Jan. 29

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The Dispatch January 29, 2021


Serving Greater Delmarva Since 1984


Winter Sighting: Amid some dune grass, a snowy owl is pictured on Assateague Island this month. Snowy owls have been known to migrate to Assateague in recent irruptive years.

Photo by Kevin Lynam Photography

Baltimore Avenue Decision Looming

St. Patrick’s Parade Scratched Again

Berlin Supports Skate Park Project

See Page 7 • Photo by Chris Parypa

See Page 10 • File Photo

See Page 16 • File Photo

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch


January 29, 2021

January 29, 2021

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

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Ocean City Council Reviews Future Capital Projects List

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OCEAN CITY – Resort officials this week got a first look at the proposed fiscal year 2022 five-year capital improvement plan (CIP) and are now in the early stages of prioritizing the myriad of projects large and small for potential funding in the coming years. City Engineer Terry McGean on Tuesday presented the draft fiscal year 2022 CIP to the Mayor and Council, who are now charged with prioritizing the lengthy list of projects included on the list from street paving and canal dredging to recreation and parks improvements and airport enhancements. Perhaps more important than the projects on the list is how best to fund them over the next five years.

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Some of the larger projects will be financed through bond sales, while others fall in the “pay as you go” category. Combined the list of projects totals $72 million, although that number could go up substantially if the Mayor and Council opt for certain high-ticket items. Some of the projects on the CIP are characterized as critical, or “must haves,” while others fall further down the list as less important, or “nice to haves.” Some of the items included on the CIP are ongoing projects that will need to be funded continuously over the next five years, such as street paving and canal dredging, for example. Many of the projects will ultimately be paid for with general obligation bonds, a way of spreading out the cost over several years, while others will paid through the

general fund balance. Still others will be paid for with grants and other revenue sources, and several fall under the guise of water and wastewater projects, for example, and will be paid for from enterprise funds derived from endusers through fees and other charges. Nonetheless, the fiscal year 2022 draft CIP is just that, a draft document outlining the numerous projects large and small that need to be prioritized and funded over the next five years and beyond. The Mayor and Council will come up with their priority lists based on need and available funding and the CIP will be winnowed down and carefully vetted before the final plan is approved and the many projects end up in the fiscal year 2022 budget. “Every year we approve an updated CIP and we’ll go through every project

January 29, 2021

on the list,” said McGean at the outset of Tuesday’s presentation. “Your homework will be to rate the projects as your priorities. When the rubber hits the road is when you agree to finance these projects during budget deliberations.” The Mayor and Council will go through the draft CIP and rate each project on the list on a scale between one and five. Each elected official’s rating list will then be aggregated to create one list of top priorities. McGean and Budget Manager Jennie Knapp will then develop the best funding strategy for each of the projects based on their ratings from critical to very important, and from important to less important and, ultimately, those that can be put off for a few years. The Mayor and Council will ultimately use that guidance to determine which projects to include in the fiscal year 2022 budget and how best to fund them. There appears to be some wiggle room in the town’s financial situation for funding many of the projects. For example, the town’s stated policy for the level of bonded debt is 3% of the assessed property value. Currently, the town’s debt obligations are a little over 1%. In terms of strict numbers, at 3%, Ocean City’s maximum level of bonded debt would be over $277 million. However, the town’s existing bonded debt is at around $98 million. In terms of overall debt, the town’s stated policy is 5.2%, which would total $480 million under the formula. Currently, the town’s total debt is at a little over 1%, or about $108 million. In addition, the town’s stated policy regarding fund balance, a rainy-day fund, is 15% of the general fund budget. Currently, the town is about $10 million over the stated 15% policy, although that number is expected to drop to around $7.7 million when the final fiscal year 2021 budget is in the books because of anticipated COVID-related expenses and losses. A chart included in the CIP shows the town’s general obligation bond debt service remaining consistent for the next two years before dropping off significantly on out years. Councilman John Gehrig suggested taking advantage of the anticipated drop-off and historically-low interest rates to pay for some of the high-ticket items on the CIP with general obligation bonds in the near future. “The cost of borrowing money is extremely cheap right now,” he said. “This might be the time to be aggressive and take advantage of that.” Gehrig also questioned why developing a sports complex to take advantage of the growing youth sports market was listed further down the list on the CIP. Worcester County is currently pursuing a sports complex and the town hopes to piggyback on that eventually, but Gehrig, as he has been wont to do, is pushing for the town to take the lead on the project. SEE PAGE 28

January 29, 2021

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

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Berlin Electric Customers’ Increase On Bills Explained

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BERLIN – Town officials say a variety of factors impacted recent charges for Berlin Electric Utility customers. Though some residents took to social media in recent days to express concern about increased PCA charges on their electric bills, town officials stressed this week that the town’s electric utility was a not-for-profit entity and that the PCA charge, which increased on the most recent bill, was primarily based on purchased power costs. “If the cost of power for the town is higher, the PCA charge will be higher,” Finance Director Natalie Saleh said. On Friday, several Berlin residents expressed alarm with a significantly increased PCA charge on their most recent electric bill. Some said the PCA

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

charge accounted for nearly half of their electric bill. According to the town’s website, the cost of fuel the town uses for generating electricity is subject to variations. “The Power Cost Adjustment Charge (PCAC), is a calculated dollar amount per KWH to be added to or deducted from the customer’s billing each month, reflecting the increase or decrease in the fuel cost of generating or purchasing power that can be passed on to the customer,” the website reads. “The Maryland Public Service Commission reviews the PCAC calculation and collection on a monthly basis. The amount that results from this calculation is the PCAC applied to each kilowatt hour used and is shown on your bill each month.” In an interview Monday, Saleh said the PCA charge was reviewed not only by the Public Service Commission but

also by the town’s electric consultant. She said the PCA charge was essentially the cost of purchasing power. “We buy the power and basically resell it,” she said. “If we buy it at an elevated cost the PCA will be higher.” She said the PCA charge was applied to each kilowatt hour used and so the more electricity a home used, the more its PCA charge would be. “People are staying home more, using more appliances, and it’s been colder,” she said. “But at the same time in the colder weather the cost of power to the town is a little higher.” She added that the December-January bill was for 35 days, a longer time period than the average bill. At Monday’s town council meeting, Councilman Jack Orris asked if there was a way for residents to be notified of potential PCA changes to help with their

January 29, 2021

budgeting. Saleh said the rate itself varied by a minute amount and that the increase in cost was driven by the amount of kilowatts being used by the household. Mayor Zack Tyndall pointed out that the town did offer a budget billing program for people who wanted to avoid huge spikes in their bills. Residents who enroll pay a fixed amount each month based on previous usage. “If anybody’s interested that is a program that we have,” Tyndall said, adding that residents could call town hall if they were interested.

Tax Rate Review Discussion Delayed BY CHARLENE SHARPE


BERLIN – Though the pandemic has slowed the process, Berlin is set to begin budget discussions next month. On Monday, elected officials voted to extend the town’s tax rate review schedule since the municipality would not be able to meet dates stipulated in the 2019 resolution. “I hate to give the excuse that it was pandemic driven, but it was pandemic driven,” Town Administrator Jeff Fleetwood said. According to Fleetwood, the council in 2019 passed a resolution regarding tax rate review. It stipulated that at or before the second meeting in January, officials would review financial projections. It also stipulated that the council would set the date for the tax rate public hearing at or before the second meeting in February and that the public hearing for the tax rate would be held no later than the second meeting in March. Because the council was not able to review the financial projections this week, Monday’s agenda included a motion to extend the tax rate review schedule. Fleetwood said a presentation on financial projections would occur at the first meeting in February. The council voted unanimously to extend the deadline for the review of the financial projections to Feb. 8. Fleetwood went on to say that in his preliminary review of the six-month actual versus budget figures, he hadn’t seen anything “overly glaring.” “Overall, it’s pretty sound,” he said. He added that the budget schedule would be available on the town’s website. “It will say very clearly for each step of the budget cycle when public comment is welcome,” he said. “Please take a look at that. It’s very clear.” According to the schedule, the council will review general fund and enterprise fund financials on Feb. 8. On March 8, there will be a first reading of the tax rate. A public hearing on the tax rate is set for March 22 and budget work sessions will follow in April. A public hearing and proposed adoption of the town’s budget is scheduled for May 24.

‘Critical Decision Time’ Near For Baltimore Avenue’s Future

January 29, 2021



OCEAN CITY – The resort has reached a critical crossroads in the future of Baltimore Avenue as a decision is needed on the roadway’s redevelopment. In recent years, a major renovation of the streetscape along the Baltimore Avenue corridor from North Division Street to 15th Street including undergrounding the utilities and widening the sidewalks, for example, has been on the town’s radar, but the issue is complicated. The state owns the actual roadway and the State Highway Administration (SHA) has been chomping at the bit to repave Baltimore Avenue and bring its sidewalks into Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance. SHA was planning to repave and expand the sidewalks along that section of Baltimore Avenue at least two years ago. However, Ocean City at the time was considering a complete renovation of the Baltimore Avenue corridor, largely a gateway to the resort and a first impression of the town for many. The major renovation of the corridor, marked by countless unsightly utility poles and overhead wires, has been a top priority for town officials, who asked SHA to put its repaving project on the backburner until a plan could be developed and a way to pay for the project

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

was developed. During a presentation of the draft fiscal year 2022 capital improvement plan this week, City Engineer Terry McGean explained different options for renovating that section of Baltimore Avenue with a wide range of price tags. McGean explained the time has come to make a decision. “There are two options, really,” he said. “One option in the CIP is around $500,000 to widen the sidewalks on the east side of Baltimore Avenue. The second option and much more expensive project is to underground the utilities and shift the street slightly to the east to allow for the widening of the sidewalks on both sides. The small-scale project is half-a-million and the larger-scale project would likely cost $15 million to $20 million.” The alternatives range from simply doing nothing and allowing SHA to come through and repave the corridor and make the requisite ADA improvements to a complete remodel of the corridor including undergrounding the utilities, thereby eliminating the often-unsightly poles and overhead power lines. The latter has been done successfully in other areas of town, but there is a significant cost associated with it. Complicating the issue further is the existence of a long forgotten and underutilized right-of-way along the Baltimore Avenue corridor. Baltimore Avenue is unique in a variety of ways. For exam-

ple, the original deeds show the rightof-way as 75 feet wide, but the current roadway only utilizes about 45 feet from curb to curb. A review of the ancient deeds for Baltimore Avenue reveal a no man’s land of about 32 feet in some areas that could ultimately be deeded back to the property owners along the corridor or used to widen the roadway and its sidewalks. Over the decades, however, private property has steadily encroached on the original right-of-way platted over a century ago. For example, in some cases, private businesses along the corridor have signs in the old right-of-way, while others have parking areas. In some cases, the long-forgotten right-of-way is just covered with grass or landscaping and isn’t necessarily utilized by the private sector. “Baltimore Avenue is a little strange,” said McGean. “The state’s portion is essentially the roadway and we own the portion to the front edge of the sidewalks. There is also that no man’s land of public right-of-way. That would be the last stretch of Baltimore Avenue that needed to be undergrounded.” Public Works Director Hal Adkins, while not entirely advocating for the expensive streetscape renovation for Baltimore Avenue, said undergrounding the utilities would greatly improve the aesthetics of the corridor. He pointed to other areas throughout town where the util-

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ities have been undergrounded in recent years, including St. Louis Avenue most recently. “Having done undergrounding projects since the 1990s, should you desire to pursue this, it drastically changes the character of the corridor,” he said. “It also improves fire safety along the corridor without all of those poles and wires overhead.” In a nutshell, the town is faced with the decision to have SHA come in and make its improvements to the state’s portion of Baltimore Avenue while spending around $500,000 to enhance the sidewalks, or pull the trigger on the larger complete renovation that could cost as much as $20 million. In either case, the section of no man’s land right-of-way could be deeded back to the property owners along the corridor. Councilman John Gehrig said the decision was a tough one, but the time to make it was soon coming. “This is kind of do or die project,” he said. “Once State Highway comes in and paves it and does the sidewalks, this thing could get pushed back 20 to 30 years.” McGean said Gehrig’s sentiments sum up the situation. “That’s pretty much true,” he said. “Otherwise, we would be ripping out all of those new sidewalks and paving. It really is reaching a critical decision time.”

Shore Town Hall Highlights Vaccine Supply Challenges

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch



BERLIN – A discussion on vaccine distribution efforts highlighted a virtual town hall meeting this week On Monday, hundreds of community members joined a virtual town hall meeting to learn more about the local vaccine distribution process and participate in a question-and-answer session with health care representatives. Hosted by Senator Mary Beth Carozza, the forum included panelists from Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset health departments, Atlantic General Hospital and TidalHealth. “Our health care partners are here today to provide the best information at this time on COVID-19 and the vaccine registration process in Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset counties,” Car-

ozza said. “You will hear common themes that the vaccine is safe, the process is based on a phased-in approach, and based on current supply.” Lori Brewster, health officer for Wicomico and Somerset counties, noted vaccine distribution began in her jurisdictions Dec. 22. To date, she said, the health department has received nearly 4,000 calls and 5,000 emails related to vaccine administration. As of last week, the agency had vaccinated nearly 2,700 people in Phase 1A and Phase 1B. “We don’t have the vaccine that we’d love to have, so that we could complete both Phase 1A and Phase 1B,” she said. “I know that at least for the health departments, we are struggling to meet all our Phase 1B requirements. And I believe the hospitals are as well.” This week, the state moved to Phase

1C of its distribution plan, making vaccines available to those ages 65-74 and essential workers in lab services, agriculture, manufacturing, postal service, public transit and grocery stores. However, Worcester County Health Officer Becky Jones said appointments are dependent on the amount of vaccine allocated to each jurisdiction. In Worcester County, registration for vaccine clinics open on Thursday mornings. But since Maryland entered Phase 1B of its rollout, officials have reported full clinics and waitlists. “We are all limited by the supply, whether it’s through the local health departments or partners in the acute care setting,” she said. “We are given weekly allocations. We can only give what we have, and our weekly allocations have not been tremendous. So we’ll continue to ask for everyone’s patience as we


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January 29, 2021

move through this process.” Matthew Morris, Atlantic General’s vice president of patient care services, encouraged residents to continue monitoring the state’s vaccination portal, www.MarylandVax.org, for available appointments. He noted that those on the waitlist would be notified as vaccines become available. And those who receive a first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine are guaranteed a second dose. “Registration for the second dose is a lot easier than the first …,” Morris said, adding that registrants will receive an email with instructions. “You aren’t in competition with people who haven’t gotten the vaccine yet.” Kathryn Fiddler, TidalHealth’s vice president of population health, also highlighted vaccine supply challenges this week. As of Monday, the hospital system had administered more than 7,300 vaccines. “If there are no appointments, there’s no availability,” she said. When asked about the Maryland’s process for allocating vaccines, Jones said the state used a formula to distribute doses to each jurisdiction. In Worcester County, for example, the health department received 300 doses this week. “That’s the bare minimum for jurisdictions,” she said. Officials were also asked if individuals must be vaccinated in their county of residence. Jones encouraged residents to seek clinics in their home counties. “If you are living and working in the jurisdiction, there are no barriers to getting the vaccine …,” she said. “They can cross jurisdictions, but I encourage people to look in their jurisdiction first to see if there is availability before going to next jurisdiction.” Brewster added that individuals must receive both doses from the same jurisdiction. “You need to go for your second dose where you got your first dose,” she said. Panelists this week noted there was no charge for COVID-19 vaccinations. They did, however, highlight technological barriers that have made it difficult for people to register for clinics. “This is going to be a common problem we’ll see as we go through phases,” Morris said, “not only with our elderly, but also with people of poor socioeconomic status, people who don’t have access, people who don’t have WiFi or internet.” Health department officials and hospital representatives encouraged individuals to seek help from family and friends in finding and registering for clinics online. “This is a community effort,” Fiddler said. “So if any one of you have been fortunate enough to get your vaccine, please find a friend and help them do the same. I think what makes us special as a regional area is that we really do take care of each other, and this is the time to do that because there are people who can’t do it on their own for a variety of reasons.”

Big Changes For Taustin Properties

January 29, 2021

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch



OCEAN CITY – The Embers Restaurant will close as plans move forward to redevelop the 24th Street property. Last week, the Taustin family announced plans to redevelop the front portion of their 24th Street property where the Embers Restaurant has stood for more than 70 years. Coming in 2022, the project will transform the property into a versatile space that will integrate the existing BLU Crabhouse & Raw Bar and Embers Island Miniature Golf while providing additional shopping, dining and entertainment opportunities. "The Embers has so much history,” says Taustin Group President Jay Taustin, “and not just for our family, but for many OC locals and visitors. We plan to pay homage to our past as we venture into the future and lead the way once again in redefining what Ocean City has to offer." In an interview this week, Taustin Group Marketing Director Kyler Taustin said BLU Crabhouse will remain in operation with enhanced indoor and outdoor dining experiences for the 2021 season. However, major changes are in store for the neighboring Embers property. “At this time we are exploring our options but it could, and potentially will, involve a demolition and rebuilding,” he said. In 1985, the Embers Restaurant became an All-You-Can-Eat Seafood and Prime Rib Buffet, making it the first of its kind in Ocean City. But after a challenging 2020 season, and the specific impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on buffets, Kyler Taustin said the Taustin Group saw an opportunity to explore new options. “The main goal is to make it so that at any time of day you can come to the 24th Street property where the Embers currently exists and have something – whether it’s food, beverage, entertainment, a good time – and know that it’s a one-stop place to come and receive a great Ocean City experience,” he said.

While plans are still being finalized, the Taustin family said they are excited for the property’s future. "We are turning the page once again after a long and successful chapter in our history at the beach,” said Taustin Group CEO Cole Taustin. “The Embers will transform during this period, and all of us are very excited for you to see what is next.” The Taustin Group is also set to break ground on a new waterfront container food port in West Ocean City. Next month, the construction of Pier 23 will begin in West Ocean City where Mad Fish Bar and Grille once stood before a devastating fire in 2019 destroyed the new building. The Taustin Group’s new venture, Pier 23, will be Ocean City’s first waterfront container food port. The new restaurant will be a destination for quality entertainment and will offer an outdoor retreat surrounded by decked-out shipping containers, each with their own unique options; tacos, deli, grille, ice cream, or a full bar. The final container is the stage for a line-up of DJs and live performers. “We expect to be fully functional by this spring at Pier 23,” Kyler Taustin said. He added the Taustin Group will release updates, including renderings, architectural highlights, and, eventually, construction photos for each of the projects. “Innovation is the name of the game with the Taustin family,” he said, “and we’re excited to continue that tradition.” For additional information as it becomes available, follow any Taustin Group company on their website and other social media outlets. Taustin Group is a family-owned collection of businesses, including Blu Crabhouse & Raw Bar, Pier 23, the Embers Restaurant and Embers Island Miniature Golf. “With the formation of the Taustin Group, we looked at each of our entities to see how we can meet the needs of the day and develop our properties to their fullest potential while being at the forefront of the next chapter of the Ocean City experience,” said Cole Taustin.

CHARMING COZY COTTAGE IN PARSONSBURG! 4BR/1.5BA farmette, a short drive from Salisbury, less than 30 minutes from beach. Sitting on 1.8 acres, this charming bungalow style home takes you from the wide front porch to a large foyer, dining area with wood stove being used as second living room, eat in kitchen, first floor bedroom with half bath, wood floors, crown moldings, small screened porch, partial basement, and newer windows and roof. Second floor has 3 bedrooms and full bath. With separate carport and 7 garage spaces, this is a great spot for the car enthusiast, woodworker or craftsman. $175,000


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Officials Hoping Parade ‘Will Be The Last Event To Be Cancelled’

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch



OCEAN CITY – Continuing a trend that began when the Delmarva IrishAmerican Club’s annual St. Patrick’s Parade and Festival was cancelled last March near the outset of COVID-19 locally, the club this week announced the 2021 event will not be held this spring. Last year’s cancellation was one of the first major special events to fall because of COVID-19. Two days later, Gov. Larry Hogan issued strict emergency orders, including a stay-at-home

directive, closing schools, restaurants and bars and most businesses. In the interim, most of the special events in the resort were postponed, cancelled or modified greatly as the pandemic wore on. Now, nearly 11 months later, the club announced this week the 2021 St. Patrick’s Parade and Festival has been cancelled, providing a bookend of sorts to the coronavirus at least locally. Mayor Rick Meehan, who serves as president of the DIAC, said this week the hope is the cancellation of the St. Patrick’s Parade and Festival in March is the last major event to fall




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by the wayside because of the pandemic. “This was the first event in 2020 that was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the DIAC, along with the town of Ocean City, is hopeful that this will be the last event to be cancelled,” he said. St. Patrick’s Parade Co-Chair Buck Mann said this week despite a drop in some of COVID’s key metrics, at least locally, and the roll-out of the vaccine, albeit somewhat strained and challenging, the timing was not right to host a major event that typically draws thousands. “Many of our participants, including our own Stephen Decatur High School marching band, would be unable to participate, and the club believes that we must first put the health, safety and welfare of our community first,” he said. While the annual event provides a significant boost to local businesses climbing out of the challenging winter months, the St. Patrick’s Parade and Festival is a major fundraiser for the DIAC and the community. The DIAC is a nonprofit organization with over 350 members, most of whom volunteer to help pull off the event and other charity endeavors throughout the year. All proceeds from the parade and festival are donated to local charities. The club has given more than $500,000


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in scholarships to local high school graduates, sponsored a room at the Macky and Pam Stansell House of Coastal Hospice, purchased uniforms and sponsored trips for Decatur’s bands, donated $10,000 to Worcester County schools to support technology for students, supported youth recreation programs at Northside Park and contributed to countless other local charities. For the last six years, The Dispatch has published a program guide for the event with all proceeds distributed back to the club for community scholarships. “Our members take great pride in being able to support and give back to our community,” said Mann. “Of course, we could not do all of this without the support of the town of Ocean City and the local businesses that have supported our parade for more than 40 years.” The DIAC promised to bring the event back in 2022 bigger and better than ever. “We see visitors from all over the mid-Atlantic region, all in their green, to watch the parade,” said Mann. “It has truly become a family event, and for many of these visitors, it has become a family tradition. We will begin immediately to plan for the 2022 parade and promise to return with the largest parade in the history of the event, so hold the date of March 12, 2022.”


Tranquility. Every window has a water view. Side covered porch, patio with pavers, small pier with dock, 8' X 12' shed with playhouse attached and some fencing. 3BR/2BA home with large living room that opens to kitchen with large island, coffee station, double ovens, and breakfast nook. Sunroom with hot tub. 2nd floor loft could be 4BR. $515,000


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January 29, 2021

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Page 11

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Page 12

Commissioners Table Proposed Economic Development Position

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch


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January 29, 2021

Individual To Tackle Workforce Issues



SNOW HILL – The Worcester County Commissioners delayed a decision to create a new economic development position, citing a need for more information. The commissioners last week were presented with a request for a new economic development position that would target workforce issues in the county. Without information regarding the position’s financial impact, however, they opted to table their decision. “There’s enough concern up here that we would like to get these numbers…,” Commissioner Joe Mitrecic said. Tom Perlozzo, the county’s director of recreation, parks, tourism and economic development, told the commissioners he was proposing a new position to allow for a more proactive approach to local workforce problems. He said the towns and even Worcester County itself struggled to fill certain positions. Perlozzo added that he was proposing an operational change and that the new position wouldn’t require additional funds, as the department was reducing the amount of money it spent on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) programs, which were limited in 2020 due to COVID-19. “I feel this position can attack all the workforce problems and can grow our workforce within and fill Worcester County jobs as well,” he said. Commissioner Diana Purnell questioned the reduction in STEM funding. “We’ve operated STEM on a contractual basis,” Perlozzo said. “What I’m going to say is we’re going to move that back in house.” Purnell said Perlozzo had indicated that the new position would help fill the county’s job vacancies as well. She said that sounded like something the county’s human resources department would do. Perlozzo said the county was having trouble finding skilled trade workers which is why he wanted to focus on STAT (Science, Technology and Advanced Trades). “How do we get our kids to stay within the county and live and work versus going to some other area,” Perlozzo said. “That’s why Worcester County jobs are mentioned. As we move the STAT program along I think it definitely will help us be more competitive in attracting a quality workforce to work and live and play here in Worcester County.” Perlozzo said for the past several

years the county had been focused solely on STEM and he wanted to expand beyond that so Worcester County Economic Development could be more of a resource. “It’s about networking, it’s about meeting the people, finding out what their needs are,” he said. He added that there were 12,000 seasonal jobs in Worcester County and usually only 4,000 J-1 workers. “So there is a void and look if I can take one of our homegrown kids, or adults, and provide them with employment to keep them here and make us more attractive, I think that’s a great start for us,” he said. Purnell pointed out that many of the jobs in Worcester County were seasonal. “Then if we’re looking for something to retain young people they need something that’s going to give them yearround employment,” she said. “They need potential year-round jobs. Right now that’s a problem anywhere you go.” Other commissioners said they wanted to see more financial information regarding the proposed new position. “There’s nothing here that talks about what would be left toward STEM, how you’re going to handle it,” Commissioner Jim Bunting said. “I need to see more.” Perlozzo said the county had been spending about $110,000 a year on STEM, with about $70,000 of that going to the contractor handling the program. Bunting said information like that was what he wanted to see in the commissioners’ packet. Commissioner Ted Elder said he too wanted more information. “The problem I have is you’re asking for another position and there’s no pay scale here,” he said. “I don’t have enough information to support any of this yet.” Commissioner Chip Bertino echoed those concerns but also questioned Perlozzo’s plan to fill vacant county positions. “Why do we need another person to do this?” he said. “I don’t know because I don’t have enough information here to make a decision.” Chief Administrative Officer Harold Higgins told the commissioners he’d asked Perlozzo and the county’s human resources department to begin exploring ways to fill often vacant county positions, such as those in wastewater. “It’s a statewide need that’s not being filled,” he said. The commissioners agreed to table the request and have Perlozzo return with more information.

Ocean City Beach Replenishment Project Planned For Fall

January 29, 2021



OCEAN CITY – The Army Corps of Engineers received an additional $56 million boost for dredging and other projects around the Baltimore District including a $11.1 million federal share for the next round of beach replenishment in Ocean City next fall. The Ocean City beaches are routinely replenished every four years with periodic emergency projects as needed following storms and other natural events. Beach replenishment began in Ocean City in 1994 through a 50-year agreement with the town, Worcester County, and the state of Maryland partnering with the federal Army Corps of Engineers, which provided over 50% of the funding for the massive undertaking. The Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) Baltimore District’s funding for fiscal year 2021 includes the federal share of beach replenishment in Ocean City. The resort’s beaches were last replenished in 2017 as part of the typical four-year cycle and are scheduled for a new phase this year. City Engineer Terry McGean said the plan is to begin beach replenishment next fall after the summer season. The federal funding is coming through the corps’ 2021 Work Plan, which is congressionally-authorized funding specifically for ACE projects in the Baltimore District, which includes Ocean City. The


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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

$56 million in new funding supplements the roughly $78.5 million in funding outlined in the corps’ fiscal year 2021 administration budget for the district. “These additional funds provide us the opportunity to keep navigation channels open safely and efficiently,” said ACE Baltimore District Commander Colonel John T. Litz. “This aids both national and local economies and helps restore critical Chesapeake Bay habitat for the more than 18 million people and 3,600 species of plants and animals that live within the bay’s watershed.” The $11.1 million for Ocean City beach replenishment is an integral part of ensuring the continued long-term performance of the coastal storm risk management project. According to the ACE release, beach replenishment is estimated to have prevented over $927 mil-

lion in damages since its completion in the 1990s. The federal supplemental funding package announced this week also includes $4.4 million for the continued dredging of the Ocean City Inlet and the Assateague Island restoration project. A couple of times a year, the ACE sends the hopper dredge Currituck or its sister ship Murden to Ocean City to conduct maintenance dredging in and around the Inlet. The Inlet and other channels in and around the commercial harbor naturally fill in and are in almost constant need of maintenance dredging, but the problem has become more acute in recent years to the point the Inlet is often impassable and unnavigable for larger vessels even on the highest of tifes. The $4.4 million in funding announced for the Assateague

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Bypass project will help supplement those efforts. The Assateague bypass project removes material in and around the navigation channel with an emphasis on the ebb and flood shoals that traditionally trap sand moving southward toward Assateague. Dredged material is placed south of the inlet, just offshore of Assateague Island where it counteracts erosion. The lion’s share of the $56 millionplus announced this week will go the maintenance and navigation dredging of the Baltimore Harbor and its channels to the tune of $22.8 million. In addition, the Maryland Port Administration will receive roughly $5 million for routine operation and maintenance activities, along with $515,000 for drift removal in the Baltimore harbor.

Proposed Museum Annex In Downtown OC Discussed

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OCEAN CITY – Plans to renovate a historic downtown building donated by a local bank to the Ocean City Life-Saving Station Museum could be getting a jumpstart after the project funding details were revealed this week. In late December 2019, the Bank of Ocean City closed its downtown branch housed for over a century in a historic building on Dorchester Street and Baltimore Avenue. Rather than have the building sit idle or sell the property, the Bank of Ocean City (BOC) generously donated it to the Ocean City Life-Saving Station Museum, which was experiencing growing pains and desperately needed more space. Plans to renovate and expand the museum’s historic building at the foot of the Boardwalk were already in the pipeline at the time of the donation, and those plans are still in the works. During Tuesday’s presentation of the fiscal year 2022 capital improvement plan (CIP), City Engineer Terry McGean explained the two-part funding request for renovations of the existing museum and its BOC annex on Dorchester Street. For the original Ocean City Life-Saving Station Museum at the foot of the Boardwalk, the renovation plans include a small addition that would add an elevator and emergency exit stairs, bringing the historic structure into ADA compliance. Currently, the only access to the second floor is a steep, narrow staircase and there is no second-floor access for the disabled, who can only view exhibits on the second floor via a videotape monitor.

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Those renovations first appear in the CIP as part of a bond issuance slated for fiscal year 2024 with an anticipated price tag of $580,000, although a project’s appearance in the CIP does not mean the city will provide funding. The CIP is basically a wish list of projects rated as critical, very important or less important. In addition, the Ocean City Life-Saving Station Museum Board of Directors has been diligently exploring grants to fund the project, board president Nancy Howard explained. The second part of the equation are exterior and interior renovations to the museum’s annex on Dorchester Street donated by the BOC. Museum officials have made improving the exterior of the old bank building its top priority for the annex. The exterior renovations come with a price tag of around $200,000, while the anticipated conceptual interior renovations could cost an estimated $400,000. Howard said this week if the museum board had its druthers and it came down to a choice between funding renovations to the existing building on the Boardwalk or completing the exterior renovations at the bank annex, it would likely choose the latter. “The museum needs an elevator, an elevator lobby and exit stairs,” she said. “We wouldn’t object to moving that down the list and concentrating on the Bank of Ocean City museum annex.” The building, located at the corner of Dorchester Street and Baltimore Avenue will ultimately house storage, office space and exhibit space for the museum. Grants received in the current fiscal year will pay for exterior improve-

January 29, 2021

ments to the old bank building. Howard explained the museum board has applied for state grants for the annex exterior renovations and is confident it will be approved although nothing is etched in stone. She explained the board already has matching funds in place if and when the state grant is approved. “Really, this shouldn’t cost the city anything,” she said. “We’ve applied for a

grant from the state and we have matching funds available. I’m keeping my fingers crossed and I don’t want to jinx it, but it looks like we’re good to go.” Howard said no firm plans have been developed yet for the interior renovations of the bank annex. “We haven’t really gotten into what we want to do with the interior yet,” she said.


2 and Stage 3 of its Responsible Return Model, with “our most vulnerable students remaining face to face daily, and our hybrid A week/B week students joining us every other week until further notice.” Taylor continues to encourage parents to do their part in ensuring schools can remain safely open by properly completing the daily screening process and keeping students at home if they’re not feeling well. “We continue to do everything we can to ensure your child is returning to a safe environment for learning, but for us to succeed, we want to again remind you how important your role is in keeping our schools open and safe,” he said. “Each day, we need you to complete the screening tool honestly, and if your child is not feeling well, please keep them home. For those that clear the screening process, make sure your child is properly masked and remind them to keep a physical distance of six feet or more between themselves and others.” Last week, Maryland State Superintendent Karen Salmon visited several county schools to view the health and safety protocols in place for in-person learning. Salmon and Gov. Larry Hogan have called for all school systems to return to hybrid instruction no later than March 1. “Every single Maryland student must have at least the opportunity to return to attending school in some form or fashion,” Hogan said last week. “Our children simply cannot afford any more endless roadblocks, or any more moving of the goalposts. The time has come to get all of our kids back in the classroom, and to open the schools.”

Hybrid Model For Worcester Schools


NEWARK – Worcester County Public Schools will welcome another group of students back to in-person learning Feb. 8. Superintendent Lou Taylor announced Tuesday that after a successful return to face-to-face instruction for about 30% of students on Jan. 19, the school system would bring back all students with an “A week, B week” model on Feb. 8. “On Monday, February 8th we will move into Stage 3 of our Responsible Return Model with hybrid instruction — A week/B week.,” Taylor said in his message to parents. “At this time, we will be welcoming the rest of our students who want to return to face-to-face instruction back in an A week/ B week model. Again, principals will be reaching out to the parents of these students soon letting them know who will be A week and which will be B week students.” Taylor said that the school system would remain in a combination of Stage

January 29, 2021

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Berlin Embraces Skate Park Concept With Funding Commitment

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BERLIN – The Berlin Police Department has added its support to efforts to bring a skate park to the town. In response to skateboarding concerns brought up at this week’s town council meeting, Police Chief Arnold Downing said local kids needed a safe place to skateboard. He said they were going to continue to skate where they shouldn’t until they had a designated space. “The police department has the first $1,000,” he said. “We’ll go ahead and ask the businesses downtown to go ahead and help support any program that will go ahead and bring forth safe activity for our children. We support Little League, youth football. We support all those. We can do the exact same thing with the skateboard situation.” Councilman Jack Orris brought up the issue Monday, pointing out that he’d had calls from some citizens regarding the increase in skateboarding in town. “I know it’s a tough situation, the parents are at a loss, kids just want to have fun and be kids and it’s no secret we’ve been talking about a skateboard park for years, but ultimately safety is our number one responsibility,” he said. Downing agreed that there had been an influx in complaints regarding skateboarding but that because of the pandemic, children had more idle time to

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

skateboard and didn’t have a place in town they could do it. Downing said to deter skateboarding where it wasn’t allowed, his officers sometimes confiscated skateboards. When kids and their parents come to the department to retrieve the skateboards, they’re advised of the law. “I think every one of the young people understand the law for sure now, but they still have the question of ‘what can we do and where can we do it,’” Downing said. “And we’ve made the commitment, we’ve said we’re willing to go ahead and put up funds if they want to use Heron Park or any other designated place that someone starts a program.” He added that the town could pursue grants to create a skate park. “Hopefully we can keep that as a discussion topic and not shut that part down, because again we have a lot of kids that are going to be out there, they’re going to be skateboarding on Atlantic Hotel property, off of the tables downtown and those things if we don’t go ahead and provide them with access to a safe place to be,” he said. Mayor Zack Tyndall suggested the town reach out to the group that once offered pop-up skateboarding events at Heron Park. He added that metrics associated with events like those could help the town if it did seek funding for a skateboarding facility. When Councilman Jay Knerr asked about the cost of a skate park, Downing said the town had reached out to neigh-

boring municipalities for information in the past. “My big thing is don’t let the numbers scare you,” he said. “All kids need is a trash can and a ball and they can have fun. Understand that concept. If they have the place to do it, and they have the support system, they can get a lot of things done.” Councilmember Shaneka Nichols praised Downing’s department for its support of the cause. Councilman Troy Purnell said Heron Park would be the best place for skateboarding. “I know there’s a whole lot of underground local momentum that really wants to see something happen,” he said. “I’m certainly fully supportive, have been since day one.” Purnell added that a skate park could be built incrementally. “Yeah it’s going to take some money and we’re going to have to determine a space for it but I think it’s definitely necessary,” he said. “There’s more young kids in town than I’ve ever seen in my life.” Resident Tony Weeg, one of the members of the public listening in to Monday’s meeting via Facebook livestream, was thrilled to hear interest from Downing and elected officials regarding a skatepark. He’s spent months talking about the prospect. “That was huge,” he said. “It’s really cool to have support.” Weeg, who ran for council last year,

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created the We Love Berlin page on Facebook during his campaign. Though he was not elected, he’s kept the page — which has more than 1,100 followers — active as a place for residents to share news and ideas. It was there he shared plans for the We Love Berlin nonprofit he’s in the process of creating. He’s just waiting on the paperwork to be finalized so he can begin collecting donations — many of which have already been promised — to go toward a skatepark. Weeg has also talked to the mayor and several council members about the effort. He said all it would take to get started was a designated space and insurance. “From there we can work on building it incrementally,” he said. He’s hopeful the nonprofit will make the fundraising process easier and will provide a means to help with future recreation projects in town. “I took the wave of support I had from the election and kept it rolling with the Facebook group,” he said. Another project he has envisioned for the town is the installation of outdoor ping pong tables at John Howard Burbage Park, the space in front of the town’s power plant. “People don’t even know it exists as a park,” Weeg said. He says he’d love to see a space that’s not used now become something vibrant. “It forces people to get out and do something different,” he said.

Berlin Tweaking Meeting Procedures

January 29, 2021



BERLIN – Elected officials opted not to hold a closed session meeting this week after expressing concern about the lack of public notice. Less than a week after being advised of prior violations by the state’s Open Meetings Compliance Board, the Berlin Town Council voted unanimously not to hold a closed session meeting Monday. Councilman Dean Burrell pointed out that while a closed session had been advertised, the public hadn’t been aware the meeting would begin in open session. “Because this meeting was not publicized as an open session meeting, would it be appropriate for us to go into closed session now?” Burrell said. “Because although we have had notice out there that this was going to be an executive session meeting, the general public did not know to attend.” Unlike previous closed session council meetings, Monday’s began in open session. Mayor Zack Tyndall advised the council the purpose of the closed session would be to discuss a negotiating strategy associated with selling a portion of Heron Park. Before a motion to go into closed session was made, however, Burrell voiced his concerns. David Gaskill, the town’s attorney, agreed with his interpretation and the council proceeded to vote not to meet in closed session on Monday. “For tonight’s purposes the one thing we did not do was advertise that we were going to be in open session at 6:30 prior to entertaining whether we were going to closed session,” Gaskill said. “It needs to be advertised to the public.” Tyndall said the town had only just become aware of certain practices related to open meetings that it hadn’t been following. He said that officials were committed to being open and transparent in the future. When the regular open session of the meeting began at 7 p.m., Tyndall listed the Open Meetings Act issues that had been identified by the Open Meetings Compliance Board after it reviewed minutes from a November meeting. He said the town had violated four requirements — pre-meeting notice, properly closing a session, limiting closed session to matters within the exception claimed and providing a closed session summary at the next open meeting. “We are going to use these findings as an opportunity to enhance our transparency,” he said. From now on, the mayor said any time the council was going to hold a closed session it would first convene an open session so that citizens would have a chance to object to the closed session being held. “If there’s merit to the objection we will be weighing that,” he said. While the meetings currently being held are all virtual, he said the same practices would be in place when the town returned to in-person meetings.

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Water Taxi Eyes More Drop-Off Points

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch




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OCEAN CITY – A north-end water taxi company is seeking a privatepublic partnership with the Town of Ocean City to potentially expand the service throughout the resort. About two years ago, amid some opposition at the time, the Mayor and Council approved a conditional use request allowing for a water taxi service based at a canal adjacent to the Food Lion shopping center near 118th Street. In the two years since, the OC Bayhopper has operated to mostly rave reviews, but its service is currently limited to privately-owned drop-off points including many of the bayfront bars and restaurants. Last fall, with its conditional use about to expire, OC Bayhopper requested and was granted a five-year extension. At the time, OC Bayhopper Captain Stephen Butz hinted at a private-public partnership with the town to expand the potential drop-off points to include certain city-owned properties. The intent is to create a viable water taxi service in and around the resort, ostensibly moving families and other passengers to the Boardwalk and other downtown attractions. Another potential drop-off spot is the convention center, where passengers could hop on the water taxi in north Ocean City for a pleasurable trip to conventions, concerts and other events, for example. “We will continue to run our business and move people around the best we can using the bars and restaurants as drop-off points,” said Butz. “We like to have a better answer for people with families and young children.” City Manager Terry McGean outlined OC Bayhopper’s request to expand the business with a privatepublic partnership during a presentation on Tuesday of the draft capital improvement plan (CIP). Creating drop-off points at some city-owned locations would require some modifications, most notably a pier extending

January 29, 2021

from the existing Sunset Park near the Coast Guard station. Other improvements could include ADA-compliant docks and piers at other locations, including, for example, Northside Park or the public boat ramp at 64th Street. Some of those improvements were included on the draft CIP, but Butz explained OC Bayhopper was essentially just asking for permission to use the locations and for the town to assist in acquiring grants that could pay for them. He said a consultant has already identified numerous potential grants for improving the locations. “When I look at participation from the city, I’m really not asking for money,” he said. “We’ve found maybe 10 to 12 funding sources for grants. We’d like the city to facilitate obtaining those grants.” Butz said expanding the service to city-owned drop-off points could create a true water-based transportation system and a nice amenity for residents and visitors. “Our business is doing well, but we definitely believe having other places to drop people off, maybe Sunset Park and the convention center would be nice amenity for the town,” he said. “We’re prepared to lose a little money in the short term because that’s what it’s going to take to ingrain in people they can get around Ocean City by boat.” Butz explained the reasoning behind some of the city-owned drop-off points chosen. “Sunset Park is by far the most important to get families to and from the Boardwalk,” he said. “The convention center would have a little higher price tag, but it would be really ideal to drop people off there for conventions and events and they don’t have to drive.” No action was taken and the pitch was largely conceptual at this point. However, some on the Mayor and Council appeared to embrace the idea. “I think this is a great opportunity here,” said Councilman Mark Paddack. “I think having a water-based transportation option is a great idea.”





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Groups Requesting Governor Ease 10 P.M. Closing Time

January 29, 2021



OCEAN CITY – A rather nebulous email from a high-ranking Maryland official about the state-mandated 10 p.m. closing time for restaurants and bars has prompted a call to relax the restriction. With Maryland still in stage three of its multi-phased COVID-19 recovery plan, restaurants and bars in the state are required to close at 10 each night. The 10 p.m. closure has proven to be challenging for many businesses in the local area, particularly since neighboring Delaware has returned to its normal 1 a.m. closing time. One local business owner facing competition with neighboring Delaware establishments last week sought clarity on the state-mandated restriction regarding closing times and got a perplexing response from Maryland’s Secretary of Commerce’s Office. “The state remains in stage three of recovery with additional regulations added to specific businesses,” the email reads. “This continues to be a flexible, community-based approach that authorizes individual jurisdictions to make decisions regarding the timing of reopening. Because of this, businesses should check with their local and county governments for specific limitations and reopening regulations in their area.”

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Hospitality Industry Seeks Relief

The belief all along regarding Gov. Larry Hogan’s COVID-19 directives for businesses has been local jurisdictions can be more restrictive, but not less restrictive than the state mandates and that has not changed. Local restaurants and retail stores continue to operate at the state-mandated 50% capacity and the 10 p.m. closure. Some jurisdictions on the west side of the Chesapeake are still far more restrictive than the governor’s mandates. Baltimore City, for example, just recently went back to limited indoor and outdoor dining. However, much of the state is following Hogan’s mandated-restrictions regarding capacity and closing time, for example. When Hogan announced the state-mandated 10 p.m. closing time for restaurants and bars in November in advance of Thanksgiving and the approaching holiday season, he stopped short of blaming restaurants and bars for the recent spike in COVID-19 cases in the state, but pointed out late-night activity at some locations was likely contributing to the spread. “Compliance drops dramatically later at night,” Hogan said at the time. “Patrons must be seated and distance-serving only. Customers not seated cannot

be served.” The 10 p.m. closure time for many businesses has been challenging, but it has not been disastrous because of the time of year. Most establishments, with a few exceptions, are operating at around 50% on most days in the winter and many would be wrapping up by 10 p.m. However, others rely on a healthy late-night crowd to sustain them. Many have suggested the mandated 10 p.m. closure time is rather arbitrary anyway, as if the risk of exposure to the virus is greater at 10:15 p.m. than it would be at 4:15 p.m., for example, in the middle of a crowded happy hour. Still, most establishments are closely adhering to the state guidelines regarding capacity, closing times, mask requirements, social distancing and hygiene. There is little empirical data to suggest restaurants and bars are superspreaders of the virus. In fact, family gatherings have been blamed for the most recent spike in new COVID-19 cases. Nonetheless, the hospitality industry has borne the brunt of state regulations regarding the pandemic and many are struggling just to get by. For example, when the locally popular Baltimore Ravens played a Saturday

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night playoff game two weeks ago, some Delaware establishments were flaunting their later closing time in an effort to woo football fans across the state line. A similar situation could occur during the Super Bowl next week with halftime likely to be right around Maryland’s mandated closing time. To that end, a coalition of hospitality industry advocates, including the Restaurant Association of Maryland and the Ocean City Hotel-Motel-Restaurant Association (OCHMRA), on Thursday was expected to forward a letter to Hogan seeking a relaxation of the 10 p.m. closure time. OCHMRA Executive Director Susan Jones said the letter would appeal to Hogan to relax some of the restrictions on the hospitality industry. “Restaurant operators are continuing to face financial challenges in the operating environment,” she said. “They are being treated unfairly as contact tracing continues to point to in-home gatherings as the spreader of the virus.” Jones said the OCHMRA supported the effort to ease the closing time. “We will be joining the Restaurant Association of Maryland in their request to Governor Hogan to extend closing times for restaurants,” she said. “They have proven they can operate with social distancing, employee monitoring and other mandates. It would only be fair to extend closing time.”

Wicomico Council Majority Supports Transparency Article

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch



SALISBURY – A request to support a proposed change in state legislation led to a larger discussion on school system transparency last week. School system officials came before the Wicomico County Council last week opposing proposed changes to the state education article on budget and reporting requirements for the Wicomico County Board of Education. On the council’s agenda last week was a request from Councilwoman Nicole Acle to send a support letter to add Wicomico County to existing state legislation on budgetary requirements. “This would be a bill correction,” she said. “The other counties with an executive form of government have had this since the inception of executive form. Wicomico formed an executive form of government after the state bill was approved. So this would be adding us to the already existing state legislation.” The change to the state education article would require the Wicomico County Board of Education to submit a detailed report of all expenditures within major

categories of its annual budget to the council on or before Nov. 1 and March 1 of each fiscal year. “That report already exists, and it’s provided not only to the council but it’s provided to any community member who wants to see it,” School Superintendent Dr. Donna Hanlin said during public comments last week. “In fact, it’s month by month in more detail than you are requiring. It’s on our transparency portal.” The amendment would also require the school board to come before the council if the school system spends more in a major category than what was approved in the annual budget. “That’s already in the law …,” Hanlin added. “Any time we have a transfer from category to category, we have to bring it to the council.” Hanlin noted that adding Wicomico County to the existing legislation would also require the school board to submit a report within 15 days of the end of each month if the board takes any action during that month to spend money in any major category other than the amount approved in the annual budget. In short, Hanlin told council members last week the legislation being proposed

was unnecessary. “I come to you in all sincerity asking you to consider the need for collaboration on items like this,” she said. “I know the sentence in your letter says this will allow for greater transparency and will help promote trust between the county and the board of education, and the county and the public. It doesn’t feel that way to us. It makes us wonder where this is coming from.” Hanlin noted that the public school system had won awards for its transparency and had received clean audits. She also pointed out that school system officials had not been invited to discuss the proposed support letter with county leaders. “I hope we can continue to collaborate with you because we want that trust …,” she said. “Communication is the only way to do that.” In last week’s work session, Acle said the proposed change was essentially a housekeeping measure. But school system officials disagreed. “I am not familiar with this being just a housekeeping measure …,” Hanlin said. “There are five other counties in the state that have some sort of requirement, but

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January 29, 2021

they vary from county to county in terms of what was requested. My point is I know the legislation isn’t necessary, and part of it is already in the law.” When asked why she was opposed to transparency, Hanlin said she wasn’t. “I am not opposed to transparency,” she said. “Just the opposite. All I’m saying is these reports already exist.” Councilman Joe Holloway, however, pointed out his experience with accessing information from the school system. “The last time I asked for information I was told I could come to the office, sit in front of the computer, but I could not print out the information that I wanted, and I could not get copies of it,” he said. “It seems if somebody asks questions you don’t answer sometimes.” Acle said she didn’t want to cause any contention between the council and school board, but wanted to give Wicomico the same ability as other counties with an executive form of government. “It makes it clear the citizens want to see more transparency,” she said. Councilmen Bill McCain and John Cannon disagreed. Cannon, an at-large county representative, noted that no resident had raised the issue with him. “I can always agree with transparency requests, but I don’t think we should create such redundancies you are suggesting,” Cannon told Acle. “We could send a letter to the state requesting every single check the board of education writes has to cross this table first. That’s transparency if you want transparency. But what’s really efficient and effective is to allow them to do their job as they’re doing. If you need the information, it’s out there.” Gene Malone, school board chairman, argued the school system was transparent. Both Malone and Councilman Josh Hastings suggested forming a work group to talk about any transparency issues and reporting requirements. “The issue to me with this whole transaction or discussion is it’s based on transparency, but yet the way this is being handled isn’t very transparent,” Malone said. The council reached a consensus to send a letter of support for adding Wicomico County to the state education article on reporting requirements. McCain, Cannon and Hastings opposed.

Berlin Liquor Store OC Approves Revamped Sales Post Largest Liquor Store In OC Area!

January 29, 2021



OCEAN CITY – Resort officials this month signed off on a major overhaul of Ocean City’s economic development and marketing teams including a job description for the new position to direct the town’s strategy. With an emphasis on economic development and sales in order to attract more family-friendly events, teams and groups to Ocean City to fill the resort’s hotel rooms and accommodations, the Mayor and Council last year directed City Manager Doug Miller to begin defining a job description for a future director of economic development and sales. In December, Miller returned with his proposal for the realignment of the town’s top tourism, marketing, sales and economic development team including the new position at the top of the food chain. Although they wrestled somewhat over the semantics of the title of the new position, council members unanimously approved Miller’s vision for the overhaul, which also includes new and greater responsibilities for the current Communications Director and acting Tourism Director Jessica Waters. As far as the new director of economic development and sales goes, the new position would be at the top of an umbrella that also includes communication and marketing, special events, the convention center and recreation and parks, for example. While the town already has talented people at the head of those departments, the new position would serve as a team leader of sorts. While the new position would oversee those departments, the real goal is sales. Essentially, the new executive director of economic development and sales would focus more on the latter. The intent is for the new hire to go out, hit the streets, knock on doors and really sell all the town has to offer with the goal of bringing more economic development to the resort such as conventions, large groups, sports tournaments and the like.

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Miller also pitched the concept of creating an essentially new position of director of communications and marketing. When long-time Tourism Director Donna Abbott passed away, Waters stepped into the breach and assumed her duties along with her own responsibilities as communications manager and handled the interim arrangement with aplomb, according to city officials. Miller’s plan calls for eliminating the old tourism director position and forging it with Waters’ role under the larger title of director of communications and marketing. Under the plan, Waters will continue to work with her team with her increased responsibilities. Miller on Tuesday also presented a revised organizational chart for the town government with the Mayor and Council at the top, followed by the city manager. The new executive director of economic development and Sales would fall just below that in the pecking order with other major department heads. Councilman Tony DeLuca said the new position should come with a rank and a salary commensurate with the responsibilities. “It’s important to me the level this person comes in at and the salary he or she needs to be up at the level with the department heads,” he said. “It’s very important this person be a peer with the other department heads. This person needs to be a heavy hitter.” Councilman Lloyd Martin used a timely football analogy to describe his vision of the new position. “We already have a great team,” he said. “This position can be like getting a star quarterback. We just need a good team player to pick up the ball and bring it back home. The people we have in place are outstanding.” For Mayor Rick Meehan, the new position is all about sales. “The primary goal of this position is somebody who goes out and really sells the town,” he said. “We want this position to have a defined role. We don’t want to put them in a box. We need them to really go out and sell.”

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Arrest After Strange Incident OCEAN CITY – A Baltimore man was arrested on numerous charges last week after a bizarre incident in the downtown Ocean City area. Around 5 p.m. last Thursday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers responded to Bayshore Drive for a reported disorderly individual. The caller reported an individual, later identified as James Shiflett, 40, appeared to be intoxicated and had knocked over a trashcan. The caller reportedly described Shiflett as acting abnormally and raised concern about his welfare. The caller told police two other women had attempted to get Shiflett to “chill out” to no avail. The two women were able to get Shiflett into a nearby residence. Once inside the residence, Shiflett pushed his head through a wall, causing a hole in the drywall, according to police reports. One female led Shiflett out of the residence and ran back in and shut the door, according to police reports. About an hour later, Shiflett reportedly began banging on the female witness’s door, which is when she called 911. A background check revealed Shiflett was wanted for felony theft of a motor vehicle in Baltimore. He also had a pending first-degree assault criminal case and had been convicted of other violent crimes, according to police reports. When OCPD officers arrived, his whereabouts were unknown. A search of the area found Shiflett sitting in a parked and unattended vehicle that belonged to another man on the street. When officers approached him sitting

Cops & Courts The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

in the vehicle, Shiflett reportedly began screaming obscenities at them. OCPD officers ordered Shiflett to get out of the vehicle, but he refused. OCPD officers observed a knife in the vehicle next to Shiflett, according to police reports. Shiflett was targeted with a handgun and a Taser, but still refused to get out of the vehicle, which was locked. It ultimately took five OCPD officer pulling on his arms and waist to pull him through the vehicle’s open window and place him under arrest. He was charged with disorderly conduct, malicious destruction of property, resisting arrest and other charges in addition to the motor vehicle theft case from Baltimore.

North-End Assault OCEAN CITY – A local woman was charged with assault last week following an alleged altercation that began at a north-end restaurant parking lot and spilled over to a residence. Around 8:15 p.m. last Thursday, O-

cean City Police Department (OCPD) officers responded to the area of 142nd Street for a reported assault. Arriving officers met with a male witness, who reportedly told police a female located outside the residence had been assaulted by her girlfriend, identified as Ashleigh Madia, 24, of Ocean City. The witness reportedly told police the assault began at the parking lot of a nearby restaurant. The witness told police Madia kicked the victim’s feet out from under her, causing her fall, according to police reports. The victim’s face struck the ground when she fell, causing her lips to bleed, according to police reports. The witness told police when Madia and the victim returned to the residence on 142nd Street, the fighting intensified. The witness told the officers he observed Madia tackle the victim to the ground. The witness reportedly told police Madia then turned toward him and attempted to strike him.


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January 29, 2021 The witness told police he grabbed Madia by the arms and attempted to make her stop fighting. The witness then went outside and could still hear Madia and the victim fighting inside, according to police reports. The officers then interviewed the victim, who reportedly told police Madia had punched her in the eye. The victim told police she held Madia down in an attempt to prevent her from hitting her again. According to police reports, the victim’s injuries included a cut above her left eye, which was bruised and swollen, and injuries on her knees, hands and face. The injuries to the victim’s hands were consistent with bracing the impact of a fall, according to police reports. When interviewed, Madia told police she had been in a verbal argument with the victim, but that nothing physical had occurred. When asked about her own injuries, Madia reportedly told police, “I deserved it.” When asked if there had been a physical altercation with the victim, Madia did not answer the question. According to police reports, Madia had bruising on her forehead and around her left eye, although she reportedly told police the injuries were not caused by the victim. Through the investigation, OCPD officers determined Madia was the primary aggressor during the incident and she was arrested and charged with second-degree assault.

Jail For Domestic Assault OCEAN CITY – A local man, arrested in November after choking and holding a dart to the neck of his girlfriend during a domestic incident, pleaded guilty this week to second-degree assault and was sentenced to 30 days. Around 10 p.m. on Nov., 18, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers responded to a residence at 12th Street for a reported 911 call regarding a domestic assault. Upon arrival, the officers located the male suspect, later identified as Trey Drouillard, 25, of Ocean City, sitting in a pickup truck outside the residence. The officers made contact with the female victim, who reportedly confirmed Drouillard was her boyfriend and that he had a history of assaulting her, according to police reports. The victim was holding a six-month old child. The victim told police on that night, the couple had been in a verbal argument and the Drouillard had choked her with one hand from the front, but that she did not lose consciousness. According to police reports, the victim told the officers Drouillard then grabbed a dart from a cork dart board hanging on the wall and held it up against the right side of her neck. OCPD officers reportedly observed a red mark on the victim’s neck where she had been choked and where the dart had been held against her neck, according to police reports. For his part, Drouillard acknowledged he had been in a verbal argument with the victim, but denied any physical altercation had occurred. Based on the evidence and victim testimony, Drouillard was arrested and charged with second-degree assault. On Monday, he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 30 days.

Berlin Park Committee Disbanded

January 29, 2021

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch



BERLIN – Citing the lack of available funding for projects, town officials this week voted to disband the Heron Park Advisory Committee. On Monday, the Berlin Town Council voted unanimously to dissolve the committee that was created in 2017. Minutes of committee meetings will remain on the town’s website. “When future funding becomes available and we can do some things on that side we can go back to those ideas and hopefully progress right where the committee left off,” Mayor Zack Tyndall said. Tyndall told the council he’d spoken to committee members in recent weeks regarding its potential elimination. Even if it weren’t disbanded, he said some members wanted to resign and others would need to be replaced, as there were now too many council members on the committee. Those issues aside, there’s no funding available for projects at the park. Tyndall said what was available was used to clean up the chemical spill that occurred when several buildings on the former poultry processing plant property were being demolished in 2019. “It’s no surprise to anyone that the funding that was associated with Heron Park and the money we had earmarked

for some of the projects and development has gone to the chemical spill that occurred,” he said. “There’s really no funding left in that project to be able to make many of the suggestions come to fruition from the committee. Rather than having the committee continuing to churn their wheels and generate ideas that are very good but also have very little likelihood at the present moment of making it to fruition, I’m asking the council to consider dissolving the Heron Park committee for the time being.” Councilman Jack Orris, who served as vice chair of the committee, thanked his fellow committee members for their efforts. “I think we all had great discussion, great ideas, unfortunately things kind of happened and then funding is always a concern,” he said. “So I just want to thank fellow committee members for their dedication, energy and ideas. I’m just hopeful we can make it work in some other form in the future.” The council voted unanimously to disband the committee. Town Administrator Jeff Fleetwood said that anytime anyone had a suggestion for Heron Park or any other park in town, they were welcome to contact him. “If a citizen has an observation, a suggestion, by all means pick up the phone,” he said.

Wanted Man Charged With Murder BY SHAWN J. SOPER


SNOW HILL – A Pocomoke man, wanted in connection with a homicide earlier this month, was formally charged this week with first-degree murder and other counts although he remains atlarge. The District Court Commissioner’s Office in Snow Hill on Monday issued an arrest warrant for William Edward Strand, 52, of Pocomoke. Strand is facing charges of first- and second-degree murder in connection with the death of Lesa Renee White, 48, of Atlantic, Va. Investigators discovered White on the evening of January 6 at a residence on Snow Hill Lane in Pocomoke. Maryland

State Police (MSP) Homicide Unit detectives were called in to assume the investigation. Family members had reported White missing on January 4. According to the preliminary investigation, White was last seen earlier that day in Pocomoke. The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner ruled her death a homicide and the cause of death a fatal gunshot wound. MSP investigators early on identified Strand as a person of interest and continued to search for him this week now over three weeks since the homicide. He was last seen driving a silver 2014 Chevy Malibu with Maryland tag 5DP3127. Anyone with information about the case is urged to contact the MSP at 202-510-2847.

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Ocean City’s Budget Impact Not As Grim As Expected

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OCEAN CITY – The Ocean City Mayor and Council got their first look this week at a budget amendment for the current fiscal year 2021 budget, and while the town did take a hit on the revenue side the losses were not as bad as once expected. During fiscal year 2021 budget deliberations last spring, in the height of the pandemic, resort officials expected the spending plan to be a moving target. Many special events were cancelled or postponed, the number of visitors to Ocean City declined and many of those who did come stuck close to home and did not go out to restaurants and amusements and other attractions. The Boardwalk tram did not run and the municipal bus service was limited. Room tax was down significantly, especially during the peak months of July and August and the budget was impacted in a myriad of different ways on the revenue side. However, expenses were cut in kind in many budget categories because of COVID. The jury is still out on the remainder of fiscal year 2021, which ends on June 30, especially with expected impacts of COVID through the spring and early summer, but for the moment, the impact on the budget has remained manageable. Budget Manager Jennie Knapp presented a budget amendment to the Mayor and

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Council on Tuesday and the news was not as bad as once anticipated. “We’ve revised the number for this year,” she said. “Actually, we’re in pretty good shape.” The budget amendment is a weighty document full of dizzying numbers difficult for non-accountants to understand. At the end of the day, however, the net difference between anticipated revenue and expenditures boiled down to around $400,000. In the revenue under budget category, parking fees took the biggest hit at around $972,000. Sunfest revenue was down about $444,000 and admissions taxes were down $415,000. Room tax, a barometer by which revenue in a season is typically measured, was down just $120,000. Room tax was down nearly 18% in July and another 20% in August. However, there were months, including September and November, when room tax revenue exceeded expectations. As of this week, room tax was down about 14% for the current fiscal year. On the plus side, there were certain categories in the budget amendment where revenues are exceeding expectations. For example, parking fines were up by $365,000, the city received a $300,000 grant from the county for providing ambulance service to West Ocean City, and the town got roughly $263,000 in CARES Act funding from the federal government. Police tow fines were also up by about $175,000, largely because of changes to

January 29, 2021

the tow ordinance implemented in advance of the fall pop-up car rally and cruising events. All in all, in the budget amendment presented this week, areas where revenue exceeded what was initially budgeted came in at roughly $1.4 million. On the expense side, there were some reductions driven largely by COVID-related issues, particularly on reduced salaries and special events. At the end of the day, the difference between the anticipated budget and what actually has happened thus far is about $400,000, which, all things considered, was not entirely bad news in what was once considered to be a potential disaster because of the pandemic. Council Secretary Tony DeLuca praised Knapp for amending the balanced budget in what has been a decidedly trying year. “So, what I heard is we had a net $724,000 reduction in revenue, but $620,000 of that were purchase orders from the prior year that we knew about,” he said.

“The difference is roughly $100,000. We still have $10 million-plus in reserve. In a COVID year, you did a really nice job. It’s really pretty remarkable.” Councilman John Gehrig pointed out the town ended the last fiscal year on the upside in terms of contributions to the general fund balance, but has since almost given back those gains in the current budget amendment. “Basically, we closed out fiscal year 2020 by adding $2 million to the fund balance,” he said. “Now, we’re getting hit with a $2.4 million loss. In a year of COVID over two fiscal years, it’s basically a $400,000 reduction in fund balance.” Gehrig said not all of the net losses could be blamed on the pandemic. “What impact has COVID had on us versus losses that were not COVID-related?” he said. “A certain percentage of the $400,000 loss was by choice.” The council voted unanimously to forward the proposed budget amendment to Monday night’s meeting for a first reading.


dogs. “Animal Control has been out there many times,” Nordstrom said. “He’s been cited many times. I’ve been out there three times myself.” He said that the Worcester County Sheriff’s Department and the Maryland State Police had visited the property as well. “We are limited I think at this point as to what the laws say,” he said. “If he is meeting the bare minimum requirements there isn’t anything to force him to improve those conditions. I think we can do better.” He said he wanted the commissioners to formally ask Worcester County Animal Control to work with other county departments, such as the state’s attorney, to find ways to give the relevant ordinances more teeth. Commissioner Bud Church, referencing a situation in Wicomico County involving horses that weren’t properly cared for, agreed that something needed to be done. “This is a serious problem and I think we ought to address it,” he said.

Review Sought On Animal Control Laws


SNOW HILL – Worcester County officials agreed last week to have staff look for ways to strengthen local animal control laws. The Worcester County Commissioners voted unanimously last week to instruct the relevant county departments to look for ways to improve local animal control regulations. The vote came at the request of Commissioner Josh Nordstrom, who said he’d received numerous complaints about a particular dog breeding operation in his district. “I’ve just seen too much tragedy out of it,” Nordstrom said. “I don’t want this to continue whether it’s in my district or anywhere else in the county.” Nordstrom told his fellow commissioners that there was a dog breeding operation in his district that was a source of community concern. He’s received calls about dogs barking, dogs being loose and the way the animals are sheltered. He said last year, a bicyclist had an accident after being chased by one of the

January 29, 2021

Deborah Alberta Messina BERLIN – Deborah Alberta Messina, age 72, died on Sunday, Jan. 17, 2021 at Atlantic General Hospital in Berlin. Born in Baltimore City, she was the daughter of the late Frank and Alberta (Frapp) Zentz. She is survived by her husband, Donald Messina, and his children, Don, Jr., Deborah, Tina, and Dawn. Deborah had worked for 30 years as a social worker for the State of Maryland. After retiring, she and her husband lived out their dream of traveling. They visited Disney World every year for 25 years and cruised the Caribbean and Hawaii many times over. She also had a unique hobby of reading palms DEBORAH ALBERTA which had been taught MESSINA to her as a young girl by her aunt. She had quite a following, going by the name, “Princess Deborah”. An Episcopalian, she and her husband attended Holy Trinity Episcopal Church near Berlin. Cremation followed her death. A celebration of life will be announced at a later date. A donation in her memory may be made to Worcester County Humane Society, P.O. Box 48, Berlin, Md. 21811. Letters of condolence may be sent via www.burbagefuneralhome.com.

Dorothy (Dottie) Vander Clute OCEAN PINES – Dorothy (Dottie) Vander Clute, age 90, died Sunday, January 17, 2021. Born in Rockville Center, N.Y., Dottie


The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

was the daughter of the late Vincent and Jo (Howell) Roith. She was preceded in death by her loving husband of 40 years, Richard Vander Clute, in 1993. Left to cherish her memory are her devoted son, Bruce Vander Clute and daughterin-law Elaine of Ocean Pines, and her four loving grandchildren, Jeanne Vander Clute, Elizabeth Wist (and husband Marc) and Lauren and Lee Carlson. She was blessed with two great- DOROTHY grandchildren, Cullen (DOTTIE) VANDER and Quaid Wist. Dottie CLUTE was preceded in death by her cherished daughter, Dawn Carlson, and is survived by her son-in-law, Jeff Carlson of Mattituck, N.Y. She leaves behind her dear brother, Vinny Roith of Aurora, Colo., and several nieces and nephews. Dottie was also preceded in death by her second husband, Dick Greenaway, and a long-time companion, Tom Scott. Dottie was active in the Ocean Pines community for more than 30 years. She played tennis, golf, and pickleball and loved gardening, knitting and traveling. She was a member of the Worcester County Garden Club, the Assateague Questers, the Red Hat Society, and the Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO). Perhaps most of all, Dottie en-

joyed spending time and sharing a glass of wine with family and her many dear friends. A private graveside service will be held at Arlington National Cemetery. Arrangements are in the care of The Burbage Funeral Home. Donations may be made in Dottie’s name to the Worcester County Garden Club, the Assateague Questers or the local chapter of the PEO. More information and condolences may be sent on www.burbagefuneralhome.com

Nancy Ruth Beser OCEAN CITY – On Monday, Jan. 11, 2021, Nancy R. Beser of Ocean City, loving wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and friend, passed away at the age of 90. Lovingly known as GG, Nancy was born on Jan. 28, 1930 in Lexington, Ky. to George and Virginia Mitchell. She married Myron Beser in 1949 and moved to Maryland soon after. They raised two sons, Kenneth and Michael Beser. Nancy retired from Bell Atlan- NANCY RUTH BESER tic/Verizon after many years of service and lived in Ocean City for over 60 years. Nancy was passionate about her family, friends, dogs, church, and volunteering in her community.

Page 25 She is known for her kind heart, infections smile and fierce independence. Nancy was proceeded in death by her parents, George and Virginia; stepfather Abraham Lincoln Stratton; husband Myron; and son Michael. She is survived by son, Kenneth (Shirlee); grandsons Todd (Elizabeth) and Nicholas; great grandchildren Michael, Maxwell, Siena and Luca; and several sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews and friends. Funeral services will be held at the Fenwick Island Baptist Church at a later date to be announced by the family. In lieu of flowers donations may be in Nancy’s name to Worcester County Humane Society, P.O. Box 48, Berlin, Md. 21811; Atlantic General Hospital, 10320 Old Ocean City Blvd., Berlin, Md. 21811: or the Fenwick Island Baptist Church, 36806 Lighthouse Rd., Selbyville, Del. 19975. Arrangements are in the care of The Burbage Funeral Home. Condolences may be sent to the family via www.burbagefuneralhome.com.

Julia Mae Stevenson BERLIN – Julia Mae Stevenson, age 84, passed away peacefully in Blairsville, Ga. on Thursday, Jan. 21, 2021. Born in Berlin on July 1, ,1936, she was the daughter of Bowen Mumford and Mary Elizabeth Mumford. She is preceded in death by her husband, Bob Stevenson, and two brothers, Alfred Mumford and Steve Mumford. She was SEE PAGE 26

... Obituaries

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FROM PAGE 25 also preceded in death by her daughter, Kimberly Elizabeth Stevenson. She is survived by her son, Glen Stevenson of Murphy, N.C., and nephew, Jason Mumford of Newark. Other surviving relatives include Mark Elliott, Gale Perkins and Linda Elliott. Julie loved people JULIA MAE STEVENSON and everyone loved her warm and friendly personality. She was a successful businesswoman in Wilmington, Del., Florida and Murphy, N.C. She graduated from Ocean City High School in 1954. Her class of 23 students was the last graduating class of the school before it became City Hall. No services are planned. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in her memory to Bell View United Methodist Church, 247 Moccasin Creek Road, Murphy, N.C. 28906.

Marjorie Bernice Ogden OCEAN PINES – Marjorie Bernice Ogden, 97, died peacefully Jan. 21, 2021 at her home in Ocean Pines, after bravely battling cancer. She was born Nov. 12, 1923 in Richmond, Vt. to Clayton and Cordelia (Charland) Pecor, the third of seven children. She is survived by one sister, Connie Lizear. She was predeceased by her loving husband, Russell Ogden, and son Ralph as well as grandson Edward McMullin. She leaves behind daughter Barbara Johnson and sons James Germaine (Rosanne) and Stephen Rounds (Becky); 13 grandchildren; 32 greatgrandchildren; and 39 great-great grandchildren. She is also survived by caregivers Jay Morgan and Michael Dunton and her beloved canine friends Lady and Prince. As the matriarch of a large and lively family, Marjorie was known for her feisty spirit and for her strength. Margie was a fighter to the end; she will be missed and remembered by all who knew her. A celebration of life is planned for the spring in New York. Condolences may be sent by visiting

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch www.bishophastingsfh.com

Martin (Marty) Miller NEWARK – Martin (Marty) Miller of Newark passed away on Jan. 21, 2021. He was born May 23, 1951, to Max Miller and Jeanne Mayer Miller in Sturgis, Mich. He is survived by his daughter, Michelle Humphress and husband Ron, and grandchildren Jarrett and Macey; a stepson Steve Hentschel and wife Sandy; and sister Cathy Miller from Michigan. Marty was preceded in death by a son, Jason Miller. Marty was a member of the Elks for 43 years MARTIN and a Life Member. He (MARTY) MILLER was Past Exalted Ruler Salisbury Elks Lodge #817, Past District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Southeast District, Past State President Maryland, Delaware and District of Columbia Elks Association, Past Grand Lodge Committee Member. During his tenure on the Americanism Committee for the Grand Lodge, he rewrote the Americanism manual, which is still used by all lodges today. He was a member of SAL American Legion Post 123 Berlin and had also been a member of Lions Club in Berlin. He had been in construction since moving to Ocean City in 1974 and his work can be seen all over the local area. Marty loved baking, especially cookies, and sharing with others. He was great with his hands, even though they weren't the best he would make it work and help anyone that needed something done. A gathering of family and friends will be held at the Burbage Funeral Home on Jan 30 from 2-4 p.m. Burial will be held at a later date at the Evergreen Cemetery in Berlin. Arrangements are in the care of the Burbage Funeral Home, masks and social distancing are required. Condolences may be sent to the family via www.burbagefuneralhome.com.

Ryan Lee Batman OCEAN CITY – On Jan. 5, 2021 our Lord and Savior called home one of his children, Ryan Lee Batman, beloved son of Lee D. Batman (Deirdra) and Deborah Filanowski- Craven. Born in New London, raised in Milford, Ryan worked, played, loved life and enjoyed the company of his many

January 29, 2021

great friends and family. He spent five years in Ocean City, working at Wood Creek Country Club as assistant superintendent, making many new friends, before returning to Milford, where he would be closer to his family, friends, Fenway Park, MetLife Stadium and Long Island Sound. Smart, funny, outgoing, charming and personable, Ryan will be lovingly remembered and dearly missed until we’re all reunited again in paradise. In addition to his parents, Ryan is survived by his godson, Giovanni Fuentes; sisters Shannon (Joe) Craven, Hailee (Zach) Womer, Hannah Eccard, Heather Lafolette, Hilary Hickman, Kelli (Chris) Sargeant, Becki (Bobby) Macchia and Erica (Eli) Burnham; brothers Tim RYAN LEE BATMAN “T” Craven, Pat Tolland and Mike and Matt Fuentes; his aunt, Lynne Brown (Tom Kopchak); his uncles Bob (Gabriella) Batman, Dave (Natalie) Batman and Phil (Ann Marie) Craven; and many dear cousins, nieces, nephews, great aunts and uncles and friends. Ryan was predeceased by his loving grandparents, Linwood and June Batman, Robert Filanowski and Frances Filanowski-Stiewing-Lemay and Croft and Ann Craven. “I live on in a song of a bird, the scent of a rose, a kind spoken word; I live on in the dew of the grass, the warmth of the sun, a smile as you pass; I live on in the beautiful things that fill your heart with joy and give your heart wings; I live on, yes, my spirit is near, if only you look you will find I’m still here.” Services will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to St. Jude’s Childrens Hospital or Drug Free Kids or a charity of choice. The family is being compassionately cared for by the staff at Cody-White Funeral Home 107 Broad Street, Milford, Conn. 06460. To leave online condolences, please visit our website at www.codywhitefuneralservice.com.

G. Kenneth Wilson BERLIN – G. Kenneth Wilson, age 83, passed away on Jan. 25, peacefully at home with his family by his side. Born in Philadelphia, he was the son of the late George Gautier Wilson and Florence Lee Wilson-Ziegler. He was preceded in death by his beloved wife of

63 years, Norma Maria Mosburger-Wilson. Surviving, are his children, Lauralee Purnell and her husband Troy, Robin Kendall and her husband Ross, and Marlena Bakke. There are six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Mr. Wilson had worked as a real estate agent for Resort Real Estate Inc. after retiring from Second National Building & Loan. Kenneth was a faithful husband, loving father and grandfather always involved in his children’s lives. Important to G. KENNETH WILSON him was keeping all family connected. Truly enjoyed his good friends, sharing a “happy hour” Yuengling and oysters. He loved walking the boards. Surf Avenue was a stop always; where he met the love of his life, while working his beach stand in the 50’s. Being in, on or by the water was always his happy destination, from early school in Laguna Beach, Calif. to Ocean City to a retirement home in Naples, Fla. He was a member of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Ocean City and an active member of Ocean City Optimist Club. He gave us the seeds of faith in Christ, the love of family ties, to always enjoy the ocean and remember to have a beer with close friends. Leaving a blessed family behind as he now enjoys a full life in eternity. Cremation followed his death. A celebration of life will be announced at a later date. A donation in his memory may be made to: Diakonia, 12747 Old Bridge Rd. Ocean City, Md. 21842. Letters of condolence may be sent via: www.burbagefuneralhome.com. Arrangements are in the care of the Burbage Funeral Home in Berlin.

Janet Lucille Fisher OCEAN CITY – Janet Lucille Fisher, age 71, of Ocean City, died Monday, Jan. 25, 2021 at home. She was born on Feb. 26, 1949 in Washington, D.C. and was the daughter of the late Louis R. and Helen (Rolfes) Granzow. Janet had an unwavering faith in God that remained steadfast until the very end. She was a dedicated member of St. Luke Catholic Church, St. Peter’s Choir and Bell Choir. Janet also volunteered in the Open Kettle and for St. SEE NEXT PAGE

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. . Obituaries

January 29, 2021

Luke’s Caregivers. Janet’s educational journey was one of admiration and passion. She attended Prince George’s Community College, where she received with Honors, her Associates Degrees in Accounting and Nursing. Janet maintained her education throughout her life and also attended the College of Notre Dame in Baltimore, University of Maryland University College, University of Maryland College Park and Wor-Wic Community College. In the fire department, Janet had a very distinguished career as a leader, mentor and caregiver. Janet became a member of the Mount Rainier Volunteer Fire Department at age 24, where she eventually served as a lieutenJANET LUCILLE ant as well as a lifetime FISHER member of the Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company. She was the vice chair of the Maryland State Fireman’s Association Safety Committee and a Maryland First Responder Charter Member. Janet received many awards during her fire career including the Distinguished Service Award from the Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company. Janet loved children with her whole heart and spent many years at home providing childcare to neighbors and close relatives. She was very active in her children's schooling and was recognized and awarded Outstanding Parent of the Year from Mount Rainier Elementary School. Janet also had a great passion for photography and traveling with her husband. Her heart was happiest at the beach near the water, which is where she remained, until her passing into the next life. She is survived by her husband of 49 years, John E. Fisher III, of Ocean City; daughter Jennifer (Michael) Hickman of Berlin; two sons, John E. Fisher IV of Lawrenceville, Ga. and Jason (Kristen) Fisher of Bowie, Md.; three brothers, Richard Granzow of Dares Beach, Md., Martin Granzow of Montgomery County, Md., and James Granzow of Lakeland, Fla.; three sisters, Ellen Kight of Ocean City, Kristine Beach of Port Charlotte, Fla. and Mary Klischer of Saint Leonard, Md.; and two grandchildren, Kendall and Jakob Fisher. She was preceded in death by a brother, Karl Granzow Sr. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at noon on Saturday, January 30 at St. Luke Catholic Church in Ocean City with Father Paul Jennings officiating. In lieu of flowers, donations in her memory may be made to Coastal Hospice, P.O. Box 1733, Salisbury, Md. 21802. Condolences may be sent by visiting www.bishophastingsfh.com.

Obituaries cost $50 to appear in The Dispatch and photos are no extra charge. Direct all inquiries to editor@mdcoastdispatch.com, fax to 410-641-0966 or mail to P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Md. 21811.

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch











Page 27




… Boardwalk Redecking, Downtown Park On Projects’ List

Page 28

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

FROM PAGE 4 “I think the sports complex needs to be on here,” he said. “It would be ideal to partner with the county, but this is the one piece in this entire plan that will make us money.” The list of projects on the draft CIP is extensive and come with a wide variety of price tags. For example, redeveloping the downtown recreation complex between 3rd and 4th Streets, along with the expansion of the Ocean Bowl Skate Park remains a top priority in the fiveyear spending plan. “This is a priority project,” said Mayor Rick Meehan. “The committee did an outstanding job in working with the consultant on this plan.” Meehan expressed his desire for redeveloping the section of the park complex to the east closest to Philadelphia Avenue before the more open section to the west closest to the bay. “When I look at the phased order of construction, the west area will be built out before the east portion,” he said. “I think the expansion of the skate park should be prioritized. The basketball courts are one of the most-used recre-

ational facilities in town.” The skate park expansion is listed on the CIP as part of the overall recreation complex redevelopment and as a stand-alone project. In either case, Recreation and Parks Director Susan Petito said it remains a priority for her department in the spending plan. “The skate park expansion can be viewed as a separate project,” she said. “It’s a very important amenity in Ocean City. It’s the oldest continually-operated skate park in the country. It was completed in 1976 and expanded 20 years ago, so it’s starting to show its age.” During Tuesday’s presentation, Petito outlined numerous potential projects for the Northside Park complex. For example, the plan includes replacing the lights at the soccer and softball fields, replacing the west gym floor, replacing the public-address system and some of the fencing and developing an amphitheater in the park for special events and concerts. There are numerous projects on the list related to the Boardwalk and the downtown area. For example, the redecking of the Boardwalk is included.


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According to the plan, the project would be done in two phases over two years, the first being from the Inlet to 9th Street and the second being from 9th Street to 27th Street. The CIP also includes an eventual Ocean City Police Department substation on the Boardwalk. The OCPD currently has a substation near the Inlet at Worcester Street, but the CIP calls for the development of a new police substation somewhere on the Boardwalk although the details are limited at this time. Meehan was keen on the idea of pursuing a new substation. “I think it’s an excellent proposal,” he said. “We have had a lot of discussions about visibility and police presence on the Boardwalk. I hope we have continued discussions about this.” A returning item on the draft CIP is repaving and resurfacing the Inlet parking lot, a project that has been put off in recent years because it has fallen down the priority list. Public Works Director Hal Adkins said it is now time to move that project up the list. “We can continue to cut and paste and patch until it looks like grandma’s


quilt,” he said. “I don’t think any of us think’s that desirable or acceptable.” Other projects on the list include the eventual replacement of the midtown fire station at 74th Street, expanding the City Watch video surveillance system, and redeveloping the municipal lot at 4th Street. The project is multi-faceted. There was some discussion about creating a dedicated bus lane on Philadelphia Avenue south of 17th Street. Currently the dedicated bus lane ends at 17th Street and the city buses comingle with regular traffic. One proposal would create a dedicated bus lane with a turnaround loop at the 4th Street lot. That situation is complicated by the existence of the post office at 5th Street. Adkins explained the town owns the building and leases the space to the U.S. Post Office, but the lease will soon expire and the future of the site as a post office is in question. “The U.S. Post Office is exploring another space to serve those downtown post office customers,” he said. “If you look at 5th Street, they’re only using about a third of the building. The rest is really just a shell.” ROOFING





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Business And Real Estate News

January 29, 2021

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Real Estate Market Update BERLIN – In all three counties throughout December, new real estate settlements were up 55.9% compared to the same time last year. Individually, new settlements throughout December were up by 53.8% in Wicomico, 65.1% in Worcester and down 3.8% in Somerset. New listings for December were up by 33.6% compared to the same time last year in all three counties. However, demand is still incredibly high, and inventory continues to drop and is 22.2% lower than November 2020. Individually, new listings were up by 30% in Worcester, 28% in Wicomico and 118.2% in Somerset from December of 2019. Active listings in all three counties were down by 53.2%. Individually, there were 361 active listings in Worcester, 185 in Wicomico, and 80 in Somerset. The average Cumulative Days on Market (CDOM) for December was 46, or 43.9% less than the same time last year. Over the last 5 years the average DOM was 82 for December. The median sale price for the Lower Shore dropped a little in December to $263,000 which is still 21.8% higher than this time last year. “Inventory is the key driver of our market, and right now we don’t have enough to satisfy all of the buyers out there” said CAR President Joni Martin Williamson. “2020 has been a tough year for every-

one but it provided a lot of people the opportunity to become homeowners or move to this area where they can enjoy a better quality of life. Interest rates are historically low, giving many Americans the chance to own their dream home for less than ever before. We should be talking about affordable housing and creating new inventory to make sure we can keep up with demand and make the dream of home ownership attainable to everyone.”

Chamber Staffing Changes OCEAN CITY – The Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce has announced changes to current staffing structure. Some of the familiar faces chamber members have come to know over the years will be growing in their NANCY SCHWENDE- roles with the chamber. MAN Nancy Schwendeman

HOME IMPROVEMENT Del.#2007215731


Page 29 Merritt, owner of Minuteman Press, as the next chairman of the board for the chamber last week. In addition, three new members of the Chamber Board of Directors receive their oaths of office for 2021 including Hall Chaney of Chaney Enterprises, Zach Evans of Mountaire Farms and Ryan Bass of Woodforest National Bank.

will become Deputy Director of the Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce. An invaluable resource, she will continue to oversee publications for the chamber in addition to taking on duties associated with the executive level business management of the chamber. Debbie Haas will be- DEBBIE HAAS come marketing and outreach manager. She has worked for the chamber in a part-time role over recent years. She will now oversee all social media management, management of a formalized RFP (request for proposal) process and coordination of chamber activities both virtual and in person.

Board Chair Installed


SALISBURY – The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce installed Jeff

Trustee Appointed SALISBURY – Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan recently appointed Anna G. Newton of Berlin to the board of trustees of Wor-Wic Community College. Newton is a financial advisor with Merrill Lynch in Ocean City. She joined the board of directors of the Wor-Wic Foundation in January of 2015 and recently completed her second three-year term. She was the foundation’s treasurer for the past three years and representANNA G. NEWTON ed the foundation as a member of the college planning council in 2016 and 2020. She is a member of the Ocean City Young Professionals, and the Ocean City Marlin Club and Auxiliary. She is a past president of the Ocean Pines Chamber of Commerce and former chair of the Ocean City Young Professionals. MVA LICENSED




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The Dispatch

Page 30

Forever In Memory Of Our Founder, Dick Lohmeyer (May 25, 1927-May 5, 2005) The Dispatch, Serving Greater Ocean City Since 1984, Is Published By Maryland Coast Dispatch Inc. Weekly On Friday Mornings MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Md. 21811 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 10012 Old Ocean City Blvd. Berlin, Md. 21811 PHONE: 410-641-4561 FAX: 410-641-0966 WEBSITES: www.mdcoastdispatch.com www.facebook.com/thedispatchoc J. STEVEN GREEN Publisher/Editor editor@mdcoastdispatch.com

NEWS DEPARTMENT SHAWN J. SOPER Managing Editor ssoper@mdcoastdispatch.com CHARLENE SHARPE Staff Writer/Copy Editor csharpe@mdcoastdispatch.com BETHANY HOOPER Staff Writer bhooper@mdcoastdispatch.com CHRIS PARYPA Photographer

SALES DEPARTMENT TERRI FRENCH Account Executive Entertainment Editor terri@mdcoastdispatch.com JEANETTE DESKIEWICZ Account Executive jeanette@mdcoastdispatch.com

ART DEPARTMENT COLE GIBSON Art Director cole@mdcoastdispatch.com DAVID HOOKS Graphic Artist/Webmaster dhooks@mdcoastdispatch.com

BUSINESS OFFICE Bookkeeper/Classifieds Manager classifieds@mdcoastdispatch.com

The Maryland Coast Dispatch (USPS #015125) is an official and legal newspaper for Worcester County. Periodical postage paid at Berlin, Maryland, and additional mailing offices. The Maryland Coast Dispatch, 10012 Old Ocean City Blvd., Berlin, Md. 21811, is published weekly on Friday mornings, 52 weeks a year. Subscription rates are $75 per year, $55 for six months. POSTMASTER: Please send change of address to Maryland Coast Dispatch, P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Maryland 21811. Maryland Coast Dispatch offices are located at Route 346 and Graham Avenue, Berlin, Maryland.

In-Fighting Over In-Person Learning Unproductive The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

January 29, 2021


There is no productive reason for this ongoing war of words through letters, newspaper columns and press conferences between the governor, the state superintendent of schools and the teachers union. The focus needs to be ensuring public schools are as safe as possible while committing to the highest level of in-person instruction as possible. The political pressure from both sides, phony threats over pay and benefits being withheld if teachers do not return to the classroom and dramatic conclusions based on suspect research must be abandoned. We need to get teachers and children in school because it can be done safely. Worcester County is confirming it can be done. There is risk associated with teachers and students being in school. However, the same peril exists in such mundane activities as going to the grocery store or hardware store. Parents should have the options of sending their kids to school. A great majority will opt to do so, as they realize virtual learning at home is lacking. Besides the obvious educational shortcomings, online learning hinders emotional and social maturation. Gov. Larry Hogan and State Schools Superintendent Karen Salmon get it. In

fact, in a video message to families Tuesday, Worcester County Superintendent of Schools Lou Taylor relayed what Salmon told him during an on-site visit at local schools last Friday. Taylor said Salmon called Worcester County, “A model for the state on how we are aggressively approaching our students returning to in-person learning.” An aggressive tact with an understanding of the risk balanced by safety protocols is needed. State and federal governments need to be focused on providing school systems equitably with the funding needed to safely reopen. Otherwise, these calls to reopen schools for in-person instruction are unfunded mandates. Schools do not have what they need to safely operate, according to Maryland State Education Association President Cheryl Bost. She encouraged the state’s leaders to quit the tough talk and threats and focus on getting teachers vaccinated and ensuring schools have what they need to safely reopen. She maintains both efforts are lacking in areas of the state. It’s not the case in Worcester County. Though mistakes have been made, Worcester County Public Schools by and large have managed the pandemic well because there is a state commitment to in-person learning. The vary na-

ture of the pandemic and the climate of the community’s health requires a reactionary front, despite best practice in leadership suggesting a proactive approach. It’s been an impossible situation, one requiring constant pivoting. For example, a hybrid return model was ruled out Oct. 26 as an option. In late October, Taylor said, “… we do not intend to move to the alternating week model. … At this point that model would serve as more of a backward step in our recovery efforts and could possibly cause chaos and confusion for our families which is in no one’s best interest. …” Three months later to the day, in an example of how much can change, Taylor announced the hybrid model will be the norm starting Feb. 8 with the remaining 70% of students being assigned as “A week student” vs. “B week student” in a weekly rotation. The first 30% of students in school currently would remain on a daily basis. Reopening schools in a safe manner requires fluidity, and Worcester County has demonstrated an ability to adjust as needed. Other school systems have done the opposite and been too conservative. We prefer the local aggressive approach than an overly cautious one seen elsewhere.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OC Campus Plan’s Rising Cost Should Concern All Editor: After months of trying to obtain answers to costs involved in the massive construction project at Ocean City’s Public Works Complex known as the “Campus Plan”, I am now making progress. While not all of my questions have been answered, I have a better understanding of this very complicated undertaking. First, I want to thank our City Manager, Doug Miller, for inviting me to City Hall to meet with him along with key department directors to obtain answers to my questions. In December, I met with Doug, Jennie Knapp, Director of Budget & Management; Hal Adkins, Public Works Director; and Chuck Bireley, Finance Director. I also want to thank Jennie, Hal and Chuck for their help in providing answers. They were helpful at the meeting and with followup inquiries. I appreciate their time and assistance. Early on I knew that the Campus Plan was a complex financial project involving many millions of dollars. Initially, we were told that it would cost $25 million with the Town paying $11 million from a bond sale and the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) with Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grants paying $14 million. When one delves

deeper into the project, they will find that it is much more costly. Initial Needs Assessment studies, Design and Engineering cost the Town over $1.75 million, and the MTA funded an additional $1.75 million. Construction and construction management oversight cost the Town nearly $11.1 million, and the MTA funded an additional $18.5 million. Land at 64th Street, originally purchased for Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion, but now developed as a ground level parking lot as part of the Campus Plan, along with early land improvements and interest paid on the 2010 bond to fund the acquisition cost the Town nearly $2.28 million. Interest over the next several years on the 2018 bond to fund the Campus Plan construction is over $4.9 million. These totals will cost the Town over $20 million. The MTA has funded a total of $20.3 million. Thanks to a bond premium of almost $950,000 which is cash applied to the construction, along with almost $376,000 in interest on bond proceeds, the Town is able to reduce their costs by over $1.32 million. With this reduction, the cost to the Town drops to $18.7 million. What was presented as a $25 million project will now cost at least $39 million dollars. However, that is not all. There is al-

ready consideration to revisit the construction of an employee parking garage and helipad which was initially scrapped due to exorbitant bids. If the Mayor & City Council proceed, it is to be built on the ground level parking lot on the land acquired with the 2010 bond. That alone could cost $8 to $10 million dollars based on earlier estimates and actual bids. If MTA shares part of the financing as previously planned, it could cost the town $4 to $5 million in additional funds. I have recently learned that in 2016, the Town stated plans to swap a portion of the 64th Street land purchased in 2010 with land under the existing Public Works Administration Building. That swap would allow for future Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion to be built where the Admin Building sits, thus allowing the 64th Street land to be used for the Campus Plan. This will require the demolition of the Admin Building which was built in 2002. No one at the meeting could tell me the estimated added cost of the demolition of that building. To facilitate the replacement of the Admin Building, an unfinished area or shell has been built on the second floor of the new purchasing building. It is to be finished to house the future adminSEE NEXT PAGE

January 29, 2021

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR istrative offices after the demolition of the existing building, if and when the Wastewater Treatment Plant is expanded. No timeline has been provided; but more important, I have no idea of what the added cost is to complete the unfinished office space. To date, no one has provided any cost estimate on the eventual relocation of the Impound Lot which is earmarked to be relocated somewhere other than the Campus Plan Complex. This could involve land acquisition costs, as well as construction costs. By the time the Campus Plan is finally completed, the combined costs to the Town and the MTA/FTA could potentially exceed $50 million, quite a bit higher than the stated cost of $25 million. During the meeting, I had many questions. However, one question was posed to me, which was essentially, what was I trying to accomplish by my pursuit of this inquiry. My answer then, now and has always been that I am concerned about the Town’s excessive overspending and debt. I am also concerned about the excessive overspending and debt at all government levels, especially at the federal level. Likewise, I am concerned for our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and generations yet to come. Vincent dePaul Gisriel, Jr. Ocean City

Education Is Critical Editor: Research for many years has shown intelligence is spread out graphically as a bell curve. Half of all people fall above average, but an equal number fall below average in intelligence, which also increases gullibility. All Americans have the right to vote, regardless of intelligence, belief systems, or education. Democrats have failed to attract the same demographic that Republicans have successfully engaged with very successfully, with misleading advertising on multiple platforms, with many republicans voting against their own best interests. (who got a tax break, not us!) All people can be fooled some of the time, as Honest Abe said, but gullibility increases with a decrease in the ability to make solid evaluations of information using valid research, instead of hearsay on social media. Hermann Goering said, "if you tell a lie big enough and often enough, people will believe it". Trump "wrote" in his book the secret of success in business is to use "hyperbole", in other words lie. People that have been scammed often are too embarrassed to admit or change their opinion. The key to any political campaign is to use advertising which uses science and research to influence our decision making in the desired direction. Look at all the drugs, supplements, class action lawyers, payday loans, rent-to-own, etc. ads which are just nonsense or ripoffs. They would not continue to run if they were not getting gullible people to buy so much of them. Allowing individ-

Between The Lines

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

uals to donate huge fortunes for political advertising perverts the system our founders set up with one person, one vote. Even worse the Super-Pacs with hidden info, or corporations allowed to donate unlimited money. Corporations are already run by individuals or a small board of people, which gives them inordinate amount of power to influence with their advertising. A large part of our current issues are that are educational systems do not teach how to evaluate the validity of information properly anymore. Many people today rely on single skewed sources and the mass of misinformation on social media often invalid and often ridiculous, without checking with vetted sources. Civics that any new citizen has to know to pass the citizenship test would baffle many current voting Americans. Maybe a citizenship test should be given for a voting license. That may provide us with a better-informed electorate. Hans Van den Bosch Snow Hill

Empty Bowls Get Filled Editor: Because of the support of our community and sponsors, many empty bowls in Worcester County are no longer empty. The Empty Bowl Project is an international grassroots effort to fight hunger and a unique opportunity to use art in a way that helps the community. Our local Empty Bowl Project is a collaborative effort between the Art League of Ocean City and Diakonia to raise awareness and funds for hunger through creative engagement. We are honored to announce this year’s project raised $5,154, with $2,577 going to each nonprofit, an amount critically needed by both organizations. We thank our long-time generous sponsors, First Shore Federal Bank and Shore United Bank. We couldn’t have done it without the friends and families who joined our bowl-making sessions at the Ocean City Center for the Arts, as well as the many potters and clay artists who handcrafted 309 one-of-a-kind bowls in the Arts Center’s studios. Diakonia thanks the Art League for this partnership and being creative in making this fundraiser successful despite the COVID pandemic. Thank you to each and every one who worked on and participated in this event. These funds were greatly needed due to other fundraisers having to be cancelled this past year. Your help ensured that more than 3,600 people received help this past year through all our programs. Our community came together to make this project a success, in spite of the challenging times, and we appreciate your loving support. Rina Thaler Bee Miller (Thaler is the executive director of the Art League of Ocean City and Ocean City Center for the Arts, while Miller is executive director of Diakonia.)

Page 31

By Publisher/Editor Steve Green

There was a lot of unjustified outrage this week over the Ocean City St. Patrick’s Parade being canceled. It was a no-brainer decision that seemed inevitable. The only way this event could possibly be held under the current health advisories – remember crowd sizes in excess of 10 individuals are still discouraged – is without attendees and no festival. There was no reasonable way for that to happen. It takes all the fun out of the event. It would also be an enforcement and logistical impossibility for police along the one-mileplus route. Maybe the parade could be live streamed, so the bars could play the live video, but it’s just not worth it for the entrants to go to the trouble of getting in the spirit just for a judge’s stand. Take away the crowds and the fun gathering area at 45th Street and there’s not much of an event. This was not a tough decision in my estimation for the Delmarva Irish-American Club. The call was essentially made for officials due to current safety restrictions and guidelines. In a statement, Ocean City Mayor Rick Meehan, who also serves as club president, said, “This was the first event in 2020 that was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the DIAC, along with the Town of Ocean City, is hopeful that this will be the last event to be canceled.” This is an interesting comment and perhaps the most intriguing aspect surrounding the entire parade cancellation story. It’s reasonable to hope for this to be the last event canceled in 2021, but the reality is if large-scale events can proceed as scheduled most of them will be forced to look quite different. For instance, tweaks will surely need to be made for Springfest in May if it can occur. It’s unlikely alcohol sales will be permitted because of crowd gathering, the typical food tent is a health safety nightmare and live music remains a question mark. Moving forward in 2021, my hope is we eventually get on a track that progresses toward normalcy. It’s not happening yet. Maybe just maybe, holding modified events adhering to the current restrictions of the day should be the goal. The desire to not cancel further events is fine so long as it comes with tempered expectations. These events will surely look much different than we would like this year. Coming off 2020, I think that’s acceptable. It’s nice when issues discussed during election season carry over to becoming reality. This appears to be the case in Berlin with the skate park concept. The conversation surrounding a skate park in Berlin dates back at least 10 years, but it kicked into another gear when some volunteers set up some monthly skating and biking activities at the Heron Park parking lot area three years ago. Back in 2014, members of the Berlin Parks Commission visited parks in Ocean Pines and Ocean City. Interested citizens were told by members of the parks commission to consider creating a nonprofit organization to fulfill their goal of having a bike and skate facility for the youth as well as interested adults. Dozens of skateboard enthusiasts even attended a council meeting rallying for a designated effort. The momentum fizzled as supporters got discouraged by the lack of progress. The safety and congestion concerns with skateboarding on Main Street have continued to be a concern. As recently as January of 2017, members of the Berlin Town Council assured a skate park project was “one of the highest priorities,” according to then-Mayor Gee Williams. Realizing it was a long-term effort, citizens then received approval to set up temporary ramps and obstacles at the Heron Park parking lot. The monthly events attracted solid crowds. It’s clear the interest is there. For the first time, Berlin seems intent now on making a skate park concept a reality. It will not happen overnight, but Berlin Police Chief Arnold Downing told the town council Monday his department would contribute $1,000 to the effort. He said, “The police department has the first $1,000. We’ll go ahead and ask the businesses downtown to go ahead and help support any program that will go ahead and bring forth safe activity for our children. We support Little League, youth football. We support all those. We can do the exact same thing with the skateboard situation.” The skate park concept was discussed by Berlin Council candidate Tony Weeg multiple times last fall in the weeks leading up to the election. He advocated specifically for a pump track, which is ideal for young skaters featuring various different berms and rollers. On the Facebook page “We Love Berlin,” he created during his campaign, he wrote yesterday, “They are paying attention to us! This is great. This is how we move stuff forward! Thank you to the Mayor and Council, and especially Chief Downing for vocalizing your support - that meant the world!” Weeg is also using his Facebook page to further another worthwhile effort of adding outdoor ping pong tables to the severely underutilized Burbage Park off William Street. I agree with Councilman Troy Purnell’s observation this week when he said, “Yeah it’s going to take some money and we’re going to have to determine a space for it but I think it’s definitely necessary. There’s more young kids in town than I’ve ever seen in my life.” We need to make it happen.

Page 32

Worcester County Recreation & Parks’ Nick Tolbert and Bill Cody welcome skaters into the indoor ice rink every Saturday and Sunday.

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch


By Jeanette Deskiewicz


Making sure Ocean City Blood Drive donors stayed safe and refreshed in the canteen were Sue Wineke, Angela Williamsom and Leslie Thomas of the Blood Bank of Delmarva.

In Society

January 29, 2021

St. Paul's by-the-Sea Episcopal Church members Elsie MacMulin, Skip Cary, and Jacki Cary dressed in their festive best for the annual NOEL Community Dinner.

Birthday Girl Brooklyn Brady (center) celebrated her 10th birthday with Kennedy Riley and Isabella Candeloro at the Worcester County Recreation & Parks indoor ice rink.

The Art League of Ocean City is hosting free art workshops for kids several times a month with Mia Epanov and Iryna Poliakovska taking part last Saturday.

Handing out the bags of non-perishables for this year’s to-go format NOEL Community Dinner were volunteers Michael and Patricia Smith.

With their masks on and paint brushes in hand, Mason and Stephanie Kilmer were ready to start their projects at the Art League of Ocean City’s Free Creative Art for Kids workshop.

Taking temperatures and welcoming guests into the NOEL Community Dinner were Kaitlyn Custer and Monica Martin at St. Paul's by-the-Sea Episcopal Church.

Donors first encountered Bryan Shepherd and Tony Prado for their check in and temperature checks at the 2021 Ocean City Blood Drive.

At the Ocean City Blood Drive, Blood Collection Technicians, Ashanti Henry and Erin Roney, made their rounds around the convention center collecting the donations.

The Dispatch Classifieds

January 29, 2021

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

$15/Week For Minimum Of Five Lines • $2 Thereafter Per Line Display Classified Ads: $20/Week Per Column Inch (Contract Discounts Available)

Deadline For Insertions, Cancellations And Payment Is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Pre-Payment Is Required. We Accept Visa & MasterCard.

HELP WANTED CLEANER: Individual wanted to clean 2BR/2BA OC condo on Saturdays March-Dec. Interested individuals please contact Delana at 717-309-2388. References req’d. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MAINTENANCE: F/T, Y/R, 32-40 hours/week. Dependable. Handyman with good skills. Must have transportation/tools. Send resume to fred@paradiseoc.com ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– KITCHEN HELP: Now hiring. Apply weekends in person. Cooks, prep cooks, dishwashers. No phone calls please. Happy Jack Pancake House, 26th Street. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––

AUTOMOTIVE - GREAT OPPORTUNITIES! Large automotive center with auto parts/marine stores, service centers and used car dealership, is now hiring for: - PARTS ASSOCIATES We offer EXCELLENT PAY & BENEFITS!

Call 302-539-8686 ext. 3014


We have an opening for an Automotive Maryland State Inspector at our Ocean Pines Goodyear. EXCELLENT PAY & BENEFITS! Please Call 302-344-9846

BOOKKEEPING ASSISTANT Busy bookkeeping office is now hiring for an assistant to help with miscellaneous clerical work and vehicle registration/DMV work. We are a large automotive business with parts stores, service centers & used car dealership. Quickbooks experience a plus, Excel is a must. This is not a remote position. Location is in the Ocean View / Bethany Beach area. Call 302-228-2353


WEEKLY RENTALS Poolfront Room $215. Efficiency Room $245. 2 BR Apartment $350. 3 BR Suite $400.

Burgundy Inn 1210 Philadelphia Ave.


POSEIDON PLUMBING & HOME SERVICES NOW HIRING PLUMBERS, CARPENTERS, AND HELPERS. We offer paid training, vacation, and personal days, as well as a quality benefits package including health, dental, vision, and life insurance. Wage is BOE from $12-$30/hour. Based in the Berlin/OC area. What we require: -Min. 4 Years Experience -Valid Drivers License -Reliable Form of Contact -Background Check -Ability to Pass a Drug Test -Positive Attitude -Willingness to Learn If you feel that you can fill one of these positions, please call us to set up an interview. We can be reach at 410-251-1096.


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COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE: Retail Banking Center with drive thru. Contact Brian Gamm. 443-880-2225. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WEST O.C. OFFICE/RETAIL SPACES AVAILABLE: 1 OfficeRetail and 1 Warehouses. Plenty of Parking. 443-497-4200. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– UPSCALE MIDTOWN OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT: 2,130 sq.ft. No CAM fees. 443-880-2225. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SERVICES Ceja’s Landscaping & More!



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The Dispatch LEGAL RATES

WINTER RENTAL: 26th St., Bayside, 2BR, 1BA condo. Clean and Cozy. Furnished. Non smoking. $700 per mo + elect. & sec. dep. Water incl. Call 443-373-5638. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Page 33

Legal Notices

Legal advertising rate is $7 per column inch. Deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information, call 410-641-4563 or fax 410-641-0966.

THIRD INSERTION AYRES, JENKINS, GORDY & ALMAND, PA WILLIAM E. ESHAM III ESQ 6200 COASTAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 OCEAN CITY, MD 21842 NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE ESTATE NO. 18542 Notice is given that the CIRCUIT COURT of ARLINGTON COUNTY, VA, appointed HELEN M BURNS AKA HELEN G BURNS, 517 OAK HARBOUR COURT, JUNO BEACH, FL 33408, and STEVEN A WYNKOOP, 5620 8TH ROAD NORTH, ARLINGTON, VA 22205 and WILLIAM A WYNKOOP, 7107 VELLEX LAND, ANNANDALE, VA 22003, as the EXECUTORS of the Estate of CHRIS T SARRIS, who died on OCTOBER 1, 2020, domiciled in VIRGINIA, USA. The Maryland resident agent for service of process is WILLIAM E ESHAM III, whose address is 6200 COASTAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 200, OCEAN CITY, MD 21842. At the time of death, the decedent owned real or leasehold property in the following MARYLAND counties: WORCESTER. All persons having claims against the decedent must file their claims with the Register of Wills for Worcester County with a copy to the foreign personal representative on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the for-

eign personal representative mails or delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claim within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. Claims filed after that date or after a date extended by law will be barred.

MD 21811 was on, JANUARY 05, 2021, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of ELAINE WAUGH, who died on AUGUST 23, 2020, with a will.

Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 15, 2021

All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 5th day of JULY, 2021.

HELEN M BURNS Foreign Personal Representative STEVEN A WYNKOOP Foreign Personal Representative WILLIAM A WYNKOOP Foreign Personal Representative True Test Copy TERRI WESTCOTT Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x, 01-15, 01-22, 01-29



Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.

Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 15, 2021 MARILYN HUGHES Personal Representative

The Dispatch

Page 34

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Legal Notices

LEGAL RATES Legal advertising rate is $7 per column inch. Deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information, call 410-641-4563 or fax 410-641-0966.

RONALD C. WAUGH Personal Representative True Test Copy TERRI WESTCOTT Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x, 01-15, 01-22, 01-29



creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 15, 2021 CATHERINE MARY VEZZA Personal Representative True Test Copy TERRI WESTCOTT Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x, 01-15, 01-22, 01-29


To all persons interested in the estate of THERESE NICETAS SMITH VEZZA, ESTATE NO. 18554. Notice is given that CATHERINE MARY VEZZA, 130 N 8TH STREET, COLUMBIA, PA 17512 was on, JANUARY 11, 2021, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of THERESE NICETAS SMITH VEZZA, who died on DECEMBER 3, 2020, with a will.


Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.


All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 11th day of JULY, 2021.


Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the


ALEXIS FITZPATRICK, et al. Defendants NOTICE ORDERED, by the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland this 14th day of January, 2021, that the foreclosure sale of the properties mentioned in these proceeedings, made and reported by Leslie Lobos, Trustee, be RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 15th day of February 2021, provided a copy of this Order be inserted in some daily newspaper printed in Worcester County, Maryland once in each of three successive weeks, before the 8th day of February, 2021. The Report of Sale filed in the above case states the amount of the sales to be as indicated below for the referenced time-share inter-

vals: Timeshare


Wk 20, #Be31 Wk 23, #Bu47 Wk 49, #Cb54 Wk 34, #Bv48 Wk 30, #Ak11 Wk 03, #Bz52 Wk 48, #As19 Wk 01, #Cb54 Wk 18, #Bu47 Wk 44, #Bj36 Wk 41, #Be31 Wk 24, #Bv48 Wk 23, #Aa1 Wk 31, #As19 Wk 26, #Aq17 Wk 30, #Bo41 Wk 22, #Aq17 Wk 13, #Bz52 Wk 45, #Be31 Wk 18, #Cb54

$1000.00 $1100.00 $50.00 $1100.00 $1000.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $1000.00 $1100.00 $1000.00 $1100.00 $1000.00 $1100.00 $1000.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00

Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 15, 2021 TRUE TEST COPY SUSAN R. BRANIECKI Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County, MD 3x, 01-15, 01-22, 01-29


NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS ESTATE NO. 18547 To all persons interested in the estate of BRENDA REVELS, ESTATE NO. 18547. Notice is given that CEAIRA M. REVELS, 706 NINTH STREET, POCOMOKE CITY, MD 21851 was on, JANUARY 08, 2021, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of BRENDA REVELS, who died on JANUARY 11, 2020, without a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 8th day of JULY, 2021. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of

the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 15, 2021 CEAIRA M. REVELS Personal Representative True Test Copy TERRI WESTCOTT Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x, 01-15, 01-22, 01-29


B. RANDALL COATES ESQ COATES, COATES, & COATES 204 WEST GREEN STREET SNOW HILL, MD 21863 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS ESTATE NO. 18546 To all persons interested in the estate of BETTY LOU PUSEY HITCH, ESTATE NO. 18546. Notice is given that MICHAEL C. HITCH SR., 3603 SAND ROAD, SNOW HILL, MD 21863 was on, JANUARY 07, 2021, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of BETTY LOU PUSEY HITCH, who died on OCTOBER 31, 2020, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 7th day of JULY, 2021. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before

January 29, 2021 that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 15, 2021 MICHAEL C. HITCH SR. Personal Representative True Test Copy TERRI WESTCOTT Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x, 01-15, 01-22, 01-29


LESLIE LOBOS, TRUSTEE PINES PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC. 11029 CATHELL ROAD BERLIN, MD 21811 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR WORCESTER COUNTY, MD C-23-CV-20-000252 BORDERLINKS I TIME INTERVAL OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. 11029 CATHELL ROAD BERLIN, MD 21811 Plaintiff vs. RALPH CRIPPS, et al. Defendants NOTICE ORDERED, by the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland this 12th day of January, 2021, that the foreclosure sale of the properties mentioned in these proceeedings, made and reported by Leslie Lobos, Trustee, be RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 15th day of February 2021, provided a copy of this Order be inserted in some daily newspaper printed in Worcester County, Maryland once in each of three successive weeks, before the 8th day of February, 2021. The Report of Sale filed in the above case states the amount of the sales to be as indicated below for the referenced time-share intervals: Timeshare


Wk 13, #Ak11 Wk 20, #Ak11 Wk 40, #Ak11 Wk 41, #Ak11 Wk 44, #Ak11 Wk 11, #Aq17 Wk 36, #Aq17 Wk 50, #Aq17 Wk 13, #Ar18 Wk 41, #Ar18 Wk 47, #Ar18 Wk 50, #Ar18 Wk 06, #As19 Wk 09, #As19 Wk 11, #As19 Wk 12, #As19 Wk 42, #As19 Wk 46, #As19 Wk 47, #As19 Wk 08, #Ba27 Wk 09, #Ba27 Wk 41, #Ba27 Wk 10, #Bi35 Wk 17, #Bi35

$50.00 $1000.00 $1000.00 $1000.00 $50.00 $50.00 $1000.00 $50.00 $50.00 $1000.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00

Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 15, 2021 TRUE TEST COPY SUSAN R. BRANIECKI Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County, MD 3x, 01-15, 01-22, 01-29


LESLIE LOBOS, TRUSTEE PINES PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC. 11029 CATHELL ROAD BERLIN, MD 21811 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR WORCESTER COUNTY, MD C-23-CV-20-000239 VILLAS OF OCEAN PINES BORDERLINKS TIME SHARE OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. 11029 CATHELL ROAD BERLIN, MD 21811 Plaintiff vs. ANTHONY FRISBY, et al. Defendants NOTICE ORDERED, by the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland this 14th day of January, 2021, that the foreclosure sale of the properties mentioned in these proceeedings, made and reported by Leslie Lobos, Trustee, be RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 15th day of February 2021, provided a copy of this Order be inserted in some daily newspaper printed in Worcester County, Maryland once in each of three successive weeks, before the 8th day of February, 2021. The Report of Sale filed in the above case states the amount of the sales to be as indicated below for the referenced time-share intervals: Timeshare


Wk 04, #Bf32 Wk 08, #Aj10 Wk 43, #Bc29 Wk 22, #Aj10 Wk 32, #Am13 Wk 04, #Bc29 Wk 08, #Bc29 Wk 16, #Bf32 Wk 13, #Ad4 Wk 44, #Bc29 Wk 49, #Bq43 Wk 47, #Bq43 Wk 07, #Bq43 Wk 07, #Bf32 Wk 03, #Bq43 Wk 01, #Bf32 Wk 24, #Bg33 Wk 12, #Bb28 Wk 16, #Ag7 Wk 51, #Am13 Wk 21, #Bg33 Wk 47, #Am13 Wk 48, #Am13

$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $1000.00 $1100.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $1000.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $1000.00 $50.00 $50.00

Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 15, 2021 TRUE TEST COPY SUSAN R. BRANIECKI Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County, MD 3x, 01-15, 01-22, 01-29

The Dispatch

January 29, 2021

Legal Notices

LEGAL RATES Legal advertising rate is $7 per column inch. Deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information, call 410-641-4563 or fax 410-641-0966.

SECOND INSERTION LESLIE LOBOS, TRUSTEE PINES PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC. 11029 CATHELL ROAD BERLIN, MD 21811 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR WORCESTER COUNTY, MD C-23-CV-20-000250 BORDERLINKS I TIME INTERVAL OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. 11029 CATHELL ROAD BERLIN, MD 21811 Plaintiff vs. STANLEY KROL, et al. Defendants NOTICE ORDERED, by the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland this 13th day of January, 2021, that the foreclosure sale of the properties mentioned in these proceeedings, made and reported by Leslie Lobos, Trustee, be RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 15th day of February 2021, provided a copy of this Order be inserted in some daily newspaper printed in Worcester County, Maryland once in each of three successive weeks, before the 8th day of February, 2021. The Report of Sale filed in the above case states the amount of the sales to be as indicated below for the referenced time-share intervals: Timeshare


Wk 07, #Bv48 Wk 47, #Bz52 Wk 23, #Be31 Wk 17, #Ak11 Wk 23, #Bi35 Wk 34, #Bo41 Wk 02, #Aq17

$50.00 $50.00 $1000.00 $50.00 $1000.00 $1000.00 $50.00

Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 22, 2021 TRUE TEST COPY SUSAN R. BRANIECKI Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County, MD 3x, 01-22, 01-29, 02-05



NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS ESTATE NO. 18432 To all persons interested in the estate of JAMES ALLEN BUTLER JR, ESTATE NO. 18432. Notice is given that WILLIAM C HUDSON, 9748 STEPHEN DECATUR HWY STE 111, OCEAN CITY, MD 21842 was on, JANUARY 11, 2021, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of JAMES ALLEN BUTLER JR, who died on AUGUST 10, 2020, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 11th day of JULY, 2021. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 22, 2021 WILLIAM C HUDSON Personal Representative True Test Copy TERRI WESTCOTT

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x, 01-22, 01-29, 02-05


MARIANNA BATIE ESQ LAW OFFICE OF MARIANNA BATIE 9748 STEPHEN DECATUR HIGHWAY, SUITE 112 OCEAN CITY, MD 21842 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS ESTATE NO. 18438 To all persons interested in the estate of JAMES A. BUTLER SR, ESTATE NO. 18438. Notice is given that WILLIAM C HUDSON, 9748 STEPHEN DECATUR HWY STE 111, OCEAN CITY, MD 21842 was on, JANUARY 11, 2021, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of JAMES A. BUTLER SR, who died on SEPTEMBER 24, 2018 with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 11th day of JULY, 2021. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 22, 2021 WILLIAM C HUDSON Personal Representative True Test Copy TERRI WESTCOTT Register of Wills for

Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x, 01-22, 01-29, 02-05


MARIANNA BATIE ESQ LAW OFFICE OF MARIANNA BATIE 9748 STEPHEN DECATUR HIGHWAY, SUITE 112 OCEAN CITY, MD 21842 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS ESTATE NO. 18556 To all persons interested in the estate of MARGARET HILLMAN BUTLER AKA MARGARET WILSON BUTLER, ESTATE NO. 18556. Notice is given that WILLIAM C HUDSON, 9748 STEPHEN DECATUR HWY STE 111, OCEAN CITY, MD 21842 was on, JANUARY 11, 2021, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of MARGARET HILLMAN BUTLER, who died on NOVEMBER 16, 2020, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 11th day of JULY, 2021. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 22, 2021 WILLIAM C HUDSON Personal Representative True Test Copy TERRI WESTCOTT

Page 35 Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x, 01-22, 01-29, 02-05


DOUGLAS C. LAUENSTEIN ESQ. 8900 BELAIR ROAD BALTIMORE, MD 21236 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS ESTATE NO. 18538 To all persons interested in the estate of MELISSA ANNE WILLIAMS AKA MELISSA A WILLIAMS, ESTATE NO. 18538. Notice is given that DARYL BRUCE DIETLE, 3800 MILLER ROAD, KINGSVILLE, MD 21087 was on, JANUARY 12, 2021, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of MELISSA ANNE WILLIAMS, who died on DECEMBER 1, 2020, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 12th day of JULY, 2021. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 22, 2021 DARYL BRUCE DIETLE Personal Representative True Test Copy TERRI WESTCOTT Register of Wills for

Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x, 01-22, 01-29, 02-05


JAMES A. LIST, ESQ. THE LAW OFFICES OF JAMES A. LIST 5700 COASTAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 100 OCEAN CITY, MD 21842 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS ESTATE NO. 18559 To all persons interested in the estate of KERRY JOSEPH KULHA, ESTATE NO. 18559. Notice is given that JOSEPH ANTHONY KULHA, 6862 TWELVE OAKS DRIVE, HEBRON, MD 21830 and JENNIFER LYNN LARKIN, 9 GRAND PORT ROAD, BERLIN, MD 21811 was on, JANUARY 13, 2021, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of KERRY JOSEPH KULHA, who died on DECEMBER 31, 2020, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 13th day of JULY, 2021. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 22, 2021 JOSEPH ANTHONY KULHA Personal Representative JENNIFER LYNN LARKIN Personal Representative

The Dispatch

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Legal Notices

Legal advertising rate is $7 per column inch. Deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information, call 410-641-4563 or fax 410-641-0966. True Test Copy TERRI WESTCOTT Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x, 01-22, 01-29, 02-05


PUBLIC NOTICE On 8/18/2009 Edge Spectrum, Inc was granted a license by the FCC to serve the public interest in OCEAN CITY, MD as a public trustee of W35CS-D until 10/1/2020 when it expires. W35CS-D Channel 35 filed an FCC renewal application for our 6.5 kW station transmitting from OCEAN CITY, MD and serving the OCEAN CITY area on 6/1/2020. Individuals who wish to advise the FCC of facts relating to our renewal application and to whether this station has operated in the public interest should file comments and petitions with the FCC. Information about the FCC broadcast license renewal process is available from the FCC, Washington, DC 20554. Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 29, 2021 2x, 01-29, 02-05



jection to the appointment shall file their objections with the Register of Wills within 30 days after the date of publication of this Notice. All persons having any objection to the probate of the will shall file their objections with the Register of Wills within six months after the date of publication of this Notice.

the estate of PHILOMENA MILLACE NACKE, ESTATE NO. 18570. Notice is given that DALE ALAN NACKE, 4866 HAPPY HOLLOW ROAD, ATLANTA, GA 30360 was on, JANUARY 20, 2021, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of PHILOMENA MILLACE NACKE, who died on APRIL 19, 2018, without a will.

All persons having claims against the decedent must serve their claims on the undersigned personal representative or file them with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:

Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.

(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Thirty days after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claims will be barred unless the creditor presents the claim within thirty days from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. Any claim not served or filed within that time, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANAUARY 29, 2021 THOMAS LEE WILSON SR. Personal Representative True Test Copy TERRI WESTCOTT Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 1x 01-29


To all persons interested in the estate of THELMA LEE OLUMESE. Notice is given that THOMAS LEE WILSON SR., 108 WOODSIDE COURT, JACKSONVILLE, NC 28546, was on JANUARY 19, 2021, appointed Personal Representative of the SMALL ESTATE of: THELMA LEE OLUMESE, who died on NOVEMBER 20, 2014 without a will.


Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.


All persons having any ob-

To all persons interested in

All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 20th day of JULY, 2021. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 29, 2021

January 29, 2021








ESTATE NO. 18581

NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS ESTATE NO. 18572 To all persons interested in the estate of ROBERT F MAZUK, ESTATE NO. 18572. Notice is given that ROBIN MILLER, 109 CANTEBURY LANE, LANSDALE, PA 19446 was on, JANUARY 21, 2021, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of ROBERT F MAZUK, who died on SEPTEMBER 04, 2020, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 21ST day of JULY, 2021. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.

ESTATE NO. 18579 To all persons interested in the estate of MARY MELINDA ZIMMER. Notice is given that ERIN QUINN CERF, 1709 NEWPORT CIRCLE, ESSEX, MD 21221, was on JANUARY 25, 2021, appointed Personal Representative of the SMALL ESTATE of: MARY MELINDA ZIMMER, who died on JANUARY 09, 2021 with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment shall file their objections with the Register of Wills within 30 days after the date of publication of this Notice. All persons having any objection to the probate of the will shall file their objections with the Register of Wills within six months after the date of publication of this Notice. All persons having claims against the decedent must serve their claims on the undersigned personal representative or file them with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Thirty days after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claims will be barred unless the creditor presents the claim within thirty days from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. Any claim not served or filed within that time, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter.

Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 29, 2021

Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANAUARY 29, 2021

DALE ALAN NACKE Personal Representative

ROBIN MILLER Personal Representative

ERIN QUINN CERF Personal Representative

True Test Copy TERRI WESTCOTT Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x, 01-29, 02-05, 02-12

True Test Copy TERRI WESTCOTT Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x, 01-29, 02-05, 02-12

True Test Copy TERRI WESTCOTT Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 1x 01-29

To all persons interested in the estate of CAROL ANNE SERIO. Notice is given that CATHERINE SERIO, 13114 MUIRFILED LANE, BERLIN, MD 21811, was on JANUARY 25, 2021, appointed Personal Representative of the SMALL ESTATE of: CAROL ANNE SERIO, who died on SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment shall file their objections with the Register of Wills within 30 days after the date of publication of this Notice. All persons having any objection to the probate of the will shall file their objections with the Register of Wills within six months after the date of publication of this Notice. All persons having claims against the decedent must serve their claims on the undersigned personal representative or file them with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Thirty days after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claims will be barred unless the creditor presents the claim within thirty days from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. Any claim not served or filed within that time, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANAUARY 29, 2021 CATHERINE SERIO Personal Representative True Test Copy TERRI WESTCOTT Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 1x 01-29

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DNREC Approves New Marina Project

January 29, 2021



FENWICK ISLAND – An application to construct a marina outside the town limits of Fenwick Island received state approval late last month. In December, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) Secretary Shawn Garvin issued a permit order authorizing Christopher at the Townes at Bayshore Village, LLC to construct and operate an 18-slip marina with two piers and five boat lifts off Lighthouse Road west of Fenwick Island. The decision, announced last week, comes nearly a year after community members shared their concerns regarding the project. Last February, the DNREC Division of Water, Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Sections held a public hearing on the proposed permit application, which outlined plans for a community docking facility associated with the redevelopment of the former Lighthouse Cove Residential Community. In addition to the construction of a dock, the permit will allow the developer to dredge a portion of public subaqueous lands and two unnamed lagoons southeast of Lighthouse Cove Lane. While most of the property’s boat slips would be located over private subaqueous land to the east and west of the site, six of the proposed slips to the north of the property would be located on public subaqueous land. Community members in attendance at last year’s public hearing argued those six slips would impact navigation for boats entering and exiting the canal. Although the project would be located outside town limits, officials in Fenwick Island were also present at last year’s meeting to share their concerns. Councilman Bill Weistling said the north-end boat slips would impact town properties to the east of the proposed marina. “That canal that runs east of that, there are approximately 40 to 42 properties,” he said. “Not all of these properties have been developed, but it is a very busy canal. Boats will be coming out and making that turn to go out to the bay … I think it could be a very congested corner there.” Comments from last year’s hearing were sent to Garvin as he began his considerations for the proposed marina project. A public notice issued last week announced the permit application had been approved. The secretary’s order is available for inspection at the DNREC Division of Water, Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Section, or on the DNREC website. Any person substantially affected by the order can appeal to the Environmental Appeals Board within 20 days of the announcement. The developer’s permit application will be the second submitted for the Lighthouse Cove site in recent years. In 2019, developers with Lighthouse Cove Investors, LLC withdrew their application in response to objections from several nearby property owners.

Fenwick Earns Clean Fiscal Year Audit Report The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch



FENWICK ISLAND – A recent audit of Fenwick Island’s financial statements revealed no major issues for the fiscal year ending July 31, 2020. The Fenwick Island Town Council voted unanimously last Friday to accept an audit report from PKS & Company detailing the town’s financial position for fiscal year 2020. Ashley Stern, partner with PKS, told town officials last week the firm had issued a clean, unmodified opinion. “This is the highest level of opinion that public accountants can provide …,” she said. “This is not the case in every town. We’ve seen some really big issues this year, especially with COVID and remote working, so it’s a testament to town staff and the council as well.” In an overview of the town’s govern-

ment-wide financial statements, Stern noted a $216,000 increase in Fenwick’s overall net position, bringing the total to just over $4.5 million in fiscal year 2020. The town also recorded an unrestricted net position of roughly $649,000. “The net position can really be indicative of the town’s health,” she said. “We’ve seen some growth in that in the past couple of years, but not too much egregious growth where the town isn’t providing money back into town services.” In fiscal year 2020, the unassigned fund balance was $24,312, or 20% of the fund balance. Total general fund revenues decreased by $170,000 while total general fund expenses decreased by $40,000. Stern told council members last week the town saw a significant decrease in charges for services last year, which she attributed to the number of building permits issued. She said Fenwick also saw

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a significant increase in realty transfer tax. “We’re seeing that across the state with the real estate market the way it has been,” she said. Actual expenditures in fiscal year 2020 totaled $2,433,935, or $294,619 more than budgeted, while actual revenues totaled $2,062,696, or $76,620 less than budgeted. In her report, Stern noted actual expenditures were more than budgeted because of capital items, while actual revenues were less than budgeted because of reporting changes related to realty transfer tax revenues. She said the town’s fund balance would have increased from 2019 if realty transfer taxes were included. Stern added the audit did not identify any significant deficiencies. She praised the council and town staff for implementing the firm’s prior recommendations.

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Puzzle Answers


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The Adventures Of Fatherhood By STEVE GREEN

ocial media can be a wasteland at times, but it has been a tremendous asset to us over the years when it comes to our special needs kid. The challenges of parenting vary with each child. In our house, our issues are complex with our 11- and 12-year-old adopted boys, but we take great comfort in the tremendous strides they have made over the years. We have been pivoting and adjusting since day one, especially with our special needs son Carson, 11. The simplest description of Carson’s diagnosis is to say he has Autism, which is true. However, his official genetic diagnosis is 7q.11.23 duplication syndrome, a rare genetic condition causing neurological and behavior problems and delayed speech and motor skills, among others. The traits of his genetic disorder and his clinical diagnoses mirror each other closely. He also has Apraxia of Speech, meaning his brain cannot easily develop speech movement. Over the years, it has become simpler to say he has Autism. As we wandered through our journey with our special kid, we found great comfort as well as education in researching online, especially social media because we were able to learn individually from others’ experiences and perspectives. It was interesting to meet a world of people willing to share their insights. We special needs parents tend to be open about our lives because we hope transparency will help others charting a similar course to know they are not alone. It’s a bond we all share because we know how difficult and unfair life can be at times. As life has mellowed out some with Carson’s maturation, we have not needed to rely on the help of others as much as we once did during tumultuous times. There was a period of years when we navigated a roller coaster of behavior outbursts that at time made our family feel unsafe. He was incredibly un-

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January 29, 2021


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predictable. Though I prefer to not dwell on negative past experiences, especially when it comes to Carson, it’s beneficial for us to remember and reflect on our progress. He’s a different child today than he was five years ago. The progress in all aspects of his life is remarkable and deserves celebration. Our philosophy has always been to revel in the great times while continuing to push him to new heights. I truly believe now his future is bright. What it will be and whether it includes college and professional life is unknown, but I know his progress over the years proves he is never to be underestimated. He will be a force. Throughout our journey, social media support groups and organizations have confirmed special needs kids can have a place in this world. They can be productive and successful. We see the examples daily. They are a tremendous source of information and encouragement. One inspirational message I remember seeing posted by a mom with an adult autistic son who was now an admired teacher is below; Your child’s progress might not be that easy to see on a day-to-day basis, but when you reflect from time to time on how far he or she has come, give yourself some credit: Would that progress have happened if you hadn’t been planning, praying, pushing for it? Everything you do for child – every appointment, every therapy, every intervention, but also every smile, every hug, every conversation – makes a difference. But you’re also making a difference in the world. Every time you give information about your child’s disability to an educator, you make a difference for the next child. Every time you give advice in a support group or online forum you make a difference for that parent and family. You are a force for good. On this point, for many years, we would begin each schoolyear giving

Carson’s teachers a folder with information about his diagnosis. Now we realize giving a teacher 30 pages of information about his duplication disorder was overkill and surely intimidation, but we thought it was best to prepare for the complications ahead. Over the years, it basically became he’s on the Autism spectrum and read his IEP because most teachers have experiences with it. We advise them to expect the unexpected and the importance of routine and keeping him focused. The fortunate part about this community is we rarely feel we are on an island. We feel incredible support from his school world. We know we are fortunate. Though we don’t know everything that happens throughout his day, because he cannot articulate for us details because he’s nonverbal, we feel we know as much as we can thanks to the partnership from his teachers and education team. Most importantly we feel he is accepted for who he is. An example summed up life this week. Every morning we see Carson’s principal, Mr. Cowder, our kid gives him a thumb down. This dates back to sports uniform day in the fall when Mr. Cowder sported a Steelers jersey. We are Ravens fans, so we jokingly gave a thumb down as we drove by his principal. Each morning now as we drive by Mr. Cowder he gives a thumb down. One day this week Mr. Cowder gave Carson a good morning and Carson smiled, responding with a thumb down as we walked by. Later, I told Mr. Cowder, “I hope you don’t take that personal, you know what that’s about.” He said, “No of course not, I love the interaction.” It’s a simple comment, but it’s the acceptance and awareness we cherish and never take for granted. (The writer is the publisher and editor of The Dispatch. He and his wife, Pamela, are proud parents of two boys. This weekly column examines their transition into parenthood and all that goes along with it. E-mail any thoughts to editor@mdcoastdispatch.com.)

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January 29, 2021


ARIES (March 21 to April 19): A gracious Lamb can learn more about a problem-filled situation than one who is openly suspicious of what could be happening. A friend might offer some well-directed advice. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20): Getting adjusted to an unexpected change might be difficult for the Bovine, who prefers things to go according to plan. But help could come from a most welcome source. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): This could be a good time to get a head start on those career-related plans. The sooner you check out the pluses and minuses, the sooner you can act on your information. CANCER (June 21 to July 22): A personal situation you thought would no longer present a problem could suddenly produce some surprises. Try to sort things out with the help of trusted colleagues. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22): An upcoming move holds both anticipation and anxiety for Leos and Leonas who have some big decisions to make. Advice is plentiful, but it's up to you to decide which way you want to go. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22): Someone from a previous project could provide valuable guidance on how to handle a current problem, especially where it might involve a legal matter. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): A business situation presents some un-

OCEAN CITY vanishing

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

expected complications. But rather than try to handle them all at once, it would be best to deal with them one at a time. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21): You just might get what you want, despite the odds against it. In any event, be sure to thank all those people involved who believed in you and went to bat for you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): Before you even hint at an accusation, remember that you'll have to prove what you say. So be sure you have what you need to back up your comments. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19): A romantic situation takes an unexpected turn that favors some Sea Goats, but causes others to reassess how they've been handling the relationship. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18): A surprise turn of events could unsettle the Water Bearer. But it also might help open up an entirely different way of working out an important matter. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20): A smoothly running operation could bump up against an obstacle. This is where your ability to assess situations and make adjustments can restore things to normal. BORN THIS WEEK: Your kindness is legendary, and so is your strong sense of responsibility. © 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

Things I Like ...

Page 39


Billy Heaton Whitworth and his wife Agnes opened Heaton’s Karmel Korn on the Boardwalk near Wicomico Street in 1944. Specializing in saltwater taffy and caramel popcorn, Heaton’s changed both its name and its menu when son-in-law Fred King purchased the business from Agnes after Billy’s death in 1953. Cotton candy, snow balls and candy apples were added and a Boardwalk landmark — King’s Cotton Candy — was born. The business has undergone a few changes in the past 70 years. Pretzels and funnel cake have replaced the caramel popcorn and inflation has raised the cost of cotton candy from the original 15 cent a serving. The season has increased as well. It no longer begins on Memorial Day and ends on Labor Day as it did in 1944. Today Fred’s son Danny runs the business and his kids often work with him making King’s Cotton Candy a four-generation Ocean City tradition. To purchase one of Bunk Mann's books, click over to www.vanishingPhoto courtesy of Danny King oc.com.

The Dispatch Crossword Puzzle

By Steve Green

Days without meetings In-depth interviews

Finding a binge-worthy show

Stories of people helping strangers Pocket doors

Black-and-white photos framed The drop in the price of televisions over the years

Positive news in these challenging times Trying different styles of eggs benedict Taking my kids to big cities Pudgy baby hands


Page 40

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

January 29, 2021

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