The Dispatch May 31, 2019
Serving Greater Delmarva Since 1984
Just Passing Through: These wild horses were unfazed by surf fisherman Clinton Getchell’s lines on Assateague Island last Sunday evening. Assateague Horse Situation Elevates Awareness Over Balloon Releases
Annexation Will Bring Convenience Store To Berlin’s Rt. 50 Intersection
Ravens Weekend Returns With Full Slate Of Events, Player Appearances
Local Play It Safe Campaign Marks 30th Anniversary With Free Events
See Page 8 • Photo by Penny Sperry
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See Page 26 • Photo by Bethany Hooper
Photo by Kathryn Getchell
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
May 31, 2019
May 31, 2019
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
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WEEKLY LUNCH ONLY SPECIALS* (With Purchase Of Beverage)
MONDAY: 1/2-Price Cheesesteaks-Cheese Whiz, Provolone Or American TUESDAY: Tacos WEDNESDAY: $7 Shaved Prime Rib Sandwich With French fries THURSDAY: 1/2-Price Burgers-Swiss, Provolone Or American Served With Hand-Cut Fries
ENTERTAINMENT 116th St. & Coastal Hwy., OC, Md. 21842
Nightly At 10 pm
* Food Specials Are Dine In Only *
SUNNY DAY SPECIAL $10 HANDHELDS instagram: originalgreeneturtle
MON.-THURS. 11 A.M.-3 P.M.
HAPPY HOUR MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 3-6 P.M. $2.50 Domestic Drafts • $2.75 Domestic Bottles & Rail Drinks $8 1/2-Lb. Steamed Shrimp • $8 Crab Pretzels • $8 Buffalo Chicken Dip
Berlin Annexation To Bring ‘New Concept’ 7-Eleven
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BERLIN – Town officials approved the annexation of six acres near the intersection of Route 50 and Route 818 this week. On Tuesday, the Berlin Town Council voted 4-1, with Councilman Zack Tyndall opposed, to approve an annexation agreement with Athena Properties Inc. The approval is expected to allow plans for a 7-Eleven gas station and convenience store to move forward. “It’s a 7-Eleven but it’s a new concept,” attorney Regan Smith said. “It’s not one you’ve seen. It’s going to be a Sheetz/Wawa type building.” Smith, representing Athena Properties’ Spiro Buas, presented the council with a request to annex roughly six
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acres into Berlin. He explained that while the Athena Properties’ land immediately at the intersection of Route 50 and Route 818 was already in town, the adjoining six acres the company owned was not. “This is a little unusual because part of it’s already in town,” Smith said. He said Buas wanted to put a “Wawatype” facility on the section of the property closest to Route 50. The Buas family owns the Crush N Crab building, the Food Lion shopping center and several houses in Berlin in addition to the property proposed for annexation. “They’re very familiar with the town, very committed to the town,” Smith said. He said the proposed annexation had received a favorable recommendation from the Berlin Planning Commission and added that the property was already
surrounded by land zoned B-2. Buas said the property would bring the town more than $20,000 in tax revenue if it were annexed and developed with a convenience store. Councilman Zack Tyndall asked why the proposed agreement stated that the town would be responsible for paying Delmarva Power a fee if the land was annexed. Staff explained that there was a fee to be agreed upon between Delmarva Power and the town if the town were to take on a property that had previously been a Delmarva Power customer. Tyndall also asked whether the Berlin Fire Company had been consulted regarding the proposed annexation. “They’re already serving beyond this,” Mayor Gee Williams said. Tyndall said he thought the intersec-
May 31, 2019
tion there was already dangerous and would only be more so if the corner lot were developed commercially. “I think we’re going to be opening up a can of worms,” he said. Williams said that if traffic concerns did arise with development, improvements to the intersection could be made. A resident said she was also concerned about the fee the town would potentially have to pay Delmarva Power to take on a property it previously served. She pointed out that the town had to pay $36,000 for taking on the former Merial Select property from Delmarva Power. “We’re not thinking it’s going to cost $5,000,” Williams said, adding that the fee was based on a property’s historical usage. Smith added that the proposed annexation and the town’s decision of whether or not it wanted to provide electric service to the Athena property were really two separate issues. “The town will analyze whether it makes sense to do it or not,” he said. Tyndall brought up the town’s recent financial difficulties with its sewer fund. He suggested that because the town would be studying rates, perhaps future development should be in special tax district. Williams said the town’s EDU (equivalent dwelling unit) charges, which are often paid by developers, weren’t the issue as they covered the costs they were supposed to. The council voted 4-1, with Tyndall opposed, to approve the annexation. When asked Wednesday why he didn’t vote for the annexation, he cited various issues with the annexation agreement. “During the Athena Properties Inc. annexation public hearing, I expressed my concerns regarding public safety and traffic issues with this proposed development,” he said. “Unfortunately, this contract only addressed police protection and lacked consultation with the Berlin Fire Company regarding the potential impacts of this annexation on Fire and EMS services. In my experience as a paramedic, I have been on the scene of multiple fatal accidents at the Route 50 and Route 818 (North Main Street) intersection. With two entrances and exits on North Main Street near the Route 50 intersection, this proposed development could potentially amplify the current public safety concerns.” He said he was also concerned about the possibility that the transfer of electric services could cost the town and had also wanted to talk more about a potential special tax district. “There are many unanswered questions surrounding the financial losses of our sewer fund,” he said. “With this in mind, I recommended taking the advice of our consultants and placing this annexed property and any future annexed property into a special tax district. This would allow the mayor and council to adjust fees independently to cover any unforeseen costs. Unfortunately, my colleagues did not want to move forward with my proposal.”
Freight Trains To Run Through Berlin Once Again
May 31, 2019
Service Will Resume Once Repairs Complete
BERLIN – Freight trains are expected to return to the tracks through Berlin next month. The Maryland & Delaware Railroad will resume freight service along the tracks between Berlin and Snow Hill as soon as a few final repairs are made, Mayor Gee Williams announced at a town council meeting this week. The service hasn’t operated in seven years. “We’re all pleased to see freight rail service returning after a quite long and unexpected break,” Williams said. Cathrin Banks, president and general counsel for the Maryland & Delaware Railroad, confirmed in an interview Wednesday that freight trains would again be passing through town in the near future. “We still have some track repairs underway,” she said. “We expect those will be completed and we are planning to resume service at that time but expect it to be in June.” Banks said freight service to Snow Hill stopped seven years ago when Tyson Foods shifted to truck instead of rail. “We were fortunate to get that business back,” Banks said, adding that support at the state level had helped with the rehabilitation of the railroad. “We’ve really rebuilt a very nice relationship with Tyson and are looking forward to resuming that service.” She said the frequency of the trains would be determined by Tyson’s usage. “It’ll depend on Tyson’s needs and depend on how much of the mill’s consumption they shift to rail,” she said. Banks said the return of freight service would be good for Berlin and Snow Hill as well as Worcester County as a whole. “It’s a great thing because the poultry industry is vitally important to the economy of the Delmarva Peninsula and certainly the Lower Shore…,” she said. “We’ve been working on it for a number of years and we’re excited to see it come to fruition.” Williams said freight trains had run through Berlin for more than 100 years until the recent hiatus. “We’re excited that this vital link from Snow Hill to Berlin up through Delaware will be returned to service,” he said.
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
May 31, 2019
8th Ravens Beach Bash Weekend WELCOME RAVENS FANS! Features Players, Parade, Parties
May 31, 2019
OCEAN CITY – The resort will be painted purple in many ways this weekend with the return of the Ravens Beach Bash. Beginning yesterday, the 8th Annual Ravens Beach Bash is presented by Miller Lite and includes a number of festive activities through Saturday. The events get started early on what is being deemed “Purple Friday.” The 98 Rock Morning Show will be broadcasting Bacon & Beer from the Original Greene Turtle from 6-10 a.m. The 98 Rock crew moves to the Greene Turtle in West Ocean City from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. for more live broadcasting fun. From 1-6 p.m., the Miller Lite Beach Bash Pub Tour will take place with West Ocean City stops at the Greene Turtle in West Ocean City, Sunset Grille, Hooters, Micky Fins, Crab Alley and Harborside. The Clarion Hotel will host a 98 Rock life broadcast with a variety of activities from 3-7 p.m. followed by a Flock Party from 7-10 p.m. at Dead Freddies Island Grill on 64th Street. Movie night will then take place at 8:45 p.m. at the Clarion. On Saturday, the fun begins early again with sunrise yoga from 7-8
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
a.m. at the Clarion with Sara Ashley Yoga. Throughout the day on Saturday, the 98 Rock crew will be live broadcasting from the Clarion, which will host numerous fun activities consistent with the football themed weekend. At 10 a.m., the annual Ravens parade will be held on Baltimore Avenue starting at 19th Street. From noon-1 p.m., Lunch With The Ravens Playmakers is planned at Macky’s Bayside Bar and Grill on 53rd Street. From noon-5 p.m. the Clarion will host the Ravens Beach Bash featuring a flag football tournament, beach games and player appearances. Fish Tales will host the finale party on Saturday night from 5-9 p.m. The Clarion will host the final weekend festivities with a fireworks and laser light show, a bonfire, live music and Miller Lite portables. Ravens players scheduled to be in Ocean City this weekend include linebacker Tyus Bowser, tight end Mark Andrews, tackle Orlando Brown and wide receiver Willie Snead IV. Former Ravens players include Brad Jackson, Edwin Mullitalo, Mark Clayton, Willis McGahee and Qadry Ismail.
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Friday, May 31 • 5 p.m.
DJ Batman
Saturday, June 1 • 5 p.m.
Barrel-Chested Beer Bellies Sunday, June 2 • 4 p.m.
Open Every Day 11 a.m. • 311 Talbot Street • 410-289-9125
Assateague Horse Incident Highlights Balloon Dangers
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Reminders Issued Against Releases
A horse is pictured over the weekend with a balloon and ribbon entangled in its mouth. Photo by Penny Sperry
ASSATEAGUE -- An Assateague wild horse nearly choking on and ultimately ingesting a piece of ribbon this week highlighted the dangers of balloon releases and potential impacts on wildlife. On Monday, one of Assateague’s famed wild horses was seen struggling with a section of ribbon that had been attached to a latex balloon caught in its throat. National Park Service rangers attempted to inter-
vene, but couldn’t get close to the struggling horse because the other horses in her band were so protective of her. According to Assateague Island National Seashore Chief of Interpretation and Education Liz Davis, the horse was ultimately able to chomp through the ribbon and did not ingest the balloon although it is uncertain just how much of the ribbon she ingested. The incident illustrates the dangers of balloon releases and where they end up and ultimately impact wildlife.
A Family Tradition For 80 Years!
May 31, 2019
“The horse bit through the ribbon and did not swallow the latex balloon attached,” she said. “The balloon and the remaining ribbon were recovered. We speculate the balloon was entangled in the grass and was subsequently eaten by the horse. Yet another detrimental example of the environmental consequences resulting from balloon releases.” Latex and Mylar balloons are banned at the Assateague Island National Seashore per park rules, which state “all public areas of the park are closed to the possession or use of all balloons to include those made of latex, Mylar or plastic. Balloons are routinely mistaken as a food source by marine mammals and sea turtles. Ingestion of such items presents a serious health risk to these protected species.” Davis pointed out while the national park rules prohibit balloons, there is obviously no way to prevent them from drifting over to the island through the air or on the tides, perhaps from hundreds of miles away. “Nevertheless, Assateague Island is surrounded by the rest of the world,” she said. “Balloon releases from miles and miles away may drift and land on the island by air and water.” Last year, enterprising local siblings Josh and Emily Blume launched a summer-long contest for offshore boaters and fishermen to collect balloons often found floating in the ocean. The idea was borne after the kids learned from their father, a local charter boat captain, about how offshore vessels often come across the colorful but potentially danger balloons floating in the ocean. To that end, Josh and Emily Blume created “Blume’s Balloon RoundUp,” a contest that encouraged boaters and fishermen to retrieve balloons and report their “catches” daily from June 29 to September 30 with prize packages on the line for the winners. The resort’s fishing community quickly embraced the concept and spent much of the summer enthusiastically pulling balloons from the ocean all summer, reporting their catches and displaying the balloons as proudly as they fly their release flags. The goal at the outset was to retrieve 1,000 balloons in the first year, but the Blume’s Balloon Round-Up blew past that objective. Through the end of last September, nearly 1,400 balloons had been collected off the coast. Last September, during a Mayor and Council meeting, it was learned there was nothing on the books in Ocean City to prevent celebratory balloon releases in the resort. It was suggested at the time that a possible ordinance be explored to ban Mylar, latex and plastic balloons, although nothing more has come from those early discussions.
May 31, 2019
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
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OC Beach Patrol Overcomes Recruitment Challenges
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
OCEAN CITY – The Ocean City Beach Patrol (OCBP) had a full complement of lifeguards in the stands over the holiday weekend, despite continued challenges in recruiting. During a budget work session in April, long-time OCBP Captain Butch Arbin presented his department’s fiscal year 2020 spending plan and perhaps the biggest takeaway from the presentation were concerns with re-
cruitment challenges and the possibility of starting the season on Memorial Day weekend with last surf rescue technicians, or SRTs, in the stands as last year. However, Memorial Day weekend came and went with the full complement of SRTs in the stands for the entire length of the resort and the pattern is expected to continue heading into June. “Recruiting still remains a challenge,” said Arbin this week. “However, with a high number of returning staff and many of our educators working weekends until they are finished
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H WEEKNIGHT DRINK SPECIALS 7 P.M. H MONDAY $5 Malibu Cocktails • $4 Leinenkugels • $2.75 Boh Shandy Cans TUESDAY $5 Tito’s • $3.50 Corona and Corona Lights WEDNESDAY $3 Bud Light Drafts • $5 Bourbons THURSDAY $3 Miller Lite Drafts • $4 Jamesons FRIDAY: 4-7 P.M. Raw Bar And Happy Hour Specials, 60¢ Clams, 75¢ Oysters And 1/2-Price Old Bay Steamed Shrimp Kids’ Menu • Carry-Out • Apparel Shop • Game Room • Keno • Fun For Everyone ROUTE 611 • WEST OCEAN CITY • 410-213-1500
with school, we had more stands on the beach than last year.” Many of the beach patrol’s senior staff and even rank-and-file officers are teachers, college professors, school administrators and students. For example, Arbin is a 40-year career and technology resource teacher with the Charles County Public School system. A study conducted last year revealed two OCBP lieutenants are educators and of the 12 sergeants on staff, eight are educators and two are college professors. There are 18 crew chiefs, of which eight are educators and two are college professors, and of the 17 assistant crew chiefs, 10 are students. The OCBP’s reliance on teachers and administrators works in large part because of the seasonal nature of Ocean City. It also provides a well-educated and dedicated work force that returns year after year and works on weekends during the shoulder weeks. However, the OCBP still needs to recruit a certain number of rank-andfile SRTs each summer, a process that has become increasingly difficult for a variety of reasons. When Arbin made his presentation to the Mayor and Council in April, he cited increased competition with neighboring resorts in terms of starting wages along with the increased cost of sea-
May 31, 2019
sonal housing in Ocean City. He also said it had become difficult to get potential candidates out to the various testing sessions even after they had pre-registered, a phenomenon that still exists as the OCBP continues to fill out its ranks. “Recruiting refers to new employees,” he said. “Our biggest issue is that although we are successfully getting people to register for testing, over half are not showing up. Of the 177 who pre-registered for tests that we have completed, 90 did not show up. We have a test on Saturday and 44 have pre-registered.” Despite the challenges, Arbin said this week he had no concerns with deployments and covering the entire 10-mile stretch of beachfront in Ocean City going forward. “The bottom line for this season is that we will have all 10 miles of beach guarded from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. from Memorial Day Saturday to Sunfest Sunday,” he said. “We will have the same number of stands deployed during our peak season as we did last year. The additional staff that we get are used to fill in as our veteran SRTs are used for special programs and assignments such as Junior Beach Patrol, camps, water rescue patrols and additional ATVs. Our No. 1 priority continues to be stands on the beach.”
May 31, 2019
28tH st. Location onLy
all-you-can-eat breakfast $10 every Day 9-11:30 a.m. The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
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28tH st. Location onLy
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open every Day 11 a.m. • FuLL menu & carry-out tiL’ 1 a.m. nigHtLy
Global Sailing Trip Ends In OC, Sparks New Charter Business
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
May 31, 2019
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Stephen Butz circumnavigated the world aboard the 50-foot Alyosha.
Photo Submitted
OCEAN CITY – One man’s sailing journey around the world ended in Ocean City last month. In June of 2016, Stephen Butz set sail from Maryland in his 50-foot catamaran, Alyosha. Since that time, he has completed a personal goal of circumnavigating the world by boat. “My wife and I had always wanted to take our kids out of school for a year and travel,” he said. “So I decided to loop that goal in with a personal goal of sailing around the world.” Butz – who grew up sailing on the Chesapeake Bay with his family – said he was ready to make his dream a reality after selling his software company in 2014. “Toward the end, I was burned out from the executive life and needed something to look forward to,” he said. That same year, Butz purchased a catamaran. And in 2016, he began the first leg of his journey by sailing to Bermuda with his wife and children. “We then sailed across the Atlantic and went over with the family that summer toward Portugal and Spain,” he said. “Then my kids went back to school that year, and I sailed back across the Atlantic and down all the way to Panama.” In December of 2016, his family joined him again, and they continued their journey through the Panama Canal and to Costa Rica. “Then it was across the Pacific and on and on and on,” he said. By June of 2017, Butz said his family joined him in Tahiti in what would be a year-long exploration of islands in the South Pacific. Through May of 2018, for example, his family would sail to Fiji, New Caledonia and Niue, to name a few.
“Niue is just a limestone rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean,” he joked. “The visibility was 100 feet deep and we had whales playing right off the stern of the boat as we were anchored. We spent a week there, and that’s a week I’ll never forget.” From there, Butz said his family returned to Ocean City, where they’ve owned a place for the past 20 years. But he continued his voyage across the Indian Ocean to South Africa, where his catamaran was built. “I took it back to the builder in July of 2018 and came back to sail from South Africa to Barbados earlier this year …,” he said. “I only got the boat back to Maryland about a month ago.” When he wasn’t accompanied by family and friends, Butz said he would use an online service to locate and hire crew members. “I was able to find grew crew for every leg,” he said. “Generally, I would have between two and three people with me sailing the boat.” Over the course of nearly three years, Butz traveled 35,000 nautical miles and sailed for as many as 29 days at a time. “I was out at sea for 29 long days between South Africa and Barbados,” he said. “That was the longest leg that I just completed.” Butz said he returned to Ocean City in early April and has since launched a charter business, Sail Alyosha. “I thought it would be great to have a business down here and share my passion for sailing with other people,” he said. Using his catamaran, Butz said patrons can experience the thrill of openocean sailing that he has come to know and love. “Sailing the catamaran out in the ocean is a very different experience for those who want to try it,” he said.
Council Hears Parking Task Force Review
May 31, 2019
OCEAN CITY – With the resort’s parking task force in hiatus for the summer, at least one councilmember this week questioned if firm recommendations on possibly expanding paid parking in the resort are not coming fast enough. Earlier this year, Mayor Rick Meehan at the request of the council appointed a task force to begin exploring all issues related to the town’s existing parking structure and come up with recommendations on how best and fairly to increase revenue. The task force, led by City Engineer Terry McGean and hired consultant and parking guru Dan Kupferman, met four times during the spring including a final meeting this month before adjourning for the summer. That does not mean the task force has been put on the shelf, however. McGean on Tuesday presented an update to the Mayor and Council on the progress of the appointed body and some early consensus building on certain key issues. McGean also explained he and the consultant will continue to drill deeper into some parking data over the summer and be prepared to hit the ground running again when the task force reconvenes next fall. “I think what we’re seeing is the beginning of some pretty good consensus on some of these things,” he said. “I think there is consensus on eliminating some of the paid parking times during the shoulder season when there is less demand and maybe going with higher rates in season at times of peak demand.” McGean explained the basic options or recommendations on the table through the task force’s first four meetings, emphasizing these were only conceptual options until a deeper dive into the statistics was undertaken and more formal recommendations were presented to the Mayor and Council, likely early next fall. The basic options on the table include increasing the rates in areas where paid parking already exists, expanding paid parking in the ocean-block from 11th to 33rd streets, or expanding paid parking in the ocean blocks from 34th Street to the Delaware line. Each of the latter options would likely include a residential permit program. Also included in the discussion was having paid parking at just a portion of the parking spaces in the ocean block, the concept being there should be a premium for parking in those most convenient spots closest to the beach. Finally, there has been considerable debate about giving something back to offset the proposed increases, including making the shuttle from the Park-and-Ride in West Ocean City free and reducing or eliminating paid parking in the shoulder months of April and October. In addition, there have been discussions about creating one unified parking authority in the resort to oversee what is essentially a $4 million industry for the town. “There was considerable discussion from the task force regarding these recommendations,” said McGean. “The consensus was that more information was needed to make specific recommendations to the Mayor and Council. In addition, the concept of making a very limited number of oceanfront spaces paid parking, for example 10 plus or minus on each street, should be considered as an alternative instead of the residential permit program.”
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In the meantime, McGean said he and Kupferman along with staff would continue to collect and analyze data throughout the summer to be better prepared to present something tangible when the task force reconvenes. “Moving forward, I will be creating a set of specific proposals both from the staff and from task force members along with data to share with the full task force,” he said. “I am also in the process of having the entire oceanfront flown this summer each day for a full week to get a firm idea on ocean-block parking demand.”
Open 7 Days A Week
The Mayor and Council listened attentively to McGean’s update on the parking task force, but Councilman Tony DeLuca voiced concerns with the timing of the process. “I’m a little disappointed and concerned about the apparent lack of action,” he said. “It seems like we talk about things for three years without any action and we sometimes miss key dates.”
However, Councilman Dennis Dare, who serves on the task force, said the issues are complicated and more information and data is needed before finalizing any firm recommendations. “I watched some task force members change their opinions on certain things,” he said. “It’s evolving. I understand your frustration, but it is a process. If it was easy, we’d be done already. The goal is to collect more data over the summer and come back in September.” DeLuca said he liked many of the conceptual recommendations on the table and hoped they could be firmed up with the additional data and information collected over the summer. “I respect what you’re saying, I just think we need some very specific data by the end of the summer so we can get moving on some of these things,” he said. “I kind of like all of the recommendations, but we need to make some decisions.” McGean’s presentation on Tuesday included a broad overview of the town’s entire existing paid parking structure including information on the Inlet lot and various municipal lots, the existing metered spaces in the downtown area and the potential for an expansion of paid parking in other oceanfront areas. Council Secretary Mary Knight pointed out the disparity in revenue from spaces in the Inlet lot, which is widely considered the cash cow for the town’s parking system, compared to the revenue from existing metered spaces in the ocean-block. “What is eye-opening to me is the percentage of our on-street spaces that aren’t metered and the percentage of spaces that are metered,” she said. “More importantly is the revenue from those oceanblock metered spaces.” Knight pointed out the data in the task force report indicated an on-street, ocean-block metered space brings in $3,278 in annual revenue, while a mid-block metered space brings in $2,350 and an Inlet lot space brings in just $1,836. “Those facts lead me to realize those oceanblock spaces are very much in demand,” she said. “That is incredible to me. The revenue from the onstreet ocean-block spaces are almost double the Inlet lot spaces.” Tuesday’s presentation was largely informative and no action was taken. The task force is expected to reconvene in September and begin working towards some formal recommendations for the council.
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
May 31, 2019
after considering ocean city, punkin chunkin moving West
May 31, 2019
OCEAN CITY -- The World Punkin Chunkin Championship will not be coming to Ocean City after all as organizers announced on Tuesday they were moving the event to Illinois. For decades, the World Championship Punkin Chunkin Association hosted the iconic annual fall event in rural areas of neighboring Delaware, but it has been without a home since 2016 when a television producer was injured and later sued. The lawsuit was ultimately dismissed and the association was cleared of any fault, but finding a new home has remained a challenge.
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
mel appeared before the Mayor and Council along with organizer Dawn Thompson to pitch the idea of hosting the annual Punkin Chunkin world championships at the Inlet with pumpkins launched into the ocean. At that meeting, Thompson said she had nearly exhausted every opportunity to keep the event on the Lower Shore and the Ocean City concept was likely her last option. The council voted unanimously at the time to give tacit approval to the concept with the caveat many questions be answered before any final approval was granted. She hinted at the time the association was considering moving the event to Illinois if a solution on Delmarva did not present itself.
Last month, the Ocean City Mayor and Council somewhat reluctantly gave conceptual approval to hosting the popular fall event at the Inlet, with the air cannons, catapults and trebuchets launching pumpkins out into the ocean. The town’s elected officials supported the concept, but wanted several questions answered before signing off on the event including safety, liability issues, the size of the event relative to the space available at the Inlet and other issues.
“My next choice is Illinois,” Thompson said at the time. “I’d hate to move the event out of this area, but if we can’t do it in Ocean City, we’ll have to move it somewhere.”
Now about a month later, the World Championship Punkin Chunkin Association announced on Tuesday it is moving the event, which has been held on Delmarva for decades, to Illinois this November.
The World Punkin Chunkin Championships will be held at the former Chanute Air Force Base, which was acquired by the village of Rantoul after it was closed down in 1993. In the statement, the association said it respected the decision of the farm owners in Bridgeville for not renewing the event.
“It’s official,” the association’s statement reads. “The World Punkin Chunkin Championship is leaving Delaware. The team captains voted on a change of venue to the village of Rantoul, Illinois. This is our event’s fourth change of venue since 1986. For over 33 years, we have called Sussex County, Del. our home, but the chunk must go on. With many other Punkin Chunkin-related events going on, there needs to be a world championship.” By way of background, Punkin Chunkin includes all manner of catapults, trebuchets and even high-powered air cannons launching pumpkins great distances, as far as 4,000 feet, in some cases. For years, it was held at different farms in rural Delaware, creating a weekend-long festival of sorts with camping, tail-gaiting and watching the spectacle, which has gained national and even worldwide attention. Most recently, the event was held at the Wheatley Farm in Bridgeville, Del., and organizers attempted to find other locations in order to keep the fall staple on Delmarva. For example, in late April, TEAM Productions’ Bob Rother-
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That premonition became reality on Tuesday when the association announced its plans to move the event to Rantoul, Illinois in November. The association’s statement said 70% of the team captains voted to move the event to Illinois, while 30% voted against the move.
“We want to thank everyone for their support over the years,” the statement reads. “Most recently, we want to thank those that came forward in Delaware and Maryland in trying to keep the event on Delmarva. Unfortunately, our unique event requires large tracts of land. The Wheatley’s 600acre property in Bridgeville has served us well to date. We are supportive of the landowner’s decision to not continue to host the event.” The association’s statement regaled the accomplishments of Punkin Chunkin over the years and its contributions to the local economy. “It has been our non-profit’s mission to conduct our annual event and give funds back to the community in the form of donations and scholarships for children,” the statement reads. “Since our inception, we have contributed over $1 million in donations and scholarships. Our economic impact on the community has been incalculable, drawing tens of thousands of spectators and participants from around the world.”
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Your Hosts, Bob Noll And Law Adkins
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Worcester Frustrated Over Escalating Expenses The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
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that,” Higgins said. He said staff had looked over and over at ways to cut costs in those operations. “The only way I believe you’re going to cut expenditures is a longterm approach…,” Higgins said. “As people retire you don’t replace them. It’s not something that’s going to happen in the next year it’s three, four, five years down the road.” Commissioner Bud Church said that if the convenience centers were open less, he worried there’d be more trash on local roads. Mitrecic said that was brought up every time the commissioners discussed the convenience centers. He said it didn’t change the fact that the centers cost the county significant money. “It’s a service that at some point in time, it’s going to have to be looked at and it’s going to need to be cut whether it’s this year or next year or the year after that,” he said. He said it wasn’t fair to the people who lived in places like Ocean Pines or Berlin and paid for municipal trash pick-up. “This is solely pretty much for the outlying areas of the county that this service is provided for,” he said. “I just sit here and every year we pass this and continue to do this.” Commissioner Jim Bunting agreed and said the county should do away with the convenience centers. “It’s not an opinion that’s going to be popular with my constituents I can tell you that, but it’s just looking at it from a responsible point of view,” Bunting said. “That’s how I’m looking at it. I’m not worried about the politics part of it.” Commissioner Diana Purnell said she’d never vote to close the centers. She said there were plenty of seniors who couldn’t afford commercial trash pickup. “That is not good for this county, pe-
SNOW HILL – Elected officials continue to express concerns regarding the cost of the county’s recycling program and homeowner convenience centers. Though there were no major changes approved last week, the Worcester County Commissioners once again voiced frustration over the $2 million cost of operating the recycling and homeowner convenience centers. “Sooner or later it’s going to have to be addressed,” Commissioner Joe Mitrecic said. As the commissioners continued budget discussions this week, staff explained that recycling center and the homeowner convenience centers had been added as line items in the public works department’s budget. Previously, they were included in the budget for the solid waste enterprise fund. Staff said that while each had expenditures of more than $1 million, there were also revenues associated with those operations. Recycling brings in about $180,000 while the convenience centers bring in $329,000. Chief Administrative Officer Harold Higgins said it was difficult to find ways to cut costs in recycling or the convenience centers because most of the expense was tied to employees. Commissioner Chip Bertino asked if hours could be cut at the convenience centers, which are currently open six days a week. Higgins said the affected personnel would have to be given other responsibilities. “I don’t really have a plan to do that,” he said. Bertino asked if they could help cut grass. “Some of them are not trained to do
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riod,” she said. Mitrecic said he wouldn’t be in favor of closing them this year but thought the issue had to be addressed. “We need to find a way to fund this or a way to offset it so the cost isn’t so high to the entire county,” he said. Purnell brought up the idea of adjusting the permit fee for the convenience centers. The $100 permit fee hasn’t changed in five years. “If you close those, it’s going to be hell to pay,” she said. Church maintained that closing the centers would result in more litter. “You close those convenience centers, you’re going to see more trash on the highways than you’ve ever seen before,” he said. “Then the cost is really going to escalate when you have to hire more road crews to go out there and clean up the county. Government doesn’t always have to pay for every issue, I understand that. Convenience centers are a necessity right now for the county.” Bertino asked staff whether a fee increase had been considered. Jessica Wilson, Who, said that when the fee was increased to $100 the county had gone from roughly 4,000 permit holders to 3,200 permit holders. “The problem is when we raise the rates we lose customers,” she said. “They truly should be set at $300 a permit to cover all the costs. Raise them to $300 we are hardly going to have any customers left. It’s difficult.” Bunting said that at least officials were discussing the issue now. “I’m just glad to see talking about closing the convenience centers got everybody’s attention,” Bunting said. “I agree with Commissioner Mitrecic, I wouldn’t’ want to do it this year. The fact is we’re going to have to do something. We’ve sat here and I’ve been on the side of saying we need to increase rates, we haven’t done that. I’m just saying we have to do something.” SEE NEXT PAGE
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Senior Nutrition Programs Cut
May 31, 2019
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
BERLIN – Unexpected cuts to a nutrition program are expected to impact thousands of seniors on the lower Eastern Shore. Last week, MAC Inc. Area Agency on Aging announced state funding for its Senior Nutrition Services program would be cut by $113,000, or 46%, effective July 1. Initially, the funding cuts will impact 120 to 150 seniors and create extended waiting lists for nutrition services. But the agency noted the cuts would ultimately result in a reduction of more than 15,000 meals for seniors on the lower Eastern Shore. “Other MAC programs have received cuts in state funding,” a statement reads, “but none as significant as Nutrition Services.” MAC, which stands for Maintaining Active Citizens, serves seniors in Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico and Wor-cester counties by providing programs and services that preserve health and independence. In Worcester County, MAC Inc. subcontracts the Worcester County Commission on Aging (WorCOA) to provide certain services. Rob Hart, executive director of WorCOA, said state funding cuts are expected to reduce the organization’s Meals on Wheels budget by $19,000 in the coming year. “That’s 4,000 meals annually,” he said. Hart explained the state is recalculating the way in which it funds aging programs. “Now it will be based on the population of senior citizens in an area and not the percentage of senior citizens in an area,” he said. “We certainly win out on the percentage of population, but of course the bigger counties like Montgomery and Prince George’s are going to have a larger population of
senior citizens.” Hart estimates 30% of Worcester County’s population is over the age of 60, and he expects that figure to increase by another 10% in the next six years. As a result of the aging population, WorCOA noted an increasing demand for Meals on Wheels services in Worcester County. “Meals on Wheels serves over 10,000 meals a year and about 900 meals a month at this time,” Deputy Director John Dorrough said. “That number is increasing.” For Hart, funding cuts to nutrition programs could mean less opportunities to reach the aging population in Worcester County. “One of the most important points of the Meals on Wheels program is to touch base with the individual Monday through Friday,” he said. “It’s about the visit as much as it is about the food.” In one instance, Hart said the agency delivered a meal to an individual only to discover they had fallen. “Without this service, they wouldn’t have been able to access medical help,” he said. While WorCOA receives funding from Worcester County, Hart said the agency is now seeking additional funding sources to compensate for the unanticipated cuts. “Anytime funding formulas are based on population, we lose,” he said. MAC Inc. explained Senior Nutrition Services help older residents age in place and avoid costly nursing home admissions. The agency noted the $113,000 “saved” is less than the cost of nursing home care for one person for one year. “The value of MAC services to maintain 120 seniors at home with nutrition services (at a cost of $113,000), as compared to tax dollars (Medicaid) for nursing home care, is a staggering $17,280,000,” a statement reads. “There is simply no comparison.”
FROM PAGE 16 He suggested cutting hours at the centers for a start. Mitrecic said that while he thought raising rates would make the county lose customers, cutting the hours of operation should be explored. “If we decide to change the service to save the county money I believe that is our prerogative,” he said. “Therein lies the name of the convenience center. It’s a convenience for them. If we change those hours that’s our prerogative.” Elder said if the county raised its permit fees more people might move
toward using commercial haulers. “The issue is, is it worth the amount of money we’re putting into it as a service,” he said. “That’s what it all comes down to. I just wonder if we were to raise these fees, maybe it would help start pushing people into thinking they need to get commercial people to do their trash pickup.” Purnell stressed that many taxpayers might not be able to afford commercial service. Bunting said they’d be impacted regardless. “If we don’t look at ways to cut things we’re going to be constantly raising taxes,” he said.
… Waste Centers Worry Officials
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Torch Run Relay’s Eastern Leg Planned For Next Week
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
The Ocean City Police Department hosted its first-ever “Cover the Cruiser” last Saturday to raise money for Special Olympics Maryland. The vehicle was covered with 285 pledge cards and raised $4,910. Submitted Photo
OCEAN CITY – Law Enforcement officers representing all of Worcester County will be on the run on Monday, June 3, taking part in the annual Law Enforcement Torch Run Relay for Special Olympics Maryland. The mission is to escort and protect the Special Olympics “Flame of Hope” as it makes its way toward the opening of the Summer Games at Towson University, June 7-9. The Maryland Torch Run is a fundraising movement that began in 1986 with a handful of officers raising $5,000 and has grown into a true yearround effort that involves thousands of officers and sponsors raising millions annually. Since its inception, those involved with the event have taken seriously their role as “Guardians of the Flame”, and the relay is an important and celebrated part of every Special Olympics competition. Without the funds raised by those dedicated to the Torch Run efforts across this state, and across the world, Special Olympics would not be able to provide the inspiring opportunities that they do. The schedule for Ocean City/Worcester County’s portion of the Torch Run includes pre-event ceremonies at The Grand Hotel on 21st Street and the Boardwalk followed by the beginning of the relay at 8:30 a.m. The first leg of the relay will conclude at North Division Street around 9 a.m.
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After a short bus ride, the second leg of the relay will take place in West Ocean City and conclude around 10 a.m. at Ocean City Elementary School. Participants will then load a bus for the third leg of the relay in Berlin with the leg concluding at Berlin Intermediate School around 10:40 a.m. After being transported to the Worcester County Athletic Complex, the downtown Berlin run will take place around 11 a.m. with stops at Worcester Preparatory School and Buckingham Elementary School and concluding at the Berlin Fire Station with food and entertainment. The local portion of the Torch Run Relay is part of a much larger effort. Statewide, the Maryland Torch Run Relay consists of four different legs – Eastern, Western, Central and Southern – and throughout the entire week, thousands of Torch Run volunteers will cover hundreds of miles, eventually converging on Towson where the individual flames will be united in the Final Leg Ceremony and then officers from around the state will travel the final 2.5 miles to the Opening Ceremony at Towson University. It is there that the flame is handed off to the Special Olympics athletes who have the honor of taking the final lap with the torch and then lighting the cauldron and officially declaring the Summer Games open.
May 31, 2019
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
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Drama Students Create Movie After Entire School Reads Book
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
May 31, 2019
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As part of last Friday’s movie screening, Berlin Intermediate students walked the red carpet in the cafeteria to cheers from classmates. Photos by Charlene Sharpe BY CHARLENE SHARPE
BERLIN – Student stars walked the red carpet last week as Berlin Intermediate School debuted a studentproduced movie to celebrate a schoolwide reading project. On Friday, children who spent the school year working on a big screen adaptation of “Fish in a Tree” smiled and waved amid cheers from their fellow students as they walked a red carpet through the Berlin Intermediate School (BIS) cafeteria. The movie, made by drama students in the BIS after-school program, was created after the entire school read “Fish in a Tree” as part of the “One School, One Book” program. “It’s a uniting thing as a school that we’re all reading the same book and getting something out of it,” Principal Ryan Cowder said. “We read the book at the beginning of the year and the movie at the end of the year is kind of a reminder that this is what the whole year was about — the fact that every-
body’s unique and that’s what makes this world an interesting place.” Last year, students participated in “One School, One Book” by reading “Wonder.” When a movie based on the book was released, they all went to see it at the end of the school year. “We didn’t have a culminating event for this book,” Cowder said. “Dr. Feagans, our drama teacher, created a ‘Fish in a Tree Academy’ for the afterschool program … She wrote a script, they memorized lines and then they did the filming and put together a whole movie for the book.” Sixth-grader Riley Gannon said students worked on the film for months. She played the part of Ally, the main character in “Fish in a Tree.” “She is going through trouble at school,” Gannon said. “She’s dyslexic but no one knows and she gets bullied for not being able to read.” As she waited for showtime Friday, Gannon said the hardest part of the movie-making process had been devoting hours after school multiple days SEE NEXT PAGE
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Drama teacher Dr. Kelly Feagans introduced the after-school program students, including Thomas Paddack, who spent the year creating a movie adaptation of the book “Fish in A Tree.”
… School Club, Teacher Worked On Film All Year
May 31, 2019
FROM PAGE 20 a week to the project. She was eager to show the finished product to the rest of the school. “It’s sixth grade so everybody’s worried about popularity and stuff but I’ve made so many friends filming this I don’t really care about what’s going to happen out there,” she said. Her peers were also looking forward to sharing the movie with the rest of the student body. “It turned out well and I’m glad to be a part of it,” sixth-grader André Williams said. Though he hadn’t planned to participate in drama this year, Williams said he couldn’t resist the chance to be on the big screen. “I lost my taste in drama after fourth grade because of an incident that I’m not going to speak about and only Riley knows right now — and she’s not going to tell anybody if she wants to be a good friend — but I just wanted to be a part of the movie,” he said. He believes that the movie will reinforce the message of “Fish in a Tree” for BIS students. “It helps them be aware,” he said. “It’s about kids with disabilities and bullying which is a big issue because we’re still developing.” Fifth-grader Jordan Carrigan agreed. “It teaches you to stand up for yourself and be confident in yourself,” she said. Carrigan said the entire film-making process had been a lot of fun. “I always wanted to be part of something big,” she said. “My mom says I’m a drama queen.” Lylah Pryor, a fifth-grader, said she’d done a little acting in elementary school and had been inspired to try out for the movie after watching her brother in “Macbeth” at Stephen Decatur High School. “My brother, he’s really good at acting,” she said. “I kind of look up to him sometimes.” Students Luke Braciszewski and Thomas Paddack said they’d enjoyed joining the cast because it was a chance for them to try something new. “We struggled with the filming in the beginning,” Bracizewski said. Paddack agreed. “The hardest part was remembering our lines and trying not to laugh while filming,” he said. Cowder said he was pleased that the book, and the resulting movie, had tied students and staff together. “There are a lot of life lessons for kids, for teachers,” he said. “Everybody got something out of that book.”
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
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Berlin OKs Water, Sewer Hikes
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Beach Time:
This fox is one of a skulk commonly seen in north Ocean City, particularly in the oceanfront dune area. Photo by Bob McKinley
BERLIN – Town officials formally approved the increases in water and sewer rates discussed at this spring’s budget work sessions at a meeting this week. On Tuesday, the Berlin Town Council approved a resolution increasing water rates 5% and sewer rates 25%. A rate study by Davis, Bowen and Friedel (DBF) indicated that those increases should help the town stop the sewer fund’s practice of borrowing from the town’s general fund. “The numbers here are the culmination of the work that DBF did analyzing water and sewer expenses and revenues over the last five years,” Town Administrator Laura Allen said. Allen said the rate study had shown
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that the town didn’t need to increase its special connection fees as they were among the highest in the area. She said the town was, however, proposing increases to a variety of other fees. In addition to the 5% water rate increase and 25% sewer increase, adjustments have been made to turn-on fees, hydrant permit fees and others. “If you look at the inflation rate from 2010 to 2019 prices have gone up by about 17%,” she said. ‘The town hasn’t adjusted its sewer and water rates since about 2010.” According to the resolution presented Tuesday, water billing rates will be $16.37 for those using fewer than 2,999 gallons, $17.67 for those using between 3,000 and 4,999 gallons and $19.64 for customers using between 5,000 and 6,999 gallons. Sewer rates will be $61.16 for the bottom tier of users, $66.26 for those using between 3,000 and 4,999 gallons and $73.06 for those using between 5,000 and 6,999 gallons per month. Councilman Zack Tyndall asked if the increase in fees would provide the sewer fund with money for capital expenses. Finance Director Natalie Saleh said it would not and that it would just allow the sewer fund to break even. Allen added that while revenues to the water fund would increase, projections allowed for a slight drop in use. “We’re making an assumption that folks, when their bill goes up, will start to adapt and use less water,” she said, adding that the revenue projections were estimates. “If we’re good at estimating the impact, our numbers will be accurate.” Councilman Troy Purnell asked whether Davis, Bowen and Friedel and town staff expected the sewer fund to break even with the increase. “By the best estimates, as of right now we’re projecting the sewer fund to be about even,” Saleh said. “That’s if we forgo all emergencies and nothing bad happens — we don’t need to improve, repair, replace something major.” She added that staff would be reviewing financial figures closely going forward. Resident Jason Walter asked how residents were going to decrease their water use. “What do you expect the average homeowner to do to conserve water, not flush the toilet?” he said. “It’s not like we have garden hoses running in the yard 24/7.” Purnell said there were plenty of options available such as water conservation faucets and low-flow toilets. “Defecate in the street like California?” Walter said. “There’s only so much you can do in a house to not use water. Modern appliances are really efficient. If you’ve got a drippy faucet that’s on you, but most of us don’t.” Walter added that the town’s higher end users should get more of an impact than residential users. Purnell said they would with the proposed changes.
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
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Oil Trail Leads To Suspect OCEAN CITY – A Salisbury woman was arrested on hit-and-run and drunkdriving charges last week after allegedly colliding with two motorcycles and another vehicle and leaving the scene on an uptown street. Around 7:20 p.m. last Friday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers responded to a reported hit-and-run collision near 123rd Street and Jamaica Avenue. The investigation revealed three vehicles had been involved in the collision including two Harley Davidson motorcycles and a Chevy Silverado. According to police reports, OCPD officers observed the bumper of a fourth vehicle lying in the roadway near the Chevy with a Maryland license plate still affixed. Officers also observed a trail of oil and other vehicle fluids on the roadway heading north on Jamaica Avenue away from the crash scene. OCPD officers followed the trail of oil to a residence on 125th Street where they found a light blue Hyundai Sonata with the same license plate number and with its front bumper missing. According to police reports, the driver was not on the scene. A male witness told police he observed the driver, later identified as Jasmine Moore, 23, of Salisbury, park her damaged vehicle and walk north and also provided a description of Moore. While the OCPD officer was gathering evidence, the male witness called out “there she is,” and pointed to Moore and identified her as the suspect who had abandoned her damaged vehicle. OCPD officers detained Moore, who said to them, “I know I messed up,” according to police reports. Moore then admitted to driving her car and striking the truck and told police she did not have a license because it had been suspended and revoked. According to police reports, she admitted to consuming a few alcoholic beverages and smoking marijuana prior to the collision. Moore consented to a battery of field sobriety tests which she did not complete to the officer’s satisfaction. A background check confirmed her license had been suspended and revoked. At that point, she was arrested on suspicion of DUI and hit-and-run-related charges. A search of the vehicle revealed a half-full can of beer in the console still cold to the touch. OCPD officers also located a black cannister with marijuana residue in the console, a metal
Cops & Courts The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
grinder in the purse on the passenger seat and glass smoking device on the back seat.
Arrest In Condo Fight OCEAN CITY – A Clarkesville, Md., man was arrested on multiple assault charges last week after first getting into a fight inside a midtown condo and then scrapping with police attempting to control him. Around 9:30 p.m. last Sunday, an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer responded to a condominium building on 36th Street for a reported active fight in progress. The officer arrived on scene and observed two men arguing inside a condo through an open balcony door. The officer went around to the front of the condo, announced himself as a police officer and knocked on the door. The arguing continued until the door opened, according to police reports. One of the individuals was identified as Cameron Haghighat, 19, who continued to shout while the other individual attempted to calm him. Haghighat reportedly did not respond to the officers’ orders to sit down and instead walked toward the officer and into his upraised hand. The officer attempted to handcuff Haghighat, but the suspect resisted to the point he had to be taken to the ground. The other man reportedly told police Haghighat was acting that way because he was young and could not handle his alcohol. According to police reports, Haghighat’s demeanor changed multiple times from aggressively shouting insults and threats at officers to crying and apologizing. While on the ground, Haghighat continued to shout insults at the OCPD offi-
cers attempting to detain him and began kicking his legs, striking a female OCPD officer at least five times. At that point, Haghighat was placed under arrest for assaulting the female officer. While being taken to the prisoner transport van, Haghighat reportedly continued to shout gang names and string of expletives at the officers. By now, several people including families, were gathering on nearby balconies to watch the incident unfold, according to police reports. Once inside the prisoner transport van, Haghighat reportedly continued shouting and throwing himself around in the van, causing it to sway from side to side, according to police reports.
Significant Heroin Bust Uptown OCEAN CITY – An alleged heroin dealer was arrested on possession with intent to distribute charges last week after being found passed out behind the wheel in the parking lot of a north-end retail store. Around 7 p.m. last Saturday, an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer found the vehicle to be in park, but running, with Mark Oxendine, of Willards, in the driver seat. According to police reports, the officer approached the vehicle and observed Oxendine to be rocking back and forth in his seat and rubbing his face with his hands. When the officer made contact with Oxendine, he reportedly observed a plastic bag containing multiple clear capsules filled with a white powdered substance he recognized from experience as heroin, according to police reports. Oxendine agreed to speak with the officer on scene and reportedly told the
May 31, 2019 officer the substance in the capsules was heroin, but there were no other narcotics in the vehicle. At that time, the officer reportedly observed the same powdery substance on the front of Oxendine’s shirt. He was placed under arrest for possession of heroin. According to police reports, a search of the vehicle revealed 47 heroin capsules in the bag first observed by the officer, an unopened package of 10 syringes, a used syringe loaded with a clear liquid in the center console and another package of unused syringes. The officer also located a total of 176 empty capsules that were not yet filled with heroin, another 149 additional capsules of heroin in different bags, a capped syringe filled with suspected heroin in the driver door compartment and another single capsule of heroin on Oxendine’s person.
Downtown Assault Arrest OCEAN CITY – A Pennsylvania man was arrested on assault and other charges after allegedly intervening in an argument between three oth-er individuals and shoving a female victim. Shortly after 2 a.m. last Friday, an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer was on vehicle patrol in the downtown area when he heard a commotion in front of a condominium building on 8th Street. The officer arrived on the scene and observed a suspect later identified as Carter Whitehead, 28, of York Haven, Pa., in a physical altercation with two other male individuals on the front steps of the condo building. During the altercation, the OCPD officer reportedly observed Whitehead getting pushed against the porch railing, which gave way and broke. The officer approached the scene and separated the combatants, ordering Whitehead to sit down on the curb away from the other two men. By now, nearly a dozen individuals had come out on balconies at an adjacent motel to witness the scene. While the officer attempted to interview the other two men involved, Whitehead stood up and started yelling at other OCPD officers who had responded to assist, according to police reports. One of the other men told police he had been in a minor verbal argument with the other man and a female on the steps of the condo building when Whitehead allegedly walked up and tried to SEE NEXT PAGE
The outside look of a Victorian, but the inside is all Contemporary. 4BR/2.5BA home located just a short walk to downtown. Airy living room with cathedral ceilings and gas fireplace. Tiled floored kitchen has eat in area, pantry and island. First floor master has nice sized walk in closet, tiled bath with jetted tub and separate shower. Screened porch and shed in rear. $350,000
Call Cam Bunting 410-713-2065
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May 31, 2019
FROM PAGE 24 put himself between the other people involved in the incident. At one point, Whitehead pushed the female involved in the incident, who was still on scene and crying, according to police reports. The female victim and the other man involved were interviewed and corroborated the story of the incident. At that point, Whitehead was arrested and charged with second-degree assault, disorderly conduct and affray.
Jail For Stashing Stolen Items OCEAN CITY – An Ocean City woman, arrested in November on burglary and theft charges after swiping numerous items from in and around her neighbors’ property, pleaded guilty this week and was sentenced to 60 days in jail. Around 7:45 a.m. on Nov. 25, an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer responded to the area of South Ocean Drive for a reported theft. The officer met with a female victim who reported she had a large ceramic ashtray on her rear steps and noticed it was missing that morning. The victim told police she observed Leanne Lapointe, 34, acting furtively about five houses down from her residence. The victim approached Lapointe and asked if she lived at the residence, to which she replied no, but that she was merely “cleaning up the neighborhood.”
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch When the victim asked Lapointe if she had “cleaned up” her ceramic ashtray, Lapointe reportedly told her she did not remember, but if she had, she had likely thrown the ashtray away. The victim also noted Lapointe had a hand dolly with her with various items strapped to it. At that point, the victim went back to her home and called the police. When OCPD officers arrived, they met with a male witness who reported a suspect matching the description of Lapointe stashing a hand dolly with assorted items strapped to it under his neighbor’s porch. When the male witness questioned Lapointe, she reportedly told him that’s where the hand dolly belonged. When that witness told Lapointe the hand dolly and assorted items did not belong under the porch, she abandoned the hand dolly and left the area on foot. Another witness came forward and told police she observed Lapointe stash a black bicycle under the rear deck of her residence. Because of prior history
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One person was temporarily trapped in this vehicle after it flipped on Coastal Highway on Memorial Day around 1:30 p.m. The injuries sustained were not believed to be serious. Photo by Jay Bosley
with the suspect, OCPD officers went to Lapointe’s residence and learned she had just been released that morning from the Public Safety Building for theft and an outstanding warrant. According to police reports, Lapointe told officers she came home after being
released and when she woke up, she found the black bicycle leaning against her residence and stashed it under the porch where it belonged. Lapointe told police she was cleaning up around the neighborhood and was merely putting things back where they belonged.
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
May 31, 2019
Ocean City’s Play It Safe Campaign Kicks Off 30th Year
Above, elected officials and members of the Play It Safe committee are pictured with a quilt featuring all the T-shirt designs during the 30 years of Play It Safe. Inset, Mayor Rick Meehan and Ocean City Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Committee congratulated Krystal Colon on her winning Play It Safe poster design.
Photos by Bethany Hooper
OCEAN CITY – Volunteers and officials held a ceremony this week to kick off the 30th year of Play It Safe in Ocean City. On Tuesday, state representatives, resort and community leaders and volunteers gathered at the Boardwalk to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Play It Safe, a yearly program that encourages recent high school graduates to celebrate responsibly in Ocean City without the use of alcohol or drugs. Each year, the Play It Safe program offers roughly 40 free events to high school graduates visiting Ocean City during the months of May and June. Since 1989, the initiative has grown to include activities such as paddle boarding, karaoke, beach volleyball tournaments, scavenger hunts and more. “I think today, more than ever, this program is so important,” Mayor Rick Meehan said. “The challenges high school graduates face today I think are even more difficult than they were 30 years ago. For us to remain committed and provide opportunities for them to enjoy Ocean City in a drugand alcohol-safe atmosphere is commendable.” The Play It Safe Program is coordinated by the Ocean City Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Committee, the Worcester County Health Department and the Town of Ocean City. Each year, the committee develops the events and provides Play It Safe booklets, while various resort agencies – including the police, public SEE NEXT PAGE
… ‘It’s All About Keeping The Kids Safe’ In Resort
May 31, 2019
FROM PAGE 26 works, transportation and recreation departments – provide the safety, space, staffing, equipment and bus service. Since 1995, the town has appropriated supplemental funding for the Play It Safe program, according to the Play It Safe website. In addition, more than 300 Ocean City community members, businesses and civic organizations have donated money, prizes and food to the initiative. “That’s what makes it a success,” Delegate Wayne Hartman said, “the partnerships between the volunteers and the generous businesses that we have here.” State Sen. Mary Beth Carozza also noted the lasting impacts the Play It Safe program could have on participating graduates. “We are planting the seeds for these seniors to come back throughout their lives and maybe eventually move down here,” she said. “What you do in this timeframe will really have a lasting impact … We really want to keep this a family resort, and this is one way you are doing that.” Donna Greenwood, chair of the Ocean City Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Committee, said the program first started with a Play It Safe booklet, which featured safety information and coupons from local businesses. However, the initiative soon grew to include beach and sports activities. “We did one event and then a couple more and then a couple more after that …,” she said. “It ultimately boiled down to a lot of miniature golf and sports and beach events.” In 1991, approximately 350 graduates attended three Play It Safe activities. In 2018, that number grew to 6,000 participants and more than 40 free events. “It’s all about keeping the kids safe,” Greenwood said. “This is the first time most of these kids have ever been away from home on their own, and they are the ones who are going to be making the decisions. Our hope is that they will make good ones.” This year’s Play It Safe program begins May 29 and runs through June 14. During that time, graduates will have the opportunity to participate in any of the 46 free events throughout the resort. For more information, visit or the Play It Safe Ocean City Facebook page. “When our graduates come here and go home safe, that’s what it’s all about,” Hartman said.
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May 31, 2019
May 31, 2019
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county eyes campaign to target illegal dumping
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SNOW HILL – County officials agreed to launch an educational campaign in an effort to curb illegal dumping throughout Worcester County. The Worcester County Commissioners last week told staff to move forward with plans to begin a public education campaign to discourage illegal dumping and littering along county roads and at local recycling stations. The county is also exploring the purchase and installation of surveillance cameras at unmanned recycling stations. “We feel as though it’s important to get the education, the knowledge, out there to the citizens with some sort of public information, anti-littering campaign,” said John Tustin, the county’s director of public works. Tustin told the commissioners vari-
ous county departments met in April to discuss the issue of litter and trash dumping throughout the county. After a lengthy discussion, the group agreed the county should first focus on education. Tustin noted that Sussex County was in the midst of an anti-littering campaign. “We want to try to mirror that,” he said. Tustin said that while the group discussed using inmates from the Worcester County Jail or Eastern Correctional Institution to help address litter cleanup, they’d determined it wasn’t feasible. “Neither one of those institutions have the equipment or the manpower at this time to staff any sort of ongoing program,” he said. Tustin said his department consulted a local firm regarding pricing for litter pickup along county roads and had been told it would cost $1,214 a day.
“That would be about $126,000 a year for two days a week,” he said. “In excess of $250,000 for four days a week.” Moving on to the issue of enforcement, Tustin said there was a public health article that allowed the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office to fine a citizen if a dumped bag of trash included items with individuals’ names. “We want to start possibly looking at doing that,” Tustin said, adding that the county could even publish the names of violators. As far as trash dumped at recycling centers — an ongoing problem, particularly at Walmart and in Whaleyville and Bishopville — Tustin said his department was exploring pricing on video surveillance. “We’re still putting pricing together,” he said. “We will get back to you with some sort of program in the near future.”
May 31, 2019
Commissioner Ted Elder agreed that dumping at the recycling centers was a serious problem. He also suggested that the county should involve local school children in its anti-littering campaign, perhaps by sending information home with students. Commissioner Chip Bertino agreed. “If the kids are in the back seat telling mommy and daddy they’re doing wrong that goes a long way,” he said. Commissioner Diana Purnell said she believed there was a lot of trash being thrown out in the Ocean City and West Ocean City area by owners of rental properties. “I think video surveillance at the recycling centers is going to be the biggest thing,” Tustin said. “You’re not going to see 20, 30 mattresses dumped alongside of the road but you might see them dumped at the recycling center.”
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FENWICK ISLAND – Officials in Delaware said new dune fencing in Fenwick Island will improve sand accumulation. This week, the town issued a statement from the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) explaining a decision to replace solid slat fencing with post and rope fencing. “There have been several concerns in regards to the dune fencing being installed,” the statement from the town reads. “While in the past solid slat fencing has been used, DNREC has changed to post and rope fencing.” Mike Powell, shoreline and waterway program administrator for DNREC, said the new fencing comes with several advantages. “The decision to use post and rope rather than traditional sand fencing in this area was made based on dune management, not financial factors,” he said. “Excessive accumulation of sand, which wooden slat sand fencing promotes, has negatively impacted pedestrian dune crossings in this area. The decision to use post and rope is intended to improve this situation.” Powell also addressed concerns that the post and rope fencing could impact the dunes. “We realize that post and rope fencing can be less of a deterrent to pedestrian traffic,” he said. “However, in this area, which is prone to sand accumulation, the required removal of dune sand to achieve acceptable pedestrian and ADA-compliant crossings may actually be more harmful to the dune than some additional foot traffic.”
2.1M Visited Assateague Last Year
May 31, 2019
ASSATEAGUE – A report released last week by the National Park Service (NPS) revealed over 2.1 million visitors to Assateague Island National Seashore last year contributed nearly $106 million in cumulative economic benefit to the local area. According to the NPS report issued late last week on the eve Memorial Day weekend, 2,136,889 visitors came to Assateague Island National Seashore in 2018 and spent a combined $94,476,000 in communities near the barrier island. The spending supported 1,192 jobs in the local area and had a cumulative benefit to the local economy of $105,594,000. “Assateague Island National Seashore welcomes visitors from across the country and around the world,” said AINS Superintendent Debbie Darden. “We are delighted to share the story of this place and the experience it provides. We also feature the park as a way to introduce our visitors to this part of the country and all that it offers.” Darden said the economic successes at Assateague Island National Seashore mimic similar results for other national parks around the country. “National park tourism is a signifi-
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cant driver in the national economy, returning $10 for every one dollar invested in the National Park Service and it’s a big factor in our local economy as well,” she said. “We appreciate the partnership and support of our neighbors and are glad to be able to give back by helping sustain local communities.” The report was prepared by analysts with the National Park Service and peer-reviewed by the U.S. Geological Survey. The overall report shows over $20 billion in direct spending by over 318 million visitors in neighboring communities within 60 miles of a national park. That spending supported 329,000 jobs nationally, including 269,000 jobs in those gateway communities near national parks. Lodging expenses account for the largest share of visitor spending at around $6.8 billion in 2018. Food expenses are the second largest spending area with visitors spending around $4 billion in restaurants and bars and another $1.4 billion at grocery and convenience stores. Visitor spending on lodging supported over 58,000 jobs along with another 61,000 jobs in restaurants. Visitor spending in recreation industries supported over 28,000 jobs, while spending in retail supported more than 20,000 jobs.
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Downtown Street-End Lease Extended For One Year
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
OCEAN CITY -- It was never a question this week if the town should extend the lease of the street-end bulkhead and deck at 1st Street and the bay to a downtown business, but for just how long. The Mayor and Council on Tuesday had before them a request from de Lazy Lizard owner Steve Carullo to extend the lease of the bulkhead, deck and street-end for another three-year period. The popular restaurant and bar surrounds a bulk-headed lagoon and for years has leased the street end to the south of its property line from the city for a nominal fee. The most recent three-year lease agreement expired on Dec. 31 and the business has continued to utilize the street-end since, necessitating an
Fri. 6/7 CrossFit At The Vineyard 5:30-7 p.m. Fri. 6/7 Happy Teacher Happy Hour 4-7 p.m. Fri. 6/7 Wine And Movie Night At White Horse Park In Ocean Pines Come See Us In Ocean Pines!
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agreement to renew a three-year lease. City Engineer Terry McGean on Tuesday presented the proposed lease to the Mayor and Council with the same terms as the recently-expired one including a three-year use for the same annual fee of $10,000. “I think as long as I’ve been with the city, we’ve done this,” he said. “For years, it was BJ’s on the Water and most recently de Lazy Lizard. The lease is in exchange for bulkhead maintenance and repair.” With the landscape changing in that area of downtown, especially with the continued development of a bayfront hotel to the south, Councilman Dennis Dare suggested just extending the lease for one year at this time. “Things have changed down there,” he said. “I think the new hotel developer should weigh in on this. It’s still under construction, so this summer is
not an issue. Let’s extend the lease for one year and revisit this next year.” Dare also pointed a long-time objective for the city has been to create a bayside boardwalk to direct pedestrian traffic around to the bayfront businesses. As a condition of site plan approval, the new Cambria hotel has been required to include a public-access bayfront boardwalk along its western exposure although it’s uncertain still what that might look like. “We have a vibrant bayside and the idea is connect all of that,” said Dare. “I think tying all of that together is important. A one-year extension allows us to work through some of those things.” Councilman Mark Paddack seconded the motion to extend the lease for one year. “What I’m saying is with how the street end is being utilized now, it’s im-
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May 31, 2019
portant to have the adjacent property owner aware of the agreement,” he said. “The concrete plant didn’t have a problem with the property owner to the north using it, but that might change a year from now.” However, Councilman Matt James said through the complexities of the approval process, the hotel developer had to be aware of the lease agreement and pushed for renewing the lease for the requested three years. “The new hotel owner didn’t acquire this property yesterday,” he said. “I’m sure if they had a problem, it would have been brought up by now. I don’t think we should hold this business owner up.” Councilman Tony DeLuca pointed out how patient Carullo and de Lazy Lizard have been in recent years with prolonged construction in the 1st Street area including the natural gas line extension across the bay in that area along with the town’s reconstruction of the beach ball water tower. “The Lazy Lizard has been a great partner for the city,” he said. “I agree we should extend the lease for another three years.” McGean agreed with DeLuca’s assessment of the situation. “He has been extremely patient with the amount of work done at 1st Street,” he said. “He has been patient beyond what a lot of reasonable people would be.” Councilman John Gehrig suggested language be added to the proposed lease that would make it subject to the approval of the adjacent property owner. “I don’t want to hold up a business that has been a great partner,” he said. “Maybe adding a single sentence to this can accomplish what we want.” McGean pointed out what the council had before them on Tuesday was merely a request to extend the lease for three years and some of the concerns raised would be addressed in formulating the actual lease. “You’re not signing a lease, you’re agreeing to extend a lease,” he said. “There are still legalities involved. They still would have to get the adjacent property owner’s consent. You all will have to approve what we’re going to draw up.” Dare said he still wanted the opportunity to extend a bayside boardwalk through that area and extending the lease for one year would allow for further discussion. “We’re always trying to find ways to move people around to the bayside,” he said. “If that happens in the next six months, it’s a win-win for everybody. We still don’t know what the Cambria people think.” The council voted 4-3 with James, DeLuca and Gehrig opposed to extend de Lazy Lizard’s street-end lease for one year with the promise to revisit the issue when the lease expires.
Wicomico Council Weighs Shifting Funds Within Budget
May 31, 2019
SALISBURY – Officials in Wicomico County last week suggested budget cuts in two departments to fund other projects and events. Last Thursday, the Wicomico County Council held a budget recap session to reevaluate the $148 million proposed budget for fiscal year 2020. The discussion followed weeks of work sessions with several county department heads to review budget requests for the coming year. Councilman Marc Kilmer began the discussion by suggesting money be placed into the roads department to address drainage issues. He noted the county provided the department with $80,000 last year, but did not allocate any funds for the coming fiscal year. “If we could find some money to do that again this year, I certainly wouldn’t be opposed,” he said. Councilman Joe Holloway went a step further to share his concerns about the department’s overall proposed budget, which is nearly $1 million less than the current fiscal year. “I’m upset the money was cut out of roads …,” he said. “I don’t hear people come in and complain about the airport, or this area or that area. The complaints I get are complaints about the condition of the roads.” Councilman Bill McCain told the council he would like to see funds added to the Wicomico Public Library’s proposed budget. Kilmer, a liaison to the library board, noted operational costs at the library continued to increase. “Part of the issue is their health care costs, much like the county, continue to go up,” he said. “Essentially, they are having to cut from other areas to fill in for the health care costs.” Council President John Cannon also suggested the county contribute a cash donation to Salisbury’s National Folk Festival in the coming fiscal year. He said the county provided nearly $20,000 in in-kind services last year. “It’s always concerned me that the county doesn’t take a greater role in that event,” he said. “It’s an economic driver. I think we should demonstrate some type of partnership …” With suggestions on the table, the council then began to discuss ways to cut and potentially reallocate funds within the budget. McCain suggested the council remove additional funding within the Board of Elections’ budget. This year, the department’s proposed budget includes a $32,000 increase for attorney contingency fees. “It was pretty arbitrary,” he said. Kilmer also suggested cuts be made to the executive department’s budget. He proposed eliminating $25,000 for contractual services, $20,000 for community promotions and $40,000 for a new public information officer position. McCain, however, shared his concerns about eliminating $85,000 from
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Public Information Officer Position Cut
the department’s budget. He also shared his support for creating a new position for a public information officer. “It’s going to come across as the council came after the executive’s budget,” he said. Kilmer, however, argued there was no rationale for funding the three budget items. “If it’s not this, it will be something else,” he said. Ultimately, the council conceptually agreed to cut $15,000 from the Board of Elections and $85,000 from the executive’s office and suggested $15,000 be reallocated to the library, $10,000 be reallocated to the National Folk Festival and $75,000 be reallocated to roads and drainage projects. “This process is easier than it was when revenues were declining,” Holloway noted. Councilman Larry Dodd, however, questioned if the council should consider future revenue declines. He noted the potential impacts of the state’s new minimum wage and a possible recession. “A thing we haven’t discussed is a possible decline in revenues next year and the year after and minimum wage
…,” he said. “I don’t want to wait until next year to discuss it.” Council Attorney Bob Taylor also suggested language in the fiscal year 2020 budget that would place conditions for spending county appropriations on county department heads. “The Court of Appeals has ruled that when you have the ability to cut items
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from the budget, either reduce them or remove them, you have the inherent power to condition how the appropriation money is spent,” Taylor said. He said conditions in the budget would restrict the use of funds on department heads who are not confirmed. It would also restrict the terms of service for acting department heads to 90 days. “That’s the proposed language for you to consider,” he said. “This should be stated as a condition in the budget.” Taylor added the budget legislation would have to be amended to include the conditions.
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Sara Jane Poskus OCEAN CITY – Sara Jane Poskus (Cook), age 87, passed away at her daughter’s home in Georgia on Aug. 11, 2018. From her birth in Charlottesville, Va. on July 14, 1931, to her passing in August, Sara nourished those around her with love, humor and wittiness. She was born at the University Hospital in Virginia to Nellie Hayle Woodson and Irving Hawthorne Cook. Her family moved to Washington, D.C. when she was five years old. She moved to Maryland in 1959 and eventually to Ocean City in 1994. She married the life of her life, Vincent Vito Poskus (Bill), on June 22, 1955. She is predeceased SARA JANE POSKUS by her husband Bill and her first daughter, Denise Ann Drittler. Sara is survived by her children, Cynthia Nelligan, Dale Poskus, Cyndi Chieppa and Laura Lee Poskus; grandchildren,
Sean and Shannon Blanchard, Brendan Blancard, Ashley Drittler, Dale Poskus Jr., Sara Nelligan, Krystle Thompson and Malcolm Smith; and great grandchildren, Carter, Cameron, Crew, Coby, Nora and James Blanchard. She was a member of the Fraternal of Eagles since 1971 and a member of the American Legion. She worked at a telephone company for over 10 years, then went on to run a day care out of her home. Sara Jane started working at the Ocean City Convention Center upon moving to Ocean City and worked there for over 20 years. She loved crocheting, gardening, bowling and her friends and family dearly. Donations can be made to the American Cancer Society in honor of Sara Jane Poskus. Her family and friends will carry her memory in their gardens and
in their hearts. A memorial service will be held on May 31 at 9 a.m. at the Arlington National Cemetery. A celebration of life will be held on May 31 at 5 p.m. at the Ocean City Convention Center.
Betty Ann Benston OCEAN CITY – Betty Ann Benston, who raised a family while running a small business in Ocean City, died May 15 in her sleep. She was 82. Born in Washington, D.C., in 1936, the daughter of Fred Thomas, a World War I veteran who immigrated from England, and Dorothea Eggleston, a nurse from upstate New York. She met Richard E. Hutzell while they attended Calvin Coolidge High School. They married after graduation and began building a family, moving to
May 31, 2019 Ocean City in 1968. Betty started working as an assistant in her husband’s accounting office and noticed that many of her husband’s business clients wanted help with office duties. They soon were providing telephone answering, message and package drop-off services in addition to tax and payroll. She opened Ocean City Business Service, later renamed The Best Answer. After her husband died in 1982, Betty expanded the business. She became friends with repair men who worked on her telephone equipment, in particular Carlton Benston. Betty and Ben married in 1985 and soon bought a riverfront lot in Bishopville where they designed and built a BETTY ANN house. The house be- BENSTON came a gathering spot for friends, family and holiday dinners. Betty eventually retired full time to her quiet life with Ben until his death in 2011. She eventually left their waterfront home for an assisted living home. At the time of her death, she was a resident at Lakeside at Mallard Landing in Salisbury. Betty was preceded in death by her parents, her husbands and an older brother, Philip Thomas. She is survived by five children and their spouses, Evelyn J. and Mark Brittingham of Pasadena, Richard W. and Chara Hutzell of Annapolis, Donna J. Allenbaugh of Berlin and Severna Park, William T. Hutzell of Durham, N.C., and Amelia E. and Douglas McCready of Bishopville. Other survivors include four step-children and their spouses, Teresa and John Ryall of Salisbury, Kathy and Dean Williams of Salisbury, Karen and Dave Miller of Chambersburg, Pa., and Michael Benston of Salisbury. She also leaves behind numerous nephews and nieces, many grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. A funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. on June 1 at the Burbage Funeral Home, 108 William St. in Berlin. A celebration of life will follow at 12:30 p.m. upstairs at The Globe, 12 Broad St., Berlin. In lieu of flowers, please send contributions to the Greater Maryland Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association at Letters of condolence may be sent via
John Raymond Bryant PITTSVILLE -- John Raymond Bryant, age 54 died on May 24, 2019 at Peninsula Regional Hospital in Salisbury. Born in Seaford, Del., he was the son of the late William L. and Virginia Crainfield Bryant. He is survived by his wife of 26 years, Joyce C. Bryant, and children, Jonathan Andrew Bryant and his wife Letty of Salisbury, Jes- JOHN RAYMOND BRYANT sica Young and her fiancé Garrett Lewis of Chincoteague, Erin Harris and Thomas Daisey of SEE NEXT PAGE
... Obituaries
May 31, 2019
FROM PAGE 34 Pittsville, and Kelly Harris and Matthew Clark of Newport News, Va. There are six grandchildren, Haven Bryant, Armando Bryant, Andrew Thomas, Jaxon Young, Jonathan Bryant, Jr., and Thomas Daisey, II, and numerous nieces and nephews. Also surviving is a brother, Daniel Boone Bryant and his wife Debbie of Bishopville, and a sister, Barbara DeKnight of Salisbury. Mr. Bryant had worked for Donoway Construction. A true sportsman, he loved hunting, fishing, and followed NASCAR (Dale Earnhart, Sr. and Jr.) and the Baltimore Ravens. At home he enjoyed gardening and raising chickens. A funeral service will be held on Saturday, June 1 at 2:30 p.m. at SonRise Church, 10026 Main St. Berlin, Md. Pastor Daryl McCready will officiate. In lieu of flowers, a donation in his name, may be made to “John (Johnny Ray) Bryant Memorial Fund” Go Fund Me web page. Letters of condolence may be sent via: . Arrangements are in the care of the Burbage Funeral Home in Berlin.
Hazel L. Emerson OCEAN CITY – Hazel L. Emerson, age 92, of Ocean City and formerly of Oxford, Pa., passed away on Sunday, May 26, 2019. She was born on April 2, 1927 in Elkton to the late Randall Trimble and Beat-
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 3 Church Street Berlin, Md. 410-641-4066
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Memorial Service:
In an effort to remember local residents who lost their lives fighting for the country, the American Legion Posts 123 and 231 held a Memorial Sunday Service in Berlin. Above, Sen. Mary Beth Carozza delivers remarks at a memorial on Main Street. Photo by Patsy Bell
rice (Reynolds) Trimble. Hazel was raised by her mother, Beatrice, and grandparents on the Reynolds Farm in Cecil County, Md. As a child, she grew up with her aunts and had a wonderful childhood. Hazel worked as a beautician where she spent a lot of time at the hair salon. She married the love of her life, HAZEL L. Frank Emerson, Sr. and EMERSON spent 50 years together. They loved Ocean City and some of the best years
of her life were the 20 years they spent living in New Smyrna Beach, Fla. Hazel and her husband fished and spent time on the beach and Boardwalk. The only thing Hazel liked more than the beach was eating ice cream. Hazel is survived by her sons, Frank Emerson (Jane) and Tom Emerson; daughter, Linda Nalepa; five grandchildren; and six great grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her husband, Frank Emerson, Sr., and daughter, Mary Ann Emerson. A celebration of Hazel’s life will be held on Monday, June 3, 2019 at 11 a.m.
at R.T. Foard Funeral Home, P.A., 111 South Queen Street, Rising Sun, Md. 21911. A visitation will begin at 10 a.m. Burial will follow at Brookview Cemetery. The family asks that you please pray for a cure of dementia and Alzheimer’s. To send an online condolence, please visit, Obituaries cost $50 to appear in The Dispatch and photos are no extra charge. Direct all inquiries to, fax to 410-641-4561 or mail to P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Md. 21811.
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Building Surge Confirms Berlin Interest Remains High
Page 36
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
May 31, 2019
A new home is pictured under construction on Bay Street in Berlin this week.
Photo by Charlene Sharpe
BERLIN – Town staff report interest in Berlin remains high in the wake of the controversial tax increase approved this month. Planning Director Dave Engelhart told the Berlin Town Council Tuesday that his department had already received seven building permit applications for new homes. Typically, he said he processes eight to 10 such permits a year. “To have seven all of a sudden I think is good news…,” he said. “I think that’s good news for our economic health and our town resources.” In recent months, as town officials discussed various tax and rate hikes, residents and real estate professionals spoke out against what they called drastic increases. Homeowners said they’d be unable to sell their properties. Representatives of the Coastal Association of Realtors agreed that the town’s tax increase would make it difficult to sell homes. “The real estate industry is a huge factor in your town’s overall economic health and you are scaring away both prospective homebuyers and current homeowners,” Cameron Drew, a member of the board of directors for the association, told the council at the last public hearing on the tax rate. Engelhart said this week that in the wake of comments like those he thought the seven permits being processed by his department were significant. He said that was “a cluster we haven’t seen before” and that it was noteworthy considering the town typically processed eight to 10 a year. “We all know the cost of building a new home these days is not inexpensive,” he said. Ivy Wells, the town’s director of economic and community development, offered similar observations. “Despite everything that’s been going on over the last several weeks it’s really been nothing but positivity,” she said. She said that as she had helped set up tables and chairs at Berlin’s Reggae Play Day, she’d heard a group of visitors near Gilbert’s Provisions praising the town for providing seating for guests. “The little things matter so much to people you don’t even realize,” she said. She said there had also been several bus tours that had visited the town in recent weeks. She said on May 20, 80 people had visited the town through two different bus tours. She said the buses typically dropped people off at the welcome center where she and volunteers on duty answered their questions and offered them reusable shopping bags. “They’re just thrilled,” Wells said. “It just shows everybody loves this town.” Mayor Gee Williams added that a group of German travel writers had visited Berlin this month as well. “It’s amazing,” he said. “They can go anywhere they want.”
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Regional Digest The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Prepping For Summer Strain BERLIN – Delmarva Power has been hard at work prepping its systems and testing its processes and procedures, all part of the company’s efforts to provide safe and reliable service for its 527,000 electric customers and 134,000 natural gas customers this summer. “We stay committed to providing safe, reliable, and affordable energy services for our customers year-round,” said Gary Stockbridge, Delmarva Power region president. “Through our continued approach of preparing early and consistently, the men and women of Delmarva Power stand ready and able to answer the call in keeping customers energized all summer. As hurricane season and warmer temperatures begin to arrive, we look to provide customers the tools and resources they need to stay safe and increase savings during the summer heat.”
Delmarva Power’s work to prepare for the summer is part of the company’s ongoing efforts to maintain and modernize the local energy grid. In fact, these efforts delivered customers the lowest frequency of electric outages ever in 2018, a 34% decrease over the last five years.
Funnel Cakes With Firefighters Slated OCEAN CITY – The Ocean City Fire Department next week is hosting a “Funnel Cakes With Firefighters” event on the Boardwalk at a popular establishment. The event will be held next Tuesday, June 4, at the Golden Plate on the Boardwalk at 1st Street from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Firefighters will pro-
vide fire safety demonstrations while enjoying funnel cakes with residents and visitors. Much like the Ocean City Police Department’s “Coffee with Cops” events, the fire department’s event next week will allow residents and visitors to get to know their firefighters, paramedics and other first-responders in an informal setting on the Boardwalk. The community is invited to come out and receive information on smoke alarms, request a free smoke alarm check along with other safety tips. The Funnel Cakes with Firefighters event is the Ocean City Fire Department’s latest community outreach effort.
Pulse Point App Launched In Wicomico
May 31, 2019 SALISBURY – Salisbury officials last week launched a Pulse Point app that could help get those suffering from cardiac arrest the emergency services they need sooner. County Executive Bob Culver in cooperation with the Wicomico County Fire and EMS companies collaborated on the Pulse Point app, which became active last Thursday. The new Pulse Point app was released in conjunction with National Emergency Medical Services Week. Pulse Point is a mobile application that alerts citizens to someone having a cardiac emergency in their area. The app is activated by computer interfaces in the Wicomico County Department of Emergency Services 911 Center. The app will only alert in public places and not residential homes for security and privacy reasons. The purpose of the app is to increase survival rates of cardiac arrest victims by reducing the collapse-toCPR time and defibrillation times as the app also provides locations of public automatic external defibrillation (AED) units.
Online Art Registry Planned OCEAN CITY – The Art League of Ocean City invites working artists to join the free artists’ registry, which is now accepting listings for the website. The online directory features the artist’s name, contact info including social media links, a description about the artist and their work, and four images of their original art. The categories include painting, photography, mixed media, printmaking, sculpture, glass, pottery, filmmaking, music and others that can be added. The registry listing is free to all members of the Art League and new memberships are available. Memberships start at $25 for students, range to $60 for a family of six, and include discounts on all classes and purchases made at the Ocean City Center for the Arts, advance notice of special events, and a mailed copy of the quarterly Art Matters newsletter. “There was a huge need for a way to connect artists with the community here in our area,” Rina Thaler, executive director of the Art League, said. “Nothing like this online gallery exists anywhere locally. When artists post their name and work on our Art League website, it’s a perfect way for artists to connect to the community. Visitors to the registry not only get a wonderful overview of the artwork of our members, but they also have access to a who’s-who list of artists if they’re in the market for artwork for their homes, condos, businesses, or for family and pet portraits. In addition, the artists will benefit from membership in the Art League, enjoying an online gallery for their work as well as receiving discounts on classes, the gift shop, events, and activities.” Interested artists should contact Megan Burak at the Arts Center at or by calling 410-524-9433.
May 31, 2019
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
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Ocean City Pursuing Last Option In Tax Differential Suit
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OCEAN CITY – Despite hitting an apparent dead end in the town’s ongoing dispute with Worcester County over the tax differential issue, Ocean City officials are pursuing one more legal remedy. Last week, the state’s Court of Appeals issued an order denying the town of Ocean City’s petition for a writ of certiorari which would have resulted in the state’s highest court taking up the court. The Court of Appeals order ap-
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
pears as a brief, terse entry in the Worcester County Circuit Court docket. “Upon consideration of the petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Special Appeals, it is ordered by the Court of Appeals of Maryland that the petition be denied as there has been no showing that a review by certiorari is desirable and in the public interest,” the docket entry reads. That ruling appeared to have brought an end to Ocean City’s legal remedy in terms of the state’s appeals process, but the town has another legal option to attempt to get the case
May 31, 2019
in front of the lower Court of Special Appeals. It’s a complicated, technical process to be sure, but City Solicitor Guy Ayres said this week there are two ways to get the case in front of one of the state’s higher courts. “There are two ways to get to the Court of Appeals,” he said. “The first is a petition for writ of certiorari, which was denied. The second is to bypass the Court of Special Appeals and ask the Court of Appeals under the writ to take the case from the Court of Special Appeals. That’s what’s happened in this case. When the Court of Appeals denied the writ, that didn’t end the litigation. It just sends it back to the Court of Special Appeals.” Last January, after years of veiled threats, the Town of Ocean City and the majority of its elected officials filed a petition for declaratory judgment against Worcester County seeking judicial relief on the long-standing tax differential issue. In simplest terms, tax differential, or a tax setoff, may be granted by a county to a municipality for services and programs duplicated by the two jurisdictions. Following a motions hearing last October, a Worcester County Circuit Court judge ruled in favor of the county on the most salient aspect of the suit. At the heart of the issue is a portion of the state law under the Municipal Home Rule Amendment of the Mary-
land Constitution that designates some counties in Maryland as “shall” counties, which require those counties to provide tax set-offs for services provided or duplicated by its municipalities. Other counties are declared “may” counties, in which tax set-offs to the municipalities are optional. The Town of Ocean City argued the designation of some jurisdictions as “shall” counties and others as “may” counties was unconstitutional. On that issue, the judge ruled in favor of Worcester County and with the issuance of an order granting the county’s motion for summary judgment effectively closed the case at the circuit court level. In terms of the apparent divide between the amount of tax differential, or tax setoffs, owed by the county to Ocean City and the annual grants to county makes to the resort, the circuit court was more sympathetic. The judge sympathized with town’s argument the annual grants from the county to the town did not offset the cost of duplicated services. Ocean City then sought legal remedy from the state’s appeals courts. While the Court of Appeals denial of the petition for certiorari last week certainly qualifies as a setback, the town is now pursuing an attempt to have the case heard by the lower Court of Special Appeals.
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Alumni Speak To Decatur Students
May 31, 2019
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Page 41
BERLIN – Stephen Decatur advanced placement biology and biomed students last week got a rare first-hand glimpse at how their hard work and perseverance could pay dividends when two alumni who are now working medical professionals returned to their alma mater. Dr. Tammy Donoway, who graduated in 1999 and Jordan Braniff, who graduated in 2004, last week visited the advanced placement (AP) biology and bio-med students for a presentation on their successful paths from Decatur to medical degrees to ultimately returning to serve in the communities from whence they came. Donoway is currently a Family Practice physician at Peninsula Regional Family Medicine in Ocean Pines, while Braniff works as her nurse practitioner. Decatur AP Biology teachers Jim Krall and Rebecca Kalchthaler hosted the presentation with a packed room of students eager to learn about Donoway’s and Braniff’s journeys in becoming successful healthcare professionals. Students gained a unique perspective on the rigorous course work involved, the demands of residency hours required and an overall feeling of how gratifying a career in the medical field can be, according to Krall. “Donoway and Braniff shared both the highs and lows of their careers as well as enlightening stories of what a typical day in the life of a doctor involves,” he said. “Most noteworthy in their presentation was their mutual desire to come back to the shore and serve in the community in which they grew up.” For years, it has been no secret many of Worcester County’s brightest and best go away to college and don’t return to start their careers because of a lack of meaningful, wellpaying jobs on the shore. That has changed somewhat in recent years with the ever-growing medical campuses in Berlin, Ocean Pines and around the north end of Worcester County. Krall said the students during last week’s presentation likely got a glimpse of the potential path to get a medical degree and the growing opportunities to return to their home communities. “It was apparent throughout their presentations that they thoroughly enjoy their careers, which had a very positive impact on the students in the room,” said Krall. “Stephen Decatur High School is very proud of their success and thankful that they took time out of their busy schedules to inspire the possible health care leaders of tomorrow.”
With AP biology teacher Jim Krall are Dr. Tammy Donoway, a 1999 Decatur graduate, and Jordan Braniff, who graduated in 2004. Submitted Photo
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The Dispatch
Forever In Memory Of Our Founder, Dick Lohmeyer (May 25, 1927-May 5, 2005) The Dispatch, Serving Greater Ocean City Since 1984, Is Published By Maryland Coast Dispatch Inc. Weekly On Friday Mornings MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Md. 21811 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 10012 Old Ocean City Blvd. Berlin, Md. 21811 PHONE: 410-641-4561 FAX: 410-641-0966
CHARLENE SHARPE Staff Writer/Copy Editor
CHRIS PARYPA Photographer
SALES DEPARTMENT TERRI FRENCH Account Executive Entertainment Editor
MANETTE CRAMER Account Executive
COLE GIBSON Graphic Artist/Webmaster
DAVID HOOKS Graphic Artist
PAMELA GREEN Bookkeeper/Classifieds Manager
The Maryland Coast Dispatch (USPS #015125) is an official and legal newspaper for Worcester County. Periodical postage paid at Berlin, Maryland, and additional mailing offices. The Maryland Coast Dispatch, 10012 Old Ocean City Blvd., Berlin, Md. 21811, is published weekly on Friday mornings, 52 weeks a year. Subscription rates are $75 per year, $55 for six months. POSTMASTER: Please send change of address to Maryland Coast Dispatch, P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Maryland 21811. Maryland Coast Dispatch offices are located at Route 346 and Graham Avenue, Berlin, Maryland.
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
May 31, 2019
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Property Annexation Comes With Concerns Editor:
(The following letter was submitted via email to Berlin Mayor and Council members prior to Tuesday’s meeting on an annexation vote. The writer approved it for publication.)
I have some concerns about the annexation proposal that is on the table for tonight. These concerns do not eliminate the idea of annexing the property in question, but they do pose enough questions that I think this proposal needs to be postponed until further study can be completed. 1. Finances. Considering the town’s current budget issues, putting forth an annexation agreement that leaves Berlin on the hook for the cost of electric utility costs over $5,000 is not only bad optics, but bad for Berlin’s budget. (See section 8.5.1.) If this developer wants to become part of Berlin, they need to be willing to pay for all costs associated with that. 2. Traffic. The annexation plan as presented includes a proposed gas station to be developed on site, with a significant portion of the property open with no current definite plans for development. This gas station plan shows a single drivable entrance and exit onto Main Street almost across from Main Place. Section 8.3 details that a traffic study still needs to be done. No annexation agreement should be approved or signed until a traffic study has been completed. As all of you know, that part of Main Street is a narrow, two lane road, and already a dangerous intersection. Several accidents have occurred there in the last several years, and there is a great risk of more to come without proper planning and development of the intersection. 3. Public discussion. The annexation agreement was presented to the public, and to the members of the council, on Thursday, giving our elected representatives a shockingly short time (and over a holiday weekend) to fully vet the agreement. Additionally, the shortened time has given the public very little input on the actual annexation. (See MunicipalAnnexationFlowchart) 4. Public Notice. Maryland Annexation Procedures also state that after a resolution has been presented to the town council the town must publish notice of the proposed annexation hearing "at least 4 times at no less than weekly intervals." Was this done? The annexation proposal was only put on the agenda for council meeting on Thursday, five days before the annexation hearing tonight. That would appear to be insufficient public notice. 5. Planning. How does this annexation fit in the town’s current compre-
hensive plan, which emphasizes business development along Old Ocean City Boulevard, and contiguous to Main Street? This plan has no connection to Berlin’s existing business community and offers nothing more than a bypass of Berlin for tourists on their way to Ocean City.
After a presentation by the owners of the properties and a public hearing at last evening’s Mayor and Council meeting the council voted 4-1 to approve the annexation.
6. Petition. The Maryland Municipal League’s Municipal Annexation Handbook states: "An annexation petition signed by at least 25% of the qualified voters along with the owners of 25% of total assessed property in the area to be annexed may be filed with the municipal legislative body. Alternatively, the legislative body may initiate an annexation by obtaining the consent of a like percentage of qualified voters and property owners."
1. Finances: The estimated cost of the Customer Service Charge for transferring electric service from Delmarva Power to the Town of Berlin is expected to be about $5,000. The agreement limits the liability of this transfer of service cost to $5,000 for the applicants. The town had received preliminary estimates from Delmarva Power, but unfortunately the DP&L executive who was handling this suddenly passed away. We are expecting this estimate to be completed by Delmarva Power in the next few weeks or months, but it is among many responsibilities the deceased employee was working on, so all parties agreed we would not indefinitely delay the annexation process which began with negotiations about nine months ago. Any customer service charge to the town must be reviewed and approved by the Maryland Public Service Commission prior to its initiation. Also, I would note that any and all electric services to the newly annexed property will generate retail electric revenue in perpetuity to the Berlin Electric Utility that will be exponentially greater than any Customer Service Charge being considered.
This annexation agreement states: "The Owner constitutes all the persons eligible to sign the petition…" A full petition, signed by at least 25% of Berlin’s eligible voters, must be submitted with the annexation application. There is no such petition included with the agreement, and without that petition this annexation cannot, by law, be approved tonight. 7. Environmental Issues. Part of the proposed annexed area appears to fall within a Sensitive Species Protection Area. How will development in this environmentally sensitive area be handled? 8. Infrastructure. What effect will development of this property have on fire and EMS services? What will be the impact on the town’s infrastructure, not just electricity, but sewer and stormwater and water? What are the real-world, long term costs on road maintenance? On Berlin’s finite resources? Annexing this property now, without proper time to vet the proposal, without proper input from Berlin’s residents, without following the letter of Maryland state law, without determining how this will impact Berlin for not just the next five years, but the next fifty, will further erode public confidence in the Mayor and Council, and will further the damage that years of poor planning have done to Town finances. I urge all of you to postpone the vote on this annexation agreement.
Jeff Smith Berlin
Berlin Mayor Responds To Citizen’s Questions Editor:
(The following letter was in response to Smith’s letter to the town with publication approved.) Thank you for your email stating your concerns and questions regarding the Athena Properties, Inc. annexation at MD 818 (North Main Street).
I wish to respond to the concerns you expressed in your May 28 email.
Prior to annexation, these properties currently pay $4,648 in property tax to Worcester County, but of course are not taxed by the Town of Berlin. With this annexation under its current use the Town will receive, before any development, $3,774 in property taxes and $1,936 in ReadyTo Serve Fees. In the first stage of development, approved Monday evening, the town’s property taxes will increase to $20,000 annually plus a one-time payment of $151,008 for Equivalent Dwelling Unit Revenue (EDUs). 2. Traffic: MD 818 (Main Street) is a state highway, as are a number of the longest streets in the Town of Berlin. The access and egress for motor vehicles is within the total authority of the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA). They will require, as in all other cases, a traffic study of access to the Athena Properties to determine the safest manner and number of entrances and exits to these properties. The Town of Berlin has no legal authority to dictate these decisions but has a long and successful track record of working with SHA in providing questions, concerns and our recommendations for their review and consideration. Our recommendation to SHA is that they mandate two separate connections for motor vehicles to the properties. One being a
May 31, 2019
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR FROM PAGE 42 right-in/right-out only access for vehicles traveling from US 50 and turning south on MD 818. The second access for both access and egress to the properties located directly in alignment with the current street access to Berlin Main Place on the opposite (eastern) side of MD 818. The traffic issues will be answered by State Highway’s review of the traffic study that they require before any future permitting or construction could begin. It is a state road, not a Town of Berlin road, so its design and maintenance are state responsibilities with our input and feedback. 3. Public Discussion: The initial public discussion and a public hearing were held during the Berlin Planning Commission meeting on March 13, 2019. The public hearing was legally advertised twice as per State Statute and Berlin Town Code, as well as posted on the Town website and Town Hall kiosks. The planning commission passed a unanimous 6-0 vote to recommend the annexation to the Mayor and Council. Numerous local news stories also detailed the meeting, and it was well attended. 4. Public Notice: The assertion that the resolution be posted four times is incorrect. State Section 4-406 states that the resolution shall be advertised “… at least four times; OR if the total area of the proposed annexation is 25 acres or less, at least two times”. The Athena Properties annexation is approximately nine acres and the town was compliant with the legal advertisements that were placed twice, with the first notice being at least 15 days before the public hearing. The Berlin Planning Commission’s motion was then forwarded to Worcester County and the Md. Department of Planning for the required 30-day review period before any Public Hearing of the Mayor and Council could be advertised which was also advertised two times. 5. Planning: The parcels are in Growth Area #3 of the current Berlin Comprehensive Plan. The comprehensive plan states one objective for commercial development in town would be that it be located along existing commercial routes, not just along Old Ocean City Boulevard, but also along Route 50, Route 113 and on Route 818 North Main Street. In anticipation of this growth, the town extended water and sewer lines north on Main Street to reach the northerly side of Route 50. Growth in these
Between The Lines
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
areas keeps the pressure off the downtown business district, as well as residential neighborhoods, a strong desire that the public expressed in our strategic plan sessions years ago. 6. Petition: This annexation was initiated when the property owner filed a petition with the town, not the Mayor and Council. If the Town of Berlin was initiating an annexation, then the town who would need 25% of the eligible voters’ signatures within the property being sought for annexation. In last evening’s annexation petition there are no signatures required for the total area being assessed, since Athena Properties, Inc. is the only property owner of all properties that were annexed. 7. Environmental Issues: In submitting the recommended annexation to the county and state for their 30day review, no mention of sensitive species was made by either, and that would be a comment both would bring up if their mapping and GIS indicated it. If indeed the mapping indicates there is an environmental issue, this can be addressed as the annexation process moves forward. 8. There is no measurable impact on public safety services, which we, as most municipalities consider, police, fire and EMS. The Athena Properties are already within the town’s boundaries and are contiguous to the west, east and north with incorporated areas of Berlin. As for infrastructure, no infrastructure within the parcels is or will be paid for by the town, as is the case with all development and developers. In closing, I must strongly disagree with your statement that the Town of Berlin has not taken the time to properly vet the proposal, has not afforded an opportunity for residents to share their input, and especially that our town is not following the letter of Maryland State law. I think your conclusions are likely the result of a partial knowledge of how our annexation process is conducted. I certainly respect your right to disagree with the decisions of the Mayor and Council, regarding this annexation or any other decision for which we are responsible, but I strongly object to any implication that our decisions are made with either disregard or the intent to do harm to the citizens we serve.
Gee Williams Berlin (The writer has been the mayor of Berlin since 2008.)
TO OUR READERS: The Dispatch welcomes any and all letters from our readers. All letters are encouraged typed, but not required, and we reserve the right to edit each letter for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Letters should include writer’s name, address and day and evening telephone numbers. If we are unable to reach the writer, we will have to withhold the letter. Due to space restraints, letters under 500 words in length will be given top priority. Letters can be mailed to The Dispatch, P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Md. 21811, emailed to or faxed to 410-641-0966.
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By Publisher/Editor Steve Green
Last week’s alleged murder in Berlin is the first in 11 years. Right or wrong, I’m not counting the murder-suicide in 2014 involving an elderly couple because the investigation was wrapped in minutes once it was determined to be a classic “Romeo and Juliet love story,” as one friend described it. The last time Berlin dealt with a true murder investigation was in 2008 when a fight broke out among locals in the Decatur Farms community after a Stephen Decatur High School graduation party. A 19-year-old man was killed when he was struck by a baseball bat swung by a 22-year-old man. Ultimately a manslaughter conviction was secured and a 10-year sentence was handed down. Berlin Police Chief Arnold Downing took time during this week’s council meeting to address last week’s death of 17-year-old Dehaven Nichols allegedly at the hands of 16-year-old Vershawn Hudson-Crawford. The death was brought to the attention of authorities when Hudson-Crawford and his mother and grandmother came to the Berlin Police Station to report it. “In regards to our tragic loss of life last week we want to stop and thank all of our law enforcement partners,” Downing said. “The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office, their patrol division, CET, Maryland State Police, their homicide unit, their crime techs, we had nine officers ourselves on site. Ocean City Police Department, and definitely town staff coming out providing lighting, again we can’t do these things on our own. We know it’s a time for healing for the community. We anticipate a lot of other events with what the young folks of the community are going through. They’re planning something actually … as a memorial. We’ll try to go ahead and keep everybody abreast of that. Please hold on to your children just a little bit tighter. Have a discussion, a talk with them and understand that they are going through emotional things.” As far as an update on the murder case, a criminal indictment was issued against Hudson-Crawford this week. He is being held without bond and faces first-degree murder, second-degree murder, first-degree assault and second-degree assault charges. He entered a plea of not guilty on Wednesday. Sometimes change is just hated for the sake of being change. Many of the online naysayers who criticized the Town of Berlin’s annexation of a six-acre parcel at the intersection of Route 50 and Main Street seem to fall into the fear change crowd. The property in question is currently a dump. There are dozens of broken down vehicles on the property and it’s a blight for what is arguably the primary entrance to town for many motorists. It’s a prime piece of property that is ripe for redevelopment for many years. From the town’s perspective, annexing the property will ultimately have financial advantages as it will receive tax revenue as well as user fees previously sent to the county. Most of the concerns heard this week were more about the chosen brand of convenience store – a new and improved 7-Eleven concept -- than anything else. That’s the private property owner’s decision on who to lease space to in the new development. Overall, I think it’s a positive for the town. There’s no question the visual of that intersection will be improved considerably with a redevelopment project. First-year Worcester County Commissioner Josh Nordstrom is trying everything he can to get more attention for his home district, Pocomoke. How far he will ultimately be willing to go will be determined in future weeks and could have an impact on Ocean City. There are multiple steps involved with increasing the county’s room tax from 4.5% to 5%. After being vetted at the committee level for months, the Ocean City Mayor and Council needed to approve the increase before sending the request to the Worcester County Commissioners, who ultimately have all the power. The commissioners must then draft enabling legislation to be approved before the actual resolution to officially increase the tax is weighed. The enabling legislation was approved last week by a 6-0 vote with Nordstrom abstaining. He chose not to register a vote in an intentional political play, he admitted. Nordstrom said his fellow commissioners have rebuked his multiple attempts to get specific support from the county for Pocomoke aside from the unrestricted annual grant of $465,000, the same amount given to Berlin and Snow Hill. “… I have to do things like abstain to get a little attention. … It’s politics,” he said. “It’s ugly and it’s kind of silly at times but I only have so many cards to play. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen any attention from the county. I felt it was important to make some people listen.” While I admire his tenacity for his hometown, I hope Nordstrom thinks better of sinking the room tax increase. A lot of deliberation has gone into this hike and it’s the right thing to do. The local room tax is much smaller than other tourist destinations and the new revenue generated will essentially be put right back into tourism in the form of an investment as well as helping to fund increased expenses associated with being a resort. Nordstrom has made his point in rallying for Pocomoke, but there are other routes to take than to sink an important move for the entire county.
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
May 31, 2019
In The News
This group of Showell Elementary third grade gentlemen enjoy freezer pops as a reward for reading over 20 books during a one week. Pictured, from left, are Aston Conley, Bryce Baker, Aiden Noonan and Damien Dietz.
Kim Klump presented the 2019 Jesse Klump Memorial Scholarship this month to Snow Hill High School senior Michael Larger. The scholarship, valued at $15,000, is awarded based on a student's altruism and character. Larger plans to pursue an engineering degree at Salisbury University. Submitted Photos
Showell Elementary third grade females rewarded with freezer pops for reading more than 20 books in a one week were, from left, Athena Curtis, Callie Cutlip, Clara Hoopes and Alexis Blake.
Stephen Decatur High School named Jude Al-Hamad as the Best All Around during the Annual Senior Awards Night ceremony. The award recognizes a student who engages in all aspects of student life. Al-Hamad, pictured with Assistant Principal Kathy Cater and Principal Tom Sites, is a four-time Presidential Service Award recipient, a member of the Mu Alpha Theta honor society, the secretary for the National Honor Society and an active member of the Future Educators of America, the Key Club and Connections. Additionally, she has earned straight As throughout high school. Above, Lisa Kristick's and Kathy Elmer’s pre-kindergarten three class at Ocean City Elementary School learned about the colors of the nation by creating patriotic windsocks.
The Ocean City-Berlin Rotary Club presented four $2,000 scholarships to seniors at Stephen Decatur High School on May 22. Pictured, from left, are club President Margaret Mudron and recipients Kadena Snell, Jonathan Petito, Allison Jones and Kennedy Duke.
Right, Snow Hill resident Sarah Wood, an honors student at Wor-Wic Community College, is this year’s $500 faculty honors scholarship winner. Selection is based on scholastic achievement and an essay competition judged by the honors program committee. Applicants were required to write a fourpage research-based argumentative essay. Wood’s essay argued programs and initiatives to target low-income students are a short-term solution and that “we need to bridge the socioeconomic divide itself as a long-term solution.” Wood, a straight-A student, plans to transfer to the University of Maryland College Park.
WPS Graduates Earned $5.7M In Scholarship Offers
May 31, 2019
Commencement exercises for Worcester Preparatory School’s Class of 2019 took place on May 24 in the Athletic and Performing Arts Center. The 53 graduates received over $5.7 million in merit scholarship offers and will attend 32 different colleges and universities in 15 different states in the fall. The graduates, pictured above, included (with their hometown and college choices) Isabel Abboud (Lewes), University of Redlands; Delaney Abercrombie (Salisbury), Washington and Lee University; Dana Anderson (Princess Anne), Syracuse University; Dominic Anthony (Seaford), Fordham University; Hailee Arrington (Salisbury), American University; Virginia Bateman (Rehoboth Beach), Sewanee: The University of the South; Cole Berry (Bishopville), The University of Tampa; Parker Brandt (Bishopville), Northeastern University; Jack Burbage (Ocean View), Jacksonville University; Alex Canakis (Bishopville), University of Delaware; Sam Cantor (Ocean City), American University; Basil Christian (Berlin), University of Maryland, College Park; Locke Crowe (Berlin), Rutgers University-New Brunswick; Alannah Curtis (Greenbackville), George Mason University; Michael Curtis (Bethany Beach), High Point University; Maria Deckmann (Milton), University of Michigan; Clare DeMallie (Ocean City), Washington College; Alec Dembeck (Ocean City), University of South Carolina; Matt Durkin (Ocean City), University of Maryland, College Park; Ally Elerding (Bishopville), The George Washington University; Jaye Eniola (Salisbury), Skidmore College; Thomas Fager (Bishopville), Virginia Tech; Caleb
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Foxwell (Ocean View), Queens University of Charlotte; Jared Gabriel (Millsboro), University of Delaware; Gracie Gardner (Salisbury), Clemson University; Julia Godwin (Frankford), University of Delaware; Jay Gosnear (Onancock), Virginia Tech; Kaitlyn Hamer (Rehoboth Beach), American University; Graham Hammond (Selbyville), University of Delaware; Liam Hammond (Bishopville), University of Maryland, College Park; Cameron Hill (Rehoboth Beach), Boston University; Claire Jobson (Ocean City), Salisbury University; Nicholas Lange (Seaford), University of Delaware; Molly McCormick (Bishopville), College of Charleston; Jacob Meakin (Salisbury), University of Maryland, College Park; Hailey Merritt (Seaford), University of Delaware; Hannah Merritt (Seaford), University of Delaware; Colin Miller (Berlin), University of Maryland, College Park; Dakin Moore (Rehoboth Beach), Wake Forest University; Aiden Mullins (Dagsboro), University of North Carolina at Wilmington; Maya Natesan (Salisbury), Washington University in St. Louis; Anthony Reilly (Selbyville), University of Delaware; Cooper Richins (Berlin), Furman University; Chloe Ruddo (Berlin), Virginia Tech; Ethan Scheiber (Berlin), North Carolina State University; Andrew Stickler (Lewes), Clemson University; Henry Taboh (Fruitland), Georgia Institute of Technology; Will Todd (Salisbury), University of Miami; Remy Trader (Ocean City), University of South Carolina; Owen Tunis (Berlin), Virginia Tech; Jack Walinskas (Ocean Pines), University of Maryland, College Park; Kendall Whaley (Berlin), Boston University; and Gavin Zimmer (Bishopville) High Point University.
During the ceremony Head of School Randal Brown announced two students captured the top three awards -- Dominic Anthony, Salutatorian and Best All-Round Student, and Maya Natesan, Valedictorian.
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Commencement Speaker Andrew Canakis, a graduate of WPS in 2009 and Physician Resident at Boston University Medical Center, is pictured.
Submitted Photos
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Drummond Wins State Title in High Jump
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Saltwater Girls Reach National Title In The News
May 31, 2019
BERLIN – Stephen Decatur’s varsity track athletes turned in several outstanding performances in the state championship meet last weekend including a state title for London Drummond in the high jump. Drummond finished second in the high jump in the 3A-East regional meet two weeks ago to qualify for the state championship meet. Last weekend, Drummond leaped 6’4” in the high jump to win the state championship in the event. Three other Decatur track athletes also qualified for the state championship meet and turned in solid performances last weekend. Margie Rayne finished fourth in the discus and ninth in the shot put. Jessica Janney finished eighth in the high jump, while Daletez Smith finished 16th in the shot put.
Snelsire Wins Pitcher of Year Honors
Saltwater Lacrosse Club’s Maddie Shirk makes a move during a National Girls Lacrosse League national championship tournament last weekend in Baltimore. The Saltwater girls reached the national championship game. Photo by Vanessa Collins BY SHAWN J. SOPER
BERLIN – The local Saltwater Lacrosse Club’s girls’ 2024 team reached the National Girls Lacrosse League (NGLL) championship last weekend before falling just short in the title game. The Saltwater Lacrosse Club features young players from across the Lower Shore including Worcester, Wicomico and Sussex Counties. The girls’ 2024 team competed in the NGLL for the first time this year and won its region to qualify for the national championship tournament last weekend in Baltimore. Last Saturday, the Saltwater Lac-
rosse Club girls beat the champions from Florida and New York to advance to the championship game on Sunday against the Mid-Atlantic champion Renegades. After a see-saw title game that featured several ties and lead-changes, Saltwater fell to the Renegades, 8-7, to finish as national champion runners-up. “Ultimately, we lost 8-7, but our girls fought until the final siren trying to tie the game up,” said Coach Chris Williams. “What a way to represent our club and our region. We put Saltwater on the map and were told afterwards by other coaches and parents we were the best competition they faced all year. I couldn’t be prouder.”
BERLIN – Stephen Decatur’s varsity baseball team was well-represented when the Bayside South post-season awards were announced this week including Pitcher of the Year honors for senior Hayden Snelsire. The Seahawks had another outstanding season this year and were rewarded with several post-season awards for individual players. Snel-
sire, a senior bound for Randolph Macon next year, was named Bayside South Pitcher of the Year. Mardela’s Dylan Smith was named Bayside South Player of the Year, while Mardela skipper Keith Owens was named Coach of the Year. Joining Snelsire on the Bayside South All-Conference First Team was Ridge Watson. Two players – Blake Marshall and Evan Truitt – were named to the Bayside South All-Conference Second Team.
10th Memorial Day Tourney In The Books
Lax Tourneys Invade Resort Next Week
OCEAN CITY – The resort area will become ground zero of the youth lacrosse world next weekend with dozens of teams from all over the mid-Atlantic region descending on Ocean City and Berlin for a pair of simultaneous tournaments. The 2019 Brine Girls Lacrosse Festival will take place at Northside Park all weekend starting next Friday. Games will be played practically around the clock all weekend featuring many of the best girls’ youth lacrosse programs in the region and
will culminate with championship games in each division on Sunday. A total of 99 teams have signed up for the tournament from all over the midAtlantic region. Meanwhile, the Brine Boys Beach Lacrosse tournament featuring some of the top boys’ youth programs in the region will be going on simultaneously next Saturday and Sunday on fields all over the Berlin area including the Northern Worcester Athletic Complex, the Seaside Christian Academy and at the River Soccer Complex in Frankford, Del. Nearly 100 recreation and club teams have signed up to compete in the tournament.
The Ocean City Marlin Club’s 10th Annual Memorial Day Tournament last weekend was a big success. In the tuna division, it was the crew on the Primary Search (pictured above) taking first-place with a 40.2-pounder worth $5,085. The Primary Search also took second place with a 39.6-pounder worth $1.462. The crew on the Hall Pass shared second place in the tuna division also with a 39.6-pounder worth $1,462. In the bluefish division, it was angler Robert Maroney fishing from the shore taking first blue with a 9.2pounder. The crew on the Just One More took second place with a sevenpounder and third place with a 5.8 pounder. The Just One More won $540 in prize money. Submitted Photo
May 31, 2019
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
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2017 MARYLAND’S FAVORITE BAR OR TAVERN by Restaurant Association of Maryland
record white Hake Confirmed
Angler Brian Gay of Millsboro last week was recognized by the DNR for landing this new state record white hake while fishing off the coast of Ocean City. Submitted photo
OCEAN CITY – A rare white hake caught off the coast of Ocean City last week has been recognized by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) as a new state record for the species after a Millsboro man reeled in the nearly 17-pound whopper. Brian Gay of Millsboro has been recognized by the DNR for a state fishing record in the Atlantic Ocean division after reeling in the rare white hake about 50 miles off the coast of Ocean City. Gay was fishing for sea bass in roughly 280 feet of water in the Poor Man’s Canyon about 50 miles off the coast of the resort when he
hooked the white hake. After several minutes, Gay’s monster fish finally came to the surface. He caught the 16.71-pound white hake using a “top and bottom” twohook rig with a 16-ounce sinker and clam bait. Gay said later he had no idea what the fish was, but believed at first it could have been world-record red hake, which is similar in appearance. Martin’s Fish House in West Ocean City certified the weight. To correctly identify the species, a DNR biologist carefully counted scaled and examined the fish’s eye and jaw structure. Once it was officially identified as a white hake, the DNR chose to officially add the species to its official record book.
23rd mako mania next week
OCEAN CITY – The 23rd Annual Mako Mania shark tournament gets underway next week with dozens of boats and teams of anglers participating in the annual event that serves as a kickoff of sorts for the summer offshore fishing tournament season. Curiosity seekers will cram into Bahia Marina next weekend for a chance to see a potential winning shark hoisted at the scale in what has become a festival of sorts celebrating the arrival of another summer offshore fishing season. Makos are the featured species in the tournament although there are also divisions for threshers and bluefish. Like most tournaments in the area, conservation of the various species is paramount and to that end, an award and a check for $1,000 is given out for the most shark releases called the W. W. Harman Award. The tournament gets underway next Thursday with registration and a captain’s meeting, but the action gets un-
derway offshore next Friday, the first of three fishing days. Weigh-ins are held each of the next three days beginning around 3:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. at host Bahia Marina. A total of 37 boats and 176 anglers competed in the 2018 version of the Mako Mania and the estimated total prize money doled out after the event came in at $87,590. The big story over the weekend was a massive thresher weighed at the scale by the crew on the Fishful Thinking. The thresher, which was practically the length of the boat and had to be hauled in alongside the SeaMent weight out at 644 pounds, which would qualify as the new Maryland state record for the species. In the mako release division, the SeaMent also took first place with six releases and earned $17,700. The Portabella was second with three releases and earned $3,690. The Absolut Pleasure was third with two releases and earned $8,667. The Siren was third fourth with two releases and earned $3,690 and the Nontypical was fifth with one release and earned $684.
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Puzzle Answers
The Adventures Of Fatherhood By STEVE GREEN
ool days sure have changed over the years. Some of my favorite memories of my kids have occurred in and around our backyard pool. They learned how to swim there, lost teeth while swimming in it, perfected their cannonballs and diving skills, been hurt from playing too rough and played endless games of basketball, volleyball and Marco Polo. One of my favorite memories was using the GoPro as a diving stick of sorts. I would put it at the bottom of the pool and record the kids diving down to get it. One video summed up Beckett, who is a talkative type. He vocalizes just about every thought he has, although he’s come a long way with controlling himself. In this particular video, he could be seen talking underwater as he swam toward it. Just as he was about to grab it he mouthed the words, “I got it.” The video then goes on to show him throwing the camera toward his brother once he emerged from the water. While too young to dive and get it himself at this point, Carson was able to catch it and then throw it on the pool deck. That was the end of the GoPro’s functioning days, but the photos and videos were salvaged. There have been some memories as well that I wish never took place. Beckett went to the emergency room one Sunday afternoon when he was 4 years old for striking his chin on the side of the pool after ignoring repeated requests to stop jumping backwards into the pool. During a particularly rough spell when he was 6 years old, Carson pushed a huge flower pot into the pool, resulting in the liner tearing and soiled water from a huge amount of dirt. That was a moment I will never forget, but it’s a reminder of how far
Locally OPEN 7 DAYS 7 A.M.-2 P.M. Famous YEAR-ROUND For 38 Years!
May 31, 2019
Taking Applications All Positions
he has come over the years with behavior and general wellbeing. One constant over the years has been the kids’ shared refusal to let me relax while in the pool with them. We went swimming one night after work and school this week and I was literally playing football with one and basketball with another. Balls were flying everywhere. All I truly wanted to do was lounge on a raft, but I kept telling myself one day they will want nothing to do with me. While I know that’s true and I do my best to relish these days, there is no denying they can be exhausting.
chool becomes a challenge for everyone once Memorial Day comes and goes. I think it’s a three-way tie when it comes to who’s more anxious for summer break — the students, parents or teachers. For the students, at least the two in my house, concentration levels have reached an all-time nadir. After a long weekend and a taste of summer living with late bedtimes and no early-morning wake-up calls, they are just not into it anymore. I listened to Beckett equivocate for 15 minutes in the car the other night after soccer practice how a year-end reading test on “Treasure Island” is not as important as his parents think. He gave an entertaining argument. When I asked what he expects to be on the test, he meandered through generalities with an explanation that was nonsensical. The bottom line was he had a study guide to use and the test was this coming Monday. We have been forcing him all week to study here and there. He has done so because we make him, but he’s also banking on stepping up his studying Sunday night.
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(The writer is the publisher and editor of The Dispatch. He and his wife, Pamela, are proud parents of two boys. This weekly column examines their transition into parenthood and all that goes along with it. E-mail any thoughts to
Allen And Connie Davis’s Home Of The
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Carson is pretty much going through the motions. It’s not a fight to get him to do his homework as much as his big brother, but when he puts his bookbag away at night now he tosses it much harder and immediately takes off his shirt and points outside. He’s got summer fever for sure. For the parents, we still care and have an example to set, but work distractions have mounted with the mercury and exhaustion has blunted the priorities. We are also more forgetful at this point in the school year. One day this week I saw a bunch of kids in Carson’s school wearing their blue ribbon shirts and panicked assuming we forgot something. I figured I would be running home and bringing back a shirt immediately. It wouldn’t be the first time. I later realized from a teacher the blue shirt day didn’t pertain to Carson’s class. For the teachers, they are the least obvious with their late spring school fatigue because they have to be professional. The signs of summer’s approach are still there, however. They just do a better job of masking it. They surely sense with the kids a certain “out to lunch” mentality these days. Some of them likely even share it. That’s why I like when teachers don’t completely do away with all academics in the final weeks of school. A test or two over the last couple weeks helps give the kids and parents something to focus on rather than sun and fun. Whether anyone truly cares about the grade that comes home, however, is another matter altogether.
Delivery Available
Free Fries
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May 31, 2019
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
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News In Photos
The Republican Women of Worcester County served as the host club for the Maryland State GOP convention held at the Grand Hotel in Ocean City on May 17-18. Members, from left, are Barbara Loffler, Sandy Zitzer, Beth Rodier, Liz Mumford and Merilee Horvat.
The Cove Bar & Grille at Bayside hosted three Dine and Donate Sundays in March and presented Roxana Volunteer Fire Department with a donation of $1,062.23. Fifteen-percent of profits from a Dine and Donate Sunday support a local organization. Pictured, from left, are Bayside Events Manager Leatie Bell Morris, Bayside General Manager Sean Gradomski, Roxana Fire Department President Russell Hooper Jr., Roxana Fire Department Treasurer Guy Hudson, Bayside Food and Beverage Manager Scott Bergstrom and Bayside Food and Beverage Manager Amy Grove. Submitted Photos
Junior Max Taylor has been awarded the Worcester Prep John “Tres” B. Lynch, III Lacrosse Camp $500 Scholarship toward a lacrosse camp of choice. Lynch was an avid athlete, coach and 1988 graduate of Worcester Prep who grew up in Ocean City. The scholarship was established by his family to honor his memory at WPS by promoting the growth and development of the game of lacrosse that he loved so much. Taylor is pictured with Lynch’s sister-in-law and WPS teacher Amanda Lynch.
At the Wednesday morning weekly meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines-Ocean City, Kiwanis Club President Dick Clagett presented a $250 donation to the Berlin Pop Warner Football and Cheer Program for young boys and girls. Accepting is Anne Watson-Waples, vice president of Berlin Pop Warner Football and Cheer who has been involved for 17 years.
SSGT Josh August and Cadet William Stamnus from the Stephen Decatur High School Junior ROTC recently received a $1,000 donation from Ocean City Lions Club President Norm Cathell.
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
May 31, 2019
Summer Strolling In Berlin
Farm, Home & Garden
115 Broad St. • Berlin • 410-641-3600
HOUSEMADE SAUSAGE Open Tuesday-Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 443-513-3194 101 Williams St. • Berlin, MD 21811
lunch • dinner • bar snacks Open Daily 11:30 A.M. Closed Sundays 104 Pitts Street, Berlin v 410-973-2102
Homemade Ice Cream Ice Cream Cakes 120 North Main St. 410-973-2839 islandcreameryva
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Dream Weaver
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Delightful Teas, Food, Collectibles And Unique Gifts GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE 7 South Main St. Historic Berlin, Md. 21811 410-641-4000
Visit Our Tasting Room To Sample Our Many Varieties! Reap The Health Benefits Of Our Fresh Olive Oils And Balsamic Vinegars. GIVE THE GIFT OF HEALTH! 14 Broad Street Berlin, MD 21811 410-641-2300
Fun Goods For Mermaids, Pirates And Children Of All Ages 12 William Street 443-513-3212
May 31, 2019
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Things I Like ... By Steve Green
Page 3B
Berlin Liquor Store
Largest Liquor Store In OC Area! Cold & Warm Beer
No fly days on Assateague Flags on a boat
Short work weeks
Acai bowls on the beach
Hearing my kids giggle together Nights with no homework
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UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 10818 Ocean Gateway, Berlin, MD 21811 410-973-2873
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
May 31, 2019
May 31, 2019
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
May 31, 2019
My stops over the holiday weekend were at the new Taphouse Tavern on 138th Street, the Purple Moose Saloon on the boards for some live music and an awesome happy hour at the Full Moon Saloon.
Purple Moose: CFo Charlene Carr, Dieane Long, owner Gary Walker, and Morgan Myslinski.
By Terri French
Full Moon Saloon Servers: Mary Hardester, Alicia Taylor, olivia Howard and Mary Armstrong
Purple Moose: Robert and Wendy Palumbi
In Places
Full Moon Saloon: Harry Reinhart, Colleen & Bob Caputo
Purple Moose Staffers: Tom Kuser, Yonatan Yoseph, Kristen Brucki and Nick Lasick
Taphouse Tavern: iT Guy Jeff Hinkle, Bryan Chetelat, owner Zev Sibony, Jessica Watkins, Frankie Ritsua and Megan Aro-Congratulaions!
The New Taphouse Tavern: Bryanna Daugherty and Shane Marquess
Full Moon Saloon: Karen Graham, Damian McAlister and Nancy Gruber-Cassell
The New Taphouse Tavern: 1st customers, Monica Hemmings and Jeff Lamm
Full Moon Saloon: Bartender Jeanie Hancock and GM Marcy Kerin-Mikell
May 31, 2019
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
The Dispatch Crossword Puzzle
e ave save save save ave sav save s s e sav e sav e sav e sav e sav
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e sav ve sa e sav e sav e sav e sav e sav e e sav sav e e sav sav 1200 PAIRS e sav Discontinued Styles ave s e sav Sperry • Sebago • Docksides • New Balance e sav Naturalizer • Grasshoppers • Clarks Women’s e sav MEN’S & LADIES’ SHOES save e SIZES e sav N: 9-12, 13; M, MEN’S sav W: 7-12, 13, 14, 15 WW: 8-13 WOMEN’S SIZES e sav N: 7-10; M: 5-10, 11; W: 6-10, 11: WW: 6 1/2-10 save e Located At Rte. 1 At West Virginia Ave. sav ve (4 Streets North Of MD Line, Ocean Side) a e s v sa Fenwick Island, DE • 302-539-4599 e e sav save save OPEN DAILY save sav save
SAVE 20% TO 50%
Answers On PAge 48
3 P.M.-10 P.M. • DINE IN ONLY
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$5 MINI NACHOS (Beef, Chicken, Pork, Bean Or Chili)
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 11 A.M. 5 P.M.-10 P.M.
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK AT NOON MONTEGO BAY SHOPPING CENTER 130TH ST., OCEAN CITY, MD. 410-250-4424 • Reservation For Parties Of 8 Or More
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May 31, 2019
May 31, 2019
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Watershed Series Event Planned For Bishopville
May 31, 2019
BERLIN – The Maryland Coastal Bays Program (MCBP) will be hosting the second series of the ‘Discover Your Watershed’ program, Saturday, June 8 at the Lizard Hill restoration site located in Bishopville from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. This event will focus on “Funky Fauna,” a fun term we use for animalbased sampling. Volunteers will walk throughout the property with MCBP staff to search and identify local animals and habitats. There will also be hands-on educational stations about the freshwater fish and macroinvertebrates found on site. Originally a large sand pit, Lizard Hill is now a spectacular 30-acre Atlantic white cedar community, a once very common ecological community of trees that is now virtually non-existent in Maryland. The objective of this restoration project is to reintroduce this native tree while also reducing nutrient inputs into the St. Martin River. Lizard Hill is a State Highway Administration (SHA) property so public access is limited by design. This Discover Your Watershed program is a great opportunity to see and experience this successful restoration project first-hand. This is the perfect opportunity for school groups, church groups, families, and individuals to explore a MCBP management property that is typically closed to the public. Lunch will be provided after the event. Long pants, old shoes or boots, sunscreen and bug spray are encouraged. This event is free and open to the public. Please RSVP by contacting Meg Buonpane at or call 410-213-2297, extension 107. The next Discover Your Watershed program will be held Oct. 12 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will entail a large clean up on local back roads. Discover Your Watershed series is a program dedicated to providing residents and visitors the opportunity to explore and learn about area restoration properties in the coastal bays watershed. MCBP is a 501 c3 non-profit dedicated to protecting the five coastal bays located behind Ocean City and Assateague Island.
May 31, 2019
er t or
er s
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
“Your Friends At The Beach”
VOLuMe XXIII • eDItIOn nO. 7
Summer Of 1977
Resort Property Management
down was all that was needed. Ames Discount Department Stores was advertising its two modern stores on Route 50 and Route 1. La Riviera Carousel Center was featuring Geoffrey Beene apparel at its Carousel location as well as in Shantytown. The Bayside Skillet was open 24 hours a day for breakfast, lunch, dinner and late supper.
Issue Highlights This week’s “Resorter Girl” was Linda Dilks from Wilmington, Del. She was 22 years old and spending her summer working as a waitress at the Bonfire. The newest oceanfront condominium selling units was The Quay on 107th Street. An advertisement suggested 5%
Among the entertainers featured on the “After Dark” pages were George & The Diminished, Fenwick Inn Lookout; The New Censation, Paddock; Fire & Ice, Wharf; Source, Finnigan’s Rainbow; The Embers, Quarterdeck; and W.O.W., Brass Ring. English’s at this time had three local locations — 15th Street and 137th Street in Ocean City and at the Berlin Shopping Center.
Page 11B
DCMA PCAM® ◘ AMS® CMCA Certified MHIC #68055
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410-213-7144 9923 Stephen Decatur Hwy., Suite D-6, Ocean City, Md. 21842 •
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The Bull on the Beach Boardwalk location hosted last month’s Downtown After Dark with Brad Wells, Joe Oertel and Dave nazario at the helm.
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
By Jeanette Deskiewicz
Raising money to “Fight the Bite” were Chris Butler, Susan Braniecki, and Sue Carpenter, who set up the auction items for the Lyme Disease 5K after party.
In Society
May 31, 2019
During the 9th Annual Ocean Pines Chamber Business Expo representatives of Avery Hall Insurance Solutions, Alyssa Sinagra, Jamie Berger, and Terri Charest handed out some cool promotional swag.
Welcoming guests to the ribbon cutting of their newest restaurant were Shelly Freund, Jennifer Kropp, Kathleen Kropp (owner) and Lester Warfield of Sanibel’s Oceanside 32.
Looking forward to another year of volunteering at the boardwalk information cottage were Ed and Charlotte Montgomery during the Downtown Association After Dark.
Bank of Delmarva’s Kelly Swagler and Amy Senseny talked with attendees about current specials during the 9th Annual Ocean Pines Chamber Business Expo.
Offering information about health insurance at the 9th Annual Ocean Pines Chamber Business Expo were Becky grinath and Sullar Barfield of Worcester County Health Department.
Stepping out of the kitchen for the Sanibel’s Oceanside 32 ribbon cutting were chefs Stephen White and Darius Evans.
The Cork Bar played host to the Lyme Disease 5K after party with bartenders Duane Cover and Steve Silverman mixing up the drinks.
Lyme Disease 5K volunteers Avery and Sherry Lorah checked out the silent auctions items up for bid at the after race party held at the Cork Bar.
May 31, 2019
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
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In The Patriotic Spirit: Ocean Pines Swim Team members and coaches dedicated a portion of Saturday morning, May 25, to cleaning up the grounds surrounding the Worcester County Veterans Memorial at Ocean Pines. The memorial hosted a large holiday ceremony on Memorial Day. Photo by Olga Bisultanava
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
May 31, 2019
ARIES (March 21 to April 19): There's nothing an Aries Lamb likes less than having to tackle a humdrum task. But finding a creative way to do it can make all the difference. A more exciting time awaits you this weekend. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20): Finishing up a job on time leaves you free to enjoy your weekend without any Taurean guilt pangs. A romantic attitude from an unlikely source could take you by surprise. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): Moving in a new career direction might be seen by some as risky. But if you have both the confidence to see it through and the facts to back you up, it could prove rewarding. CANCER (June 21 to July 22): Holding back on a decision might be difficult, considering how long you've waited for this opportunity. But until you're able to resolve all doubts, it could be the wiser course to take. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22): You still need to move carefully where financial matters are concerned. Better for the Lion to move slowly than pounce on a "promising" prospect that doesn't keep its promises. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22): A rejection of an idea you believe in can be upsetting. But don't let it discourage you. Get yourself back on track and use what you've learned from the experience to try again. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): The early part of the week could find you looking to balance your priorities between your family obligations and your career responsibilities. Pressures begin to ease by week's end. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21): An associate's problem could cause unavoidable delays in moving ahead with your joint venture. If so, use the time to look into another project you had previously set aside. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): Although a financial problem could be very close to being resolved in your favor, it's still a good idea to avoid unnecessary spending for at least a little while longer. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19): Support for some unwelcome workplace decisions begins to show up, and continues to build, so that by week's end, the gregarious Goat is as popular as ever. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18): Congratulations. Deciding to attend a social function you might have earlier tried to avoid could turn out to be one of the best decisions you've made in a long time. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20): Getting into a new situation could prove to be a more difficult experience than you expected. Don't hesitate to ask for advice in coping with some of the more irksome challenges. BORN THIS WEEK: Your strong sense of duty makes you a valued and trusted member of your community. Have you considered a career in law enforcement? Š 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
May 31, 2019
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
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Be Safe And Thanks For Visiting Ocean City
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
May 31, 2019
Welcome To weSt ocean city
May 31, 2019
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Play It Safe With OC Transportation
May 31, 2019
OCEAN CITY – It’s that time of year when the recent high school graduates make their annual passage to Ocean City to celebrate their accomplishments and to relax a little before college and their summer jobs, internships and new challenges. Ocean City Transportation is here to help provide transportation for their stay at the beach. Combined with the “Play it Safe” activities around town, the benefits of using the bus to get around the beach is easy and inexpensive plus the bus is available with frequent service of 10 minutes or less. The bus is the perfect transportation to the group events. The first thing to do is get the $5 “Ripley’s Believe It or Not” voucher at any one of six locations through June 14. Locations include the Ocean City Police Department Records Office at 65th Street, the Convention Center Visitor Center and City Hall Finance Office as well as Northside Park office. For evening sales, weather permitting, there are the tram stations at the ticket window at both 27th Street on the Boardwalk and at First Street on the Boardwalk under the big “Welcome to Ocean City” sign. These two ticket office locations stay open until midnight from 11 a.m. Once the voucher is purchased, the top part is good for a discounted entry into Ripley’s and the voucher can be turned in for an unlimited ride wristband to ride the buses for a week. The neon blue wristband is good through June 8 and the pink wristband is then valid from June 8-15 at 10 a.m. That’s an excellent buy at $3 per day for an unlimited ride pass or a $21 value. For the original $5 investment, the Play it Safe voucher gets the unlimited rides worth up to $21 plus the discount to “Ripley’s Believe it or Not” on the Boardwalk. The buses run every 10 minutes or less during the summer hours from 6 a.m. until 3 a.m. and every 20 minutes after 3 a.m. until 6 a.m. With a wristband, just show the driver and ride. There are 143 stops in the system including all of Coastal Highway, Baltimore and Philadelphia Avenue in downtown Ocean City and a stop at Tanger Outlets and the West Ocean City Park and Ride Lot. Bus location can be accessed by smart phone by downloading the TransLoc rider app or by texting the stop information provided on the bus stop signs to 41411. Riding the buses, which are safe, clean and modern, is comparable to a single driven vehicle, thanks to mostly dedicated bus lanes along the routes. The benefit to the high school graduates is that they will meet other graduates from other parts of Maryland and other areas on the buses. The bus over the years has been a great meeting place and a rolling form of social meeting place. – Mark Rickards Special To The Dispatch (The writer is the transit manager for the Town of Ocean City’s Department of Public Works.)
Testing For A Lifeguard Can Lead To Big Life Change
May 31, 2019
OCEAN CITY -- My family has been vacationing in Ocean City since the 1970’s. Ocean City had a completely different look to it back then, and if you ever have the opportunity to look at old pictures of OC take advantage of it. The city has grown so much to accommodate the large number of families that continue to vacation here. One of the main reasons my family came back to Ocean City summer after summer was the lifeguards. The lifeguards were always friendly, polite, attentive, and proactive. My family always got to know our lifeguard and really enjoyed returning the following summer to the same guard. Every day, we would offer our lifeguard lunch and water. Sometimes on their lunch break they would give up their own time to play with us on the beach or in the water. Overall, the lifeguards in Ocean City have been great role models, educators and friends. Every summer we went to Ocean City, my family would say jokingly, “Damien, I bet you could do that!” I would always reply, “maybe when I am older.” Fast-forward to college where I was studying and playing two sports and in the summers I would guard and coach swimming at a local pool. I had done some research into becoming a Surf Rescue Technician (SRT or lifeguard) in Ocean City. Unfortunately, the next tryout was being held during college soccer pre-season. As I was approaching the middle of my sophomore year, I was not as excited for summer to come. I guess it was the thought of the same old summer job that I had been doing for five years. Luckily, there was a tryout at York College that March, and all I was thinking about is what my family had said to me over and over, “I bet you could do that.” I decided to go to the tryout and never looked back. A lot has changed since that day, but one thing hasn’t. The test remains the same. As with anything in life, it is a test that can be conquered with proper training. In fact, we have several people tryout and not make the required times, only to return later and pass because they have implemented the proper training. We love when this happens because perseverance is one of the most admirable qualities in an employee. You just need to have the right attitude and motivation coupled with the proper training and you too could work for the Ocean City Beach Patrol. You don’t even need to have any certifications to be hired as a beach patrol lifeguard, because we provide all the needed certifications during a paid ($13.55) Surf Rescue Training Academy. Once I became a crew chief in 2009, I had the ability to be part of ad-
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ministering tests to the candidates. ously since the day to day running of the patrol is centered on teamTo this day, it is still one of my work. My story is only one of the favorite activities on the beach many you would come across if patrol. Along with making resyou asked any of the current or cues, you have the unique exformer members of the patrol. perience of being able to impact an individual’s life during the If you are interested in trying test whether they make it or out, or even interested in getting not. Being a teacher at heart, I DAMIEN more information about the ornot only love cheering on the SANZOTTI ganization, I would encourage new candidates, but I also enjoy you to check out our website at teaching them new skills. or call The feeling of bringing “new blood” Beach Patrol headquarters at 410into the organization is extremely ex- 289-7556. Our final Pre-Employment Physiciting. The beach patrol has always been people oriented so we resemble cal Skills Evaluation (testing) for this a giant family. Obviously, we take the season will take place on Saturday, addition of new employees very seri- June 1 at 9 a.m. at Dorchester Street
and the Boardwalk. If you’re not ready for this season but would like to be an SRT during the 2020 season, you may register starting on June 2, for testing that begins this August. Being a part of this organization will certainly change your life. I can guarantee that because of the impact that the people and the job had on mine. I hope to see you at the next test, and “I bet you can do that.”
– Damien Sanzotti Special To The Dispatch (The writer has been with the beach patrol for 16 years and is currently a sergeant. He is a physical education teacher at Berlin Intermediate School.)
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Who’s Where When 28th/127th Street Pit & Pub 410-289-2020 • 443-664-7482 28th St. & Coastal hwy. & 127th St. & Coastal hwy. Friday, May 31: The Jack & T Show, 6 p.m. Wednesdays: DJ Wax (127th St.) 45th Street taPhouSe 443-664-2201 • 4507 Coastal hwy. Friday, May 31: Collin, 8 p.m. Saturday, June 1: Ana & Jovan, 8 p.m. Sunday, June 2: Ian McG, 8 p.m. Wednesday, June 5: Aaron Howell, 1 p.m. Thursday, June 6: Ward Ewing, 8 p.m.
Best Beats The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
on the beach
May 31, 2019
dj RoBCee Fager’s Island: Saturday, june 1
SeaN LoomIS mad Fish: Friday, may 31 Pickles Pub: Saturday, june 1 Coconuts Beach Bar: thursday, june 6
atlantiC hotel 410-641-3589 • 2 north Main St., berlin Mondays: Earl Beardsley Tuesdays: Bob Miller on Piano
dj duSty Clarion/ocean Club: every Friday & Saturday
buxy’S Salty Dog/Dry DoCk 28 410-289-0973 • 28th St. & Coastal hwy. Sundays: Local Party w/DJ BK CaPtain’S table 410-289-7192 Courtyard by Marriott hotel, 15th St. & baltimore ave. Every Thursday Thru Saturday: Phil Perdue On Piano
Clarion hotel 410-524-3535 • 10100 Coastal highway Ocean Club: Friday & Saturday, May 31 & June 1: Hero Fridays & Saturdays: DJ Dusty Lenny’s Beach Bar: Friday-Sunday, May 31-June 2: On The Edge, 4 p.m. Monday, June 3: Glass Onion Tuesday-Thursday, June 4-6: On The Edge
CoConutS beaCh bar & grill CaStle in the SanD hotel 37th & 38th St. • 410-289-6846 Friday, May 31: Darin Engh, Noon-4 p.m., Naked Nation, 5-9 p.m. Saturday, June 1: Top Shelf Duo, Noon-4 p.m., Sunday, June 2: Heather Vidal, Noon-3 p.m., Lauren Glick Band, 4-8 p.m. Monday, June 3: Nate Clendenen, Noon-3 p.m. Bob Wilkinson & Joe Smooth 4-8 p.m. Tuesday, June 4: Keri Anthony, Noon-3 p.m., Angeline Leach Duo, 4-8 p.m. Wednesday, June 5: Heather Vidal, Noon-3 p.m., Chris Button & Joe Mama, 4-8 p.m. Thursday, June 6: Sean Loomis, Noon-3 p.m., Chris Diller 4-8 p.m. CrabCake faCtory baySiDe 302-988-5000 rt. 54 fenwick island, De Friday, May 31: Lost & Found, 5 p.m. Sunday, June 2: Chris Button 2 p.m. Wednesday, June 5: Kevin Poole, 5 p.m.
fager’S iSlanD 410-524-5500 • 60th St. in the bay Friday, May 31: Steve Ports Trio, 5:30 p.m., DJ Hook, 9 p.m., What’s Next?, 10 p.m. Saturday, June 1: Steve Ports Trio, 5:30 p.m., DJ RobCee, 9:30 p.m., The Sweet Talkers, 10 p.m. Sunday, June 2: Everett Spells, 11 a.m. Monday, June 3: DJ Wax, 5:30 p.m., DJ Louie T, 9:30 p.m., It’s All Good, 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 5: DJ Adam Dutch, 9:30 p.m., DJ Louie & The Game Changers, 10 p.m. greene turtle north 410-723-2120 • 11601 Coastal hwy. Friday, May 31: Lauren Glick Duo, 5 p.m., DJ Wax, 10 p.m. Saturday, June 1: The Swell Fellas, 10 p.m. Mondays: Karaoke W/ DJ Wood Wednesday: DJ Wiz
heRo Clarion/ocean Club: Friday & Saturday, may 31 & june 1
kevIN PooLe Crabcake Factory Bayside: Wednesday, june 5
aaRoN hoWeLL 45th St. taphouse: Wednesday, june 5
dj BILLy t harborside: mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
jah WoRkS Seacrets: Friday & Saturday, may 31 & june 1
dj BatmaN m.R. ducks: Fridays
joe mama Coconuts Beach Bar: Wednesday, june 5 Lobster Shanty: Sundays
RaNdy Lee aShCRaFt & SWC johnny’s Pizza & Pub: Wednesdays: Smitty mcGee’s: thursdays & Fridays
the SWeet taLkeRS Fager’s Island: Saturday, june 1
BeatS By Wax Fager’s Island: monday, june 3 Greene turtle North: Fridays 127th St. Pit & Pub: Wednesdays Pickles Pub: thursdays BeatS By jeRemy mad Fish: Wednesday, june 5 Pickles Pub: Fridays & mondays harborside: Saturdays
greene turtle WeSt 410-213-1500 • rte. 611, West oC Friday, May 31: Lime Green Band
harborSiDe 410-213-1846 South harbor road, West oC Fridays: DJ Billy T Saturday, June 1: Chris Button/Side Project, DJ Jeremy Sunday, June 2: Opposite Directions, 2 p.m., Jade Lee Band, 8 p.m. Mondays: Blake Haley, 4 p.m., DJ Billy T, 4 p.m. Tuesdays: Dust N Bones, 6 p.m. Wednesdays: DJ Billy T, 4 p.m., Trivia w/DJ Bigler, 8 p.m. Thursdays: Opposite Directions, 6 p.m.
LIme GReeN Greene turtle West: Friday, may 31
otto GRuNdmaN Crabcake Factory: thursdays
May 31, 2019
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
vINyL RhINo Purple moose: Friday & Saturday, may 31 & june 1
the SWeLL FeLLaS Greene turtle North: Saturday, june 1
Page 53
Who’s Where When harPoon hanna’S 302-539-3095 rt. 54 & the bay, fenwick island, De Friday, May 31: Dave Hawkins, 4 p.m., Glass Onion, 10 p.m. Saturday, June 1: Dave Sherman, 5 p.m., Sunday, June 2: Kevin Poole, 2 p.m., Dale Teat, 10 p.m. Monday, June 3: Dave Hawkins, 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 4: DJ Rupe/Kevin Poole Wednesday, June 5: Dave Sherman, 5 p.m. Thursday, June 6: Dale Teat, 5 p.m. high StakeS bar & grill 302-537-6971 rt. 54, fenwick island, De Friday, May 31: Reform School Saturday, June 1: Dust N Bones Thursdays: Baltimore Bob, 4 p.m. Fridays & Saturdays: Bob Burns, 4 p.m.
hooterS 410-213-1841 12513 ocean gateway, rte. 50, West oC Friday, May 31: DJ Wax, 4 p.m. Saturday, June 1: Classic Vibe, 4 p.m. Monday, June 2: This Your Monkey, 2 p.m.
johnny’S Pizza & Pub 410-723-5600 • rt. 54 fenwick island, De Wednesdays: Randy Lee Ashcraft & The Saltwater Cowboys
BaRReL-CheSted BeeR BeLLIeS m.R. ducks: Saturday, june 1
oPPoSIte dIReCtIoNS Seacrets: tuesday, june 4 harborside: Sundays & thursdays
lobSter Shanty 302-436-2305 56th St. & Coastal hwy., bayside Sunday, June 2: Joe Mama & Sean Styles, 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 5: Smooth & Remy, 5 p.m. Thursday, June 6: Steve Kuhn, 5 p.m. M.r. DuCkS 410-289-9125 • 311 talbot St. Friday, May 31: DJ Batman, 5 p.m. Saturday, June 1: Barrel-Chested Beer Bellies, 4 p.m. Sunday, June 2: Side Project, 3 p.m.
jaCk & t 28th Street Pit & Pub: Friday, may 31
Smooth & Remy Lobster Shanty: Wednesday, june 5
MaD fiSh 410-213-2525 12817 harbor rd., West o.C. Friday, May 31: Sean Loomis, 5 p.m. Saturday, June 1: Naked Nation, 5 p.m., DJ BK, 8 p.m. Sunday, June 2: Funk Shué, 2 p.m. Wednesday, June 5: Josh Pryor, 5 p.m., Karaoke w/Jeremy, 8 p.m.
PiCkleS Pub 410-289-4891 8th St. & Philadelphia ave. Friday, May 31: Beats By Jeremy, 10 p.m. Saturday, June 1: Sean Loomis Mondays: Karaoke W/ Jeremy Tuesdays: Beats By Adam Dutch Thursdays: Beats By Wax PurPle MooSe 410-289-6953 between Caroline & talbot Streets on the boardwalk Friday & Saturday, May 31 & June 1: Vinyl Rhino, 10 p.m. Sunday-Thursday, June 2-6: CK The DJ, 9 p.m. Friday-Sunday, May 31-June 2: CK The DJ, 2 p.m.
LauReN GLICk BaNd Greene turtle North: Friday, may 31 (duo) Coconuts Beach Bar: Sunday, june 2
Steve PoRtS tRIo Fager’s Island: Friday & Saturday, may 31 & june 1
jIm LoNG BaNd Seacrets: Friday & Saturday, may 31 & june 1
oN the edGe Lenny’s Beach Bar/Clarion: Friday-Sunday, may 31-june 2 & tuesday-thursday june 4-6
SMitty MCgee’S 302-436-4716 37234 lighthouse rd., West fenwick ireland, De Thursdays & Fridays: Randy Lee Ashcraft & The Saltwater Cowboys
SeaCretS 410-524-4900 49th St.& Coastal hwy. Friday, May 31: DJ Bobby O, 11 a.m., Jim Long Band, 5 p.m., Jah Works, 9 p.m., My Hero Zero, 10 p.m., 3 DJs Saturday, June 1: Cruz In De Bay, 10 a.m., Jim Long Band, 5 p.m., Jah Works, 9 p.m., APS, 10 p.m., Cherry Crush, 11:30 p.m., 4 DJs Sunday, June 2: Bobby O In De Bay, 10 a.m., John McNutt Band, 5 p.m., S.T.O.R.M., 9 p.m., Shake 3X, 10 p.m., 3 DJs Monday, June 3: Full Circle, 5 p.m., S.T.O.R.M., 9 p.m., DJ Tuesday, June 4: Opposite Directions, 5 p.m., Buddha Council, 9 p.m. DJ, 10 p.m. Wednesday, June 5: Full Circle Duo, 5 p.m., Buddha Council, 9 p.m., DJ, 10 p.m. Thursday, June 6: DJ Bobby O 11 a.m., The Freddie Long Band, 5 p.m., Go Go Gadjet, 10 P.M., 2 DJs
Fenwick Officials Begin Proposed $2.6M Budget Review
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FENWICK ISLAND – A Fenwick Island committee began its review of the fiscal year 2020 budget earlier this month. On May 22, Town Manager Terry Tieman presented the Fenwick Island Budget Committee with a total proposed budget of $2,634,896 for the coming fiscal year. The draft spending plan includes an operating budget of $2,188,708. Property taxes, rental receipt tax and
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Police Spending Estimated At $772K
building permits make up more than 60% of proposed revenues. However, it still leaves the town with a shortfall of more than $119,000. Tieman noted transfer tax and rental receipts are projected to decrease by $41,000 and $12,000, respectively, in the coming year. “Transfers to the general fund are budgeted lower at $175,000, or down
19%,” she said. “And rental receipts are projected lower due to the temporary closing of the Sands Motel. We won’t be getting gross rental receipts from them, which is about $12,000.” This year’s proposed operating budget includes $772,661 for the Fenwick Island Police Department, $434,716 for general government, $387,005 for administration, $337,022 for beach patrol and $257,304 for public works. “This is a tough budget year …,” Tieman said. “It’s tough in the sense that the RTT (realty transfer tax) funds are not coming in at what we anticipated it to come in at, the revenues are down there, and the building permits are starting to come down a little bit.” To that end, committee members this week discussed at length ways to cut costs and generate additional revenue for the town in light of recent funding challenges. In a review of the town’s fee schedule, for example, committee members questioned if the town should reconsider extending parking hours for the next summer season. Earlier this month, the town council voted against the finance committee’s recommendation to extend paid parking from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
May 31, 2019
“I still think we should revisit this parking thing,” Councilwoman Julie Lee said. “We keep saying we don’t know how much revenue we are doing to get, but we’ve never looked at having parking to 6 o’clock.” To that end, the committee made a favorable recommendation to send the proposal back to the town council for discussion and possible action. The budget committee this week also made a favorable recommendation to increase bonfire fees from $75 to $100 effective May 15, 2020. “It’s not an anti-business move,” Councilwoman Vicki Lee said of the parking recommendation. “Let’s take care of the town. We’ve got things we do that cost money.” The proposed budget also includes $446,188 in capital expenses for the coming year. The town has budgeted $37,000 for a new police car and $409,188 for various public works projects. “The biggest one this year is the street project,” Tieman said. “We just finished phase one of the project … but the second phase is really overlay work, which is much different than microsurfacing. That will cost $382,988.” The committee will continue its discussion of the proposed budget in meetings scheduled for June. The budget is adopted annually each July and takes effect Aug. 1.
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Ellsworth Boyd: A Successful Tryout Led To Great Adventure
May 31, 2019
(Editor’s Note: The following is the latest of an going series on the men and women who have spent their summers protecting all those who came to Ocean City for fun and safe vacation.) OCEAN CITY – In 1951, a year before the Chesapeake Bay Bridge would open and bring with it a flood of vacationers, Ocean City was a sleepy little resort town. The Ocean City Beach Patrol was already well established by then and despite changes in staff and rescue techniques, there had always been one constant: the try-out test. Ellsworth Boyd was a Washington College sophomore, working his way through the summer as, according to him, a "soda jerk and short order cook at Lambros Sundries and Fountain on the Boardwalk between 4th and 5th streets.” Boyd said, “It wasn’t a bad job," but he longed to be outdoors. The umbrella stand owner didn't have any openings, but told Boyd that the beach patrol was looking for one more guard. The guard in front of the Shoreham Hotel helped him train for a week, and when the tryout day came, Boyd found he was up against only one other guy for the single spot. "A bodybuilder with bleached blonde hair," he called him, who many of the locals had nicknamed "the Jerk." They would swim out to "rescue" a victim (a beach patrol officer playing the part) and pull him back in. The winner got the job. "I got a good start, plowed through some breakers and reached my victim in pretty good time,” Boyd recalled. “He cheered me on as I passed the buoy to him and turned back toward shore. Halfway in, he yelled, 'You can take your time now. The Jerk just quit!' His muscles tightened up and he didn’t complete the rescue." “You did good,” Lucky Jordan assured Boyd as he finished the try out. Boyd left the water that morning and started on one of the greatest adventures of his life with the OCBP. Today, Boyd is Professor Emeritus, College of Education, Towson University. A certified scuba diver, he writes a monthly column for adventure author Clive Cussler’s website,
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
OCBP Alumni Of The Week
Former Ocean City Beach Patrol member Ellsworth Boyd is pictured, left, with his colleagues in the early 1950s. Above right, he is shown with his flotation device. Submitted Photos
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
May 31, 2019
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Gateway Subaru recently presented a check to Worcester County Humane Society (WCHS) for $24,486. This is the third year in a row that they have partnered with the no kill shelter. The donation came through the "Share the Love Event" where Gateway customers could choose the shelter to receive a donation when they purchased their vehicle. Pictured, from left, are shelter employee Chris White, delivery specialist Aislyn VanGenderen, WCHS Board member Judy Galuardi, WCHS Board member Sandy Summers, WCHS employee Patrick Priest, sales manager Wendy Schiavone, District Sales Manager, Subaru of America Molly Moran, Field Operations Analyst, Subaru of America Daniel Chait, WCHS employees Stephanie Bianca and Danielle DeVan, WCHS Board member Anne O'Connell, WCHS volunteer/employee Barb Griffiths, WCHS employee Ashley Keener and District Parts and Service Manager, Subaru of America Jason Raguz. Submitted Photos
AGH Center Awarded BERLIN – For the 10th straight year, The Wound Care Center at Atlantic General Hospital was presented with the Center of Excellence Award for 2018 during National Hospital Week. Healogics, the nation’s largest provider of advanced wound care services, bestows the Robert A. Warriner III, M.D., Center of Excellence Award to those wound care centers that achieve or exceeds clinical and operational benchmarks. Out of 413
eligible centers, 342 earned the award this year. The Wound Care Center offers highly specialized wound care to patients suffering from diabetic ulcers, pressure ulcers, infections and other chronic wounds that have not healed in a reasonable amount of time. Advanced treatments included negative pressure wound therapy, bio-engineered skin substitutes, biological and biosynthetic dressings and growth factor therapies. SEE NEXT PAGE
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Pictured with the Center of Excellence Award are Sherry Whitt, director of the medical surgical department; Geri Rosol, past program director; Mary Mullins, clinical program manager of the Wound Care Center; Colleen Wareing, vice president of patient care services at AGH; and Michael Franklin, president and CEO of Atlantic General Hospital.
... Business News
May 31, 2019
“We are fortunate to have such an amazing resource in our local community. The wound care center is a lifeline for those suffering from chronic wounds,” said Mary Mullins, Clinical Program Manager of the Wound Care Center. “This award demonstrates Atlantic General Wound Care Center’s continued and consistent commitment to our patients and hospital partners, and a focus on creating an exceptional patient experience,” said David Bassin, Healogics chief executive officer.
Operations Director Named BERLIN – Faw Casson announced Brian J. Stetina, CPA has been elected to serve as the next director of operations for the firm. “I am excited to have been chosen to lead the firm,” said Stetina. “Faw Casson is celebrating 75 years, BRIAN J. STETINA and the continued success of the firm is important to me. The position is an honor but it is the team that makes us great.” Stetina has been with Faw Casson since 2006 and is a Delaware native, living in Dover with his wife, Heather. Lisa Hastings, who has served as director of operations for two terms, said, “We are executing a planned transition of leadership which involves everyone in the firm. Challenging ourselves to do the work of succession planning means that our best talent can advance and thrive, and our clients can have confidence in us for the long term.” “We are excited to have Brian step into the director of operations role and lead the next generation. Brian, with the entire firm behind him, represents a new chapter and an invigorated team,” said Chad T. Vent, CPA and managing partner of the Ocean City office.
Ribbon-Cutting Planned OCEAN CITY – For nearly 90 years, the original and one and only Alaska Stand has been a fixture on the Ocean City landscape and the traditions enjoyed by generations will continue this summer and far beyond. The Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce will recognize the Alaska Stand’s contributions to the resort with a special ribbon-cutting ceremony on Saturday, June 1, at the famed location on 9th Street. The event will start at 10:30 a.m. and the chamber will be on hand at 11 a.m. for the ceremonial ribbon-cutting to kickoff the summer season. Throughout the event, the Alaska Stand will be offering samples of some of its offerings until 1 p.m. and patrons will enjoy a 10% discount until 3 p.m. The Renner and Givarz families thank the generations of Alaska Stand supporters over the years and plan to carry on the tradition for years to come.
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Every Monday: TOPS Meeting
5:30-6:30 p.m. Atlantic General Hospital, Berlin. Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a support group promoting weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.410-641-0157.
Every Monday: Delmarva Chorus Meeting
7 p.m. Ocean Pines Community Center. Women of all ages invited to sing with the group. 410-6416876.
Second Monday Of Month: Ocean Pines Camera Club 7 p.m. Ocean Pines branch library. Monthly get-together to share photos, tips, programs. Group goes on a photo shoot the Saturday following meeting and hosts a hands-on workshop the last Thursday of each month. Professional and amateur photographers and new members welcome. Meets second Monday of each month.
Every Tuesday: TOPS Meeting
5:30-7 p.m. Worcester County Health Center, 9730 Healthway Dr., Berlin. Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a support and educational group promoting weight loss and healthy lifestyle.
Third Tuesday: Alzheimer’s Support Group
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Berlin Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, 9715 Healthway Dr., Berlin. Free caregivers group. 410-629-6123.
Every Wednesday: Delmarva Hand Dance Club Dance To Sounds of ’50s And ’60s Music
5:30-9 p.m. Ocean City Elks Lodge, 13708 Sinepuxent Ave. $5 donation per person to benefit veterans and local charities in the Delmarva region. All are welcome. dance@delmarvahanddancing.-com or 410-208-1151.
Second Wednesday: Polish American Club Of Delmarva Meeting
2-4 p.m. Columbus Hall. Anyone of Polish or Slavic descent is welcome. No meetings June, July, August. 410-723-2639 or 410-250-2548.
Every Thursday: Beach Singles
45 Plus, happy hour 4-7 p.m., Clarion Hotel, 10100 Coastal Hwy., Ocean City. 302-436-9577, 410-5240649,
Second Thursday: Ocean Pines Garden Club
10 a.m. Ocean Pines Community Center. Visitors and new members welcome.
Every Friday: Knights Of Columbus #9053 Bingo
Doors open at 5 p.m., bingo at 6:30 p.m. 9901 Coastal Hwy., Ocean City. Possible to win the $1,000 big jackpot each week. 410-524-7994.
Every Friday: FORGE Contemporary Youth And Family Ministry
Things To Do The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
edge and offer tips on being creative with words.
Every Sunday Now Through Sept. 29: Berlin Farmers Market
9 a.m.-1 p.m. Producers-only market featuring locally handmade or grown products. More than 20 vendors including fresh fruits and veggies, baked goods, seafood, poultry, farm-fresh eggs, organic goods, wood working, beauty products and much more. Live music by local artists, kids crafts and a petting zoo. Berlin Welcome Center: 410-973-2051.
May 31: Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School Spring Open House
9-11 a.m. MBS, 11242 Racetrack Rd., Berlin. All are welcome. MBS is a pre-K3 through eighth grade school. 410-2 08-1600.
June 1: Outdoor Flea Market
8 a.m.-noon. Bethany United Methodist Church, 8648 Stephen Decatur Hwy., Berlin (corner of Route 611 and Sng Harbor Road). Breakfast and baked items offered. Thirty-five-plus vendors. Information or spce rental: 410-641-2186 or
June 4: Faith-Based Partnership
10-11 a.m., Burbage Regional Cancer Care Center Conference Room. A cooperative effort for local Worship Centers and Atlantic General Hospital & Health System to increase health awareness, education, and healthy living incentives for our community members. They meet monthly on the first Tuesday.
June 4: OWL Summit-Older & Wiser Living
9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Sponsored by Peninsula Home Care. Fee health care conference, Shorebirds Stadium Executive Club. OWL Summit attendance, free parking, boxed lunch and door prizes for all attendees. RSVP required by May 30. To register, call 410-543-7550 or visit
June 6: Women’s Club Of Ocean Pines Game Party
6:30-8:30 p.m. FORGE Center, 7804 Gumboro Rd., Pittsville. Designed for kids ages 5-65, the program provides a meal, music, games, activities and a life lesson that can be of use to anyone. Christianbased program but does not require the practice of faith to attend. 443-366-2813.
10 a.m.-2 p.m. Dunes Manor Hotel, Ocean City. Organize a table to play a game of cards with friends or we’ll find a group that needs a player. Munchies and beverages during play, lunch entree from choice of three. Raffles. Cost: $30, payable to WCOP. Fundraiser to benefit high school scholarship and community donations program. 410-600-0552, 443-397-6121 or
10 a.m.-noon. Berlin branch, Worcester County Library. Anyone interested in writing is invited to join the group and share a story, poem or essay or just come and enjoy listening to others. This is a free activity. New members are always welcome. The group is comprised of amateur as well as professional, published writers willing to share their knowl-
7-10 p.m. Germantown School Community Heritage Center. Join in for a night of blues and jazz, fellowship and fun under the big tent in the spacious yard. Music provided by VT Second Edition, reviving their original band, The Vibratones. Tickets: $25/person. Reservations: 410-641-0638. The Vibratones began at UMES in the early ’60s and played well into the
First Saturday Of Month: Writers Group
June 7: Dancing Under The Stars
’70s throughout the Eastern Shore at clubs, graduations and other community and social events. Sure to bring back sweet memories of the musical adventures of the past. This fundraiser benefits ongoing expenses of maintaining this local historical gem built in 1923 to educate African American students in grades one-seven. Many former students will be joing in this event.
June 7: Legion Live Music
7-11 p.m. American Legion Post 123, 10111 Old Ocean City Blvd., Berlin. “The ShoreMixx Band” will be playing favorite tunes from the bay to the beach. $5 donation. Public welcome
June 7: Youth Movie Night
5 p.m. Makemie Memorial, 103 West, Market St., Snow Hill will host a free showing of SpiderMan Into The Spider-Verse for the community’s youth.
Saturdays June 8, July 13, Aug. 10: Chicken Barbecue
8 a.m. until sold out. Berlin Fire Company, Station 2, 8427 Stephen Decatur Hwy., Berlin (across from Frontier Town on Route 611). Half-chicken and a roll: $8. All proceeds benefit Berlin Fire Company.
June 10: Medical Monday
5:30-6:30 p.m. Worcester Youth and Family Counseling Services Ray Room. A free educational session that occurs the second Monday of each month offering a different health topic each month. Reservations are requested but not required, call Michelle 410-641-9268 or visit
June 13: Gardens Of Ocean Pines Tour
9 a.m.-noon. Those interested in showcasing their beautiful gardens, large or small, should contact 410-973-1423 or to discuss placing your garden/yard on the tour.
June 15: Walk With A Doc
9-9:45 a.m.: Town Hall, Berlin. Have fun and learn at this family and pet friendly event. There is a short presentation by a doctor on a current health topic followed by a walk at your own pace while you visit with others and have conversation with the doc. For more information, contact Michelle at 410-641-9268.
June 15: Willards Volunteer Fire Company BBQ
11 a.m.-3 p.m. Route 346 and Main Street across from Farmers Bank of Willards. Includes halfchicken, two sides, roll and can drink. Price: $10. Ticketholders must have chicken picked up by 11:30 a.m. 410-430-1135.
June 15: Pig Roast
11 a.m.-4 p.m. Abate of Sussex County. 34291 West Line Rd., Selbyville, Del. Pig prepared by Chopper. Rita’s Ice Cream and Empire Trading Post, confederate item by Tom Drummond. Bring your own table to set up for free. $15/adults; $7 for 12 and under. $13 for Abate member with valid card. Porton of pro-
May 31, 2019 ceeds go to the Bike Pac of Delaware. DJ/music, door prizes every hour. Rain date: June 16. 302732-3429 or 410-251-8699.
June 19: Worcester GOLD Golf Tournament
5th Annual GOLD on the Green Golf Tournament fundraiser is scheduled on Wednesday, June 19, at Ocean City Golf Club’s Newport Bay Course in Berlin. Registration forms are available on GOLD’s website at For more information about the tournament or how to become a sponsor or donate items, contact Executive Director Sandy Sipes at 410-677-6830 or email
June 29: Democratic Club Of Ocean City And Berlin
4-7 p.m. Annual picnic. Fiesta Park, Ocean City. Chicken, salads, desserts and beverages will be served. $15. Reservations: 410-629-9107. Make check payable to DCOCB, mail to DCOCB, P.O. Box 3195, Ocean City, Md. 21843.
June-Sept. 8 Saturdays: Yoga On The Beach
9 a.m. Enjoy low-impact exercise to increase balance, flexibility and reduce stress to the sound of ambient waves. All levels welcome. Free but park entrance fees are in effect. Donations benefit Assateague Island National Seashore. Bring your own beach towel. Meet at the Shade Pavilion in North Beach parking lot, 6633 Bayberry Dr., Berlin.
July 21: Crab Cake Platter Dinner
11 a.m.-1 p.m. Bishopville Volunteer Fie Department Auxiliary, Main Station. One crab cake on a roll, cole slaw, bag of chips, one beverage (water/soda): $12. Pre-orders recommended as there are only 100 platters available. Call or text 619-922-9950 to reserve dinners.
June 26: Grief Support Group-Life After Loss
6:30-8 p.m.: Atlantic General Hospital Conference Room 1. A supportive and a safe place, allowing members to share stories confidentially, and spend time with others who understand. There are no signins and no special advanced requirements to attend. Gail Mansell, 410-641-9725 or
June 27: Stroke Support Group
2-3 p.m. Atlantic General Hospital Conference Room #1. Atlantic General Hospital Stroke Center has established a stroke support group to provide a community based environment for stroke victims/survivors and caregivers on a monthly basis. We will provide physical and emotional support in a social setting for survivors and caregivers to share their personal experiences and challenges. Coping strategies will also be discussed during these interactions. Anne Waples, 443-614-5720, or
Sept. 7: Walk To End Epilepsy
8 a.m. Boardwalk at the Inlet, Ocean City. Free registration. Join the Epilepsy Foundation Maryland at this nationwide walk to end epilepsy, a fun, familyfriendly walk that brings the community together to affect change through care, advocacy, research and education. Features kids’ games, purple tent, scavenger hunt, entertainment. Money raised from the walk helps fund research and awareness, training programs and first aid, as well as improved access sto specialty and supportive care for the more than 60,000 people affected by epilepsy in Maryand. Create a team, sponsor an activity or be a volunteer. or
OC Air Show Returns June 15-16
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Welcome Ravens Fans
The U.S. Navy Blue Angels are pictured making a turn over Ocean City two years ago. Photo by Chris Parypa
OCEAN CITY – The 2019 OC Air Show will showcase a plethora of military performers when it returns June 15-16 over the beaches and boardwalk of Ocean City. The show will feature two A-10 Warthog Thunderbolts from the 175th Wing of the Maryland Air National Guard. They are scheduled to do flyovers on both show days. The A-10 Warthog or Thunderbolt II is a single-seat, low, straight-wing aircraft. The design of the wing allows short takeoffs and landings from primitive airfields. Because of this, the A10 can operate nearly anywhere and provide ground troops with close air support. There will also be an appearance by the C-5M Super Galaxy from the 436th Airlift Wing based at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware. The C-5M will fly on one day only – Saturday, June 15. The C-5M Super Galaxy is the largest transport aircraft in the U.S. military and one of the largest in the world. The C-5M is a modernized version of the legacy C-5 and is operated by the U.S. Air Force. There are 52 C5Ms in the fleet that are stationed at Dover Air Force Base, Del.; Travis AFB, California; Lackland AFB, Texas; and Westover Air Reserve Base, Mass. The U.S. Coast Guard out of Atlantic City, N.J. will also stage a search and rescue (SAR) demonstration, which will spotlight how the Coast Guard performs an out-the-door water rescue of a person in distress from an HH-65 Daphine helicopter hovering overhead. The U.S. Air Force F-16 Viper Demo Team will also be performing. The team's F-16CM Fighting Falcon, affectionately known as the "Viper," is a single-seat, multi-role fighter with the ability to switch between an air-toground and an air-to-air role at the touch of a button. The F-16 Viper Demo Team recently announced a new commander/demo pilot – Major Garret
“Toro” Schmitz. From Price, Utah, Schmitz is a combat proven fighter pilot with over 340 combat hours in the F-16. The U.S. Navy Blue Angels will headline the 2019 OC Air Show, which will also include the Canadian Armed Forces Snowbirds for the first time ever. For more information about the show, please visit or follow the show on Facebook.
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May 31, 2019
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May 31, 2019
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Former Pocomoke Chief Convicted Again Of Misconduct
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
POCOMOKE – A former Pocomoke police chief, convicted in 2016 of misconduct in officer after allegedly interfering with and glossing over an investigation into a hit-and-run incident, was found guilty again last week after a state appeals court granted him a new trial late last year. In December 2016, Pocomoke Police Chief Kelvin Sewell was found guilty of misconduct in office after reportedly interfering an investigation and using his authority as police chief to gloss over and essentially sweep under the rug a hit-and-run incident involving his friend and fellow Masonic Lodge member. However, the Court of Special Appeals late last year overturned Sewell’s misconduct charge, opining the Circuit Court erred in not allowing his defense team to present a key witness. The Court of Special Appeals remanded the case back to Worcester County Circuit Court for a new trial, which took place over two days two
May 31, 2019
Appeals Court Granted New Trial
weeks ago. After the two-day trial, a Worcester County Circuit Court jury found Sewell guilty of misconduct in office. Sentencing was deferred. After the prior conviction, Sewell was sentenced to three years, all of which was suspended in favor of supervised probation for three years. Sewell is currently an investigator with the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office. Sewell was chief of police in Pocomoke from 2011 to 2015. When two of his subordinates filed complaints of racial discrimination against the town and the department, Sewell was ultimately terminated for not firing the officers. Sewell then filed his own complaints against the town of Pocomoke, the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) alleging his was being discriminated against. For the record, the
EEOC later issued a determination there was reasonable cause for Sewell’s complaints. The issue came to a head in November 2014 when Douglas Matth-ews, a correctional officer, ran into to two parked and unoccupied vehicles in Pocomoke on his way home from a Prince Hall Masonic Lodge meeting. Matthews did not remain at the scene and drove to his home about four blocks away, according to court documents. Two Pocomoke Police Department officers responded to the scene and began investigating the collision. A short time later, Sewell and one of his lieutenants arrived on the scene in plainclothes and assisted in the investigation. Ultimately, Sewell convinced the subordinate officer handling the call that the collision was merely an accident and that Matthews was not intoxicated. As a result, the incident went in
the books as a mere accident and no citations were written. The Office of the State Prosecutor investigated the incident and concluded there was misconduct in office by Sewell. The state prosecutor concluded Matthews as a fellow lodge member of Sewell and that he essentially arrived on the scene and utilized the authority of his office to essentially sweep the incident under the rug. A Worcester County grand jury later indicted Sewell on misconduct and corrupting charges and he was ultimately convicted by a jury of the former. Sewell appealed the Circuit Court case to the Court of Special Appeals on several counts. He alleged the investigation by the state prosecutor was in retaliation for his filing of discrimination complaints against the town, the sheriff’s office and the state’s attorney’s office. His appeal also included assertions that his defense team’s expert witness was not allowed to testify. Last year, the Court of Special Appeals ruled favorably on enough of Sewell’s allegations on appeal to warrant a new trial in the case. AUTO
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May 31, 2019
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Straight A Seniors: It was a straight A performance for 16 Stephen Decatur High School seniors, who earned a total of 960 A’s over 15 consecutive terms. They were honored during the annual Scholastic Awards Banquet sponsored by the Berlin-Ocean City Optimists on May 14. Pictured, from left, are Logan
Townsend, Gabrielle Suplee, Ivy Stearn, Eve Watsky, Samantha Short, Sierra Payne, Jonathan Santana, Orre Omer, Davina Graybill, Emily Malinowski, Kirsten Submitted Photo Graham, Alyvia Ciurca, Isabel Emond, Jude Al-Hamad, Grace Beres and Kevin Beck. HEALTH COVERAGE
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The Dispatch Classifieds
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
$15/Week For Minimum Of Five Lines • $2 Thereafter Per Line Display Classified Ads: $20/Week Per Column Inch (Contract Discounts Available)
YR cookS & SERvERS : AlEx’S iTAliAN RESTAuRANT Now hiring Call or text Alex 410726-2158. Rt 50 in West OC. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– cARpET clEANiNg TEchNiciAN: Must have knowledge and a valid Driver’s Lic. Call 443-4930966. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– cAFETERiA hElp: Mount Aire Farms, Selbyville De. Hiring PM Cashiers, Chicken Fryers, Prep Cooks, PT Cook, Porter. Call 302436-4360 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– giRl FRiDAY:Looking for receptionist/office position around OC/Berlin area. Computer literate, great multi-tasker, people person, 20 years sales exp. Reply to: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– piT AND pub NoRTh: Now hiring Prep/Cleaning person. YR, 2030 hours per wk. Apply in person, 127th St. & Coastal Hwy. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– phillipS cRAb houSE: Seasonal Office position. Must be able to work days, nights, weekends and holidays. Basic office duties. Please call 410-289-6821 to schedule an interview. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– poWERhouSE gYM, Woc: Now hiring cleaners. Full time/Part time. Flexible hours, YR position. Please apply in person. 9936 Stephen Decatur Hwy. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SEASoNAl DElivERY DRivERS: Drive our company vans. 5 days/flex schedule. $15 per hour. Must have a good driving record. Call 410-524-7057. OC Beach Linen Rentals. –––––––––––––––––––––––––– p/T SEcuRiTY: Seasonal & Special Event Security needed in Ocean City. Please call 443-5134198 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– clEANERS: Now hiring PT Spring cleaners and Summer Seasonal cleaners for Fri, Sat & Sun. Call Lucille 410-723-2610 or call 410-463-1541. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––
clEANERS: Male or female. or condos, and lobbies. Must drive, be on time and reliable. Contact Jackie 410-422-4826 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––
ElEcTRicAl hElpERS: Energy Co. looking for Electrical helpers. Must have own trans. Up to $16/hr. Call 410-212-3507. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– FT DENTAl ASSiSTANT: Small ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Dental Practice looking for a patient oriented FT Dental Assistant with x-ray certification. Email res: or fax to 410-208-9019. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––, cAYMAN SuiTES hoTEl: Hiring Year round Maintenance. Apply in person. 125th St. Ocean City. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WEST oc DENTAl oFFicE:Join our successful practice as a Dental Assistant FT, M-F, no evenings or weekends. Great Benefit Pkg. Fax resume to 410-213-2955 or email: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SouThSiDE gRill Woc: Hiring Line Cooks, Kitchen Help, Dishwashers. YR, FT or PT. Ambitious, willing to work individuals only. Pay neg. based on performance. 9923 Stephen Decatur Hy, 410-2131572 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Assawoman Ale Shoppe Hiring for all positions. Apply within store. 52nd Street, Bayside, OC.
Delivery Driver/Warehouse Kendall Furniture is hiring Year-round & Seasonal Driver, Delivery & Warehouse personnel. MUST have a valid driver’s license, dependable transportation, able to lift furniture and present well to customers. Call Rhonda at KMC and Associates 302-988-5087 We are a drug free, equal opportunity employer.
CONTACT INFORMATION Phone: 410-641-4563 • Fax: 410-641-0966 Email: Mail: P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Md. 21811
Deadline For Insertions, Cancellations And Payment Is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Pre-Payment Is Required. We Accept Visa & MasterCard. clEANERS: Cleaners needed for wknds. Must be reliable, have own trans. and cell phone. Great pay! 443-880-0525. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– JANiToR: Janitorial help wanted. Maintenance experience required. 443-754-0153. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– pool ATTENDANT NEEDED: Lifeguard certification NoT REquiRED. Enjoy a job having fun in the sun. 410-250-2262. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DRivER, RouTE SAlES, hElpER: General area 50 mile radius of Salisbury. What Ya Nuts Distributing, LLC. Call Joe 443-496-8912. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– cARpENTERS & cARpENTER hElpERS: Must have trans., nail pouch, tape, square, chalk line & hammer. All other tools, incl. power tools suppl’d. by co. 443-496-1303 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––
May 31, 2019
come Join our WinningTeam!
Now accepting applications for the following positions: FRoNT DESk RESERvATioNS ovERNighT FRoNT DESk MAiNTENANcE pAiNTER SERvER liNE cook We are looking for experienced personnel with customer service skills. Must be flexible with hours. Email resume to or stop by and complete an application at the Front Desk. We require satisfactory pre-employment drug testing and background check. carousel Resort hotel & condominiums 11700 coastal highway ocean city, MD 21842 EoE Work With the best ocean city has to offer ... We invite You to be a part of our Family!
FAx RESuME & SAlARY REq. to: 410-723-9109 online at ApplY iN pERSoN Mon-Sat 10 a.m.-4 p.m. clARioN RESoRT FoNTAiNEblEAu hoTEl 10100 coASTAl hWY. ocEAN ciTY, MD. 21842 EoE M/F/D/v
Farmers Bank of Willards has a full-time personal banker position available at the North ocean city location. Looking for professional and motivated individuals with extraordinary customer service skills. Cash handling experience & excellent computer skills a must. Please send resume to 12831 Coastal Highway, OC, MD 21842 or call Kelly Drexel at 410-250-1512 Application cut off is 6-10-2019 “Equal Employment opportunity-Affirmative Action Employer”
Farmers Bank of Willards has a full-time personal banker position available at one of our Salisbury locations. Looking for professional and motivated individuals with extraordinary customer service skills. Cash handling experience & excellent computer skills a must. Please send resume to Jennie Rice at 12641 Ocean Gateway, OC, MD 21842 or email: Application cut off is 6-10-2019 “Equal Employment opportunity-Affirmative Action Employer”
NOW HIRING DELIVERY DRIVERS Make $12-$16 per hour. Flexible Hours, Great Working Atmosphere. Apply within, Downtown location 710 philadelphia Ave, oc, 410-289-1200
Please apply in person. Greene Turtle West, Rt. 611, West OC 410-213-1500
The Dispatch Classifieds
May 31, 2019
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
$15/Week For Minimum Of Five Lines • $2 Thereafter Per Line Display Classified Ads: $20/Week Per Column Inch (Contract Discounts Available)
Part Time
West Ocean City Office seeking part time office assistant. Sundays and Mondays, 9am – 4pm. Reception, Computer skills, dispatch. Some light retail. Must be professional, possess great customer service skills. Send resume to The Moore companies landscape contractors Now hiring
The Moore Companies of Berlin, MD are in need of FT & PT Landscape Laborers & persons with Irrigation knowledge. Our serving areas include Selbyville & Millsboro, De and Ocean City, WOC, OP & Berlin, MD. Valid driv.’s lic. required. call 410-641-2177 or email to schedule an interview
CONTACT INFORMATION Phone: 410-641-4563 • Fax: 410-641-0966 Email: Mail: P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Md. 21811
Deadline For Insertions, Cancellations And Payment Is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Pre-Payment Is Required. We Accept Visa & MasterCard.
Page 67
Y Now hiring CIT E P WAREhouSE DElivERY R EE DRivERS SL NITU R DAY/WkND houRS FU $14 + Tips, more based on exp.
Must have reliable trans., be respectful and dependable, have good people skills & a positive attitude. Heavy furn. lifiting req
Apply within, Mon-Fri 12-4pm SLEEP CITY FURNITURE, 138TH ST., Ocean City
Salary Negotiable
20th Street at Baltimore Ave. 410-603-1731 Carquest Auto Parts & Marine Now hiring Full and Part Time
Parts Advisors
A Now Ap ccept plic ing atio ns
~HOUSEKEEPING STAFF ~RECREATION ATTENDANTS Please appy in person at the Health & Aquatic Club 31264 Americana Prkwy, Selbyville, DE 19975 call: 302-988-2315, Ext. 0 email: ~FT/YR SOUS CHEF PT/FT SEASONAL ~ LINE COOKS ~ BUSSERS ~SERVERS ~BARTENDERS Please apply to Greg Fiore:
NoW hiRiNg NighTiME 6pM-cloSE
•pM MANAgER •couNTER • cookS •DRivERS
410-723-5600 Apply in person. interviews Tues, Thurs & Sat at 11am. Johnny’s pizza & pub, bayside, 56th St. & coastal hwy.
Must have valid driver's license and must be dependable. Located in Ocean Pines.
Call- 302-228-2353
AUTOMOTIVE-EXPANDING COME GROW WITH US!!! We are part of a large automotive group With parts stores, service centers and used car dealership and STILL GROWING!!! We have locations in the Rehoboth, Bethany and Ocean City areas. Due to expansion, we are now accepting applications for the following positions: TECHNICIANS SERVICE ADVISORS/ MANAGERS TIRE & LUBE TECHS AUTO PARTS ASSOCIATES / ADVISORS Must have valid driver's license. Excellent pay & advancement opportunities. Company matched Retirement plan, vacation, holiday pay, discounts And more!! Call 302-228-2353 or 443-497-0465
Year Round Positions MAINTENANCE AM & PM LINE COOK Apply in person or email resume to No phone calls, please All candidates must go through a satisfactory background check. 2 15th Street, Ocean City, Maryland
Please apply in person 12905 Coastal Hwy, Ocean City MD or online at call 443-366-5556 during regular business hours FT & PT /YEAR-ROUND
•LINE COOKS •EXPEDITORS •DISH WASHER Great working conditions, clean environment and salary adjusted to qualifications. APPLY IN PERSON. 12702 OLD BRIDGE RD. WEST OC
The Dispatch Classifieds
Page 68
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
$15/Week For Minimum Of Five Lines • $2 Thereafter Per Line Display Classified Ads: $20/Week Per Column Inch (Contract Discounts Available)
For additional information, please contact the Marina office at 302.227.3071 AA/EOE
PT Seasonal Clubhouse Attendant Needed for community in West Ocean City. Must have great interpersonal skills, reliable transportation and be able to work flexible hours. Background check and pre-employment drug screening are required. Email resume to
Now hiring
Immediate openings:
OVERNIGHT PREP MGR. KITCHEN STAFF Apply in person or online 302-436-4716
MYERS Tool RENTAl & pARTiES YouR WAY! NoW AccEpTiNg ApplicATioNS
Stop in or call 410-641-3497
•BOATYARD •FUEL DOCK/DOCK HAND For additional information, please contact the Marina office at 302.227.3071 AA/EOE
CARPENTERS & CARPENTERS HELPERS Must have : Tools, Trans Driver’s License
Exp. Required! pATTERSoN & SoNS builDERS call 410-641-9530
1st Service Company has current openings for:
Experienced hvAc Service Technicians lead installer Exp. installers Retro installations. Basic Trade hand tools required, all other tools of the trade, power and testing tools provided. Everything needed to perform quality work. Specialized training, monthly tool allowance, on call duty pay, uniforms including boots and outerwear, vacation and holiday pay, bonuses and other incentives. High paying positions. This is an opportunity to work with a great team. To apply and Interview, call 410-208-3220 or 866-990-4822 Send resumes to:
Now hiring
TAxi DRivERS call ken 443-235-5664 lANDScApERS NEEDED
(berlin-ocean city)
Must have 5 years + exp. in lawn maint. must be able to operate Zero turn, mowers, weed whacker, hedge trimmer, chain saw, etc... Must be hard working have strong attention to detail! Spanish speaking a bonus. call today to set up an interview
Pay based on knowledge & exp.
CONTACT INFORMATION Phone: 410-641-4563 • Fax: 410-641-0966 Email: Mail: P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Md. 21811
Deadline For Insertions, Cancellations And Payment Is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Pre-Payment Is Required. We Accept Visa & MasterCard.
May 31, 2019
Selbyville goose creek Fenwick goose creek Hiring for all positions. For Both Locations Apply Online
NOW HIRING ALL POSITIONS FOR SUMMER •Front Office Manager •Front Desk •Maintenance •Housekeeping •Houseman Send Resume: Call for interview: 410-213-9556
CASHIERS Help Wanted
Honest, dependable cashiers needed. PT/FT, Various shifts Year Round/Seasonal Apply in Person ask for Sarah 85th ST. Wine Rack 8501 coastal hwy. ocean city, MD 21842
(Seasonal Day & Evening)
Day Shift 7am-12pm (Wknds a must)
Night Shift 6pm-4am (Fri, Sat, Sun only) both shifts now thru at least Sept. 2019
F/T or P/T Delaware Licensed Hygienist needed for busy Dagsboro, DE Dental office. Call 302-732-3852 or email resume to Work on the beach!
bEAch STAND opERAToRS needed.
call lauren 443-614-5020
Hourly + Tips
SEASoNAl SAlES poSiTioN boardwalk location
Apply in person. Btwn Somerset & Wicomico St. 410-289-7011 SuMMER bEAch coNDoS #3 35Th ST., oc
(Seasonal Evening)
Fri-Sat-Sun 6 pm - 4 am Now thru Sept 1st, 2019 call Diana 410-603-5627 SERiouS iNquiRiES oNlY!
•HOUSEKEEPERS •MAINTENANCE Seasonal positions Apply in person (Exp. only, please)
Seahawk Motel 12410 coastal hwy, oc
SuMMER bEAch coNDoS #3 35Th ST., oc call Diana 410-603-5627 for interview
holiday inn oceafront 6600 coastal higway ocean city, MD 21842
Now hiring for the following Full-time, Year round positions for our Resort Hotel to join our busy and professional team:
•FRoNT DESk •MAiNTENANcE •houSEkEEpiNg • pM houSEkEEpiNg Please stop by the Front Desk to complete an application.
Woc, YR RENTAl: 3BR, 1BA. Single Family rental. W/D, Off St. parking. Waterview. Sunsets daily! $1,500 per mo. + util.'s. Text 443497-6115. 443-497-6115. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SEASoNAl coTTAgE: 1BR, 1BA. Sun porch. Waterfront property. $4,650. May 15th -Sept. 15th. 443-831-9898. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WEEklY RENTAl:4bR, 2 1/2bA. Fully furnished. W/D, Pool, Tennis court. Quiet community. 7 miles from the beach. $2,500 per wk. Call Mike for details. 410-877-3894 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– STuDENT bAYSiDE RENTAl: Sleeps 4-6, 2BR, 2BA, AC, W/D, WiFi, fully furn. $12,000.. + sec. dep & util’s. Call Mike 410-6036120. Avail. May-Sept 12th. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––-
HOUSING NEEDED lookiNg FoR oFF-SEASoN RENTAl: Sept -March.Non-smoking, dog-friendly, good natural light. Ideally, walking dist. to bdwlk. Pls call or email Kerry: 301-676-8818. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––
ROOMMATES SEASoNAl RooMMATES:Looking for College age female roommates for seasonal rental. Call Tricia 443-610-4644. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––
COLLINWOOD COTTAGE #3 2 Sleeping Spaces w/queen beds. Super cute “old OC cottage”. Family atmosphere. Prime, mid-town location ,34th St. 15 restaurants & 4 bars within 3 blocks. Steps to the beach and Sand Shark public pool bar. Outside grill & shower. 1 private parking space. $8,500 per season. call John 410-726-0075
REAL ESTATE FoR SAlE: ThouRoughlY upDATED! 3BR, 2BA. home in Bishopville.Step in shower, Lrg. LR, lead free, no city taxes!. $249,000. Call howard Martin Realty. 410-352-5555. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– bEAuTiFul, builDAblE bAYFRoNT lAND FoR SAlE: Overlooks Assateague. $299,900. howard Martin Realty. 410-3525555. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––
The Dispatch Classifieds
May 31, 2019
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
$15/Week For Minimum Of Five Lines • $2 Thereafter Per Line Display Classified Ads: $20/Week Per Column Inch (Contract Discounts Available)
boAT Slip FoR RENT: Memorial Day to Labor Day. West OC. Access to open ocean, less than 1 mi. $3,000 for season. 443-3664411. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Ceja’s Landscaping
& More!
•YARD MAiNTENANcE •pAiNTiNg •poWER WAShiNg 410-251-3425 410-202-2545
hANDYMAN SpEciAliST: General maintenance of all types, All powerwashing. Build/Stain/PWash Decks. Drywall repair. Painting. Property Management. Call for any other odd jobs! Joe 443-610-4644. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––-
hugE YARD SAlE: Sat. 6/1, 7am-12pm. Rain date Sun 6/2. Many items $1. Clothing, Hswrs. toys, children’s books. 10513 Keyser Point Rd. West Ocean City. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEighboRhooD YARD SAlE: Sat. 6/1, 8am-1pm. Off Keyser Point Rd. Herring Landing. West Ocean City. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––-
Upcoming Yard Sale?
The Dispatch is the best way to get the word out!
The Dispatch inch. Deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information, call 410-641-4563 or fax 410-641-0966.
hEAThER E. STANSbuRY, ESq. AYRES, JENkiNS, goRDY & AlMAND, pA 6200 coASTAl highWAY SuiTE 200 ocEAN ciTY, MD 21842 NoTicE oF AppoiNTMENT NoTicE To cREDiToRS NoTicE To uNkNoWN hEiRS ESTATE No. 17842
To all persons interested in the estate of MARThA hEAlY MillER, ESTATE No. 17842. Notice is given that hEAThER E STANSbuRY, 6200 coASTAl highWAY, SuiTE 200 ocEAN ciTY, MD 21842, was on MAY 09, 2019, appointed personal Representative of the estate of
MARThA hEAlY MillER, who died on ApRil 9, 2019, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 9Th day of NovEMbER, 2019.
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died be-
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Legal Notices
Print & Online
LEGAL RATES: Legal advertising rate is $7 per column
CONTACT INFORMATION Phone: 410-641-4563 • Fax: 410-641-0966 Email: Mail: P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Md. 21811
Deadline For Insertions, Cancellations And Payment Is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Pre-Payment Is Required. We Accept Visa & MasterCard.
Woc FuRN. oFFicE:Newly reno. Decatur Business Center. 9748 Stephen Decatur Hwy. Unit #202. Call for details 410-7139453 or 410-430-9066. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WEST o.c. oFFicE/RETAil SpAcES AvAilAblE: 3 Offices/Retail and 2 Warehouses. Plenty of Parking. 443-497-4200. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Page 69
fore october 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before tha date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland coast Dispatch Date of publication MAY 17, 2019 hEAThER E. STANSbuRY
personal Representative
True Test copy TERRi WESTcoTT Register of Wills for Worcester county Room 102 - court house one W. Market Street Snow hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 5-17, 5-24, 5-31
Notice is given that the ciRcuiT couRT of FAiRFAx couNTY, vA, appointed JohN AMoRoSi, 7605 bENT oAk couRT, FAllS chuRch, vA 22043, as the pERSoNAl REpRESENTATivE of the Estate of FRANciS gREgoRY AMoRoSi,
who died on JANuARY 08, 2019, domiciled in viRgiNiA, uSA. The Maryland resident agent for service of process is bRiAN bANkERT, whose address is 12626 SElSEY RoAD, ocEAN ciTY, MD 21843. At the time of death, the decedent owned real or leasehold property in the following MARYlAND counties:WoRcESTER couNTY. All persons having claims against the decedent must file their claims with the Register of Wills for bAlTiMoRE ciTY, with a copy to the foreign personal representative on or before the earlier of the following dates:
(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before october 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the foreign personal representa-
tive mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. claims filed after that date or after a date extended by law will be barred. Name of Newspaper: Maryland coast Dispatch Date of publication MAY 17, 2019 JohN AMoRoSi personal Representative True Test copy
TERRi WESTcoTT Register of Wills for Worcester county Room 102 - court house one W. Market Street Snow hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 5-17, 5-24, 5-31
The Dispatch
Page 70
LEGAL RATES: Legal advertising rate is $7 per column
inch. Deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information, call 410-641-4563 or fax 410-641-0966.
NoTicE oF AppoiNTMENT NoTicE To cREDiToRS NoTicE To uNkNoWN hEiRS ESTATE No. 17841
To all persons interested in the estate of ElEANoR M. bEThARDS, ESTATE No. 17841. Notice is given that bENDETTA FoREMAN, 102 gRAhAM AvENuE, bERliN, MD 21811, was on MAY 08, 2019, appointed personal Representative of the estate of ElEANoR M. bEThARDS, who died on ApRil 28, 2019, without a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 8Th day of NovEMbER, 2019. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before october 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before tha date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland coast Dispatch Date of publication MAY 17, 2019 bENDETTA FoREMAN personal Representative
Legal Notices
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
True Test copy TERRi WESTcoTT Register of Wills for Worcester county Room 102 - court house one W. Market Street Snow hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 5-17, 5-24, 5-31
MichAEl b MAThERS ESq WEbb, coRNbRookS, WilbER, voRhiS, DouSE & lESliE, llp po box 910 115 bRoAD STREET SAliSbuRY, MD 21803-0910 NoTicE oF AppoiNTMENT NoTicE To cREDiToRS NoTicE To uNkNoWN hEiRS ESTATE No. 17854
To all persons interested in the estate of bETTY g EplER, AkA: bETTY gERAlDiNE EplER, ESTATE No. 17854. Notice is given that bARbARA JoAN gEESEY, 727 S. gEoRgE STREET, ApT 2, YoRk, pA 17401, and EliZAbETh ANN kNiSElY, 4976 pARk lANE, YoRk, pA 17406 were on MAY 13, 2019, appointed personal Representatives of the estate of bETTY g EplER, who died on FEbRuARY 02, 2019 , with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 13Th day of NovEMbER, 2019.
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before october 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other
written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before tha date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland coast Dispatch Date of publication MAY 17, 2019
bARbARA JoAN gEESEY EliZAbETh ANN kNiSElY personal Representative
True Test copy TERRi WESTcoTT Register of Wills for Worcester county Room 102 - court house one W. Market Street Snow hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 5-17, 5-24, 5-31
MichAEl b MAThERS ESq WEbb, coRNbRookS, WilbER, voRhiS, DouSE & lESliE, llp po box 910 115 bRoAD ST SAliSbuRY, MD 21803-0910 NoTicE oF AppoiNTMENT NoTicE To cREDiToRS NoTicE To uNkNoWN hEiRS
ESTATE No. 17861 To all persons interested in the estate of MuRiEl c. NickERSoN, ESTATE No. 17861. Notice is given that phillip NickERSoN, 204 chARlESToN RoAD, bERliN, MD 21811 was on MAY 16, 2019, appointed personal Representatives of the estate of MuRiEl c. NickERSoN, who died on ApRil 21, 2019, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 16Th day of NovEMbER, 2019. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal repre-
sentative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before october 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before tha date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland coast Dispatch Date of publication MAY 24, 2019 phillip NickERSoN personal Representative
True Test copy TERRi WESTcoTT Register of Wills for Worcester county Room 102 - court house one W. Market Street Snow hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 5-24, 5-31, 6-07
NoTicE oF AppoiNTMENT NoTicE To cREDiToRS NoTicE To uNkNoWN hEiRS ESTATE No. 17858
To all persons interested in the estate of lEoNARD FRANkliN RobERTSoN iii, AkA: FRANk RobERTSoN, ESTATE No. 17858. Notice is given that JAMES lEoNARD RobERTSoN, 1126 kESSlER WAY, MARYvillE, TN 37801 was on MAY 15, 2019, appointed personal Representative of the estate of lEoNARD FRANkliN RobERTSoN, who died on FEbRuARY 17, 2019, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment
May 31, 2019
(or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 15Th day of NovEMbER, 2019. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before october 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before tha date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland coast Dispatch Date of publication MAY 24, 2019
JAMES lEoNARD RobERTSoN personal Representative True Test copy TERRi WESTcoTT Register of Wills for Worcester county Room 102 - court house one W. Market Street Snow hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 5-24, 5-31, 6-07
MichAEl b MAThERS ESq WEbb, coRNbRookS, WilbER, voRhiS, DouSE & lESliE, llp pobox 910 115 bRoAD STR SAliSbuRY, MD 21803-0910 NoTicE oF AppoiNTMENT NoTicE To cREDiToRS NoTicE To uNkNoWN hEiRS ESTATE No. 17577
To all persons interested in the estate gERAlDiNE l. bAlTo, ESTATE No. 17577. Notice is given that ANDREW J. bAlTo, 107 coN-
vENTioN cENTER DRivE, b97, ocEAN ciTY, MD 21842 was on MAY 20, 2019, appointed personal Representative of the estate of gERAlDiNE l. bAlTo, who died on AuguST 24, 2018, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 20Th day of NovEMbER, 2019.
Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before october 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before tha date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland coast Dispatch Date of publication MAY 24, 2019 ANDREW J. bAlTo personal Representative
True Test copy TERRi WESTcoTT Register of Wills for Worcester county Room 102 - court house one W. Market Street Snow hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 5-24, 5-31, 6-07
The Dispatch
May 31, 2019
LEGAL RATES: Legal advertising rate is $7 per column
inch. Deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information, call 410-641-4563 or fax 410-641-0966.
SuiTE 300 ocEAN ciTY, MARYlAND 21842 204 WEST gREEN STREET po box 293 SNoW hill, MARYlAND 21863 iN ThE ciRcuiT couRT FoR WoRcESTER couNTY MARYlAND c-23-cv-19-000138
ShElToN DEShiElDS, JR. 402 coviNgToN STREET SNoW hill, MD 21863 plaintiff v. RogER W. SANDoZ, JR. c/o kEYSER & WooDWARD p.A. p.o. box 92 iNTERlAchEN, Fl 32148 Defendant and WoRcESTER couNTY SERvE oN: MAuREEN hoWARTh, ESq. oNE WEST MARkET ST, RooM 1103 SNoW hill, MD 21863 DEFENDANT AND uNkNoWN oWNER oF pRopERTY DEScRibED AS 2 AcS SMullEN coNTENT W S STEvENS RD W oF SNoW hill, ASSESSED To RogER W. SANDoZ, JR., pARcEl No. 07-002483, ThE uNkNoWN oWNER'S hEiRS, DEviSEES, AND pERSoNAl REpRESENTTivES AND ThEiR oR ANY oF ThEiR hEiRS, DEviSEES, ExEcuToRS, ADM i N i S T R AT o R S , gRANTEES, ASSigNS, oR SuccESSoRS iN RighT, TiTlE, AND iNTEREST, DEFENDANTS AND All pERSoNS ThAT hAvE oR clAiM To hAvE AN iNTEREST iN pRopERTY locATED iN WoRcESTER couNTY, MD, DEScRibED AS: 2 AcS SMullEN coNTENT W S STEvENS RD, W oF SNoW hill, ASSESSED To RogER W. SANDoZ, JR., pARcEl No. 07-002483, DEFENDANTS oRDER oF publicATioN The object of this proceeding is to secure the foreclosure of all rights of redemption in the following parcel, sold by phil ThoMpSoN, collector of Taxes for the State of Maryland and Treasurer of Worcester county, to the plaintiff, and described as follows: 2 AcS SMullEN coNTENT W S STEvENS RD W oF SNoW hill, assessed to Roger W. Sandoz, Jr., parcel Number 07002483.
Legal Notices
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
The complaint states, among other things, that the amount necessary to redeem tbe property has not been paid. it is thereupon, this 16Th oF MAY, 2019, by the circuit court for Worcester county, Maryland, oRDERED, that notice be given by the insertion of a copy of this order in The Dispatch for Worcester county, once a week for three successive weeks, warning all persons interested in the property to appear in thls court and answer the complaint or redeem the properTy by JulY 19, 2019; and that the failure to answer the complrunt or redeem the prope1ty within the time limit set forth above may result in a finaJ judgment foreclosing all rights of redemption in the property and vesting in the plaintiff a fee simple title free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. Name of Newspaper: Maryland coast Dispatch Date of publication MAY 24, 2019
TRuE TEST copY SuSAN R. bRANiEcki clERk oF ThE ciRcuiT couRT WoRcESTER couNTY, MARYlAND bEAu h. oglESbY JuDgE FoR ThE ciRcuiT couRT WoRcESTER couNTY, MARYlAND 3x 5-24, 5-31, 6-07
iN ThE oRphANS’ couRT FoR (oR) bEFoRE ThE REgiSTER oF WillS FoR WoRcESTER couNTY, MARYlAND iN ThE ESTATE oF: chARloTTE SophiA TETER, ESTATE No. 17849 NoTicE oF JuDiciAl pRobATE
To all persons interested in the above estate: You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed by JoSEph E. MooRE ESq., 3509 coASTAl highWAY, ocEAN ciTY, MARYlAND 21842. A hearing will be held at WoRcESTER couNTY couRThouSE couRTRooM 4,
oNE W. MARkET ST. SNoW hill, MD. 21863 on 6/11/2019 at 10:00 A.M.
This hearing may be transferred or postponed to a subsequent time. Further information may be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills.
Maryland coast Dispatch Date of publication MAY 24, 2019
TERRi WESTcoTT Register of Wills for Worcester county Room 102 - court house one W. Market Street Snow hill, MD 21863-1074 2x 5-24, 5-31
NoTicE oF AppoiNTMENT NoTicE To cREDiToRS NoTicE To uNkNoWN hEiRS ESTATE No. 17863
To all persons interested in the estate MARgARET ANNE poulSoN, ESTATE No. 17863. Notice is given that WilliAM blADES hENDERSoN, 62 DuNgARRiE RoAD, bAlTiMoRE, MD 21228, was on MAY 17, 2019, appointed personal Representative of the estate of MARgARET ANNE poulSoN, who died on MAY 01, 2019, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 17h day of NovEMbER, 2019. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before october 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other
written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before tha date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland coast Dispatch Date of publication MAY 24, 2019
WilliAM blADES hENDERSoN personal Representative
True Test copy TERRi WESTcoTT Register of Wills for Worcester county Room 102 - court house one W. Market Street Snow hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 5-24, 5-31, 6-07
NoTicE oF AppoiNTMENT NoTicE To cREDiToRS NoTicE To uNkNoWN hEiRS ESTATE No. 17848
To all persons interested in the estate JAMES J. RoSENbERg, ESTATE No. 17848. Notice is given that RAchEl A. oNuFRAk, 5 gARRiSoN AvENuE, DovER, NJ 07801, was on MAY 14, 2019, appointed personal Representative of the estate of JAMES J. RoSENbERg, who died on ApRil 24, 2018, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 14Th day of NovEMbER, 2019. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before october 1, 1992, nine
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months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before tha date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland coast Dispatch Date of publication MAY 24, 2019 RAchEl A. oNuFRAk personal Representative
True Test copy TERRi WESTcoTT Register of Wills for Worcester county Room 102 - court house one W. Market Street Snow hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 5-24, 5-31, 6-07
NoTicE oF AppoiNTMENT NoTicE To cREDiToRS NoTicE To uNkNoWN hEiRS ESTATE No. 17862
To all persons interested in the estate of bARbARA l. pARSoNS, ESTATE No. 17862. Notice is given that kiMbERlY ToDD, 117 hAll hWY., cRiSFiElD, MD 21817, was on MAY 16, 2019, appointed personal Representative of the estate of bARbARA l. pARSoNS, who died on ApRil 25, 2018, without a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 16Th day of NovEMbER, 2019. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or be-
fore the earlier of the following dates:
(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before october 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before tha date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland coast Dispatch Date of publication MAY 24, 2019 kiMbERlY ToDD personal Representative
True Test copy TERRi WESTcoTT Register of Wills for Worcester county Room 102 - court house one W. Market Street Snow hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 5-24, 5-31, 6-07
NoTicE oF AppoiNTMENT NoTicE To cREDiToRS NoTicE To uNkNoWN hEiRS ESTATE No. 16863
To all persons interested in the estate of chESTER ThoMAS MillS, ESTATE No. 16863. Notice is given that ShEllEY MillS MASoN, 10610 SiREN lANE, bERliN, MD 21811, was on MAY 22, 2019, appointed personal Representative of the estate of chESTER ThoMAS MillS, who died on SEpTEMbER 8, 2016, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 22ND day of No-
The Dispatch
Page 72
Legal Notices
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
LEGAL RATES: Legal advertising rate is $7 per column
inch. Deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information, call 410-641-4563 or fax 410-641-0966.
vEMbER, 2019. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before october 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before tha date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland coast Dispatch Date of publication
MAY 31, 2019
ShEllEY MillS MASoN personal Representative
True Test copy TERRi WESTcoTT Register of Wills for Worcester county Room 102 - court house one W. Market Street Snow hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 5-31, 6-07, 6-14
NoTicE oF AppoiNTMENT NoTicE To cREDiToRS NoTicE To uNkNoWN hEiRS ESTATE No. 17866
To all persons interested in the estate of ANNA l. coRTESE, ESTATE No. 17866. Notice is given that NicholAS A. coRTESE, JR., 9947 MASoN RoAD, bERliN, MD 21811, was on MAY 23, 2019, appointed personal Representative of the estate of ANNA l. coRTESE, who died on MAY 16, 2019, with a will. Further information can be
obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 23RD day of NovEMbER, 2019. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before october 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the
mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before tha date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland coast Dispatch Date of publication MAY 31, 2019
NicholAS A. coRTESE, JR. personal Representative
True Test copy TERRi WESTcoTT Register of Wills for Worcester county Room 102 - court house one W. Market Street Snow hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 5-31, 6-07, 6-14
To all persons interested in
May 31, 2019
the estate of bARbARA JEAN bAkER. Notice is given that bob RoTh, 918 DEEp cREEk AvE., ARNolD, MD 21012, was on MAY 20, 2019, appointed personal Representative of the bARbARA JEAN bAkER, who died on MAY 13, 2019, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney.
All persons having any objection to the appointment shall file their objections with the Register of Wills within 30 days after the date of publication of this Notice. All persons having any objection to the appointment shall file their objections with the Register of Wills within 30 days after the date of publication of this Notice.
All persons having claims against the decedent must serve their claims on the undersigned personal representative or file them with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
(1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death, except if the decedent died before october 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent's death; or
(2) Thirty days after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claims will be barred unless the creditor presents the claim within thirty days from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. Any claim not served or filed within that time, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Name of Newspaper: Maryland coast Dispatch Date of publication MAY 31, 2019 bob RoTh personal Representative True Test copy
TERRi WESTcoTT Register of Wills for Worcester county Room 102 - court house one W. Market Street Snow hill, MD 21863-1074 1x 5-31
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May 31, 2019
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Page 73
Chris Parypa’s Photo Of The Week:
Each week staff photographer Chris Parypa is tasked with submitting a photo from his vast library to be featured in this space. Above is an early evening look at the beach in downtown Ocean City last month. To purchase any of Parypa’s photos, click over to
$22 N.Y. Strip with Loaded Potato & Broccoli $15 Jumbo Lump Crab On Brioche With Lettuce,Tomato, Pickles, IN WEST OC/BERLIN Tartar Sauce & Sweet Potato Fries $22 5-Hour Braised Short Rib with Mashed & Edamame 410-600-1020 $14 Tuna Salad Spinach Wrap, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion & Waffle Fries OCEAN LANDING 2 SHOPPING CENTER $19 Pan-Seared Salmon With Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans & Rosemary Garlic Oil 11328 SAMUEL BOWEN BLVD. $18 L.A. Famous Steak Tips with Hand-Cut Fries & Demi & RT. 50 EAST NEAR WALMART $15 Blackened Mahi Tacos with Flour Tortilla, Cabbage, Queso Blanco & Pickled Onions
We Deliver to West OC, Berlin & Ocean Pines - Order Online at
Sunday: All Day $3 Ketel One Mimosas & Bloody Marys
HAPPY HOUR EVERYDAY: 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Drink Specials $5 Food Specials
Sausage Sliders • Small Cheese Pizza Spaghetti & Meatballs • Mussels Bowl of Soup of the Day • Fish Tacos
$1.50 Natty Light • $2.50 Domestic Bottles & Drafts $4.50 Imports & Crafts • $5.50 Specialty Crafts $3 Rail Drinks • $4 House Wine • $5 Orange Crush • $5 Red Sangria
Page 74 FRUITLAND-SALISBURY RESTAURANT 213 213 N. Fruitland Blvd., Fruitland 410-677-4880 • Recently named one of the 100 Best Restaurants for Foodies in America for 2015 by OpenTable (1 of the only 2 restaurants named in the State of Maryland), the food at Restaurant 213 is far from your conventional Chesapeake Bay fare. A former apprentice of Roger Vergé in southern France, chef Jim Hughes prepares unpretentious, globally influenced cuisine inspired by the area’s plentiful ingredients. Chef Hughes has catered many events for Ronald Reagan, while he was President of the United States. He also served as Chef for the King of Saudi Arabia at the Saudi Arabian Royal National Guard military academy. Chef Hughes has been honored by the James Beard Foundation and DiRoNA (Distinguished Restaurants of North America). For 2015 Restaurant 213 was voted Best Chef, Best Special Occasion Dining, and Best Fine Dining Restaurant by Coastal Style Magazine, and Best Special Occasion Restaurant by Metropolitan Magazine. Frommer's Travel Guide has Awarded Restaurant 213 its highest Rating of 3 Stars, making it one of only 3 restaurants on the Eastern Shore. Additionally, "Special Finds" awarded this distinction from 2010-2015 in their Maryland & Delaware Travel Guide Edition. Open TuesdaySunday at 5 p.m. Special 5-course prix-fixe dinners offered on Sundays and Thursdays. WEST OCEAN CITY-BERLIN OCEAN PINES ASSATEAGUE CRAB HOUSE & CARRYOUT Rte. 611, Assateague Island • 410-641-4330 On the way to visit the ponies of Assateague, stop by this rustic crab house. Enjoy Maryland crabs by the dozen, or try the all-you-can-eat specials including snow crab legs. Their extensive menu features various appetizers, fresh fish, seafood, steaks, chicken and ribs. The kids can enjoy their own menu along with the great game room. Great for casual dining or carry-out. House specialties: All-you-can-eat, crab cakes, steaks and ribs. ASSATEAGUE DINER Rte. 611 & Sunset Avenue, West Ocean City • 443-664-8158 Inspired by a classic diner culture, this new hotspot offers breakfast, lunch and dinner. The menu here features classic comfort foods prepared and executed with a modern coastal trust. Be sure to check out the exceptional coffee program and the Westside Bar within features delicious craft cocktails throughout the day. BLACKSMITH RESTAURANT AND BAR 104 Pitts Street, Berlin • 410-973-2102 Located in the heart of America’s Coolest Small Town, Berlin, Md., Blacksmith has established itself as one the area’s most loved dining and drinking destinations for foodies and wine, spirt and craft beer enthusiasts. Chef owned and locally sourced, Blacksmith keeps the main focus on Eastern Shore tradition. Everything here is homemade and handmade. Cakes and baked goods are delivered daily from down the street. Cozy and modern, traditional and on trend; Blacksmith has risen to the ranks of the area’s finest casual eating and drinking establishments. Visit and see why folks from Baltimore, D.C., Chincoteague and locals alike think Blacksmith is worth the trip. Open daily at 11:30 a.m. for lunch, dinner and bar snacks. Closed Sunday. BREAKFAST CAFE OF OCEAN CITY 12736 Ocean Gateway, West Ocean City 410-213-1804 Open 7 days a week between Sunsations & Starbucks, across from Outback, come join us at the “Breakfast Cafe” (formerly Rambler Coffee Shop) we are a family-friendly restaurant that’s been family owned for 30 years passed from mother to son in 2001. We believe that fair pricing, putting out quality food as fresh as we can make it and a nice atmosphere makes a meal. I like to think we have many “House Specialties” which include our Crab Omelet, real crab meat, cheddar cheese and mushrooms, our Sunfest Omelet, Swiss cheese, ham and mushrooms; Cafe or French Sampler, pancakes or French toast, with eggs, bacon and sausage. Homemade creamed chipped beef on toast and sausage gravy on biscuits with browned potato home fries, with onion, excellent cheesesteak subs and fries and more! We use Rapa Scrapple fried on the grill the way you like it for all our breakfasts, sandwiches and sides. Summer hours, 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Come enjoy! CRAB ALLEY Golf Course Road, West Ocean City Head Of Commercial Fishing Harbor
Dining Out The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
410-213-7800 • Just close enough to be out of the way-located at the head of the commercial fishing harbor in West Ocean City, Crab Alley has it all! Spectacular view, casual and fun atmosphere, super service and mouth-watering food combine to make “The Alley” a true locals’ favorite. Enjoy our light fare and full menu of unbelievably fresh seafood, chicken and steaks indoors or on our upper deck. We offer appetizers, sandwiches and a children’s menu too. Our name says it all -”crack’em and attack ‘em”. Big Fat Crabs both by the dozen and all you can enjoy specials. Check out our website for our fantastic happy hour food and drink specials or find us on Facebook. Having a special affair? We can handle your group, large party or special occasion. Make Crab Alley your first stop! DUMSER’S DAIRYLAND West Ocean City, Boardwalk locations, 501 S. Philadelphia Ave., 49th St. & 123rd St. This classic ice cream shop is a tradition for many families. Voted O.C.'s “Best Ice Cream” for the past 20 years, Dumser's is celebrating 80 years of serving the shore, and the ‘40s-style décor takes you back in time. With locations throughout Ocean City, treating your tastebuds to this signature homemade ice cream is easy. The 49th and 124th streets locations offer vast lunch and dinner menus (breakfast too at 124th) in addition to a wide variety of ice cream treats. You’ll find an impressive array of kidfavorites, along with fried chicken and seafood options, wraps, subs, sandwiches, salads and sides like sweet potato fries and mac-and-cheese wedges. FOX’S PIZZA DEN 11328 Samuel Bowen Blvd., West Ocean City 410-600-1020 • Enjoy a brand new, spacious dining room. Happy hour every day from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. with $5 food specials. Full menu includes appetizers, salads, stromboli, hoagies and wedgies, pizza, spaghetti and more. Open every day from 11 a.m. to midnight. FULL MOON SALOON 12702 Old Bridge Road, West Ocean City 443-664-5317 Locally owned and operated, this moderately priced casual restaurant/bar has freshly caught seafood, BBQ, and pork entrees, giant sandwiches as well as a variety of homemade soups. Locally we are known for our jumbo lump crab cakes, pork and beef BBQ, cream of crab soup, and 100% angus burgers as well as a variety of other sandwiches and entrees that are cooked with a local flair. Open daily at 11 a.m. for lunch and open until midnight. Sundays breakfast offered 8 a.m.-noon. Fifteen televisions and a big screen available for all sports events. GREENE TURTLE-WEST Rte. 611, West Ocean City • 410-213-1500 Visit Maryland’s No. 1 Sports Pub and Rest-aurant, the World-Famous Greene Turtle. Proudly serving West Ocean City since January 1999, The Greene Turtle features a beautiful 80-seat dining room, large bar area with 54 TVs with stereo sound and game room with pool tables. With an exciting menu, The Greene Turtle is sure to please with delicious sizzling steaks, jumbo lump crab cakes, raw bar, homemade salads and more. Live entertainment, Keno, Turtle apparel, kids menu, carry-out. Something for everyone! Voted best sports bar, wings and burgers in West OC. Great happy hour and plenty of parking. HARBORSIDE BAR & GRILL South Harbor Road • 410-213-1846 They take their mantra, “Where You Always Get Your Money’s Worth,” seriously here with daily food and drink specials during happy hour as you watch the boats come in from a day offshore. Delicious daily chef specials are always worth a try or stay with any of the house favorites, such as the calamari and ahi bruschetta for appetizers or any of the homemade tacos and fresh off the dock seafood selections as sandwiches or entrees. It’s the home of the original fresh-squeezed orange crush, of course. HOOTERS RESTAURANT Rt. 50 & Keyser Point Rd., West Ocean City 410-213-1841 • New mouthwatering smoked wings with half the calories. Traditional wings and boneless wings with
12 sauce selections. Burgers, quesadillas, tacos, and healthy salads. Extensive seafood selections with raw bar and Alaskan crab legs. Children's menu and game room. Apparel and souvenir shop. Sports packages on a ton of TVs and live entertainment. Wing-fest every Tuesday from 6 to 8 with 50 cent wings. And of course, the world famous Hooters Girls. Large parties welcome. Call for private party planning.
LIGHTHOUSE SOUND St. Martin’s Neck Road • 410-352-5250 Enjoy the best views of Ocean City at the newly renovated, Lighthouse Sound. Come relax and dine overlooking the bay and the beautiful Ocean City skyline. Savor entrees such as local rockfish, tempura-battered soft shell crabs, char-grilled filet mignon and jumbo lump crabcakes. Open to the public, we serve Sunday brunch, lunch and dinner. One mile west of Ocean City, Md., just off Route 90 on St. Martin’s Neck Road. Reservations recommended. MAD FISH BAR & GRILL 12817 Harbor Road, West Ocean City West Ocean City has welcomed a new concept created by the team of The Embers and Blu Crabhouse. Located conveniently on the harbor with tremendous views of the Inlet and sunsets, the menu offers something for everyone. Fresh fish and classic seafood dishes will tempt most, but the Filet Mignon from the land side never disappoints. Lighter options, like Certified Angus Beef burgers and fish and shrimp tacos, are also offered along with a diverse kids menu. Check out the outdoor decks for drink specials and live music. RUTH’S CHRIS Within the GlenRiddle Community 410-213-9444 • Ruth’s Chris specializes in the finest custom-aged Midwestern beef. We broil it exactly the way you like it at 1,800 degrees to lock in the corn-fed flavor. Then we serve your steak sizzling on a heated plate so that it stays hot throughout your meal. Many of our recipes were developed by Ruth, favorites such as shrimp Remoulade, Crabtini and Ruth’s chop salad. Located five miles west of Ocean City in the GlenRiddle Golf clubhouse. Extensive wine list. Reservations recommended. THE SHARK ON THE HARBOR 12924 Sunset Ave., West Ocean City 410-213-0924 • We make real food from scratch. We believe that great food and healthful ingredients are not mutually exclusive of each other. Featuring local organic produce and seafood. All natural products – clear of preservatives and antibiotics. Whole grains and whole foods are used in the preparation of our menu – which our chefs write twice daily, based on what's fresh, available and delicious. Fresh. Local. Organic. Taste the difference. Open Daily Year Round, Monday through Saturday for Lunch & Dinner and Sundays for Brunch, Lunch & Dinner. Reservations suggested. INLET TO 94TH STREET 28TH STREET PIT & PUB 28th Street & Coastal Highway 410-289-2020 • Ocean City’s home of Pulled Pork and the finest barbecue, the legendary 28th Street Pit & Pub is known for serving up delicious smokehouse specialties. Grab a brew and enjoy the live sports action on one of the big screen TVs. Happy Hour daily, 3-6 p.m. Family friendly atmosphere. Weekend entertainment. 32 PALM 32nd Street Oceanside In The Hilton 410-289-2525 • Executive Chef Rick Goodwin has introduced an exciting new menu. A favorite among many is the Bermuda Triangle, featuring cinnamon seared scallops finished with an ancho mango coulis along with house broiled crabcake with a sweet chili remoulade and finally, applewood smoked bacon wrapped around jumbo shrimp, grilled to perfection with jalapeno barbecue sauce. Other wonderfully delicious dishes cover the land and sea as well and each have a special touch that makes this restaurant unique among its peers. Children’s menu avail-
May 31, 2019 able. Open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 45TH STREET TAPHOUSE 45th Street and the bay • 443-664-2201 At the newly remodeled 45th Street Taphouse, the best views of bayside Ocean City, MD are the backdrop where craft beer meets Maryland cuisine. This is vacation done right, all year long. Wash down a Crabby Pretzel or homemade crabcakes with one of our 35+ craft beers on tap, all made right here in the USA. Not feeling crabby? Pair your craft brew with our award-winning wings or even our brand new breakfast menu. Anyway it’s served, come get tapped with us. BLU CRABHOUSE AND RAW BAR 24th Street & Coastal Highway 410-289-3322 • Brought to you by the restaurateurs of The Embers, BLU Crabhouse and Raw Bar features outside dining under the palms, with a newly expanded outdoor bar, beautiful sunsets on the bay, and accessibility by boat to enhance your experience. The same attention to quality and commitment to excellent customer service are offered at this new establishment featuring jumbo crabs by the dozen, all-you-can-eat crab feasts and a diverse menu focusing on a variety of seafood selections. Be sure to check out the popular BLU Beach Bar Happy Hour from 3-6 p.m. for great bargains on drinks and food. Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday at 3 p.m. BONFIRE 71st Street & Coastal Highway 410-524-7171 150 ft. Seafood & Prime Rib Buffet A famous Ocean City Restaurant for 37 years. It’s all here. The service, the atmosphere and the finest, freshest food available. Fresh seafood, snow crab legs, prime rib, BBQ ribs, raw oysters, raw clams, steamed shrimp, fish, homemade soups & salads. Decadent dessert selection – homemade donuts & bread pudding, soft serve ice cream with hot fudge topping and lots more! Large selection of children’s favorites – chicken tenders, hot dogs, burgers, macaroni & cheese and pizza. A la carte menu available featuring fresh cut steaks and seafood. Open Monday-Friday at 4 p.m. SaturdaySunday, at 3 p.m. Plenty of free parking. BUXY’S SALTY DOG 28th Street • 410-289-0973 • Destiny has a new home in Ocean City. From the ‘burgh to the beach, Buxy’s is your home away from Pittsburgh. Come see what all the locals already know and have known – Buxy’s is the place to come to meet friends, relax and be social with no attitudes. House specialties include “The” Cheesesteak Sub, Primanti-styled sandwiches, pierogis,egg-rolls and homemade crab dip. Don’t miss our daily specials. CAPTAIN’S TABLE 15th Street & Baltimore Avenue 410-289-7192 One of Ocean City’s premier restaurants is back with a new and improved atmosphere and a brand new home. However, the mission to provide the same fresh, quality food and attentive service has not changed. Excellent chefs, who inspect each dish for culinary perfection, prepare the meals here. The finest seafood is guaranteed and nothing but the best in black angus beef is served. Be sure to inquire about the daily specials and check out the new bar and lounge area. They have the kids covered as well with a quality kids menu. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. COCONUTS BEACH BAR & GRILL 37th Street Oceanfront • 410-289-6846 No matter if you are looking for a hearty sandwich, a tasty seafood appetizer or a robust fresh salad, they have all the bases covered. A favorite on the appetizer list is the wasabi shrimp and crab dip bites, but everything on the menu is worth a try at least once and never disappoints, especially the fresh seafood offerings that can be added to salads and make for impressive sandwiches. They have the “Little Surfers” covered as well with several offerings. Also be sure to ask about their specialty cocktails that are always impressive. COINS PUB & RESTAURANT 28th Street Plaza • 410-289-3100 Great mid-town location offering a complete dinner menu, lunch and lite fare. Coins features the freshest seafood, shrimp, scallops, clams, fresh catch and lobster plus the best crab cake in Maryland, hand cut steaks cooked to your liking, succulent veal and chicken dishes. Also authentic pasta selections. Enjoy live entertainment and dancing in the lounge nightly. Happy hour daily 3-6 p.m. Casual dining in a relaxed atmosphere. Special kids menu. Lots of free parking. DRY 85 OC 12 48th Street • 443-664-8989 • SEE NEXT PAGE
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Steps from the beach. Gourmet "stick to your ribs" Lowcountry cuisine. A made-from-scratch kitchen with every sauce and every dressing hand crafted. It's that attention to detail that takes the concept of burgers, fries, ribs and wings and turns them completely on their head. Charcuterie boards. Late night bar. 120+ Whiskies. Craft beer. Artisanal craft cocktails. Seasonal outdoor seating. Named one of the Top 40 Whiskey Bars in America by Whiskey Advocate. DRY DOCK 28 28th Street and Coastal Highway 410-289-0973 The new kid on the dining scene in Ocean City features eclectic pizzas, delicious sandwiches, soups, salads and hot steamers in a modern, nautical themed atmosphere. A beautiful boat bar is featured inside and features craft cocktails and brews. Outdoor seating is available. Carry out available and beer and wine to go. Live music is also offered in this kid-friendly establishment. EMBERS RESTAURANT 24th Street & Coastal Highway 410-289-3322 • The Embers is stepping it up again with their Famous ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT SEAFOOD AND PRIME RIB BUFFET! New buffet selections from our Executive Chef and Sous Chef paired expertly with all the old favorites! MASSIVE CRAB LEGS, LARGE SHRIMP, and over 100 additional items including our Raw Bar, Steamed Clams, various fish selections and a continuous array of delicious surprises from the kitchen daily. The Embers also offers an excellent HAPPY HOUR with some of the lowest drink prices and discounts on selected items from the buffet until 6 p.m. in our bar! Open daily at 4 p.m. FAGER’S ISLAND RESTAURANT & BAR 201 60th Street On The Bay 410-524-5500 Fager’s Island is an award-winning popular bayfront restaurant where lunch is a forgivable habit, dinner an event and sunsets unforgettable. Lite fare lunch served from 11 a.m.-9 p.m., dinner from 5 p.m., famous raw bar, festive Sunday Jazz Brunch, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and children’s menu. Complete house wine list and award-winning proprietor’s list available upon request. Outdoor decks and bar. Nightly entertainment in-season, Friday-Saturday, off-season. Open every day, year-round. A Fun Place! GENERAL’S KITCHEN 66th Street & Coastal Highway 410-723-0477 Join us at our new bigger and better location. Everybody likes breakfast, but for too many it comes too early in the morning. Not so at this sunshine-happy delight. Breakfast is what it’s all about, from 6:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. The menu is a breakfast lover’s dream. From juice, cereal and eggs, to corned beef hash, waffles, hot cakes, bacon, sausage, to the best creamed chipped beef on the coast (try it on french fries). This is definitely the place. House specialties: creamed chipped beef, O.C. No. 1 breakfast, own recipes. HARRISON'S HARBOR WATCH RESTAURANT AND RAWBAR 1 Boardwalk South, Overlooking the Inlet 410-289-5121 • Harrison's Harbor Watch Restaurant and RawBar has been bringing Ocean City, MD the Freshest Seafood, an award winning RawBar, Certified Angus Beef Steaks, unlimited sides and a view you have to see to believe for the past 35 years. Please come join us at the end of the Boardwalk where the Inlet meets the Atlantic Ocean. Open for lunch and dinner everyday. Banquet and wedding space available.
Dining Out The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
soups, appetizers and entrees. Open Monday-Friday at 2:30 p.m., Saturday & Sunday at noon.
HOOTERS RESTAURANT 5th Street & The Boardwalk Ocean City 410-289-2690 • Mouthwatering traditional and boneless wings with 12 sauce selections. Burgers, quesadillas, tacos, and healthy salads. Extensive seafood selections with Alaskan snow crab legs and Maryland steam pots. Kids’ menu. Pet-friendly oceanfront patio. Official Hooters merchandise and of course, the world-famous Hooters Girls. HOBBIT RESTAURANT 81st Street, Bayside • 410-524-8100 Beautiful panoramic views day and night from the bayside await in a warm, sleek and sophisticated dining room. Forgetting the view, the menu will also please, featuring the Hobbit Catch, Veal Pistachio and Jumbo Lump crabcakes. Fresh, new preparations from the chef will also never disappoint. The bar is friendly and inviting with bar stools and lounge seating available. JOHNNY'S PIZZA & SPORTS PUB 56th Street & Coastal Highway 410-723-5600 • The Official Pizza of OC, Johnny's Pizza & Sports Pub serves families throughout Ocean City and its surrounding communities 365 days a year. Eat in, carry out or have it delivered right to your doorstep. Our comfortable dining room features ample seating for small groups or large parties and our speedy delivery service will deliver your hot, delicious pizza right to your home, hotel or condo for your added convenience. From steaming homemade pizzas to lightly tossed salads and fiery hot wings, we have something for everyone. Live entertainment every weekend all winter and live entertainment four nights in the summer. MARLIN MOON RESTAURANT 33rd Street in the DoubleTree Ocean City Oceanfront • 410-289-1201 Eat where the locals eat. Marlin Moon is back in town with the talented Executive Chef, Gary Beach, creating his legendary food magic. Marlin Moon combines an eclectic atmosphere of ocean views and a fresh vibe with creative seafood and steak dishes you won’t forget. Winner of the Maryland People’s Choice Award, Marlin Moon delivers the culinary combinations you’re craving and uses only locally sourced seafood, meats and vegetables. Some of the original classics, such as Mom’s Shrimp and Fred-dy’s Seafood Pasta, are back as well as a raw bar, small plate appetizers, fresh salads and entrees sure to satisfy any food mood. Open daily serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner from 7 a.m.-11 p.m. M.R. DUCKS WATERFRONT BAR & GRILLE Talbot St. & The Bay • 410-289-9125 A world-famous, open-air gazebo bar on the bay. Deck seating available for lunch and dinner. Live entertainment Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 4-9 p.m. No cover and plenty of parking. Wings, crab dip, burger, steamed shrimp, crab cakes and much more. Kid-friendly menu. Great sunsets and cool drinks. One block south of the Rte. 50 bridge.
HAPPY JACK PANCAKE HOUSE 2404 Philadelphia Avenue 410-289-7377 Happy Jack Pancake House has been serving the families of visitors and locals alike for over 50 years. Started by Dick Smith and taken over by Bob Torrey over 30 years ago, the restaurant has been a “must-visit” for generations. Good food, including 14 varieties of pancakes, fast service and a friendly staff is a guarantee. A family operated and family oriented restaurant, family serving family is a way of life here. There is something for every breakfast lover on the menu.
RED RED WINE BAR OC 12 48th Street • 443-664-6801 • Steps from the beach. Fresh coastal cuisine with a focus on locally sourced seafood and hand tossed pizzas. Artisanal cheeseboards. 35+ Wines By the Glass. Full bar. Craft beer. Late night bar. Luxurious colors and custom built couches. Casual atmosphere. Seasonal outdoor seating. Named Best Wine and Beverage Program in Maryland by the Restaurant Association.
HIGGINS CRAB HOUSE 31st Street & Coastal Highway 128th Street & Coastal Highway 410-289-2581 There is no doubt about it. Higgins offers traditional Eastern Shore favorites for the entire family to enjoy. Of course, the house specialties include allyou-can-eat crabs, crab legs, fried chicken, steamed shrimp and baby back ribs. In addition, there is a full menu offering a variety of delicious
PICKLES PUB 8th Street, Ocean City • 410-289-4891 It’s pub food with a twist and a special emphasis put on quality and large portions. The big juicy burgers and oven baked wedge sandwiches are locals’ favorites as are the pub wings (in a variety of styles) and tacos (choose from thai pulled pork, grilled chicken and blacked ahi avocado). There are numerous unique craft pizza options to choose from as well with the house favorite here being the black-
ened shrimp and arugula.
SEACRETS On The Bay At 49th Street 410-524-4900 • We are Jamaica USA! Serving our world famous jerk chicken, along with a full menu of appetizers, soups, sandwiches, salads, entrees, desserts and a children's menu. Enjoy happy hour drink prices everyday until 7 p.m.and live entertainment in a tropical atmosphere. Please check our website for a complete list of live bands and daily food and drink specials or call 410-5244900. Find us and get lost! 94TH STREET NORTH-FENWICK BETHANY BILLY’S SUB SHOP • 410-723-2500 140th Street, Oceanside • 410-250-1778 Rte. 54, Fenwick Shoals • 302-436-5661 Now the best just got better because they deliver fresh-dough pizza, subs and shakes to your door and have three locations to serve you better. Washington Magazine wasn’t lying when it said Billy’s had the best milkshakes and fresh ground beef hamburgers at the beach and they don’t stop there. Fresh-dough pizza, cones, shakes, sundaes and more. More cheese steaks sold than anyone else in Maryland. Billy’s accepts MC/Visa. CAROUSEL OCEANFRONT HOTEL AND CONDOS 118th and the Beach • 410-524-1000 Reef 118 Oceanfront Restaurant located in the Carousel Hotel offers beautiful oceanfront dining in a casual atmosphere. Enjoy a hearty breakfast buffet or try one of our specialty omelets including lump crab and asparagus. Our menu offers a wide variety of Succulent Seafood along with steaks, pastas & ribs. $5.95 kids’ menu available. Stop by the Bamboo Lounge serving happy hour daily 4-6 p.m. with super drink prices and $4.95 food specials. Visit the Carousel and get served by the friendliest staff in OC! THE CRAB BAG 130th Street, Bayside • 410-250-3337 Now serving lunch and dinner, trust us when we say you can’t go wrong with anything you order here. The crabs are fat and never disappoint and are available eat-in or carryout. The BBQ ribs are also worth a try as well as any of the char-grilled specialties. Remember “Super Happy Hour” offered seven days a week, all day. Plenty of bargains available on drinks and food. THE CRABCAKE FACTORY USA 120th Street/Beachside (Serene Hotel) 410-250-4900 Voted “Best Crabcakes in Maryland, DC and Virginia” by The Washington Post. Full-service family restaurant, carry-out and sports bar. Outside seating available. Menu selections include prime rib, chicken Chesapeake, steamed shrimp, beer battered fish, real Philly cheesesteaks, burgers, and a kids menu. Casual attire, full liquor bar, no reservations. Open Year Round. The Crabcake Factory started out as a breakfast house in 1996 and still serves one of the best and most creative breakfast menus in Ocean City. Try Eastern Shore favorites prepared daily by Chef-Owner John Brooks including a chipped beef, skillets, omelettes and their famous lump crab creations. World-Famous Crabcakes are served all day starting at 8 a.m. and can be packed on ice for you while you are eating breakfast. Try Sue’s Spicy Bloody Marys to start the day with a kick. Full breakfast menu available for carry-out. Online at: See other listing (Crabcake Factory USA). Open year-round. CRABCAKE FACTORY BAYSIDE Rt. 54, Selbyville, DE • 302-988-5000 Under new ownership but SAME award-winning crab cakes and bloody marys! Enjoy WATERFRONT dining. Full-service family restaurant, carry-out & sports bar. Outside seating available. Open daily at 9 a.m. YEAR ROUND. Menu selections include crab cakes, prime rib, Philly-style cheese steaks, various seafood, kids menu plus full breakfast menu. visit us online at or on our Facebook page. Casual
dress, full liquor bar, no reservations.
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FENWICK CRAB HOUSE 100 Coastal Highway Fenwick Island, DE • 302-539-2500 Along with all-you-can-eat crabs every day, the full menu is available daily for eating in or eating out. Daily dinner specials are offered along with favorites such as fried chicken and baby back ribs. Check out the new lunch menu, which is available until 3 p.m. daily. A fun and popular happy hour is also offered daily until 6 p.m. with food and drink specials. GREENE TURTLE-NORTH 116th Street & Coastal Highway 410-723-2120 This is the Original Greene Turtle, an Ocean City Tradition, since 1976! A fun and friendly Sports Bar & Grille, where every seat is a great spot to watch sports with 50+ High Def. TVs up & downstairs! Menu favorites include homemade crab cakes, kids’ menu, salads, burgers, wings and more! Join them for weekday lunch specials 11 a.m.-4 p.m. and happy hour 3-7 p.m. Popular features are game room, gift shop, carry-out, party trays, nightly drink specials, MD Lottery-Keno, Powerball and DJs with dance floor. Something for everyone! Open 11 a.m-2 a.m., year-round. HARPOON HANNA’S RESTAURANT & BAR Rte. 54 and the bay, Fenwick Island, DE 302-539-3095 No reservations required. Harpoon Hanna’s features a children’s menu & full bar. We are a casual waterfront restaurant serving lunch & dinner including fesh fish, seafood, steaks, sandwiches and allyou-can-eat Alaskan crab legs. Open year-round. HORIZONS OCEANFRONT RESTAURANT Located inside the Clarion Resort 101st Street, Ocean City • 410-524-3535 Horizons Oceanfront Restaurant is proud to have Chef Rob Sosnovich creating beach-inspired dishes in both our oceanfront restaurants, Horizons and Breaker’s Pub. Our new all day menu, available 11:30 a.m.-11 p.m., features many of your favorites and some exciting new creations with a local flare – from Lite Bites to Big Bites and everything in between. Our deluxe Sunday breakfast buffet is open year-round and our “famous” all-you-can-eat prime rib, crab legs and seafood buffet is available most weekends throughout the year and daily in season. The Ocean Club Nightclub features top-40 dance music every weekend and nightly this summer. We’ve added some popular local bands to our lineup, so come join us “where the big kids play!” Lenny’s Beach Bar & Grill: enjoy surf, sun and live entertainment 7 days a week on the deck, from Memorial day through Labor Day during our afternoon beach parties. Enjoy something to eat or drink from our extensive menu. Try our “Bucket of Fun”, or a fresh “Orange Crush”–two of our favorites! NANTUCKETS Rte. 1, Fenwick Island • 302-539-2607 Serving the beach great food and spirits for over 20 years. David and Janet Twining will wow you with the finest foods and drinks in the area. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by what one of the coast’s finest dining establishments has in store for guests. Everything here is a house specialty. There’s the memorable steaks, fresh seafood, famous quahog chowder and the chef’s daily specials, just to name a few. SMITTY MCGEE’S Rte. 54-West Fenwick Ireland 302-436-4716 Smitty McGee’s is the place to be for fun. Best wings on the beach for 28 years and counting. Enjoy great food and drink specials in a casual atmosphere. Happy hour daily. Come enjoy the live entertainment Thursday and Friday. Full menu served unil 1 a.m. Banquet facilities available. Open seven days a week. We never close! SURF’S EDGE DELI & PIZZERIA 100 Coastal Hwy., Fenwick Island 302-537-5565 Best Salads award by Coastal Style 4 years in a row. Healthy, casual dining featuring home-made salads, fresh salads, subs, paninis, sandwiches and pizza. Open for lunch and dinner. Children’s menu, take-out and delivery available. TWINING’S LOBSTER SHANTY Rte. 54, Fenwick Island 302-436-2305 “A funky little place at the edge of town.” Classic New England Fare, Lobsters, Steaks & Burgers, Children’s menu. Bird watching, magical sunsets await. Open for lunch and dinner. Reservations are suggested.
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May 31, 2019
with Scott Lenox
Tom Patania caught this big bull mahi while fishing the canyons with the Reel Slingers.
This junior angler was all smiles after reeling in a big black sea bass while fishing with Captain Chris Mizorak on board the Angler.
Captain Drew Zerbe put the Tortuga on the right drifts and landed this crew 10 keeper flounder on a three-hour afternoon trip. Submitted Photos
Long-time friend Steve Merther was fishing with Derek Dengler and Phil Ford when the guys caught this 235pound thresher shark at the Fingers.
Captain Jeremy Blunt of the Wrecker put this crew on a limit of bluefin and then treated them to some awesome bottom fishing that produced several golden and blue line tilefish
Noah Gooze was fishing with Captain John Prather of Ocean City Guide Service when he landed this 28 ½-inch keeper rockfish while casting a Z Mann bait at the route 50 bridge.
Rich Gunion of Washington, DC had the biggest and the secpnd biggest sea bass on a recent trip aboard the Morning Star with Captain Monty Hawkins.
Memorial Day has come and gone and we’ve had our first fishing tournament of the year so I think we can officially say that the season has begun. We’ll still have weekdays that aren’t as heavily fished as the weekend, but all that will change soon as kids get out of school and tournament season kicks into high gear. The season is off to a great start with loads of fish being caught already and we are seeing more species being caught every week as the water warms. As I write this on Tuesday, May 28 the first white marlin of the season hasn’t been caught yet, but some boats have seen them so I’m sure it will happen soon. Offshore fishing is getting better as we add more species to the list of what’s being caught. Bluefin tuna and mahi have been around for a few weeks and are being caught in good numbers and this week we added yellowfin tuna and bigeye to the fold. The first yellowfin tuna of the season was caught last weekend by the crew of the Reel Chaos out of Sunset Marina on a trip to the Baltimore Canyon. They were catching bluefins as well when a BLT (barely legal tuna) yellowfin jumped on and ended up in the fish box. They also landed eight gaffer mahi and had their limit of “under” bluefins for a great day on the water. Yellowfin tuna have to be 27 inches to keep and everyone is allowed three per person with the proper permitting. There is
no slot and no maximum length on yellowfin or bigeye. Speaking of bigeye, the first one of the season was caught yesterday by Justin Marshall, Dan Fiedler, Aaron Householter and Ron Householter while fishing 200 fathoms in the Poor Man’s Canyon. The guys said they lost another bigeye that was bigger than the one they caught and also had a legitimate shot at a white marlin that just didn’t come tight. The first white marlin of the season this year is worth $16,000 if the angler is a member of the Ocean City Marlin Club or fishing on a club boat. Sea bass fishing for the ocean party boat fleet continues to be good as the Angler, Judith M, Morning Star and Ocean Princess are finding good sized sea bass on ocean structure between 50 and 150 feet deep. It seems the deeper you fish, the bigger your sea bass. The best baits are squid, clam and jigs and double headers are not uncommon. If you’re looking to have a good time and most likely catch some fish ocean party boat fishing is a great way to go. Back in the bay flounder fishing is still good, but we have had to contend with some dirty water conditions thanks to some rain and wind that we’ve had over the past week or so. The water from the ocean is still cleaning things up on the high
Oceanic Pier guru and webmaster Bob Haltmeier has been landing and taking photos of some big “chopper” sized bluefish being caught from the pier.
May 31, 2019
... Fish In OC
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Captain Anthony Matarese Jr. and the crew of Reel Chaos caught the first yellowfin tuna of the season in Ocean City along with three “under” bluefins and eight gaffer mahi.
tide, but conditions have been way more tide dependent than they were a few weeks ago. You’ve got to fish clean water and over the past week that has been on the last two hours of the incoming tide and the first two hours of the outgoing. Gulp baits, minnows and shiners have been the best baits on jig heads or top and bottom rigs. I’ll toot the Fish in OC horn here for a second and say that the Fish in OC Deadly Double designed by my friend Dale Timmons has been one of the top producers for me and other anglers fishing for floun-
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Captain Austin Ensor and the Primary Search won first and second place tuna in the Ocean City Marlin Club’s Memorial Day Tournament and $7,000.
der. They are available at most local tackle shops. Bluefish are still around in good numbers near the Inlet and Route 50 Bridge area and are anywhere between 15 and 36 inches. Most of the fish are in the 20to 24-inch range, but you will catch smaller. The largest I’ve seen was a big 36-inch chopper caught from the Oceanic Pier. The bluefish are starting to spread throughout the bay a little too with fish being reported from behind Assateague Island and the Thorofare. Spec rigs, bucktails, Roy Rigs or cut bait will be your best baits on a moving tide. The first fishing tournament of the season was the Ocean City Marlin Club Memorial Day Tournament. Thirteen boats and one land-based angler entered and
everyone fished Saturday of this fish one of two day event. The big winners in the tournament was the Primary Search with Captain Austin Ensor. Captain Austin put his crew on a 39.6- and 40.2-pound bluefin while fishing the Poor Man’s Canyon and they were good for first and second place in the tuna division. They won a little over $7,000 in the first tournament that they’ve fished in the new boat. We’ve got a break in the action and then it’s tournaments just about every week until September. The next tournament on the schedule is the Mako Mania out of Bahia Marina which is a fish two of three-day event June 7-9 There are categories for mako, thresher and bluefish and turnout should be better with the new relaxed regulations on mako sharks. The
regulations are still dumb if you ask me, but now that males can be 71 inches to harvest it makes things a little more reasonable. Female makos must be 83 inches to harvest so determining the sex of the fish should make things interesting when they are boat side. Rules are rules however, so we grin and bear it. I’ll be at the scales if you want to come by and say hi. Don’t forget our Daily Angle fishing report every day there’s fish caught at Until next week, tight lines. (The writer is the owner of Fish in OC and host of Ocean City’s fishing television show Hooked on OC. He has worked in the fishing industry and been fishing the waters in and around Ocean City for over 25 years.)
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
OCEAN CITY vanishing
May 31, 2019
The Hamilton Hotel, a 68-year-old Ocean City landmark on the corner of 3rd Street and the Boardwalk, burned to the ground on Dec. 14, 1969. The early Sunday morning blaze was discovered by Sergeant James Baker of the Ocean City Police Department as he made his rounds. The fire department was on the scene about five minutes later. With flames up to 100 feet in the air and fanned by a strong southwest wind, it appeared the whole block between 3rd and 4th streets was at risk. Sparks from the fire were landing as far north as 9th Street. Mutual aid from Berlin arrived and joined the Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company in finally controlling the blaze three hours after it began. The Hamilton was in ruins but the firefighters had saved the rest of the block. The good news was the hotel was closed for the winter and thus unoccupied. No lives were lost or serious injuries suffered. The cause of the fire was determined to be arson. To purchase one of Bunk Mann's books, click over to Photo courtesy of the Ocean City Fire Department
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
May 31, 2019