Overview on the Capital of SEVEN STAR Garments (PVT) Ltd INTRODUCTION In July 01, 1994 our SEVEN STAR Garments (PVT) Ltd. started the production. In that time our total capital was only 50 cores. But now our working capital is 400 cores taka. During 14 years our capital increases 8 times. Our decent infrastructure, Hi-Tec technology, sound management performance and certain 3rd parties bring our profitability higher and make our market position very competitive in global market. Our vision is in 2017 we will become a market leader in Bangladesh perspective. If we look lack in our last 5 year of the company, we will find out that our productivity was not increase proportionality. That’s why our market share/position increases 2%, i.e., 10%-12%.
70 60 50 Profit 2.5 40
Defict Decreaase -0.2375% -0.125%
Defecit -0.50%
Deficit -0.625%
Year(JulyJuly) Base Year(20042005)
30 20 10 0 Year 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009
T.R Core 40 50 55 64 70
T.C Core 37.5 47 51.8 60.5 66.25
Profit Core 2.5 3.0 3.20 3.5 3.75
Deficit Core -----0.125 -0.2375 -0.50 -0.625
If we see the graph, it shows that our total revenue increases but our profit does not increase proportionately. That’s why in 2008 May 4 cores TK to overcome employee’s unusual movement that’s why we expand our swing table, but it works a little. Today we all the top level manager passes a quality time to find out the actual problem and make a certain decision among the alternatives. We know each and every situation/alternatives passes into 3 situations