An inventive spirit, not only among private entrepreneurs but also in the halls of government, is pushing Thailand’s development of alternative energy. But “alternative” might not be the best word. With fossil fuels depleting and tomorrow’s generation certain to have a robust appetite for energy, perhaps “necessary” is more appropriate. Necessary energy sources in coming years include biofuel, solar, wind, waste and water, among possible others as yet unimagined. Industry experts are confident that Thailand’s investment in alternative energy will increase steadily with the government, industry and private citizens all showing greater concern over pollution caused by petroleum products. From a standpoint of economic survivability, it makes good sense for Thailand to cultivate renewable energy sources. Currently, the country still relies heavily on imported oil, even though Thailand itself has 78 petroleum felds. And the threat always exists that oil prices could go skyward. Petroleum products account for about 57% of commercial energy consumption in Thailand. Diesel and gasoline power 72% of transport. This draws attention to the fact that Thailand also possesses a large agricultural sector, representing ample raw material for development of the ethanol and biodiesel sectors. This agri- advantage is being tapped, as output of biofuels has shot up since oil prices soared in 2004. High petroleum costs have made biofuel development one of the most active sectors of Thailand’s alternative energy industry. Progress is being achieved with ethanol made from cassava and sugar, biodiesel from vegetable oil, gasohol, biogas, and other forms.