SNOW HILL – Local fire companies will use $1.5 million in federal relief funds for a variety of capital purchases.
Fire company officials have decided to split the $1.5 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds provided by Worcester County among the county’s 10 companies. Each company will get $150,000 to help pay for things like equipment, vehicles and renovations.
“There’s a lot of needs,” Ocean City Fire Chief Richie Bowers said. “For fire and EMS to get ARPA funds is phenomenal.”
In July, the Worcester County Commissioners agreed to dedicate $1.5 million of the county’s ARPA funds to fire and EMS. At the time, the commissioners said they’d let fire company leadership determine how to spend the money, as fire company officials had already developed a list of more than $4 million in what they said were critical needs.
“The chiefs were saying the system was fragile and some were one step away from having a problem,” Commissioner Jim Bunting said.
The commissioners instructed them to
determine how the funding could best be used to bolster the system.
“They had a job deciding how to do that,” Bunting said.
According to Bowers, representatives from the various fire companies met several times to determine how best to use the funding. This month they agreed that they’d split the money evenly, with $150,000 going to each fire company.
“Fire and EMS got together and identified specific needs and identified where the funds would be best invested,” Bowers said. “It certainly fills in several of the gaps the fire and EMS service in Worcester County is experiencing.”
The funding can’t be used for personnel. Instead, it will be used for capital projects.
“These projects must adhere to strict guidelines,” Bower said.
He said fire departments were working with Worcester County’s administration to make sure the capital items identified would qualify as appropriate uses of the federal funding. The departments are working with the county’s procurement officer to ensure they get good pricing on what they need. Bowers said that with the ARPA funding and the ongoing efforts of Worcester County’s fire and EMS
workgroup, progress was being made on local fire and EMS needs.
“We’ve made tremendous progress and most importantly we have an open
dialogue,” he said. “It has helped educate everyone what the needs are and where the gaps are in order for us to prop up our system.”
BERLIN – More than $15 million in capital projects are being proposed for Worcester County in the coming fiscal year.
Last Friday, Gov. Wes Moore announced his preliminary budget plan for fiscal year 2024. The $63 billion spending plan – which includes $500 million to fund Blueprint for Maryland’s Future and $500 million dedicated to transportation initiatives – also proposes a $7.1 billion capital budget that includes $15,715,174 for projects in Worcester County.
“This fiscally responsible budget positions Maryland to build a competitive and thriving economy that includes everyone while advancing critical priorities in education, health, and the environment,” Moore said. “We’ve made it clear – our administration is here to make the lives of
every Marylander better, and this budget plan is how we accomplish that.”
This year’s proposed capital budget includes more than $3 billion in Maryland Department of Transportation projects. In Worcester County, $1.7 million would be dedicated to planning for the Route 90 corridor improvement project.
The capital budget also proposed $3.8 million for a new Berlin police barrack, forensic lab and garage, $2 million for the Ocean City Beach Replenishment and Hurricane Protection Program and $2.2 million for a new Worcester County library. For months, local officials have been working on plans to tear down the former armory building in Pocomoke to make space for a new library branch.
“We are excited the library is in the budget,” Jennifer Ranck, the library’s executive director, said this week. “But it is a draft budget.”
The governor’s proposed capital budget also includes $3.6 million for improvements to Pocomoke River State Park and $1.4 million for Buckingham Elementary School. Just last week, the Worcester County Board of Education voted to accept a feasibility study for a new facility at the school’s existing location.
“We just started with something to get the conversation going,” Facilities Planner Joe Price told board members during last week’s presentation of conceptual plans. “This is kind of what this is.”
The governor’s proposed budget will now advance to the General Assembly, where it will undergo any changes before its approval. As a result of a 2020 amendment, this year’s budget process will be the first in state history in which lawmakers will not only be able to make cuts but increases and additions. The General Assembly is still tasked with passing a balanced budget that is equal or less than the governor’s proposed spending plan.
The full budget presentation is listed on the state’s budget and management website, dbm.maryland.gov.
BERLIN – The town is exploring the possibility of fundraising to help with the costs of a new community center.
As Berlin continues efforts to bring a new community center to Flower Street, Mayor Zack Tyndall said this week he was hoping fundraisers could help.
He wants to explore selling the town flag as well as the old street signs being replaced throughout Berlin.
“We know there’s money available in the community center fund, but this would assist,” he said.
Berlin officials have been working diligently in recent years to combine parcels of land near the Flower Street Multi-Purpose Building so it can be replaced with a new community center.
During Monday’s council meeting, Tyndall brought up the idea of fundraising to help with the project. He said he
thought the municipality could sell the town flag and potentially auction old street signs that are in the process of being replaced.
Councilman Jack Orris asked if the community center advisory committee had met or developed any plans for the facility. Tyndall said they’d be meeting later this week.
“This fundraising item is not preempting anything the group may talk about,” Tyndall said.
Orris said he wasn’t opposed to fundraising but thought fundraising efforts were typically more successful once there were plans or renderings showing what the final product would look like.
“It’s good to know what people are actually contributing or donating to,” he said.
Orris also asked if the town, as a municipality, could fundraise. David Gaskill, the town’s attorney, said he didn’t see why not.
Finance Director Natalie Saleh, however, said there was some planning that needed to be done because the town was not supposed to make a profit.
“There is legwork to be done…,” she said. “We do have to have a plan laid out first before we go into the fundraising.”
Councilman Dean Burrell expressed support for fundraising but agreed the legalities of it would need to be reviewed.
“I think the intent is absolutely genuine,” Burrell said. “If the rules would prevent us from doing it, we have to abide by the rules, but I think it was a pretty good idea and a pretty good thought.”
Councilman Jay Knerr suggested the town look into working with the nonprofit We Heart Berlin on fundraising.
Tyndall agreed that a variety of options could be explored.
“We’ll circle back on this with a plan,” Tyndall said.
ASSATEAGUE – Despite a preliminary finding suggesting blunt trauma could have caused the death of a humpback whale that washed up on Assateague last week, U.S. Congressman Andy Harris (R-Md.) called for a moratorium on all offshore activity related to wind energy farms.
A nearly 34-foot humpback whale washed up on the beach at the Assateague Island National Seashore in the oversand vehicle (OSV) area last week, prompting early speculation that the whale’s death, adding to the recent rash of similar whale strandings along the beaches in New Jersey and New York in recent weeks, was somehow related to offshore wind activity off the coast in those states.
Environmental advocacy and conservation groups quickly fired off statements pointing fingers at the companies developing offshore wind energy projects off the Maryland and Delaware coasts and farther north off the coasts of New Jersey and New York where whale mortality has spiked. And last week, the Worcester County Commissioners voted unanimously to send a letter of concern to relevant state officials following the recent events.
Last Thursday, Harris issued a strongly worded statement calling for a halt to any activity until agencies such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) could determine affirmatively that the spike in whale deaths was not related to any offshore sonar or seismic testing.
“Following the death of yet another whale, this time on Assateague Island, I am calling for an immediate moratorium on windmill construction and related underwater geotechnical testing until it is definitively proven that this construction and testing are not the cause of repeated whale deaths,” he said. “NOAA has offered zero evidence that this construction, including geotechnical testing is not the cause of death.”
Again, the preliminary results of the necropsy conducted on the deceased whale that washed up on Assateague revealed a hemorrhage that could have resulted in the whale’s death. However, those results were just that – preliminary – and it remained uncertain this week if tissue samples taken during the necropsy conducted by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR), in cooperation with the National Aquarium team, would point to a definitive cause of death for the badly decomposing whale on Assateague.
“Examination of the whale was limited by decomposition,” a statement from stranding team partners reads. “However, findings included that it was a subadult female of 33.8 feet in length with an area of hemorrhage along the left side of the whale. This hemorrhage could be consistent with suspect blunt force trauma (vessel strike). Samples were collected to determine if those le-
sions occurred before or after death.”
Nonetheless, Harris last week in a statement called for complete transparency in the findings of the necropsy.
“I am also calling for a full and transparent release of necropsy results, including the necropsy results of the whale ear structures, which should be removed for examination to determine whether sonar activity contributed to the cause of death,” he said. “Even if a vessel strike is still consistent with injury from seismic testing as that testing may interfere with the whale’s hearing and senses, some think causing long lasting damage.”
In the statement, Harris called for a pause in all offshore wind energy related activity until the necropsies of the whale at Assateague and the half a dozen or so others in the mid-Atlantic region were completed and definitive.
“We need to take the time to gather proper scientific data, act in full transparency and not relay of FAQ platitudes for these projects, their construction and the impact they may have upon our environment,” he said. “Until such actions occur, I am calling for a complete shutdown of windmill construction.”
For their part, the two private-sector companies in the process of developing offshore wind projects off the Maryland and Delaware coasts this week continued to dismiss any connection between the spike in whale deaths in the mid-Atlantic region and activity off the coast related to wind energy projects. Both US Wind and Ørsted have said they have not been conducting any sonar or seismic activity or ocean floor exploration since last spring.
Both companies have said their ac-
tivities off the coast are closely monitored by third-party, independent observers and scientists who are trained and approved by NOAA to detect protected species such as whales. For its part, NOAA has said there is no evidence that the whale strandings have anything to do with current offshore wind activity off the coast.
The two offshore wind energy development companies have said their industry is subject to the most stringent level of protections for marine mammals and protected species and every aspect of their surveys, construction and operations are reviewed by multiple agencies and subject to protective conditions including vessel speeds, time of year restrictions for construction activities and mandatory protected species observers.
BERLIN – While a new signal has improved traffic safety at one Berlin intersection, there’s a chance changes could be coming to another problem spot.
With a new light at the intersection of Route 113 and South Main Street now operational, Sen. Mary Beth Carozza this week said Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) officials had recently conducted a traffic study at the Route 50/Route 818 intersection and are now reviewing its findings.
“I am grateful for the responsiveness of our local SHA officials to this priority local highway safety issue,” Carozza said.
In December, Town of Berlin elected officials met with Carozza, Del. Wayne Hartman and Del. Charles Otto to discuss priorities for the coming year. One of the items mentioned was traffic safety at the intersection of Route 818 and Route 50.
“At the time, I explained to Berlin officials that we will take the safety concerns at this intersection directly to the State Highway Administration and request that SHA conduct a traffic study/signal warrant analysis on this Berlin intersection,” Carozza said.
The results of that study are in and SHA is conducting “an internal review of the findings,” according to Carozza. She said SHA advised her that the intersection was unique because installation of a traffic signal was only one small part of the equation. SHA officials told her the ramp from Route 113 to Route 50 westbound and the physical alignment of the roadway made the scope of the project more complex than a typical traffic light installation.
She said SHA was considering several design alternatives that would meet SHA requirements and take into account the operational integrity of the road and the safety of motorists.
Crews from SHA were in Berlin last month to install the new traffic signal where South Main Street meets Route 113. Officials were vocal about their desire for improvements at the intersection after a fatal accident there in 2020 claimed the life of a local man. Berlin Police Chief Arnold Downing said that during his time in Berlin, five people have died at that intersection. While he’s thrilled to finally see a signal there, he said drivers were still getting used to it. Several motorists have failed to stop when they should have. Downing said in some cases, the motorists have been traveling this route for years and are simply not accustomed to stopping. Those running the red light are not just on Route 113, however.
“We’re having more people going through on 818 than you think about,” he said.
Downing said his officers have increased enforcement in the area and he’s hopeful that with time drivers will become educated about the new signal. He considers it a valuable improvement to the intersection, which has seen more than its share of accidents.
“Every single accident we have there is a serious accident, we never have a minor accident at that intersection,” Downing said.
BERLIN – Demolition continues on Main Street as several buildings undergo major renovations.
Town staff said this week that while demolition work was underway at the Main Street storefronts owned by Jack Burbage, safety precautions were in place. While the entire project is estimated to be complete in six months, the demolition work that’s impacting sidewalk accessibility and parking spaces in front of the building is only expected to take two months.
“We’re looking forward to the end result,” Mayor Zack Tyndall said. “I think it’s going to be a big impact to the town.”
Councilman Dean Burrell asked staff this week to outline the precautions in place as the buildings at buildings at 11 N. Main Street, 7 N. Main Street and 1519 N. Main Street undergo renovations.
Town staff said that crews had put up a chain link fence, cordoned off nearby parking spaces and installed additional support columns.
“They’ve put up a fence to keep that distance between pedestrian and the construction site,” said Ivy Wells, the town’s director of economic and community development. “They’ve also coned off the parking area right around those buildings. They’re in hazmat suits because of all the stuff they’re finding. It’s like the movie ET.”
Police Chief Arnold Downing said the demolition portion of the renovations, which started just after the first of the year, was expected to take two months. The entire project should take about six months.
“We’re doing patrol checks just to make sure no one’s trying to get inside,” Downing said.
Wells said that the work seemed to be moving along quickly.
“I think they’re doing well with their schedule due to the pleasant weather we’ve been having,” she said. “We’re working together on contingency plans in case that construction does move into event season.”
She said she was developing alternatives for event layout as well as farmers market layout to that vendors wouldn’t be located too close to the construction area.
The long-anticipated renovations are expected to leave the town with a variety of new storefronts. Wells said the spaces were being sought after by merchants.
“I believe all the retail spaces are taken with the exception of one,” she said
OCEAN CITY- Displaying remarkable multi-agency cooperation under difficult conditions, a high-priority trauma patient handled first in Ocean City late last week was safely delivered to Shock Trauma in Baltimore after a handful of stops along the way.
Last Thursday, Ocean City EMS clinicians handled a high-priority trauma patient and paramedics determined the critical patient needed definitive care at Shock Trauma in Baltimore. Maryland State Police Aviation Command-Trooper 4 was summoned
to transport the patient to Shock Trauma.
MSP Trooper 4 left its home base at Salisbury and landed a short time later at the U.S. Coast Guard Station in downtown Ocean City to transport the critical patient. While en route to Shock Trauma, pilots on board Trooper 4 were alerted the weather was deteriorating faster than what had been forecasted and worked with Potomac Approach Control to divert to Martin State Airport in Baltimore County.
MSP Trooper 1 intercepted the critical patient whose journey had begun in Ocean City and the Middle River Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company successfully transported the patient to Shock Trauma
by ambulance. The outcome for the critical patient is not known, but the collaborative efforts of multiple agencies beginning in Ocean City assured the patient got the best care possible in a timely fashion.
“This seamless coordination between Trooper 4, flight centers, dispatchers, the Middle River Fire and Rescue Company and the University of Maryland is a collaborative system designed for the best care of our patients,” said Ocean City Fire Department Deputy Chief of the Fire and EMS Division Chris Shaffer.
The Ocean City Fire Department responds to thousands of medical and traumarelated emergencies every year and its paramedics perform careful patient assessments every day under the guidance of the Maryland EMS system. Led by the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Systems (MIEMSS), the coordinated statewide effort includes EMS clinicians, medical and nursing personnel, communications, transportation systems, trauma and spec-
ialty care centers and emergency departments. Ocean City EMS clinicians utilize multiple pre-designated landing zones for MSP Aviation in the resort including the Coast Guard Station, the Ocean City Municipal Airport, the Jolly Roger Amusement Park and Northside Park.
“Even when weather is not the best, our MSP Aviation pilots are able to fly under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) to get to us,” said Shaffer. “Our hope in the future is to add an additional IFR site here in Ocean City to enhance our capabilities to provide the best level of care to our patients.”
The Ocean City Fire Department is committed to providing the highest level of care to the community and is proud to be a part of the MIEMSS network and thankful for the outstanding support of Maryland State Police Aviation Trooper 4. Through multi-agency collaboration, the department is dedicated to ensuring that patients receive the best possible care in their time of need.
FENWICK ISLAND – State transportation officials are encouraging community members to attend a public workshop on the replacement of the bridge at Lighthouse Road.
struction starting in the fall of 2024 and concluding in 2026. The workshop will give community members an opportunity to weigh in on the project.
“The workshop will include a prerecorded presentation providing information on the project and allow the public the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback on the project,” the notice reads.
Next week’s workshop will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 31, from 4-7 p.m. at the Fenwick Shores hotel, located at 1501 Coastal Highway in Fenwick Island.
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On Tuesday, Jan. 31, the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) will host a public workshop regarding the replacement of the bridge on Lighthouse Road, also known as Route 54. Residents and interested community members are encouraged to attend.
“The purpose of the meeting is to present the proposed bridge replacement project,” a notice from DelDOT reads. “The existing bridge, which has reached the end of its useful service life, will be replaced by a structure in the same location and include improvements for the traveling public.”
The bridge currently consists of adjacent box beams resting on concrete piers and abutments. The bridge, the department reports, also includes several large cracks, with exposed reinforcement throughout the length of the structure.
To that end, officials are proposing a replacement at the same location, with con-
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The workshop location, officials say, will be accessible to those with disabilities. Persons who require auxiliary aids and services such as qualified interpreters are requested to contact DelDOT.
For more information on the upcoming workshop, contact DelDOT Community Relations at 1-800-652-5600 (in Delaware) or 302-760- 2080.
More information on the Lighthouse Road bridge replacement project can be found on the DelDOT website, deldot.gov/projects.
The bridge project is currently one of two initiatives taking place along Lighthouse Road. A roundabout at the intersection of Lighthouse Road and Hudson Road is also being proposed.
OCEAN CITY – After several scrubbed attempts over the last several weeks, a significant rocket launch from NASA’s nearby Wallops Flight Facility went up on Tuesday evening, arcing its way across the skies over the resort area.
Equipped with a revolutionary new NASA flight safety system, the private sector company Rocket Lab’s first-ever Electron rocket launch went up around 6 p.m. on Tuesday from the Wallops Flight Facility on the nearby Virginia eastern shore just south of Ocean City and Assateague.
The first-ever commercial launch of the Electron rocket, which stands over 50 feet tall, occurred during a window of crystalclear skies before a front moved through the area the following day and was visible for many across the Eastern Shore and
beyond. With the Wallops facility right in the Lower Shore’s backyard, residents and visitors in Ocean City, Assateague and the rest of Worcester County had a frontrow seat to the spectacle.
The launch was first planned for early December but was scrubbed five times through that month and into January. The mission marked the first time NASA’s new Autonomous Flight Termination Unit (NAFTU) was deployed on a launch from the U.S. NAFTU is a critical piece of flight safety technology required for the mission, and for future launches from Wallops.
“In taking NAFTU across the finish line, NASA has delivered an autonomous flight termination system like no other in operation today, filling a critical gap in modernizing the nation’s launch ranges,” said Wallops Flight Facility Director David Pierce after Tuesday’s successful launch. “We’re proud to have made this and future U.S. Rocket Lab Electron launches possible with our game-changing flight safety technology.”
While other proprietary autonomous flight termination systems are currently in use, NAFTU is different in that it is designed to be used by any launch provider at all U.S. launch ranges, including Wallops, to ensure public safety during operations. Ensuring public safety is the primary mandate of any launch range. Launches flying without automated flight safety systems have previously relied on range safety officers to monitor all stages of rocket flights using ground-based tracking and telemetry. If a rocket launch flies off course, the range safety officers send commands to terminate the flight, depending on human reaction time.
Rocket Lab’s Electron launch from Wallops on Tuesday delivered three loworbit satellites as part of its mission. The mission was titled “Virginia is for Launch Lovers” in deference to the state’s popular slogan. Rocket Lab has successfully launched Electron rockets from other stations including New Zealand, but Tuesday’s launch from Wallops was the first successful one from the U.S.
The company’s launch sites can accommodate as many as 130 launch opportunities each year. Armed with the new NAFTU technology, Rocket Lab vowed to continue to deliver flexible and rapid launch capabilities for NASA and its private-sector partners.
“After our busiest launch year yet in 2022 with nine successful missions, what better way to kick off the new year than by launching a Virginia-based spacecraft from a launch site in Virginia,” said Rocket Lab founder and CEO Peter Beck. “Electron is already the leading small orbital rocket globally, and today’s perfect mission from a new pad is testament to our team’s unrelenting commitment to mission success.”
In the last decade or so, the Wallops Island Flight Facility has expanded its operations, creating hundreds of new meaningful and well-paying government and private sector jobs across the Lower Shore. The expanded presence at Wallops has also created millions of dollars in direct and indirect economic impact.
With the influx of federal funding, Wallops has flourished in recent years with several significant orbital and suborbital launches each year.
BERLIN – The town could soon hire a planning consultant to guide residents through a discussion about growth.
Planning Director Dave Engelhart told the Berlin Planning Commission last week to start thinking about items they’d like to discuss with a consultant. He said funding was allocated within his department’s budget to bring a planning expert to town later this year.
“I’d love to know if they could find another small town, similar to Berlin, that’s been on the same trajectory, and find out what went right and what went wrong,” commission member Matt Stoehr said.
Engelhart told the commission that because every proposed annexation brought out a mix of residents opposed to and in support of growth, he believed Berlin should bring in a consultant to help the town determine what its future should look like. He said there was funding for the project allocated within the planning department’s budget.
Stoehr was quick to express interest in the idea. He pointed out that the town was growing quickly and that residents needed to understand the impact of that. He noted that residents were concerned about taxes and utility fees but said there were other issues tied to growth that needed to be discussed. Stoehr said that even as a planning commission member, he didn’t have a good understanding of the town’s wastewater operations and wanted to know more about when growth would force a wastewater treatment plant expansion, for example.
Engelhart said the town was already planning for an expansion but said that was an excellent point.
“It’s one of the elements of this growth discussion,” he said.
Stoehr also asked about the greenbelt concept that comes up from time to time in planning commission meetings. Engelhart said creating a greenbelt—undeveloped land that surrounds an urban area—was discussed during the last comprehensive planning process.
“It’s a very complicated issue,” Engelhart said. “I’m not saying that means it shouldn’t be undertaken.”
Commission member Pete Cosby, the most vocal proponent of the greenbelt concept, said the town currently had some control in maintaining green space on the town’s borders.
“The tool we have right now is it’s not economically feasible for a developer to deal with the county on these perimeter properties,” he said, indicating that if properties weren’t annexed they didn’t have access to town water and sewer.
Cosby said that while it was already too late for green space on the eastern edge of town, there was a chance to maintain the space at the town’s west.
“Our current weapon is we’re not
going to annex property to the west at least,” he said.
Cosby said that the town also needed to review connectivity for bicycles and pedestrians throughout town.
Chris Denny, chair of the commission, said these discussions had all been had before. He said there could be a better use for the funding.
“If we don’t spend it someone else is going to spend it,” Cosby replied. “Until somebody wakes up politically and stops this kind of waste we ought to burn the money if it’s available to us.”
Going back to Cosby’s reference to annexation, Stoehr said he often heard residents decry the process but wasn’t sure exactly why it was such a bad move for the town.
“I think that’s poppycock,” Engelhart said.
He told the commission that from his point of view, annexation made sense when the property was a commercial one that was already developed. If there’s a business located outside the town’s boundaries, the town is not getting any tax revenue for it. If it is annexed, however, Engelhart said the property owner would be forced to pay for the costs of connecting to town infrastructure and buy EDUs (equivalent dwelling units) and the town would benefit from tax revenue going forward.
“The highest tax revenue the town can ever get is out of commercial property,” Engelhart said. “The town needs funds every year to continue to give townspeople the services they’re accustomed to.”
He said it was important for officials to look at all angles of an annexation. While annexation of farmland might not make sense if the town was trying to limit growth, he said annexing commercial property that was already home to an existing business was a different matter.
“You have to look at both sides of it,” he said.
Cosby said the town’s definition from the west was part of what made it special and he felt that was a valuable amenity that should be preserved.
“There’s opportunity for infill in the town already,” commission member Austin Purnell said.
Denny said again he just didn’t want to see the money wasted. He said he’d spent a lot of time participating in a parking study the town had started years ago and that nothing had ever come of it.
“A lot of stuff gets talked to death and money just gets wasted because it’s pretty, it comes from a grant tree,” he said.
Cosby agreed that the commission wanted to see practical implementation but pointed out that a lot of the process would be defined by the level of citizen involvement.
“The problem is you don’t get moderates to come to those things,” he said. “You get people with an issue. And they only hear one side.”
NEWARK – A month after approving the addition of incentivized goals to Superintendent Lou Taylor’s contract, officials now say no changes are being made.
Despite a closed session vote to add an addendum to Taylor’s contract in December, school board members said this week a plan for incentivized goals is no longer going forward. Taylor is currently in his second four-year term as Worcester’s superintendent. He previously served in the administration of the Worcester County Public Schools after being principal of Stephen Decatur High School for 17 years.
“I am humbled and honored that the Board expressed a desire to further incentivize the work I am doing as superintendent; however, since I stepped into
this role in 2016, I have maintained that any adjustments to my compensation should remain in lockstep with our associations,” Taylor said in a statement. “While I may hold the title of superintendent, I know that the success we experience is a direct result of our team – our leaders, teachers, and staff.”
During the closed session portion of its December meeting, the Worcester County Board of Education voted to add an addendum to the superintendent’s contract that includes incentivized goals. When the board returned to open session, Elena McComas, then president of the board, reported that in personnel matters discussed during the closed session, a motion had been made by board member Donald Smack and seconded by board member Todd Ferrante to add an addendum to Taylor’s contract that included goals that if reached would result in a bonus
When asked for additional information about the December decision, Co-
ordinator of Public Relations and Special Programs Carrie Sterrs said the board voted to add an addendum to the superintendent’s contract that includes incentivized goals. When asked if those goals were to address an area Worcester County Public Schools was not performing well in, Sterrs said they were not.
“…this list is not driven by a specific shortcoming(s) within the school system, but these are areas of focus that the board wishes the Superintendent to keep at the forefront of his efforts,” she said.
There were 10 goals on the list, the first of which was to develop an FY24 operating budget that meets the needs of the school system. The second goal on the list was to work with the board of education to promote and secure the funding needed for the FY24 budget. The third goal on the list was to deliver a clean operating and federal program audit with no findings. Other items that made the list included completing the addition to Stephen Decatur Middle School on schedule and on budget, completing a feasibility study for Buckingham Elementary School, negotiating with the teachers and support staff associations that “preserves labor peace,” implementing a process to address the requirements of the new Blueprint legislation and working with bus contractors.
When asked if the addendum resulted in a potential pay raise for the superintendent, Sterrs asked The Dispatch to submit a Public Information Act request for the addendum. She later added that the document had not yet been drafted and it would be made available once it was.
This week, Sterrs said that at the request of Taylor the addendum was no longer moving forward. She said Ferrante, who is now the board president, was reaching out to the board’s attorney to find out if the motion made last month needed to be rescinded.
“As a board, we recognize the difficulty of navigating a school system through the incredible amount of change we have experienced. Superintendent Taylor has demonstrated ingenuity and leadership both through the challenges of the pandemic, and now with the challenges of implementing the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future,” Ferrante said in a statement. “We felt it was only right that we at least discuss as a board ways we could potentially incentivize this continued success; however, we respect Mr. Taylor’s desire to show solidarity and support to our associations by declining any incentives at this time.”
Taylor’s current contract was approved in 2021, when his salary was increased from $186,023 to $210,000. At the time, he expressed a commitment to keeping his salary adjustments in lockstep with those of teachers and support staff.
OCEAN CITY –While it remains to be seen if a proposed federal rule change to reduce offshore speed limits for recreational and commercial vessels comes to fruition, the Biden administration this week denied a petition to institute the changes immediately.
In an effort to save endangered North Atlantic right whales, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has proposed a 10-knot speed restriction for recreational and commercial vessels 35 feet in length or greater, down from the current 65 feet. The proposed rule change would expand the goslow zones to include virtually the entire east coast out to a 90-mile radius and extend the zone restrictions to as many as seven months of the year.
NOAA has yet to make a final decision on the proposed rule change, but national environmental advocacy group Oceana and other conservation groups in December filed an emergency rulemaking petition seeking an immediate implementation of the proposed 10-knot rule. However, this week the Biden administration, through the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) denied the emergency petition to immediately implement the proposed 10-knot rule change.
The denial does not necessarily mean the proposed rule change is dead.
Instead, NMFS officials have reportedly said the agency does not have the resources to effectively implement emergency regulations while the decision on the longer-term rule change is still being explored. Instead, NMFS officials have said the agency continues to work with vessel operators to get voluntary slowdowns, at least while the right whale calfing season is in full swing.
Right whales begin giving birth to calves around mid-November until midApril and their calving grounds are typically in the warm water off the Atlantic coast from North Carolina to Florida, although they migrate through the mid-Atlantic area on their way to the calving grounds. Pregnant females and mothers with nursing calves are particularly vulnerable to vessel strikes because they spend much of their time near the surface of the water, according to published reports.
There are currently only about 340 right whales in existence, a number that has steadily declined in recent years. The population is down to about 70 reproductive females, according to published reports.
“Instead of doing what is necessary to protect North Atlantic right whales, NMFS is turning its back on this critically endangered species,” said Oceana Campaign Director Gib Brogan. “Their refusal to take immediate action continues the agency’s history of delays and leaves new mothers and calves in dan-
ger. These whales are particularly vulnerable to boat strikes because they spend their time at the water’s surface. In just that last week, half a dozen right whale sightings have occurred outside of existing protection areas and none of the whales in the southeast region are protected from smaller boats that can and do kill right whales. The government’s own assessment clearly shows that more needs to be done for this species to reduce the risk of whale mortality.”
The Center for Biological Diversity took it a step further in criticizing the president’s administration for failing to take appropriate emergency action.
“I’m outraged that the Biden administration won’t shield these incredibly endangered whales from lethal ship strikes,” said Center for Biological Diversity Oceans Program Legal Director Kristen Monsell. “This is an extinctionlevel emergency. Every mother right whale and calf is critical to the survival of the species. Protecting right whales from vessel strikes is even more crucial after the Senate’s recent omnibus bill, which delayed efforts to curb right whale entanglements in lobster gear.”
The proposed rule change could severely damage the local fishing industry. While the proposed rule change would only be in effect from Nov. 1 to May 31, which is just on the shoulders of the recreational fishing season locally, the 10-knot rule could be applied at any time by NOAA if a right whale was spotted in
the fishing grounds off the coast.
The local fishing community, along with fishing advocacy groups up and down the east coast, from the beginning have railed against the proposed 10-knot rule change. While all agree protecting the endangered species is important, there is limited data suggesting vessel strikes are contributing to mortality rates for the species. For example, according to NOAA’s own data, there have only been 12 lethal right whale vessel strikes since 2008, five of which have come from vessel’s under 35 feet. From NOAA’s own data, the chance of a vessel striking a right whale, considering the sheer volume of boat traffic in the prescribed zones for the rule change, is about one in a million.
Nearly all the local fishing grounds frequented by recreational and commercial fishermen would fall under the 10-knot rule. Operating a vessel at a maximum of 10 knots would add several hours to a typical charter or private fishing trip.
Charters targeting billfish, tuna and mahi, for example, often chug nearly 100 miles to reach the canyons offshore and leave well before sunrise and return in the evening. It’s often a three-hour-plus ride to reach the offshore canyons without any 10-knot maximum speed in place. To put it in perspective, one knot is equal to around 1.15 mph. A 100mile trip to the canyons offshore would take two or three times longer than usual under normal circumstances.
NEWARK – A school safety committee is expected to review the feasibility of implementing weapons detection systems at local schools.
Worcester County Public Schools officials are in the process of re-forming the school safety committee that was initially created following the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. One of the group’s first tasks will be looking at whether Worcester County could implement weapons detection systems.
“Any opportunity for us to work on school safety for our students and staff is of the utmost priority,” said Annette Wallace, the school system’s chief safety and academic officer for grades 9-12.
According to Wallace, the school system’s safety committee was formed under the leadership of Steve Price in the wake of the 2012 tragedy at Sandy Hook. The committee’s work led to the implementation of the buzzer system used to let visitors into schools and provided access to an anonymous school safety tip line. In recent years, however, the committee hasn’t been active. When Wallace, who likes to encourage stakeholder participation, took over the chief safety officer position in August, she made reestablishing the committee one of her goals.
“Mr. Price gave us an excellent foundation in safety,” she said. “I wanted to keep things moving forward.”
She said the committee would include parents, principals and teachers, as well as representatives from local law enforcement agencies and Worcester County Commissioner Chip Bertino. The group’s first task will be to research weapons detection systems.
“They are very different than the traditional metal detector,” she said.
Wallace said the committee would explore the use of detection systems at regional schools and talk to the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office about how they could be implemented. She said the challenging part of moving forward with implementation would be providing monitoring for them, as the school resource officers already in place at schools were meant to be patrolling school grounds. The committee will also review the effectiveness of weapons detection systems.
“We’re going to be taking a hard look at the data,” she said.
As the committee begins its efforts, Wallace wants to remind the public that the school safety tip line — Safe Schools Maryland — was always available and that anyone with a safety concern should use it. Through the tip line, anonymous reports can be submitted any time and they’re immediately received by the Maryland Emergency Management Center and then emailed and texted to the appropriate school district. To submit a tip, call 1-833632-7233 or go to schoolsafety.maryland.gov.
OCEAN PINES – Officials in Ocean Pines have tasked General Manager John Viola with establishing best practices for a video surveillance system of all Ocean Pines venues.
Last Saturday, the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors voted unanimously to direct Viola to consult with video surveillance experts in establishing a “best practices” video surveillance system that provides full coverage of the association’s venues. Director Frank Daly said the general manager is tasked with not only obtaining quotes for installing such camera systems, but developing a retention policy for video surveillance.
“The purpose of this is just to develop a retention policy to improve the security and to mitigate the legal risks to the association,” he said. “There are three instances that I am aware of that span over the past three summers where these systems in place would have been beneficial either to the association or to law enforcement for specific incidents that have happened on those properties.”
Daly told board members last week he wanted to see the association implement a surveillance system and video retention policy for alcohol-serving venues within Ocean Pines. Director Stuart Lakernick, however, argued all associa-
tion venues could benefit from a surveillance system.
“I see this is limited to alcohol-serving venues,” he said. “My thought is we need video surveillance for our town, the skate park, all of our buildings, in addition to this … I’m in agreement with Frank, but I think we need to expand it.”
Association President Doug Parks said he agreed with having a policy for retaining video footage but questioned if it was necessary to consult with surveillance experts. He suggested the association could simply follow county, state and federal guidelines for retaining video.
“The idea of bringing in a video surveillance expert, I don’t know if that’s an actual necessity,” he said. “What I do agree with, is we have to have a policy on retention.”
Daly, however, said a consultant could assist the association in determining where more cameras are needed and how to protect equipment.
“When I did the research on this, there are ways to place video surveillance to protect it from weather – wind, rain, lightning – and intentional damage like vandalism,” he said. “Typically the people that sell this equipment have that expertise.”
Daly added that the association could look into expanding its surveillance system for all Ocean Pines facilities.
“I would say get more information on what it would take and what it would cost,” he said. “That’s what this whole motion is about.”
Association President Doug Parks questioned if the motion should be tabled.
“Would it make sense to table the motion with the intent of getting the information so we can look at it at the next meeting?” he asked. “Or do we accept the friendly amendment to not just alcohol-serving venues, but all identified venues? I’m leaning toward getting more information and crafting this motion so that it’s more succinct.”
Director Colette Horn agreed.
“I think the issue of coverage is an important one, but I think it needs to be well thought out,” she said. “What coverage are we seeking? In the kitchens? Conference rooms? Hallways?”
Daly, however, said the original motion gave the general manager the authority to explore surveillance systems at any association venue.
“If John comes to us and says, ‘Hey look, this is how we do the alcohol venues but we should also do the North Gate Bridge and skate park and some other areas,’ I believe he has license to do that in this motion because he’s coming back to us at the next meeting with a recommendation and a policy,” he said. “I’d say he has that license right now.”
After further discussion the board voted to amend the motion to explore surveillance systems for all Ocean Pines venues, not just alcohol-serving facilities. The amended motion passed unanimously.
FENWICK ISLAND – A $16,000 proposal to complete permitting work for a new dredging placement site will advance to the town council with the support of a Fenwick Island committee.
On Tuesday, the Fenwick Island Dredging Committee voted unanimously to advance a proposal from Anchor QEA, a Lewes-based engineering firm, to the town council with a favorable recommendation. Project Manager Steve Bagnull said the $16,000 contract will allow the company to complete permitting work related to the town’s dredging and placement project.
“This will be for filing permit applications with the state and the Army Corps of Engineers …,” he explained. “We expect this process will play out over a period of six months or less.”
Plans to dredge roughly 19,000 cubic yards of material from the Little Assawoman Bay began in earnest in 2018, when the town hired Tony Pratt, a former administrator for the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), to guide them through the funding and permitting processes. And in 2019, Anchor QEA, a Lewes-based engineering firm, was brought on board to provide design, bidding and construction management services.
This week, committee members reconvened to discuss three potential placement sites for material that will ultimately be dredged from the Little Assawoman Bay. Councilman Bill Rymer, committee chair, said that while the town continues to explore locations such as Seal Island and Seatowne, it is now looking closely at a parcel of land off Route 54 owned by Carl M. Freeman Companies.
“This was the location that was being discussed two years ago,” he explained. “Their timeframe had changed, so about one-and-a-half years ago they told the town they were going to proceed with their development plans without utilizing our dredged material. However, they came back to us late last fall.”
From those discussions, Rymer said, came a renewed interest in partnering with the town and using its dredged materials on the company’s property.
“This is our cheapest, most cost-effective alternative,” he said. “Between the grants that are available to the town and the amount of money in our reserves, it will get us close to the $900,000 or $950,000 that is necessary to complete the project.”
Rymer said the town is working with its solicitor to draft a legal agreement that could allow the partnership to move forward.
“This requires much less engineering, it’s a much easier permitting process … and if all goes well this is our best option for completing the dredging project in the next dredging window, which is November and December of 2023 and January and February of 2024,” he said.
After further discussion, the committee agreed to forward a favorable recommendation to have Anchor QEA complete permitting work related to a potential dredg-
ing and placement project at the Route 54 property.
“The town has reserve funds set aside for dredging,” Rymer explained. “So this cost will be covered by the reserves that are already there.”
In an update this week, Rymer added the town was still working with officials from DNREC and Delaware State Parks to explore a potential restoration project at Seal Island using the town’s dredged material. He noted, however, that officials continue to weigh its risks and benefits.
“The discussions are deep and sincere but it’s clear there are conflicts and that’s the primary reason this is taking a long time,” he explained. “People like the idea, but there are concerns about engineering and negative impacts that haven’t been resolved.”
Further complicating the matter, Rymer said, was the state’s desire to turn a re-
habilitated Seal Island into a bird sanctuary.
“The head of Delaware State Parks said their intent was to declare a reconstituted Seal Island an official bird sanctuary, meaning no people would be allowed on the island …,” he said. “We loved the idea that the island could be accessible to the community like it had been for 50 or 60 years.”
Rymer also told committee members this week that town officials continue to communicate with the homeowners association at Seatowne, a residential community located just north of Fenwick Island. Should Fenwick Island decide to partner with Seatowne, Rymer said its dredged material would be used to restore nearby wetlands.
“In talking with the HOA folks at Seatowne, they remain interested in engaging with us for enhancing their wetlands …,”
he explained. “Based on the conversations we’ve had about upland placement and Seal Island, this is starting to feel like option two.”
Rymer this week also updated the committee on the town’s applications for grant funding.
While the town did not receive the $100,000 grant it had applied for through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), he said it was still in the running for a $1.1 million grant through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Town officials are also working with local representatives, including Rep. Ron Gray.
“I’m starting conversations with him to see if we can get included in the next state bond bill …,” Rymer said. “As we proceed with that, we’ll also reach out to Sen. Gerald Hocker.”
OCEAN PINES – Proposed changes to the association’s amenity policy were accepted on first reading last week.
Last Saturday, the Ocean Pines Association (OPA) Board of Directors accepted the first reading of a revision to Resolution M-02, pertaining to amenity policies. The proposed changes come less than a month after former director Tom Janasek reached a settlement with the association over its decision to temporarily ban him from amenities following an altercation at the Yacht Club Tiki Bar last May.
“These revisions are the culmination of work done by the GM’s senior exec-
utive assistant and board members,” said Director Colette Horn. “The goal was to ensure that the policies are up to date with respect to what the GM needs for orderly management of the amenities, that they are consistent with the input the court has given OPA on our enforcement policies and procedures, and that they are consistent with recent changes in Maryland HOA law as they pertain to decisions by the board that restrict member access to amenities.”
Simply put, Horn said the revisions include the rules and expectations for amenity use. Director Steve Jacobs added that it also included due process for any decisions that involve imposed sanctions.
“I will remind everyone in the last two court cases – dealing with Rick [Farr’s]
case and the election, and dealing with the Janasek case – in both cases the court noted the lack of due process afforded to either of the two plaintiffs to settle this matter prior to going to court …,” he said. “Those who are particularly concerned or critical about the way Ocean Pines spends money on legal expenses, the advantage of this section is that it provides everybody an opportunity to solve their differences before anyone has to go to court.”
Most of the changes proposed for Resolution M-02 involve amenity rules for participant use, as well as sanctions for prohibited behavior. Members given notice of a violation, however, will have an opportunity to appear before the board at a hearing.
Association President Doug Parks
said he had reviewed the proposed revisions and wanted to recommend several changes.
“A lot of it is kind of vague and openended,” he said. “There’s really more questions than anything else.”
He noted, however, that he would submit his changes to board members, legal counsel, and the bylaws and resolutions committee. With no further question, the board agreed to accept the first reading of the proposed revisions.
“Instead of going through and underlining all the things I felt were questionable, at best, I provide to you guys my writeup and my synopsis of a review of this document,” he said.
Last week’s first reading comes months after an altercation between Janasek and former director Josette Wheatley. While at the Yacht Club Tiki Bar on May 20, Janasek reportedly launched into a verbal tirade over Wheatley’s vote to elect the next association president.
Janasek was ultimately escorted from the property and was issued a 90day ban from the Yacht Club, Golf Clubhouse and Beach Club. In June, however, Janasek filed a lawsuit against the association, arguing the imposed ban violated the community’s governing documents.
A settlement was reached earlier this month.
OCEAN CITY – More than $1.8 million in federal funding will allow a local conservation organization to initiate new programs and projects.
Last Friday, the Maryland Coastal Bays Program (MCBP) announced it will be the recipient of federal funding in the amount of more than $1.8 million. The money, made available through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), will allow the organization to accelerate environmental and community restoration goals identified in its Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan.
“We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to significantly increase and enhance our investments in protecting and improving the environmental conditions in the Coastal Bays watershed,” said MCBP Executive Director Kevin Smith. “BIL funding will allow us to initiate new projects that have been beyond our reach up till now as well as enhance our capacity to continue our priority ongoing efforts.”
He continued, “Climate resilience has already been an increasing focus of our work in recent years and more effectively reaching underserved communities is a challenge we are eager to address. These BIL funding priorities couldn’t come at a better time for us.”
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, adopted in November 2021, provides 28 longstanding National Estuary Programs
(NEPs), including MCBP, a total of $132 million in fiscal years 2022-2026. The local organization reports each of the estuary programs will receive $909,800 annually in BIL funding, distributed by the Environmental Protection Agency. MCBP’s first allocation of more than $1.8 million includes two years of funding through fiscal years 2022 and 2023.
“EPA has placed a priority for NEPs to invest a portion of the funding to address resilience and adaptation to climate change impacts in their watersheds as well as ensuring that some benefits reach disadvantaged communities who may have been historically underserved by environmental programs,” a news release reads. “The roster of investments slated for the first installment of BIL funding range from shoreline restoration in Sinepuxent Bay to stormwater management in Berlin, and from enhancing the program’s inventory of water quality monitoring equipment to expanding an environmental education retreat targeting high school students from underserved communities.”
Among other projects, MCBP plans to use $872,000 in BIL funding to construct a resilient living shoreline along the Sinepuxent Bay, just south of the Verrazano Bridge, as well as $10,000 for the establishment of a Worcester Environmental Training, Leadership and Stewardship (WETLANDS) Retreat, providing students with hands-on, immersive educational experiences in environmental sci-
In Berlin, the organization also plans to use $400,000 in BIL funding and $350,000 from the town’s ARPA grant to complete a stormwater retrofit at Franklin, Pine and Nelson streets. It also has plans to direct $110,000 in BIL funding to Berlin’s Hudson Branch restoration design and $10,000 to complete design and permitting of a submerged gravel wetland on Abbey Lane.
The announcement comes roughly a week after the organization announced two new grant programs made possible through BIL funding. MCBP is now accepting proposals for its mini-grant pro-
gram and research grant program through March 1.
“We are especially pleased to be able to invest some of the BIL funding to ‘pay it forward’ through a new research and community project mini-grant program announced last week,” Smith said. “We hope to continue and expand this offering in the future years of BIL support.”
Planning for the next allocation of BIL funding, expected next fall, has already begun, officials say. MCBP will be assessing its needs and interests, and conducting outreach to its local and state partners to identify priority challenges and opportunities to address in the watershed.
BERLIN – Municipal officials agreed to extend the negotiating period with the potential purchaser of Heron Park.
The Berlin Town Council on Monday voted 3-1 to approve a 180-day extended negotiating period. The decision comes after the town’s initial six-month agreement with Coastal Ventures Properties, which was made in June, expired.
“There are still ongoing negotiations between the town and Coastal Ventures Properties LLC,” said town attorney David Gaskill. “I thought it was appropriate we extend this agreement another six months to see that process through.”
After considering the sale of at least a part of Heron Park for some time, the town issued a request for proposals (RFP) late last year. In the spring, the town opted to enter negotiations with Palmer Gillis’s
Coastal Ventures Properties LLC, one of the two entities that responded to the RFP. That proposal offered the town $1.5 million for three parcels—parcel 410, 57 and 191—and would involve partial demolition of the existing structures to create a commercial project.
Gaskill said Monday negotiations were ongoing so he recommended extending the negotiating agreement another six months.
“Palmer Gillis, the president of Coastal Ventures Properties, has indicated that he would like to also extend that for the duration of 180 days,” Mayor Zack Tyndall said.
Councilman Jack Orris asked if a 90day extension was possible.
“I really feel like another six months is just another six months to drag it on, for lack of a better term,” Orris said.
Tyndall said he would suggest sticking with the 180-day extension but pointed out
that the town could finish negotiations sooner than that if possible. Councilman Jay Knerr asked what still had to be done before a contract could be developed.
Gaskill said there were still surveys that had to be done.
“As it stands right now the town is intending to keep part of the property,” he said. “The metes and bounds of what is being kept needs to be laid out.”
The council voted 3-1, with Councilman Dean Burrell opposed and Councilwoman Shaneka Nichols absent, to approve the extension. When asked why he opposed the extension, Burrell said he was concerned about the future use of the park property.
“I think the park should remain with the town until the town can decide the direction of the facility,” he said. “I think we need to be very careful in determining the use of the park and the impact to current locations and facilities especially our downtown.”
On December 24, 2022, Roland Horace Broseker passed away peacefully at his home in Delaware at the age of 84. Roland was born on February 8, 1938, the son of the late (Roland) Horace and Kathryn A. Broseker. He was born in Baltimore, Maryland and attended Linthicum High School, where he was class president. He also won the Maryland election for attorney general of Boy’s State for the Capital of Maryland in Annapolis. Roland was a graduate of the University of Maryland, College Park, where he was just a few votes shy of being class president. He also obtained a private pilot license and plane, which he used to fly his family to and from College Park to the eastern shore of Maryland.
Roland is survived by his beloved, three children, Janet (Dean) Ventola, Rhonda (Robert) Frick, and Bradford (Laurie) Broseker. He is also survived by his brother, Gary (Karen) Broseker, Baltimore, MD. He has six grandchildren, Bethany Frick, Alexandra Broseker, Margaret Hay, David Hay, Samantha Ventola, and Matthew Ventola, of whose accomplishments he was always so proud.
While in college as a business major, Roland created the first of his many successful businesses. His company of over 500 employees was awarded contracts to paint Pentagon City, and many high-rise apartment buildings, shopping centers and cityscapes in Bethesda and Silver Spring, Maryland. He later obtained paint manufacturing patents for his other company, Coastal Coatings Corporation, of which he was very proud.
For over 30 years, Roland was the owner and founder of the Horace Hardware Corporation on the eastern shore of Maryland, one of the largest hardware companies with locations in Ocean City, MD and Ocean Pines, MD. He took great pride in providing top quality hardware and paint to all local businesses and was a much-respected member of the close-knit beach community. He loved working hard, his employees and all the people he did business with.
In his personal life, he was a great gardener, an adventurous and avid world traveler, who at the age of 70 went white water rafting down the Colorado River with his much younger friends. In his retirement, he enjoyed an active social life, travelling to sunny Mexico and the islands, of which St. Lucia was his most favorite. He was an expert helmsman and sport fisherman who participated in many White Marlin Open Fishing Tournaments and who loved racing his Sonic Ocean race boat in competitions in his younger days. He delighted in spending time hearing about the accomplishments of his most beloved children and grandchildren.
Roland was very kindhearted and an extreme believer in the power of positive thinking. He taught us to have courage and to always think of brighter days. Heaven has gained a wonderful person. He will be dearly missed.
The family will hold a private interment at the Baldwin Memorial United Methodist Church Cemetery Millersville, Maryland. An announcement will be made later for a celebration of life to be held in the spring of 2023 in Ocean City, Maryland.
The family requests that in lieu of flowers donations be made to the American Heart Association. https://www.heart.org/
We look forward to a gathering to celebrate his life. For those who knew him as a friend and for the three of us that called him Dad.
OCEAN PINES – A discussion on open positions and labor savings highlighted the general manager’s report at this month’s board meeting.
Last Saturday, General Manager John Viola presented the Ocean Pines Board of Directors with his monthly general manager’s report, which focused on the impact outsourcing has had on the association and its budget.
“Our favorability is mainly due to revenue growth, reallocation and cost efficiencies, but we also have open positions,” he told the board. “People seem to hone in on that, and that’s fine, but these open positions, depending on where they are, we also lose revenue.”
Viola noted that while open positions have led to cost savings, it also impacts operations, pointing to the aquatics and recreation and parks departments as examples.
“It’s kind of an offset,” he said.
Within public works, Viola noted the department has four open, full-time equivalent (FTE) positions.
“Yes, we have open positions,” he said. “But it’s just like everybody else in the labor pool, local, regional and national. Not a surprise here.”
Viola noted, however, that those vacancies were being filled by outsourced work.
“Conservatively for public works, that comes down to having nine FTEs,” he said. “I’m short four, and we have five extra.”
Viola said outside contractors have been used to complete renovations at the administration building, paint road markings and handle bulkhead topsoil and sod, among other things.
“In the past, we had somebody who did that,” he said. “Now we outsource that because we don’t have the people.”
The association has also hired a contractor to complete a new drainage pipelining project.
“There has been tremendous savings on that, dollar-wise, in terms of labor … ,” he said. “We would have had to rip up all of Ocean Parkway wherever these pipes were, so a tremendous amount of savings. It is reflected in the open positions, but we have outsourced.”
In an update this week, Viola added that an outside contractor was currently working on the new marina gas docks. He said the estimated cost of $633,500 included $350,720 for the docks, $169,521 for the gas lines and $113,259 for other expenses.
“We have all the permits, all the signoffs,” he said. “Just the other day, it went to fabrication. The outside company will build them, ship them here, and we have Fisher Marine that will install them.”
Viola said the project should be completed before the season begins in May.
“We’ve got to get these back by the end of March …,” he explained. “So we are on track for that.”
BERLIN – Residents will be able to play basketball at Henry Park until 11 p.m. following a decision by town officials this week.
The Berlin Town Council on Monday voted 4-0 to allow residents to use the new lights at Henry Park’s basketball courts until 11 p.m.
“If it’s a problem we can change it,” resident Mary Hedlesky said.
Thanks to a $111,000 grant from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Community Parks and Playgrounds Program, the town recently installed lights at the Henry Park basketball courts. Residents will soon be able to continue their basketball games into the dark, with LED bulbs atop 60-foot poles to light the courts.
Town officials surveyed area residents earlier this month to get their input on the hours for the lights. Though there was initially talk of having the lights available until 11 p.m., like the lights at the tennis courts in Stephen Decatur Park, Police Chief Arnold Downing and Councilwoman Shaneka Nichols expressed concern with the late hour.
Town Administrator Mary Bohlen said this week that the town had received five responses to its survey. Two people wanted the lights available until 9 p.m., two people wanted the lights until 11 p.m. and one person said there should be no lights at the courts.
Mike Wiley, chair of the town’s parks commission, said he’d heard little from the public about the issue. Resident Tony Weeg said he’d seen folks using the tennis courts until 11 p.m. and said that whether the Henry Park lights were used that late or not, he didn’t want to see any changes at Stephen Decatur Park.
“Changing Decatur Park would be an absolute mistake,” he said.
He pointed out that the sunset was late in the summertime and having a 9 p.m. shutoff for the lights would defeat the purpose of having them.
Resident Gina Velong said that she occasionally turned on one of the court lights at Stephen Decatur Park for added safety in the evening when she was walking her dog.
James Briddell said he was building a house on the lot right next to Henry Park and that he wanted his grandchildren to have somewhere safe to play, even if it was later in the evening.
“I’m in favor of the lights being on at least until 10 p.m.,” he said.
When asked if he’d support the lights being on until 11 p.m., Briddell said he would and felt that if there were any problems officials could revisit the issue. Hedlesky agreed and said the courts could provide recreational opportunities for teenagers.
“We really don’t have a lot of options
for 12- to 18-year-olds,” she said.
Councilman Jay Knerr asked if the lighting would impact neighboring residences. Tim Lawrence, the town’s electric utility director, said the light would not extend onto neighboring properties.
Councilman Jack Orris said he thought that both parks should have the same hours for their lights and made a motion to allow the Henry Park lights to be used until 11 p.m. He stressed that if people had any concerns once the lights were being used, they should contact the Berlin Police Department.
The council voted 4-0, with Nichols absent, to set an 11 p.m. cutoff for the lights.
OCEAN CITY –A Salisbury man was arrested on multiple charges last week after allegedly causing a ruckus at an uptown hotel.
Around 11:35 p.m. last Sunday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers responded to a hotel at 126th Street for a reported assault that had already occurred. Officers reportedly met with the guest services manager who advised a suspect, later identified as Amerion Chavers, 19, of Salisbury, had assaulted one of her employees, according to police reports.
The manager advised Chavers had come to the front desk to purchase a bottle of water and asked that it be charged to his room. While the manager was speaking with Chavers, an employee came to the front desk to coordinate which rooms needed to be cleaned, according to police reports.
While the manager was speaking with the employee, Chavers reportedly threw the bottle of water at the employee and punched the employee in the face. The manager told police Chavers then left the property, but returned before the police arrived, according to police reports.
OCPD officers observed the employee had a small dark bruise on his cheekbone from allegedly being punched by Chavers. OCPD officers went to the room in question on the fifth floor and announced themselves and were invited in by the individual who opened the door. The officers reportedly observed Chavers curled up under blankets on the bed furthest from the door, according to police reports.
Officers advised Chavers they were investigating an alleged assault for which he was the suspect. Chavers said hotel housekeeping had been banging on the room’s door and that they did not have a search warrant. OCPD officer explained multiple times they were investigating an assault and no search warrant was needed. Chavers did admit having a conversation at the front desk about receiving a refund but denied ever assaulting the employee.
Chavers was advised hotel staff wanted him trespassed from the property because of the assault, a trespassing that would occur in the hotel lobby. Chavers was advised he was trespassed from the property by the manager for two years and if he returned, he would be arrested. Chavers did leave the hotel but remained on a bench outside still on the property, according to police reports.
OCPD officers interviewed the victim who corroborated the story told to police by the manager. OCPD officers then went outside to arrest Chavers for the assault on the employee and he reportedly launched into an expletive-laced tirade directed at a female officer, ac-
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cording to police reports. Throughout the arrest process, Chavers reportedly resisted and assaulted various officers in the process. At one point, he spit in the face of one of the arresting officers. He was charged with trespassing, multiple counts of second-degree assault and resisting arrest among others.
OCEAN CITY –A Florida man was arrested last week after causing a disturbance downtown and later falsely claiming he was having a heart attack during the booking process following his arrest.
Around 2:10 a.m. last Sunday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers responded to the area of Wicomico Street for a reported disorderly male. The caller reportedly advised a male suspect, later identified as Norman Key III, 54, of Apoka, Fla., threw a bottle on the ground in the street and was with a female and both of them were falling down.
Officers arrived and attempted to speak with Key, who did not have identification and attempted to walk away from officers, according to police reports. Officers advised Key he was not free to go, but he continued to attempt to walk away, according to police reports.
Key reportedly continued to yell as he walked away from officers and attempted to cross Philadelphia Avenue. Key was reportedly advised to use the crosswalk, which he did not do. He continued to yell and was ultimately detained in handcuffs, according to police reports. When Key was advised he was in violation of the town’s noise ordinance, he continued to yell, according to police reports.
was arrested last weekend after allegedly obstructing and hindering an investigation and assaulting an officer in the process.
Around 2:10 a.m. last Sunday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers responded to the area of Wicomico Street for a reported disorderly female. Upon arrival, OCPD officers observed a female later identified as Jessica Tilghman, 39, of Salisbury, fall to the ground, according to police reports. Tilghman was reportedly helped from the ground by a male she was with, and the couple attempted to cross Philadelphia Avenue not in a crosswalk.
Tilghman was detained at that point and officers asked her to move to the sidewalk so they could talk with her, according to police reports. Tilghman was advised to sit on the curb while officers interviewed the other suspect. She complied at first, but then stood up multiple times and attempted to approach OCPD officers, according to police reports.
Tilghman was reportedly told multiple times not to interfere with the officers’ investigation of the larger incident but did not comply. She stood up a third time and approached the officers conducting an investigation. When she stood up a third time, she was derailed from approaching the scene, but grabbed one of the OCPD officers by the arm while yelling expletives, according to police reports. She was arrested and charged with obstructing and hindering and second-degree assault on a law enforcement officer.
OCEAN CITY –A Maryland woman was arrested last week after a search of her vehicle following a driving while impaired stop led to the discovery of multiple weapons.
3-6 p.m.
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FRIDAY: DJ Billy T 3 pm
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Key was transported to the Public Safety Building for booking but continued to not provide police with valid identification information or his address, according to police reports. Key then advised booking staff that he was having a heart attack and requested Ocean City EMS to respond.
Ocean City paramedics responded, but when Key was advised OCPD officers would be accompanying him to the hospital, he told police he no longer had chest pains and did not need the assistance of Ocean City EMS, according to police reports. Throughout the booking process, Key never exhibited any signs of being in medical distress, according to police reports.
He was ultimately charged with disorderly conduct for yelling and smashing a bottle in the street, along with disturbing the peace and giving a false alarm by requesting an ambulance and advising he was having a heart attack.
Around 1:25 a.m. last Thursday, an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer was patrolling in the downtown area and observed a vehicle traveling on Philadelphia Avenue make an aggressive turn in the area of 12th Street nearly hitting another vehicle. The officer stopped the vehicle, driven by Mary Butrim, 56, of Street, Md., in the area of 14th Street.
During the officer’s encounter with Butrim, a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage was detected coming from the passenger compartment. Officers asked Butrim to exit the vehicle and administered field sobriety tests, which she did not complete to their satisfaction, according to police reports. At that point, she was placed under arrest for suspicion of driving while impaired.
During a search of the vehicle incident to the arrest, OCPD officers reportedly located a set of metal knuckles in the driver side door compartment. Under the driver’s seat, officers located a steel cable with electrical tape around one end fashioned into a baton-style weapon. OCPD officers also located a .38 caliber handgun in the center console with four rounds located in the chambers.
The three weapons were seized as evidence. Butrim was charged with multiple counts of carrying concealed dangerous weapons along with traffic violations including driving while impaired.
OCEAN CITY – Local community members will be recognized at the 2023 Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce Annual Awards Celebration.
On March 3, the Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual awards celebration – which honors business leaders, nonprofits and volunteers who represent the area’s best – at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center.
This year’s Lifetime Achievement Award will go to John Fager of Fager’s Island.
“This award recognizes an individual for a lifetime of consistent community leadership and philanthropic endeavors that have made a lasting impact on their community,” a news release from the Chamber reads. “Their actions, achievements and contributions evoke admiration and respect. The nominee should have an exemplary community service record in the area and their influence and contributions will have made a tangible impact on the lives of those around them, their communities, and their place of business for many years of their lifetime and in the future.”
Fager visited Ocean City when he was
a child and then moved to the town permanently in the early 1960s. He started his entrepreneurial journey with the Purple Moose Saloon and grew his empire over the years to include Fager’s Island, The Lighthouse Club Hotel, Edge Hotel, Bad Monkey and Atlantic Hotel in Berlin. He is also on the Ocean City Life-Saving Museum Board and the Rackliffe House Historic Trust Board and was a founding member of the Atlantic General Hospital Board of Directors.
“Fager has been a monumental part of Ocean City’s growth and is always positively impacting tourists,” a news release reads.
This year, the chamber will also recognize Ocean City Development Corporation (OCDC) Executive Director Glenn Irwin as the 2023 Business Person of the Year.
The award recognizes someone who is the founder, owner, CEO or president of a business that is a member in good standing with the Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber reports. The nominee exhibits business leadership and vision, displaying a significant commitment to the success of both business and the area. The honoree serves as a positive role model for others, demonstrates a
commitment to their community and is widely recognized as a successful business manager or owner.
“Irwin is the fearless leader of downtown Ocean City, with more than two decades of experience working to revitalize and develop the area,” a news release reads. “Whether spearheading projects or working with officials at city hall, Irwin is one of the most well-connected and busiest people in town.”
Under Irwin’s helm, OCDC’s Façade Improvement Program has allowed for improvements at more than 270 downtown buildings since 2002. Irwin has also worked to improve downtown Ocean City through public art projects and special events such as the Shorecraft Beer Fest and the Sunset Park summer concert series. He also helped create design standards for both downtown and uptown Ocean City and worked to provide a new home for the Ocean City Beach Patrol.
“Irwin has strengthened the downtown Ocean City community and has gone above and beyond his day-to-day job,” a news release adds. “Glenn frequently volunteers his time to help other organizations. He truly cares about this community, and it can be witnessed in his com-
mitment to making Ocean City a better place to live, work and enjoy.”
Bob Rothermel, Jr., owner of T.E.A.M. Productions, will also be recognized as the Citizen of the Year at this year’s annual awards celebration.
“This award recognizes an individual who, through his or her unselfish commitment to the community, embodies the best characteristics of community citizenship and serves as an example to all,” a news release reads.
Rothermel was active at Ocean City Elementary School as vice president and president of the PTA. This led to 16 years of elected service on the Worcester County Board of Education, nearly half of which he served as vice president and president.
Rothermel was also actively involved with Cub Scout and Boy Scout Troop 261 and has served in various leadership roles at St. Paul’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church. He has served on countless committees and initiatives including the Ocean City Art League, Ocean City Museum Society Foundation and the Wor-Wic Community College Foundation, as well as held leadership roles in the Ocean City-Berlin Op-
timist Club, the Downtown Association, and the Worcester County Arts Council.
The chamber will also recognize Ocean City Fire Department’s Galen Curtis as the 2023 First Responder of the Year.
This award honors one first responder from the 21842-area code for exemplary acts of valor and outstanding community service, as well as going above and beyond the call of duty.
“Paramedic Curtis’ focus and direction during the COVID pandemic through today kept OCFD personnel safe, healthy, and provided the ability to maintain staffing for emergency responses to COVIDsick patients,” a news release reads. “His actions have saved and protected the lives of personnel, residents and visitors. OCFD career and volunteer members were directed to contact any one of the COVID Safety and Health Officers at any time of day if they were exposed or had COVID symptoms. Curtis provided information on protocol regarding exposure protection and or treatment based on their situation.”
The Chamber will also honor Rush Stehley of the Taustin Group as the 2023 Young Professional of the Year. The award recognizes a person between the ages of 21 and 39 who is employed by or
owns a business that is a member of the Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce. The nominee is someone who has gone above and beyond to grow personally and professionally through community involvement, who exemplifies leadership skills and exhibits exceptional vision that contributes to success in the workplace.
Stehley, beverage director for the Taustin Group and a partner in the Captain’s Galley Crab Cake Shack, is also known for his commitment to local charities.
His involvement with the Believe in Tomorrow Children’s House by the Sea led to his recognition as “Prom King” in 2020, raising more than $50,000 for the organization. He also worked on the recent Scunny McCusker mini-golf fundraiser and has raised money through the Taustin Group for United Way’s Dine United campaign. Stehley is currently chairing the United Way Holiday Ball, held in December.
The chamber will also recognize the Joshua M. Freeman Foundation as the 2023 Non-Profit of the Year award winner.
The award is presented to an active 501c3 organization that has made a notable impact on the quality of life for those who live and work in the area while adhering to their nonprofit’s mission statement.
BY SHAWN J. SOPER MANAGING EDITOROCEAN CITY – Local motorists can expect delays traversing the Route 90 bridge starting Monday as the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) begins an extensive maintenance project on the spans.
MDOT SHA will begin routine maintenance work on the bridges over the St. Martin’s River and Assawoman Bay starting on Monday. Crews will make repairs to the bridge deck and substructure in order to prepare for
Since its establishment in 2007, the foundation has focused on making the arts accessible for all and has impacted more than 750,000 people through its arts programs at the Freeman Arts Pavilion in Selbyville, Del., as well as its Arts Access Initiative, including over 120,000 residents and visitors annually.
This year’s honorees will be recognized at the Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce Annual Awards Celebration, held on Friday, March 3, from 5:30-10 p.m.
the summer season. The project is expected to be completed by late spring.
Crews will work from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. each weekday during the length of the project. Motorists can expect intermittent single-lane closures with work zones and a flagging operation. The work zone will accommodate emergency vehicle access to each side of the bridges.
Motorists are encouraged to use Route 50 as an alternative route during the length of the project. ANA Contracting of Bethesda will perform the work on the two bridges.
at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center’s bayfront ballroom.
Tickets are $110 per person, which includes cocktail hour, plated dinner, professional photos by Kyle Hughes and Dana Marie Photography, and music by Teenage Rust.
Visit bit.ly/OCCCAwards and click “Register Now” to purchase tickets and view sponsorship opportunities, or contact events coordinator Colby Noble at 443664-3052 or colby@oceancity.org.
BERLIN – Harbor Freight Tools, America’s go-to store for quality tools at the lowest prices, will officially open its new store in Berlin, Md., on Saturday, Jan. 28 at 8 a.m.
The Berlin store, located at 10716 Ocean Gateway, will be open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday.
Over 40 million customers, from professional contractors and technicians to homeowners and hobbyists, come to Harbor Freight to find the tools and equipment they need to get the job done. The company has assembled a world-class team of engineers and experts in all tool categories to ensure that its tools meet or exceed industry standards and deliver unsurpassed value.
The store will stock a full selection of tools and equipment in categories including automotive, air and power tools, storage, outdoor power equipment, generators, welding supplies, shop equipment, hand tools and much more. The stores are smaller and much easier to shop than the huge home centers.
This new store is the 16th Harbor Freight Tools store in Maryland. The company, which hires locally, has brought between 25-30 new jobs to the surrounding community.
“Our team is ready to serve and deliver value to customers in Berlin and all of Worcester County,” said Christopher Hitchens, store manager. “At Harbor Freight, we recognize that now, more than ever, our customers depend on us for the tools they need to get the job done at an affordable price.”
OCEAN CITY – Reid Tingle, president and CEO of Bank of Ocean City, along with the Board of Directors, is pleased to announce the promotion of Joseph Dembowski to the position of assistant vice president.
Dembowski joined Bank of Ocean City in 2016 as a customer service associate and quickly moved into the BSA department, where he was named the assistant BSA compliance officer. Dembowski is currently the co-BSA compliance officer and has earned the certifications of CAMS
2022. In 2013, he received the SVN National Humanitarian Award at the SVN national conference for his community service efforts, followed by the Maryland Association of Realtors Community Service Award, and the Coastal Association of Realtors Community Service Award. Cox has also been awarded the Rotarian of the Year.
Highwater Management, a Rehoboth Beach, Del., hospitality management and consulting firm, recently expanded its executive team to include Jack Temple, Chris Parks and Dan Levin Temple is the director of operations, Parks is the corporate chef and Levin is the vice president. Highwater currently manages the food service for sports parks, golf courses, hotels and event venues, including Sports at the Beach and The Clubhouse at Baywood.
(Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist), CBAP (Certified BSA/AML Professional) and CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner). He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from East Carolina University, College of Business.
“Joe is a tremendous asset to Bank of Ocean City,” Tingle stated. “Our customers should sleep better, knowing Joe and his team are on the lookout for fraudulent and suspicious activity.”
Bank of Ocean City is a locally owned, independent community bank. Established in 1916 and headquartered in West Ocean City, the bank has five offices; two in Ocean City, one in Ocean Pines, one in Berlin and a Delaware branch located in Fenwick Island.
SALISBURY – Senior Advisor Wesley Cox, CCIM of The Hanna Team with SVN Miller Commercial Real Estate, has been appointed to the Salisbury University Franklin P. Perdue School of Business Executive Advisory Council.
The Executive Advisory Council is comprised of prominent business and management executives that cultivate external support and serve as an advocate for the Perdue School of Business. Another important role of the council is to help with the continuous improvement of the overall quality and reputation of the school. The council helps forge a close bond between the business and aca-
demic communities.
Submitted Photo
The Perdue School is the largest college-level center for business education and development in the region and is committed to an emphasis on the entrepreneurial spirit, integration of theoretical and applied study, and community-based experience.
Cox is a 2002 graduate of Salisbury University holding degrees in business administration with a finance concentration and in management information systems. In 2014, he was awarded the Young Alumni Achievement Award as an alum who experienced a high level of achievement. Cox has called Salisbury home since graduating and is invested in the community both professionally and personally throughout numerous organizations.
Since joining SVN Miller, Cox has worked alongside Henry Hanna, CCIM, SIOR (former chairman of the Advisory Council) and Flo Brotzman, who form the Hanna Team. Their team has been consistently in the top 1% of SVN International out of 1500-plus advisors. Since graduating from the Perdue School of Business, Cox has helped secure over 1,000 commercial real estate transactions totaling over $800 million.
Cox has been voted the Eastern Shore’s “Best Commercial Realtor'' four consecutive years in a row from 2019-
Cox currently serves on the board of directors of Provident State Bank, is the past president of the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation, past president of the Wicomico Rotary Club, and has served on the board for the Salisbury University Perdue School of Business Career Advisory Board, the executive board of the Coastal Association of Realtors, American Red Cross, and the Wicomico Rotary Club. He has been the author of numerous articles, a newspaper column, and has been featured in the CCIM Real Estate magazine.
OCEAN PINES – AARP Tax Aide volunteers have been training for the current tax season and are ready to take appointments.
This year, the program will return to inperson tax preparation where community members can bring their tax records and have their federal and state taxes prepared in a single sitting. The AARP program is for those with regular wages, retirement income, interest, dividends, capital gains, non-employment income, and most other common tax situations.
This free tax preparation service is available to most everyone, but focuses on seniors and those with lower incomes. Those who make more than six figures or have rental income/depreciation or multiple brokerage statements or special tax situations, may be better suited by a paid preparer.
Those wishing to have their taxes done should call 443-373-2667 to make an appointment. Tax Aide volunteers serve the Ocean Pines area on Mondays at the library starting in early February. Volunteers are in Ocean City on Saturdays, in Salisbury on Tuesdays, and in Pocomoke on Fridays. AARP membership is not required.
Clients are asked to make sure they have all current tax documents and related information with them and sorted prior to their appointment. A copy of the previous year's return is also helpful.
Speakers from Atlantic General Hospital attended the first meeting of the new year for Ocean City’s local AARP Chapter and provided information about two important health issues for an older population, diabetes and balance. Bob McCluskey, president of OC AARP Chapter 1917, is pictured with AGH speakers Darlene Jameson and Michelle Dix.
Project Kudos, powered by Schell Brothers, raised $52,636 for Beebe Healthcare. Project Kudos is an opportunity to show appreciation and gratitude for community members by giving them kudos via social media on Facebook or Instagram. For each kudos received by Beebe, Schell Brothers donated $1 to Beebe Medical Foundation. Pictured, from left to right, are Stephanie Adams, Amy Keller, Tom Protack, Sue Tucker, Alyssa Titus, Adelina Riddick, and Kay Young.
Submitted Photos
The Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce Foundation presented the 2022 Eunice Q. Sorin Workforce Scholarship to Katie Rimel of Frick-Rimel Accounting. Chamber board member and foundation president, Stefanie Rider, and chamber executive director, Amy Thompson, recognized Rimel at the chamber’s monthly after hours “Alive after 5” on Dec. 9, 2022 at Schooner’s Bar & Grill in the Princess Royale Resort. Above: Rimel, along with her husband and partner Corey (left), accepts the Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce Foundation Workforce Scholarship from Rider and Thompson.
The Ocean Pines Garden Club installed its 2023 officers at a recent meeting. They are, from left to right, Ann Shockley, co-president; Patti Lookner, co-president; Laura Stearman, corresponding secretary; Anita Roberts, recording secretary; Maria Brown, treasurer; Sandy Gaffigan, co-vice president; and Sandy Kelley, co-vice president.
BERLIN – Stephen Decatur’s varsity wrestling team continued its winning ways last week with a dominating 55-12 win over Queen Anne’s.
At 152, Amarian Manuel beat Cody Fleming. Gavin Solito won at 160 over Zach Curry, while Parker Intrieri beat Will Collison at 170. Nate McDaniel beat
Sam Denherder at 182 and Kole Kohut beat Ethan Wheaton at 195. Eden McMullen beat Bob Radford at 285.
Elijah Collick kept it going for the Seahawks with a win over Landon Shanks at 106, while Juan Hinojosa won by forfeit at 113. Reid Caimi beat William Conley at 126, Aaron August beat Mason Albright at 132, Logan Intrieri beat Will Hussey at 138 and Z.J. Lyons beat Cole Coppage at 145.
BERLIN – Stephen Decatur’s indoor track teams acquitted themselves well at the Bayside Conference Championships last week in Snow Hill with several top 10 finishes in various events.
On the boys’ side, in the 55-meter dash, Waylon Hobgood was sixth and Jaden Holland was 15th. Riley Calloway was 13th in the 300, while Ethan Cowder was 24th and Alex Ward was 25th. In the 500, Xander Wakefield was 16th and Ward was 17th. Collin Pennington finished ninth in the 800, while Evan Justice was 19th and Nicholas Moreno was 20th. Pennington also finished ninth in the 1,600, while Justice was 24th.
Brian Herbert finished 19th in the 3,200. In the 55-meter hurdles, Zarek Coyman was 11th, Dalton Henderson was 12th and Patrick Haines was 14th. In the relays, the Decatur
boys finished third in the 4x200, sixth in the 4x400 and sixth in the 4x800. Brandon Fitzgerald finished third in the high jump. Nick Purnell was seventh in the shot put, while Bryce Solomon was 21st.
On the girls’ side, Sauna Vick finished 16th in the 55-meter dash, while Kyleigh Powell was 28th. In the 300, Tiara McDonald was 16th, Vick was 19th and Powell was 25th. McDonald finished eighth in the 500, while Ellie Cheynet was 14th and Neveah Horton was 18th. Cheynet finished ninth in the 800, while Alessandra Fernandez was 16th and Sasha Mete was 19th.
In the 1,600, Macy Woroniecki was sixth, while Fernandez was 14th and Gabriella Thompson-Serv was 22nd. Woroniecki was second in the 3,200. Vick finished 12th in the 55meter hurdles. In the relays, the Decatur girls were eighth in the 4x200, seventh in the 4x400 and fifth in the 4x800. Adelaide Weber was 14th in the shot put.
Decatur’s Trybe Wise goes up for an easy one during a recent game. Wise enjoyed a solid week for the Seahawks, scoring 15 in a win over Bennett and 17 in a win over county rival
BY SHAWN J. SOPER MANAGING EDITORBERLIN – Stephen Decatur’s boys’ varsity basketball team swept a pair of important conference games last week, beating Bennett and Snow Hill to run its win streak to four games.
The win streak began with a rout of Mardela and includes three straight big wins over Bayside South rivals Parkside, Bennett and Snow Hill. Against Bennett on the road last Tuesday, Decatur led 4228 at the half in a tight one, but used a
decisive 23-10 run in the third quarter to pull away from the Clippers, 81-75. Brycen Coleman led the way with 25 points, while Jayden Hudson scored 17 and Trybe Wise added 15.
At home last Thursday against county rival Snow Hill, it was a tight game the entire night but the Seahawks ultimately prevailed, 77-74, in front of a big home crowd. Davin Chandler scored 25 points while Wise and Coleman each scored 17 and Hudson added 12. Decatur’s record is now 7-4. Since the holiday break, the Seahawks are 5-1.
BERLIN – Stephen Decatur’s girls’ varsity basketball team remained unbeaten in the regular season with a pair of wins over Bennett and Snow Hill last week.
The Seahawks have been dominating, their only two losses on the season com-
ing during the Governor’s Challenge holiday tournament. The Seahawks’ winning streak since the holiday break now stands at seven. Last week, Decatur beat Snow Hill, 57-48. The Seahawks led 27-20 at the half and never looked back. Mayah Gardner led the way with 16 points, while Shelby Rosemond scored 14, Sam Boger added 13 and Allison Swift pitched in nine.
Rt. 611, West O.C.
Sunday, Feb. 5: DJ Wax
South Harbor Rd., West O.C.
Thursdays & Fridays: DJ Billy T
Saturday, Jan. 28:
Rogue Citizens DJ Jeremy
Sunday, Jan. 29: Pickin’ Party
8th St. & Philadelphia Ave.
Beats By Deogee
Saturday, Jan. 28: The Runner-Ups
Beats By Deogee
Karaoke with Wood
Tuesdays: Beats By Wax
Beats By Deogee
Thursdays: Beats By Wax
49th St. & Coastal Hwy.
Thursday, Feb. 2: Full Circle Duo
OCEAN CITY – What is a HVAC / building tune-up?
Just like an automotive tune-up for a car, a building tune-up is a systematic process for fine-tuning your facility’s HVAC, mechanical and control systems so they operate at an optimal efficiency.
It starts with a unitary HVAC tune-up service that can fine-tune existing HVAC equipment by cleaning and replacing filters for all your rooftop and split units as well as hotel PTAC units and return e-
quipment to its proper operational state, reduce future maintenance and repair costs that focus on no-cost to customer measures. This energy service is available to all commercial businesses at no cost.
The Small and Full Building Tune-ups is available to all commercial businesses with a monthly energy demand greater than 60kW over the last 12 months. This service can fine-tune existing equipment throughout a building by optimizing the life of existing equipment, Increase operational energy and demand savings via a multistep process monitor-
ing-based commissioning, maximize potential incentives with a deeper dive into your building’s overall performance, monitor and identify cost savings opportunities, benefit from a continuous process to improve comfort and optimize energy usage, Work with Chesapeake Smart Energy Solutions, an approved service provider, to reduce energy consumption, save with a lower capital investment than replacing equipment and maximize the operational efficiency of your building.
A building tune-up is the process of monitoring, troubleshooting and adjust-
ing systems in existing buildings to optimize energy performance. Typically, the energy incentive will fully fund the entire job with zero capital investment to the customers as well as significantly reduce your overall energy consumption and optimizing your equipment. Because today’s control systems are highly interactive, proper system integration is critical. The presence of sophisticated equipment and control systems results in a trickle-down effect on operations. That means small problems can have big impacts on performance and energy use.
How can a building tune-up help you? It can reduce energy use and save money, reduce maintenance, and repair costs, return equipment to its proper operational state and extend equipment service life, improve occupant comfort, and reduce complaints, improve outside air control and indoor air quality, rebalance air handling systems, adjust and correct equipment operating schedules and reduce compressed air system leaks.
What to expect from a building tuneup? A walk-through energy assessment and development of an action plan, calibration of your building’s systems and controls, replacement of your equipment filters, cleaning your evaporator and condenser coils, sealing any compressed air leaks and rebalancing your air handling system.
How to get started and take advantage of these incentives? You must be a Maryland Delmarva Power customer with a commercial electric account. You will be provided with an account executive from Chesapeake Smart Energy Solutions, who will be your main point of contact throughout the program. The account executive can assist you in meeting the eligibility requirements, completing applications, service and install the energy measures and navigating the program requirements. Visit www.hvac-tuneup.com for more information.
For more information, call Mark McCleskey, Ocean City representative, at 410-956-5050.
Falling asleep quick at night
A kid telling a fishing story
An easy deadline day
A dream with someone who has passed away in it
Short letters to the editor
Andy Rooney replays
Surprising NFL playoff games
Steamed crabs in January
Athletes who toss balls to fans
Turning over tax stuff to the accountant
A clean conscience
Morbid Manor was destroyed in a wind-driven fire on Nov. 7, 1995 but many still recall it as being the “scariest haunted house” they had ever seen.
To purchase one of Bunk Mann’s books, click over to www.vanishingoc.com.
Image from a print by Paul McGehee
ARIES (March 21 to April 19): You might be hurt by a colleague's harsh criticism. But don't let it shake your confidence in what you're trying to do. A more positive aspect starts to appear by week's end.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20): You're torn between your sensible self and the part of you that enjoys acquiring lovely things. Best advice: Wait for a sale, and then buy yourself something wonderful.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): Your artistic side has practical applications this week, such as redecorating your home or redesigning your personal stationery. Whatever you do, someone special will like it.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22): You could be drawn into a problem between friends or family members. Best bet: Ask the questions that go to the heart of the matter, and then get them all together for a group hug.
LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22): As much as you love being the center of attention, your big Lion's heart impels you to share the spotlight with a colleague who helped you with that well-praised project.and support.
VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22): Your eagerness to act on a challenge is wisely tempered early in the week by a lack of necessary information. Things begin to clear up during the weekend.
LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): A relationship you'd hoped would keep go-
ing seems to be going nowhere. Close it out and move on to a brighter romantic aspect just beginning to manifest itself.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21): Things don't go completely as planned this week. But enjoy the surprises, even if you have to adjust your schedule. Some of them could be quite delightful.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): Making choices is usually easy for you straight-shooting Archers. But a new development could deflect your aim. Try to put off decisions until you know more.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19): While part of you might prefer taking a more familiar path, let your more daring and -- admit it --super-curious self see what the unexplored has to offer.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18): Those nasty types have slithered back under the rocks and present no more problems. Now's the time to move ahead on that promising new relationship.
PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20): A new offer could clear up that lingering money problem. Also, a more confident attitude on your part might help you get that personal situation back on track.
BORN THIS WEEK: You have a way of turning chaos into order. You're also generous with your help for those who seek it.
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Fully furnished Room for rent in a beautiful home to share in South Ocean Pines. Full house privileges, all utilities included.
Only $600 mo + sec dep Year-round. No smoking. No pets. Call John 443-880-2317
Legal advertising rate is $7 per column inch.
The deadline is Tuesday at noon. For more information call 410-641-4563 or email classifieds@mdcoastdispatch.com
To all persons interested in the estate of THOMAS GLEN CASALASPRO,Estate No.19521. Notice is given that JESSICA BUEDE, 187 REVOLUTIONARY ROAD, CHARLES TOWN, WV 25414, was on JANUARY 9, 2023, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of THOMAS GLEN CASALASPRO who died on NOVEMBER 9, 2022, without a will.
Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.
All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent's will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 9th day of JULY, 2023.
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from
Legal advertising rate is $7 per column inch. The deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information call 410-641-4563 or fax 410-641-0966.
the Register of Wills.
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch
Date of Publication
JANUARY 13, 2023
Personal Representative True Test Copy
TERRI WESTCOTT, Register of Wills for Worcester County ONE W MARKET STREET ROOM 102 COURT HOUSE SNOW HILL, MD 21863-1074 3x 1-13, 1-20, 1-27
creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch
Date of Publication
JANUARY 13, 2023
LILLIAN R. CAWLEY Personal Representative True Test Copy
ESTATE NO. 19514
To all persons interested in the estate of GERALD A. DELANEY,Estate No.19514. Notice is given that LILLIAN R. CAWLEY, 134 8TH AVENUE, NORTH, TWIN FALLS, ID 83301, was on JANUARY 5, 2023, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of GERALD A. DELANEY, who died on DECEMBER 4, 2022, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.
All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent's will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 5th day of JULY, 2023.
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the
decedent's will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 11th day of JULY, 2023.
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
TERRI WESTCOTT, Register of Wills for Worcester County ONE W MARKET STREET ROOM 102 COURT HOUSE SNOW HILL, MD 21863-1074
3x 1-13, 1-20, 1-27
To all persons interested in the estate of LORRAINE E. SMULLEN AKA: LORRAINE E. SMULLIN,Estate No.19526. Notice is given that RONALD G. AYERS, 901 WINDING WAY, SALISBURY, MD 21804 and ROBERT A. EATON, 121 EAST MARKET STREET, SALISBURY, MD 21801, were on JANUARY 11, 2023, appointed Personal Representatives of the estate of LORRAINE E. SMULLEN, who died on JANUARY 09, 2023, with a will.
Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 20, 2023
RONALD G. AYERS ROBERT A. EATON Personal Representative True Test Copy
TERRI WESTCOTT, Register of Wills for Worcester County ONE W MARKET STREET ROOM 102 COURT HOUSE SNOW HILL, MD 21863-1074 3x 1-20, 1-27, 2-03
2023, appointed Personal Representatives of the estate of JAMES G. WHERRY, who died on DECEMBER 15, 2022, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent's will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 13th day of JULY, 2023.
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 20, 2023
DONNA HENNESSY Personal Representative True Test Copy
Phone: 410-641-4563 • Fax: 410-641-0966
Email: classifieds@mdcoastdispatch.com
Mail: P.O. Box 467, Berlin MD 21811
To all persons interested in the estate of GEORGETTE MARIE METRO, Estate No. 19541. Notice is given that VALERIE METRO MONTGOMERY, whose address is 5405 CHATHAM ROAD, BROOKLYN PARK, MD 21225 was on JANUARY 20, 2023 appointed personal representative(s) of the small estate of GEORGETTE MARIE METRO who died on DECEMBER 17, 2022 with a will.
Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.
All persons having any objection to the appointment shall file their objections with the Register of Wills within 30 days after the date of publication of this Notice. All persons having an objection to the probate of the will shall file their objections with the Register of Wills within six months after the date of publication of this Notice.
All persons having claims against the decedent must serve their claims on the undersigned personal representative or file them with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
Notice is given that the CLERK OF COURT of FAIRFAX COUNTY, VA, appointed CATHERINE ELIZABETH LISI LENZI, 8913 BRIDGEHAVEN COURT, ALEXANDRIA, VA 22308, as the EXECUTOR of the Estate of DALE PATRICK LISI, who died on OCTOBER 04, 2022, domiciled in VIRGINIA, USA. The Maryland resident agent for service of process is RAYMOND D COATES, JR. 6200 COASTAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 300, OCEAN CITY, MD 21842. At the time of death, the decedent owned real or leasehold property in the following MARYLAND counties: WORCESTER.
All persons having claims against the decedent must file their claims with the Register of Wills for Worcester County with a copy to the foreign personal representative on or before the earlier of the following dates:
To all persons interested in the estate of JAMES G. WHERRY,Estate No.19532. Notice is given that DONNA HENNESSY, 11 OSPREY LANE, OCEAN VIEW, DE 19970, was on JANUARY 13,
(2) Thirty days after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claims will be barred unless the creditor presents the claim within thirty days from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. Any claim not served or filed within that time, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter.
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication
JANUARY 27, 2023
VALERIE METRO MONTGOMERY Personal Representative True Test Copy
of Wills for
(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the foreign personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. Claims filed after that date or after a date extended by law will be barred.
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch
Date of Publication
JANUARY 27, 2023
CATHERINE ELIZABETH LISI LENZI Personal Representative True Test Copy
TERRI WESTOCTT Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House
Legal advertising rate is $7 per column inch. The deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information call 410-641-4563 or fax 410-641-0966.
One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074
3x 1-27, 2-03, 2-10
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, this 20th day of January, 2023 by the Circuit Court for the COUNTY OF WORCESTER, Maryland, and by the authority thereof, that the sale made by Peter S. Buas, Trustee of the real property designated as described in these proceedings as the Princess Royale Resort & Condominium, located at 9100 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD 21842, designated as:
Time Interval Week 40, Unit No.101 and reported in the aboveentitled cause, will finally be RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 20th day of February, 2023; provided, a copy of this Order be inserted in the MD Coastal Dispatch, a newspaper of general circulation published in Worcester County, Maryland, once in each of three successive weeks, before the 13th day of February, 2023. The Report of Sale states the amount of the Trustee's Sale to be One-Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per Time Share Interval.
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch
Date of Publication
JANUARY 27, 2023
3x 1-27, 2-03, 2-10
P. O. BOX 3307 OCEAN CITY. MD 21843-3307
ORDERED, by the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland this 23rd day of JANUARY, 2023, that the foreclosure sale of the properties mentioned in these proceedings, made and reported by Ayrika Fletcher, Trustee, be RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 20th day of FEBRUARY,2023, provided a copy of this Order be inserted in some daily newspaper printed in Worcester County, Maryland once in each of three successive weeks, before the 13th day of FEBRUARY, 2023.
The Report of Sale filed in the above case states the amount of the sales to be as indicated below for the referenced time-share interval:
BC= Bay Club Time Share Owners Associates, Inc. DBC= Delmarva Beach Club, LLC.
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch
Date of Publication JANUARY 27, 2023
3x 1-27, 2-03, 2-10
To all persons interested in the estate of BETTY LEE CORBIN,Estate No.19547. Notice is given that PAUL TIMOTHY CORBIN, 31811 VESSSEY ORCHARD ROAD, WESTOVER, MD 21871, was on JANUARY 23, 2023, appointed Personal Representatives of the estate of BETTY LEE CORBIN,who died on NOVEMBER 18, 2022, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent's will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 23RD day of JULY,
estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.
All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent's will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 17TH day of JULY, 2023.
No.19528. Notice is given that MIRIAM ANNETTE PILCHARD KETTERMAN, 208 BELT STREET, SNOW HILL, MD 21863, was on JANUARY 18, 2023, appointed Personal Representatives of the estate of CLARENCE WILSON PILCHARD,who died on DECEMBER 20, 2022, with a will.
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch
Date of Publication JANUARY 27, 2023
PAUL TIMOTHY CORBIN Personal Representative True Test Copy
TERRI WESTCOTT, Register of Wills for Worcester County ONE W MARKET STREET ROOM 102 COURT HOUSE SNOW HILL, MD 21863-1074 3x 1-27, 2-03, 2-10
To all persons interested in the estate of EDITH ARNER, Estate No.19513. Notice is given that TIMOTHY P. ARNER, 2837 MCDANIEL ROAD, BEDFORD, VA 24523, was on JANUARY 17, 2023, appointed Personal Representatives of the estate of EDITH ARNER,who died on DECEMBER 19, 2022, with a will.
Further information can be obtained by reviewing the
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 27, 2023
TIMOTHY P. ARNER Personal Representative True Test Copy
TERRI WESTCOTT, Register of Wills for Worcester County ONE W MARKET STREET ROOM 102 COURT HOUSE SNOW HILL, MD 21863-1074 3x 1-27, 2-03, 2-10
Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent's will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 18TH day of JULY, 2023.
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch
Date of Publication
JANUARY 27, 2023
MIRIAM ANNETTE PILCHARD KETTERMAN Personal Representative True Test Copy
TERRI WESTCOTT, Register of Wills for Worcester County
To all persons interested in the estate of CLARENCE WILSON PILCHARD,Estate
OCEAN PINES – Bernard P. Bayline III, “Tink” as he was known to his friends, died peacefully, Saturday, Dec. 24, 2022, at the Macky and Pam Stansell House in Ocean Pines. He was 80 years old.
Born June 11, 1942, in Westminster, Md. to Bernard Philip Bayline, Jr. (Ace) and Kitty Lee Harbaugh (Pineda), he experienced a challenging childhood and was raised by his paternal grandparents. He graduated from Westminster High School and attended college in Baltimore.
Tink spent most of his working years in textile manufacturing. Making patches for NASA’s Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo missions at Lions Brothers (the largest manufacturer of embroidered emblems in the world) in Baltimore County, then onto ladies’ apparel for Aileen Knitwear in Virginia, and eventually starting his own “Bayline Company” on the Eastern Shore. He specialized in corduroy shorts, selling them nationwide to university bookstores, surf shops, and local customers out of his shop.
In 1990, Tink diversified his business interests and purchased a Salisbury diner, Lacey’s Restaurant. He, with children Stacey and Matt opened Hoops Sports Pub and later Ole Bay’s Pub bringing sons Gavin and Brad into the family business. By 1999, he had closed or sold all his business interests and officially retired in 2001.
In his younger years, he found his place in the world of sports. He excelled
at soccer, basketball, and baseball. If he wasn’t playing, he was watching and learning, coaching, or refereeing. In his later years, he also played softball and golf. He enjoyed memberships at Green Hill Country Club and Ocean City Golf Club over the years.
As a father, he was instrumental in the formation of youth football, baseball, and basketball leagues for his older children. The leagues thrived for many years receiving support from the community and local school system. Later, he turned his attention to coaching when his younger kids played on the Eastern Shore.
Tink was an avid University of Maryland Terrapin fan. As a lifetime member of the Terrapin Club, he was a building partner, floor seat holder at Cole and Comcast, and red seat holder in Byrd for over 40 years. He enjoyed driving his Eastern Shore friends to College Park, tailgating, and traveling the country to watch his Terps play.
He is survived by six children, Brent (Kerry), Mike (Ann), Stacey (Phil McMichael Jr.), Matt (Corrine), Gavin (Mandie) and Brad (Meghan), seven grandchildren, one great grandchild, his beloved chocolate lab, Manny, and several siblings.
A celebration of life is planned for later this month for family and friends. Contributions in Tink’s name can be made to The University of Maryland Terrapin Club at The Xfinity Center, 8500 Paint Branch Rd., College Park, Md.
20742, or Macky and Pam Stansell House (Coastal Hospice) 1500 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines, Md. 21811. Condolences may be sent by visiting www.bishophastingsfh.com.
Edward H. Hurd
OCEAN PINES – Edward H. Hurd of Ocean Pines passed away on Monday, Jan. 9, 2023 at Coastal Hospice, Stansell House in Ocean Pines.
Born Nov. 10, 1930 at Mountainside Hospital in Glen Ridge, N.J., he was the son of the late Francis C Hurd and Josephine Hurd of Montclair, N.J. He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Johanna M. Hurd of Ocean Pines; daughters Christina Harrigan of Berlin, Lauren Wieghorst of Shelburne, Vt. and Amy DiTullio of Big Sky, Mont; and five grandchildren, Gavin Harrigan, Johanna Wieghorst, Drew, Anthony and Dominic Di Tullio.
Ed graduated from Montclair High School and earned a BA degree from Upsala College in East Orange N.J. Upon Graduation from Upsala he served in the Army during the Korean conflict and received an Honorable Discharge.
A Celebration of Life service is planned for Feb. 18 at 3 p.m. at the Community Church of Ocean Pines in Berlin.
In lieu of flowers, gifts in memory of Edward H. Hurd may be directed to Coastal Hospice, PO Box 1733, Salisbury, Md. 21802 or Community Church at Ocean Pines, 11227 Racetrack Rd, Berlin Md. 21811.
Arrangements are in the care of Eastern Shore Cremation and Funeral Service, 504 Franklin Avenue, Berlin, Maryland 21811. To send condolences to the family, please visit www.easternshorecremation.com.
John Edward Fisher III
OCEAN CITY – John Edward Fisher III, age 74, of Ocean City, Md., died Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023 in Bradenton, Fla. He was born on August 4, 1948 in Washington, DC and was the son of the late John Edward Fisher Jr. and Jean Evelyn (Beach) Fisher.
John graduated from Northwestern Senior High School in 1966. He then enlisted in the Air Force in August of 1966 and was stationed at Andrews Air Force Base. John was honorably discharged after serving for five years.
John retired as a Master Firefighter for the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service after 25 years. His distinguished service as an active volunteer firefighter was one that lasted for over 58 years. He served as Chief of Mount Rainier Volunteer Fire Department, Brentwood Volunteer Fire Department, Cottage City Volunteer Fire Company, and most recently, Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company. John also had a passion for teaching and was an Instructor for the Maryland Fire Rescue In-
stitute of The University of Maryland for 45 years.
He is survived by his three children, one daughter Jennifer (Michael) Hickman of Berlin and two sons, John E. Fisher IV of Lawrenceville, Ga. and Jason (Kristen) Fisher of Bowie; two brothers, James Fisher of Huntingtown, Md. and Jeffrey Fisher of North Beach, Md.; four sisters, Jeanette Colea of Owings, Md., Joanne Wargo of Owings, Md., Julie Smart of Huntingtown, Md. and Janice Cooke of Brandywine, Md.; and two grandchildren, Kendall and Jakob Fisher.
He was preceded in death by his wife of 49 years, Janet Lucille (Granzow) Fisher, in January 2021.
A Mass will be held at noon on Saturday, Jan. 28, 2023, at St. Luke Catholic Church, 9903 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, Md. 21842. Friends may call one hour before the service.
A burial will be held at 1 p.m. on Monday Jan. 30, 2023, at Fort Lincoln Cemetery, 3401 Bladensburg Road, Brentwood, Md. 20722.
In lieu of flowers, donations in his memory may be made to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, P.O. Drawer 498, Emmitsburg, Md. 21727.
Condolences may be sent by visiting www.bishophastingsfh.com.
DAGSBORO – Tanya Ehlers, wife of Dr. Andrew Ehlers, Pastor of High Tide Church, went to be with the Lord on Friday, Jan. 20, 2023.
Born Dec. 7, 1972, she has battled stage 4 colon cancer for the last 38 months. Tanya served with her husband to help plant High Tide Church in Dagsboro, Del. where she served as the children’s minister of the church for the past 20 years, where she developed a children’s program called G-Force that helped the church to reach hundreds of families and to grow from a half dozen members to several hundred. She was born in Charleston, South Carolina, but lived in Ocean City and Berlin until she graduated from Stephen Decatur High School in Berlin, Md. in 1991. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education from Carson Newman College in Jefferson City, Tenn. From there she earned her Master of Divinity in Christian Education degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, N.C.
Tanya lost her first husband, Raymond Worsham, to a brain tumor, that took his life after only two and a half years of marriage. They had been students together at Carson Newman College and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Tanya and Ray served as missionaries to inner city Raleigh, N.C. while they were students at seminary.
After Ray’s death, Tanya returned to seminary and inner-city Raleigh to continue their ministry with the help of her younger brother Sean Davis. It was here that she met her husband Andy Ehlers who was also a student at seminary. They were married in 2001 and have been serving the Lord together ever
since. Tanya has touched so many lives through her love and faith in Jesus. Throughout her ordeal with cancer, she and Andy have faithfully sent out updates on her battle through social media, sharing her faith and confidence in Christ, thereby touching thousands of people across the globe.
Tanya is survived by her and Andy’s four amazing children, Raychel, who is a sophomore at Coastal Carolina University; Camryn, a senior at Indian River High School; Leilani, a sophomore at Indian River High School; and Andrew, a seventh grader at Selbyville, Middle School. These beautiful children have been among Tanya’s greatest blessings.
Tanya is also survived by her parents, Retired Pastor Terry and Lynn Davis of Berlin.; her brother Daniel Davis, his wife Emily and their two children, Graham and Madeleine from Knoxville, Tenn., where they serve as youth minister at Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church; and her brother Sean Davis and his wife Anna and their three children, Charlotte, Gwyneth and Josephine of Ocean City, where he serves as Senior Pastor of Ocean City Baptist Church.
A funeral service to celebrate Tanya’s life will be held at noon on Friday, Jan. 27, 2023, at Crossroad Community Church, 20684 State Forest Rd., Georgetown, Del. 19947, where friends and family may gather after 10 a.m. Interment will be held in Dagsboro, Del.
In lieu of flowers, donations to High Tide Church Building Fund would be appreciated. (High Tide Church, P.O. Box 127, Dagsboro, Del. 19939 or online at www.hightidechurch.org )
Online condolences may be sent by visiting www.melsonfuneralservices.com
OCEAN CITY – Stanley Brasure McCabe, age 79, of Ocean City, Md., died Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at home. He was born in Berlin, Md., and was the son of the late John William McCabe and Madelyn Brasure McCabe.
Stanley graduated from the University of Maryland's School of Pharmacy (''67) and was a pharmacist for 52 years. For 38 years, he owned and operated Bailey's Pharmacy located on the corner of 8th Street and Philadelphia Avenue in Ocean City. At 15 years old, Stanley began working as a stock clerk for the previous business owner. He bought the store in 1973 and operated the only independent pharmacy in the area until his retirement in 2011.
A past member of the Ocean City Marlin Club, he enjoyed fishing and everything about being on the water. For years, he sponsored a team, Bailey's Hookers, in local fishing tournaments. Stanley had a great sense of humor an never hesitated to do things for other people. He was compassionate and selfless. He shared his time and talent with so many throughout his career and retirement, but he always made time to be there for family and friends, especially his grandchildren.
He is survived by his wife of 57 years Martha Warren McCabe; his children, Kim Justice (Lester) of Bishopville and Kevin McCabe (Kim) of Ocean City; his granddaughters, Alli Hudson (Brian) and Madelyn Frohm (Phillip); his grandsons, Gavin McCabe and Graham McCabe and his brother, John McCabe (Donna) of Fort Myers, Fla.
Services were held. Burial was in Sunset Memorial Park in Berlin.
In lieu of flowers, donations in his memory may be made to Atlantic General Hospital, Pulmonary Care Program, 9733 Healthway Dr., Berlin, Md. 21811.
OCEAN CITY – Calvina W. Fisher, age 91, passed away at her home in Ocean City on Sunday, January 22, 2023. Born in Ocean City, she was the daughter of the late Calvin and Katie Wainwright.
Calvina was a key part of the family business, Fisher’s Popcorn for decades She was actively involved right up until the end, monitoring things remotely. Her employees over the years became like her own kids. She taught them everything from how to count change to the importance of quality and honesty. The entire Fisher’s staff both current and over the 65 years benefitted from her leadership and guidance.
She is survived by three children, Cindy Twilley (Ed), Marty Hall (Bill), and Don Fisher (Becky); seven grandchildren, Will Hall (Samantha), Corey Hall
(Mary Beth), Russell Hall (Michelle), Carrie Hall-Hunsucker (Dan), Hannah Fisher, Courtney Fisher and Ross Fisher; a special niece, Patsy Taylor; and a nephew, Phillip Simpson. She is also survived by six great-grandchildren and her caregivers, Darlene Ragman, Geraldine Blake, Cheryl Leonard, Sandy Ballard, and Pam Bobst.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband of 63 years, Donald R. Fisher, Sr.; a sister, Lorraine Bowden; and a granddaughter, Stephanie Fisher.
In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to the Ocean City Volunteer Fire Department, Station 5, P.O. Box 27, Ocean City, Md. 21842, Atlantic United Methodist Church, 105 4th St. Ocean City, Md. 21842, or Coastal Hospice, 2604 Old Ocean Blvd. Salisbury, Md. 21804.
A graveside service will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023, at 11:00 AM at Evergreen Cemetery in Berlin. Rev. George Patterson will officiate. Letters of condolence can be sent to the family via www.burbagefuneralhome.com. Arrangements are in the care of The Burbage Funeral Home.
Darrell Morgan Turner Jr.
SALISBURY – Darrell Morgan Turner Jr., 76, of Salisbury died January 24, 2023, of congestive heart failure. Known all his life as “Mo,” he was born in Flushing, Queens, N.Y., on Nov. 20, 1946. Shortly thereafter, his family moved to Salisbury, where he lived most of his life. He was the oldest of four children born to the late Anne Bull Turner and
Darrell Morgan Turner Sr., both of whom grew up on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
Mo graduated from Wicomico Senior High School and from Salisbury State College, with a bachelor’s degree in Math. His working life was diverse. He taught high school math, was a buyer for frozen food and poultry companies, and sold wholesale seafood. He was a “news junkie” and an avid stock market follower. For many most recent years he operated his “Mo’s Taxi” business in Salisbury, serving people around the Shore. He developed an active customer base and made friends. Along the way, he helped many people in big and small ways.
Mo loved the Eastern Shore. He loved the water and the way of life. He especially enjoyed Ocean City, Wachapreague, Saxis, Bayford, and Church Neck.
Mo is survived by his siblings Jeffrey F. Turner (Dottie) of Chance, Julia K. Turner (Mike) of Falls Church and Stephen K. Turner (Jo-Ayne) of Salisbury. He is also survived by nephews Scott, Warren, and Brian Turner; niece Karen Turner; and grandnephews Drake and Shane Turner and Mason Farr.
A memorial service will be held on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023, at 2 p.m. at Holloway Funeral Home, 501 Snow Hill Road, in Salisbury, where friends may visit from 1-2 p.m. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the Joseph House, P.O. Box 1755, Salisbury, Md. 21802 or to any local organization that helps children, seniors, or families in need.
OCEAN CITY – With early sightings of migrating seals hauling out on the beaches in and around the resort area recently, the Town of Ocean City reminds residents and visitors to keep a safe distance and reach out to the appropriate agencies when they are spotted.
Each winter, migrating seals of various species and sizes pass through the mid-Atlantic region as part of their normal migratory patterns and more than a few haul-out on the beaches in and around Ocean City. In some cases, the seals are simply resting or sunning themselves along their journey, while others are injured or ill. Already, a few have been spotted in and around the resort area, prompting town officials this week to issue reminders to keep a safe distance.
Ocean City this week advised seal season has begun in the resort, and while they may look cute and cuddly, the Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) animal control officers issued a reminder the seals are federally protected and no one should approach, touch or feed a seal. Residents and visitors are advised to stay at least 50 yards away from a hauled-out seal.
For years, the Maryland Coastal Bays Program has partnered with the National Aquarium on a volunteer seal steward program. However, the MCBP has offi-
cially passed the torch to the National Aquarium’s Marine Animal Rescue Program (MARP), which is leading its own seal steward volunteer program this year. Animal Rescue seal steward volunteers serve in on-call field positions along the coast of Ocean City and Assateague and respond to reports of stranded seals, establish perimeters, and interact with the public on the importance of keeping a safe distance.
Seals travel south in the colder months in search of warmer water. They typically start making their appearance in the local
watersheds at the end of December and into early January. At least four species of seals are typically found on local beaches during the winter months, including harbor seals and grey seals. In addition, although less frequent, it’s not unusual to spot hooded or harp seals.
When a seal hauls out, seal stewards will be contacted to see of they are available to man the haul-out area to make sure beach walkers and dog walkers keep a safe distance. Educational material and information is provided at each haul-out location so the stewards can in-
form interested onlookers. The seals present an adorable opportunity for residents and visitors to enjoy them from afar but the aquarium’s seal stewards attempt to make sure they do just that.
The first instinct for many who come across a seal hauled out on the beach, or in some cases along docks and piers, is to get close to the affable creatures and take pictures and even touch them in some cases. However, despite their outward appearance, seals can present dangers to humans and their pets. Seals are actually fierce carnivores who hunt fish, crustaceans and squid.
With most haul-outs, the seals are merely resting during their migratory pattern. When a seal lays on a beach it is hauling out, which is a normal behavior with pinnipeds of temporarily leaving the water between periods of foraging activity for sites on land. Hauling out is also necessary for seals for mating, giving birth, avoiding predators, thermal regulation, parasite reduction and even social activity. However, the latter shouldn’t include interaction with humans and their pets on the beach.
Anyone who sees a marine mammal on the beach in distress is urged to call the MARP hotline at 410-576-3880, or the OCPD Animal Control Unit at 410723-6610 so a trained observer can evaluate the condition of the animal to determine if it is just doing its normal activity or if it is in distress.
SALISBURY – Discussions on the county’s dispensary system and businesses’ ability to purchase liquor from distributors highlighted this week’s council meeting.
In a work session held Tuesday, County Executive Julie Giordano and Director of Administration Bunky Luffman came before the Wicomico County Council with a proposal to reform the county’s liquor dispensary system. Giordano told council members this week the administration was proposing enabling legislation that would give the county the power to decide the future of the dispensary system.
“We tried to figure out who the dispensary answers to, and the answer is no one except the comptroller,” she said. “So the county council, county executive, no one in the county has any control over the dispensary … One thing we knew is we wanted was local control.”
Under Wicomico County’s current system, bars and restaurants can only purchase their alcohol from the county’s liquor dispensaries, and shops are prohibited from selling hard liquor.
But Giordano told county leaders this week her administration was hoping to change that by allowing bars and restaurants to purchase from private distributors rather than the county’s dispensary and issuing a total of 10 privately held liquor licenses, with each councilmanic district allowed a maximum of two. She added, however, that her plan calls for keeping the county’s dispensaries, which bring in roughly $1 million in revenue each year to Wicomico County.
“One concern we heard was we don’t want a liquor store on every corner, and I agree with that, so we are looking at having 10 additional licenses, two per councilmanic district …,” she explained. “We would not be closing the dispensary, so they would still be available.”
To do so, Giordano said the county must seek enabling legislation in Annapolis that would give Wicomico County the ability to create a new model for alcohol sales. Wicomico remains one of only two counties in the state that operates a liquor dispensary system.
“What we are asking for is for you to make the decision as to how to move forward …,” she said. “We are trying to put the power in your hands, as opposed to the comptroller’s.”
During public comments, Brew River Managing Partner Justin Schaub encouraged council members to consider changes that would allow restaurants and bars to purchase alcohol directly from distributors. He noted the restaurant is currently paying 15% more to purchase alcohol solely from the county’s dispensary.
“For us, with the rising wage increases that are coming down the pike and the rising cost of every input to our business, by being able to buy direct from our distributors it gives us a buffer to absorb some of these expenses,” he said.
Tom Knorr, owner of Southern Boys Concepts restaurants, said it has taken years for the county to address its dispen-
sary system. He argued it has put bars and restaurants in Wicomico at a competitive disadvantage.
“For years we didn’t have a problem because Worcester County was run the same way,” he told council members. “Now they are able to buy direct and we’re paying 15% more on every bottle of liquor we buy … We have to absorb that cost to compete, which doesn’t make sense.”
A representative with Buster’s Wine and Spirits said he held one of only three private licenses in Wicomico County. He questioned how the county’s plans for 10 new licenses would impact his business.
“How is the county’s issue about the dispensary going to affect my license and the other two private licenses in this county?” he said. “I represent over 50% of wholesale accounts in this county.”
Cheers owner Mike Vizard, however, said he advocated for the enabling legis-
lation, as it would allow him to sell not only beer and wine, but liquor as well.
“It is convenient to buy beer and wine,” he said. “It is not convenient to buy liquor.”
During Tuesday’s work session, Council President John Cannon asked what language the administration planned to include in the bill. He said those details could ease the concerns of citizens and business owners.
“They would certainly want that clarification …,” he said. “There could be some real conflicts.”
For her part, Councilwoman Shanie Shields advocated for public input on the proposed legislation. She noted, however, that she had concerns about the enabling legislation.
“We do not need any more liquor stores in this community,” she said.
Councilman James Winn said he sup-
ported giving people options as to where they can purchase alcohol.
“I don’t think the government should be in charge of your choice on where you get liquor,” he said.
Councilman Joe Holloway questioned how the county would award the 10 privately held licenses being proposed. He said he wanted answers before the council sent a letter of support for the enabling legislation.
“I have no problem with bars and restaurants that want to buy from the distributors, but I really have reservations with where we are going with these 10 licenses, how they are going to be distributed …,” he said. “We don’t have that answer.”
Ultimately, council members directed administrative staff to draft the legislative bill and present it at the council’s next meeting in February.
Forever In Memory Of Our Founder, Dick Lohmeyer (May 25, 1927-May 5, 2005)
The Dispatch, Serving Greater Ocean City Since 1984, Is Published By Maryland Coast Dispatch Inc. Weekly On Friday Mornings
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The Maryland Coast Dispatch (USPS #015125) is an official and legal newspaper for Worcester County. Periodical postage paid at Berlin, Maryland, and additional mailing offices. The Maryland Coast Dispatch, 10012 Old Ocean City Blvd., Berlin, Md. 21811, is published weekly on Friday mornings, 52 weeks a year. Subscription rates are $260 per year.
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It was surprising to learn last week a school safety committee has been dormant in recent years, but a relief to learn of a new plan moving forward.
It was concerning to learn the school safety committee has not been actively meeting to review current procedures, but we are certain keeping students and teachers safe in public schools is always paramount. Our eyes confirm as much with resource officers stationed at all schools and entrance and exit monitored with buzzer systems. Additionally, health safety has dominated school officials’ attention over the last three years.
The reimagined school safety committee is expected to soon begin meeting again with new leadership and a focus on whether schools – presumably middle and high schools – should have weapons detection systems upon entry. This is an interesting concept, one that will surely bring on a range of emotions and opinions from parents. Though feelings may vary, most would agree reasonable measures should be welcomed when it comes to safety and prevention.
There are logistical concerns as well because the systems – which allow for touchless screening providing a free
flow of students – would require personnel to monitor them. The assigned school resource officer would most likely have other duties in the morning, meaning an educator or support staff would need to be trained in the proper process.
When it comes to safety, it’s best to be proactive rather than reactive. Responding to concerning situations with changes in hindsight is easy and obvious. Staying out front of possible holes in security is leadership. We think deep evaluations of these weapons detection systems is worthwhile for all parties to consider moving forward.
I wanted to respond to the letter to the editor that was titled “Shameful Coaching Display” about our SDHS girls basketball coach and the game played against Mardela where the girls won 592.
As the mother of an athlete, I have always paid close attention to the coaching done at all levels and all sports she has played since she was 4 years old. My daughter decided to play basketball this year for the first time (played once in 5th grade) and the confidence she has and the improvements she has made since she started has been amazing to see. I attribute that fully to Coach Kurtz and Coach Aaron. I watch on the sidelines how both these coaches cheer and encourage the girls during their games. Constantly building them up, making them an amazing team who work together and have an amazing bond on and off the court. When my daughter was recruited and looked at by colleges for lacrosse, the one thing they ALL commented on was how much they loved her “aggression”. This is a good thing Coach Kurtz is teaching them, not bad.
On Jan. 17, Wicomico beat Mardela 49-10, on Dec. 13 Parkside beat Mardela 74-6, does that also mean those high school teams are now run by horrible coaching? No. When kids hit high school and college, the days of everyone getting an award are way over. The days of everyone getting to play are too. It’s the athletes and what they put into it and how hard they choose to work along with the coaching staff’s encouragement that shows on the court or field.
I have always respected others’ feelings and opinions, but I also have always spoken out for what I believe in and I found the letter to the editor was unfortunate and should have been discussed with the coaching staff directly if there was concern.
Coach Kurtz is not only a great coach,
but a great teacher in the classroom to my daughter as well. He and Coach Aaron should be commended for the job they are doing and it’s great to watch these girls as they play a sport so many love to watch.
Colby Phillips BerlinEditor:
There was letter to the editor submitted to The Dispatch that had a scathing commentary on the Decatur Girls Basketball Coach. Here’s my background to this response.
I too am a coach and I have been privileged to have coached most of the girls on the Decatur varsity during their middle school years. I have had casual interaction with Coach Scott Kurtz over the years of his tenure as head coach. But we are nothing more than casual acquaintances. So know I am fan of all the players. And cheer for them to have success.
A number of “options” were offered to Coach Kurtz as to how he was supposed to keep the score “down”. I’ll offer a different perspective. Most high school teams have 10-12 players. Obviously some are more talented, athletic, coachable etc. There are starters (the better players for the most part) and substitutes. They all go to practice daily, they all put in literally hours of skill development and conditioning. This happens not only at school but in the off season. Girls who “put in the work” will be better basketball players. Decatur has many of those players throughout their roster.
I have been to quite a number of Decatur games over the past several seasons. I cannot comment specifically on the Mardela game (that the writer found to be so objectionable) as I was not there. But I have seen any number of Decatur games where the scores were similar. Quite frankly, those Decatur opponents simply are not capable at competing at Decatur’s level. That is not the
fault of Decatur players or coach.
Coach Kurtz has not full court pressed when it becomes obvious the game will not be competitive. In addition, each game has a 30 second shot clock meaning teams must shoot the ball within 30 seconds of each possession. Coaches coach everyone on their team to play hard, execute an offense, play defense and play by the rules.
It would be totally disrespectful to their opponent to tell players to not shoot or even not play hard. Coaches coach everyone on the team. A coach cannot tell the “starters” to play as they practice then because the opponent is not strong to tell the substitutes to “take it easy”.
There are any number of reasons for the disparity in the quality of competition in the area. Regardless, to chastise Coach Kurtz is misguided.
I am in full agreement that we should teach our players to have good sportsmanship. We too as coaches should exhibit good sportsmanship. And we too have an obligation to coach our team. We coach our player to play hard and be aggressive. But we shouldn’t be expected to tell them to “play hard” “but not today”.
This disparity in talent and ability is not unique to the Bayside Conference. It is common throughout the Henlopen Conference in Delaware too. We are blessed to live in an area with a tremendous diversity of opportunities for children to participate in sports as well as many other activities. Many girls choose not to play basketball. Some do though. Decatur has been the beneficiary of many who have chosen to play basketball.
Coach Kurtz should not be called out.
Paul F. Weisengoff Ocean PinesEditor:
This is to express my opposition to abandoning the city owned right of way along Baltimore Ave.
If the street is to be “redeveloped” for
15 blocks (about a mile), why would this 20-foot-wide strip not be incorporated in the design? Burying the utilities is great, but the extra width could be fantastic.
The Margaritaville project is the tail wagging the dog in this situation.
Ocean City and Worcester County politicians wield an inordinate amount of power due to the economic engine that is Ocean City. We have beautiful public facilities and well-maintained beaches, but I feel there is a tendency to go too far afield when it comes to encouraging commercial growth, to the point of trying to become developers and managers of large scale sports facilities, or, as in Snow Hill, buying some ridiculously expensive old boat.
I would like to see The Dispatch act like a real newspaper with regard to the Gavin case.
Publish the facts, and who is responsible for the grievous delay in prosecution. Stay on it.
I think you could make something happen if you were so inclined.
Barry Unger Ocean CityEditor:
The only way for the deep pockets and the wealthy council to stop overbuilding Ocean City is by not having a City Council at all. The city council is in it to enrich themselves, their families, attorneys and close friends. Example A is the (Buddy) pier deal.
Ocean City is becoming over populated with tourists and less like the beach. It’s cheaper to go to Vegas than a trip to Ocean City. The Mayor and City Council do not care about the families or the family environment that the past has shown.
Historical buildings, stores, businesses and other places that are the deciding factors for people to come to ocean city is now not a good enough reason or experience to come back. Old and outdated theme parks, don’t forget overpriced.
Crime: Crime has become the epicenter of Ocean City. The council hired more enforcement? But the crimes are getting more dangerous and more ballsy. Not that long ago a gentleman got beat up. What is going to take before you stop making excuses for the mayor and council and say we are tired of what’s going on?
You have the power, the voices, the votes, you have everything you need to restructure the way Ocean City is conducting business. Having a City Council worked in the past. But it’s not the future. It’s time for a new mayor and no council. Take all the salaries of the hopefully soon to be former council/mayor too and make it the new mayor’s salary. So the (not Meehan) new mayor can be the spokesperson, the salesman and the motivation on why people come to Ocean City.
Set goals, set the standards that the new future mayor has to follow. Just like any other job that requires you to have certain qualifications and responsibilities. And you never know who that new
future mayor could be either.
Just some thoughts that you could possibly consider. Get signatures, get whatever you need to push the city council out. Ocean City will become number one again. Don’t you think having a 2024 or a future year on the sign would be better than a 2001 sign? All American City 2024 or better.
Families have been attacked by criminals from Baltimore and other cities. Has anyone ever thought about who you could be walking next to you? Or sitting next to on the bus? Very important questions. You want to protect families, students, business owners and all who want up enjoy a new future Ocean City? Vote to remove the city council. Don’t use emotions, use your instincts.
The only thing shameful was that you felt the need to publish the letter from someone who claims to have been a “coach.” M. Scott Chismar’s letter concerning the “shameful’ behavior of Coach Kurtz of the Stephan Decatur’s Girls Basketball game is a perfect example of what we see everyday in this county. Someone commenting on a situation that they had zero knowledge of, was not even at the game, and has never spoken to anyone involved with the situation.
He read one sentence in an article, took it completely out of context and is now calling for the firing of a good, honest and decent man, who does Mr. Chismar think he is? I didn’t realize he was the keeper of all things “good”. I’ve had the privilege of having my daughter coached by Mr. Kurtz for the past two years and NOTHING he has done or said comes anywhere close to shameful in my eyes.
If Mr. Chismar had been at the game in question he would have seen that Coach Kurtz did everything that Mr. Chismar suggested he do to make the situation a learning experience. They took time before shooting, they played zone, they played subs more minutes, etc. Did he ever think to ask anyone if these things occurred before he fired off his scathing assessment of man he’s never met? Did he ever think to ask how the Mardela kids reacted to the game? They were smiling and having fun, by the way, trying their best to the very end. Did he ever think that there are girls on the Decatur team who may want to advance their lives by getting a scholarship to play basketball in college? The answer is no to all of these questions. Once again, he’s going to make sure we all know he’s got Coach Kurtz pegged after reading two or three sentences in an article.
The only thing shameful about this entire situation is that it happens far too often these days. I encourage everyone to listen, learn, inquire before you judge. This world would be such a better place.
Don Boger Ocean PinesOver the coming months, many steps will be taken to provide the mechanism for a room tax rate increase for Worcester County. The first step is for Worcester, Kent, Caroline and Queen Anne’s counties to agree to seek the enabling legislation for a room tax rate increase. Worcester County is on board with at least exploring raising the current 5% room tax to 6%, initiating the process of securing the other counties’ support. This has not been a problem in the past. If the other counties come on board, as expected, the legislation will likely cruise through the House and Senate because of local courtesy. This would set the showdown with the commissioners. Any increase in the room tax rate would need to be unanimous. This would seem to be a no brainer move for the county, but time will tell. A curveball is possible with the unanimous vote requirement to raise the rate, which is low currently compared to other resort destinations.
If all goes as expected, the new room tax rate, which would most likely not take affect until Jan. 1, 2024 due to timing, will be a significant revenue enhancer for the county eventually. For example, a 1% increase in the room tax rate on an accommodation of $300 per night would result in an additional $3 in revenue. Multiply the new revenue out over every night booked at more than 10,000 hotel rooms and 25,000 condominiums throughout the county and it’s going to represent a significant increase in dollars.
There was considerable public outcry in the spring when a horse was relocated from Assateague Island National Seashore to a Texas ranch due to some concerning human interactions. A statement at the time read, “Unfortunately, reversing behavior once a wild animal has learned to associate people with food is extremely difficult. Removal often becomes the only option to manage a highly food conditioned animal, especially one causing the majority of negative and dangerous interactions with the public.” The relocation was largely criticized by Assateague lovers and considered a result of human misjudgments along the way.
This week it was learned the relocated horse, named Delegate’s Pride but also known as Chip, was faring well at his new home, Cleveland Armory Black Beauty Ranch, a 1,400-acre ranch located in Murchison, Texas and home to about 650 domestic and exotic animals, most of whom have been rescued. A Facebook post on the ranch’s page this week featured photos of the horse at play and read, “Chip (Delegates Pride), the Assateague Pony who arrived at #blackbeautyranch in early June is living his best life here! Chip's care team reports that he can be seen daily playing tag with herd mates and enjoying the pasture with his best friend Hamilton. Favorite pastimes include tossing his blue ball around, and being first in line for afternoon snacks. Chip is happy and thriving in pasture life!”
When it was first read Congressman Andy Harris was seeking a moratorium on offshore wind farm activity, I assumed he was breaking some news about the recent whale found deceased on Assateague. After reading his press release and statement further, I realized he was just playing politics and did not have new information about the whale’s necropsy. In a statement, Harris said, “We need to take the time to gather proper scientific data, act in full transparency and not relay of FAQ platitudes for these projects, their construction and the impact they may have upon our environment. Until such actions occur, I am calling for a complete shutdown of windmill construction.”
Surely most would agree further details are needed to definitively say what caused the whale’s death beyond the initial finding of a hemorrhage being consistent with blunt force trauma, such as a vessel strike. In fact, observers on Assateague Island reported the whale was severely decomposed and the trauma found could have been a result of the equipment being used to move the whale out of breaking waves. The early autopsy report was inconclusive as to whether the trauma occurred while the whale was alive or dead. This is a critical piece, but the likelihood is strong no confirmation will ever be known.
The statement from Harris has resulted in a minor storm of controversy with many organizations blasting his assumptions. For example, the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus, a frequent critic of Harris, took to social media this week to question the 12-year congressman. The statement read in part, “We know Congressman Andy Harris is lying about offshore wind being responsible for the whale death because the local company building the project, Ørsted is not currently conducting offshore survey activity for Skipjack Wind. Ørsted-contracted vessels concluded surveys off the coast in the Spring of 2022 and did not experience any marine mammal strikes during their activities. Not only that, but it is well established that the offshore wind industry is subjected to the most stringent level of protections for marine mammals and protected species. Every aspect of Off-Shore Wind surveying, construction, and operations are reviewed by multiple agencies and subject to protective conditions, including vessel speeds, time of year restrictions for construction activities, and mandatory protected species observers.”
Another installment of some
“I see you …” thoughts over the last few weeks. I intend this as more of a “I see you and I feel you” type of observations. We are all in this parenting journey together and a bit of recognition and appreciation goes a long way.
•I see you … tired dads wondering why you left the list at home wandering the aisles of the grocery store at 8 p.m.
•I see you … parents waiting in the car early in the morning while your teen runs into Dunkin’ for a pre-school snack or drink. Some of you are on your phones. Some of you just starring off into the distance. Some probably wondering why this stop is even necessary.
•I see you … parents of teens posting Facebook memories of your kid much younger during the toddler years. If you are like me, you have to come to the realization it was so much easier overall then. It was more difficult from a physical standpoint because they were so active and a danger to themselves, but the mental anguish of raising teens is far more exhausting than those simpler days.
•I see you … parents leaving the daycare center next to my office. I remember well the deep breath exhale of leaving the kid(s) behind to start the day.
•I see you … parents full of second guessing and guilt about decisions. I’m the worst at this constant questioning of judgments and reactions. I am working to learn to trust the gut, listen to the mind and heart and move forward.
•I see you … parents reviewing your teen’s checking account statements with far more questions than answers about expenses.
•I see you … folks wondering why showers take a minimum of 15 minutes for teens. I often consider turning off the hot water just to mess with my 14-
year-old kid and teach him a lesson. For years, I have told him about limits of hot water, but he doesn’t believe me. One of these days I will do it and my guess is it will have a chilly impact.
•I see you … parents rolling through the drop-off at school and feeling the pressure of the early-morning rush, Combine the chaos of getting kids to school on time with your own plans for the day, it’s not always easy. In my case, each day is different. One morning this week I resisted drinking my coffee so I could have it for the ride to school with Carson. As I was leaving the driveway, I realized I forgot it. I assumed I left it on the counter in the house until I got home later and realized I left it on the asphalt. My hands were full, so I set it down and forgot within seconds about it. It was still there when I got home from work.
•I see you … parents having a conversation with your teen and wondering where he or she is looking because clearly the focus is not on you. When this happens to me, I intentionally say the most ridiculous thing so I can confirm my 14-year-old is not listening. During one period of heightened frustration, I told him it was best to be without his phone for a month. A few minutes went by without a reaction. Eventually, something registered and he said, “what was that about my phone again?” There may be a little bit of hearing going on, but there’s next to no listening happening.
Another example was last weekend when I called him at boarding school to remind him we would be there the following weekend. When we were wrapping up the chat, he asked when he would see us again and wondered when we were going skiing. In that case, I don’t think he was hearing me or listening to me.
•I see you … sports dads talking to your child about their game as they
walk off the soccer field, offering tips and suggestions on the kid’s level of play and energy level. Take it from me: this is the last thing your young athletes need. I know because I, too, did not have enough restraint to let my kid catch his breath after a game or practice. I was able to wait until we got in the car to head home, but I was often informing him of my views before he got out of the parking lot. I regret those reactions looking back. It’s not what he needed from his dad.
•I see you … mothers slowly walking through the grocery store aisle after work. I assume there’s an enjoyment of the peace and quiet after a long day before heading home with a load of groceries and responsibilities.
•I see you … fathers running to get carryout at a restaurant for the family but first having a drink to just chill and relax before returning home.
•I see you … teachers seemingly starting each day with fresh perspective and positivity. This can’t be easy –especially on Mondays -- but I know in my case it’s appreciated.
•I see you … parents animatedly walking in the early evenings with friends or on a phone call. I have no idea what’s being said, but I imagine it involves a story or two about children. It appears to a stranger to be a serious vent session among friends, which we all need every now and again. Add exercise to the equation and it’s a good use of time if you ask me.
•I see you … coaches doing the best you can on the sidelines and wondering why I volunteered for this role on Saturday mornings after working all week. The answer is love, and it’s a super thing.
(The writer is the publisher and editor of The Dispatch. He and his wife, Pamela, are proud parents of two boys. This weekly column examines their transition into parenthood and all that goes along with it. E-mail any thoughts to editor@mdcoastdispatch.com.)
Every Monday: TOPS Meeting
5-6:30 p.m. Atlantic General Hospital, Berlin. Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a support group promoting weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Call Rose 443-880-8444.
Every Monday: Acapella Chorus
All ladies who love to sing are invited to the Delmarva Woman’s Acapella Chorus, Ocean Pines Community Center, 239 Ocean Parkway, 6-8 p.m. Contact Mary 410-629-9383 or Carol 302-2427062.
Every Monday: Bridge Games
Are you interested in joining others for a game of Bridge at the Ocean City 50+ Senior Center? If so, please call or text Tish at 410-804-3971.
Every Tuesday: TOPS Meeting
Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a weekly support and education group promoting weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Meetings are held at the Worcester County Berlin Health Department at 9730 Healthway Drive, Berlin from 3:30-4:30 p.m. every Tuesday. 410-289-4725.
Every Tuesday: Dancing
The Delmarva Hand Dance Club holds dancing at the Selbyville Elks Lodge 2173 from 5:30-9 p.m. delmarvhanddancing.com.
Every Tuesday: Beach Cleanup Beach Heroes, a volunteer Ocean City group, holds cleanups 9-10 a.m. yearround. Trash bags, grippers and gloves provided. Check the Facebook page "Beach Heroes-OC" for weekly meeting locations. All are welcome.
Every Wednesday: Bingo
Elks Lodge 2645, corner of Sinepuxent Avenue and 138th Street in Ocean City. Has bingo all year. Doors open 4:30 p.m. with first game sharply at 6:30 p.m. Kitchen open for light fare. 410-250-2645.
Every Thursday: Beach Singles
Join the club, 55 plus, at Harpoon Hanna’s in Fenwick Island, 4-6 p.m. 302-4369577 or BeachSingles.org.
2nd and 4th Thursdays: Caregiver Support Meeting
The Caregiver Support Group will continue to meet on the second and fourth Thursdays in the Ocean Pines Library. Meetings will run from 3-4:30 p.m. The meetings are private and confidential.
Jan. 27-28: Theatre Performance
During Fire & Ice Festival weekend, make sure the Dickens Parlour Theatre is on your to-do list, as the performance team will spotlight Judy Garland and the Wizard of Oz through song and story. The theatre proudly presents “Judy’s Road To Oz With Ruby Rakos and John Fricke.” Ruby Rakos made her Broadway debut at age 12 in Billy Elliot and has been in love with performing since. She is currently starring in Chasing Rainbows, a biomusical based on the early life of Judy Garland.
Widely acknowledged as the preeminent Judy Garland and Wizard of Oz author/historian, John Fricke received an Emmy Award as co-producer of the twohour PBS-TV “American Masters” program, Judy Garland: By Myself. This was
his second recognition by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences; he won similar honors as coproducer and cowriter of the A&E “Biography” special, Judy: Beyond the Rainbow, based on his book, Judy Garland: World's Greatest Entertainer.
David Libby received his M.M. in Jazz Studies from Rutgers University, where he studied with jazz piano legend Kenny Barron. He is currently arranging songs from the MGM catalog made popular by Judy Garland for the new musical "Chasing Rainbows."
The dining room and bar open at 5 p.m. Theatre doors open at 6:45 p.m. Shows starts at 7 p.m. Tickets available at www.dickensparlourtheatre.com.
Jan. 28: Breakfast Buffet
All-you-can-eat breakfast buffet at the Whaleyville United Methodist Church located at 11716 Sheppards Crossing Road in Whaleyville. Cost is $8/adult and $4/child from 7-10 a.m. Buffet will include pancakes, bacon, sausage, scrapple, scrambled eggs, chipped beef, hash brown potatoes, toast, fruit and assorted beverages.
Feb. 3-5: Wool, Fiber Expo
A show to promote the fiber industry through vendors, classes and art at the Ocean City convention center. Admission
$4. Hours are Friday, Feb. 3, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday, Feb. 4, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Sunday, Feb. 5, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Feb. 4: Fried Chicken Buffet
Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church in Willards will host from 11 a.m.-until. Vegetables, beverages and dessert included. Carryouts available and baked table. Cost is $15 for adults and $7.50 for kids and free for under 6.
Feb. 7-9: Safe Boating Course
It’s never too early to plan for boating season. The first class of 2023 will be held virtually, making it possible for anyone to attend from anywhere. The virtual course is taught by the same US Coast Guard Aux. instructors as the in-person class. All the required material is covered along with time for questions. Classes are 6-9 p.m. The Maryland Boating Safety Education Act requires that anyone born after July 1, 1972 must possess a Maryland Basic Boating Safety Certificate to operate a boat in the state of Maryland. Those attending the class and passing the test will receive a Maryland Boating Certificate which is NASBLA approved and valid in all states. A fee of $20 covers the cost of the course and materials. Checks should be made payable to USGCAUX 12-05 and mailed to PO Box 1682 Berlin, Md. 21811. Payment via PayPal is also accepted. For more information or to register contact Barry Cohen at 410-935-4807 or email CGAUXOC@Gmail.com.
Feb. 10: Crab Cake Dinner
Stevenson United Methodist Church will hold its carryout monthly crab cake din-
ner from 4-6 p.m. Eating in also offered. Cost is $14, one crab cake sandwich, green beans, baked potato and cole slaw; $24, two crab cake sandwiches, green beans, baked potato and cole slaw; and $10, crab cake sandwich. Bake sale table also available.
Feb. 11: Valentine's Day Dinner
Sons of the American Legion, Squadron 166, 23rd St. & Philadelphia Ave., Ocean City, will host, featuring steak, shrimp, baked potato, salad and cake. Choice of one complimentary beer or wine. Four seatings at 4, 5, 6 or 7 p.m. $25 per person. Tickets available at the post.
Feb. 11: Q&A For Vets
The Department of Veterans Affairs will be at the Berlin library from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Do you have questions about your VA claim or your benefits or need assistance with filing a VA claim? VA personnel will provide one-on-one assistance. Unable to attend? Register for phone appointments by accessing the Visitor Engagement Reporting Application (VERA) at https://vets.force.com. 410-641-0650.
Feb. 15: Trivia Contest
Trivia with Jim Meckley, “Snowfall & Valentines” at the Ocean Pines library branch at 3 p.m. Test your knowledge in this seasonally themed trivia contest.
Prizes awarded to the top three teams and refreshments are provided by the Friends of the Ocean Pines Library. 410208-4014.
Feb 17-19: Seaside Boat Show
Over 350 boats and associated dealers will be on hand for the 40th annual event at the Ocean City convention center. Admission. Adults $10; under 14, $1; and weekend pass $15. Hours are Friday and Saturday, Feb. 17-18, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 19, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. ocboatshow.com.
Feb. 20: Town Cats Benefit
From 6-9 p.m. at Burley Oak Brewing Company with music, 50/50 and silent auction.
Feb. 21: Hospice Presentation
An informative session on “Providing Care and Comfort at the End of Life” presented by Arnold Bienstock, Chaplain of Coastal Hospice. Presentation given at Community Church at Ocean Pines at 6 p.m. 410-641-5433.
March 1, 8, 15, 22: Square Dance Lessons
Free square dance lessons from 7-8:45 p.m. at the Ocean Pines Community Center.
March 23: Card, Game Party
The Republican Women of Worcester County will be hosting a Card and Game Party Luncheon from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at The Grand Hotel Terrace Room, 2100 Baltimore Ave., Ocean City. Cost is $30 per person. Please call Merilee Horvat at 410-641-6110 to make your luncheon selection and for more information.