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The mission of The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center is to eliminate cancer in Texas, the nation and the world through outstanding programs that integrate patient care, research and prevention, and through education for undergraduate and graduate students, trainees, professionals, employees and the public.
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
We shall be the premier cancer center in the world, based on the excellence of our people, our research-driven patient care and our science.
PATIENT CAR E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
We are Making Cancer History.
RESEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
E D U C AT I O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
CARING By our words and actions, we create a caring environment for everyone.
P R E V E N T I O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
FACULTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
We work together to merit the trust of our colleagues and those we serve.
BOARD OF VISITORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
DISCOVERY We embrace creativity and seek new knowledge.
DONORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
FINANCIAL AND STATISTICAL DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
ON THE COVER: M. D. Anderson’s dedicated faculty, staff, volunteers and generous supporters are moved by a single mission — to help the patients they serve and to ensure they receive the best cancer care available.
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OUR PEOPLE OUR PATIENTS OUR INSPIRATION Inspiration can come in many ways. At M. D. Anderson, our patients are a constant source of motivation for all our faculty, staff and volunteers. We share a deep and enduring commitment to helping the more than 85,000 people who entrust their lives to us each year. It takes an extraordinary team to care for patients with cancer and to find solutions to the cancer problem. In this year’s Annual Report, we highlight a few individuals who are making it their life’s work to improve the care of our patients, to further cancer research and prevention efforts, and to strengthen our training and education initiatives. We also spotlight others who, as volunteers, give freely of their time to help our patients and their families or whose generous philanthropy supports our mission. We are grateful for the contributions of those mentioned in this report, and just as thankful to the thousands of others on the M. D. Anderson team who work tirelessly to advance our knowledge and to better the lives of our patients. In the last year, our scientists have made fundamental discoveries, uncovering critical factors that regulate cancer cell growth, spread and survival. They are collaborating with our clinical investigators to test whether any of these may be potential targets for therapy, and new drugs against these targets are entering early phase clinical trials. At the other end of the spectrum, our prevention colleagues are making significant strides in characterizing cancer risk and susceptibility. They have developed a computer model, for example, that assesses individual risks for cancer among healthy people, pinpointing opportunities to intervene early and to reduce the risk that cancer will develop. Our educators, too, have taken steps forward in addressing the shortage of oncologists, nurses and skilled technicians — a reality that, if overlooked, could severely impede our progress against cancer. To ensure this doesn’t happen, we have developed a plan that calls for enhancing our graduate and postgraduate education programs, and for quadrupling the number of undergraduate students in our School of Health Sciences who are learning the technologies used in cancer care. Efforts to gain new insights into the causes of cancer and to bring new therapies to the clinic already have reduced deaths from cancer. While we have much to celebrate, cancer remains the number one cause of death for Americans under the age of 85. We have much more work do. Together, we look forward to reducing the burden of cancer as rapidly as possible.
John Mendelsohn, M.D. President
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Hundreds of physicians, nurses and support staff are keeping pace with the growth in patient demand for clinical services, working to find new and more efficient ways to deliver care.
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When patients come to M. D. Anderson, they expect the best in cancer care and receive it. The institution’s physicians, nurses and support staff are committed to providing nothing less than the ďŹ nest and most innovative treatment plans for every patient, delivered with a dose of compassion.
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“I tell our clinical team to keep patients top-of-mind in everything they do, and that discovery isn’t just reserved for laboratory investigators. I stress to them that if you can find a new way to deliver care, a more efficient way to get patients through our clinics or come up with simpler processes — those are all discoveries, and they’ll ultimately result in better care, outcomes and patient satisfaction,” says Thomas Burke, M.D., executive vice president and physician-in-chief at M. D. Anderson. Burke’s team, in collaboration with others throughout the institution, has been identifying opportunities to enhance the quality, efficiency and safety of M. D. Anderson’s clinical care programs and services while also addressing capacity issues. One venue for discovery, Burke notes, is the Clinical Safety and Effectiveness Course, which provides clinicians and administrators with the skills and knowledge needed to develop quality and process improvement programs, and to establish best practices. More than 200 people have gone through the program, with 89 graduating in 2007. The idea to join anesthesiology, nursing and surgery under one administration is an example of ongoing initiatives that integrate the delivery of cancer care. Formed last year, the Perioperative Enterprise provides better coordination of care and a framework that supports having the safest operating rooms in the world, Burke says. This multidisciplinary team performs more than 15,000 surgical cases each year in more than 30 operating rooms. The University of Texas System Board of Regents approval to expand the Albert B. and Margaret M. Alkek Hospital by adding eight inpatient floors was a big step forward in addressing the growth in patient demand for clinical services, Burke says. The rate of clinical activity has been increasing steadily by 5 percent to 6 percent annually in recent years. In 2007 alone, more than 22,000 hospital admissions were recorded and nearly 85,000 patients were treated at M. D. Anderson. The hospital addition will increase the number of inpatient beds to approximately 867, an increase of 69 percent, and expand operating rooms and clinical support units.
In another effort to effectively manage growth, while at the same time ensuring patients receive the M. D. Anderson standard of highest-quality care, “we are extending our services outside the ‘mothership’ — into the greater Houston area and beyond,” Burke says. Currently, four suburban facilities provide comprehensive radiation therapy, using the latest technology in radiation treatment planning and delivery. “We’re beginning to grow our satellite program both in number of locations and services provided,” says Burke, noting the opening of the M. D. Anderson Clinical Care Center in the Bay Area last year. Located about 30 miles southeast of Houston, the center provides medical oncology, chemotherapy, laboratory, pharmacy and blood donor services in addition to radiation oncology. “Further expansion of these types of operations will be developed by our new Global Oncology initiative,” Burke says. Back on the main campus, M. D. Anderson clinicians continued to strengthen and grow the institution’s clinical trials program and strategic alliances with pharmaceutical companies to help eliminate delays between federal approval to explore investigational drugs and the start of Phase I trials — all with the intent of safely bringing new cancer drugs to patients faster. In 2007, more than 11,000 patients participated in one of the 1,064 active protocols evaluating potential new therapies for cancer. In many of these trials, lead investigators have reported early responses to novel drugs and vaccines in patients with leukemia and some solid tumors. M. D. Anderson investigators have helped to validate the efficacy of dozens of targeted agents over the past five years and have participated in the approval of 18 drugs by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. At least six of those drugs were tested in pivotal trials conducted at M. D. Anderson. Whether it’s helping to bring new drugs to market or establishing new standards in patient care, the M. D. Anderson team continues to make a difference in the lives of cancer patients worldwide.
GOOD TIMES AHEAD Ask Jason Connelly what his future looks like and he’s quick to say that it’s “bright.” That wasn’t the case about two years ago, however, when a diagnosis of metastatic melanoma cast a shadow over his life, dimming the very light that shines over him today. The diagnosis came as a shock, and once again he found himself face-to-face with cancer. His first encounter with the often deadly skin cancer was in 2000 when a suspicious mole turned out to be melanoma. His dermatologist urged him to go to M. D. Anderson, and that’s when he met Paul Mansfield, M.D., professor in the Department of Surgical Oncology. “He took a chunk out of my back about the size of a silver dollar and lymph nodes to be sure the cancer hadn’t spread,” Connelly recalls. “Everything turned out fine, and that was that.” So he thought. Thirty-something and cancer-free, he embraced life — getting married, becoming a dad and going back to school to get his M.B.A. from Rice University. He was at the top of his game when cancer struck for a second time in 2006. Unbeknownst to him, the extra pounds he was putting on were actually the weight of excess fluid brought on by cancer. “When you can’t button a jacket you had tailored two weeks earlier, you realize something must be wrong,” he says. “But, I didn’t think it would be cancer.” Hundreds of small melanomas, Mansfield would tell him, filled his stomach. Despite a poor prognosis, Connelly was determined to beat the odds. The road to recovery wouldn’t come easy, as he had to tolerate strong doses of three different chemotherapy agents and powerful immune system-stimulating drugs to aggressively treat the disease. The therapy worked, and he’s now picking up where he left off before cancer interrupted his life. He’s on schedule to graduate in May and already has a job lined up at a natural gas company in Houston. “Life is going well,” Connelly says. “It seems as though I’m on a long streak of really good things. And I think I deserve them.” — Eileen A. Ellig
Advanced stage skin cancer couldn’t keep Jason Connelly away from pursuing an M.B.A. and getting on with his life.
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Melanoma can’t escape the eyes or scalpel of Jeffrey E. Lee, M.D., who can be found fighting this deadly form of skin cancer in the laboratory, clinic and operating room. 6
MORE ROOM TO TREAT MELANOMA When the Ben Love/El Paso Corporation Melanoma and Skin Center opened last year, the event occurred as M. D. Anderson specialists were treating a record number of patients in a space bursting at the seams. “We’ve nearly doubled the size of our center, which will allow our multidisciplinary staff to more effectively provide better treatments to more patients,” says Jeffrey E. Lee, M.D., professor in the Department of Surgical Oncology and medical director of the center. “The 30 exam rooms include three specialized light treatment rooms and two procedure rooms.” More than 4,000 new patients were among the more than 15,000 patients with melanoma and other skin cancers treated in 2007 at M. D. Anderson. Lee predicts the demand for services will grow as melanoma in the United States is rising faster than any other cancer. While melanoma accounts for only 4 percent of all skin cancers, it causes nearly 80 percent of skin cancer deaths. The center was named to recognize El Paso Corporation’s $1.5 million gift in memory of Houston bank executive and civic leader Ben Love, former chair of M. D. Anderson’s Board of Visitors. A major portion of the gift supports melanoma and immunology research led by Patrick Hwu, M.D., chair of the Department of Melanoma Medical Oncology. Lee says the evaluation and surgical treatment of melanoma patients has “improved tremendously” since he joined the faculty in 1993. He expects better medical treatments for melanoma as additional targeted therapies emerge based on the genetic and molecular signature of each patient’s disease. Newer treatments are evolving from the $11.5 million Melanoma Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPORE) grant awarded to M. D. Anderson in 2004. Lee, who is co-director of the National Cancer Institute grant, says one clinical trial that Hwu directs has begun to test a vaccine as an adjuvant therapy for melanoma patients at high risk for recurrence, and two more trials should start soon. “Data collected through our SPORE is helping us to develop blood marker tests — similar to the PSA test for prostate cancer — that will predict recurrence. Knowing up front which patients are at high risk for recurrence or spread will mean we can treat them early and more aggressively to help improve survival rates,” Lee explains. — Mary Jane Schier
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TIME WELL SPENT Mabel Ligh believes that volunteering at M. D. Anderson is a blessing for her, but her colleagues affirm that she herself is a blessing. Always active in her church, Ligh felt it was time to take her faith outside the sanctuary walls. So, in 1995, she came to M. D. Anderson armed with the desire to help people. Ligh has another reason behind her volunteering. She knows firsthand the impact that a volunteer can make on patients and their families during treatment. She has experienced cancer as both a caregiver to her husband and a patient. She was treated for a benign kidney tumor and her right kidney was removed in 1999. Ligh has expanded her volunteer role over the years, now working three days every week doing different things. People needing help in the surgery waiting room, in the diagnostic imaging area and at the information desk benefit from her attention.
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Described by her supervisors in Volunteer Services as the consummate volunteer, Ligh is always willing to assist and take on any task. She currently chairs M. D. Anderson’s Volunteer Roundtable and enjoys hearing the feedback she gets from the many areas where volunteers work. “In a sense, we become the eyes and ears for the departments,” she explains. “I enjoy learning about the institution so that I have all of its resources at my fingertips to pass on to patients.” Last year, Ligh served as a member of the Emergency Center Lean Kaizen (a Japanese term meaning continuous improvement) team. Her role was to determine if the center could make use of volunteers. The answer was a resounding “yes.” The extra support is welcomed as the number of patients seen in the center has nearly doubled over the past six years to more than 19,000 visits in 2007. The center was relocated and expanded last year to meet the growing need for its services. It’s the balance of family, faith and service to others that makes Ligh feel whole. What she calls “the most rewarding experience that anyone could have” becomes a true reward for the patients and families she sees. — Gail Goodwin
CHANGING THE LANDSCAPE OF CANCER The high hopes that Razelle Kurzrock, M.D., had for helping change the face of cancer when she joined M. D. Anderson’s faculty in 1984 took longer than anticipated. “Now that we have a greater understanding about the genetic and molecular basis of cancer, we’re developing a steady stream of targeted agents for Phase I clinical trials. Most of these novel agents have exciting potential for improving therapy for multiple types of cancer,” notes Kurzrock, a professor of medicine, who last summer was named founding chair of the Department of Investigational Cancer Therapeutics. Kurzrock adds that many more new drugs also are being produced at pharmaceutical and biotech companies.
had enrolled more than 550 patients. About one-third of the Phase I trials are first-in-human studies of brand new agents for advanced tumor types. These studies are primarily sponsored by pharmaceutical companies. “This is an exhilarating time for us because we’re seeing some dramatic responses without serious side effects for several cancers,” she says. “To date, nine of our Phase I agents have transitioned to Phase II clinical trials, with 21 Phase II studies having opened or about to start in the disease-site multidisciplinary care centers. Many people still believe the old dogma that claims we’re not looking for responses when new drugs initially reach the clinic in Phase I trials, but with the emergence of new targeted therapies we’re seeing clinical responses in several of our trials.”
The new department reflects Kurzrock’s leadership in clinical trials, including her landmark laboratory research defining the role of growth factors, cytokines and other biologic agents in managing several cancers and treatment complications. It’s a direct expansion of the Phase I Clinical Trials Program she directs.
Most Phase I trials are the result of laboratory bench discoveries transferred to patients in the clinic. But Kurzrock says bedside-back-to-bench research is just as important. After observing good responses from three of eight patients with Ewing’s sarcoma in a Phase I trial of an antibody against the insulin growth factor receptor, she initiated a project to understand the molecular mechanisms that determine why some patients responded and others didn’t.
Kurzrock launched the Phase I Program in mid-2004 with two clinical trials. By fall 2007, she and her colleagues were conducting 68 Phase I studies that
“With our existing and emerging targeted therapies,” she says, “we’re truly changing the landscape for cancer.” — Mary Jane Schier
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THANKS FOR THE EXTRA TIME Terry Sonnevil of Decatur, Mich., couldn’t be more grateful for the care her husband, Max, received at M. D. Anderson. So thankful, in fact, that she established the Max E. Sonnevil Jr. Memorial Fund for Leukemia Research through a $1 million gift annuity. She credits Emil J Freireich, M.D., professor of medicine in the Department of Leukemia and director of Special Medical Education Programs at M. D. Anderson, with extending his life and “giving our five grandchildren a chance to know their grandfather.” Her husband was only 35 years old when he was diagnosed with hairy cell leukemia in 1983. “Initially, Max was given three months and told to ‘go home and get his life in order,’” Sonnevil says. Instead the couple set out to find help, sending a resume on his condition to 50 universities and research institutions throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. “There was no Internet back then to help us access the information we have today,” Sonnevil recalls. “We were on our own.” One hundred letters and phone calls later, they found hope at M. D. Anderson. Max Sonnevil became one of the first patients to undergo pioneering treatments with both human and synthetic forms of interferon, a powerful bioimmunotherapy drug used to treat some cancers. Thanks to Freireich and his team, Max Sonnevil lived an additional 21 years before succumbing to the disease at age 58. “Every time Max’s leukemia flared up or a trial drug wasn’t performing as expected, Dr. Freireich had something else up his sleeve that bought him more time.” Sonnevil announced the memorial fund in a letter to Freireich read by Michael Keating, M.D., professor in the Department of Leukemia, at a celebration of Freireich’s 80th birthday last year. Her intent to support research that may help other leukemia patients may be best expressed in one simple sentence — “Thank you for giving us the extra time to be with the man we loved.” — Sarah Watson Terry Sonnevil knows that getting the best cancer care can translate into longer life. Treatments at M. D. Anderson helped her late husband survive an additional 21 years after he was told he only had a few months to live.
A HUMBLE HERO When it comes to taking care of M. D. Anderson’s patients, Loven Panes’ philosophy is simple. “I think about how I’d want my family members to be treated. I always remember that every patient is someone’s mom, dad, brother or sister,” he says. Panes goes about his duties as a clinical registered nurse in the Bed/ Chair Unit of the Ambulatory Treatment Center in a quiet, unassuming manner. But his hard work and positive attitude haven’t gone unnoticed. In 2007, Panes’ received the Division of Nursing Excellence Award in Clinical Practice-Outpatient Setting and an M. D. Anderson Outstanding Employee Award for the quality care and support he provides to patients. “Loven is a compassionate nurse who’s always willing to go the extra mile,” according to Nurse Manager Virginia Gibson. “He jumps at the chance to help anyone in need, whether patient, co-worker or family member,” another colleague says. Gibson adds that it’s not unusual for patients to declare, “I don’t mind waiting as long as I can have him as my nurse.”
Panes accepts the compliments with a modest, “I’m honored that people acknowledge my work.” A native of the Philippines, Panes came to the United States in 1995. Working as a hemodialysis nurse at an Illinois hospital, he eventually discovered that he “couldn’t bear the cold weather.” He decided to head south and applied for a nursing position at M. D. Anderson “because I knew this was the best cancer hospital in the world.” Panes began his M. D. Anderson career in August 2004. One year later, his wife, Joy, accepted a position as a clinical nurse in the Sarcoma Center. According to Panes, the ATC Bed/Chair Unit is a busy place, with more than 16,500 patient visits in 2007. Panes lost his father to lung cancer and saw his mother-in-law battle breast cancer, so his interest in cancer is both personal and professional. Today, his greatest gratification comes from caring for patients. “I know that at the end of the day, I’ve made a difference in their lives, even if I’ve just made them feel safe and comfortable and given them someone to talk to while they’re receiving treatment.” — Carol Bryce
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In the DNA Analysis Core Facility, young investigators like Jeffrey Leung are working with senior scientists to identify genetic and molecular mechanisms associated with cancer, with the hope of developing new approaches for the diagnosis, detection and treatment of the disease.
Behind the research benches at M. D. Anderson, there are thousands of investigators — young and seasoned alike — who are determined to unearth the causes of cancer and to translate their findings into new treatment options for patients.
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While it’s clearly not a simple task, investigators continue to make fundamental discoveries that are providing “increasing insights into the inner wiring of cancer cells that distinguishes them from normal cells and helps to explain their abnormal behavior,” says Robert C. Bast Jr., M.D., vice president for translational research at M. D. Anderson. Over the past year, for example, critical factors that regulate tumor cell growth, spread and survival have been identified. One finding suggests that the very building blocks of cells, the nucleotides, may actually promote cancer cell survival by functioning as natural inhibitors of proteins responsible for regulating cell death and, consequently, serve as a barrier that cells must overcome to undergo programmed cell death. Another study reveals that molecules on the cell surface not only instruct cells to grow, but also travel to the nucleus, or the cell’s core, where they can act on genes and other proteins to regulate cell division and repair. Any disruption in normal cell functioning can lead to disease development. Investigators noted, for instance, that the absence or weak expression of a protein critical to protecting skin cells from harmful mutations leaves the cell’s genes vulnerable to silencing and causes genetic instability. Still other studies point to specific precancerous genes that, when inactivated, allow early growth of premalignant cells in the development of bladder and, possibly, other cancers.
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Basic observations like these are essential for uncovering new targets for therapy. In separate studies, for instance, investigators have learned that a key protein overexpressed in brain tumors and a defective version of a tumor suppressor gene in non-small cell lung cancers may serve as potential biomarkers for determining which chemotherapy agents will be most effective in treating these diseases. Too often, tumors become resistant to therapy by turning on specific survival factors, making them more difficult to treat. It’s not enough to identify these targets, however. Investigators must then develop methods to target these specific abnormalities, selectively destroying cancer cells. In the past year, various research teams have been busy devising ways to package tumor-killing viruses or corrective genes by either encasing them in tiny balls of fat known as liposomes, or inserting them into nanoparticles (particles so small that they are measured in billionths of a meter). Of particular note is a preclinical study showing that a molecularly engineered delivery system can selectively embed a gene in pancreatic tumors, leading to the shrinkage or, in some cases, elimination of these cancer cells. Investigators also found that this therapeutic approach can inhibit the spread of disease and prolong survival with virtually no toxicity. They’re planning to test this system in patients in a clinical trial. While the steady decline in federal funding for cancer research threatens to slow the pace of discovery, M. D. Anderson investigators are pushing forward. With more research grants awarded by the National Cancer Institute than any other academic institution, including 10 NCI-funded Specialized Programs of Research Excellence grants, and research support from all sources totaling approximately $445 million in 2007, they continue to translate their understanding of cells and tissues at the molecular level into better approaches for the diagnosis, detection and treatment of cancer. “Our goal in research is to understand cancer in sufficient detail so that we can individualize therapy to predict exactly which drugs would be most effective for treating a particular cancer patient’s tumor with the least toxicity,” Bast says. “If we are to realize this goal, we need to work as efficiently and as effectively as possible.” Full speed ahead.
VIRAL ATTACK As a neurology resident in one of the largest hospitals in Barcelona, Juan Fueyo, M.D., had two patients with an extremely rare brain disease caused by a cancer in their lungs. His work on those cases with a leading Spanish neuro-oncologist nudged Fueyo toward a career in research and on the road to M. D. Anderson, where he has led the development of a brain cancer-killing virus now headed for a clinical trial. Fueyo, along with his wife and research colleague Candelaria Gomez-Manzano, M.D., came to M. D. Anderson in 1994 as a postdoctoral fellow. The couple, who have three children and independent labs in M. D. Anderson’s Department of Neuro-Oncology, collaborate with others on Delta-24-RGD, a virus designed to destroy a highly resistant and lethal form of brain cancer known as glioblastoma multiforme. “Our research interests are complementary,” Fueyo says. GomezManzano studies cancer stem cells and angiogenesis (the birth of new blood vessels) while Fueyo focuses on virology. These interests came together in a study showing Delta-24RGD kills brain cancer stem cells, which are thought to drive tumor growth. The research team led by Fueyo, study co-senior author Frederick Lang Jr., M.D., professor in the Department of Neurosurgery, and first author Hong Jiang, Ph.D., instructor in the Department of Neuro-Oncology, characterized four brain tumor stem cell lines from four specimens of glioblastoma multiforme. Each line exhibited the characteristics and protein signatures of stem cells. Delta-24-RGD succeeded in killing all four types. Researchers then grafted the cancer stem cell lines into the brains of mice and treated the resultant tumors with injections of Delta24-RGD. Mice treated with Delta-24-RGD survived longer than those left untreated. Two of the eight treated mice survived until the end of the experiment, with no neurological symptoms. “In evaluating an experimental cancer treatment, it’s important to see improvement in survival in the majority of animals, but for some to be cured and survive a long time without neurological symptoms is rare,” Fueyo says. These results have led to the development of a clinical quality version of Delta-24-RGD by the National Cancer Institute. A clinical trial testing the virus in patients with glioblastoma multiforme is expected to begin soon. Juan Fueyo, M.D., Candelaria Gomez-Manzano, M.D., and colleagues
— Scott Merville
are employing an engineered tumor-killing virus to destroy the most lethal form of brain cancer. 15
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HELPING OTHERS ‘MAKES HIS DAY’ When Bill Schultz was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 1994, he was concerned about his condition. But as they wheeled him past the pre-op board, he saw he was number 12 out of 25 to have surgery that day. Twelve had always been his lucky number, so he knew things were looking up. Back on his feet after a recurrence in 1996, he decided it was time to give back. “After all the help and success I’d had, I was glad to help others if I could,” he says. Today, he brings the same energy, enthusiasm and humor to volunteering at M. D. Anderson that he brought to his 30-plus years with the telephone company. Since 1997, he has logged more than 6,200 hours through both Volunteer Services and its patient and caregiver support program, the Anderson Network. Recently, he was the first to raise his hand when M. D. Anderson opened a satellite Radiation Treatment Center in Texas’ Fort Bend County near his home. But he still drives into Anderson Network’s Hospitality Center one day a week, the place where he started serving coffee, cookies and hope in 1998. He also has worked the Gift Shops, helped with holiday decorations, gone to Camp A.O.K. with pediatric patients, played Santa Claus and served on the Volunteer Roundtable. As a dedicated member of the Anderson Network, Schultz was named the 2004 Telephone Networker of the Year for sharing hope with more than 90 other pancreatic cancer patients. In 2005, he won the Joseph T. Painter Award — given in honor of a former vice president who helped found the Anderson Network — in recognition of his exceptional contribution to patient networking activities and support. “When I see people who need some kind of hope, I say, ‘Hey, I’ve been through all this stuff and just look at me.’ If I can make somebody feel a little better, that’s what I’m here for. Sometimes people say, ‘Thanks for giving me encouragement. You made my day.’ I answer, ‘No, you really made mine.’” — Sandi Stromberg A 14-year survivor of pancreatic cancer, Bill Schultz says he’s lucky to be alive and grateful to give hope to others.
HARNESSING THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Larry W. Kwak, M.D., Ph.D., decided to become a physician-scientist because he wanted to combine caring for cancer patients with conducting research that would improve their survival rates. “That dream still drives me every day,” he confides. Kwak was well known for developing a vaccine against non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma when he was recruited from the National Cancer Institute in 2004 to chair M. D. Anderson’s Department of Lymphoma and Myeloma. He also is associate director of the Center for Cancer Immunology Research. While at NCI, Kwak showed that a vaccine for follicular low-grade lymphoma was effective in mice, coordinated the first-in-human clinical trial and initiated three, late-stage multicenter trials involving more than 500 patients each. At M. D. Anderson, he leads the development of new vaccines, including a second generation vaccine made with a genetically engineered chemokine molecule for patients with low-grade lymphoma. A first-inhuman clinical trial will start this year as part of a large U.S. Department of Defense grant.
Kwak is especially encouraged about a customized vaccine for patients with relapsed myeloma developed in his laboratory and now undergoing early clinical evaluation in collaboration with Study Principal Investigator Sergio Giralt, M.D., professor in the Department of Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, and Richard Champlin, M.D., chair of the department. This translational research is being expanded through a five-year, $6.25 million grant from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. “The new grant is one of three Marshall A. Lichtman Specialized Center of Research grants awarded by the society in 2007. It provides important support for developing vaccines that can summon an immune system attack against both multiple myeloma and acute lymphocytic leukemia,” explains Kwak, the grant’s principal investigator. Ten multiple myeloma patients whose disease had relapsed after therapy have received the myeloma vaccine, which is made from healthy matched T cells collected from patients’ siblings. About 20 more patient-sibling pairs likely will participate in the early vaccine study. “I’ve been intrigued with the idea of harnessing the immune system since I first heard about it while working in a research lab in high school,” Kwak recalls. “Now I’m increasingly optimistic about our ability to develop vaccines and other targeted therapies that, in combination with chemotherapy, should improve the outlook for many patients.” — Mary Jane Schier
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AGING AND CANCER The telescope he received for his 10th birthday propelled Sandy Chang, M.D., Ph.D., toward becoming an award-winning physician-scientist at M. D. Anderson. The gift allowed him to view the belts of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn before he designed and built a larger telescope that took second place in the 1984 Westinghouse Science Talent Search and provided a college scholarship. His early fascination with astronomy evolved into a keen interest in the molecular mechanisms of human diseases and motivated him to earn a Ph.D. at The Rockefeller Institute and a medical degree from Cornell University Medical College. After a residency in clinical pathology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and a postdoctoral fellowship at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Chang came to M. D. Anderson five years ago. Since then, he has advanced understanding of the role of telomere function in senescence (aging) and cancer. He wants to know how telomeres, the repetitive DNA sequences at the ends of chromosomes, maintain genome stability. “When we fully understand telomeres, then we’ll appreciate how they protect us as well as contribute to both the aging process and cancer. In time, I think it will be important to assess telomere status prior to planning targeted therapies for cancer patients,” explains Chang, associate professor in the Departments of Cancer Genetics and Hematopathology. Chang’s laboratory generated the first mouse model of human Werner Syndrome to probe the interaction between telomere dysfunction, genomic instability in aging and development of cancer. A rare disease that strikes adults in their 30s, Werner Syndrome is marked by premature aging and early onset of cancer. Most recently, his group discovered a key protein that is essential to maintain telomere stability. In addition to his research, Chang directs the T. C. Hsu Molecular Cytogenetics Laboratory, an institutional core facility he developed to help colleagues perform experiments. He teaches future scientists at The University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Baylor College of Medicine’s Huffington Center for Aging in Houston. During 2007, Chang was one of three junior faculty chosen for an M. D. Anderson Faculty Scholar Award for outstanding achievements and dedication to excellence. He also received the Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Sciences’ Ellis S. Benson Award, recognizing meritorious accomplishments by a young specialist in laboratory medicine. — Mary Jane Schier
Sandy Chang, M.D., Ph.D., is evaluating the importance of telomeres, the repetitive DNA sequences at the ends of chromosomes, in aging and cancer.
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A WORLD OF OPTIONS Carrington Marzett oozes talent, but she never anticipated her creative side would be showcased through the Children’s Art Project (CAP) at M. D. Anderson. For that matter, she never anticipated any association with cancer. But proof of her artistic talent can be seen in numerous art project cards and gifts. Carrington was in the 10th grade when her knee began to give her trouble. Her doctor prescribed a knee brace and frequent icing. After 10 days, it wasn’t any better. In fact, the pain would wake her up at night. Concerned, her parents took her to an orthopedist to find out what was going on. A CAT scan, two MRIs and blood work pointed to cancer. For further evaluation, the Marzett family left their home in Midland, Texas, and headed to Houston the next day for an appointment at M. D. Anderson. Tests showed that Carrington had acute lymphocytic leukemia. The months ahead were full of tests, examinations and chemotherapy. During treatment, Carrington attended school in the M. D. Anderson classrooms and participated in many CAP-funded activities. Today, Carrington is back to a more “normal life” of participating in all the activities that make her senior year in high school a special one. Her cancer is in remission and she’s on a maintenance program, visiting her M. D. Anderson doctors every three months. Carrington continues to show her creative side in music and art, playing the oboe in Midland’s Lee High School marching band and the piano. She also acts as a spokesperson for CAP and continues to contribute artistic creations. Recently, the Permian Basin Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals recognized her as the Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy, citing her participation in CAP activities. At 17, Carrington has a world of choices ahead of her, but she believes she would like to become a doctor. “I’ll be able to relate to my patients and understand their pain, emotions and everything else you go through with cancer,” she says. — Gail Goodwin Carrington Marzett is many things to many people — she’s a daughter, a senior in high school, a Children’s Art Project designer and a cancer survivor.
A WISE INVESTMENT Legendary oil businessman and philanthropist T. Boone Pickens wants to help change the face of health care. Through the T. Boone Pickens Foundation, he gave M. D. Anderson $50 million to do just that. He also committed $50 million to UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. The gifts come with one stipulation — each institution must grow the $50 million into $500 million over the next 25 years before the funds can be spent. They can achieve this goal with earnings from the original principal, from new outside donations or from a combination of both. Pickens says he wants to increase his focus on investments outside the traditional business world and into the philanthropic marketplace. He predicts the 25-year time span attached to the gifts won’t be necessary for M. D. Anderson or UT Southwestern. “My objective is to invest in programs, initiatives and people who can have a great impact in America,” he says. “Each of these institutions has a history of raising money and using it wisely. I have little doubt that they’ll reach these objectives and help achieve unprecedented medical goals.”
In recognition of his gift, M. D. Anderson named its new 21-story, 730,000-square-foot academic building the T. Boone Pickens Academic Tower. The tower, scheduled to open in spring 2008, will house faculty and executive offices, classrooms and conference facilities. The top floor will feature a state-of-the-art cancer research library. Pickens’ pioneering approach to supporting cancer research at M. D. Anderson began more than 20 years ago when he established the Boone Pickens Distinguished Professorship for the Early Prevention of Cancer. Since then, he’s supported the institution for many years with his time, including being a member of M. D. Anderson’s Board of Visitors from 1977 to 1986. He served as chair of the board from 1983 to 1984. Born in the small town of Holdenville, Okla., Pickens worked for Phillips Petroleum for three years before starting his own company, Mesa Petroleum, in 1956. Through a series of mergers and acquisitions, he grew the company to one of the world’s largest independent oil companies before selling it in 1996. — Sarah Watson
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M. D. Anderson’s Research Medical Library is information central for faculty, graduate students and trainees, with more than 100,000 print and online books and journals to reference.
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The forecast is in — by 2020, there won’t be enough oncologists to care for a graying America. As the U.S. population ages, it’s also growing. And due to successes in early diagnosis and treatment, the number of cancer survivors is increasing. A recent study predicts that the supply of oncologists won’t keep up with the demand for services.
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With serious shortages of allied health professionals and nurses expected as well, M. D. Anderson took steps in 2007 to face the challenge. A series of institution-wide education retreats and planning sessions helped focus attention on the issues and steer a path to enhanced cancer education and training. At the top of the to-do list is strengthening the quality of students and instruction in The University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, which M. D. Anderson jointly operates with the UT Health Science Center at Houston. More than 500 students worked on advanced degrees in the 2006-2007 academic year, with 57 Ph.D. and 37 master’s degrees awarded. A new Graduate Education Committee was formed to enhance the recruitment of top-tier graduate students; to provide a rigorous and productive graduate training environment; and to increase faculty participation in, and recognition for, graduate educational activities. Nearly 1,000 clinical residents and fellows came to M. D. Anderson in 2007 to receive specialized training in the investigation, prevention and treatment of cancer. In addition, more than 1,400 research fellows were trained in the institution’s laboratories and clinics. “All of these activities have significant potential to impact our research programs,” says Stephen Tomasovic, Ph.D., senior vice president for academic affairs at M. D. Anderson. “Our graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are the primary fuel that runs our research engine. They have great energy, great ideas and interact with our faculty to move our research mission forward.” M. D. Anderson is increasing the size and scope of its School of Health Sciences, which prepares students for careers in clinical technology. Steps include adding a curriculum for junior-level students and new
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programs in magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography. Of the 82 students who graduated in 2007, 75 received bachelor’s degrees and seven earned certificates. A majority of these graduates have been recruited to jobs at M. D. Anderson. Formal training programs and academic programs for nurses are rapidly expanding. During the past three years, 209 registered nurses have enrolled in M. D. Anderson’s post-baccalaureate residency program, and 81 percent of graduates now accept positions at the institution. Other educational programs are equipping nurses to increase their responsibilities and to advance their careers. Thousands of other individuals participate in continuing education and distance learning opportunities sponsored by M. D. Anderson. In 2007, the institution partnered with Apple Inc. to begin providing educational content through its online iTunes University. Creation of the site is under way, with content expected to go live this spring. “Our goal is to offer blended learning programs so more individuals can access rich media content through our Internet site and iTunes University, and come to M. D. Anderson only for educational needs that require on-site activity,” Tomasovic says. With a world view in mind, M. D. Anderson announced formation of the Center for Global Oncology in 2007. The center will focus on developing and maximizing relationships with international partners to deliver education and training programs across the institution’s mission areas to remote locations, to exchange fellows and trainees, and to perform and share results of collaborative research. Formal affiliations have been established for education and research with 16 sister institutions in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and North and South America. In 2007, new sister institution agreements were created with Instituto Nacional de Cancerología in Mexico City and the American University of Beirut. Closer to home, M. D. Anderson’s educational mission extends to the community, with a special focus on reaching individuals at increased risk for cancer and the medically underserved. Last year, 960,000 people learned about cancer through M. D. Anderson’s Web site, the askMDAnderson phone and online service, health fairs, exhibits, presentations at worksites, schools and civic organizations, and through printed materials. “It’s been an exciting year for education at M. D. Anderson,” Tomasovic says. “We’re moving on many fronts to ensure that the next generation of health care professionals are armed with the knowledge and skills needed to help people overcome cancer. We’re also educating the public about what they can do to avoid cancer or detect it early.”
THE ART OF SCIENCE AND MENTORING It has been more than two decades since Dean G. Tang, M.D., Ph.D., met the man who motivated him to become a scientist. “I had a wonderful mentor while working on my master’s degree in oncologic pathology at Wuhan University School of Medicine in China,” Tang recalls. “Not only did he encourage me to pursue a scientific career, but he also made me realize the importance of mentoring.” Now an associate professor in the Department of Carcinogenesis at M. D. Anderson’s Virginia Harris Cockrell Cancer Research Center in Smithville, Texas, Tang received the 2007 Robert M. Chamberlain Distinguished Mentor Award for teaching excellence. The award was created to honor Robert M. Chamberlain, Ph.D., professor and deputy chair of the Department of Epidemiology, and director of the National Cancer Institute-funded Cancer Prevention Education and Teaching Program. Tang was chosen from 24 faculty members nominated by postdoctoral fellows. Tracy Costello, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Health Disparities Research and chair of M. D. Anderson’s Postdoctoral Association, says Tang exemplifies the fundamental traits of good mentorship and epitomizes the award’s “teach, coach, sponsor” motto. After earning his medical degree at Tongji Medical University in China, Tang obtained his Ph.D. in cancer biology at Wayne State University Medical School in Detroit and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology at University College in London. Since joining M. D. Anderson in 2000, he has directly supervised 11 graduate students and 17 postdocs and trained three clinical fellows. What are his secrets to being a good mentor? “First and foremost, I try to set the example by being knowledgeable, working hard and demonstrating passion about my research. I also strive to be accessible to the students and postdocs, and I give them credit for helping solve scientific problems,” explains Tang, who is proud to be an honorary professor at Wuhan University School of Medicine, the place where he learned the combined value of science and mentoring. Tang’s research involves identifying molecular markers that can be used to identify and target tumorigenic prostate cancer stem cells. His laboratory has developed several tissue-specific animal models to address stem cell-related issues. — Mary Jane Schier As a researcher and mentor, Dean G. Tang, M.D., Ph.D., is helping young investigators make important scientific discoveries.
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NOTHING BUT GOOD FEELINGS Julie and William Kyte of Kansas City hope to help physicians and scientists develop more reconstructive options for cancer patients through a $5 million gift to the Department of Plastic Surgery at M. D. Anderson. Julie Kyte was diagnosed with breast cancer in October 2006, following a routine annual mammogram. After the initial shock, she and her husband began an extensive search for the best cancer care and expertise. “We had known of M. D. Anderson. For peace of mind, we agreed that I needed to go to Houston before deciding on any treatment,” says Kyte, whose M. D. Anderson team included Surgeon Funda Meric-Bernstam, M.D.; Plastic Surgery Clinic Director David W. Chang, M.D.; and Breast Medical Oncologist Daniel Booser, M.D. “Once at M. D. Anderson, we quickly recognized the science, knowledge, experience and professionalism that exemplify this institution,” she says. “These elements, along with the teamwork that goes into each patient’s care, make M. D. Anderson a special place.”
WHEN DIFFICULT CONCEPTS BECOME CLEAR Erika Thompson was shocked to learn she had been named Staff Educator of the Year, but her students weren’t surprised at all. “We love working with Erika,” say M. D. Anderson School of Health Sciences students Prince Otchere, Juma Kabanja and Jun Li of their mentor and teacher. As manager of the DNA Analysis Facility, Thompson supervises the day-to-day operations of the core lab and assists principal investigators with their research projects, helping them carry out sophisticated DNA sequencing, genotyping and quantitative gene expression studies.
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The Kytes are aware of the limited funding sources for plastic surgery research. They also have a firsthand understanding of how important reconstructive surgery is to the patient’s physical and emotional recovery. The couple’s donation will allow M. D. Anderson’s two plastic surgery clinics to unite in one location and will help fund research in tissue engineering and other areas. It also will provide professional and patient education, and will support two visiting professors each year. “Professional collaboration is a key element to progress in reconstructive surgery as well as in fighting cancer,” William Kyte says. “We like the fact that physicians and scientists at M. D. Anderson actively share and exchange research with other institutions.” Julie Kyte opted for immediate reconstruction following her mastectomy in early January 2007. A week later she received the best news — no further treatment was needed. “We have such positive feelings about the patient care and reconstructive options at M. D. Anderson,” she says. “Discovering the cancer before it became invasive and knowing to go to M. D. Anderson made being ‘cured’ possible.” — Sarah Watson
“She walks you through the steps, but then everything from there you get to experience firsthand,” says Otchere, who, along with Kabanja and Li, is pursuing a degree in molecular genetics technology, one of eight allied health programs offered at M. D. Anderson. Another plus for these students is they get their own samples, which allows them to start a project from scratch and to generate their own results. Thompson says it’s exciting “to see when they get a result for the first time and realize that what they did worked.” Thompson’s interest in science goes way back to elementary school. Growing up in a “science household,” she never really considered anything else, except becoming a doctor.
When Thompson’s not sharing her expertise with investigators, she’s sharing her knowledge with future allied health professionals interested in cytogenetics and molecular genetics.
“I thought that’s what I wanted to do, then I took some lab courses in college and realized I was happy in the lab and that’s where I wanted to be,” says Thompson, who taught clinical chemistry and clinical instrumentation while pursuing her master’s degree at Florida International University.
One of the best things about working in her lab, her students say, is they get to do everything themselves.
Her students are glad she chose the lab, too, and happy to have the opportunity to work with Thompson. Simply put, they say, “She’s great.” — Eileen A. Ellig
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Robin Fuchs-Young, Ph.D., says it’s important to reach students in the early grades as well as in high school to mentor them and demonstrate that exciting scientific careers are an option. 28
SCIENCE LESSONS Robin Fuchs-Young, Ph.D., contends “scientists are not born in graduate school” so young people must be inspired to consider careers in biomedical sciences as early as possible. “Our future scientists are in the K-12 classrooms now, and we need to expose them to the importance of science and the many opportunities they have for rewarding careers,” observes Fuchs-Young, associate professor in the Department of Carcinogenesis and director of the Community Outreach and Education Program (COEP) at M. D. Anderson’s Virginia Harris Cockrell Cancer Research Center in Smithville, Texas. Fuchs-Young is the first M. D. Anderson faculty member to receive a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to support comprehensive scientific education initiatives. She predicts the five-year, $750,000 grant awarded in 2007 will help “touch thousands of students, teachers and Smithville citizens for years to come.” The grant funds the Community Education Networks to Integrate Prevention of Environmental Disease that is tailoring health and science educational programs to the needs of rural students and teachers. Fuchs-Young says the project is among many activities of M. D. Anderson’s Community Outreach and Education Core, a component of the National Institutes of Health-funded Center for Research on Environmental Disease, which investigates environmental factors linked to human diseases and aims to develop methods to detect and prevent them.
“Although not all students participating in our programs will decide to pursue careers in science or medicine, they’ll still benefit from gaining a greater understanding of scientific principles and concepts, which should allow them to make better decisions for themselves, their families and their communities,” she says. The new project will provide on-site field trips, hands-on classroom activities, mentoring opportunities and educational programs for Smithville-area residents. Some high school students can work as interns in the lab, while teachers can attend workshops and obtain assistance with science lessons. In addition to the Howard Hughes grant, Fuchs-Young and the COEP also received a Short Term Educational Experiences for Research grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences to support the summer undergraduate research program for college students. Fuchs-Young joined M. D. Anderson in 1996 after four years at Eli Lilly and Company, where she helped develop raloxifene, an oral selective estrogen receptor modulator used to prevent osteoporosis and to reduce breast cancer incidence in women at high risk for the disease. Becoming COEP director in 1999 allowed her to combine her passion for teaching with research focused on the hormonal control of breast cancer. — Mary Jane Schier
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MAKING TIME TO HELP When Brandy Reed was hired at M. D. Anderson, she didn’t realize she would be recognized for the two things she loves most, riding motorcycles and helping people. She was working at a Seattle hospital as an MRI technologist when she decided she wanted to be closer to her family. So, she applied at M. D. Anderson and lucked out. A position had just opened and the institution was interested in hiring Reed. She would be combining her experience as an MRI technologist along with doing protocol and clinical trials research. Reed, a former Hospital Corpsman Second Class in the Navy and a former lead Petty Officer for the MRI Department at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., accepted and found herself back in Houston after being away for almost 15 years. As a medical imaging technologist, Reed draws from her extensive background in working with the latest MRI technology to help train and educate physicians and technicians on how to use the MRI scanner in the BrainSUITE, which is a specially designed operating room used for MRI-guided brain surgeries. It didn’t take long for Reed to earn the respect of her colleagues, who quickly recognized her hard work and volunteer efforts. Within two years, she received M. D. Anderson’s Outstanding Employee Award. This recognition comes as no surprise. Reed has managed to take part in several charities and volunteer organizations while carrying a full workload. She was one of the founding members of Riders for a Cure, an employee motorcycle group that raises money for M. D. Anderson and its patients through various events. She also is part of Harley’s Angels, a female riders’ group dedicated to breast cancer research. Last year, their calendar sales raised more than $70,000 for M. D. Anderson’s and Baylor College of Medicine’s breast cancer research programs. Reed also volunteers in other ways, including teaching CPR, taking part in M. D. Anderson’s Adopt-A-Patient/Family program, and donating her time to the U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots program and the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. Reed says M. D. Anderson “is the first place that I’ve worked where I feel like I’m making a difference. To be able to do that, and at a higher capacity than just showing up for work, is very rewarding.” — Asma Siddiqi
When Brandy Reed’s not training physicians and technicians on the latest MRI equipment, she takes to the road to raise money for breast cancer research.
TRULY ANGELIC Debra Enge-Thomas is a wife of eight years, a mother of two and a colorectal cancer survivor, but she feels like a teenager. She’s never felt so good. Instead of dealing with pain and exhaustion, she can now go to parties with her husband, spend more quality time with her son and daughter, and focus on the fourth grade class she teaches. As a longtime patient dealing with Crohn’s disease (inflammation of the digestive tract), Enge-Thomas routinely underwent colonoscopies and gastroenterology exams to monitor her disease. So, when she learned she had colorectal cancer, she was shocked. “My cancer had progressed to stage III before it was discovered.” Enge-Thomas turned to her sister for help. A pathologist and cancer researcher at the National Institutes of Health, her sister heard about James Abbruzzese, M.D., through her colleagues. On EngeThomas’ behalf, she made some inquires, and Abbruzzese, chair of M. D. Anderson’s Department of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, agreed to see her.
In May 2007, Enge-Thomas moved from her home in Dallas to Houston for six months to undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatments at M. D. Anderson. When she arrived for her first appointment, she immediately noticed that the “staff seemed ready to help and that everyone always had a smile on their face.” Although it was a difficult time for her, Enge-Thomas refused to give up hope. She felt that God was on her side and she had the support of her family. The experience made her realize that cancer didn’t have to be the last word. Since returning to Dallas in August, she’s resumed teaching and is enjoying being back in the classroom. “I love when children finally utter ‘ohhhhh now I get it. It goes like this,’” says Enge-Thomas, who taught high school biology in Houston, before moving to Dallas to teach elementary schoolchildren how to read and write. Enge-Thomas says of her cancer experience, “I just want everyone to be treated at M. D. Anderson, and hope they can do for everyone what they were able to do for me. They’re truly angelic.” — Asma Siddiqi
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There are several ways people can reduce their risk for cancer, from adopting a healthful lifestyle to undergoing cancer screenings. A colonoscopy (pictured), for instance, can detect early signs of colon cancer, allowing the best chance for survival.
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Through its Division of Cancer Prevention and Population Sciences, M. D. Anderson also is committed to expanding research in health disparities, increasing provision of prevention services to diverse populations in the community and recruiting more minority patients into clinical trials.
international consortium to study the causes and risk factors of primary adult and pediatric brain tumors known as gliomas.
At the same time, the division is expanding clinical services in personalized risk assessment, genetic testing, behavioral and lifestyle counseling, and sophisticated cancer screening that includes both evaluation of markers and new imaging methodologies.
M. D. Anderson investigators have long recognized that prevention is the best way to ease the burden of cancer, and as the division’s new leader, Ernest Hawk, M.D., intends to carry that effort forward.
Under the direction of Bernard Levin, M.D., who retired in 2007 after 23 years of distinguished service to M. D. Anderson, the division has grown substantially. With 69 faculty members, more than 500 employees and an annual research budget of $24 million, it’s one of the largest programs of its kind in the world. During the past year, the division’s faculty have been actively involved in evidence-based research, helping to define what causes cancer, who is most at risk for developing the disease and how cancer might be detected early, or even prevented. They have developed risk assessment models, for example, that can predict an individual’s chance of developing lung and bladder cancer based on genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors, providing an opportunity for active monitoring and early intervention. In addition, strong associations have been discovered between obesity and endometrial and prostate cancer. They also are making inroads into the causes of primary brain tumors, thanks to an $11 million grant awarded by the National Cancer Institute last year. M. D. Anderson investigators lead a 15-institution
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Through this Gliogene study, about 15,000 individuals from at least 400 families who have had two biologically related members diagnosed with primary brain tumors will be screened. By collecting family histories and blood samples, investigators hope to better understand the hereditary factors associated with gliomas and will attempt to identify a panel of genes that can predict who will develop the disease. Investigators continued to think outside the box, looking beyond the role of genetics and family history to the effects that social interactions and cultural ties have on a person’s chance of developing cancer. Much of this research centers on promoting healthy lifestyle habits and devising innovative programs, such as interactive video games, to help individuals understand the dangers of engaging in certain behaviors like smoking or excessive drinking, which can put them at greater risk for cancer.
“I’m impressed by the past achievements of M. D. Anderson in this area, and the institution’s sustained commitment to advancing prevention,” says Hawk, who served as director of the Office of Centers, Training and Resources at NCI before coming to M. D. Anderson. “It’s my firm belief that the division has the capacity to emerge as the definitive resource for educating the public and health care professionals about state-of-the-art practices in cancer prevention and the critical role that research plays in its future.” Hawk looks forward to “building upon Dr. Levin’s successes, with the division serving as a dynamic training ground for future generations of researchers and practitioners committed to cancer prevention, and to the broader mission of improving and sustaining health.”
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ESCAPE WITH YOUR LIFE Alexander V. Prokhorov, M.D., Ph.D., draws on personal experience in his ingenious efforts to educate youths about the dangers of smoking. “I once was a heavy smoker who tried many times to quit before I succeeded. Because I understand the addictive power of nicotine, I want to do everything possible to prevent kids from smoking and help them stop if they already use tobacco,” emphasizes Prokhorov, professor in the Department of Behavioral Science. His latest tobacco prevention and cessation program is an educational video game titled “Escape With Your Life,” which his team developed through a U.S. Department of Defense grant. It was introduced last August for a six-month pilot test at Fort Bend Independent School District’s M.R. Wood Alternative Education Center in Sugar Land, Texas. Students are sent there due to school absenteeism, drug and/or alcohol abuse and other problems that place them at high risk for smoking. Research shows that as many as 70 percent of troubled youth use tobacco, often becoming highly addicted in their early teen years, Prokhorov says. He designed the 30-minute video game and had it built inside an easy-to-move kiosk. Players select different educational paths according to age, gender and ethnicity. A 15-year-old playing “Escape With Your Life” can hear another teen with bone cancer say, “I didn’t have a choice about getting cancer, but you have a choice about smoking.” One real-life scenario involves an 18-year-old talking about his same-age friend who died from cancer caused by chewing tobacco. Graphic details demonstrate that smoking can “make you sick, miserable and poor.” Once the pilot project is evaluated, Prokhorov hopes to offer the video game kiosks to YMCA/YWCA centers, neighborhood health clinics, churches and other community centers frequented by high-risk youth. “Most kids today have access to computers and video games, so we know this is an important way to educate them. Our next step is to develop video games focusing on sun protection, healthy eating and exercise,” he says. Meanwhile, Prokhorov says he’s delighted that ASPIRE, a multimedia Web-based tobacco prevention and cessation program he developed and tested among 1,600 Texas public school students, is likely to be adopted by all public schools in Arkansas. — Mary Jane Schier
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GIVING BACK Her contributions to M. D. Anderson have been legendary, though she’s much too modest to admit it. Barbara Thomas Lemmon of Dallas spent a major portion of 2007 helping plan the 18th annual “A Conversation With a Living Legend.” The M. D. Anderson fundraiser featured Emmy Award-winning comedian, actress and author Carol Burnett and broadcast journalist Deborah Norville in an onstage interview at the Hilton Anatole. As chair of the event steering committee, Lemmon led Dallas- and Fort Worth-area volunteers in planning and producing a successful luncheon that attracted an audience of 1,000 and raised more than $765,000 for M. D. Anderson’s research and patient care programs. No small task, the job entailed carving “a lot of time,” as Lemmon graciously puts it, from a calendar already packed with other philanthropic commitments and business interests, including a California vineyard and winery she owns with husband Mark Lemmon, M.D., a retired surgeon. But Lemmon was prepared for the challenge — she’s served on the event’s steering committee since 1990, when the first “Living Legend” in Dallas put the spotlight on baseball great Nolan Ryan. In the process, she’s helped the metroplex area raise more than $7 million for research and patient care programs at M. D. Anderson. “‘Living Legend’ will always have a special place in my heart,” says Lemmon, who was a member of M. D. Anderson’s Board of Visitors from 1999 to 2003. “It’s such a worthwhile endeavor. It’s an opportunity for M. D. Anderson to be better known in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and all over the state of Texas.” Lemmon’s late husband, independent oil producer Max Thomas, was treated for small cell lung cancer at M. D. Anderson some 25 years ago and participated in the first interferon clinical trial. Thomas died in 1982. “We received great care at M. D. Anderson,” Lemmon says. “I’ve had a warm spot in my heart, a true affection for M. D. Anderson ever since. ‘A Conversation With a Living Legend’ offers an outlet to do what I can in a small way to give back.” — Sarah Watson
A look at Barbara Thomas Lemmon’s calendar shows her fondness for M. D. Anderson. Amid a busy schedule packed with other commitments, she always finds time to help coordinate fundraising events for the institution.
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M. D. Anderson Management Committee Members John Mendelsohn, M.D. President Thomas W. Burke, M.D. Executive Vice President and Physician-in-Chief Raymond N. DuBois, M.D., Ph.D. Provost and Executive Vice President Leon J. Leach Executive Vice President and Chief Business Officer R. Dan Fontaine, J.D. Senior Vice President for Business Affairs and Chief Regulatory Officer
Harry R. Gibbs, M.D. Vice President for Institutional Diversity Adrienne C. Lang Vice President for Center Programs
Stephen P. Tomasovic, Ph.D.
Eugenie S. Kleinerman, M.D. Professor and Head, Division of Pediatrics
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Vice President for Extramural Programs Ad Interim
Richard E. Champlin, M.D. Professor and Chair, Department of Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Mien-Chie Hung, Ph.D. Professor and Chair, Department of Molecular and Cellular Oncology
M. D. Anderson Faculty Division of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Thomas W. Feeley, M.D. Division Head DEPARTMENT OF ANESTHESIOLOGY AND PAIN MEDICINE
David Brown, M.D. Professor and Chair Tayab Andrabi, M.D. Assistant Professor Radha Arunkumar, M.D. Assistant Professor Mohamed Attala, M.D. Professor Krishna Boddu, M.D. Associate Professor Thao P. Bui, M.D. Associate Professor Allen Wade Burton, M.D. Professor Jeffrey Cerny, M.D. Assistant Professor Shao-Rui Chen, M.D. Assistant Professor Joseph S. Chiang, M.D. Professor Lori Dangler, M.D. Assistant Professor Patrick M. Dougherty, Ph.D. Professor Larry C. Driver, M.D. Professor David Ferson, M.D. Professor John C. Frenzel, M.D. Associate Professor Rodolfo Gebhardt, M.D. Assistant Professor Farzin Goravanchi, D.O. Associate Professor Shannon Michelle Gossett, M.D. Instructor Vijaya Gottumukkala, M.D. Associate Professor Roxana Grasu, M.D. Assistant Professor 42
Howard B. Gutstein, M.D. Associate Professor Basem Hamid, M.D. Assistant Professor Curtis E. Hightower, M.D., D.V.M. Associate Professor Allen Alexander Holmes, M.D. Instructor Peter W. Hsu, M.D. Assistant Professor Timothy Albert Jackson, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Maggie Jeffries, M.D. Instructor Spencer Stephen Kee, M.D. Assistant Professor Debra L. Kennamer, M.D. Professor Alicia M. Kowalski, M.D. Assistant Professor Dhanalakshmi Koyyalagunta, M.D. Associate Professor Piotr A. Kwater, M.D. Assistant Professor Irfan Lalani, M.D. Assistant Professor Jeffrey Lim, M.D. Assistant Professor David C. Mackey, M.D. Associate Professor Gabriel Eduardo Mena, M.D. Assistant Professor Edward D. Moss, M.D. Professor Linh T. Nguyen, M.D. Assistant Professor Peter H. Norman, M.D. Professor Diane M. Novy, Ph.D. Professor Pascal Owusu-Agyemang, M.D. Assistant Professor Hui-Lin Pan, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Zhizhong Z. Pan, Ph.D. Associate Professor Ronald N. Parris, M.D. Assistant Professor
Phillip Phan, M.D. Assistant Professor Keyuri U. Popat, M.D. Assistant Professor Vivian H. Porche, M.D. Professor Elena Potylchansky, M.D. Assistant Professor Yury Potylchansky, M.D. Assistant Professor Ronaldo V. Purugganan, M.D. Assistant Professor Tom F. Rahlfs, M.D. Professor Elizabeth Rebello, M.D. Assistant Professor Marc A. Rozner, Ph.D., M.D. Professor Joseph R. Ruiz, M.D. Assistant Professor Kenneth J. Sapire, M.D. Associate Professor Mona G. Sarkiss, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jagtar Singh Heir, D.O. Assistant Professor Jose Soliz, M.D. Instructor Jackson Su, M.D. Assistant Professor Dilip R. Thakar, M.D. Professor Joseph Ting, D.O. Assistant Professor Leonard V. Trapani, M.D. Assistant Professor Angela Truong, M.D. Assistant Professor Dam-Thuy Truong, M.D. Professor Steve Wang, M.D. Assistant Professor Han-Rong Weng, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Olivier C. Wenker, M.D. Professor
Kristen J. Price, M.D. Professor and Chair Gregory H. Botz, M.D. Professor Donna M. Calabrese, M.D. Assistant Professor Karen Chen, M.D. Associate Professor Diego Hernan de Villalobos, M.D. Assistant Professor Susan Gaeta, M.D. Assistant Professor De Li, M.D. Assistant Professor Imrana Malik, M.D. Assistant Professor Dana H. Martin, M.D. Assistant Professor Joseph L. Nates, M.D. Associate Professor Selvaraj Egbert Pravinkumar, M.D. Assistant Professor Rudolph Puana, M.D. Assistant Professor Chad F. Slieper, J.D. Instructor
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Division of Cancer Medicine Waun Ki Hong, M.D. Division Head DEPARTMENT OF BREAST MEDICAL ONCOLOGY Gabriel N. Hortobagyi, M.D.
Professor and Chair Eleni Andreopoulou, M.D. Assistant Professor Banu K. Arun, M.D. Associate Professor Daniel J. Booser, M.D. Professor Aman U. Buzdar, M.D. Professor Massimo Cristofanilli, M.D. Associate Professor Francisco J. Esteva, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Sharon Hermes Giordano, M.D. Assistant Professor Ana Maria Gonzalez-Angulo, M.D. Assistant Professor Marjorie C. Green, M.D. Assistant Professor Nuhad K. Ibrahim, M.D. Associate Professor Jennifer Litton, M.D. Assistant Professor Phuong Khanh Morrow, M.D. Assistant Professor Stacy Moulder, M.D. Assistant Professor James L. Murray III, M.D. Professor Lajos Pusztai, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Richard L. Theriault, D.O. Professor Vicente Valero, M.D. Professor Ronald S. Walters, M.D. Professor DEPARTMENT OF E X P E R I M E N TA L THERAPEUTICS
Garth Powis, D.Phil. Professor and Chair Bharat B. Aggarwal, Ph.D. Professor Kumudha Balakrishnan, Ph.D. Instructor Geoffrey Bartholomeusz, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Robert C. Bast Jr., M.D. Professor George A. Calin, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Arup Chakraborty, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Rong Chen, Ph.D. Instructor Bryant G. Darnay, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Suhendan Ekmekcioglu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Julie A. Ellerhorst, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Zhen Fan, M.D. Associate Professor Mauro Ferrari, Ph.D. Professor
Izabela Fokt, Ph.D. Instructor Varsha V. Gandhi, Ph.D. Professor Elizabeth A. Grimm, Ph.D. Professor Walter N. Hittelman, Ph.D. Professor Giuliana J. Izzo, M.D. Assistant Professor Mary Jane Johansen, Pharm.D. Associate Professor Abdul R. Khokhar, Ph.D. Professor Jian Kuang, Ph.D. Associate Professor Betty Lamothe, Ph.D. Instructor Xiaofeng Le, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Xinqun Li, M.D., Ph.D. Instructor Warren S. Liao, Ph.D. Associate Professor Gabriel Lopez, M.D. Professor Timothy L. Madden, Pharm.D. Associate Professor Abhijit Mazumdar, Ph.D. Instructor John S. McMurray, Ph.D. Associate Professor Kapil Mehta, Ph.D. Professor John Mendelsohn, M.D. Professor Khalid Amanali Mohamedali, Ph.D. Instructor Robert A. Newman, Ph.D. Professor Bulent Ozpolat, M.D., Ph.D. Instructor William K. Plunkett Jr., Ph.D. Professor Nancy J. Poindexter, Ph.D. Associate Professor Waldemar Priebe, Ph.D. Professor Fredika Robertson, Ph.D. Professor Michael G. Rosenblum, Ph.D. Professor Deepa Sampath, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Zahid H. Siddik, Ph.D. Professor Ann Marie Simeone, Ph.D. Instructor Taly Spivak-Kroizman, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Christine Stellrecht, Ph.D. Instructor Ana M. Tari, Ph.D. Associate Professor Chuan-Fen Wu, Ph.D. Instructor Peiying Yang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Shuxing Zhang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Leonard A. Zwelling, M.D. Professor
Professor and Chair Jaffer A. Ajani, M.D. Professor David Z. Chang, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Raymond N. DuBois, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Cathy Eng, M.D. Assistant Professor Michael J. Fisch, M.D. Associate Professor David Fogelman, M.D. Assistant Professor Katrina Glover, M.D. Assistant Professor Karin Marie Hahn, M.D. Assistant Professor Manal M. Hassan, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Linus Ho, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Milind Javle, M.D. Associate Professor Ahmed Kaseb, M.B.B.S. Assistant Professor Edmund Scott Kopetz, M.D. Assistant Professor Donghui Li, Ph.D. Associate Professor Michael James Overman, M.D. Assistant Professor Alexandria Phan, M.D. Assistant Professor Shrikanth A. Reddy, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Melanie B. Thomas, M.D. Assistant Professor Gauri R. Varadhachary, M.D. Associate Professor Daoyan Wei, Ph.D. Instructor Robert A. Wolff, M.D. Associate Professor Keping Xie, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor James C. Yao, M.D. Associate Professor Yixin Yao, Ph.D. Instructor DEPARTMENT OF GENITOURINARY MEDICAL ONCOLOGY Christopher J. Logothetis, M.D.
Professor and Chair Ana Aparicio, M.D. Assistant Professor Wadih Arap, M.D., Ph.D. Professor John Charles Araujo, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor William F. Benedict, M.D. Professor Khoi Chu, Ph.D. Instructor Paul Corn, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Eleni Efstathiou, M.D., Ph.D. Instructor Daniel Floryk, Ph.D. Assistant Professor ad interim
Richard E. Giles, Ph.D. Associate Professor Alexei Goltsov, Ph.D. Assistant Professor ad interim Eric Jonasch, M.D. Assistant Professor Jeri Kim, M.D. Associate Professor Zhi Li, Ph.D. Instructor Likun Li, Ph.D. Assistant Professor ad interim Paul Mathew, M.D. Assistant Professor Randall E. Millikan, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Nora M. Navone, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Lance C. Pagliaro, M.D. Associate Professor Renata Pasqualini, Ph.D. Professor Abujiang Pataer, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Padmanee Sharma, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Arlene Odelia Siefker-Radtke, M.D. Assistant Professor Salahaldin Tahir, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Nizar M. Tannir, M.D. Associate Professor Timothy Thompson, Ph.D. Professor Lawrence Tsao, M.D. Instructor Shi-Ming Tu, M.D. Associate Professor Zhibo Yang, Ph.D. Instructor Guang Yang, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Xin-Qiao Zhang, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jain Zhou, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Amado Zurita-Saavedra, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor DEPARTMENT OF GYNECOLOGIC MEDICAL ONCOLOGY Maurie Markman, M.D.
Professor and Chair Bryan Thomas Joseph Hennessy, M.D. Assistant Professor DEPARTMENT OF I N V E S T I G AT I O N A L CANCER THERAPEUTICS Razelle Kurzrock, M.D.
Professor and Chair Siqing Fu, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor David Hong, M.D. Assistant Professor Aung Naing, M.D. Assistant Professor Apostolia Maria Tsimberidou, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jennifer Jane Wheler, M.D. Assistant Professor Ji Wu, M.D. Instructor 43
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Division of Cancer Medicine, continued
Professor and Chair Miloslav Beran, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Gautam Borthakur, M.B.B.S. Assistant Professor Jan Andreas Burger, M.D. Assistant Professor Jorge E. Cortes-Franco, M.D. Professor Marcos Roberto Estecio, Ph.D. Instructor Zeev Estrov, M.D. Professor Stefan H. Faderl, M.D. Associate Professor Alessandra Ferrajoli, M.D. Assistant Professor Emil J Freireich, M.D. Professor Guillermo Garcia-Manero, M.D. Associate Professor Jean-Pierre Issa, M.D. Professor Jaroslav Jelinek, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Michael J. Keating, M.D. Professor Charles A. Koller, M.D. Professor Marina Konopleva, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Shao-Qing Kuang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Gloria N. Mattiuzzi, M.D. Assistant Professor Susan O’Brien, M.D. Professor Farhad Ravandi-Kashani, M.D. Associate Professor Lanlan Shen, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Deborah A. Thomas, M.D. Assistant Professor Srdan Verstovsek, M.D. Associate Professor Yue Wei, Ph.D. Instructor William G. Wierda, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor DEPARTMENT OF LY M P H O M A / M Y E L O M A Larry W. Kwak, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor and Chair Zuzana Berkova, Ph.D. Instructor Soung-Chul Cha, Ph.D. Instructor Michelle A. Fanale, M.D. Assistant Professor Luis E. Fayad, M.D. Associate Professor Nathan Fowler, M.D. Assistant Professor Fredrick B. Hagemeister, M.D. Professor Peter W. McLaughlin, M.D. Professor Sattva S. Neelapu, M.D. Assistant Professor Robert Orlowski, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Barbara Pro, M.D. Associate Professor 44
Maria A. Rodriguez, M.D. Professor Jorge E. Romaguera, M.D. Professor Felipe Samaniego, M.D. Associate Professor Jatin Shah, M.D. Assistant Professor Sheeba Koshy Thomas, M.D. Assistant Professor Michael Wang, M.D. Assistant Professor Donna M. Weber, M.D. Associate Professor Qing Yi, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Anas Younes, M.D. Professor DEPARTMENT OF MELANOMA MEDICAL ONCOLOGY Patrick Hwu, M.D.
Professor and Chair Agop Y. Bedikian, M.D. Professor Michael Davies, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jade Homsi, M.D. Assistant Professor Wen-Jen Hwu, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Kevin Kim, M.D. Associate Professor Gregory A. Lizee, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Yanyan Lou, M.D., Ph.D. Instructor Willem Overwijk, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Nicholas E. Papadopoulos, M.D. Professor Laszlo Radvanyi, Ph.D. Associate Professor Dapeng Zhou, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor DEPARTMENT OF N E U R O-O N C O L O G Y W. K. Alfred Yung, M.D.
Professor and Chair Howard Colman, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Charles A. Conrad, M.D. Associate Professor John Frederick de Groot, M.D. Assistant Professor Arthur D. Forman, M.D. Associate Professor Juan Fueyo-Margareto, M.D. Associate Professor Maria-Magdalena Georgescu, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Mark R. Gilbert, M.D. Professor Candelaria Gomez-Manzano, M.D. Assistant Professor Morris D. Groves Jr., M.D., J.D. Associate Professor Hong Jiang, Ph.D. Instructor Anne E. Kayl, Ph.D. Associate Professor Dimpy Koul, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Victor A. Levin, M.D. Professor
Monica Elena Loghin, M.D. Assistant Professor Zhimin Lu, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Christina A. Meyers, Ph.D. Professor Vinaykumar K. Puduvalli, M.D. Associate Professor John M. Slopis, M.D. Associate Professor Sudhakar Tummala, M.D. Assistant Professor Tracy Lynne Veramonti, Ph.D. Instructor Jeffrey Scott Wefel, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Karin Woodman, M.D. Assistant Professor Yan Xia, Ph.D. Instructor DEPARTMENT OF PA L L I AT I V E C A R E A N D R E H A B I L I TAT I O N M E D I C I N E Eduardo Bruera, M.D.
Professor and Chair Shalini Dalal, M.D. Assistant Professor Egidio Del Fabbro, M.D. Assistant Professor Rony Dev, D.O. Assistant Professor Ahmed Elsayem, M.D. Assistant Professor Nada Abdellatif Fadul, M.D. Assistant Professor Moshe Frenkel, M.D. Associate Professor Jack Fu, M.D. Assistant Professor Ying Guo, M.D. Associate Professor Benedict Konzen, M.D. Assistant Professor J. Palmer, Ph.D. Associate Professor Suresh K. Reddy, M.D. Associate Professor Ki Y. Shin, M.D. Associate Professor Paul W. Walker, M.D. Assistant Professor Rajesh R. Yadav, M.D. Assistant Professor Sriram Yennurajalingam, M.D. Assistant Professor Donna S. Zhukovsky, M.D. Associate Professor DEPARTMENT OF SARCOMA MEDICAL ONCOLOGY Robert S. Benjamin, M.D.
Professor and Chair Dejka Marida Araujo, M.D. Assistant Professor Joseph A. Ludwig, M.D. Assistant Professor Shreyaskumar Patel, M.D. Professor Jonathan C. Trent II, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Saroj Vadhan, M.D. Professor
Professor and Chair Amin Majid Alousi, M.D. Assistant Professor Paolo Anderlini, M.D. Associate Professor Borje S. Andersson, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Michael Andreeff, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Bing Z. Carter, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Marcos Jose Garcia de Lima, M.D. Associate Professor Sergio A. Giralt, M.D. Professor Chitra Hosing, M.D. Associate Professor Roy Jones, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Partow Kebriaei, M.D. Assistant Professor Issa F. Khouri, M.D. Professor Krishna V. Komanduri, M.D. Associate Professor Martin Korbling, M.D. Professor Steven M. Kornblau, M.D. Professor Xiaoyang Ling, Ph.D. Instructor Sijie Lu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Qing Ma, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Frank C. Marini III, Ph.D. Assistant Professor John D. McMannis, Ph.D. Professor Jeffrey J. Molldrem, M.D. Professor Yago Nieto, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Uday R. Popat, M.D. Associate Professor Muzaffar H. Qazilbash, M.D. Associate Professor Gabriela Rondon, M.D. Assistant Professor Rima M. Saliba, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ismael J. Samudio, Ph.D. Instructor Elizabeth Shpall, M.D. Professor Naoto T. Ueno, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Benigno Valdez, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Rui-Yu Wang, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Eric D. Wieder, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Weiguo Zhang, M.D., Ph.D. Instructor
F a c u l t y DEPARTMENT OF SYSTEMS BIOLOGY Gordon B. Mills, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor and Chair Gabor Balazsi, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Kwai Wa Cheng, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Francois-Xavier Claret, Ph.D. Associate Professor Zhiyong Ding, Ph.D. Instructor Jordan U. Gutterman, M.D. Professor Katherine Stemke Hale, Ph.D. Instructor Valsala Haridas, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ju-Seog Lee, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jiyong Liang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Shiaw-Yih Lin, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Yiling Lu, M.D. Assistant Professor Honami Naora, Ph.D. Associate Professor Prahlad Ram, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Zhi-Xiang Xu, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Professor and Chair Maria Behrens, M.D. Instructor George R. Blumenschein, M.D. Assistant Professor Jiong Deng, Ph.D. Instructor Frank V. Fossella, M.D. Professor Bonnie S. Glisson, M.D. Professor Roy S. Herbst, M.D., Ph.D. Professor John Victor Heymach, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Waun Ki Hong, M.D. Professor Joerg J. Jacoby, Ph.D. Instructor Faye M. Johnson, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Daniel D. Karp, M.D. Professor Merrill S. Kies, M.D. Professor
Woo-Young Kim, Ph.D. Instructor Edward S. Kim, M.D. Assistant Professor Ja Koo, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jonathan M. Kurie, M.D. Professor Ho-Young Lee, Ph.D. Associate Professor Reuben Lotan, Ph.D. Professor Charles Lu, M.D. Associate Professor Li Mao, M.D. Professor Yun W. Oh, M.D. Assistant Professor Vassiliki A. Papadimitrakopoulou, M.D. Associate Professor Katherine M. Pisters, M.D. Professor David J. Stewart, M.D. Professor Hai T. Tran, Pharm.D. Assistant Professor Anne Tsao, M.D. Assistant Professor Ralph G. Zinner, M.D. Assistant Professor
DEPARTMENT OF P S Y C H I AT R Y Alan D. Valentine, M.D.
Professor and Chair Ad Interim Anis Rashid, M.D. Assistant Professor
Division of Cancer Prevention and Population Sciences Ernest T. Hawk, M.D. Vice President and Division Head DEPARTMENT OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE Ellen R. Gritz, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair Hoda Badr, Ph.D. Instructor Walter F. Baile, M.D. Professor Karen M. Basen-Engquist, Ph.D. Professor Janice A. Blalock, Ph.D. Associate Professor Cindy L. Carmack Taylor, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Brian L. Carter, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Paul M. Cinciripini, Ph.D. Professor Ludmila M. Cofta-Woerpel, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Lorenzo Cohen, Ph.D. Professor Wendy Demark-Wahnefried, Ph.D. Professor Michelle Cororve Fingeret, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Thelma Jean Goodrich, Ph.D. Associate Professor Maher A. Karam-Hage, M.D. Assistant Professor Cho Y. Lam, Ph.D. Instructor Michael J. Mallen, Ph.D. Instructor Patricia A. Parker, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Susan K. Peterson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Alexander V. Prokhorov, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Jason D. Robinson, Ph.D. Instructor Leslie R. Schover, Ph.D. Professor Eileen Huh Shinn, Ph.D. Instructor Francesco Versace, Ph.D. Instructor Damon J. Vidrine, Dr.P.H. Assistant Professor DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL CANCER PREVENTION Therese Bartholomew Bevers, M.D. Associate Professor Allison Blazek, M.D. Assistant Professor Abenaa Brewster, M.D. Assistant Professor Elise D. Cook, M.D. Assistant Professor Lewis E. Foxhall, M.D. Associate Professor Ashraful M. Hoque, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Anita Lyn Sabichi, M.D. Associate Professor Imad Shureiqi, M.D. Associate Professor Xiaochun Xu, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Xiangsheng Zuo, M.D., Ph.D. Instructor
Professor and Chair Christopher I. Amos, Ph.D. Professor Melissa L. Bondy, Ph.D. Professor Robert M. Chamberlain, Ph.D. Professor Shine Chang, Ph.D. Associate Professor Randa El-Zein, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Carol J. Etzel, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Michele Forman, Ph.D. Professor Marsha L. Frazier, Ph.D. Professor Ivan P. Gorlov, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Olga Y. Gorlova, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jian Gu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jie Lin, Ph.D. Instructor Somdat Mahabir, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Cielito C. Reyes-Gibby, Dr.P.H. Assistant Professor Sanjay Shete, Ph.D. Associate Professor Sara S. Strom, Ph.D. Associate Professor Michael D. Swartz, Ph.D. Instructor Li-E Wang, M.D. Assistant Professor
Chongjuan Wei, Ph.D. Instructor Qingyi Wei, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Anna Victoria Wilkinson, Ph.D. Instructor Chih-Chieh Wu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Xi F. Wu, M.D., Ph.D. Professor DEPARTMENT OF H E A LT H D I S P A R I T I E S RESEARCH
David W. Wetter, Ph.D. Professor and Chair Janice A. Chilton, Dr.P.H. Instructor Harry R. Gibbs, M.D. Associate Professor Maria A. Hernandez-Valero, Ph.D., Dr.P.H. Instructor Jennifer Irvin Vidrine, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Lovell A. Jones, Ph.D. Professor Carlos A. Mazas, Ph.D. Instructor Lorna Haughton McNeill, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Lorraine R. Reitzel, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Isabel Torres, Dr.P.H. Instructor
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Division of Diagnostic Imaging Donald A. Podoloff, M.D. Division Head DEPARTMENT OF DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY Marshall E. Hicks, M.D.
Professor and Chair Ad Interim Salmaan Ahmed, M.D. Assistant Professor Judy Ahrar, M.D. Assistant Professor Kamran Ahrar, M.D. Associate Professor Elsa Arribas, M.D. Assistant Professor Rony Avritscher, M.D. Assistant Professor Aparna Balachandran, M.D. Assistant Professor Deepak G. Bedi, M.D. Professor Priya R. Bhosale, M.D. Assistant Professor Yulia Bronstein, M.D. Assistant Professor Selin Carkaci, M.D. Assistant Professor Chusilp Charnsangavej, M.D. Professor Marvin H. Chasen, M.D. Professor Tzehping Linda Chi, M.D. Associate Professor Haesun Choi, M.D. Associate Professor Colleen Costelloe, M.D. Assistant Professor Paul L. Davis, M.D. Associate Professor James Matthew Debnam, M.D. Assistant Professor Peter J. Dempsey, M.D. Professor Catherine Ellen Devine, M.D. Assistant Professor Basak Erguvan Dogan, M.D. Assistant Professor Mark J. Dryden, M.D. Associate Professor Joel S. Dunnington, M.D. Associate Professor Beth S. Edeiken-Monroe, M.D. Professor Farzin Eftekhari, M.D. Professor Jeremy Erasmus Jr., M.D. Professor Randy D. Ernst, M.D. Associate Professor Nancy Elizabeth Fitzgerald, M.D. Assistant Professor Bruno D. Fornage, M.D. Professor Lawrence E. Ginsberg, M.D. Professor Gregory Gladish, M.D. Associate Professor Monica Andrea Gonzalez-De Luna, M.D. Assistant Professor Nandita Guha-Thakurta, M.D. Assistant Professor
Sanjay Gupta, M.D. Associate Professor Tamara Miner Haygood, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Revathy B. Iyer, M.D. Associate Professor Zuxing Kan, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Harmeet Kaur, M.D. Assistant Professor Leena Ketonen, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Andras Konya, Ph.D. Associate Professor Ashok J. Kumar, M.D. Professor Rajendra Kumar, M.D. Professor Vikas Kundra, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Michael Kwon, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Deanna Lynn Lane, M.D. Assistant Professor Elizabeth A. Lano, M.D. Associate Professor Kristen Lem, M.D. Assistant Professor Huong Le-Petross, M.D. Assistant Professor Evelyne M. Loyer, M.D. Professor John E. Madewell, M.D. Professor David Madoff, M.D. Associate Professor Armeen Mahvash, M.D. Assistant Professor Leonardo Pimental Marcal, M.D. Assistant Professor Edith M. Marom, M.D. Associate Professor Aurelio Matamoros Jr., M.D. Professor Kevin W. McEnery, M.D. Professor Stephen E. McRae, M.D. Assistant Professor William A. Murphy Jr., M.D. Professor Ravi Murthy, M.D. Associate Professor Chaan Ng, M.D. Associate Professor Jane A. Onufer, M.D. Assistant Professor Paul O’Sullivan, M.D. Assistant Professor Suhas Parulekar, M.D. Professor Madhavi Patnana, M.D. Assistant Professor Bharat Raval, M.D. Professor Bradley Sabloff, M.D. Associate Professor Barry I. Samuels, M.D. Professor Carl Sandler, M.D. Professor
Lumarie Santiago, M.D. Assistant Professor Dawid Schellingerhout, M.D. Assistant Professor Komal Shah, M.D. Assistant Professor Paul M. Silverman, M.D. Professor Tanya Stephens, M.D. Assistant Professor Janio Szklaruk, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Alda Lui Tam, M.D. Assistant Professor Eric P. Tamm, M.D. Associate Professor Mylene Truong, M.D. Associate Professor Datla G. Varma, M.D. Professor Raghunandan Vikram, M.D. Assistant Professor Chitra Viswanathan, M.D. Assistant Professor Thinh Vu, M.D. Assistant Professor Michael J. Wallace, M.D. Associate Professor Gary J. Whitman, M.D. Associate Professor Kenneth C. Wright, Ph.D. Professor Wei Yang, M.D. Associate Professor DEPARTMENT OF E X P E R I M E N TA L DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING Juri G. Gelovani, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor and Chair Mian Alauddin, Ph.D. Associate Professor Hossain Baghaei, Ph.D. Associate Professor William G. Bornmann, Ph.D. Professor Victor Krasnykh, Ph.D. Associate Professor Chun Li, Ph.D. Professor Hongdi Li, Ph.D. Associate Professor Amer M. Najjar, Ph.D. Instructor Mei Tian, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ping-Yiu Tong, Ph.D. Professor Wai-Hoi Wong, Ph.D. Professor David J. Yang, Ph.D. Professor
Professor and Chair James A. Bankson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Luc Bidaut, Ph.D. Associate Professor Dianna Cody, Ph.D. Professor Ping Hou, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Edward F. Jackson, Ph.D. Professor Aaron Kyle Jones, Ph.D. Instructor S. Cheenu Kappadath, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Chao-Jen Lai, Ph.D. Instructor Xinming Liu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jingfei Ma, Ph.D. Associate Professor Osama Mawlawi, Ph.D. Associate Professor Tinsu Pan, Ph.D. Associate Professor Xiujiang Rong, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Yiping Shao, Ph.D. Associate Professor Chris C. Shaw, Ph.D. Professor Jason Stafford, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jihong Wang, Ph.D. Associate Professor Richard Wendt III, Ph.D. Associate Professor Charles E. Willis, Ph.D. Associate Professor DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE Homer A. Macapinlac, M.D.
Professor and Chair Beth Chasen, M.D. Assistant Professor Isis W. Gayed, M.D. Assistant Professor E. Kim, M.D. Professor Rodolfo F. Nunez, M.D. Assistant Professor Donald A. Podoloff, M.D. Professor Eric Rohren, M.D. Associate Professor Franklin C. Wong, M.D., Ph.D., J.D. Professor
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Division of Internal Medicine Robert F. Gagel, M.D. Division Head
Steven I. Sherman, M.D.
Professor and Chair
Edward T. Yeh, M.D.
Professor and Chair John Christopher Champion, M.D. Assistant Professor Jinke Cheng, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Iyad N. Daher, M.D. Assistant Professor Hong Dou, Ph.D. Instructor Jean-Bernard Durand, M.D. Assistant Professor Michael S. Ewer, M.D. Professor Limin Gong, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Tetsu Kamitani, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Aarif Y. Khakoo, M.D. Assistant Professor Daniel J. Lenihan, M.D. Associate Professor Juan Carlos Plana, M.D. Assistant Professor Joseph Swafford, M.D. Professor Syed Wamique Yusuf, M.D. Associate Professor Sui Zhang, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor DEPARTMENT OF D E R M AT O L O G Y Ronald P. Rapini, M.D.
Professor and Chair Susan Chon, M.D. Assistant Professor Carol R. Drucker, M.D. Associate Professor Madeleine Duvic, M.D. Professor Parul Hazarika, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Sharon R. Hymes, M.D. Professor Deborah Mac Farlane, M.D. Associate Professor Michael R. Migden, M.D. Assistant Professor Tri Nguyen, M.D. Associate Professor Xiao Ni, M.D., Ph.D. Instructor Chun-Lei Zhang, M.D., Ph.D. Instructor
Naifa L. Busaidy, M.D. Assistant Professor Gilbert Cote, Ph.D. Associate Professor Jessica Devin, M.D. Assistant Professor Robert F. Gagel, M.D. Professor Mimi I-Nan Hu, M.D. Assistant Professor Camilo Jimenez, M.D. Assistant Professor Victor R. Lavis, M.D. Professor Sara Peleg, Ph.D. Associate Professor Steven G. Waguespack, M.D. Associate Professor DEPARTMENT OF G A S T R O E N T E R O L O G Y, H E PAT O L O G Y A N D NUTRITION John R. Stroehlein, M.D.
Professor and Chair Ad Interim Sharmila Anandasabapathy, M.D. Assistant Professor Manoop Bhutani, M.B.B.S. Professor Robert Bresalier, M.D. Professor James Byrd, Ph.D. Associate Professor Marta Davila, M.D. Associate Professor Alexander A. Dekovich, M.D. Associate Professor Sushovan Guha, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jeffrey Lee, M.D. Associate Professor Patrick M. Lynch, M.D., J.D. Associate Professor Nachman Mazurek, Ph.D. Assistant Professor William A. Ross, M.D. Associate Professor Mehnaz A. Shafi, M.D. Associate Professor Shumei Song, M.D., Ph.D. Instructor Brian Weston, M.D. Instructor
Professor and Chair Ahmed Mohammed Aribi, M.D. Instructor Maria-Claudia Campagna, M.D. Assistant Professor Shu-Wei Gao, M.D. Associate Professor Tejpal Grover, M.D. Associate Professor Aditya Gupta, M.D. Assistant Professor Jerry Don Henderson, M.D. Assistant Professor Holly M. Holmes, M.D. Assistant Professor Jessica P. Hwang, M.D. Assistant Professor Elias Jabbour, M.D. Assistant Professor Michael Kallen, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Amit Lahoti, M.D. Assistant Professor Wenli Liu, M.D. Assistant Professor Huifang Lu, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ellen F. Manzullo, M.D. Professor Mary Merkle, M.D. Assistant Professor Lonzetta Newman, M.D. Assistant Professor Jeong Oh, M.D. Assistant Professor John T. Patlan, M.D. Assistant Professor Arturo Rodriguez, M.D. Assistant Professor Margaret B. Row, M.D. Associate Professor Sunil K. Sahai, M.D. Assistant Professor Abdulla K. Salahudeen, M.D. Professor Kathleen Smalky, M.D. Associate Professor Maria Suarez-Almazor, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Marieberta Vidal, M.D. Instructor Khanh D. Vu, M.D. Assistant Professor Jason Robert Westin, M.D. Instructor Sai-ching J. Yeung, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor DEPARTMENT OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, INFECTION CONTROL AND E M P L O Y E E H E A LT H Issam I. Raad, M.D.
Roy F. Chemaly, M.D. Assistant Professor Elizabeth Conrad Frenzel, M.D. Associate Professor Bruno Palma Granwehr, M.D. Assistant Professor Ray Y. Hachem, M.D. Assistant Professor Hend A. Hanna, M.D. Associate Professor Dimitrios P. Kontoyiannis, M.D. Professor Victor Eduardo Mulanovich, M.D. Assistant Professor Kenneth V. Rolston, M.D. Professor Amar Safdar, M.D. Associate Professor Georgia A. Thomas, M.D. Associate Professor DEPARTMENT OF PULMONARY MEDICINE Burton F. Dickey, M.D.
Professor and Chair Roberto Adachi, M.D. Assistant Professor Diwakar Balachandran, M.D. Assistant Professor Lara Bashoura, M.D. Assistant Professor Georgie A. Eapen, M.D. Assistant Professor Scott Evans, M.D. Assistant Professor Christopher M. Evans, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Saadia Faiz, M.D. Assistant Professor Carlos Jimenez, M.D. Associate Professor Seyed Javad Moghaddam, M.D. Instructor Rodolfo C. Morice, M.D. Professor Vickie R. Shannon, M.D. Professor Michael J. Tuvim, Ph.D. Associate Professor DEPARTMENT OF SYMPTOM RESEARCH Charles Cleeland, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair Karen O. Anderson, Ph.D. Associate Professor Tito R. Mendoza, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Guadalupe Palos, Dr.P.H. Assistant Professor Qiuling Shi, Ph.D. Instructor Xin Wang, M.D. Associate Professor Loretta A. Williams, D.S.N. Instructor
Professor and Chair Javier A. Adachi, M.D. Assistant Professor
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Division of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Stanley R. Hamilton, M.D. Division Head DEPARTMENT OF H E M AT O PAT H O L O G Y L. Jeffrey Medeiros, M.D.
Professor and Chair Lynne Abruzzo, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Hesham Amin, M.D. Associate Professor Carlos E. Bueso-Ramos, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Richard J. Ford Jr., M.D., Ph.D. Professor Yang O. Huh, M.D. Professor Daniel M. Jones, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Jeffrey L. Jorgensen, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Hartmut Koepppen, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Sergej Naumovich Konoplev, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ming-Sheng Lee, M.D. Associate Professor Bang-Ning Lee, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Pei Lin, M.D. Associate Professor Guohui Lu M.D. Assistant Professor ad interim Rajyalakshmi Luthra, Ph.D. Professor John T. Manning, M.D. Professor Timothy J. McDonnell, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Roberto Miranda, M.D. Associate Professor Tariq Muzzafar, M.B.B.S. Assistant Professor ad interim James M. Reuben, Ph.D. Associate Professor Mark J. Routbort, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ellen J. Schlette, M.D. Assistant Professor Francisco Vega-Vazquez, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Cheng Yin, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Mingjian James You, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor DEPARTMENT OF L A B O R AT O R Y M E D I C I N E Benjamin Lichtiger, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor and Chair Pedro Cano, M.D. Associate Professor Su Chen, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Marcelo Fernandez-Vina, Ph.D. Professor Herbert A. Fritsche Jr., Ph.D. Professor Xiang-Yang Han, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Xin Han, M.D. Assistant Professor Beverly Carol Handy, M.D. Assistant Professor 48
Cheryl F. Hirsch-Ginsberg, M.D. Professor Paul LaSala, M.D. Assistant Professor Gregory May, Ph.D. Professor Aida B. Narvios, M.D. Assistant Professor Luis E. Remus III, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Kathleen J. Sazama, M.D., J.D. Professor Kurt Clement Sizer, M.D. Assistant Professor Xiaoping Sun, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jeffrey J. Tarrand, M.D. Professor DEPARTMENT OF M O L E C U L A R PAT H O L O G Y Ralph B. Arlinghaus, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair Eckhard Alt, M.D. Professor Xiaowen Bai, Ph.D. Instructor Martin Campbell, Ph.D. Associate Professor Kun-Sang Chang, Ph.D. Associate Professor Jiale Dai, Ph.D. Associate Professor Peter R. Gascoyne, Ph.D. Professor Anwar Hossain, Ph.D. Instructor Peng Huang, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Hiroshi Katayama, Ph.D. Instructor Ryuji Kobayashi, Ph.D. Professor Macus T. Kuo, Ph.D. Professor Yu-Chen Lee, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Xiaohong Leng, Ph.D. Instructor Zhengdong Liang, M.D., Ph.D. Instructor Yong Liao, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Sue-Hwa Lin, Ph.D. Professor Sendurai Mani, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Helene Pelicano, Ph.D. Instructor Ajoy Kumar Samanta, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Subrata Sen, Ph.D. Associate Professor Yao-Hua Song, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Jody V. Vykoukal, Ph.D. Instructor Xiangcang Ye, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Professor and Chair Susan Abraham, M.D. Associate Professor Constance Albarracin, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Kenneth D. Aldape, M.D. Professor Krishna P. Bhat, Ph.D. Instructor Russell Broaddus, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Nancy P. Caraway, M.D. Associate Professor Alejandro Corvalan, M.D. Assistant Professor Bogdan A. Czerniak, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Michael T. Deavers, M.D. Professor Abdul Hafeez Diwan, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Mary Elizabeth Edgerton, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Adel K. El-Naggar, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Elizabeth Dierksen Euscher, M.D. Assistant Professor Harry L. Evans, M.D. Professor Tina V. Fanning, M.D. Professor Gregory N. Fuller, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Michael Gilcrease, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Yun Gong, M.D. Assistant Professor Charles Chuanhai Guo, M.D. Assistant Professor Ming Guo, M.D. Assistant Professor Lei Huo, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Doina Ivan, M.D. Assistant Professor Ping Ji, Ph.D. Instructor Ruth L. Katz, M.D. Professor Savitri Krishnamurthy, M.D. Associate Professor Lauren A. Langford, M.D. Associate Professor Alexander Lazar, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jinsong Liu, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Anais Malpica, M.D. Professor Dipen Maheshbhai Maru, M.D. Assistant Professor Lavinia P. Middleton, M.D. Associate Professor Cesar Moran, M.D. Professor Nelson G. Ordonez, M.D. Professor Victor Prieto, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Asif Rashid, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Maria Gabriela Raso, M.D. Instructor
Austin K. Raymond, M.D. Associate Professor Erika Resetkova, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Michael Warren Riben, M.D. Assistant Professor Aysegul A. Sahin, M.D. Professor Nour Sneige, M.D. Professor Gregg A. Staerkel, M.D. Professor John Stewart, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor William F. Symmans, M.D. Professor Pheroze Tamboli, M.D. Associate Professor Dongfeng Tan, M.D. Associate Professor Patricia Troncoso, M.D. Professor Huamin Wang, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Michelle Dianne Williams, M.D. Assistant Professor Ignacio Ivan Wistuba, M.D. Associate Professor Ying Wu, Ph.D. Instructor Yun Wu, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Gong Yang, Ph.D. Instructor Wei Zhang, Ph.D. Professor
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Division of Pediatrics
Division of Radiation Oncology
Eugenie S. Kleinerman, M.D. Division Head DEPARTMENT OF P E D I AT R I C S Eugenie S. Kleinerman, M.D.
James D. Cox, M.D. Division Head
Professor and Chair Peter Anderson, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Martha Askins, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Joann L. Ater, M.D. Professor Joya Chandra, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Laurence Cooper, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Seth Corey, M.D. Professor Jose Antonio Cortes, M.D. Assistant Professor Alan Fields, M.D. Professor Anna Rachel Franklin, M.D. Assistant Professor Vidya Gopalakrishnan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Cynthia E. Herzog, M.D. Associate Professor William K. Hoots, M.D. Professor
Dennis Hughes, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Winston Huh, M.D. Assistant Professor Nadezhda V. Koshkina, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Dean A. Lee, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Rodrigo Mejia, M.D. Associate Professor Bartlett D. Moore, Ph.D. Professor Cesar Augusto Nunez, M.D. Assistant Professor Regina Okhuysen-Cawley, M.D. Associate Professor Demetrios Petropoulos, M.D. Assistant Professor Rhonda Robert, Ph.D. Associate Professor Michael E. Rytting, M.D. Assistant Professor Robert J. Wells, M.D. Professor Johannes Wolff, M.D. Professor Laura L. Worth, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Peter Eric Zage, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Patrick A. Zweidler-McKay, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Division of Quantitative Sciences Donald Berry, Ph.D. Division Head DEPARTMENT OF B I O I N F O R M AT I C S A N D C O M P U TAT I O N A L B I O L O G Y John N. Weinstein, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor and Chair Jonas Silva Almeida, Ph.D. Professor Keith A. Baggerly, Ph.D. Associate Professor Bradley McIntosh Broom, Ph.D. Associate Professor Kevin R. Coombes, Ph.D. Associate Professor Jianhua Hu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Yuan Ji, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Shoudan Liang, Ph.D. Professor Mandri N. Obeyesekere, Ph.D. Associate Professor Romesh C. Stanislaus, Ph.D. Instructor Susan L. Tucker, Ph.D. Professor Lynn H. Vogel, Ph.D. Associate Professor Jing Wang, Ph.D. Instructor Li Zhang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ming Zhang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor DEPARTMENT OF B I O S TAT I S T I C S Donald Berry, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair
Veerabhadran Baladandayuthapani, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Benjamin Nebiyou Bekele, Ph.D. Associate Professor Scott B. Cantor, Ph.D. Associate Professor Kim-Anh Do, Ph.D. Professor Linda S. Elting, Dr.P.H. Professor Kenneth R. Hess, Ph.D. Associate Professor Xuelin Huang, Ph.D. Associate Professor Valen E. Johnson, Ph.D. Professor Jiun-Kae Jack Lee, Ph.D. Professor Yisheng Li, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jeffrey Morris, Ph.D. Associate Professor Peter Mueller, Ph.D. Professor Peter Ravdin, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Gary L. Rosner, Sc.D. Professor Yu Shen, Ph.D. Professor Ya-Chen Shih, Ph.D. Associate Professor Richard J. Swartz, Ph.D. Instructor Peter F. Thall, Ph.D. Professor Guosheng Yin, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ying Yuan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
DEPARTMENT OF E X P E R I M E N TA L R A D I AT I O N O N C O L O G Y Raymond E. Meyn Jr., Ph.D.
Professor and Chair Ad Interim Said Akli, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ekem T. Efuet, Ph.D. Instructor Khandan Keyomarsi, Ph.D. Professor Lei Li, Ph.D. Associate Professor Kathryn A. Mason, M.Sc Associate Professor Marvin L. Meistrich, Ph.D. Professor Luka Milas, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Anupama Munshi, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Uma Raju, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Gunapala Shetty, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Elizabeth L. Travis, Ph.D. Professor Xin Wang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Rozita Yarmand, Ph.D. Assistant Professor DEPARTMENT OF R A D I AT I O N O N C O L O G Y Thomas A. Buchholz, M.D.
Professor and Chair Kie-Kian Ang, M.D., Ph.D. Professor M. Kara Bucci, M.D. Assistant Professor Eric L. Chang, M.D. Associate Professor Joe Y. Chang, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor K. Chao, M.D. Professor Rex Min Cheung, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Seungtaek Choi, M.D. Assistant Professor Christopher Crane, M.D. Associate Professor Bouthaina Shbib Dabaja, M.D. Assistant Professor Prajnan Das, M.D. Assistant Professor Marc E. Delclos, M.D. Associate Professor Patricia J. Eifel, M.D. Professor Steven Jay Frank, M.D. Assistant Professor Adam S. Garden, M.D. Professor Beverly Ashleigh Guadagnolo, M.D. Assistant Professor Thomas M. Guerrero, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Nora A. Janjan, M.D. Professor
Melenda Jeter, M.D. Assistant Professor Anuja Jhingran, M.D. Associate Professor Ritsuko Komaki, M.D. Professor David Gregory Kornguth, M.D. Assistant Professor Sunil Krishnan, M.D. Assistant Professor Deborah A. Kuban, M.D. Professor Andrew K. Lee, M.D. Associate Professor Zhongxing Liao, M.D. Associate Professor Anita Mahajan, M.D. Associate Professor Mary McAleer, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor William H. Morrison, M.D. Professor Julia Linda Oh, M.D. Assistant Professor Michael O’Reilly, M.D. Assistant Professor Christopher E. Pelloski, M.D. Assistant Professor George H. Perkins, M.D. Associate Professor David Rosenthal, M.D. Professor David L. Schwartz, M.D. Assistant Professor Eric A. Strom, M.D. Professor Welela Tereffe, M.D. Assistant Professor Shiao Y. Woo, M.D. Professor Wendy Woodward, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Tse-Kuan Yu, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Gunar K. Zagars, M.D. Professor DEPARTMENT OF R A D I AT I O N P H Y S I C S Radhe Mohan, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair Bijan Arjomandy, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Peter A. Balter, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Sam Samad Beddar, Ph.D. Associate Professor Tina Marie Briere, Ph.D. Instructor Martin Bues, Ph.D. Assistant Professor George Ciangaru, Ph.D. Instructor Lei Dong, Ph.D. Associate Professor Weiliang Du, Ph.D. Instructor David S. Followill, Ph.D. Associate Professor Song Gao, Ph.D. Instructor Michael Gillin, Ph.D. Professor Rebecca Maureen Howell, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Edward N. Atkinson, Ph.D. Professor 49
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Department of Radiation Physics, continued
Sandeep Hunjan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Geoffrey Ibbott, Ph.D. Professor Stephen F. Kry, Ph.D. Instructor Rajat J. Kudchadker, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ruijie Rachel Liu, Ph.D. Instructor Dershan Luo, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Mary K. Martel, Ph.D. Professor Dragan Mirkovic, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Firas Mourtada, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Wayne D. Newhauser, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jerimy Clifford Polf, Ph.D. Instructor Karl L. Prado, Ph.D. Associate Professor Narayan Sahoo, Ph.D. Associate Professor Mohammad Salehpour, Ph.D. Associate Professor Almon S. Shiu, Ph.D. Professor Alfred R. Smith, Ph.D. Professor George Starkschall, Ph.D. Professor Marilyn Stovall, Ph.D. Professor Ramesh C. Tailor, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Uwe Titt, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Oleg N. Vassiliev, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Sastry Vedam, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Milos Vicic, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Congjun Wang, Ph.D. Instructor He Wang, Ph.D. Instructor Xiaochun Wang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor James N. Yang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Sean X. Zhang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Xiaodong Zhang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Xiaorong Ronald Zhu, Ph.D. Associate Professor
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Division of Surgery Raphael E. Pollock, M.D., Ph.D. Division Head DEPARTMENT OF GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY David M. Gershenson, M.D.
Professor and Chair Michael W. Bevers, M.D. Associate Professor Diane C. Bodurka, M.D. Associate Professor Dennison R. Brown, Ph.D. Professor Jubilee Brown, M.D. Assistant Professor Thomas W. Burke, M.D. Professor Robert Coleman, M.D. Professor Michele Follen, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Michael Frumovitz, M.D. Assistant Professor Wei Hu, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Constantin Ioannides, Ph.D. Professor John J. Kavanagh, M.D. Professor Elizabeth R. Keeler, M.D. Assistant Professor Charles N. Landen, M.D. Assistant Professor Charles F. Levenback, M.D. Professor Karen H. Lu, M.D. Associate Professor Andrea Milbourne, M.D. Associate Professor Kathryn Peek, Ph.D. Associate Professor Pedro Tomas Ramirez, M.D. Associate Professor Lois M. Ramondetta, M.D. Associate Professor Helen E. Rhodes, M.D. Assistant Professor Rosemarie Schmandt, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Kathleen M. Schmeler, M.D. Assistant Professor Judith Ann Smith, Pharm.D. Associate Professor Pamela Therese Soliman, M.D. Assistant Professor Anil K. Sood, M.D. Professor George Stancel, Ph.D. Professor Charlotte C. Sun, Dr.P.H. Assistant Professor Judith K. Wolf, M.D. Associate Professor Kwong K. Wong, Ph.D. Associate Professor DEPARTMENT OF HEAD AND NECK SURGERY Randal S. Weber, M.D.
Professor and Chair Carlos Caulin, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Mark S. Chambers, D.M.D. Associate Professor 50
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Gary L. Clayman, D.M.D., M.D. Professor Eduardo M. Diaz Jr., M.D. Professor Bita Esmaeli, M.D. Associate Professor Mitchell J. Frederick, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Paul W. Gidley, M.D. Associate Professor Ann Marie Gillenwater, M.D. Associate Professor Dan S. Gombos, M.D. Associate Professor Ehab Y. Hanna, M.D. Professor Amy Clark Hessel, M.D. Assistant Professor Theresa Maria Hofstede, D.D.S. Assistant Professor F. Christopher Holsinger, M.D. Assistant Professor Sheikh M. Ismail, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Rhonda F. Jacob, D.D.S. Professor Stella K. Kim, M.D. Associate Professor Michael Elliot Kupferman, M.D. Assistant Professor Jan S. Lewin, Ph.D. Associate Professor Guojun Li, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jack W. Martin, D.D.S. Professor Jeffrey N. Myers, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Jade S. Schiffman, M.D. Professor Erich M. Sturgis, M.D. Associate Professor Bela B. Toth, D.D.S. Professor Xiangwei Wu, Ph.D. Associate Professor Tongxin Xie, M.D., Ph.D. Instructor Ge Zhou, Ph.D. Instructor DEPARTMENT OF NEUROSURGERY Raymond Sawaya, M.D.
Professor and Chair Oliver Bogler, Ph.D. Associate Professor Franco DeMonte, M.D. Professor Samuel J. Hassenbusch III, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Amy B. Heimberger, M.D. Associate Professor Suyun Huang, Ph.D. Associate Professor Frederick F. Lang Jr., M.D. Professor Khatri Latha, Ph.D. Instructor Ian E. McCutcheon, M.D. Professor Sujit S. Prabhu, M.D. Assistant Professor Ganesh Rao, M.D. Assistant Professor
Laurence D. Rhines, M.D. Associate Professor Dima Suki, Ph.D. Associate Professor Jeffrey Weinberg, M.D. Associate Professor DEPARTMENT OF PLASTIC SURGERY Geoffrey L. Robb, M.D.
Professor and Chair Donald P. Baumann, M.D. Assistant Professor Elisabeth K. Beahm, M.D. Professor Charles E. Butler, M.D. Associate Professor David W. Chang, M.D. Professor Pierre Chevray, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Melissa Ann Crosby, M.D. Assistant Professor Matthew M. Hanasono, M.D. Assistant Professor Steven Kronowitz, M.D. Associate Professor Scott Oates, M.D. Associate Professor Greg P. Reece, M.D. Professor Roman Skoracki, M.D. Assistant Professor Peirong Yu, M.D. Associate Professor DEPARTMENT OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY Raphael E. Pollock, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor and Chair Eddie K. Abdalla, M.D. Assistant Professor Gildy Babiera, M.D. Associate Professor Isabelle Bedrosian, M.D. Assistant Professor Ervin B. Brown, M.D. Associate Professor Christopher P. Cannon, M.D. Assistant Professor George J. Chang, M.D. Assistant Professor Paul Cherukuri, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Paul J. Chiao, Ph.D. Professor Janice Nicole Cormier, M.D. Associate Professor Steven A. Curley, M.D. Professor Lee M. Ellis, M.D. Professor Douglas B. Evans, M.D. Professor Barry W. Feig, M.D. Professor Jason B. Fleming, M.D. Associate Professor Jeffrey E. Gershenwald, M.D. Professor Michael Jennings Gray, Ph.D. Instructor Andrea Hayes-Jordan, M.D. Assistant Professor
F a c u l t y Kelly K. Hunt, M.D. Professor Rosa Frances Hwang, M.D. Assistant Professor Henry Mark Kuerer, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Laura Ann Lambert, M.D. Assistant Professor Jeffrey Lee, M.D. Professor Valerae O. Lewis, M.D. Associate Professor Zhongkui Li, Ph.D. Instructor Patrick P. Lin, M.D. Associate Professor Jianhua Ling, Ph.D. Instructor Anthony Lucci, M.D. Associate Professor Paul F. Mansfield, M.D. Professor Funda Meric-Bernstam, M.D. Associate Professor Bailu Peng, Ph.D. Instructor Nancy Dugal Perrier, M.D. Associate Professor Peter W. Pisters, M.D. Professor
Miguel A. Rodriguez-Bigas, M.D. Professor Merrick I. Ross, M.D. Professor Balraj Singh, Ph.D. Assistant Professor S. Eva Singletary, M.D. Professor John M. Skibber, M.D. Professor Jean Nicolas Vauthey, M.D. Professor Suizhao Wang, Ph.D. Instructor DEPARTMENT OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY Stephen G. Swisher, M.D.
Professor and Chair
Wei Guo, M.D., Ph.D. Instructor Wayne L. Hofstetter, M.D. Associate Professor Lin Ji, Ph.D. Associate Professor Reza John Mehran, M.D. Associate Professor Rajagopal Ramesh, Ph.D. Associate Professor David C. Rice, M.D. Associate Professor Jack A. Roth, M.D. Professor Ara A. Vaporciyan, M.D. Associate Professor Garrett L. Walsh, M.D. Professor DEPARTMENT OF UROLOGY
Herbert B. Grossman, M.D. Professor Ashish Kamat, M.D. Assistant Professor Surena Matin, M.D. Associate Professor David J. McConkey, Ph.D. Professor Hiroyuki Nakanishi, M.D. Assistant Professor Curtis A. Pettaway, M.D. Professor Louis L. Pisters, M.D. Professor John F. Ward, M.D. Assistant Professor Ouida Lenaine Westney, M.D. Associate Professor Christopher G. Wood, M.D. Associate Professor
Colin P. N. Dinney, M.D. William Bolton, M.D. Instructor Arlene M. Correa, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Wuguo Deng, Ph.D. Instructor Bingliang Fang, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor
Professor and Chair Liana Adam, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Joseph N. Corriere Jr., M.D. Professor John W. Davis, M.D. Assistant Professor
Administration OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT John Mendelsohn, M.D. President Adrienne C. Lang Vice President for Center Programs Mark A. Moreno Vice President for Governmental Relations Patrick B. Mulvey Vice President for Development Stephen C. Stuyck Vice President for Public Affairs OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND PHYSICIAN-IN-CHIEF Thomas W. Burke, M.D. Executive Vice President and Physician-in-Chief John Bingham Vice President for Process Improvement Gerard J. Colman Vice President and Chief of Clinical Operations Eduardo M. Diaz Jr., M.D. Vice President for Global Clinical Programs Thomas W. Feeley, M.D. Vice President for Medical Operations Lewis E. Foxhall, M.D. Vice President for Health Policy Joel D. Lajeunesse Vice President and Head, Division of Pharmacy M.A. Rodriguez, M.D. Vice President for Medical Affairs Barbara L. Summers, Ph.D. Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer Frank R. Tortorella, J.D. Vice President for Clinical Support Services
OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF ACADEMIC OFFICER Raymond N. DuBois, M.D., Ph.D. Provost and Executive Vice President Robert C. Bast Jr., M.D. Vice President for Translational Research Ernest T. Hawk, M.D. Vice President and Head, Division of Cancer Prevention and Population Sciences Maurie Markman, M.D. Vice President for Clinical Research Stephen P. Tomasovic, Ph.D. Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Vice President for Extramural Programs Ad Interim OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND B U S I N E S S A N D R E G U L AT O R Y A F FA I R S Leon J. Leach Executive Vice President and Chief Business Officer R. Dan Fontaine, J.D. Senior Vice President for Business Affairs and Chief Regulatory Officer Christopher C. Capelli, M.D. Vice President for Technology Transfer William A. Daigneau Vice President for Operations and Facilities Management Harry R. Gibbs, M.D. Vice President for Institutional Diversity Carrie King, J.D. Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer Mitchell Latinkic Vice President for Global Business Development Matthew A. Masek, J.D. Vice President and Chief Legal Officer R. Dwain Morris Vice President and Chief Financial Officer John A. Tietjen Vice President for Patient Financial Services Shibu Varghese Vice President for Human Resources Lynn H. Vogel, Ph.D. Vice President and Chief Information Officer 51
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Professor and Chair Michelle Barton, Ph.D. Associate Professor Andreas Bergmann, Ph.D. Associate Professor Richard Brennan, Ph.D. Professor Xiaomin Chen, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jang-Hyeon Cho, Ph.D. Instructor Sharon R. Dent, Ph.D. Professor Yasuhide Furuta, Ph.D. Associate Professor Kathleen M. Gajewski, Ph.D. Instructor Michael J. Galko, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jayanthi Gudikote, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
School of Health Sciences M. D. Anderson’s School of Health Sciences educates medical support professionals who are in high demand across the United States, awarding bachelor’s degrees and certificates in eight allied health programs. Michael J. Ahearn, Ph.D. Dean, School of Health Sciences Mark A. Bailey, M.A. Instructor Shaun T. Caldwell, M.S. Assistant Professor Melissa J. Chapman, M.ED. Assistant Professor Hazel V. Dalton, M.S. Assistant Professor Mahsa Dehghanpour, M.S. Instructor Brandy A. Greenhill, M.S. Assistant Professor Jun Gu, M.D. Instructor Stephanie Ann Hamilton, D.E.D. Assistant Professor Vicki L. Hopwood, M.S. Assistant Professor Peter C. Hu, M.S. Assistant Professor Patrick Lennon, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Karen J. McClure, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Catherine M. Murphy, M.S. Instructor Suzieann M. Richards-Bass, M.ED. Instructor Nanci L. Saurdiff, M.ED. Assistant Professor Megan L. Trad, M.S. Instructor
Georg Halder, Ph.D. Associate Professor Raymond H. Jacobson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Randy L. Johnson, Ph.D. Associate Professor Takae Kiyama, Ph.D. Instructor Malgorzata Kloc-Stepkowska, Ph.D. Associate Professor Todd M. Link, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Chai-An Mao, Ph.D. Instructor Pierre D. McCrea, Ph.D. Professor Xiuqian Mu, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Marek Napierala, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Kate Juliet Newberry, Ph.D. Instructor Jan Parker-Thornburg, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Maria Schumacher, Ph.D. Associate Professor Shinako Takada, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Miles F. Wilkinson, Ph.D. Professor DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Charles W. Patrick Jr., Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Deputy Chair Ad Interim Anshu Bagga Mathur, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Linda T. Nieman, Ph.D. Instructor Konstantin V. Sokolov, Ph.D. Assistant Professor DEPARTMENT OF CANCER BIOLOGY Isaiah J. Fidler, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Professor and Chair Krishnakumar Balasubramanian, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Menashe Bar Eli, Ph.D. Professor Douglas D. Boyd, Ph.D. Professor Dina Chelouche Lev, M.D. Assistant Professor Woonyoung Choi, Ph.D. Instructor Dominic Fan, Ph.D. Professor Gary E. Gallick, Ph.D. Professor Vijaykumar Holla, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Baoan Ji, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Sun Kim, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Robert Langley, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Craig Logsdon, Ph.D. Professor
Joseph McCarty, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Vladislava Melnikova, Ph.D. Instructor David G. Menter, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Janet E. Price, Ph.D. Associate Professor Vijaya Ramachandran, Ph.D. Instructor Alan J. Schroit, Ph.D. Professor Zhengxin Wang, Ph.D. Associate Professor Kenji Yokoi, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor DEPARTMENT OF CANCER GENETICS Guillermina Lozano, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair Shamima Akhter, Ph.D. Instructor Linda L. Bachinski, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Sandy Chang, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Nanyue Chen, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Yibin Deng, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Peili Gu, Ph.D. Instructor Vicki D. Huff, Ph.D. Associate Professor Mini Kapoor, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ann M. Killary, Ph.D. Professor Ralf Krahe, Ph.D. Associate Professor Randy J. Legerski, Ph.D. Professor Sadhan Majumder, Ph.D. Professor Angabin Matin, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Asha S. Multani, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Louise C. Strong, M.D. Professor Young-Ah Suh, Ph.D. Instructor Shunbin Xiong, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Hao Zhang, Ph.D. Instructor Nianxiang Zhang, Ph.D. Instructor Xiaoshan Zhang, M.D., Ph.D. Instructor
Professor and Chair Erika L. Abel, Ph.D. Instructor Gerald M. Adair, Ph.D. Associate Professor Claudio M. Aldaz, M.D. Professor Joe M. Angel, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Mark T. Bedford, Ph.D. Associate Professor Fernando Jose Benavides, D.V.M., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Thomas R. Berton, Ph.D. Instructor Andrew P. Butler, Ph.D. Associate Professor Donghang Cheng, Ph.D. Instructor Lezlee G. Coghlan, D.V.M. Associate Professor Claudio J. Conti, D.V.M., Ph.D. Professor Susan M. Fischer, Ph.D. Professor Robin Fuchs-Young, Ph.D. Associate Professor Irma B. Gimenez-Conti, D.D.S., Ph.D. Associate Professor Yinling Hu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor David G. Johnson, Ph.D. Professor Kaoru Kiguchi, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Donna Frances Kusewitt, D.V.M., Ph.D. Professor Michael C. MacLeod, Ph.D. Professor David L. Mitchell, Ph.D. Professor Rodney S. Nairn, Ph.D. Professor Okkyung Rho, Ph.D. Instructor Ellen R. Richie, Ph.D. Professor Joyce E. Rundhaug, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Virginia L. Scofield, Ph.D. Instructor Jianjun Shen, Ph.D. Associate Professor Xuetong Shen, Ph.D. Associate Professor Dean G. Tang, Ph.D. Associate Professor Karen M. Vasquez, Ph.D. Associate Professor Cheryl L. Walker, Ph.D. Professor Guliang Wang, M.D., Ph.D. Instructor Paul K. Wong, Ph.D. Professor Mingshan Yan, M.D. Assistant Professor
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Professor and Chair Honnavara N. Ananthaswamy, Ph.D. Professor Laura Bover, Ph.D. Instructor Wei Cao, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Chen Dong, Ph.D. Associate Professor Valeria Facchinetti, Ph.D. Instructor Michel Gilliet, M.D. Assistant Professor Shino Hanabuchi, Ph.D. Instructor Natalia Martin Orozco, Ph.D. Instructor Hector Martinez-Valdez, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Bradley W. McIntyre, Ph.D. Professor Roza Nurieva, Ph.D. Instructor F. Qin, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Eulogia Roman, Ph.D. Instructor Jagannadha K. Sastry, Ph.D. Professor Kimberly Schluns, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Shao-Cong Sun, Ph.D. Professor Stephen E. Ullrich, Ph.D. Professor Kui Voo, Ph.D. Instructor Yui-Hsi Wang, Ph.D. Instructor Stephanie S. Watowich, Ph.D. Associate Professor Xuexian Yang, Ph.D. Instructor Tomasz Zal, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Minying Zhang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Chengming Zhu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor DEPARTMENT OF MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR ONCOLOGY Mien-Chie Hung, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair Seetharaman Balasenthil, Ph.D. Instructor Qing Qing Ding, Ph.D. Instructor Elsa Renee Flores, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Mickey Hu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jim Klostergaard, Ph.D. Professor Rakesh Kumar, Ph.D. Professor
Mong-Hong Lee, Ph.D. Associate Professor Hui-Kuan Lin, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Xin Lin, Ph.D. Associate Professor Suresh K. Rayala, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Dos Sarbassov, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Stephen P. Tomasovic, Ph.D. Professor Michael W. Van Dyke, Ph.D. Associate Professor Shannon M. Wyszomierski, Ph.D. Instructor Weiya Xia, M.D. Assistant Professor Xiaoming Xie, M.D., Ph.D. Instructor Hirohito Yamaguchi, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Vashisht Gopal Yennu Nanda, Ph.D. Instructor Yun You, M.D. Instructor Di-Hua Yu, M.D., Ph.D. Professor DEPARTMENT OF MOLECULAR GENETICS Guillermina Lozano, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair Ad Interim Yuko Akiyama, M.D. Assistant Professor Richard R. Behringer, Ph.D. Professor
Benoit deCrombrugghe, M.D. Professor Sankar N. Maity, Ph.D. Associate Professor William W. Mattox, Ph.D. Associate Professor Lalitha Nagarajan, Ph.D. Associate Professor Jill Schumacher, Ph.D. Associate Professor Michael J. Siciliano, Ph.D. Professor Krishna Sinha, Ph.D. Instructor Sonali Sonnylal, Ph.D. Instructor DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY Peggy T. Tinkey, D.V.M.
Associate Professor and Chair Agatha Borne, D.V.M., Ph.D. Associate Professor David Wayne Brammer, D.V.M. Associate Professor Suzanne Craig, D.V.M. Associate Professor Mihai Gagea Iurascu, D.V.M., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Sherry Klumpp, D.V.M. Professor Cynthia R. Lockworth, D.V.M. Instructor Katherine A. Naff, D.V.M. Assistant Professor
Rajesh Uthamanthil, D.V.M., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Carolyn S. Van Pelt, D.V.M., Ph.D. Professor DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY SCIENCES
Christian Abee, D.V.M. Professor and Chair Kirstin F. Barnhart, D.V.M. Assistant Professor Wallace Baze, D.V.M., Ph.D. Professor Bruce J. Bernacky, D.V.M. Assistant Professor Stephanie J. Buchl, D.V.M. Assistant Professor Gary L. Johanning, Ph.D. Associate Professor Mark J. McArthur, D.V.M. Associate Professor Pramod N. Nehete, Ph.D. Associate Professor Julio C. Ruiz, D.V.M. Associate Professor William C. Satterfield, D.V.M. Professor Steven J. Schapiro, Ph.D. Associate Professor Feng Wang-Johanning, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Lawrence E. Williams, Ph.D. Associate Professor
External Advisory Board Members M. D. Anderson’s External Advisory Board is composed of highly regarded scientific advisors who consult with M.D. Anderson faculty leaders on specific programmatic research initiatives. Carolyn R. Aldigé Prevent Cancer Foundation Alexandria, Va. Ken-ichi Arai, M.D., Ph.D. University of Tokyo James O. Armitage, M.D. University of Nebraska Richard Caprioli, Ph.D. Vanderbilt University
Steven N. Goodman, M.D. Johns Hopkins University
Richard Schilsky, M.D. University of Chicago
H. Robert Horvitz, Ph.D. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Thomas A. Sellers, Ph.D. H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute
Richard D. Kolodner, Ph.D. University of California, San Diego H. Kim Lyerly, M.D. Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center
Susan J. Curry, Ph.D. University of Illinois at Chicago
Joan Massague, Ph.D. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Andrew Dannenberg, M.D. New York Presbyterian Hospital-Cornell
Harold Moses, M.D. Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center
David Sidransky, M.D. Johns Hopkins University Ellen Sigal, Ph.D. Friends of Cancer Research Arlington,Va. Cox P. Terhorst, Ph.D. Harvard Institutes of Medicine
Sir Ara Darzi, M.D. Imperial College London
Eric Olson, Ph.D. The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Craig B. Thompson, M.D. Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute, University of Pennsylvania Health System
Sarah Donaldson, M.D. Stanford University Cancer Center
Richard J. O’Reilly, M.D. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Jeffrey M. Trent, Ph.D. Translational Genomics Research Institute, Phoenix, Ariz.
Franklyn Prendergast, M.D., Ph.D. Mayo Clinic
Richard L. Wahl, M.D. Johns Hopkins University
Edward Sausville, M.D., Ph.D. University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center
Marcy Waldinger University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center
Norman R. Drinkwater, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison Zvi Y. Fuks, M.D. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Provided by Faculty Academic Affairs, the faculty list reflects individuals with full-time faculty appointments. List as of January 2008.
The University Cancer Foundation Board of Visitors 2007 - 2008 Members
Ernest H. Cockrell Chair
Nancy B. Loeffler Chair-Elect
Mr. Forrest E. Hoglund
Mrs. Barbara Bush
The Honorable Roy M. Huffington
The Hon. George H. W. Bush
Mr. Joseph D. Jamail
Mr. Edwin L. Cox
Mr. Lenoir M. Josey II
Mr. Paul R. Haas
Mr. James F. Justiss, Jr.
Dr. Charles A. LeMaistre
Mrs. Glenda R. Kane
Mrs. Julia Jones Matthews
Mr. Melvyn N. Klein
Mr. L. Lowry Mays
Mr. R. Bruce LaBoon
Mr. Red McCombs
Mrs. Marty V. Leonard
Mr. George P. Mitchell
Mr. Max Levit
Mr. W. A. “Tex” Moncrief, Jr.
Mr. Michael R. Levy
The Honorable Robert A. Mosbacher, Sr.
Mr. Harry J. Longwell
Mr. T. Boone Pickens
Mrs. Mary Anne McCloud Mr. Michael D. McKinnon Mrs. Sonceria Messiah-Jiles
Ali A. Saberioon Vice Chair STRATEGIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mr. Ernest H. Cockrell Chair Mrs. Judy Ley Allen Mr. Philip J. Burguieres Mr. Terry M. Giles Mr. David M. Grimes II Mr. Ben A. Guill Mr. Melvyn N. Klein Mrs. Nancy B. Loeffler Mr. Harry J. Longwell Mr. Rodney H. Margolis Mr. Steven L. Miller Mr. Ali A. Saberioon Mr. Marc J. Shapiro Mr. Charles W. Tate Mr. Robert B. Tudor III
Marc J. Shapiro Past Chair CHAIRMAN’S COMMITTEE Mr. Ernest H. Cockrell Chair Mrs. Nancy B. Loeffler Chair-Elect Mr. Don M. Woo Advance Team The Hon. Linda L. Addison Bylaws Ms. Regina J. Rogers / Mr. Steven H. Wasserman Community Relations
Mr. Randall Meyer
Mr. John D. Alexander, Jr.
Mr. Steven L. Miller
The Honorable John S. Anderson
Mr. W. Robert Nichols III
Mr. Edward Azar
Mr. C. Lamar Norsworthy III
The Honorable James A. Baker III
Mrs. Kay M. Onstead
The Honorable Dolph Briscoe, Jr.
Mr. B. M. Rankin, Jr.
Mr. Roy A. Butler
Ms. Regina J. Rogers
Mr. Charles Butt
Mrs. Peggy Sewell
Pastor Kirbyjon H. Caldwell
Mr. Joseph F. Shaughnessy
Mr. William E. Carl
Mr. Charles M. Simmons
Mr. Rufus Cormier, Jr.
Mr. Gerald B. Smith
Mr. James D. Dannenbaum
Dr. Richard E. Wainerdi
Mr. Leon Davis
Mr. W. Temple Webber, Jr.
Mr. John H. Duncan, Sr.
Mrs. Isabel B. Wilson
Mr. Gus H. Comiskey Jr. / Mrs. Kit Moncrief Development
Mr. Dillon J. Ferguson
Mrs. Joan Schnitzer Levy/ Mrs. Beth Sanders Moore Events
Mr. Gibson Gayle Jr.
Mr. Wayne Gibbens / Mr. Ned S. Holmes / Mrs. Glenda R. Kane Government Relations
Mr. Gary F. Gibson
Mr. Ali A. Saberioon Membership and Board Development
Miss Lyda Hill
Mr. George E. Foreman
Mr. Wayne Gibbens
Ms. Frances E. Ginsburg Mr. F. O’Neil Griffin
MEMBERS-AT-LARGE Mr. Richard C. Adkerson Mr. Stanford J. Alexander Mr. Moshe Azoulay Mrs. Sally B. Berry Mr. Joel Brochstein Mrs. Jane M. Cizik
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Mr. Gus H. Comiskey Jr.
Mr. Giorgio Borlenghi
Mr. Rodney H. Margolis
Mrs. Patsy S. Fourticq
Mr. S. Stacy Eastland
Mr. J. Baxter Brinkmann
Mrs. Stacie McDavid
Mr. Michael E. Frazier
Mr. Randy R. Engstrom
Mr. B. Daryl Bristow
Mr. E. Scott Mead
Mr. Terry M. Giles
Mr. Stephen L. Feinberg
Mr. Kyle C. Brooks
Mr. C. John Miller
Mr. Thomas S. Glanville
Mr. George A. Finley III
Mr. Philip J. Burguieres
Mr. Richard W. Mithoff, Jr.
Mr. Steven L. Gordon
Jack M. Gill, Ph.D.
Mr. Ernest H. Cockrell
Mr. William A. Monteleone, Jr.
Mr. Felo Guerra
Mr. Joseph M. Grant
Mrs. Anne P. Connally
Mrs. Beth Sanders Moore
Mrs. Phyllis S. Hojel
Mr. D. Alter Holand
Mr. John B. Connally III
Mr. James J. Mulva
Mr. Woody L. Hunt
Mrs. Barbara Hurwitz
Mr. Phil D. Conway
Mr. David G. Nance
Dr. Mae C. Jemison
Mr. George F. Kettle
Mrs. Shirley Coskey
Mr. Paul F. Oreffice
Mr. Wyatt Thomas Johnson
Dr. Henry A. Kissinger
Mrs. Charline Dauphin
Mr. Patrick C. Oxford
Mrs. Neda Ladjevardian
Mr. David H. Koch
Mrs. Myrna J. Deckert
Mrs. Nelda Cain Pickens
Ms. Tami Longaberger
Mrs. Nancy B. Loeffler
Mr. Ben A. Donnell
Mr. Jack P. Randall
Mr. Homer L. Luther, Jr.
Mr. Jeff B. Love
Mr. William J. Dore, Sr.
Mr. William E. Rosenthal
Mrs. Marlene A. Malek
Mrs. Margaret Love
Mr. Alan D. Feld
Mrs. Helen Lho Ryu
Mr. Jack L. Martin
Mr. Kade L. Matthews
Mr. Jerry E. Finger
Mr. Ali A. Saberioon
Mr. R. Drayton McLane, Jr.
The Honorable Thomas F. McLarty III
Mr. John F. Fort III
Mr. Marc J. Shapiro
Mr. Allen A. Meyer
Mrs. Kit Moncrief
Mr. Steve L. Fox
Mr. Matthew R. Simmons
Mr. Lewis J. Moorman III
Mr. Henry G. Musselman
Mr. David M. Grimes II
Mr. H. Leighton Steward
Mr. Marvin Odum
Mr. Dennis E. Nixon
Mr. Arden R. Grover
Mr. Charles W. Tate
Mrs. Pamela K. Onstead
Mrs. Jan R. Pickens
Mr. Ben A. Guill
Mr. Melvyn L. Wolff
Mrs. Roseann Park
Mr. Federico Sada
Mr. L. David Hanower
Mrs. Nancy M. Seliger
Mrs. Gloria Hicks
Mr. Robert I. Small
Mr. Yerger Hill III
Mr. Gene Rainbolt Mr. Andrew E. Sabin ASSOCIATE MEMBERS
Dr. Thomas Seitz
Mr. Jeffrey C. Hines
The Honorable Linda L. Addison
Mr. Lester H. Smith
Mrs. Janice Thomas Vinson
Mr. Ned S. Holmes
Mr. Barry G. Andrews
Mr. David L. Solomon
Mr. J. Virgil Waggoner
Mrs. Desiree Lyon Howe
The Honorable George L. Argyros
Mr. Stephen D. Susman
Mrs. Sydney Huffines
Mr. Lawrence E. Bathgate II
Mr. Mac Tichenor, Jr.
Mr. Charles E. Hurwitz
Mr. W. Edwin Bosarge, Jr.
Mr. Robert B. Tudor III
Mr. Gary G. Jacobs
Mr. I. Jon Brumley
Mr. Tony Vallone
Mrs. Judith Jaynes
Grace L. Butler, Ph.D.
Mr. Herbert D. Weitzman
Mrs. Nancy G. Kinder
Mr. Rick J. Calhoon
Mrs. Cheryl Lockton Williams Mrs. Randa Duncan Williams
Mr. J. Michael Solar
Mr. Steven H. Wasserman Mrs. Margaret Alkek Williams Mrs. Marie F. Wise
Mr. Gregory A. Kozmetsky
Mr. Clarence P. Cazalot, Jr.
Mrs. Judy Ley Allen
Mr. Eric S. Lane
Nancy T. Chang, Ph.D.
Mr. Steven M. Zager
Mr. Robert J. Allison, Jr.
Mrs. Elyse Lanier
Mrs. Linnet F. Deily
The Honorable Joseph H. Zappala
Mr. Paul F. Barnhart, Jr.
Mr. C. Berdon Lawrence
Mrs. Lorraine Dell
Mr. Michael G. Bartolotta
Mrs. Mary V. Lester
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Epley
Mr. Jack S. Blanton, Sr.
Mrs. Joan Schnitzer Levy
Mr. G. Steven Farris
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Partners in Making Cancer History The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, foundations, corporations and others who made a commitment of at least $1,000 between September 1, 2006, and August 31, 2007. A G Equipment Company A-Ace Bail Bonding Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Aaron Mr. Myles Aaronson Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Abbe Abbott Fund Employees of Abbott Laboratories The Jeanette Abbott Memorial Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Abdalla, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Christian R. Abee John and Virginia Abercrombie Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Ables Dr. Kadreya Abou Sayed Abraxis BioScience, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Accardi Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure, Inc. (ABC2) Ms. Sharan Acker Action Meat Distributors, LTD Ad Hoc The Legal Placement Company Ms. Ginger E. Adam Charles and Beverly Adams Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Adams Elbert L. and Erin S. Adams Ms. Johnnie D. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Adams Mr. Terence E. Adderley Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard P. Adenacker The Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Organization International Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Research Foundation Adesa Dallas Advanced Health Media Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) Advogent Group, Inc. Aflac Incorporated AGA Foundation for Digestive Health and Nutrition Mrs. Mary Jo Ahrens Mr. and Mrs. Avinash C. Ahuja Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Ailes AIM Investments AIV, L.P. Ms. Menderes Akdag Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Mr. Gerald M. Akins Mrs. Christina Alapat and Mr. Mani P. Alapat Albemarle Corporation
Ms. Nancy Albertini and Mr. Stephen J. Metzger Mrs. William D. Albrecht Ms. Ruth A. Aldridge Stanford and Joan Alexander Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation Mr. Steven R. Alferi Mr. and Mrs. Rex E. Alford Alhaj Medical PLLC Albert and Margaret Alkek Foundation Mr. Jerry P. Allamon Allamon Tool Company, Inc. M. Diane and Joe M. Allbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Allen Mr. and Mrs. John R. Allen Ms. Nancy C. Allen Mr. Robby R. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Allen Rita Allen Foundation Alliance of Cardiovascular Researchers The Carolyn J. & Robert J. Allison, Jr. Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Pierce M. Allman Johnnie R. Allred AllTrans Port Services, Inc. Aloka Alpha Shirt Company Alpha Tire, LLC Alpharma Pharmaceuticals LLC Altana Pharma AG Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Alyea Maurice Amado Foundation Dr. Paula Amaon and Mr. Gary P. Amaon Ambion, Inc. Amegy Bank of Texas American Academy of Otolaryngology American Alloy Steel, Inc. and A. J. Moore American Association for Cancer Research American Association of Neurosurgeons American Brain Tumor Association American College of Radiology The American Endowment Foundation American Express Foundation The American Gastroenterological Association American General Life Insurance Company American Geriatrics Society American Head & Neck Society American International Group, Inc.
ENDOWED DISTINGUISHED UNIVERSITY CHAIRS* Harry Carothers Wiess Distinguished University Chair for Cancer Research ROBERT C. BAST, JR., M.D.
The Robert A. Welch Foundation Distinguished University Chair in Chemistry RICHARD G. BRENNAN, PH.D.
Frederick F. Becker Distinguished University Chair for Cancer Research STANLEY R. HAMILTON, M.D.
Samsung Distinguished University Chair in Cancer Medicine WAUN KI HONG, M.D.
Olga Keith Wiess Distinguished University Chair in Cancer Research MARGARET R. SPITZ, M.D.
*As of January 2008
American Legion Post No. 271 American Legion Post No. 312 The American Lung Association National American Medical Systems, Inc. American Petroleum Institute American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology American Society of Clinical Oncology American Society of Hematology American Steel & Aluminum Co., Inc. American Urological Association Ameriquest Capital Corporation AmerisourceBergen Services Corporation Amgen, Inc. The Homer Ammann Trust Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Mr. Ben M. Anderson Ms. Carolyn L. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Anderson Mr. Charles B. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Anderson John Henry and Dora Anderson The Honorable and Mrs. John S. Anderson Ken and Mary Anderson Mr. Kenneth W. Anderson Mrs. Marjorie M. Anderson Mr. Robert W. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Sydney J. Anderson Carl C. Anderson, Sr. and Marie Jo Anderson Charitable Foundation M. D. Anderson Foundation Robert F. & Marjorie Anderson Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Anding Ms. Pam Andrew In Memory of Elfriede R. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Andrews The Honorable Robert L. Andrews Andrews Family Foundation Andrews Kurth LLP Anonymous The Honorable and Mrs. Hushang Ansary Answer to Cancer Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Antes Mrs. Kirsten Anthony Dr. Takashi Anzai Apache Corporation Applied Materials Aptia Systems Aqua Water Supply Corporation Mr. Michael E. Ardeel Argyros Family Foundation Dan and Mary Armour Mrs. Tobin Armstrong Lance Armstrong Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Arndt Ms. Courtney Arnett Ms. Terri L. Arnett Mr. and Mrs. Reg Arnold The Arnold Foundation Mr. William G. Arnot, Jr. Mr. Zane W. Arrott Ms. Yvonne Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Vijay K. Arya Mr. Tom Ashabranner Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Ashcroft Mr. and Mrs. James Z. Assef Astellas Pharma US, Inc. AstraZeneca LP AT & T Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Merrell Athon Ms. Bessie M. Atkins Mr. and Mrs. Morris Atlas Mrs. Mary Attwell Nancy and Kirby Attwell
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur I. Auer Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Austin Mr. Ronnie C. Austin Austin Community Foundation Austin Vintage Guitars Avaya Mr. Andrew Avillo and Mrs. Maria Arwitz Avon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Awe The Ayco Charitable Foundation Ms. Donna M. Ayers Mr. and Mrs. Edward Azar Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Azoulay B & B Iron & Metal Co., Inc. B. Braun Medical Inc. Dr. and Mrs. David J. Bachrach Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bacon Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Badger Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Bahr Mr. Dean H. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Randy Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Lorne D. Bain Mr. Thomas B. Baird Mr. and Mrs. Weldon R. Baird Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Baish Ms. Carole H. Baker and Mr. William H. Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Darrel P. Baker Mrs. Elizabeth H. Baker The Honorable and Mrs. James A. Baker III Mr. Lewis T. Baker, Jr. Marie R. Baker Mrs. Susan D. Baker Baker Hughes Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jack Balagia, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Balasco Mr. and Mrs. Jerald T. Baldridge Mr. and Mrs. George A. Baldwin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Balfour III Mr. and Mrs. George L. Ball Mr. John G. Ball Mr. and Mrs. Claude M. Ballard The Ballard Family Foundation Mr. Robert S. Bambace Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Banavalkar Bank of America Bank of America Foundation The Honorable and Mrs. H. Douglas Barclay Barco Bard Access Systems, Inc. Estate of William Huff Bargainer Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Barham Mr. C. L. Barlow Mr. Bob R. Barnard Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Barnard Mrs. Geraldine V. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barney Barney Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Barnhart, Jr. J. H. Baroco Foundation, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. F. T. Barr The Kenneth J. and Cora Barr Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Ermilo Barrera, Jr. Ms. Alexis A. Barrett Mr. and Mrs. James N. Barrett Michael and Cindy Barrett Mr. Ray R. Barrett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Barrett Barriere Construction Co., L.L.C. Mrs. Marion K. Barthelme Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Bartolotta Mrs. Iva Lea Barton Mr. Benjamin J. Basil, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Neil Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Bass Bastrop Education Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Q. Bates, Jr. Mr. Steven Bates Mr. Lawrence E. Bathgate II Baton Rouge Area Foundation Battelle & Battelle LLP Battelle Financial Services, LLC Mr. Federico Bauder Mr. and Mrs. Brant R. Bauer Mrs. Helen F. Baughman Mrs. Evelyn M. Baum Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Baum Bayer Corporation Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Estate of Margaret L. Bayhi Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bazzy BCM & Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Beach Mr. and Mrs. Carlton E. Beal, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly S. Beal Nancy and Barry Beal Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Beal Ms. Cathryn Beamon Mr. Brett Daniel Beardsley Toni and Jeffery Beauchamp Ms. Candida Beaumont Beaumont Iron and Metal Corporation Bechtel Group Foundation Mr. Paul Beck Beck Bros., Inc. Mr. Thomas Becker Ms. Anne L. Beckner Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Beckner Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Beecherl, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Beeson Mr. and Mrs. George Beggs III JoAnna and Robert Behl Estate of Margaret W. Behrens Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Beimfohr Martin and Kathleen Beirne Mr. and Mrs. Greg Beken Mr. and Mrs. Joe Belfer Mrs. Patsy A. Bell Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. Beloco Foundation, Inc. Ben Gravett Enterprises Mrs. Sophia Bender Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Benjamin Zane Bennett Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Benninger Ms. Susan Bensen Mrs. B. A. Bentsen Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Bentsen III Mr. and Mrs. Lance Berdoll Bergen County United Way Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Berger Ms. Evelyn Berkowitz/In memory of Celia Berkowitz Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Berry Sally and Buford Berry Ms. Peggy Berryhill The Eugenia and Lawrence A. Bertetti Foundation Mr. Robert P. Bertrand Mr. and Mrs. John Martin Best Bethyl Laboratories, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Bettis, Jr. Mr. John Bettis Mr. David C. Betz Mr. Richard H. Bickerstaff Mr. William M. Biddison Margaret T. Biddle Foundation Mrs. Sarah W. Biedenharn Big H Auto Auction Big Tattoo Wines Mrs. Diane M. Bigelow Mr. William R. Bill
Partners in Making Cancer History Bill Ussery Motors, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Billings Billy Navarre Chevrolet-Hyundai Bioenvision, Inc. Biogen Idec Biomedical Research Foundation Birch Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William M. Birk Mr. and Mrs. David J. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Gene H. Bishop Mr. Jim B. Bishop Bishop Lifting Products, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Bissell Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bixby Mr. Robert O. F. Bixby BJ’s Restaurant & Brewery B-K Medical Systems, Inc. Dr. Karen S. Black Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Black III Ms. Sherry L. Black Black Foundation Black Gold Rental Tools, Inc. Blackwell & Associates Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Blades Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Blair Mrs. Mary Criner Blake Mr. and Mrs. William D. Blake Mr. and Mrs. H. Paul Blezinger Ms. Tammy Bliss and Mr. Jeffrey Allaway Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Block Mr. John W. Blome Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Blome Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bloom Blue Bell Creameries, Inc. Bluebonnet Electric Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative, Inc. Melvyn and Linda Blum Dr. Sarah D. Blumenschein and Dr. George R. Blumenschein BMW Investment, L.P. BNSF Railway Company Edwin L. and Carla M. Boardman Boatner Family Foundation Bob Grimmer Electric Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bobbora Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bobo Ms. Gretchen K. Bohnert Mr. and Mrs. Lucien E. Bolduc, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Boles, Sr. Mrs. Betsy C. Bolin and Family Mr. and Mrs. Brad Bolton Ann and Jeff Bomer Mr. Jimmie W. Bonbright Edith F. Bondi Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Bondon Mr. and Mrs. R. Lawrence Bonner Mary and Nicholas Bonrepos Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Booker Mr. and Mrs. James A. Boone Mr. and Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi Borodino Fire Department, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon P. Borrell Mr. and Mrs. Vince Boryla Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bosler Boston Scientific Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Henry O. Boswell Mr. and Mrs. Winston F. Bott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Boublik Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Boullioun, Jr. Mrs. Ford Boulware Ms. Margaret Anne Boulware Dr. Ralph F. Boulware Mr. John Boundas Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Bourne Bovin Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. J. Murry Bowden Ruth McLean Bowman Bowers Foundation The Bowes Family Foundation Boy Scouts of America Troop 585 Mr. Clark G. Boyce, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Boyce, Jr. Robert and Julia Boyce Mr. Doug Boyd Judith Paulk Boyd Mrs. Patricia K. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Boyd Dr. William A. Boyd Dr. and Mrs. L. Eamonn Boyle
Boyle Family Foundation Bozich Architects, Inc. BP Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan E. Bracewell Bracewell & Giuliani LLP George W. Brackenridge Foundation Mr. James Bradford Ms. Billye B. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Bradley Mr. Gerald L. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Jeff S. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Sam K. Bradshaw Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Bradstreet The Brady Foundation, Inc. The Brain Tumor Society Brandes Brothers Constructors, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brannan Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Brantley Bratton Family Foundation Major General Leslie W. Bray, Jr. Ret. Breast Cancer Research Foundation Breckenridge Golf Shop Mr. Erich E. Bredl Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Breeding Mrs. Patricia Breen Brenham Presbyterian Church Mrs. Anne R. Brennan Dr. Richard G. Brennan Brian Wood, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bridger Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Bridges Bridgeway Capital Management, Inc. Bridgeway Charitable Foundation Mr. Richard W. Brietzke Mrs. Faye C. Briggs The Ronnie and Gwen Briggs Foundation Bennie Brigham Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Brill Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Brinkley Mr. J. Baxter Brinkmann Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Brinson The Honorable Dolph Briscoe, Jr. Ms. Jan Wallace Briscoe Briscoe Ranch, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bristol, Jr. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. B. Daryl Bristow Mr. Tim Brittan Dr. and Mrs. James A. Broaddus Broadhurst Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joel Brochstein Raymond and Susan Brochstein Mr. and Mrs. Garnet W. Brock Mr. W. C. Broocks Mr. Chesley N. Brooks, Jr. Mrs. Eleine H. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Brooks Mr. Kyle C. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. James R. Broome Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Brorby Mr. and Mrs. Scott N. Broudy Mr. Joseph E. Broussard II Brower Insurance Agency, LLC Mr. Chris Brown Elena and Bob Brown Mr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Brown Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Brown, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Brown Mr. and Mrs. James D. Brown Mr. John Swinton Brown, Jr. Downtown Julie Brown Mrs. Lillian W. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Brown Mr. Ron I. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brown Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown Mr. Willard B. Brown The Brown Foundation, Inc. Brown-Forman Corporation Mrs. Nancy T. Broyles Mr. and Mrs. Lou Brucculeri Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Bruce Mrs. Ronica J. Bruce Dr. and Mrs. George A. Brugnoli Mr. and Mrs. D. Forrest Brumbaugh Mrs. Linda M. Brundrett
Donald R. Brunstrum Foundation Mr. Gary E. Brust Mr. Ralph C. Bruton Mr. W. J. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Brzozowski Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buchholz Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Buck Mrs. Beverly Buckley Ms. Carol M. Buckley Mrs. Helen Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Buckner Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Buckthal Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Buenger Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie A. Bufkin Mr. and Mrs. Phuong Bui Mr. and Mrs. William T. Buida Mr. and Mrs. Jim P. Buller Mr. and Mrs. McCauley O. Bullock, Jr. Mr. Larry J. Bump Mr. and Mrs. David J. Bunce Ms. Susan J. Bunnell Dan and Penny Burck Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Burdeshaw Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Burford Philip Burguieres Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Burk Estate of Andrew J. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Earl P. Burke, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Burke Mrs. Pamela Burke Bob and Beverly Burleson Sue and Rusty Burnett Burnett and Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Burns Mrs. Susan E. Burns Fritz B. Burns Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John C. Burrow Mr. Jeff Burrows Mr. and Mrs. Gene Burrus Mr. and Mrs. Collins Burton Mrs. Cheri L. Bush The President and Mrs. Bush Mr. Steven S. Bush Mr. and Mrs. Bill B. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Butler Charles Butt Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Butterworth Mr. Steve Byrne and Ms. Kerry A. Shannon C L Grote LTD C. Michael Maddox & Co. LLP Mr. and Mrs. Humberto Cabanas Cabot Oil and Gas Corporation Cactus Builders Kathleen C. Cailloux Family Foundation Gordon and Mary Cain Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John J. Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Callaghan Mrs. Teri L. Wenglein-Callender and Dr. David L. Callender Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Callender Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Callender Mr. and Mrs. Billy F. Calley Estate of Lizette M. Cambre Camden Resources, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Campbell Mrs. T. C. Campbell Campbell Soup Company Barbara Canales Cancer Fighters of Houston, Inc. The Cancer League, Inc. Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. Cancer Research Institute Mr. and Mrs. Gardner W. Cannon Ms. Kristen J. Cannon Mr. and Mrs. L. Kinder Cannon III Mr. Rudolph D. Cannon Mr. and Mrs. James J. Cano Ms. Jo Canter Mr. James W. Cantor Mrs. Gloria L. Cantu Carlos H. Cantu Family Foundation Mr. William C. Capell Mr. and Mrs. G. Carbonel Caring for Carcinoid Foundation Cardinal Health Medical Products and Services Cardinal Health Nuclear Pharmacy Services
A Loving Gift The Ben Love/El Paso Corporation Melanoma and Skin Center at M. D. Anderson was named in recognition of a $1.5 million gift from El Paso Corporation in honor of the late Ben Love. Attending the ribbon cutting were (from left) cancer survivor Jason Connelly; Jan Love Simmons; John Mendelsohn, M.D., president of M. D. Anderson; Doug Foshee, El Paso Corporation president and chief executive officer; Jeff Love; Margaret Love; Patrick Hwu, M.D., chair of the Department of Melanoma Medical Oncology; and Jeffrey Lee, M.D., medical director of the Melanoma and Skin Center. Love was a board member of the El Paso Natural Gas Company and a member of M. D. Anderson’s Board of Visitors from 1973 until his death in 2006. Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Cardone Mr. Charles Carducci Cargill Steel Service Centers Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Carius Mrs. Emory T. Carl Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Carleton Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Kris M. Carlson Dr. and Mrs. Milton R. Carlson Mr. Thomas W. Carlson Estate of Nancy D. Carmichael Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Carmines David M. Carmines Memorial Foundation, Inc. Mr. David S. Carnahan Mr. Allen B. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Don Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. William A. Carpenter, Jr. Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Glen C. Carson Ms. Lee H. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Carter Mr. W. Michael Carter The Scott Carter Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Cartright Mr. and Mrs. A. Michael Casey Mr. and Mrs. Bob Casey III Mr. and Mrs. John W. Casey Ms. Dianne T. Cash Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Cashen Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Cassata Castex Energy, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Caswell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Caswell Mr. and Mrs. Earl D. Catlett Catto Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Caveney Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cavnar The Cayuga Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Clarence P. Cazalot, Jr. Celator Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Celgene Corporation Estate of Joe Celli Central Mutual Insurance Company Central Resources, Inc. Central Texas Barricades Inc. Centralized Payment Services Cephalon, Inc. Mr. John L. Cerny
Mrs. Mary E. Certain The Cha Family Mr. David R. Chaffee Dr. Dennis M. Chalus Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Chambers The Carole and Gene Chambers Foundation Chambers Medical Foundation Mrs. Randa Chammas The Chaney Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Ko-Min Chang Mr. and Mrs. Brad Chapin The Chaplaincy Fund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Robin P. Chapman Mrs. Roy T. Chapman H. A. & Mary K. Chapman Charitable Trust The Mary K. Chapman Foundation Mrs. Carol S. Charles Mrs. Catherine D. Chase Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chase Chatham Hill Foundation Dr. Joseph J. Chen Ms. Lei L. Chen Ms. Victoria Chen Cheniere Energy, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Chennault Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dan Chenoweth Mr. and Mrs. Herb J. Cherry Chesapeake Energy Corporation Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Chesebro’ Mr. and Mrs. James A. Chesebrough, Jr. Employees of Chevron Chevron Matching Gift Program Dr. Lois Chiasson-Stansbury Chicago Mercantile Exchange Foundation Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation Children’s Leukemia Research Association, Inc. Ms. Denise Childres Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Childress William C. & Antoinette M. Childs Foundation Lois Chiles and Richard Gilder Al and Lenore Chilton Foundation Mrs. Carolyn Chipman Mrs. Mary C. Chitwood Chivaroli and Associates, Inc.
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Faces Behind Breast Cancer To show her appreciation for the care she received at M. D. Anderson and to support cancer research and patient care programs, Josie Sethi launched “The Faces Behind Breast Cancer.” The black-and-white pictorial features photographs and reflections of 79 male and female breast cancer patients, and M. D. Anderson faculty and staff, all photographed by Jack Opatrany. Sethi, who has enjoyed a career as a writer, talk show producer and radio host, will donate proceeds from sales of the book to M. D. Anderson. “What I thought was going to be my own personal journey with cancer — a kind of photographic essay — turned out to be so much more,” Sethi says. “I pray the book finds its way into the hearts and hands of the people who will benefit the most.” Choose Hope, Inc. David A. and Mary Jo Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Christopher Chrome Shop of Houston Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Foundation Chuck E. Cheese’s Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cialone II Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ciocca Arthur & Carlyse Ciocca Charitable Foundation Ciphergen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ciriello Citi Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Citibank Delaware City of Houston, Texas CIVCO/MEDTEC Robert and Jane Cizik Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Allen Clamen Estate of Edward G. Clark Ms. Janet F. Clark Mrs. Myra Candice Clark Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Clark Mrs. Virginia Clark Mr. and Mrs. David A. Clay Mr. Don Clement Clements Real Estate #2 Cleveland Clinic Mr. Loyd H. Clevenger Mr. and Mrs. William L. Clifton Mr. and Mrs. James F. Clingman, Jr. Mr. Jerry G. Clinton CLL Global Research Foundation The Clorox Company Mr. and Mrs. Perry W. Cloud, Jr. Mr. David Clough Clutch City Foundation Mr. Calvin N. Clyde, Jr. Mr. Calvin N. Clyde III CMC Sterling Steel CMC Texas Cold Finished Steel Inc. CNA Foundation Coastal Spray Company The Coca-Cola Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. Cocanougher Mr. Frost W. Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Cockrell Cockrell Family Fund The Cockrell Foundation Cockrell Interests, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Coen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Coffee, Jr. Mary and Edward Coffey Mr. and Mrs. Edmund L. Cogburn Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cohen Lynne Cohen Foundation for Ovarian Cancer Research Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cole Mr. Kermit D. Cole Estate of Marguerite Cole Mr. Robert Cole Sue and Jim Cole The Ashley Fister Cole Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Coleman Mr. and Mrs. William T. Coleman Arlette & William J. Coleman Family Foundation Inc. Colemont Brokerage Group, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Eric Coligado Mr. Ted Collins, Jr. Mrs. Virginia Collins Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Colvin Ms. Michelle Comeau and Mr. William L. Schoen Comiskey Foundation Commonwealth Foundation for Cancer Research Communities Foundation of Texas The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Inc. Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Compass Bank of Texas, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Cone The Coneway Family Foundation Conley Lott Nichols of Texas, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. H. Frank Connally Mr. and Mrs. John B. Connally III Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Connally Mr. Michael K. Connally Mrs. Charlyne S. Connelly Mr. Jeffrey Connelly Mr. Bill Conner Mr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Conner Conner Industries, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Connor ConocoPhillips Mr. Joseph John Conradi Ms. Linda L. Conrads Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc.
Consulate General of Italy-Houston/ Cristiano Maggipinto, Consul General Contract Resource Group Inc. Mr. Marcus P. Contreras Mr. James R. Contway Mrs. A. C. Conway, Sr. Phil and Suzie Conway Mr. Joseph A. Conza Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Cook Mr. Gary M. Cook Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cook Estate of Letitia S. Cooley Mrs. Betty Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Bob A. Cooper Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Cooper Dr. Milton N. Cooper Cooper Industries Foundation Coors Distributing Company of Fort Worth Mrs. Patricia A. Corbett Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Corbett Ms. Maureen A. Corcoran Estate of Edna E. Corey Mr. Thomas J. Corley CornerStone Leadership Institute Corporate Retreats International Mr. and Mrs. James F. Corporron Mr. Jose Correa, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Correll Corrigan Properties, Inc. Corrosion Resistant Alloys LP Dr. and Mrs. James A. Corwin Cory’s Unlimited, Inc. Shirley and J. B. Coskey Mr. Steve J. Cosmos Cothron Partnership No. 2 Cheryl and David Cotner Ms. Mariana P. Cotten Mr. and Mrs. David Cottrell Mr. and Mrs. Warren C. Coughlin Ms. Sylvia Y. Coulter Court Reporter’s Clearinghouse Mr. John P. Courtney Ms. Janet W. Cousins Rox and Elizabeth Covert Covidien Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cowan Mr. William L. Cowart Mr. Wright E. Cowden, Jr. Mr. Edward J. Cowell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Cowen
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Robert S. Cowles III, M.D. Mr. Robert E. Cowley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Cox, Jr. Mr. Edwin L. Cox Dr. Margo A. Cox and Dr. Robert F. Gagel The James M. Cox, Jr. Foundation Mr. Jerry L. Crabtree Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Craft Mr. and Mrs. Earle M. Craig, Jr. Estate of Janet Craig Robert S. Craine and Kathleen B. Craine Mr. Claude L. Crane Estate of Diana Norman Crane Dr. Judith L. Craven and Dr. Moritz V. Craven Thomas and Christine Cravens Mr. and Mrs. Nance G. Creager Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC Mr. Will Crenshaw Mr. and Mrs. Del Creps Crescent Resources Inc. Mr. Richard L. Crider Mrs. Silky R. Crockett Mr. and Mrs. Chris Crosby Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Crosby, Sr. Ms. Amanda B. Cross RNR Cross Family Foundation Crossroads Sports World, LLC Mr. Henry E. Crouter Mr. and Mrs. Trammell Crow Mr. Steven Crowell Mr. and Mrs. A. Norris Crownover, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Crozer Ms. Lydia B. Crozier CRR Ventures, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Cruikshank, Sr. Mr. Ken B. Cruise Mr. and Mrs. E. Lea Crump The Crump Foundation Cruzin to Cure CSO, Biomira Inc. and ProlX Pharmaceuticals Corp. Mrs. Elaine R. Cullen The Cullen Foundation The Cullen Trust for Health Care Mr. M. Eugene Cummins Ms. Ouida F. Cunningham Mr. Roy M. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Curley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Curran Estate of Gertrude H. Currie Mr. and Mrs. James R. Currie Mr. and Mrs. Keys A. Curry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Curtis Curtis & Son Vacuum Service, Inc. Christy and Lou Cushman Dr. and Mrs. S. Marshall Cushman, Jr. Cylex Inc. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Cytogen Corporation D&B Foundation Matching Gift Program D. C. Berridge, LLC D. E. Harvey Builders Dadeks Machine Works Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Dague Mr. William P. Dahlquist Dako The Honorable and Mrs. G. W. Dalby Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Dale Mrs. Peggy A. Dallas Dallas Jewish Community Foundation Mrs. William E. Dalton The Dana Foundation L. B. Danford Charitable Trust Marjorie M. and William R. Daniels Dr. Wendell D. Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Laurence F. Daspit Mrs. Charline Dauphin Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Davenport Ken and Jimi Davidson Estate of Robert V. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Davidson The M. N. Davidson Foundation Mrs. Barbara A. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Barry M. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Davis Mr. George H. Davis Estate of Ira Winfield Davis Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Davis Mr. Joe R. Davis Mr. Kenneth W. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Leon Davis Mr. Mark Davis Mr. Rex Y. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Davis Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Davis, Jr. Davis & Fille LTD Sam & Freda Davis Charitable Trust The Charles & Melissa Davis Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David S. Dawes Mr. and Mrs. Decker Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dayton Dayton Foundation Depository Inc. Dayton-Phoenix Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Dean Ms. Rhonda B. Dean and Dr. Michael S. Pad Mrs. Rosalie Dean Dr. and Mrs. Steven Dean Mr. and Mrs. Chad C. Deaton Mrs. Ana G. De-Brener Mrs. Jean E. DeCicco Mrs. Elizabeth A. Decker Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Deeds Mr. Brad G. Defenbaugh Bill and Carolyn Deffebach Mr. and Mrs. John A. DeFilippi Mr. and Mrs. Homer H. DeFord Mr. Mike DeGeurin Mrs. Linnet F. Deily Rafael del Barrio Mr. Joseph Delahoussaye, Jr. Dr. Nancy J. Delboy DeLeon Middle School, McAllen, Texas Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Dell Dr. and Mrs. Lance A. Dell Mrs. Wanda Dell Dell Inc. Employees of Dell, Inc. Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Northwest Harris County Alumnae Chapter Ms. Jenny Demarest Mr. and Mrs. Early Denison Dent-Ology Inc. Denver Biomedical, Inc. Mrs. Charlotte J. Der Garry Mr. and Mrs. Max J. Derbes III The Walter DeRoeck Family Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. DeShazer DesignWrite, LLC Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Roland L. DesRoches, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Chad E. Detwiler Ms. Pat Dever Ms. Elizabeth Norwood Dewar Lt. Governor David H. Dewhurst III David H. Dewhurst Foundation Charlie DeWitt DFB Pharmaceuticals, Inc. DFI Group, Inc. Mr. Ugo di Portanova DialAmerica Marketing, Inc. Dialogcoach, LLC Mr. David M. Diamond Mr. Ronald J. Dickens Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dickerson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Dickinson Mr. Ernest J. Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Chester E. Dickson Mr. and Mrs. Terry Dickson Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dieter Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dimitry Mr. and Mrs. Ted H. Dinerstein Discovery Toys, Inc. Shanon and Lori DiSorbo Divas For A Cure Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Dixon Dixon Family Foundation
Partners in Making Cancer History DKG Foundation DMS Oil Company Mr. Randall W. Dobbs The Dodge Jones Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Dodson III Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Doerfler Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Doering Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Doherty II Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Doherty Mr. Kevin M. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dolan Mrs. Beverly Dolinsky Ms. Ivonne Dominguez Dominion Exploration & Production, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bill D. Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery D. Dooley Mr. Russel G. Dooley Mrs. Flavia E. Doolittle Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Doskocil The Friends and Family of Eban Doss Mr. Robert F. Dove The Dow Chemical Company Downman Family Foundation Dr. Damona G. Doye Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. William E. Dozier Mr. Mario H. Dozzo W. Russell and Vicki W. Drake Drake Compliance Mr. and Mrs. John M. Draughon Mr. and Mrs. Tommy J. Drescher Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Drew II Mr. and Mrs. William E. Dreyer Alfonso and Mary Duarte The Oscar H. & Loretta J. Dube Trust Duda Family Foundation Mr. R. James Dudl Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dudzik Ms. Barbara Duganier and Mr. J. Michael Urban Duke Energy Foundation Ms. Kathleen Dunagan Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dunavant Keith and Jane N. Dunavant Charitable Fund in the Community Foundation of North Texas Ms. Kathy R. Dunaway Mr. Donald G. Dunbar, Jr. Bob and Patty Duncan and Family Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. Duncan Jeaneane B. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. John H. Duncan, Sr.
Estate of Margaret F. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. William G. Duncan Mr. Charles L. Dunlap John S. Dunn Research Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Dunning Mr. and Mrs. W. McComb Dunwoody The Honorable and Mrs. Adrian G. Duplantier Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dupre III Dr. and Mrs. Leonel D. Durbin Ms. Catherine Duroux Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Durrett, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip T. Durrett DVJ Partnership Estate of Jacqueline H. Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dye Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Dyer Mrs. Lois W. Dyk Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Dykes Dynamic Orthotics and Prosthetics, LP Mr. Mark E. Dyslin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Eakin Estate of Henry S. Eason, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Eason East Texas Communities Foundation Mr. and Mrs. J. Brandon Easterling Eastex Detachment Marine Corps League Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Eastham Mr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Eastham Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Eastland Mr. and Mrs. S. Stacy Eastland Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eaves EBAA Iron Sales, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Ebert Dr. and Mrs. David J. Eckberg Mr. John R. Eckel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Eckels Mr. Paul D. Eckert Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Eckstein, Jr. Sondra Isaac Eddings Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Edenbaum Ms. Treca Edington Mr. William D. Edman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Edwards Mrs. Virginia L. Edwards Edwards Consulting, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joel C. Eenigenburg Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Egan Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Ehrhardt Eisai Co., Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Eischen Dr. and Mrs. Walter R. Eiseman Mrs. Beverly B. Eisenberg Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Eisenberg Mrs. M. Louise Eisworth Ms. Joyce H. Eiszner Mr. Robert H. Eklund El Paso Corporation El Paso Corporation Foundation Elan Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Eldorado Animal Hospital Inc. Elgin Breeding Service, Inc. Eli Lilly and Company Mr. and Mrs. John W. Elias Ms. Sherry Ann Ellenbogen Dr. Allen J. Ellender, Jr. Dr. Julie A. Ellerhorst and Mr. Gerry J. Pugil Ms. Mollie Ellerkamp Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Elliott Mr. and Mrs. George M. J. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelly Elliott Mrs. Elnor S. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Ellis Ellman Family Foundation The Ellwood Foundation Dr. Mohamed B. Elmongy Elsevier, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Ely Walter and Gayle Embrey Embryon, Inc Mr. and Mrs. William O. Emde Mr. and Mrs. Ross W. Emeneger Emerson Electric Company Mr. Leonard E. Emge Empire Truck Lines Inc. Emuse Technologies Ltd. Encore 1.0 CD-Mr. Beeman E. Strong, III Energen Energen Resources Corporation EnergyQuest Management, LLC Mr. and Mrs. George B. Eng Ms. Cheryl A. Engelmann Mr. Soli J. Engineer Engineered Air Balance Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Randy R. Engstrom Mr. and Mrs. Morgan P. Ensberg Entelco Foundation for The Home Ranch EntreMed, Inc. Enzon Pharmaceuticals Inc. EOG Resources
Personal Experience, Compassion Spur Fellowship Marion D. Edwards (center) congratulates Glauco Souza, Ph.D. (left), Odyssey Scholar in the Department of Genitourinary Medical Oncology, and Davide Melisi, M.D., postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, on receiving the Marion D. Edwards Fellowship in Hepatic Oncology at M. D. Anderson. Edwards is a longtime survivor of both colon and liver cancer. The fellowship celebrates his personal determination to survive and his compassion to help others find the care they need. Through his support, M. D. Anderson physicians and scientists are working to develop new approaches to treat and eliminate liver cancer. Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Epley ERBE USA Incorporated Mr. Robert M. Erbrick, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Erbs ERG Resources L.L.C. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon R. Erikson Dr. and Mrs. Fred Erisman III Ernie Elliott, Inc. Ernst & Young Foundation Dr. Carmelita P. Escalante and Mr. Ramon Noyola Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot J. Estes Eta Omicron-SHSU and Houston Alumnae Chapters of Sigma Sigma Sigma
Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. Ethicon, Inc. ETS Energy Trading Services LLC Mrs. Ann A. Eutsler Mr. and Mrs. Wendall C. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Everett III Excalibar Minerals Inc. ExxonMobil ExxonMobil Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Simon B. Eyles E-Z-EM Inc. F.C. Designs, Inc. F.J. Brown & Associates, Inc. Fairfield County Community Foundation, Inc.
New Monroe Dunaway Anderson Society Members September 1, 2006 – August 31, 2007 Established in 1995, the Monroe Dunaway Anderson Society recognizes individuals and families who have selected the programs at M. D. Anderson to benefit from a planned gift, such as a bequest, life insurance policy or other similar vehicles. Listed below are new members of the society who recently have named the institution in their estate plans. Ms. Elizabeth Ancira Estate of Brenda Arnett Mr. Ben C. Ball, Jr. Mr. John G. Ball Estate of William Huff Bargainer Ms. Janet G. Beynon Mrs. Sarah W. Biedenharn Estate of Andrew J. Burke Mrs. Christine M. Caldwell Estate of Lizette M. Cambre Estate of Edward G. Clark Estate of Andrea C. Cook Estate of Janet Craig Mr. R. G. Daly Ms. Dianne L. Darlin Estate of Ruth R. Doss Estate of R. Roy Duncan Estate of Henry S. Eason, Sr. Estate of Andrew C. Floyd
Mr. F. R. Folkerth Miss Tania J. Fongemie Ms. Grace Gabrielsen Estate of Alice Gantt Estate of Louis J. Gehrm Ms. Catherine A. Gilmore Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Graubart Mr. Curtis S. Green Ms. Phyllis S. Greene Dr. Margaret M. Griffin Mr. Ben A. Guill Estate of Mildred G. Haas Ms. Betty Lou Hanlon Estate of Titus H. Harris, Jr. Mrs. Diane Marks Harvey Mr. Francis W. Harvey Estate of Gene P. Heinrich Estate of Eleanor P. Helmcamp Estate of Octavia Holman
Estate of Jere Clayton Hubbard Estate of Joyce M. Humrichouse Estate of Dolores E. King Mr. R. C. Koorenny Dr. Iris M. Krupp Estate of John Edwin Kunz Dr. David L. Kurtz Mrs. Joan Dolores Landrum Ms. Sally Lilly Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Matza Estate of Paul W. Parcel Estate of Patricia H. Parker Dr. Daksha M. Patel Mr. Edmundo Perez de Cobos Mr. David G. Polis Ms. Tomi J. Porterfield Estate of William J. Rapson Mr. Jack Reichenthal Estate of Maydel Dean Russell
Estate of Alberta Elaine Sander Estate of Margaret W. Schrader Mrs. Esther R. Schulman Dr. Deanna Schupbach Estate of Lola Margaret Sinclair Mr. Terence J. Smith Mr. John P. Snider Mrs. Terry Sonnevil Estate of Mick Spellman Ms. Stephanie C. Stelter Estate of Nancy Irene Sultuska Estate of Violet Thwaites Estate of Josephine Walker Mrs. Leona S. Whatley Mr. Lowell D. Whitlock III Estate of Emma Elizabeth Willeford
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The Anderson Assembly* The following are Anderson Assembly members who have given $1 million or more to support M. D. Anderson programs. Since its inception in 1989, The Anderson Assembly has recognized those whose support and financial contributions have enabled M. D. Anderson’s continued growth and progress. Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Alkek Amgen, Inc. Homer Ammann Trust M. D. Anderson Foundation AstraZeneca LP Mr. and Mrs. Perry R. Bass Estate of Gwin C. Blair Mr. Jack S. Blanton, Sr. Breast Cancer Research Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb Oncology Mrs. Eleine Brooks Mr. Kyle C. Brooks The Brown Foundation, Inc. David Bruton, Jr. Charitable Trust Burlington Resources Charles C. Butt Kathleen Cailloux Family Foundation Gordon and Mary Cain Foundation CaP CURE The Cockrell Foundation The Cullen Foundation The Cullen Trust for Health Care Mrs. Delmer W. Dallas The Sidney and Charline Dauphin Foundation Mr. William J. Dore’, Sr. John S. Dunn Research Foundation The Margaret and James A. Elkins, Jr. Foundation The Ellwood Foundation Enron Corporation Exxon Corporation ExxonMobil Foundation Farmer Family Foundation The Favrot Fund Carolyn Grant Fay Ray C. Fish Foundation Louis & Gloria Flanzer Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. George E. Foreman Gillson Logenbaugh Foundation Mose A. Gimbel Golfers Against Cancer Mr. Harold V. Goodman Mr. and Mrs. William H. Goodwin, Jr. Estate of Dr. and Mrs. Ference Gyorkey Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Haas
The Hamill Foundation The Hawn Foundation Hoffmann-LaRoche, Inc. Mike Hogg Fund The Hoglund Foundation Houston Endowment Inc. Roy M. and Phyllis Gough Huffington Interferon Foundation Introgen Therapeutics, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Jamail, Jr. M. G. and Lillie A. Johnson Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kadoorie W. M. Keck Foundation Killam Family Foundation Kimberly-Clark Foundation Kinder Foundation Robert J. Kleberg, Jr. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation Estate of Ellen F. Knisley Mr. and Mrs. David H. Koch Estate of Lillian C. Koehler Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation The State of Kuwait Mr. William J. Kyte and Mrs. Julie Kyte Estate of Emma Lou Lancaster Mrs. Theodore N. Law Mr. and Mrs. C. Berdon Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lester Mr. and Mrs. Max Levit and Family Mr. and Mrs. Milton Levit and Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Liebman Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lockton, III Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Love G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers Charitable Foundation M. D. Matthews Foundation John P. McGovern Foundation Estate of Anne W. Midgley McGraw J. Ralph and Lillian H. Meadows Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Melcher Mr. and Mrs. George P. Mitchell Estate of A. Clifton Mock W. A. “Tex” and Deborah Moncrief, Jr. Estate of Mary E. Montrose
Estate of Louise J. Moran Estate of Frances Morse Ralph E. and Virginia Mullin Estate of Wanda L. Murry The Robert R. and Kay M. Onstead Foundation Elsa U. Pardee Foundation Ray Park and Family Pennzoil-Quaker State Company (Pennzoil Company) Mr. T. Boone Pickens Bernard and Audre Rapoport Sid W. Richardson Foundation Corbin J. Robertson and Wilhelmina C. Robertson Smith Ben, Julie and Regina Rogers Estate of David Rosenstone Rotary Club of Houston Foundation, Inc. SBC Foundation Schering-Plough Corporation Estate of Gene Schulze Estate of Dr. Samuel Schwartzberg Shell Oil Company Foundation Cecil P. and Anna C. Simpson Clara B. and W. Aubrey Smith Charitable Foundation R. E. “Bob” and Vivian L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. George Strawbridge, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John C. W. Taylor T.L.L. Temple Foundation Tenneco Inc. Texas Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc. William G. and Dorothy K. Theisinger Timken Foundation of Canton Mr. and Mrs. Morton L. Topfer Estate of Harold L. Tull Herbert H. and Katharine Moore Unsworth Vale-Asche Foundation Mr. and Mrs. J. Virgil Waggoner Walton Family Foundation, Inc. The Robert A. Welch Foundation Neva and Wesley West Foundation Harry Carothers and Olga Keith Wiess The Wortham Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Wyatt, Jr.
* This historical listing reflects the original names of individuals, foundations and corporations as they were brought into The Anderson Assembly. 60
Patty and Larry Fallek Mr. James M. Fanning Fant Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Farahi Harold Farb Foundation Mr. Kenneth K. Farmer The Farmer Family Foundation Mr. Robert E. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. David S. Fast Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Fast Mrs. Jane E. Fatino Ms. Betty J. Faulkner FCT, Recursos Humanos Mr. and Mrs. Ed B. Featherston Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas Federated Department Stores Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Hill A. Feinberg Feinberg Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Feld Mrs. Bernice R. Feld Mr. Bernard R. Felix Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fenza Mr. and Mrs. Dillon J. Ferguson Kittie Nelson Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Lazaro H. Fernandez Mr. Francis C. Ferreira Mr. Melvin J. Ferreira Dr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Ferrell Mr. Tom E. Ferrill, Sr. Mrs. Sally L. Fessler Mr. and Mrs. George H. Fibbe Mr. John L. Fichter Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Fichtl, Jr. Fidelity Investments Field & Stream Bowhunters Mr. Bert Fields, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Fiest V. O. Figge and Elizabeth Kahl Figge Charitable Foundation Ms. Maria Luisa Findley Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Finger Linda and Ronny Finger Foundation Finley Resources, Inc. Mrs. Mary Ellen Finnegan Finneran Family Foundation First Data Corporation First Horizon National Corporation First National Bank Albany/ Breckenridge First National Bank of Bastrop First National Bank of Giddings First Presbyterian Child Care Center Dr. Ben R. Fisch Dr. Michael J. Fisch Ray C. Fish Foundation Mr. Dan Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Fisher, Jr. Mr. Larry Fishman Ms. Anita M. Fitts and Mr. Gary Syverson Ms. Melba Fitzgerald Mr. Tom Fitzsimmons David and Judy Fleischer Ms. Lynda C. Fleming Fleming and Davenport Funds Mrs. Kathryn M. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Fredric R. Flom Mr. Chris Flood Mrs. Harriet H. Flora Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Florance Cherie and Jim Flores Dr. and Mrs. Hildegardo E. Flores Mr. Ryan C. Flores Florida Bond and Mortgage, Inc. Mrs. Patricia L. Flower William Howard Flowers, Jr. Foundation, Inc. Estate of Andrew C. Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Floyd Mr. Robert C. Floyd Estate of Mariolivie G. Flume Mr. and Mrs. John S. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Flynt FMC Technologies Matching Gift Program Ms. Carolyn E. Fogg
Partners in Making Cancer History
Marvin’s Fund Marvin Zindler — pictured in 1996 at a 75th birthday celebration/cancer research benefit with singer-songwriter Lyle Lovett (left), gala chair Carolyn Farb and Charles LeMaistre, M.D. — spent 35 years of his life championing causes as consumer advocate for ABC Houston affiliate KTRK-TV Channel 13. Today, Zindler’s legacy continues to help others through the Marvin H. Zindler Sr. Fund for Pancreatic Cancer Research at M. D. Anderson. His family established the fund shortly after he succumbed to the disease in July 2007. By mid-November, the fund totaled more than $46,000 and almost 700 gifts. Mr. Randall S. Fojtasek Dr. and Mrs. David S. Followill Miss Tania J. Fongemie Dr. Susan Foote and Mr. Stephen L. Feinberg Sylvia and Bill Foran Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Ford Mr. and Mrs. J. Steve Ford Forest Laboratories, Inc. Forest Oil Corporation Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Mr. John Forgrieve Mr. and Mrs. Bill Forney, Jr. Ms. Tracy J. Forrest Mr. Brad Forrester Mrs. Maude R. Forrester Mr. Richard W. Forsythe Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fort III Mr. James E. Foster Foster High School Foundation for the Carolinas The Foundation For A Second Chance Mr. Greg Fourticq, Jr. Mr. Michael J. Fourticq Patsy and Greg Fourticq Dr. Sandra Fowler and Mr. Earl Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Steve L. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Francisco Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Francois Franklin Bank, S.S.B. E. A. Franklin Charitable Trust Frank’s International In memory of Kevin Frawley Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Frazier Mr. and Mrs. John M. Frazier Mrs. L. E. Frazier, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Frede Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H. Frederic, Jr. George and Marguarette Frederick Twilight and Marc Freedman Foundation Mr. Bradford M. Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Freeman R. E. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Freeman, Jr. Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. Freeport-McMoRan Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Dale G. French Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Fridkin Mr. and Mrs. Harold Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Friedman Friends for an Earlier Breast Cancer Test Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Frois Frost Bank The Fruehauf Foundation Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. Dr. and Mrs. Clay W. G. Fulcher Mr. Victor L. Fuller William M. Fuller Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William Furbush Estate of Frank H. Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Gabriel, Jr. Mr. Paschal Gagliardo Mrs. Carol J. Gagnon Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Gailor Mr. Walter J. Gajcak Barry and Kathy Galt Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gambell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gamson Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ganger Mr. Edward J. Gannon Dr. Norman F. Gant The James J. and Joan A. Gardner Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. Garrison Dr. and Mrs. Gary M. Gartsman The Garver Foundation Mr. Tony F. Garvin The Honorable and Mrs. William L. Garwood Ms. Barbara P. Gary Mr. Thomas E. Gary
Gary DeFord Investments Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Garza Gateway for Cancer Research The Gathering Place Church Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. T. Gay Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Gayle Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Gazan GE Capital Trade Payables Services GE Medical Systems Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Gebert Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Gehrman Genentech, Inc. Genomic Health, Inc. Dr. Donald C. Gentry Genzyme Corporation Mr. and Mrs. R. James George, Jr. George Tulipana Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Gerhardt Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Gerlach Mrs. Geraldine H. Gerling Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation Charlotte Geyer Foundation GFWC Woman’s Wednesday Club of Granbury Dr. Shubhra Ghosh Beth and Wayne Gibbens Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. McHenry Giffin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Giles Terry M. Giles and Kalli S. O’Malley Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Gill Ms. Deborah J. Gillen Kristina and Scott Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Gilliam Mr. Jack D. Gillis Dr. Irma B. Gimenez-Conti and Dr. Claudio J. Conti Ms. Frances E. Ginsburg Mrs. Jeanette M. Ginsburg GivingExpress Program from American Express Mr. Joseph G. Gladbach Gladder’s Gourmet Cookies Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Glanville The James W. Glanville Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John D. Glass, Jr. Kenneth D. and Judith J. Glass GlaxoSmithKline Mr. Thomas A. Glazier Mr. William T. Gleason, Jr. Glendale Boat Works, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Rex K. Glendenning Dr. Howard J. Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Glick GlobalSantaFe Corporate Services GlobalSantaFe Corporation Globus Medical, Inc. GMAC ResCap GNYHA Ventures, Inc. Charles B. Goddard Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Helmuth Goepfert Dr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Goerke Mr. and Mrs. Micah Goff Mrs. Quay B. Goff Goforth Lewis The Goings Group LLC Kelly Golat Melanoma Research Scholarship Fund Inc. Mrs. Carol S. Gold Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Goldberger The Goldhirsh Foundation Goldman, Sachs & Co. Golfers Against Cancer, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Golub Mr. Federico Sada Gonzalez Ms. Jeanie C. Gonzalez Mrs. Nancy C. Good Mrs. Eleanor Goodman The Honorable and Mrs. Roy M. Goodman Mr. Scott Kean Goodman The Marvin and Eleanor Goodman Foundation Mr. William J. Goodwin The Donald G. Goodwin Family Foundation, Inc. Ms. Dorothy M. Goodykoontz Mrs. Aileen Becker Gordon
ENDOWED DISTINGUISHED CHAIRS* Gilbert H. Fletcher Memorial Distinguished Chair KIE-KIAN ANG, M.D., PH.D.
Robert D. Moreton Distinguished Chair in Diagnostic Radiology given by W. A. “Tex” and Deborah Moncrief , Jr. CHUSLIP CHARNSANGAVEJ, M.D. Alando J. Ballantyne Distinguished Chair of Head and Neck Surgery GARY L. CLAYMAN, M.D., D.D.S.
Hubert L. and Olive Stringer Distinguished Chair in Oncology in Honor of Sue Gribble Stringer JAMES D. COX, M.D.
Nathan W. Lassiter Distinguished Chair in Urology
Hubert L. and Olive Stringer Distinguished Chair in Basic Science in Honor of Sally Stringer BENOIT DE CROMBRUGGHE, M.D.
R. E. “Bob” Smith Distinguished Chair in Cell Biology ISAIAH J. FIDLER, D.V.M., PH.D.
J. Taylor Wharton, M.D., Distinguished Chair in Gynecologic Oncology DAVID M. GERSHENSON, M.D.
Olla S. Stribling Distinguished Chair for Cancer Research ELLEN R. GRITZ, PH.D.
W. A. “Tex” and Deborah Moncrief, Jr., Distinguished Chair in Urology HERBERT B. GROSSMAN, M.D.
Ruth Legett Jones Distinguished Chair
The Robert A. Welch Distinguished Chair in Chemistry WILLIAM H. KLEIN, PH.D.
Jane and John Justin Distinguished Chair in Leukemia Research in Honor of Dr. Elihu Estey LARRY W. KWAK, M.D., PH.D.
Charles A. LeMaistre Distinguished Chair in Thoracic Oncology given by W. A. “Tex” and Deborah Moncrief, Jr. SCOTT M. LIPPMAN, M.D.
Vivian L. Smith Distinguished Chair in Immunology YONG-JUN LIU, M.D., PH.D.
Roy M. and Phyllis Gough Huffington Clinical Research Distinguished Chair in Urologic Oncology CHRISTOPHER J. LOGOTHETIS, M.D.
Lockton Distinguished Chair in Pancreatic Cancer Research CRAIG LOGSDON, PH.D.
John S. Dunn, Sr., Distinguished Chair in Diagnostic Imaging WILLIAM A. MURPHY, JR., M.D.
Barnts Family Distinguished Chair for Cancer Research WILLIAM K. PLUNKETT, JR., PH.D.
Senator A. M. Aikin, Jr., Distinguished Chair
Bud Johnson Clinical Distinguished Chair JACK A. ROTH, M.D.
Anne C. Brooks and Anthony D. Bullock III Distinguished Chair in Neurosurgery
Gerald Dewey Dodd, Jr., Distinguished Chair in Diagnostic Imaging PAUL M. SILVERMAN, M.D.
Lainie Gordon and David Mincberg Mr. Steven L. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gorrell Mrs. Hazel Gosnell Mrs. Cora L. Gott The Gourley Family Foundation Mr. John R. Grace Mr. and Mrs. Doyle A. Graham Ms. Gene Graham
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Graham Brothers Partnership Grampy’s Charity Open Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Grant Mr. and Mrs. Hoke S. Grant, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Grant Mr. John Grasberger Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Graves Mr. David E. Gray Mr. Ed T. Gray
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A Belief in Giving Back Board of Visitors Senior Member F. O’Neil Griffin’s $3 million gift to the South Campus Research Initiative enabled M. D. Anderson to reach its fundraising goal of $135 million. The total represents a $1 million personal contribution from Griffin as well as a $2 million pledge from the Neil and Elaine Griffin Foundation, which he directs. Griffin is chair of Griffin Investments. “Having spent a lot of my career in Houston, I’ve always known the importance of M. D. Anderson,” he says. “I’ve been blessed beyond any dream or imagination I could have ever had. I really believe in giving back.” Mrs. Helen S. Gray Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. Gray Mr. Richard W. Gray III Mrs. Sally M. Gray Greater Elgin Chamber of Commerce Greater Houston Community Foundation The Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Greathead Ms. Callie B. Green Mr. and Mrs. Curtis S. Green The Ralph and Sylvia Green Charitable Foundation Green Cross Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Martin I. Greenberg The Greenberg Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Greene Mrs. Joyce B. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Greene Mr. Randall A. Greene Mr. Edwin F. Greenlee The Greentree Fund Ms. Julie Greenwood Greenwood King Properties The Greeting Pen Company The Gregory Fund Ms. Beverly D. Greig Mr. and Mrs. Gaynor G. Gremillion Mr. and Mrs. F. O’Neil Griffin Mr. and Mrs. John I. Griffin Mr. Leroy B. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Griggs Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Griggs Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Grimmer Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Grogan Jeanne and Roy J. Grogan Charitable Fund in the Community Foundation of North Texas Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gronik Mr. and Mrs. F. Scott Gross Mr. and Mrs. Jenard M. Gross Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Grossman Grossman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Arden R. Grover Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Groves, Jr. Mrs. Helen K. Groves Mr. Neil D. Grundhoefer and Ms. Heather Silver Mr. Keith Grutzmacher Mr. Larry D. Gryder Mrs. Teresa Gryder GSEP Realty Corporation GSL Industrial Partners, L. P. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm J. Gudis Mr. Guillermo Guefen Mr. and Mrs. Francisco J. Guerra, Jr. Guerra Bros. Successors Mr. and Mrs. John D. Guffey Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F. Guice Mr. and Mrs. Ben A. Guill Gulf Coast Asphalt Company, L.L.C. Gulf Coast Medical Foundation Gulf Coast Mounted Shooters Gulf Investment Management, Inc. Gulf-Tex Co., Inc. Mr. Robert D. Gunn Dr. and Mrs. Jack P. Gunter Ms. Janet Gurwitch Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Gutierrez Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Gutman Gynecologic Cancer Foundation Ms. Rene Haas and Mr. David L. Perry Mr. David L. Haberle Mr. and Mrs. Kirk S. Hachigian Mr. and Mrs. James T. Hackett Mr. and Mrs. Elon H. Hadley Mr. Evan M. Haedicke Dr. Carin Hagberg and Mr. Steven L. Roberts Dr. and Mrs. John C. Hagee Dr. Fredrick B. Hagemeister, Jr. Ed Haggar Family Foundation J. M. Haggar, Jr. Family Foundation Mrs. Inda D. Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haimbach
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Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Halbouty Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Hale Mr. and Mrs. James E. Haley Mrs. Shirley J. Halff Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hall Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Luke Hall III Mr. and Mrs. Willie M. Hall Employees of Halliburton Halliburton Company Halliburton Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hallinan Mr. and Mrs. Ron T. Hallmark Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Halpern Mr. and Mrs. Mike Halvorson The Hamill Foundation Mr. John S. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Hamilton, Jr. Mr. Ralph R. Hamilton Ms. Twila M. Hamilton Mr. John J. Hamlin and Ms. Nancy G. Robinett Mr. R. Hamm The Nancy and Alan Hamm Charitable Foundation, Inc. George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Hampton Mr. J. Kenneth Hanak Ms. Betty Lou Hanlon Mr. Marshall J. Hanna Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hanna Robert H. Hannifin and Maxine B. Hannifin Trust Mr. and Mrs. George G. Hansen Hanser Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joe G. Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Earle A. Hapke, Jr. Dr. William H. Harbert in memory of Barbara Harbert Finger Mr. and Mrs. Jan A. Harding John Charles Hardison Mr. and Mrs. John Hare Mr. O. O. Hare, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hargrave Mrs. Marion S. Hargrove Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Harkins Mrs. Rebecca Harling Mr. and Mrs. James B. Harlow Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Harmon Mrs. Jan Harmon Ms. Anne M. Harper Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Harrigan, Jr. Cecily and Bob Harris Mr. Charles W. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Titus H. Harris III Mr. and Mrs. Wilson G. Harris, Jr. Harris Foundation John E. and Dorothy J. Harris Family Foundation Harris myCFO Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James B. Harrison Estate of Sara B. Harrison Harrison and Star, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Harrod Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Hart Mrs. Thomas F. Hart and Family Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hartung Mr. Will P. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. George R. Harvick Mrs. Helen B. Harvin The Hasey Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Haspel Mr. Ned Haspel The Hastings Center, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Haston, Jr. Ms. Margaret A. Hatcher Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Hatfield Mr. and Mrs. O. Mason Hawkins The Hawn Foundation, Inc. Mr. Dan P. Haworth Mr. James P. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hayes, Jr. Hayford Family Foundation Mr. Charles H. Hayhurst Mrs. Betty J. Haynes Haynes Whaley Associates, Inc. Mrs. Dorothy C. Hays Mr. W. Gene Hays
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Mr. and Mrs. Johnny P. Hayter Ms. Phylis Hazel HCBeck, LTD Head for the Cure 5K Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Headrick A Healing Touch Foundation Health Science Center for Continuing Medical Education Healthpoint, Ltd. Mr. Jeffrey Sean Hearne The William Randolph Hearst Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Heath Mr. and Mrs. Jesse B. Heath, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Heath H-E-B Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hebert Ms. Theresa R. Hebert and Mr. H. Marshall Hennington Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hebert, Jr. Ms. Adrea D. Heebe Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hefner, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hefner III Mrs. Carol M. Heidbreder Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Heilman Estate of Gene P. Heinrich
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney R. Heisch Helfman River Oaks Chrysler Jeep Mr. Douglas P. Heller Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Heller HelmsBriscoe Estate of Gerald Henderson Mrs. Jeanette Henderson Ms. Jennifer Henderson William G. Henderson and Janon Furlong Zordan Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Hendrick Mr. Mark W. Hendricks Hendricks and Partners The Dennis and Jennie Hendrix Foundation Don Henley Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Hennington Janis and Randy Henry Mr. Robert M. Henry Hensel Phelps Construction Co. Mrs. Geraldine M. Henson Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Henson Mr. Nick Hentges Hera Foundation Bob L. Herd Foundation Dr. Carolyn Hernandez
The Advance Team
2007- 2008
The following individuals compose a volunteer leadership board focused on advancing M. D. Anderson’s mission to eliminate cancer through community-based initiatives centered on basic science research, education and prevention of cancer. This year the focus has been on the Children’s Cancer Hospital at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. Mr. Brent Benoit Mr. Stuart Bernstein Mrs. Tali Blumrosen Mrs. Nancy Broudy Mrs. Paula Meek Burford Mr. George P. Bush Mr. William J. (Bill) Campbell Mr. John Courtney Dr. Steven Dean Mrs. Shelly Dee Mr. G. Edward Deery Mrs. Jill Deutser Mrs. Denise Dunham Mrs. Leslie Easterling Mr. Jay Eisenberg Mrs. Jamison Faliski Mrs. Jeannie Frazier Mrs. Jill Gabbe Mr. Elliot Goldman Mrs. Licia Green-Ellis Ms. Carolyn Hansard Mr. R. Lee Harrell, Jr. Mr. Alan Helfman Ms. Lourdes Hernandez Mrs. Shawn Hogan Mr. Britton Holland Mrs. Beth Lee Mrs. Ashley Loeffler
Mrs. Ann Lovasz Mr. Scott McClelland Mr. Andrew McCullough, Jr. Mr. Connelly McGreevy Mr. Eric Meadows Mrs. Jayme Morgan Mr. Brian Murphy Mrs. Kathy O’Neal Mrs. Dorothy Paterson Ms. Debra Paxton Mrs. Mary Martha Pickens Mr. Ian Radomski Mrs. Sheryl Rapp Mr. Alan Rosen Mr. Jonathan Rosenthal Mrs. Anooshea Saberioon Taghdisi Mrs. Angela Schroder Mr. Chad Scott Mr. Roben Sellers Ms. Jennifer Shufelt Mr. John Styles, Jr. Mr. Ignacio Urbieta, Jr. Mr. Adalberto Vara Mr. Rad Weaver Mr. Temple Webber, III Mrs. Kathryn Hall Wilson Mr. Don Woo
Partners in Making Cancer History Mr. and Mrs. David T. Herr Mrs. Marjorie J. Herrero Mr. Loyd D. Herrin Ms. Joanne K. Herring Alan B. and Frances G. Herzog Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mr. Max Herman Herzstein Mr. Robert M. Hess Mr. Marvin H. Hester Ms. Kathy Hett Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Hewitt Hewlett-Packard Company Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Clay B. Hicks Gloria and Ed Hicks Hicks Holdings LLC Hidden Pond Foundation Earl and Symantha Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Higgins Hilcorp Energy Company Estate of Sarah Josephine Hildebrand Hi-Line Industries II, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hill, Jr. Mr. Melvin J. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Yerger Hill III Mr. and Mrs. David M. Hillberry The Hillcrest Foundation Hills Prairie Livestock Auction Co. Mrs. Mary S. Hinds Mr. Gilbert C. Hine Barbara and Gerald Hines Wendy and Jeff Hines Hines Ms. Toni Evans Hinkhouse Dr. Robert M. A. Hirschfeld Hitachi America Ltd. Hitachi, Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Hivnor HKS Architects Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hlinak Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hoback Mrs. Mary Scott Hobdy Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Hodges Mr. T. B. Hodges The Hodges Companies, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Brent H. Hoffman Estate of R. A. Hoffmaster Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hogan III Mike Hogg Fund Mr. and Mrs. Forrest E. Hoglund The Hoglund Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Hogstrom Mrs. Phyllis S. Hojel Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Holden The Arthur and Arlene Holden Fund of The Cleveland Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John B. Holdsworth Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Holidy Mr. and Mrs. Steve L. Holifield, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holland Mr. Ben Hollek, Jr. Shirley J. Hollingsworth, Ph.D. Mr. John A. Hollinshead Hollister Incorporated The Honorable and Mrs. Jess Holloway Estate of Octavia Holman Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Holmes Ms. Irma L. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Ned S. Holmes Holt Atherton Educational Foundation, Inc. Mr. David E. Honeycutt Mr. Robert G. Honeycutt Dr. and Mrs. Waun Ki Hong Mr. and Mrs. Alvin C. Hope, Jr. Hope Center Youth & Family Services Hope Street Kids Mr. Bob C. Hopkins Mrs. Jacqueline F. Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. James P. Horan Horizon Hobby Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Horowitz Ms. Patricia R. Horton Mr. Rick L. Hosea, Jr. Mr. Glen Hou Mr. Daniel P. Houchard Mr. Patrick D. Hourihane Dr. Alvin E. Houser
The Houston Association of Realtors Houston Cancer Clinic/H.P.M.A. Houston Christian Foundation The Houston Comets Houston Endowment Houston Family Arts Center Houston Golf Association-Shell Houston Open Houston Jewish Community Foundation Houston Metropolitan Paralegal Association Houston Pi Beta Phi Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hover Mr. Kevin Howard Dr. John P. Howe III and Ms. Tyrrell E. Flawn Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Howe Mrs. Paul N. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Howell Robert and Catherine Howell Howell Family Foundation Mrs. Mary Ryan Howle Andrew and Ingrid Hoyle Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd D. Hren Mr. and Mrs. Huey W. Huang Estate of Jere Clayton Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Hudachek Mr. Bill Hudson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Presley C. Hudson M. R. and Evelyn Hudson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bert L. Huebner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Huff, Jr. Huff & Mitchell, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Huffines Mr. and Mrs. S. Ray Huffines The Honorable Roy M. Huffington Ms. Terry Huffington and Dr. Ralph Dittman Mr. Todd C. Huffman Mrs. Grace L. Hughes Mr. Timothy D. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hughes Hughes and Sons, Inc. Howard Hughes Medical Institute Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer C. Hultgren, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gene E. Humphrey Ms. Kimberly C. Humrichouse Linda and Barry Hunsaker John W. Hunt Mr. Thomas M. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Todd M. Hunt Hunt Family Foundation Hunt Petroleum Corporation Ms. Chan Leng Geok Hunter The Hunton Group Ms. Betty J. Hurd Mr. and Mrs. Joel B. Hurley Roberta P. Hurst Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Hurtt Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hurwitz Ms. Patricia M. Hutcheson Mr. and Mrs. Clifton T. Hutchinson Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hutchison Mr. Keith A. Hutton Ms. Nina C. Hutton Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Hyatt Hydro Gulf of Mexico, L.L.C. The I.C.N. Foundation i3 CME IBA Proton Therapy, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Geoffrey S. Ibbott IBC Foundation IBM International Foundation Mr. and Mrs. R. William Ide III Mr. and Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ikard Illinois Hospital Association Impact Communications, Inc. Imperial Distributing, Inc. Mr. Joseph Indelicato, Jr. Indo-American Charity Foundation of Houston, Inc. IneXel Medical Strategy & Communications InforMEDical Communications, Inc. InfuSystem Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop W. Ingersoll Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ingram
ENDOWED CHAIRS* M. G. and Lillie A. Johnson Chair for Cancer Treatment and Research
Nellie B. Connally Chair in Breast Cancer
Moshe Talpaz Endowed Chair in Immunology PATRICK HWU, M.D.
Paul and Mary Haas Chair in Genetics in Honor of Amanda Marie Whittle
Kelcie Margaret Kana Research Chair
Hubert L. Stringer Chair in Cancer Research
Dr. Kenneth B. McCredie Chair in Clinical Leukemia Research
Ben F. Love Chair in Cancer Research
Mosbacher Pediatrics Chair
Frank T. McGraw Memorial Chair in Cancer Research
John G. and Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation Chair
Frank T. McGraw Memorial Chair in the Treatment of Cancer
Anderson Clinical Faculty Chair for Cancer Treatment and Research
Ferenc and Phyllis Gyorkey Chair for Research and Education in Pathology
Bernard W. Biedenharn Chair in Cancer Research
Frank T. McGraw Memorial Chair in the Study of Cancer THOMAS A. BUCHHOLZ, M.D.
Robert C. Hickey Chair in Clinical Care
Irving and Nadine Mansfield and Robert David Levitt Cancer Research Chair
Charles B. Barker Chair in Surgery
Mattie Allen Fair Research Chair
Mary Beth Pawelek Chair in Neurosurgery in Honor of Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Dickens Bugg and Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Pawelek
Ann Rife Cox Chair in Gynecology
Rebecca Meyer Brown and Joseph Mellinger Brown Chair in Basic Science Research SHARON R. DENT, PH.D.
Larry and Pat McNeil Chair in Radiation Oncology Honoring Dr. James D. Cox RADHE MOHAN, PH.D.
David Bruton, Jr., Chair
J. Ralph Meadows Chair in Carcinogenesis Research at Science Park
Sue and Radcliffe Killam Chair
William C. Liedtke, Jr., Chair in Cancer Research
The Cullen Trust for Health Care Chair in the Department of Health Disparities Research
Boone Pickens Chair for Early Prevention of Cancer MICHELE FOLLEN, M.D., PH.D.
Ruth Harriet Ainsworth Research Chair in Developmental Therapeutics
Margaret and Ben Love Chair in Clinical Cancer Care in Honor of Dr. Charles A. LeMaistre W. K. ALFRED YUNG, M.D.
*As of January 2008 Peggy B. Ingram, Ph.D. Integra Foundation Integrated Therapeutics Group, Inc. InterActive Health Care, Inc. Interactive Network for Continuing Education InterContinental Houston Interlink Healthcare Communications International Gas Consulting, Inc. Intruder Alert Systems Intuitive Surgical Dr. Katie D. Irani Mr. and Mrs. Robert Isaacs IT Partners Charity Golf Event Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ivey J. M. Funk & Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Jackson Ms. Jean M. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. John C. Jackson II Mrs. Peggy D. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Jackson Jackson-Merkey Contractors, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Joshua M. Jacobs Arlene and Miles R. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Gregg A. Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman K. Jacobson Catherine H. and George H. Jacobus Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jacoway Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jacques Jaguar Exploration, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. James Mrs. Diana K. Jameson Mr. Warren R. Janke Jansing-Cook Foundation Mrs. Mary Lou Jardine Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Jastrow II Dr. and Mrs. Sam P. Javedan Dr. and Mrs. Thirumalairaj Jayakumar Mr. and Mrs. L. Weldon Jaynes JBA Houston Foundation, Inc. JCK Foundation, Inc. Jefferies & Company, Inc. Mrs. Carol T. Jeffrey Ms. Darla Jenkins Mr. Howard M. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. James O. Jenkins, Jr. Mr. Randy P. Jenkins Dr. Rebecca McGowen Jensen and Mr. Steve Baughman Jensen Mr. Vaughan Jensen Dr. and Mrs. Gaylord A. Jentz
Mr. James A. Jernigan Mr. George H. Jewell Nancy Glanville Jewell Jewish Communal Fund Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Jewish Federation of St. Louis Mr. C. F. Jircik Joe Swartz Electric Company Mr. and Mrs. Terry Johns Ambassador Brenda LaGrange Johnson and J. Howard Johnson Mr. C. G. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. David G. Johnson Mr. David M. Johnson and Mrs. Theresa Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnson Mr. Jared R. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Kleve C. Johnson Mr. Lawrence Johnson Mr. Louis Johnson Ms. Luci B. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Johnson Mr. William F. Johnson Employees of Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.
D. A n d e r s o n
C a n c e r
ENDOWED DISTINGUISHED PROFESSORSHIPS * Abell-Hanger Foundation Distinguished Professorship JONAS S. ALMEIDA, PH.D.
Annie Laurie Howard Research Distinguished Professorship CHRISTOPHER I. AMOS, PH.D.
P. H. and Fay E. Robinson Distinguished Professorship in Cancer Research ROBERT S. BENJAMIN, M.D.
Birdie J. and Lydia J. Resoft Distinguished Professorship in GI Oncology ROBERT S. BRESALIER, M.D.
Edward Rotan Distinguished Professorshiop DAVID L. BROWN, M.D.
H. Grant Taylor, M.D., W. W. Sutow, M.D., and Margaret P. Sullivan, M.D. Distinguished Professorship in Pediatrics LAURENCE J. N. COOPER, M.D., PH.D.
Clifton D. Howe Distinguished Professorship in Pulmonary Medicine BURTON F. DICKEY, M.D.
Monteleone Family Foundation Distinguished Professorship for Research of Bladder and Kidney Cancers COLIN P. N. DINNEY, M.D.
Hamill Foundation Distinguished Professorship in Honor of Dr. Richard G. Martin, Sr. DOUGLAS B. EVANS, M.D.
Helen Shafer Fly Distinguished Professorship of Anesthesiology in Honor of Bertha Davis-Clark, M.D. THOMAS W. FEELEY, M.D.
Virginia H. Cockrell Distinguished Professorship in Immunology Emeritus JORDAN U. GUTTERMAN, M.D.
Sophie Caroline Steves Distinguished Professorship in Cancer Research WALTER N. HITTELMAN, PH.D.
Gloria Lupton Tennison Distinguished Professorship in Lung Cancer RITSUKO KOMAKI, M.D.
Virginia H. Cockrell Distinguished Professorship in Immunology JEFFREY J. MOLLDREM, M.D.
Robert R. Herring Distinguished Professorship in Clinical Research PETER MUELLER, PH.D.
D. B. Lane Cancer Research Fund Distinguished Professorship in Leukemia Research ROBERT A. NEWMAN, PH.D.
N. G. and Helen T. Hawkins Distinguished Professorship for Cancer Research HUI-LIN PAN, M.D., PH.D.
James E. Anderson Distinguished Professorship in Nuclear Medicine DONALD A. PODOLOFF, M.D.
Charles M. McBride Distinguished Professorship in Surgical Oncology MERRICK L. ROSS, M.D.
Bettyann Asche Murray Distinguished Professorship in Ovarian Cancer Research ANIL K. SOOD, M.D.
Barnts Family Distinguished Professorship in Cancer Research MARIA SUAREZ-ALMAZOR, M.D.
Hubert L. and Olive Stringer Distinguished Professorship in Cancer Research RANDAL S. WEBER, M.D.
Ruby E. Rutherford Distinguished Professorship MILES F. WILKINSON, PH.D.
Nylene Eckles Distinguished Professorship in Breast Cancer Research DIHUA YU, M.D., PH.D.
*As of January 2008 64
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The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop Johnston Ms. Pattie Johnston and Mr. John Healing Ms. Taune T. Johnston Elva Johnston Foundation Johnstown Altoona Central Association, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Johntz, Jr. Richard and Jaylene Jolly Ms. Virginia H. Jolly Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones Mr. Clark Jones Mr. Frank L. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert O. Jones Mr. J. Paul Jones Mr. Jack Jones Mr. Jack G. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jon Rex Jones Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Jones Richard B. and Linda Wallace Jones Theodore and Arline Ann Jones Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Wayne Jones Jones Microbiology Institute Mr. and Mrs. James T. Jongebloed, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Jordan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Jordan Mrs. Tamara S. Jordan Dr. and Mrs. John M. Joseph Dr. Roy Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Lenoir M. Josey II Employees of JPMorgan Chase JPMorgan Chase & Co. Mrs. Susan D. Juden The Junior League of Houston, Inc. Mr. Jim Justen Justiss Oil Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Kagan Mrs. Terri Kahla Dr. Raymond A. Kahn Mr. and Mrs. W. Barry Kahn Amy Kalmbach Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kane Lily and Alan Kanter Ms. Michelee Kanz The John Kanzius Cancer Research Fund of The Erie Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kapelanski Joan and Marvin Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Robert Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Neal S. Kaplan Robert and Terri Kaplan Tobee and Leonard Kaplan Mr. William J. Kaplan Kaplan Inc. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Karen Bess Builder LLC Karl Storz Endoscopy-America, Inc. Mr. Hilton Karm Mr. and Mrs. David N. Karr Karsten Interior Services, L.P. Mr. and Mrs. Nalin Karunaratne Mr. William M. Kasch Ms. Michele I. Kass Mr. Stuart B. Katz The Rosalie Katz Family Foundation, Inc. Abraham J. and Phyllis Katz Foundation The Ann & Stephen Kaufman Foundation Kaufman, Rossin & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kazokas KBR, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Keating Mrs. Donna Keeling Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Keeling Dr. Ralph Keen The Honorable and Mrs. James L. Keffer Ms. Jean P. Keil Estate of Mildred H. Keith The Joan and Herb Kelleher Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kelley Major and Mrs. Hunter R. Kellogg Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Kellogg Dr. Robert R. Kellogg, Jr.
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Mr. Jeff Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kelly Susie and Pat Kelly Garth and Jean Kemp Parker Kemp Foundation Mr. Kenneth L. Kenagy Ms. Marcia Kendrick Mrs. Mary A. Kendrick The John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation Kenmont Capital Partners, L.P. Mr. and Mrs. Garland M. Kennedy, Sr. Mr. J. Christopher Kennedy Ms. Jera J. Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Kenner Kenneth Lamb Construction Co. Ms. Jill F. Kenney Keown Charitable Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Kershisnik Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Kestler Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Ketteman KeyBank National Association Ms. Christine Simoneaux Kibbe Kickerillo Building Company Mr. and Mrs. Barron U. Kidd Mr. and Mrs. Don Kidd Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Kiefer Mr. and Mrs. Bruce O. Kifer Mr. and Mrs. David A. Kimbell Mr. and Mrs. John Z. Kimberlin, Jr. Kimberly-Clark Corporation Dr. and Mrs. Richard Kimbrough Mr. and Mrs. Marvin P. Kimmel Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kimmel Sidney Kimmel Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Clinton H. King Estate of Dolores E. King Mr. and Mrs. Graham O. King Mr. and Mrs. John S. King Mr. Michael P. King Mr. Thomas M. King, Jr. King IV A Day 5K Kinghorn, Driver, Hough & Company The Sally M. Kingsbury Sarcoma Research Foundation, Inc. Mr. David E. Kinnan Kintera Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Kirkmyer Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Kissinger Mr. Richard A. Kitch Robert and Doris Klabzuba Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Klasse Mr. and Mrs. Alan A. Kleier Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn N. Klein Alvin A. and Roberta T. Klein Trust Mr. and Mrs. William P. Kliewer Ms. Nancy P. Kline Mrs. Edward J. Kloess Mrs. Guta Klug KNA Partners Angela and Bob Knauss Dr. William J. Knebel Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kneller Mr. and Mrs. Brady Knight Mr. Les W. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Knittig Mr. and Mrs. David B. Knoll Mr. George W. Knorr, Jr. Ms. Mary Louise Knowlton Mr. Virgil K. Knowlton Jack Knox Robert W. Knox, Sr. & Pearl Wallis Knox Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William H. Knull III Mrs. Victor L. Kobb Mr. Mark Kobmann Mr. David H. Koch Jeff and Gail Kodosky Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Koecher, Jr. Pam Koenig Kohler Company Dr. Harold Kohlmann Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation dba Susan G. Komen for the Cure Ms. Gloria H. Komppa Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Kong Linda and Robert Korb
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Korenek, Jr. Dr. Barbara Kornblau and Dr. Donald J. Kornblau Mrs. Yolanda B. Korth Mr. and Mrs. J. Livingston Kosberg Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Kossa Mr. Charles R. Kott Mr. David Kowalik Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Kozel Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Kozmetsky Mrs. Ronya Kozmetsky KPB Enterprises, Inc. Tom Kraft Nancy and Ken Kral The Gladys and Lee A. Krause Jr. Fund of the Lutheran Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Krehbiel Mr. Mario L. Kreutzberger Ms. Vivian Kreutzberger Dr. Margaret L. Kripke and Dr. Isaiah J. Fidler Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Krist Kristine Michael Apparel, Inc. Ms. Barbara D. Kroehle Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Kruger Ms. Emily B. Kruglick Dr. Iris M. Krupp Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Kruse Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Kubena Ms. Marie E. Kuber Mr. and Mrs. Sid Kubesch Henry M. Kuerer, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kugelman Gene and Mary Lou Kurtz Mr. Robert R. Kurz Mr. Michael Kutsch Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kuykendall Kyphon Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Demos T. Kyrazis Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kyte L & D Upholstery, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce LaBoon Ms. Juliette LaChapelle and Dr. Martin Runciman Mr. and Mrs. Todd E. Lachenmyer Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ladd Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars (Kansas City, MO) Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars-Department of Texas Ladies Leukemia League Mr. and Mrs. Mohammad Ladjevardian The LAM Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Lambert Patricia A. LaMothe & William E. LaMothe Foundation Mrs. Gladiola Lampley LandAmerica Financial Group Foundation Mrs. Joan Dolores Landrum Mr. Richard S. Landrum Mr. Eric S. Lane Mr. and Mrs. John J. Langdon Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Lano Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lapin Ms. M. Cristina Lara Estate of Kay D. Laro The Larry Brand Memorial Golf Tournament Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Larsen Mrs. Janet H. Larsen Mrs. Linda M. Last Mr. and Mrs. Ben Latham Ms. Margaret Latimer Mr. Trent B. Latshaw Mrs. Helen H. Laughery Laughery Foundation Mrs. Elsa G. Laurel Mr. and Mrs. Oscar M. Laurel, Jr. Ms. Yolanda M. Laurel and Dr. Richard D. Swope Laurel Minerals, Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Denny B. Law Law Office of Lee D. Vendig Mr. Richard B. Lawless Mrs. Betty J. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Lay Miss Dorothy Lay Mr. and Mrs. Leon J. Leach Lisa and Bill Leachman
Partners in Making Cancer History Rita and Dick Leathers Mrs. Nancy Eastland Leaton Dr. Milam E. Leavens Lecturelinx, LLC Mrs. Joy G. Ledbetter Ms. Suzette Ledet Scott and Helen Ledgerwood Mr. and Mrs. Eddie L. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Lee Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lee Dr. Linda D. Lee Ms. Vivian L. Lee Dr. Norman E. Leeds in honor of Ms. Bette G. Leeds Mr. and Mrs. William Lefkofsky Ms. Diane Legg Legge, Farrow, Kimmitt, McGrath & Brown, L.L.P. Lehman Brothers The Lehman Brothers Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Leiber Mr. and Mrs. Min-Ji Lein Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. LeMieux Gary and Jan Lemmon Dr. and Mrs. Mark L. Lemmon The Lents Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Lentzsch Mrs. Marty V. Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Leseman Estate of Ruth E. Lester Mr. and Mrs. W. Howard Lester The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society The Leukemia Research Foundation Mrs. Wendy Leung Mr. Daniel Leventhal Ms. Jennifer L. Levin Mrs. Sylvia Levin Rochelle and Max Levit Milton and Lee Levit Family/Max and Rochelle Levit Family Mr. Irwin L. Levowitz The Meyer Levy Charitable Foundation Rachel Levy Goldberg Mara Elizabeth Levy Tobin Janel Levy Michael R. Levy Mr. and Mrs. Rodney R. Lewis The Kim and Rod Lewis Family Foundation For Hope & Charity Lewis Foundation Lexion Medical Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Lexton Ms. Peggy H. Ley Mr. Richard A. Leyendecker Liberty County Teachers Federal Credit Union Mr. and Mrs. Roderick E. Lide, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Harry Lie Mrs. William C. Liedtke, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Lien Life-Tech, Inc. Ligand Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Julie Lightfoot, Discovery Toys Tom & Betty Lightsey Family Trust Mr. and Mrs. John Ligums Ms. Katherine Lilly Lime Rock Management Dr. Patrick P. Lin Leo and Bette Linbeck, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo E. Linbeck III Ms. Sandra Lincoln George B. & Irene Lindler Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Lindley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindman Edyth and Carl Lindner Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Linduff Mr. Jonathan S. Linker Ms. Nancy A. Linton Linville Ridge Club Operations Mrs. Esther R. Liss Mr. Alan V. Listemaa Mr. and Mrs. Joel M. Litman Mr. and Mrs. Dan Little Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Livanos Mrs. Francis S. Livermore Mr. Ron Livingston LMA North America, Inc. Barbara Shivers Lober in memory of William J. Lober III
Mr. Jerry J. and Dr. Mary Beth Lobrano Lockheed Martin Corporation Lockheed Martin Matching Gift Program for Colleges and UniversitiesThe Scholarship Foundation The Honorable Tom Loeffler and Mrs. Nancy Loeffler Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Loewenbaum Mr. and Mrs. John N. Loflin Mrs. Mary T. Loftis Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Lohec Mr. Christopher Lolley Lone Star Beef Processors, L.P. Lone Star Medical Products, Inc. Gillson Longenbaugh Foundation The Longevity Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Harold Longhofer Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Longwell/ Longwell Family Foundation Ms. Anne B. Loo Mr. Gary O. Loo Ms. Margarita Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Lorch Mr. Richard E. Lore, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lorenzo Mrs. Sara P. Loshak Mr. Robert D. Loughney Mr. and Mrs. Jeff B. Love Ben and Margaret Love Foundation The Lowe Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Brent L. Lowery Mr. Dan E. Lowrance Mr. James A. Lube The Lubrizol Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Lucas Mr. Michael Luce Mrs. Seymour Luckoff Mr. and Mrs. Fullerton W. Luedde Mr. and Mrs. Manuel M. Luis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Luke Mr. William R. Lummis Mr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Lundgren, Sr. Lung Cancer Research Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Lunsford, Sr. The Lupin Foundation T. J. Brown & C. A. Lupton Foundation, Inc. Lupuloff Barth Foundation Mr. Brian Lurcott Mr. and Mrs. Ted W. Lusher The Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research Mrs. Rosemary K. Lykos Ms. Nadine Lyle Estate of Rachel Lyman Lymphoma Research Foundation Lyondell Chemical Company M. D. Wheeler, Ltd. Ms. Julia C. Maas Ms. Deborah MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Ian M. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. C. Robert Mace Mach Family Fund The Honorable and Mrs. Earle I. Mack Mrs. B. John Mackin Mr. and Mrs. Jim Macleod MacPapers Incorporated Advised Fund Macy’s Merchandising Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Madden, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wales H. Madden, Jr. Ron Mafrige and Family Magnapin, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Magne Mr. Frank C. Maguire, Jr. Robert W. Mahoney and Kathi Sibel Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mahr Mr. Harry M. Main Mr. and Mrs. S. Lewis Main Malaysian Palm Oil Board Mr. and Mrs. Frederic V. Malek Mr. James A. Mallak Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Malli Dr. Meredith Mallory, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Malo Mr. Robert Mandell Mangen Family Charitable Foundation Manhattan Institute Manhattan Petroleum, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Manley Ms. Patricia A. Mann Mr. and Mrs. Archie Manning
A Steer of a Sale Top buyers Bill and Judy Meridith (left) of Wellington, Kan., pause with Mike Bowman of Benton, Kan., at the Texas Legacy Longhorn Sale to corral funds for cancer research programs. The unique fundraiser, held at the Gaylord Texan Resort in Grapevine, Texas, sold more than 100 lots of longhorn cattle and raised more than $2 million for cancer research at M. D. Anderson and Pennsylvania State University. M. D. Anderson Board of Visitors member Red McCombs was one of several longhorn breeders who launched the event in the 1980s to promote the breed. In the last three years, the Texas Legacy Longhorn Sale has raised more than $6.4 million. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant L. Manning Mr. and Mrs. John A. Manno, Sr. Marathon Oil Corporation March of Dimes Foundation Estate of Betty B. Marcus The Marcus Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. Marek Zane and Rebekah Marek Estate of Viola H. Marger Mr. and Mrs. Rodney H. Margolis The Rodney H. and Judy E. Margolis Foundation Mariner Energy Inc. The Marks Charitable Foundation Dr. Geraldine M. Marrocco and Dr. Anthony G. Marrocco Mr. James A. Marsh Mrs. Jo Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Marsh 3 Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. Mrs. Marie M. Marshall Mr. Marion H. Marshall Martha Turner Properties, Inc. Marti Cattle Company Mr. J. Stephen Martin Estate of Josephine Williams Martin Mrs. Myron K. Martin The Robi Martin Foundation of G.R.A.C.E. Mr. Rene J. Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Marx John B. and Doris Casey Mason Stuart and Flora Mason Master Tubulars, Inc. Ms. Nirmala Mathai Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Mathena Mr. and Mrs. K. Ian Matheson Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Mathis Matritech Inc. Jennifer Matsui and her Friends Ms. Ethel Matsuno Mr. William C. Mattei Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Matthews, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kade L. Matthews Ms. Rebecca Matthews and Mr. James F. Wallack Lucinda and Bill Matthews Mr. Wayne L. Matus Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mauch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Maunder MAXXAM Inc. Ms. Melinda J. May Susan S. May and Andy Owczarek Mr. Clarence Mayer
Roy and Nancy Mayers Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Mayfield Estate of Eleanor Maynard Mayne Pharma (USA) Inc. Mayo Foundation Lowry and Peggy Mays Mays Family Foundation MBC Foundation MCA Communications, Inc. Mr. Richard McAllister Mr. Bob McAmis Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. McArthur Mr. and Mrs. John M. McBurney Mr. Timothy McCabe The Reverend Paul F. McCallum Mr. and Mrs. Marty McCambridge Estate of Jack T. McCann Michael T. McCann, D.V.M. Mr. and Mrs. Cris D. McClellan Richard and Ella Mae McClendon The Honorable and Mrs. Austin McCloud Mr. and Mrs. B. Curtiss McClymond Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. McColl, Jr. Mrs. Mary B. McCollough Mr. Robert A. McCollum Red and Charline McCombs The Red and Charline McCombs Family Foundation Nancy and Walter McConnell Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCool Mr. and Mrs. J. Philip McCormick McCormick & Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCoy Mr. Richard E. McCreary, Jr. Mr. Thomas B. McDade Mrs. Beverly T. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. David Ross McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Keith R. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. McDowell Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. McElmurry Mr. and Mrs. A. Patrick McEvoy Mr. M. Kevin McEvoy McFadin Foundation Mr. and Mrs. F. Warren McFarlan Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McFarland Thomas W. and Patricia A. McGarity Mr. and Mrs. William M. McGee Mr. and Mrs. Sutton McGehee Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. McGill Ms. Marcia B. McGlothlin Mr. Blaise L. McGoey John P. McGovern, M.D. Mr. Edward McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McGowen Ms. Robyn McGrath Mr. William A. McIntosh Mr. and Mrs. Barksdale McKay Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert R. McKean Mr. and Ms. Clyde D. McKee Mrs. Lillian Herbelin McKibben Mr. and Mrs. Neal G. McKim Ms. Mary E. McKinney Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McKinney McKinney & Cooper LLP Mr. and Mrs. James F. McKinnon Mr. Michael D. McKinnon Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. McKinnon Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. McKnight The Reverend and Mrs. Alexander S. McLachlan Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. McLaren Dr. Darlene W. McLaughlin and Mr. James McLaughlin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. David McLaughlin The McMahon Publishing Group Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMillan Mrs. Kay R. McMillan Bruce McMillan, Jr. Foundation Don and Colletta McMillian Foundation Dr. Jeanie B. McMillin-Vanwinkle Mr. William A. McMinn Mrs. Sue Henderson McMurrey Mr. Frank L. McNabb Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McNair The Robert and Janice McNair Foundation Ms. Esther J. McNeil Ms. Leslie E. McNeill Dr. and Mrs. G. Walter McReynolds Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. McVean Mr. and Mrs. E. Scott Mead The Meadlock Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Meadows Mr. Lynn W. Meadows Mr. George A. Mealey Medical Plaza Mobile Surveillance Medical Technology Management Institute, Inc. MedImmune, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Medina Ms. Kim Medlin Medtronic, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Meek Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Meeks Mr. Terry C. Mehaffie Mr. and Mrs. John Mehan
D. A n d e r s o n
C a n c e r
C e n t e r
A n n u a l
Funds for Breast Cancer Mien-Chie Hung, Ph.D. (center), chair of M. D. Anderson’s Department of Molecular and Cellular Oncology and director of the Breast Cancer Basic Research Program, gives National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.® founder Janelle Hail a tour of his laboratory. In 2007, the foundation contributed more than $208,000 to Hung’s research, bringing its total M. D. Anderson contributions to more than $668,000 since 2001. The foundation’s educational outreach is expanding through “My NBCF,” an online community at www.nationalbreastcancer.org, and “Beyond the Shock/A Step-by-Step Guide to the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer,” a physician-written, interactive DVD designed to help patients answer difficult questions during diagnosis and treatment. Hung distributed 400 copies of the DVD at the Taipei International Breast Cancer Symposium in September 2006. Mr. Pablo Melchor Estate of Sylvan Mellinger Memorial Healthcare System Dr. and Mrs. John Mendelsohn Mr. and Mrs. Mark Oneal Mendenhall Merchandise Mart Properties John C. Merchant Foundation Merck & Co., Inc. Meredith Mallory Jr. Investments Mrs. Gail Merel and Mr. Christopher E. Dack Mrs. Ida K. Merfish Mr. William D. Meriwether Mr. Braden Merrill Captain and Mrs. Hugh Merrill Merrill Lynch & Company Foundation MESG, LLC Colonel and Mrs. Robert A. Mesick Ms. Kathleen A. Messina and Mr. Gary W. Goodwin Metalforms, Inc. Methods, Inc. MetLife Foundation Estate of O. Frances Metz Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. Meyer Barbara and Randall Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Kirby T. Meyer Ms. Nancy Ellen Meyer MFI Foundation MGI PHARMA, INC. Miami-Dade County, Florida District 6 Mrs. Amy M. Michaliszyn Mr. and Mrs. David G. Miclette Micro Rentals, LLC Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Giving Campaign Ms. Beatrice Mieth The Mike Doiron Legends of Friendswood Golf Tournament Mike Miller & Associates Special Events, Inc. Ms. Mary E. Milberger Mr. and Mrs. Edward Milinski Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Millepede Foundation Arnold and Suzanne Miller Charitable Fund Ms. Barbara A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. C. Donald Miller, Jr. C. John and Reva Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Miller Ms. Harriet Kuryk Miller Jan and Steve Miller Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Miller Mr. Lee E. Miller Mrs. Mary Catherine Miller Ms. Polly G. Miller Mrs. Rhea J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Vance C. Miller, Sr. C. Wayne & Patricia J. Miller Foundation Stanley R. Miller Foundation Steven and Sheila Miller Foundation Colonel Billy J. Millis Mr. Anthony D. Mills Mr. F. H. Mills, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Mills Mrs. Brenda Milner MIMvista Corp. Minton, Burton, Foster & Collins Mirror Industries The Walter M. and Mary A. Mischer Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gordon S. Mitchard Mr. James R. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Mitchell Mr. S. L. Mitchell Mithoff Family Charitable Foundation Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Cougar and Samantha Moats Mobil Foundation, Inc. Modestus Bauer Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Haji V. Mody James R. Moffett Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William P. Moffitt Mr. Mike Mogonye The Molbeck Family Foundation Dr. Edward R. Molina-Lamas Mr. and Mrs. John C. Molloy Mr. and Mrs. Alexander B. Molten Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Moncrief Mr. and Mrs. Tom O. Moncrief William A. and Elizabeth B. Moncrief Foundation Monroe Rubber & Gasket Co., Inc. Mr. John R. Monsees Ms. Margaret Montaigne Ms. Judith Montclare Mr. and Mrs. Bill Montgomery Mr. Miles C. Montgomery
Mr. Dan M. Moody, Jr. Mr. John S. Moody Mr. John J. Moon Mr. A. T. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Hilmar G. Moore Jess and Beth Sanders Moore Mr. and Mrs. John H. Moore Kaycie and Randy Moore Mrs. Dorothy Mooring Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Moran, Jr. Estate of Louise J. Moran Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Moran Mr. Thomas J. Moran P. J. Moran Foundation The W. T. and Louise J. Moran Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George Mordacci Mr. and Mrs. Roland L. Moreau Mrs. Alma W. Moreton The Robert D. and Alma W. Moreton Charitable Remainder Unitrust Mrs. Jane K. Morgan Ms. Lena Miller Morgan Morgan Stanley Ms. Joan Morgenstern Mr. Daniel M. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Everett L. Morris Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell Morris Chet Morrison and Patricia Stahl Merna Morrison Mrs. Sue Morrison The Honorable and Mrs. Robert A. Mosbacher, Sr. Mosbacher Foundation, Inc. Paula and Jon Mosle Mr. Rex Mosser The Jane P. and Wiley L. Mossy Jr. Foundation Ms. Kimberly Mount Clifton F. Mountain Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Mouser MTI Logistics, Inc. Mr. Arlan J. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Clay Mulford Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mulkey Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Mullen Mr. William L. Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mullis
R e p o r t
2 0 0 6 – 2 0 0 7
Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation Miriam and Jim Mulva Susan and Pat Mulvey Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Muncy Munday Ford Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mundy Ms. Ruth H. Munn Murk Saxet Advertising Mr. Daniel J. Murphy Ms. Vivian S. Murphy Murphy Oil Corporation Mr. John A. Murray, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Murray Muscular Dystrophy Association Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation The Muse Educational Foundation Mrs. Jackie E. Musick Mr. and Mrs. James C. Musselman Mustang Cat Mr. Edward J. Myers Mrs. Maxine Myers Arthur B. & Marion V. Myers Trust Fund Myriad Genetics, Inc. N. E. W. Electric, Inc. Nabors Corporate Services, Inc. Ms. Sandy Nachman Mr. David Nakamura, Sr. Mr. Michael A. Nametz Nancy and Rich Kinder/Kinder Foundation Nanotope, Inc. Mrs. Cheryl L. Napier Mr. and Mrs. Albert Narath National Alopecia Areata Foundation National Brain Tumor Foundation National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. National Cancer Coalition National Comprehensive Cancer Network National Energy Group, Inc. National Foundation for Cancer Research National Foundation, Inc. Employees of National Instruments National Kidney Foundation The National Organization for Rare Disorders National Pancreas Foundation National Philanthropic Trust Mr. William V. L. Nations Ladan Nazari Mr. and Mrs. Richard Neal Mr. and Mrs. Dan Neff Ms. Evelyn Nehrkorn Mr. and Mrs. Dru A. Neikirk Mrs. Deane A. Nelson Dr. and Mrs. William J. Nelson Ms. Barbara J. Nemitz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Nenninger Ms. Sheila A. Nero Dr. and Mrs. Aharon Netzer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Neubauer Mr. Thomas Neuenfeldt Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Neumeyer Mr. and Mrs. Louis N. Neumeyer Neustadt Charitable Foundation New Chapter, Inc. New Hotel Monteleone LLC Mrs. Mary Newberry Mr. and Mrs. David Newell Mrs. Mary Ann Jameson Newman Rita and Donald Newman Mr. Keith O. Newton Ms. Amy T. Ng Mrs. Mayawati Ngadiman NGP Capital Resources Company NGP Energy Capital Management, L.L.C. David and Kim-Ha Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Eric Niccum Mrs. Helen E. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. W. Robert Nichols III Ms. Lois E. Nickerson Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Nicolais Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Nicolaou Nicollet Cattle Company, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Lester I. Nienhuis
Mrs. Lucille M. Nilson Nix Patterson & Roach, LLP Mr. and Mrs. William M. Noble, Sr. Noble Energy, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Nobles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Noel III Mrs. John P. Noel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Nolan Nolan Bros. of Texas, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Noppe Mr. and Mrs. David W. Norburg Norman Frede Chevrolet Co. Dellora A. and Lester J. Norris Foundation North Star Resource Group Northern Trust The Northrop Grumman Foundation Northside Lexus Northville Product Services, LP Mr. and Mrs. Bonard C. Norton Notsew Orm Sands Foundation Novartis Oncology Novartis (Thailand) Limited Novartis US Foundation Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Wade T. Nowlin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wade T. Nowlin, Sr. NRI Construction Mr. Brad Nyberg Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Nye O. D. Rentals Mrs. Judy H. Oakley David and Joy Oates Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Oatman Mr. Raymond V. O’Brien, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. O’Brien Ms. Susan O’Brien Obstetrical and Gynecological Associates, P.A. Occidental Petroleum Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Oddo Bob and Sandy Odell Sydnor and Olga Oden Foundation Offshore Joint Services The OFIS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ogburn Mr. and Mrs. Bradley W. O’Halla Beverly and Will O’Hara Mr. John L. Ohern Mrs. Frances W. O’Hornett Ms. Leslie A. Ohr Mrs. Anna H. O’Kelley Mrs. Judith R. Okun The Okun Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. G. Michael O’Leary Mrs. Laverne Olensky Mrs. H. R. Olivares Bob and Karin Oliver Mrs. Carolyn B. Oliver Mr. and Mrs. David E. Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Lorrie T. Olivier Rodney and Mary Ann Olivier Mrs. Gail B. Olmsted Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph K. Olson Olson-Kulka Foundation Olympus America Inc. Olympus Surgical & Industrial America Inc. Bradley O’Martin Melanoma Foundation OnCol Therapeutics, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Don R. O’Neal Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. O’Neal Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. O’Neil Ms. Joan G. O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. James J. O’Neill William J. and Dorothy K. O’Neill Foundation The Robert R. and Kay M. Onstead Foundation Onyx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Opalka Mrs. Mildred M. Oppenheimer John M. O’Quinn Foundation Mr. Morris A. Orden Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Oreffice The Oreffice Foundation Orion Marine Group, Inc.
Partners in Making Cancer History Mr. and Mrs. Jesse P. Orsini Ortho Biotech Products, L.P. Orthopaedic Associates, L.L.P. in honor of John A. Murray, M.D. Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. O’Shields OSI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Guy J. Ossello Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roy Ott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Ottinger, Jr. Mrs. Jeanne Oudenhoven Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Oustalet The Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, Inc. Mr. John W. Overly Mr. and Mrs. David R. Owen Mr. and Mrs. Don Owen Ms. Jane Dale Owen Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Owen Dian Graves Owen Foundation William and Ella Owens Medical Research Foundation P&G Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The Pace Fund, Fort Worth Mr. and Mrs. Carter F. Page Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Page Mr. and Mrs. James H. Painter Mr. Boyer H. Palmer Panex Consulting, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby G. Pangle Mr. David A. Pape Mr. Joseph J. Pappas Elsa U. Pardee Foundation Mr. Kanaiyalal Parikh Mr. and Mrs. Henry Paris Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Park The Park Foundation Mr. and Mrs. B. Jabe Parker Mr. and Mrs. David Parker Dr. and Mrs. David L. Parker Mrs. Eugene J. Parker Mr. and Mrs. George E. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Jerre L. Parker Ms. Mary E. Parker Estate of Patricia H. Parker Mrs. Robert A. Parker Mr. Scott L. Parker Mr. and Mrs. William A. Parker Mr. Richard Gantly Parmele Mr. and Mrs. Stan Parmlee Mr. Josh H. Parr Mr. Jaime Parra Mr. and Mrs. James F. Partridge Mr. and Mrs. John V. Parziale Pasadena Refining System, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Paschich Mr. George W. Pasha III Dr. Anilkumar R. Patel Dr. Daksha M. Patel Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Paterson Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Patin Pat’s P & A, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Patten John and Nora Patterson Dr. Tad L. Patton Mr. Suhas P. Patwardhan Mr. Keith Paul Dr. and Mrs. James A. Paulson Ms. Debra Paxton Mr. Merrick D. Payne Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Payne, Sr. FEWJ Payne Revocable Trust PCD II Limited PDL BioPharma Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Peabody, Jr. Mr. Kenneth R. Pearson Ms. Lynn Pearson and Mr. Hector E. Ramirez Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation of the United States Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Pedrotti Mr. Bill Pegel Mrs. Arleen B. Pellegal Mr. and Mrs. David R. Pena Mr. and Mrs. Pablo G. Pena Dr. Rudolph G. Pena Mr. Clinton D. Pendleton Richard and Kaye Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pendray Ms. Lisa Kelso Pennington Pamela J. and James D. Penny PENTAX Medical Company John and Cheri Peper PepsiCo Foundation Per Group, L.P. Peregrine Capital Management Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Peregrine Capital Management, Inc. Perimeter Bicycling Association of America, Inc. The Dick and Judy Perkins Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross Perot, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Perot, Jr. The Perot Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mills C. Perry Perry & Haas, L.L.P. Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Peterman Roger and Bernadette Peters Ms. Sandra A. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Peters Ms. Virginia L. Peters Ms. Margaret L. Petersen Charles and Nancy Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. Peterson Mr. Jim L. Peterson Mr. Alfred J. Petit-Clair, Jr. Petrochem Valve Inc. Petrophysical Solutions, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob B. Petrosky Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Petrus Ms. June Pettus Mr. and Mrs. David P. Pfeil Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Pfenniger, Jr. Pfizer Foundation, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Ms. Marjorie L. Pflaum Pharmacyclics, Inc. Pharmion Corporation Phi Beta Psi Sorority Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Phillips, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phillips Ms. Jennie L. Phillips Mr. Malcolm Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Phillips Phillips Capital, Inc. The Waite and Genevieve Phillips Foundation Mr. Robert S. Pickelner Dr. and Mrs. Glynn John Pickens Mr. and Mrs. Jim B. Pickens Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Pickens Mr. T. Boone Pickens T. Boone Pickens Foundation Pileco, Inc. Mrs. Janie C. Pillittere-Hannifin Ed and H. Pillsbury Foundation Harriet Pillsbury Foundation Piping & Equipment, Inc. Ms. Linda L. Pirtle Mr. Keith Pistocco Pitch and Putt For A Cure Mr. Eric R. Pitcher Mr. Philip D. Pitchford Mr. and Mrs. James D. Pitcock, Jr. Dr. Carl Plager Mrs. Madeline C. Plansky Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig Plumhoff PMI Specialists, Inc. Pogo Producing Company Polar-Ray Sunglasses Mr. David G. Polis Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Pollard Mr. Elton Pollock Mr. and Mrs. Jose Polo Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation Mrs. Lewis H. Pool Mr. and Mrs. William L. Poole III Poongsan America Corporation Mr. Brett Pope Popp, Gray, and Hutcheson, LLP Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur LLP Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Posey Mrs. Marjorie M. Postma Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Poulos Miss Judith L. Powell Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Powers
ENDOWED PROFESSORSHIPS* Doctor R. Lee Clark Professorship
Florence Maude Thomas Cancer Research Professorship
Ransom Horne, Jr., Professorship for Cancer Research
Kathryn O’Connor Research Professorship
Hubert L. and Olive Stringer Professorship for Cancer Treatment and Research
United Energy Resources, Inc. Professorship
Ashbel Smith Professorship
Helen Buchanan and Stanley Joseph Seeger Research Professorship
McCullough Professorship for Cancer Research
John Q. Gaines Foundation Professorship for Cancer Research
H.E.B. Professorship in Cancer Research
Ashbel Smith Professorship
Kenneth D. Muller Professorship in Melanoma Research
The Kenneth D. Muller Professorship in Tumor Genetics
Ashbel Smith Professorship
Robert F. Fly Professorship of Surgical Oncology in Honor of R. Lee Clark, M.D.
Ashbel Smith Professorship
Anise J. Sorrell Professorship
Frances King Black Memorial Professorship for Cancer Research
Mattie Allen Fair Professorship in Cancer Research
Bessie McGoldrick Professorship in Clinical Cancer Research
Dallas/Fort Worth Living Legend Professorship
Felix L. Haas Professorship in Basic Science
Ruth and Walter Sterling Professorship
Elza A. and Ina Shackelford Freeman Endowed Professorship in Lung Cancer
Ashbel Smith Professorship
A Conversation with a Living Legend Professorship EDWARD YEH, M.D.
*As of January 2008 Mrs. Susan S. Pratt Mr. and Mrs. G. Heyward Preacher, Jr. Precision Construction Ms. Lisa B. Prejean Premier Auctioneers International, Inc. Premier, Inc. Mrs. Sheila Prenowitz Mr. Arthur F. Preston Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Preston Mr. and Mrs. William J. Preston Prevent Cancer Foundation The Roslyn and Michael Prevor Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mr. William H. Price PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Mrs. Ashley H. Priddy Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Pride Primary Natural Resources, Inc. Primrose School of Bedford Primrose School of Bent Trail Primrose School of Breckinridge Park Primrose School of Coppell Primrose School of Eldorado Primrose School of Stone Brooke Mr. J. D. Prince Mrs. J. Phillip Pringle Pro Modular Ltd. Prostate Cancer Foundation The Vin and Caren Prothro Foundation Prudential Foundation Mr. Bill Puckett Dr. A. Winston Puig Mr. Tillman R. Pullig Mr. Matthew A. Purdy Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Purkey Ms. Marjorie M. Purnell Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Pybus, Jr. Ms. Patti Pyle
QMI Security Solutions Quantum Gas & Power Services, Ltd. Quest Diagnostics, Inc. Questar Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Parker S. Quillen Mr. Richard H. Quinn Roger and Lois Raby Dr. Gabor B. Racz Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Radiological Society of North America Radiotherapy Support Center Mr. and Mrs. Ian C. Radomski Mr. and Mrs. James Ragan The Ragsdale Foundation Mr. Gene Rainbolt Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Rainbolt, Jr. Ms. Donna Rains Ms. Therese S. Ramirez and Mr. George C. Billings Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ramos Ms. Kim E. Ramsey Mr. Ray Ramsey Roberta K. Randall Charitable Foundation Ranger Die, Inc. Mr. Salvatore A. Ranieri Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Rankin, Jr. Mrs. Renee M. Ransom Prashant Rao Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Rasberry R. Byron and Bobbie Ratliff Mr. and Mrs. Lyle J. Ratner Rattay Foundation Mrs. William H. Ratz Dr. Kun Ming Rau Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rauch Stanley and Joyce Rawley Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ray Mr. Maury L. Ray
Mrs. Phyllis Ray Ray Oil Tool Co., Inc. Mr. Mike Rayburn, Jr. Bessie L. Rayford Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Raymond Raytheon Matching Gifts for Education Program RBS Greenwich Capital Foundation, Inc. r.c. Taylor Companies, Inc. RCG Holdings Inc. Realty Capital Partners, LLC Mr. and Mrs. John C. Reap Mr. and Mrs. Barrett H. Reasoner Reata Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Mrs. Rush H. Record Red Robin Restaurants Mr. Fred J. Redeker Redpath Integrated Pathology, Inc. Mr. Charles A. Reed Mr. Dallas C. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reed Mr. and Mrs. Joe G. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Roman F. Reed Reed Exhibitions The Reed Foundation Mr. and Mrs. H. Douglas Reese III Mr. Jerry E. Reese Ms. Marian Reich Mrs. Bettie Reichert Ms. Alison T. Reid Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Reid Mrs. James H. Reid, Jr. Mr. William P. Reid Mrs. Diane Reimann Mr. Owen A. Reischman Mr. and Mrs. Rick Reitz Miriam and Tim Relyea Estate of Vera M. Remer The Rentfro Faulk Law Firm LLP
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Name Recognition Julia and David H. Koch hosted a dinner at their home following the Palm Beach Educational Symposium. In recognition of the couple’s continued generosity to the institution, John Mendelsohn, M.D., president of M. D. Anderson, announced the naming of the David Koch Center for Applied Research in Genitourinary Cancers. The Koch Center integrates basic and clinical science through targeted therapy and fosters collaboration within M. D. Anderson and with national and international partners. An M. D. Anderson Board of Visitors member, Koch is executive vice president and a principal owner of Koch Industries, Inc. Pictured at the dinner are Mendelsohn (left) and his wife, Anne, and Anne and Robert Ross, M.D. Robert Ross is founder of the Ross University School of Medicine. The Reny Company Mrs. Betty Replogle Estate of B. J. Resoft Retina Research Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Reuben Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rewey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Reynolds Mr. James H. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. K. Earl Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Reynolds Ms. Lois C. Reynolds Mrs. Lucile W. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Reynolds Alice Kleberg Reynolds Foundation Dr. Melanie J. Rhodeback and Mr. Jerry L. Rhodeback Rhodia Inc. Rice Epicurean Markets Mr. and Mrs. Hershel M. Rich Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Gaylon Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Richardson Mrs. Schulyer Richardson and Mr. Thomas Edmonds Sid W. Richardson Foundation Richey Resources, Inc. Mr. Michael J. Richman Mr. Eugene P. Richter Ms. Margaret A. Riecker Dr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Riggs, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Rikard Mr. and Mrs. Russ Rinn J. F. Riopelle, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Riordan Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Ripley Mr. John Rippel Mr. James H. Rippy Mr. Stanley Rising Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Risko Rita Medical Systems, Inc. Mrs. Betty J. Riter Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research The Roach Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Robbins Robert Michael Healthcare Alliance LLC Robert W. Baird & Co. Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Braxton L. Roberts, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Roberts
Ms. Cindy Roberts Mr. David E. Roberts, Jr. Ms. Sheryl L. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Robertson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Daryl W. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Jack V. Robertson Ms. Lillie Robertson Mr. Craig Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie F. Robinson Mr. Mack Robinson Ruth Robinson and Family Patrick Welder Robinson Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Chase Robison Dr. Ana I. Robles and Dr. Jean C. Zenklusen Mr. Thomas M. Roche Roche Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Rochelle Mrs. Carolyn J. Roden Bill and Sue Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. J. Hugh Roff, Jr. Roff Resources LLC Mrs. Ann V. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Rogers Mrs. Donna L. Rogers Mrs. Loraine M. Rogers Regina Rogers Mr. Steve K. Rogers Mr. Theodore C. Rogers Mr. Wesley Rogers Mr. and Mrs. William F. Rogers The RoKe Foundation, Inc. Mr. Robert L. Roloff Terry and Bert Romberg Mr. Johnny J. Romero Roof Doctor Mrs. Sybil F. Roos Mr. Joe B. Roppolo William H. Roquemore Mrs. Ruth E. Roschke Dr. Marnie Rose Foundation Dr. Bob Rosebrock Dr. A. Everett Rosen & Ruth E. Rosen Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Leonard B. Rosenberg Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosenstein Mr. Abraham Rosenthal Rozanne and Billy Rosenthal
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The Rosewood Corporation David N. Rosner Charitable Foundation Estate of Caroline A. Ross Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ross Mrs. William H. Ross Matthew and Jennifer Rosser Rotary Club of Houston Heights Charitable Foundation Rotary Club of Lake Conroe Foundation Mr. Clarence E. Roth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tyler W. Rounding Mr. Floyd H. Rourke Arch and Stella Rowan Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Rowe Roy Gurley Oil & Gas Drs. Marc Rozner and Hazel Heddings Jerry and Maury Rubenstein Foundation Mr. Robert G. Rubin Nancy and Clive Runnells Estate of William A. Runnells III Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Ruppert Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Rusche Ms. Barbara Russek Paul Rutenis Research Fund Keith and Christa Rutherford Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Rutherford, Jr. Mrs. Peggy M. Rutherford Rutherford Oil Corporation Mr. Bruce J. Ruzinsky RWM Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jin Roy Ryu Gita and Ali Saberioon Mr. Andrew E. Sabin Sacramento Region Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Federico Sada Mr. Dale A. Sadler Employees of Safeco Insurance Safeway Inc. Saint Francis Health System Saks Incorporated Mrs. Frances Saladin Ms. Maria Carolina R. Salinas Mr. and Mrs. Rick Salwen Dr. and Dr. Naquib A. Samaan Mr. Richard Sambora San Antonio Area Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Adalio T. Sanchez Mr. Francisco O. Sanchez Sandbaggers Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Roy I. Sandoval Sands Investment, Ltd. George and Jennifer SanFilippo Mr. Joshua H. Sanger sanofi-aventis U.S. Mr. and Mrs. Leo M. Sant Mr. and Mrs. Laurence R. Saslaw Mr. and Mrs. James Sattawhite Dr. and Mrs. William C. Satterfield Ms. Elizabeth A. Sauer G.B. & Charlotte A. Saunders Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Savage Savings Products Savjani Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Alford C. Savoie Ms. Helen E. Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Sawyer II Mrs. Janice Z. Sayatovic Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Sayres, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Scales Ms. Laura B. Scarbrough Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Scarpinato Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Schade Ms. Wanda J. Schaffner Mr. John T. Schalk Mr. and Mrs. Steven Schatzberg Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Scheffer Mr. David R. Scheihagen Schering-Plough Foundation Ms. Linda Schibi Bob and Patricia Schieffer Mr. and Mrs. Norman K. Schiele Mr. Donald T. Schlattman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Schleigh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schlief Mr. and Mrs. Pierre M. Schlumberger
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Schlumberger Technology Corporation Mr. Edwin Schmid Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Schmidt Schmidt & Clemens, Inc. The Honorable and Mrs. Harvey A. Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Schnitzer Mrs. Hugo W. Schoellkopf III Mr. and Mrs. James Terry Scholes, Jr. Dr. Scholl Foundation Estate of Margaret W. Schrader Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Schramm Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Schreiber Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Schremp Mr. and Mrs. John D. Schubert Colonel Eldor H. Schueler Mrs. Frank A. Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Schultz Schwab Charitable Fund Estate of Dr. Sam Schwartzberg Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Schwarz, Jr. Alan and Marilyn Schwedel Sciencefirst, LLC The Scienomics Group Scitor Corporation Mr. and Mrs. James S. Scofield Dr. and Mrs. Alastair I. Scott Mrs. Barbara W. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Charles Red Scott Mr. Thomas D. Scott The Thomas H. and Mayme P. Scott Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Scotto Mrs. Beverly B. Scribner Kim and Jeff Scrivener The Scurlock Foundation Sea Garden Sales Company, LLC Mr. John Seaberg Leo W. Seal Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Searle Mr. Albert L. Seaver Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. See Mr. and Mrs. Ray R. Seegmiller Mr. and Mrs. Elliot M. Segal Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Sehon, Sr. Mrs. Elaine Seidel Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Seidenberger The Honorable and Mrs. Kel Seliger Mr. and Mrs. Larry Seligmann Dr. John W. Sellers Sell-Thru Services, Inc. Sentinel Trust Company, LBA Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Seringer Serologicals Corporation Mr. and Mrs. James A. Serritella Mr. and Mrs. Vernon A. Sevier, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sewell Sewell Automotive Companies Sewell Lexus of Fort Worth Sewell Village Cadillac Ms. Diane Sexton and Mr. John Royston Ms. Patricia A. Shackelford Mr. and Mrs. Bobby S. Shackouls Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Shaddock Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Shaddock, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Grover L. Shade Mr. Ronald G. Shafer Mr. and Mrs. Mel A. Shaftel Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Shanks, Jr. Mrs. Susan Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Tzu-Fann Shao Mr. and Mrs. Marc J. Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Shapiro Ms. Betty J. Sharp Ms. Gwen D. Sharp Mr. and Mrs. James A. Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Shaughnessy Rosemary and Joseph Shaughnessy Beth and David Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Shawell Mr. James H. Shea Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Sheffield Sheffield Asset Management, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Myron M. Sheinfeld Mr. Frank C. Shelden, Jr. Shell Oil Company Shell Oil Company Foundation
Mr. D. H. Shelton Louis and Ouita Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Marston C. Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Shemwell Mr. and Mrs. Simon Shen Mrs. Lucille Sheng Ms. Starr Shephard Mrs. Betty Jean Shepherd Ms. Cynthia S. Sheridan Ms. Linda Y. Sherif Mr. and Mrs. George V. Sherman, Jr. Sherman Foundation Trust Dr. Daniel Shirey Mr. John S. Shivers, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Derek W. Shoobridge Mr. and Mrs. Grady Lee Shropshire Ms. Jennifer L. Shufelt Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Shumaker Mr. and Mrs. George A. Shutt Ms. Evelyn W. Sibley Mr. Howard Sides Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Sieger Siemens Building Technologies Inc. Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David G. Siers SignMeUp.com Silver Eagle Distributors, LP Mr. and Mrs. Morton L. Silverblatt Mr. Joe Silverthorne Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simmons Mr. Charles M. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. John B. Simmons Matthew and Ellen Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Neal O. Simmons Mr. Tony A. Simmons Glenn & Dee Simmons Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ron Simon William E. Simon Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Suzy Sklar Simons Ms. Sydney Simons Lela Walton Simpson Ms. Ruth Simpson Estate of Lola Margaret Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Don B. Singer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Singley Mr. and Mrs. William A. Sippy SIR Foundation Sirtex Medical Inc. Estate of Sarah B. Sisemore Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Sizemore Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Skalka Mr. and Mrs. Damir S. Skerl Ski Hi Enterprises, Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Skidmore Mr. and Mrs. William D. Skov Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Slack Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Slater Mrs. Alma A. Slatten Mr. David W. Sledge Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sledge Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Sliger Mrs. Barbara J. Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Small Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smalley Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Smeal Mrs. Judith B. Smerlis Smikis Foundation Alan and Michelle Smith Dr. Alfred R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Smith Mr. Chadbourne B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ed A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ford Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Smith Mr. Harvey W. Smith, Jr. Mr. Henry A. Smith, Jr. Mrs. Jack Smith Mr. and Mrs. James L. Smith Mrs. Jean C. Smith Joe H. Smith and Kent H. Smith Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lance Smith Mrs. Lura B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Marc B. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Smith Mr. Noel E. Smith, Jr. Onnie Leach Smith
Partners in Making Cancer History Mr. and Mrs. Pomeroy Smith Mr. Randlow Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Smith Mr. Terence J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Wade C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Smith Mrs. Weldon H. Smith Mr. and Mrs. William F. Smith Mr. and Mrs. William R. Smith Clara B. & W. Aubrey Smith Charitable Foundation The Lester and Sue Smith Foundation Vivian L. Smith Foundation The William A. and Madeline Welder Smith Foundation Smiths Group plc Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Snead, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Snead Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Snell Mr. John C. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Snyder Mr. Robert L. Snyder Societie Generale Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sodersten Mr. Stuart R. Sokel Mr. George H. Solich Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Somberg Mrs. Terry Sonnevil Mr. Michael Sonnier SonoSite, Inc. Nav Sooch Sooner Pipe, LLC The Carl and Sally Sorenson Philanthropic Fund at Stark Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Soriero, Sr. Mr. Charif Souki Mr. Charles M. Sours Southwest Christian Church Southwestern Medical Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Sovern Mr. and Mrs. Brent Spaeth Mr. and Mrs. Rex A. Spain Mr. and Mrs. Bill J. Sparks Mr. Patrick C. Sparks Ruth Parr Sparks Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Spaw Mrs. Lynda Speckhart Ms. Stephanie Speckhart Mrs. Heather F. Spector Spectra Energy Foundation Mr. Roger W. Speer Estate of Mick Spellman Mr. and Mrs. Ron J. Spellman Mary John Spence Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Spence, Jr. Ms. D. Laurie Spencer Mr. Elwyn W. Spencer The Joel & Brenda Spira Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Spitler Mrs. Mary F. Spletzer Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Spore Ms. Lola L. Spradley Mr. and Mrs. James Sprankle Mrs. Nina Springer and Mr. Kent A. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Penrose C. St. Amant St. Baldrick’s Foundation Mr. Jack B. St. Clair Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. St. John St. Jude Medical Inc. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. St. Laurent Stan and Suzanne St. Pierre Foundation St. Thomas’ Episcopal School Drs. Peter and Nancy Staats Mr. Jeff Stadtmueller Dr. and Mrs. Gregg A. Staerkel Stahl Family Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George G. Staley Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Stallings Mr. John Staluppi, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Stanley Mr. O. B. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. R. John Stanton, Jr. Mr. Michael L. Stanwood Mr. Jeffrey G. Stark Lois and George Stark Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Stark
Start Trucking, Inc. State Bar of Texas-Construction Law Section State Employee Charitable Campaign State Farm Companies Foundation Marianne and Roger Staubach Staubach Houston, Ltd. Mr. Dean C. Stavinoha Diane and Charles R. Steed Mr. and Mrs. Gene Steele Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Steger Mr. Albert W. Stein Ms. Maryann Stein Ron and Phyllis Steinhart The Steinhart Family Advised Fund of The Dallas Foundation Dr. Fred Steinman and Mrs. Robyn Steinman Mr. John D. Stenson Stentor, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Stephens Mr. David A. Stephens Mr. Michael H. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Stephenson Mr. Norm Steppe Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Stern Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Stevens Ms. Rena Stevens Estate of Christine L. Stevenson Mr. John Stevenson and Ms. Robyn Rothman Mr. and Mrs. H. Leighton Steward Alan G. and Kathy Kurtin Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Ward W. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Stiles Mr. and Mrs. C. David Stinson Mr. J. Michael Stinson Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Stobaugh Mr. Bradford C. Stocki Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Stoffel Mr. and Mrs. Steven Stoltz Mrs. Beulah G. Stone Mr. Michael J. Stonehocker The Storehouse Foundation Mr. Robert E. Storey, Jr. Mr. Robert E. Storey, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Stovall, Jr. Mr. George C. Stradley Strake Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stranahan Strand Systems Engineering, Inc. Mr. F. W. Straw Mr. John W. Strayhorn Bill and Lindy Street Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Street, Jr. Jannette and Gerald Streit Mr. Carl J. Streva Robert Strickland Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Stringfellow Dr. John R. Stroehlein Dr. and Mrs. David R. Strome Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stroud Mr. Tom Stroud Mr. Steven A. Strutz Stryker Mr. Ben R. Stuart Mr. Timothy L. Stuart The Stuart Charitable Foundation The Joan Warren Stuart Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stueve Dr. and Mrs. George M. Sturgis Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Stutes Mr. and Mrs. John H. Styles, Sr. Mrs. Martha H. Styner Mrs. Lucinda C. Subers Mr. and Mrs. Calvin H. Sugg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. William A. Sullivan Mr. Joe Chat Sumner III Sun, Inc. Sunbelt Group L.P. Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Sundbeck Mr. Charles Sunderland The Sunderland Foundation Mrs. Margaret C. Sunderman Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Sunwall Mrs. Dolores L. Sura Sutaruk Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kurt P. Swanson
Gretchen Swanson Family Foundation, Inc. Estate of William G. Sweetman Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Swenson Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Swienton Mr. and Mrs. Virgil N. Swift The Swift Open Mrs. Kimberlee Swig Roselyne Chroman Swig The Swig Foundation Mr. Mark Swim Mrs. Jackie Switzer Synapse Medical Communications LLC SYSCO Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Antonio M. Szabo Mrs. Martha M. Lane-Szescila and Mr. Andrew J. Szescila Mr. Charles W. Szuluk TAD PGS, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ali Taghdisi Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., LTD. Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. Sharon and J. Michael Talbert Mr. and Mrs. Tony L. Talbott Mr. G. Richard Talley Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Talley Bob Tallman’s Charities, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Tandy, Jr. Mr. Bruce A. Tankleff Tanox, Inc. TAP Pharmaceuticals Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Taper Targa Therapeutics Corporation Target Insurance Services The Charles W. Tate and Judy Spence Tate Charitable Foundation George and Bonnie Taubel Mr. and Mrs. David W. Tauber, Sr. The Tauber Companies Richard and Leanne Tavoso tay-bandz, inc. Mr. Hollis M. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John N. Taylor Mr. John S. Taylor TDIndustries, Inc. Technisource TechTrans International Inc. Ronnie W. Tedder Mr. David M. Tehle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Tella II Dr. and Mrs. James E. Tempesta Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Temple Temple-Inland Foundation Mr. Robert N. Tenczar Teratech Corporation Tetralogic Pharmaceuticals Corporation Texas Cancer Council Texas Federation of Business & Professional Women Foundation Texas Industries, Inc. Texas Instruments Foundation Texas Medical Association Texas Medical Distributors, Inc. Texas Neurofibromatosis Foundation Texas Prairieland Foundation TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company Mr. Chester Allen Thames, Jr. The Phantom Laboratory, Inc. Therakos Inc. ThermOptics Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Thiel Mr. Edward E. Thiele Anna Belle P. Thomas Mr. Clay Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine M. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Gillis Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John A. Thomas Joye D. Thomas Mr. Larry Thomas Mrs. Patricia A. Thomas Ms. Starr D. Thomas Mr. Terence W. Thomas Mrs. Jeffrie Fulmer-Thomas and Mr. Terry L. Thomas Mr. William R. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. William S. Thomas John G. Thomas Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Hall W. Thompson
Welcoming Reception Supporters of M. D. Anderson gathered in August 2007 at the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe, N.M. Highlighting the reception hosted by Board of Visitors member Stephen Feinberg and his wife, Susan Foote, Ph.D., were remarks by M. D. Anderson President John Mendelsohn, M.D. Pictured are Mendelsohn (left) with Demos Kyrazis, Ph.D., of Albuquerque. Kyrazis and his wife, Joanne, are both long-term cancer survivors and generous M. D. Anderson donors. Mr. James G. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Jon L. Thompson Mrs. Kathy Thompson Mr. Ned Thompson Ms. Patricia P. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Randall M. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Thompson Thompson & Knight Foundation Thompson Surgical Instruments, Inc. Thoracic Surgery Foundation for Research and Education Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred F. Thorne Mr. Fletcher Thorne-Thomsen, Jr. Patrick J. and Loretta Thornton Ms. Mary L. Thorstenberg Mr. and Mrs. Ian M. Threadgold Throsby International Mr. and Mrs. Brian Thurman Estate of Violet Thwaites Mr. and Mrs. Bill J. Tidwell Mr. Jason A. Tilroe Tim Yochim Memorial Tournament Time Warner, Inc. Timken Foundation of Canton Mr. and Mrs. Cline A. Tincher Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Tipps Tiseo Paving Company Ms. Jane Tjian Dr. Teresa M. Todd and Dr. David L. Todd Maretta and D. C. Toedt Mr. and Mrs. John L. Tomerlin Mrs. Lavina Tomlinson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tompkins Mr. Antonio S. Tong Tootsie’s Mr. David S. Topp Ms. Berte L. Toppell Ms. Judith Y. Tor Mr. and Mrs. Donaldo E. Torres Mr. and Mrs. Leon Toubin Mrs. Sibyl V. Townes Mr. and Mrs. Mason L. Townsend Traditions Financial Services Trainer Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William F. Trainor Transmountain Oil Company, L.C. Mrs. Veronica F. Trautmann Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Travis Tread For Treatment Mr. and Mrs. D. Michael Trent Tres Chics Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Trevino Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Triebel Trigeant, LTD Trio Electric Ltd. Mr. Stephen M. Trippe Mr. David Tritter
Dr. and Mrs. Barton C. Trover Mrs. Betty H. Trover Troy Tiner Troy Towsend Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Truby Mr. and Mrs. Dean B. Truitt Dr. Chang-Hai Tsai Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Tudor III Gaye U. Tullos Tulsa Community Foundation Mr. Ronald Turboff Mr. and Mrs. David O. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Jess R. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Turner Turn-Tex Machine & Tool, Inc. Mrs. Vernita J. Turpin Ms. Diane Twist Tyrell, Inc. U. S. Fiberglass Products, Inc. U. S. Quality Furniture Services, Inc. U.S.A. Sports, Inc. UBS Foundation USA Mr. and Mrs. D. R. “Tom” Uher Mr. and Mrs. Walter Umphrey Mrs. Jana Unger Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Unger United Way of Broward County, Inc. United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg The University of Chicago - Argonne National Laboratory Unum Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Unverferth Vivian and Ignacio Urbieta Jr. Mr. John A. Urquhart Colonel and Mrs. Roger R. Utley Mr. Dennis R. Vaillancourt Mr. and Mrs. Ken Valach Valco Instruments Company, Inc. Valence Operating Company Jose L. Valencia, M.D. Dr. Alan D. Valentine Mr. Daniel Valentine Mr. Joseph C. Valentine Valley Country Club Van Devender Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Van Deventer Mr. and Mrs. Henri Van Dierdonck Mr. George T. Van Horn, Jr. Van Kampen Funds Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vance Mr. and Mrs. Johan P. Vanden Noort Mrs. Eleanor Vandeventer Mr. S. Wil VanLoh, Jr. Mr. Harkishan Vanmali Mr. and Mrs. William W. Vann The Vanneck-Bailey Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Adalberto Vara Varian Medical Systems, Inc.
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A Surprise Gift M. D. Anderson Board of Visitors member Patsy Fourticq and husband, Greg, received a holiday surprise in December 2006. In honor of their 50th wedding anniversary, their son, Gregory Fourticq Jr. (left), established the Norman Jaffe Professorship in Pediatrics at the Children’s Cancer Hospital at M. D. Anderson. After the announcement at a dinner at the home of Anne and John Mendelsohn, M.D., president of M. D. Anderson, Gregory surprised his parents with more news. Arrangements already had been made to celebrate with 200 philanthropic individuals the next evening at the Fourticq’s home. The inaugural “Santa’s Elves” event raised more than $20,000 for patients at the Children’s Cancer Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Varsel, Sr. Susan and Gene Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Obe Veldman Mr. and Mrs. David R. Venarge The Cheryl and David Venarge Fund of Akron Community Foundation Mr. Vaughn O. Vennerberg II Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. Dr. Kathleen S. Verderber and Dr. Rudolph F. Verderber Verizon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Greg M. Vesey Mr. Samuel H. Vester, Jr. Viasys Healthcare Vick Family Foundation, Inc. Vicon Equipment Inc. Ms. Jennifer Lynn Viele Sam Viersen Family Foundation, Inc. Vietnamese Cancer Prevention Mrs. George F. Vietor Mr. John A. Vigna Robert and Mel Villar Villas at Lakecliff, LP Vital Images, Inc. Tri Tuc Vo Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vogel Ms. Betty Vogt Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Vogt Mr. and Mrs. John Kurt von Plonski Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Voripaieff Ms. Anne B. Voshel Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Voss W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Waage Wachovia Mrs. Cuba Wadlington, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waechter The Waggoners Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Wagner Todd R. Wagner Foundation Estates of Lan Peck Wah and Dinney Ng Wah Mrs. Mary Pillsbury Wainwright Wake Radiology Oncology Services Mrs. Charlie Walden Mr. Harry S. Walia Mr. and Mrs. Foster Walker III Mr. George B. Walker, Jr. Mr. Ralph Walker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Walker
Mr. Weldon Walker Mrs. Sharon Borg Wall Mrs. Dwane L. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. H. Dalton Wallace Margaret and Wayne Wallace Mr. and Mrs. W. Don Wallace Wal-Mart /Sam’s Club Foundation Walnut Hill Foundation Walsh Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. John T. Walter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Walter III Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Walters, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Walters Mrs. C. Lee Walton Mr. J. E. Wann Ms. Qingsu Wang and Mr. John G. Zvonar Bess and Matt Wareing Mr. and Mrs. James Otto Warren, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Warren William K. Warren Foundation Mr. and Mrs. F. Morgan Warzel Steve and Sally Wasserman Waterhill Mr. and Mrs. Michael Watford Mr. and Mrs. David S. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. James William Watts Ms. Marilyn Kay Watts Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jim C. Weatherly Mr. F. Rene Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Weaver The Gil & Dody Weaver Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John R. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Webb Mrs. Barbara Weber Mr. and Mrs. James K. Weber Mrs. Patricia A. Weber Weber Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William M. Webster IV Joan and Michael Wechsler Timothy R. Weddle Mrs. Geri A. Wegner Mr. and Mrs. James P. Weidener Weinfield Family Foundation The Weingarten Schnitzer Family The Weingarten Schnitzer Foundation, Inc. Dr. Erica Weinstock and Dr. George Weinstock
Joseph Weintraub Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Weir Mr. David Weiser Miss Lauren Weiser Ms. Laurie A. Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Weitzman Mr. and Mrs. David N. Welch Mr. and Mrs. G. Berkshire Welch Dr. and Mrs. Jasper A. Welch The Robert A. Welch Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James F. Weldon Mr. and Mrs. John R. Weller Carole and D. Brent Wells Employees of Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Werlin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Werner Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Wessinger Ms. Marian E. West Kanye West Foundation West Michigan Christian Foundation Westbrook Metals Inc. Mr. Warren G. Wester Dr. Valda Kay Westmoreland Westside Rehab, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wetzel Mr. and Mrs. Dean Weurding Mr. and Mrs. R. Graham Whaling Mrs. Leona S. Whatley Mrs. Wilma P. Whitaker Mr. and Mrs. Ty Whitcomb Mr. and Mrs. Larry N. White Mrs. Raye G. White Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. White Mr. Stephen P. White White Star Energy, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whiteaker Mr. John J. Whitehead Whole Foods Market Mr. Carl L. Wickizer Mrs. Frances A. Wiese Ms. Cindy Wiggins Estate of Morris S. Wiginton III Robert J. Wigley Mr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Wiles Mrs. Helen B. Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Wiley Mrs. Dolores K. Wilkenfeld Mrs. Margaret M. Wilkerson Dr. Don M. Wilkins Estate of Emma Elizabeth Willeford
R e p o r t
2 0 0 6 – 2 0 0 7
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Willems Dr. and Mrs. W. Darrell Willerson, Jr. Glenn and Cheryl Willey Mr. and Mrs. Bert B. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Williams Cheryl Lockton Williams Mr. and Mrs. Earle C. Williams Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams Mr. and Mrs. James B. Williams Mr. and Mrs. John E. Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Williams Mr. Ray R. Williams, Jr. Mr. Rodney W. Williams Williams Companies, Inc. The Paul J. Williams Foundation Williams Kherkher Hart Boundas L. L. P. Dr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. James Williamson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. John D. Williamson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Willingham Willison Family Charitable Foundation Mary V. C. Wills Ms. Helen B. Wils and Mr. Leonard A. Goldstein Mr. Clyde H. Wilson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Herman T. Wilson, Jr. Mrs. Judith A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Leland E. Wilson SuEllen and John Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Wilson Wings of Life A Fight For a Cure Mr. and Mrs. M. Paul Winkler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Winkler Mr. Paul H. Winkler Dr. J. David Winningham Mrs. Judith Winograd Winokur Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Winstanley Mr. and Mrs. Michael Winston Mr. and Mrs. William H. Winters Mr. Tom G. Winterton Mr. John L. Wirth Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wise William and Marie Wise Family Foundation Watson W. Wise Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ron Witten Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn L. Wolff Cyvia & Melvyn Wolff Family Foundation Mr. Randall W. Womack Woman’s City Club Mr. and Ms. H. H. Wommack III Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Jackie D. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Wood Mr. Larry D. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Wood Ms. Marilee Wood and Mr. Tevis Grinstead Wood Group Light Industrial Turbines (USA), Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gene M. Woodfin The Woodlands High School Mr. and Mrs. George M. Woodman Mr. and Mrs. James D. Woods Working Assets World Energy Solutions, Inc. Worldwide Turnaround Management dba The Turnaround Management Company Worrell, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Z. Woskow Ms. Helen Wozar Mr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Wright II Mrs. Marilyn M. Wright WS Packaging Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Wurster Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Wyatt Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Estate of Rubye F. Wynne Wyoming Cancer Specialists, LLC Dr. Mary K. Wyss Xencor, Inc. Xerox Corporation XTO Energy Inc.
Mrs. Donna E. Yaffe Mrs. Sue G. Yaffee Yahoo! Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Motoshi Yamasaki Dr. Stacy A. Yamasaki Mr. Fernando A. Yarrito Dr. and Mrs. James R. Yates Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Yeates Dr. Ting-Wey Yen Dr. and Mrs. Ray V. Yost You Can Make a Difference Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Young Mrs. Nolan Young Dr. Paul Young and Mrs. Susan Torn Young Mr. Phillip D. Young Mr. and Mrs. George Youngblood Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Zager M. B. and Edna Zale Foundation Mr. Stuart Zarrow Maxine and Jack Zarrow Family Foundation The Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation Mr. Jeffrey C. Zaruba Ferrin Randall Zeitlin Foundation for Sarcoma Research Zell Family Foundation Jori Zemel Children’s Bone Cancer Foundation Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Lane D. Ziegler Mr. Paul Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Ziegler Mr. Selim Zilkha Mr. and Mrs. John C. Zimmer Mr. Ronald R. Zimmerman Mr. Tom Zimmerman Zinn Petroleum Company Dr. Ralph G. Zinner and Dr. Jeri Kim Mrs. Susan G. Znameroski Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Zorn Mr. Eduardo P. Zorrilla Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zuber Zukowski, Bresenhan & Sinex, LLP. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Zullo In memory of David W. Zumwalt by anonymous Mr. X. Kembo Zunzanyika
Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. If an error has been made, please contact the Development Office at 713-792 -3450.
2 0 0 6 – 2 0 0 7
D. A n d e r s o n
C a n c e r
C e n t e r
A n n u a l
R e p o r t
2 0 0 6 – 2 0 0 7
Net Patient Re venue
Restricted Grants, Contracts and Philanthropy
State Appropriated General Re venue
Investment and Other Non-Operating Income
Other Income
29,369,564 $ 2,679,836,041
Instruction, Academic Support and Public Service
Patient Care
Facilities and Depreciation
Institutional Support, Auxiliary and Other
Allocation to Capital Plan
310,203,370 $2,679,836,041
* The format of the financial statement in this annual report reflects the reporting standards of the Annual Financial Report of The University of Texas System. ** As a point of comparison, total revenue in FY06 was $2,353,928,944. Revenue for FY07 represents a 13.8% increase over the prior year.
SOURCES OF REVENUE in millions $1,988.8
$29.4 $161.8 $25.3 $160.1 72
Net Patient Revenue
Restricted Grants, Contracts and Philanthropy
State Appropriated General Revenue
Investment and Other Non-Operating Income
Other Income
Auxiliary Enterprises
Patient Days
Average Daily Census
Average Length of Stay
Average Number of Operating Beds
Hospital-Based Volunteers
Outpatient Billable V isits Pathology/Lab Medicine Procedures Diagnostic Imaging Procedures Surgery Hours Total Active Clinical Protocols
Total Employees
USES OF REVENUE in millions $1,323.4
$345.4 $138.5 $187.7
M. D. Anderson provided $196 million in unsponsored charity care to Texans with cancer in FY07.*
$374.6 $310.2 49.4%
Patient Care
Facilities and Depreciation
Allocation to Capital Plan
Institutional Support, Auxiliary and Other
Instruction, Academic Support and Public Service
UNSPONSORED CHARITY CARE *Figure calculated using the definition of unsponsored
charity care set forth in the General Appropriations Act.
D. A n d e r s o n
C a n c e r
C e n t e r
A n n u a l
R e p o r t
2 0 0 6 – 2 0 0 7
150,915 144,906
$98.9 $1,150.1
Managed Care
884,817 831,025 793,210 726,125
Trusts and Estates
PLEDGE GIFTS* Corporations
Organizations Trusts and Estates
Individuals Organizations
$154.1 m
526,809 165
$12.4 m SUBTOTAL
$76.1k TOTAL *Pledge gifts are not reported here at Net Present Value. Discounted value of Planned Gifts is $9,675,596.61
$6.9 m
Education/Prevention/Patient Care
Capital Facilities
*Donor-targeted gifts to research conducted in all mission areas. **These dollars fund institutional peer-reviewed research. 75
D. A n d e r s o n
C a n c e r
C e n t e r
A n n u a l
R e p o r t
2 0 0 6 – 2 0 0 7
Private Industry Grants and Contracts
Philanthropy and Foundations
Federal Grants and Contracts
State Appropriated General Re venue Tobacco Settlement Receipts Hospital Operating Margins Institutional Funds
*Figure includes operating expenses, indirect costs and capital asset purchases.
EDUCATION PROFILE Clinical Residents and Fellows Research Trainees Observers, Visitors and Special Programs Nursing Students/Rotations Student Programs School of Health Sciences Programs TOTAL NUMBER OF TRAINEES
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Orlando, Orlando, Florida H. Scott Caven, Jr., Houston Chair
James Richard Huffines, Austin Vice Chair
Robert B. Rowling, Dallas Vice Chair
John W. Barnhill, Jr., Brenham James D. Dannenbaum, Houston Paul Foster, El Paso Printice L. Gary, Dallas Janiece M. Longoria, Houston Colleen McHugh, Corpus Christi Randal Matthew Camarillo, Houston Student Regent
Mark G. Yudof Chancellor
Kenneth I. Shine, M.D. Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS M. D. ANDERSON CANCER CENTER EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
John Mendelsohn, M.D. President
Thomas W. Burke, M.D. Executive Vice President and Physician-in-Chief
Centro Oncológico M. D. Anderson International España, Madrid, Spain M. D. Anderson-Clinical Care Center in the Bay Area M. D. Anderson Radiation Treatment Centers in Bellaire, Fort Bend, Katy and The Woodlands, Texas; and Albuquerque, N.M. Christus Spohn Stem Cell Program affiliated with M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Outreach, Corpus Christi, Texas Conquest is published quarterly by The University Cancer Foundation Board of Visitors on behalf of The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. All correspondence should be addressed to the Office of Public Affairs -Unit 229, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, TX 77030, 713-792-0658. E-mail: eellig@mdanderson.org. Articles and photos may be reprinted with permission.
Stephen C. Stuyck, Vice President for Public Affairs Sarah Palmer, Associate Vice President for Communications David Berkowitz, Director of Publications and Creative Services Sandi Stromberg, Program Manager of External Publications Editor: Eileen A. Ellig Writers: Mary Jane Schier, David Berkowitz, Carol Bryce, Gail Goodwin, Scott Merville, Asma Siddiqi, Sandi Stromberg, Sarah Watson Design: Michael Clarke Photography: Wyatt McSpadden, Pete Baatz, John Hacht, Kevin McGowan, F. Carter Smith, Jack Thompson, Jack Opatrany
Raymond N. DuBois, M.D., Ph.D. Provost and Executive Vice President
For information on supporting programs at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, please contact Patrick B. Mulvey, Vice President for Development, 713-792-3450, or log on to the Development Office Web site at www.mdanderson.org/gifts. For information on patient services at M. D. Anderson, call askMDAnderson at 1-877-MDA-6789, or log on to www.mdanderson.org/ask
Ernest H. Cockrell Chair
Marc J. Shapiro
Immediate Past Chair
© 2008 Not printed at State expense.
Nancy B. Loeffler Chair-Elect
Ali A. Saberioon
Printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink.
Vice Chair
C h e c k o u t t h e C o n q u e s t W e b s i t e a t w w w. m d a n d e r s o n . o r g / c o n q u e s t
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