Oct. 28

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Sunfest Likely To Remain In October See Page 4 • Photo by
Boardwalk Project’s 2nd Phase Begins See page 17 • File PhotoSunfest Dogs: A new addition to the revamped Sunfest was the
Dock Dogs competition, including the team above
Photo by Chris Parypa
Pines Foliage: The changing colors of the season were on full display this week over the Ocean Pines com munity Photo by
Erik Dowell
Speed Change Worries Fishing Industr y See Page 14 • Photo by
Nick Denny
Serving Greater Delmarva Since 1984 www.mdcoastdispatch.com P r i c e l e s s O c to b e r 2 8 , 2 0 2 2 Child Abuser Sentenced To 49 Years See Page 30 • File Photo
Page 2 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch SERVING DELMARVA FOR 60 YEARS
October 28, 2022 Page 3The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch HOURS Sunday-Thursday 9am-9pm Friday-Saturday 9am-10pm BREAKFAST Monday-Friday 9-11am Saturday & Sunday 9am-Noon 37314 LIGHTHOUSE ROAD | RT. 54, SELBYVILLE, DE • 302-988-5000/302-993-6959 HAPPY HOUR MON.-FRI.: DRINK SPECIALS NOON-5 P.M. HAPPY HOUR FOOD MENU 2-5 P.M. DAILY LUNCH & DINNER SPECIALS CHECK OUR FACEBOOK PAGE EVERY DAY! NFL SPECIALS! LIVE ENTERTAINMENT HALLOWEEN PARTY W/KEVIN POOLE FRIDAY 10/28 • 5 P.M. BILENKI DUO WEDNESDAY 11/2 • 5 P.M. OFF SEASON SPECIALS MONDAY: Cheesesteak with Fries $12 TUESDAY: Taco Tuesday with Drink Special WEDNESDAY: Chef’s Choice THURSDAY: Burger with Fries $10 FRIDAY: Fish & Chips $18 SUNDAY: Slow-Cooked Prime Rib Dinner with 1 Side $18 With Beverage Purchase • Subject To Change/Availability MINGO MONDAY & BAR BINGO THURSDAY 6-8 P.M.It’sBack! OrderOnline@ ccfbayside.com AN OCEAN CITY TRADITION SINCE 1976! 116th St. & Coastal Hwy., Ocean City, Md. 21842 • 410-723-2120 www.originalgreeneturtle.com instagram: theoriginalgreeneturtle facebook.com/theoriginalgreeneturtle FOOTBALLON70+TVS! OPENEVERYDAYAT11A.M.! For every gourmet hot dog purchased during NFL games $1 will be donated to Worcester County Humane Society Moo is a sweet three year old boy who has been at the shelter for 24 weeks. He is fun and playful, but can be dog selective. He is a volunteer favorite, loves his daily walks, and would truly benefit from a shelter break or foster as he waits for his forever home. We would be happy to set up a meet and greet with Moo so you can truly see how special he is. Please call the shelter, hop online to fill out our adoption application or simply message us for more info! To apply for Moo visit worcestercountyhumanesociety.org or call 410-213-0146! Become a member of the Worcester County Humane Society, where you are not only helping countless animals in need with your donation, but you also become a member of our family! Get updates on upcoming events, receive our newsletter, and join us at our Annual Membership meeting in May! What are you waiting for? Join today! EAT A DOG, SAVE A DOG! Haunted Happy Hour Monday Oct. 31, 3-6 p.m.

Sunfest Likely To Return In Late October 2023

OCEAN CITY – Despite losing Sunday to weather issues, the later, modified Sunfest last weekend was highly successful, and it appears resort officials are already planning on hosting the annual event on the same weekend in late October next year.

Sunfest was created 47 years ago as a means to extend the summer season and it has accomplished that over the years. For over four decades, Sunfest was held on the third weekend of September and provided a crescendo of sorts for the summer season and a steady decline into the fall and winter months.

However, the season has steadily expanded over the years with other major events filling in the fall weekends. Earlier

this year, the Mayor and Council discussed the fall special events calendar with multiple significant events stacked up in mid- to late September. Out of those discussions came a recommendation to move Sunfest, a sacred cow of sorts on the September events calendar, back to last weekend, Oct. 20-23, and couple it with the town’s OCtoberfest events and amenities.

The end result was a four-day festival centered in the Inlet parking lot as always, along with numerous other events on the beach and Boardwalk associated with the annual fall OCtoberfest. The decision to move Sunfest back to late October was met with consternation from many traditionalists, but their fears were by and large unfounded as last weekend’s event was highly successful.

Sunfest opened last Thursday morn-

ing amid crystal clear skies and warm temperatures for the most part and the crowds began forming early at the various arts and crafts tents, food and drink vendors, the new beer garden added this year and the free live entertainment. The later and modified Sunfest continued to gain momentum throughout the weekend on Friday and Saturday with largerthan-expected crowds.

Alas, Sunfest on Sunday was canceled because of the threat of rain and high winds, but for three days the event certainly appeared to rival the crowds of prior years. Ocean City Marketing and Communications Director Jessica Waters said final attendance numbers were not yet available, but the town expects them to be strong for the first three days.

“Sunfest was fantastic,” she said. “The weather, for the most part, was wonder-

ful and the crowds were as strong as ever. The date change proved to be a positive change as it extended the season, and it did create another weekend for visitors in October. It was amazing to see, regardless of the date, people truly enjoy what Sunfest has to offer – its free music, great food, variety of craft and commercial vendors as well as the added activities offered this year.”

Waters said resort officials, including the special events department, will review Sunfest 2022 in the coming weeks and months, just as they do all of the town’s special events and make decisions on the dates for next year and beyond. However, with the apparent success of last weekend’s three-day Sunfest, Waters said the early plan is to return the event to the same calendar slot in late October next year.

“As always, we anticipate the evaluation of Sunfest and all of our events for future planning,” she said. “However, our plans are to continue with Sunfest on this weekend, October 19-22, 2023. A few tweaks here and there will improve the experience, but overall, patrons had a very positive experience. Again, bravo to the Special Events team and all of the town departments and vendors who made the event a great success.”

Waters said canceling Sunday of Sunfest last weekend was a difficult decision, but the right one based on the forecast.

“Of course, canceling Sunday was heartbreaking for us,” she said. “The weather is always the one element out of our control, but as always, we have to lean on the side of safety. Although we haven’t had the best of luck this year, it proved to be the right decision.”

Indeed, Ocean City has not had the best of luck with the weather and its special events this year. Ironically, Oceans Calling, a three-day major music festival in and around the Inlet area that ultimately displaced Sunfest from its usual timeframe in the third week of September, was canceled because of the remnants of Hurricane Ian coupled with a classic nor’easter. In that September time slot, Sunfest has been canceled or at least abbreviated in years past because of the weather and storms.

Waters said the decision to cancel last Sunday’s final day of Sunfest was difficult and had to be made quickly because of the size and scope of the event with its multiple tents and other venues. It’s not a decision that can be made hours before, or even on the same day.

“Decisions like these are in the best interest of our guests with winds predicted to exceed 30 miles per hour and causing safety issues,” she said. “There are so many moving parts by our team that needed to be done in advance to ensure a safe experience.”

Again, the decision to move Sunfest back to late October this year was met with heartburn for some, but it was not made in a vacuum.

However, based on the success of Sunfest last weekend, it appears the decades-old event has found a new home on the fall calendar.

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October 28, 2022 Page 5The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Page 6 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Biden’s Rehoboth Visit Grounds Sunfest Drone Show

OCEAN CITY – One of the casualties of an otherwise memorable late October Sunfest last weekend was the cancellation of Friday’s planned drone show over the ocean due to President Joe Biden’s visit to his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach.

Last year, Ocean City decided to replace many of the resort’s traditional weekly fireworks shows with increasingly popular drone shows synchronized to music. Hundreds of drones fill the sky over the ocean and complete elaborate

and intricate designs and spell out messages to those below.

Last week, a drone show was scheduled to put an exclamation point on the Friday night of Sunfest, which was moved back this year to late October. However, because Biden and first lady Jill Biden were scheduled to visit their vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR), essentially grounding the town’s planned Sunfest drone show.

The Bidens came to Rehoboth on Friday after the president made a speech earlier in the day on student debt relief

at Delaware State University. The Bidens were expected to arrive at their Rehoboth vacation home around 6 p.m. last Friday.

The FAA issues a TFR for an area of 30 miles in radius from where a president is located. A stricter “no fly zone” is established by the FAA in a 10-mile radius from the president’s location. TFRs restrict aircraft, including drones, from operating without permission in a limited amount of time. TFRs are communicated to pilots through Notices to Air Missions.

The TFR issued in the 30-mile radius from Biden’s vacation home in Rehoboth was in place from last Thursday through

Sunday. The result was grounding the planned drone show in Ocean City at the close of Friday of Sunfest last weekend. While the planned drone show over the ocean at the close of Sunfest on Friday was grounded, it wasn’t the only situation during which the TFR was evoked last weekend. On Saturday, a small private plane was flying over the resort area apparently unaware of the flight restrictions in place and was quickly escorted out of the area by an F-16 jet. In addition, a small private drone taking aer ial pictures of the large crowd gathered at the Justice for Gavin fundraiser at the

October 28, 2022 Page 7The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

OCEAN CITY– Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan this week announced he has appointed sitting Worcester County Magistrate Cathi Coates to fill a vacancy on the Worcester County District Court, making her the first woman in state history to serve on that court.

Coates was one of four appointees to the bench around the state announced by Hogan this week. She has been appointed to fill a vacancy created when long-sitting and venerable Ocean City District Court Judge Daniel Mumford retired in March.

After years in private practice, a few years back, Coates was appointed domestic and juvenile magistrate for Worcester County. Her ascension to magistrate came after Judge Mary Mar-

garet “Peggy” Kent was appointed to sit on the Worcester County Circuit Court in 2018.

Coates’ practice as magistrate consists largely of civil work, although in juvenile delinquency cases and domestic violence cases, the same criminal principles for cases she will hear on the District Court bench are applicable. Hogan praised Coates for her appointment to the District Court, along with the three others appointed to the Circuit Court bench in Montgomery and Garrett counties.

“I am proud to appoint such distinguished individuals to serve in our state’s judicial system,” he said. “Our state is gaining an immensely talented and principled group of judges who honorably serve the citizens of their respected counties and Maryland in the years to come. I especially want to congratulate

County District Court Judge

Cathi Coates as she becomes the first woman in state history to serve on the Worcester County District Court.”

Mumford’s retirement set in motion a lengthy process to fill the vacancy. Those interested in the position first apply to the state’s Judicial Nominating Commission, which interviews the potential candidates and winnows the list of applicants down further. The commission then forwards a shortened list of nominees to the governor for review and interviews before making the appointment.

For the Worcester County District Court position, the list of applicants was impressive and included several well known and highly respected members of the legal community locally and beyond. The list of applicants included Coates, Patrizia Coletta, Michael Farlow, David Gaskill, Steven Rakow, Regan Smith, and Kristina Watkowski.

After vetting the applicants, the Judicial Nominating Commission forwarded a list of four nominees to Hogan, who ultimately made the appointment to the position. The list of four nominees forwarded to the governor included Coates, of course, along with Farlow, Gaskill and Smith. A humble Coates said this week the governor could have gone either way with his choice for the position among the four final nominees.

“There were no wrong choices for Worcester County,” she said. “The four that ended up on the nominee list are well-respected in the community and all are extremely qualified. There really wasn’t a bad choice for Worcester. I was grateful to go through the process with them, and I’m grateful to the governor for appointing me.”

In filling the vacancy created by Mumford’s retirement, Coates will ultimately serve much of her time on the District Court bench in Ocean City. Mumford was appointed to the District Court bench in December 2005, and Judge Gerald Purnell, who largely serves on the District Court bench in Snow Hill, was appointed a month later in January 2006. Purnell is also the district administrative judge for Maryland’s Second District, which includes Worcester and much of the Lower Shore.

Coates said she will serve in Ocean City, although she will occasionally rotate to Wicomico County and Salisbury, particularly when the docket gets lighter at certain times of the year because of the seasonal nature of the resort.

“I will largely remain in District Court in Ocean City in Judge Mumford’s position, although I will go to Salisbury two days a week from January to June when the docket is slower in Ocean City,” she said. “Initially, I will be in training. The plan is to send me to other jurisdictions and learn from other judges.”

Coates said serving on the District Court bench in Ocean City does not represent a big departure from the types of cases she now hears as magistrate. She also served for years in private practice and is experienced and well-versed in the types of cases she will hear on the District Court bench.

“As a Master, I do juvenile delinquency cases and domestic violence cases and peace orders and those types of things,” she said. “It’s a little different, but the legal principles are the same. This is more of a return to what I did in my private practice before I was on the bench.”

Coates said she considered applying for a vacant District Court seat in Worcester County when there was an opening 16 years ago.

“I was interested in it, but I didn’t apply in 2005,” she said. “Having taken the Master position, my interest changed, but it’s something I thought of. I always liked the District Court level. The timing was just right.”

Coates received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Lynchburg, formerly Lynchburg College. She earned her Juris Doctorate from the University of Baltimore School of Law.

Page 8 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Coates Appointed Worcester

Like Other Towns, Berlin Feels Strain With Hiring, Retaining

BERLIN – A discussion regarding hiring difficulties highlighted departmental reports at this week’s meeting of the Berlin Town Council.

Town department heads talked about the trouble they’re having finding qualified workers at Monday’s council meeting. They said the problem appeared to be nationwide.

“It’s difficult right now,” said Jamey Latchum, the town’s director of water resources. “Everybody’s looking.”

Latchum told the council his department had had an employee resign this month. While the department made one hire, it is still down several positions. Latchum said he'd attended a national conference last month and that recruitment and retention had been a primary discussion point. While salary is always a key factor, Latchum said his department only had so much money to offer.

Mayor Zack Tyndall said another issue was the fact that many of the positions required credentials. Latchum said he was lucky to have six certified operators but that some of them were nearing retirement.

Tyndall said the hiring difficulties were across the board, with Berlin’s police and

electric departments also struggling. Tim Lawrence, the town’s electric utility director, said his department had been trying to hire a lineman for two months.

“I’ve talked to several other municipalities, we’re all having the same issue trying to hire qualified personnel,” he said. “The new thing nowadays is, I think it’s 65% of the people that are out there looking for jobs want to be able to work from home. That’s really creating an issue.”

Resident Marie Velong said she felt governments needed to promote public service at the high school level and increase employees’ pay.

“I think that’s what’s wrong with our whole society,” she said. “You don’t have enough representation of public service.”

Lawrence said his department did have several apprentices in training but they weren’t ready to fill the gap left by the retirement of a 30-year lineman.

“You can’t take an apprentice and put him up working with 25,000 volts without knowing what he's doing,” he said.

Tyndall pointed out that roughly a third of the town’s workforce was at or nearing retirement. He said that was something officials needed to keep in mind planning for the future.

“When you look across the board that’s a lot of institutional knowledge,” he said.

October 28, 2022 Page 9The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

BERLIN – Residents continue to have concerns about a new emergency response fee implemented by the Berlin Fire Company.

Resident James Walsh approached the Berlin Town Council Monday to express frustration with the response fee now being charged by the Berlin Fire Company. He said the public should have been made aware of it before it was implemented.

“I think it’s totally illogical to have a business, a private entity, institute or im-

plement a policy without any oversight or any input from the citizens who live in the town that it affects,” he said.

Though Berlin Fire Company representatives attended Monday’s meeting to share their regular quarterly report, they left before Walsh brought up the emergency response fee. The fee was previously discussed by the council in September, when council members were initially contacted by residents surprised to receive bills for fire company response. At that time, Berlin Fire Company President David Fitzgerald said the new fee, which ranges from $250 to $1,000, was similar to the existing EMS fee and was designed to help

address the agency’s financial challenges.

This week, Walsh asked elected officials if they approved of the fire company implementing a billing program without any citizen input.

“In order to have a public hearing it has to be a town related matter,” Mayor Zack Tyndall said. “It’s a town related matter because it impacts our citizens. I don’t disagree with you. But we don’t have any ability to say that they can or cannot implement that fee.”

Tyndall pointed out that the town provided the fire company with a $400,000 grant annually and this year had also provided the agency with $125,000 for additional EMS staffing and $225,000 for capital.

“A lot of taxpayer money is going to the fire company,” he said.

Tyndall added that the fire company also received significant funding from Worcester County and the state. This year, that funding exceeded $1.3 million.

“How much cash flow do they need?” Walsh said.

He questioned whether the fire company would be billing his insurance company if he declined to pay the response fee after firefighters came to his home.

“If the answer is yes, that’s absolutely criminal in my mind,” Walsh said.

He said it seemed as if the council had no fiscal oversight when it came to the Berlin Fire Company.

Tyndall said the town had fiscal oversight once a year—during the budget pro-


“We found out about that fee afterward,” he said. “Our ability to do anything about that, it's not there right at this moment.”

Councilman Jay Knerr said the council could send a strongly worded letter to the fire company expressing the concerns with the fee.

Walsh said the fee didn’t bode well for the future.

“I think that thought process is going to take us down a path eventually that’s going to implode,” he said.

Walsh said that if insurance companies ended up being billed whether residents wanted them to be or not, people would start hesitating to seek help from the fire company. They’ll be worried about their rates going up and will question whether they should even seek help, he said.

“I think that’s going to have a terrible impact on people who are going to call 911,” Walsh said. “That’s not what we want.”

Tyndall said that was not something he wanted to see either.

“The last thing we want is for people to hesitate to dial 911 for the police department,” he said. “We are not billing for police services.”

When the fee was discussed last month, Fitzgerald said the fire company membership had voted to implement it in 2021. He said that typically, the fee was covered by insurance—homeowners insurance in the case of a house fire, for example, or auto insurance in the case of a car accident.

Page 10 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Berlin Residents Share Concerns Over New Response Fee
KIDS’ MENU • CARRY-OUT • APPAREL SHOP • GAME ROOM • KENO • FUN FOR EVERYONE ROUTE 611 • WEST OCEAN CITY • 410-213-1500 www.greeneturtle.com SATURDAY COME WATCH ALL NCAA GAMES • PENN STATE VS. OHIO STATE NOON BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND: OUR FALL/WINTER FOOD SPECIALS! West OC’s Sports Headquarters MLB, PGA & NHL We Have The NFL Sunday Ticket On Our 53 TVs In Stereo Sound! NOON-7 P.M.-20 OZ. DRAFTS $3.95 • 20 OZ. IMPORT DRAFTS $5.25 SPECIALS ARE IN HOUSE ONLY | AVAILABLE DURING MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL & NFL SUNDAY $13.99 BUDLIGHT BUCKET + KOOZIE Eagles Vs. Steelers: Sunday 1 p.m. CAPS HEADQUARTERS Phillies Vs. Astros • Friday & Saturday 8 p.m. HALLOWEEN PARTY $500 Costume Contest with The Rogue Citizens Friday Oct. 28 $8 TAILGATE MENU Fall/Winter Food Specials $9.99 • Monday-Friday All Day! Monday Meatloaf & Mash Tuesday Taco Tuesday Thursday Burgers & Cheesesteaks Friday Oyster Po’ Boy Wednesday Pot Roast
October 28, 2022 Page 11The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch Halloween block party ~ saturday, 5pm-Til W/ DJ SOULFINGER • DRINK SPECIALS • 28TH STREET LOCATION

Business Owners, Officials Debate Parking Ratios

FENWICK ISLAND – Setbacks, delivery zones and on-street parking are among the issues business owners say they want addressed as a Fenwick Island com mittee continues to work through legislation aimed at parking in the commercial district.

On Wednesday, members of the Fenwick Island Ad Hoc Parking Committee met to discuss a proposed ordinance amendment pertaining to off-street parking in the town’s commercial district.

While the proposed changes would allow for new, more stringent parking ratios on new and developed commercial properties, officials last month agreed to defer a vote after hearing complaints from mem bers of the business community. Since that time, business owners have been

working with the parking committee to reach some sort of compromise on parking ratios, delivery zone requirements and more.

“I’m committed to solving this, but at the end of the day we have to be rational with what we’re dealing with,” said Mayor Nata lie Magdeburger, chair of the committee. “And what we’re dealing with is not enough parking for our businesses, and our businesses will fail.”

As written, the proposed ordinance am endment would change, among other things, restaurant parking ratios from one parking space per 100 square feet of patron space to one per 50 square feet of patron space and retail parking ratios from one per 300 square feet of floor area to one per 250 square feet of floor area. The amendment would also require delivery zones for commercial buildings such as restaurants, retail stores and hotels.

During this week’s discussions, Magdeburger noted the new parking ratios would address the growing parking problems in Fenwick. She noted that changes made in 2013 had eroded the town’s park ing space requirements to the point they no long met the needs of the business community. She also highlighted parking issues at a nearby Fenwick restaurant, which had 29 parking spaces for a 212seat facility.

“At the end of the day, I wouldn’t think the town would be doing its job if it didn’t look to protect its businesses and residents …,” she said. “If we can’t agree that a restaurant that seats 212 and has employees and 29 spaces is not an adequate ratio, I think we are at a crossroads.”

Warren’s Station owner Scott Mumford said he couldn’t speak for the decisions of other businesses but noted that members of the business community did not

want to see the current parking ratios changed.

“Speaking on behalf of businesses, they are concerned with that ratio,” he said. “They don’t want the ratio changed right now as a community.”

Kinsley Hazel, whose family owns undeveloped commercial property along Coastal Highway, added that commercial property owners were hesitant to discuss parking ratios until other elements of the proposed ordinance amendment were addressed.

“I think a lot of concerns with any compromise is understanding where this proposed ordinance is at,” she said. “We’re so focused on the ratio, we haven’t talked about other things.”

With no further discussion on parking ratios this week, Hazel and Mumford laid out the business community’s concerns pertaining to other elements of the draft legislation. They noted that business own ers wanted to address parking in rear, side and front setbacks, the elimination or alteration of required delivery zones, and change of use.

“These multi-use buildings, if one tenant moves out and another moves in … the [parking] numbers aren’t there to support it,” Hazel said.

Business owners said they also wanted the town to revise its definition for substantial renovations and address parking requirements for accessory uses. They also requested consideration of town hall parking, two-sided residential street parking and potential changes to the town’s height restrictions.

“If you are looking at these ratios, there’s only so many places [commercial property owners] can go …,” Mumford said. “In some cases, going up will give you more room.”

Magdeburger, however, said she was not in favor of any changes to the height ordinance.

“You will never get my vote on that one …,” she said. “The whole reason they put in a height requirement was to avoid over-commercialization. They wanted Fenwick Island to be a residential community that had a business district that was distinctly zoned … It protected Fenwick.”

Mumford also asked that the town address street parking along side streets. He noted that larger residential driveways, expanding from one property line to the other, had reduced the amount of available on-street parking in town.

“I think side street parking needs to be addressed,” he said, “to make sure we have more accessible parking.”

The committee ultimately agreed to continue discussions at its next meeting, scheduled for Nov. 9 at 1 p.m.

“We feel like this ordinance is taking, but giving nothing back to the commercial sector,” Hazel said.

As the committee continues to work its way through commercial parking concerns, Mumford told officials this week efforts are still be made to implement a Business to Business initiative, in which business owners would work together to share unused parking spaces.

“We’re getting good feedback …,” he said. “And they are willing to do it.”

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October 28, 2022 Page 13The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Offshore Fishing Concerns Mount Over Proposed Speed Change

OCEAN CITY – A proposed rule change to save endangered north Atlantic right whales could severely impact the local fishing industry.

In an effort to save endangered north Atlantic right whales, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has proposed a 10-knot speed restriction for recreational and commercial vessels over 35 feet in length, down from the current 65 feet. The proposed rule change would expand the go-slow zones to include virtually the entire East Coast, including a 90-mile radius, and extend the zone restrictions as long as seven months a year.

Locally, virtually all fishing grounds frequented by recreational and commer-

cial fishermen would fall under the 10knot rule. Operating a vessel at a maximum of 10 knots would add several hours to a typical charter or private fishing trip.

Charters targeting billfish, tuna and mahi, for example, often chug nearly 100 miles to reach the canyons offshore and leave well before sunrise and return in the evening. It’s often a three-hour plus ride to reach the offshore canyons without any 10-knot maximum speed in place. Even the smaller sportfishing vessels reach 25 to 30 knots or better and the bigger vessels can reach 50 to 60 knots.

To put it perspective, one knot is equal to around 1.15 mph. So, 10 knots is a little over 11 mph. A 100-mile trip to the canyons offshore would take two to three times longer than usual under normal circumstances.

According to NOAA, the latest estimate puts the entire right whale population at around 350, including fewer than 100 breeding females. The right whales migrate along the east coast in and out of the fishing grounds and shipping lanes at different times of the year to their known calving areas.

The proposed 10-knot rule, if approved, would be in place from Maine to Florida and out from the coast roughly 100 miles. The right whales generally inhabit different areas at different times of the year. For example, the 10-knot rule under the proposed changes would be implemented from Nov. 1 to May 31.

While that does avoid the height of the season locally, at least, there are times when the 10-knot rule could trigger if a right whale was detected in a given area. According to NOAA’s data,

there have been 12 lethal right whale vessel strikes since 2008, five of which have come from vessels under 65 feet. From NOAA’s own data, the chance of a vessel striking a right whale is about one in a million.

U.S. Congressman Andy Harris (R-1) is aware of the proposed 10-knot rule and is looking for a balance between the goal of protecting the endangered whales without crippling the fishing industry.

“Of course, if you took all of the boats out of the water, the right whales would be safer, but that’s not practical,” Harris said. “So, the only question is, what does the evidence and science show would help right whales? We don’t know because NOAA has not been forthcoming with that information and has been unwilling to meet with stakeholders whose livelihoods could be devastated by the proposed rule. That is simply an unacceptable policy, and I will do whatever I can to remedy this situation.”

Ocean City Marlin Club President Ryan Freese agreed the data presented does not appear to justify the 10-knot rule.

“I don’t think they have nearly the data they need to warrant this 10-knot requirement,” he said. “It has way more negative impact than what it does positive. If you read the comment section on their link, 90% of the people in favor of it have absolutely no ties to the fishing community, either recreational or commercial.”

Local sportfishing Captain Jeremy Blunt said if the 10-knot rule was implemented in the mid-Atlantic until May 31 as proposed, he could lose a large chunk of his early charter season.

“It will take days away from my charter season,” he said. “We start fishing offshore on May 15 and the speed limit is in place until May 31. That’s 15 days we will lose because of a one-in-a-million chance of hitting a right whale. NOAA said it’s a one-in-a-million chance a vessel will hit a whale, but they still want to go ahead with this ruling.”

Another local sportfishing Captain Steve Gladwin said if the rule is expanded later into the season, it could abso-

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Seasonal speed zones are being proposed for vessels over 35 feet to minimize whale strikes. Submitted Image SEE PAGE 52
October 28, 2022 Page 15The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Resort Projects, Initiatives Receive Grant Funding

OCEAN CITY – A handful of significant projects in the resort area last week got a fiscal shot in the arm from the state as Gov. Larry Hogan announced $72 million in new community development and economic growth projects.

Last Friday, Hogan announced $72 million in new funding for 224 projects and activities around the state aimed at community revitalization and economic development. Among the projects included on the lengthy list of recipients were several in Worcester County and Ocean City.

For example, the Town of Ocean City will receive, pending approval by the state’s Board of Public Works, $250,000 for the second phase of the renovation of the historic Bank of Ocean City building on Dorchester Street downtown that is in the process of being repurposed as an annex for the Ocean City Life-Saving Station Museum.

In addition, the Ocean City Development Corporation (OCDC) will receive $250,000 for its proposed multi-use facility at Somerset Street, which will include Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) functions, OCPD bicycle storage and other amenities on the first

floor and seasonal housing for Town of Ocean City employees on the second floor. In addition, the OCDC will receive an additional $50,000 for its continued façade program in the downtown area.

Hogan said projects such as those included in the $72 million grant are made possible through partnerships with local governments, nonprofit organizations and the private sector.

“The partnerships that drive these projects across our state are critical to spurring economic growth in Maryland’s diverse and vibrant communities,” he said. “Our state revitalization programs are a shining example of how we can work together to create impactful change and improve the quality of life for residents.”

For years, the OCDC has been piecemeal acquiring properties in the downtown area known as the model block. The proposed mixed-use project at Somerset, which will be a recipient of the governor’s funding initiative announced last week, would include new storage for the OCPD bicycle patrol, an improved private bus stop, public restrooms and other amenities and at least 25 beds of seasonal housing for use by the OCPD and other seasonal town employees.

The OCDC pitched the idea of the Somerset Street project to the Mayor and Council last spring and the elected

officials voted to provide $25,000 in what is essentially seed money for the project.

That funding allowed the OCDC to move forward with the next step in the process including design and planning and the drafting of a memorandum of understanding with the town.

The overall cost estimate for the project was around $2.4 million, which could include a $1.4 million contribution from the town and a $1 million contribution from the OCDC, through its share of the Inlet parking lot revenue. Through a long-established formula, the OCDC receives a portion of the Inlet parking lot revenue dedicated for redevelopment and revitalization projects in the downtown area, and the proposed Somerset Street project meets the criteria.

Another project listed among the recipients of the governor’s $72 million grant is the continued renovation of the historic Bank of Ocean City building at Dorchester Street. In December 2019, the Bank of Ocean City closed its downtown branch, which housed bank operations for over a century in a historic building on Dorchester Street.

Rather than have the building sit idle, the Bank of Ocean City generously donated it to the Ocean City Life-Saving Station Museum, which is experiencing growing pains and desperately

needed more space. The original museum at the foot of the Boardwalk is in the process of going through its own renovation and expansion, including a small addition that will add an elevator to bring it into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

The Bank of Ocean City building at Dorchester Street would be an annex of sorts and would be used to store artifacts and create additional space for the main museum on the Boardwalk. The building located at Dorchester Street and Baltimore Avenue will ultimately house storage, office space and exhibit space for the museum.

Finally, also included in the grant funding announced by the governor last Friday was $50,000 for OCDC’s highly successful façade program. Through the program, the OCDC provides funding and technical support to property owners or tenants seeking to renovate or restore aging or dilapidated building facades in the downtown area.

For years, the OCDC has been receiving state funding to help support the façade program with considerable success, and this year is no different.

Since the inception of the program, the OCDC has helped renovate and revitalize the facades of hundreds of buildings in the downtown area, resulting in millions of dollars of reinvestment from the private sector.

Page 16 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

OCEAN CITY – The second phase of a complete re-decking of the Boardwalk got underway this week and, weather permitting, should be complete well in advance of the next summer season.

The complete re-decking of the Boardwalk has been on the town’s radar for the last couple of years and has been a regular fixture on the town’s capital improvement plan (CIP), a blueprint of sorts on when to schedule major projects and how best to fund them. The first phase of the Boardwalk re-decking plan was completed last year.

The first phase started at the north end of the Boardwalk at 27th Street and continued south to 15th Street. The first phase also included the section of the Boardwalk from the Ocean City LifeSaving Station Museum to the fishing pier, along with re-decking the Boardwalk at Sunset Park.

The second phase, which got underway this week, will complete the project from 15th Street to the fishing pier. Weather permitting, the second phase is expected to be completed by the end of April. The entire cost of the two-phase Boardwalk re-decking project is around $2.2 million, which is spread over two years in the town’s CIP. There are also some pier franchise lease funds totaling $100,000 in each year dedicated to the Boardwalk re-decking project.

For safety reasons, the town is asking that visitors and residents do not enter the portions of the Boardwalk under construction and observe the detoured areas in which work is underway. The Boardwalk remains fully open on weekends and holidays during the re-decking project.

The wooden sections of the Boardwalk were last replaced entirely in 2010 and 2011 with a life expectancy of 10 years, which put the project right in a window for replacement now. The urgency for the project first surfaced during strategic planning sessions over two years ago and it was identified as a priority in the capital improvement plan.

Then, the pandemic arrived, and the cost and availability of lumber soared, placing the re-decking project briefly on the backburner. With lumber mills shutting down during COVID, and a high demand for treated lumber during the recent housing boom, the initial bids came in at roughly twice what was budgeted. That shortage has eased somewhat, and the town has been able to procure the necessary materials.

There has been talk over the years of replacing the Boardwalk with some other, more durable and long-lasting material, but resort officials have said often there is no substitute for the genuine thing. Plastic or concrete options were explored for cost and durability reasons, but in the end, it was determined the public would not sit still for anything other than southern yellow pine from a traditional standpoint and that is what is being used for the replacement.

October 28, 2022 Page 17The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Boardwalk Redecking Project Underway
Page 18 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
October 28, 2022 Page 19The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Main Street Paving To Begin Next Week

BERLIN – Crews are expected to be gin paving Main Street in Berlin next week.

The Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration (SHA) will begin paving Main Street Nov. 1. The work is expected to take two weeks.

“In November, you will see some crews working downtown and throughout Maryland 818, which extends from 113 across Route 50 and all the way to the ball fields,” Mayor Zack Tyndall said. “You’ll see that work taking place. That’s milling and overlay and then striping.”

Tyndall announced the project during his report at the close of Monday’s council meeting, and on Wednesday SHA issued a news release confirming the project and advising motorists of potential delays.

“Crews will work between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays,” the announcement from SHA reads. “Motorists can expect single-lane closures, and traffic will be guided through the work zone by cones and arrow boards. Drivers should expect major traffic impacts with significant delays during work hours.”

Tyndall said he and several department heads had met with SHA officials

to review the project and potential impacts. He said primary concerns related to ensuring there was sufficient public notice of the project and that vehicles were moved out of the roadway when paving was set to begin.

Officials also shared the town’s November event schedule with SHA.

“We were able to make sure those events were clearly articulated and hopefully not impacted by this paving work,” Tyndall said.

While Tyndall said the work was expected to take about two weeks, SHA stated the project should be completed by the end of November, weather permitting. The agency said SHA contractor Allen Myers Inc. would be performing the paving work.

“MDOT SHA is asking residents and businesses for their cooperation during paving operations,” SHA’s news release reads. “Hot asphalt may require up to two hours to cool before drivers and pedestrians can safely cross the new road surface.”

SHA also reminds citizens of the Move Over Law in Maryland, which requires motorists to make a lane change or slow down when approaching any stopped, standing, or parked vehicle displaying hazard warning lights, road flares or other caution signals. The expanded law is in place to protect emergency responders and motorists who encounter a roadside emergency.

Berlin To Add EV Charging Station

BERLIN – An electric vehicle charging station will be coming to Berlin following approval from officials this week.

The Berlin Town Council on Monday approved a lease agreement with Chargepoint, a company that will lease the town an electric vehicle charging station. The station, which will be installed at the lot on Commerce Street, could be in place by the end of the year.

“We want to pilot it with two spaces,” Mayor Zack Tyndall said.

Tim Lawrence, the town’s electric utility director, told the council he’d started researching charging stations when he’d been approached by a representative of Chargepoint regarding a potential lease.

“Instead of buying the equipment straight out you lease it over a five year period,” he said.

For a cost of $2,544 a year, the town can lease a dual point station, which can charge two vehicles at a time, for five years. Chargepoint will handle all installation, maintenance and software updates.

Lawrence said anyone who wanted to use the station would pay through an app. The charge they’ll pay, which will be developed by the town with assistance from its energy consultant, will cover the cost of the lease and the cost of the electricity used.

Lawrence pointed out the stations would not offer quick charging. He said they’re meant to be used by people who are in town shopping or dining and simply want to charge their car for an hour or two while they’re busy.

Lawrence said there was a utility pole about 15 feet away from the proposed location of the charging station and the town’s only responsibility would be installing the service to power the station.

Tyndall said he felt the town had been lacking an electric vehicle charging system.

“I’ve always wanted behind town hall but this might be our best place to start,” he said. “They would be stenciled spots.”

Councilwoman Shaneka Nichols expressed support for the Commerce Street lot.

“It’s centrally located,” she said, adding that it also directed attention to the Rev. Dr. Charles Albert Tindley mural on the Bruder Hill building.

Lawrence said that the station would not serve Tesla vehicles but would be able to charge 90% of the electric vehicles on the road. Tyndall said that while the town would pay the lease fee, it should recoup that funding through the charges being passed on to users of the station.

“Depending on demand it should break even,” he said.

Page 20 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
October 28, 2022 Page 21The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Charges For Smashed Pumpkin, Theft

OCEAN CITY – A local woman was arrested last week for allegedly first smashing a pumpkin as part of a Sunfest display and then stealing one before scrapping with police trying to arrest her.

Around 10:50 p.m. last Tuesday, an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer was dispatched to the Inlet parking lot for a reported malicious destruction of property. Upon arrival, the officer observed a pumpkin smashed in the parking lot. Ocean City Communications provided a description of the suspect, later identified as Vivian Cooke, 53, of Ocean City.

The officer walked north on the Boardwalk in an attempt to locate Cooke, according to police reports. As the officer walked past Wicomico Street, he heard a female voice directing racial slurs toward a female at a nearby bar, according to police reports.

The officer asked the female toward whom the slurs were directed if she was disturbed by Cooke’s words and actions and she confirmed she was. Cooke was

arrested at that point. The officer attempted to take Cooke into custody and observed she was carrying a pumpkin in her right hand. The officer noted the pumpkin appeared similar to the one observed smashed in the Inlet lot.

The officer also noted there was no place to buy a pumpkin in the area at that time and that there were similar pumpkins near the entrance to Sunfest just a block or two away, according to police reports. As the officer attempted to place Cooke in handcuffs, she reportedly twisted her body away and grabbed the officer’s shirt and body-worn camera.

While she continued to resist, Cooke was ultimately detained in handcuffs. Cooke reportedly continued to push and resist and scream obscenities as the officers attempted to walk her to the transport vehicle. While the officer was attempting to search Cooke’s bag, she continued to scream inside the vehicle and kick the

doors of the vehicle, according to police reports.

Cooke was reportedly removed from the officer’s vehicle and moved to a transport van and she continued to resist, kicking the officer several times in the chest in the process. She was eventually subdued in the transport van. She was charged with theft of a pumpkin, malicious destruction of a pumpkin, second-degree assault on a police officer, resisting arrest and disturbing the peace.

Domestic Incident Leads To Replica Handgun Arrest

OCEAN CITY – A local man was arrested this week after police responding to a reported domestic incident located a replica handgun.

Around 5:20 a.m. on Monday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers responded to a reported domestic dispute in the area of 12th Street. Communications

advised a couple had been arguing reportedly about the male cheating on the female and identified the room in which they were staying.

OCPD officers approached the apartment building and observed a male later identified as Shawn Wolfinger, 22, of Ocean City, exit the room in question and walk west on the balcony. As officers observed Wolfinger walk past a chair on the balcony, they heard a loud thump as if he had thrown something heavy on a chair, according to police reports.

Wolfinger then walked down a flight of stairs toward the officers. Officers reportedly asked Wolfinger if he had been in an argument and he told them he did not know what they were talking about and that he hadn’t been in the room in question, even though the officers had seen him exit the room. He told police he was just going out for a walk, according to police reports.

Wolfinger was allowed to keep walking because at that point, the officers did not have any tangible reason to detain him, according to police reports. The officers made their way up the flight of stairs to the room and on a chair on a landing they observed a tan and black pistol. The pistol did not have an orange tip and appeared as if it were a real pistol, according to police reports.

The pistol was located in the same area where the officers had observed Wolfinger and heard a loud thump earlier. The officers located Wolfinger, who was talking and shouting loudly, according to police reports. He was shouting so loudly that the officers had difficulty communicating with each other, according to police reports.

OCPD officers asked Wolfinger for his name and date of birth, but he reportedly refused to cooperate and disobeyed the request. Wolfinger continued to refuse to cooperate and told officers he only wanted to speak to the chief of police, according to police reports. At that point, he was placed under arrest.

As the initial officer was returning to the patrol car, yelling and banging could be heard from outside the suspect’s room. OCPD officers approached the female banging and yelling and she advised she had caught Wolfinger cheating on her with her neighbor. The female provided police with Wolfinger’s name, which is how they began to identify him.

When officers attempted to put Wolfinger in the transport vehicle, he continued to twist his body and resist. He was charged with obstructing and hindering and carrying a gun replica.

Trespassing Leads To Disorderly Arrest

OCEAN CITY – A New York man was arrested last week after first getting trespassed from a downtown hotel and then screaming profanities from the street.

Around 6 p.m. last Wednesday, an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer was dispatched to a hotel at 5th Street for a reported disorderly male. Communications reported the hotel manager advised the male, later identified as Patrick Tidridge, 45, of East Islip, N.Y., had previously caused destruction on the property had been seen in the area of the hotel.

The hotel manager advised they were following Tidridge as he began to walk away. The officer approached the manager, who advised he wanted to trespass Tidridge from the property. The officer lo-

Page 22 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

cated Tidridge standing in the middle of 9th Street shouting and using profanity, according to police reports.

As the officer approached, Tidridge reportedly threw his belongings on the ground and raised both arms in the air. The officer advised Tidridge he had been formally trespassed from the hotel and if he returned to the property, he would be arrested for trespassing, according to police reports.

Tidridge reportedly started walking away from the scene very aggressively and began shouting and using profanity on the public sidewalk. The officer observed a man walking his dog at least 100 feet away stop and turn around to observe the commotion Tidridge was causing, according to police reports.

The officer noted in the report Tidridge had previously been involved in two other incidents. Based on Tidrige’s aggressive and loud behavior, he was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct.

Blacked Out At Bus Stop

OCEAN CITY – A Pennsylvania man was arrested last week after being found lying on the ground at a resort bus stop.

Around 6:50 a.m. last Thursday, an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer was dispatched to the area of 39th Street to assist with an EMS call. Ocean City Communications had received a call from an anonymous citizen about a male lying at the bus stop. Ocean City EMS arrived at the scene to evaluate the male, later identified as William Bupp, 51, of

Drumore, Pa., according to police reports.

When the officer arrived, Ocean City EMS had Bupp seated in an upright position while supporting his back, according to police reports. EMS was eventually able to get Bupp seated on the bus stop bench. As the officer and EMS attempted to assist Bupp, he was very uncooperative and exhibited signs of intoxication and could not answer basic questions, responding only with profanity, according to police reports.

As the officer went back to his patrol vehicle, the officer could hear Bupp shouting profanities. The officer observed Bupp stand up, wobble from left to right and then fall, hitting the public bench. At that point, Bupp was arrested for intoxicated endangerment.

Sunfest Intoxication

OCEAN CITY – A Toddville, Md., woman was arrested last weekend after allegedly throwing up while intoxicated in a Sunfest garbage can.

Around 5:45 p.m. last Friday, an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer was flagged down by a Sunfest vendor who advised an allegedly intoxicated woman later identified as Cynthia Clothier, 60, of Toddville, Md., was throwing up inside a garbage can at the festival. It was apparent Clothier was intoxicated and was using the garbage can to support herself.

Clothier was reportedly intoxicated to the point OCPD officers trying to assist her could not make sense of what she was saying. Ocean City EMS responded to check on her welfare. She was ultimately arrested and charged with disorderly intoxication and disorderly conduct.

Jail Time For Protective Order Violation

OCEAN CITY – A local man arrested in September after allegedly slashing his ex-girlfriend’s bicycle tires pleaded guilty last week to violating a protective order and was sentenced to 90 days, all but 31 of which were suspended.

Around 5:40 p.m. on September 8, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers were dispatched to a motel at 22nd Street for a reported violation of a protective order. Officers met with a female victim who advised a male with whom she was familiar came to the hotel in which she was staying and slashed the tires of her bicycle, according to police reports. The victim reportedly told police he had a protective order against the suspect, identified as Adam Widener, 39, of

Ocean City.

The witness, a hotel employee, told officers he watched the video surveillance and observed Widener slashing the tires of bicycles on a bike rack, according to police reports. The victim provided police with a protective order against Widener that had been issued in June.

The victim said despite the protective order, Widener had texted her at least six times and attempted to call her at least three times, according to police reports. Widener was located and arrested for malicious destruction of property, stalking and violating a protective order.

Last week, Widener pleaded guilty to violating a protective order and was sentenced to 90 days, 59 of which were suspended. He was also placed on supervised probation for two years upon his release.

October 28, 2022 Page 23The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
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Berlin homestead rate to stay the same

BERLIN – Town officials opted to keep the homestead tax credit the same despite plans earlier this week to change it.

In an email poll on Tuesday, the Berlin Town Council voted to keep the homestead tax credit rate at 5%. While the council had voted on Monday to adjust it to 3%, information made available to them Tuesday showed the change would have a $50,000 financial impact on the town’s revenues.

“That was not taken into consideration on Monday night because we didn’t know about it,” Mayor Zack Tyndall said.

During Monday’s council meeting, Finance Director Natalie Saleh presented officials with information regarding the homestead tax credit rate.

In Maryland, the homestead credit lim its the amount of assessment increase on which a property owner will pay taxes

if the property is the owner’s principal res idence. Each year, the town has to tell the state if its homestead rate—which is currently 5%—is being adjusted. Saleh on Monday reviewed the figures associated with the current rate as well as those associated with lower and higher rates. The rate cannot exceed 10%.

Currently the 5% rate reduces the town’s assessments by $39,579. Saleh said on Monday dropping the rate to 3% would reduce the town’s assessments by $40,371.

While it’s reducing the municipality’s income, the homestead program is helping residents. Saleh said that an example would be a home previously assessed at $100,000 that was now assessed at $120,000. If the homeowner’s increase is capped at 5%, as it has been in Berlin, the assessment level they’d be responsible for would be $105,000. In that case, they’d have a tax credit of $122.25.

She said a reduction to 3% would re-

duce the town’s income but would result in savings for residents.

In that case, the newly assessed $120,000 home would get a credit of $138.55.

“The lower the percentage, the higher the gap, The bigger the credit.” She said. “The credit goes against the revenue we receive. It goes back to the customers.”

Based on those figures, the council voted 4-0 to adjust the rate to 3%. Less than 24 hours later, however, Tyndall said the council was advised that the actual financial impact to the municipality would be $50,000.

“I didn’t think it was the intent of the council to adjust revenue to that level,” he said.

As a result, he sent an email poll to the council members. They voted unanimously to leave the rate at 5%. Tyndall said the rate could be revisited in the future.

Page 24 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
NEW OFFICE LOCATION - Assateague Square Shopping Center 9808 Stephen Decatur Highway, Suite 4 - Ocean City Maryland 21842 (410) 213-9330 - travelwithoasis.com - info@travelwithoasis.com oasis travel night Featuring Waterman’s Seafood Company in West Ocean City, 2nd Floor Please join us. Light fare included, drinks available for purchase at happy hour prices. RSVP to info@travelwithoasis.com or 410-213-9330 Free event Wednesday, November 2, 6-8pm & ® MONDAY: UNTIL 6 P.M. Happy Hour Wings (Some Flavors Not Available) TUESDAY: UNTIL 6 P.M. $2 Beef, Pork Or Chicken Tacos $3 Tecate WEDNESDAY: UNTIL 6 P.M. 1/2-Price-1/2-Pound Hand-Pattied Burgers (Some Burgers Do Not Apply) (Food Specials With Purchase Of Beverage - Some Restrictions Apply) WE HAVE THE NFL SUNDAY TICKET Happy Hour During All NFL Games 34 TVs & Big Screen In Surround Sound (Monday & Thursday Nights IncludedSpecials During NFL Games Only) 8th street & philadelphia ave. 410-289-4891 •picklesoc.com open year-round every day 8th st. liquors open every day HAPPINESS HAPPY HOUR MONDAY-FRIDAY 3-6PM Friday, Oct. 28 • 9:30pm Halloween Party & Costume Contest w/DeoGee 1st Place $300 Gift Card 2nd Place $150 Gift Card 3rd Place $50 Gift Card Saturday 9:30pm Joey Harkum Sunday 9:30pm Beats By Deogee Late Night Happy Hour Drinks Monday 9:30pm Karaoke w/ Wood $2 Natty Lights $3 Grenades 10pm Tuesday 9:30pm Beats By Wax $4 Seltzers $4 Deep Eddy Shots 10pm Wednesday Weekly Select Craft Beer 6pm Beats By Deogee 9:30pm Thursday 9:30pm Beats By Wax $2.50 Domestics $3 Grenades $4 White Tea Shots 10pm
October 28, 2022 Page 25The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch 9/5/22

Salisbury Man Charged With 1st Degree Murder

BERLIN – A Salisbury man has been arrested and charged with firstand second-degree murder in the death of another local man found deceased on Saturday.

Worcester County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a residence on St. Luke’s Road outside Salisbury. The home is actually located in Worcester County. Police responded after receiving a 911 call from a neighbor reporting a cardiac arrest, according to police reports. Upon arrival, Worcester County Sheriff’s deputies found the victim, later identified as David W. Pfeffer, 57, of Salisbury, lying on the ground outside his home and suffering from obvious signs of trauma. Pfeffer was pronounced deceased at the scene by EMS personnel.

The Maryland State Police Homicide Unit was called in to assume the investigation with the assistance of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office. Investigators, along with crime scene technicians, responded to process the scene for evidence. Pfeffer was taken to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for an autopsy, which revealed the death was a homicide from blunt force trauma.

On Sunday, homicide unit investigators located the victim’s white Dodge truck at a residence in Delmar, Delaware. The truck had been reported missing from the victim’s home. In coordination with the Delaware State Police, a search warrant was issued on the Delmar home where detectives located the suspect, identified as Carl Lee “Moose” Fuller, 32, of Salisbury.

Fuller was taken into custody without incident. Investigators were able to locate evidence linking Fuller to the homicide investigation. He was taken into custody by the Delaware State Police and later interviewed by detectives from the Maryland State Police.

Fuller has been charged with first- and second-degree murder, first- and second-degree assault and other counts. As of midweek, he was being held in Delaware. Extradition proceedings were being initiated to return him to Maryland. Investigators from the Maryland State Police this week continued the investigation in cooperation with the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office. The investigation is ongoing.

Page 26 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Eastern Shore Physical Therapy 410-641-2900 • WWW.EASTERNSHOREPT.COM 314 FRANKLIN AVENUE, SUITE 405 (NEXT TO LAB CORP), BERLIN, MD. 21811 Rotator Cuff/Shoulder Pain FREE WORKSHOP SATURDAY, OCT. 29 • 10 A.M. TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT CALL 410-641-29003SPOTSLEFT
October 28, 2022 Page 27The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Incumbent Commissioner Facing Abbott For Second Term

SNOW HILL – While primary races decided several local seats, voters in southern Worcester County will cast their ballots for the District 1 commissioner on Nov. 8.

Incumbent Worcester County Commissioner Josh Nordstrom, a Democrat, is being challenged by Republican Caryn Abbott for the District 1 seat in this fall’s election. Nordstrom, who defeated Merrill Lockfaw in 2018, wants to continue his efforts to bring economic opportunities to the Pocomoke area. Abbott, a longtime nurse, wants to increase transparency while advocating for District 1.

The Dispatch sent each candidate four questions regarding local issues. Their responses are printed here verbatim in hopes of providing voters a better idea of each candidate’s positions as the election nears.

Q. Why are you running for commissioner? Please list at least three reasons.

Abbott: As an RN of 36 years, I’ve devoted my life to service and advocacy of others. As your next County Commissioner for district 1, I will put the same effort, time and advocacy into bringing a result driven perspective to all that I do. After retiring from fulltime nursing last year, I can now devote the time this office requires, the people deserve and Worcester County needs. We need a strong ad-

vocate whose focus is on the people first, which requires truly knowing your constituents and their issues and needs. I will bring much needed transparency through Townhalls to hear from the people and our small business community each year in Pocomoke, Stockton and Girdletree. I am passionate about revitalizing our district for all of our children and generations to come. We need principled leadership that leads with integrity and honesty.

Nordstrom: Serving as Worcester County Commissioner has been one of the greatest privileges of my life. I enjoy my position as an elected official because it gives me the opportunity to help my friends and neighbors every day. Being re-elected will allow me to continue to bring more money, resources, and economic opportunities to District One. The work of bringing broadband internet options to our more rural communities will remain a priority. I will also continue to work to help revitalize downtown Pocomoke by securing funding for new parks, playgrounds, and other capital projects.

Q. In your opinion, what are the three biggest issues facing Worcester County currently?

Abbott: We need controlled economic development through attracting businesses and expansion of existing small business while protecting our environ-

ment in our beautiful county, producing jobs, resulting in additional tax revenue. We must rein in the unnecessary spending of taxpayer money for ill-conceived, costly projects and focus on basic needs such as clean water, sewage and rental housing and homes that are kept up to code. We need to be responsible stewards of the taxpayer money and end using the fund balance to balance the budget.

Nordstrom: One of the issues we face is the need to revitalize our small towns by funding new projects that replace old, blighted structures with new facilities for public use, much like we are doing with the armory/library project in Pocomoke. Collaboration between the county and our small towns to improve infrastructure and fund new construction should become a priority in the next several years.

One major infrastructure project is the rural broadband initiative currently being undertaken by the county and its partners in private industry. While progress has been slowed significantly by COVID, internet providers continue to run fiber in mostly rural areas throughout the county. We must continue to find ways to fund this venture until every Worcester County resident has access to high-speed internet service. Having accessible broadband throughout the county also makes our area more attractive to business and industry, potentially bringing new jobs and new opportunities to Worcester County.

A significant issue for Worcester County lies in the Maryland State Assem-

bly’s continued practice of mandating the participation or actions of the county without providing the necessary funding to pay for the programs. There are several instances from the last few years where the state has passed bills – requiring millions of dollars to implement – without a way to pay for them. This is unsustainable and cannot continue.

Q. How do you see the county funding and developing a sports complex? Are you in favor of public funds being spent on acquiring the property and developing it?

Abbott: My position on the sports complex is that I am not against the idea. I am, however, against the taxpayers footing the bill. We have insufficient information regarding other funding sources, business/design plans or results of a roads study of the area in question. The taxpayers have had little transparency on this issue but are expected to fund it. If this is to be as successful as some say, then why isn't the private sector being approached to develop and run this facility? Government should not be in the business of running businesses.

Nordstrom: I voted for this project because I believe that a sports complex will increase tourism in Worcester County, especially in the off-season. This facility

Page 28 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
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Pines Board Considers Forensic Audit

OCEAN PINES – Officials in Ocean Pines will seek a committee’s help to investigate voting discrepancies before hiring a firm to complete a forensic audit of the 2022 board election.

The Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors had before them last Thursday a motion to authorize a forensic auditor to determine the reason for vote discrepancies in the 2022 election. That motion, however, was ultimately tabled after board members agreed to first ask the elections committee for assistance.

“I’m not in favor of spending money at this time,” said Association President Doug Parks. “I believe, firmly, that the committee can go out and take a look at it.”

Results from the 2022 board election were first called into question last month, when a hand count of votes revealed significant discrepancies in vote totals. Five of the six candidates had between 100 and 300 less votes than originally reported. The difference between the third- and fourth- place candidates had also narrowed from 152 votes to 15 votes, and the total number of votes had decreased from 9,053 to 8,113.

“This hand count also verified that the tabulation program needs to be investigated to identify the reason for the reporting an excess of votes, above the maximum number of paper ballots, that were scanned on 8/11/22,” a report from the former committee chair, Carol Ludwig, reads. “The failure to verify the information generated by the tabulation program resulted in an inaccurate report of results by Elections Committee Chair.”

Following the resignations of elections committee members, the board earlier this month voted to appoint five new volunteers. In last week’s special meeting, Director Frank Daly noted those resignations made his motion for hiring an auditing firm a necessary step.

“Per governing documents, the 2022 election is settled,” he said. “The audit is not a recount. The intent of this audit is to reconcile certain differences identified by the election committee that conducted the 2022 election.”

Daly noted that the report from the elections committee showed the number of votes cast exceeded the number of ballots received. He noted that questions surrounding the use of the ballot scanner and the tabulation of votes from multiple-lot owners remained.

“The number of votes is determined by the number of lots. And you can be a multiple-lot owner, and therefore on a ballot you may not have the same number of tabulated votes as a single lot owner …,” he explained. “We also don’t know how many of those ballots going through the paper system or the electronic system that might have been from multiple lot owners where the votes were not tabulated correctly or under-

tabulated. We just don’t have a handle on it.”

Daly told board members a forensic audit could determine the cause of the vote discrepancy and lead to procedures changes that would prevent similar issues from occurring in future elections.

“The objectives of this are really to determine do we have a systematic problem, and have we had a systematic problem where the number of votes cast exceed the number of votes expected,” he said. “Because that would need to be fixed, and it could’ve existed in the past, multiple times.”

Director Monica Rakowski said she wanted more information on test ballots, scanning, and procedures. She added that while she supported a review of the 2022 election, she had concerns about the cost.

“I’m not sure I want to spend association dollars to do it, but I would like to see things in place that address your concerns, my concerns and we follow our bylaws and resolutions through the process,” she said.

Director Rick Farr argued an audit of the 2022 election would be an expensive undertaking. He noted that vote discrepancies, policies and procedures could be further investigated by the new elections committee.

October 28, 2022 Page 29The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
SEE PAGE 35 FENWICK ISLAND • DE • 302-436-2305 54 Open Wednesday-Sunday DailyReservations Recommended Happy Hours 11:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Daily Through Out! Thursday & Sunday $25.00 EntréeSpecial Menu Reservations Recommended

SNOW HILL – A Worcester County judge sentenced a former childcare worker to 49 years in prison on charges related to sex abuse of a minor and manufacturing child pornography.

Bruce William Travers, 38, was sentenced to 105 years with all but 49 years suspended during a hearing Friday. The sentence came after Travers — well known in the community for the years he spent working in local daycare centers —pleaded guilty in July to six of the more than 30 charges he faced related to child porn and sex abuse.

“The devastation of this case is clear,” Worcester County Circuit Court Judge Brian Shockley said. “It is profound. As the victim statements made clear, it is enduring.”

Travers, who worked at several local daycare centers and in county schools as recently as the spring of 2021, was charged in August 2021 after a tip led to his arrest. According to charging documents, the Maryland State Police Computer Crimes Unit was contacted by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which operates “CyberTipline” to handle reports of child sexual exploitation. The CyberTip included a file that was uploaded to Bing, according to charging documents, and depicted child pornography.

The Worcester County Bureau of Investigation went on to seize laptops, cell phones, thumb drives, camera memory cards and several pieces of children’s clothing from Travers’ residence on Brandywine Drive in Ocean Pines. According to charging documents, Travers admitted to possessing child porn and said he used children’s clothing to fantasize. He also told police three children, all elementary school aged kids, had stayed at his house in the past.

The children’s guardians told police they’d met Travers through his employment at a daycare. Travers reportedly stayed with the family off and on between 2018 and 2021 and was also permitted to care for the children at his residence, according to documents. Forensic examinations on the electronic devices seized revealed various explicit nude photos of the children.

Travers pleaded guilty to six of the more than 30 charges he faced in July. In court Friday, Worcester County Assistant State’s Attorney Pam Correa told the judge that while Travers had no criminal history before these charges, he’d spent years working in childcare, aware that he was attracted to children. She said the guardians of the kids he’d had stay at his home only met and came to trust him after meeting him at a daycare.

“That level of trust and his entry into the home would not have existed but for his employment at Little Lambs,” Correa said.

She said Travers had tried to minimize his conduct by claiming he’d only taken photographs of children. She noted however, that in some of the photographs he’d posed the children in ways that mimicked commercial pornography images.

“That is a very deliberate and intention-

Page 30 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Former Daycare Worker Sentenced To 49 Years
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al act,” she said.

Correa added that while there was no evidence of distribution, Travers had spent years taking photos of children. And while he told investigators he’d deleted some of them, she said that didn’t mean he couldn’t still think about them.

“That photograph is always going to be in his head, for his sexual gratification,” she said.

She read a victim impact statement from the guardians of the three elementary school age children that described how Travers had integrated himself into their lives, working as a scout leader and substitute teacher. Another woman whose son was photographed by Travers described the trauma and pain her family had dealt with since learning that Travers had photographed the boy.

Charles Waechter, the private defense attorney representing Travers, told the judge his client was a graduate of Stephen Decatur High School and Salisbury University and had been employed by the Worcester County Board of Education as a substitute teacher in 2020. He said Travers had been assigned to a full-time position at Buckingham Elementary School to begin the next school year but that the offer had been rescinded when Travers was charged last August.

Waechter stressed that the Travers case involved the exploitation of minors but not the physical abuse of minors.

“In most child abuse cases they involve hands on activity,” Waechter said. “In this case we don’t have that.”

Waechter told the judge Travers was dealing with mental health issues, including depressive anxiety disorder and pedophilic disorder. He said that while the state wanted Travers to serve consecutive sentences for the charges, he thought a large portion of the sentence should be suspended.

“I’ve seen every image there is,” Waechter said. “There were a lot of images that quite frankly, while they might not be socially acceptable, they’re not illegal.”

He added that Travers had been candid with investigators once he’d been approached by the police. During Friday’s hearing, Travers apologized to the families involved.

“I’m so sorry for everything,” he said. “My actions, they were wrong and I’m sorry.”

His mother told the judge she didn’t know Travers “had this problem” until last year. She said he’d known he needed help but didn’t know where to go.

“I know he’s remorseful,” she said. “I apologize to the people he affected. I’m sorry. I just want him to get help.”

Shockley said the case was sad for everyone involved.

“These are the most difficult cases,” he said. “They’re the ones that stick with you. They represent in my estimation the most profound breach of trust.”

Shockley said that during the pre-sentence investigation, Travers said there had been occasions when he’d taken pictures of children and deleted them because he hated that it interested him. The investigation also revealed that he’d refrained from getting help because it could affect his career and reputation, according to the judge. Shockley said that showed Travers knew he had a problem and not only didn’t try

to address it, but kept putting himself in situations with children.

“He knowingly and voluntarily put himself in a position this could happen,” Shockley said. “That is the height of selfishness. The seriousness of it cannot be minimized.”

In the first case against Travers, Shockley sentenced him to 25 years with all but 10 suspended for a charge of sex abuse of a minor and 10 years with all but three suspended for child porn promotion. In the second case, Shockley sentenced Travers to 25 years with all but 15 suspended for sex abuse of a minor: house/fam, 10 years with all but three suspended for child porn solicit subject, 25 years with all but 15 suspended for sex abuse of a minor: house/fam and 10 years with all but three suspended in child porn film in sex act. The sentences, which when put together total 105 years with all but 49 suspended, will be served consecutively. At least 50% of the sentence must be served before Travers is eligible for parole. Upon release he will have five years of supervised probation—during which he can have no unsupervised contact with minors and can’t be involved with any youth groups—and will have to register as a Tier III sex offender for life.

Worcester County State’s Attorney Kris Heiser said sentencing guidelines called for 5-10 years for the first case and 20-36 years for the second case.

“We asked the judge to give 53 years active incarceration and ended up with the judge ordering 49 years active incarceration, so we are pleased with the sentence,” Heiser said.

October 28, 2022 Page 31The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
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Council To Extend Signage Deadline

OCEAN CITY – Signs along the Baltimore Avenue corridor that for years have not met the town’s code will likely have another year to come into compliance after resort officials last week approved on first-reading an ordinance granting the extension.

During a joint meeting with the Ocean City Planning Commission in September, the Mayor and Council voted unanimously to extend the deadline for bringing private sector signs along the Baltimore Avenue corridor in the downtown and upper downtown overlay districts into code compliance. The deadline, set in motion six years ago, was set to expire on Nov. 18, but with the uncertainties surrounding the redevelopment of the Baltimore Avenue corridor from North Division Street to 15th Street, the Mayor and Council voted to extend that deadline for another year in order to allow the property owners to carefully plan and not move or alter signs twice. The council passed the proposed ordinance on first reading last week with little or no discussion.

The signs in question are not code compliant for a variety of reasons. Some do not meet the code in terms of size or height, while others infringe on the Baltimore Avenue right-of-way. The issue is further complicated by the pending re-

development of the Baltimore Avenue corridor from North Division Street to 15th Street, an area where some of the non-compliant signs are located.

As part of that project, the town is in the process of abandoning and conveying an unused portion of the Baltimore Avenue right-of-way to the private sector property owners along the corridor. The original deeds show the right-of-way at 75 feet, but the current roadway only utilizes about 45 feet from curb by curb. That leaves an area of about 21 feet in some cases that has been utilized to the property owners over the years for various purposes, including signs, for example.

With the town now in the process of conveying that no man’s land area to adjacent property owners, the non-conforming sign question became an issue again with the November deadline for compliance looming in what now would have been a little over two weeks.

The extension of the deadline will allow for additional public notice of the zoning requirements, and an evaluation of the non-conforming signs affected by the Baltimore Avenue streetscape project. In addition, the Ocean City Development Corporation (OCDC) is preparing recommendations for potential code amendments regarding sign regulations. Only certain non-conforming signs will be eligible for the proposed one-year deadline extension.

Page 32 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
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Fenwick Sidewalk Project Advances

FENWICK ISLAND – Fenwick Island Mayor Natalie Magdeburger says the town is looking to select a contractor and secure easements as it moves forward with a long-awaited sidewalk project.

In last week’s meeting of the Fenwick Island Town Council, Magdeburger presented community members with an update on the town’s sidewalk project. As part of its first phase, the town is looking to construct pathways along the west side of Coastal Highway.

“The sidewalk project is still moving forward,” she said. “We had put it out for bids, but unfortunately nobody submitted a bid.”

In 2019, Fenwick Island initiated the first phase of its sidewalk construction project, which includes five bayside blocks south of James Street. And in February, the Fenwick Island Town Council signed off on a contract with Century Engineering to begin design work for the first phase of construction this year.

With a contract to solicit construction bids completed, Magdeburger told community members last week the town was still waiting to select a contractor.

“The good news is since bids have closed, we have had a contractor contact us and he is very interested,” Magdeburger added. “He is going to look at what all it entails and hopefully we’ll get a good number we can bring back to council and everybody can hear about it in terms of whether it can be done and in what time period.”

Magdeburger noted the goal of the sidewalk construction project is to make Fenwick Island safe for pedestrians and improve access to local businesses.

“We’d like to get the sidewalks done prior to the opening of the season so that our businesses will have the benefit of having an easy pedes-

trian walkway for our people to come up and get into our businesses,” she said.

Magdeburger added that Councilman Ed Bishop, chair of the Fenwick Island Pedestrian Safety Committee, would also be meeting with commercial property owners in the coming weeks to secure easements for the sidewalk project.

“Ed will be coming around to the businesses that will be involved on the west side and getting the easements they need to do the work,” she explained. “Hopefully they’ll all sign off on it and get sidewalks before next season.”

Fenwick’s sidewalk project was also discussed at length during last week’s town symposium on bike and pedestrian safety. At that meeting, Jennifer Cinelli-Miller, the Delaware Department of Transportation’s (DelDOT) transportation planner for Sussex County, noted that construction of the remaining sidewalks had moved to No. 24 on the agency’s list of upcoming transportation projects.

“The town is scheduled for design work in a couple of years, with rightof-way acquisition starting in 2026 and into 2027 …,” she said. “With the limited availability of space on Route 1, it will be a challenge for acquisitions.”

Magdeburger told community members last Friday she was disappointed to learn that the sidewalk project had dropped from the No. 9 position in DelDOT’s Consolidated Transportation Plan.

“What was very disheartening to hear at the symposium is that despite the fact that Fenwick has been petitioning for sidewalks for decades now … we had dropped back down to 24, but we are on the list to have builds by 2026,” she said. “What that would mean is on the eastside, when the state does come in to build, they will come in through eminent domain and do it at their schedule.”

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“I think what we should do first is have the elections committee do a deep dive to figure out what the issues are … ,” he said. “If there are issues they can’t resolve, then we can come back and look at this motion and see what it’s going to cost to move forward on this.”

Director Steve Jacobs disagreed.

“With all due respect, asking the elections committee to do a deep dive is asking a bunch of volunteers to do something they may not be prepared for or able to undertake,” he said.

Jacobs argued that a forensic audit was needed, as the association had a series of upcoming votes, including a referendum on short-term rental regulations and the 2023 board election.

“If we are going to spend money on something we haven’t budgeted for, getting to the point of doing something as basic as an election without a lot of fuss and feathers is sort of a good way to spend some money,” he said.

Horn agreed a forensic audit was a good investment.

“What I’m hearing on the street is that our members have lost faith in our election process and the integrity of our elections,” she said, “which leads me to believe that what’s going to be most important for us to engage going forward is an independent firm to look at this process and answer the questions.”

Rakowski, however, encouraged the

board to consider issuing a request for proposals (RFP).

“I’m OK with an RFP, not spending money …,” she said. “I think we need to do more due diligence before that happens.”

For his part, Director Stuart Lakernick said he supported having the elections committee investigate issues pertaining to the 2022 election.

“I don’t know I’m really sold on spending association money to find out where the mistakes were in the past,” he said. “We had two recounts, and even though the counts have been dissimilar, it’s over. It’s time to move on.”

Daly, however, questioned if the elections committee would be able to identify the issues.

“If they could reconcile the difference between the ballots, the lots and the votes, it would’ve been done on September 30,” he said. “That requires specialized auditing techniques I’m 100% sure no member of the committee has.”

After further discussion, the board voted unanimously to table Daly’s motion and to ask the elections committee chair if the group could investigate the issue. Officials also agreed to seek proposals from forensic auditing firms.

“December 1, as far as I’m concerned, is the drop-dead date,” Daly said. “We either get these questions answered by December 1 by the elections committee or we go to a forensic audit.”

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Directors Named

SALISBURY – Salisbury University’s Student Affairs Office recently welcomed three new directors: Lindsey Parker, director of student health services; Tim Johnson, director of the Guerrieri Student Union and student involvement; and Clare Tauriello, interim director of career services.

“All three of these professionals have strong backgrounds in higher education and in their respective fields,” said Dr. Dane Foust, SU vice president of student affairs. “We look forward to working with them as they serve our students and the campus.”

Parker most recently served as SU’s interim director of student health services. She arrived at SU in 2019 as assistant director. She previously held several positions at Atlantic General Hospital in Berlin, Md. Parker holds a B.S. in nursing from SU and an M.S. in nursing from Wilmington University. She is licensed as a boardcertified family nurse practitioner.

Johnson most recently served as the associate director of student activities at Syracuse University in New York. Previously, he was the director of student leadership and engagement at Guilford College in Greensboro, N.C. He holds a B.A. in psychology from North Carolina Central University in Durham and an M.Ed. in higher education from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.

Tauriello came to SU from Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, Md., where she served as career services director for the past 10 years. She holds a B.S. in communications from Ithaca College in New York and an M.Ed. in student personnel administration from Pennsylvania State University. She also served as adjunct faculty at several colleges specializing in career development.

New West OC Gym

WEST OCEAN CITY – The resort’s first Planet Fitness is now open at its new location, 12641 Ocean Gateway in the White Marlin Mall area.

This marks the first location for the leading fitness chain in the Ocean City market, with the nearest Planet Fitness club 40 miles away.

The 14,300-square-foot location includes 64 state-of-the-art cardio machines and a wide variety of strength equipment, a 30-minute express circuit, fully equipped locker rooms with day lockers and showers, numerous flat screen televisions and a relaxing Black Card® Spa equipped with

tanning beds and HydroMassage loungers.

Free fitness training is included in all memberships.

Planet Fitness is thrilled to welcome Ocean City residents and provide them with a clean, safe and nonjudgmental space to work towards physical and mental health goals.

Finance Officer Announced SALISBURY – Steve Leonard, president/CEO of TidalHealth, has announced the promotion of Stephanie Gary, vice president of finance, to vice president of finance/chief financial officer (CFO) for the health system.

Gary’s promotion follows the announced retirement of Bruce Ritchie, senior vice president of finance/CFO effective Jan. 13, 2023 after 29 years in a financial leadership role at the health system; 18 of those as its vice president. Ritchie will hold the title of senior vice president of finance until his retirement.

Gary becomes only the third CFO in TidalHealth’s history, following Ritchie –who had been its CFO for the past 15 years – and Donald Durham, who was first to hold the title, until his retirement in 2007.

“Stephanie, in addition to being a prov-

en leader, brings to her new role a wealth of knowledge and an impressive background in not only successfully managing corporate healthcare finances but also experience in the outside corporate world for more than 20 years previously,” said Leonard. “With a tremendous amount of operational experience, which is somewhat unique in a CFO role, she also brings a process improvement perspective that is already helping us to strengthen efficiencies.”

Gary holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Maryland in accounting and business administration, and is a licensed CPA. She earned her MBA, specializing in healthcare, from the University of Texas. She joined TidalHealth as its vice president of finance in June of 2021 from the Methodist Health System in Texas.

“I’ve enjoyed the transition process with Bruce over the last 12 months. It is not always easy to do, but Bruce has done so with grace and kindness,” said Gary. “I also appreciate Dr. Leonard and the entire TidalHealth team’s support during my personal transition from Texas back home to Maryland and my professional

one to CFO. I look forward to supporting this organization and my community for many years to come.”

“Bruce Ritchie has been a valuable team member who has been involved in every strategic decision for nearly three decades, and is recognized as one of the leading CFOs and healthcare financial leaders in the mid-Atlantic region,” added Leonard. “He has played a significant role in making TidalHealth the outstanding health system it is, and has contributed to the healthcare of thousands of citizens on the Delmarva Peninsula.”

Restaurant Sold

BETHANY BEACH – The Cottage Café Restaurant & Pub in Bethany Beach, Del., announced that it sold the iconic restaurant to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware-based SoDel Concepts, a hospitality group.

“The Cottage Café has such a sweet spot in the hearts of so many locals and visitors,” said Scott Kammerer, president of SoDel Concepts. “Because the restaurant is in a fast-growing area, it attracts a loyal following and a new fan base.”

Tom Neville and Brent Poffenberger started the restaurant in 1993 in Ocean City after graduating from Shepherd University in West Virginia. In 1994 they opened a second Cottage Cafe in Bethany in the spot where it is today.

In the early days, both partners cooked.

“We did everything,” Neville said. “We worked 80-hour weeks. But the hard work paid off.”

The partners later opened the Bethany Boathouse, which they are keeping.

“Owning two restaurants has been rewarding, but now we want to spend more time with our families,” Poffenberger said.

“We feel fortunate that a local familyowned company like SoDel Concepts is interested in The Cottage Café.”

He continued, “It’s important that we leave it in good hands. We are confident that SoDel will continue the tradition of great service to our guests, and, maybe most importantly, they will take care of our staff.”

Kammerer said customers and staff should not expect the 240-seat restaurant to change. All of the local favorites, including the bestselling pot roast, will remain on the menu.

“The Cottage Café is family-friendly, and it will stay that way,” Kammerer said. “They don’t make coastal restaurants like this anymore, and we are proud to continue Tom and Brent’s legacy.”

Page 36 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Jason Parker, a vice president of Bank of Ocean City, recently graduated from the Maryland Bankers Association Emerging Leaders “Champion Program, a yearlong professional development opportunity for those interested in furthering their careers and broadening industry knowledge. Parker, a graduate of Wilmington University, is active in commercial, residential and consumer lending, along with merchant services and business development. He serves as the current treasurer and incoming chairman of Wor-Wic Community College Foundation, treasurer and secretary of the Purnell Foundation, finance committee member at Buckingham Presbyterian Church and coach for Berlin Little League. Above, Parker is pictured with his certificate. Submitted Photo STEPHANIE GARY
October 28, 2022 Page 37The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

For Dredging Project

FENWICK ISLAND – Officials in Fenwick Island last week voted to approve a contract that will support the town’s efforts to dredge areas of the Little Assawoman Bay.

Last Friday, the Fenwick Island Town Council voted 6-0, with Councilman Paul Breger abstaining, to approve a $63,000 contract with Anchor QEA for research, surveying and engineering design related to the town’s dredging project in the Little Assawoman Bay.

Councilman Bill Rymer, chair of the Fenwick Island Dredging Committee, told council members the consulting work would be funded using money from the town’s dredging account.

“It’s not requesting $63,000,” he said. “It’s highlighting a recommendation coming from the dredging committee that we enter into the amended agreement with our consulting firm for two separate tasks … The action items – the two large tasks reflected in the recommendations – are surveys, sediment analyses and hydrodynamic modeling to determine construction heights, perimeter material placement

and overall design for a reconstituted Seal Island.”

Plans for a dredging project in the Little Assawoman Bay began in earnest in 2018, when the town hired Tony Pratt, former administrator for the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), to guide them through the funding and permitting processes. By the following year, Anchor QEA, a Lewesbased engineering firm, was brought on board to provide design, bidding and construction managements services.

Simply put, the dredging project is expected to address shoaling in the backbay system and connect boating channels along Fenwick’s bayside canals to the main channel in the Little Assawoman Bay. As part of that effort, roughly 19,000 cubic feet of dredged material would be moved to another site – potentially Seal Island – for reuse.

“We have had verbal approval from the state to use Seal Island,” Rymer told council members. “Three weeks ago, we were told the letter has been drafted. It’s now awaiting a final signature. It appears Seal Island will be the direction we are going.”

Rymer noted that while the contract

would require $63,000 for surveying and engineering design, it did not include the additional $68,500 that would be needed to complete the necessary permit applications for dredging work.

“After these next two phases, the last piece of the consulting puzzle and permitting process is doing all the documentation, filing the permits, going through the review process,” he said. “That last phase will likely cost $68,500, but we’re not asking for that yet. We want to proceed with the first two tasks. Likely in our next meeting with the dredging committee, we will likely approve that last phase because it has to start in December or January.”

Rymer noted that permit applications must be completed by March 31.

“If we get all that done and get the applications in for the permits by March 31, we expect the permits could take up to seven months for review, which means we cannot start construction until November 1, and we have a three- or four-month window to get it done,” he added. “There is a dredging window, when you can do this construction work.”

Rymer told council members that conversations and negotiations with the state of Delaware – Seal Island’s owner – had

gotten the town to the design and permitting process. He noted that funds to complete the next phase of the project would only be spent once the town received a letter of support from state officials.

“Yes, we’re awaiting that letter, but we need to start proceeding on some of these other consulting tasks,” he said. “My goal is to hold the fees back as much as possible until we get that letter.”

With no further discussion, the council voted 6-0, with Breger abstaining, to approve the $63,000 contract with Anchor QEA for the next step in the town’s dredging project.

“We’re not asking for additional funds at this point, but we will likely be coming back at the December meeting with that request,” Rymer said.

Mayor Natalie Magdeburger said she was pleased to hear the town was moving forward in its efforts to not only dredge the Little Assawoman Bay, but to restore Seal Island, which has submerged in recent years.

“If we can get it done and reconstitute Seal Island, I think that’s a legacy for Fenwick Island we should all be proud of …,” she said. “Seal Island was always sort of a beacon. It would be nice to have it back.”

Page 38 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Town Approves Consulting Work
LAWN CARE ROOFING licensed & Insured Ocean City #35727 Maryland #95090 Delaware #2007214173 • All New Roofs Carry 10-Year Warranty • All Jobs Inspected By Owner At Completion • Customers’ Satisfaction Guaranteed Over 25 Years Experience In Roofing & Siding fOR a fRee estIMate Call OffICe: 410-289-1115 OR Call the OWneR DIReCt: 443-366-2786 QUALIFIED MECHANICS TO HELP WITH YOUR ROOFING NEEDS! LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING • IRRIGATION HARDSCAPING • FREE ESTIMATES Full Service/Yearly Maintenance Contracts Available 443-783-2224 • edgarcjr@aol.com CARPET CLEANING • Carpet Cleaning • Upholstery Cleaning • Oriental Rug Cleaning & Repair • Tile & Grout Cleaning Quality Ser vice by Certif ied Technicians Since 1983 (302) 436-5652 www.brasurescarpetcare .com PORCH COVERS PROFESSIONAL HOME ORGANIZERHOME, LAWN & PATIO SERVICES 302-212-9800 meckservicesanddesigns@gmail.com MHIC #135919 DE #2018608353 h O M e, l aW n & Pat IO s e Rv IC e s • Pavers • hardscaping • landscaping • General Repair & Maintenance • Decking • Outdoor living Contact us today for a free estimate! HOME IMPROVEMENT Specializing In: Custom Additions, Kitchens, Baths Ken Walsh – 410-641-3762 est. 1977 • MhIC 8465 www.WalshHomeImprovementInc.com For More Information, Contact Pamela Green PHONE: 410-641-4561 • FAX: 410-641-0966 • EMAIL: CLASSIFIEDS@MDCOASTDISPATCH.COM HERE’S MY CARD PIANO TUNING Nick French • 443-783-8255 Nfrenchti@gmail.com

BERLIN – The Worcester County Historical Society is planning its annual fall dinner for Sunday, Nov. 13, at 1 p.m. at the Atlantic Hotel, Downtown Berlin.

This year’s speaker will be Gordon E. Katz, an award-winning author, who will speak on The Henry Hotel. The hotel was built in 1895 as lodging for African Americans staying or working in Ocean City. The hotel was given its name when Charles Henry purchased it in 1926 and renamed it Henry’s Colored Hotel. He added such amenities as a restaurant and entertainment by well-known musicians such as Cab Calloway, Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Count Basie and James Brown, all of whom stayed there.

Several years ago, Katz published a book about the early history of Ocean City from 1875 to 1890. This book received two prestigious awards -- an Award of Merit from the American Association for State and Local History and the Tee O’Connor Professional Award from the Lower Eastern Shore

Heritage Council. He is presently working on a sequel to that publication, which continues the story of both Ocean City and the surrounding areas of Eastern Worcester County from 1890 through the storm of 1933 that created

the Inlet.

The menu for the Historical Society’s dinner will include a choice of Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad, Leo’s Shrimp Salad or a Crab Cake with the trimmings on each order. The crab

cake will be an additional $5. Lemon Lust will be included as the dessert.

Historical society Planning annual Fall Dinner nov. 13 author To Feature Henry Hotel

Tickets are $40 (or $45 for the crab cake) per person and can be purchased by sending a check to Judi Menavich, 9 Drawbridge Road, Berlin, Md. 21811.

The deadline for reservations to the dinner, which is open to the public, is Monday, Nov. 7. Guests are asked to indicate your dinner choice with the check.

October 28, 2022 Page 39The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
HOME IMPROVEMENT MHIC#76938 Del.#2007215731 443-235-6249 • ARTISTICRENOVATIONS.COM SALES & SERVICE AUTO WAINWRIGHT’S TIRE CENTER INC. Custom Wheels Computer Wheel Alignment Lube & Oil Change Shocks & Struts Exhaust Systems Air Conditioning & Brake Service Road Service –Truck & Farm 410-641-2000 • 18 Broad St. • Berlin BLINDS/SHADES MVA LICENSED TAX RESOLUTION/CREDIT SERVICES AMA Consulting & Business Svcs, Inc We Solve Your Problems Mae Phillips (434) 382-8920 11806 Sheppards Crossing Road Whaleyville, MD 21874 amaconsultingandbusiness@gmail.com www.amaconsultingbusiness.com HANDYMAN SERVICES BOB NAILS IT HOME REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENTS Quality You Can Depend On! OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND 410 430 6817 bobnailsit@gmail.com MHIC# 142762 MEN’S HAIR SERVICES Walk-Ins Welcome, no appointments needed! Open Tues.-Fri.: 8am-4:30pm Sat.: 8am-1pm 11022 Nicholas Lane, Unit #7 Ocean Pines, MD 410-973-2430 WASTE & SEPTIC SERVICE WE RUSH, SO YOU CAN FLUSH! 2kuzwaste@gmail.com | 410.957.0379 2kuzwasteandsepticservices.com Septic Installation | Service & Pumping | Hydro Jetting Drain Fields & Pump Stations | Porta Potty Rentals Roll-Off Dumpsters | Grease Traps | Drain Field Rejuvenations LANDSCAPING Spring Clean-Ups, Hardscaping, Landscaping & Grading Carmelo A. Freni 33040 Old Ocean City Road Parsonsburg, MD 21849 FreniLandscaping.net 410-629-0708 Carmelo@FreniLandscaping.net Visa & M/C Accepted For More Information, Contact Pamela Green PHONE: 410-641-4561 • FAX: 410-641-0966 • EMAIL: CLASSIFIEDS@MDCOASTDISPATCH.COM HERE’S MY CARD

Above, Captain Willie Zimmerman of the RoShamBo put this group on a swordfish and a fish box full of blueline tilefish. Below, Captain Chris Little of the Talkin’ Trash went fishing on the Fair Chase where he hand cranked a nice 147 pound swordfish to the fish box. Opposite page, top left, Captain Shawn Bohlen and his family caught this 124 pound swordfish on board their JEB. Opposite page, top middle, Heath Huskey and Nate Gregory had a limit of sheepshead and a bonus tog from the south jetty on live sand fleas. Opposite page, top right, Big Bird Cropper and Shaun Flaherty had a nice day at the south jetty with four keeper sized sheepshead. Opposite page, middle left, Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star looks on as “Hurricane” Murray Meyers displays a nice flounder. Opposite page, middle right, Mark Debinski of Bluewater Advisory and his group had nine keeper flounder on board the Lucky Break with Captain Jason Mumford. Opposite page, bottom left, Captain Chris Mizurak of the Angler has seen some good sea bass fishing and flounder up to 5 pounds lately. Opposite page, bottom right, Mike “Dessert Snack” Dzurnak had two keeper flounder on the Deadly Tackle Deadly Double with Gulp.

Greetings all, and welcome to my final article of the season. There is still plenty of great fishing to come over the next several months, but most of it is going to consist of striped bass, sea bass and tautog so it’s time to go on break and do a little traveling with the family.

There is some encouraging news on

the offshore fishing front as some tunas have been caught north of us in and around the Hudson Canyon. The Hudson is far from Ocean City Inlet and not practical for most boats, but it is to our north so hopefully the tunas are close enough to shore when they decide to migrate by Ocean City on their

Page 40 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Submitted Photos
with Scott Lenox

... Fish In OC

way south. Offshore boats that are still running charters or heading to the canyons are still having great luck deep dropping for tilefish and swordfish with most boats catching both species on targeted trips. Captain Willie Zimmerman of the RoShamBo is still running offshore charters and has caught several limits of blueline tilefish and he is also seeing multiple swordfish bites on most trips. Both fish can be caught well into the fall so if you’re interested give these guys a look.

Inshore ocean bottom fishing is good right now as well with lots of sea bass and a few flounder being caught. The ocean party boat fleet is reporting some limits of sea bass and some flounder up to 5 pounds. There have also been some ribbonfish, scup and triggerfish caught on these bottom trips and all of these are very good eating. Ocean bottom fishing will switch to targeting tautog in December as sea bass season closes and that will run all winter long. Speaking of tautog fishing, it is picking up quickly in the back bays of Ocean City with tons of throwback sized fish and some keepers mixed in. Anglers using green crabs or live sand fleas around both jetties, the

Route 50 Bridge and Martha’s Landing have been having good luck with the “blackfish”.

There are still a few sheepshead being caught around the north and south jetties as well, but they will not be around for much longer. We usually see sheepshead through November so if you’re looking to catch some grab some live sand fleas and head to one of the jetties during a slow tide.

Flounder are also on the move and there are still some nice fish being caught in the OC inlet and East Channel on live baits like mullet and spot. Flounder will also be heading offshore in November so now is the time to get out if you


I’m getting busy putting Fish in OC magazine together for 2023 and gearing up for the winter trade show season, but you can still check out my Daily Angle at www.FishinOC.com. Come see me and the crew at the Chesapeake Bay Boat Show, The Great American Outdoor Show, The OC Boat Show and the Saltwater Fishing Expo. Until next spring, tight lines.

(The writer is the owner of Fish in OC and host of Ocean City’s fishing television show Hooked on OC. He has worked in the fishing industry and been fishing the waters in and around Ocean City for over 25 years.)

October 28, 2022 Page 41The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

People in Society

by Charlene Sharpe Featuring Those Helping Causes In The Resort Area

Page 42 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Ocean City Development Corp. volunteers were all smiles selling beer at Sunfest. Representatives of the Maryland State Fireman’s Association were among the community organizations in attendance at Sunfest. Allyson McCabe, Ashley Blank and Crystal Bell represented the Worcester County Health Department at the Tindley Gospel Sing in Berlin. Diana Purnell and Patsy Bowen were among the attendees at the Tindley Gospel Sing. Debbi Dean and Brenda Davis of Assateague Coastal Trust celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act. Assateague Coastal Trust’s Gabby Ross and Nicole Maskell celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act in Ocean City. Rotary Club volunteers Preston Cook and Heather Godwin paused for a photo at Sunfest. Wally DeBord and Kathy Jarboe represented Believe in Tomorrow at Sunfest in Ocean City Oct. 20. Margaret Mudron and Phillip Wheatley helped sell drinks for the Ocean City Berlin Rotary Club at Sunfest. Bryan Russo and Mike Noyes are pictured at the Tindley Gospel Sing at the Germantown School.

… Q&A With Commissioner Candidates

will help bring in new tax dollars to the county and our towns while both directly and indirectly providing jobs and economic opportunities. Finding ways to create new sources of revenue in Worcester County should continue to be one of the highest priorities for the commissioners. Building a facility of this type represents an investment in our county – one that will raise county tax revenues and help keep income and property taxes among the lowest in the state. The vast majority of these complexes in the United States have been built through government funding, and the proposed site in Worcester County would be no different. There are still many questions left to be answered, however, including addressing what percentages of the total cost of the project will be covered by the relevant public and private entities.

Q. How are you going to help southern Worcester County as the District 1 commissioner?

Abbott: As your next District 1 County Commissioner, I will forge partnerships with the city council and fellow commissioners, who recognize the need to bring revitalization to the southern end of county. We must first focus on infrastructure, including broadband. We also need to be more business friendly, offering incentives to attract business to the area. That, in turn, will create more jobs, which will help keep our young people here and grow our community. My focus is also on

our youth and providing a safe place for them with a year-round facility, where they may play sports, but could also benefit from mentoring through organizations like the Boys and Girls Club, churches, 4-H, etc. Working on ways to accomplish these goals and others will help to attract some of the millions that pass by our district on the two major thoroughfares yearly, to stop and visit or possibly decide to make district 1 home.

Nordstrom: Along with my colleagues and county staff, I will continue to look for new funding sources and a variety of solutions for completing the broadband infrastructure project in southern Worcester County. The scheduled Snow Hill Road and Bayside Road segments – in addition to greater coverage in the Pocomoke area – will serve residents and help attract new businesses to the south end of the county. I will also continue to push the Pocomoke library project through to its completion. The commissioners still have decisions to make on design and funding, and I will be a strong advocate for the facility that best serves our community. I addition, I have begun a preliminary venture into the feasibility of a recreation center to serve the families of the greater Pocomoke area. Most of our population centers in Worcester County already enjoy public facilities of this type, and I believe the citizens of District One need and deserve a center where both kids and adults can exercise, play and have fun.

FROM PAGE 28 October 28, 2022 Page 43The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch


News In Photos

Page 44 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Every year at Christmas, the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines-Ocean City rings the bell for the Salvation Army's "Red Kettle" Campaign at the Berlin Walmart on Rt. 50.Captain Matthew Trantham is pictured with Kiwanis Club President Bob Wolfing after he was the guest speaker at the weekly Wednesday meeting on Oct. 12. The Geezer Golf group held its annual banquet on Oct. 5 at the Ocean Pines Yacht Club with 50 members attending plus their guests. Trophies and shirts were awarded to the team that placed first at their Championship: Ken Happel, Dave Brzozowski, Don Van Reenan and Barry Eccleston. Many other members received awards for their consistent play throughout the season. The Community Church at Ocean Pines recently celebrated its 40th anniversary. Pictured are former pastors Boyd Etters, left, and Tom McKelvy with current Pastor Dale Brown. Submitted Photos Debbie Abbott was recently named winner of Salisbury University’s 2022 Franklin P. Perdue School of Business Executive Advisory Council Leadership Award. Pictured, from left, are Perdue Executive Advisory Council Chair Mike Cottingham, president and CEO of Rommel Holdings; Dr. Christy Weer, dean of SU's Franklin P. Perdue School of Business; honoree Debbie Abbott, executive vice president and COO of the Bank of Delmarva; and Perdue Executive Advisory Council member Sandy Fitzgerald-Angello, owner of Pohanka Automotive Group. The Salisbury Police Department took home the Law Enforcement Team Cup at the 5K Run/Walk for Wor-Wic hosted by the Wor-Wic Community College Foundation. Shown, from left, are Griffin Torrence, Matthew Mitzel and Lt. Pete Tyler with race captain Kelley Selph, a Wor-Wic graduate and Foundation board member. The Community Church at Ocean Pines celebrated its 40th anniversary with a compilation of church history shown prior to each Sunday service. The celebration culminated with all three services coming together for worship followed by a party in the Family Life Center where Reverend Dale Brown, District Superintendent Rev. Christina Blake, former church pastors and parishioners enjoyed dinner and festivities.

For Busy Town Corridor

FENWICK ISLAND – Fenwick Island officials say they will consider new signage to reduce cut-through traffic along Bunting Avenue.

As the town continues to discuss traffic calming measures along Fenwick’s side streets, Councilman Richard Benn, chair of the Fenwick Island Infrastructure Committee, came before the town council last Friday with a recommendation to install new road signage along Bunting Avenue and easterly side streets.

“At our last infrastructure meeting, we

decided that probably one of the simplest first steps to help calm traffic on Bunting Avenue would be to add ‘No Thru Street’ and ‘Local Traffic Only’ signs to all the streets east of Coastal Highway,” he said.

“That way people entering would realize that this is not for thru traffic and only for local access, to access your home.”

Earlier this year, the town began working with an engineering circuit rider with the Delaware Center for Transportation to observe traffic conditions along Bunting Avenue, Maryland Avenue and Island Street and produce recommendations that the town could discuss.

Among those proposed recommenda-

tions was an idea to address speeding and cut-through traffic on Maryland Avenue and Island Street, a popular route for motorists traveling from Coastal Highway to Route 54. The council ultimately approved the purchase of temporary speed bumps to slow motorists.

The biggest discussion topic, however, continues to be Bunting Avenue. One of the suggestions presented to the town was a plan to convert Bunting into a one-way street, with vehicular traffic on one side and a bike and pedestrian pathway on the other.

“I’m getting all kinds of mixed signals on that idea,” Benn told members of the infra-

structure committee last month. “They are either diametrically opposed or they think it’s the best thing that will ever happen.”

To better gauge public opinion, officials say they are considering a symposium to gather ideas on how to reduce traffic and improve safety along Fenwick’s easternmost corridor. In the meantime, Benn told council members last week the committee was recommending new signage.

“This is mostly to stop outside traffic from using our side streets as cutthroughs,” he said. “But we felt it was an important and easy way to start addressing some of the issues we face on Bunting during the summer months.”

October 28, 2022 Page 45The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Council Considers New Signage
Quantities are limited. While supplies last. November 2022 $1199 7-1/4-In. DeWalt Circular Saw Blade High density Tungsten carbide for toughness, wear-resistance and long life. 24 TPI. 0802819 $799 8-Pk. Energizer® Max® AA Alkaline Batteries 1162676 $2999 Poly Snow Pusher Heavy-duty polypropylene blade with metal wear strip. 24” steel handle with ERGo grip. 1169408 $999 1.88-In. x 45-Yd. Maximum Strength Duck Tape 1959055 $299 Hold-Fast® Mouse Glue Traps Long-lasting glue tray effectively traps mice and insects. Disposable, quick and easy clean up. Includes 4 traps. 1965581 $1099 16/3 8-Ft. Outdoor Triple Tap Extension Cord 4154910 $1499 16/3 x 40-Ft. Lawn & Garden Cord 4404430
October 28, 2022Page 46 The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Chris Parypa’s
Photo Of The Week: Each week staff photographer Chris Parypa is tasked with submitting a photo from his vast library to be featured in this space. Above, the white marlin statue at the Route 50 entrance to Ocean City is pictured amid the colors of a changing season. To purchase any of Parypa’s photos, click over to www.chrisparypa.com. OPEN 11AM WEDNESDAY THRU SATURDAY • INSIDE & OUTSIDE DINING WITH PLENTY OF PARKING For Carry-Out Call 410-213-0448 or Online www.shimpboatoc.com Check Out Our Daily Carry-Out Specials On Facebook • Full Menu Available Route 611 - On The Road To Assateague • 1/2 Mile South Of Rt. 50 • 9724 Stephen Decatur Hwy. • Ocean City, MD 21842 Weekdays 11am-3pm DINE-IN ALL YOU CAN EAT$1.99 PER CRAB$1.99 PER CRAB TRUCK SALE SUNDAY • 10AM-2PM CHECK FACEBOOK FOR DETAILS!


ARIES (March 21 to April 19): Although you love being the focus of everyone's attention, it's a good idea to take a few steps back right now to just watch the action. What you see can help with an upcoming decision.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20): "Caution" continues to be your watchword this week, as a former colleague tries to reconnect old links. There are still some dark places that need to be illuminated.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): Making a good first impression is important. Revealing your often hidden sense of humor can help you get through some of the more awkward situations.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22): Are you taking that Cancer Crab image too seriously? Lighten up. Instead of complaining about your problems, start resolving them. A friend would be happy to help.

LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22): A widening distance between you and that special person needs to be handled with honesty and sensitivity. Don't let jealousy create an even greater gap between you two.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22): Congratulations. Your handling of a delicate family matter rates kudos. But, no resting on your laurels just yet. You still have to resolve that on-thejob problem.

LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): You

might surprise everyone by being unusually impulsive this week. But even level-headed Libras need to do the unexpected now and then.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21): A period of turmoil gives way to a calmer, more settled environment. Use this quieter time to patch up neglected personal and/or professional relationships.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): A new relationship could create resentment among family and friends who feel left out of your life. Show them you care by making more time for them.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19): Concentrate on completing all your unfinished tasks before deadline. You'll then be able to use this freed-up time to research new career opportunities.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18): You're right to try to help colleagues resolve their heated differences. But keep your objectivity, and avoid showing any favoritism between the two sides.

PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20): Your personal life continues to show positive changes. Enjoy this happy turn of events, by all means. But be careful not to neglect your workplace obligations.

BORN THIS WEEK: People of all ages look to you for advice and encouragement. You would make an excellent counselor.

October 28, 2022 Page 47The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch THE DISPATCH Crossword Puzzle ANSWERS ON PAGE 46
© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. ANSWERS ON PAGE 70


vanishing vanishing OCEAN CITY

The Maryland State Fireman’s Convention has been a signature event for over 70 years in Ocean City. For several decades, it was the largest held all summer and ushered in the true beginning of the summer season.

Prior to 1970, meetings and exhibits took place at the former high school/elementary school (today’s City Hall) at 3rd Street and Baltimore Avenue. Nearby hotels of that era such as the Hamilton, the Breakers, the Monticello, and others were full of visiting firemen and their families for the entire week. Following the opening of the convention center in 1970, the scene shifted to 40th Street where the parking lot was filled with displays of modern fire apparatus.

The highlight of the week was the parade up Baltimore Avenue featuring a seemingly endless stream of fire engines, bands, floats and marching units; some years the parade would last almost three hours.

For the first time since World War II, there was no firemen’s parade in 2020 in Ocean City as the coronavirus forced the convention to be canceled. The Maryland State Firemen’s Convention returned in 2021.

To purchase one of Bunk Mann's books, click over to www.vanishingoc.com. Photo from an early parade courtesy of the OC Life Saving Station Museum

Page 48 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
A smooth trip through the Hampton Roads tunnel Displays of resilience Getting to know my kids’ teachers Stephen A. Smith’s rants Learning my way around a new area Documentaries Thinking and driving Waze on a road trip The short peak of a great sunset sky The Phillies’ playoff run Teammates helping each other up
I Like...

Administrative Assistant

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Worcester County Health Department

OFFICE SECRETARY II- Full Time, State Benefits. This position provides secretarial support and assists with the operations of the Environmental Health Program of the Worcester County Health Department. This position works under the supervision of the Environmental Health Specialist Supervisor and requires comprehensive knowledge of agency programs, the ability to exercise independent judgement, and proficiency in computer programs. This position has daily contact with the public and requires effective verbal and written communication skills.

Background check required. APPLY ONLINE at www.jobapscloud.com/md by October 31, 2022.

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Join the talented, collegial Assignment and Jury Team of the Circuit Court. The position is responsible for calendar assignment and coordination of civil matters and is also involved in criminal case assignment and jury management. Strong organizational, communication, technical and interpersonal skills are required.

Apply through the Worcester County Human Resources Department: https://worcesterhr.co.worcester.md.us/


Bay Forest Community, a fast growing Homeowners Association, in Ocean View Delaware, is looking for a full time Operations Manager who must demonstrate proficiency in some or all of the following areas: grounds management, facilities management, and community operations. Operations Manager must exhibit good interpersonal skills, have good written and oral communication skills, basic computer knowledge, and ability to perform small repairs and maintenance.

If you are a team player, looking for a challenging yet rewarding position, please send resume to Stefanie.Minemier@casinc.biz Salary dependant on experience.



HELP WANTED October 28, 2022 Page 49The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch SECURITY: P/T position yearround. Ocean City. Please call 443513-4198. POOL: General Maintenance, Outdoor work, lifting heavy objects. Mechanical, basic pool pump & motors, CPO a plus / not required. Able to pass CPO test. Summer includes weekends & long hours; working alone or with others. 410.289.4902 Ask for Suzanne. KITCHEN : Cooks, Kitchen Help, Food Runners wanted. Flexible schedule, clean kitchen, new equipment.Weekly pay checks. Friendly work environment. American Legion Post #166. Contact Sam Wiley 443-235-0876 THE DISPATCH IS ONLINE WWW.MDCOASTDISPATCH.COM LOOKING EVERWHERE? CHECK HERE FIRST! The Dispatch Classified Pages Can Point You in the Right Direction! The Dispatch Classifieds $15/Week for Minimum of Five Lines • $2 Thereafter Per Line Display Classified Ads: $20/Week Per Column Inch (Contract Discounts Available) Deadline for Insertions, Cancellations & Payment is 3pm Tuesday Pre-Payment is Required. We Accept Visa & MasterCard CONTACT INFORMATION Phone: 410-641-4563 • Fax: 410-641-0966 Email: classifieds@mdcoastdispatch.com Mail: P.O. Box 467, Berlin MD 21811 Currently Hiring Manpower For: Carpenter | Laborer | Painters Stucco & EIFS Mechanics Concrete Work o Experience preferred. o Tools, transportation & valid driver’s license are a plus. o Excellent pay and a competitive benefits package available. Please Apply Online: https://www.allstatesconst.com/delmarva-renovations-careers Or Contact Our Office at 410-352-9800 AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS Busy Tire & Service Centers with locations in the Rehoboth, Bethany and Ocean City areas, is now hiring for experienced Technicians Must be dependable. Excellent Pay & Benefits !! Call Matt 302-344-9846 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS SALES ASSOCIATES Busy Auto & Marine parts store with locations in Ocean Pines, Clarksville and Long Neck, is now hiring for Full and Part Time Sales Persons. Experience a plus but will train the right person. Great Pay & Benefits !! Call Joel 302-344-9769 Now Hiring For: EXPEDITORS FOOD RUNNERS Call Matt at 302-593-4141 or email thesterlingtavern@gmail.com INDIAN RIVER MARINA IS NOW HIRING! •NIGHTWATCH Apply Online at delawarestatejobs.com For additional information, please contact the Marina office at 302.227.3071 AA/EOE CARPENTERS & CARPENTERS HELPERS Must have: Tools, Transportation, Driver’s License Exp. Required! PATTERSON & SONS BUILDERS Call 410-641-9530 We are currently looking for Part Time custodial employees Hours are 3:30pm-6:30pm. Monday through Friday. Apply to Linda Watson at lwatson@worcesterprep.org or mail application to Linda Watson 508 S Main St Berlin, MD 21811. CUSTODIAL STAFF
Salary Range:
Closing Date:
WINTER RENTALS: Week to week. 1BR, 1BA. 127TH & 52ND. ST. $250 per wk + util’s. Nice units. References required. Call for details 267-254-0111.
RENTALS: OC & West OC $750 per mo +utilities. Need $2,250 to move in. 410-430-9797. WINTER RENTAL: 3BR/2BA. 117th St. $1350 per mo. + Utlil.’s (no pets,no smoking) Call 410202-2632. WINTER WEEKLY RENTALS Utilities Included CONTACT US AT burgundyinn@gmail.com 410-289-8581 ROOMMATE So many dark puddles Splashing from here to there Wet from head to toe! ROOM(S) FOR RENT: Seeking Roommate(s). YR or Seasonal. Indoor Hot Tub. Non smoking, pets welcome. Single Family Home, 94th St. area. Rent negotiable. Call/text for more info. 410-7265200.(Job inhibits phone calls, text if can’t reach by calls). COMMERCIAL WEST O.C. OFFICE/RETAIL SPACES AVAILABLE: 2 Office/Retail Spaces for Lease. Plenty of Parking. 443-497-4200. Office Space for Rent Berlin (2nd floor) Available 11/1 Approx 650 sq. ft. $600 mo. + util's Please call/text 443-513-0392 or email ereid57@hotmail.com

The Dispatch Legal Notices




OCEAN CITY, MD 21843-3307



Ocean City, Maryland 21842-3307

Plaintiff vs. JOVINA C. BAINO, et al. Defendants


By virtue of a certain Claim of Lien recorded among the Land Records of Worcester County, Maryland, and pursuant to the Order of the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland, Case No. C-23-CV-22-000190 the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at the entrance of the BAY CLUB RESORT, located at, 302 32ND STREET, OCEAN CITY, the following described property located in Ocean City, Worcester County, Maryland, on Saturday, October 29, 2022, at 11:00 AM the following timeshare intervals:

sponding unit, each unit being part of the Bay Club Condominium, including an undivided interest in the common elements thereof, as established pursuant to a Declaration of Condominium and Timeshare recorded among the Land Records of Worcester County, Maryland and subsequent Declarations of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, as to each condominium unit and recorded among the aforesaid Land Records.

The property will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranties and guarantees. A secured party may bid and shall be excused from deposit requirements. The Trustee reserves the right to withdraw any interval from the sale and/or to reject any and all bids.

Terms of Sale: A deposit in the full amount of the sales price per time interval will be required at the time of sale, such deposit to be in cash or check. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, 2022 maintenance fees and all other settlement costs shall be borne by the purchaser. The date of settlement shall be within fifteen (15) days after final ratification by the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland, time being of the essence; otherwise, the deposit will be forfeited and the property will be resold at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser, or in any manner designated by the Trustee; or, without forfeiting deposit, the Seller may exercise any of its legal or equitable rights against the defaulting purchaser.

For more information, call: Ayrika Fletcher, Esq., Trustee, at 443.672.8107.

Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch

Date of Publication

OCTOBER 14, 2022

TRUE TEST COPY SUSAN R. BRANIECKI Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County, MD 3x 10-14, 10-21, 10-28




To all persons interested in the estate of IRENE PINO, AKA: IRENE B. PINO, ESTATE NO. 19016. Notice is given that JOSEPH L. PINO, 11333 MARINA DRIVE, BERLIN, MD 21811, was on OCTOBER 05, 2022, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of IRENE PINO,who died on NOVEMBER 11, 2021 with a will.

Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.

All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 5TH day of APRIL, 2023

Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:

(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.

Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch

Date of Publication

OCTOBER 14, 2022


Personal Representatives True Test Copy





To all persons interested in the estate of SUSAN M PIZZA Estate No. 19419 Notice is given that THOMAS F PIZZA whose address is 4042 EAST AZALEA DRIVE GILBERT, AZ 85298 was on OCTOBER 18, 2022 appointed Personal Representative of the estate of SUSAN M PIZZA, who died on SEPTEMBER 24, 2022 without a will.

Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 18TH day of APRIL, 2023

Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:

Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House

One W. Market Street

Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074

3x 10-21, 10-28, 11-04

Second Insertion




ESTATE NO. 19359

To all persons interested in the estate of MAGDALENE MAVRAKIS AKA: MAGDALENE DAWN MAVRAKIS, Estate No. 19359 Notice is given that DONNA SHRADER, 9235 WHALEYVILLE ROAD, WHALEYVILLE, MD 21872 snd THOMAS NICHOLAS MAVRAKIS, 9235 WHALEYVILLE ROAD, WHALEYVILLE, MD 21872 were on OCTOBER 11, 2022 appointed Personal Representatives of the estate of MAGDALENE MAVRAKIS, who died on JULY 12, 2022 with a will.

Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.

All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 11TH day of APRIL, 2023

Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication

OCTOBER 21, 2022

Personal Representatives True Test Copy


Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 10-21, 10-28, 11-04


ESTATE NO. 19412

To all persons interested in the estate of BETTY JEAN SCOTT, AKA: BETTY J. SCOTT, ESTATE NO.19412

Notice is given that JEAN S. HOLLOWAY whose address is 7032 FIVE MILE BRANCH ROAD, NEWARK, MD 21841 was on OCTOBER 21, 2022, appointed Personal Representative of the SMALL ESTATEof: BETTY JEAN SCOTT, who died on OCTOBER 04, 2022 with a will.

Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.

Each time interval being one week per year in the corre-





Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x10-14, 10-21, 10-28

(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.

Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication

OCTOBER 21, 2022

Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:

(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.

All persons having any objection to the appointment shall file their objections with the Register of Wills within 30 days after the date of publication of this Notice.

All persons having any objection to the probate of the will shall file their objections with the Register of Wills within six months after the date of publication of this Notice.All persons having claims against the decedent must serve their claims on the undersigned personal representative or file them with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:

(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or

(2) Thirty days after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the

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BOWIE, MD 20715
Personal Representatives True Test Copy TERRI WESTCOTT
Third Insertion Second Insertion
CONDOMINIUM UNIT 203 205 206 301 306 401 403 406 506 506 506 210 211 307 308 308 309 309 310 407 409 410 508 TIME INTERVAL 34 19 30 24 1 19 23 42 43 45 47 42 19 9 35 38 37 51 39 11 51 27 15 First Insertion
LEGAL RATES Legal advertising rate is $7 per column inch. The deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information call 410-641-4563 or fax 410-641-0966. CONTACT INFORMATION Phone: 410-641-4563 • Fax: 410-641-0966 Email: classifieds@mdcoastdispatch.com Mail: P.O. Box 467, Berlin MD 21811

creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claims will be barred unless the creditor presents the claim within thirty days from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. Any claim not served or filed within that time, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter.

Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication

OCTOBER28, 2022

JEAN S. HOLLOWAY Personal Representative True Test Copy

TERRI WESTCOTT Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074

1x 10-28



ESTATE NO. 19420

NOTICE IS GIVEN that the CLERK OF CIRCUIT court of VIRGINIA BEACH, VA appointed CAROL ANN HAYNES SLOSS, whose address is 5005 FINN ROAD, VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23455, as the PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE of the Estate of JEAN BUNTING HAYNES, who died on DECEMBER02, 2004 domiciled in VIRGINIA, USA. The Maryland resident agent for service of process is B. RANDALL COATES, whose address is 204 W GREEN STREET, SNOW HILL, MD 21863. At the time of death, the decedent owned real or leasehold property in the following

Maryland counties: WORCESTER COUNTY.

All persons having claims against the decedent must file their claims with the Register of Wills for Worcester County with a copy to the foreign personal representative on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the foreign personal representative mails or delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claim within two months from the mailing or delivery of the notice. Claims filed after that date or after a date extended by law will be barred.

Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch

Legal Notices

Date of Publication OCTOBER28, 2022


Personal Representative True Test Copy

TERRI WESTCOTT Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 10-28, 11-04, 11-11

2022, appointed personal representative of the estate of ROY MITCHELL BARKER, JR., who died on SEPTEMBER18, 2022 without a will.

Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.


To all persons interested in the estate of ROY MITCHELL BARKER, JR. Estate No. 19421. Notice is given that: JOY BARKER, whose address is 12942 HARBOR ROAD, OCEAN CITY, MD 21842, was on OCTOBER 19,

All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent's will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 19th day of APRIL, 2023. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or oth-

erwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.

Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication OCTOBER28, 2022

JOY BARKER Personal Representative True Test Copy


Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 10-28, 11-04, 11-11

October 28, 2022 Page 51The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
First Insertion The Dispatch
LEGAL RATES Legal advertising rate is $7 per column inch. The deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information call 410-641-4563 or fax 410-641-0966. CONTACT INFORMATION Phone: 410-641-4563 • Fax: 410-641-0966 Email: classifieds@mdcoastdispatch.com Mail: P.O. Box 467, Berlin MD 21811 First Insertion

… Crippling Industry Impact Predicted With Proposal

lutely have a negative impact on the larger boats.

“The right whale speed limit will certainly affect the big money boats,” he said. “This will absolutely affect the tournament fishing, which brings millions into our town. It’s another regulation imposed on the charter fleet. We seem to be the ones that get hammered whenever there is a political agenda.”

When told the proposed rule would apply to all boats over 35 feet, Gladwin said the results could be devastating.

“If that is the case, it would absolutely crush our industry,” he said. “Our average trip is 55 to 65 miles. That would add four hours of run time per day at a minimum. There will be a lot of boats for sale or new Airbnb locations on the water.”

Fish In OC’s Scott Lenox agreed the data on right whale vessel strikes does not justify the blanket 10-knot proposed rule change.

“No one wants to see a right whale or any other species hit by a boat but to push an unjustified, unresearched regulation on an entire industry is govern-

ment overreach,” he said. “There have been five interactions with right whales by vessels 35 feet to 65 feet since 2008 and based on the number of vessel trips in that time frame, the chance of impacting a vessel is literally one in a million. I’m all for finding a solution to minimize right whale injuries by any vessel, but this rule isn’t it.”

White Marlin Open Director Madelyne Rowan said the trickle-down from the proposed 10-knot rule could impact all facets of the fishing industry if implemented.

“The proposed 10-knot rule for all vessels over 35 feet will negatively impact every single aspect of the marine industry on the entire East Coast,” she said. “According to NOAA, there is a one in a million chance of a right whale strike. The data simply does not support their radical proposal to implement a 10-knot speed restriction on all vessels over 35 feet.”

Rowan acknowledged the proposed 10-knot rule would not be in effect during the WMO under the current timelines but said that would be subject to change if a right whale appeared in the waters

off the mid-Atlantic coast at different times of the year.

“While the proposed dates for the speed restriction do not fall during the White Marlin Open, NOAA also plans to implement 15-day restriction periods when a right whale buoy ping is detected,” she said. “This can occur at any time during the year and could very conceivably occur not only during the White Marlin Open, but other tournaments in our area as well.”

Center for Sportfishing Policy president Jeff Angers said the intent of the NOAA proposed rule, administered by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), is a noble one, but the sportfishing industry is already conservationminded and ready to help without the Draconian 10-knot rule.

“Protecting right whales is urgent, and we are ready to do our part,” he said. “NMFS’ failed due diligence excluded from the conversation America’s recreational anglers and boaters, the most affected stakeholders. The agency needs to get it right. Based on actual interactions between recreational boats and right whales, the proposed restriction on

vessels 35-65 feet is unjustifiable, ineffective and unnecessarily costly to America’s economy.”

Angers agreed with Harris that NOAA has not exactly kept the stakeholders in the loop with the proposed rule change.

“While we all support the intention of this rule to protect right whales, by not consulting with the recreational and commercial fishing and boating community at any point during its development, NMFS has put forward a deeply flawed rule that will have severe economic impacts and provide little benefit to right whales,” he said. “The fact that the proposed rule fails to meet six of the 12 criteria NMFS is using to justify selecting this option is clear evidence that a pause is necessary.”

Viking Yachts Director of Government Affairs and Sustainability John DePersenaire called the proposed 10-knot rule potentially the most onerous regulation on the industry in a long time.

“The proposed rule as written would be the most consequential maritime regulation that we have ever seen imposed on the recreational boating and fishing sector,” he said. “It will affect not only boat owners, but marinas, tackle shops, charter boats and basically all maritime-related businesses on the Atlantic coast.”

Viking Yachts President and CEO Pat Healey added, “This would be a devastating regulatory mandate. Right whale vessel strikes have not been an issue for our industry. This is a classic example of government overreach.”

Janet Coit, Assistant Administrator for NOAA Fisheries, defended the proposal.

“These efforts are part of our North Atlantic Right Whale Road to Recovery, a strategy that encapsulates all of our ongoing work across the agency and in collaboration with our partners and stakeholders to conserve and rebuild the North Atlantic right whale population,” she said. “Despite the many challenges we face, including climate change, we must find solutions to mitigate the threats to marine mammals while supporting the livelihoods and economies of our fishing communities who put healthy food on our tables.”

FROM PAGE 14 Page 52 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
October 28, 2022 Page 53The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch The Landings at Bayside Townhomes West Ocean City, MD Scan the QR code to join the VIP list and get this exclusive pricing before we open to the public next month! The lowest priced new townhomes with an included 2-car garage, minutes from OCMD. Amenities include kayak launch, crabbing pier, and more. $ VIP Pricing Now Starting from $399,990

Every Monday: TOPS Meeting

5-6:30 p.m. Atlantic General Hospital, Berlin. Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a support group promoting weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Call Rose 443-880-8444.

Every Monday: Acapella Chorus

All ladies who love to sing are invited to the Delmarva Woman’s Acapella Chorus, Ocean Pines Community Center, 239 Ocean Parkway, 6-8 p.m. Contact Mary 410-629-9383 or Carol 302-2427062.

Every Tuesday: TOPS Meeting

Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a weekly support and education group promoting weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Meetings are held at the Worcester County Berlin Health Department at 9730 Healthway Drive, Berlin from 3:30-4:30 p.m. every Tuesday. 410-2894725.

Every Tuesday: Dancing

The Delmarva Hand Dance Club holds dancing at the Selbyville Elks Lodge 2173 from 5:30-9 p.m. delmarvhanddancing.com.

Every Tuesday: Beach Cleanup

Beach Heroes, a volunteer Ocean City group, holds cleanups 9-10 a.m. yearround. Trash bags, grippers and gloves provided. Check the Facebook page "Beach Heroes-OC" for weekly meeting locations. All are welcome.

Every Tuesday: Tango Practice

Argentine Tango practice 7-9:30 p.m. Experienced dancers and anyone interested in watching or learning more are welcome. No partner required. More information at TangobytheBeach.com.

Every Wednesday: Bingo Elks Lodge 2645, corner of Sinepuxent Avenue and 138th Street in Ocean City. Has bingo all year. Doors open 4:30 p.m. with first game sharply at 6:30 p.m. Kitchen open for light fare. 410-2502645.

Every Thursday: Beach Singles

Join the club, 55 plus, at Harpoon Hanna’s in Fenwick Island, 4-6 p.m. 302436-9577 or BeachSingles.org.

Every Friday: Bingo

Knights of Columbus hosts with doors open at 5 p.m. and bingo beginning promptly at 6:30 p.m. Held at the Columbus Hall at 9901 Coastal Highway, behind St. Luke's Church. Play every game for just $24. Light refreshments available. Call 410-524-7994 with any questions. rain or shine.

Oct. 28: Fall Party

Stevenson United Methodist Church will hold from 6-8 p.m. with food, candy, games, pumpkin decorating, music and bonfire. Stop by Buckingham Presbyterian’s Trunk or Treat, too.

Oct. 29: Beer Fest For Octoberfest

Shore Craft Beer Fest for Octoberfest in partnership with the Town of Ocean City, OCDC and Shore Craft Beer will host

Things To Do

the longest running local craft beer festival in downtown Ocean City serving up unlimited samples of local craft beer, live music, food trucks, vendors, games and more. This is a pet-friendly event with fun for the entire family. Hotel packages available throughout town with discounted tickets. Proceeds benefit the Ocean City Development Corporation.

Oct. 29: Breakfast Buffet

AUCE breakfast buffet at the Whaleyville United Methodist Church located at 11716 Sheppards Crossing Road in Whaleyville. Cost is $8/adult and $4/child. From 7-10 a.m., buffet will include pancakes, bacon, sausage, scrapple, scrambled eggs, chipped beef, hash brown potatoes, toast, fruit and assorted beverages.

Oct. 29: Community Yard Sale

The Parke at Ocean Pines is holding its community sale from 7:30 a.m. to noon in the driveways of our residents. The Parke is an active 55+ Adult community of 503 homes. Parke residents are selling their treasures for others to enjoy. There are clothes, lamps, artwork, household items, electronics, furniture and more. Maps will be available at the main entrance of the Parke. Rain date is Oct. 30.

Nov. 4: Berlin Glow Walk

This year’s Fall Just Walk event will begin in Stephen Decatur Park and follow a 4.5-mile route around and through downtown Berlin. Participants are asked to bring and wear glow-in-the-dark items to light up the night in a walk around the community. Limited supplies will also be available at registration. Pre-registration is available at justwalkworcester.org. Day-of registration starts at 5 p.m. in Stephen Decatur Park, 130 Tripoli Street, and the walk starts at 5:30 p.m. Strollers and friendly, leashed dogs are welcome. All participants will receive a free raffle entry for a Berlin Basket.

Nov. 5: Holiday Craft Fair

The Pine’eer Craft Club of Ocean Pines will host the 11th annual event from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Ocean Pines Community Center. The event is free and open to the public. Local artisans, crafters and many Craft club members will display and sell their hand-crafted items. The fair is a juried event, meaning organizers will limit the number of similar products.

Nov. 5: Christmas Bazaar

The Community Church at Ocean Pines will hold its annual Christmas Bazaar from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Family Life Center of the church at 11227 Racetrack Road. The bazaar will feature Christmas decorations and trees, linens and things, new and gently used clothing, gifts and potpourri, children’s books and toys, and a bake sale. Proceeds from the event will support the Shepherd’s Nook outreach ministry.

Nov. 5: AYCE Fried Chicken Buffet

Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church will hold from 11 a.m. until sold out. Adults, $15; children, $7.50; children under 6, free. 443-614-9898.

Nov. 6: Church Homecoming

Powellville United Methodist Church will celebrate its 193rd anniversary at 2 p.m. at 35606 Mount Hermon Road, Powellville. The homecoming message will be shared by Rev. Paul Sherwood and special music will be provided by Heaven 4 Shore. A fellowship meal will be enjoyed after the worship service.

Nov. 9: AARP Meeting

Ocean City AARP Chapter 1917 will meet at 10 a.m. in the Ocean City Senior Center located on 41st Street. Please arrive early at 9:30 for a social half-hour and refreshments. Guest speaker will be from the Sierra Club. New members are welcome. Call Bob McCluskey at 410-250-0980 with questions.

Nov. 12: Shopper’s Fair

The Willards Ladies Auxiliary will hold from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Willards Fire Hall. Vendors will be on hand. Breakfast and lunch items will be available for sale and also baked goods. 757-408-3170.

Nov. 12: Drive-Thru Lunch

Powellville Volunteer Fire Department’s Ladies Auxiliary will hold a drive-thru lunch from 10 a.m. until sold. Lunch options include oyster fritter sandwich, $12; chicken salad sandwich, $5; pint of Maryland crab soup, $7; pint of chili, $6; and peas and dumplings, $6.

Nov. 12: 5K Run/Walk

Storm Warriors 5K Run/Walk will take place on the Ocean City Boardwalk and will consist of an out-and-back course, perfect for the speediest of runners, or those who just want a casual walk. Awards will be presented. Proceeds benefit the Ocean Cty Lifesaving Station Museum.

Nov. 12: Christmas Bazaar

Atlantic United Methodist Church’s 44th annual event will be held from 10 a.m.2 p.m. at the church on 4th Street. Event proceeds support local missions. There will be a silent auction, bakery delights, gifts, Christmas items, vintage and new jewelry and carry out lunch. Event hosted by the Martha Circle.

Nov. 13: Annual Fall Dinner

The Worcester County Historical Society is planning its annual fall dinner at 1 p.m. at the Atlantic Hotel in Berlin. This year’s speaker will be Gordon E. Katz, an award winning author, who will speak on The Henry Hotel. The menu will include a choice of grilled chicken caesar salad, shrimp salad or a crab cake with the trimmings on each order. The crab cake will be an additional $5. Lemon Lust will be included as the dessert.

Tickets are $40 (or $45 for the crab cake) per person and can be purchased by sending a check to Judi Menavich, 9 Drawbridge Road, Berlin, Md. 21811. The deadline for reservations to the dinner, which is open to the public, is Monday, Nov. 7. Please indicate your dinner choice.

Nov. 16: Breast Cancer Support Group

From 1-2 p.m. at the Burbage Regional Cancer Care Center. For survivors and current patients battling breast cancer. Call Women Supporting Women at 410548-7880 for more information.

Nov. 17: Shopping Trip

The Ocean City 50+ Senior Center plans a trip to the Rehoboth Outlets followed by lunch at Fin's Ale House. 410-2890824.

Nov. 17-Dec. 31: Winterfest of Lights

The 2022 Winterfest of Lights will be an expanded walking tour that takes you through thousands of sparkling holiday lights and many animated light displays located along a paved path in Northside Park. Sip hot chocolate, take a photo with Santa, visit our gift shop and enjoy the array of holiday exhibits – including many surprises. Come see the 50-foot Christmas tree put on a show for you and soak up all of the holiday spirit at Winterfest of Lights.

Nov. 24: Thanksgiving Dinner

The 43rd Annual Free Thanksgiving Dinner will again be held at the Ocean City Baptist Church from 11:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. Anyone who is looking for a good home cooked meal this Thanksgiving Day is invited to dinner. Come and receive a great meal at no cost. The men and women of the church and community will be preparing and serving the dinner. Please call Ocean City Baptist Church to inform organizers of plans or sign-up online at OCBaptist.com. Dinner will also be taken to shut-ins if address can be provided.

Nov. 25: Ice Ice Berlin, Tree Lighting

Join Berlin as it celebrates the start of the holiday season featuring beautifully carved ice sculptures sponsored by the Berlin businesses. Thirty-plus holiday themed lighted sculptures all over down town. Tree will be lit at 6 p.m. featuring Town Crier Squire Frederick Taylor Greet Santa at Kringle Kottage at the Taylor House Museum. Music by DJ Al Reno from Ocean98. Shops open late.

Nov. 26: Drive Thru Church Luncheon

From 10 a.m. until sold out at the Powellville UM Church located at 35606 Mount Hermon Road, Powellville. Drive thru luncheon features oyster fritter sandwiches, homemade chicken salad, homemade soups including peas and dumplings, chili, and veg. beef. Bake sale items will be available. No preorders. Call 410.835.8796 or 443-8808804 for more details.

Dec. 14: Dinner Theater Trip

The Ocean City 50+ Senior Center plans a trip to see "It's A Wonderful Life" at Toby's Dinner Theater. 410-2890824.

Page 54 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Coalition To Discuss Route 90 Bike, Pedestrian Access

OCEAN CITY – Heretofore, conceptual plans for the eventual dualization of the Route 90 corridor have not included bicycle or pedestrian-friendly amenities, but one local group is seeking to at least consider them.

After years of pushing for improvements to the Route 90 corridor, a major access and egress point for Ocean City, progress is slowly being made. In 2021, Governor Larry Hogan announced funding for the Route 90 improvements, including a likely dualization, would be included in the state’s consolidated transportation plan, putting the project at least on the state’s books for planning and design purposes.

To that end, the Maryland Department of Transportation-State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) has prepared a handful of alternatives for future improvements to Route 90, including one alternative that represents the biggest departure from the existing roadway. It calls for a four-lane dualized highway and includes constructing a two-lane roadway to the north or south of the existing roadway with a wide grass median in between.

MDOT SHA has initiated a survey to receive public input and comments about the proposed alternatives currently on the table and the survey expires on Nov. 10. While none of the alternatives include bicycle or pedestrian access, a local grassroots group is seeking to have those at least part of the discussion.

The Worcester County Bike and Pedestrian Coalition this week fired off a letter to elected officials in Worcester County, including the county commissioners and the county’s representatives in Annapolis seeking consideration for biking and pedestrian elements in the final design or at least a seat at the table. Worcester Bike and Pedestrian Coalition chair Patti Stevens, who is also the Eastern Shore representative for the Maryland Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, authored the letter to the county’s leadership.

“At a presentation to the Worcester County planning commission earlier this month, I mentioned that the Route 90 corridor project is of significant and immediate interest to those who live, work, visit, bike and walk around Worcester County, including the Bike and Pedestrian Coalition,” the letter reads. “The public survey on the MDOT project page offers an opportunity for individuals to provide input on possible lane configurations for the Route 90 corridor, and the summer meeting allowed people to ask questions about the project, but to date, there has not been a community focused dialogue about the impacts and opportunities of this project.”

Stevens said there was precedent for local communities holding open houses and public workshops for input on significant roadway projects.

“Recently, the Fenwick Planning Commission hosted a public symposium to invite public comment and input on similar issues around Coastal Highway, and the Delaware Regional Planning Authority has

hosted similar public forums in the development of an extensive and heavily-used walk and bike network there,” the letter reads. “Bridge and highway projects around the country that have successfully integrated bike and pedestrian access have all included robust involvement of the communities and jurisdictions around them.”

To that end, Stevens said the Worcester County Bike and Pedestrian Coalition is hosting a public forum next week in Ocean Pines to invite local residents to weigh in on the Route 90 proposed alternatives in advance of the close of the public comment period on Nov. 10.

“With these examples in mind, the Worcester County Bike and Pedestrian Coalition is hosting a community meeting on November 2 at the Ocean Pines Library at 6 p.m. with the hope of raising awareness of successful multimodal transportation projects and fostering positive discussion and interest among community members and elected officials,” she said, “including from the Ocean Pines Association, Ocean City and other jurisdictions, as well as the county and state prior to the close of the public comment period for the Route 90 bridge planning, which is November 10.”

WOC Parking Lot Closed For Project

WEST OCEAN CITY – Starting next week, a large portion of the parking lot at the public boat ramp at the West Ocean City commercial harbor will be closed for a months-long project.

Starting Tuesday, Nov. 1, the West Ocean City boat ramp parking lot will be used as a staging area during a project to replace bulkheads, eight piers, and one governor’s dock, along with all associated bumper piles at the commercial harbor. Area residents and visitors will still be able to utilize the public boat ramp in West Ocean City, but parking at the location will be limited, according to Worcester County

Recreation and Parks Superintendent Jacob Stephens.

“Recreation and Parks wants to thank everyone for their patience and understanding as we complete this vital West Ocean City commercial harbor project,” he said. “The estimated project completion date is March 15, 2023, weather permitting.”

Other boat ramp locations include Gum Point Road east of Racetrack Road, or Route 589, and the South Point boat ramp at the end of South Point Road. The Assateague State Park boat ramp on the north side of Stephen Decatur Highway, or Route 611, just before the Verrazano Bridge is also open, but has a boat ramp fee of $10 to $12.

October 28, 2022 Page 55The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch


Page 56 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Jennifer Fohner's PreK-4 class from Ocean City Elementary recently visited Parsons Farm. Above, Tucker Coates, Graham Artrip and Nate Berke are pictured on the hayride after picking their pumpkins from the pumpkin patch.
Worcester Preparatory School students, along with faculty and staff, kicked off this school year’s theme of THRIVE (an acronym for trust, happiness, respect, innovation, value and empathy.) These concepts will be practiced throughout the school year through school activities. Pictured during a recent assembly are Evelyn Westman,
Madilyn Nechay, Griffin Jones, Chris Todorov, Austin Gentry
and Maggie
McCabe. Lisa Kristick’s Pre-K4 class from Ocean City Elementary School visited Parsons Farm this month where they learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin and explored pumpkins using their five senses.
5 4 1 36 + 2 6 Charlene Upham Antiques Steve Blumenauer & Charlene Upham (410) 742-1392 “We Actively Buy, Sell & Appraise Investment Quality Antiques From Fine Eastern Shore Homes” Fine Jewelry * Sterling Silver * Coins MD DLLR #2579 * Email: ctupham@aol.com 25542 Ocean Gtwy, Mardela Springs, MD 21837 OPEN YEAR-ROUND SATURDAY& SUNDAY Park & Flea Downtown Salisbury, Md. On Busy Rte. 13 Between Rte. 50 And Main St. Antiques, Collectibles, Yard Sale, Plants And Produce Buy, Sell, Trade SUNDAY ALL SPACES ONLY $5 NO RESERVATIONS-COME EARLY 410-603-3930 www.parkandflea.com 1 3 Holiday Shoppers! FREE Gift Wrap with ALL Purchases. 105 Market Street • Historic Downtown Pocomoke City, MD 410-957-4653 Open Wednesday - Saturday 10-6 Monday & Tuesday by Appointment Only ClassicCollectionsattheVault.com 5 www.somersetchoiceantiques.org Find Us On Facebook “Somerset Choice Station” Monday Satu rday 10:30 a m 5 p m 1 173 1 Somerse t Avenue Prin cess Anne, MD 218 53 41 0 6 51 2 238 Visit Our 1950s Retro Texaco Station! Visit Us For An Incredible Selection Of Estate Jewelry In Gold, Platinum And Sterling Silver 4 up ewer alley variety 12703 Sunset Avenue Open Tues-Sat 10am-4pm Open through sunfest Furniture, Household, Small Beach Items, Ephemera, etc. DIFFERENT ITEMS2 Fly Into ur Local Antiques, llectib les Country Craft Stor es For Un ique F inds!
October 28, 2022 Page 57The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Worcester Preparatory School hosted the Berlin Fire Company for a Fire Prevention Assembly this month to raise awareness of fire safety measures. Lower School attended the assembly where Berlin Fire Company spokesperson Jimmy Corron highlighted the importance of establishing fire safety practices, such as having an escape plan with your family in case of an emergency. Students listened intently to the presentation and, following the assembly, were excited to meet Sparky the Fire Dog, who is celebrating 70 years of service. Above, firefighter Colbey Sirman talks with the Pre-K class. Below, with Sparky are second graders, front, Emery Anthony, Hannah Giardina, Ian Laroche, Dev Pillai, Ethan Arnold, Grace Hornung, Hristina Gjoni, Margot Hidell, Emma Abbott and Zia Salem, and, back, Aryan Verma and Kamden White.
410-213-CAKE (2253) • www.Thecrabcakes.com OPEN: 11am-7pm Wed-Sun • Closed on Mon & Tues Route 611 West OC | Next to Food Lion Welcome Shore Craft Beer Fest! FREE Side of Hush Puppies with Purchase of a Crab Cake Sandwich or Platter (1 per coupon per person) Expires 11/6/22 MCD “ An Eastern Shore Tradition” We Do Crab Cakes & Crab Balls For Any Party Needs Serving most states 9748 Stephen Decatur Hwy. #112 Ocean City, MD 21842 www.batielaw.com 443-856-4676 Monday-Friday Estate Litigation Probate Estate Planning Civil Litigation Medicaid Business Succession Planning






Oct. 28:

Nov. 2:

Best Beats

The Beach




Oct. 28:

Piranha Saturday, Oct. 29:

Oct. 30:


St. In The Bay

Oct. 28:


John Frase Project Saturday, Oct. 29:


House, The 8-Trax


611, West O.C.

Oct. 28:

Harbor Rd., West O.C.

Billy T Saturday, Oct. 29:


Page 58 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch ALTER EGO Purple Moose: Saturday, Oct. 29 MERCURY AGENDA Crawl St. Tavern: Saturday, Oct. 29 JOEY HARKUM BAND Pickles Pub: Saturday, Oct. 29 DJ ROBCEE Fager’s Island: Friday, Oct. 28 KEVIN POOLE Crabcake Factory Bayside: Friday, Oct. 28 DJ JEREMY Harborside: Saturday, Oct. 29 DJ ADAM DUTCH Purple Moose: Friday & Saturday, Oct. 28 & 29 DJ BILLY T Harborside: Friday &Thursday DJ GROOVE Fager’s Island: Saturday, Oct. 29 DJ CRUZ Seacrets: Saturday, Oct. 29 DJ SOULFINGER 28th St. Pit & Pub: Saturday, Oct. 29 KARAOKE W/ DJ WOOD Pickles Pub: Mondays DJ TUFF Seacrets: Friday, Saturday & Monday Oct. 28, 29 & 31 THE 8-TRAX Fager’s Island: Saturday, Oct. 29 BEATS BY WAX Pickles Pub: Tuesdays & Thursdays DJ DEOGEE Pickles Pub: Fridays, Sundays & Wednesdays Who’s Where When BUXY’S SALTY DOG 410-289-0973 28th St. & Coastal Hwy. Saturday, Oct. 29: TBA COINS PUB 410-289-3100 28th St. Plaza On Coastal
29: Dust N Bones CORK BAR Saturday,
29: No More Whiskey CRABCAKE FACTORY BAYSIDE 302-988-5000 37314 Lighthouse
Rte. 54
DE Friday,
Kevin Poole Wednesday,
Bilenki Duo
STREET TAVERN 443-373-2756 Wicomico
Mercury Agenda Sunday,
DJ Dance Party
ISLAND 410-524-5500 60th
WEST 410-213-1500 Rt.
Rogue Citizens HARBORSIDE 410-213-1846 South
Fridays: DJ
DJ Jeremy

Who’s Where When

Sunday, Oct. 30: Pickin’ Party Thursdays: DJ Billy T



12849 Ocean Gateway, Rte. 50, West OC Friday, Oct. 28: Dust N Bones Duo Saturday, Oct. 29: Reform School Wednesdays: Trivia w/ Kennedy Thursday, Nov. 3: DJ Karaoke w/ Kennedy



8th St. & Philadelphia Ave. Fridays: Beats By Deogee Saturday, Oct. 29: Joey Harkum Sundays: Beats By Deogee Mondays: Karaoke with Wood Tuesdays: Beats By Wax Wednesdays: Beats By Deogee Thursdays: Beats By Wax

PURPLE MOOSE SALOON Between Talbot & Caroline Sts. On The Boardwalk 410-289-6953 Friday, Oct. 28: J Paris Saturday, Oct. 29: Alter Ego



49th St. & Coastal Hwy. Friday, Oct. 28:

DJ Bobby O, DJ Tuff, Element K Duo, Until Sunrise Saturday, Oct. 29: DJ Bobby O, DJ Cruz, DJ Tuff, Full Circle, Crash The Party, Kono Nation

Monday, Oct. 31: DJ Tuff, Shake, Shake, Shake Thursday, Nov. 3: DJ Connair, Full Circle Duo

DUST N BONES Coin’s Pub: Saturday, Oct. 29 ROGUE CITIZENS Greene Turtle West: Friday, Oct. 28
October 28, 2022 Page 59The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
NO MORE WHISKEY Cork Bar: Saturday, Oct. 29 BILENKI DUO Crabcake Factory Bayside: Wednesday, Nov. 2 THE JOHN FRASE PROJECT Fager’s Island: Friday, Oct.
FUZZBOX PIRANHA Crawl St. Tavern: Friday, Oct. 28 J PARIS Purple Moose: Friday,
Oct. 28
Seacrets: Monday, Oct. 31 PICKIN’ PARTY Harborside: Sunday, Oct. 30 FULL CIRCLE Seacrets: Saturday, Oct. 29

In The News

Seahawks Claim Bayside Championship

Mallards Claim Eighth Straight Title

BERLIN – Stephen Decatur’s boys’ varsity soccer team avenged its only loss of the season on Monday with a decisive 5-1 over Kent Island to claim the Bayside Conference championship.

The Seahawks were dominant all season on their way to an 11-1 regular season record. Decatur’s only loss of the season came at the hands of Kent Island, 4-1, back on September 19. Through an eight-game win streak to close out the regular season, the Seahawks took down Parkside and Bennett, both defending state champions, to claim the Bayside South title and set up a rematch with Kent Island in the Bayside Conference championship game on a neutral field in Snow Hill on a drizzly, cool night on Monday.

Decatur scored early and kept the pressure on the Buccaneers all game on their way to the 5-1 win in the conference championship game. It was the Seahawks’ first conference championship in 11 years.

The road is not yet finished for the Seahawks for this season. Decatur earned the top seed in their state 3A bracket and will face the winner of Wednesday’s match between fourthseeded Crofton and fifth-seeded Chesapeake at home on Friday.

Meanwhile, the Decatur girls finished with an impressive 10-2 record, including three straight wins to close out the regular season. Both losses came at the hands of Bennett. The Decatur girls are the fourth seed in their 3A bracket and faced Chesapeake at home on Wednesday. Bennett is the top seed in the bracket.

BERLIN – Worcester Prep’s boys’ varsity soccer team beat Gunston, 3-0, last Friday to claim their eighth straight Eastern Shore Independent Athletic Conference (ESIAC) championship.

The Mallards cruised past Salisbury Christian in the ESIAC semifinals last Wednesday to reach the conference championship game on Friday at home against Gunston. The Mallards edged

Gunston, 2-1, in their only regular season meeting this year back on October 12.

Against the Herons in the title game last Friday, the Mallards prevailed, 3-0, to claim their eighth straight conference championship. Worcester closed out the regular season on an 8-0 run including the conference tournament after dropping two straight to non-conference opponents back in September. Six of the eight straight wins came by shutout. The Mallards finished the season with a 9-2-1 record.

Seahawks Rally Past Easton, Improve To 6-2

BERLIN – Stephen Decatur’s varsity football team came from behind to beat Easton on the road, 37-34, last Friday to improve to 6-2 on the season.

Easton jumped out to an early 12-0 lead on two scores in the first quarter, while the Seahawks had difficulty early on getting their offense going. Decatur scored two touchdowns in the second quarter, but still trailed the Warriors, 20-14, at the half.

The Seahawks scored nine unanswered points in the third quarter to take a 23-20 lead. Both teams scored two touchdowns in the wild fourth quar-

ter, but Decatur hung on and prevailed, 37-34, to improve to 6-2 on the season. Decatur was scheduled to play county rival Snow Hill at home on Thursday in the annual season finale played too late to be included in this edition.

Brycen Coleman completed 16 of 29 pass attempts for 226 yards and a touchdown, but the real story was his rushing numbers. Coleman carried 16 times for 146 yards and three touchdowns. Luke Mergott also ran for a touchdown. Mergott had four catches for 82 yards, while Gavin Solito had four catches for 82 yards, Logan Bradshaw had one catch for 47 yards and Trybe Wise had three catches for 33 yards.

Worcester Golfers Win ESIAC Championship

BERLIN – Worcester Prep’s varsity golf team closed out a remarkable regular season with a win in the Eastern Shore Independent Athletic Conference (ESIAC) championship match over Gunston at Glen Riddle last week.

Worcester finished in 153, while Gunston finished in 184. Mike DePalma and Aleksey Klimins were comedalists at 36, while Vanesska Hall shot a 40 and Harrison Humes finished in 41. DePalma, Klimins and Hall were named to the All-Conference team, while Griffin Jones earned an honorable mention.

Page 60 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Worcester Prep’s boys’ varsity soccer team blanked Gunston last Friday to claim their eighth straight conference championship. Pictured above, some teammates celebrate the victory. Submitted Photo
Tough Guy Of The Week: This week’s Hammond Family “Tough Guy of the Week” award goes to sophomore Amarion Manual, who had 11 tackles in a tough loss to Queen Anne’s. Pictured above Manual (center) flanked by Bobby Hammond (left) and Coach Jake Coleman (right). Submitted Photo Stephen Decatur’s boys’ varsity soccer team beat Kent Island, 5-1, on Monday to claim the Bayside Conference championship, the program’s first in 11 years. Submitted photo
October 28, 2022 Page 61The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

OCEAN CITY – A Virginia man was ar rested on first-degree assault and other charges last weekend after allegedly strik ing and choking his girlfriend at a downtown hotel after they had gotten separated at Sunfest.

Around 7:10 p.m. last Friday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers responded to a hotel at 26th Street for a reported domestic assault. Officers met with a female victim, who reported she had been in a physical altercation with

her boyfriend, later identified as Troy Froe mming, 51, of Alexandria, Va., according to police reports.

The victim reportedly told police the in cident had initially started as a verbal altercation. She told officers she and Froemming had gone to Sunfest together earlier in the day and had gotten separated, according to police reports.

The victim reportedly told officers the

couple had driven to Sunfest in her vehicle, and when they got separated, Froem ming had driven the vehicle back to their hotel room. The victim told police Froemming had her cell phone and her car keys, so when she could not locate him, she made the decision to walk back to their hotel at 26th Street, according to police reports.

The victim told officers when she returned to their hotel room, Froemming was already there and had been waiting for her for two hours, according to police reports. The victim told police Froemming was agitated he had been waiting for two hours and began throwing her around the room.

The victim reportedly told police she lost her balance and fell to the floor, and Froemming got on top of her and began striking her in the face with a closed fist. The victim advised Froemming had struck her in the face at least four times with a closed fist. Officers observed the victim had lacerations on her top and bottom lips, which appeared to be swollen, according to police reports.

The victim told police when Froemming stopped punching her, he put both of his hands around her throat and began choking her, according to police re-


The victim said in response she began striking Froemming in the face as he continued to choke her. The victim told police she was gasping for air and began seeing stars and had blackness going in and out while Froemming was choking her, according to police reports.

The victim told police Froemming eventually loosened his grip and she was able to get away from him. She reportedly ran downstairs to the front desk and advised staffers to call 911, according to police reports. When questioned, Froemming corroborated the victim’s version about how they got separated at Sunfest.

However, Froemming told officers when he returned to the hotel, the victim confronted him in a stairwell and struck him in the face. Froemming also told officers he did try to push the victim away, but at no point did they end up on the ground. Froemming told officers at one point during the altercation, the victim had bitten his pinky finger and he had blood around the nail of that finger, according to police report.

Based on the investigation, the officer concluded both parties had visible signs of injuries on their persons. The victim had lacerations on her lips and red marks around her throat consistent with choking and strangulation. The officer concluded Froemming had been the primary aggressor and he was arrested and charg ed with first- and second-degree assault.

Page 62 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
First-Degree Assault For Choking, Punching Incident Man Arrested After Hotel Fight
October 28, 2022 Page 63The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Flannel Formal Event Announced

BERLIN – The Flannel Formal, hosted by the Lower Shore Land Trust, raises funds for land conservation and habitat restoration on the lower Eastern Shore.

This year’s event will take place on Saturday, Nov. 12, 2022, from 3:00- 6:00 p.m. at The Manor at Brooklyn Meadows in Berlin, Md.

The event raises funds through ticket sales, sponsorships, and a silent auction.

This year’s Flannel Formal event provides live music with Margot Resto & the Fil Rhythm Band, featuring vocalist Margot Resto, Fil Rhythm on guitar and vocals, Robert Buckner on drums and Ed Satterfield on bass for “A Little Blues, A Little Motown and a Little Get Down!”

The famous event includes a pig roast, shucked oysters, desserts by Baked Dessert Café, Modern Graze Charcuterie, bloody mary bar with mixers by George’s, craft beer and wine, and even something for the vegan in your life.

Tickets are $75 per person. The event will be held at Brooklyn Meadows, a 40acre working horse farm and venue that boasts state-of-the-art amenities.

Back by popular demand is the earlier time frame. According to Suzy Taylor,

committee chair, the earlier time allows for most of the event to take place in daylight hours and include outdoor yard games along with the great entertainment.

The Stephen N. Parker Conservation Legacy Award will be announced during the event, given in honor of renowned conservationist Stephen N. Parker, to recognize a landowner or conservation practitioner for their contributions to private land conservation on the lower Eastern Shore.

Parker is remembered for his work as director of the Virginia Coast Reserve with The Nature Conservancy and as a long-time board member of Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore.

Parker’s background in business and nonprofit leadership served to bring together economic development and conservation, preserving the health and productivity of large ecosystems and the needs of human communities.

There’s still time to join as an event sponsor in support of Lower Shore Land Trust.

To purchase tickets or to inquire about sponsoring the Flannel Formal, visit the website at www.lowershorelandtrust.org or call 443-234-5587 for more information.

… Local Flight Restrictions Issued


Sinepuxent Brewing Company in West Ocean City was also ordered to the ground, according to sources.

Ocean City Marketing and Communications Director Jessica Waters this week explained how and when resort officials learned the Sunfest drone show could not go off as planned.

“Notification was received Thursday afternoon that President Biden would be in Rehoboth, therefore enacting a TFR and grounding the drones,” she said. “In fact, on Saturday we witnessed a small plane overhead and seconds later, an F16 scrambled to turn it back. This TFR places a 30-mile radius no-fly zone around his vacation home. Ocean City resides under that air space and drones are prohibited along with other aircraft.”

Ocean City Airport Manager Jaime Giandomenico said there have been a few occasions when TFRs have been evoked when Biden was visiting his Rehoboth vacation home. He said some airplane-related businesses such as banner planes, for example, are allowed to operate, but under strict rules and limitations. Some aerial businesses, however, such as the skydiving operation at the Ocean City airport have been forced to stay on the ground when the TFR is in place.

“When President Biden is in Rehoboth, a TFR places a lot of limitations on when and how aircraft can move through the local airspace,” he said. “If not done properly, aircraft are subject to intercept by fighter jets. This is what I assumed happened over the weekend.”

Giandomenico said the small private

plane escorted out of the area last Saturday by the F-16 was not out of the Ocean City airport. For that reason, he did not know the particulars of that interaction, but surmised the small plane was escorted to Salisbury.

“I don’t have any detailed information on the circumstances,” he said. “Even though this errant aircraft was intercepted in the vicinity of Ocean City Airport, we have both of our runways closed for repaving. To the best of my knowledge, the subject airplane was escorted to Salisbury.”

As far as the cancellation of the Sunfest drone show on Friday, Giandomenico said the TFR rules are very clear.

“On the subject of the drone show, the TFR specifically prohibits the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles within the affected airspace,” he said. “In this case, a 30-mile radius centered on the VIP location.”

Last week’s drone show cancellation and the private plane’s escort out of the area the following day were not the first examples of the TFR being evoked in the area. In early June, Biden and his wife were briefly evacuated from their vacation home after a small plane mistakenly entered the restricted air space over Rehoboth Beach. The aircraft was immediately escorted out of the restricted air space and the Bidens returned to their vacation home a short time later. The private pilot reportedly was not using a proper radio channel and was unable to respond to commands before being escorted out of the airspace by the North American Aerospace Defense Command.

Page 64 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
October 28, 2022 Page 65The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

James Walls III

BERLIN –James Walls III of Berlin, age 76, passed away on Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022.

Born in Fall River, Mass., on April 21, 1946, Jim Walls was the son of the late Mildred and James Walls II.

Upon graduation from Southeastern Massachusetts University, he spent his life-long career as a civil engineer at the Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. Jim also served as Commander in the U.S. Naval Construction Battalion (Seabee) Naval Reserve.

Jim had a natural love of the water, which started early in life working as a lifeguard at Horseneck State Beach, Mass. and later brought him to Ocean City where he enjoyed boating, fishing and views of Assateague from his retirement home.

He was married for 42 years to Ann C. Walls, with whom he had three children –James Walls IV, Colleen D. Walls and Caroline A. Walls. He is survived by his siblings Mary Jane Walls, Ellen Keavy and John Walls. He is also survived by five grandchildren, Kailla, Gavin, Connor, Mason and Frankie, and one great grandson, Jack.

Services will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 29, 2022, at St. Mary Star of the Sea Church, 200 Baltimore Ave., Ocean City, Md. 21842.

Nancy Ann Miller

BERLIN –Nancy Ann Miller, 67, succumbed to cardiac arrest Monday, Oct. 17, 2022, at Atlantic General Hospital in Berlin.

Nancy, known affectionately as “Nan ny”, was born in Salisbury on April 5, 1955, daughter of the late George and Rose Marie Miller. She was a 1974 grad uate of Stephen Decatur High School. She was employed by Showell Farms/Perdue for over 20 years before spending the remainder of her working life at Trimper’s Amusements in Ocean City.

Nancy’s good nature and willingness to help shone through her work at the park and made her a favorite with all who met her. She developed friendships with the many foreign students she trained each season, guiding them with patience, humor, and lively talk about their favorite Harry Potter books. The summer’s end meant that she could turn her focus to Christmastime.

Nancy poured her heart into the joys of the season: being with family, decorating, baking, and watching Charlie Brown. When she retired from Trimper’s, she was able to devote more time to her true passions, being outdoors gardening, caring for all her animals and enjoying a strong cup of coffee while dreaming big over a small pile of scratch offs with her sister, Annette.

She is survived by her two beloved sons, Christopher (Amy) Carey and Richard (Hilary) Carey; seven grandchildren, Reed, Samantha, Anthony, Kampbell, Hank, Charles, and Brian; siblings Matt Miller, Teresa Senft and Annette Miller; stepmother Barbara Miller; and several nieces and nephews.

Donations can be made in her name to the Newark Volunteer Fire Station http://www.newarkvfc.com/ or the Worcester County Humane Society https://worcestercountyhumanesociety.org/. A memorial service will be held at noon on Nov. 5, 2022, at the Inlet Lodge in Ocean City.

John Louis Freeman

OCEAN PINES –John Louis Freeman, age 85, passed away at his home in Ocean Pines on Saturday, October 22, 2022. Born in Buckhannon W.Va., he was the son of the late Louis F. Freeman and Ruby M. Nethkin.

He is survived by two sons, John Louis Freeman, Jr. and Keith Andrew Freeman; a daughter, Vickie Lee Anewalt; three grandchildren, Eric (Kristen), Ashley (Kenny), and Brit tany (Sean); as well as three great-grandchildren.

In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Myra E. Freeman.

A funeral service will be held on Saturday, Oct. 29, 2022 at noon at the Burbage Funeral Home in Berlin. Friends may call one hour prior. Interment will follow at Garden of the Pines Cemetery in Ocean Pines. Letters of condolence can be sent to the family via www.burbagefuneralhome.com.

Page 66 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
OBITUARIESHalloween Block Party Saturday 5pm-’Til Dust N Bones 8pm Happy Hour Mon thru Sat 2-5:30pm Food and Drink Specials 19 Big Screens To Watch All Your Sports Action • Keno EARLY BIRD SPECIAL MENU SUNDAY-FRIDAY 2-5:30PM Dine In, Carry Out & Online Ordering Available Tues-Fri: 2pm • Sat & Sun: 11:30am • Closed Mon 28th St. Plaza • 410-289-3100 • coinspuboc.com Tuesday - Seafood Frenzy Wednesday - $20 Make Ya Holla Thursday - Shrimp & “Lobsta” DirecTV Package Showing All Games Featuring$10 Pub Burgers & $18 Prime Rib All Day & Night Fall Specials NFL Sunday Football Specials Ravens & Eagles Headquarters! Birds of a Feather Flock Together... Try Our Famous Maryland Crab Cakes... No Mumbo, Just Jumbo!

To The

Md. Ballot Question Alert


Being a summer tourist to your beautiful shoreline and well aware of the consequences of storm surges there, I would like to alert your readers to a ballot vote that will have implications for climate change.

It has to do with Question #4, and yes, that’s the question concerning marijuana legalization. Almost all medical marijuana grows in Maryland occur indoors, where the energy required for high intensity grow lamps and temperature/humidity control creates a very large carbon footprint, with associated implications for global warming and sea level rise. Scientists Evan Mills and Hailey Summers, among others, have published on this problem, with the most recent publication appearing in the prestigious Nature series of journals in 2021.

Nothing in Maryland regulations requires that the recreational cannabis industry use outdoor farms, and by the time our legislators wake up to the problem, the additional indoor facilities will already be built. Indoor growing is widely preferred by the industry for reasons of profit, as they can more easily optimize the THC content with tight control of the lighting and also, can extend the growing season through the winter. Legalizing marijuana in Massachusetts increased the cannabis industry's electrical consumption to 10% of the state’s total usage, and if that proportion holds true in Maryland, it would almost be enough to power all of the homes in Baltimore City.

The added strain on the electrical grid will increase our utility bills by the economics of supply and demand. Gas shortages for our gas-fired power plants may develop in the future because of the current trajectory of world affairs, and that 10% consumption by the cannabis industry would make it more likely that residents will have to cut back on use during times of peak demand.

Letter-writer Spencer Rowe (Oct. 13, 2022) made reference to the environmental damage windmills create when constructed as a source of clean energy. If recreational cannabis is approved, we are definitely going to need more windmills.

Hometown For Many


Every summer season vacationers pour into our beach town.

Those of us who live here understand the value of tourism, but tourism is not the town’s only value it’s also a hometown.

Families live here, work and retire here and neighbors bond with each other through good and troubled times.

And as in any hometown when one suddenly leaves, some part of each of us goes with them.

Changing Seasons


While many are enjoying the extended

Indian summer, I am noticing irreversible change.

Eleven days ago, Hale Harrison passed at age 75 from a sudden unexpected heart attack. The hotel mogul, who along with his brother John built an empire in Ocean City, used to religiously eat breakfast every morning at Layton’s with his high school buddies just as they had for decades.

This past May Brent Ashley passed as suddenly. Brent was the most thorough council member this century, rivaling Vince Gisriel, yet he like Hale wanted no attention to his death. A little over two years ago in June, Jim Hall, after a courageous fight with cancer, passed away. Jim had served 25 years on the town council including as its president. Yet not the mayor or the any council member, many of which are still there, even mentioned his name.

Times are changing, but what does that mean? We all get up in the morning and often repeat the same routines day in and day out, feeling a sense of security from the repetition, yet knowing all along that nothing stays the same. The world is in constant change.

In a little over a week, we will have a midterm election. Heated elections have been underway in the county for commissioner positions for months. In Ocean City, signs are put up and on election day the candidates put up tents in the convention center lot, but the elections are not contested they seem entitled. There is a surreal atmosphere in Ocean City where

the shortage of candidates bathe in an air of entitlement. Finally, Ocean City is looking to raise the pay for politicians, in the hope that the races in town may be more contested, for a change. Something I have regularly asked be done for more than a decade.

Nationally during the midterm, although we should hope different, we will probably see a lot of what plagued the last presidential election. During election day and evening the Republicans will take a lead as the votes cast that day are counted first, into the night more Dems will stay in races as absentee ballots are counted second, than by the next day some Dems will come back to win as early votes are counted last. The house should flip to Republican but the senate is still a tossup. Unfortunately, I predict many races will be contested and drag on through November into December, which would be unfortunate. Although we will hope and pray differently the divisiveness in the nation will continue and likely worsen.

In 2005 President Jimmy Carter and Howard Baker headed the Carter Baker Commission on elections and determined that “absentee voting was fraudulent.” Yet we are now reliant on it.

This year, sadly, we are not doing Brian’s Christmas a Christmas Concert for Children to fight drug addiction. Although the county school children were available on the date we proposed, we were told by Lou Taylor, superintendent of schools,

Page 67October 28, 2022 The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch SEE PAGE 68 Letters
Editor REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE AGAINST QUESTION A PLEASE JOIN US AND VOTE AGAINST QUESTION A People for Fiscal Responsibility, Katherine Lynn McCloskey, Treasurer 1)These difficult times call for conservative fiscal control and we don’t want to add millions of dollars in new debt to our taxpayers. 2)We already have many sports facilities that meet the needs of our local youth. 3)There is already a 76-acre Northern Worcester Athletic Complex located in Berlin. 4)The total ultimate cost of this Sports Complex to the taxpayer is unknown. Over five thousand registered Worcester County voters signed our petition so you can decide if millions in public funds should be spent on this Sports Complex.

Letters To The Editor


“the children have three cultural events to attend and don’t need another”.

Upon further probing I learned that the teachers had been pooled and the “majority” felt the concert “was not a good use of time.” I venture to say over 95% of the county children will not have another chance to hear a Symphony Orchestra. Yet I was not surprised, at the 2019 Concert we had 1,130 of the county’s 9,10-, 11- and 12-year-olds. The children were seated 10 minutes late and the concert ran over 15 minutes. Yet Ms. Carrie Sterrs was ordering teachers and students back on buses 15 minutes before the concert ended. Although we had two Old Testament songs and a spiritual song the concert was a Christian Christmas Concert and that apparently offended many teachers.

The effort to fight addiction required teacher coordination to sign the certificates of attendance that were brought to the classrooms by George Washington, our enactor. On which the students promised to never do drugs. It also required the teachers to go through the activity packets we gave them. Draw a picture of freedom. What does a decision look like? What is a consequence? Unfortunately, we have no way to know if the teachers worked with us.

It is said that Lou Taylor has ambitions to be governor and Lou claims to be a ‘Christian man’. In a meeting before the concert, Lou said, “I don’t know what I would do without my women.” Leading

one to wonder what is going on behind the veneer of a wholesome public education in the county’s well-funded public schools? Are our public-school teachers focusing on reading, writing and arithmetic?

Red flags in the county’s public education abound. Recently a past councilman told me he heard that a county preschooler went home crying, he was confused about his sex. An unnamed teacher said, “we allow the children to choose pronouns.”

Does discussing gender identity, gender expression, and societal constructs about gender in the classroom help students become more accepting? Social Emotional Training (SEL) is big in the county. Should it be? Why? What about reading, writing and arithmetic? It appears Lou Taylor is asleep at the switch while his witchy women run the county schools. If I had two recommendations for the county it would be to vote for Mr. Abbott and Mrs. Addis on the school board.

Indian summers lull one into complacency but in my 73 years I have often noticed and am preparing for what they are followed by. A harsh winter.

Tony Christ Falls Church, Va./Ocean City

Home Tour Appreciation Editor:

On behalf of the Art League of Ocean City, I would like to thank the many members of the community who came together to support the in-person portion of the 18th Annual Sand Castle Home Tour held

on Sept. 29-30, as well as the Sunday Soirée on Oct. 9, our annual cocktail party that honors our Home Tour homeowners and sponsors.

Thank you to our committee who worked for months on this project, the homeowners who opened their doors to our tour takers and videographers, and the writers, florists, and artists who contributed their work to the event.

Our gratitude goes out to our Home Tour title sponsor, T&G Builders, whom we thank for the second year in a row. We are grateful to all of our Home Tour sponsors: 32 Palm Restaurant, American Granite & Tile, Arctic Heating & Air, Atlantic Exposure, Bank of Delmarva, Bank of Ocean City, Beach Scapes, Captain’s Table, Carolina Street, Casual Designs, Coral Reef Restaurant, Delaware Elevator, Denney Lighting & Design, Donaway Furniture/Bethany Resort, Fager’s Island, Framing Corner, Franke Architects, Hobbit Restaurant, J. Conn Scott, Joyce G Design, Kendall Furniture, Made in the Shade, Mann Properties, Maryland’s Coast, Old Pro Golf, Perfect Furnishings, Poole Construction, Seacrets, Sea Glass Pool & Spa, Southwinds, Stacy Ward, Surf House Properties, T&G Builders, Taylor Bank and The Windrow Group.

We also appreciate the support of our media sponsors who helped us get the word out — WMDT 47/ABC, OC Today, The Dispatch, and Ocean 98. And of the sponsors who helped make the event even more enjoyable: the Town of Ocean City, Trond’s Pool Construction, Atlantic

General Hospital, Ocean Downs Casino, Haley Architecture, and Fisher Architecture.

We can’t forget to thank our docents and volunteers, who greeted guests with smiling faces, our Home Tour committee — with chairs Ginny Outten and Dawn Rogers — whose efforts went above and beyond, and our creative and hard-working staff, who put it all together.

The community’s support continued for our Sunday Soirée party from Gayle Widdowson and Rina and Jeff Thaler, along with the restaurants that donated their incredibly delicious food and drink: Annabelle’s BBQ & Creamery, Arches Oyster, Bayside Skillet, Big Oyster Brewery, BLU Crab House, Bourbon Street on the Bay, Candy Kitchen, Crab Cake Factory Bayside, Harrisons Harbor Watch, Malia's Café, Mancini’s, Pit N Pub, Seacrets, Spain Wine Bar, and Sterling Tavern.

We also sincerely appreciate the efforts of our Soirée committee — headed by Gayle Widdowson and Cynthia Leiner — who transformed the Arts Center and courtyard into a beautiful autumn setting, and the many volunteers who made the event special.

The virtual Sand Castle Home Tour continues online through Oct. 31, benefiting the Art League, and we encourage you to buy your tickets and take the tour at www.SandCastleHomeTour.com.

(The writer is the executive director of the Art League of Ocean City.)

Page 68 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

The Dispatch

Forever In Memory

Our Founder, Dick Lohmeyer (May 25, 1927-May 5, 2005)

The Dispatch, Serving Greater Ocean City Since 1984,

Published By Maryland Coast Dispatch Inc. Weekly

Friday Mornings

MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Md. 21811

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How We See It

Offshore Proposal A Clear Overplay

An extreme overreach would be a suitable way to describe a regulatory proposal to ease the impact of fishing vessel strikes on the dwindling right whale population.

NOAA proposed earlier this year 10knot speed limit rules from Maine to Florida along the coast east to 100 miles into the ocean. Informational webinars were held over the summer with public comments accepted until Oct. 31. The rules are expected to move ahead as proposed. The specifics include 10-knot speed restrictions along the Maryland, Delaware and Virginia coasts from Nov. 1-May 30. These restrictions will double the amount travel time it takes for vessels to reach the offshore fishing grounds about 60 miles from port. With fuel costs and daily practical concerns, the worries are robust.

The good news is the creation of seasonal speed zones do not include the summer season, but the impact will nonetheless be felt in the spring on charter boats. Additionally, and this is a major concern, NOAA has the right to impose the speed restrictions in areas where a right whale was reported as sighted offshore. Because of the consequences, the reality is no charter or commercial fishing boat captain will report these sightings out of fear for the impact on their livelihoods. It’s understandable.

Over the last 23 years, NOAA data finds there have been “confirmed eight events in which North Atlantic right whales were struck by boats less than 65 feet long … in seven of these incidents, the vessel operators did not see the whale prior to the strike. In another, the boat passengers sighted the whale too late to avoid the collision.” In supporting documents, NOAA has acknowledged “a one in a million chance” of a vessel striking a right whale along the East Coast.

Between The Lines

Early voting began yesterday across the state and in Worcester County the site is the Roland E. Powell Convention Center in Ocean City. This is the first time early voting will not be held in Berlin since it began. In the years since early voting was initiated by the state to provide greater opportunities for citizens, the numbers have trended up for each election. Last summer’s primary was the outlier with just 1,208 people turning out to Worcester Prep to vote. This was clearly a time of year issue as well as the lack of challenged races on the Democrat side because early voting has generally been gaining in popularity.

For example, in the 2020 general election, 13,174, or 32% of total voters, took part in early voting, compared to 6,743 in the 2018 general election. Due to the location in Ocean City, it seems unlikely the positive early voting trend will continue. I suspect most folks will wait until election day to vote. A more centralized early voting site in the future would be ideal, but it’s easier said than done due to suitable space limitations. The former site of Gull Creek is no longer an option, and Worcester Prep has understandable school activity conflicts every day.

Looking ahead to the election on Nov. 8, latest data from the State Board of Elections shows 42,116 registered voters eligible in Worcester County including 14,863 Democrats and 19,122 Republicans and the rest unaffiliated or smaller parties. By comparison, as of the July primary, there were just 32,654 eligible voters because only Republicans and Democrats could vote, leaving out the unaffiliated and other smaller party members.

As far as special events go in Ocean City, it has been a year of bad luck with the weather. A quick review of the year confirms how foul Mother Nature was to the resort through the course of the year.

The unlucky streak began in March with the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade, a highlight of the offseason, being called off due to the weather. The latest cancelation means the event has not been held since 2019 in Ocean City due to the pandemic in 2020 and 2021 and Mother Nature this year. The bad luck continued with the four-day Springfest in May being cut short Saturday afternoon and Sunday being canceled due to high winds and flooding.

The Ocean City Air Show in June was also impacted by weather with a wet Sunday morning forcing some schedule changes and a later start. A few weeks later, the vendor selected to conduct the fireworks shows on the Fourth of July mysteriously pulled out of the resort’s contract due to manpower issues. With the holiday seemingly sneaking up on the vendor, this marked the third year in a row Ocean City did not have fireworks on Independence Day. City officials were able to scramble and offer fireworks on July 3 and July 5. The unfortunate weather impacts hit again in late September when the remnants of Hurricane Ian spun into a nasty Nor’easter canceling the Oceans Calling Festival, arguably one of the most anticipated special events in recent history.

Finally, last week’s Sunfest had a glorious three-day run with crowds enjoying lovely fall weather Thursday through Saturday. The looming weather forecast for Sunday was a concern all week, however. The decision was made Saturday afternoon to cancel Sunday. It was the right call because Sunday was a wet mess. Additionally, and nothing to do with the weather, President Biden’s weekend in Rehoboth Beach canceled the drone show planned for Friday night. The O.C.Toberfest’s pet parade and beach maze were also washed out Sunday.

With a glass half full perspective, the chances surely are slim the same bad weather fate will impact Ocean City’s special events next year.


The Maryland Coast Dispatch (USPS #015125) is an official and legal newspaper for Worcester County. Periodical postage paid at Berlin, Maryland, and additional mailing offices. The Maryland Coast Dispatch, 10012 Old Ocean City Blvd., Berlin, Md. 21811, is published weekly on Friday mornings, 52 weeks a year. Subscription rates are $260 per year.

POSTMASTER: Please send change of address to Maryland Coast Dispatch, P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Maryland 21811. Maryland Coast Dispatch offices are located at Route 346 and Graham Avenue, Berlin, Maryland.

It’s difficult to find the logic in imposing these seven-month restrictions at those rates. It’s concerning to learn the Atlantic right whale population sits now at under 350, including less than 100 breeding females, and is now considered endangered. Over the last five years, there have been 91 right whale deaths – many from natural causes but other reasons identified as human interactions such as entanglements or vessel strikes.

Conservation of marine habitat should always be a focus of regulatory agencies like NOAA, but it should not be overplayed to extremes and harm livelihoods. There is a potential to hurt recreational and commercial fishermen with this proposal and the rule change does not represent the appropriate balance between protecting marine mammals as well as the economic sustainability of an important industry up and down the coast.

Once the calendar flips to the new year, municipal and county governments will begin focusing on the next fiscal year’s budget. It’s not going to be pretty for two reasons.

First, inflation is out of control and shows no signs of easing. The out of whack supply-and-demand model is creating soaring prices on just about everything. Examples are seen every day, including a recent trip to a car dealership showing a “supply charge” of $10,000 over and above the MSRP (manufacturer suggested retail price). This is pure gouging, but the reality is prices are ridiculous for all consumers. Government is not immune to these soaring costs and is in more of a precarious situation in some ways because public dollars are the source of the expenditures.

Secondly, many governments in the region – and across the country –were thrown a lifeline with the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). Many government budgets were balanced without significant property tax increases because of the bonus funds from the government. Many towns and counties used these funds to pay for major capital projects while others plugged the funds into boosting public safety areas of concern. These funds were critical additions to many budgets, and they will not be in place for the next year. Exacerbating the gloomy situation is some capital projects identified for ARPA funds are now coming in far over budget, resulting in governments scrambling to find the extra dollars needed.

There is talk of the federal government stepping in with a robust anti-inflation plan, but it seems to revolve around slowing the economy at the risk of a recession. Complicated budget work lies ahead with difficult decisions.

October 28, 2022 Page 69The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Graphic Artist

Though its biggest influence will be on my son, boarding school is also impacting my life in a huge way.

I am learning as much as he is about this new way of living. There are certainly positives and negatives with this journey, but far more bright spots to celebrate and enjoy.

We spent three nights with Beckett last weekend for his school’s homecoming. It was nice, and therapeutic, to see him in his element and get to know the people –adults and students –who he interacts with each day. We were able to watch one of his soccer games in person (rather than on YouTube), a football game and had numerous parent-teacher conferences. We had multiple meals together out and about around his school as well as in his cafeteria. We also slept under the same roof for the first time in a few weeks.

We have adjusted to our new normal without him at home. There is much more time and space in our lives right now than one year ago, but it’s alright. We are in touch daily through text messages and have a decent pulse on his school and social life. Beckett also texts with his grandparents and his little brother. The messages between Beckett and Carson are short, silly and immature, but it’s great to see them communicate even if it’s through ridiculous memes.

When I see Beckett now, I take nothing for granted. It’s like seeing him for the first time in some ways, though far from it. The same differences of opinions exist, like what should and should not be a priority at any given time, but he has changed a bit. It’s still a work in progress, but he is maturing. It’s a forced process truly because he must take on new responsibilities and duties through required independence.

One example would be he’s fortunate the school does the students’ laundry, but the individual kid must remember when his or her day is and have it in the

appropriate place by a certain time. It seems simple enough, but Pam learned it’s not evidently. While helping him clean up his closet last weekend, she learned he missed at least a couple weeks. It’s not as easy as it seems.

When I’m on Beckett’s campus, I am taking everything in. I am trying to remember it all. I am fascinated by all aspects, good and bad. I’m just enthralled in learning as much as possible about this new life he is leading.

Since he’s 14, we don’t get much from him as far as details. We learn more about his wants and needs. I suppose it’s not a surprise to any parent to only hear from a kid when something is needed and not unlike if he were still going to school at home. We just do our daily check-ins and gather whatever we can.

After speaking with all his teachers, it was clear the education experience is unique and different than anything any of us have ever experienced. There are the typical education aspects, but these folks are truly educating and molding the whole child all the time. Many of the classroom teachers live on campus. Most educators are also “administrators on duty” at times as well as coaches and nurses at various times of the day so they observe these students in all aspects of life. A common observation we had after meeting with our son’s teachers was how familiar they are with him. These folks get him. They see a lot of positives and understand the areas of weakness. The adults on campus communicate constantly about the students and they work together to ensure they are functioning in their “community.”

This sense of living, working and playing in this community is real and seems to be at the root of campus life at boarding school. An example would be a sign in a dozen places throughout Beckett’s freshman dorm. There are 20 freshmen in the dorm managed by a husband-and-wife team serving as dorm

parents. The sign details the house expectations. It reads, Be kind!

If you use a Community Life handcart, return it.

Call home, especially when you’re happy.

DO NOT bring dishes from the dining hall on dorm.

MAKE YOUR BED each morning … it’s easy.

Don’t be where you’re not supposed to be when you’re not supposed to be there.

Tell the truth … it’s so much easier.

If you break something, tell an adult. Be kind.

If you were unkind, let us know. We’ll help you figure it out.

Apologize if you hurt someone’s feelings or make a mistake.

Turn out light as you leave a room.

Don’t leave personal items in the Common Room.

If it’s not yours, don’t eat or drink it.

Don’t mess with other people’s stuff.

Call home, but don’t always wait until you are sad.

Know where your door wedges are all times.

ALWAYS break down your boxes


If someone is knocking on your door, ANSWER IT!


As a parent, I particularly applaud the ones about calling home. It’s why I put an asterisk next to them on the list affixed to his door. He must be quite busy, as he has not called this week. Pam said he did text her Thursday morning asking her to send him a Halloween costume for Monday. Ah, yes, we are still parenting.

(The writer is the publisher and editor of The Dispatch. He and his wife, Pamela, are proud parents of two boys. This weekly column examines their transition into parenthood and all that goes along with it. E-mail any thoughts to editor@mdcoastdispatch. com.)

Page 70 October 28, 2022The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch Puzzle Answers PUZZLE ON PAGE 47
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