clipex brochure case studies

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03330 050115

• 50% Faster to erect • Stronger & longer lasting • Surprisingly cost effective • The all steel fencing system • 30 year guarantee

The all steel fencing system, proven in the field

Clipex fence solution applications, PROVEN. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

New fence lines for livestock Deer fencing, containment or exclusion Plantations – the fence can be erected then dismantled once the shrubs have established and used again. Temporary site compounds. Barbed wire demarcation fence Rabbit fencing Railway fencing Electric fencing Security fencing Poultry fencing Single line boundary fencing Otter fencing Bio-­‐security fencing

Chosen dissimilar metals 24% stronger X Knot

Dacromet Quick Clip Stainless steel rivets 600grm/mm2 Zinc coating Alu/Zinc coated wire “Xtralife”

Case studies • New fence lines for livestock • Deer fencing, containment or exclusion • Tree Plantations • Temporary site compounds. • Barbed wire demarcation fence • Rabbit fencing • Railway fencing • Electric fencing • Security fencing • Poultry fencing • Single line boundary fencing • Otter fencing • Bio-­‐security fencing / Badger • Highway fencing • Hop gardens

Products •.Clipex eco posts • Clipex standard posts • Clipex deer posts • StaYfast strainers • Electric fencing • Bespoke Clipex fencing systems • Xfence wire • Forge Knot wire • Tools • Fixings / accessories

X Fence deer netting XHT17-­‐190-­‐15 Clipex Deer standard bespoke 18 clip, every 4m, Beefys every 4th post, electric top and electric offset . Norfolk

Job description :

Deer netting A challenging brief to fence in red deer around the clients estate, as well as exclude the smaller breeds such as Muntjac. The fence had to have a desired life in excess of 25 years. The chosen design involved the long life X fence wire netting with long life Clipex steel posts and two lines of electric wire.

Wire type :

X fence premium long life wire netting, 17 line, 190cm high, 15cm wide verticals was the wire of choice. 2.0mm High tensile heavily galvanised electric lines.

Intermediate posts : Intermediate post centres: Beefy Intermediates :

Bespoke design 3.0m 18 clip Clipex standard posts (Special design, MOQ 2000) 4mtr centres Beefy 3.0m 18 clip bespoke Clipex posts were used every 4th post to strengthen the fence.

Strainer type :

Customer used old telegraph poles

Tools used :

Tractor and knocker, crimps, clamp bar and staples -­‐ two men.

Products used :

Special KCPX30 KCPX40

3.0m 14 clip Clipex intermediate posts StaYfast strainers , ends c/w struts StaYfast strainer, Two way/corner c/w struts

F2444 F2014 CL2790 CL2793

XlHT13-­‐190-­‐15 X fence, 100m 2.0mm high tensile barbed wire, 200m Clipex drive sleeve, standard Clipex drive sleeve, Beefy

XLHT13-­‐190-­‐15 Deer X fence Standard Clipex inters every 3.5m, StaYfast strainers every 150m. Site: Gloucestershire

Job description :

Wire type :

Solar fencing The clients request was to provide a secure fence for the newly developed solar farm. The fence specification had to have a desired life in excess of 25 years. The chosen design involved the cost effective long life X fence light deer wire netting with easy to install Clipex deer posts and one line of HT barbed. All products were standard and delivered within a week of the order. X fence premium long life lightweight wire netting, XLHT13 /190/15. 2.0mm High tensile heavily galvanised barbed wire.

Intermediate posts : Intermediate post centres: Beefy Intermediates :

3.0m 14 clip Clipex standard posts 3.5mtr centres None used.

Strainer type :

StaYfast all steel strainers

Tools used :

Tractor, knocker, gripples, cutters, Clipex drive sleeve

Products used :

CL2725 KCPX30 KCPX40

3.0m 14 clip Clipex intermediate posts StaYfast strainers , 3.0m ends c/w struts StaYfast strainer, 3.0m Two way/corner c/w struts

F2441 F2010 CL2790 A1520 A1525

XlHT13-­‐190-­‐15 X fence light deer netting, 100m 2.0mm high tensile barbed wire, 200m Clipex drive sleeve, standard Medium Gripples, Gripple T clips

Livestock X fence -­‐ XHT8-­‐80-­‐22 Standard Clipex inters every 4.5m, StaYfast strainers every 150m. Site: Worcester

Job description :

Livestock Fencing To supply a traditional livestock fence that would offer real returns. X fence wire netting was used allowing the intermediate posts to be spaced further apart, saving in both labour and materials.

Wire type :

X fence premium long life wire netting, XHT8 /80/22, lamb friendly netting. 2.0mm High tensile heavily galvanised barbed wire.

Intermediate posts : Intermediate post centres: Beefy Intermediates :

1.8m 11 clip Clipex standard posts 4.5mtr centres None used.

Strainer type :

StaYfast all steel strainers, ends and two way.

Tools used :

Tractor, knocker, gripples, cutters, Clipex drive sleeve


CL2715 KCPX10 KCPX20

1.8m 11 clip Clipex intermediate posts StaYfast strainers 2.4m , ends c/w struts StaYfast strainer, 2.4m Two way/corner c/w struts

F???? F2010

XlHT13-­‐190-­‐15 X fence, 100m 2.0mm high tensile barbed wire, 200m Clipex drive sleeve, standard

Hinge jointed stockfence, Clipex Eco’s at 4.5mtrs, creosoted strainers, 2 HT barbed

Job description :

Livestock Fencing The customer wanted a cost effective livestock fence option and opted to use hinge jointed netting and using his own telegraph poles as strainers.

Wire type :

High tensile hinge joint wire netting HT8-­‐80-­‐15. 2.0mm High tensile heavily galvanised barbed wire.

Intermediate posts : Intermediate post centres: Beefy Intermediates :

1.8m 11 clip Clipex eco posts 4.5mtr centres None used.

Strainer type :

Used telegraph poles.

Tools used :

Tractor, knocker, cutters, Clipex drive sleeve, stapler



1.8m 10 clip Clipex intermediate eco posts

F2311 F2010 CL2790 FX2607

HT8-­‐80-­‐15 hinge jointed fence, 100m 2.0mm high tensile barbed wire, 200m Clipex drive sleeve, standard Barbed staples

Boar X fence -­‐ XHT13-­‐190-­‐7.5 Buried 300mm to create dog proof fence Standard Clipex inters every 5m, StaYfast strainers every 150m. Site: Devon

Job description :

Boar / Dog Fencing The remit was to fence off two large paddocks so dogs could roam free without escaping, also with such a high degree of badgers there was a need to prevent any holes being made. The fence was trenched to provide a secure area. X fence was the wire of choice due to its alu/zinc coating which would last longer in the ground. Clipped posts were used as the ground conditions were particularly difficult.

Wire type :

X fence boar wire netting XHT13-­‐190-­‐7.5. 2.5mm High tensile heavily galvanised top line.

Intermediate posts : Intermediate post centres: Beefy Intermediates :

3.0m 14 clip Clipex eco posts 5.0mtr centres None used.

Strainer type :

StaYfast strainers.

Tools used :

Tractor, knocker, trencher, cutters, Clipex drive sleeve, stapler


CL2715 KCPX30 KCPX40

3.0m 14 clip Clipex intermediate standard posts 3.0m StaYfast strainers Ends 3.0m StaYfast strainer corner/two way

F2311 F2010 CL2790

XHT13-­‐190-­‐7.5 X fence X knot netting 2.5mm high tensile line wire Clipex drive sleeve, standard

Livestock Fence-­‐ Clipex stds every 4.5m, StaYfast strainers corners, XHT8-­‐80-­‐22 X fence, Benzinal barbed wire. Two men by hand two weeks 800m, no machinery. Site: Dorset

Stock fence for the EA. Clipex Beefy’s used throughout. Two HT barbed, X fence XHT8-­‐80-­‐22, creosoted strainers. Site: Kent

Cattle X fence -­‐ XHT11-­‐122-­‐15 on Clipex standards every 5mtr & Beefys every 5th post. Site: Dorset

Quote “4.5m Inter spacing, Clipex beefys used on slight change of direction. StaYfast strainer at ends. X fence alu/zinc wire 8-­‐80-­‐22 wire netting. Heavy galvanised HT top line wires. Gripple T clip end ties, Crimps in line joints. Manually driven in two men 200m, one day”. Site: Scotland

Railway fence -­‐ using Clipex and X fence 11-­‐122-­‐15 HT barbed top line, 2.5mm HT bottom line. Clipex standards every 5mtrs. Site: Isle Of Grain, Kent

Livestock Fence -­‐ Clipex standards every 4.5m, Beefys every 5th post, StaYfast strainers, XHT8-­‐80-­‐22 X fence, top electric line using Clipex insulators. Erected 1500m in 5 days, 2 men. Site: Sussex Downs

Livestock X fence -­‐ Electric top line, black benzinal barbed wire, X fence netting. Site : Berkshire

Livestock X fence –Extreme fencing HT barbed, X fence netting. Clipex standards StaYfast strainers Site : Dorset

Boundary fence -­‐ Clipex stds every 4.5m, Beefys every 5th post, StaYfast strainer corners/ends, XHT8-­‐80-­‐22 X fence, HT 2.0mm barbed top lines. Site: North Kent

Pig fence-­‐ using Clipex Eco posts at 4.5m ctrs using hinge jointed HT8-­‐80-­‐15, UC4 pine strainers, struts Site: Scotland

Forge X knot fence FHT-­‐8-­‐22, Clipex standards every 4.5m , staYfast strainers, HT barbed wire. Site: Kent

Cattle/Railway fence – XHT11-122-15 X fence, Clipex standards every 5mtrs, Beefys every 6th posts, Stayfast strainers every 150m. Site: Kent

Cattle/Railway fence – FHT11-122-15 Forge fence, Clipex standards every 5mtrs, Beefys every 6th posts, Stayfast strainers every 150m. Site: Worcs

Livestock fence -­‐ using Clipex and Forge fence FHT8-­‐80-­‐15 HT barbed top line, 2.5mm HT bottom line. Clipex standards every 5mtrs, Beefys every 5th post. Site: Kent/Sussex border

Cissbury Ring – National Trust. The project required minimal disturbance, long lasting, Clipex standards, XHT8-­‐80-­‐22, barbed Site: Sussex

1640mtrs erected in ONE DAY, Clipex posts, one strainer in 820mtr run. 6 persons, all driven in manually Site: Wiltshire

Sheep fencing, South Downs Clipex standards, Beefys with X fence XHT8-­‐80-­‐15 and two rows of barbed wire. Site: Sussex

Livestock Fence - Clipex standards every 4.5m, Beefys on slight change n direction, X Fence XHT8-80-22, two top lines of barbed. Location: Mid Lothian, Scotland

Sheep fencing, Clipex standards, Beefys with X fence XHT8-­‐80-­‐15 and two rows of barbed wire. Site: Scottish highlands

XHT8-­‐80-­‐22 X fence . Standard Clipex inters every 4.5m, StaYfast strainers every 150m. Site: Scotland

Sheep Fence -­‐ X fence XHT-­‐8-­‐22, Clipex standards every 4.5m , Beefy every 5th post , StaYfast strainers, HT barbed wire. Site: South Downs

Horse Fence -­‐ X fence XHT-­‐12-­‐110-­‐7.5, Clipex Std specials every 4.5m, Beefy every 5th post , StaYfast strainers, HT Electric top wires on Clipex insulators. Site: Buckinghamshire

Livestock Fence -­‐ Electric top line, Black benzinal barbed wire, X fence netting. Clipex Standards at 4.5m ctrs, StaYfast strainers 150m. Site: Berkshire

Bespoke X fence-­‐ XHT26-­‐244-­‐5 Bespoke Clipex standards/Beefys at 4.5m ctrs, Deer StaYfast strainers. Two electric lines. Site: Kent

Poultry fencing -­‐ using Badger X fence XHT15-­‐158-­‐7.5 buried, 1.2mm Hex net clipped above, Deer Clipex and bolt on Clipex cranks. Site Kent

Deer Fence -­‐ Clipex Deer stds every 4.5m, StaYfast strainers, XHT13-­‐190-­‐15 X fence deer netting. Landscape gardeners erected 2000m in 10 days. Site: Kent/Sussex border

Vineyard protection fence, using standard Deer Clipex 4.5m ctrs, Beefy Clipex and StaYfast Strainers. X fence XHT13-190-15 Deer netting. Site: East Sussex

Tree plantation, Deer protection-­‐ Clipex Deer stds every 4.5m, Creosoted strainers, XLHT13-­‐190-­‐15 X fence light deer netting. Site: Berkshire

Security X fence XHT19-­‐180-­‐5-­‐ clipped to high tensile line wires. Using standard and Beefy Clipex deer posts StaYfast strainers. All products had to be carried to site, no machines. Site: Surrey

Deer X fence -­‐ XHT13-­‐190-­‐15 using Clipex Deer standards at 4.5m ctrs, StaYfast strainers. One row HT barbed wire. Site: Surrey

Deer Fence -­‐ X fence XHT13-­‐190-­‐15, Clipex deer standards at 5mtrs, Stayfast strainers Site: Charlbury, Oxfordshire

Pheasant pen -­‐ made using Clipex Deer standards, three clip lines used. Site: Norfolk

Clipex Stds, X fence 8-­‐80-­‐22, Benzinal barbed in Cotswold brash, 500m one day

Hexagonal 18g rabbit netting using HT line wire. Using Clipex Beefy ends and Clipex stds.

Hop posts, Kent Clipex Beefys & line wire

Garden perimeter fence – Difficult to get at areas can be fenced easier, Clipex standards, StaYfast strainers, X fence with two high tensile top lines. Location Scotland

Deer/Rabbit plantation protection -­‐ Clipex & X fence.Powder coated black posts, Clipex standards, Clipex Beefys as strainers. Berkshire

Deer fence in Kent, using Clipex standards, staYfast strainers

Virtually blends into the landscape

Line wire flood fence After years of replacing timber posts, clearing debris off the netting., tensioning and repairing the fence after regular flood damage, the landowner looked at alternatives and with McVeigh Parkers specialists ,created a fence that should offer years of service. The simple 8-­‐‑line fence has ratchet tensioners at either end, which allow the tension to be taken off, then the lower line wires can be simply moved up out of the way from flood damage. There is a facility to add clipex electric insulators to any of the lines quickly if needed Site: Riverside field at Carrant brook in Gloucestershire.

Line wire fence -­‐ Bespoke contractors design Clipex (min 2000) 11 clip std Clipex. 6mtr interval, HT barbed top three lines, 2 base lines of high tensile. Site: Dorset

Cattle Fence -­‐ Six lines of 2mm Black benzinal coated HT barbed wire on Beefys at 6mtr centres, Creosoted strainers. Site: Oxfordshire

Clipex Rock posts, making an 8 line fence using Xtralife HT line wire. Dartmoor

“MP Tor the rescue“ Line wire fence to protect the Ring Ouzel on Dartmoor Tor

Clipex Rock posts, 8 line fence using Xtralife HT line wire. RSPB site in Dartmoor, to protect nesting sites from sheep.

Clipex standards combined with Corstag droppers, StaYfast strainers, HT line wire & barbed. Site: Wales Photos courtesy of Morgan Fencing

Clipex standards combined with Corstag droppers, StaYfast strainers, HT line wire & barbed. Site:

Red Deer Fence -­‐ X fence XHT-­‐13-­‐190-­‐15, Clipex Std & Beefys at 8m ctrs , Box beam strainers, HT top wire. Site: Devon

Pheasant Penning using Deer Standard Clipex post, Beefy corners, 1.2mm gauge Heavy Hex wire base, plastic 1.8m 50 x 50 mesh top . Site: Gloucestershire

Clipex standards every 3.0m , StaYfast Strainers. Using Chain link or welded mesh. Site: France

Hop posts, bespoke two clip Beefys, 4.5m long, 7m centres. Site: Kent

Hop posts, prepared using bespoke two clip Beefys, 4.5m long, Site: Kent

Hop posts, bespoke two clip Beefys, 4.5m long, 7m centres. Site: Kent

Beefy posts can be used as an anchor in very soft ground or where the ground undulates and there is a need to pull the fence.

Sheep Electric– 12m ctrs Clipex Pasture posts, Beefy Eco End strainers

Sheep Electric– 6m ctrs Clipex Eco posts, Beefys at change of direction Location : Ridgeway, Oxfordshire

Clipex Electric

Clipex Electric cap

StaYfast Strainer End

As seen on BBC Countryfile, Jan 2017 – Fishery Protection

StaYfast Strainer Corner/Two way

StaYfast  Strainers

Economy end strainer - ideal for low stock pressure areas, temporary fencing, rabbit or

electric fencing, temporary plantation protection fence.


Strainer anti-­‐lift disc

Manual wire tensioner

Security clip

Ground level strengthening plate on every post.

Anti-­‐lift plate below ground on every post. (apart from electric pasture posts)

Clipex compatible wire

X fence wire netting • • • • •

24% stronger X Knot Smooth Non abrasive Exceptionally strong Xtralife coated (last up to three times longer than heavy galvanised wire)

Cattle Forge Knot -­‐ FHT11-­‐122-­‐15 stiff stay fence, 70 metres awaiting support posts, almost vertical without any straining

compatible wire

Forge knot wire netting This is the MP galvanised version of X fence

• 24% stronger X Knot than titelock, much greater strength than hinge joint.

• • • • •

Smooth Non abrasive Exceptionally strong Manufactured to BS EN10223-­‐5 Heavily galvanised to BS EN10223-­‐5

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Fencing contractors interested in becoming a Clipex Certified Installer.

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