The Gem and Jewelry Institute of Thailand (Public Organization) Thailand’s Gems and Jewelry Import-Export Performance in 2009 Overview In 2009, the value of Thai gems and jewelry export expanded at the rate of 18 percent approximately, while the import value decreased by about 36 percent, causing Thailand to have a trade surplus of 3,762.91 million US dollars in the gem and jewelry category. Regarding Thailand’s gems and jewelry import-export under Customs Tariff Schedule Chapter 71*, it was found that in 2009 the export value increased by 18.03 percent from 8,270.07 million US dollars to 9,761.40 million US dollars. Gems and jewelry were the third important export products, accounting for 6.40 percent of Thailand’s total export value. Meanwhile, the import value of such products reduced by 36.18 percent from 9,398.72 million US dollars to 5,998.49 million US dollars. Gems and jewelry ranked eighth of Thailand’s highest import value, accounting for 4.48 percent of the total import value. If considering a trade balance of only gems and jewelry products, it was found that in 2009 Thailand earned a trade surplus of 3,762.91 million US dollars. This was the highest trade surplus in a decade since 2000, as illustrated in Figure 1. Figure 1: Import-Export Value of Thailand’s Gems and Jewelry during 2000-2009
Source: The Gem and Jewelry Institute of Thailand (Public Organization)