Aug. 5

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August 5, 2022

Serving Greater Delmarva Since 1984

White Marlin Open Eyes 49th Year

See Page 26 • Photo by Chris Parypa

Assateague Horse Safety Targeted

Assateague Beach Closure:

Due to as many as 11 ordnances being found on the beach within the last month, a large portion of Assateague Island National Seashore’s beach was closed last weekend for safety. See Photo by Campos Media page 89 for full story.

See Inside For Stories • Photo by Bethany Hooper

Sports Complex Planning Continues

See Pages 7, 12 • File Photo

Cutest Pet Of The Month

Sunset Delight: Tuesday’s sunset featured some wonderful summer colors, as seen here from east of the Jolly Roger at the Pier amusements.

Photo by Chris Parypa

The winner of last month’s Cutest Pet of the Month Contest was Rosie, a 1-year-old mix owned by the Nellans family of Berlin. See page 57 for this month’s contestants.

Submitted Photo

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch


August 5, 2022

August 5, 2022

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Fiori, Elder Elected To Commissioners

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

August 5, 2022

District 3 winner Eric Fiori, center, is pictured with supporters at a celebratory event this week. Submitted Photo BY CHARLENE SHARPE STAFF WRITER

SNOW HILL – Contests in two close races were decided last week with the conclusion of mail-in and provisional ballot counting. In an extremely tight race, incumbent Worcester County Commissioner Ted Elder held onto his seat with a six-vote victory in District 4. In the county’s other close race, Eric Fiori was confirmed the winner of the District 3 seat long held by Commissioner Bud Church. Elder, who said during his campaign he wanted to serve one more term in Snow Hill, acknowledged that like most of his races, this was a close one. “One carload of people could’ve changed the outcome,” he said. “I was just happy to eke it out. I had three very qualified, very well-known opponents.” While both Elder and Fiori led in their districts at the close of polls on election day, Fiori was less than 40 votes ahead of his closest opponent and Elder was just 18 votes ahead of his nearest rival. Following the final canvass of provisional and mail-in ballots on July 29, both retained their leads. Fiori received a total of 333 votes while two of this three opponents, Thom Gulyas and Tim VanVonno, tied with 296 votes each. Shawn Kotwica rounded out the field with 127 votes. While Fiori earned 254 votes on election day, ahead of VanVonno’s 213 and Gulyas’s 188, Gulyas led in mail-in and provisional balloting. Gulyas received 59 mail-in and provisional votes while Fiori received 40, VanVonno received 37 and Kotwica received 14. Fiori spent the months leading up to the primary campaigning heavily, making appearances at a variety of community events in an effort to reach the voters one-on-one. He said that while he was confident going into the primary, he was grateful for the support he’d received. He believes he has fresh ideas to bring to county government and is eager to get

started in December. “I’m really excited,” he said. In Elder’s district, he received 239 votes, just six more than former commissioner Virgil Shockley. Nancy Bradford received 221 votes while Jeff McMahon received 219 votes. As far as the vote breakdown, on election day Elder received 175 votes while Shockley received 171 votes, McMahon received 161 votes and Bradford received 156 votes. Mail-in voting did not follow those trends, however. Shockley received the most mail-in votes at 37, while Bradford was not far behind him with 32. McMahon received 28 mail-in votes while Elder received just 25 mailin votes. Elder, who will begin his third term this fall, said he was truly looking forward to continuing his role on the dais. Bringing broadband to rural Worcester, one of his longtime priorities, is poised to move forward thanks to federal and state grant funds. “The next four years are going to be fun,” he said. “We’re going to get some broadband in the biggest part of the county. The future looks bright for Worcester County.” Other incumbents set to retain their seats following the July 19 primary include District 5 Commissioner Chip Bertino, District 6 Commissioner Jim Bunting and District 7 Commissioner Joe Mitrecic. While Mitrecic was unopposed, Bertino defeated challenger Grant Helvey, receiving 662 votes to Helvey’s 338, while Bunting defeated challenger Richard Addis, receiving 677 votes to Addis’s 427 votes. In the south end of the county, the general election will determine who represents the Pocomoke area. Incumbent Commissioner Josh Nordstrom, a Democrat, will face Republican challenger Caryn Abbott. In the uncontested primary, Nordstrom received 346 votes. Abbott meanwhile, also uncontested in the primary, received 573 votes.

August 5, 2022

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

August 5, 2022

American & Regional Dining With A Global Influence 60TH STREET IN THE BAY 410-524-5500

County To Fund Route 50 Access Study For Sports Complex

August 5, 2022


SNOW HILL – With an environmental assessment now complete, county officials agreed to have Route 50 access evaluated for the site of the proposed sports complex. The Worcester County Commissioners on Tuesday voted 4-3 to spend slightly more than $28,000 to have a consultant evaluate Route 50 access options for the site of the county’s proposed sports complex. “This is an important part of the whole

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

process and it’s one of the things that the folks who live in that area are most concerned about,” Commissioner Josh Nordstrom said. “I think we need to move forward with this as soon as possible.” Following the commissioners’ April decision to pursue the purchase of a 95acre piece of property adjacent to Stephen Decatur High School for a sports complex, the county arranged for an environmental study of the property to identify any potential issues with the site. At this week’s meeting, Chief Administrative Officer Weston Young presented officials with a lengthy environmental site assess-

ment report. “To summarize, there were no recognized environmental conditions on the site itself,” Young said. “If there were, that’s where a phase two would come in where you would do soil borings…” Young said the report did identify “potential recognized environmental conditions” on adjacent property. “What it came down to is that there was a report of spills but the paperwork it didn’t bring any closure to any of those items,” he said. “They don’t know if it was cleaned up properly or not.” As a result, the company that conduct-

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ed the report recommended the county conduct soil borings on the edge of the sports complex site to make sure there were no issues. Young went on to suggest that given the location of the property, the county engage a consultant to review Route 50 access options. “Given the location and given the rural nature of Flower Street to the south, we are interested in identifying the best access points onto Route 50,” he said. “We’ve identified an engineering firm that is frequently utilized by Maryland DepartSEE PAGE 8

Fri-Sun Mon-Thurs

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Eastern Shore Physical Therapy … Environmental The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

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August 5, 2022

Report Found No Issues With Site

FROM PAGE 7 ment of Transportation and State Highway Administration specifically. We feel they’d be the ideal firm to look at potential access points.” Commissioner Jim Bunting said a simple phone call to the State Highway Administration (SHA) could determine whether there was any potential access to the site from Route 50. He added that plats showed just one access point on the property where farm equipment had been able to enter from Route 50. “Conversations I’ve had, with the merging lane and the traffic going into Stephen Decatur, it’s going to be very, very difficult to have any type of entrance off of 50,” he said. Bunting added that SHA had guidelines that dictated how far access points could be from intersections, guardrails and the like. “I think they can probably give you a pretty good idea … if you can have an access on 50 and where it would have to go without spending all this money,” he said. Commissioner Chip Bertino said county officials still needed to talk to representatives from the Town of Berlin about the proposed sports complex. “It’s been several months now and there’s a lot of people who are concerned about this particular location,” he said. He echoed Bunting’s assertions that county officials should simply reach out to SHA on their own. “I just think that we could just as easily pick up the phone and get an answer to the question as opposed to spending $28,000 for something that may or may not come to fruition,” he said. Young acknowledged the unknowns associated with the sports complex but indicated the access study could prove helpful. He said access to Route 50 would be determined by SHA officials in Baltimore, not the local SHA representatives. “Access is determined in Baltimore by a completely different group,” he said. “This is helping us communicate to Baltimore ultimately.” Bertino asked if the access study would result in access definitely being granted on Route 50. “They are giving us the solutions that would most likely achieve approval from SHA,” Young replied. Commissioner Bud Church spoke in support of moving forward with the study. “This is just one step in the process — $28,000 is pennies compared to the value we’re going to get out of whether or not it will work,” he said. The commissioners voted 4-3 to work with consulting firm Wallace Montgomery on a Route 50 access evaluation for the sports complex site.

August 5, 2022

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

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Resort Planners Approve Mini Golf Course Relocation

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch


OCEAN CITY – Displaced last month by a planned office complex, an existing miniature golf course at 18th Street took an important first step this week to moving to a new location just one block north. The Ocean City Planning Commission had before them on Tuesday an application for a conditional use in the Local Commerical-1, or LC-1, district for a miniature golf course. Last month, the planning commission approved a conditional use request for a new office complex for

the Harrison Group on the site where the existing Nick’s Mini Golf course has existed for eight years. The golf course owner has since purchased a property on the west side of 19th Street owned for years by the Phillips family and desires to move the existing golf course in a new and improved fashion to the block just to the north, but it requires a conditional use approval in the LC-1 zoning district. Zoning Administrator Kay Gordy explained the situation to the planning commission. “He has had a Jurassic miniature golf course at 18th Street since 2013 and the




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company does have other courses,” she said. “The Harrison Group office development is causing the relocation of the minigolf course. He is requesting a conditional use to essentially move the course one block to the north.” Gordy explained the staff recommended approval for the requested conditional use based on site plan approval from the planning commission, an approved lighting plan to insulate nearby residential areas, and a noise control plan for the same reasons. The proposed site for the relocated mini-golf course was formally a parking lot owned by the now-defunct Phillips Crab House on the opposite side of Philadelphia Avenue, although a new restaurant exists on the property. Gordy explained the mini-golf course owner, Dolphin Street Development of OC LLC and its principal owner Nick Geracimos, had obtained the property from Phillips and the settlement had already occurred. Attorney Hugh Cropper represented Geracimos, who told the planning commission he has owned and operated multiple Nick’s Mini Golf courses in Ocean City, Fenwick Island, Bethany Beach and Dewey Beach, for example. He told the commission he desired to move his Jurassic course from its existing location at 18th Street to the new location at 19th Street. “It all began with a tropical Key West mini-golf experience, but when we add-

August 5, 2022

ed dinosaurs, it really took off,” he said. “I was at 18th Street for eight years. The clientele really changed my image of what mini-golf should be.” Geracimos said the situation with the development of the Harrison Group office on his former site was an opportunity to create an even better mini-golf experience at his new location at 19th Street. “This is taking a situation and running with it to make an opportunity,” he said. “With my vast experience, moving this one block is the right thing to do. The 19th Street site is slightly bigger, so it gives me the opportunity to create something even better than the existing course.” Geracimos said the proposed location at 19th Street offered more in terms of setbacks, buffers from the neighboring residential areas and pedestrian safety. There is also an existing crosswalk and traffic signal at 19th Street. Geracimos said the majority of his clientele were families. “I’d say the percentage of families is 90% of all of our groups,” he said. “My objective is to really embrace those families even more. With the slightly large space, the holes are a little better spaced to improve the family experience.” Parking is always a central concern with any new proposed development project. The town’s code for mini-golf courses requires one parking space for each of the 18 holes. However, it was SEE PAGE 90


August 5, 2022

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Proposed Sports Complex Funds Removed As Bond Bill

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SNOW HILL – Officials did not include a bond bill for the sports complex in a list of bills reintroduced this week following an advertising error. The Worcester County Commissioners on Tuesday introduced several new bond bills after learning previously approved bills didn’t adhere to advertising requirements. Though a bond bill for the county’s sports complex was initially part of the group, it was not included this week. “Bond counsel advised that we should redo the format,” said Joe Parker, the county’s deputy chief administrative officer. Initially, the commissioners approved a variety of bond projects, projects in-

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Voters To Weigh In On Whether County Should Finance Project

cluding jail improvements, the Stephen Decatur Middle School addition and a public safety storage facility, in February. Those projects included $11 million for the development of the sports complex. The acquisition of the site for a sports complex was never part of the bond bill. Following the commissioners’ subsequent decision in April to move forward with purchasing land for a sports

complex, a group of concerned citizens launched a petition effort. They wanted the voters to be able to decide whether the county should be able to use bond funding for the project. With the petition successful and the sports complex question set to appear as Question A on the ballot, staff told the commissioners they’d left the sports complex bond bill out of the set being reintroduced this week. They also left

August 5, 2022

out a bond bill for a roof at Snow Hill Middle School because of timing issues. “It should be noted of the list of bond bills that we had previously, two have been removed,” Chief Administrative Officer Weston Young said. “One was the sports complex due to the referendum effort and the other was the Snow Hill Middle/Cedar Chapel roof project.” When asked if the delay because of the reintroduction of the bills was costing the county anything as far as the rate being secured, staff said they’d budgeted conservatively. Finance Officer Phil Thompson indicated rates should still be in line with what staff budgeted. A public hearing on the newly reintroduced bills is set for Tuesday, Sept. 6. As far as the sports complex, while studies associated with the parcel identified for purchase on Route 50 continue to move forward, there is currently no funding source identified to pay for the $7.1 million contract on the property. Though there were initially plans to purchase the property with bond funding, which is why the petition was started, county staff confirmed last month that the bond bill could not be used for acquisition after all. That bond resolution was reportedly drafted based on the county’s capital improvement plan, which originally showed the property being purchased with grant funds. Despite the change in plans, a motion at the time to cancel the contract for the land failed. This week, staff reiterated that the commissioners would have to find other funds if they still wanted to purchase the property. “Further, the costs of design and construction of this project were to be funded by a general obligation bond that is now currently subject to a ballot question in November,” Young wrote in a report related to the environmental study of the land. “Should the board wish to move forward with closing on the contract on the property in question, a funding source must be determined.” The ballot question in November merely refers to whether the county should “finance a portion of the costs of designing and constructing a Worcester County Sports Complex by issuing a bond,” according to a letter from county attorney Roscoe Leslie to the State Board of Elections. Voters will need to decide whether they are “for the bond issuance,” or “against.” If the county voters favor the bond issuance, the commissioners could return to the bond market at a future date if the majority of commissioners agree. In a 4-3 vote in April, the commissioners voted to move ahead with plans to buy a 95-acre piece of property west of Stephen Decatur High and Middle schools for $7.1 million for the development of a sports complex featuring outdoor fields. The Town of Ocean City has expressed an informal interest in being a partner in the project.

August 5, 2022

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

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“VANISHING OCEAN CITY” Three Providers Eyed For Broadband

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch




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SNOW HILL – Worcester County will work with three internet service providers as it uses grant funds to expand rural broadband. The county will use $7.1 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to work with three internet service providers currently bringing high speed internet to unserved parts of the county. The proposal approved Tuesday takes each company where it has an existing footprint and has them expand into nearby unserved areas. “This has been a long time coming,” Commissioner Ted Elder said. In July, the Worcester County Commissioners agreed to spend $7.1 million of the county’s ARPA funding to expand access to broadband. Staff returned to the commissioners this week with a proposal on how to break up the funding between the three internet companies currently working in Worcester—Bay Country Communications, Choptank Fiber and Talkie Communications. The proposal provides $1 million to Bay Country Communications to extend serve from Newark down to Girdletree, on the east side of Route 113, and a section of Carey Road north of Berlin. The company will provide a 15% match, bringing the total to $1,176,600. They’re covering 31.8 miles at a cost of $37,000 per mile. The proposal gives $2.5 million to Choptank to provide service west of Route

August 5, 2022

12 and north of the Pocomoke River. Choptank is proposing a 50% match, which brings the project total to $5 million. They’re covering 81 miles at a cost of $61,000 per mile. The proposal provides Talkie with $3.5 million to bring service along Route 12 from Snow Hill to the Virginia line as well as service between Bishopville and Whaleyville. The company proposes a 42% match, which brings the project total to $6.1 million They’re covering 83 miles at a cost of $73,751 per mile. When asked about the timeline for the projects, Chief Administrative Officer Weston Young said it would likely be 18 months but that the county had until 2026 to spend ARPA funds. “The sooner we can connect people the better,” Young said. And while the proposal doesn’t extend service everywhere in the county, Young said it would likely spur further expansion by the providers. “I do believe we will see organic growth,” he said. Commissioner Josh Nordstrom praised staff for developing the proposal and made a motion to approve it. The commissioners voted unanimously in support. Elder said he was optimistic that once the companies expanded as shown in the plan they’d grow their service from there. “I would certainly hope within a reasonable amount of time we can see them expand their territories until we have every person in the county covered,” he said.

‘Break The Habit’ Fundraising Begins August 5, 2022

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Friends of Assateague State Park, a nonprofit group, is raising funds to add horse-resistant storage bins to the park’s picnic tables. One of the new tables is pictured at the park this week. Photo by Bethany Hooper BY BETHANY HOOPER STAFF WRITER

ASSATEAGUE – A friends group of Assateague State Park is raising funds to outfit the park’s picnic tables with horseresistant storage bins. In recent months, Assateague State Park announced the launch of its newest initiative, “Break the Habit,” which aims to address ongoing issues of human-horse interactions. In addition to strong messaging that encourages park visitors to keep their distance from the barrier island’s wild horses, the educational campaign aims to retrofit

roughly 360 picnic tables with horse-resistant storage bins. “The initiative is to ‘break the habit’ of not only the horses, but the people too … ,” said Meghan Rhode, Assateague State Park assistant park manager. “We’re hoping by giving people an alternate location to put their food, that’s relatively secure from the horses, that they’ll break the habit of feeding the horses and leaving their food and trash out on the site.” Rhode said “Break the Habit” is a continuation of the efforts being made at Assateague Island National Seashore, which launched its “A Fed Horse is a SEE PAGE 82

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Beach Rental Franchise Granted Payment Extension

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch


OCEAN CITY – A mid-town beach rental franchisee’s request for an extension on his payments to the city was granted this week. During Monday’s meeting, City Manager Terry McGean presented a request from the beach stand rental operator who holds the franchise for the parcel between 57th Street and 59th Street. Every three years, the town bids out the beach rental franchises by different areas throughout the town and the successful bidder for the parcel from 57th Street to 59th Street is due to pay the town $10,000. However, citing a rough start to the season for a variety of factors, including bad weather through much of June along with other economic challenges, Randy Dougherty came before the Mayor and Council on Monday seeking an extension for his installments. Through working with

City Clerk Diana Chavis, the operator was seeking a 30-day extension for each of his $4,000 payments, the first of which was due July 15 and the second of which will be due Aug. 15. Essentially, he was seeking to make the July payment in August and the August payment in September. McGean explained the proposed arrangement to the Mayor and Council. “The city clerk did receive a request from the beach stand franchise holder for the blocks between 57th Street and 59th Street,” he said. “He is requesting an extension for his payments for 30 days I believe in two installments. One is for $4,000 due July 15 and the other is for $4,000 due Aug. 15.” McGean said this particular request for an extension was a little unconventional. “The code is pretty specific,” he said. “The extension request is supposed to come before the due date, but that is not the case here. It would require approval

from the Mayor and Council.” The beach stand operator explained his hardship and the need for an extension of his payments to the town. He did, as a show of good faith, bring a check for $2,000 to Monday’s meeting. “I got here at the beginning of June,” Dougherty said. “Between the weather, gas prices and the cost of other things, people just aren’t renting. The first six weeks, my revenue was way down. I had 10 days when I made zero dollars and another 15 days when I didn’t even make $100.” The operator did say business has turned around over the last month or so, but a terrible June buried him in terms of making his payments to the town on time. “The way it was going, it was looking like I’d be working for nothing all summer,” Dougherty said. “After the Fourth of July, I’ve been doing a lot better. I contacted the clerk and presented her with some options to get caught up if it could

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August 5, 2022

be worked out.” Councilman Mark Paddack commiserated with the operator’s plight and made a motion to approve the requested new terms and payment plan, a motion ultimately approved 7-0 by the council. “The council does have the authority to amend the agreement regarding the terms of the payment, provided he doesn’t forfeit, because if he forfeits, he would be out,” he said. “He’s offering two installments so I’m going to make a motion that we approve the 30-day extension for each installment with an appropriate penalty determined by the Mayor and Council should he be late.” Dougherty did bring a $2,000 installment to the meeting on Monday, bringing his total amount paid on the $10,000 franchise to $4,000 for the year thus far, leaving him $6,000 to make up in two more installments this month and in September. “I brought a check today for $2,000,” he said. “I wanted to come here and give what I could.” Paddack praised the operator for making a concerted effort to start chipping away at what was owed. “Thanks for your effort,” he said. “You are showing due diligence and you should be commended for that.” City Solicitor Heather Stansbury said under the code, the town’s elected officials had the authority to amend the payment program. “The Mayor and Council can provide other relief where it is deemed appropriate,” she said. “You can find good cause or an extenuating circumstance.” When asked if there were other operators who had asked for relief, Chavis said there had not been any others this year. When asked if considering providing relief was setting a precedent, Stansbury said she was not aware of beach franchisee operators coming before the Mayor and Council in the past seeking extensions. However, Mayor Rick Meehan said there was precedence for granting extensions and amending terms for various reasons. “We have had requests in the past for relief from franchise fees,” he said. “Typically, they are done in advance, but we’ve probably had them after the fact as well. This might be a little different, but he has shown good faith in making a first payment and now a second payment. So, it’s up to the council if they want to give this gentleman some relief.” Councilman Lloyd Martin asked the operator how long he had been in the beach stand business. “I’m from Florida and I’ve been in business down there in the past,” he said. “I’ve been in this business for 10 years, but 2020 was my first year in Ocean City.” Paddack said the operator should be given a chance with the requested payment extensions. “He is acting in good faith,” he said. “He is showing due diligence and he showed up before the Mayor and Council with a check in his hand. As long as you can continue with the terms of your agreement, I would suggest that we waive any penalties.”

OC Firefighter Challenge Planned For This Weekend August 5, 2022

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

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OCEAN CITY – The Ocean City Fire Department (OCFD) this weekend is hosting a three-day firefighter challenge at the convention center welcoming firefighters and community members to come together for a series of relays and other skill challenges. The OCFD’s firefighter challenge gets underway on Friday afternoon and will continue through the weekend at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center. During the event, relay teams representing fire department personnel, the general public, companies and nonprofit organizations, for example, will tackle a modified firefighter skills-based course where they will perform the trademarked Five Essential Functions of America’s fire service. “We are excited to host the firefighter challenge and bring together members of our community in the name of charity and fun,” said OCFD Chief Richie Bowers. “Each race will allow participants to experience a modified version of the physical demands of real-life firefighting by climbing the five-story tower, hoisting, chopping, dragging hoses and rescuing a life-sized, 110-pound ‘victim’ as participants race against themselves, their opponents and the clock.” The free event is being hosted by the Town of Ocean City. The firefighter challenge was created to create awareness for the need for more first-responders and help recruit a new generation in the face of waning numbers both locally and nationally. “This started over a year ago, just thinking about how we can promote wellness and increase our recruiting efforts in the Ocean City Fire Department,” said OCFD spokesman Ryan Whittington. “While the challenge gives firefighters a chance to bond, it’s also designed to give the public a chance to see what a firefighter does day in and day out.” The free family-friendly event will also have a Kid’s Challenge course and a Charity Relay Challenge, wherein businesses and nonprofits will run as a team on an adjusted course to support the charity of their choice. All children who attend will have the opportunity to participate in a challenge, sit on a fire truck or other apparatus at the event and learn first-hand about fire safety and firefighting from professionals. On Friday, the Firefighter Challenge will run from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. On Saturday, the hours for the event are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and the challenge will be open on Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

August 5, 2022

August 5, 2022

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OC Keeping Eye On Room Tax Rate

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch


OCEAN CITY – Legislation that could enable the Town of Ocean City to raise its room tax if desired still needs approval from three other Eastern Shore counties before heading to Annapolis, resort officials learned this week. After raising the room tax in Ocean City in 2019 from 4.5% to 5%, resort officials are looking into possibly raising the rate again, or at least the ability to raise the room tax rate. Gaining the ability to raise the room tax rate is a complicated process made muddier when a glitch was discovered in advance of this year’s General Assembly session. In order to have the ability to raise the room tax rate, Ocean City obtained consent from Worcester County. While it is largely a local Ocean City issue, the ability to raise room tax rates would apply throughout the county, so any legislation aimed at that purpose must first go through the Worcester County Commissioners. With the commissioners on board, town officials had a draft bill ready to submit to its representatives in Annapolis for General Assembly approval. However, it was learned at the 11th hour because Worcester is one of four “code” counties on the Eastern Shore, which also includes Kent, Caroline and Queen Anne’s, officials in those counties would





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August 5, 2022

have to consent to Ocean City’s submission of the draft legislation. It's important to point out the draft legislation proposed by the town would only provide Ocean City with the ability to raise the room tax. If the bill was passed by the General Assembly, the Mayor and Council would take up the debate on whether to raise the room tax rate and by how much, or if at all. Cursory discussion has included an increase by one percentage point, or from the current 5% to 6%. While Worcester County officials continued to seek consent from the other three code counties on the Eastern Shore late last year, the county did not get the consent before the General Assembly session started, and the legislation was not introduced this year. On Monday, Council Secretary Tony DeLuca questioned where town and county officials were in the process. “Is there an update on the timing and the next step for the room tax increase request?” he said. “I know we need to hear from those three counties before it can go to Annapolis.” Mayor Rick Meehan said he continues to work with county officials, including Ocean City’s representative in Snow Hill Joe Mitrecic, to reach out to their counterparts in the other three code counties to get consent for the introduction of the draft legislation. He said the timing of the requests is somewhat tricky because some of the officials in the other three counties are up for re-election this fall. “I’ve talked to County Commissioner Joe Mitrecic about this,” he said. “What Joe and I have agreed to do is to reach out to the other counties. He wants to wait until after the election so it doesn’t become an election issue. The other counties could be afraid it could become an election issue even though it doesn’t really affect them if they don’t choose to exercise the option, so that’s the plan for right now.” DeLuca said if all of the hoops are jumped through and the necessary approvals are acquired, there could be an opportunity to have a room tax increase in place by 2024. “If it all flows well and the council ultimately decides to vote on an increase, it could be place for January 2024,” he said. City Manager Terry McGean said there were still a lot of hurdles to cross for that to happen. “A lot of things have to happen,” he said. “Assuming the other counties approved and it moved to the General Assembly this year, it could pass and have an effective date of July 1 next year, but the council would still have to go through its process. This is just trying to get enabling legislation through.” DeLuca said he was not talking specifically about raising the room tax, simply the ability to do so. “We have already requested from Worcester County just for the ability to raise the room tax,” he said. “I’m not talking about a specific increase in the room tax at this point. I’m just playing what if.”

August 5, 2022

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

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Naked, Bloody In Garage OCEAN CITY – A Baltimore man was arrested last weekend after allegedly being found sleeping naked and bloody in a downtown condo parking garage. Around 6:45 a.m. last Sunday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers were dispatched to downtown condo building at Worcester Street for a welfare check. Upon arrival, officers observed a male suspect later identified as Matthew Spencer, 21, of Baltimore, lying on the ground in the condo’s parking garage wearing a T-shirt and nothing else. The officer noted Spencer’s genitalia was exposed as he was lying on the ground wearing nothing but a T-shirt, according to police reports. OCPD officers woke Spencer, who reportedly advised he thought he was staying at a place on 15th Street. Spencer told police he was not sure where he was, other than he knew he was in Ocean City, according to police reports. Officers observed blood abrasions all over Spencer’s body, according to police reports. They also noticed he was wearing

COPS & COURTS a wristband from a downtown bar. OCPD officers also observed there were “no trespassing” signs place conspicuously all over the property including the parking garage. Police met with an employee of the condominium, who told them he found Spencer sleeping in the parking garage naked and bloody, so he called the police. Spencer was ultimately arrested and charged with indecent exposure and trespassing.

OC Condo Burglary OCEAN CITY – A Pennsylvania man was arrested last weekend for allegedly breaking into a midtown condo unit and passing out on a couch.


Around 6:25 a.m. last Friday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers were dispatched to a residence on 37th Street for a reported burglary in progress. Officers met with a victim, who reported the sliding glass door to his unit was broken and there was a male later identified as John Parola, Jr., 25, of Fairfield, Pa., sleeping on his couch. The victim reportedly told police he did not know Parola and that he was never invited into the unit. OCPD officers entered the unit and found Parola sleeping on the couch. When they woke him, Parola appeared to be disoriented and shocked by their presence. Officers detected an odor of alcohol emanating from Parola and observed he was wearing a wristband from a downtown bar,



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August 5, 2022 according to police reports. When officers escorted Parola out of the unit, he said he was not sure where he was, and that the unit where he was discovered was not where he was staying. Officers observed the locks to the sliding door were still engaged, but the screws were completely ripped out of the wall, according to police reports. Parola was arrested and charged with burglary and intoxicated endangerment.

Loaded Handgun Charge OCEAN CITY – A Pittsburgh man was arrested last weekend after first arguing with a Boardwalk tram driver and then being found with a loaded handgun on his person. Around 10:20 p.m. last Sunday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers responded to 4th Street and the Boardwalk to assist with a disorderly male. Officers observed a male suspect, later identified as Brandon Ernst, 28, of Pittsburgh, yelling at a Boardwalk tram driver. The driver had exited the tram and Ernst continued to yell at the driver, causing a scene for passersby. OCPD officers detained Ernst and advised him of the reason for the stop. According to police reports, Ernst advised the argument arose over the tram driver not allowing his child to enter the tram, although he did not elaborate on the driver’s reason for not letting his child on the tram. According to police reports, the tram driver advised officers Ernst was denied service because of his past disruptive and unsafe behavior. OCPD officers observed Ernst carrying a red plastic cup containing an alcoholic beverage, according to police reports, and he was placed under arrest at that point. During a search of Ernst’s backpack incident to the arrest, officers located a loaded Glock 9mm handgun inside a holster within the main pocket of the backpack. Ernst did not possess a concealed carry handgun permit in Maryland, according to police reports. He was charged with disturbing the peace and carrying a loaded handgun on or about his person.

Drugs, Weapons Bust










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OCEAN CITY – Three Philadelphia men were arrested last weekend after being found with drugs, weapons and other paraphernalia during a traffic stop. Around 3 p.m. last Friday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers responded to a convenience store at 52nd Street for a reported drug violation. The complainant advised she observed three males in a vehicle rolling marijuana cigars in their laps while they were parked at a gas pump, according to police reports. An OCPD officer arrived and saw the suspect vehicle leaving. The officer observed the rear tag was not properly secured and the window tinting appeared to be beyond the legal limits in Maryland, according to police reports. The officer conducted a traffic stop at 52nd Street and made contact with the driver, identified as Mekhi Lockhart, 18, of Philadelphia, who advised he did not have a license to drive. The officer detected an odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle and ordered Lockhart and the two passengers, identified as Alexander Meserole, 24, of Philadelphia, and Nysaiah Palmer, 18, also of Philadelphia, out of the vehicle and had them sit on a curb. During a search of the vehicle, OCPD SEE NEXT PAGE

August 5, 2022

... COPS & COURTS officers located a hand-rolled marijuana cigar in the front passenger map pocket. Also in the map pocket officers located a bag of marijuana and a spring-assisted knife. In the rear passenger seat, officers located a gym bag containing a box of 50 clear zip-lock bags and another 11 smaller plastic bags, according to police reports. Officers also located a digital scale in the bag, which combined with the bags suggested the suspects were distributing marijuana, according to police reports. In the trunk, OCPD officers located black backpack that contained a polymer handgun with no serial number and a flare gun that had been painted black with electrical tape wrapped around the handle. Each suspect refused to speak with police. Each was charged with possession with intent to distribute marijuana, possession of paraphernalia, and possessing and transporting a replica handgun among other charges.

Vomiting On Vehicles OCEAN CITY – A Gaithersburg, Md., man was arrested last weekend after allegedly vomiting on vehicles while intoxicated and then being found with a knife on his person. Around 6:35 a.m. last Saturday, an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer was dispatched to the area of Robin Drive for a reported male who had vomited on a vehicle and appeared to be unconscious standing up, according to police reports. The officer arrived on the

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch scene and observed a suspect later identified as Eric Simmons, 23, of Gaithersburg, Md., leaning on a vehicle slumped over and barely conscious, according to police reports. The officer sat Simmons on the ground and observed he appeared to be intoxicated and that he was covered in vomit. According to police reports, Simmons told the officer he did not know where he was. The officer observed vomit on the vehicle on which Simmons had been leaning. The officer also observed a pickup truck nearby with handprints all over it and vomit on the driver’s side front wheel, according to police reports. Simmons was arrested at that point for disorderly intoxication. Next to a puddle of vomit, OCPD officers located a backpack belonging to Simmons, according to police reports. During a search of Simmons’ person incident to the arrest, officers located a razor knife in his front right pocket. During a search of the backpack, officers reportedly located a glass smoking device and a metal grinder, both of which contained marijuana residue. Officers also located an open bag of a pink liquid that had the definite odor of an alcoholic beverage. When asked about the liquid, Simmons reportedly told police it was a margarita. Simmons was charged with intoxicated endangerment, possession of a dangerous weapon and an open container violation.

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responded to a reported domestic assault at a residence on Robin Drive. Officers arrived and located a male identified as David Sykes, 44, of Ocean City, sitting on a curb in front of the residence. Sykes told police he had been drinking alcohol and that his relationship with his girlfriend had been going downhill recently, according to police reports. Sykes said the girlfriend put her hands in his face and he whacked her hands away from his face, according to police reports. Sykes reportedly told officers that was when the girlfriend said she was going to call the police. OCPD officers interviewed the girlfriend, who reportedly told police Sykes had been verbally abusing her via text message while she was at work. The victim told officers she knew there was going to be an altercation when she got home

from work so she went straight to the bedroom to avoid any confrontation, according to police reports. The victim reportedly told police Sykes continued to verbally abuse her from the living room and that he kicked a fan and broke it during the argument. She also pointed out a hole in the bedroom door that Sykes reportedly made during their last verbal altercation. The victim reportedly told police Sykes had accused her of being disloyal in their relationship and questioned the amount of time she spent on her phone texting and being on social media. When the victim put her phone in Sykes’ face, he smacked her hand, causing a cut on the ring finger of her hand, according to police reports. Based on the evidence and testimony, Sykes was arrested and charged with second-degree assault.

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Domestic Assault Alleged OCEAN CITY – An Ocean City man was arrested on an assault charge last weekend after allegedly injuring his girlfriend’s finger during a domestic incident. Around 3:35 a.m. last Friday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers



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Commissioners Seeking $3.2M In Grant Funding For Projects

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch



Teachers Turn Out:

Buckingham Elementary School had a huge presence at Tuesday’s National Night Out event in Berlin with teachers offerings supplies, games and even water balloons for attendees. Photo by Charlene Sharpe

SNOW HILL – County officials agreed to seek grant funding for a variety of projects, ranging from wastewater infrastructure to internet connectivity, following discussion this week. The Worcester County Commissioners on Tuesday reviewed a list of potential projects and ranked their top priorities in order to seek Rural Maryland grant funding through the Tri-County Council. “There’s a lot of great stuff in here,” Commissioner Josh Nordstrom said. Melanie Pursel, director of the Wor-

August 5, 2022

cester County Office of Tourism and Economic Development, advised the commissioners that through the Tri-County Council, the county could seek $3.2 million in Rural Maryland grant funding. She said the commissioners simply needed to rank and select which projects they wanted to pursue funding for. While presented with a list of 16 potential projects, Nordstrom was quick to share his preferences. He said he wanted to seek funding for commercial harbor dredging, Main Street internet connectivity, an economic development study for Pocomoke, a Snow Hill bikeways projects and Lower Shore trail planning. Commissioner Jim Bunting said he was appalled with Nordstrom’s recommendations. “We have things on this list that affect health, safety and welfare,” he said. Nordstrom said the funding was meant to be used for economic development, which the projects he’d supported addressed. He added that many of the projects were in the north end of the county, and he wanted to see funding used in the southern end of the county as well. Commissioner Joe Mitrecic asked if the various projects tied to the Department of Environmental Programs would get done if they didn’t get grant funding. Bob Mitchell, director of environmental programs, said they might not be accomplished otherwise. He pointed out public works projects were on the list too. “These are necessary infrastructure improvements,” he said. “We have to come up with capacity. We can’t pass all the costs to the customers. They just can’t bear it.” He said improving water and sewer infrastructure laid the groundwork for more commercial growth. “This is for economic development,” he said, adding that the projects were in areas where growth would occur. Staff noted that the county was seeking $3.2 million in grant funds and the projects Nordstrom proposed funding only totaled about half of that. The commissioners unanimously agreed to add a handful of the infrastructure projects to the priority list and pursue the $3.2 million funding opportunity. As approved, the list includes West Ocean City Commercial Harbor dredging, Worcester Main Street connectivity plan, Riddle Farm Wastewater Treatment Plan membrane replacement, Riddle Farm water tower rehabilitation, Riddle Farm sewer engineering, Ocean Pines-Greater Ocean Pines regional water and sewer engineering, Riddle-Mystic Harbour regional water engineering, Pocomoke economic development feasibility study, Snow Hill bikeways projects and Lower Shore trails infrastructure planning.

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

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49th Annual White Marlin Open Kicks Off Monday In OC

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Dozens of yachts are pictured making their way to Harbour Island Marina after a day offshore during last year’s White Marlin Open. Photo by

OCEAN CITY – For the 49th year, Ocean City will once again become the epicenter of the sportfishing universe next week when thousands of anglers and tens of thousands of spectators cram into the resort for the return of the prestigious White Marlin Open. For 48 years, the White Marlin Open (WMO), deemed the largest billfish tournament in the world, has been one of the highlights of the summer, a sort of crescendo before the gradual downward slide into mid-August and the end of another summer season. Last year, 444 boats and roughly 3,500 anglers participated in the annual event, with a record $9.2 million in prize money doled out to the winners in several categories, including $3.2 million for first place in the signature white marlin category.

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August 5, 2022

After some solid fishing during last weekend’s Huk Big Fish Classic hosted at Talbot Street, the stage is set for what could be a memorable tournament, which gets underway on Monday. Boats can fish three out of the five days, Aug. 8-12. Mayor Rick Meehan referenced the event near the close of Monday’s council meeting. “The weather got better, the beaches are full and it’s great to see all the people here in Ocean City,” he said. “Also, the fishing has improved. We just had the Big Fish Classic and they were weighing fish all day yesterday.” Meehan outlined some of the remarkable fish weighed during the Big Fish Classic last weekend and hoped the incredible bite for several species would carry over to the WMO next week. Meehan referenced the WMO because the council will not meet again until after the tournament is over. “They weighed a white marlin, they weighed a bunch of big-eye tuna, which we really didn’t see here last year, a big blue marlin and lots of swordfish,” he said. “I’m only saying this because we’re not going to be here next week during the White Marlin Open, which is one of our busiest weeks of the year and regarded as the largest billfish tournament in the world, so it’s encouraging the waters are warming up and they’re starting to catch a lot of fish. It should be a great White Marlin Open week in Ocean City, so let’s all take advantage of it and enjoy it.” Just as they have for decades, hundreds of spectators will line the seawall at the Inlet to watch the parade of boats chugging out early Monday morning, the first of five fishing days in the tournament. The WMO gets underway on Monday and captains and teams of anglers will strategically decide which three of the five days to fish. Each WMO is uniquely different and this year will likely be no exception. In some years, the winning white marlin is caught on the very first day and the angler and crew wait it out all week to see if their fish will hold up and they will collect their potentially multi-million-dollar prize. In other years, the winning white is weighed on the last hour of the very last day on Friday. In either case, there is never any shortage of drama in the tournament with millions of prize money at stake. This year, for example, the total purse for the WMO is expected to exceed $10 million for the first time. Thousands will cram into host Harbour Island at 14th Street each day of the tournament for a chance to see a multi-million-dollar fish hauled up the scale. WMO enthusiasts begin showing up early in the afternoon to get a prime viewing spot near the scale and as the day wears on, the crowd swells in the otherwise quiet community as the scales prepare to open each day. Harbour Island has been and continSEE NEXT PAGE

… Marlin Fest Offered Daily With Live Music At Inlet

August 5, 2022

ues to be headquarters for the White Marlin Open, just as it has for decades, but new wrinkles have been added over the years to enhance the spectator experience and create some distancing for the throngs of enthusiasts. In August 2020, with COVID-related restrictions on distancing and gathering sizes full in effect, WMO organizers came up with a modified plan to open a venue for spectators at the downtown recreation complex between 3rd and 4th streets on the bayside. The impromptu venue included a large LED screen from which spectators could view the weigh-ins at traditional host Harbour Island along with waterfront areas spectators could watch the boats returning to the scales and other amenities. Last year, WMO officials presented a more formal version of the satellite venue at the downtown park with the same LED viewing screen, but more vendors and other activities including limited food and beverage sales and other activities. This year, what is now known as Marlin Fest will be held at the beach at the Inlet with the big screen for viewing action at the scale, vendors, food and beverage sales including alcohol, live music each day, cornhole tournaments and other family-friendly activities. The live music will be held from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. each day of the tournament next week and will feature some top local and regional bands. The focus will then switch to the action on the big screen as fish are weighed at host Harbour Island and the leaderboard is erased and rewritten each day. The Mayor and Council on Monday approved the franchise agreement for Marlin Fest at the Inlet starting on Monday. Each WMO is a little different and this year should bring big fish and big prize money to the winners in several categories if recent fishing trends and the weather holds. Last year, the winning white marlin was caught by angler Butch Wright on the Sushi, an 85.5-pounder worth $3.2 million. The winning blue marlin was a 775-pounder caught by angler David Cash on the Seven worth over $1.1 million. The crew on the Seven also weighed the biggest tuna, a 137-pounder worth over $1.2 million. Event organizers often say when one WMO is in the books, planning for the next one begins almost immediately. Little has changed since the 2021 event in terms of the format for the most part, although organizers have added a few wrinkles after listening to participating anglers for the 2022 tournament. While last year’s total purse was around $9.2 million, if recent trends hold up, the total purse in 2022 could exceed $10 million for the first time. There are a few new wrinkles for the 2022 event. For the first time this year, there will be no shark division. Because of new federal regulations on sharks, the category has been eliminated for 2022. Instead, a new swordfish cate-

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

gory has been added for this year. The swordfish category has been added to replace the shark division and is due, in part, to an increased interest in targeting swordfish. There will also be a winner-take-all added entry level for the 2022 WMO. There will also be an extra 30 minutes of fishing time each day during the tournament. Starting this year, lines and teasers can be put in the water starting at 8 a.m., a departure from the traditional 8:30 a.m. daily start time. There will also be a new daily billfish points added entry level for smaller boats. At the request of some of the smaller boats under 40 feet, WMO organizers this year are adding a daily billfish points category to reward smaller boats for catches and releases of billfish.

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The first day of last year’s White Marlin Open was highlighted by the Fishbone rescuing the crew of the Knot Stressin after it began taking on water. The Knot Stressin was ultimately deemed unsalvageable and sank in the Poor Man’s Canyon. Submitted Photo

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

August 5, 2022

August 5, 2022

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OC Council, Planning Commission To Discuss Ongoing Issues

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OCEAN CITY – With several weighty issues that could shape the future of the resort on the horizon, a joint meeting is being planned between the Mayor and Council and the town’s planning commission. The Mayor and Council have already completed an updated strategic plan process which establishes priorities, goals, policies and management actions for the town. In addition, the town’s comprehensive plan is scheduled for a fiveyear review an update starting early next year. To that end, the Mayor and Council and the planning commission have been working toward a joint summit of sorts to review several key development topics heading into that process. The Mayor and

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Council and the planning commission last held a similar joint meeting in 2016. Planning and Community Development Director Bill Neville on Monday presented a proposed agenda for the joint meeting, a date for which has not yet been set. With the strategic plan update nearing completion and a five-year review of the comprehensive plan pending, Neville said the time was right for a new joint meeting between the two bodies. “The last time this happened was in a similar point in time,” he said. “It’s an important point for the two groups to meet because you just finished an update to the strategic plan and there is a review of the comprehensive plan coming up. The last joint meeting was five or six years ago and the format could work well to improving communication.” The proposed agenda includes an administrative introduction outlining the

roles and responsibilities of the planning commission. The discussion items included on the agenda include items A through F. The agenda items include weighty topics such as the comprehensive plan update, housing, including current availability, an estimate of need and a discussion of projects in the planning pipeline. Other items include a discussion of pyramidal zoning. Recently, the planning commission has been discussing increased residential development in zoning districts designated for commercial development. Other agenda items include non-conformity, or the practice in some case of allowing projects to be developed that don’t conform to the existing code, and parking, including tandem or stacked parking for certain projects. Finally, the planned agenda includes other code amendments,

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such as maximum building height allowances and the sign code in different areas of the town, for example. Councilman Peter Buas said overall he supported the agenda for the planning commission joint meeting as proposed, but raised some concerns about some of the weightier issues being included in what will likely be a single-day meeting. “I was a little alarmed by items C through E,” he said. “Those are some very big topics. If the planning commission feels strongly about them, maybe can narrow it down, but those three topics could take days.” Neville said many of the topics could have an impact on the five-year update of the comprehensive plan early next year and it was important for the two bodies to be on the same page. “Do we anticipate a minor change next year, or will it require major changes?” he said. “That’s why those items are on this agenda. We want to keep the discussion at the policy level.” Councilman Mark Paddack said he was satisfied with items included on the agenda. “Two members of the commission have brought up non-conformity to me, so I’m glad that’s on here,” he said. “All of these things – density, housing, licensing and non-conformity – they should all be on here.” Mayor Rick Meehan said each of the items included on the agenda were intrinsically linked to the others and having a general conversation with the planning commission on them was important. “All of these things work together,” he said. “It’s a good idea to have a basic conversation on all of these. The planning commission is looking for some direction on some of these issues going forward.” Meehan said the planned joint meeting with the planning commission could be a jumping off point for a deeper dive on some of the issues with the appointed body. “This is just a first meeting,” he said. “If we need to drill down on a certain topic, we can schedule a follow-up meeting.” Councilman John Gehrig said he was fine with the agenda as proposed but questioned if the joint meeting should be held after the November election in case some of the faces on the council change. Gehrig said he was interested to learn how the planning commission, which has added new members its own in recent months, feels strongly about some of the issues. “I want to hear what their priorities are,” he said. “If we disagree on some things, that’s a good thing. I don’t want to go too deep down a hole on a single topic.” Council Secretary Tony DeLuca said he believed the agenda as presented covered the appropriate ground. “Certainly, we all have energy on all of these topics,” he said. “I think it could be reorganized a bit, but I think these agenda items can be prioritized and discussed.” In the end, the council directed Neville to refine the agenda and begin planning for a joint meeting with the planning commission, likely in September.

OP Mulls Food, Beverage Change

August 5, 2022


OCEAN PINES – The association’s board is considering the implementation of food and beverage amenity rules following a review of governing documents and an incident that occurred at the Ocean Pines Yacht Club in May. Last week, members of the Ocean Pines Association (OPA) Board of Directors had before them proposed rules and regulations pertaining to conduct at the Beach Club, Clubhouse Bar and Grill, and Yacht Club. President Colette Horn, who presented the document for a first reading, said the rules, if approved, would be included in the association’s book of amenity rules maintained in the general manager’s office. “A recent review of Resolution M-02 revealed that Section 14(a) stipulates that the GM shall establish rules for participation in our amenity facilities …,” she said. “The recent incident at our Yacht Club and the review of Resolution M-02 revealed the absence of rules adopted by OPA for our food and beverage facilities.” She continued, “This motion is meant to secure board adoption of the attached rules and authorization for them to be included in the book of amenity rules maintained in the GM’s office and enforced per Resolution M-02, Section 12(e) and (f).” Horn noted that a recent incident at the Yacht Club prompted a review of the association’s governing documents. Last month, the board voted to ban former board member Tom Janasek from food and beverage amenities for a total of 90 days following an altercation that occurred at the Yacht Club on May 20. While at the Yacht Club Tiki Bar, Janasek reportedly launched into a verbal tirade and yelled at Director Josette Wheatley over Wheatley’s vote to elect the next association president. Janasek was ultimately escorted from the property, and Wheatley has since obtained a peace order preventing Janasek from contacting her for a period of six months. Janasek has also filed suit against the board seeking relief against the 90-day ban. But board members last week said the proposed rules and regulations would give the association a guideline for handling future incidents at food and beverage amenities. “I agree with all of this,” Director Doug Parks said. “I think it’s important that we frame, in a more detailed manner, what we should be doing.” Simply put, the rules and regulations presented last week outline examples of inappropriate conduct and the punishment – including removal and suspension – for breaking those rules of conduct. Parks, however, argued that the proposed document did not explain who would decide the punishment or the length of suspension. “I think it’s far too vague,” he said. “Remember, we are creating a rule here

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

that’s going to be maintained over many, many years. So the idea of having some subjective term dictate the length of suspension to me is not the best way … I think we should make it far more detailed.” Director Amy Peck said the severity of each incident should also be considered. “I think there has to be some discussion on the severity of the offense,” she said. “It could be a first offense, but it is so severe that it warrants a lifetime ban.” Horn said she liked the idea of defining severity and length of suspension. Board members then went back and forth discussing the length of suspension for each offense and the grounds for a permanent ban. Parks added that new state legislation establishing procedures for disputes between an association’s board of directors and alleged violators would also have an impact on the proposed rules and regulations. “There’s going to be an appeal process, I think we have to be aware of …,” he said. “We can’t lose sight of the fact that that law will go into effect on Oct. 1.” After further discussion, the board voted unanimously to table the first reading. “It sounds like we need to change some wording here and perhaps get some input from our HOA attorney,” Horn said.

Building Futures & Restoring Pasts!

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‘Walk America’ Tour Includes Area

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

August 5, 2022


Isaiah Glen Shields is pictured in front of the Atlantic Hotel Monday with Libby Moore, a Berlin native who was home visiting family. Submitted Photos

BERLIN – A quick breeze through Berlin turned into a two-night stay as the town’s charm caught the attention of a man walking across America. Isaiah Glen Shields, 28, is nearing the end of a more than year-long walk across the country. Though he expected to pass quickly through Berlin, the generosity of local residents and the appeal of a vibrant small town prompted him to spend a little time exploring. “It was beautiful,” he said. “They didn’t get the ‘America’s Coolest Small Town’ moniker for nothing.” Shields is walking from the westernmost point of the continental United States to the easternmost point — Lubec, Maine. The journey that began May 13, 2021, has taken him across the country, as he’s visited Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and Maryland. He’s walked more than 7,100 miles on what he refers to as #WalkAmerica. Why? “That’s a simple question with a complex answer,” he told one woman who stopped him as he walked out of Berlin. Essentially, Shields simply wanted to.

Shields took a break on Main Street for a picture with the We Heart Berlin banner.

He has a sense of adventure and an interest in people that pushed him to realize a life sitting still wasn’t for him. “It’s been a really positive experience,” he said. As to whether the trek was what he expected, Shields—who’s paying for the trip with his savings and occasional donations—said in some ways it was and in some ways it wasn’t. “It’s hard to anticipate what any largescale project is going to entail,” he said. SEE PAGE 34

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… ‘it’s Been a really positive experience’

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

August 5, 2022

8th street & philadelphia ave. 410-289-4891 • open year-round every day 8th st. liquors open every day

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Throughout his time in the area this week, Shields met dozens of people including Berlin Electric Utility Director Tim Lawrence, left; Debi Dean-Colley, center; and Bradley Messick. Submitted Photos

FROM PAGE 32 “I wanted to educate myself in a very real way.” Not only did he want to meet people from all walks of life, he wanted the challenge of overcoming unexpected obstacles. He likes making last minute decisions on which routes to take and how long he’ll spend in a place. He enjoys the uncertainty of stumbling upon places rather than knowing what’s coming. Shields believes it’s all part of understanding what’s really out there and the hidden beauty of the world. “I’ve been walking continuously,” he said. “It’s a pretty grueling task. That’s what I wanted — the difficulty, the uncertainty, the struggle. I wanted to analyze what I was really doing with my life.” Shields, who pushes a cart with his gear, typically sleeps in a tent but accepts invitations to stay with people if they come at the end of the day. He spent a night at Libelle Homestead outside Berlin and another night at the Atlantic Hotel thanks to the generosity of

local residents. The night at the hotel inspired him to spend some time checking out the town. He got ice cream at Island Creamery, toured the Mermaid Museum and strolled past historic homes. “Berlin has done a remarkable job of keeping businesses open,” he said. “It’s bustling. Shops are locally owned.” After seeing small towns plagued by drugs and others struggling to stay viable in the modern age, Shields was pleasantly surprised by what he found in Berlin. He praised the new ping pong tables on William Street, which he noticed were right in front of the town’s power plant. “They took something that would often be dead space and turned it into a place people could gather,” he said. Folks in Berlin—the woman who bought him dinner, the group that invited him to breakfast, and even the dentist’s office that cleaned his teeth— were thrilled to share their hospitality with Shields. “It was a pleasure to meet Isaiah on

his long journey across America,” said Allison Early, an administrative assistant for the town. “He was very friendly and appreciative of our welcoming and generous community. I am so glad he was able to stop and enjoy our town for a couple days because it’s normally something he doesn’t do.” Shields, who departed Berlin Tuesday morning, said he was considering a visit to Ocean City as he continued north. While the going is slow, particularly when he gets stopped every few minutes by someone asking about his journey or sharing how it’s inspired them, Shields sounded nostalgic as he acknowledged that the walk was winding down. While the end is in sight, Shields isn’t ready to abandon his sense of adventure. He’s not sure what he’ll do next but plans to keep moving. “I’d be quite difficult for me to go from this experience, which has been rich experientially, to most other things honestly,” he said. “I’m not saying it’s the best type of life but it’s the best type of life for me.”

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August 5, 2022

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

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Your Countertop Specialists

Memorable Catch:

As White Marlin Open week returns to the region, some local fishermen revisit stories of years gone by. One such example came 46 years ago on July 3, 1976 when long-time Ocean City resident and business owner George Purnell, center, was fishing on his Jer-Chel vessel with Captain Jim Baker, right, at the Jackspot. While trolling for bluefish, Purnell pitched a ballyhoo on a 20-pound line. The blue marlin ate it, providing the fight of a lifetime for Purnell. To help with the battle, Mike Aman, left, jumped on board from a nearby boat to help land the beauty. In 1976, there was nowhere to weigh the massive fish in Ocean City. Therefore, the team drove the blue marlin to Berlin to a scale owned by Sam Bromley. A mount of the beautiful catch – which nearly missed breaking a world record -- can be seen today at Bahia Marina above the entrance to the tackle shop. Submitted Photo

Battle Of The Bras Fundraiser Planned

OCEAN CITY – The Capt. Steve’s Poor Girls Open is an allwomen billfish release fishing tournament that raises money for breast cancer research. During this year’s event, there will be a fun and creative fundraiser called the Battle of the Bras. This competition is open to anyone who is crafty and imaginative. Individuals and local groups are encouraged to decorate bras that will be on display during the Poor Girls Open at Bahia Marina. Each bra will be displayed, and donations will be collected and will act as a “vote” for each. The Battle of the Bras winner will be announced Saturday, Aug. 20 at 7:30 p.m. during the weigh-ins located at Bahia Marina, which is home to Fish Tales Bar and Grill on 22nd Street Bayside in Ocean City. The winner will receive a $100 gift card to Fish Tales and bragging rights for an entire year. Contestants can enter now until Aug. 16 and the entrance fee is $25, which is donated to breast cancer research. These bras will be on display under the Battle for the Bras tent from Aug. 17-20. More information on the tourney can be found at

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Page 36

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Annual ‘Best Of’ Winners Announced

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

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OCEAN CITY – recently announced winners in the 11th Annual Best of Ocean City® contest. The 75 winners led all participants of each poll in a contest that included over 230 businesses in four broad categories. Seacrets, Fisher’s Popcorn, Thrasher’s Fries, Odyssea Watersports and Old Pro Golf were among the first-place winners who have won an award every year for the last 11 years. The Best of Ocean City® contest, where visitors and locals alike nominate and vote for their favorite Ocean City businesses, is the longest running and largest local popular vote poll to celebrate the best businesses in the Ocean City area.’s contest is the only best of competition not tied to advertising or sponsorship. Instead, the Best of Ocean City® contest relies on the enthusiasm and support of the more than one million visitors on and the 213,000-plus Facebook fans to propel the most engaged businesses to the top. In addition to the voting, presents an editor’s choice winner as another option in most categories. These winners are chosen by a panel of locals and they offer an additional recommendation to visitors looking for the best places to go in Ocean City. “This contest started when hotels were coming to us wanting this information – guests in the hotels wanted

August 5, 2022

recommendations for the best businesses in a variety of categories. That is why it’s imperative that the Best of Ocean City not be related to advertising,” said CEO Ann McGinnis Hillyer. “We want to provide every visitor in Ocean City with real, honest recommendations for the best businesses in town.” Winning an Best of Ocean City® award is a triumph for Ocean City businesses because it shows that their fans are willing to take the time to vote. Winners are prominently recognized within the local community and receive a coveted photo award plaque printed on metal and a distinctive window decal to display. The background photograph on the 2022 winners’ awards was taken by Laura Carotenuto whose entry won the photo contest on designed to find an iconic picture of Ocean City. The awards depict a different photo each year, but they all commemorate the winning businesses who represent the very Best of Ocean City®. Next year will bring the addition of at least three new polls to reflect changes to COVID restrictions and the dietary preferences of Ocean City visitors – Best Brunch, Best Buffet/AYCE and Best Restaurant that caters to dietary restrictions. For a complete list of winners and to vote for the Best of Ocean City® 2023 visit

August 5, 2022

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

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14th Annual Berlin Peach Festival Planned For Saturday

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

The lawn of the Taylor House Museum is pictured during last year’s Berlin Peach Festival.

BERLIN – The 14th Annual Berlin Peach Festival will be held Saturday, Aug. 6, from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m., on the grounds of the Calvin B. Taylor House Museum, 208 North Main Street. Admission is free. Mayor Zack Tyndall will officially open the festival and Duncan Showell American Legion Post will present the colors. All afternoon, attendees can stroll among the displays, demonstrations, and sales and information tables. New this year will be

cooking demonstrations by chef Phil Cropper. There will be juicy peaches for sale from a variety of Mid-Atlantic growers and many food vendors serving up delicious local specialties. Children can enjoy a performance by magician Magic Jack, storytelling on the lawn and participate in cupcake walks. Children’s games will be provided by Worcester Youth and Family Counseling. The Walnut Hill Violin Studio will perform. Lo-

cal favorites, the George and Pat Bilenki Duo, will provide musical entertainment throughout the day. As in the past, there will be a pie-baking contest and a peach-pit guessing contest, with prizes for the winners. All afternoon, the Calvin B. Taylor House Museum will be open for tours of the historic 1832 house, featuring the new Charles Albert Tindley and Briddelltown displays upstairs. The Museum also will

August 5, 2022

File Photos

have sales and membership information booths on the lawn. The 14th Annual Peach Festival is sponsored by the Berlin Heritage Foundation. Funding for this event is in part provided by the Worcester County Arts Council, Maryland State Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, (organizations dedicated to cultivating a vibrant cultural community where the arts thrive), and other generous local supporters.

August 5, 2022

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

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$528K In Grants To Help Shore

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch


BERLIN – More than half a million dollars in grant funding will make possible several projects in Worcester County. The Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA) announced that Beach to Bay Heritage Area received $528,000 in grants to fund projects ranging from restoration work to new exhibits. Funding will help initiatives at Furnace Town and Assateague State Park, among other projects. “These funds allow much needed programs and projects to become a reality,” said Lisa Challenger, executive director of Beach to Bay Heritage Area. “The MHAA grant program is a great way to foster broad public-private partnerships to preserve and enhance the best of our historic sites and towns, unspoiled natural landscapes, and enduring traditions.” In late July, the Hogan administration announced $5.1 million in awards to Maryland nonprofits, local jurisdictions and heritage organizations by the MHAA. The grant funds are meant to support heritage tourism projects and activities that attract visitors and expand economic development. “Heritage tourism is an economic development tool that creates jobs and brings visitors to the state while making our communities better places to live and work,” Gov. Larry Hogan said. “Our administration is proud that this funding will allow for 107 projects to move forward and congratulate Maryland’s Heritage Areas and their tourism partners for their support in changing Maryland for the better.” Locally, projects include the construc-

August 5, 2022

tion of picnic tables with storage bins at Assateague State Park, new exhibits at the historic Germantown School and an expansion of the Ocean City Life-Saving Station Museum. Furnace Town received $46,750 for renovations. “We are delighted to be the recipient of this award,” said Claudia Nagle, executive director of Furnace Town Historic Site. “The Nassawango Iron Furnace is a vital piece of Worcester County and Lower Shore history. The award is a significant opportunity to ensure the furnace and its history are preserved for future generations.” Nagle said the grant allocation would be used to evaluate and restore the furnace structurally, as this is the first phase of a multistep preservation plan to restore the furnace fully. Challenger said she was thrilled to see several first-time and minority applicants receive funding in this round. She believes the projects funded will spur heritage tourism, bringing jobs and visitors to the state. “The Beach to Bay Heritage Area contributes to our local economy by preserving and enhancing the places that attract cultural and heritage tourists,” she said. The MHAA funding included a $100,000 Beach to Bay Heritage Area management grant, $46,750 for Furnace Town, $31,281 for Germantown School, $50,000 for Friends of Assateague State Park and $50,000 for the Ocean City Life-Saving Station’s restoration of the historic bank building. Funding was also allocated to a skipjack in Crisfield, Tyree African Methodist Episcopal Church, Chesapeake Country All American Road and an indigenous archive project for the Lower Eastern Shore.

Berlin Announces Key Election Dates BY CHARLENE SHARPE


BERLIN – The Town of Berlin this week officially announced the upcoming election on Oct. 4. On Monday, the town announced that the municipal election would be held Tuesday, Oct. 4 for the council seats in District 1 and District 4 as well as the atlarge seat. Voters can find more information online at under the “Municipal Elections” tab. “All of the information available is on the website,” said Acting Town Administrator Mary Bohlen. The voter registration deadline is Friday, Sept. 2. Berlin voters must be registered with the Worcester County Board of Elections, as the town does not conduct separate voter registration. To register, or to change registration information, contact the board of elections at 410-632-1320 or visit For candidates, the filing deadline is 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 2. The write-in candidate deadline is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 27 but write-in candidates do not

appear on the ballot. Currently, candidates include Steve Green in District 1 (incumbent Troy Purnell is not seeking re-election), incumbent Dean Burrell and Tony Weeg in District 4 and incumbent Jay Knerr and Adrian Bowen for the atlarge seat. As far as absentee voting, applications to vote absentee for the municipal election will be available on Sept. 1 and will be accepted starting on Friday, Sept. 2. Applications will be on the Berlin website at or by emailing mbohlen or by calling 410-641-2770. Electronic forms must be printed and the original signed application must be submitted. Absentee voting applications have to be received by mail (not postmarked) by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 27. Applications can be returned in person at Berlin Town Hall until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 30. On Election Day on Oct. 4, polls will be open from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Voters in District 1 and District 2 will vote at Buckingham Presbyterian Church and voters in District 3 and District 4 will vote at the Berlin Police Department.

August 5, 2022

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

August 5, 2022

Berlin Provides Conservancy Access To Restore Wetlands BY CHARLENE SHARPE


Dusk Sky:

Though the sun sets over the bay in Ocean City, the colors on the oceanside are often a sight to behold, such as last Friday night. Photo by Chris Parypa

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BERLIN – Town officials agreed to again partner with The Nature Conservancy to restore wetlands near the Pocomoke River. On July 25, the Berlin Town Council approved an agreement with The Nature Conservancy that will allow the organization access to land at the town’s spray irrigation facility on Purnell Crossing Road. The Nature Conservancy will be installing breaches to restore wetlands. “We’re in the permitting process right now,” said Mike Dryden, restoration specialist for The Nature Conservancy. Dryden told the council The Nature Conservancy had been working for more than a decade to rebuild area wetlands. Regionally, the organization is close to restoring and protecting 4,000 acres in the Pocomoke River Watershed, mostly on the Pocomoke River. About 100 years ago, levees or berms were created near the river. When a storm occurs, water sits in the pockets created by them. What The Nature Conservancy wants to do is break up those levees so that water can bypass them and settle in the surrounding areas during a storm event. “What we’re doing is taking these spoil piles out, bringing the floodplain elevation straight across,” Dryden said. The town initially approved an agreement with The Nature Conservancy in 2016 and the organization sought permission this week to continue its efforts along the Pocomoke. Jamey Latchum, the town’s director of water resources, said The Nature Conservancy wanted permission to go on the town’s spray site property to build three more of the breaches it’s been installing throughout the watershed. “We’re going to do two miles from Purnell Crossing south, not quite to Whiton,” Dryden said, adding that three of the planned 12 breaches would be on town property. The council voted unanimously to approve the cooperative agreement with The Nature Conservancy. Dryden said permitting was underway and that he hoped construction could start in August or September. According to its website, The Nature Conservancy’s mission “is to conserve the lands on which all life depends. To achieve this, we must boldly address the biodiversity and climate crises over the next decade. By maximizing our ability to effect change between now and 2030, we can shape a brighter future for people and our planet.”

Ocean Games Celebrates 10th Year

August 5, 2022

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Melodee Liegl, left, is pictured with her award for first place in the nine-mile, non-wetsuit swim. Above right, a swimmer is pictured running out of the ocean to the finish line. Submitted Photos

OCEAN CITY – The 10th Annual Ocean Games open water swim was held on Saturday, July 16 in downtown Ocean City bringing over 90 swimmers and their families into the resort for the weekend. Ocean Games is one of the few ocean-based marathon swimming events offered on the entire East Coast. It attracts participants of all ages and levels, from novice open water swimmers to experienced marathoners. Ocean Games features a three- and nine-mile swim along the Atlantic coastline. Local singer Ruby Manos kicked off the nine-mile start at Caroline Street and the three-mile start at 94th Street, singing the National Anthem. The best overall time for the nine-mile, non-wetsuit was set by Melodee Liegl of Delafield Wis., finishing at 4:12:14.64. As a marathon swimmer, Liegl has swam miles upon miles in open waters around the world. The first three, nine-mile swimmers to cross the finish line were women. Katie Pumphrey, who participated in Ocean Games 2021, just completed her second English Channel Crossing – 21 miles of swimming in water temps under

62 degrees, taking anywhere from seven to 21 hours depending on the conditions. Ocean Games is an event put on by the nonprofit Swim Ocean City and founded in 2013 by native-born Corey Davis. This event is made possible with the aid of local volunteers, TCR Event Management, Ocean City Beach Patrol, the U.S. Coast Guard and local businesses like Smokers BBQ, Decatur Diner, Chick-fil-A West OC, Bluewater, Sea Rocket, Choptank Electric, Plak That and Coastal Kayak. A percentage of the funds raised from Ocean Games are donated to Johns Hopkins Traumatic Brain Injury unit to help with research and patients seeking help to get back in life. In addition, the organization also helps fund other local charities in the Berlin/Ocean City area, such as Worcester Youth and Family, Diakonia, Atlantic General Hospital, and Ronald McDonald House as well. Ocean Games is always looking for others to assist their needs also. If you would like to learn more about Ocean Games/Swim Ocean City or get involved in the event, please visit

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Center For Arts To Feature McBride Paintings In August

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OCEAN CITY — The Art League of Ocean City invites the public to its First Friday opening reception on Aug. 5 from 5-7 p.m. at the Ocean City Center for the Arts on 94th Street bayside. New paintings by Berlin-based artist Kirk McBride are featured in the Thaler Gallery throughout August. After college at the University of Maryland, McBride won "Best in Show" at the first local art show he entered, encouraging him to make painting a lifelong pursuit. He has been at it since the 1970s, part-time, while teaching and raising a family, and full-time since the early 1990s. A switch from watercolors to oils 18 years ago led to plein air painting. In recent years, McBride has traveled the East Coast from Florida to Maine exploring the docks and fishing shacks, the marshes and beaches, the old wooden boats, and the people who make a living from the sea. His paintings are a way of chronicling this vanishing piece of American life. The paintings of Jonathan Nordstrom of Ocean Pines fill Studio E at the Arts Center in August. His paintings tend to illustrate his view of the universe, and many can be considered surreal pointillism. Born and raised in Michigan, Nordstrom became a firefighter in the U.S. Air Force, a career he continues to pursue. He is also the award-winning author and illustrator of several children’s books. “Sometimes Sleep” was awarded the Mom’s Choice Award, Gold Honoree.

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Artist Kirk McBride is pictured with his work at a previous Art League of Ocean City exhibit. Submitted Photo

Two photographers from Cambridge, Lynne Brown and Terry Melius, will exhibit their work in the Spotlight Gallery in August. They began snorkeling together on a fishing trip in the Bahamas where their early attempts at underwater photography did not reflect the magical seascapes they were exploring. After deciding they needed to learn more about

photography and underwater photography in particular, they signed up for photography classes at the Smithsonian. Lynne specializes in photo processing, and Terry, in photo presentation. Heidi Wetzel of Easton is the art center’s artisan for August. A skilled basket weaver, her materials include cedar bark, white and black ash, cane, sweet grass,

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waxed linen, and hand-spun yarn. Wetzel also recycles found natural outdoor objects, such as driftwood, antlers, acorns, shells, pinecones, sea glass, and seed pods, reflecting the natural surroundings of the Eastern Shore. The Galleria hosts a limited-run exhibit of artwork created by the children who attended this summer’s Art Adventure Camp at the Arts Center. “The goal with this show is to celebrate their creations as well as give them the experience of actually showing their work in an impressive gallery space,” Rina Thaler, executive director of the Art League, said. The campers artwork will hang through Aug.11, then be replaced with the annual “Artists Paint OC” plein air exhibition and sale. The exhibit of paintings by Francisco Madera as well as the collaborative mural with Ian Postley continues in the Staircase Gallery. Offsite exhibitions continue at the Art League’s satellite galleries in North Ocean City. The main lobby gallery at the Princess Royale Oceanfront, 9100 Coastal Hwy., hosts an exhibit of paintings by Maggii Sarfaty. The Coffee Beanery on 94th Street continues a show of macrame wall hangings by Beth Deeley. Beverages for the First Friday reception are sponsored by PKS Investments, and complimentary hors d’oeuvres are sponsored by the Dunes Manor Hotel.

Coleman Retiring After 23 Years With Resort Parks Department

August 5, 2022

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Pictured, from left, are Parks Superintendent Gary Collier, Recreation and Parks Director Susan Petito, David Coleman and Mayor Rick Meehan. Submitted Photo

OCEAN CITY – David Coleman retired last month after 23 years of employment with the Recreation and Parks Department. Coleman began his career in 1994 as a part-time employee and was then hired full-time in 1999 for the parks division. Prior to working for the town, Coleman had extensive groundskeeping experience and also worked with a hardscaping and landscaping company. According to Coleman, or “D.C.” as he was known by his colleagues, his responsibilities at Recreation and Parks included keeping the parks and grounds up to par year-round. He was also instrumental in the setup and execution of the annual Winterfest of Lights.

“Working for the town was the best decision I could have made,” Coleman commented. “It was a pleasure to be a part of the growing parks and co-workers will be missed.” During retirement, Coleman expects to continue working for Goose Haven Farms Custom Farming, guide waterfowl hunters during goose season and continue selling his own personal line of goose calls. “David was an integral part of the Parks team and took great pride in maintaining town-owned properties,” Parks Superintendent Gary Collier commented. “We truly appreciate his many years of hard work and dedication to Ocean City Recreation & Parks.”

Worcester GOLD Eyes Donors To Support School Supply Drive

BERLIN – Every summer for the past 25 years, Worcester County GOLD (Giving Other Lives Dignity), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, has organized its School Supplies For Students program to provide backpacks filled with grade-appropriate supplies to Worcester County students in need. “Something as simple as a new backpack can boost a student’s confidence and make going to school a positive experience,” said Taylor Carty, program coordinator. “The past two years students and teachers have had to adapt to an ever-changing learning environment. Through our work with the local schools, we’ve adapted our program as well to continue to provide the supplies that students need. By tailoring the supplies

we provide by the student's school and grade, GOLD’s School Supplies for Students program ensures that every child has an equal opportunity for success.” GOLD annually receives 300-500 student school supply requests from its agency users, the caseworkers, nurses, therapists and advocates that work directly with families struggling with poverty and low-income circumstances in Worcester County. To ensure each child has what he or she needs to be successful for the school year, GOLD encourages the community to help by sponsoring a student or by making a donation. If you are interested in sponsoring a student, donating, or learning more about the program visit their website

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

August 5, 2022

OCBP Donation: The Ocean City Surf Club provided the Ocean City Beach Patrol with two new ocean rescue boards again this year for the junior beach

patrol program.

Shepherd’s Crook Seeking Donations Submitted Photo


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OCEAN CITY – The Shepherd's Crook Food Pantry at St. Paul’s by-theSea Episcopal Church in Ocean City is currently open three mornings a week to serve those with the need for food items, a bagged lunch and some toiletries. During the summer months, many of the international students working in Ocean City are served. This summer, Shepherd’s Crook is experiencing an overwhelming increase in the number of clients, due to the rising cost of food and the influx of international students coming into Ocean City. Between 80 and 100 clients come through the doors in the two hours the crook is open. As a result, it has been difficult for organizers to keep up with the demand to keep the shelves stocked. The month of August has been designated as Shepherd’s Crook Month. Each week, specific popular items are requested – Aug. 8, canned goods, especially corn and black beans; Aug. 15, toiletries; and Aug. 22, peanut butter. Shepherd’s Crook was founded in 2002 by church parishioners whose goal was to “Feed My Sheep” (John 21:17). It is run entirely by volunteers from both within and without the parish. Shepherd’s Crook operates out of DeWees Hall (on 3rd Street) three days a week (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday) from 10 am to noon. All donations can be dropped off during operating hours or brought to church on Sunday mornings. Monetary donations can be mailed to the church at 302 N. Baltimore Avenue, Ocean City, Md. 21842. Please be sure to note on your check that it is designated for Shepherd’s Crook.

Perrone Resigns As Pines Treasurer

August 5, 2022


OCEAN PINES – Director Doug Parks will serve as association treasurer for the remainder of the board year following Director Larry Perrone’s resignation from the position. In last week’s meeting of the Ocean Pines (OPA) Association Board of Directors, Perrone announced his resignation as the association treasurer. In his resignation letter, Perrone said the decision was a direct result of President Colette Horn’s request to direct financial LARRY PERRONE questions to the association’s email address, “This letter is to advise you that I am resigning my position as treasurer of the OPA effective today,” he said. “This decision is a result of your direction to me and the rest of the board that we are prohibited from answering any financial questions raised by community members.” In his resignation, Perrone explained he had received a question from an association member regarding financials. But when he attempted to acquire a financial report, Perrone said the general manager had advised him to submit the member’s question to the association email address. “When the issue was raised with you, you directed me and the board to submit all inquiries to the website,” he said. “When I asked about the authority to make such a unilateral decision, you advised me and the board you feel this is the best course of action.” He continued, “In essence, you have de facto appointed the general manager the treasurer of the association. You do not have the authority to direct the treasurer or the board not to answer questions from community members. I cannot support this direction, which I think directly contradicts the duties for the treasurer or any board member.” Horn told Perrone last week she would accept his resignation but argued the association’s governing documents neither allowed nor prohibited directors from responding to community members. “The mechanism was put in place to reduce confusion and create a businesslike approach to following up on all questions having to do with operations,” she replied. “I do not believe that means individual directors cannot answer questions, but simply would encourage directors to continue to use to get the questions to the right person on the operations team, so that we have consistency of communication, which in my view is one of the best business practices that I think everybody sitting at this table had hoped to achieve when they each took their seat as a director.” Perrone argued the most recent matter was just one of a few involving the treasurer and the general manager.

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“This is the last of a couple instances involving a conflict between the treasurer and the general manager regarding duties and responsibilities of the treasurer, and unfortunately you have taken a position that the general manager should be the sole source of answering financial questions,” he said. “As I stated in my resignation letter, you are de facto appointing him treasurer of the association. He is not the treasurer of the association. He is the chief operating officer and chief personnel officer.” Perrone added that Horn did not have the authority to restrict the board from answering association members’ questions. “We are the representatives of this community, and if a question is raised, and we can get the answer for the community, that’s what we should be doing,” he said. Late last week, Horn announced Parks would serve as treasurer for the remainder of the board year following a unanimous vote. “Within two weeks after the annual meeting, during which the election of new directors will be validated, there will be an organizational meeting at which the newly constituted board will elect new officers of the association,” Horn said in a statement. “Director Parks will serve as treasurer until the new officers are elected. The board thanks Director Parks for his willingness to assume the responsibilities of this position.”



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Full Service Real Estate Settlements • Serving The Resort Area Since 1989

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August 5, 2022

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

August 5, 2022

Freeman Arts Pavilion’s Photo Of The Week:

Each week during the season the Freeman Arts Pavilion submits a photo of the week from the Selbyville venue. Above, as part of its Young Audience Series, Freeman Arts Pavilion hosted “Jungle John’s Jurassic Journey” on Saturday, July 23. The Young Audience Series is free family-friendly programming geared toward children from pre-K to fifth grade and runs every Saturday morning through Sept. 3. Photo by Freeman Arts Pavilion Tickets are still available to headline 2022 performances at

Send Us Your Best

Kids Of Summer Have Your Child Appear In The Dispatch’s 16th Annual

Kids Of Summer FEATURES ON AUG. 26, SEPT. 2 & 9

That’s when we will publish all the kids’ photos we receive. Just make sure it’s in color and a high-quality image.


Mayor Concludes Final Term On Fenwick Council

August 5, 2022


FENWICK ISLAND – As Fenwick Island’s general election nears, Mayor Vicki Carmean recognized town staff and community members for their support during her years in office. In her last meeting as a town councilwoman, Carmean thanked community members and town officials for their support during her time on the Fenwick Island Town Council. After eight VICKI terms in office, Carmean CARMEAN will not be seeking re-election on Aug. 6. “I just want to thank everybody in the community for their support over the years,” she said. “And I want to thank the people in town hall for all of their support and friendship. It’s an honor. It hasn’t always been a pleasure, but it’s been an interesting challenge. Thank you for putting me here.” Carmean, who served on the council on and off since 2002, added she will conclude two decades of service to the town in August. “This is my very last regular council meeting. Two decades ago, my husband forced me to sign up to run for council, and here I am 20 years later,” she joked. “It was going to be a two-year stint, and never in my wildest dreams did I think I would end up being the mayor. I never aspired to

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it … I have poured myself into it and have given it everything I could possibly give.” Last month, it was learned that Carmean would not be seeking a ninth term in office. After years serving on the town council, Carmean announced she was retiring from the role to pursue other interests. “I have always felt a great deal of love for the town as well as a sense of responsibility as a citizen,” she said in a statement last month. “During both the good and sometimes painful times in Fenwick’s past, I have tried to remain true to certain standards, like treating people with courtesy and respect as well as encouraging honest and transparent government. Serving as the mayor this past year with a very talented council and dedicated staff has been the absolutely best experience.” She continued, “I am looking to journey down another road where there are more

places to see and people to meet. I am comfortable knowing that Fenwick is in a positive position to move forward. While I feel very fortunate and honored that I have been able to serve, now other very capable people have stepped forward to provide new ideas and contributions.” In June, the Fenwick Island Town Council accepted the names of five candidates who will vie for three council seats currently held by Carmean, Bill Rymer and Richard Benn. In addition to Rymer and Benn, candidates for the 2022 election include Edward Bishop, Kimberly Espinosa and Eric Espinosa. This year’s town council election will follow what can only be described as a divisive 2021 campaign, in which four newcomers – Natalie Magdeburger, Janice Bortner, Jacque Napolitano and Paul Breg-

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er – unseated the four challenging incumbents to secure seats on the dais. Following a slew of resignations, Carmean, the only remaining incumbent on the town council, was appointed mayor, while Rymer and Benn were appointed to fill two council vacancies. As Rymer and Benn were appointed to fill the remainder of a two-year term, their seats will be up for grabs in this year’s election. Elected council members serve twoyear terms and are tasked with adopting ordinances and resolutions and determining the general goals and policies of the Town of Fenwick Island. The municipal election will be held Aug. 6 from 1-5 p.m. at Fenwick Island town hall. For more information, visit the town’s website at

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

August 5, 2022

People in Society Janeen Birckhead, Rita Williams, Diana Purnell and Pat Schrawder particpated in the Fannie Mae Birckhead Snow Hill Highway Cleanup. Dozens of volunteers cleaned up a two mile stretch of road.

by Charlene Sharpe Featuring Those Helping Causes In The Resort Area

Dylan and Bob Freeman are pictured with Sen. Mary Beth Carozza at Riverfest in Salisbury.

Allie Channell and Ricky Pollitt represented Junior Achievement of the Eastern Shore at Riverfest.

Among those in attendance at Riverfest were Stephanie Willey, Sonya Whited and Grace Foxwell-Murdock.

Donna Martin and Nancy Carter raised money for the nonprofit Town Cats at the Ocean Pines Farmers Market.

Kiwanis Club member Lynne McAllorum sold raffle tickets to raise money for scholarships and other children’s causes. The club provides thousands of dollars in support of youth every year.

Melanie and Linda Mueller of Bela Flor are pictured at the Ocean Pines Farmers Market.

Sally and Al Crisp showed off their hand-painted shells and stones at the farmers market in Ocean Pines.

Donna Gleckler shared information about the Jesse Klump Memorial Fund at the Ocean Pines Farmers Market.

Kind SBY volunteer Stephanie Willey paused for a photo with Sen. Mary Beth Carozza in Salisbury during Riverfest.

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August 5, 2022

COMMUNITY News In Photos

The Coastal Association of REALTORS awarded $4,500 in grants to local charities through the Coastal REALTORS Foundation. Representatives of the association are pictured with grant recipients, which included the Atlantic Club, Atlantic General Hospital Forensic Nurse Examiners, Community Players of Salisbury, Cricket Center, Diakonia, Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Mid-Atlantic Symphony Orchestra, Salisbury Neighborhood Housing, United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore and Village of Hope.

Mike Hooper, past president of the Ocean City Lions, was awarded the Arnall Patz, MD, Fellowship in recognition of his service and support of the Lions Vision and Research Foundation at The Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Institute. The Fellowship is named for Dr. Patz, a distinguished international leader in the advancement of retinal research and past director of the Wilmer Eye Institute. Pictured is Hooper (left) receiving the award from OC Lions President Scott Stark. Submitted Photos

The Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines-Ocean City recognized Lynne McAllorum as “Kiwanian of the Month.” McAllorum, who has chaired many events and is often found behind the scenes volunteering, is pictured with Tim Lund, the club president.

Participants in the Worcester County Arts Council’s Summer Arts Camp program are pictured with their creations. A selection of camp artwork will be on display at the Worcester County Arts Council during a reception Aug. 12 from 5-7 p.m.

Chuck Eicholz, the Salisbury Zoo’s animal curator/collections operations supervisor, was the guest speaker at the July 27 meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines-Ocean City. Eicholz is pictured with Tim Lund, club president.

The Bikers Without Borders Foundation welcomed Maryland Sen. Mary Beth Carozza as its newest honorary member. Carozza, an avid supporter of the foundation, is pictured with her sister and brother-in-law Anne Marie and Bradley Pollack.

Balancing ‘Real Life’ Obligations With Caregiving Role

August 5, 2022

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BERLIN – During 2020, more than 65 million American women provided unpaid care for their children, family members and elderly relatives. It’s easy to imagine that many of them likely juggled caring for a combination of these types of dependents. If you’ve ever provided ongoing caregiving duties for a parent, partner, child, sibling or someone else, you may recognize common feelings of being overwhelmed, exhausted, out of your depth and even somewhat resentful — and then feeling guilty. Everyone has different circumstances, but when the caregiving begins to interfere with your mental, physical and/or financial health, you should reevaluate how you might be able to manage better. In most cases, it is possible to get help if you’re willing to ask. We can help by becoming your partner for long-term financial planning with insurance products — for both your caregiving charge and your own finances. Please give us a call if you’d like to learn more. In the meantime, the following are some tips to help you balance the burdens of caregiving with the rest of your life. Establish A Team: You may already have a network of people in your life who can help. They may not initially offer because they believe you have everything under control or because they don’t realize you could use some help, or they don’t want to share that burden. Regardless, you should choose people you know have the capability and ask each person to take on at least one aspect of your tasks. This may include helping with medical issues, legal issues, caregiving supervision/scheduling and financial management. Help Everyone Become More Independent: Caregiving may become overwhelming because it can feel like too many people in your life are depending on you. It’s important to encourage independence among friends and family so that you don’t become overwrought. You can start with your caregiver charge, by not getting into the habit of doing things that he can do for himself. That approach should also work for your family. Explain that you will always be there for them, but not to do everything for them. In time, even small children can learn to fix a bowl of cereal and your teenagers can find their own cleats/ballet bag/homework somewhere in the house — or at least look first before asking for help. Likewise, husbands and wives can work on better interdependence by establishing healthy boundaries, actively listening to each other, making time for personal interests, and taking personal responsibility for their own behavior.

Schedule Regular Time For Yourself: Regular exercise is important, as well as attending routine check-ups for your health so you have the stamina to juggle your life and caregiving duties. Pursue goals or activities you want to try, such as yoga, golf lessons or learning to play a musical instrument. KRISTIN COANE Join a gym or book club or regularly meet up with friends — even when you feel tired — because it will likely energize you. Look for opportunities to laugh often. Spend time by yourself and with people you like. Whatever your passions, don’t lose

sight of them. You must do the things you love to nourish your soul and replenish your strength to handle all of life’s responsibilities. It’s like being on an airplane and putting on your oxygen mask before you help someone else. Doing one small thing for yourself can make you more able and responsive to others. Get Help When Needed: The stress and even depression associated with caregiving is real, debilitating and highly prevalent throughout today’s society. When you need help, do not hesitate to speak with a mental health professional who can help guide you through your feelings and develop coping strategies. Consider resources you can re-

ly on for when you absolutely need a break, be it another family member, caregiver service or adult daycare center. Commune With Other Caregivers: Consider joining a caregiver support group to help recognize that you are not the only one with these burdens. In fact, you have likely developed skills and knowledge that can be very helpful to other caregivers in the same situation. And, when you share your experiences, you may find others who can offer knowledge and resources that help you in turn. (The writer is part of the team at Key Financial Services in Berlin. The team can be reached at 410-629-0357.)

John Jarvis: From Small Town To Big City

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

August 5, 2022


(Editor’s Note: The following is a series on the men and women who have spent their summers protecting all those who came to Ocean City for fun and safe vacation.) OCEAN CITY – It may be hard to believe, but there was a time when Ocean City was a small, sleepy resort town with only a few restaurants and a handful of residents. Before the motels and condos and crowds became commonplace, the town was quiet with large stretches of empty beaches. This was the Ocean City that John Jarvis grew up in and where he discovered his love for the ocean and his dedication to the beach patrol. John’s father was a musician who had spent a lot of time in the 1940’s playing in venues at the beach. He was well known and liked and loved life at the beach. So, when the opportunity arrived for a more permanent and better paying job in OC, he and his wife leapt at the chance. He remembered, “In 1946, my parents had the concession at the Shoreham Hotel on 3rd Street. They offered the ‘American Plan.’” As John explains it, this was an early version of the “Destination Vacation.” As part of the plan, “you got a bath, parking, and all your meals. Most of the hotels did it that way as there were really only three real restaurants in town.” John came along two years later. Despite growing up and spending his days near the ocean, he admits that “I didn’t learn to swim until I was 13. But when I

started, I never left.” So taken by this newfound love of swimming, John found every way he could to practice and continue to improve. A nearby hotel had a luxurious pool that John described as straight out of an “Esther Williams movie. It was fantastic and I talked the owner into letting me do all kinds of jobs for him so that I could go swimming.” One person who did take notice of the young man’s love for swimming was George Schoepf (future captain) of the Ocean City Beach Patrol. “George took me under his wing and taught me how to swim in the ocean,” John said. The OCBP officer trained John in all the skills and techniques that could save his life in the surf, as well as others. As the summer of 1963 began, John was only 15 years old, but George knew he was ready. At this point in time, the OCBP test consisted of swimming eight blocks. John noted that “there was one guy who looked really out of shape taking the test with me. I didn’t think he was going to make it.” Sure enough, the guy started going under right after the test began. “I had to do a crosschest carry and pull him into shore,” he said. That was it as far as George and the other officers were concerned. “I got the job, and I didn’t have to take the test,” he said. John was sent to sit the stand on 33rd Street. But at this time, the area covered by the beach patrol only extended to 41st Street and the guards at the northern end

of town were spread thin. “There wasn’t another stand south of me until the Boardwalk on 28th Street, and the next guy north of me was on 37th Street. After that was the last guard stand. I didn’t have any rescues that summer. Not one,” he recalled. Despite the dull start, John loved the job and would return for the next seven summers. George made sure that John was given responsibility over some of the new guards. “I was training people. At the time I wanted to be where the action was and not taking care of new guys. I didn’t know it but it was to become a calling for me,” John said. John did eventually make his way downtown and to the crowded beaches where he had his share of action. The day that sticks with him most was the day he got knocked out. He said, “I was sent to the middle inlet and one day we had rough seas and a huge shore break. We had to go for a rescue and I tried to swim out only to be shoved right back on the beach. The waves were big and it was so shallow with only a foot of draw. I thought I could leap over it. It picked me up, threw me on shore and knocked me out for about 30 seconds. George made it in and took the guy around the pier to safety. He was a beast in the water,” he said. When the rescue was over, John apologized for what had happened, but George stopped him and said, “Don’t be afraid to do your

job.” John took that remark to heart and said that it became his guiding philosophy from that day forward. It was during his years of service that the town of Ocean City annexed all the property up to the Delaware line. Literally overnight, the OCBP was tasked with expanding their ranks “from 41 to 125 guards. And we didn’t lose anyone.” John credits Schoepf with this extraordinary accomplishment. He said, “When they expanded the area we had to guard, they named George as assistant captain. That’s the reason we were able to succeed.” John rose through the ranks, first being named sergeant and then, after he turned 21, to lieutenant. “Lieutenants were actually deputized at that time, and they had to wait until after my birthday to make me one,” he said. He probably would have stayed longer in the job he loved, but in 1969 he was drafted into the Army. That was the end of his beach patrol days. Although he had considered becoming a teacher in order to continue working summers on the beach patrol, when he finally returned to Ocean City, John had come to the conclusion that it was time to find something where he could make more money. In 1972, he started up Atlantic Pools which is celebrating 50 years in business. True to the words of his friend, Captain George Schoepf, he took on his life without fear. And while he was living his life, John found a way to stay close to the beach, continue his love of swimming, and watch as his small town grew to the giant city it is today. He remains active with the city and the beach patrol alumni today.

John Jarvis is pictured by his stand during his beach patrol career. Submitted Photo

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The Dispatch’s Pets of the Month

Pet’s Name: Rusty Pet’s Age/Breed: 1-year-old yorkie/poo Pet’s Owners: Dave & Eileen Seamen

Pet’s Name: Gladys Pet’s Age/Breed: 5-year-old Golden retriever (rescue from Turkey) Pet’s Owners: Joyce & Bill Glock

Pet’s Name: Nia Pet’s Age/Breed: 6-year-old pomeranian Pet’s Owner: Amy Lombardi

Pet’s Name: Cooper Pet’s Age/Breed: 5-year-old Shih Tzu/Lhasa mix Pet’s Owner: Debbie Candy


Pet’s Name: Sunny Peaches Pet’s Age/Breed: 8-year-old long hair dapple dachshund Pet’s Owner: Dale Brown

The Dispatch presents the latest edition of its Pets of the Month Contest. Each month one special animal, or two, in some cases, is picked as the cutest photo of the bunch through a private vote of our staff. Here we present this month’s pets, submitted by our readers. On the front page is last month’s winning entry, Rosie, owned by Cate Nellans. Those interested in participating in future months’ contests are invited to send their lovable pet photo to us at (preferred) or to P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Md. 21811 or drop it off at our office in Berlin at 10012 Old Ocean City Blvd. Please be sure it’s a high-quality photo suitable for reproduction and to include your mailing address, the pet’s name, age and breed and the owner’s first and last name. The next series will appear in this space on Sept. 2.

Pet’s Name: Bruno Pet’s Age/Breed: 4-year-old Swiss mountain dog Pet’s Owners: Audrey & Kody Hartlaub



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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Market Slows BERLIN – The market is starting to slow down and that could be a good thing, according to the Coastal Association of REALTORS (CAR). In June, CAR saw home prices and interest rates dip and inventory grow. The median home price is 15.1% higher than it was in June 2021 but down 7.9% from last month, May 2022. Individually the median home price was $385,900 in Worcester, $249,990 in Wicomico, and $225,00 in Somerset. There are currently only 516 active listings in the lower three counties compared to 573 in June 2021 and 981 in June 2020. In all three counties throughout June, new settlements were down 11.7% compared to the same time last year. Individually, new settlements throughout June were up by 5.1% in Wicomico and down 36.1% in Somerset, and 17.5% in Worcester. New listings in June were down 10.1% compared to the same time last year in all three counties. Individually, new listings were down by 3.6% in Worcester, 16.5% in Wicomico, and up 23.9% in Somerset from June 2021. Active listings in all three counties were down by 9.9% from June 2021. Individually, there were 292 active listings in Worcester, 152 in Wicomico, and 72 in Somerset. The median days on market for June 2022 was 8 which was up 33.3% from June of 2021. According to the National Association of REALTORS, 57% of REALTORS nationwide cited a lack of inventory as the primary reason that held potential clients back from completing a home purchase. “We seem to be on the brink of change for our housing market,” said Coastal Association of REALTORS President Grace Masten. “Sales are starting to slow and inventory is starting to slowly climb back up.” She continued, “Interest rates are still low compared to historical highs and actually dropped a little last month. Freddie Mac reported that the 30-year fixed mortgage rate dropped to 5.3% from 5.7%. With prices flattening, more inventory, and still relatively low mortgage rates now is a wonderful time to be shopping for your new home.”

Property Acquired OCEAN CITY – Ocean City-based outdoor hospitality specialist Blue Wa-

BUSINESS And Real Estate News ter continues its rapid expansion with the acquisition of Badlands/White River KOA Holiday. Located just minutes from Badlands National Park, this property is known as the “Oasis of the Badlands.” Visitors can spot wildlife including buffalo and pronghorn deer, and the picturesque Badlands Mountains make for a highly popular hiking spot. Fossil hunting is another favorite attraction, in addition to visiting all the local replicas and exhibits. The northern lights can be seen in late fall and early spring and the area is a popular dark skies location for stargazers and photographers. “Badlands/White River KOA is another perfect opportunity to add a unique destination getaway to our portfolio,” said Todd Burbage, CEO of Blue Water. “Providing guests with access to natural resources like the rugged beauty and stunning geography of the Badlands with so many opportunities for adventure is what Blue Water is about. This is a destination that guests will want to return to year after year to enjoy all that the Badlands has to offer.” Of the property’s 146 sites, 88 of them are RV sites, with unique glamping options including a yurt with a skylight for prime star viewing, teepee, and camping cabins. It also features the widely popular KookHouse which offers a full breakfast with omelets, breakfast sandwiches, pancakes and hash browns, plus daily specials for dinner. As part of their visit, each guest receives two complimentary pancakes on one day of their stay. Badlands/White River KOA Holiday is two hours from Mount Rushmore and is in close proximity to Badlands Loop State Scenic Highway. As part of their ongoing partnership with the association, guests can make use of the ubiquitous Black Hills maps provided by Black Hills & Badlands Tourism Association. The property opened for guests on April 29 and will remain open until Oct. 16.

Restaurant Renovation OCEAN CITY – Gillis Gilkerson (GGI) recently completed a full interior and exterior renovation of the Dairy Queen restaurant and ice creamery located on 114th Street in Ocean City, Maryland. The 3,240-square-foot building, former home of Gold Coast Liquor Store, now features a fresh, modern design to welcome customers complete with a drive-thru, quick service lane. “Gillis Gilkerson continuously finds solutions for any obstacle that comes their way throughout the construction process,” said owner Mike Ramadan. “This is the second project that GGI has successfully delivered to me within the past year. They even finished the Dairy Queen in time for July 4 weekend.” Led by Project Manager Jared King, Gillis Gilkerson’s construction team updated the storefront, bathrooms, flooring, and parking lot in addition to completing other renovation work within the constraints of a strict timeline. “It was a great experience being able to lead the team through the construction process for this building,” said King. “The new Dairy Queen definitely stands out from everything else in the shopping center and we are all happy with the final product.”

Physician Welcomed SALISBURY – TidalHealth is pleased to welcome Arooge Towheed, MD, to TidalHealth Cardiology’s North Salisbury office. Towheed received his medical degree from the Government Medical College in Jammu and Kashmir, India; completed his residency in internal medicine at the University of Missouri Kansas City; a fellowship in cardiovascular disease at the University of Toledo in Ohio; AROOGE TOWHEED and a second fellowship in clinical cardiac electrophysiology at Georgetown University/Medstar Wash-

August 5, 2022 ington Hospital Center in Washington, D.C. He specializes in electrophysiology, which is used to diagnose and treat heart conditions that affect the electrical activity of the heart muscle. Towheed has participated in and authored many research publications and has presented at several scientific and professional conferences. He is a member of the American Board of Internal Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine Cardiovascular Disease, National Board of Echocardiography, the American Heart Association, Jammu and Kashmir Medical Registration Council and the Education Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates. Towheed engaged in many volunteer experiences including the Indian Red Cross Society, which involved free medical aid camps, disaster relief and blood donation camps. With the All India Pulse Polio Program, he vaccinated children under 5 years old during this three-day program. Towheed was also a volunteer health worker in the village of Dara, which involved administering vaccinations to children under 5 years old, educating pregnant women on the importance of hospital delivery and antenatal visits, distributing free medications to the local population and educating elderly hypertensive and diabetic patients on the importance of treatment.

Nurse Recognized BERLIN – Coastal Hospice, Inc. recently recognized Holly Murray, RN, BSN, CHPN, CM/DN, as being Coastal Style’s Best of 2022 Nurse in Worcester County. Murray is team leader for Coastal Hospice’s Fairwinds Care Team, and this is the second time she is being awarded Best of Nurse in Worcester County in the last three years. Murray was born and raised on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, graduating from Pocomoke High School. She attended Wor-Wic Community College and received her Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) and became a registered nurse in 2009, going on to work at TidalHealth for two years. Having worked in various med surge modalities, hospice care was something that peaked her interest due to the shift from acute care to comfort care she was witnessing at the hospital. “I am honored to be recognized as SEE NEXT PAGE

August 5, 2022

... BUSINESS NEWS Coastal Style Magazine Best of 2022 Nurse in Worcester County,” Murray said. “I believe that the work we do at Coastal Hospice is rewarding and fulfilling. I’m thrilled that the community recognizes this, and I thoroughly enjoy being part of the Coastal Hospice family and especially love meeting the families and patients that we serve.” Murray has been part of the Coastal Hospice and Palliative Care team for 10 years, starting as a case manager and recently becoming team leader for Coastal Hospice’s Fairwinds Care Team. Holly received her certified hospice and palliative nurse certification in 2018. She obtained her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) in 2021 from University of Phoenix, working tirelessly throughout the pandemic as a nurse and a student.

New Director SALISBURY – Wor-Wic Community College recently welcomed Stefanie K. Rider of Ocean City as the director of development and executive director of the foundation. Prior to joining Wor-Wic, Rider worked at Salisbury University (SU) as major gifts officer for the College of Health and Human Services. Her previous roles included development and administrative roles with Worcester Youth and Family Counseling, Ocean City Marlin Club and Coastal Hospice. She has a bachelor’s degree from Towson University and a master’s of business administration from SU. “I am excited for the STEFANIE RIDER opportunity to serve our students and community in this role,” Rider said. “I am proud to join the many donors, leaders and volunteers committed to this cause.” Rider is leading the current “Preparing for A Stronger Tomorrow” campaign to support high-tech equipment for the Patricia and Alan Guerrieri Technology Center now under construction, as well as new technology across campus and student scholarships.

Leadership Changes SALISBURY – Leslie Brown has retired from her role as president and chief executive officer of Hudson Behavioral Health. After fourteen years with Hudson – eleven as CEO – she ended her tenure in early July. During her illustrious career, she has worked in finance and management, primarily in the non-profit realm, for more than 35 years. Brown’s legacy is one of exponential growth in not only the organizational footprint but also the levels of care offered. In 2018, Hudson purchased and renovatLESLIE BROWN ed a building to move their administration and admissions offices, allowing for the addition of 19 beds on campus to include detoxification beds. Brown also oversaw the addi-

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch tion and transformation of five treatment houses, enabling patients to stay in treatment longer and receive individualized care. During Brown’s tenure, Hudson added detoxification services, low-intensity residential treatment, and mental health services, forming a continuum of care to treat holistically and address the full scope of patient needs. Brown’s development of rigorous protocol, training and tracking allowed Hudson to remain open during the pandemic to serve those in need. “My career with Hudson has been the most rewarding experience of my life,” Brown said. “I’m excited to see all the new opportunities headed Hudson’s way, and although my chapter here has come to an end, my heart will always belong with this organization.” After an extensive search, Judith Caprio, JD, MS, was selected to be the next president and CEO of Hudson Behavioral Health. With a long career in criminal justice and behavioral health, Caprio most recently served as the director of Community Health Services at the Delaware Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH). Caprio started her career in community social JUDITH CAPRIO work in Rhode Island and progressed into the criminal justice system where she developed and oversaw therapeutic communities in all male adult prisons in the state. After earning her law degree, she worked with the court system to develop a pre-trial services program which led to developing alternative sentencing programs for non-violent offenders experiencing mental illness. Before moving to Delaware, the Honorable Albert E. DeRobbio, the late chief judge, appointed Caprio the chief clerk of the Rhode Island District Court. In her first position for the state of Delaware, she served as director of behavioral health for the Delaware Department of Correction. She oversaw behavioral healthcare provided to all offenders in Level 5 and Level 4 facilities. She briefly served as deputy warden at Howard R. Young Correctional Institution in Wilmington, Del., before transitioning to DSAMH. During her time at DSAMH, Caprio led the Crisis Intervention Services, restructured the credentialing program for behavioral health screeners, and developed and implemented a medical-legal partnership with the local community legal aid society to provide legal representation and advice to individuals receiving DSAMH services. Caprio earned a Master of Science in counseling from University of Rhode Island and a Juris Doctorate from Roger Williams University School of Law. She is a member of the Connecticut Bar Association, is certified in the state of Delaware to supervise peer recovery specialists and is trained in mediation. Throughout her career, she has worked as an adjunct instructor in Criminal Justice and Psychology, teaching at Katherine Gibbs College, Rhode Island College, and Delaware Technical Community College.

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Chris Parypa’s Photo Of The Week:

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

August 5, 2022

Each week staff photographer Chris Parypa is tasked with submitting a photo from his vast library to be featured in this space. Above is a rewind to the first morning of last year’s White Marlin Open when hundreds converged on the Inlet to watch the yachts head offshore. To purchase any of Parypa’s photos, click over to

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Avoid Injuries By Always Keeping Attention On Ocean Guarding the Beach



OCEAN CITY – Never turn your back on the ocean. It’s a motto all lifeguards live by, and one that we would like all people to live by. People who turn their backs toward the sea while in the water are in great danger of getting seriously injured. Every summer we deal with dozens of serious injuries, many of which could have been prevented if the person had not turned their back on the ocean. Unsuspecting people who turn their backs can be taken off guard by a wave and DAMIEN slammed into the sand- SANZOTTI bar or shoreline. Sometimes this can be the equivalent to being hit by a car and slammed into concrete. While it sounds graphic, this analogy is truly representative of the force of a wave. On the beach I have seen everything from dislocated shoulders, slipped discs, and spinal cord injuries that caused paralysis. Just being hit in the back or neck by a powerful wave is often enough to cause serious injury. We all are aware of the dangers of being rear-ended in a

car accident and the possibility of a whiplash type neck injury, but most people do not realize that a wave can carry several tons of water. In fact, being hit in the back by a wave is the equivalent of a 25 mph or greater rear-end collision. The beach patrol encourages people to pay attention when standing in the surf or walking out of the surf, especially in shore break conditions. The other reason to not turn your back on the ocean is respect, a concept popularized by the Hawaiian Olympian Duke Kahanamoku, who won gold and silver medals between 1912 and 1924. Kahanamoku was a lifeguard and recognized the value of never turning your back on the ocean and tried to teach people the same respect he and his Hawaiian ancestors had for the ocean. During the beach patrol’s weeklong Surf Rescue Academy in which our rookie lifeguards are trained, one of the most important traits we instill in our guards is the fact that they should not and will not ever turn their back on the ocean. Our instructors are constantly pushing this concept from day one. If you ever have the opportunity to watch some of the instruction that takes place on the beach, it won’t take long for you to hear one of the instructor’s yelling

“eyes on the water.” Even at 5:30 p.m., when our guards are getting off duty for the day, you will see the lifeguard walk backwards off the beach to ensure that the water is clear before they leave. To hear the story of a man who was injured in the surf, go to You Tube and search for “Patrick Durkin Story”. He also cautions about turning your back to the waves. If the idea of helping others in situations where seconds count, sounds

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like job you would like, check out our employment opportunities at We begin hiring for next season this month. If you are curious what is like working each day on the beach, I encourage you to talk to the Surf Rescue Technician on your beach. (The writer has been with the beach patrol for 19 years and is currently a sergeant. He is a physical education teacher for the Worcester County Public School system.)




7-1/4-In. DeWalt Circular Saw Blade High-density Tungsten carbide for toughness, wear-resistance and long life. 24 TPI. 0802819

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2-Pk. Fruit Fly Traps Traps flies and prevents them from breeding and multiplying. Safe to use in the kitchen around food. For indoor and outdoor use. 2918944

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1-In. x 25-Ft. Powerlock Tape Rule Tru-Zero end hook, mylar coated blade with 7” standout, and a secure blade lock. Chrome high-impact ABS case. Ensures precise measurements and long-lasting durability. 6145502

7-Outlet Surge Protector Features LED power indicator, safety covers and overload protection. 1440 joules. 10’ cord. Indoor use only. 7226038


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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

August 5, 2022

Family Fun: The bayfront courtyard of the Ocean City Center for the Arts on 94th Street hosted a

free family and children's craft project on July 30. The art project was pirate hats. The free Saturday art projects continue through the summer every Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. with new projects every week, and walk ins are welcome. Above left, Willow Logsdon of Murrysville, Pa. is pictured. At left, two members of the Zeidan family of Ocean City are shown. Above right, the Sabb family of Queens N.Y. is shown. Submitted Photos


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August 5, 2022

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

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Surf Club Donation:

The Ocean City Surf Club donated $1,500 to the Ocean City Beach Patrol for its 2022 Kids Water & Beach Safety Activity books. Pictured, front from left with patrol members, are OCBP Lt. Ward Kovacs, OCBP Public Education Coordinator Kristin Joson, OC Surf Club Vice President Rusty Submitted Photo Ruszin, OC Surf Club President Tommy Vach, OCBP Sergeant Josh Wilder and OCBP Captain Butch Arbin.

HERE’S MY CARD For More Information, Contact Pamela Green PHONE: 410-641-4561 • FAX: 410-641-0966 • EMAIL: CLASSIFIEDS@MDCOASTDISPATCH.COM BLINDS/SHADES

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Be Safe And Thanks For Visiting Ocean City The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch


August 5, 2022

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with Scott Lenox Hello everyone and thank you for joining me again for the Fish in OC fishing report. Except for a few storms and a blow day we had some exceptional weather in and around Ocean City with light winds and flat calm sea conditions to finish up the week. The HUK Big Fish Classic was in town at Talbot Street Pier and there were a ton of fish caught. Flounder fishing picked up a little in our back bays and there were some mahi caught both inshore and offshore. Overall, it was a great week of fishing. The 9th Annual HUK Big Fish Classic attracted 97 boats and had a purse of just under $1.1 million. The weather forecast had only six boats fish the 32-hour window from Friday into Saturday so Friday action at the scales was non-existent. Zero boats weighed zero fish so that left everyone knowing that we were going to have a very busy Sunday. Saturday scales saw six weigh-ins and none was more exciting than the swordfish and bigeye weighed by the crew of Michael Jordan’s Catch 23. The NBA superstar even made an appearance at Talbot Street though he stayed on the bridge of his 80foot Viking. Sunday scales were supposed to run until 8 p.m., but went way past and didn’t

close until almost 10 p.m. because of the amount of fish weighed in. In the end, the big winners were the crews of the Boss Hogg, Gret’s Three J’s and No Limit. No Limit had the heaviest tuna with a 258.5pound bigeye and won a check for over $192,000. Gret’s Three J’s had the only qualifying blue marlin at 436 pounds which took biggest fish of the tournament and a check for just over $200,000. The big money winners in the Big Fish Classic were the crew of the Boss Hogg with Captain Brian Porter at the helm. Boss Hogg weighed in the only qualifying white marlin at 76 pounds and thanks to added entry levels, the team cashed the big check of the Big Fish at $225,000. Congratulations to tournament directors and all the winners. Outside of the tournament tuna fishing was good for the regular charter boat fleet. Yellowfin tuna in the 40-60-pound class were caught in the Washington Canyon and at inshore lumps like the Hot Dog and Hambone. There were also some bigeye caught in the Washington and Baltimore canyons. Most boats have resorted to trolling and waiting for the bites because sharks are terrible when they chunk. One boat fishing the Big Fish SEE PAGE 68

The “biggest fish” of the Big Fish Classic was this 436-pound blue marlin caught by the crew of Gret’s Three J’s. Submitted Photos

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August 5, 2022

Above top left, this crew had a great overnighter with Captain Willie Zimmerman of the RoShamBo putting two yellowfin and a swordfish on ice. Above top center left, Mike Brockmeyer of Fallston landed the largest flounder I’ve seen so far this year with this 7.85 pounder at a live spot. Above top center right, Andrew Zetzer found these three sheepshead fishing the rocks at the south jetty. Above top right, Rob Storm landed this nice 24”, 5.5-pound flounder in the Inlet. Above left, Shaun Flaherty caught and released this 39-inch rockfish at the Route 50 Bridge. Above right, Tyler Adams used cut kingfish to land this 41” cobia from the OC surf. Opposite page, top left, the Swain Crew had an awesome day of ocean flounder fishing with a limit that included five fish over five pounds and one close to seven. Opposite page, top right, the crew of the Boss Hogg with Captain Brian Porter had the only qualifying white marlin of the Big Fish Classic with this 76-pounder. Opposite page, bottom left, Captain Chris Watkowski of the Spring Mix II found this crew seven yellowfin tuna up to 80 pounds and 13 mahi. Opposite page, middle right, “Irish” was all smiles after winning the fish pool on board the Morning Star with Captain Monty Hawkins. Opposite page, bottom right, the crew of the No Limit had an awesome Big Fish Classic and finished with the heaviest tuna at 258.5 pounds.

... Fish In OC FROM PAGE 67 Classic had 30 bites and only got four fish to the boat. The sharks took the rest. Ocean bottom fishing for sea bass remained steady with some decent fish being caught on the local charter and party boats. We even saw a couple of 15 fish limits from a few lucky anglers. Flounder fishing over ocean structure was good for most anglers that put their time in. Captain Kevin Twilley of the Fish Bound reported several limits of fish for his anglers with some fish up to 7 pounds. Anglers having the best luck for flounder are using two hook top and bottom rigs

or bucktails with a teaser baited with 5” or 6” Gulp or strip baits. Flounder fishing in our back bays improved this past week with clean water conditions on the high tide. There are plenty of throwbacks with the occasional keeper in spots like the Thorofare and the channel behind Assateague Island, but the best fishing for keepers is happening down by the route 50 bridge and the OC Inlet. Live spot and bunker have become the bait of choice for flounder fishermen looking to land a fish over the 16” minimum size. The last two hours of the incoming tide and the first two hours of the outgoing tide have been the most productive and the south jetty and the East Channel have been the best spots. I saw the largest flounder I’ve seen so far this year last week when Mike Brock-

meyer sent in a photo of his 7.85 pounder caught on a live spot. It looks like we may have big bluefish and rockfish at the route 50 bridge all summer long as they are still being caught on a regular basis. Larger live spot and Stretch baits have been the best baits for bluefish as large as 37” and rockfish as large as 40”. Roy Rigs and Thing A M Jigs are still producing smaller fish in the 15” to 24” range. We’ve got two tournaments backto-back starting this weekend with the Ocean City Marlin Club’s Heels & Reels Tournament followed directly by the 49th Annual White Marlin Open. Heels & Reels is a ladies only billfish release tournament with categories for mahi and tuna as well. This is a one of two-day event on Friday, Aug. 5 and Saturday, Aug. 6. Monday, Aug. 8 the big show comes to

town with the 49th installment of the world’s largest billfish tournament, the White Marlin Open. This is a fish three of five-day event for mahi, wahoo, tuna, blue marlin and white marlin and there will be some massive payouts. There’s a good chance this year’s purse could be over $10 million. Scales action takes place every day at Harbor Island on 14th Street from 4 p.m. until 9:15 p.m. If you can’t make it there in person you can watch our live broadcast at Until next week, tight lines. (The writer is the owner of Fish in OC and host of Ocean City’s fishing television show Hooked on OC. He has worked in the fishing industry and been fishing the waters in and around Ocean City for over 25 years.)

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Every Sunday: Berlin Farmers Market From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., several streets will be closed to allow producers to display their goods. Live music from 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Things To Do Kitchen open for light fare. 410-250-2645.

Every Monday: TOPS Meeting 5-6:30 p.m. Atlantic General Hospital, Berlin. Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a support group promoting weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Call Rose 443-880-8444.

Every Thursday: Beach Singles Join the club, 55 plus, at Harpoon Hanna’s in Fenwick Island, 4-6 p.m. 302436-9577 or

Every Tuesday: TOPS Meeting Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a weekly support and education group promoting weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Meetings are held at the Worcester County Berlin Health Department at 9730 Healthway Drive, Berlin from 3:30-4:30 p.m. every Tuesday. 410-289-4725.

Aug. 6: Berlin Peach Festival The 14th Annual Berlin Peach Festival will be held from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. on the grounds of the Calvin B. Taylor House Museum. Admission is free. Attendees can stroll among the displays, demonstrations, and sales and information tables. New this year will be cooking demonstrations by chef Phil Cropper. There will be juicy peaches for sale from a variety of Mid-Atlantic growers and many food vendors serving up delicious local specialties. The Calvin B. Taylor House Museum will be open for tours of the historic 1832 house, featuring the new Charles Albert Tindley and Briddelltown displays upstairs. The museum also will have sales and membership information booths on the lawn. 410-641-1019 or email

Every Monday: Acapella Chorus All ladies who love to sing are invited to the Delmarva Woman’s Acapella Chorus, Ocean Pines Community Center, 239 Ocean Parkway, 6-8 p.m. Contact Mary 410-629-9383 or Carol 302242-7062.

Every Tuesday: Dancing The Delmarva Hand Dance Club holds dancing at the Selbyville Elks Lodge 2173 from 5:30-9 p.m.

Every Wednesday: Bingo Elks Lodge 2645, corner of Sinepuxent Avenue and 138th Street in Ocean City. Has bingo all year. Doors open 4:30 p.m. with first game sharply at 6:30 p.m.

Every Friday: Bingo Knights of Columbus hosts with doors open at 5 p.m. and bingo beginning promptly at 6:30 p.m. Held at the Columbus Hall at 9901 Coastal Highway, behind St. Luke's Church. Play every game for just $24. Light refreshments available. Call 410-524-7994 with any questions.

Aug. 6: Safe Boating Course The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is offering a one-day Maryland Safe Boating Course from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. A Safe Boating Certificate is required for all boat operators born after July 1, 1972 and is awarded after successful completion of the course. The class includes piloting in local waters, tying nautical knots, foul weather tactics, legal issues, updated Maryland regulations, and common marine maintenance. Cost is $20. Register or get more information by calling Barry Cohen at 410-935-4807, or Email: Aug. 9: Bike Night, Cruise In From 5:30 to 8 p.m., sponsored by Joe’s Bent Spoon at the Mason Dixon Shopping Center in Selbyville, Del. 10% of all proceeds will be donated to Bikers Without Borders in support of the organization’s core charities. Rain date is Aug. 16.

Aug. 10-14: Plein Air Event Artists Paint OC will take place throughout the resort. Artists will gather at the Center for the Arts on Saturday, Aug. 13 where art will be for sale from 5-8 p.m. Free reception.

Aug. 13: Club Meeting The Ocean Pines Anglers Club will meet at 9:30 a.m. in the Ocean Pines Library. Local boating columnist Dan Collins will be the guest speaker. He is an avid photographer with over 100 photos appearing in the various local newspapers, a coxswain in the USCG Auxiliary, and the author of two novels of the Tom Clancy genre. All welcome.

Aug. 13: Recreation Event Just Try It offers children an opportunity to try a new sport without having to commit to an entire season. At this Wicomico Recreation & Parks event, youth will have the chance to learn the fundamentals of a sport from representatives of select local youth sport organizations. This free event is set to take place at Wicomico County Stadium from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and is sponsored by the Wicomico Friends of Recreation and Parks. The following sports and organizations will be a part of Just Try It: Fall Sports: Soccer, taught by Sharptown Rec & Parks Commission; Flag football, taught by Wicomico Youth Flag Football; Track & field, taught by Eastern Shore Stallions; and field hockey, taught by Shore Byrds Field Hockey. Each organization will be running short clinics throughout the event to introduce multiple aspects of the sports. Participants must be between 3-11 years old. Music, free shaved ice, information about Wicomico Recreation and Parks’ scholarship opportunities and staff from all involved organizations will be on site. Aug. 18: Tidewater Trip The Ocean City 50 Plus Center has planned a bus trip to the Academy Art Museum, lunch at Tidewater Inn, a stop at Layton's Chance. Call 410-289-0824 for information.

August 5, 2022

Aug. 20: Chicken Salad Carryout The Bishopville Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary will be holding a chicken salad carryout from noon-2 p.m. at the main station. $8 per pint. Pints of pulled pork for $10 per pint. Call 619-922-9950 to reserve your pint today.

Aug. 25-28: OC Jeep Week OC Jeep Week, beach crawl, Jeep Jam and vendors at See website for full schedule.

Aug. 27: Furnace Town Bike Ride The 12th Annual Iron Furnace Fifty Bike Ride at Furnace Town Historic Site, 3816 Old Furnace Rd., Snow Hill. Check in at Furnace Town from 7-9 a.m. Pre-registration required. Go to for more information. 410-632-2032.

Sept. 3: Free Movie Night From 7:30-9:30 p.m. Briddell Familly Foundation, Ocean 98, Transform Your World LLC, Flagship Cinemas and Pepsi are sponsoring a free Back To School Movie Night in Henry Park. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. Hosted by Hustle Hard Radio, DJ Rob Little and DJ Tony Vibez. Sept. 10: Recovery Walk The Atlantic Club and Worcester Goes Purple will hold its 2022 Walk For Recovery from 9 a.m. to noon on the Boardwalk. Registration is $25 per person, and proceeds support local scholarships and those in recovery. To register, visit

Sept. 22: Fashion Show Luncheon The Republican Women of Worcester County announce the 13th Annual Patriot Day Fashion Show Luncheon at The Grand Hotel in Ocean City. The event’s theme is "Honoring Local Women Who Have Served in the Armed Forces.” Fashions will be presented by Bruder Hill of Berlin. All are welcome. Merilee Horvat, 443-614-9386. Sept. 24-25: Renaissance Faire From 10 a.m.-6 p.m., the 2nd Annual Renaissance Faire at Furnace Town Historic Site, 3816 Old Furnace Rd., Snow Hill. Cost is $15/adult, $10/children ages 5-14.

Oct. 1: 5K Run/Walk The Wor-Wic Community College Foundation is sponsoring a 5K Run/Walk, along with the 2022 Law Enforcement Team Cup Challenge, at 9 a.m., at the college campus on the corner of Route 50 and Walston Switch Road in Salisbury. Check-in and registration begin at 8 a.m. The entry fee is $25 per person, or $35 per person after Sept. 28. Proceeds will benefit the students of WorWic. For more information or a registration form, visit the college website at or call 410-3342807. Oct. 22: Furnace Town Halloween From 4-8 p.m., Halloween in the Forest at Furnace Town Historic Site, 3816 Old Furnace Rd., Snow Hill. Spooktacular games, music and trickor-treating. Cost is $5/person.

August 5, 2022

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

THE DISPATCH Crossword Puzzle


HOROSCOPES ARIES (March 21 to April 19): As- uneasy mood could be your Libran inner pects favor socializing with family and voice reminding you that while it's great friends, but an irksome workplace situ- to be with your new friends, you need to ation could intrude. No use grumbling, take care not to ignore your old ones. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21): A Lamb. Just do it, and then get back to sudden spate of criticism could shake the fun times. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20): the Scorpion's usually high sense of There's still time for you Ferdinands self-confidence. Best advice: You made and Fernandas to relax and sniff the a decision you believed in -- now defend roses. But a major work project looms it. and will soon demand much of your atSAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): tention through the next week. Your reluctance to help restart a stalled GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): Your relationship could be traced to unreenthusiasm persuades even the tough- solved doubts about your partner's honest doubters to listen to what you're esty. Rely on a trusted friend's advice. proposing. But don't push too hard, or CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19): you'll push them away. Moderate for The capricious Sea Goat is torn bebest results. tween duty and diversion. Best advice: CANCER (June 21 to July 22): Do both. Tend to your everyday chores, Your energy levels are rising, and you and then go out and enjoy your wellfeel like you can handle anything that earned fun time. the job requires. While that's great, don't AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18): isolate yourself. Keep your door open Cutting back on some of your activities to your workplace colleagues for sound for a few days helps to restore your enadvice. ergy levels. You should be feeling ready LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22): A work- to tackle your many projects early next place change could lead to that promo- week. tion you've been hoping for. But you'll PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20): A have to face some tough competition co-worker might secretly be harping before the Lion can claim his or her on about your work to your mutual colshare of the goodies. leagues. But some associates will come VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22): Your to your defense, and the situation will ulrigidity regarding a difficult workplace timately work to your advantage. situation could be the reason your colBORN THIS WEEK: Your ambition leagues aren't rushing to your assis- makes you a success at whatever you tance. Try being more flexible in your choose to do -- especially if it's in the demands. world of the performing arts. © 2021 King Features Synd., Inc. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): That ON PAGE ANSWERS 46

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Things I Like...


August 5, 2022


By Steve Green

This year’s Orioles team

Investigative stories in the Sunday paper An ocean dip to start any day Bill Russell tributes this week

Exercising early to clear the head The view from Spain restaurant Donating outgrown kid clothes

Watching a construction project’s progress A cheesesteak with fried onions Not needing directions to put something together A great beach umbrella

Far from "vanishing," the White Marlin Open has become one of Ocean City's most popular and famous events. It is truly an "open" and there are no age, gender or skill level restrictions. In 1993, the winning marlin was caught by a 14-year-old boy and in 2016 an angler won over $1.5 million for his fish; it was the first white marlin he had ever caught. The tournament began in 1974 with $20,000 total prize money and 57 boats entered. In 2021, 444 boats competed for over $9.26 million. The largest white marlin was caught in 1980 and weighed 99 pounds. The largest fish -a blue marlin weighing 1,062 pounds -- was caught in 2009. The biggest payout for a single fish – a 85.5-pound white marlin -- was $3.2 million in 2021. Founded by local resident Jim Motsko and still overseen by him and his family, the White Marlin Open is the world's largest and richest billfish tournament. It definitely contributes to Ocean City's title of "The White Marlin Capital of the World." To purchase one of Bunk Mann's books, click over to Photo courtesy of The Dispatch

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The Dispatch Classifieds $15/Week for Minimum of Five Lines • $2 Thereafter Per Line Display Classified Ads: $20/Week Per Column Inch (Contract Discounts Available) Deadline for Insertions, Cancellations & Payment is 3pm Tuesday Pre-Payment is Required. We Accept Visa & MasterCard

CONTACT INFORMATION Phone: 410-641-4563 • Fax: 410-641-0966 Email: Mail: P.O. Box 467, Berlin MD 21811 PART TIME/ FULLTIIME FENWICK ISLAND/ OCEAN CITY

HELP WANTED YEAR ROUND HOUSEKEEPER : Private home in Ocean City. Part time, morning shift, 3 days per week. Excellent pay. references required. Please call Heather at 410289-5444 btwn. 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– HELP WANTED: Top pay for experienced exterior painter/concrete mechanic. Must have own transportation. Call - 410-430-4286. –––––––––––––––––––––––––– CLEANERS WANTED FOR OC: If you are a conscientious individual or team looking for great pay & minimal hours on summer Saturdays in OC, then we are the cleaning company for you. Exp. preferred. Cell phone and vehicle required. (443)880-0525. ___________________________ C L E A N E R S / VAC AT I O N RENTALS: Needed for Ocean City and Ocean Pines. Experience preferred but not necessary. Text or call 443-397-1189. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––


DENTAL ASS’T. Experience Preferred Ocean View Email Resume:


Carpenter | Laborer | Painters Stucco & EIFS Mechanics Concrete Work Currently Hiring Manpower For:


CALL 443 •859•2401

o Experience preferred. o Tools, transportation & valid driver’s license are a plus. o Excellent pay and a competitive benefits package available. Please Apply Online:


Or Contact Our Office at 410-352-9800


Must have:

Tools, Transportation, Driver’s License

PAYING TOP DOLLAR! •LINE COOKS •FOOD RUNNER •SERVERS •BARBACK Please apply in person. Greene Turtle West Rt. 611, West OC 410-213-1500


TOW N O F D E L M A R Department of Public Works, Director


Exp. Required! AUTOMOTIVE - MARINE ASSOCIATES We have an immediate opening for a

Successful candidate must be able to adequately forecast a n d p r e p a r e a n nu a l bu d g e t n e e d s d e p a r t m e n t a l l y fo r o p e ra t i n g a n d c a p i t a l o u t l ay p r o j e c t s. C o m p e t e n c y u s i n g M i c r o s o f t O f f i c e S u i t e. M u s t h ave t h e a b i l i t y t o e f fe c t i ve l y communicate verbally and in wr it ten for m with employees, o t h e r d e p a r t m e n t s, Tow n M a n a g e r, Tow n O f f i c i a l s, Tow n E n g i n e e r s, l o c a l , c o u n t y a n d s t a t e a g e n c i e s a n d t h e g e n e ra l p u bl i c . E d u c a t i o n a n d E x p e r i e n c e : A B a c h e l o r ’s d e gr e e i n P u bl i c A d m i n i s t ra t i o n o r r e l a t e d f i e l d ; a m i n i mu m o f f i ve ( 5 ) ye a r s o f p r o g r e s s i ve l y r e s p o n s i bl e s u p e r v i s o r y a n d a d m i n i s t r a t i ve ex p e r i e n c e i n p u bl i c w o r k s m a n a g e m e n t . Wa t e r L i c e n s e L eve l 4 a n d Wa s t ewa t e r C o l l e c t i o n C l a s s 2 L i c e n s e i s a p l u s. Tow n w i l l c o n s i d e r a c o m b i n a t i o n o f e d u c a t i o n a n d ex p e r i e n c e.

A p p l i c a t i o n c a n b e fo u n d o n o u r we b s i t e

or in person at D e l m a r Tow n H a l l , 1 0 0 S. Pe n n s y l va n i a Ave nu e, D e l m a r, M D 2 1 8 7 5 Application Deadline: Until position is filled EOE


Call 410-641-9530


for our location in Ocean Pines, MD. Great Pay and Benefits including company matched retirement plan. Call : 302-228-2353


F u l l t i m e Po s i t i o n w / F u l l B e n e f i t s S a l a r y : N e g o t i a bl e p e n d i n g E x p e r i e n c e T h e Tow n o f D e l m a r i s s e e k i n g q u a l i f i e d c a n d i d a t e s t o s e r ve a s t h e n ex t P u bl i c Wo r k s D i r e c t o r . T h i s i s a n ex c e l l e n t o p p o r t u n i t y fo r a n e n t h u s i a s t i c l e a d e r t o s t e p i n and help char t the future course of the depar tment. The D i r e c t o r p e r fo r m s h i g h l eve l s u p e r v i s o r y, a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d p r o fe s s i o n a l wo r k i n t h e p l a n n i n g , o r g a n i z i n g , d i r e c t ing and super vising wor k in the Public Wor ks Depar tment, i n c l u d i n g s t r e e t m a i n t e n a n c e, wa t e r d i s t r i bu t i o n a n d s ewe r c o l l e c t i o n s y s t e m s, s t o r m d ra i n a g e, i n f ra s t r u c t u r e p l a n r ev i ew a n d mu n i c i p a l p r o p e r t y m a i n t e n a n c e.




•Lobster Shanty, 37310 Lighthouse Rd, Fenwick (Rt. 54) •Nantuckets, 601 Coastal Hwy, Fenwick

•DRIVER •YR BARTENDER •COOK Call Pam at 410-726-7061 Or Apply Within at 56th Street

Line Cooks Prep Cooks Host/Hostess

Now Hiring For:

Call Matt at 302-593-4141 or email

Page 74

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

August 5, 2022

The Dispatch Classifieds

The Dispatch Legal Notices

CONTACT INFORMATION Phone: 410-641-4563 • Fax: 410-641-0966 Email: Mail: P.O. Box 467, Berlin MD 21811

LEGAL RATES Legal advertising rate is $7 per column inch. The deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information call 410-641-4563 or email

Dolle's Candyland is now hiring for a Part Time General Maintenance person. Position is based at the Dolles location at 500 S Atlantic Ave Ocean City, MD 21842.

Duties to include: • Grounds keeping. • Light Carpentry • Light Plumbing • Light Electrical Please fill out an application online at or stop by any Dolles location to fill out an application.


Apply Online at For additional information, please contact the Marina office at 302.227.3071 AA/EOE

ROOMMATE ROOM(S) FOR RENT: Seeking Roommate(s). YR or Seasonal. Non smoking, pets welcome. Single Family Home, 94th St. area. Call/text for more info. 410-7265200.(Job inhibits phone calls, text if can’t reach by calls). –––––––––––––––––––––––––––

COMMERCIAL WEST O.C. OFFICE/RETAIL SPACES AVAILABLE: 2 Office/Retail Spaces for Lease. Plenty of Parking. 443-497-4200. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––

YARD SALE MONTEGO BAY COMMUNITYWIDE YARD SALE. Satuday 8/6/22 8am-1pm. 130th-135th Street, Bayside, Ocean City. Rain date Sunday 8/7/22. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Each of them alone, Truth and faith so obvious, Trees in my backyard!

Got Yard Sale?


gets the word out!

The Dispatch Legal Notices LEGAL RATES Legal advertising rate is $7 per column inch. The deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information call 410-641-4563 or email Third Insertion JAMES A. LIST, ESQ. THE LAW OFFICES OF JAMES A. LIST 5700 COASTAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 100 OCEAN CITY, MD 21842 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS ESTATE NO. 19300 To all persons interested in the estate of CARLOS E. CACERES, SR, ESTATE NO.

19300. Notice is given that SYLVIA ABUSHAIKHA, 22130 FAIR GARDEN LANE, CLARKSBURG, MD 20871, was on JULY 19, 2022, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of CARLOS E. CACERES, SR. , who died on JUNE 19, 2022 with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment

(or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 19TH day of JANUARY, 2023 Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the

personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JULY 22, 2022 SYLVIA ABUSHAIKHA Personal Representative True Test Copy TERRI WESTCOTT Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 07-22, 07-29, 08-05


sentative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent's death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication JULY 29, 2022 HUBERT B. SMITH Personal Representative True Test Copy TERRI WESTCOTT Register of Wills for Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 3x 07-29, 08-05, 08-12

First Insertion To all persons interested in the estate of RUTH D. SMITH, ESTATE NO. 19132. Notice is given that HUBERT B. SMITH, 12833 WHISPER TRACE DRIVE, OCEAN CITY, MD 21842, was on JULY 21, 2022, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of RUTH D. SMITH , who died on MARCH 21, 2021 with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 21ST day of JANUARY, 2023 Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal repre-

CHRISTOPHER T. WOODLEY, TRUSTEE WILLIAMS, MOORE, SHOCKLEY & HARRISON, L.L.P. 3509 COASTAL HIGHWAY OCEAN CITY, MD 21842 (410) 289-3553 TRUSTEE’S SALE OF TWO VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM UNITS IN THE VIRGINIAN CONDOMINIUM – B, LOCATED AT 1103 PHILADELPHIA AVE, OCEAN CITY, MD 21842 WORCESTER COUNTY Under and by virtue of that Order Appointing Trustee and Ordering Sale entered by the Circuit Court for Worcester County, in Case No. C-23-CV-21-000193, the undersigned Trustee will sell at public auction to be held AT THE PREMISES: 1103 PHILADELPHIA AVE OCEAN CITY, MD 21842, ON

THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 2022, AT 2:00 PM The following real properties: Item 1: Condominium Unit No. 21, in the Virginian Condominium – B, having an address of 1103 Philadelphia Ave., Unit 21, Ocean City, Md 21842, having tax identification no. 10-036186, as more particularly described in that deed recorded among the Land Records of Worcester County, in Liber 4098, folio 357, et seq. Item 2: Condominium Unit No. 23, in the Virginian Condominium – B, having an address of 1103 Philadelphia Ave., Unit 23, Ocean City, Md 21842, having tax identification no. 10-036208, as more particularly described in that deed recorded among aforesaid Land Records of Worcester County, in Liber 3694, folio 245, et seq. INSPECTION: The properties will be available for inspection both on Wednesday, August 17, 2022, between the hours of 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM, and for one hour immediately prior to the sale. The properties, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, including that Condominium Master Deed and By-Laws, dated July 24, 1972, and recorded among the Land Records, in Liber F.W.H. No. 360, folio 425, et seq., any amendments thereto, and that plat described in the aforesaid Master Deed and recorded as aforesaid in Plat Book F.W.H. No. 26, folio 7, et seq., and with no warranty of any kind. Terms of Sale: Each property described above will first be offered for sale, individually, with the high bids being reserved. Then both properties will be offered for sale as an entirety. The greater of the bids for the condominium units, individually, or the bid for the condominium units in the aggregate, will be accepted. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the Trustee reserves the right to determine or change, in his sole discretion, the manner in which the properties are offered and sold. A deposit of $10,000.00 will be required of the purchaser at the time and place of sale for both properties if they are sold as an entirety, and a deposit of $5,000.00 will be

August 5, 2022

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Page 75

The Dispatch Legal Notices LEGAL RATES Legal advertising rate is $7 per column inch. The deadline for all legal advertising is Tuesday at noon. For more information call 410-641-4563 or fax 410-641-0966. required of each purchaser at the time and place of sale for each property if they are sold separately. The deposit(s) shall be in the form of certified check, cashier's check, or money order, or other form of security at the sole discretion of the Trustee. The balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the Trustee, payable in cash within ten (10) days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. Interest shall accrue at the rate of 5.75% per annum if Unit No. 21 is sold separately or if Unit No. 21 and Unit No. 23 are sold as an entirety. There will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Taxes, water charges, sanitary commission charges, assessments and liens or encumbrances for sewer, water, drainage, or other public improvements completed or commenced on or prior to the date of sale or subsequent thereto, if any, are to be adjusted and apportioned as of the date of sale and are to be assumed and paid thereafter by purchaser, whether assessments have been levied or not as of date of settlement. Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, settlement expenses, and all other costs incident to settlement shall be borne by the purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. If Purchaser fails to pay the balance of the purchase price following ratification of the sale, the deposit shall be forfeited and the property

resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. The defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. The trustee will convey either marketable or insurable title. If the Trustee cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. Upon refund of the deposit, this sale shall be void and of no effect, and the purchaser shall have no further claims against the Trustee. Whenever in this legal advertisement the context so requires, the singular number shall include the plural and the converse. BIDDERS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO FOLLOW CDC GUIDANCE AND WEAR A COVER OVER BOTH NOSE AND MOUTH AND PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING AT THE AUCTION. The Trustee reserves the right to reject any and all bids in their sole discretion. For information, please contact the undersigned at (410) 289-3553. Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication AUGUST 05, 2022 Christopher T. Woodley, Trustee Williams, Moore, Shockley & Harrison, LLP 3509 Coastal Highway Ocean City, Md 21842 3x 08-05, 08-12, 08-19


CONTACT INFORMATION Phone: 410-641-4563 • Fax: 410-641-0966 Email: Mail: P.O. Box 467, Berlin MD 21811


PAUL A. MARSHALL, et al. Defendants ORDERED, by the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland this 2nd day of AUGUST, 2022, that the foreclosure sale of the properties mentioned in these proceedings,made and reported by Ayrika Fletcher, Trustee, be RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 5th day of September, 2022 provided a copy of this Order be inserted in some daily newspaper printed in Worcester County, Maryland once in each of three successive weeks, before the 29th day of August, 2022 The Report of Sale filed in the above case states the amount of the sales to be as indicated below for the referenced time-share interval: TIMESHARES SOLD: BC = BAY CLUB TIME SHARE OWNERS ASSOCIATES, INC. PCP = PALMETTO COAST PROPERTIES, LLC

CONDO- TIME PRICE PURMINIUM INTERCHASER UNIT VAL 502 502 502 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 504 504 504

47 48 49 2 3 4 6 7 10 11 12 15 16 17 36 37 39 44 46 48 49 50 1 2 10

$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00


Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication AUGUST 05, 2022 TRUE TEST COPY SUSAN R. BRANIECKI Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County, MD 3x 08-05, 08-12, 08-19

First Insertion AYRIKA FLETCHER, ESQ. IN-HOUSE COUNSEL BAY CLUB TIME-SHARE ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 3307 OCEAN CITY, MD 21843-3307 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR WORCESTER COUNTY, STATE OF MARYLAND CASE NO. C-23-CV-22-000065 BAY CLUB TIME-SHARE OWNERS ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 3307 OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND 21843-3307 Plaintiff vs. SANDRA J. SHINDEL, et al. Defendants ORDERED, by the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland this 2nd day of AUGUST, 2022, that the foreclosure sale of the properties mentioned in these proceedings,made and reported by Ayrika Fletcher, Trustee, be RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 5th day of September, 2022 provided a copy of this Order be inserted in some daily newspaper printed in Worcester County, Maryland once in each of three successive weeks, before the 29th day of August, 2022 The Report of Sale filed in the above case states the amount of the sales to be as indicated below for the referenced time-share interval:

TIMESHARES SOLD: BC = BAY CLUB TIME SHARE OWNERS ASSOCIATES, INC. PCP = PALMETTO COAST PROPERTIES, LLC CONDO- TIME PRICE PURMINIUM INTERCHASER UNIT VAL 502 502 504 504 504 504 504 504 504 504 505 505 505 505 505 505 505 505 505 505 505 505 505 505 505

46 12 14 15 26 43 47 48 49 50 1 6 7 9 10 11 15 19 40 41 42 43 44 45 48

$50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00


Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication AUGUST 05, 2022 TRUE TEST COPY SUSAN R. BRANIECKI Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County, MD 3x 08-05, 08-12,08-19


DAVID SKINNER LLC, et al. Defendants

ORDERED, by the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland this 2nd day of AUGUST, 2022, that the foreclosure sale of the properties mentioned in these proceedings,made and reported by Ayrika Fletcher, Trustee, be RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 5th day of September, 2022 provided a copy of this Order be inserted in some daily newspaper printed in Worcester County, Maryland once in each of three successive weeks, before the 29th day of August, 2022

The Report of Sale filed in the above case states the amount of the sales to be as indicated below for the referenced time-share interval: TIMESHARES SOLD: BC = BAY CLUB TIME SHARE OWNERS ASSOCIATES, INC. PCP = PALMETTO COAST PROPERTIES, LLC

CONDO- TIME PRICE PURMINIUM INTERCHASER UNIT VAL 505 505 505 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506

49 50 51 1 2 4 6 8 9 10 12 17 18 19 20 36 41 46 48 49 52

$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00


Name of Newspaper: Maryland Coast Dispatch Date of Publication AUGUST 05, 2022

TRUE TEST COPY SUSAN R. BRANIECKI Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County, MD 3x 08-05, 08-12, 08-19

Do You Know 6,500+ People Receive The Dispatch’s Daily Buzz Every Day? Sign Up At And Get Local News As It Happens! vs.

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

August 5, 2022

August 5, 2022

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

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Announcements BERLIN – The following represents a collection of media releases submitted to this paper for publication. • Kelly Marx of Berlin recently received a Master of Science degree in Counseling Psychology from Frostburg State University in Frostburg during its 160th commencement ceremonies. Additionally, Robert Bole of Ocean City received a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communication and Emily Pyles of Berlin received a Bachelor of Science degree in Liberal Studies. • The following students have been named to the 2022 spring semester Dean's List at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities: Berlin resident Julianna S. Sterling, Non Degree, College of Contin. & Prof. Studies, and Salisbury resident Grace E. Gardner, Non Degree, College of Contin. & Prof. Studies. • Shenandoah University had a school-record 291 student-athletes named Academic All-ODAC, the Old Dominion Athletic Conference announced. Student-athletes who posted at least a 3.25 GPA for the 2021-22 academic year were recognized for the honor. The following Shenandoah student-athletes were among those to earn Academic All-ODAC honors: Julianna Fohner of Ocean City and Gabrielle Izzett of Berlin. • Emerson College awarded more than 1,000 undergraduate degrees during its 142nd Commencement at Agga-

nis Arena in May including Sarah Ashmore from Bethany Beach, who received a B.S. in Journalism. • Dickinson College has announced the following students were named to the dean's list for the spring 2022 semester. All students earning a position on the dean's list-a recognition of academic excellence-must have a gradepoint average of 3.7 or above on a 4.0 GPA scale for the semester. The local students recognized included: James van Kuilenburg, a senior history and women's, gender & sexuality studies major. He is a graduate of Governor Thomas Johnson High School and is the son of Marinus van Kuilenburg of Berlin and Nicola van Kuilenburg of Frederick. Colin Hofmann, a sophomore, is a graduate of James M. Bennett High School and is the son of Brett and Katherine Hofmann of Salisbury. Drew Haueisen, a junior quantitative economics and mathematics major, is a graduate of Stephen Decatur High School and is the son of Craig and Amy Haueisen of Snow Hill. • Maddison Olley, of Selbyville, earned dean's list honors at The University of Tampa for the Spring 2022 semester. Olley was a senior majoring in Biology B.S. • Jillian Griggs of Berlin has been named to Adelphi University's spring 2022 semester Dean's List.


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Page 78

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

August 5, 2022

August 5, 2022

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Page 79

Page 80

Who’s Where When BUXY’S SALTY DOG 410-289-0973 28th St. & Coastal Hwy. Friday, Aug. 5: DJ Wax Saturday, Aug. 6: Tim Cyphers Sunday, Aug. 7: DJ BK

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Best Beats

DJ ROBCEE Fager’s Island: Friday, Aug. 5

On The Beach

COCONUTS BEACH BAR & GRILL Oceanfront Castle In The Sand 37th & 38th St. 410-289-6846 Friday, Aug. 5: Darin Engh, Rick & Regina Saturday, Aug. 6: Kevin Poole & Joe Mama, Rule G Sunday, Aug. 7: Heather Vidal, Lauren Glick Band Monday, Aug. 8: Sean Loomis, Smooth & Remy Tuesday, Aug. 9: Rich Walton, Bilenki Duo Wednesday, Aug. 10: Jess Arms, Heather Vidal Trio Thursday, Aug. 11: Kevin Poole, Cool Change COINS PUB 410-289-3100 28th St. Plaza On Coastal Hwy. Friday, Aug. 5: Shortcut Sunny Saturday, Aug. 6: Jim Long & Wes Davis Wednesdays: DJ Wax

August 5, 2022

BEATS BY WAX Buxy’s: Friday, Aug. 5 Pickles Pub: Tuesdays & Thursdays Coins Pub: Wednesdays

DJ BK Buxy’s Salty Dog: Sundays

WALK OF SHAME OC Fontainebleu Resort: Friday & Saturday, Aug. 5 & 6

BRYAN CLARK Fager’s Island: Tuesday, Aug. 9

CORK BAR Sunday, Aug. 7: TBA

JIM LONG BAND Coin’s Pub: Saturdays

CRABCAKE FACTORY BAYSIDE 302-988-5000 37314 Lighthouse Rd., Rte. 54 Selbyville, DE Friday, Aug. 5: Chris Button Sunday, Aug. 7: This Your Monkey Tuesday, Aug. 9: Jack Bannon Wednesday, Aug. 10: Tyler Greene CRAWL STREET TAVERN 443-373-2756 Wicomico St. Downtown O.C. Friday, Aug. 5: Dust N Bones Saturday, Aug. 6: Lennon LaRicci & The Leftovers Sundays: Karaoke W/DJ Rut Thursdays: DJ DeoGee

CHRIS BUTTON Crabcake Factory Bayside Friday, Aug. 5

FAGER’S ISLAND 410-524-5500 60th St. In The Bay Friday, Aug. 5: DJ RobCee, No Go Romeo, Red Dirt Revolution Saturday, Aug. 6: King Soul., DJ Groove, HFS Band Sunday, Aug. 7: DJ Willoughby, Oyster Bones, Blue Miracle Monday, Aug. 8: DJ Hector, Animal House, Party Like It’s Tuesday, Aug. 9: DJ Hector, Bryan Clark Wednesday, Aug. 10: Jimmy Charles Thursday, Aug. 11: DJ Groove, The Heat & Cold Sweat Horns, Experience GREENE TURTLE WEST 410-213-1500 Rt. 611, West O.C. Saturday, Aug. 6: Will Hill Band Sundays: Karaoke w/ DJ Jeremy

DJ BILLY T Harborside: Friday, Sunday &Thursday

TRIPWIRE Purple Moose Saloon: Friday & Saturday, Aug. 5 & 6

DJ PAPI ROISTEROUS Purple Moose: Wednesdays

DJ DEOGEE Pickles Pub: Fridays, Sundays & Wednesdays Crawl St. Tavern: Thursdays

DUST N BONES Crawl St. Tavern: Friday, Aug. 5

KAROAKE W/JEREMY Harborside: Saturdays Greene Turtle West: Sundays

HARBORSIDE 410-213-1846 South Harbor Rd., West O.C. Fridays: DJ Billy T Saturday, Aug. 6: DJ Jeremy Sunday, Aug. 7: Opposite Directions, DJ Billy T Thursdays: DJ Billy T OC EATERIES 443-252-3700 12849 Ocean Gateway Rte. 50 West OC Friday, Aug. 5: Upside Of Down Saturday, Aug. 6: Bryan Dorsey Thursday, Aug. 11: Anna Burgess, DJ Karaoke

SHORTCUT SUNNY Coins Pub: Friday, Aug. 5 Pier 23: Thursday, Aug. 11

TIM CYPHERS Buxy’s Salty Dog: Saturday, Aug. 6

RED DIRT REVOLUTION Fager’s Island: Friday, Aug. 5

August 5, 2022

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Who’s Where When

ANTHEM Seacrets: Friday-Sunday, Aug. 5-7

THE DUNEHOUNDS Pickles Pub: Saturday, Aug. 6

LENNON LARICCI & THE LEFTOVERS Crawl St. Tavern: Saturday, Aug. 6

WILL HILL BAND Greene Turtle West: Saturday, Aug. 6

ON THE EDGE OC Fontainebleu Resort: Sunday, Wednesday & Thursday, Aug. 7, 10 & 11

KEVIN POOLE & JOE MAMA Coconuts Beach Bar: Saturday, Aug. 6 & Thursday, Aug. 11 (solo)

HFS BAND Fager’s Island: Saturday, Aug. 6

THE UPSIDE OF DOWN OC Eateries: Friday, Aug. 5

DOC MARTEN & THE FLANNELS Purple Moose: Thursday, Aug. 11

OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS Harborside: Sunday, Aug. 7 Seacrets: Tuesday, Aug. 9

OC FONTAINEBLEU RESORT 410-524-3535 10100 Coastal Hwy. In The OC Friday, Aug. 5: Walk Of Shame, Movin’ & Groovin’ Saturday, Aug. 6: Brian McConnell, Walk Of Shame, Rachi Sunday, Aug. 7: On The Edge, First Class Monday & Tuesday, Aug. 8 & 9: First Class Wednesday & Thursday, Aug. 10 & 11: On The Edge OCEAN PINES YACHT CLUB 410-641-7501 1 Mumford’s Landing Road, OP Friday, Aug. 5: Tranzfusion Saturday, Aug. 6: Kitty Back Sunday, Aug. 7: Over Time Thursday, Aug. 11: Lauren Glick PICKLES PUB 410-289-4891 8th St. & Philadelphia Ave. Fridays: Beats By Deogee Saturday, July 30: The Dunehounds Sundays: Beats By Deogee Mondays: Karaoke with Wood Tuesdays: Beats By Wax Wednesdays: Beats By Deogee Thursdays: Beats By Wax PIER 23 410-289-3323 12817 Harbor Rd., West OC Friday, Aug. 5: Aaron Howell Saturday, Aug. 6: Chris Diller Sunday: Aug. 7: Kaleb Brown & Chino Rankin Wednesday, Aug. 10: Rymac & AJ Thursday, Aug. 11: Shortcut Sunny PURPLE MOOSE SALOON Between Talbot & Caroline Sts. On The Boardwalk 410-289-6953 Friday & Saturday, Aug. 5 & 6: Tripwire Monday Aug. 8: Deviation By Design Tuesday, Aug. 9: DJ Adam Dutch Wednesdays: DJ Papi Roisterous Thursday, Aug. 11: Doc Marten & The Flannels SEACRETS 410-524-4900 49th St. & Coastal Hwy. Friday, Aug. 5: DJ Bobby O, My Hero Zero, Anthem, Steal The Sky DJ Tuff, DJ Davie Saturday, Aug. 6: DJ Bobby O, DJ Tuff, DJ Cruz, Turning The Tide, Anthem, The Way Outs, Kono Nation Sunday, Aug. 7: DJ Davie, DJ Tuff, DJ Bobby O, Triple Rail Turn, Anthem, The Event Horizon Monday, Aug. 8: DJ Davie, DJ Bobby O, Full Circle, DJ Tuff, Cheezy & The Crackers, Steal The Sky Tuesday, Aug. 9: DJ Davie, DJ Bobby O, DJ Tuff, Opposite Directions, Spokey Speaky, The Way Outs Wednesday, Aug. 10: DJ Davie, DJ Cruz, DJ Bobby O, Full Circle Duo, Kono Nation, Zion Reggae Band Thursday, Aug. 11: DJ Cruz, DJ Bobby O, DJ Tuff, John McNutt Band, Jah Works, GoGo Gadjet

… Group Seeks Donations For Picnic Table Storage Bins

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FROM PAGE 15 Dead Horse” campaign in 2017. Seeing the success of the national park’s picnic table storage areas, state park officials decided to follow suit. “We wanted to make sure it was going to be tried and true before we embarked on this endeavor, and they have seen success with them,” she said. “We had an incident last year where a mother and foal were hit, and that pushed things over the edge and sped things up to the point where we needed to do something more.” Rhode said “Break the Habit” is one of several educational components at the park aimed at rehabituating the wild horses to their natural diet and teaching visitors the importance of keeping food and trash away from the year-round residents. The state park, for example, also features a Pony Patrol, which educates the public on ways to protect Assateague’s wildlife. “We already have this educational component,” she said. “This is just taking it one step further.” To assist in the park’s efforts, Friends of Assateague State Park (FOASP) – a nonprofit organization that supports the park through its fundraising, volunteer and outreach efforts – began promoting the “Break the Habit” campaign, which reminds visitors to keep their distance from the wild horses, to not feed or touch the animals, to dispose of all trash, and to keep all food and pet food properly stored. The nonprofit is also helping to raise funds for the picnic table storage bins.

August 5, 2022

Members of the Maryland Conservation Job Corps are pictured constructing storage boxes and tables, financed by the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore Community Needs Grant. Submitted Photo

“Last fall, Meghan came to Friends of Assateague State Park saying they were going to need help with this …,” said Cheryl Rodriguez, FOASP member and grant writer. “So over the winter we brainstormed ideas.” With a private donation and a $5,000 grant from the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, Rodriguez said maintenance staff and members of the Maryland Conservation Jobs Corps were able to retrofit 85 picnic tables at the state park. And in July, FOASP learned it would receive $50,000 through a Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA) grant. Rodriguez noted the “Break the Habit”

initiative aligns with the agency’s efforts to develop heritage tourism, build partnerships and sustain regional identity. “We’re very grateful to the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore and the Maryland Heritage Authority Area for awarding us this opportunity,” Rodriguez said. But officials say more funding is needed to complete the project, as retrofitting each picnic table can cost anywhere from $200 to $500. To that end, FOASP will hold a fundraiser at the West Ocean City Chipotle on Monday, Aug. 8, from 4-8 p.m. Patrons must mention the fundraiser to the cash-

ier, or apply the code “G8XCX6C” to their online order, in order for funds to be donated to the cause. “We will get one-third of the proceeds,” said FOASP Treasurer Roddy Rodriguez. FOASP officials say they are also raising funds through a Krispy Kreme fundraiser, Thursday Paint Nights, and through the sale of “Horse Herd” stickers, water flasks, tumblers and mugs, which are available for purchase at the ranger station, nature center, or Tie Dye Tuesday. Donations can also be mailed to FOASP at 7307 Stephen Decatur Highway, Berlin, MD 21811. “We’re working on a three-phase process,” Rhode added. “We’re hoping to complete the tables over the next five years or so. That will all depend on funding, time and staff availability.” Since its creation in 2000, FOASP has grown to include nearly 150 members from states across the country. To date, the nonprofit has supported the state park by publishing newsletters, writing grants, implementing a bike safety program for children under the age of 16, purchasing equipment, and advocating for public lands, to name a few efforts. “We support the park in different ways,” said Roddy Rodriguez, “mainly through financing, but also through volunteer actions.” For more information on FOASP, email, visit the Friends of Assateague State Park Facebook page, or search “friendsofasp” on Instagram.

Adopt A Pet From The Shelter These Loving Animals, Sponsored Each Month By Local Businesses, Are Available For Adoption At The Ocean City Humane Society: 410-213-0146. To Sponsor A Pet, Call 410-641-4561 • Annually, 10% Of The Proceeds From This Page Are Donated To The Shelter The Humane Society Desperately Needs Volunteers To Help Care For The Cats And Dogs. Any Amount Of Time You Can Spare Will Be Appreciated.






Adkins Of Berlin Harrison Avenue 410-641-2200

Bank Of Ocean City Ocean Pines 410-208-9380

Taylor Bank Main Street, Berlin, Md. 410-641-1700

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Pit & Pub 4 Locations

The Dispatch 410-641-4561

The Dough Roller Five Locations In Ocean City

Maryland Title Service 11500 Coastal Hwy., Suite 7, OC 410-723-2000

Elliott’s Hardware Rte. 611, West Ocean City 410-213-1088

Tech Company Sold To N.Y. Firm

August 5, 2022

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Cards Purchased In June By ICS

OCEAN PINES – Cards Technology and ICS announced this week that ICS has acquired Cards Technology, an information technology solutions firm that has served Delmarva businesses for over two decades. The sale took place on June 21. The terms of the transaction were not disclosed. With three offices in New York (Endicott, Syracuse and Ithaca) and two in Massachusetts (Auburn and Raynham), ICS is a leading provider of outsourced IT services, cybersecurity, communications, and workforce solutions throughout the United States. It is expanding its footprint in the mid-Atlantic region with the purchase of smaller managed service providers. The acquisition of Cards Technology, an Eastern Shore mainstay since 2000, is expected to be a boon to existing customers, as they will now be able to enjoy helpdesk support 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as well as more advanced IT and cybersecurity solutions. Sam Card founded the company as a “humble computer repair shop,” which grew into “a full-service technology management firm that thrives on building valuable and lasting relationships with the s Card said this week he values his client relationships deeply, so as his client

base grew, he said it “made sense” to team up with a larger organization. “We are thrilled to partner with ICS to better serve our clients and deliver a wide array of state-of-the-art offerings,” said Card. “ICS’s world-class expertise and unparalleled customer service will also allow us to take on larger clients, such as hospitals, banks and casinos and compete in an ever-changing technology marketplace.” Card will join the ICS team as its senior virtual chief information officer, a role that will enable him to consult with clients on how to implement new technologies to best meet their unique business goals. Cards Technology President Dan Baer, who previously served as the company’s chief technology officer, will also join ICS as regional vice president for the Delmarva region. “Sam Card is an innovator of the highest caliber, and we are honored to continue to build on his success in the Delmarva region,” said Kevin Blake, CEO and president of ICS. “As the times and technology change, ICS remains committed to helping its clients navigate every phase of technology and telecommunications. We’re excited Sam is with us on this journey.” To learn more about ICS, visit

August Clothing Drive Underway

SALISBURY – Wicomico Partnership for Families and Children will be holding a Dress for Success clothing drive through the month of August. Organizers ask for new or gently used professional clothing to assist individuals in preparing for job interviews and to begin working. The clothing will be donated to local re-entry programs, supported employment services, area shelters and agencies with a need to assist the community. Drop off locations will be located at

the Wicomico County Government Building at 125 N. Division St. in Salisbury and at the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center at 500 Glen Ave. in Salisbury. Department of Correction employees can utilize the drop off at their location. For large donations, such as companies wishing to join together, please contact the Local Management Board for pickup options. If your human services agency is assisting someone in need, please contact the Local Management Board at 410546-5400.

Cards Technology founder Sam Card, left, is pictured with Kevin Blake, CEO Submitted Photo and president of ICS.

Good Luck WMO Anglers!


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Big Fish Classic Lives Up To The Hype

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch


Berlin Junior All-Stars Win State Title

August 5, 2022

In The News

The Berlin Little League Junior All-Stars last week continued its unbeaten streak in the post-season and claimed the Maryland state championship. Pictured above, the team shows off its state championship banner. Submitted Photo BY SHAWN J. SOPER MANAGING EDITOR

BERLIN – The Berlin Little League Junior All-Star team last week won the state championship in it’s division and now advances to represent Maryland in the Junior League regional championship. The Berlin Little League Junior AllStar team repeated as state champion with a 7-2 win over Valley Little League in the title game. Berlin went undefeated through the district tournament and the state tournament to claim the title.

Last year, the same basic group won the state championship, but that was the end of the line for them. With COVID protocols still in place, there were no regional championships or world series last year. The year, however, the Berlin Little League is advancing to the regional tournament with the goal of advancing to the world series. The region tournament started this week in Freehold, N.J. Berlin, representing Maryland, was set to play Rhode Island on Thursday in a game played too late to be included in this edition.

14th Heels And Reels Tourney Underway


OCEAN CITY – As a warm-up to the 49th White Marlin Open, lady anglers throughout the resort area will have their moment in the sun this weekend in the Ocean City Marlin Club’s 14th Annual Heels and Reels Tournament. The ladies-only tournament got underway Thursday with registration and a captain’s meeting, but the real action gets started on Friday with the first of two official fishing days. Captains and teams of anglers must choose to fish one of two days, either Friday or Saturday. The Heels and Reels Tournament is the club’s only ladies-only event in its summer-long tournament series and a portion of the proceeds will go to the Ocean City Marlin Club’s

Bertha Holloway Auxiliary Scholarship Fund. The Heels and Reels Tournament is largely a billfish release event with points awarded for white and blue marlin, swordfish and sailfish and spearfish releases. There are also heaviest fish categories for tuna including yellowfin, longfin and bigeye as well as dolphin. Weigh-ins will be held each day at Sunset Marina in West Ocean City from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The tournament will conclude with an awards banquet at the Marlin Club in West Ocean City on Saturday night. Last year, hundreds of lady anglers participated in the annual Heels and Reels event and there was no shortage of action as they competed for over tens of thousands of dollars in prize money.

The crew on the Gret’s Three J’s took first place in the single heaviest fish category in the Huk Big Fish Classic last weekend and earned over $200,00 in prize money. Submitted Photo BY SHAWN J. SOPER MANAGING EDITOR

OCEAN CITY – The 9th Annual Huk Big Fish Classic certainly lived up to its name with all species of big fish caught and weighed at the scales at Talbot Street practically around the clock. The Big Fish Classic returned for the ninth year last weekend at the historic pier on Talbot Street, essentially the epicenter of fishing history in Ocean City. The three-day event had boats and teams of anglers deciding to fish in one of two 32-hour windows, either Friday and Saturday or Saturday and Sunday, and the action at the docks lived up to the hype all weekend. As the name implies, the Big Fish Classic is all about bringing the single heaviest fish of any species to the scale at historic Talbot Street. There are also other categories in which boats and teams of anglers can win prize money, but it essentially which boat will bring the single largest fish to the docks during the two 32-hour fishing windows. When the dust settled after the whirlwind three-day tournament, it was the crew on the Gret’s Three J’s taking first place in the single heaviest fish cate-

gory with a 436-pound blue marlin worth $201,885. The Boss Hogg crew won the tournament’s top monetary prize with the first-place white marlin worth $225,000. The No Limit came in with a 258pound big-eye tuna and a total stringer weight of five combined fish of 686 pounds and earned $192,253 in prize money. The crew on the Big Stick took first place in the swordfish category and earned $98,550 in prize money. There was briefly a time on Saturday when NBA legend Michael Jordan and his boat Catch 23 held the top spot in the heaviest swordfish category but it did not hold up. The Low Profile crew weighed three big-eye tuna on a stringer and earned $96,743 in prize money. The Prime Hook took first place in the small boat division and earned $57,960 in prize money. All weekend, the Talbot Street docks between the Angler restaurant and M.R. Ducks was a festival of fishing, live music, food, vendors and other entertainment. A total of 97 boats competed and over $1 million in prize money was doled out to the winners in several categories.

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Estate Planning Probate Estate Litigation Medicaid Business Succession Planning


Marianna Batie 9748 Stephen Decatur Hwy. #112 Ocean City, MD 21842



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Park Service Announces New Horse Safety Initiatives

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ASSATEAGUE – In an effort to reduce or eliminate human interaction with the wild horses on Assateague, National Park Service officials this week announced a series of initiatives aimed at ensuring the safety of the barrier island’s famed residents. Over the years, there have been countless interactions between humans and the wild horses that inhabit the Maryland side of Assateague Island, particularly in the developed areas. Almost every year, there is at least one wild horse struck and killed by a motorist in the developed area of the national park. Last summer, for example, a popular mare was struck and killed, and her young foal was injured in an apparent hit-

and-run collision. The horses on Assateague are wild and are generally free to roam the island. Many inhabit the seldom-visited areas of the island, but more than a few can routinely be seen in and around the visitor areas, interacting with vehicles, beachgoers and campers, often with tragic results. The Assateague Island Alliance (AIA) advocates on behalf of the wild horses on the island, and each year a volunteer Pony Patrol is deployed to attempt to limit human interactions with the horses. However, with vehicle collisions seemingly on the rise and horses in the visitor areas frequently getting into coolers and other food storage containers on the beach and at campsites, the Assateague Island National Seashore announced this week a series of enhanced steps to protect the horses.

August 5, 2022

Through a social media statement, the Assateague Island National Seashore this week announced the Horse Management program in the national park is implementing important changes during the height of the season to ensure to ongoing safety of the wild horses and the visitors. For example, the National Park Service has a team of six Horse Management rangers with boots on the ground to mediate human interactions with the wild horses. In addition, the Horse Management program has acquired two Polaris UTVs, which ensure speedy response times with over-sand capabilities to incidents involving the wild horses and human visitors. Perhaps the biggest change is the establishment of “red zone” area throughout the barrier island, particularly in the developed visitor areas.











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“Red zone areas have been identified as high visitor use areas where frequent negative human-horse interactions occur,” the statement reads. “During the peak summer months, the horses will be proactively moved from red zone areas to prevent undesirable interactions from occurring.” Assateague Island National Seashore officials said in the statement the changes were spurred by the increased frequency of human interactions with the wild horses and demands from fans of the beloved island inhabitants for more safety procedures. “You asked and we listened,” the statement reads. “The safety of both visitors and the wild horses is our top priority. We ask that you please respect our Horse Management rangers and take their advice on how to properly view the horses.” In addition to the frequent horse-vehicle collisions, other human interactions often occur, sometimes with tragic results and sometimes with happy endings. Two years ago, a wild horse on the island died from ingesting a large amount of dog food after getting into an unattended campsite. That incident led in part to the creation of the “A fed horse is a dead horse” program on the island, designed to discourage people from feeding the wild animals along with strict food storage regulations. Campers are only allowed to store food in a vehicle or in a strapped cooler placed in a food storage box provided by the park service under picnic tables. In May, a popular stallion who had roamed the barrier island for over a dozen years had to be removed from Assateague because it had become highly food-conditioned and aggressive in the developed area of the park. Delegate’s Pride had become accustomed to human food and was becoming aggressive with visitors and staff to the point it was decided to permanently relocate the stallion to a wildlife sanctuary for horses in Texas. Just last month, two of the wild horses on the island that frequent the developed areas around the Verrazano Bridge and the entrance to the barrier island became spooked by vehicle interaction and crossed the bridge to the mainland. The two horses, already in an agitated state, became hemmed in by vehicles and visitors. With their path to retreat to the island cut off, the horses fled west over the bridge to the mainland, park service officials said. Both horses were safely corralled and returned to Assateague. In one of the more bizarre incidents involving human interactions, two years ago a frequent visitor to the island came across two young men petting one of the horses. The visitor advised the men the horses were wild and would bite and kick and told them it was a good idea to just walk away when approached by them. One of the young men told the visitor he was a ranch hand and knew his way around horses. A short time later, the visitor returned and found the “ranch hand” riding on the back of one of the wild stallions.

Assateague Beach Reopens Following Ordnance Discovery

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ASSATEAGUE – Assateague’s North Ocean Beach swimming area reopened to the public Thursday after the discovery of military munitions debris prompted a four-day closure. On Thursday, Assateague Island National Seashore Interpretation and Education Chief Liz Davis announced the park’s North Ocean Beach area has reopened to the public following a dayslong effort to address pieces of military munition debris that have washed up onto the beach in recent weeks. Worcester County Chief Deputy Fire Marshal Robert Korb said as of Wednesday teams have recovered and rendered safe 11 devices that have been located in the area. The Worcester County Fire Marshal’s Office led the operation with assistance from the National Parks Service and the Dover Air Force Base Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team. “In a joint procedure determined by the NPS, Dover AFB EOD staff and the Fire Marshal’s Office, if any new devices are located, an area 200 feet around the device will be immediately closed to the public until such time Fire Marshal’s Office staff and Dover AFB EOD professionals can respond, identify and remove or render safe as necessary,” Korb said in a statement Wednesday. “Without knowing the number of devices that are out there and specifically where they are co-

Assateague Island National Seashore’s North Ocean Beach is pictured on Sunday after the park announced its closure to address pieces of munitions debris that had washed ashore. Photo by Campos Media

ming from, this cycle could go on for quite some time.” On Sunday, Assateague Island National Seashore (AINS) announced a partial closure at the North Ocean Beach swimming area following the discovery of multiple pieces of military ammunition debris on the beach over the last two weeks, according to a news release. During the 1940s, the U.S. Navy used the northern portion of Assateague Island as a test range for rockets and

bombs. And in the 1950s, a cleanup effort resulted in munitions debris being buried in pits on the island. “Due to the natural movement of the island and sea level rise, some of these pits are now offshore,” a statement from AINS reads. “It is likely that the large nor’easter in May disturbed the nearshore seafloor and uncovered one of these pits. This has resulted in pieces of ordinance coming ashore.” In the days since the beach closure

Black Top Roads Build Now! The Last of 100’ Wide Lots (Not 60’ Wide)

was announced, the fire marshal’s office and the Dover Air Force Base EOD team have assisted the park in dealing with the recovered debris and developing a plan of action. While AINS initially reported the discovery of seven pieces of military munition debris, that number had grown to 11 as of Wednesday, according to Korb. He said that while a report from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers defines the buried material as being inactive, recent Xrays of the recovered debris prove otherwise. “It should be noted the report mentions many times throughout the devices they surveyed were inert,” he said, “but to the contrary the EOD professionals have x-rayed every device they have recovered over the last three weeks and have determined they are indeed not inert and took actions to render them safe immediately.” AINS reports most of the pieces found in recent weeks are metal fragments, but that some may still contain residue of either explosives or propellant. They urge park visitors to notify park staff if they find any piece of unidentified metal on the beach. “Unfortunately, there have been several instances of visitors picking up rocket fragments and carrying them to either the lifeguards or, in one instance, the visitor center,” a statement reads. “Please do not do this as it is potentially very dangerous.”
















… Conditional Use Request Heads To Mayor, Council

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FROM PAGE 10 determined the proposed relocation of golf course to 19th Street afforded the developer 23 parking spaces on site, or a surplus of five, so parking was not an issue for the project specifically, although there were some concerns about losing the parking lots that had been owned by Phillips for years. Geracimos said the traffic control devices at the intersection, along with the opportunity for wider sidewalks represented an improvement over the course’s current location at 18th Street. “We get a lot of walking traffic,” he said. “I think about 80% of our business is walk-up traffic. There’s a huge crosswalk and a signal at the intersection. It will be way more accessible to walk to the new location.” Geracimos proactively and systematically addressed potential concerns from

the planning commission and the neighboring residential areas during the presentation. In terms of lighting, he explained the new course would be able to use less lights in general and direct them onto the course. In terms of background music and noise, Geracimos explained the new course would move away from a few large speakers for music and would rather have multiple, smaller speakers spread throughout the course with the sound directed at the holes and not neighboring properties. “The plan is to have as much as a buffer as possible with the residential areas,” he said. “With the neighbors on the back side, I purposely limited the holes back there and concentrated them in the front section. There will be a fence around the entire perimeter, and it will be landscaped.”

With the applicant’s presentation complete, the planning commission opened the public hearing. While there was a smattering of public comments, none were opposed to the concept of moving the mini-golf course to 19th Street. However, there were some concerns raised about the impact of on-street parking, particularly in the neighboring residential areas. Acting planning commission chair Palmer Gillis first asked if anyone who wished to speak was opposed to the project. First up was neighboring property owner Alfred Harrison, who said he was not opposed to the project but had some questions and concerns. “I’d like to speak, but I don’t know that I’m in opposition,” he said. “We want to protect the R-1 values we have all bought into. That applicant has shown a great deal of understanding of the residential




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August 5, 2022

neighborhoods.” Harrison questioned Geracimos and project architect Keith Fisher about specific technical design aspects of the proposed mini-golf relocation and it appeared his questions were answered to his satisfaction. Neighboring business owner Shawn Harman spoke in favor of the project, although he did voice some concern about parking along Herring Way and the potential impact. “I’m wholeheartedly behind this project,” he said. “We are neighbors with three other golf courses in town and they are great neighbors to have. They shut down early and they are generally quiet.” Harman pointed out the other uses that could be permitted on the property. Cropper later reiterated some of those potential uses including bars, taverns, outdoor cafes, and all manner of commercial uses. “There are a lot worse things that could go on there,” said Harman. “I think it’s a nice buffer between the residential areas and the highway. I think it’s an amenity for the hotels across the street and the crosswalk and traffic signal will work perfectly.” Business owner Doug Buxbaum spoke more about Geracimos than the project specifically. “It’s been exciting to watch him for the last eight years,” he said. “He has grown not just as a young man, but as a business owner. I think he’s a fabulous asset to the town of Ocean City.” There were a couple other speakers who were not necessarily opposed to the project but had concerns about the potential impact of overflow parking on the public streets in their neighborhoods. After the public hearing portion was closed, Cropper was offered a chance to respond to the comments. He said the focus of the hearing was on the conditional use application for the project but said Geracimos and Fisher had addressed many of the concerns from neighbors in the design. “Those other issues are very important, and you can see the applicant has taken them seriously,” he said. “He wants to be a good neighbor for the area properties. They have taken everything into consideration.” Cropper reiterated Harman’s point about what else could be approved on the property. “It’s a great use when you look at everything else that could be allowed there,” he said. “It’s also a good location because of the stop light and the crosswalk.” Planning Commissioner Joe Wilson made a motion to forward a favorable recommendation on the conditional use request to the Mayor and Council for approval, a motion the four-member commission approved unanimously. The next step is approval from the Mayor and Council on the conditional use, followed by a site plan review in front of the planning commission. “I think it’s a benign use,” said Wilson. “I think the applicant did a good job at getting out in front of the issues that were brought up.”

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

August 5, 2022

OBITUARIES Frederick Burch Weiss OCEAN PINES – Frederick Burch Weiss, 78, of Ocean Pines, passed away Saturday, July 16, 2022, at Atlantic General Hospital. Born Aug. 5, 1943, he was the son of the late Frederick Adolph and Jane Collinson Weiss. He is survived by his wife of 58 years, Alta Ann Weiss; two daughters, Lisa Ann Weiss and Elizabeth Jane Koutsoumbaris; sons-in law, John William Strand and T. Al- FREDERICK WEISS ex Koutsoumbaris; and grandchildren Pearl Elizabeth and Lucy Constance Strand and Benjamin Stamatios and Joshua Frederick Koutsoumbaris. He was preceded in death by his two sisters, Flora Jane Moore and Florence Cole Jeziorski. Growing up, Fred spent his winters in his parents’ Baltimore home and summers at their waterfront home on the Severn River. He bought his own boat at age 12 and had a boat ever since. He was an excellent water skier and also enjoyed fishing or just cruising around with family and friends. Fred was an athlete throughout his elementary, high school and college years. He played football, lacrosse, and soccer and received numerous trophies and awards. In 1958, Fred began his sophomore year at Severn School in Annapolis, MD, as a boarding student. That year

he played JV football and was one of three sophomores who played varsity lacrosse. During his junior and senior years, he played varsity football almost every minute of every game and played first midfield varsity lacrosse. In his senior year Fred received multiple awards in football and was co-captain of the football team and Varsity Club president. He was inducted into the Severn School Athletic Hall of Fame. Fred graduated from Washington College in Chestertown, Md. in 1965 and became a member of Kappa Alpha fraternity in his freshman year. During college, he continued to play first midfield varsity lacrosse as well as played varsity soccer. He was named an All-American lacrosse player and lettered all four years in lacrosse and soccer. He was inducted into the Washington College Athletic Hall of Fame. Fred married his college sweetheart, Alta, the love of his life, and he kissed and told her so almost every day. Fred and Alta bought their Ocean Pines lot in May 1969 and had their house built in 1971. Among the first persons to live permanently in Ocean Pines, theirs was the second (almost first) house on Sandyhook Road, which was still a dirt road when they moved into their house. Dur-

Obituaries cost $50 to appear in The Dispatch and photos are no extra charge. Direct all inquiries to, fax to 410-641-0966 or mail to P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Md. 21811.


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ing the early years of Ocean Pines, Fred enjoyed riding his various motorcycles to explore the new sections of Ocean Pines that were gradually added over the years. Fred was a charter member of the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department, feeling it was his duty to serve the new community that had only a few young year-round owners. When the Ocean Pines Yacht Club and Marina was built, Fred rented a boat slip right away and continued to do so until his death. His family and friends enjoyed water skiing, fishing, and boat rides in the river, bay and ocean. Fred retired from the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation (DLLR) in 1993 so he could spend more time being a “snow ski bum” and summer boater. He and Alta were initial members of the Salisbury Ski Club of Delmarva and were trip leaders for New England ski trips for over 20 years. They also skied most major Northeast ski areas with their children, and Fred skied twice in Europe. Then the western mountains beckoned him, with their fresh, light, powder skiing. Each ski season, Fred with Alta, or Fred with some of his ski buddies, made many trips to different western ski areas. On one trip, they discovered a smaller, but very challenging

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local ski area – Sunlight Mountain in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Fred and Alta bought their first slopeside Brettelberg condo on the mountain in 1985 and continue to own two condos there. They started an annual pattern of driving to Colorado to stay at their condo from December through early April and ski not only Sunlight but also Vail, Beaver Creek, and the Aspen area mountains. Fred was an excellent skier and had different skis for every kind of snow conditions. He was also a highly skilled ski tuner and kept all his family’s and friend’s skis in great condition. At Fred’s request, no formal service is to be held. His wish was to be cremated and have his ashes spread by his family at his chosen places. Visit to share stories and memories with the family.

Patti Baden (Driscoll) ASSATEAGUE – A paddle out is being planned for Patti Baden (Driscoll) on Aug. 13, 2022 at 8 a.m. at Assateague Island. Born on Aug. 13, 1959, Patti died on July 6, 2022. Patti loved life, the beach and the ocean. Patti always had a smile for everyone. She will be greatly missed by her family and friends. You will always be in our everyday thoughts. Aloha, surf on, rip it. Love your brother and sisters.

August 5, 2022

The Dispatch Forever In Memory Of Our Founder, Dick Lohmeyer (May 25, 1927-May 5, 2005) The Dispatch, Serving Greater Ocean City Since 1984, Is Published By Maryland Coast Dispatch Inc. Weekly On Friday Mornings MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Md. 21811 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 10012 Old Ocean City Blvd. Berlin, Md. 21811 PHONE: 410-641-4561 FAX: 410-641-0966 ONLINE WEBSITES: J. STEVEN GREEN Publisher/Editor

NEWS DEPARTMENT SHAWN J. SOPER Managing Editor CHARLENE SHARPE Staff Writer/Copy Editor BETHANY HOOPER Staff Writer/Copy Editor CHRIS PARYPA Photographer

SALES DEPARTMENT TERRI FRENCH Account Executive Entertainment Editor AMANDA FORSYTHE Account Executive

ART DEPARTMENT COLE GIBSON Art Director DAVID HOOKS Graphic Artist PAUL HALLAM Graphic Artist/Webmaster

BUSINESS OFFICE PAMELA GREEN Bookkeeper/Classifieds Manager

The Maryland Coast Dispatch (USPS #015125) is an official and legal newspaper for Worcester County. Periodical postage paid at Berlin, Maryland, and additional mailing offices. The Maryland Coast Dispatch, 10012 Old Ocean City Blvd., Berlin, Md. 21811, is published weekly on Friday mornings, 52 weeks a year. Subscription rates are $260 per year. POSTMASTER: Please send change of address to Maryland Coast Dispatch, P.O. Box 467, Berlin, Maryland 21811. Maryland Coast Dispatch offices are located at Route 346 and Graham Avenue, Berlin, Maryland.

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

Contract Extension Needed For Complex How We See It

When the new Worcester County Commissioners are sworn in this December, it appears the majority vote will not be for the sports complex site as presented currently. It’s important to note the county this week removed about $11 million in project development funds from a proposed bond bill due to the referendum. We are now in a hypothetical scenario on the project. If county voters say in November they do not want the county to finance the development of the sports complex, a new vote will need to take place in Snow Hill among the new slate of commissioners as to how to pay for the development of the complex. The county has not identified a funding source for the $11 million property acquisition, but it’s been said in public meeting the dollars are available. The current group of commissioners have seven meetings left together. The majority (by a 4-3 margin) supports the sports complex being developed on the current site under review. Some big moves were made this week with the decision to fund an access study for the sports complex off Route 50. The concept being it was a step in the process before asking the state to approve an entrance/exit off the highway. Additionally, it was learned this week there were no major environmental issues on the site to prevent it from moving ahead. All the while the current purchase contract on the property is facing a fall expiration. With so many questions at this point, the county should extend the contract on the site acquisition by several months to allow for the questions to be answered. Meanwhile, Ocean City continues to be conspicuously silent on the sports complex front. Long supportive of diving further into the sports tourism industry, resort officials, with the exception of Ocean City Councilman John Gehrig and Tourism and Business Development Director Tom Perlozzo, have been silent throughout the petition drive. The last official comments of support from Ocean City came during the April hearing. This is a critical time for the sports complex. At its simplest, ardent complex supporter Bud Church will be replaced by Eric Fiori in District 3. Fiori said during his campaign he would not have voted for the complex if he were commissioner in April. He said, “I would love to extend the contract date to answer the due diligence questions that were not addressed in the hasty decision to write such a massive property contract with taxpayer dollars. I would vote against until my list of questions were answered. A very expensive property that cannot be used for its intended use would not only be a tax burden for us, but for our children.” All things considered today, a contract extension seems like an obvious next step in the process.

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Between The Lines by Publisher/Editor Steve Green Thanks to the growing popularity of mail-in ballots, the wait for this year’s election results had to be agonizing for the candidates in tight races. Though the District 3 race was close as Eric Fiori won the seat by 37 votes, the tightest race by far was in District 4 where two-term incumbent Ted Elder retained his seat by just six votes over a familiar foe. The race was tight across the board with the four candidates for District 4 separated by just 20 votes with Elder securing 239, 16-year Commissioner Virgil Shockley getting 233 votes, followed by Nancy Bradford’s 221 and Jeff McMahon’s 219. The matchup of Elder-Shockley -- two former school bus drivers -- has been one of the most interesting political rivalries in recent history. After knocking off incumbent Jim Barrett in the Democratic primary for the then-District 2 commissioner seat back in 1998 when it was a five-member board, Shockley was re-elected in 2002 in the newly created District 4 as part of a seven-member body. The 2006 election marked the first of the five run-ins with Elder. Shockley won easily, winning 62% of the vote, 1,419 votes to Elder’s 862. Four years later, Shockley again won but it was closer with just 90 votes separating he and Elder, 1,278-1,188. In 2014, Elder flipped the table on Shockley, winning 53% of the vote, 1,368 votes to Shockley’s 1,192. In 2018, Elder had an easier time, beating Shockley with 53% of the vote and a margin of 209 votes, 1,672 to 1,463. Prior to this year’s election, Shockley changed his party affiliation to Republican, recognizing party affiliation mattered. That helped him narrow the difference, but it wasn’t enough in the end to unseat Elder. Looking ahead to 2026, I don’t expect to see Shockley or Elder on the ticket, but Bradford and McMahon could be in the running again, as they both had favorable runs in their first campaigns. Four years is a long time, though. It was a surprise to some – including Berlin Councilman Jack Orris who articulated the concern at last week’s town meeting – that an inclusive playground is the top park/recreation priority for the town. It was believed by many a proposed skate park was the top item, thanks to private fundraising dollars rolling in and a favorable feasibility analysis being prepared by the Business Economic and Community Outreach Network at Salisbury University. After last week’s meeting, where he said he was frustrated by the skate park being listed second on the town’s priority project list for Program Open Space funding in fiscal year 2024, Tony Weeg, founder of We Heart Berlin, asked community members to email town officials to restate their opinion on a skate park. In addition, an online survey was released asking town residents where they would like a proposed skate park to be located – Henry Park, Heron Park or “other,” such as Decatur Park. As of mid-week, more than 200 people had participated in the survey. After hearing from town citizens, Mayor Zack Tyndall took to Facebook to ensure the public is aware it’s not the renovated playground vs. the skate park as far as future priorities. He said the town can “pursue both projects at the same time.” He said an inclusive playground moved up to the top priority, however, because an inspection report found numerous safety concerns with existing pieces of equipment. At the meeting last week, he encouraged Weeg to present the skate park proposal officially to the parks commission, but Weeg feels like the skate park momentum was already beyond that phase. He was under the impression the next step was for the council to decide on a site, adding he favors Henry Park. Tyndall wants the parks commission to review the skate park proposal at its next meeting in September. The parks commission is expected to be in attendance at next week’s council meeting to further discuss the Program Open Space priority list. It seems to me the backing is there for a skate park in Berlin and the feasibility study supports it as a community asset, but even the most ardent of supporters disagree on exactly where it should be located. To me, Heron Park is out considering the town is trying to sell the property. Whether negotiations on a sale price will be successful with the favored developer is unknown at this time, but no matter the course the town has secured a demolition grant for the buildings on the property. A skate park on that site will be problematic for years to come even if there is a smooth transition of the property ownership. While Weeg supports Henry Park, there are concerns about young kids crossing Route 113 to skate. Some folks wants to see it added to the open parking lot and grass area to the north of Decatur Park. It was interesting to note the findings in the feasibility study, which was finalized last month. It concluded, “We have estimated that there are 126 casual and 44 core skateboarders in Berlin. If 50% of the casual skaters and all of the core users visit the skatepark weekly, the skatepark would get 107 visits per week from Berlin residents, with additional traffic from the surrounding area. …. The community benefit of a skatepark is significant. The Berlin population does not have adequate access to a skatepark facility negatively impacting the ability of youth and young adults to be able to safely participate in the local skateboarding community. While a location has not been determined, the William Henry Park appears to have capacity for a Skatepark, and is located in an area that would be worthwhile to the youth population of Berlin.”

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

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August 5, 2022

The Adventures of Fatherhood

by Steve Green


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casual conversation (more like a commiseration about life with teens) with a friend got me thinking about the topic of self-doubt. With two adult kids and two teens, I value his insights. He said, “I think self-doubt is born when you become a parent. You just have to trust your gut.” He clearly has given this issue a lot of thought. With his oldest two kids, he said his self-doubt was out of control and often a source of friction between he and his wife. For example, he said one night recently he lost his temper on his teens after catching them in lies on separate occasions. Due to his agitation being so high, he sat them down and had a rant. His wife later told him, “I used the word ‘disappointed’ over 10 times.” He said with his first two kids he would have felt guilty and probably apologized for his tirade. With his younger kids, he said, “I just moved on because I know they did, too.” Even as an experienced parent, he said he did still feel pings of doubt, questioning why he could not keep his composure and how he could have handled the situation better. I know how this feels. Parenting brings out the best and worst of me. I will support and love my boys with all my heart forever. I am passionate about being involved in their lives and modeling as best I can an honorable, respectful life. Both my boys have great hearts, but they do stray from time to time in their judgment. My oldest son, 14, is a stubborn live wire who keeps us on our toes. He seems to enjoy challenging us and requires constant monitoring. Like my friend, I share a major distaste for lying, and the fact is teens do it. I just refuse to accept it. In some cases, there are minor twists of the truth or, more often, not disclosing everything intentionally. In extreme cases, there are outright inexcusable lies. I

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often commiserate with other parents and learn this seems to be a fact of life with most kids. Some parents are attuned to it, while others are unaware, perhaps deliberately or due to naiveness. When my son makes a bad decision, like getting caught in a lie, I often say and do things I later regret. It’s my guilty conscious at work. I remind myself kids need to learn from their mistakes and overly critical parents can bring about unintended consequences. Hammering them with negatives constantly is not the right direction. I also realize, however, that having high expectations is a good thing. Making positives out of negatives may always be the goal, but the reality is tolerance and acceptance with parenting is often on a case-by-case basis. I am learning riddling myself with self-doubt when it comes to parenting can be debilitating. An article called “Parenting and SelfDoubt” on by Jeff Palitz hit the right marks with me while I was seeking some free therapy online during one particularly difficult night. Here are some excerpts: As a family therapist, I’m surprised by how often I encounter good parents who don’t trust their instincts. They come to me because no matter how hard they try to be positive, structured, consistent and nurturing, they still see imperfections in themselves and their children. They frequently question themselves (and sometimes even berate themselves) for their mistakes. They feel guilt because they’ve yelled, punished arbitrarily, called names … They’re torn between believing that they’re doing their best and feeling like bad parents, and sometimes even bad people. When I come across these tortured souls I tell them one thing: Self-doubt is a sign of a good parent. … One of the toughest challenges good parents face is the constant temptation to compare themselves to a stan-

dard that doesn’t exist. … They doubt themselves – and although it doesn’t feel good, self-doubting parents often make better parents. Why? Because with self-doubt, these parents will never believe they’re perfect (and their kids will learn that imperfect is OK). Because they’ll apologize for their mistakes (and their kids will, too). And because they’ll examine their behavior, vow to do better and start working on it right away (because they know that their kids are counting on it) Now, let’s be clear – self-doubt is most constructive when it is not excessive. In addition, some common parenting behaviors that lead to self-doubt – yelling, punishing inconsistently and arbitrarily, name calling and spanking – are proven to be ineffective and even harmful. Although parents will never be perfect, when these behaviors are at the root of self-doubt, I encourage parents to work on remaining calm, using a structured and consistent system of rewards and consequences and to never, ever hit or put down their kids. In order to make sure self-doubt remains at a constructive level, it is important to work on changing the behaviors that cause it in the first place. There are four keys to changing unwanted parenting behaviors: self-soothing, seeking support, self-forgiveness and focusing on strengths. It is important to note that each of these skills requires practice, and just like anything else worth learning, people rarely become experts on their first try. … if an incident occurs, your job is to selfsoothe, seek support, forgive yourself for your mistake, plan what you want to do differently next time and then review how your strengths can help you accomplish it. (The writer is the publisher and editor of The Dispatch. He and his wife, Pamela, are proud parents of two boys. This weekly column examines their transition into parenthood and all that goes along with it. E-mail any thoughts to

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August 5, 2022

The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch

August 5, 2022

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