Network-Spring 2013

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The Anderson Network is a program of Volunteer Services at MD Anderson Cancer Center


Spring ’13

Screening for a second cancer: Know your risks, how to manage them

By Mary Brolley

Once you’ve been treated for one type of cancer, it doesn’t seem fair that you should have to worry about getting another type. But hard as it may be to think about getting a second cancer, it’s important to be aware of your risks. That’s because, all things being equal, cancer survivors are more likely than others to get another cancer, says Therese Bevers, M.D., professor in MD Anderson’s Department of Clinical Cancer Prevention. Though it’s a difficult topic, Bevers wants survivors to speak to their oncologists and primary care physicians about their risks of developing another cancer. First, let’s define our terms. A second primary cancer is not a recurrence. It’s the development of a new type of cancer in someone with a history of cancer.

Because it affects quality of life and long-term survival, getting a second primary cancer is one of the most serious events in a survivor’s life.

A caution against ‘tunnel vision’ Bevers says that too often, survivors and their oncologists are so focused on checkups and diagnostic tests to spot a recurrence that they don’t consider their risks for other cancers. “I call it tunnel vision,” she says. “I understand why it happens, but it’s important that we address it. Cancer survivors still need screenings for other types of cancer.” Why are cancer survivors more likely to get a second cancer? One factor — though rare — is genetics. If you have an inherited tendency to contract cancer (such as the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, or Lynch syndrome), you could get a second primary cancer that develops along the same genetic pathway. Another may relate to lifestyle factors. If you smoke, drink more alcohol than recommended or continued on page 2


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