contains about 10 milligrams of nicotine. Nicotine is what keeps people smoking despite its harmful effects. Because the smoker inhales only some of the smoke from a cigarette and not all of each puff is absorbed in the lungs, a smoker gets about 1 to 2 milligrams of the drug from each cigarette. A drop of pure nicotine would kill a person. In fact, Nicotine can be used as a pesticide on crops. Nicotine stimulates neurons to release unusually large amounts of dopamine which is what makes cigarette smoking so extremely addictive. Dopamine stimulates the brain's pleasure and reward circuit system involved in appetite, learning, memory, and feelings of pleasure. Smoking cigarettes causes a flood of dopamine in the smoker's brain. It’s this flood of dopamine that gives the smoker intense feelings of pleasure. Within about 40 minutes the effects of the nicotine have diminished causing the smoker to crave another cigarette. Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer.
Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs Prescription and over-the-counter medications are fast becoming the new “party” drugs for many teenagers. As reported in the Partnership for a Drug Free America’s annual tracking study: 1 in 5 teens has abused a prescription pain medication 1 in 5 report abusing prescription stimulants and tranquilizers 1 in 10 have abused the stimulants Ritalin or Aderall 1in 11 has admitted to getting “high” on cough medicine Just because prescription drugs have legitimate uses, and are prescribed by doctors, does not mean they are safe for anyone to take. Taking them when they are not prescribed for you to get high or “self-medicate” can be as dangerous – and addictive – as using illegal street drugs. Prescription medications when taken as prescribed are very beneficial and improve the quality of people’s lives and help them live longer. However, taking prescription drugs that are not prescribed for you, or mixing them with other prescription drugs in random quantities, can kill you. Likewise, over-the-counter drugs are not safe for everyone just because you can buy them at the grocery store. When you are sick, taking them as directed can be beneficial and speed your recovery. But taking over-thecounter drugs in large or frequent doses to get high, or taking them in combination with other over-the-counter or prescription drugs can kill you. Stimulants Stimulants are a class of drugs that elevate mood, increase feelings of happiness, energy and alertness. Stimulants often produce a feeling of euphoria in users. Examples of stimulants include cocaine, crack cocaine, amphetamines, and Methamphetamine. Cocaine is a hydrochloride salt, made from the leaf of the coca plant, and comes in the form of a white powder. Crack is a smokeable form of cocaine that is processed with ammonia or baking soda and water, and heated to remove the hydrochloride. Amphetamines or speed are sometimes prescribed by doctors for medical problems, but these pills are also abused for their effects on the brain. Methamphetamine or crystal is a powerful form of amphetamines that comes in clear crystals or powder and easily dissolves in water or alcohol. It is
often made in illegal laboratories with inexpensive and readily available ingredients such as drain cleaner, battery acid, and antifreeze. Stimulants such as cocaine and methamphetamine can produce euphoric effects. Smoking or injecting these drugs cause an intense, immediate "rush" that lasts just a few minutes. Snorting or swallowing these drugs produces a high that is less intense but lasts longer. Just as with other addictive drugs, stimulants decrease some of the brain's dopamine receptors, decreasing the ability of users to feel pleasure. This results in them needing to take more and more of the drug to feel good again which leads to addiction. Long-term use of stimulants causes panic attacks and feelings of restlessness, irritability, anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations, mood disturbances, delusions and an overall inability to be happy. Stimulants can cause the heart to beat faster and blood pressure and metabolism to increase. They also can cause users to become more talkative, energetic, and anxious. Repeated use of stimulants can lead to feelings of hostility or paranoia. Cocaine causes the body's blood vessels to become narrow, constricting the flow of blood forcing the heart to work harder to pump blood through the body. The heart may work so hard that it temporarily loses its natural rhythm, stopping the flow of blood through the body. Using cocaine or crack-whether snorted, injected, or smoked-can lead to overdose causing chest pain, nausea, blurred vision, fever, muscle spasms, convulsions, coma, and sudden death. In rare instances, sudden death can occur with the first use of cocaine. Cocaine-related deaths are often a result of cardiac arrest or seizures followed by respiratory arrest.
Education Staying in school and graduating from high school is important to your future. A good education will prepare you to cope with life and help you get a better job. You have a legal right to stay in school, even if you have special needs, or become pregnant or ill. Talk to your school counselor to discuss your options. Stay in school. Conroe Independent School District………………. Magnolia Independent School District ………..… Montgomery Independent School District. .……..... 13
936-709-7751 281-356-3571 936-582-1333
New Caney Independent School District....……….. Splendora Independent School District..………...... Willis Independent School District …………….....
281-577-8600 281-689-3128 936-856-1210
General Education Development Test (GED) This program is for students who have not graduated from high school. If you have dropped out, a GED can open doors to jobs, colleges, trade schools or apprenticeship programs. GED classes are offered throughout Montgomery County. Contact the following organizations for more information. Conroe Independent School District………………. Education Service Center, Region VI…………..…. Oscar Johnson Jr. Community Center…………….. Lone Star College - Montgomery……………………… Willis ISD………………......................................... The Workforce – Conroe………………………....
936-709-7751 936-435-8400 936-522-3960 936-273-7000 936-856-1200 936-441-0037
COLLEGE You are much more likely to get a good job if you earn a college degree. That is one reason why staying in high school and getting good grades is important. Even if you and your family do not have the funds for college tuition, you can get help with scholarships, financial aid, and loans. The place to start when looking for financial assistance for college is at the Free Application for Student Aid website at: http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/ There are many scholarships available from organizations, foundations, and corporations across the country. They can be found by doing an Internet search for “college scholarships”, or your high school should have a listing of available scholarships in the college placement office, or in the counseling office. There also may be scholarships offered locally in your community and for that information talk to your high school counselor. Most colleges have a website that has information regarding admission requirements and available options for major fields of study. If you know
what college you would like to attend, visit their website to find out what is it takes to be admitted. You can apply online to most colleges in the state of Texas by visiting the Texas Common Application website at: https://www.applytexas.org/adappc/commonapp.WBX LONE STAR COLLEGE Kingwood ………………………………… Montgomery …………………………….... North Harris ……………..………………... Tomball………………………………..….. Cyfair ……………..………………………
281-312-1600 936-273-7000 281-618-5400 281-351-3300 281-290-3200
Employment Before you turn 16 and can get a regular job, there are some things you can do to earn money or gain experience that will help you later. You can babysit, landscape yards or do odd jobs. You can volunteer in a variety of church, school or community programs. You might help in a hospital, or serve in a program to people with disabilities, or seniors. Any kind of job or volunteer work might introduce you to adults who can recommend you to a future employer. When you are over 16, contact the following agencies to help you find a job. The Workforce – Conroe………………..………..
Good Nutrition and Eating Disorders Teenagers are under a lot of pressure to succeed and fit in. Many spend a lot of time worrying about what others think and they desperately try to conform to society's unattainable "ideal" body image. They are led to believe that if they are thin, they will be accepted. Since many teenagers are constantly buying teen or fashion magazines, the images of super thin models only reinforces their belief that in order to be happy, successful and accepted, they must be thin. The pressure associated with having the perfect body can lead to serious and sometimes life threatening eating disorders. ANOREXIA NERVOSA • Unusually low intake of food such as severe diets or fasting • Intense fear of becoming fat, regardless of low weight • Perfectionist attitude • Feelings of self-worth determined by what is or is not eaten • Drastic or life-endangering weight loss BULIMIA NERVOSA • Eating unusually large amounts of food in small time periods • Feeling out of control during these binges • Purging after a binge (vomiting, laxatives, excessive exercise, fasting, diet pills, diuretics) • Feelings of self-worth determined by what is or is not eaten • Low, average, or overweight with frequent weight fluctuations OVEREATING AND COMPULSIVE EATING • Periods of continuous eating or impulsive bingeing • Going from one diet to the next and sometimes not eating at all • Eating little in public while maintaining a high weight • Feelings about self are based on weight and control of eating • Participating in fewer activities due to embarrassment about weight If you think someone you know has an eating disorder: • Tell them your concerns in an honest, caring, manner • Gently but firmly encourage the person to seek professional help • Talk to a parent, school counselor, or teacher for help 16
If you are concerned about your own or a friend’s weight or eating behaviors, call these numbers for information or help: DePelchin Children’s Center…………………….…. Family Services …………………….………………. Interface Samaritan Counseling Center………...…... Overeaters Anonymous…………...………………..
888-730-2335 281-292-4155 281-376-8006 713-973-6633
The Law CURFEW LAWS All unincorporated areas of Montgomery County, including The Woodlands are covered by the Montgomery County Curfew Ordinance. The ordinance provides that a person under the age of 17 may not be out of his or her home between the hours of midnight and six o’clock in the morning. There are several exceptions, which include going directly to and from work, school and church sponsored activities, when the minor is with a parent or guardian. Other adults, including sisters and brothers and parents of friends may not provide an exception to the curfew. Most cities in Montgomery County have similar curfew laws. GRAFFITI and OTHER CRIMINAL MISCHIEF Because of concerns about juvenile gangs, many states, including Texas, have passed strong anti-graffiti laws. The penalty for such an offense is determined by the amount of damage to the property. Any “tagging” is a serious offense that can result in juvenile detention or jail for the offender. Using toilet paper to “wrap” the house of a friend may seem innocent, but it may be viewed as a criminal offense of criminal mischief or trespassing by the owner of the home. This practice is messy for the property owner and dangerous for the person committing the offense. Any action that damages or destroys the property of someone else may be considered a criminal offense, not just a prank.
MANDATORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE Students are required to attend school until they are eighteen. Unexcused absence from school for even a part of a day when combined with other absences may become a criminal offense. Parents must require children to attend school and if the child is absent more than the number of days or parts of days allowed by law, the parent may be charged with the criminal offense of failure to compel the child to attend school. Both parents and students may face fines, community service, counseling and any other sanctions the court imposes. MINOR DRIVING UNDER the INFLUENCE of ALCOHOL A minor who drives a vehicle with any detectable amount of alcohol in his or her system may be charged with driving under the influence of alcohol. The term “any detectible amount” is not specifically defined in the law. An officer is not required to offer a breath or blood test to a minor before issuing a citation for this offense. A minor convicted of this offense must pay a fine up to $500, attend an alcohol education class and perform 20 to 40 hours of community service. Additionally, the driver’s license of the minor will be suspended. Driving while intoxicated is a very serious offense. Blood alcohol levels of .08 and higher are considered evidence of intoxication. The consequences of driving while intoxicated can last a lifetime. MINOR IN POSSESSION of ALCOHOL A minor, any person under the age of 21, may be charged with possession of alcohol even if the minor is not drinking alcohol. Possession of alcohol by a minor is against the law. Texas law defines possession as care, custody or control of the prohibited item. There is no specific safe distance from the prohibited item which guarantees that a person will not be charged with the offense. Possession has also been defined in case law as access to the prohibited item. Minors attending large parties where alcohol is being served may be arrested and charged with minor in possession of alcohol even though they are not drinking. Penalties for first conviction of minor in possession of alcohol, minor consuming alcohol, attempting to purchase alcohol and misrepresenting age in order to purchase alcohol include a fine of up to $500, an alcohol education course, 8 to 12 hours of community service and drivers license suspension of at least 30 to 60 days. Subsequent offenses carry more serious penalties, including jail.
It is against the law for an adult, other that the minor’s own parent or guardian, to give alcohol to the minor. Additionally, adults making alcohol available to minors anywhere, including parties in a private residence may be liable in a civil lawsuit if anyone is harmed in any way related to the use of the alcohol. SHOPLIFTING Shoplifting is theft! Theft is a crime of moral turpitude and conviction for such an offense can have serious consequences as you apply for jobs and college. Restitution, a fine, community service, counseling and perhaps a letter of apology to the merchant may be possible consequences following conviction in court. Additionally, the merchant may pursue a civil suit against the parents of a minor to recover the costs of security and theft prevention measures. This is a separate action from any criminal charges which you may face. TOBACCO POSSESSION It is against the law for anyone under the age of 18 to possess, consume, purchase or misrepresent age in order to purchase tobacco products, including cigarettes, snuff, cigars, and chewing tobacco. Minors convicted of this offense will be required to attend a class and pay a fine. The offense penalties become more serious with each subsequent offense. TRAFFIC TICKETS, DEFENSIVE DRIVING and HOW TO TALK TO POLICE Many people who drive will receive a traffic citation at some point in their driving career. Too many tickets can result in suspension of a Texas Driver’s license. Two convictions for moving traffic charges in a twelvemonth period of time can result in suspension of the teen’s driver’s license. Insurance costs, already higher for teen drivers, will increase. Courts often allow a driver to take a defensive driving course which will dismiss the first ticket. The course must be completed on time and the certificate returned to the court. If either of these steps is not completed, the driver may be required to pay a higher fine and have a conviction on his or her driving record. For information regarding a defensive driving course to dismiss a ticket, the driver should contact the court where the ticket was filed. Driving is a privilege and a serious responsibility. Texas law requires that anyone older than 15 and riding in the front seat of a vehicle must wear a safety belt. The law holds the driver of the vehicle 19
responsible for any passenger who is not properly wearing a seat belt. The driver of the vehicle may receive a citation. All children under 15 must be either in a car seat or a seat belt when riding anywhere in a vehicle. Children under two must be in a child passenger safety system in a manner that is according to the directions of the seat manufacturer. The driver is responsible for ensuring that the child is properly secured. If you are stopped by a police officer, showing respect and remaining calm are important. You should remain seated in your car with both hands visible on the steering wheel until the officer gives you instructions. If it is dark outside it is recommended that you turn on your inside car light. You should tell any passengers in your car to remain seated, still and quiet while the officer approaches your car and is speaking with you. The officer will probably ask for your driver’s license and proof of insurance. It is your responsibility as a driver to have both with you before you get in the car. It is your responsibility to have current registration and inspection on the vehicle you are driving. It is also your responsibility to know what is in the car you are driving. Alcohol, drugs and any illegal weapons in the car you are driving become your responsibility once you get behind the wheel.
Mental Health Being mentally healthy means feeling reasonably good about yourself and others. It does not mean feeling good all the time. No one does! If these everyday feelings begin to interfere with your normal activities, they could be warning signs of a more serious problem. The warning signs include: Sudden changes in mood or behavior, sleep or appetite. Prolonged unhappiness, withdrawal from friends and activities and a general lack of interest. Anxiety, strong feelings or uneasiness, fear or imagined danger. Not working up to potential in school or sports. Uncontrolled outburst of anger. If your problems seem too difficult or too personal to discuss with a friend, relative or clergy, you may need to find a trained counselor. Mental health centers and other agencies provide counseling on issues such as:
Drug or alcohol misuse and abuse Sexuality Peer Pressure Depression and anxiety Suicidal thoughts
Counseling is a confidential opportunity to discuss personal issues with someone you can trust. You explain to the counselor your feelings and why you are feeling that way. In the process of explaining those feelings, you can learn how to understand yourself better and how to make more knowledgeable decisions about your life. For assistance in locating mental health counseling, please call: Adaptive Behavior Choices…………………….... Counseling Association of South Texas……….... The Bridge Counseling Center…………...……… DePelchin Children’s Center…………………….. Interface Samaritan Counseling Center………….. Montgomery County Youth Services Conroe………………………………………... South County……………………………….… East County…………………………………... Magnolia………………………………………
936-264-3339 281-367-9836 936-441-8255 888-730-2335 281-376-8006 936-756-8682 281-292-6471 281-354-4873 281-259-0440
Rape or Sexual Assault Sexual abuse can take place within the family by a parent, stepparent, other relative, or outside the home by a friend, neighbor, or teacher. If you think you are a victim of sexual abuse, talk with someone who can help you sort out your feelings. Emergency…………………………………………… Child Protective Services……………………………. Montgomery County Women’s Center-Hotline.……. Office………………………………………………
911 800-252-5400 936-441-7273 281-292-4155 Ext. 231
Sexual assault is any forced or coerced sexual act. It can be anything from unwanted touching to rape. Sexual assault is an act of violence, not the result of an uncontrollable sexual urge. Over half of all sexual assaults occur between people who know each other, but the rapist can be anyone. A rapist chooses victims who are vulnerable, not because of what they do, say, or wear. Here are some tips for reducing your risk of sexual assault: • Never walk alone at night. • Walk confidently. • Stay alert. • Don’t be afraid of making a scene if you feel threatened. • Listen to your instincts! If you are assaulted, do whatever you need to do to get out alive. • Get to a safe place. • Seek medical help. • Do not shower or change clothes. • Report to authorities. • Tell someone you trust. • Seek counseling. • Remember, it’s not your fault!
Rape Crisis staff members are available to talk with you and answer your questions and provide support. All calls are confidential. Emergency……………………………………..… Montgomery County Women’s Center-Hotline
911 936-441-RAPE (7273)
Date Rape Drugs The two most common date rape drugs are Rohypnol and GHB. These drugs are used to incapacitate victims to commit sexual assaults. Victims may not remember the assault, or have brief moments of memory of the attack, making prosecution difficult. Rohypnol is white and dime sized. It is sold in 2 mg doses in bubble wrap packages. It is used in other countries for sleep disorders, but it is illegal in the U.S. Rohypnol dissolves quickly and is odorless, colorless, and 22
tasteless. It is rapidly absorbed into the central nervous system. A person may appear intoxicated; demonstrating clumsiness, drowsiness, and dizziness, hot and cold flashes, nausea, slurred speech, paralysis of the limbs, and eventually loss of consciousness. GHB usually comes in liquid form. It is usually sold in small bottles like the bottles that hold samples of shampoo, eye drops, and bottled water. GHB is EXTREMELY dangerous because it is homemade. Because there is no consistent strength, as little as one teaspoon can leave a person unconscious. Each person reacts differently to the drug. Like Rohypnol, GHB dissolves in a drink without odor, color, or taste. It is also rapidly absorbed into the central nervous system. Individuals may experience amnesia, drowsiness, confusion, and dizziness. Severe reactions range from respiratory arrest to coma and death. To reduce your risk: • Stay away from drinks in punchbowls at parties • Take drinks only from someone you trust • NEVER leave your drink unattended
fun is important! Social and recreational activities offer opportunities to learn new skills, meet new friends and explore new interests. You can use the resources listed here to discover things to do. Your own community has many unique recreational and educational experiences to offer you. Be sure to consult your local directory for information on neighborhood community centers and parks and recreation programs. Conroe Family, YMCA……………………….…. Conroe City Parks and Recreation………….….... Conroe Recreation Center……………………...... Conroe Aquatic Center…………………………... Oscar Johnson Jr., Community Center…………... Lone Star College Montgomery………………….
936-441-9622 936-522-3804 936-522-3900 936-522-3930 936-522-3960 936-273-7000
The Woodlands Parks & Recreation…………….. South Montgomery County, YMCA……………. The Woodlands Athletic Center……………….... The Woodlands Recreation Center…………..….
281-210-3900 281-367-9622 281-363-9500 936-273-5449
Running Away Almost everyone thinks about running away from home at some time. You may feel depressed about your life and may want to do something to change the way things are going. Talking to someone may help you understand yourself and the situation better, think more clearly, and make an intelligent decision based on realistic choices. If you, or a friend are determined to run away, and talking it out doesn’t seem to help, please run to a safe place. Even the most street-wise people can get harassed or seriously hurt while trying to make it on their own. Here are some numbers you and your friends may call for help: Montgomery County Youth Services – Bridgeway Home ……………………………….. Fairway Home………………………………….... Street Outreach………………………………...… National Runaway Hotline…………………………. Texas Runaway Hotline……………………………. Texas Youth Hotline…………………………………
936-890-1132 936-856-8015 800-654-6319 800RUNAWAY (786-2929) 888-580-HELP (4357) 800-210-2278
Services for the Physically or Mentally Challenged Youth There are many programs offered by various agencies in this area to help disabled and mentally challenged youth. Services for youth include recreation, education opportunities, and career and vocational guidance. Here is a partial listing of services available in the Montgomery County area.
Bridgewood Farms………………………….… New Caney New Horizons…………………… Texas Rehabilitation Commission………….... Tri-County Mental Health Mental Retardation Services…………….... United Cerebral Palsy……..……………….…
936-856-6460 281-354-7667 936-523-2250 or 800-687-8392 936-756-8331 or 800-659-6994 936-760-4179, ext. 472
Also, contact your local school district.
Sexual Activity The only method that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and AIDS is abstinence. When someone is not ready for sexual involvement, it is unfair to pressure him or her. This is coercion and fits the legal definition of sexual assault. Talk about your feelings with your partner before you get in a difficult situation. Be specific about what is right for you. You have rights as well as responsibilities in a dating relationship: I have the right to: • • • • • • •
Refuse a date. Refuse any requests without feeling guilty. Have my own feelings and be able to express them. Have my limits and values respected. Refuse sex anytime for any reason. Have friends and space aside from my partner. Ask for help when I need it.
I have the responsibility to: • Determine my limits and values. • Respect the limits of others. • Communicate clearly and honestly.
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES The only method that is 100% effective in preventing sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is abstinence. Anyone who is sexually active can get STDs, also called venereal diseases. The main way to get an STD is through sexual intercourse or through any other sexual contact with someone who already has it. Included in these diseases are the AIDS virus, syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, uretheritis, chlamydia, venereal warts, etc. Sexually transmitted diseases, if not treated, can have a serious effect on your health. AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is a virus that is passed sexually through semen and vaginal secretions or through blood or blood products. Unlike most STDs, there is no cure for AIDS at this time. AIDS attacks your body’s ability to fight disease. That means a simple infection can lead to death. Facts about STDs and AIDS You do not catch STDs or the AIDS virus from toilet seats, doorknobs, or through “casual” contact like handshakes. You can get STDs or AIDS at any age. AIDS and herpes, you get once, and have forever; other STDs can be treated and go away but you can get them again and again if you are exposed to them. Most STDs are treatable. Herpes can be controlled but is not curable. At the present time, AIDS can be treated, but is not curable. Contraceptives (gels, foams, the pill) DO NOT protect you from STDs. The only sure protection from STDs is abstinence. STD tests are confidential. Your parent’s permission is not required. If you are concerned about STDs, go to a doctor or clinic and ask to be tested for STDs. You will have a medical exam and a lab test; blood tests determine the presence of AIDS. It is possible to have STDs without feeling ill or noticing any changes in your body. If you think you have an STD, do not hesitate to see a doctor, even if you feel embarrassed to do so. The longer it goes untreated, the more damage it will do to your body. Remember: most STDs can be treated. If you do find out that you have an STD or AIDS, you need to tell your sexual partners because they have been exposed to the disease as well. They deserve to know of your condition so they can seek the appropriate medical attention. For more information about preventing or testing for STDs or AIDS call: 26
AIDS Foundation Houston…………………..….. Family Health Services Information & Referral….... Community Wellness Clinic…………………….…. Family Services of Greater Houston……………….. Lone Star Family Health Center…………………… CDC Info…………………………………………... American Social Health Association…………...…. UTMB – Maternal and Child Health Center, Conroe…………………………………………....…
713-623-6796 800-422-2956 936-760-2784 888-844-6289 Ext. 234 936-539-4004 800-232-4636 800-227-8922 800-443-7744
UNPLANNED PREGNANCY & TESTING If you or someone you know thinks she is pregnant, and is uncertain about what to do, it is important to learn about possible options. There are places that offer help. It is important to have a pregnancy test in a medical setting as soon as possible. Tests done with kits at home are not always accurate. Talk with someone you can trust and try to get medical attention as soon as you can. The agencies listed below can help you make important decisions about your pregnancy, and help you to receive the services you need. Pregnancy testing and counseling are available at the following clinics. For further explanation about the programs listed you can call the Montgomery County United Way Helpline 281-292-4155 Ext. 235 or 888-844-6289 Ext. 235.
Alternatives In Motion……………………………… *Adoption Services Family Health Services Information & Referral… Birthright of Montgomery County…………………. Community Wellness Clinic……………………….. DePelchin Children’s Center………………………. Healthy Supports……………………………Magnolia Healthy Supports…………………………..…Conroe Healthy Supports……………………….…New Caney *A Montgomery County Youth Services Program that serves Magnolia, Conroe, and East Montgomery County areas. 27
800-776-6508 800-422-2956 936-756-3220 936-760-2784 888-730-2335 281-259-0440 936-756-8682 281-354-6451
Lone Star Family Health Center……………………. Pregnancy Assistance Center……………………… UTMB – Maternal and Child Health Center, Conroe………………………………………...…….
936-539-4004 800-311-1492 800-443-7744
Suicide If someone talks about suicide, take it seriously. Friends may tell you they are thinking of killing themselves and ask you to keep it a secret. THIS IS A SECRET YOU CANNOT KEEP. You can be a better friend by telling someone – a parent, teacher, counselor, clergyperson, or someone else you trust. You might also encourage the person talking about suicide to talk to an adult whom he or she trusts. If you think someone may be suicidal, don’t be afraid to ask. Mentioning suicide will not give someone the idea or push them over the edge. Talking about it can prevent it from happening. A suicidal person is not beyond help. A Suicidal Person Can Get Better Some warning signs and risks of suicide are:
Talking about committing suicide Having a gun or the means to commit suicide Giving away prized possessions Significant changes in behavior Preoccupation with death Having a plan to commit suicide
If you or a friend shows any of these warning signs and risks, you must be concerned and tell someone who can help. Also, remember that the first step in stopping a suicide is to have the person promise, “If I feel like I’m going to hurt myself, I will call a trusted friend or a hotline first.” If you or a friend is thinking about suicide, this number can help you: Crisis Intervention Hotline (Montgomery & Walker Counties)……………. 28
(Harris County)………………………………… Tri-County Mental Health/Mental Retardation Services 24 Hour Crisis Line…………………..
713-468-5463 800-659-6994
Violent Behavior DATING VIOLENCE Many dating relationships are unhealthy due to abuse or threats of abuse. This abuse may be emotional, sexual, or physical. Physical abuse can range from restraining someone to something as extreme as the use of a weapon. Dating violence is all about one person wanting to control the other. Danger signs: • Jealousy and possessiveness • One person making all of the decisions • Blaming you when they mistreat you • A history of fighting • Abuses drugs or alcohol • Pressuring you to do things that make you uncomfortable to prove your love There is help available for you or a friend who is in a dating relationship that is abusive. Family Service Center………………………………... Family Time Crisis and Counseling………………….. Montgomery County Women’s Center Hotline……... Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse………………….. Emergency
281-292-4155 Ext. 233 281-446-2615 936-441-7273 713-224-9911 911
FAMILY VIOLENCE Too many families handle their disagreements violently. Family violence tends to occur in a cycle. First, family members feel uneasy knowing a violent outburst will happen. Next, the actual act of violence occurs. Then, the family member who committed the violent act apologizes and promises
this type of behavior will never occur again, and the family is happy for a while, only for the cycle to begin all over again. Over time the violence becomes more serious and happens more frequently. There is help available for you or for family members who use violence to solve problems. Family Services ……………………………………... Family Time Foundation……………………………... PIVOT Project………………………………………...
281-292-4155 Ext. 233 281-446-2615 713-224-9911
INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE The way you react to others is your responsibility. Instead of reacting with violence, think about constructive ways to manage your anger. Here are some stress reduction activities that may keep you from being one of those people who flies off the handle so easily: • Sports lower your own tension level. • Listening to music may calm you down. • Discuss why you are angry with a trusted adult, parent, teacher, or counselor.