OCEAN CITY – Determined to continue to pursue a youth sports complex in the area, resort officials this week voted to invite the Maryland Stadium Authority (MSA) to present its revised findings and promised to invite all potential stakeholders to the table.
The Mayor and Council have long desired to develop a sports complex somewhere off the island to expand its current offerings and tap into the burgeoning youth sports market in the region and around the country. It’s no secret youth travel sports and tournaments have become a huge industry and puts heads in beds and people in restaurant seats and all of the other amenities the resort and the region has to offer.
Worcester County appeared to be on the path of purchasing property for a vast sports complex adjacent to the Stephen Decatur High School and Middle School, but the county’s electorate voted in a referendum question in November’s election not to finance the land purchase.
In addition, a changeover in the makeup of the county commissioners following the November election swung a previous majority in favor purchasing the property in a different direction. As a result, the commissioners voted 4-2 in December not to proceed with the contract for the property. The motion passed makes it clear Worcester County is to not have any involvement in the construction of a sports complex in the county.
Meanwhile, the Mayor and Council have remained steadfast in their desire to pursue a sports complex for the area.
During a discussion on Tuesday about the larger proposed capital improvement plan (CIP), the council voted unanimously to invite the MSA to present its revised feasibility study for a complex in the area.
The Town of Ocean City and the MSA in 2019 commissioned a private sector consultant to prepare a feasibility study for a sports complex in the area.
After the pandemic hit, the MSA went back to the drawing board to revise its study, which relied heavily on pre-COVID assumptions.
During Tuesday’s work session, the council voted unanimously to bring the MSA back to present its revised sports complex study and decided to invite all potential stakeholders, including the county commissioners, the Berlin Town Council and, perhaps most importantly,
the public, to the table.
City Manager Terry McGean outlined some options for the proposed presentation of the revised study.
“Last spring the town contracted with the MSA for an update of the earlier study,” he said. “This follows our typical model and includes things like feasibility and cost estimates. The county was under contract to purchase the property next to the high school, but the county canceled the contract.”
McGean said the revised sports complex study presentation should probably include all potential stakeholders.
“If the council wants to continue to pursue this, the next step would be to invite the MSA here to present their updated study,” he said. “It would be a good idea to invite the county commissioners and the Berlin council and anybody else who has a stake in this including the public.”
Councilman John Gehrig, who has championed the youth sports complex concept from the beginning, said all should be invited to the table for the presentation. He said instead of the typical council forum with the councilmembers seated at the dais, it should be a more open forum with all stakeholders on equal ground in roundtable fashion, perhaps at the convention center.
“We paid for this study, and we should hear the presentation,” he said. “I would like to invite the county commissioners and any other elected officials who might have input. I would like it to be at a neutral field, maybe like the roundtables we do occasionally at the convention center, so we’re not sitting up here and everybody else with a stake is down there. I prefer it to be a forum where the commissioners and the public can all participate.”
Councilman Frank Knight said the discussion should not likely focus specifically on the proposed site near the Decatur schools.
“This isn’t a site-specific presentation,” he said. “There was a site identified, but this could apply to any site in the county.”
Knight said the entire sports complex project comes with a $167 million price tag. However, he pointed out the local contribution would be around $36 million with the state contribution, and the line item in the CIP shouldn’t scare off the public.
Business and Tourism Development Director Tom Perlozzo said later on Tuesday the potential gains from a sports complex in the area outweighed the town’s potential expenditures.
“It looks like a $150 million project for both the indoor and the outdoor,” he said. “The MSA has said it will fund 80%. If we can get some grant funding, we can do something really great for the town and the area without a huge contribution from the town.”
No timetable was set for the proposed presentation from the MSA although the council decided sooner was better than later.
OCEAN CITY –Resort officials this week got a first look at the proposed fiscal year 2024 capital improvement plan (CIP) and are now in the early stages of prioritizing the myriad of projects for potential funding in the coming years.
In his first go at it, City Engineer Paul Mauser on Tuesday presented the draft fiscal year 2024 CIP to the council, which is now charged with ranking the lengthy list of projects included for review from street paving, canal dredging
and infrastructure improvements to recreation and parks and Eagle’s Landing golf course enhancements and everything in between. City Manager Terry McGean outlined the presentation for the council during Tuesday’s work session.
“Every two years we update the capital improvement plan,” he said. “It will involve multiple meetings. There are no
decisions that need to be made today. Your homework will be to hear the presentations and grade the projects you believe are the top priorities.”
Most importantly, the draft CIP presented on Tuesday outlines potential plans for how to fund the laundry list of major projects. Some of the larger projects on the list will ultimately be funded through bond sales, while others fall into the category of “pay as you go” projects and can be funded through ongoing contributions from the town’s general fund or other creative means.
Some of the major projects in the draft CIP are included on the list largely as placeholders and will be paid for through enterprise fund user fees such as water and wastewater projects and the municipal golf course, for example. The Mayor and Council are tasked with reviewing each of the projects on the list and prioritizing them as “wants” or “needs” on a scale from one to five. The Mayor and Council will come up with their priority lists based on need and available funding and the CIP will be winnowed down and carefully vetted before the final plan is approved and the many projects end up in the fiscal year 2024 budget. Each elected officials’ rating list will be aggregated to create one list of top priorities.
“This is the first of a series of presentations on the CIP,” said Mauser. “This is my first and I’m essentially going to follow the formula Terry has laid out and stick to what is working.”
Councilman John Gehrig said the distinction between critical projects and “nice to haves” was important.
“This asks us to grade what we believe are critical on a scale of one to five, with one being critical,” he said. “If we have failing infrastructure, those should automatically be rated critical. We might have more than a few number-ones when we consider what must failing infrastructure must be repaired for public safety.”
Council Secretary Tony DeLuca said each councilmember likely has their own pet projects, but public safety and critical infrastructure needs should be at the top of everyone’s list.
“We all have our priorities and our stated number one priority has been Baltimore Avenue,” he said. “Safety is always our top priority. I’d like to go back and look at this for ratings after we establish the things we have to do. Things like street paving and canal dredging are things we have to do. We don’t have a choice on those. If something is broken, we need to fix it.”
McGean agreed certain ongoing projects such as street paving and canal dredging, for example, should be given critical ratings by the council and staff.
“The number ones have to be done,” he said. “You really don’t have a choice on those. It’s really ranking the twos through the fives after that. If you want to rank these other projects, staff can come back and say these are the ones we really have to do.”
Mauser began his presentation and invited various department heads to outline their top priorities in the CIP. Again not all of the projects on the list will be fully funded, but the CIP provides a framework for potential expenditures in the coming years and recommendations on how best to fund them. The following is a snapshot of some of the projects presented for discussion in the draft CIP by department.
Public Works Director Hal Adkins said one of the projects on his list that has appeared on the CIP in years past was replacing the town’s public works facility on Keyser Point Road in West Ocean City.
“It’s not a need,” he said. “It’s more of a want. You have the facility in West Ocean City. Since 1960, it has steadily been surrounded by residential development. The first phase of the process would be acquiring a piece of land somewhere else.”
Adkins also said the Boardwalk comfort stations at various locations were in need of repair and upgrades.
“You have reached the point where we need to redo of all of them in order to maintain a certain image for the town,” he said. “We could piecemeal them one by one through the budget over time, but I’m recommending doing one big project all at once.”
Adkins also addressed increasing traffic concerns in the area of 142nd Street.
“The Caine Woods Association has voiced some concerns,” he said. “There are volume concerns at that intersection and not necessarily speeding concerns. The discussion thus far has included a possible traffic circle at 142nd Street and Sinepuxent Avenue.”
Street paving is an ongoing and seemingly never-ending project for the public works department and a handful are done each year. Adkins said the time has come to start tackling street paving projects in the Montego Bay residential community uptown.
“We really need to tackle the streets in Montego Bay,” he said. “For the most part, they are very long streets. They are not short streets that we can bang out. We haven’t done any of the streets in Montego Bay as long as I’ve been here.”
For his part, McGean agreed taking up street paving in Montego Bay should be rated a priority.
“It might not be critical but it’s up there,” he said. “Those streets are in bad shape. If we don’t do those soon, we will never catch up. This is the best way to do it.”
Convention Center
In terms of the Roland E. Powell Convention Center, there are a handful of significant projects included in the proposed CIP. For example, the plan calls for dredging the navigable channel behind the facility and constructing a proposed water taxi terminal to accommodate convention and concertgoers, for example.
Convention Center Director Larry Noccolino said the convention center’s escalators that have been down for some time are back up and running. He expressed concern about the facility’s large freight elevator, however.
“Our most important project is the large freight elevator,” he said. “We can lose valuable customers without that elevator. There are ADA requirements because without that elevator, we can’t get folks upstairs. There is also a revenue loss to consider. It works now but it’s on its last legs. It is 50 years old and it’s a top priority.”
McGean said there were a number of projects at the convention center that should be prioritized, and with the costsharing agreement with the Maryland Stadium Authority in place, they should likely be tackled all at once.
“We have these projects that are a couple of hundred thousand dollars here and there,” he said. “The idea is to lump them all together in a bond issue. We would get reimbursed 50-50 from the
From the recreation and parks standpoint, Director Susan Petito outlined a number of projects, from fence replacement and light fixture replacements at the ball fields to moving forward with the downtown recreation complex redevelopment and skate park expansion. She said her department has been successful in scoring grants for playground replacements, but those funding sources might not always be available.
“We can’t always count on getting grant funding for playground replacements but they need to be done,” she said. “We will continue to apply and we’ve been fairly successful but we might have to look to the town for funding help. Some of the equipment has
gone beyond its expected 20-year lifespan and they get a lot of play.”
Petito said a top priority remains stabilizing the shoreline at Northside Park, which continues to deteriorate. The shoreline along the bayside park is heavily utilized by private recreational opportunities along with several camps and other water-related activities.
“The shoreline at Northside Park is experiencing continued erosion and needs to be stabilized,” she said. “It really needs to be addressed. There are safety issues that need to be addressed. Engineering has been able to help, but they are really just band-aids for a larger problem.”
Petito said her department’s CIP requests also include a redevelopment of the town’s decades-old midtown ten-
nis center near the base of the Route 90 bridge. She said all of the tennis courts around town likely need to be resurfaced at some point, and with the growth of enthusiasm over pickleball, there could be an opportunity to provide more access to outdoor courts while upgrading the existing tennis center.
“With the growth of pickleball, we’re constantly looking to expand outdoor opportunities,” she said. “We can line some of the tennis courts for pickleball but the challenge is the premiere surfacing we use is not conducive for pickleball and, honestly, tennis either. The base of most of our tennis courts is 40 years old and it deteriorating. We want to take a step back and look at that entire tennis center and see if it needs a redevelopment.”
BERLIN – Unapproved changes to an iconic Berlin building prompted harsh criticism of a local business owner by a town commission this week.
Members of the Berlin Historic District Commission (HDC) lambasted local property owner Bryan Brushmiller this week after unapproved changes were made at Tiki Tim’s, the bar behind The Globe.
“When you purchase a historic building, a huge responsibility goes along with that,” HDC member Carol Rose said.
On Wednesday, Burley Oak’s Matt Burrier approached the HDC seeking approval for changes that had already been made at Tiki Tim’s. A roof of the same clear panels already at the bar was added to connect the main building to the Tiki Tim’s bar and a wall has been added between The
Globe and the Atlantic Hotel. Burrier apologized for seeking approval after the fact but said he hadn’t realized adding more of the same material that was already there and couldn’t be seen from the main road required approval.
Nornie Bunting, HDC chair, said Brushmiller, who was not in attendance, knew he’d needed HDC approval to make the changes and had deliberately moved forward with them anyway. He added that he did not like the way the additions, particularly a PVC pipe on the back, looked.
“This could have been approved in a better way,” he said, adding that HDC members were charged with protecting the integrity of the town’s historic district.
Commission member Mary Moore agreed. She said there was also a significant amount of trash outside the building.
“It should cause shame to the owners,” she said.
Rose said the property’s connections didn’t care. She said the Gay Street side of the property looked like a dump, despite the fact that other property owners on that street had made efforts to beautify the area. She added that she was disgusted with the situation, particularly since the HDC had approved fencing for that side of the property that had never been installed.
“The time has come your owner is not going to do whatever the hell he wants anymore,” she said.
HDC member John Holloway said that when a property was purchased in the historic district there were responsibilities that went with that and a process that needed to be followed
“I personally feel it was all intentionally skipped,” he said, adding that if Brushmiller had met with the board before making the changes they could have worked together on the project.
HDC member Brian Robertson said the goal when making changes to structures in the historic district was to make it seem like the building had always looked that way. Bunting said that despite the criticism from the board, they wanted to see the business succeed. He said Brushmiller had done a great job with Burley Oak Brewery but that the improvements at The Globe property showed no imagination.
The board voted unanimously to give Brushmiller 10 days to remove the changes he’d made and to give him 60 days to submit a new plan for the property. No plan will be approved before the fencing approved several years ago is installed. Commission members noted that Brushmiller could be fined up to $400 a day if he didn’t comply.
When contacted after the meeting, Brushmiller, who is out of the country, stressed that he didn’t want to do anything that would negatively impact the town.
“It’s in my best interest to make sure a building I own in Berlin is the epitome of historic relevance and complies to all the rules and regulations,” he said. “We did not know we needed approval to add to the outdoor area since we had used in like kind materials previously approved by the HDC.”
As far as the changes mandated by the board, Brushmiller said the situation was being addressed. He added that he’d built and renovated multiple properties in Berlin and that it was counterintuitive for him to do things that didn’t benefit the town.
OCEAN CITY – With chronic tidal flooding problems at the town’s municipal golf course in West Ocean City only intensifying, resort officials this week learned remediation efforts are likely needed sooner rather than later.
The town’s award-winning Eagle’s Landing municipal golf course is over three decades old, and while it remains among the top courses in the state and around the region, it is beginning to show its age. The town has completed many projects in recent years at Eagle’s Landing to upgrade the facility, from the replacement of cart bridges to upgrades at the clubhouse and repaving the parking areas.
However, one significant project still looms. Because of its proximity to the coastal bays, which contributes to the popularity of the municipal course, several low-lying holes are subject to chronic tidal flooding incidents and deterioration and are in need of remediation. During a presentation of the draft capital improvement plan (CIP) on Tuesday, the council learned renovating the area subject to tidal flooding, which has been a regular fixture on the CIP in recent years, has now become a top priority, according to Eagle’s Landing Superintendent Joe Perry.
“Two years ago, the council voted this as very important,” he said. “To me, it’s a need and not a want. To maintain the quality of the golf course, we need to move forward with this.”
After three decades, Eagle’s Landing and its infrastructure are in need of renovation. The golf course has served the town and its residents and visitors well, but the renovations are needed in order for the municipal course to remain viable in the regional golf market.
The long-term goal is to develop a golf course renovation master plan, perform survey and engineering work, obtain permits and retain the services of a design or build firm to make changes to certain identified holes in order to reduce damage from recurring tidal flooding events. A pre-master plan assessment has been completed, which identified needed repairs and improvements to the course.
The highest priority are measures to reduce repeat damage and hole closures due to tidal flooding by raising the elevation on five low-lying holes, replacing storm drain outfalls and installing additional flood control improvements. Certain holes flood during high tide events and have to be altered or deemed unplayable at times.
A consultant surveyed the course a couple of years ago and developed a series of recommendations to mitigate the flooding issues. That project, with an estimated $1.5 million price tag, was listed as “very important” in the town’s most recent CIP update.
While the golf course is an enterprise fund, those significant renovations will likely have to be paid for as part of a bond sale or contributions from the general fund as pay-as-you-go projects.
However, the original estimate has now increased to around $2.8 million. Because the golf course is an enterprise fund and self-supporting financially, the cost would be born by those who use the course, but the improvements needed to remediate the chronic flooding problems might need to be included in a future bond issue.
“We’re experiencing increased occurrences and increased severity of tidal flooding events,” Perry said. “When you get tidal flooding downtown and you have to cancel events, that’s what’s happening at your golf course.”
While Eagle’s Landing continues to be a revenue generator for the resort, there have been times when the course has been closed because of the chronic tidal flooding, according to Perry.
“In October 2019, we lost fourand-a-half days to flooding,” he said. “That’s our busiest month. We had beautiful sunny days, but the course was closed. We lost around $70,000 in revenue not counting what we had to repair and remediate.”
The council is just beginning its review of the draft CIP update and a deeper dive will be taken into many of the projects on the list. Perry said if the town pulls the trigger and includes Eagle’s Landing renovations on a bond issue or some other funding source in the final CIP, there is a plan in place for reimbursement.
“We have a concept plan in place,” he said. “It would be paid for through user fees and would not come from the general fund. The golf course is self-sustaining and is making profits for the town. This project would be bonded, but it would be reimbursed through user fees over time to pay the debt service.”
Perry said Eagle’s Landing remains a remarkable amenity for the town and its residents and visitors but needs renovations. He said another project on the list for the future is upgrading the chipping and putting practice facilities.
“It’s a 32-year-old golf course,” he said. “It’s like a 32-year-old house. It’s in great shape but every once in a while, you need to redo a kitchen or a bathroom. We’d really like to renovate our short-game practice facility. We’re the only course that doesn’t have a driving range. It we can find $150,000 in funding, we can get a lot done. It would be done in phases and there would have to be three holes closed during each phase. We’re looking at creative ways to keep the course open and maybe do a 15-hole course and lessen the loss in revenue. It can mostly be done during the winter and spring.”
BERLIN – Officials at Atlantic General Hospital are working with cybersecurity experts following a ransomware incident identified on Sunday.
While the majority of hospital services remain unaffected, Atlantic General Hospital (AGH) is experiencing a “ransomware event” within its network, Toni Keiser, vice president of public relations, confirmed Monday.
“We are working diligently to investigate the source of this disruption, confirm
its impact on our systems, and to restore full functionality to our systems as soon as possible,” she said. “The incident has caused network outage issues with limited patient interruption.”
Officials became aware of the ransomware attack Sunday morning, when they were notified by AGH’s information technology department. Since then, the hospital has been working with specialists around the clock.
“Atlantic General Hospital recently began experiencing technical difficulties, resulting in a disruption to certain computer systems,” Keiser said. “We are working
diligently with third-party IT specialists to investigate the source of this disruption, confirm its impact on our systems, and to restore full functionality to our systems as soon as possible. We did notify the FBI of this event and are working with them to investigate and respond.”
When asked if patient records were at risk, Keiser said the investigation into the incident was ongoing.
“We assure you that the privacy and security of all information entrusted to us is one of our top priorities,” she said. “We will provide additional material information as it becomes available.”
According to Keiser, AGH is working with subject matter specialists and “appropriate authorities” to investigate the incident. There is not yet a timeline as far as when full functionality will be restored, she said.
“We are working diligently to restore full functionality throughout our facilities but cannot confirm when we will return normal operations,” she said. “We appreciate your patience and understanding.”
Keiser noted AGH has continuity plans in place to safely care for patients in the hospital and maintain hospital operations utilizing downtime procedures. The hospital’s emergency room continues to treat patients and AGH will continue with elective surgeries and other outpatient procedures. Services not operational at this time include RediScripts, the hospital outpatient walk-in lab, pulmonary function testing and outpatient imaging. Keiser
said staff that are unable to perform their routine duties are using paid time off, are being prepaid for future overtime work needed due to the network outage or are assisting other departments.
Ransomware attacks, which typically involve locking and encrypting the victim’s data until a ransom payment is made, are becoming more and more frequent. According to a recent report from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Healthcare Cybersecurity Coordination Center, cyberthreats to the healthcare industry were a growing cause for concern in 2022.
“Ransomware attacks, data breaches, and often both together, continued to be prevalent attacks against the health sector,” the report reads. “Ransomware operators continued to evolve their techniques and weapons for increasing extortion pressure and maximizing their payday. Vulnerabilities in software and hardware platforms, some ubiquitous and some specific to healthcare, continued to keep the attack surface of healthcare organizations wide open.”
Just after AGH began dealing with its ransomware attack Sunday, hospitals around the world were reportedly targeted by pro-Russian hacking groups. On Tuesday, ChristianaCare experienced a denialof-service attack on its main website. The hospital reported that its IT team worked quickly to resolve the situation and normal website service was restored within several hours.
NEWARK – Worcester County’s public schools performed better than many in the state, according to data released last week.
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) released Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) results last Thursday. The data highlights how students performed on assessments administered in the spring of 2022 for English Language Arts (ELA) and math.
“We have been focusing this past year on fidelity to our instructional resources, so this data really reassured us that our instructional delivery is strong and our teachers are doing an excellent job,” said Annette Wallace, the school system’s chief safety and academic officer for grades nine through 12.
Across the state, ELA scores showed a return to pre-pandemic performance. In Worcester County, student performance on the spring ELA assessments in grades three through eight topped all other school systems in Maryland with 64% of students scoring as proficient or higher, 20 points above the state average. At Ocean City Elementary School, 94% of third graders scored proficient or higher, 74.8 points about the state average. Countywide, 71.1% of third graders scored proficient or higher on
the ELA assessment. When asked about Ocean City’s high proficiency rate, Wallace said officials were proud of the school’s performance but noted that all schools followed district-wide programming.
“Ocean City did perform very well and we are proud of the school's performance,” she said. “One of the other areas we focus on is where did our students begin – as well as where they end on an assessment such as MCAP. Some of the other schools in our district may not have performed on this final assessment of learning at the levels OCES students did as a whole, but their growth from the beginning of the year to the end based on iReady was tremendous.”
At the high school level, 72% of Worcester County students taking the English 10 assessment scored proficient. That was 19 points above the state average, and landed second overall in the state, with only three percentage points separating Worcester and Calvert counties. At Snow Hill High School, 80.2% of students reached proficiency. Countywide, 71% of students taking the English 10 assessment scored proficient.
While ELA scores were up statewide, math scores fell short of returning to pre-pandemic levels. Worcester County topped the state, however, with 37% of students scoring proficient. Officials noted that third graders at Snow Hill Elementary School bucked statewide
trends by showing significant improvement from their pre-pandemic performance, with 65.1% of students reaching proficiency in math. Students in eighth grade math across the county also saw improvement from their pre-pandemic performance; in particular, 42% of students at Stephen Decatur Middle School reached proficiency. Officials said that like they had across the state, algebra scores also showed a decline from prepandemic levels but that Worcester’s performance was still second in the state.
Superintendent Lou Taylor said the scores were encouraging.
“We know we still have work to do, but there is a lot to celebrate in Worcester’s performance on these assessments,” he said. “I am incredibly proud of the hard work and determination of our students, teachers, and leaders, all of whom contributed to Worcester consistently topping the state in student performance.”
Officials have reviewed scores with principals and instructional coordinators. Detailed student reports should be sent home with students soon, Wallace said.
She said the results showed various trends specific to different student groups as well as improvements by students who have participated in afterschool and summer school programs.
“There continues to be many challenges moving forward, but we prefer to define them as opportunities for growth,” she said. “We will continue to refine and focus on high quality tier 1 instruction, impactful after school and summer school programs, and continued professional development for our teachers.”
She stressed students and teachers had faced significant challenges during the pandemic.
“We could not be more proud of our staff for powering forward against all odds and our students who have worked harder in conditions that were less than desirable,” Wallace said. “I just want to say thank you to them. They are the reason Worcester County Public Schools was in the top 3 in every area. Personally, I could not be more proud to stand beside our staff, on a daily basis, as we continue to educate our students. I would also be remiss if I didn't thank our parents, guardians, and community members for continuing to believe in our school system as we faced what felt many times like insurmountable challenges throughout the pandemic.”
According to MSDE, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires states to assess students annually in grades three through eight and once in high school in ELA and mathematics. The assessment measures mastery of Maryland content standards to ensure that all students are progressing and receiving the necessary supports for remediation, acceleration, and enrichment. The newly designed MCAP ELA and mathematics assessments were administered to Maryland students for the first time in spring 2022.
FENWICK ISLAND – The replacement of the Route 54 bridge was the subject of a public workshop in Fenwick Island this week.
On Tuesday, the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) held a public workshop to present plans and timelines for a bridge replacement project along Route 54. While work is expected to take place over the course of two years, Project Manager Nick Dean said travelers should expect minimal disruptions.
“The way we’re going to handle it is instead of full detours, we’re going to build it in phases …,” he said. “So in theory, you won’t feel the effects too much.”
Dean noted the existing bridge, lo-
cated next to Catch 54 and Harpoon Hanna’s, is nearing the end of its useful service life. And with several large cracks and exposed reinforcement, officials are looking to replace the bridge entirely.
“We’ve pretty much done everything we can from a rehabilitation standpoint to extend the life of the bridge,” he said. “Unfortunately, it’s in a corrosive environment with things like tidal water and Jet Ski spray. So it’s exacerbated the deterioration.”
To that end, DelDOT representatives this week presented community members with plans for a construction project that would start in the fall of 2024 and end in May of 2026. Dean said construction would pause during the summer months.
“We’re going to eliminate half the spans and double the span length, so it’s going to go from 40 feet to 80 feet,” he explained. “It will open up that waterway a little bit, so it should be better for navigation and recreation.”
During the first phase of construction, Dean said crews will construct a temporary sidewalk and modify the existing layout to support two lanes of traffic before starting demolition and construction of the first half of the bridge. During the second phase, traffic will shift to the newly built portion of the bridge while the second half is demolished and rebuilt.
“There will be some impacts, obviously, because we are working in a construction zone,” he explained. “But the idea is we’re going to maintain two lanes while building the first half of the bridge.”
He continued, “Then once May rolls around, and it’s beach season, we’ll pause. Once the season ends, we’ll pick back up and shift traffic onto the new portion of the bridge and demo the remaining portion, build it and tie them together.”
Simply put, Dean said Route 54 and the bridge would remain open throughout the course of construction.
“With businesses on two corners, a property owner on the other corner, and utilities that straddle each side, the site constraints are a bit difficult,” he explained. “We are also trying to navigate the beach traffic.”
Dean said Tuesday’s workshop marks the first step in the public input process as DelDOT continues through the design and planning phase.
“If anyone sees something and they have questions or concerns, they can reach out and we can hopefully alleviate those concerns and answer questions,” he said.
Dean noted that design plans and contact information pertaining to the Route 54 bridge replacement project can be found on the DelDOT website, deldot.gov.
“The solution we came up with does allow for normal traffic in both directions to be maintained,” he said. “Our hope there, while we’re in construction season, is that delays will be minimal. And obviously once we leave during the beach season traffic should return to normal.”
BERLIN – The Berlin Chamber of Commerce recognized a variety of valued community partners as it kicked off 2023 with its annual installation dinner.
Close to 80 merchants, chamber members, local officials and community residents attended the Berlin Chamber of Commerce’s annual installation dinner Jan. 26. The event, held at 410 Social, recognized the chamber’s incoming and outgoing board members and showcased annual award winners.
“It was so good to see the whole neighborhood come out to celebrate what we’ve accomplished this year and what we look forward to in the coming events season,” said Ryan Nellans, the chamber’s executive director.
Renowned local artist Patrick Henry kicked off the evening by recalling the history of Berlin’s commercial district. He described the lively business community of the early 20th century that began to fade with the rise of shopping malls and fast-food restaurants in the 1960s. He credited the group that got together to renovate the Atlantic Hotel in the 1980s with spurring the town’s latest resurgence.
“The wisdom and the vision, I’m in admiration because we’re talking 35 years ago,” he said, adding that the hotel now was as fresh and vibrant as it had been when it was built in 1895.
Henry said the “America’s Coolest Small Town” title the town won in 2014 was evidence of the town’s most recent success and had also helped ensure that success continued.
Henry encouraged merchants to stay focused on their efforts but reminded them of the importance of community.
“Keep it small, keep it focused,” he said. “Always focus on not only selling your product but on building relationships.”
Chamber officials recognized several outgoing members of the chamber’s board of directors and welcomed new members.
“It was just a couple of us for a couple of years and now we’ve got this really strong board,” said Mike Poole, president of the chamber. “I’m expecting a lot of really good things.”
The evening culminated with the presentation of four awards. Megan Hines of Jun & Juice, the new juice and smoothie shop on Pitts Street, was presented with the “Emerging Business” award.
“If you have something and people see that you believe in it, that really comes through,” Nellans said.
WBOC and Delmarva Sports Network received the “Bright Idea” award for televising last summer’s Berlin Bathtub Races. Zach Parnes of WBOC and Delmarva Sports Network said calling the bathtub races had been one of the most fun times he’d had while wearing a headset.
“I think my entire team is looking for-
ward to being back out here and seeing who takes home the trophy this year,” Parnes said.
Nellans and Poole presented the “Chamber Partner” award to D3Corp while “Volunteer of the Year” honors went to Garrett Neeb. Ivy Wells, Berlin’s economic and community development
director, said she’d nominated him for the recognition. When she found out the farmers market that used to be held on Berlin Fire Company property was no longer happening, she reached out to Neeb. Together, they launched a new rendition of the market on Artisans Green.
It was also Neeb she reached out to when the town needed a cottage for Santa’s December visits to Berlin.
“Garrett built the house, renovated the house and brings it every year on an antique tractor every year,” she said. “I don’t know what I’d do without Garrett. He’s an inspiration to all of us.”
BISHOPVILLE – Assateague Coastal Trust volunteers cleared more than 100 pounds of trash from the Bishopville area with a recent cleanup.
On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, nearly two dozen volunteers, led by Assateague Coastal Trust (ACT), gathered in Bishopville to pick up trash. Debbi Dean, community engagement coordinator for ACT, said community cleanups encouraged people to get involved in supporting their local environment.
“They create the opportunity for people to take action and rally around a safe, healthy environment,” Dean said.
Volunteers on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, who included area residents as well as Boy Scouts and ACT supporters, gathered at Bishopville Park to walk the bridge and prong area as well as a short stretch of Hotel Road and Jarvis Road. Debris they picked up included bottles, cans, scrap metal, a tire and hubcaps, among other things. Dean said ACT was grateful to JDog Junk Removal & Hauling of Ocean City for their donation of trash disposal. In all, 103 pounds of trash were removed from the area.
Dean, pointing out that the Bishopville cleanup was on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, referenced his belief that more could be done together than apart. She said volunteers had proven that.
“They came together to make a difference, achieve purpose and to effect
change as they picked up discarded trash along the roadside,” she said.
Dean said ACT was in the process of scheduling more community cleanups.
“Trash cleanups are important for supporting tourism and local economies, pro-
tecting wildlife and raising public awareness of the threat of litter to both wildlife and communities,” she said. “Prolific litter in communities and neighborhoods can misrepresent the area and contribute to health risks.”
She encourages anyone interested in participating in a cleanup or interested in volunteering with ACT to contact her at outreach@actforbays.org.
“It is an exciting, meaningful process towards stopping waste,” she said.
WEST OCEAN CITY –Two local men have been charged with various drug and weapons charges following a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office investigation late last year in West Ocean City.
During the month of December, members of the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team concluded a significant controlled dangerous substance investigation in West Ocean City. As a result of the investigation, a search and seizure warrant was served on a residence in West Ocean City.
During the search, numerous illegal drugs and weapons were seized and two arrests were made. Law enforcement officers during the search discovered over 76 pounds of marijuana, four firearms including an AR-15 rifle, a 9mm handgun and two 12-gauge shotguns. Officers also located a large amount of ammunition, including high-capacity magazines and body armor. Officers also located over 102 grams of marijuana edibles, 292 grams of psychedelic mushrooms and over $82,000 of suspected drug proceeds.
Two arrests were made as a result of the search including John Ternahan, 44, of Frankford, Del., and Andrew Founds, 38, of Ocean City. Both Ternahan and Founds have been charged with a variety of drug and weapons counts, and each was held without bond on the day of their arrests. Founds has since been released on a $10,000 bond, while Ternahan remains held without bond.
The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Enforcement Team was assisted by the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office Action Team, the Ocean City Police Department’s Narcotics-Vice Unit, the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office and the Washington-Baltimore HIDTA during the course of the investigation.
The investigation was also supported through the Maryland Criminal Intelligence Network-Worcester County Initiative, which is funded through the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and victim services, which provide grant funding and strategic support to MCIN member sites to identify, disrupt and dismantle criminal organizations through interagency collaboration.
FENWICK ISLAND – Officials say easement work continues as the town prepares for a sidewalk construction project along Coastal Highway.
Last Thursday, members of the Fenwick Island Pedestrian Safety Committee reviewed ongoing efforts to install sidewalks along five bayside blocks from Dagsboro to Indian streets. Working with the town’s solicitor, Councilman Ed Bishop, committee chair, noted that Fenwick Island officials are currently in the process of securing easements from property owners along Coastal Highway.
“We had the town’s attorney prepare easement paperwork whereby each of the property owners would be required to sign the easement paperwork for us to enter the property and perform the work,” he explained. “So those were
sent out in early December, and so far we have had one firm commitment to do a whole block between Essex and Farmington [streets]. Then we are pretty sure we have signed paperwork to do most of the areas from Dagsboro to Essex.”
In 2019, Fenwick Island initiated the first phase of its sidewalk construction project, which included six bayside blocks south of James Street. And last February, the Fenwick Island Town Council signed off on a contract with Century Engineering to begin design work for the first phase of construction this year.
In recent months, however, officials have had to scale back the size of the project to roughly five blocks after learning the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) would require the town to install a new traffic light on the north side of Fenwick Island.
In last week’s update, co-chair Vicki
Carmean said the light’s installation would have cost the town an estimated $120,000.
“My feeling is the state should be responsible for maintaining state highways,” she said. “Why should the town’s taxpayers pay for a traffic light the state should take care of?”
Carmean added that the town had already set aside more than $600,000 to complete the first phase of a sidewalk project in the state’s right-of-way.
She pointed out that Fenwick Island has been waiting decades for DelDOT to complete a sidewalk construction project in town.
“Asking Fenwick to pay $600,000 for sidewalks is a lot of money …,” she said. “Enough is enough. The state needs to step up."
Officials noted the goal of the sidewalk construction project is to make Fenwick Island safe for pedestrians and improve access to local busines-
ses. The first phase of the project calls for 5-foot-wide, ADA-compliant sidewalks, as well as a buffer area between the sidewalk and neighboring commercial properties.
“Basically, the owners will get the benefit of sidewalks that will bring visitors to them and make it easier for them to access these buildings,” Carmean said.
Bishop told committee members last week the town has completed an engineering study and design work, and has issued a request for proposals to find a contractor. Before work can proceed, however, the town is seeking easements from commercial property owners.
“We need to do some additional follow-up with the remaining business owners from Farmington to Indian,” he said. “We’ve had some no’s and noncommittals. So we are working on it.”
Carmean encouraged town officials to set a deadline for easement work so that construction can begin.
“They either sign or don’t,” she said. “If not, we can direct the money to other blocks that are committed to sidewalks.”
Bishop said the installation of sidewalks might also encourage DelDOT to support a state-led sidewalk project in town.
“We are hoping by doing these four or five blocks, it will show DelDOT we are serious about this, and that they will finish the rest,” he said.
Carmean pointed out that the construction of the remaining sidewalks had moved to No. 24 on the agency’s list of upcoming transportation projects.
“We were in the top 10 at one point …,” she said. “But they keep reshuffling the deck.”
During public participation, Warren’s Station owner Scott Mumford questioned who would be responsible for any potential damages that could occur on the owner’s property.
“Once those sidewalks go in, the town must maintain them …,” Carmean replied. “No property owner should have to be responsible, ever.”
Committee member Tim Leahy also questioned if the contractor would need to work around signage and other structures within the right-of-way.
“Are there any structures that will need to be moved?” he said.
Bishop noted that two signs would need to be moved as part of the first phase of the project. Officials said it was included in the construction contract.
“Any removal of the sign is incorporated into the cost …,” Carmean said. “The owner should incur no cost and very little inconvenience.”
After further discussion, the committee agreed to explore a deadline for easement work. Bishop noted that the hired construction company was eager to begin the first phase of the project.
“We want to do it now while traffic is as light as possible,” he said.
FENWICK ISLAND – Officials in Fenwick Island say delays in a beach replenishment project will likely impact the town’s summer season.
Last Friday, Mayor Natalie Magdeburger presented the Fenwick Island Town Council with an update on a beach replenishment project along Delaware’s coastline. While work was initially expected to start last fall, she said the timeline has since moved to the summer months.
“They are going to start – big surprise – in Rehoboth and work their way south,” she told community members last week. “And it is definitely going to go through the summer months. How far through the summer months, we don’t know.”
The state, in partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) typically performs beach nourishment projects in Lewes, Rehoboth Beach, Dewey Beach, Bethany Beach, South Bethany and Fenwick Island through a cost shared between the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) and USACE.
The federal agency has developed a design that includes periodic nourishment at an interval between three and six years. Those projects, however, are dependent on the availability of funding at both the federal and state level.
In last week’s update, Magdeburger
said she had recently met with USACE representatives and Sen. Tom Carper to discuss legislation that would provide funding for projects such as beach renourishment.
“They’ve also gotten a priority area, which each county in Delaware will fall into to get authorizing money for environmental infrastructure work,” she said. “It’s $35 million per county. My guess is there will be a lot of people standing in line to get that money, and it's won’t go very far, but it was a good thing to hear.”
Magdeburger said the legislation would impact Delaware’s coastal communities.
“For some of our coastal communities to the north of us, they really took a hit during the Mother’s Day storm, but because it didn’t qualify for national relief efforts, nothing could really be done to replenish it …,” she explained. “This language should hopefully make it easier to get funding and assistance when there are those types of disasters.”
Magdeburger said this year’s beach replenishment project is now expected to begin in either March or April and continue throughout the summer months.
“My prediction is it’s going to be the middle of summer by the time they get here …,” she said. “We are going to be at the Army Corps of Engineers’ mercy, and I suspect I will be making announcements of dune and block closures during the summer months. As soon as I have information, I will provide it to everybody.”
POCOMOKE – The Maryland State Education Association honored a local principal with a human and civil rights award for her efforts to support student voices.
The Maryland State Education Association (MSEA) recently presented Pocomoke High School Principal Jenifer Rayne with the MSEA Human and Civil Rights Award. The honor, which was awarded at the MSEA’s Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration and Racial Social Justice Summit in Baltimore, is in recognition of Rayne’s support of Speak Up, a student club at Pocomoke High School. The MSEA Human and Civil Rights Award is given to educators who contribute significantly in the area of human and civil rights in the classroom or the overall school culture.
“It was such an honor,” Rayne said. “Those who have suffered injustices are much more deserving of this but I will proudly advocate for justice and human rights whenever I can because I’m a public school principal. I have to advocate for all students, not just some.”
Rayne said the Speak Up group
was launched her first year as principal at Pocomoke High School. She was looking for ways to make sure students’ voices were being heard when a senior expressed interest in leading a group to celebrate diversity. They decided the new group, Speak Up, would focus on elevating student voices and would be open to anyone interested in making the school a better place for everyone.
“It’s important for every student to have a sense of belonging,” Rayne said.
In recent years the club has grown from just five students when it started to 25 students. The club, which explores history and culture of all marginalized populations, has done murals, helped with Black History Month activities and even developed professional development opportunities for educators. Some of the students also participated in a student panel on how to increase student belonging at a recent MSEA conference.
Students who were seniors in Speak Up last year nominated Rayne for the human and civil rights award, a fact she wasn’t aware of until she arrived in Baltimore to accept the award.
“They’re a wonderful group of students,” she said.
WEST OCEAN CITY – The West O Bottle Shop, located off Route 50 in West Ocean City, has recently unveiled an expanded artisan cheese market stocking cheese, specialty crackers and charcuterie products.
For over 22 years, owners Dave and Sara Hambury have made a business of specializing in beer, wine and spirits. When the store was expanded to its current size, the Hamburys began selling cheese out of a small area in the shop. The new market area is now centrally located in the renovated bar area.
“The pandemic forced the closure of daily operations of the on-premise bar,” said Sara Hambury. “Then we entered two years of a labor shortage and needed allhands-on-deck to fulfill our retail obligations. The bar space is prime real estate within our shop to expand the cheese and food market into.”
The new addition at the bottle shop is a direct reaction to changes influenced by the pandemic. Instead of making elaborate meals, Americans embraced the idea of grazing on well-made cheese and charcuterie and this trend has significant staying power.
“Our focus is on artisan and farmstead produced award-winning selections,” Sara Hambury said. “These are products made by passionate people much like many of our beverages are. Just as winemakers take care with their vineyards and every step along the way to a gorgeous bottle of wine, so do these cheese producers. With the farmstead labeled cheese, the raw milk comes from the producers own herd of animals. So yes, these are the people up early in the morning overseeing the grass, which feeds the cow, cutting the curds, making magic happen to create amazing cheeses. Artisan products simply taste better because every single element and process matters to them.”
The bottle shop stocks convenient sized one-ounce preserves, honeys and dips as well as charcuterie items such as Italian prosciutto, Spanish jamon, and Denver-made il Porcellino artisanal drycured salumi. Being Maryland proud, offerings also include baguettes from Crest Hill Bakery (Glen Dale), and cheese from Firefly Farms (Accident) and Chapel Country Creamery (Easton).
The bottle shop still has seating to accommodate 25 guests and plans to offer cheese and wine pairing classes in the future. For now, guests are invited to join the team at the bar most Friday evenings for free tastings.
“It’s been fun to reach out to small producers and say ‘I want to bring your products to our customers,’” said Sara Hambury. “I have a store full of adult indulgences, the expanded cheese market only adds to that. Elevated snacking, whether it’s for Netflix-and-chill, or an impromptu happy hour with the neighborhood, we now have that to offer.”
SNOW HILL – A local man with a history of burglary and theft arrests in and around the resort area last week pleaded guilty to his latest incident in August and was sentenced to 15 years, all but 10 of which were suspended, and was ordered to pay restitution to the victims.
Chad Cirigliano, now 43, of Ocean City, last week pleaded guilty to second-degree burglary and theft under $25,000 for his latest break-in at a downtown Boardwalk bar and hotel in August. For the burglary conviction, Cirigliano was sentenced to 15 years, all but five of which were suspended. For the theft conviction, Cirigliano was sentenced to five years, which will be served consecutively to the burglary sentence. He was also ordered to pay over $5,000 in restitution to the victims and was placed on supervised probation for three years upon his release.
Around 12:25 a.m. on Aug. 6, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers responded to a downtown Boardwalk bar for a reported burglary. The investigation revealed around 10:30 p.m., a male suspect entered a restricted employee-only area of the establishment and stole a large amount of currency from a safe.
OCPD officers were able to view video surveillance footage from that time frame and observed a male suspect, later identified as Cirigliano, walk into the restricted employee-only area in the basement of
the building. OCPD officers determined Cirigliano had forced entry into an office within the basement of the establishment and stole cash before exiting the building through an internally locked rear door.
During the evening hours on the same night, OCPD officers responded to a Boardwalk hotel in the area of 8th Street for a reported burglary. OCPD officers viewed surveillance video from the early morning hours on Sunday when the burglary occurred and observed Cirigliano access a restricted employeeonly area through an unlocked door, according to police reports.
Cirigliano allegedly opened the cash register and stole an undisclosed amount of money before exiting the building. He was charged with second-degree burglary, fourth-degree burglary storehouse, fourth-degree theft and theft of $1,500 to under $25,000 before his guilty pleas on both counts last week.
Cirigliano’s arrest in August continued a pattern of similar incidents for the local man. In July 2019, he was captured on surveillance video taking money from a safe at a nightclub on 17th Street where he worked. In that incident, the business owner noticed he was missing around $3,000 from a safe. After that theft, the business owner purchased a security camera and had it installed in the ceiling area above the safe.
Suspecting the culprit would strike a-
gain, the business owner made copies of $900 he put in the safe and waited for the suspect to strike again. Sure enough the suspect, later identified as Cirigliano, was captured on surveillance video entering the office and manipulating the safe to steal the money. He was arrested and charged with theft from $100 to under $1,500 for that incident.
In September 2019, Cirigliano was reportedly up to his old tricks again. Worcester County Sheriff’s deputies, assisted by the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation (WCBI) responded to a garage on Seahawk Road in Berlin for a reported burglary. Video surveillance footage reportedly
showed a suspect later identified as Cirigliano enter the screened porch area of the garage, reach up and unscrew the lightbulb and then enter the garage using a crowbar before exiting about 10 minutes later. About an hour later, Maryland State Police troopers responded to another reported garage break-in on Route 50 in Berlin and located Cirigliano and took him into custody.
Surveillance video from the Seahawk Road garage break-in linked Cirigliano to that incident. For those garage break-ins, Cirigliano pleaded guilty to second-degree burglary and was sentenced to eight years, all but 18 months of which were suspended.
OCEAN CITY – A Virginia man was arrested last week after allegedly assaulting a friend who refused to drive while intoxicated back to their hotel from an uptown bar.
Around 12:45 a.m. last Thursday, an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer was dispatched to the area of a restaurant on 94th Street for a reported assault that had already occurred. Ocean City Communications advised the suspect in the assault was located inside a pickup truck parked near the restaurant, according to police reports.
The officer arrived and located the truck and found the suspect, later identified as Anthony Berry, 26, of Woodstock, Va., sleeping in the front passenger seat with blood on his shirt, pants, face and hands, according to police reports. The officer attempted to wake Berry to no avail and ultimately had to use an ammonia inhalant to wake him up, according to police reports.
Officers spoke with the alleged male victim who advised he and Berry got in the truck to sleep because neither of them were in a safe condition to drive. The victim reportedly told officers their plan was to sleep in the truck until the morning when it was safe for either of them to drive.
The victim reportedly told officers at some point Berry woke up and they got into an argument because the victim would not drive back to their hotel. The victim advised Berry struck him repeat-
edly in the face with a closed fist during the altercation. According to police reports, the victim’s left eye had swollen up to the size of a golf ball and he had a laceration on the bridge of his nose.
Officers interviewed Berry, who advised he had been sleeping and did not know how he had blood on his clothing and person and that he had not been in a fight. Based on the evidence and testimony, Berry was arrested and charged with second-degree assault.
OCEAN CITY – An Ocean City police officer was seriously injured last week during an altercation with a suspect stopped for speeding and suspicion of driving while impaired in the midtown area.
Around 8:20 p.m. last Thursday, an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle that was allegedly going 49 mph in a 35 mph zone in the area of 32nd Street. The officer made contact with the driver, later identified as Kyle Lovett-Pitts, 30, of Berlin, and advised him
of the reason for the stop, according to police reports.
Lovett-Pitts provided officers with his license and vehicle registration but was unable to locate proof of insurance. According to police reports, Lovett-Pitts exhibited signs of intoxication and when he was asked to perform field sobriety tests, he was unable to do to the officers’ satisfaction and he was taken into custody on suspicion of driving while impaired, according to police reports.
When OCPD officers attempted to handcuff Lovett-Pitts, he reportedly resisted by tensing his arms and refusing to put them behind his back. Despite numerous orders to stop resisting, Lovett-Pitts continued to tense and twist his body and began fighting with officers, according to police reports.
Lovett-Pitts reportedly did not comply with the officers’ commands to get on the ground and began actively fighting with them. Lovett-Pitts knocked a female OCPD officer to the ground during the altercation and one of the officers then deployed his conductive electronic weapon, or Taser, in an attempt to get him to comply with orders and cooperate.
pair of custom wine glasses and a partially smoked marijuana cigar. The victim yelled at Andrade-Hernandez to stop and he dropped the bag and ran toward the Boardwalk, according to police reports.
OCPD officers late located AndradeHernandez in the area of 2nd Street and St. Louis Avenue and he matched the description provided by the victim, according to police reports. The victim was brought to the scene and advised she was around 80% sure AndradeHernandez was the suspect she had seen removing the bag from her vehicle.
OCPD officers arrested AndradeHernandez and during a search of his person recovered items reported during the alleged theft along with other items reported stolen from an incident the week before. Andrade-Hernandez was charged with multiple counts of theft and rogue and vagabond.
OCEAN CITY – A New York man, arrested last fall after trespassing at a downtown hotel and then screaming profanities from the street, pleaded guilty this week to disorderly conduct and was sentenced to 60 days, all but seven of which were then suspended.
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FRIDAY: DJ Billy T 3 pm
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(Kitchen Closes 9 pm)
Lovett-Pitts then reportedly punched the female officer in the face multiple times and struck multiple officers according to police reports. He was ultimately detained in handcuffs and charged with multiple counts of seconddegree assault, resisting arrest and traffic violations.
The female OCPD officer had to be transported to the hospital for injuries sustained during the altercation. Her injuries included multiple contusions to the left side of her face, a laceration on her lip that had to be removed by doctors, a broken nose and a large amount of bruising and swelling to her face, according to police reports.
OCEAN CITY – A Washington, D.C., man was arrested last week and charged with theft after allegedly being found stealing items from a vehicle.
Around 12:30 a.m. last Wednesday, an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer responded to the area of 14th Street for a reported theft from a motor vehicle. The officer met with a female victim who advised she had returned to her vehicle and observed a suspect later identified as Carlos Andrade-Hernandez, 21, of Washington, D.C., going through it.
The victim reportedly observed Andrade-Hernandez walking away from her vehicle carrying a bag that had been in it.
Inside the bag was a pair of Air Jordan shoes, a remote-controlled car, a
Around 6 p.m. on Oct. 19, 2022, an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer was dispatched to a hotel at 5th Street for a reported disorderly male. Communications reported the hotel manager advised the male, later identified as Patrick Tidridge, 45, of East Islip, N.Y., had previously caused destruction on the property had been seen in the area of the hotel.
The hotel manager advised they were following Tidridge as he began to walk away. The officer approached the manager, who advised he wanted to trespass Tidridge from the property. The officer located Tidridge standing in the middle of 9th Street shouting and using profanity, according to police reports.
As the officer approached, Tidridge reportedly threw his belongings on the ground and raised both arms in the air. The officer advised Tidridge he had been formally trespassed from the hotel and if he returned to the property, he would be arrested for trespassing, according to police reports.
Tidridge reportedly started walking away from the scene very aggressively and began shouting and using profanity on the public sidewalk. The officer observed a man walking his dog at least 100 feet away stop and turn around to observe the commotion Tidridge was causing, according to police reports.
The officer noted in the report Tidridge had previously been involved in two other incidents. Based on Tidridge’s aggressive and loud behavior, he was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. On Monday, Tidridge pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and was sentenced to 60 days in jail, all but seven of which were suspended. He was also placed on supervised probation for two years.
FENWICK ISLAND – Improvements in the town’s financial statements highlighted a recent audit in Fenwick Island.
Last Friday, the Fenwick Island Town Council voted unanimously to accept the fiscal year 2022 audit report from PKS & Company. Councilman Bill Rymer, chair of the town’s audit committee, noted the financial statements revealed no major findings.
“The audit committee met with the auditors on Jan. 11 to review the documents in the overall audit,” he said. “The auditors provided a clean, unmodified opinion, which is the highest level of assurance, and there are no material weaknesses identified.”
Rymer noted, however, that PKS had identified a significant deficiency relating to the town’s inability to provide a full set of financial statements.
“The town has maintained this same significant deficiency report for many years, similar to other towns and municipalities, especially the ones of our size, because the municipalities don’t have the in-house expertise to provide the 45-page footnote disclosures and all of that …,” he explained. “The audit partner actually mentioned a majority – close to 90% – of municipalities receive the exact same deficiency notification. So there’s nothing new on that front and certainly not a recommendation to hire any expertise to bring in-house once a year.”
During this month’s audit presentation. PKS reported the town had an unrestricted net position of $1.5 million, which represented an increase of $483,000 from the prior fiscal year. PKS representative Ashley Stern said the town’s financial position currently exceeds Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recommendations.
“The GFOA recommends that amount be at a minimum of 60 to 90 days of operating expenses …,” she said at the time. “You are not deficient and are right at about six months of operating expenses.”
Under governmental funds, officials noted the town had an unassigned general fund balance of $706,000. Revenues increased by $311,000 as a result of increased building permits, grants and gross rental taxes. Increases to police salaries and capital outlay resulted in a $148,000 increase in expenditures.
Comparing budget to actual, Stern noted that revenues were over budget by $606,000, while expenditures were under budget by $1.5 million.
“The partner also discussed, during the process of reviewing records, financial statements and reconciliations were in much better shape this year and required far fewer audit adjustments,” Rymer told council members last week. “We definitely still have some work to do, but the significant progress was clear to our auditors.”
SNOW HILL – Supply chain issues have prompted the state to limit the number of death certificates that can be ordered.
The Worcester County Health Department announced late last week that Maryland’s Division of Vital Records was placing a limit of five death certificates per decedent. The limit comes as the state is experiencing a delay in the shipment of death certificate paper.
“This is a temporary action that is necessary to ensure that we are able to service the funeral homes as well as our customers who place mail, online and phone orders until the next shipment of security paper from the manufacturer,” said Chase Cook, acting director of communications for the Maryland Department of Health.
Citizens were quick to question the new limit when the Worcester County Health
Department shared the announcement on social media. Several pointed out family members typically needed more than five death certificates to deal with the estate of someone who’s passed away, as certificates can be required by a variety of agencies as well as banks and life insurance companies.
“Most families do require more than five death certificates,” said Jerome Weldon, apprentice funeral director at the Burbage Funeral Home in Berlin. “There are many entities, such as banks, courts, and insurance companies, that will not accept photocopies.”
The fact that the limit was put in place abruptly has also made things difficult.
“We have had several families affected by this sudden limit, especially those who had already completed their arrangements and asked for more than five before we were notified of the change,” Weldon said.
Cook stressed the limit was temporary
saying the paper manufacturer had told state officials Maryland could expect its next shipment in mid-February.
“Once we have the security paper supply necessary to fulfill orders at the normal rate, we will immediately resume normal operations and remove any order limitations,” Cook said.
He said officials realized the limit could impact families during a difficult time.
“While we understand this can impact grieving families, it is our hope that this issue will be resolved as quickly as possible and we can resume providing the level of customer service we strive for,” he said. “In many instances, a copy of the certified certificate can be used by families as proof of death; we encourage funeral homes to work with the families on identifying situations where copies can be used so there is no delay in their ability to proceed with handling the business affairs of their loved ones.”
FENWICK ISLAND – Citing public requests, town officials last week voted to refer changes to Fenwick Island’s commercial parking ratios to the town’s charter and ordinance committee.
Before a second reading was to be held, the Fenwick Island Town Council voted unanimously last Friday to refer an ordinance amendment pertaining to offstreet parking in the commercial district –as well as other ordinance changes – to the town’s charter and ordinance committee for review. Mayor Natalie Magdeburger said the referral will allow for additional public comments as town officials continue to work with commercial property owners regarding new parking ratios.
“There’s been further requests to have yet another charter and ordinance committee meeting and report on the topic,” she said. “And although I don’t think it’s necessary, I want to make sure this council maintains transparency and gives everyone an opportunity for input on the issues.”
As written, the proposed ordinance amendment would change, among other things, restaurant parking ratios from one
parking space per 100 square feet of patron area to one per 50 square feet of patron area, and retail parking ratios from one per 300 square feet of floor area to one per 250 square feet of floor area.
From the outset, town officials have argued the new parking ratios would address a growing parking problem in Fenwick. Magdeburger noted that changes made in 2013 had eroded the town’s parking space requirements to the point they no longer met the needs of the business community. The proposed ordinance, she said, was meant to restore some of those parking requirements.
Several commercial property owners, however, have argued the proposed ordinance would do nothing to solve current parking problems, as the parking ratios would only apply to new or redeveloped businesses. They also contend the changes would hamper redevelopment in the commercial district.
Since the ordinance amendment was first introduced last spring, Magdeburger said town officials have held three public hearings, six ad hoc parking committee meetings and three council meetings on the issue. Those discussions, she said, resulted in revisions that eliminated parking
restrictions in the commercial setbacks and mandatory delivery zones.
“As a result of all those hearings and meetings, there was actually a new first reading that was read at the December meeting,” she said. “It was termed a first reading because it had changed. We had compromises, taking away the consideration for the setbacks, taking away the mandatory delivery zones, which are issues commercial property owners had asked for and we have done.”
Last week, however, Magdeburger made a motion to refer the proposed ordinance amendment – as well as ordinance amendments pertaining to floor area and mechanical equipment in the commercial district – to the town’s charter and ordinance committee.
“I want to make sure everyone gets an opportunity to put their thoughts on the record before a decision is made by this council,” Magdeburger said. “With that being said, for those ordinances scheduled for a second readings, I am proposing that we move to refer it to a charter and ordinance meeting.”
During public comments, Southern Exposure owner Tim Collins recognized the council’s efforts to work with the business
community. However, he questioned if the ordinance amendment was warranted.
“When you have an ordinance, or you feel there’s an ordinance that has to be put on the books, some of those ordinances require public participation,” he said. “We had public participation a couple weeks ago, and what struck me was that there was not a single person at that public hearing that supported the ordinance that was being proposed. That concerns me, because I think it puts the council in a position where they have to support their thoughts, their ordinances by saying to the public this is what people want.”
Magdeburger disagreed.
“I think it’s inconsistent with what I’ve seen,” she said. “We’ve actually had a number of people coming in supporting the proposed amendments to the parking ratios, and there were a number of letters and emails … I think the record will show there are a lot of people supporting the change.”
With no further discussion, the town council voted unanimously to refer the ordinance amendments to charter and ordinance committee for review. A meeting has been scheduled for Feb. 10 at 9 a.m.
OCEAN CITY – Legendary filmmaker John Waters will headline the 7th Annual Ocean City Film Festival coming to theaters and venues in the resort March 2-5, 2023, screening 70 independent films from around the world.
Waters will give a live performance on Saturday, March 4 at The Ballroom at Ocean Downs Casino. Tickets and passes are on sale at OCMDFilmFestival.com
Waters’ spoken-word show, entitled “The End of the World,” will be the first time the artist has performed around Ocean City and will be exceptional for its intimate, limited-seated setting. His all-new, fast-moving, comic monologue about today’s despair and diseases, desires and desperation breaks through with an optimism that welcomes all audiences and includes his memories of Ocean City over the years.
“One summer when I was an angry teenager, I lived under the Boardwalk at 9th Street in Ocean City and dreamed of making weird films,” Waters said. “Now I’m coming back, and, hey, I did
just that. You can, too. That is what film festivals are all about - inspiring creative lunacy.”
General admission tickets for the Waters show are limited, with a small number of VIP tickets to meet and greet Waters after the show available at a special price and on a first-come-firstserve basis.
“We are honored to welcome the legendary filmmaker, John Waters, as the headliner for the 2023 OC Film Fest,” Rina Thaler, executive director of the festival and the Arts League of Ocean City, said. “The entire festival is a great opportunity for film lovers to watch never-before-seen films and some local favorites and mingle and party with the filmmakers and film crews.”
The festival will premier two films with local interest. “Hedgehog” was produced by Dave Messick of Unscene Productions and filmed at Mariner’s
Country Down
The Return” is a 30-minute documentary directed by Ocean City native John Chester as a follow-up to his award-winning feature film.
The film festival is an initiative of the nonprofit Art League that produces the festival annually along with broad support from the Town of Ocean City, Ocean Downs Casino, The State of Maryland Film Office, and the Ocean City community. The event is organized by Film Festival Director and Towson University alumnus B.L. Strang-Moya.
The seventh year of the festival will showcase independent films in multiple genres at iconic Ocean City venues including Morley Hall at Seacrets, Flagship Cinemas in West OC, Fox Gold
Coast Theater, Nick’s, Ocean Downs Casino, and the Ocean City Performing Arts Center. Themes of packaged film showcases include Maritime Life; Veterans; Dark & Mysterious; Between Worlds; Resilient Women; Family Dynamics; Sex, Love, Romance & Intimacy; Perseverance; Outsiders; Comedy, and Hassle Us – We’re Local. Complete information about the festival, including a list of films, parties, Q&As, and events is available at OCMdFilmFestival.com. Passes are available for one day of films and parties, four days of films and parties, and individually-sold John Waters tickets. Also listed on the website are special, offseason hotel rates for festival goers.
“Traveling to Ocean City is incredibly affordable this time of year, even more now that our hotel sponsors are offering festival attendees discounted rates,” Strang-Moya said. “These are waterfront rooms in major hotels that are booked solid in the summer season.” The films have not been rated, and some feature adult content. Viewer discretion is advised.
OCEAN CITY – Williams, Moore, Shockley & Harrison, LLP, a law firm located at 3509 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, has elected Peter S. Buas, Esquire as a partner in the firm as of Jan. 1, 2023.
Buas is a presently serving member of the Ocean City Council, having been the top vote-receiver in the municipal election in 2020.
Buas is a native of Worcester County, graduated from Worcester Preparatory School in Berlin, (class of 2009), the University of Maryland, College Park (B.A. 2013) and the University of Baltimore School of Law (J.D. 2016) and was admitted to the Maryland Bar in 2016. For two years, Buas served in the Circuit Court for Worcester County as a Law Clerk to the Honorable Judges Brian D. Shockley, Beau H. Oglesby, Mary M. Kent, Richard R. Bloxom and Thomas C. Groton, III. He joined Williams, Moore, Shockley & Harrison, LLP in August of 2018. Williams, Moore, Shockley & Harrison is a law firm which was founded by Marcus J. Williams in Berlin, in 1952, and has served the Worcester County community in offices, respectively, in Berlin, Ocean Pines and Ocean City, since that date.
Buas is active in community affairs, and in addition to serving on the Ocean City Council, he serves as Chairman to the Police Commission, the Coastal Resources Legislative Committee and the Risk Retention Committee. He is also a member of the Maryland Coastal Bays Program Board and is a licensed real estate broker. His areas of practice include real estate, landlord-tenant, business law, tax sales, administrative practice including zoning, and estate administration.
SALISBURY – U.S. News & World Report again has ranked two of Salisbury University’s online graduate programs among the nation’s best.
For the sixth year, the publication rated SU’s online M.B.A. program one of the top in the U.S. (No. 142 out of 344). SU’s online M.S. in nursing program also was ranked among the country’s best (No. 92 out of 185).
Selections for both programs were based on criteria including student engagement and excellence, faculty credentials and training, technology and peer
Avery Hall Insurance representatives last week presented a pledge of $60,000 for Wor-Wic Community College’s “Preparing For A Stronger Tomorrow” campaign. From left, Dr. Ray Hoy, president of Wor-Wic Community College, and Stefanie K. Rider, executive director of the foundation and director of development, accept a check presentation from Joseph Gast, president of Avery W. Hall Insurance Agency, and Maureen Cody, commercial lines account executive. Submitted Photo
“For more than two decades, U.S. News and other guides have ranked Salisbury University among the nation’s best higher education institutions,” said SU President Carolyn Ringer Lepre. “As technology and degree paths evolve, SU is upholding the highest standards in every program regardless of delivery format.”
She continued, “Our students receive a remarkable education from these programs, and this recognition underscores our dedicated faculty and staff who ensure our graduates have the best preparation available to enter or advance in their fields.”
SALISBURY – PKS & Company, P.A. has announced that Douglas W. McCabe, CPA, esq. has been admitted as partner with the firm.
His admission is a direct result of his continued commitment to client service, business acumen and technical proficiency.
“Doug is a key member of our team and I am pleased to announce his admission as a partner in our firm,” said Dan O’Connell, managing partner of PKS. “He has proven his ability to cultivate excellent client relationships, solve challenging problems, and provide valuable mentorship to many of our team members.”
He continued, “His extensive experience coupled with his knowledge of tax law makes him an invaluable resource to any individual or business. His talents will be a welcome addition to our leadership team.”
With more than 25 years of public accounting experience, McCabe specializes in estate planning and taxation for corporations, partnerships, individuals, and estate and trusts. A graduate of RandolphMacon College with a Bachelor of Science degree in economics and a Juris Doctor degree from Widener University School of Law, McCabe is a licensed CPA in Delaware in Maryland.
REHOBOTH – The opening of two ChristianaCare primary care practices in one easy location already has Sussex County residents buzzing about having direct, local access to the most dynamic health system in the First State.
While ChristianaCare primary care is new to Sussex County, the health system already has a large primary care network in northern Delaware, southeastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey, operating nearly two dozen primary care practices throughout the region.
“It is a privilege to be part of the community in southern Delaware,” said ChristianaCare President and CEO Janice E. Nevin, M.D., MPH. “We recognize the growing need for primary care and other health care services in southern Dela-
ware, and we’re growing to meet that need. ChristianaCare is Delaware’s largest and most advanced health system. Our expert providers, guided by our values of love and excellence, are here to deliver innovative, effective, affordable and equitable care.”
Conveniently located on Coastal Highway near Tanger Outlets Surfside, the two new practices occupy the building that was formerly Pier 1.
ChristianaCare at Rehoboth offers primary care for ages 18 and up. Dana L. Newswanger, D.O., and Priyal Desai, M.D., provide primary care, including annual wellness visits, preventive screenings, immunizations, acute illness care and more, with ChristianaCare’s hallmark high quality and friendly service.
The new ChristianaCare My65+ primary care practice run by David R. Trinkley, M.D., in the same location, offers personalized care tailored to adults ages 65 and older. In addition to general primary care services, the My65+ practice provides medication management, nutritional guidance, specialist coordination, additional provider consultation time and other support specific to the needs of older adults.
SALISBURY – Becker Morgan Group is proud to enter its 40th year of providing professional architecture and engineering services to clients in the mid-Atlantic and southeast regions of the US.
Since 1983, the firm has built trusted partnerships with enterprising clients to meet a wide variety of project goals. Becker Morgan Group’s architects, civil and structural engineers, interior designers, surveyors, and landscape architects have collaborated with an array of stakeholders to successfully complete thousands of design ventures.
Becker Morgan Group Founder and President, W. Ronald Morgan, AIA, comments, “We would like to express our deep appreciation for our clients, community partners, and staff for their generous support over the past four decades. We look forward to the opportunity to continue serving our communities for many years to come.”
Throughout the year, the firm will be sharing the story of Becker Morgan Group through various channels – LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and www.beckermorgan.com.
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The Dispatch, a weekly newspaper since 1984, is seeking a full-time account executive to manage existing advertising sales accounts, seek new business and be a team player in a busy office setting. Previous newspaper experience will be rewarded with offer. Sales experience a must. Salary plus commissions, individual health insurance, two weeks paid vacation each year. Work week: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Email resume to Steve Green’s attention at editor@mdcoastdispatch.com
BERLIN – John H. “Jack” Burbage, Jr. reaffirmed his commitment to health care in the community with another donation recently for equipment at the cancer care center named after him.
A former member of the Atlantic General Hospital Board of Trustees and chairman from 2011 to 2014, Burbage has been incredibly generous in sharing his time and expertise with Atlantic General Hospital. Through the years, he has proven to be sincerely dedicated to AGH’s mission in providing accessible, high-quality care to residents and visitors of the Eastern Shore community. He cochaired the highly successful “Campaign for the Future,” which secured funding for multiple projects including the John H. ‘Jack’ Burbage, Jr. Regional Cancer Care Center, named in his honor for his personal and philanthropic support for Atlantic General.
At the opening in July of 2018, he said, “The cancer center is something near and dear to me, as my mother died when I was a young boy of breast cancer, and it was really tough growing up because my dad worked all the time. If I can do something that would help prevent another child in our community from having to go through that, it will be well worth it.”
Burbage continues to support the Burbage Regional Cancer Care Center and, most recently, presented a generous donation of $100,000 for equipment.
This equipment includes wire-free localization technology, which allows radiologists to mark lesions for removal, and an LF-DP portable tracheal intubation fiberscope that will be used for head and neck cancer patients, which is ideal for emergency procedures where intubation of the trachea is required. The equipment upgrades will assure that the center has the necessary tools to maintain
its standing as a state-of-the-art facility.
The Burbage Regional Cancer Care Center provides one centrally-located, convenient facility for the care and treatment of individuals with cancer and blood disorders. In addition to medical oncology, chemotherapy infusion services and integrative therapies, the center also offers radiation oncology, PET/CT imaging, laboratory services,
community education and support facilities. Telemedicine technology is also available, allowing patients and their physicians to consult with other cancer care experts at the University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center, preventing unnecessary travel for consultation and follow up care for patients who may require more intensive cancer care services.
Members of the General Levin Winder Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) recently enjoyed a field trip to the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park in Church Creek. Park Ranger Melissa Lupus provided a brief overview of Tubman’s life and the hidden symbolism of the park before members took a self-guided experience through the Visitor Center’s exhibit hall. Pictured, from left to right, are Sara Pugh, Barbara Rusko, Diane Lorton, Carol Mongelli, Sharon Moak, Jane Bunting, Pat Arata, Betty Whitehead, Gail Weldin, Chapter Regent Talley Hann and Lupus.
Members of the Ocean City Berlin Rotary Club decorated cookies to share with Mrs. Grimes and the club’s adopted kindergarten class at Buckingham Elementary School. Pictured, left to right, are Jennifer Bodnar, Sonia Baker, Frank Baker, Dr. Larry Michnick and Tom Sweeney.
Submitted Photos
Ocean Pines resident Amy Mike recently won the 2022 MileOne Autogroup American Cancer Society Car Raffle. A total of 12,801 tickets were sold for this year’s raffle, which was for a 2022 BMW X1. The winner also had the option of choosing $20,000 cash. Mike, center, is pictured receiving her $20,000 check from American Cancer Society Senior Executive Director Tswana Sewell, left, and MileOne Autogroup Chief Giving Officer Amanda Kodeck, right.
Members of the Ocean City Berlin Rotary Club made sock snowmen at a recent meeting. The snowmen were then delivered and distributed to residents at the Berlin Nursing Home. Pictured are club members with the snowmen.
CHEER’s Roxana Activity Center was the recent recipient of a $2,000 donation from the Ocean City, Maryland Elks Lodge 2645. The donation is a percentage of the funds raised at the Elks’ annual Bill Thompson’s Clothing for Kids Golf Tournament. The money is designated for the Meals on Wheels program providing meals to homebound seniors in the Roxana and Fenwick Island areas. Making the check presentation are, left to right: Nick Costa, committeeman of the Clothing for Kids tournament; Bill Thompson, chairman of the tournament for the past 22 years; Amy Smith, CHEER nutrition director; Jeff Heyne, golf tournament volunteer and Meals on Wheels volunteer; and Debra Dudken, CHEER’s Roxana Center representative.
Fourth-grade teacher Wendy Macrides was recently recognized as Ocean City Elementary School’s 2022-2023 Teacher of the Year. Macrides, who has been a dedicated educator for 18 years, is pictured with Principal Julie Smith and her fourth-grade colleagues
BERLIN –Stephen Decatur’s girls’ varsity basketball team blew out Crisfield, 56-32, last Friday to run its win streak to nine games since the holiday break.
The Seahawks have been on a roll since dropping their only two games during the Governor’s Challenge holiday tournament, having won nine conference games in a row
since the break. Not counting the two losses in the holiday tournament against stiff competition, the Seahawks are 14-0 in conference regular season games.
Last Friday against Crisfield, the Decatur girls led 22-8 after one quarter and 29-8 at the half. Crisfield did right its ship somewhat in the second half, but the damage had been done early. Mayah Garner led Decatur with 16 points, while Sam Boger added 14 points.
BERLIN –Stephen Decatur’s boys varsity basketball team earned a big win over county rival Pocomoke, 84-55, on Monday to continue a torrid run through the second half of the season.
With the win over the Warriors, the Seahawks’ win streak now stands at seven and their record since the holiday break is 7-1, their only loss coming to Wicomico, 64-59, back on Jan. 9. On Monday, the Decatur boys took down
Worcester County and Bayside South rival Pocomoke, 84-55.
Brycen Coleman led all Decatur scorers with 16 points, while Noah Tucker scored 15, Davion Rounds scored 13 and Trybe Wise contributed 10. Decatur’s record now stands at 10-6 on the season, including an 8-4 mark in the Bayside South. The Seahawks face Cambridge-South Dorchester at home on Friday and close out the regular season with a road game against Mardela and a home game with Parkside in a regular season finale.
Decatur’s Parker Intrieri goes in for pin against his Kent Island opponent last week. The Seahawks beat the Buccaneers, 51-15, to remain unbeaten in the regular season. Submitted Photo
BY SHAWN J. SOPER MANAGING EDITOR Tate at 160.BERLIN –Stephen Decatur’s varsity wrestling team stayed on a major roll this week, beating old Bayside North foe Kent Island before sweeping a dual meet against C. Milton Wright and Rising Sun.
Against Bayside North rival Kent Island, the Seahawks prevailed over the Buccaneers, 51-15. Parker Intrieri beat Nicholas Morey at 170, Nate McDaniel beat Johnathan Crutchley at 182, Eden McMullen beat Miles Tate at 285, Michael Hoos beat Carmen Bell at 106, and Juan Hinojosa beat Ryan Austin at 113. Reid Caimi beat Silas Brobst at 126, Evan Haworth beat Chase Kelley at 152, and Gavin Solito beat Marcus
Against C. Milton Wright, Elijah Collick beat Kane Bowers at 106, Hinojosa beat Sean Downey at 113, Jake Saullo beat Mitchell Nguyen at 120, Aaron August beat Joza Peters at 126, Caimi beat Ethan Lylo at 132, Logan Intrieri beat Brody Zumbano at 138, Solito beat Joey LoBianco at 152, Haworth beat Jaxon Simms at 160, Parker Intrieri beat Hayden Goscinski at 170, McDaniel beat Nicholas Marzen at 182, Kole Kohut beat Daniel Hercek at 195 and McMullen beat Luke Longerbeam at 285.
In the 42-28 win over Rising Sun in the same dual meet, the Seahawks got wins from August, Caimi, Logan Intrieri, Solito, Haworth, Parker Intrieri, Kohut, McMullen and Collick.
BERLIN –Stephen Decatur’s varsity indoor track teams turned in solid individual performances at a conference meet in Snow Hill last week.
On the boys’ side, in the 55-meter dash, Waylon Hobgodd finished seventh, and Jaden Holland was 30th. Riley Calloway was 17th in the 300, while Ethan Cowder was 20th and Alex Ward was 21st. Collin Pennington was 15th in the 800, while Ethan Quick was 28th. In the 1,600, Pennington was 10th and Quick was 37th. Brian Herbert finished 25th in the 3,200, and Dalton Henderson
finished 20th in the 55-meter hurdles.
On the girls’ side, Sauna Vick finished 27th in the 55-meter dash and Kyleigh Powell was 35th. In the 300, Tiara McDonald finished ninth, while Vick was 13th and Powell was 31st. Ellie Cheynet finished ninth in the 800, while Alessandra Fernandez was 16th and Sasha Mete was 28th. Macy Worniecki finished seventh in the 1,600, while Fernandez was 22nd and Gabriella Thompson-Serv was 34th. Woroniecki also finished fourth in the 3,200, while Daniela Carrasco-Gonzalez was 14th. Vick finished 26th in the 55-meter hurdles. Adelaide Weber finished 23rd in the shot put.
South Harbor Rd., West O.C.
Thursdays & Fridays:
DJ Billy T
Saturday, Feb. 4: The Dunehounds
DJ Jeremy
Sunday, Feb. 5: Opposite Directions
8th St. & Philadelphia Ave.
Beats By Deogee
Saturday, Feb. 4: The Dunehounds
Beats By Deogee
Mondays: Karaoke with Wood
Beats By Wax
Beats By Deogee
Beats By Wax
49th St. & Coastal Hwy.
Friday, Feb. 3:
DJ Tuff, The Gab Cinque Band
Saturday, Feb. 4:
DJ Davey, John McNutt Duo, Billy Walton Band
Thursday, Feb. 9: Opposite Directions
Every Monday: TOPS Meeting
5-6:30 p.m. Atlantic General Hospital, Berlin. Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a support group promoting weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Call Rose 443-880-8444.
Every Monday: Acapella Chorus
All ladies who love to sing are invited to the Delmarva Woman’s Acapella Chorus, Ocean Pines Community Center, 239 Ocean Parkway, 6-8 p.m. Contact Mary 410-629-9383 or Carol 302242-7062.
Every Monday: Bridge Games
Are you interested in joining others for a game of Bridge at the Ocean City 50+ Senior Center? If so, please call or text Tish at 410-804-3971.
Every Tuesday: TOPS Meeting
Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a weekly support and education group promoting weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Meetings are held at the Worcester County Berlin Health Department at 9730 Healthway Drive, Berlin from 3:30-4:30 p.m. every Tuesday. 410-2894725.
Every Tuesday: Dancing
The Delmarva Hand Dance Club holds dancing at the Selbyville Elks Lodge 2173 from 5:30-9 p.m. delmarvhanddancing.com.
Every Tuesday: Beach Cleanup
Beach Heroes, a volunteer Ocean City group, holds cleanups 9-10 a.m. yearround. Trash bags, grippers and gloves provided. Check the Facebook page "Beach Heroes-OC" for weekly meeting locations. All are welcome.
Every Wednesday: Bingo Elks Lodge 2645, corner of Sinepuxent Avenue and 138th Street in Ocean City. Has bingo all year. Doors open 4:30 p.m. with first game sharply at 6:30 p.m. Kitchen open for light fare. 410-250-2645.
Every Thursday: Beach Singles
Join the club, 55 plus, at Harpoon Hanna’s in Fenwick Island, 4-6 p.m. 302436-9577 or BeachSingles.org.
2nd and 4th Thursdays: Caregiver Support Meeting
The Caregiver Support Group will continue to meet on the second and fourth Thursdays in the Ocean Pines Library. Meetings will run from 3-4:30 p.m. The meetings are private and confidential.
Feb. 3-5: Wool, Fiber Expo
A show to promote the fiber industry through vendors, classes and art at the Ocean City convention center. Admission $4. Hours are Friday, Feb. 3, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday, Feb. 4, 8 a.m.5 p.m.; and Sunday, Feb. 5, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Feb. 4: Fried Chicken Buffet
Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church in Willards will host from 11 a.m.-until. Vegetables, beverages and dessert included. Carryouts available and baked table. Cost is $15 for adults and $7.50 for kids and free for under 6.
Feb. 5: Pancake Breakfast
The Church of the Holy Spirit, at 100th Street and Coastal Highway in Ocean City, will have a single service at 9 a.m. followed by a pancake breakfast. 410723-1973.
Feb. 7-9: Safe Boating Course
It’s never too early to plan for boating season. The first class of 2023 will be held virtually, making it possible for anyone to attend from anywhere. The virtual course is taught by the same US Coast Guard Aux. instructors as the inperson class. All the required material is covered along with time for questions. Classes are 6-9 p.m. The Maryland Boating Safety Education Act requires that anyone born after July 1, 1972 must possess a Maryland Basic Boating Safety Certificate to operate a boat in the state of Maryland. Those attending the class and passing the test will receive a Maryland Boating Certificate which is NASBLA approved and valid in all states. A fee of $20 covers the cost of the course and materials. Checks should be made payable to USGCAUX 12-05 and mailed to PO Box 1682 Berlin, Md. 21811. Payment via PayPal is also accepted. For more information or to register contact Barry Cohen at 410935-4807 or email CGAUXOC@Gmail.com.
Feb. 8: Bingo Fundraiser
Charity B.I.N.G.O. for a Cause at The Sterling Tavern in Berlin. Theme is “The Love Boat.” Come dressed in your best cruise wear for best prize. All proceeds benefit Assateague Coastal Trust, from 6-8 p.m. Five Bingo games total, $2 per bingo card. For more information, Debbi Dean@outreach@actforbays.org or 443856-9309.
Feb. 10: Crab Cake Dinner
Stevenson United Methodist Church will hold its carryout monthly crab cake dinner from 4-6 p.m. Eating in also offered. Cost is $14, one crab cake sandwich, green beans, baked potato and cole slaw; $24, two crab cake sandwiches, green beans, baked potato and cole slaw; and $10, crab cake sandwich. Bake sale table also available.
Feb. 11: Valentine's Day Dinner
Sons of the American Legion, Squadron 166, 23rd St. & Philadelphia Ave., Ocean City, will host, featuring steak, shrimp, baked potato, salad and cake. Choice of one complimentary beer or wine. Four seatings at 4, 5, 6 or 7 p.m. $25 per person. Tickets available at the post.
Feb. 11: Q&A For Vets
The Department of Veterans Affairs will be at the Berlin library from 9 a.m.2 p.m. Do you have questions about your VA claim or your benefits or need assistance with filing a VA claim? VA personnel will provide one-on-one assistance. Unable to attend? Register for phone appointments by accessing the
Visitor Engagement Reporting Application (VERA) at https://vets.force.com. 410-641-0650.
Feb. 11: Anglers Club Meeting
The Ocean Pines Anglers Club will meet at 9:30 a.m. in the Ocean Pines Library. The speaker will be commercial fisherman and member of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Captain Sonny Gwin, who fishes out of the harbor on his vessel Skilligalee. He will share with the club the good and the bad about the life of a waterman as well as fishing industry issues. All welcome.
Feb. 15: Trivia Contest
Trivia with Jim Meckley, “Snowfall & Valentines” at the Ocean Pines library branch at 3 p.m. Test your knowledge in this seasonally themed trivia contest. Prizes awarded to the top three teams and refreshments are provided by the Friends of the Ocean Pines Library. 410-2084014.
Feb. 17: Fish Dinner
Bowen Church in Newark is having a fish dinner from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Dinners are $10 each and include flounder filet, green beans, mac and cheese, corn bread and dessert. For those who eat in, price includes beverage.
Feb 17-19: Seaside Boat Show
Over 350 boats and associated dealers will be on hand for the 40th annual event at the Ocean City convention center. Admission. Adults $10; under 14, $1; and weekend pass $15. Hours are Friday and Saturday, Feb. 17-18, 10 a.m.6 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 19, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. ocboatshow.com.
Feb. 18: Fried Chicken Dinner
New Hope United Methodist Church in Willards will host all you can eat fried chicken dinner from 11 a.m. until sold out. Cost is $15 for adults. Carry out available. Dinner includes vegetables, beverage and dessert.
Feb. 20: Town Cats Benefit
From 6-9 p.m. at Burley Oak Brewing Company with music, 50/50 and silent auction.
Feb. 21: Hospice Presentation
An informative session on “Providing Care and Comfort at the End of Life” presented by Arnold Bienstock, Chaplain of Coastal Hospice. Presentation given at Community Church at Ocean Pines at 6 p.m. 410-641-5433.
Feb. 21: Pancake Supper
St. Paul's Episcopal Church on 3 Church St. in Berlin is having a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper from 5-7 pm. A free will offering is suggested.
Feb. 22: Ash Wednesday
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church’s Father Carl Mosley will be distributing ashes in front of Church Mouse Thrift Store at
101 N. Main Street in downtown Berlin from noon to 1 p.m. Stop in your car or walk by and get your ashes. An Ash Wednesday Service will be held at the church at 7 p.m. All are welcome.
March 1, 8, 15, 22: Square Dance Lessons
Free square dance lessons from 7-8:45 p.m. at the Ocean Pines Community Center.
March 10-11, 17-18: Pines Players Show
The Ocean Pines Players is poised to get you rolling in the aisles with laughter with performances of “Four Old Broads.” The production by Leslie Kimbell and directed by Ed Guinan is a hysterical mystery. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Ocean City. Tickets are available at: https://oceanpinesplayers.org. All tickets are reserved seating so it’s best to buy early and ensure you get the seats you want.
March 23: Card, Game Party
The Republican Women of Worcester County will be hosting a Card and Game Party Luncheon from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at The Grand Hotel Terrace Room, 2100 Baltimore Ave., Ocean City. Cost is $30 per person. Please call Merilee Horvat at 410-641-6110 to make your luncheon selection and for more information.
March 25: Carryout Dinner
The Bishopville Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary will be holding a chicken and dumpling carryout from noon-2 p.m. at the main station. Chicken, dumplings, green beans and sweet potatoes. $15 per dinner. Extra pint of dumplings is $8 per pint. Call 619-922-9950 to reserve your dinner and pint before March 20.
Finding peace with a complicated matter
Time lapse photos
A kitchen with a big island
Siesta Key’s sand
Skiing during a snowfall
Spanish moss
Reading about an unfamiliar topic
A movie with both my kids
Headache-free road trips
Flowers popping up this time of year
Casual golfers wearing plaid
The beginning of Motel Row with the departed Sea Scape and Santa Maria motels can be seen in the upper left corner with two of the town’s iconic hotels – Harrison Hall and the original Commander (1930-1997) to the south on the Boardwalk. The Beach Plaza, the future site of the proposed Margaritaville development, is on the oceanfront at 13th Street. In the center of the picture The Royal Palm Townhouse complex covers an entire square block while below and to its right sits the ill-fated Beachcomber Apartments, the scene of a tragic fire in 1988.
The vacant land west of Philadelphia Avenue was dredged from the bay by the Army Corps of Engineers in the late 1940s. It is densely built up and developed today.
To purchase one of Bunk Mann's books, click over to www.vanishingoc.com.
ARIES (March 21 to April 19): Guess what, Lamb? You're about to experience a new perspective on a situation you long regarded quite differently. What you learn could open up more opportunities later.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20): The Bold Bovine is tempted to charge into a new venture. But it might be best to take things one step at a time so that you know just where you are at any given point.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): It's a good time to go on that fun getaway you've been planning. You'll return refreshed, ready, and, yes, even eager to tackle the new challenge that awaits you.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22): The Moon Child loves to fantasize about magical happenings in the early part of the week. But the sensible Crab gets down to serious business by week's end.
LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22): What goes around comes around for those lucky Leos and Leonas whose acts of generosity could be repaid with opportunities to expand into new and exciting areas of interest.
VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22): Your concern about your job responsibilities is commendable. But it's time for you to take some quiet moments to share with someone who has really missed being with you.
LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): As-
pects favor getting out and meeting new people. And, as a bonus, you might find that some of your newly made friends could offer important business contacts.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21): You might take pride in wanting to do everything yourself. But now's a good time to ask family members to help with a demanding personal situation.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): Pay more attention to the possibilities that could come with a workplace change. It could show you the way to make that long-sought turn on your career path.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19): Your need to succeed might overwhelm obligations to your loved ones. Ease up on that workload and into some well-deserved time with family and friends.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18): Love rules for amorous Aquarians who can make good use of their ability to communicate feelings. Don't be surprised if they're reciprocated in kind.
PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20): Fishing for compliments? No doubt, you probably earned them. But it's best to let others believe they were the ones who uncovered the treasure you really are.
BORN THIS WEEK: Your good work flows from an open, generous heart. Nothing makes you happier than to see others happy as well.
© 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
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Worcester Preparatory School seeks an experienced fulltime Upper School Math teacher. This position reports to both the Head of Upper School and the Head of Middle School. Candidates for this position should possess a BS degree in Mathematics, with the demonstrated ability to teach Algebra at the above referenced level. Previous experience teaching middle and upper school students is desirable. State certification is not required. Candidates with the experience and interest to coach are desirable.
Located on Maryland’s Eastern Shore in Berlin just fifteen minutes from the Ocean City beaches, Worcester Preparatory School is a co-ed independent day school of over 500 students in grades pre-K -12. The school has comprehensive facilities on a 45-acre campus just a mile from the vibrant town center in Berlin. Governed by an independent board of trustees, WPS was founded in 1970 and enjoyed rapid growth in the decades that followed. It is the premier independent school on the Eastern Shore, drawing students from Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware; some travelling over an hour to reach campus. AII graduates matriculate to four-year colleges or universities, many among the most selective in the nation. Worcester Preparatory School is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion. gender, national 0rigin, age, disability. veteran status, or any other status protected by law. Compensation and benefits are competitive with other area private schools and are adjusted based on experience level and credentials.
Interested persons should send a letter of interest, employment application. resume, and educational philosophy (if available) to Linda Watson, Director of Human Resources, at lwatson@worcesterprep.org
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color, sex, age, national origin or disability.Appropriate accommodations for individuals with disabilities are available upon request by calling 410-632-1100 ext. 1221.
Legal advertising rate is $7 per column inch. The deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information call 410-641-4563 or email classifieds@mdcoastdispatch.com
Maryland Coast Dispatch
Date of Publication
JANUARY 20, 2023
copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. Claims filed after that date or after a date extended by law will be barred.
JANUARY 27, 2023
To all persons interested in the estate of LORRAINE E. SMULLEN AKA: LORRAINE E. SMULLIN,Estate No.19526. Notice is given that RONALD G. AYERS, 901 WINDING WAY, SALISBURY, MD 21804 and ROBERT A. EATON, 121 EAST MARKET STREET, SALISBURY, MD 21801, were on JANUARY 11, 2023, appointed Personal Representatives of the estate of LORRAINE E. SMULLEN, who died on JANUARY 09, 2023, with a will.
Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.
All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent's will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 11th day of JULY, 2023.
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
Name of Newspaper:
ROBERT A. EATON Personal Representative True Test Copy
TERRI WESTCOTT, Register of Wills for Worcester County ONE W MARKET STREET ROOM 102
SNOW HILL, MD 21863-1074 3x 1-20, 1-27, 2-03
To all persons interested in the estate of JAMES G. WHERRY,Estate No.19532.
Notice is given that DONNA HENNESSY, 11 OSPREY LANE, OCEAN VIEW, DE 19970, was on JANUARY 13, 2023, appointed Personal Representatives of the estate of JAMES G. WHERRY, who died on DECEMBER 15, 2022, with a will.
Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.
All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent's will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 13th day of JULY, 2023.
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the credi-
tor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 20, 2023
DONNA HENNESSY Personal Representative True Test Copy
TERRI WESTCOTT, Register of Wills for Worcester County ONE W MARKET STREET ROOM 102 COURT HOUSE SNOW HILL, MD 21863-1074 3x 1-20, 1-27, 2-03
To all persons interested in the estate of JOSEPH W. KAFKA, Estate No. 19546. Notice is given that ANNA LARGE, 2 EASTWIND DRIVE, BERLIN, MD 21811 and LINDA SERAPHINE, 2 EASTWIND DRIVE, BERLIN, MD 21811 were on JANUARY 23, 2023 appointed personal representative(s) of the small estate of JOSEPH W. KAFKAwho died on SEPTEMBER10, 2022 without a will.
Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.
All persons having any objection to the appointment shall file their objections with the Register of Wills within 30 days after the date of publication of this Notice. All persons having an objection to the probate of the will shall file their objections with the Register of Wills within six months after the date of publication of this Notice.
All persons having claims against the decedent must serve their claims on the undersigned personal representative or file them with the Register of Wills with a
(2) Thirty days after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claims will be barred unless the creditor presents the claim within thirty days from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. Any claim not served or filed within that time, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter.
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication FEBRUARY 03, 2023
ANNA LARGE LINDA SERAPHINE Personal Representative True Test Copy
TERRI WESTCOTT Register of Wills for Worcester County ROOM 102 COURT HOUSE ONE W. MARKET STREET SNOW HILL, MD 21863-1074
1x 2-03
Notice is given that the CLERK OF COURT of FAIRFAX COUNTY, VA, appointed CATHERINE ELIZABETH LISI LENZI, 8913 BRIDGEHAVEN COURT, ALEXANDRIA, VA 22308, as the EXECUTOR of the Estate of DALE PATRICK LISI, who died on OCTOBER 04, 2022, domiciled in VIRGINIA, USA. The Maryland resident agent for service of process is RAYMOND D COATES, JR. 6200 COASTAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 300, OCEAN CITY, MD 21842. At the time of death, the decedent owned real or leasehold property in the following MARYLAND counties: WORCESTER.
All persons having claims against the decedent must file their claims with the Register of Wills for Worcester County with a copy to the foreign personal representative on or before the earlier of the following dates:
(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the foreign personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication
JANUARY 27, 2023
CATHERINE ELIZABETH LISI LENZI Personal Representative True Test Copy
TERRI WESTOCTT Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 1-27, 2-03, 2-10
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, this 20th day of January, 2023 by the Circuit Court for the COUNTY OF WORCESTER, Maryland, and by the authority thereof, that the sale made by Peter S. Buas, Trustee of the real property designated as described in these proceedings as the Princess Royale Resort & Condominium, located at 9100 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD 21842, designated as:
Time Interval Week 40, Unit No.101 and reported in the aboveentitled cause, will finally be RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 20th day of February, 2023; provided, a copy of this Order be inserted in the MD Coastal Dispatch, a newspaper of general circulation published in Worcester County, Maryland, once in each of three successive weeks, before the 13th day of February, 2023. The Report of Sale states the amount of the Trustee's Sale to be One-Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per Time Share Interval.
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch
Date of Publication
3x 1-27, 2-03, 2-10
P.O. BOX 3307 OCEAN CITY, MD 21843-3307
P. O. BOX 3307 OCEAN CITY. MD 21843-3307 Plaintiff
ORDERED, by the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland this 23rd day of JANUARY, 2023, that the foreclosure sale of the properties mentioned in these proceedings, made and reported by Ayrika Fletcher, Trustee, be RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 20th day of FEBRUARY,2023, provided a copy of this Order be inserted in some daily newspaper printed in Worcester County, Maryland once in each of three successive weeks, before the 13th day of FEBRUARY, 2023.
The Report of Sale filed in the above case states the amount of the sales to be as indicated below for the referenced time-share interval: TIMESHARES SOLD:
BC= Bay Club Time Share Owners Associates, Inc. DBC= Delmarva Beach Club, LLC.
Legal advertising rate is $7 per column inch. The deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information call 410-641-4563 or email classifieds@mdcoastdispatch.com
3x 1-27, 2-03, 2-10
To all persons interested in the estate of BETTY LEE CORBIN,Estate No.19547. Notice is given that PAUL TIMOTHY CORBIN, 31811 VESSSEY ORCHARD ROAD, WESTOVER, MD 21871, was on JANUARY 23, 2023, appointed Personal Representatives of the estate of BETTY LEE CORBIN,who died on NOVEMBER 18, 2022, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.
All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent's will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 23RD day of JULY, 2023.
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch
Date of Publication
JANUARY 27, 2023
PAUL TIMOTHY CORBIN Personal Representative True Test Copy
TERRI WESTCOTT, Register of Wills for Worcester County ONE W MARKET STREET ROOM 102 COURT HOUSE SNOW HILL, MD 21863-1074
3x 1-27, 2-03, 2-10
To all persons interested in the estate of EDITH ARNER, Estate No.19513. Notice is given that TIMOTHY P. ARNER, 2837 MCDANIEL ROAD, BEDFORD, VA 24523, was on JANUARY 17, 2023, appointed Personal Representatives of the estate of EDITH ARNER,who died on DECEMBER 19, 2022, with a will.
Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.
All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent's will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 17TH day of JULY, 2023.
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from
the Register of Wills.
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JANUARY 27, 2023
Personal Representative True Test Copy
TERRI WESTCOTT, Register of Wills for Worcester County ONE W MARKET STREET ROOM 102 COURT HOUSE SNOW HILL, MD 21863-1074 3x 1-27, 2-03, 2-10
To all persons interested in the estate of CLARENCE WILSON PILCHARD,Estate No.19528. Notice is given that MIRIAM ANNETTE PILCHARD KETTERMAN, 208 BELT STREET, SNOW HILL, MD 21863, was on JANUARY 18, 2023, appointed Personal Representatives of the estate of CLARENCE WILSON PILCHARD,who died on DECEMBER 20, 2022, with a will.
Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent's will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 18TH day of JULY, 2023.
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims
within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch
Date of Publication JANUARY 27, 2023
MIRIAM ANNETTE PILCHARD KETTERMAN Personal Representative True Test Copy
TERRI WESTCOTT, Register of Wills for Worcester County ONE W MARKET STREET ROOM 102 COURT HOUSE SNOW HILL, MD 21863-1074 3x 1-27, 2-03, 2-10
To all persons interested in the estate of ROY DALE POWELL,Estate No.19522. Notice is given that BETTY R. POWELL, 8629 LANGMAID ROAD, NEWARK, MD, 21841, was on JANUARY 09, 2023, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of ROY DALE POWELL, who died on DECEMBER 27, 2022, without a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent's will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 9TH day of JULY, 2023.
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch
Date of Publication
FEBRUARY 03, 2023
Personal Representative
True Test Copy
TERRI WESTCOTT, Register of Wills for Worcester County
SNOW HILL, MD 21863-1074
3x 2-03, 2-10, 2-17
ESTATE NO. 19551
To all persons interested in the estate of GARY EDWARD RAUB, Estate No.19551. Notice is given that KELLY L. DEAN, 11735 BACK STREET, WHALEYVILLE, MD 21872, was on JANUARY 25, 2023, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of GARY EDWARD RAUB, who died on DECEMBER 19, 2022, with a will.
Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent's will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 25TH day of JULY, 2023.
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
Name of Newspaper:
To all persons interested in the estate of LEROY E. JOHNSON, Estate No.19560. Notice is given that JULIE BETH JOHNSON, 1407 W. OCEAN VIEW AVENUE APT E, NORFOLK, VA 23503 and CARLISLE TODD WIDDOWSON, 33259 WEST POST OFFICE ROAD, PRINCESS ANNE, MD 21853 were on JANUARY 30, 2023, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of LEROY E. JOHNSON, who died on NOVEMBER 25, 2022, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent's will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 30TH day of JULY, 2023.
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills.
Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication FEBRUARY
BERLIN – Members of the Berlin Community Center Advisory Board kicked off the planning process for a new facility with a meeting last week.
Mayor Zack Tyndall, Councilman Dean Burrell, Commissioner Diana Purnell, Gabe Purnell and DJ Lockwood shared
their thoughts on how to begin planning for a community center on Flower Street.
“We need from the beginning to get the community involved,” Lockwood said.
For years, the town has been working toward building a new community center on Flower Street to replace the aging multipurpose building. With the consolidation of the necessary parcels and approval of
a memorandum of understanding with the Berlin Community Improvement Association, the nonprofit that owned the multi-purpose building late last fall, the advisory board is now ready to get moving on the project. Tyndall said he felt the process should start with a survey of community members, to find out what they were looking for in a center. Once the board hasan idea of what people expect from a commu-
nity center, the town can have plans drawn up and costs projected.
“Everybody says a community center,” Tyndall said. “We all have different ideas of what that looks like.”
Diana Purnell said she felt there needed to be meeting space in the facility for local nonprofits to use. Burrell agreed and said that while the community’s specific needs would change, space available for public use would always be important.
“We want something that’s multigenerational too,” Tyndall said.
Burrell stressed that the community center was for all of Berlin, not just Flower Street. He said he wanted to make sure all residents shared their ideas for the facility.
“This is a community center for the Town of Berlin,” he said. “I think it is important to keep that in mind.”
• Check the electrical service panel and wiring
• Tighten screws and lugs on circuit breakers to ensure proper functioning
• Apply Noalox on branch circuits’ aluminum wires
• Check all outlets with tester for loose connections, open grounds, neutral wires, proper polarity
• Test/inspect GFCI outlets and breakers
• Check for double tapped breakers to eliminate overloading a circuit breaker
• Survey for proper surge protection
• Check smoke detectors and make recommendations for compliance with local electrical codes
Tyndall said town officials had already discussed some fundraising possibilities. Burrell acknowledged that could play a role in the process, but he said more needed to be done.
“To get started I think this community center needs to be an item in the budget,” he said.
Tyndall agreed that people would take the project seriously if there was funding allocated.
“If we’re going to put it as an initiative we need to put our money where our mouth is,” he said.
The board is scheduled to meet again Feb. 22.
SALISBURY – Peggy Jean Lewis
Layton, formerly of Hooper's Island, Cambridge, Ocean City, Salisbury and Delmar, Del., has passed away.
Mrs. Layton was a loving and devoted wife, mother, grandmother, greatgrandmother; and a businesswoman with her husband in three states and the Delmarva Peninsula.
Born in Fishing Creek, Md. on Hooper's Island, Jan. 30, 1933, the third child of Julian E. and Bessie L. Lewis, she was preceded in death by her loving husband, Robert L. Layton, on April 4, 2012. She was also preceded in death by two brothers, William R. Lewis in 1975 and Earl (Sleepy) E. Lewis in 2002. Her father died in 1952 and her mother in 1969. She was a member of the last graduating class of Hooper's Island High School in 1949.
On March 31, 1951, she married Robert Lawrence Layton of Cambridge, with the Reverend Dale Ruth officiating. By this marriage of over 61 years, survivors with many fond memories include three sons, Robert (Larry) Lawrence Layton, Jr. and his wife Pam Kraft Layton, Terry Van Layton and his wife Jill Truitt Layton, and Ladd Lewis Layton all of Ocean City; six grandchildren, Beau Lawrence Layton, Lisa Layton Lynch, Morgan Layton Koster, Shelby Layton Rompalo, Robert (Bobby) Lawrence Layton, Ill. and Macy Van Layton; and eight great grandchildren, Kaya Alexus Layton, Kaleigh Amarise Layton, Casey Robert Lynch, Piper Alexis Lynch, Lucas John Lynch, Robert Layton Koster, Weston David Rompalo and Layton Ryan Rompalo.
In 1959, the Layton's started their first business venture, a coin-operated laundry which led to a chain of 22 operations in six counties on Delmarva. In June of 1960, the Layton's moved to Salisbury. In 1960 and in 1979, the Layton's opened restaurants in Ocean City. Within both of these buildings, Mrs. Layton operated two stores, Peg's Beach and Sportswear and Peg's Beach and Tennis Loft. She loved choosing the merchandise and meeting and waiting on customers.
The Layton's developed and owned other properties on the Eastern Shore including Court Plaza on South Salisbury Blvd. in 1975 and Layton's Salisbury Sports Club in 1976, which they operated for 25 years. For over 30 years, the Layton's also maintained a private tennis court in Ocean City, hosting many well-known figures.
Upon moving to Salisbury in 1960, Mrs. Layton and her husband became members of Trinity United Methodist Church. Mrs. Layton also held membership in numerous associations. Mrs. Layton and her husband enjoyed traveling, having visited all 50 states and over 30 foreign countries.
After her husband passed away, Mrs. Layton moved into Mallard Landing, Independent Living. Here she met her dear
friends Norm Raffish, Marilyn Hough and Jo Russen. She enjoyed her friends there and the sense of community. Of all things she cherished most was her family.
A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, Feb. 3 at Atlantic United Methodist Church, 105 4th St. Ocean City, Md. 21842. Visitation will be held from 1-2 p.m. in the church.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Wicomico County Humane Society at 5130 Citation Dr. Salisbury, Md. 21804 or via the Donate tab on their website at www.wicomicohumane.org; or Trinity United Methodist Church at 112 High St. Salisbury, Md. 21801; or Atlantic United Methodist Church at 105 4th St. Ocean City, Md. 21842.
Arrangements are in care of Holloway Funeral Home, P.A. 501 Snow Hill Road, Salisbury, Md. 21804. Please visit www.hollowayfh.com to express condolences to the family.
Roland Carl Quackenbush
SALISBURY – Roland Carl Quackenbush, passed away peacefully Jan. 11, 2023.
Roland was a US Army Veteran; he was a former US Capital Police officer who came to the Eastern Shore in 1970. He then became the Chief of Police for the Town of Fruitland. He then became a deputy for the Wicomico County Sheriff Department, then retiring Special Police of District Court.
Roland was the only citizen to receive the Governor reward for Community Policing, during his time of serving his community.
Roland leaves to cherish his memories his sons Donald (Christina Whitwell) Quackenbush of Ocean City and Richard Quackenbush, Pittsville, and his grandchildren, John Quackenbush and Jayson Sanzone.
We will always remember him as the man who would give you the shirt off his back.
A chapel service to celebrate the life of Roland will be held Friday, Feb. 10, 2023, at 11 a.m. at the Eastern Shore Veteran Cemetery, 6827 E New Market Ellwood Rd, Hurlock, Md. 21643.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Roland’s honor to Wicomico County Sheriff’s Fund, 401 W Naylor Mill Rd, Salisbury, Md. 21801.
Mary Katherine Fleger
BERLIN – Mary Katherine Fleger (Mary Kay) of Berlin passed away Saturday, Jan. 28, 2023, at the age of 92.
Born in St. Paul, Minn., she was the daughter of the late Edward Patrick Langan and Mary (Maher) Langan. She is survived by her children, Kathleen Tracy of Pittsburgh, Pa., Dwayne Fleger and wife Marti of Reston, Va., Stephen Fleger and wife Melanie of Ocean Pines; nine grandchildren; and 12
great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband of 59 years, the late Donald Fleger (Don), and her sonin-law Patrick Tracy.
As a result of her father’s naval career, Mary Kay lived all over the United States. She and her family settled in Alexandria, Va. where she attended St. Mary’s Academy (class of 1948). She enjoyed attending musical theater and plays in Washington, D.C. and collected many autographs of rising Broadway stars. She even started the first chapter of the D.C. area Gene Kelly Fan Club.
Mary Kay attended the college of William & Mary (class of 1950). In college she was very involved with her sorority, Chi Omega, and later in life was instrumental in establishing the Chi Omega Sorority Chapter at George Mason University. After graduating, she began her teaching career in Hampton, Va. She married Don Fleger in 1955, a friend and sweetheart since her teens, and they started a family while Don was stationed at Fort Meade, Md. as an army dentist. After Don left the army they moved to Arlington, Va. and then to Springfield, Va. where Don established his private dental practice. Shortly thereafter they moved to Annandale, Va. and remained there for 25 years while raising their family.
Mary Kay was very active in her church, (St. Michael’s Catholic Church) – she was a volunteer soccer instructor for the parochial school and started the parishes religious library. After Don retired in 1988, they moved to Ocean Pines where she enjoyed many activities, foremost of which was frequent visits with her children and grandchildren. She loved many outdoor activities including boating, swimming, gardening, bicycle riding, and sitting on the beach with a good book. One of her favorite past times was sitting on the porch eating crabs surrounded by her family. She was an active member of the Republican Woman’s Club, Red Hat Society, and a volunteer at the Ocean Pines library. She was an avid Bridge player and remained active in the game well into her 80’s. Mary Kay’s most endearing quality, aside from her optimistic outlook on life and ceaseless smile, was her undying sense of humor.
Arrangements are in the care of The Burbage Funeral Home. Condolences may be shared with the family via: www.burbagefuneralhome.com. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to Coastal Hospice.
Miguel Angel Miras
SALISBURY – Miguel Angel Miras, 64, of Buenos Aires, Argentina, passed away peacefully on Jan. 25, 2023, surrounded by his family in Salisbury.
del Plata with his parents and brother. There he graduated from Enet 1 (High School) and later attended The University of Mar del Plata studying Electronic Engineering. His love and thirst for knowledge in all things science that started at a young age never stopped.
After a few years studying, he took a step back from school and started working full time to help support his mother. He worked at the Naval Base in Mar del Plata working as a submarine mechanic for 10 years.
While simultaneously working on the base, he also devoted his time to missionary work through the Catholic church. It was during this mission work that he met the mother of his future children. In 1985 his first son, Emmanuel was born, followed by his second son, Ezequiel in 1987. Miguel moved to Las Heras in Southern Argentina to work for a radio station. Shortly after, he moved his family with him and his only daughter, Mariana, was born in 1988. In 1992 he moved to Canada for a brief time until he returned to Argentina for a few years. And then in 1997, he decided to move to America for work and to gain his residency for himself and his children.
Miguel was a devoted father, son, brother and friend. He worked for his brother’s tile company for many years and helped support his mother. He was always smiling and always willing to help those around him. Anyone lucky enough to have known Miguel knows there wasn’t a mean bone in his body. He spent many years enjoying his family and friends, watching soccer, eating asados, and simply enjoying life. His dream was to be able to give his children a better life, and in the end he was able to achieve that.
He is survived by his three loving children, Emmanuel, Ezequiel, and Mariana Miras (who is expecting with Miguel’s first grandchild); his beautiful mother Marcelina “Ñata” Rocha; his devoted brother Juan Carlos Miras; his three nieces Estefania, Krystle and Arielle Miras; as well as other cousins, aunts, uncles and friends. His loving and kind presence will be missed by many.
OCEAN CITY – Lawrence Eugene “Coach” Ritter, 80, passed away peacefully on Saturday, Jan. 21, 2023 in Parksley, Va.
Born April 29, 1942 in Baltimore, he was the son of the late William Howard Ritter and Rebecca Anne (Childs) Ritter. He grew up in Baltimore, lived in Ocean City, for decades, and finally moved to Chincoteague Island, Va., where he resided over the last several years.
He was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Marcelina (Rocha) and Juan Miras on Nov. 6, 1958. He grew up in Buenos Aires with his brother and cousins always tinkering on science experiments and exploring the world around him. In 1969 he moved to Mar SEE NEXT PAGE
A proud patriot and honorable man, Coach served five years in the United States Marine Corps and was active in the Cuban Missile Crisis. In addition, he
was a pitcher on the USMC’s baseball team. He was an avid sports lover and a diehard Orioles fan. He coached both the men’s and co-ed softball teams for the Purple Moose Saloon in Ocean City, where he was the manager for many years. The Purple Moose has been a mainstay on the boardwalk for decades, and Coach enjoyed spending time with his coworkers, customers, and teammates. Next to his family, the American Legion held his heart. He chose to spend a lot of time with his friends and fellow veterans. Coach loved planning parties and trips where he could enjoy the company of family and friends. His sense of humor and love for women will go down in the history books.
Larry is survived by his wife, Yeimy Ritter; children, Alexis Mancano, of Pocomoke City, Todd Ritter, of Chincoteague, Dawn Flynn, of Quinby, Va., and Dwayne Ritter, of Aberdeen; seven grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
The family will gather privately to celebrate Lawrence’s life.
Memory tributes may be shared with the family at www.williamsfuneralhomes.com.
Arrangements by the Williams-Parksley Funeral Home.
Robert M. Allen
OCEAN PINES – Robert M Allen, 87, of Ocean Pines, passed away peacefully on Jan. 27, 2023.
He is survived by his wife, Marilyn (nee Eaton), and his brother, Raymond M. Allen. He is also survived by his daughters, Cynthia Russell and Mary Hill and her husband Frederick, their daughter Michelle, (Stephanny) and son Brian (Elizabeth), and Carol Clark and her husband Michael, their daughters Sara, Kelly and Emily; stepchildren Mari Hillmann and her husband Paul and their sons Jake (Amber) and Henry; three great grandchildren, Mark Van Dusen, his daughter Crystal (Matt) and his son Lee; two great grandchildren, Christine Grant (Ed Janco) and her sons Michael and Matthew.
He was predeceased by his parents, J. Clarence and Elizabeth Morris Allen, his stepmother and aunt, Ethel Morris Allen.
Bob was born in Neptune N.J. and grew up in Wall Township and was a graduate of Manasquan High School Class of 1953. He also graduated with a degree in Agricultural Industries from the State University of New York, Farmingdale N.Y.
At the time of his retirement, he was the Milk Plant Superintendent at Johanna Farms, Flemington N.J. where he had worked for 15 years. Upon his retirement, Bob became very successful selling real estate, winning awards as top sales agent and producer several times at Long and Foster.
Bob was personable and friendly and went out of his way for others. He enjoyed fishing, boating, gardening and
square dancing.
A viewing will be held at O’Brien Funeral Home, 2028 NJ-35 Wall Township, N.J. 07719 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 3 followed by a prayer service at 11:30 a.m. Burial will take place at Greenwood Cemetery, Brielle.
In lieu of flowers, donations in his memory can be sent to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital at 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tenn. 38105 or online at https://www.stjude.org
Deborah Lynn Wood
SNOW HILL – Deborah Lynn Wood, age 65, passed away at The Macky and Pam Stansell House in Ocean Pines on Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2023.
Born in Snow Hill, she was the daughter of the late Donald E. White, Sr., and Betty Outten.
She is survived by two daughters, Andrea Fletcher (Clay) and Kristen Wood; a brother, Donald E. White, Jr.; and three grandchildren, Taylor Fletcher, Peyton Fletcher and Kirston Fletcher.
A funeral service will be held on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023, at 2 p.m. at The Burbage Funeral Home in Snow Hill. Friends may call two hours prior. Letters of condolence can be sent to the family via www.burbagefuneralhome.com. Arrangements are in the care of The Burbage Funeral Home.
Carter Wyckoff Howell Jr.
OCEAN CITY – Carter Wyckoff Howell Jr., 75 years old, unexpectedly passed away on Jan. 7, 2023, at his home in Ocean City.
Carter was born in Minneapolis, Minn., and was the son of the late Dr. Carter W. Howell and Elizabeth (Rukstad) Howell.
Growing up in Minnesota, Carter began playing hockey at an early age. With his large frame and determination, he eventually played defense for the University of Minnesota Golden Gofers.
After college and serving his country during the Vietnam War, Carter’s first sight of the Tetons tapped his sense of adventure and drew him westward. He lived and worked throughout the Rockies in places like Jackson, Aspen, Breckenridge and Crested Butte. But it was Steamboat, Colo., where he decided to raise his family, passing on his love for the mountains. Besides skiing, he enjoyed climbing, hunting, ranching, horses, working cattle roundups and rodeos.
Carter’s career in property management and real estate took him to the east coast where he helped develop a new town center in Waterville Valley, New Hampshire. Finally, having tolerated too much snow, he migrated to the Florida Keys, where he embraced his passions for boating, fishing, mapping and diving. That is where he met his wife of 22 years, Robin, and eventually moved to Ocean City, where he practiced real estate and was a commercial boat captain.
Carter was a man of few words, a
keen wit and a dry sense of humor. He was a true cowboy, on and off the water. His sense of adventure and willingness to try new activities in each new location was unparalleled. A true constant was his love for Golden Retrievers and a beautiful sunset.
Carter is survived by his wife Robin Yates; son Coby Howell and wife Mia of Hood River, Ore.; daughter Katie Keller and husband Steve of Steamboat Springs, Colo.; sister Dr. Libby Howell and niece Ashley Chatfield of Chandler, Ariz.; grandchildren Annika and Tyler Howell and Gracey and Hattie Keller; and, of course, his faithful companion,
Wilson. He was preceded in death by a brother and sister, Sam and Suzanne Howell.
The family is grateful for the overwhelming support of local neighbors and friends. A celebration of Carter’s life will be held at their home when the days grow longer.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Ducks Unlimited Memorial Contribution, One Waterfowl Way, Memphis, Tenn. 38120 or National Rifle Association, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, Va. 22030. Condolences may be sent by visiting www.bishophastingsfh.com.
Obituaries cost $50 to appear in The Dispatch and photos are no extra charge. Direct all inquiries to editor@mdcoastdispatch.com, fax to 410-641-0966 or mail
Editor: (The following was an open letter to the Ocean City Mayor and Council.)
First, thank you for dedicating your time and talent to serving the Town of Ocean City and all Ocean City residents. The positive things you do are much appreciated.
I am writing to address my dissatisfaction and the dissatisfaction of many others with the handling of certain aspects of the planned Margaritaville Resort. There’s absolutely no reason to give town assets and/or property away to attract any new business. Specifically, I recently signed the petition initiated by Margaret Pillas with over 800 other Town of Ocean City registered voters stating that we are against the ordinance the council previously passed to give away part of Baltimore Avenue to the developers of the Margaritaville resort.
As I understand it, the council is going to ignore the petition and the statement that the registered voters made in the petition (not to give away any part of Baltimore Avenue to the developers of Margaritaville) and present a new ordinance. Apparently, the new ordinance will not only give away Town of Ocean City land to the developers of Margaritaville, but to other businesses and landowners along Baltimore Avenue. There’s no reason to give away one square inch of the town of Ocean City to anyone. We have a beautiful beach town here. If new
businesses, hotels or resorts can’t come to town and build within existing building code guidelines and zoning ordinances, then they need to adjust their architectural plans to fit the property they have purchased.
Please remember that you were elected by the voters into office. You can ignore this matter now, but if you do, don’t expect to be re-elected.
Laurie H. Brucki Ocean CityEditor:
I am writing to thank Berlin-area residents for sharing the true meaning of Christmas with children in need this past holiday season.
Generosity throughout contributed to a successful shoebox gift collection season at drop-off locations for the Samaritan’s Purse project Operation Christmas Child. Across the U.S., the project collected over 9.3 million shoebox gifts in 2022. Combined with those collected from partnering countries in 2022, the ministry is now sending nearly 10.6 million shoebox gifts to children worldwide.
Through shoeboxes — packed with fun toys, school supplies, and hygiene items — Berlin-area volunteers brought joy to children in need around the world. Each gift-filled shoebox is a tangible expression of God’s love, and it is often the first gift these children have ever received. Through the continued gener-
osity of donors since 1993, Operation
Christmas Child has collected and delivered more than 209 million gift-filled shoeboxes to children in more than 170 countries and territories. This year, Samaritan’s Purse delivered its milestone 200 millionth shoebox, which was packed on a country-wide tour and then hand-delivered to a young girl in Ukraine.
Across Maryland, shoebox packers often shop for deals on shoebox items throughout the year, and many serve at a deeper level by becoming a year-round volunteer. Information about ways area participants can get involved year-round can also be found at samaritanspurse.org/occ or by calling 410-772-7360.
Although local drop off locations for gifts are closed until Nov. 13-20, 2023, anyone can still be a part of this lifechanging project by conveniently packing a shoebox gift online in just a few simple clicks at samaritanspurse.org/buildonline.
These simple gifts, packed with love, send a message to children worldwide that they are loved and not forgotten. Casey Goodwin (The writer is the media relations specialist for Samaritan’s Purse and Operation Christmas Child.)
Congressman Andy Harris has represented the Eastern Shore in Congress for the last 12 years. Despite the fact he is a lifelong resident of the Western Shore, he has spent his time in office desperately trying to prevent the good paying jobs and economic development of offshore wind from coming to our region.
Since the announcement of Maryland’s two offshore wind projects, Skipjack Wind & MarWin, Congressman Harris has continuously & knowingly spread misinformation about the offshore wind industry. In 2019, he unfoundedly claimed offshore wind would be a national security risk. Today, Congressman Harris is claiming that offshore wind is responsible for a dead whale washing up on Assateague Island recently.
We know Congressman Andy Harris is lying about offshore wind being responsible for the whale death because the local company building the project, Ørsted is not currently conducting offshore survey activity for Skipjack Wind. Ørsted-contracted vessels concluded surveys off the coast in the Spring of 2022 and did not experience any marine mammal strikes during their activities.
Not only that, but it is well established that the offshore wind industry is subjected to the most stringent level of protections for marine mammals and protected species. Every aspect of OffShore Wind surveying, construction, and operations are reviewed by multiple agencies and subject to protective conditions, including vessel speeds, time of year restrictions for construction activities, and mandatory protected species observers.
It is so well regulated and protected that the deputy chief for permits and con-
servation with NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources Benjamin Laws said, “I want to be unambiguous: There is no information supporting that any of the equipment used in support of offshore wind development could directly lead to the death of a whale.”
The truth is that in no case has a whale been proved to have been killed by offshore wind activity. It is time for Congressman Andy Harris and his allies to stop lying about Off-Shore Wind and support this amazing economic opportunity this industry is bringing to the Shore. Local Progressives are committed to continuing our steadfast support for offshore wind because these projects will fight the climate crisis, establish local energy sources, and raise our area out of poverty with good paying jobs.
Jared Schablein Pittsville(The writer is the chair of the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus.)
Here are some critical facts regarding offshore wind projects and the safety of whales.
Scientists from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and independent academic institutions have all stated that there is “no evidence” that offshore wind vessels caused any whale mortalities.
Off the Maryland-Delaware coast, offshore wind companies finished their geophysical surveys at sea nearly a year ago with no marine mammal incidents. Their vessels include protected species observers who watch for whales and other protected species and halt work when they are in the area.
Whale mortalities are also occurring in North Carolina, Florida, Oregon, and California – states that have no offshore wind projects at all. In fact, the fourth whale to wash ashore on the West Coast was found two Sundays ago.
Marine mammals do face severe threats. NOAA has stated that entanglements in commercial fishing gear - not offshore wind – are the primary cause of North Atlantic right whale mortalities. Whales are also known to be moving closer to commercial shipping lanes in pursuit of another food source, menhaden, which puts them at greater risk of encountering commercial cargo ships.
The foremost threat is ocean acidification caused by a changing climate. Ocean acidification is associated with a 50% drop in the krill populations that are a critical whale food source.
Transitioning to clean energy sources like offshore wind enables us to reduce our dependence on the fossil fuels that acidify our oceans.
Whales deserve our protection but protecting them can only happen if we have a clear understanding of the facts and the actual threats they face. Only then can we all work together toward sensible solutions.
Anna Henderson (The writer is the executive director of the Offshore Wind Alliance.)
Forever In Memory
Of Our Founder, Dick Lohmeyer (May 25, 1927-May 5, 2005)
The Dispatch, Serving Greater Ocean City Since 1984, Is Published By Maryland Coast Dispatch Inc. Weekly On Friday Mornings
P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Md. 21811
PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 10012 Old Ocean City Blvd. Berlin, Md. 21811
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The Maryland Coast Dispatch (USPS #015125) is an official and legal newspaper for Worcester County. Periodical postage paid at Berlin, Maryland, and additional mailing offices. The Maryland Coast Dispatch, 10012 Old Ocean City Blvd., Berlin, Md. 21811, is published weekly on Friday mornings, 52 weeks a year. Subscription rates are $260 per year.
POSTMASTER: Please send change of address to Maryland Coast Dispatch, P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Maryland 21811. Maryland Coast Dispatch offices are located at Route 346 and Graham Avenue, Berlin, Maryland.
The Ocean City Mayor and Council is right to take a deeper dive into the Maryland Stadium Authority’s recent feasibility update for a local sports complex consisting of eight to 10 outdoor fields and a 125,000-square-foot indoor facility.
The city paid $50,000 for the update and conceptual design cost estimate, and it’s a logical next step to review it with the MSA and the consultant who conducted the evaluation. We particularly support the idea of having the presentation of the study in an informal setting where all the area’s elected officials and citizens can gather to take it all in if interested.
What should not be expected at this gathering in the future is for many Worcester County Commissioners to attend because the current majority made it clear after the November election the county is not to have anything to do with construction of a sports complex moving forward. If a sports complex project advances, it will require a partnership between the state and Ocean City and/or a private entity leading the way.
There is a tremendous amount of data in the report. Some of it seems a bit outlandish, such as the complex creating between 830 and 980 new jobs, but the economic development impact on room nights and tax revenue should be heavily considered. It’s estimated gross tax revenues from a developed sports complex will generate between $8.5 million to $10.1 million in a year. The study estimates 54 to 64 total events would be held throughout a typical year at the sports complex.
These sorts of studies totaling 72 pages are difficult to take at face value. It seems unrealistic as many as 60 tournaments will be held at a sports complex in this area, but the consultant must have case studies to confirm the claim and the total attendance of 200,000 people in a year. With so much data and information throughout the document, an in-person review of the consultant’s evaluation is a worthwhile exercise.
One of the main goals of the meeting should be to provide some clarity to a possible funding split between the local and state contributions. It has been said publicly the state would fund a great majority of the $167 million project. Ocean City Councilman Frank Knight maintained this week the local contribution could be around $36 million with the state funding the rest of the project.
There are many questions to be answered including the process of how it moves forward and where a proposed sports complex would even be located. As we have maintained in the past, we believe there are far more negatives than positives with the previously identified site west of the high and middle schools. Moving beyond that property would be a good first step.
Before this week, there’s a good chance many were unfamiliar with ransomware attacks. Knowledge is quickly available through simple internet searches to learn these sorts of attacks carried out by terrorists are a major problem. The trend has become so significant the FBI several years ago created a unit of experts to investigate the cases and many large companies now have cybersecurity insurance and legal firms on retainer in the case of an emergency.
Atlantic General Hospital discovered last weekend it had suffered a major “ransomware event” that was impacting operations. Hospital officials have been working around the clock with the FBI and security experts to mitigate the issues associated with the disruption. Details were understandably difficult for the public to understand and digest this week, as the situation was fluid and evolving. Understandable concerns heard throughout the community revolve around patient privacy and financial security while the hospital works through network outages while caring for patients. A couple days after AGH’s attack, a pro-Russian activist group KillNet took credit for taking down ChristianaCare’s website through a “distributed denial-of-service attack.” This same hacker group hit U.S. airport websites in the fall. It’s unclear if this group is to blame for AGH’s incident.
The FBI dedicates a number of resources on its website to internet crimes and ransomware attacks specifically. A part of the website reads, “The FBI does not support paying a ransom in response to a ransomware attack. Paying a ransom doesn’t guarantee you or your organization will get any data back. It also encourages perpetrators to target more victims and offers an incentive for others to get involved in this type of illegal activity.” Nonetheless, it’s clear many health systems across the country have settled with these terrorists because it’s found to be the quickest fix.
In some cases, and they do appear to be the minority of incidents, the FBI makes arrests in these ransomware attacks. Last November, a Russian and Canadian national was charged after participating in a LockBit global ransomware that demanded $100 million in ransom from over 1,000 victims in 2020. No update to the case is available but at the time FBI-Newark Special Agent in Charge James E. Dennehy stated, “Cyber criminals who damage protected systems, exploit privileged information, or hold for ransom important files and data are a threat to our way of life. The FBI will not stand idly by while companies and government entities are bled dry or while their systems are corrupted by these criminal opportunists. We will utilize every tool in our arsenal – including our global partnerships – to shut down these types of schemes.”
A remarkable rescue took place over about eight hours Wednesday at the Atlantic Concrete plant in Dagsboro. A timeline of the situation best describes the incident courtesy of Shore News Beacon, which posted scanner updates of the situation.
About a dozen agencies responded at about 10:15 a.m. Wednesday for a “confined space rescue” of a worker in a concrete sand bin 50 feet in the air. As many as eight rescue personnel were in the hole working to rescue the worker while multiple ladder trucks were in position. About noon, aviation transportation was alerted to respond but aborted the mission due to weather concerns. About 1:21 p.m., it was reported rescue extrication was about 40% complete with aviation transport now able to fly. The patient is reported as conscious and alert at 2:35 p.m. but trapped to the waist. At 3:02 p.m., a secondary collapse is reported with all rescue personnel accounted for and victim trapped further. At 4:30 p.m., progress was reported with only the victim’s feet now trapped. At 5:04 p.m., the patient was reported to be conscious and stable and was transported to Christiana for care by aviation. It was an incredible team rescue with no injuries reported.
On a personal note, 25 years is a long time. Last May, I passed my silver work anniversary at this paper. Due to the nature of the business, the milestone passed largely unnoticed because the workload, specifically the next daily deadline, is always the focus in this industry.
During college, 1993-1997, I worked here during the summer months, learning the whole business, including sales, delivery, production, accounting, photography and reporting. I never had this conversation with my stepfather, founding publisher Dick Lohmeyer, who passed in 2005, but I surmise all these years later the goal was to throw it all at me to see if I would stick with it. I am still here.
I continue to learn something new each day, but above all this job has taught me the value of hard work. Working in a newspaper is not a glamorous job. The profession involves hard work, long hours, undervalued service and constant pressure to meet multiple deadlines each week. All of us who successfully work here have a tremendous work ethic and use it to accomplish the weekly goal of publishing the best product we can for our community. Famed NFL coach Vince Lombardi said, “Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” The message is particularly apt when it comes to creating a publication each week.
Twenty-five years after I started working full-time here at 21, the fact each week is different is my favorite aspect of my job as a newspaper editor. I’m looking forward to continuing in the years to come.
Throughout my almost 15 years of being a parent, I have accepted some days are just doozies and the game of life wins.
I am never more at a loss than when our non-verbal, Autistic 13year-old has a rough day for seemingly no reason. By and large when Carson is with us, his parents, everything is fine as far as behavior. It’s because we know him so well and it’s second nature for us to not put him in situations sparking anxiety. We probably baby and protect him too much, but our way works and allows us to live a good life with him.
For Carson, the problem is we can’t make life this simple for him all the time. There are times, such as in school, when he needs to have a flexible brain, independently problem solve, understand the challenges and exercise good judgment. Sometimes things don’t go smoothly for him, and significant issues occur. It’s tough on everyone when he is in turmoil.
For one, Carson cannot articulate what could set him off beforehand and struggles to explain afterwards what went wrong. He has the ability through his device to tell us or his education team, but he refuses. He gets ashamed when he acts out or misbehaves. It’s a stressful thing for him as well as the adults and peers around him. Throughout our live with Carson, we have learned some of the triggers. He said this week school went south because he didn’t get to finish an art project before the class ended, but he must be more adaptable. He might not even fully understand why he lost his composure, refused to accept an opportunity to take a break and became deviant.
It’s frustrating not knowing what causes things with Carson to go downhill. We will just continue to try and work with him to communicate with us when he’s frustrated and do better for him. One of my long-range goals in life is for Carson to be a happy adult. I have no idea what
this will look like. It’s going to be challenging. I do know when he is laughing and having fun with his mom, brother, family member or teacher my heart is as full as it gets. The goal is to see these moments more but it’s a complicated journey full of pitfalls.
The words of Emily Perl Kingsley and her essay “Welcome To Holland” often reverberate in my head during times of struggle. It’s about special needs kids and a feeling of loss, but many aspects of this message can apply to all the various obstacles parents face in their individual parenting journeys.
Each household has stuff weighing on the minds of the adults and kids. These concerns vary widely depending on the life experiences. On Monday, Carson happened to have a rough day at school and his big brother, Beckett, 14, also had some heavy things going on in his life, resulting in Pam and I struggling to find the silver lining.
The author’s words hit home for me especially because of our sons’ individual challenges and struggles. I think for many parents the reality of what this adventure is on a daily basis is quite different than envisioned before having children. It’s not bad. I can only speak for myself in this space. It’s just different than I imagined with far more complexities and emotional rollercoasters. Kinglsey hit the right marks with her essay. “I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability -- to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It's like this......
When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip - to Italy. You buy a bunch of guidebooks and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo David.
The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting.
After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go.
Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, "Welcome to Holland."
"Holland?!?" you say. "What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to Italy."
But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay.
The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It's just a different place.
So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.
It's just a different place. It's slowerpaced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around .... and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills ....and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts.
But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy ... and they're all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say "Yes, that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned."
And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away... because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss.
But ... if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things ... about Holland.”
(The writer is the publisher and editor of The Dispatch. He and his wife, Pamela, are proud parents of two boys. This weekly column examines their transition into parenthood and all that goes along with it. E-mail any thoughts to editor@mdcoastdispatch.com.)