Sponsorship opportunities at Cranbrook Sports Club

Cranbrook Sports Club is a very special place, run by volunteers for the benefit of its members, with a huge amount of effort going into training, playing, coaching, fundraising and so much more. Cranbrook Rugby Club has a long history in the town and continues to play a vital role within the community. The club has developed and maintains strong links with schools and community organisations and is widely recognised as adding significant value to the area.
Sponsorship opportunities at Cranbrook Sports Club

• Become
As you will see, there are a full range of sponsorship options to suit all budgets. Cranbrook Rugby and Cricket Clubs are at the heart of the local community, but we could not provide the facilities and sporting opportunities without the help and support of our sponsors.
• Support
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• Fulfil
As well as hosting the weekly League rugby games, rugby festivals, County representative matches and County Finals, Cranbrook Sports Club is also the home to Cranbrook Cricket Club, as well as opening its doors to other sports like athletics, triathlon, cheerleading and boxing. We also host private parties, Comedy evenings and the local Slimmer’s Club, providing a hub for the local Wecommunity.provide sports for all ages, in a safe and secure environment. Members and supporters enjoy the facilities and hospitality that we have at Cranbrook Sports Club. One of the many strengths of our club is that the players play for their club, with their friends, and we believe this ethic supports the true values of a traditional club. All sponsors that partner with us become part of our club and sporting family. We rely heavily on sponsors to help fund the core activities of the Club and why we are seeking support from a broader range of businesses within the local community.
We would love you to join our of sponsors and in return, can: your corporate social responsibilities your local community sports club further ingrained in the hearts and minds of the members, their families and our local community.

Our vision & strategic priorities We have a vision for Cranbrook Sports Club to be one of the leading clubs in Kent and want to promote rugby and cricket in “The Cranes Way”. Our purpose is to provide both sports to the highest possible standards for the community of Cranbrook and the surrounding villages, as well as to continue the strong growth in our mini, junior and Colts sections and to continue to grow our strong men’s and women’s rugby squads. Promoting our “One Club” ethos enables us to ensure that we provide a positive and safe environment for all our rugby and cricket players, welcoming players of all abilities, irrespective of age and gender. Achieving our vision and our purpose requires a clear strategy and focused priorities. We wish to create a welcoming facility which is open to the community and to grow not only rugby and cricket participation, but an increased day to day use of the club for a wide variety of activities for the community. To achieve this vision, we need to improve and expand our current facilities. Our original aim prior to the COVID pandemic was to build a state-of-the-art new clubhouse but we are in the process of revising these plans to achieve that aim but in a modern modular design and build. More immediately, we also have a plan to improve our toilet and shower facilities for players and spectators and to provide a self-contained unit for our teams and opposition visitors.

Senior Rugby
1XV are very competitive, having achieved back-to-back league promotions over the last few years and continue to strive to progress further within the RFU leagues. The Nomads, our 2nd XV, also play very competitive rugby but at a slightly lower level as you would expect as a 2nd team, being an ideal team for a talented newcomer to Senior rugby or allowing the experienced former 1XV player to contribute that experience to the younger players wanting to move through the ranks.
We currently run three men’s rugby teams: the 1st XV, The Nomads (II’s) and The Gerbils (III’s), as well as a Senior Ladies squad. The men train mainly as one squad, with many of the players having 'grown-up' in the Club, moving through the mini and juniors ranks, into the Seniors, enjoying the comradeship that the Club generates. Players from outside our local area have joined the Club because our reputation for being an effective rugby squad, with excellent Coaches, a fun social scene and having some of the best, if not THE best, pitches in Kent. We are always looking for new players to expand the squad with the aim of continuing ito mprove and strengthen all three
Ladies Only formed 5 years ago, our ladies squad continues to go from strength to strength and have really made their mark within the RFU’s ladies leagues. This very sociable, fun squad, strive to continue developing and building, being all inclusive and always welcoming new players with qualified coaches that are passionate about seeing the Ladies squad progress and build further.
The Gerbils, our 3rd XV, is our development squad, enabling the more mature players, or young newcomers to Senior rugby to find their feet, giving everyone the opportunity to still play a good level of competitive rugby without maybe the need to train twice a week!

Mini Rugby U6’s-U11’s This extremely popular section of the club sees upwards to 200 children attending Cranbrook Sports Club every week to take part in training, friendly fixtures and competitive festivals, either at home or at clubs across the County. Learning rugby skills as they move through the age grades under the guidance of our volunteer coaches.
Girls Rugby U12’s- U18’s Established at Cranbrook about 2 seasons ago, the girls (U12+) enjoy rugby training and matches on Sundays, with this section continuing to build and thrive under the expertise of the girls’ coaches, who are often joined by our Ladies players for training sessions. Colts U17’s & U18’s Only formed in the 2021 season, the aim of this section is to continue to develop and progress our players, allowing them to play alongside their friends, following many of the senior men’s drills and training plans, to make the transition into adult rugby at Cranbrook smoother as they reach 18 years old. Also playing friendly and Kent league matches, the vision for the Colts section is for these players to want to and be proud to pull on their CRFC shirts every Sunday, despite all the other demands such as school rugby, driving lessons and partying! Cricket Training every Sunday morning, our youngest cricket players start off learning soft ball cricket skills in a fun and safe environment, progressing into Hardball Cricket at U13’s, where they train on a Sunday morning and play most of their league matches on mid-week evenings throughout the cricket season. Cricket for all ages is open to everyone, with the aim for the club to be able to field a senior team in the next year or so.
Junior Rugby U12’s- U16’s Equally as popular, with upwards of 120 children every week taking part in training sessions, friendly fixtures, competitive matches against local clubs or Kent Waterfall and Kent League matches, our junior section continues to thrive and go from strength to strength, and these teenage lads thoroughly enjoy playing rugby on a Sunday morning with their peers.

Why sponsor Cranbrook Sports Club? We encourage children away from their Xbox, iPads computer screens and inspire them to join our club to learn to play rugby and cricket. We help them develop respect, discipline and build lifelong friendships. • Raise awareness and boost the brand awareness of your company locally. • Improve your company’s reputation by supporting a local ‘not for profit’ sports club. • Cranbrook Sports Club will do all it can to promote your business to players, parents, coaches and visitors and other supporters. • Sponsorship can spread the positive messages by strengthening your company’s image. People typically enjoy supporting brands that invest in their local community. • Sponsorship can also attract media attention. • Inspire brand loyalty. • Support young people in the local community. • Huge exposure of your logo, branding and message. • Reduce your corporation tax liability. • Contribute towards a better sporting experience for Players, Staff, Coaches, Spectators and the local community. • Amazing ‘feel good’ factor! 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7

Sponsorship Menu at • Playing Shorts Front & Back • Kit Bags • Physio Tracksuit and Medical Bag • Training Drill Tops • Coaches Drill Tops • Playing Shirt • Rugby Balls • Ball Sponsor • Match Day Sponsor • SponsorProgramme • Player of the Match Award The Full List • Playing Shirt Front • Playing Shirt Back • Playing Shirt Sleeve RH • Playing Shirt Sleeve LH • Shorts Rear • Shorts Front • Finisher/Subsuit/Coat • Post Match Polo Shirts • Training Top • Dress/T Shirt • Tracksuit • Post Pad Protectors • Toblerone Banners • Main Gate Area • Clubhouse Clock • Scoreboard • Fixture Card • Match Ball / Training Balls • Spectator Benches • Beer Mats • Plates - Plastic/China • Plastic Glasses • Drinks Trays • Napkins • Snoods • Logo on Receipts • Drinks App Logo • Containers • Marquee (Exterior/Interior) • Kit Bags • Physio Tracksuit & Medical Bag • Cricket Boundary Markers • Toilet (Exterior/Interior)Signs • Match Day Programme • Match Day Sponsor • Player of the Match Award • Player/number Sponsor • Roadside Main Gate Entrance • Car Park Banners • Pitchside Banners • Sail Board Banners • Umbrellas • Training Bibs • Training Cones • Cricket Score Board • Various Naming Rights • Buy Coaching staff a round All Subject to availabilty • Post match Polo Shirts • Training Bibs • Replacement / Finisher subsuit / coat General Kit Match Day • Mini & FestivalYouthGazebos 8

Cranbrook Sports Club • Main Gate • Sail Board Banners • Naming rights for one season of the ground • Naming rights for one season of the clubhouse Ground Inside and Outside • Pitchside Banner • Car Park Banners • Container Signage • Club interioroutsideMarqueefrontand • Club TV • Projection TV inside Clubhouse ParkCar &ClubhouseMarquee SandsPitch PitchFitzMossPitch Angley Road (A229) ContainersCarPitchsideWhitewellLaneBannersParkBanners MainGate Cricket • Sponsors Board Inside and Outside • 1st XV RoomsChanging • Ladies & Gents Toilet Signs sponsor • Bar polo shirts with your logo • Naming rights for the bar Club Map 9 Contact For more information and costs contact: • Chris Hambridge chris66bb@gmail.com • Rich Barker barker1954@me.com

Recognition and acknowledgment of your sponsorship 10

By sponsoring us you get:
✔ Inclusion in the club sponsor boards both inside and outside the club. ✔ Sponsors will be included in the digital match day programmes (which are emailed to full club database).
✔ Invitations to club lunches for you, friends customers,and great chance to network or just enjoy the day. ✔ Free Sponsors lunch invitation and drinks for you and a guest.
✔ Opportunities to promote any special offers or services on our range of digital platforms. Website, Instagram,Facebook, e shots.
✔ Your company name and live link on our web site. ✔ Free membership to the club (on deals over £400.00, family membership over £600 sponsor) with discounted drinks.
✔ Potential to sponsor a table, a lunch or a game day. ✔ Potential to promote your business via marketing material at club events. ✔ As a member you will have opportunitytheto apply for deal).subjectticketsinternational(ballotstyle,tosponsor
✔ Your company name will be visible to over 1,000 potential customers weekly in the rugby season. ✔ Online and digital exposure. 11
✔ Potential to enhance your business in the digital programs. ✔ Your company will be highlighted in the Club’s directory circulated to the Club’s database.
✔ Association with a very successful local club in the Weald.

The venue can also offer the perfect location for corporate events and is the ideal scene for an arts or musical performance. Whatever your needs, whether small and intimate gatherings or lavish receptions, let our venue be the starting point for your event. We are situated just 2 minutes’ drive from Cranbrook high street and 12 mins from Staplehurst railway station. Our venue has ample car parking for over 200 cars with good access and is easy to find. more information contact Mandy at: crfc.venuehire22@gmail.com
Venue Hire at Cranbrook Sports Club


Our Core values Rugby’s values of Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline and Sportsmanship are what makes the game special for those who enjoy the environment and culture they create. 14

Huge thanks to all our current sponsors: • Hire4Lower • Jubilee Hire • Savills • NeameShepherd • Elite Pubs • Jackson Stops • ConstructionHurstway • Sutton Valence School • Mark Hellier • BTF Partnership • Charity Farm • Lloyd Martin • JPF Farms • Hunter Flooring • SchoolCranbrook • Collison Fuels • Kent StudioDesign • ConcreteWealden • Adrian FlooringBaker • Mike Lewis CPS Concrete • D Catt & Sons • Shotcrete • Park ButchersFarm • Mark ArenasScott • Barrett Fencing • CranbrookSavills • Don Bros • Purdy & Power • Old BreweryDairy • McVeigh Parker • AssociatesHarris • HouseMarlboroughSchool • St James's Place • 4Jays • Jarvis Homes • NFU insurance / Doug Wilson Tree Surgery • The Ridge Golf Club • Your Best Car • Angel Fish Travel • Larkins Brewery • Hawk Abseiling • Bathroom Cellar • The GroomersDog Merrimentsat • Sylvagen • Buss Murton • Complete Weed Control • Bournes • The Ridge & Inca AdventureIslandGolf 15

Cranbrook Sports Club, Tomlin Ground, Angley Road, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 2PN Tel: 01580 www.cranbrookrugby.com712777 and Produced by roguegene.com
© Photography
| Kenneth J
| Florence Rose
STRENGTH AND HONOUR Credits: Martin Gray Matcham