Automotive Industry

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Published on November 2009

Thailand’s automotive industry to see growth accelerate Supported by a hard-work ethic, steady investment and

for automotive applications. Thailand, in fact, is the only



country outside of the 30-nation Organization for Economic


Co-operation and Development in which Toyota has such


government is


incentives, for




employing more than 300,000 people and generating 12% of

sophisticated facilities.

the national GDP, the auto industry is respected as one of the biggest manufacturing sectors in the country.

Optimism and Opportunity

Thailand’s industry has attracted virtually all of the world’s

The automotive industry in Thailand is looking to further

major automakers, assemblers, and parts and component

growth and development. Such optimism stems largely from

manufacturers, and many are planning further investment.

free-trade agreements (FTAs) with countries such as Japan,

Ford, General Motors, BMW, DaimlerChrysler, Mitsubishi,

China, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and India, and

Mazda, Toyota, Isuzu, Honda and Nissan all have an

the prospect of rising exports to ASEAN member nations. As

established presence in the country, together accounting for

the industry contributes significantly to the local economy,

the lion’s share of the nearly 1.4 million vehicles produced

the Thai government is also offering support in the form of

here in 2008. That is a far cry from when Thailand had just

tax incentives and various other measures, making Thailand

one automotive assembly plant in 1961.

fertile ground for investors.

Truly a global player, the Thai industry has expanded from its

In June 2009, the Thailand Board of Investment expanded its

days as strictly an assembler into a major automotive

automotive incentive scheme to cover automobiles that have

production center. Automotive exports totaled 775,652 units

high technologies that are new to Thailand, such as hybrid

in 2008. With shipments steaming to 130 countries, Thailand

drive, brake energy regeneration and electronic stability

is currently the world’s largest producer of one-ton pickup

control. The BOI’s new policy, which is designed to attract

trucks and the seventh-largest automotive exporter overall.

international automakers looking to restructure by relocating

It is the top manufacturer in all of Southeast Asia, with

production facilities overseas, provides a range of incentives,

measures in place for expansion.

including corporate income tax holidays of between 5 and 7 years. To be eligible, projects must involve a minimum

And it’s not just production. More foreign makers now

investment of 10 billion baht.

appreciate Thailand as a prime location for R&D investment as well. For example, in recent years Toyota has established


a technical facility here to conduct R&D work on product


design, testing and evaluation. Moreover, Toyota Tsusho

promoting fuel- efficient transportation through a natural gas

Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. was established in 2005 as a

vehicle initiative. Growth opportunities also exist with E85

joint venture between Toyota Tsusho Electronics Co., Ltd.

ethanol. Thailand’s Ministry of Finance is offering a 3-year

and the Toyota Tsusho Group to develop embedded software

exemption on the import duties of foreign auto parts used to









developing of


the is

make vehicles E85- ready. The ministry has also reduced the excise taxes on cars using E85 to 25%, 30% and 35%, depending on engine size.

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