MDBC Magazine 2011 3

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MAGAZINE Malaysian Dutch Business Council

Issue: 3rd edition 2011

KDN No. PP11067/12/2011 (026729)


Coming soon:

Y MDBC Sustainability T I 1 L Awards ‘11ABI 2 0 1 N S I A D T S R U S WA IT &AInnovation

EU-Penang Day

Y T I L I 01 B A 2 N I S A T RD S SU WA A

Y T I 1 L I 01 B A 2 N I S A T RD S SU WA A


Create your scenario for the office

Ma r k an t A s i a S d n B h d | Lo t 5 23 , B a t u 1 3 1 /2 Jal an Kl ang B an ti ng - 4 2 6 0 0 Jenj aro m Sel ang o r Telep h o n e : + 60 3 3191 7 2 46 - Fa x : + 6 0 3 31 91 7 24 5 | E -mai l : asia@ markant offic e .c om - Web si te: w w w.markant of fice. com






MSA’11 5

AGM 15




M4M & GOLF 15












VOSKAMP, BASISBAY, 13 MING BLUE & WHITE From the Executive Director

DEAR MDBC MEMBERS, FRIENDS AND CONTACTS, At the beginning of September, immediately after the Summer holidays in Europe and the combined Merdaka and Hari Raya festivities in Malaysia, activities started picking up. September is

a stimulating month that sets the tone for the remainder of 2011. Several Dutch-linked organisations and MDBC members showcased their green tech and sustainability initiatives, products and services at the well-publicized IGEM exhibition for Green Technology in Kuala Lumpur. Human Resources remains a priority for most of our members. Therefore, many managers and HR practitioners appreciated hearing the latest developments and issues in the HR market during our 2nd annual MDBC Human Resources Forum. In another aspect of HR, we welcome more than 30 Dutch students this month to commence their internships in Malaysia. September also saw the visits of two Dutch delegations. Firstly, the Holland Marine Equipment


co-operated with the Malaysian Shipbuilders Association to organise a Malaysia meets Holland seminar and exhibition. Secondly, the Dutch Gas Turbine Association participates with a Holland Pavilion at the Power-Gen Asia exhibition in Kuala Lumpur. Meanwhile, the Malaysian Embassy in the Netherlands together with Matrade and MIDA, organises the Malaysia Week in The Hague during the middle of September, a week full of corporate, cultural and social activities. With much anticipation we also look ahead to our special events on 2 November. In your agenda, have you already reserved this whole day for the MDBC?! By the time you read this, nominations for the MDBC Sustainability Awards 2011 are submit-

ted. Based on early indications, we will receive numerous submissions from our members so we can expect an exciting competition. All MDBC members will be winners, as you can attend (and learn from!) the presentations of the shortlisted nominations on 2 November. MDBC’s objective of best practices sharing between our members should reach a higher dimension on this day! Of course at night, we also welcome you for the MDBC 15th Anniversary Dinner, a celebration for and with our members. Join us to share MDBC’s history, our accomplishments and the achievements of the shortlisted cum winning nominations of MSA’11. See you on 2 November! Marco Winter 3

SPECIAL EVENT - MSA’11 3. Best Corporate Sustainability for Community Development.

In conjunction with MDBC’s 15th Anniversary Dinner this year, we will be organising the inagural MDBC Sustainability Awards 2011 (MSA’11) on Wednesday, 2 November at the Crowe Plaza Mutiara! MDBC decided to launch the Sustainability Awards as it is very much in line with our efforts (and those of the Netherlands Embassy) over the past years to be involved in events and share information on CSR, Corporate Governance, Green Technology and Sustainable Development. It is our initiative to acknowledge, showcase, honor and reward the outstanding Best Practices of our member companies. This special double event of the MSA’11 and the 15th Anniversary Dinner will consist of a day and evening program. While the informative day program will feature presentations by all the shortlisted companies on their nominations in the 4 different categories (listed below), the 15th Anniversary Dinner will be full of MDBC History, achievements, networking and entertainment along with the award presentation for the MSA’11. MDBC Members will be able to nominate themselves or recommend others in the first 3 categories:

1. Best Corporate Sustainability for the Environment This category will focus on the implementation of a program in areas such as: Energy Efficiency, Extended Product Responsibility, Green Product Design, Waste Reduction, Sustainable Business Practices and Water Conservation. The integration of environmental performance into the company’s strategy and delivery of proven business results will also be considered. 2. Best Corporate Sustainability in Human Resources The policies and programs that value and care for the company’s employees, focusing on (for instance) embracing diversity in the workplace, providing childcare, providing appropriate work life balance of employees, dependence care, layoffs and closing, health and wellness, privacy, employee training, fostering lifelong learning, raising practical awareness on the company’s sustainability activities and efforts, equal opportunities, gender balance, improving the quality of life at work and implementing employee ownership plans on a sustainable basis will all be evaluated.

For this category, judges will look at the contribution of companies to improving the level of development in their surrounding communities, or communities further away from the company through healthcare, education or basic infrastructure facilities or employment creation. The 4th category “Best Practices in Sustainability of a Malaysian Partner” is reserved especially for the Malaysian (local) Partners of member companies. This can mean a supplier, (sub) contractor, etc - any partner in the member company’s supply chain. As MDBC member companies are required to ensure that their supply chain is conducting good business practices as a part of their own sustainability obligations, this is a good opportunity to take a look at which partners exceed the requirements to go beyond the minimum code of conduct, legal compliance, regulatory frameworks and reporting standards to support their clients in their sustainability efforts. We will take a deeper look into how the partner supports the client in achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. The independent expert judges in the MSA, led by Chief Judge H.E. Paul Bekkers (Ambassador, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Malaysia) will evaluate the projects up for consideration with the following criteria:

* Uniqueness and Originality of the program. * Impact of the program on stakeholders (qualitative and quantitative) * Sustainability of the program (including financial sustainability) * Transparency and Communication / Reporting of the program * Enhancement of trade / investment relations between Malaysia and the Netherlands. Each category will feature two independent judges. Additional information about the panel of judges will be revealed in the lead up to the event. Nominations closed on 23 September, after which the judges shortlisted 3 nominations per category. These shortlisted companies will present their projects on 2 November for final judging. Winners will be announced during the MDBC 15th Anniversary Dinner on the evening of 2 November. That night, also join us in celebrating and giving recognition to the Council’s history and achievements through the MDBC “Wall of Fame”, video presentation and acknowledgement of long-time members. Invitations for the special 15th Anniversary Dinner and Sustainability Awards presentation have been sent out to all members recently which provides details on this event. Don’t forget to register now in order to ensure that you have your seat for this extraordinary evening of recognition, fun, food and drinks!


MEMBERS’ NEWS Dulux Decorative Centre opens in Kota Kinabalu

Top: Part of the new Dulux Decorative Centre in Kota Kinabalu. Bottom: YB Datuk (Ir.) Edward Yong Oui Fah (Sabah Assistant Minister of Local Government & Housing) touring the centre accompanied by CW Goh

[WHEN?], AkzoNobel unveiled its first Dulux Decorative Centre in Kota Kinabalu, which is a onestop centre that offers customers value-added services such as colour consultation and sustainability awareness.

to helping them make sustainable and informed choices in colour trends and design as well as providing the tools to unleash their creativity and design potential,” said CW Goh, Managing Director, ICI Paints.

“We believe that Sabah is a growing and buoyant market with lots of prospects. We are committed

Upon entering this avant-garde centre, customers will be greeted by the ingenious interior design. The layout spans across four different sections (ColourFutures Wall, Inspiration Showcase, Consultation Corner and the Innovation Display), each serving their own individual function.

Shell Eco - Marathon Asia 2011 Royal Dutch Shell CEO Peter Voser led the ceremonies on 8 July where 10 of the best vehicle entries from 12 countries paraded on the Sepang F1 track. “Their passion and enthusiasm to push the boundaries on fuel efficiency is inspiring and infectious. Every time I watch these young people at work, it gives me renewed hope for the future,” said Voster, commenting on the Asian students’ creativity in their vehicle designs. He urged participants to keep up their efforts to drive the future of mobility. Joining Voster in the ceremony was Datuk Fadillah Yusof, Malay-

sian Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation. Also involved were Ambassadors, High Commissioners, business leaders and guests from Malaysia and around the region who came to witness the inventive solutions of the youth in solving the world’s growing energy challenges in transport.

Tonasco Celebrates 5th Year of Growth This year Tonasco celebrates its 5th year of success and growth. Founded in January 2006, Tonasco has grown from a small sourcing office to today’s manufacturing and assembly outfit with a workforce of over 40 staff. As a young, dynamic and fast growing company, Tonasco aims to reach higher goals and continue to enhance their competitive avantage. All at Tonasco will now get a new tag on their shirt pocket: 100% Quality. Tonasco is using this milestone to involve every employee from bottom

up to achieve 100% quality and keep the company health and profitability in check.

smarter cities is approached in Asia.

triple one: We need to produce more energy for a world with more people, where millions are shaking off energy poverty and climbing up the energy ladder, while also building a more sustainable energy system for the future,” he said.

Voser explained why the world will need to draw on a range of different energy sources to meet the region’s growing demand for energy. “Our challenge is a

Top: The specially designed 5th Anniversary logo from Tonasco Bottom: The Tonasco team celebrating

Earlier in the day, Voster engaged various key stakeholders from the government, academia and other energy concerned citizens in an exchange of ideas on Future Energy, Smarter Mobility. The dialogue discussed how future energy and smarter mobility, leading towards building 7

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MEMBERS’ NEWS ‘Usual Unusual Breakthroughs Conference’

Delegates were first welcomed by mimes and walked through a two storey waterfall of cascading bubbles as school children played traditional gamelan music in the background. The historic setting of the conference was livened up with hundreds of blue soccer balls, the company’s symbol of connection. The line up of speakers included:

Top: The &Samhoud Asia team in front of Carcosa Seri Negara at the “Usual Unusual Breakthroughs Conference” Bottom right: Dato’ Sri Idris Jala speaking to delegates at the conference.

On July 7, with great efforts and success, &samhoud hosted its first ever major event in Malaysia and Asia. More than 60 delegates representing some of Malaysia’s biggest and most prominent companies attended the ‘Usual

Unusual Breakthroughs Conference’. The conference was held at the former British Governor’s mansion, Carcosa Seri Negara, in Kuala Lumpur and cantered on the themes of Connected Leadership and Creating Sustainable Value.

QWR adds Knowledge United to the family Quint Wellington Redwood has recently added Knowledge United to the Quint Wellington Redwood family of companies. Quint has always been focused on improving organizational success through People, Processes and Technology. This acquisition allows Quint to offer their customers more choices by adding courses to their portfolio for Red Hat, HP, Oracle, Microsoft, Cisco and VMware. It also allows them to customize a learning plan that includes many delivery methods. “The Quint Group has always been committed to the idea of ‘A better organization through better processes’. We feel that training and knowledge transfer is at the core of organizational change and is a natural exten-

tion of our professional services’ said Rene Hagen, CEO of Quint Wellington Redwood. The merging of the two company’s expertise is expected to provide a one - stop resource for all learning and developmental training and consulting needs. According to Ben San Roman, President of Knowledge United, “The addition of Quint’s global resources and best practice focus will help us continue to meet the needs of our global clientele at the highest level. The opportunity to align ourselves with a leader in this space was an easy decision to make in helping us compelte our service portfolio. I look forward the future of Knowledge Untied as a part of the Quint Group family.”

• Dato’ Sri Idris Jala, CEO of PEMANDU and former CEO of Malaysia Airlines • Dato Sri Shazalli bin Ramly, CEO of CELCOM • Yvonne Chia, CEO and MD of Hong Leong Bank • Leslie Hayward, HR Director of Shell Malaysia • Salem Samhoud, Founder of &samhoud

The day also included various workshops on leadership, customer journey as well as strategy and implementation. &samhoud is a consultancy firm that is both usual and unusual, and that achieves breakthroughs by inspiring and connecting people: in organizations, in society and in terms of personal development. Since January 1st 2011, &samhoud has made its journey and expansion into the Asia Pacific region with Kuala Lumpur as its regional base.

KLK invests RM 706 mil in plants, R&D Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd (KLK), Malaysia’s third largest plantation company by market value, will invest RM 706 million under the Economic Transformation Program (ETP) on downstream projects in the palm oil sector. The investment will be spread over 3 production plants and a research and development (R&D) centre. The plants, to be based in Westports in Klang, will each produce methyl ester sulphonate and fatty alcohol; specialty fatty ester and high grade tocotrienol and isomers. The projects are aimed at moving Malaysia up the palm oil value chain from upstream activities to downstream which involves the production of oleo - derivatives that can fetch higher profit margins. KLK CEO Tan Sri Lee Oi Hian

said that although he could not give an answer at this point without making assumptions, he expects a 15% return on all plants, including current facilities. Funding for the investments will come from internally generated funds as well as a RM 134 millon grant from the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB). The grant will mainly be for the construction of the three plants. MPOB will audit and disburse the grant based on specific milestones and key performance indicators, as detailed in a legal agreement. The projects are expected to create a gross national income impact of RM 1.15 billion and 205 jobs by 2020. 9

L e a din g th e u ps tr e a m oil & g a s in du s tr y w ith n e w te c h n olo g ie s a n d in n o v a tiv e s pa tia l con ce pts , F r a m e s h a s e x pe r ie n ce d u n pr e ce de n te d gr ow th . F ou n de d in 1 9 8 3 , F r a m e s h a s r e m a in e d a n in de pe n de n t c om pa n y . W h ile w e o pe r a te w or ldw ide , w e a r e h e a dqu a r te r e d in T h e N e th e r la n ds w ith r e g io n a l o ffic e s in G e r m a n y , U S A , M a la y s ia , A bu D h a bi, B r a z il a n d I n dia . Frames offers Design, Fabrication, Supply and Guarantee of complete process and control systems and packages to the upstream oil & gas industry including FPSO, SPAR, TLP, Semisub, Fixed Platform, Monopile etc. production facilities. In addition to the system supply, Frames provides the field support personnel to effectively integrate and/or start-up the system in client's plant on the jobsite. The Frames Group consists of four primary technology centers each providing engineered and custom build packages: F low c on tr o l & s a fe g u a r din g • Wellhead Control Systems • Subsea Hydraulic Shutdown Systems • Hydraulic Power Units • Hydraulic Cargo & Ballasting Systems • Integrated Valve & Control Packages • Valve Automation & Control • Chemical Injection & Distribution Systems • Methanol Injection & Distribution Systems • Workover Control Units • Services & Commissioning G a s a n d liqu id tr e a tm e n t s y s te m s • Gas Treatment Systems (Low Temperature Separation, Glycol, Amine, Alumina, Silica Gel, Molecular Sieves) • Glycol Regeneration Systems • Amine Regeneration Systems • Methanol Recovery Systems • Glycol Desalination Systems • Overhead Vapor Combustor Systems • HC Liquid Treatment Systems (Alumina, Molecular Sieves) • Heater Systems • Fuel Gas Conditioning Systems S e pa r a to r s & in te r n a ls • (Skid-mounted) Multi phase Separators • Production, Test & Filter Separators • Scrubbers • Slug Catchers • Skimmer Tanks • Closed Drain Vessels • Coaslescers S w e e te n in g a n d s pe c ia liz e d g a s pr o c e s s s y s te m s • Sour Gas Treatment • Desalination of Glycol & Amines • Specialized Gas Treatment Systems H ea t ex cha ngers • Shell- & tube Heat Exchangers • Air-cooled Coolers • Pressure Vessels

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F r a m e s H e a dqua r te r s P.O. Box 21 2380 AA Zoeterwoude The Netherlands +31 71 58 118 00 +31 71 54 144 84

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MEMBERS’ NEWS Endemol launches project with Astro

Bintang, Mari Menari and Serasi Bersama since last September and are particularly excited to be bringing our newest hit game show, The Money Drop to Malaysia in December.” The Money Drop – a worldwide ratings hit which has been sold to over 29 countries – will be the first of its kind to offer an interactive play-along game to Malaysian home viewers.

You’ve heard of the shows: Wipeout, Deal or No Deal, Fear Factor and Big Brother. Now, Endemol, the Dutch entertainment group and largest independent television producer in the world, has firmly established itself in Malaysia. Endemol Malaysia Entertainment Group is a Joint Venture with Astro, aimed at bringing En-

demol’s hit shows to Asia, as well as creating local programmes for Malaysia and the region. Gerald Smith, Managing Director of Endemol Malaysia Entertainment Group says, “We couldn’t ask for a stronger local partner in this venture as Astro. We have already produced five programmes, including Kamilah

Watch th the Octopus clips on YouTube: ResQtec Res sQtec Octo Octopus


Endemol is also working on digital and branded entertainment content. Smith says; “We’re noticing that brands are looking to develop entertainment properties they can own, particularly through digital media. We have a number of hit digital shows internationally, and we are working with digital platforms and brands to localize these formats and also create new ‘bespoke’ digital concepts.”

GAB Launches Street Football Campaign Teams from famous footballing nations Brazil and the Netherlands are among the seven that will be participating in the grand finale of the Tiger Street Football tournament to be held in Malaysia. The final, which is being hosted for the first time by Malaysia, will be held on Sept 18 at 1 Utama. Guinness Anchor Berhad (GAB) marketing director Yap Swee Leng, who launched the street football campaign, said teams from Singapore, Thailand, China, Vietnam and Malaysia would also be competing in the tournament. “We believe that street football will offer a lot of excitement for football fans in the country. The

champion will walk away with USD $30,000 along with other prizes,” she said. Yap added that in the run up to the final, 32 teams from Malaysia would be competiting in the national final on Sept 17 at the same venue. She said the top four teams would be qualifying for the grand final to be held the next day. “The national champion will receive USD $2,000 and the runners - up will win USD $600,” added Yap. Meanwhile, a regional street football tournament for the Klang Valley was organized recently at Sunway Giza involving 64 teams. Eight winners from the tournament will qualify for the national finals.

Yap Swee Leng during the launch of the street football campaign (Photo Credit: Joshua Law)


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11 ResQtec Zumro Asia Sdn Bhd Subang Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Lot 5, Jln Delima 1/1, 40 000 Shah Alam, Malaysia

T + 603 5621 5298 F + 603 5621 2895 E

KEEP IT ALIVE A Basis for greenit: A Holistic Approach

Smart Procurement

Reengineering IT for a Greener World... since 1996

Extending Product Life-Cycle

Green Data Centres

Green IT IT Infrastructure Optimization Best Practices

MEMBERS’ NEWS Ming Blue & White’s New Line: MyKraak Want some real bling? Ming Blue & White is introducing a new line called MyKraak. This bling is 400 years old and is created from late Ming Dynasty blue and white porcelain which has been recovered from a 17th century Portuguese shipwreck called “Wanli”. The Wanli shipwreck was discovered off the coast of Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia in November 2003. MyKraak gets it’s name from ‘kraak ware’ - blue and white porcelain dishes with painted decorations of auspicious motifs, naturalistic scenes,

Voskamplawyers Opens Malaysian Office

insects, animals, Daoist symbols and flowers. The porcelain was named after the Carracks, the Portuguese ships that first transported this cargo. MyKraak is sold at the National Museum (Museum Negara) shop in Kuala Lumpur, the Cheng Ho Museum, Melaka, the Malacca Antique Shop, Melaka and will soon be available in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Bellingen, NSW. The line is also sold online through the Tradewind Treasures and etsy websites. There is also a MyKraak fan page on Facebook.

VoskampLawyers is pleased to announce the opening of their Malaysian office. Located in Kuala Lumpur, it was established as of 1 May 2011. VoskampLawyers will open an office in Kuala Lumpur as it was clear that the traffic from Asia investing into Europe, and the traffic from Europe investing into Asia, was strong in Malaysia as well as in Singapore. Due to its active oil & gas industry, attractive business costs and English-speaking populace, Ma-

Basis Bay’s Green IT Roadshow in Langkawi Having pioneered Green IT in the region, Basis Bay organised the Basis Bay Green IT Road Show Langkawi-Amsterdam and A Basis for Green IT: A Holistic Approach on July 16 and 17, 2011 at the Four Seasons Resort, Langkawi, Malaysia. The event, which began in Langkawi and ends in Amsterdam in October 2011, was meant to communicate Basis Bay’s global expansion in offering Green IT Solutions while reiterating their commitment since 1996 towards Green IT solutions and practices. Basis Bay’s holistic approach towards Green IT encompasses the following: · Smart Procurement Pre-owned Enterprise-Class ICT equipment can usually be purchased at a much lower price

in comparison to a brand-new model that is similar or equivalent, thus reducing CAPEX. Furthermore, pre-owned equipment can be configured individually to suit customers’ specific needs. · Extending Product Life Cycle Basis Bay allows products to go through their true life cycle, thus reducing environmental impact and avoiding unnecessary expenditure. Recycling Pre-owned IT equipment allows lifespan extension of designated End of Manufacturing Life (EOML) and End of Support Life (EOSL) beyond proprietary claims.

ronmental impact. Basis Bay’s Data Centres run in an environment that employ Green best practices which are aligned to our customers’ businesses. · IT Infrastructure Optimisation Basis Bay aids the optimisation of IT infrastructure, hence reducing CAPEX in areas such as Shared IT and Contact Centre Disaster Recovery services, Virtualization, Server Consolidation and Cloud Computing.

laysia was increasingly a focus of investment. In addition, Malaysian companies looking to invest in Europe increasingly sought Dutch incorporated companies as special purpose vehicles. They expect to bolster their legal practices in the shipping, offshore oil & gas and aviation areas, with active corporate mergers & acquisitions and joint ventures between European and Malaysian businesses looking to structure their transactions in the most tax-efficient way.

· Green IT Best Practices Basis Bay adopts principles, policies and practices that impact the quality of life for its customers, vendors and employees positively. The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Y.B. Datuk Seri Maximus Johnity Ongkili lent his presence in showing his support towards our commitment to Green IT and kicked off the road show.

Basis Bay CEO Dato’ Praba Thiagarajah speaking with Y.B. Datuk Seri Maximus Johnity Ongkili and Deputy Head of Mission for the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Jan Soer.

· Green Data Centres The Greening of a Data Centre means that the mechanical, electrical and computer systems are designed for maximum energy efficiency with minimum envi13

MDBC EVENTS MDBC Annual General Meeting for FY 2010 MDBC held its 14th Annual General Meeting (AGM) over Financial Year 2010 at the Renaissance Kuala Lumpur Hotel on 9 June. It was announced during this AGM that current MDBC Board member Datuk R. Karunakaran has decided to resign from the

board due to his other commitments. Also announced were the appointments of new Board members Jan-Willem Smulders (AQ Services International), Sandra van Hellemond (quality people asia) and Barbara Voskamp (Voskamplawyers).

Below: MDBC Board of Directors Right Top l to r MDBC Board: Marco Winter (Executive Director), Remco Koster (Treasurer), Dato’ Jaffar Indot (Chairman), Bas van den Berg (Vice - Chairman) Right Bottom: MDBC Member Company Representatives during the AGM

M4M on Enhancing Your Representation & MDBC / TNT Virtual Golf Championships On 21 June, MDBC held a special 2 in 1 event. The regular Members-for-Members (M4M) with topic “Enhancing Your Representation” was immediately followed by our 2nd Annual MDBC / TNT Virtual Golf Championship. Experts were invited to share valuable and practical tips on how to improve public speaking, make the most of public relations efforts and fully utilize the tools available to make an exceptional presentation. Speakers and topics for this M4M:

1. FreeStyle Communication, Patricia Tan: “So You Think You Can Present...” 2. Pixels Hub, Marc Lim:“Why and When is a Corporate Video Necessary?” 3. Bloomingdale Worldwide Partners, Malkeet Singh: “How to Make Your Press Releases Compelling Stories to Newseditors.” 4. Superb Impression Creationz, Shirley Pang: “How to Improve Your Interior Design to Best Represent Your Business.” 5. Pico International, Bruce Head: “Enhance Your Representation At An Exhibition.”

After the presentations, guests were invited to have dinner before the commencement of our 2nd annual MDBC / TNT Virtual Golf Championship, the fun and relaxing competition held at City Golf Bangsar. Winners were: Corporate Team Longest Drive: 1. Henry Tattersfield / Jocelyn Choo (Crown Relocations) 2. Phang Ah Tong & Wan Hashim (MIDA)

Corporate Team Nearest to Pin: 1. Datuk Merlyn Kasimir & Marco Winter (MDBC) 2. Tan Sri Mohamed Basir Ahmad & Austen Zecha (TBWA) Individual Longest Drive: 1. Austen Zecha 2. Henry Tattersfield Individual Nearest to Pin: 1. Henry Tattersfield 2. Kuma Krishna (TBWA) More pictures on pages 20 & 21.

Tan Sri Basir and Zecha receiving their prizes from Lim Yuan Ling (TNT) and Marco


MDBC EVENTS M4M on Innovation

Speakers: Dr Taufiq, Mohan, Dato’ Dr Rajen, Bosveld and Toh Enjoying some light freshments and art work after the presentations.

MDBC’s latest Members-forMembers (M4M) event focused on Innovation. Held on 21 July at The Gateway, this M4M featured a special guest speaker from Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM). Formerly known as UNIK, AIM recently outlined three strategies to make Malaysia a nation of innovation: 1. To inject more creative and innovaive thinking into the education system. 2. To strengthen funding to support innovation efforts. 3. To identify research and development findings which can be commercialized. To help get a full view of Innovation in Malaysia, MDBC also invited experts from member companies to provide guests with information on what is lacking in the innovation ecosystem, commercializing innovations and the exploitation of IP. Light refreshments and drinks were served after the presentations.

MDBC IT Frontier Workshop IT is constantly evolving, improving and connecting people, places, things, lives and work. To help our members stay on top of some of the latest developments in the IT field, MDBC designed a workshop to address the latest IT concerns / trends. This workshop included one hour long sessions on Social Media, SMSes and Cyber Security. It was a great opportunity for the experts to share valuable and practical, hands on information about these topics. MDBC invited Gurmeet Gill (Xtraordinary Ideas Generator, Bloomingdale Worldwide Partners) to help members learn more about the utilization of social media, what’s important when formulating a social media

strategy as well as how to prioritize and fully utilize the relevant social media sites which are most appropriate for your company and campaign. While social media is fast becoming the top way to connect with your fans / members / customers, and really get a two way conversation going, it is by no means the only way.

of 91.2% in Malaysia for 2010 as compared to an internet penetration rate of 58.8%, it means that utilizing bulk SMS is a good way to supplement an organization’s connectivity efforts. With a push towards increased online presence, mobile connectivity, cloud computing and utilizing new technologies, cyber security is a very big concern for individuals and organizations as a whole.

Presenters for this M4M were: 1. AIM, Dr Taufiq Thiagi Abdullah: “An Introduction to AIM” 2. Malaysian Association for Creatvity and Innovation (MACRI), Mohan K: “What is Lacking in the Innovation Ecosystem” 3. LACODEX, Marvin Bosveld: “Innovative Interactive Technologies” 4. Holista Biotech, Dato’ Dr. Rajen M: “Commercializing Innovations” 5. Shearn Delamore & Co, Janet Toh: “Exploitation of IP - A Practical Overview” Also highlighted during this event were the special art pieces on display at hte Gateway for a charity art auction. Proceeds from the sales of these pieces went to a special needs children’s home. Ramani Parkunan (Executive - InfoSecurity Professional Development, CyberSecurity Malaysia) shared some interesting statistics on cyber crime along with important steps that guests could take in order to protect themselves and their organizations better from cyber attacks. Refreshments and opportunities for further discussion and networking were available after the completion of the workshop.

Speakers l to r: Roessink, Ramani and Gurmeet showing how connected they are!

Bart Roessink (Business Development Manager, Silverstreet) highlighted how organizations can utilize bulk SMS to connect to clients, employees or others. By extending the reach and connectivity through mobile phones, organizations are able to bypass the restriction of needing to be connected by computers. With a mobile penetration rate 17

LET’S GO FURTHER ON ONE LITRE OF FUEL. We must learn to use energy more efficiently. For 25 years, the Shell Eco-Marathon has supported teams worldwide who explore ways to maximise fuel economy. This year, the Shell Eco-Marathon will be brought to Asia for the first time. It will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and will feature many teams from across Asia. Last year’s winner went 3,771 km on the equivalent of one litre of fuel. This spirit epitomises our relationship with car manufacturers, finding ways to make cars more efficient. And is typical of our ambition to help build a better energy future. Let’s go.

EMBASSY NEWS ASLI - SHELL Conference “Future Energy, Smarter Mobility” Focussing on the future of energy in Asia specifically and in particular the concerns facing Asian cities, ASLI and SHELL Malaysia jointly organised a conference titled ‘Future energy, smarter mobility.’ The Conference addressed a complex set of questions that policy makers and all stakeholders are facing as they chart the course for the future of energy use. This conference brought together the key stakeholders involved and provided the opportunity to educate and share knowledge and expertise for the future. This resulted in an overall framework of policy choices for industrial

players, legislatures, policy makers and all stakeholders to consider as they set the direction for their countries’ future energy landscape. Netherlands Ambassador Paul Bekkers moderated one of the sessions, focussed on designing cities for sustainability and accessibility during which four international panellists focused on smarter cities. In conjunction with the conference, the Ambassador met with Peter Voser, CEO Royal Dutch Shell, and enjoyed the enthousiasm of the students participating in the Shell Eco-Marathon at Sepang International Circuit.

Winternachten (Writers Unlimited Tour) Connecting writers with each other and with audiences, across borders of cultures and countries. That is the mission of Writers Unlimited (formerly known as ‘Winternachten’), the international literature festival. From 9 to 17 June, the Writers Unlimited group combined a tour to Indonesia and Malaysia. In Malaysia they performed in Kuala Lumpur for a general audience and for students, with partner-writer Bernice Chauly. Dur-

ing the tour, 4 Malaysian writers were invited to perform with the writers from Writers Unlimited. During the performances, all the authors read from their work in the original language, while translations into English were projected simultaneously. This tour was supported financially by the Dutch Foundation for Literature and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kuala Lumpur.

Below l to r: Anuar Taib (Chairman, Shell Malaysia), Y.B. Dato’ Sri Peter Chin (Malaysian Minister of Energy, Green Technology & Water), Peter Voser (CEO, Royal Dutch Shell), Michiel Kool (Executive VP Asia, Upstream International, Shell), H.E. Paul Bekkers (Dutch Ambassador to Malaysia) and Bart Beltman (Head, Trade Dept, Dutch Embassy)

Above: The Writers Unlimited Tour Program

Performance Noord Nederlandse Dans On 15 & 16 June, one the Netherlands’ key contemporary dance companies gave two exuberating performances at KLPac: “Rock, Scissors, Shadowboxer”. The company, consisting of 9 dancers, each of a different nationality, are currently on a world tour with their engaging repertoire of both intellectually and emotionally challenging works.

The first night was a by invitation only of the sponsor of the performances, TNT Express Worldwide and of the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and was extremely well received among the guests. The second night was open to the Malaysian public and presented by Libero Productions and KLPac.

Right: Invite design for the Noord Nederlandse Dans event


MDBC SOCIAL International SuperNetworking Evening

MDBC / TNT Annual Virtual Golf Championships




Drinkers of the world, unite. Everywhere you go, you find the familiar sight of people savouring their Heineken, clanking the green bottles in merriment. Found in over 170 nations, Heineken is the world’s No. 1 international premium beer. So come, the rest of the world awaits you.

STUDENT INTERNSHIP PROGRAM The Interns Interview - Richard van der Meer and Bas Westerhof At the end of April 2011, Bas Westerhof and Richard van der Meer (both students at the Hanze University in Groningen, the Netherlands studying Management, Economics and Law) started their internships at Guinness Anchor Berhad (GAB). Located in Selangor, GAB operates the Sungei Way Brewery and produces Guinness, Tiger and Heineken along with 5 other beers. Bas, who was attached to the Sales Finance department in GAB, was responsible for preparing supporting schedules, assisting in the preparation of financial budgeting models, creating reports and analysis as well as coordinating with key personnel from various departments. “Working for a company which

is an icon in business and respected the world over for delivering exceptional growth in People, Brands and Performance was a great experience for me. As a market leader of the Malaysian beer and stout industry, the company delivers diverse and different services not only to the enjoyment of their consumers, but also shows integrity to the community and the environment. This will definitely all be beneficial to my future job.” For Richard, who was doing his first internship, this was a great experience. Attached to the Finance Department – specifically the Market Finance Department meant that he was in charge of all marketing budgets. Richard had to keep track of marketing related spending and ensure that all the different marketing

teams didn’t overspend their budgets. This included doing a lot of reconciliation at the end of the month and following up with meetings at the different marketing teams to discuss their expenditures. “I think I’m very lucky that I was attached to this company because GAB is very good to their employees and in the last 4 months I have learned a lot of new things. This experience will certainly increase my knowledge and will be a nice basis for my future career.” Both interns were also able to participate in GAB’s annual “Big Day Out” charity event. Richard, who was in charge of organizing the event for the Marketing Finance Department, was in charge of organizing sponsors for the 20 children in the “Trinity Children Centre” orphanage. Bas meanwhile, together with his team, brought 25 children from a different orphanage to one of the largest ‘bird parks’ in the world (which just happens to be situated in Kuala Lumpur). “Under the guidance of a ranger, the kids had opportunities to attend a bird show, feed the birds and learn about several species.

By recruiting sponsors, we were able to arrange free goodie bags and a delicious dinner at the McDonalds. As a special surprise, we will organize a Christmas dinner for the orphanage” said Bas. Both interns had a great experience and also took the time on the weekends to travel around the country. A lot of the destinations are within a short distance and both also had the opportunities to attend a lot of festivals (such as the Heineken Rainforest Festival, Asian Music Festival, St. Patrick’s Day and many more). Shared Bas, “now it is time to go back to Holland and finish my study and one last internship before I start my own career. The choice of doing my internship abroad was a life time experience which is not for sale. It is not only an investment for now, but also for the future.”

Top: Bas and Richard at GAB. Bottom: Richard with the kids from Trinity Children Centre Orphanage


EU / EUMCCI EU-Penang Day boosts links for future cooperation The historic Town Hall in Georgetown, Penang set the backdrop for the EU-Penang Day on 21st June. Jointly organised by the EU Delegation and the State of Penang, it was the EU’s first outreach programme of this kind outside of the Klang Valley. To kickstart the day-long event, EU Head of Delegation H.E. Vincent Piket was joined by ambassadors from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Ro-

mania along with several EU honorary consuls for a working (European) breakfast with Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and state officials. Penangites later got an insightful glimpse of the history, culture and workings of the EU in a session entitled ‘EU: A community of Member States and of people’ presented by several of the Ambassadors. A trade and investment workshop and networking high tea

was organised in the afternoon by EUMCCI and InvestPenang to help establish more contacts between European and Penangbased businesses.

Wrapping up the day on a high note, the EU took on Penang in a friendly futsal match at the Esplanade field that ended in a 2-2 draw.

Speaking at the press conference, Ambassador Piket reinforced the Delegation’s aim to partner with Penang on a ‘business-to-business’ platform to further green initiatives, particularly renewable energy.

As a result of the EU-Penang Day’s success, various follow-up events are being planned such as the 2011 EU Film Festival - which for the first time will not just be held in Kuala Lumpur (November 10-20), but also in Penang (from November 24-30).

Some see this as trash, visionaries see environmental change. Who would have thought that waste from our paddy fields could make a global impact? Well, the visionary mind of a Malaysian scientist did, by discovering a revolutionary method of producing Aerogel using rice husks. Aerogel is a high-tech insulator material that can help reduce energy consumption, but its high cost limited its use. This is where the discovery becomes such a breakthrough. Malaysian Aerogel or Maerogel costs 80% less to produce, making it so affordable that it can be used commercially. At TBWA-TEQUILA, we commend this effort to see beyond what others see. It’s an inspiring example of Disruption, our agency’s tool to help our clients discover new possibilities to seek a better way forward. It is a practice that helps us change the rules. A working methodology and a life view philosophy. It is the art of challenging conventional wisdom and overturning assumptions that prevent us from imagining visionary ideas. Disruption is a necessity for growth and a bigger share of the future. For every brand. In every category. If you’d like to see how we can help your brand disrupt your category, call Aaron Cowie at 012-201 3887 or email him at He’ll help you see things differently.

TBWA Jeremiah Owyang, Social Media Guru and principal analyst at the Altimeter Group, in a radio interview about the relevance of Social Media integration into corporate websites, suggested that in the new order of things, a company’s product pages are no longer about the products themselves, but about the people who have bought those products.

Your product pages are not about your products.

To underline the importance of this statement, we’ll say it again: your product pages are NOT about your products; they ARE about the people who have bought those products.

TRUST is a function of several things; honest presentation of the facts (for example: this Apple device has a processor that runs at a certain speed, a given amount of RAM, and a screen resolution of such and such – all facts that could be very easily verified without the risk of purchase), consistent messaging (Apple has always said that they were cooler than the competition) and reliable product performance (with very few exceptions, Apple products do what they say on the label).

Understanding this concept is fundamental to leveraging the power of Social Media in your marketing programs. To get to the heart of this idea it may be useful to look at one important aspect of how we as consumers make purchasing decisions.

The rise of Social Media has added an additional element to the equation. We’re no longer wholly dependant on (and in some cases even interested in) an organization’s own marketing messages as the a primary source of information. Indeed,

we now have an infinite number of alternative sources of information about a particular product or service in the form of blogs and review sites, and in fact, anyone else who may have used a product and seen fit to publish their thoughts online. A 2010 Nielson Global Trust Study found that product websites themselves were only fourth in terms of brand trustworthiness, behind family, friends and online product reviews. Interestingly, the same study suggested that a staggering 40% of consumers looked online for reviews and consumer feedback before pur-

chasing consumer electronics (source: Nielson). Online peer recommendation is now one of the most important considerations (if not the most important) in the purchase process. The conversations that we intuitively knew consumers were having about our brands (word of mouth) are now happening online. The smart marketers have already figured out how to integrate the relevant parts of those same conversations into every

phase of their product/consumer lifecycle. Here are some simple ways that you can leverage the power of Social Media in your marketing efforts: • Encourage your customers to write reviews of your products right there in your site • Get customers to rate your products - preferably on your product pages • Start a blog about your company and its offerings; allow users to comment • Use Facebook Connect as a method of connecting people who have bought your product with each other

If you’re still weighing up the pros and cons of allowing Social Media widgets and other integration into your website and other digital assets, don’t. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. At the very least, you’ll be giving your loyal customers an avenue to broadcast their affinity.

Contibuted by: Stuart Godwin, Digital Creative Director



MDBC CARD Have you used your Card lately? MDBC CARD SECTOR SPOTLIGHT

The MDBC Card

The MDBC Card Program now has 30 participants! With the newest program participants in 2011 including Bloomingdale Worldwide Partners, Henry Goh & Co, Holista Biotech and Superb Impression Creationz so far, the program is continuing to grow and expand the offers available into new and different industries, creating a wide variety of offers. Unlike loyalty card programs, we do not at any time collect per-

sonal information or track the usage of this card by our members. Interested in participating in this program? Contact us at!

company that signs up for KLM’s BlueBiz program with promocode MDBC100.


Hecny Group offers a 10% discount on standard local handling charges for any airfreight or sea freight export / import shipments.

To find out more information about the special discounts or services currently offered, please check out the MDBC website at:

TNT Express Worldwide is offering a 50% discount for walk in customers who do not have an existing account with TNT. For terms and conditions, please visit the MDBC website.

The M



KLM offers a bonus 100 Blue Credits for each MDBC Member




GREEN BOARD KLM - A Leader in Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility is vital to KLM’s pioneering position in international aviation. KLM is not only concerned with healthy commercial profits, but is also committed to sustainable society and care for the environment, both at home and abroad. To arrive at the best possible interpretation of Corporate Social Responsibility, KLM is in constant dialogue with interested parties at all levels, in a range of contexts, both regional and international. KLM’s policy conforms to the universal principles laid out in the United Nations Global Impact initiative of 1999. By signing up to the Global Compact, KLM committed itself to respecting human rights and labour standards, to fight corruption, and to minimise its impact on the environment. The United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) provide guiding principles for KLM policy. KLM has formulated five key points to shape up this policy: * Push back climate change KLM has an extensive range of measures and initiatives in place to achieve this. Important elements are adjustments to the fleet, fuel efficient flights and compensation. KLM is committed to developing biofuels in the midterm. Recently, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines also became the first airline

in the world to operate a commercial flight carrying 171 passengers on biokerosene. Flight KL1233 with a Boeing 737-800 took off from Schiphol bound for Charles de Gaulle in Paris. In this initiative, KLM leads the world in showing that innovation and sustainability are inextricably linked. “In taking this step, KLM clearly shows the value of finding clever ways to use waste derived from producers and consumers,” said Dutch Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and the Environment, Joop Atsma. KLM’s first commercial flight to Paris was operated on biokerosene produced from used cooking oil. This same raw material will be used in the flights scheduled for September. KLM is open to using different raw materials for the end product, as long as they meet a range of sustainability criteria, including substantial reductions in CO2 emissions and minimum negative impact on biodiversity and food supply. All biofuels used by KLM also have to meet precisely the same technical specifications as traditional kerosene and must not require any adjustments to aircraft engines or infrastructure.

and mixed with biodiesel. These measures taken go beyond what is legally required.

They try to bring economic advantages but also real, social contributions to these societies.

They also stimulate and support scientific research into new technologies and the development of the aircraft of the future.

In order to do this, KLM offers humanitarian support when needed, but also structural help through their AirCares chairty program. KLM staff take part in volunteer work and through Destination Nature, they hope to contribute to the sustainable development of nature and biodiversity.

KLM has also entered into a unique partnership with WWF to cut C02 emissions even further which will help contribute to climate control. * Minimize their impact on the environment Care for the environment is a cornerstone of KLM’s CSR policy. They have ongoing projects to address areas such as waste and water usage, limiting noise pollution, utilizing environmentally friendly maintenance, and offering sustainable cargo transportation. * Build sustainable relations with their customers Innovations, both visible and behind the scenes help meet the flexibility and option requirements of our customers. Efficient flights and offering a way for travelers to invest in sustainable energy projects through C02Zero allows customers to reduce their own personal C02 footprint. * Adopt a dynamic approach to economic and social development KLM aims to strengthen the ties they have with local societies both at their homebase in the Netherlands as well as at their destinations around the world.

* Promote a responsible personnel policy A vast array of businesses, occupations, cultural backgrounds, levels of education and specializations are all represented in KLM. Language development and personal growth are encouraged by the company not only through providing a range of courses and training opportunities but offering internal employment mobility. KLM’s diversity policy means that their workforce must also reflect the society in terms of ethnicity, gender and age. They also invest continuously in safety at work and an effective health policy. New tools and techniques are combined with intensive communications to contribute to a safe working environment, but also to a healthy balance between work and private life. These key points and dedication to their policy has enabled KLM to be at the top of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, Sector Transport for 6 successive years now!

KLM has also played a pioneering role in environmental care ‘on the ground’. Almost all of their ground vehicles use ‘red diesel’, which is low in sulphur 31





Join us on 2 November for a special 2 in 1 celebration as we mark 15 years of MDBC History, highlight our growth and special achievements, thank the members who’ve been with us from the beginning and we launch our inaugural Sustainability Awards with the crowning of this year’s winners. And guess who else will be there?


Date: 2 November, 2011 Venue: Crowne Plaza Mutiara Time: 09.00 - 17.00 hrs (Day Program) 18.00 - 23.00 hrs (Evening Program)

Cargo Partner Logistics Sdn Bhd

Chur Associates

CKade BV

Suite B610 - B 611, East Wing Wisma Cosplant 2 No 7, Jalan SS16/1 47500 Subang Jaya

5-2, 3rd Mile Square 151 Jalan Kelang Lama Batu 3 1/2 58100 Kuala Lumpur

Level 16 1 Sentral Jalan Stesen Sentral 5 50470 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 603 - 5636 2228 Fax: 603 - 5636 2220 E mail: Website:

Tel: 603 - 7982 5618 Fax: 603 - 7982 5148 Email: Website:

Tel: 603 - 2092 9410 Fax: Email: Website:

Corporate Representatives: Frank Seifert, Managing Director Stefan van der Sluys, Regional Director, SEA

Corporate Representatives: Chris Tan Chur Pim, Managing Partner Pua Jing Yi, Junior Partner

Corporate Representative: Dr Ronald Zwart, Director

Business Activity:

Business Activity:

Business Activity:

Cargo Partner is a dynamically growing, mid sized specialist for transportation and integrated logistics with a particular strength in oversea’s solutions.

Chur Associates is a boutique legal firm that believes in effective communications and managing clients’ expectations. We believe that educating clients is of utmost importance that in turn builds trust, confidence and close acquaintance with our clients.

CKade is an expert consultancy in the biobased economy. Biobased economy is a new exciting industry that promotes the use of biomass as a sustainable resource for our energy and chemical needs.

Being a family owned company, our busines model is based on personalized and global partnership with and for our clients. Our scope of service includes the professional handling of air - and seafreight shipments, warehousing including pick & pack, trucking services, project management, track & trace services as well as industry specific solutions.

We thrive in out of the box solutions to targeted issues from corporate advisory to everything real estate, upstream to downstream. CA has developed a corporate philosophy which embodies the idea of a commitment to first class service delivery. Our 6nature captures this philosophy - the essence of the CA Experience. It’s what differentiates us as a law firm from the rest.

CKade supports businesses effectively in exploring and capitalizing the opportunities of innovation and sustainability in the production of bioenergy and other bioproducts. With offices in Rotterdam and Kuala Lumpur CKade establishes a direct connection between the biomass markets in SouthEast Asia and Europe.





Joss de Groot Photography

Lariche Community

Maritime Intelligence Sdn Bhd

Silverstreet Malaysia Sdn Bhd

36 Jalan Batai Barat 50490 Kuala Lumpur

40 Lorong Maarof Bangsar Park 59000 Kuala Lumpur

Level 11 - 14 Kotaraya Office Tower Plaza Kotaraya, Jalan Trus 80000 Johor Bahru

Unit 809, 9th Floor Wisma Lim Foo Young 89 Jalan Raja Chulan 50200 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 012 - 685 7161 Fax: E mail: Website:

Tel: 012 - 297 5613 Fax: 603 - 2284 8941 Email: Website:

Tel: 607 - 227 2020 Fax: 607 - 227 1818 E mail: Website:

Tel: 603 - 2144 3340 Fax: 603 - 2178 4434 Email: Website:

Corporate Representative: Joss de Groot, Photographer

Corporate Representatives: Brian Lariche, Founder Nicole Helwig, Associate Intern

Corporate Representatives: Captain Razali Yaacob, Director Bahktiar Afandi Mohd Ariffin, Director

Corporate Representatives: Bart Groot Roessink, Business Manager APAC Simon Landsheer, CEO

Business Activity:

Business Activity:

Business Activity:

Business Activity:

Joss de Groot is a freelance photographer working for companies and magazines on location or in a studio. The company was established in 1991.

Lariche Community handles corporate community consulting.

The Netherlands Maritime Institute of Technology (NMIT) aspires to be the leading maritime institute offering a one stop centre of excellence in education, training and consultancy services in the region. NMIT is a synergy of the Malaysian Maritime Pelorus Technology Group with two world renowned Dutch partners, the Maritiem Instituut De Ruyter and Maritiem Instituut Willem Barentsz.

Silverstreet is a specialist in Mobile Messaging (SMS) offering global MT termination options (covering more than 800 networks). We are specialized in mission critical traffic and high volumes (wholesale) clients.

* Design Community Programs for CSR * Implementation of community programs * Development of corporate foundations * NGO due diligence, social return on investment and social impact assessments

The City Campus is at Menara Kotaraya Johor Bahru, whilst the main campus is at EduCity, Iskandar Malaysia. Programs will initially be offered to Malaysians for the May intake and will follow suit with international students in September 2011. Part of the program will include a study visit to the Netherlands, exposing students to the real world of the maritime industry in Europe.

Our footprint is global and through that reach, we are able to offer operator grade HLR queries as well as a variety of longcode type products in addition to our core MT SMS portfolio. Silverstreet has teams spanning 10 countries and 3 continents servicing clients in over 100 countries around the world ranging from the A2P aggregator sector, banking, government and corporate entities. To properly service this client base, the company further maintains a 24/7/365 support team via IM, Phone and E mail. 35

NEW MEMBERS & New Connections!

Systicon Asia (M) Sdn Bhd

Yakimbi Sdn Bhd

7-1 Neo Cyber Lingkaran Cyber Point Barat 63000 Cyberjaya

Suite D2 - 3- 10 No 1, Jalan Dutamas 1 Solaris Dutamas 50480 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 603 - 8322 1437 Fax: E mail: Website:

Tel: 603 - 6207 8885 Fax: 603 - 6207 8886 Email: Website:

Corporate Representatives: Ronald Hermans, Managing Director Ron van Domburg, Director

Corporate Representatives: Andrew Diamond, CEO Hector Ingram, Director

Business Activity:

Business Activity:

Systicon develops software for the Dutch market, specializing in HRM and (Mental) Health Care.

Yakimbi has come of age with its multi-screen interactive service offering, expanding and complementing its mobile and web development capabilities. Yakimbi is able to provide a new wave of digital communications solutions for network operators, media providers and brands. Yakimbi is growing its business and has solidly evolved from a web design company to a fully fledged interactive communications agency with full service solutions offering for the new digital age.

Operating on an international scale with branches and developers in the Netherlands, Bosnia and Malaysia, they look at the work processes of HR and mental health care through an international lens. They are constantly generating ideas for the improvement of their software.

It has enjoyed phenomenal success in the last 12 months and now provides multi-screen interactive communication services across a wide range of product areas including: iPhone, iPad, Android, web and interactive IPTV applications and services for clients.

MDBC has recently initiated increased connections with other like-minded organisations. So far, this has led to one membership exchange and MDBC taking up memberships in two other organisations. The membership exchange is with the Malaysian Association for Creativity and Innovation (MACRI), while MDBC has become a member of Transparency International (TI) and the Business Council for Sustainability & Responsibility Malaysia (BCSR Malaysia). These memberships and exchanges are beneficial as it will allow us to improve and expand our knowledge and information on particular topics which are of importance to our members. It also further builds our exposure and respective communities and therefore the networking opportunities available to our members will increase.

MACRI: A non - profit organization dedicated to promoting and championing Creativity and Innovation. MACRI is driven by a network of creative thinkers and innovators, bonded by a common aspiration. TI: Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) is an independent, non governmental and non partisan organization committed to the fight against corruption. TI-M is committed to the achievement of a socially just and equitable society within a sustainable, plural democracy that is free of corruption. BCSR Malaysia: Formerly known as the BCSM, it aims to be the leading business advocate of sustainable development in Malaysia and to catalyse the sustenance of environmental conservation and socio-economic growth locally as well as be the main link of Government, Business Community and Society in sustainable development.

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS MDBC Board of Directors Dato’ Jaffar Indot (Jepamajosa Sdn Bhd), Chairman Mr. Bas van den Berg (Dutch Lady Milk Industries), Vice Chairman Mr. Remco Koster (Woodwing Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd (MSC)), Treasurer Mr. Marco Winter, MDBC Executive Director Mr. Jack Ang (Markant (M) Sdn Bhd) Dr. Geok H. Yong (Shell Global Solutions) Mr. Jan Soer (Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands) Datuk Merlyn Kasimir (former CEO of Matrade) Ms. Sandra van Hellemond (quality people asia) Mr. Jan-Willem Smulders (AQ Services International) Ms. Barbara Voskamp (Voskamplawyers)

Honorary Board Member H.E. Mr. Paul Bekkers, Netherlands Ambassador

MDBC Patrons Y.B. Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of International Trade & Industry Y.Bhg Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, former Minister of International Trade & Industry

Malaysian Dutch Business Council MDBC @ The Gateway The AmpWalk, Lot 2.01, 2nd floor, 218 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur Tel : 603 - 2163 4933 Fax : 603 - 2163 4934 Email : Website :

CALENDER OF EVENTS 19 - 22 September Malaysia Week The Hague, The Netherlands

Monday 26 September 1.30 pm

EUMCCI / MDBC VIP Luncheon wth YB Senator Dato’ Seri Idris Jala, CEO of PEMANDU

Thursday 13 October 10.00 am

Fiscal Developments in NL Briefing The Gateway

Monday 24 October 3.00 pm

Budget 2012 briefing KPMG

Wednesday 2 November 9.00 am

MDBC Sustainability Awards 2011 Crowne Plaza Mutiara KL

Wednesday 2 November 6.00 pm

MDBC 15th Anniversary Dinner Crowne Plaza Mutiara KL

Thursday 17 November 6.30 pm

International SuperNetworking Evening

MDBC members will receive personal invitations for the above functions by email once all details are confirmed. All events to be reconfirmed.

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