Clipex flyer

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The ORIGINAL X™ fence®


Premium wire netting

"Often copied but seldom equalled" Why is X™ fence® the premium wire netting of choice? • It’s only manufactured from 100% primary metals • The Alu/Zinc coating offers greater longevity. • The coating makes the wire more malleable, making it easier to tie off without snapping prematurely. • 24% stronger non-abrasive X™ knot joint. • One-piece vertical wires.

Crash Tested

What does the above mean to you? • Consistent tensile strength on every wire, every time. Retains tensile strength for life. • Longer life, outlasts normal galvanised wire by three to four times.

Royal Welsh Show Highly Commended Award 2014

• Stronger non-abrasive joint means minimal vertical wire movement and no hide damage or wool collection. • Saving - One piece vertical wire and prime high tensile wire allow you to have intermediate posts up to 6 metres apart, even at 4.5m there is still a 40% saving in materials and labour.

Great Yorkshire What’s Next? Award Winner 2015

• Peace of mind – Once erected you will have a fence that will look good and be as effective years later.


30 Year guarantee – Combine X™ fence® wire with Clipex all steel fencing system and you will have a fence that offers unrivalled performance. Quicker to erect, longer lasting than other alternatives, over 30 years life with a minimum 50% saving in both materials and labour.

Fence System Clipex Fence Post

Specification for - 30 year fence*

● Lasting performance ● 50% quicker to erect ● Life Time Saving of up to %50

Benzinal black coated high tensile barbed wire

High tensile steel post 600grm Zinc coating Stainless steel rivets Dacroment coated clips

New Number 03330 050115

X™ fence® Alu/Zinc coated wire Primary metals only 24 % stronger X™ knot

● No stapling required *30 year guarantee online ● Minimal ground disturbance ● No heavy machinery required

(Calls cost 2.5p per minute plus your network operator’s access charge)

Difficult to get at areas can be fenced easier, Clipex standards, StaYfast strainers, X fence with two HT top lines. Location Scotland. Customer painted posts black to blend in once installed.

Overbury Farms - line wire flood fence, Riverside field at carrant brook in Gloucestershire. After years of replacing timber posts, clearing debris off the netting, tensioining and repairing the fence after regular flood damage, the landowner looked at alternatives and with McVeigh Parkers specialists, created a fence that should offer years of service. This simple 8 line fence has ratchet tensioners at either end, which allows the tension to be taken off, then the lower line wires can be simply moved up out of the way from flood damage. Yhere is a facility to add Clipex electric insulators to any of the lines quickly if needed.

Vineyard protection fence, using standard Deer Clipex, Beefy Clipex and StaYfast strainers. X fence XHT13-190-15 Deer netting.

Project - Clipex Eco-posts at 4.5m centres, telegraph pole strainers. HT8-80-22 hinge jointed fence wire netting. Heavy galvanised HT barbed wires.

230% more strength than standards, 60% more surface area, thus better holding, equivalent to 100mm round timber post. Beefy

Standard mm


• Security X fence clipped to HT line wires. Using standard and Beefy Clipex deer posts • StaYfast strainers.



Ø 52


“The conditions were very wet, we manually lifted all the gear to site, manually drove it in, first time with Clipex, really simple and quick. Project: 800m stock fencing Two men, manually installed, time : one week

Ø 52




StaYFast Strainers 3

1. Will Clipex fit any wire netting? A: We have a post to suit most hinge jointed 8/80 stock fences in either HT or mild. We Would recommend our posts to suit X fence, stiff stay netting which offer greater returns on your investment.

Strut pin


Wire lugs

4 Strut






Pressure plate


Breast Plate



Brace Wire






Foot Plate

Strainer can be installed in under 5 minutes

End Strainer

Corner / two way strainer

2. Are Clipex permanent? A: Yes, they have been designed to suit the European market adding anti lift plates, make them virtually impossible to remove by hand. Clipex galvanised coating and high tensile steel will provide a life in excess of 30 years, we consider this to be permanent. 3. What depth are the Stakes/Strainers in the ground? A: Clipex stock fence Eco/ Standard inters are designed to be buried 58cm, Beefys 88cm, finished fence height 1.22m. Railway/Cattle fence standards 65cm/Beffys 75cm designed to be 62cm in ground, finished fence heigh 1.35m. Clipex deer fence Inters/Beefys 90cm. What depth in ground in stakes/Strainers? Do i have to use StaYfast strainers? StaYfast strainers have been designed to offer a greater logevity; they are designed to be installed at a depth of 1.2m, quickly and easily. Some contractors and farmers prefeer to use good quality timber strainers and Clipex inters, we are more than happy to quote you on this option. 4. What post spacing is required? A: This is subject to the wire you use, mild hinge joint requires around 2.4 metres, High tensile hinge joint 3.5m, X fence stiffstay wire 4.5m to 6m, obviously using X fence will save you both in time and money in materials, whilst also providing you with a stronger longer lasting fence. 5. Do I need special tools and machinery? A: No, simplicity is part of Clipex attraction, a drive sleeve helps protect the top of the post thereafter it can be driven in manually, pneumatically or Hydraulic post driver. No stapling required. Wire dispenser recommended but not essential. Simple wire straining tools as normal. Joining with traditional knots or wire joiners. 6. Can it be removed/stolen easily? A: No,. We have designed the product with an anti lift plate, which not only aids in erection when going over undulating ground, it acts as a strong deterrent to any would be thieves. The beefy especially has a larger profile and additional length making it virtually impossible to remove without the aid of machinery. If additional protection is required in high population areas a simple security plate can be added to eliminate any tampering.

End Strainer Corner / two way strainer

Economy Beefy strainer

Ideal for a quicker and cheaper strainer option where their livestock pressure is anticipated.

Corner Strainer Electrical Insulator

Deer Beefy Strainer

One Clipex - Many Uses Rabbit Fence

Boundary Fence

Multi Strand Electric


Barbed Wire

Railway/Cattle Fence

Step by Step - Easy To Erect 1 3 2

7. Why should I use Clipex over timber? A: Because you will get over twice, in most time three times the life expectancy you would expect from a good quality timber product. Less ground disturbance and soil displacement by both the post and machinery. 8. Can you put a base line of plain or barbed wire in the bottom clip? A: The standards and the Beefys have been designed with 11 clips to allow for an eight line stockfence , two top lines and one base line of barbed, plain or electric wire. What can I fence in/out? A: We have a range of Clipex posts in a few standard designs that could cater for most applications. The most popular designs are sheep, cattle and deer fencing, however we have made many bespoke designs to suit a variety of uses. 10. Can it be used for permanent electric fence or line wire dropper system? A: Yes, all Clipex posts can be used for line wire fences then by simply converted to electric fencing by adding the unique clipex insulator. We also manufacture a pasture post which does not have the anti lift plate which makes it more suitable for semi permanent electric fencing for sheep, pigs or cattle. 11. Do all the horizontal wires in the netting fasten into the clips? A: They do on Eco posts when using hinge jointed 8/80 plus two rows barbed/ plain or electric. They do on Standards/Beefys when using X fence stiifstay netting, plus one base line and two top lines of barbed, plain or electric. They do on Standards/Beefy Cattle/railway fence 11/122 plus one base line and one top line of plain, electric or barbed, Clipex deer posts are designed to match 6 lines of a 13 line wire hinge joint or XHT13 Xfence deer netting and 7 lines of a 17 line wire deer Xfence, also allowing for one top line of barbed, plain or electric. 12. When should I use a Clipex Beefy ? A: Beefys have a 60% greater surface area providing 230% more strength than a standard post, this along with the anti lift plate, thicker gauge steel and longer length make the Beefy an unbeatably strong post. They can be used alternately with standards to strengthen a fence line; they can be used solely on a fence line, which will certainly give an extremely strong long lasting fence. Clipex Beefys can be used as an intermediate strainer of 15 degrees or less without the need for extra strut support. Beefys used in conjunction with a Beefy bracket and strut assembly can create an economical strainer, ideal for fence lines with minimal stock pressure.

End strainer kit assembly components

Erect end strainer/corners by digging or driving in manually or mechanically


Hook strut in at 90° then turn to mitred edge


Lay the strut on the plate, hook tension wire through pin & drive in




Lightly tension the fence to nearly upright


Tie-off wires by hand, crimp or T-Clips

Tension stay wire. Strainer done!


Space Clipex inters evenly between vertical wires

Extras Extras

Finally reduce the tension curves by 50% Job done!

Push the wire in the slot, then down past the keeper

Extras Extras

Two ways and corners repeat strainer process as above

Use Beefys to strengthen the fence line where needed

Extras Extras

Electric Insulators solely designed for Clipex post system

Single Offset

Beefy Econ Strainer quick to install and strong

Security Bracket

What makes Clipex different to any other steel post? ● Three sizes to choose from in ten lengths to suit a varity of requirements. ● Anti lift plate. ● Strengthening plate.

Almost all terrain issues clipex has an answer....

13. Can Clipex be erected in all soil/rock types? A: Clipex has been used throughput the UK and Ireland to great effect. We have designed a rock post with rebar footing that is cemented in a predrilled hole for rock fitting. In softer soils we recommend the use of Beefys as they have better holding surface area. The chiselled point on Clipex posts break through most Chalk, Flint, Brash, Sandstone, and Granite without the need of a pilot hole. 14. Can you put barbed wire in the same slot as the netting at the same time? Can you put an electric insulator in the same slot with the wire? A: No, the slot has been designed to take two single wires or twin strand barbed, it would be very difficult to slot both in the same slot. A: No, the design of the insulator does not allow for it to be used in an already occupied clip (bolt on offsets maybe an option if the post has additional holes drilled) 15. Does the wire not rub in the slot scratching the galvanised coating? A: As long as the fence is kept taught this should not be an issue, if you have an adjoining fence line that is going to receive a lot of attention it is advisable to use an alu/zinc coated netting such as X fence as this wire has self healing properties should any bare wire get exposed. 16. Won’t the post just pop out of the ground especially when the ground dry’s? A: McVeigh Parker have added to the Australian design to suit the European environment, more clips have been added which means more wires get held in place, more importantly an anti lift plate reduces the possibility of the post popping out or being easily removed. It actually increases the holding of the post especially on undulating ground. Beefys with their 60% greater surface area, anti-lift plate and additional length offer exceptional holding properties. 17.How do Clipex compare against hot creosoted, kiln dried, redwood timber? A: On price about 5% more, on longevity 30% more min. Lighter to handle, no casengenic leaching, easier to drive in, easier to clip wire in, no stapling required, some 50% quicker to erect overall. 18.Can I add electric fence line to a Clipex post? A: Yes, all Clipex clips can take the unique Clipex insulator. They can be used in conjunction with wire netting or solely to form a permanent electric fence line. Offsets are available for those posts drilled with extra holes.

Beefy in a bog

Rotten Post Repair

Rock Post

Rapid gun & clips


Gripple contractor tool

Post Bumper / rammer

Multi fence pliers

CL35 clip tool

Gripple tensioning tool Knippex cutters, model

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